I .` ) T. A Puuilt Modicinnwollundtuvorably known or the put en yoamnovorluilmgin 1 single in- mtncoto we permInent_teliefwhentiInol used, and we ha `a never k_novn 1 single case of insulin- [action `white the dxroctionn have been `roperly followed, but on_ the conmry all are lighted with in quotations, audlnpoalr in the highest term: ofl viruland m|g'icaI eecu. TI-I5`. ANA AN In In nvn-runvpn L-_ Money Saved` is" Money Giiied :THEGR0l}EBY nnvanrumg IS NOW VERY COMPLETE IN . V IGROCERIESI i`-1 FINE Yotre HYBON, . . . - 1-ma sun, TWANKY YOUNG nvsou, . . ~ . GUNPOWDER , ` . , p EKo3. .I.a1>.-.3, mavomua ommen rmcon, ~ monnijmgvonnn so qaona,-oo,;.oNe , 7 ,. \ .' kn. III 3 lvtnv wt, WyI .__. , 2 '1`; The. Sea Mos$ Faae always hand. ` -n.wus.ox ama`. 3 '= amen APP Es. mun: 8:; cures: i N U N Da-5-57 {A Ki:'N%%ai;. T ' r- 1 .- V .' A Eoi|pui>nrdtofu}niih ....... Lot: amount, sAsTi;__min HIOKEY BROS., hum nmmumr 1\ FIRST-CLVAVSS FLOIJRAL w./1 rs on_H./QND. ":3-A11 We hive 31:: Business, a Chenper than any othcgouse North of - " Toronto. ` ' Which 1 ursaadmzh sazc always on h.amz..;u\ TEE -1>os'r OFFICE;CHOP 'HCUSE BARRIE.v` ` We _W1au I ind`-Hote1 l|....nnn hr-1| nmsnMu1s,\ cnop AND .sTmKs V Wm & camm `l`|`l`l`l`l`I`I`I`vw11-u T0 T1! I WORKING CIA`.-P". In no! pripued to mm: all cluuec with oonunno clunky-at at hanqlho Iiolc oho union lb: lb: spun nomonta. Bnhlunew, hunt prom: 10. Puma: onmmux an hon ;::.w:'.-.:7:r:'I-t3`a;.M,.,g;::=`a?.". -_ _____-_; n`-wuoLEsA'LE & RETAIL,.u 00NFEOTl0NEBl!_S__& GIWGEBIES. wherq he has slwayd ready 9.11 kinda a O_/stars. Lobskrt, Sardines, 4-c., A Served `up in rlt.-clash: am, with the but of - pickles nncl condimenu. Vegetables fresh from the garden every Inormng. L _ MILK csnbe land by culling It the Sioto of the abqve- . . - Bu-tie; Sept. 29, 1570.` V 39 1!`. `T0`TI.|E }oauna1,wmte&Yeuow nnnu unnr. DOW` RLRYJEV, sPLrr%f@fi*S;?I*%;E%FL0Ur%I KING relpectfu1 1y informs the public um` v... hue taken the m-amines next to the IN Lots T%'5-`.%J1`IL` Ifiiiprramgss-} inso i1.munc r Uizn 'c >1i` . Bradfrdi 8lf- Flon_r.. ' ' ' B.`BRA1J!'0`n,n;.~_-=` :,. . Flour and Conunisaion llomhnjnt, . _.~o.on.n. ='-:ti_?1eiber-| V . 1NsoLvF,`_"I'T 4.c'rs_ -":_ 4N'1`)f' IIRO hmhh all chuec `nu oonnun oho Illllof u In Pononu -to lrorovoulla uuh rhv` nimelo `brain: nmhunon. Thuullwlml in mild! lb: bndnv-3. : uehunrvuul I u r 0 n;. no firm I` e _r..h qllldumawmg or .1 awn. an Infv nuvqplron publl hat on van mm-~ (1. ALL .1! II C( x cannot be surpassed in quality ori ` price. . respectfully informs me pumu: in: he has taken the premises POST OFFICE, Goods delivered free of h|rge..5u ,1 1869. ,"f]`p;p'[Ip_I4I|l`CX`II_fVi_.l K'AiI _ ' `V .F1""'.