lrmwnnn _REBnUGTIONS| IIMMEN SE FALL I MPORTATIONS.| We haire received Invoices and Advices of shipment of Glas- gow Goods per S. S. St. Andrew, and also of a large lot of`Man. chester Goods at Old Prices which together with rest of our Im orts which We expect in stock shortly, Will-form the largest an only stock imported direct from Great Britain to `Barrie, enabling us to sellout goodsas low as many merchants can buy them. Close quotations to the trade. Country merchants will nd our stock well assorted, and prices as low `as in To- ronto or Montreal. ' ' . _ 013-='Due notice will be given when our stock is complete. I@@a`.a*a?3am@_BsmmssaMEM) [ VAL! MR; %F.1lSf%1*9_71if1 L Barrie, July run, 1371'. i'3'loths. , _T_____ JUST RECEIVED IEDVVARDS ---:u:-- The lip: is furnished with the finest brand; of Wines. iqnors and _0igtra. 8- _. tr eAnAmAu_ AmAuAo's[ for 1871, a; Hat; I Mugs qtock `or _ , ,SLlGHTLY.DAMAG11D1 BOOKS I uuuvvl, G'0pposite the Railway Station, DuEi.7'sie,"1`}ie.,g; Ginz s Baby, ~ ' Gamasagammbn, caiuinasm by Froude; c Tk Silent Partner, [Tom-Pipp'n s Wedding, The Sunday School Organ. German Conquest of England,` _|UMMER Goons MELTING AWAY AT 'l`Hll Ilarrie, April, 1871. Clan Campbell, The Island Neighbours, A} gyoqtly rgdnocd prices} Wherehe Wil1Tl;e7p on hand as AT 5 cnrrrs EACH. . eagly 2 Made Clo tlzing , - and Gentlemen ; Furnishing Goods. In consequence of the late Fire. so as to make room for "our To his new building, next door to HAS REMOVED HIS coumav onnnns rnomvrzv A'l"l`lH'(l73D"l`0 [BENNETT E.ZB. CROMPTON, a co., IMPOR TEES. ' Sign of the Golden Bea_.ver, ..A.i.... 'l\.....I..... Q4......+ D1-|1III:r\ `sud usual, g complete assortment of |E` |CA :zmafE;`iGN,1 `ran:-V -w.-_.- w._-- -v:\r1.I, rpuu um nncounvi . {HOUSE PAINTERS, GRAINERS,. Paper Hanvers, &c., &c. ...:;o;j uanrnmn, xx nuuamu, CON TRAO TOR, UNDERTAKER AS now on hood in xionlivo `iuid gunning stock of Single and Donbie Hornet: (Ou- nglish and Oouunon Riding gage ond Team), dies, Double and Single Bridles, Oollon. . &c., which he can 010: at vary; reuonoble prices. Also in ntock, some of the but In Tab ond other Bidigg Jud Driving Whipo, its, Linu, Brushes, 8c., tobofonnd iuthioniu-Rot. .&l`I!Ii10ilI than-ode nIInufootux-od,,for- ..a. on nnnr nn -hm-t nation. And Innnnmd any and Mono combs; On-dn, V r`:A nwA|:'ti-43'];-51-: -t-It-d-0_-ll`lllIflctIl!'O, ,f1_1r- Ililhz to order-`on short. pzotlop, and wprnnted I 1.. ohm ntinfnctinn. ' i . ~ - DUNLOP ST. (Opposite the dvance Oicc.) NOTICE. All work done in rst clsss style and good material furnished. . A very large assortment of Transfer Carrie. Ornaments, Psinters' snd- .Grsiners Too s 0: mall Hair and Sable Brushes,` Pencils, &c., he ._ r.n hnnd And for sale hv W. B. Onnon. SADDLERY AND HARNESS ES- TABLISHMENT, " ` IN ms OLD STJND Nmnz Yopposzrz THE BANK or zionozwo, `_DUNL()P STREET,` - _- -BARBIE. I W I!L|M,I-In Iuvu_uvuw_p, cu-u w_-u to g1ve_u.tIsfsction, ` '~ ~ I:`l'_3Rpni1-I well sndinutlyfouuucl`. 3m1ov.Ap:i1>a,_1`s_'(o: _ ' - r ' / V in 1 .`. Stayed in tho promise! `of Ilr. Tlgomu CM W1-ight,Lo. 7, In the?! 0oh.. 6f Inn, on the " S `ntoflnno, 5. snows .":I`1.`3` 1.1`:'.,~ 5. rs . *.|ir.E %-j-- 6191-.i 1'he"-M-rti-2 I-w %'*- nI.'vyx>m5xx. V ~ 3+`? 1 muninh.uni' Capon earcy, `l \.....I-... Qhuu-.6 Dan...` 1 J--- `I`lT.._L U Its, I Dunllbp Stret, Barne, 1 door Wes: of the Advance Oice, I\aA -'TC'f'A.IY'|fQ l'\l`'4\a'1'I NORTHERN ADVANCE, BARRIE. DBII I181!` IDS! EDDIE DYIIBDGI,` KOIIGIII, I , on hnnd and for sale by W. B. Oapon. . - `L uIIAIaIn prices. MARTIN LMo . A Yoke of ihort legod about Oxeu. one black end white with turned in home; the other Ipeckled, white and grey, with in-go hone. Any person giving each information uvill lead to their recovery willbe II_1I_$lhl] nwerded; .. 103331` Banks. , L" V mporz P.0_., uaakoka. - 2211,91-`-. ` |. Lost in the Town of Ben-ie, or between Ben-ie end the 6th Com. 0:0, 3 Note for $130 on Neill Oemeron, backed by Alexander Hclaeevor plxhblegtb`-Illh dzgien. Aypirdon nding the .nov`e wnr = T wnrded by leivhg it .:J." H.`Johns' Hotel, llerket Square. n....:. A.......o arm. min ` 21.23:. "A11 partieavlndebhtf to `the. and: BOOK ACCOUNT, NOTE OR OT wiIl nleua call in st once and nattl DUUR AUUUUM'1', RUTH U15 U IIDBIIEVI IDII, will please call in st once and settle the some or said Aooounu. &o.,will be placed in Court for collection. The loss nrinlng by the late n making the above proceeding neoennry. ' IITII `ITl'TIl"lP.D Bue, .Tunc`29th, 1371. June 29th, N.B--M_y`preunt stand in in the premises next the Fire -Hall, Intel; occupied by Mr- Waltz: P131. 27- IICXI II III`! Walter Pm. A1 Jpn-nee muenwqto me unuerugneu by `Note or Book Aooountgatereapecllully reqneets ed toooell ma Iettle 8 lune at once, or they will be placed in other hand: for collection. The loss caused by the late re makes the above necessary. My store for the present is in Boy : New Block, opposite the Queen : Hotel . '1`. E. RAWSON. 'WHI'I`EWASH~lNG,V COLORING, #0., DONE. ---_:- TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. 'l`hn anlxanu-{her nm-I far on]: huh: fnnr `L , The subscriber offers for sale lots four and ve North Eugenia St., near the Methodist Burying Ground, Barrie. The lots contain nearly three- fourths of an acre, and have a street at. either end; they - could be conveniently subdivided into four nice building lots. _ ` Apply to - I M. DTHNLAN . Barrie, Aug. 14th, 1871. ARM FOR SALi_-TOWNSHIP OF TAY. The `Rant 1 Lo} No. -1; MI: Onunnuinn, `Pawn. .1. _ The East} Lot No. -l,- 51!: Oonoeuion, Town- ship of Tay, 100 acres. PRICE MODERATE.- TERMS LIBERA L. A 1 5 letter repaid to . pp, yomorfonon & 1"ITZGlRALD: - .6? `Raw-uInQn'ra.nO.T.nIr Tnvnntnn In UIIIIIIH KUWI -KlVI INUCIUI Banjo, August 17tl:,hl>_87l. 33-3in M119! 8110. B 1131!. - - For furtherpartioulars apply to Jan. Booth Barrio, [if by letter prepnid,] to Barrio P.0. `D_.._'.. ll---1. Ildlx 10']! The public are respectfully informed that the Proprietors of the above mills have recently added new machinery to that used last year, and are now prepared to exeeute any order in their line of business which may be required Highest price in cash or trade for wool. an n nu-vAv\nn'-nu n can ;_11_B.A Y E D, W-Do tnnism, 24in my, 1871. 