`l,l1.'-5v.vvn-Ilfg-k_ -I` `"5 W, | , 1. vv - -of . . , ~ . m, .w:nc>-an . moss 7 .... |(*,`:,:;%`:;:?5%ofItI::o"(J:aunty`otf,Bi(Iii:9|7 :5 . `B ` ' 15t!i;,!n.i!!hi'r.`j..i ` . I ";-. , `OF :ROBBI1'. ` ` `.1. oo. :5;;._.___ _ .;`_ -. .-.4...- ` - nu. u'. ._ 'n"m: 3.; tn. Tenn uking 305.7... ig nam_l.;mon~;IIh buy!!!- W0 l'."!13'I';d|*`!.`!!'!`;"9 `_"" ya on -mundane an! . -I I. -4.'I.I"" ' .L.. .o :4 Qk:.5.uII'nan_-.~ ~ ' 1! -Ih~0?.Pt!',|I.9*..'h' any; ` ,_n` A'T1`13B`OF-ROBblRT - i_ _; . kggagr` Day, 1: 3.51 '05 'Fm3ii"$*:i'%Ei?m day nun) 41g; g1vsoL VEN1_'._-. : 4,,,',;,.,, 3;5._x..,,_1a_n: - A.D. "311 "`~ 1'.!'1V0'.o V S1 91 -3: ' r add :38, a large edto Bu:-Loxltenilve Gr'oc`e1-y andjwell selected stock of -HICKEY 3P.os., - an |I'.`.-l.c Maundrelrs. I L7\.I HOT AND COLD. ` In 1argo"LotI,A Ilnvv- nu ---_- _- ... _ com; MEAL. POT BARLEE, lliiji --w_-_ Wholesle and Retail Me`rc.hants. C ` ALWAYS READY; SELLING THE _ A choiceustok qt . yidn the nyatofv '1 km. 18`?-9 `*9-9 A ..ouun-u uuvvii A is be.. 80., 15-3" 7 - .4 9 SUE ' `V rowan` bnozuila: ,:g:.m.# EKOE. V ` comlunced busing: an the R . _` . - .: ' . EKo1.*. ` ma ac. vnneetotln pubjic th 's_. sa1_aq= .';- ._ _ ....a m. mired to can orlii n_ . Port Wines, y Wines, Green d 7- Silver Seal Ohm- u Egsgnou, Dumond T hiake .l{orton I Proof, Alf Whil- Imu. E. Walker ! . Pmol, MI. W ma- ey, B. 1! 'No. 1 Old R10 \Nh:kAI'_ gar ./1lL HOURS. "'TERN >of 15-131! V mu nsgopenuonn, llldlpolk in the highest arm: of I vim: uadm icaleecu. THE ANA AN PA N DESTROYER has wonlorilulfarcnuutntioni n 1 blood r.mm.. ble Aeuog ,_:_' up 5: and ludi mm 1 Elana, Ill nnnvnl` - - _. .; ...4 `u . .'. n... .5... AI in. fuveu, lunrmc nollnnol, nypwuy ay- dochon .AIllol'5$," ,_ 'f`-`-` _` mis,I.on_bojtthas, Xenon: E A _ _ ' uuans 6:` ytusin of tho! g _ Louo!_YbiI':o. 0gau'q,r 8.` _; ` Blnggbhili of I!n`Livtir'. Inhnnpbt " I ble Acupnf the Hart, swan: ` and ugisguluchg new ' A j -nLgs;ha,'_-,cnnnAu1,;,; .-.;= .- an . M . `L':o!`. ;'i'o.:(-!::uu".r'=.alI.` -o_`; =7 ' t!n`Livtir". _- Actlon,_f Sqicatilig-` uguxtlh " noon oiuh-notion -'(cI*}|In' ll - ham "and: main. any can it wuoin 1,: v `.1 Debi! :_I'IlI"]tIlI[f!@` _ V ' . fuveu, Itlnxitnc , `II, , a docho '-f`-1% 1".i.".'... 3. `J.$: .l.`.:'::.n.mnc-1'-p {or aluklihdlvlvlog 3|? `cgrpu ug __a.. c gnx-or 531! 13:10 ecu `BEG tozdnionncetotln pubnc slag. in cominqluced `veg : at: .;::'*a.."`*' nl wot u "eafpon VH5); x2?..a._ Match in uiI('Te'xecnh.