35w NONCE. - Al Ipgruea indebbdlto the 'undor|l g'ned by Vote or Book Amount. am":-ennacifullv reanal- . UIIC, IIIEE DB LIEU Oll H8110 [I19 Del` OI I.-I.-0Rli:`.S and BUGGIES for HIRE, at mode, rate charges. Conveyance: to Orillia and Penetangusluene. 2 T. NEEDHAM, Proprietor. n..-..:.. `I ..--11c|. `IOWA :2 ie.- June _2'lth, 1871. Barrie, June 11th, 1870. `NEW LIVERY STABLES," Iorxon. ` YIVHE snbscriberms to inform the inhahiunu ofnn-in. and the 'l`t-nvnllina Pnhlin. that ` `Ella Dl.lD5Gl'lDUl"DBgS I0 IIIIOFIII I-D0 IDIIBDIIIDUU of Barrie, nnd the Travelling Public, that he has on hand HORSES And BUGGIES for HIRE, at modernte charges. Conveyance: to Orillin and Penetnngnishone. 3! rr on-nnnvv-u noons, SASH AND nLINn:s, ALEXANDER GRAHAM. Builder and Undertaker, Oyaosite the Court House, Barrie, Respectfully announces to the pnblic that ha is It all times prepared to take contracts for building, and .th9.t he can furnish The undersigned has Ind twelve years ex- perience in his business in Englund, And can guarantee first class workmsnuhipst lowpu 'nI'i(!eil. I oj-ON REASONABLE TERMS. gal He also keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS oflall kinds, and furnishes all '.t.he paraphernalia necessary for Funerals, inclndi ng an excellent Hearse, which can be had on ve.-ry moderate terms. 21- -_.j.:.___ __.j.. &c., &c., `ml. A CORNER or OWEN a; MACDONALD STREET, B.dR_RlE. EG to announce tothe public Ihet he has commenced business In the above linea, and no preperedxoh end contracts for all kinds of work 1n_ the carpenter and build- ing trade, which he vull execute an the lowest gures and an the beat style of workmanship. rrononrro, smog: as nuskoin unw- , . . -non RAILWAY. . - ifhagpdnigneduopi-opund to receive of- : _gr_| Filling to contact for` ...,,.___;'.. ;'.`..r rn..*._.... :v.......... To btobhined this side of. Toronto, nd st the Iowan mice: . To DO ODIIIIIIII Inna line 01. Iuronlo, lull II Inc -;j, , lqwentpriccg. _ F1-o:_n the hcilitiu he possesses for -cu-tying an etch brunch hot his bnciniu, he an ,` toeggenpn-:1` Iptisfaction to :11 ,who may not him with their patronage. _ ' ' V ' - '-` 1:!` nrlnrn TENlERS`WANTED.,` -unnnlaln manna! 1- um.-n os'r. :c?nonns,sA E AND nuuns, FALWAYS ON HAND. nKnE"z-.'%riI>INtAL%nniJLIiis| REG-IMENT AL ORDERS JBLLIU Lu: nu; Avuvwn rnvru-nu Barrie, March 15th, 1871. |N_UNDER.TAK|NG,v| v " ' ' lair lanluwn 1; gridingot qtionuf 0:19 or Five I-. I 1.111}! 13011 SALE on T0 LEASE. 1 j NNISFIL WOOLLEN `MILLS, TWO MILES FROM BARBIE; ` HE subscriber begs to acquaint the Travelling public, that he has on hand the best of 'RS1i`.Snnd RITGGIER fnr HIRE. gt mnrhu UNl_3E_I3TlKER Barrie, August, 1886. Barrio, Sept. 1at`.'.i8'l0. [EW LIVER`-Y STABLES, No. l. The Regiment will ussemble at Barrie on Monday, the 11th September, to commence the Annual Drill. Every oicar and man must - be prepent. RT.` 0 ll|l..-1I.\..I n.....o... f`.nmnnn:AI in` , < n in! D0 IIEIO "I v;Eon1':tr$:;b:r`;?o$::who It will!` I`: idea: for collection. I. nnms.- , he is prepared to furnish the hnnduomest -_,_,.L_' _- ___,_______ A MI-.1 :DWAARD BYRNE`, Opposite ihe Simco Hotel, Barrie. "3 ;1",.""I W -~-------- ~- ..V,_ .!'"8, .~Tm. Lumber -. o H . ` . %v-min. 91.0: & ...:...,'J. V . V1 \ V (FORK HOW! ` _._..._.... At very short notice, and w; s. saAPd6'r'r"'<':o. lv 1 R71 0| - XVUIIUD 5 lL'l'lA\I II$A1lU9 B_arrimn-nt-Ifaw, Toronto- iomz, mm ; 60., be present. No.` 2. The Head Q`uu-torT Compnniel will Panda at 7 a'.m.,and furnish the Regimental Guard. ' ID- I1-01:-.\ 9611 ! DOW! T. E. RAWSON. on_` I. nun I run, Cnnton '1` Store. M. QUINLAN. . 24-tf -W. H. Bnosxgfl ' 33-ain"p. , 0| wuu: clay. [ranch tl UL` I 26-! W ; . l I THE'M08'TvFASH10NABLE LADIES `AND GENTLEMENS JEWELLERY, IN BJRRIE, ` * . At J . W. HASTINGS. T- If you want a. good clock, 8 _day, 30 hour, and alarm Time Pieces, go where th ; largest stock over offered in Barrie, . - _. ._...._---..a-1 ./Illjlllal, SOUL Dllllul Head Quartets, Barrie, 21st August, 1871. 34- If you want a Wiztcgzr Clock put in good running order, and warranted, A ' . Go to J. w. EASTIUGS If you wantne m Wnnnma 1_mG, Puzzm.-. and Fmcv Rmcs, --.. Earrings. Brooches, chiguards Spectacles, Pipes. Violins AND S'rnu:s, AND FANCY Goons, &c., At J. W. `FTAQTINBR The only store North of Toronto where the whole of the busineos in its vari- ous branches, can be done on the premises Al: I; W. HASTINGS. lw ELEPHANT HOUSE! Tvijf %i&EivAss`on'rmE1n' or FANCY Goons; ms? @@_wi: Aam1_w@@ TEA that cannot be beat in Orillia, or any other place. Another lot of that - ue avored, low priced (7%) Tea, just to hand. Try it. ,CLOTHlNG,_`B.OOTS;PArND SHOES .lJ - _ Tonouro, 6th Aug., 1871. NOTICE iahereby given that the undermen- tioned lots in the Village of Orillia, in the County ofslmcoe, will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at the Town Hall; in the Vil- lage of Orillia, at noon on Tuesday, the Twelfth day of September next. One fourth of the ur- chase money will be required at the timeo sale and the balance in three annual instalments with interest: the'Pateuta to issue when the land is paid for in full. The Department re- serves to itself the right to make one bid on each lot. 17---- 0---..- Q...-_.. Q...- yam.` \/ an-.a\...'.-.-_- -- I sell Goods cheap because I am- able and determined to do so. Small prots and quick returns is my motto. AT THE ELEPHANT. -u-\.p 1' Q Mf`=':A1-T IGBOGKEBY ] ALimsf_r _GIV]fJN AWAY. SANTON [M 'E HE&..0WES amsmagcasm . T IE RAG RA _1\_i_f.[ EMA S, Bu-tic, J uno|6th 1811. E, HARDWARE Ii Q CP`1T'\h SPADES Aim SHOVELS, FORKS AN PRovIs1bNs- T | Have pronounced them the best and cheapest in the County. 1 Reader, if you have not, as yet, tried the CANTON T STORE don t fail to do so at once, and see the advantage to be gained._ Remember that a Dollar saved is a Dollar made. `WM. HUNTER . /jnmlrvn "' Rfm 0 Gmss. 1>Mms mm) was. N`_V_O"'l.`I`.0E'l. NOTICE! |w1nm;`% i;11'@@@aa& m<;z:@m| __..-.. 