`|sthoA5;1L1 E0 is puin to fa :-ni:|h in . nuns: &. runeantnaumsnss To be obuinhd this oido of Toronto, And of the , lovmt prim. From the thoilioo he poucuu {or carrying on each bunch ot hit bonimu, ho on .......m.. aaxianl ntilfnction to all who my swam wmmm WIS? coNmAc:no1i. . r A :,;_. . A . ;: '. ` x: w ,. . r`. r.._...-.-. . ~. - v _ ` r.'_ ' ' T. . ;. \ : `:~ "- ;. ~ * . .. r . #% '*.';`;;- V;-.- ._;..v ~ . 1)ul&'ttiet: -Burfti;-gl door J.` ` Dunlap Strut, Foot of Market Street, ' .' ' !02-.--- I-`I-U818! OJ UIBDDVIUG Jswwn uavu uy-v-mu-u y u... -,-.... -. _..-,--~----, '---":o:-- . ' in caused by noting impropu plum. "7 ` 1 1' ': LAZLRUS&!l0RR18 pnr!ectndBpoctoc1Isud J30 which we but the Iolo title! In tho molt porfccrnnd buntilul our ofotod. us nbmnkn mm T` T Thoy win ciyiio a continuum and abiding im- NEW ANB Imovip mus! : .':::.':::.'::.i.':.`,'i' "5" ' "" "` "" " iviii mus : . V Second to none: tho P1-ovincc.V :0: The bar in furnished with {he rm! hands If Wines. Liquor: qul Oigun. 8- ________j__..._.._..-_ >n brunt-1: or my nuumu. In an ` toe goxienl ntisfncxion not him with their plttongo. . ll` BYRNE. iiIuTy6LA%z|n\ M and profnblo. Pnnoni otdlthor In new ;:,**.t.'.1:'.:::a'z:;::`;.:.'.'.%m:':x';.:...:.t"..,, autumn non. Thad] who no this Iolen Inyundthc I I ml In! bndn-no. '0 unit Ihln unpunllole r: uehuArvu_uIwnllul.htd.wIvilluId`Mopq A nfwrhang. lull pueuhum In an nh will do to coIuIMn_c| work on. and a copy of The .`a ilamry Gmpanw--one of tho cal and um :1 published--ull um he 1 null. II it! *-ho. sdyn..3.'m' mm--M. nrnubln work. Iddrvj 12. ALL .1! c0.. Auounn. Inn. 1'.'>U'N`LOP. s'r. 2B}.BB-IE, (Opposite the Jdvance Oce.) 133:`:-Io, Sept. Int. 1875; COUNTRY ORDERS `PROMIWLY ATTENDED ---n WVHITEWASHIRG, oononmo. to., non. ---.-- Fwd Nmadux.` . W93 The undersigned has hm twelve yun u- periencdin his basins in England, gnd an guganteo tint ,clau workmanship at - lowm prices. Burie, April, 1371. NEW. LIVERY STABLES, _-.~. A-hp` mqdhonu, , . "%"""`.['.`-" W " .1; .r. :i: VOppon'e`the simoe Hotel, ` PRQFESSORI ` CUNIO % an anbicriberbegatoucquninttheTravllin& mm .,MB'm'":',, mm Eummm) ublic, thatbo but on hand Ttho but ,, _ , E0 E8 and BUG-GIES' for `HIRE, It modo Bop toaoquihl his cultoman and the public `r.v.:.`:::.c'z: to and Peygetanguhhene. : _ .. . , -In T'l`ho undersigned has had tweive yen: .-..:......-an 1.1. business Entlnnd, 4 Barrie, J une iuh, 1870. ALUABLE PROPERTY - FOR . SALE lN!AP'l`0,'l.'0WNSBIP 0_F FL08, COUNTY SIIICOE. - . . - - a,;- -has declrlod on dupocing of his property in up; -2-: Thomas Stone, having` remover! from Hlpto, village, which consists" of the Aptow _:HouIo, -A two story fruno hotrl dolng ogood.inIiIle`u.,; und luring nocuury Iublu, rhodr, pad other out-bnlldingr, first cluu well ol `rune ; And` 7 largo cistern.