4-`--q--u-1-4-u-"I-\1\-I-2 `DOMINION CLOTHES WRINGER ,cJ. HENDERSO N S%. nu B130 0!! lllllu D An: v nun... .. - and Ferkins. White 5.1:, White All {mien awandod go. .Addxeu ISAAC VE WILLIAMS mam a,@a@?ERm NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BARBIE 0NT., Bu also on hand s 1:} e stock of Beer, ` --ul Wnnbinl k. ` 7 , :Brass and Enamclled Preserving Kettles win "i)1%s11 Camus; 42-3 &mm% mm RUBBER EM m @o vxz.: - Horses, Cnttle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Agri- cultural Implements, on or before Balurdny, Ammat 26th. . . . THOMAS s. MOFFATT, CHEAP FOR CASH. GROCERIES, the best in the County 837- 0honp9r_a't RAWS0N S.than1at any other House in Town. !r:`?`OVPoPb_. 8_l `If: pag.f_y%-cf: Jon N__S`ON 8i.-$5 ?".`.:-i."-. r V In the stofe lately occupied by Walter Pass, Collie: Street, w. HASTINGS, The Secret of its Success. NEED OF QUOTATIONS. -L..J. \/I ..-..w .L.-. : `CHEAP SUGARS, NF;WFRUITS, BEST August zoui. -Gra.iu, Field Roots, and other Farm Prodnou, Machinery and Manufacture: genenlly, on or before Saturday, September 2nd. - Horticultural Pmdncu. Ladies Work. the mi 9.1:} stock Whiskey, Pork and Potash Barfel Chums, Wsshtnhs 51:, Ash and White Pine Suivos always bought. or in Bolts ..-uignl on Afgg. The best Goods our Markets supply `t athgnxat any Town. `All who l:1_ave p7.11rcl`1Z2i;ed ;ny __, _ at low `prices, `and selling fast. Always arriving for ORILL[A,_ Signbf the Watch and S ectacles; - A ` Opposite the ailway Station of ALL KINDS. \l|SAAC vr-: WILLIAMS ~ Geheral Coopemge, Barrio, Ont. D610! Dlllliy, DCPWHIUUK zuu. Horticultural Pnducu, Ladies Work,7the Fine Arts, &c., on or before Saturday, Septem- ber 16th. . Dun TJIOQ nun` nl...I.- Union: `In: In-LL: IL- THE T. S. MOFFATT A: .)`._W. HASTINGS; A;J.W: HASTINGS.` STOREH Go to ii. mamas] ,AAt J. w. HASTINGS. WAt J; W. HASTINGS. Canton T Sta2e| NEW noor,4mp_nonsmnm. ' "3' " ' . '2 . , x g _--.__-;-1 , D81 LOU} 3 Prize Lists and Blank Forms for msking the entries upon, can be obtained of the Seorouriel of all Agricultural Societies and Mochanics Institutes throughout the Province. IJYYIVIJ (V munununxr " BOOT FsH013:_'1 M ~ ' 7 T if _ `*5 3.` Dunlap street, 3_:~n:,:.\t I`?! ms`: . . --`-':o:-- W V ~ ` `L R. 1._--Inhnmhtho p lglicthltho ha com- menced bnulnm in Elation lliugtnd how hi: p_1n_ny ynrg gxpgriencg sq foreign} inflbg `dith- mencoa nnnmeu In`Ino.awe JIIQAIS n'6w_hiI many you: experienao u fonmoi iirlhl eliti- liahmontqf An_drew'_(lra)n:n,qq,`, con;- 3- A deut he can execute sll order: intrui to" him In _s nt elm style.` . ~ V - Bo Ian on hand I Inge stbck of lien Fundy Ends Boom & Shoes. Ladies` & Ohildionl wear, lippen, &c., kc. ` . In oydefworl: a` ,g-a-0:-d/ital`: guar I:-I anteed andmmebutthe verylzestq/`mater on] nob} CHEES E! Cnsskf CHEESE ENGLISH BIIN IIOIISE. R. KING &. SON_ __.._.\..__._.._.___ `PROFESSOR CUNIO :1 n IL: .1 I: L T ` (Next door to Mr.`PaImer x Diug Enlablialunent) Bega to acquaint his customers and the public generally, that he is prepared to do :`I-IAIB CU'T'I`IN'G~_,cg In the latent stylu. Ladies Hair curled and Out. smxvmo, saumoomo, I-`m7.z1Nu,&c.' --o - rr Prjoes men n lomit us. tixi1'u. 34-3in The subscriber begs to Inform the Public gent- rally that he has bought out his brother, J. Cu- ley, of Orillia, and is now prapnred ,to receive orders for Yachts or Skim; on the shortest no- tice with neatness and despatcb. Bonn remit- ed and repninted. ' John Carle__._Proprietor. "l.'Jlll>i "sang..- .- .. The Highest lukei rico Cu-h I good mgxchuhublg When: dozxyuggd .; the n wn h'. inn: _ IPPQIPI Il`lOl1,l(l0liI WIIIIDE given at 1 `E31 0az2;`mp4ru;z T` '1 .4; Yachts and Boats to hire the hour, clay or week, on reason e terms. Boat House at Barrie, two doors Eu! of the Advance " office. 13.... unuvnn in [In-HI}; ha alhunn :10 {hp nnnnv|'d Desir....c of cultivaling t!:'o'_GBIS`l'TNG bnphsq npoqiglntggqtionw lbegiven totbosanu 1 . A . . M` ,_x I _--' \_..`.-._v.. " Advance " omce. Boat House in Orillia is situnted at the Queen's Hotel Landing. - JOHN CARLEY . n.,,,-_ 7_____ nun. unvn nu x-.._/. Barrie, June 21th, 1871. The Proprietor or me Iouenuu um: Flour lilll, thukfn! for.put.fuon3o ta torzqthntaming.. .|lbliGx_`h"` 3: " n above wen-known ill: into a ton}. _ I `of tepair, and Inning rally qmployed Ha isfnpvrpgopared to do Grbling in :11 `to `bnncheqhouer and Oheupor than ever born-4. , Pnovmcw. Exnlinlou '0? 1`!!! onxsmn nous E, 3A 3'33 1. .3- The Proprietor` of {he Tollendnl Grit Md" fox-,puLfuon p loin- [1Quz1thoIAnniug,IIbliox_$1I%r ` _ {tn the ,,n n_____ nil- 2-5.. .. 6 A gyg o"r1c E To FARMERS TULIANDAL rL_o_I_J'_Ii _iZ amsr mus ujih stoves! 8130793 ! stove ! 3 _--"" In. A. rnnmz xx? Jana, l kinds of rcfvafring and ill work warranted _:on'j- Agent for the Gnovnl hnnowhg Inching Barrie, 1809. ' . _ 19-ly; `READER! 0f7First-class Flour always on hand. Bnsiness, [for which he hu engu d a nut, clul workmnm] in connection with is Gunjmigh" and General Hardvnxe establxshmont. GENERAL GROCERIES, : Crockery, Glassware, &c AGRICULTURAL AND ARTS ASSOCIATION 0::-.411` Goods deliv;Iedvunthout. delay. TIN STORE mm 149333,, Ea~vetr0ugInng Dona AT Owen Street, Next (9 the Bank of Cammer:`c; O Voluvme XX Doni Wohnogyu uni wnmimr wnnmfwnmiw - ,-< u--|.-L'i3.S.- gnl. ` BURNETT S DARRIE SLORILLIA BOAT ) MANUFAC'l`ORY. AS to-opened the above well known mud` West of the Wellington Hotel, when '_lntenda to carry on :3 `I Persons intending to exhibit will please take notice that the Entries of nrticies in the respec- tive classes must be made with the Secretary, at Toronto, on or before the nndermentioned dates, vi: 2 V ----. If you ar in want of good cheap. You cannot do better than go to THE TINSMITHING comm. RAIsms,AcU_rmANTs, Kn 2:. nm;* ,;i+_"v13i`-*1-f**V. Queen's. l;_ 7`-"_"_: ~ " In the latest fashion. '._ CLASS 71vi11LLER3 z AT THE OLD CUTLER, &c.5 cuuunu Impu All at 26th. VG`:-zin. Field Inunsmn, I . '10:} - J `I-310 Z3-511:0 Anna .1 aaannvunuunun nu Toronto, August 15, 1871. Notice is bomb debudto tho..un .