` Allrgo fruno Scorn` `mu tho ` hotel. well, polrorniud; sad I Dxolilng Homo ' 18-25in tho ulna-villngc. m village in oitv veg znilol from 'l`ho'_wholo_of the show ` I thi W`-7 W .` T|lO'_Wl|0lO In In! Illuv-I ` building: are on |n'un'ofg`round in the '_ mm: 1 `cent:-11 putoftbo villus: The promises as n.llnntednndwill ho I0 subject loguistiug lone: ; but put`-chum-I duh-on: ol pinlnf immediate pomuioycu nah uticfnctopy _ snngemnnts. V _ . vnmI.l INDISPUTABIJI; snngemnnts. _ A .. TI'1`_LI INDI8P_U'l`ABIJI; Tog: hbonl, sndwillbo` nigh ogqpp1iutit;_ tj wner . - '3 V ' rnonssroxn.-=V - - V 5 Emmy $0.. me-.% V an.-s';s-=`%`rr'sr,i%ot'3[:i V :Auns1.rILg.ovi_s,cLui_nu.;; 2: " T .. 8:;J.-|;r-3..-';l; I. ~`;!1 - I New Nincrtiaemeuts. `nu; wmnuuuv nun DISSTBOYER hue wontoqilulfarepuutntion, u 41 blood purier, elterntive etomnch tomc, unlurpeuod in the hietorvotjnedical reparations. It seldom full to `cure Dyipe il ivcr Complaints, Indigestion, Heertbufu} ick Heedeche, Kidnev Complaint, Add Stoinlch,PhthiIic or Asthma. and restore: to vital aotivitythe system debilitated by eutl`er- . . nut and disuse. . its me Ical and wondertul success in curing and dun Col I, Sore Throat, Coughs,Diptheriu, pains in the afde, loms and back, Nentalgne, Toothlcht Rheumatic and other pain: in any part ofthe body ' and from whatevel-`cause, has given it I place in -every household and in festuupereedingall othet preplrntionl of the kind. It in also an effectualund momnt remedv rm Amp.` Juno uh, xau. L K W. 'rn-"r.ww.' I -Do|no_;ruin your on-night by vowing cdnv ha of Hotel. non dinohcll ; nine-tenths to! allege diam L * --Ann--- in canned by wcltiu illnlmnr blues. TEB.RAP'IN HOTEL. IIJ ` WUUHMBLV - . _- uu. - `yaw, -~gwo_un.nsVr1x_on_pAnnm. ~ .~..'.:-..v::[.*:?.-.='..;':'*.9.?..*%...:.... % _ . -- ..n` .- -.n 4u--___-o-_..Q-_._ `mo AT u ems PEI! LB. i man... 21:! 1 .-___------.----_ an. I 3 IRON BABIIE. " `Untying; snail!-vv.--r-r---I , ';__1`l5ttir than , . 1* .. . ~ ing: ongljtnd. 3 '_".f "V: `." x . 3m. 1 `lgul. ~3`"`)TD'n.1'_9..'1 uV` ".", % _ AQF.,4sIG-N. _. 1* : l'liiu'dQnb{;i7IrI`;~qhu style and ('1':-info 0:1 I 0 r 0l.II:l. rO,I1i, `.Poin'hn' and` Graham no Oruulunir and 83310 Bunion, Ponciln, 8c,, to, on hand And In I919 by W. B. Onpoi, 4A- "2111 Park, at 10 per 1b.. LEANDEI1` s. unozns, Jnvgignnnl}, wArcnAnn 8 ouxowi. `D ` *l3!a'A[cni for Untied? Vicinily. _ tinn {even The Bnheetiber bege have to noqnnint the In- hebitnnle of Ben-ie end the Oenecy `es letge, that he has on bend A choice let of fruit trees, vie.