-n nnn-Q nun manna-In HELD AT T KINGSTON, 3501] IUI. _ Noam Smnu, Sauna Smn. Lots No. 8 to 22 inclusive. Cnma Swnnrr, Noam Sxnl. Lots No. 8 to 22 inclusive. Cnnnn Smlxr, Sour: Sum. Lots No. 6 to 10 inclusive. ' _ Bonnnw Sranw, Noam Sml. Lots No. 6 to 10 inclusive. Bonnmn STBIIT, Scum Sun. Lots No. 6 tom inclusive. _ JARVIS Sun-r, Nona Smn. Lots No. 6 to 10 inclusive. --I:nIr~cnr-xunzri )EPAR l`MEN'1` OF CROWN LANDS, "PH BATTALION. smcos FORRES- ) TERS. . _ On the 25th to 29th September, 1871. Joshua Olurkoxk - Proprietor. August 31, 1871: w-uvu -uv c nwvuuvvo HUGH 0. monrsox, Sec y Agricultunl and Arts Aspocistiou.` non An:-nut 1: 1971! on 01.. .SIMPSON TEKRAPIN HOTEL ONTARIO, IS sunx.u:n' 1m-n "(By Order-,`) A RT.` H. JOHNSON, nmkt - (.`nmmI'_n1'.nm vnuun ,1 A. man, cape; djutant, 35!}: Battalion. 1. 2131. Annual. 1871. Dunlap Street, Hint of Market Street, and Mag-kg : Sty-gag , BARBIE. ' ' ' ' ONT ` Whcreyon pm nd . . ' --20i '0. 11- Junnouu, Assist. Commusioner. 11. smpgon. um A1` n a;BEllTs pan LB. 34-3ln fmm GREATEASTERN STORE] v-- "y... 33-am ' AVE YOU BEEN TO ;1{ IGROCERIESI `Money Safed is Money Gained I This otel oori II! or noqommodnuol his guests and oominorcinl tnycifon, sad is do it- rnny Iifudted within view of xeinpanmat 1. It in newly furnished throughout, and! III Hod , with 3 stock of Liquon nod Olga:-I of the not hnndu. 7 ` , , . GOOD STJHBLING AND SHED ROOM. i Bmio, Aug. mu,-1371. - -`as I mun enoclm DEPABTIENL Is now via? coupnnrn IN. Ti rmu nun, TWANKY YOUNG mrsox ' ounpownzin, . T ` pnxon `JAPAN, FLAVORING omman Pnxon, . Htaunvurnnonnn soucndne, 0'01-one AND CONGO. Where you wlllnd L!-IICKEY BRos.; luuunn unrnnwnrm If The Sea Mass Fqrine always on hand. nmsn mus. PRUNES &. cums] ` "' .| l'00l,Il( Will!- ` key, H. Walker : A No. 1 Old Rye Whiskey. We wiih-to llraw the attention of Ilerchnnu end Hotel Keepen, an we are bound to sell st Toronto rioes. Qmmh nunnnn nnirl tn all nu-(Inn: Anni VI-w !3"All Goods delivod fro: `ofA climax-ge._u FIRST-CLASS nova .41; wt Y on HAND. We hue also added to en: extensive Grocery Bulineee, 8 large and well selected stock of mun w. sKnTnif6'ExTPuommon. La_t of the Barrie Hotel. cnocxanv & uLAsswAn| I35-aodench Salt azway; m[hand..;:u| Which cannot befsurpussed in qunlity or in nnco. . [roam ponxsl Ban-la, May nth, 1871. 3Goqdsp;ve%11%shipg1es%f lMaundrel1 s.| Imam warm mm 2] %IMA`UNDRELL S. Cheaper that "any other Bonn North Toronto. * m nlnijiinjmnnl roronto noes. V 7 Sxecin attention paid to all orders lent by. Ill . I-'3"WHOLESALE_ & R1!`-'l'AIL,.'1 ` Pork, at 10c per1b.. In Vlupplied with thehost of HICKEY Br-zos., I 12cl'perl1b._,| Wholesale and Retail Merc.hanu. |'I'EA.S`! FINE YOUN G HYSON: m Na 1 In In-go Lou, NEW Annmfiidvi mus: J ` Secohd to none `in the Province. i BILLING V THE AT AT Port Wines, Sherry Wines, Omen nnd " Silver Seal Cham- E nel, Diunond T hinknv. Hm-tnn n F hiskoy, llox-ton s Proof, Malt Whis- Imv_ Fl. Walker- n !;!\`#L's! IYBUR , PING sun, The ridiclously low .prices at \\;hich we have been selling many lines of our Summer Goods, has caused them to disappear rapidly. We are determined to clear out the balance at still iiluran sullen HEIAND PAP RHANGER,