--Applee, Penn, Plum end Peeciee; eleo 4 choice none of Grepe Yinee, epeoiell united for me noheen loeelity;`ell elrong nil `lltt, lure to give entiefeetion to pnrehneerl. Alto n Inge eeeerunent of-Eu-Iy end Lm 0nnliew- er: end Onbbege Plente. Ierly Tolnelo plnnte, three weeks earlier then eny othet, the beet mu known or then money on buy. Who, {or 24 eere, inthe Town of-Bertie, bee been in the I e, end when ell others have failed In plnnu heve ven entire eetiefection. Hoping or con- `! nmnim um!-n. VP.- 3.-POAIIOII Igplyillg now cu hsuv-o:.uo quake: :3 In t which need :1 In? ogexgbor. Fwd . Barrio. ll! 11th. 1811. ' 1841. `PROFli_JSS_0R_ CUNIO ; A-.. 1- n__...un- 011..-1....:..- I'.V.o..m.` w.Er1d *`if"?*~| L: j8 HAV!N(}T, sxurooxtxc, rmzzme, cc. WANTED. ....~.n`Au'oi4-V`: unnnnn 1. I111! Good SI-aved Sliing+!es'[ TORONTO, SIHOOI 8 IU3KOKA'JUNO- .. -non nm.wn. jun.- ..':"' " .rn.".1......_' _..J (`lung-`nu guring, Big! to uqulln ml cunomen um um uluw \ ganmuy, am he in gnpupa to go" I!'a:_g_L.1:Er. cUTIIN'G.u " In the Inuit gtylu. )LA-_N'l`S! PLANTS! PLANTS! ` . ,1" and J_I_mao-r. ._.il:7l;A.1..:oTtoxAir:din';'o{8octiouIof On or Fin .. `ifflto-` . . JOHN DIRTY 8 00.. . ` `Fmuonuuonrougsn. train`-aid o-dnnmnnnrubntcd mh;1c"_zo. MAUNDRELL S. -.. . 5.137! 91!-`-f 3-: 3 In the lgtutvfuhion. y uxuvwrluouu In -u-5--.....- itltil DDIQI ...-lgnoml Iuuatnc-`an Ant` ll Iquuug uv_ vv-no-u -. ;::a:==.~.`:=;~s~,%.:-c-;....~s `Jonalmw 8 co., .- - ` Oon-no-I-on. ll-nth Wan` %m.n:aI=,s1'A _.- __ `..---. _w- --v --vvv-~- Alradnlaae -2V. J..I'...I... ..." QlI"'IIn`3`nd In- an uuunyn. . 5 POWILL & THONPBOI. ' . `s 134;! gnu .1 : I Mania 1 nin, yonn, J. LESLIE, Ihnin Ion-no-rou. Barrio Bout. 51-:1-. `Will Qle . Intent v e1tu. abu cl... I.u-nQ- `lulu 4. u`.ii'::i`3r the manage- ggg: g _ H ,_onoqfthe_ moot :25:-`nu. Millindin Cnnadag 13 0` '..Inlj' =_'....:-. -1 lI\........n. All Hun wt magnum mum? _|J ---a-o Mr. J. 0. IIMIULLBN Notuy Public, Con- veynnctr, Lnud,Houu,I5Viviaion Oourt, Insur- nncund General A nfnnd Brokor, hu open- od tn oice on 001 wnter Street, Orilliu, for unulnl Arum-.1 hnninon. Mllltllill. I! wanna, nu um. _'|5d `north of-.._ tcnto. All the rim formerly Vent to the city to ptlyhccc thcir Millhiry us now nup- phcd from out utnlilinhmcnt. A choice V ulcction now on hand. Ai1meiAis{iz$31aodnow in nook. Norolhor utjbliqhnyont in Orilln bu ovfr bun-abluo oollipelc with us in Siiin e Intuit Itylea, and only plloo in the Village v_t_hare they can be Islnchlitd. ' this dgznttmeut. thou bountiful % 'uipea,i1_n 'r. a co's mp. tf ' "Whit: Goods in :11 the ddferent makes. White Shootings, Plain And Twilled. White Pillow Cuingn. Every descrip- tion of Minlina. -Irish Linens. Linen Ind Cotton` Diaxoa. Table Linens. m_|.|- 11-..I.:.... `human- Infants nmmm'n| 3'33 '6oT3S7"iaIEET `Table Li Tabla Na kins. obs Dresses, 1: T` tints. Inlortions, kc. |GREY7SHEET|NG\ '33 and 36 inch Lyhctcr cottons. A very heavy 12 inch shooting, imported by ouuclvcc. We don ! think there is : anything to equal it in thic place. \IImIm nmmm 1\ Kid Gleves, e splendid assortment. Indies , Misses and Children's Gloves, in sllthe different makes and styles. Ladies , Misses and Children s Hosiery. Ladies Corsets in great variety. Knit- ting end Mending Co:tons,nll numbers. n... and '1`;-immin very choice. A At 81.50 per 'fhoaand, `fl and Menamg uououu,uu uumw... Lace: and Tximmings very choice selection [of Valenciennes Laces :.--o _.--:...A Jinn-_t.frnm Enghnd, lam IEL9WIEN;:8\ In this department will be found the largest, choicest and best selected stock of cloths in Orillie. There is not a store in Orillie that can show the stock we do. .We have now ll! stock over 75 pieces of cloth, comprising all the very atest novelties, and which we offer at 20 per cent. below the usual prices. It you went Cloth for either Coat, Vest or Pants, don't purchase lielore seeing our rich stock ol goods. A w. 1'. a co's w. 1'. .9. cos , BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT Our stock is the largest`, cheapest and best stock in the place, comprisin Bette, Calf, Pebble, Goat, Eaealekin, ".3 Prunelle. Men's heavy Boots, Kip Boots, Calf Boou._ M_en e Kidd an Prunells. Men's nenvy Duula, my Boots. Men Pmnolla Gaiters. Boy : won in gteat variety. ` hoice eelecuon {ox Vllallmuuuca .uuvu just received direct-from England. w. 1". a co-s Grocery Department! This department will always be found replete with pure fresh groceries. Teas fox 45, 50, 60, 70, `I5 and 80 name. On: Dollar Tea excels any tea in the village.g A trial will convince all that our teas are not equalled by any other establishment. We have also an extn ne Black Tea on hand, Sugars , of all kinds in stock. Pure Coffees, Rai- - -2-- n.......o.. Pinlrlea. Snioea. and III In (JUICE 011 UOIIIWIIIF QUICK; VIllllI,_ IUI Genoa! ncy bnineu. . . lit. J. . llcllullen minds the Division Cantu in the Muukokn District. M kinds in stock. rare uonwa, mu- uina, Cunnntl, Pickles, Spices, Aevetything usually kept in a" grocery department willbe lound at our store gt extnordinltv low ptioes. w. 1'. 4. cos w- 7' " 's '4 WE HAVE ALSO cram-ry%sg?<:zassware we won s .0 r P n IM E 3 A n o M , AND ' 1 % pggfzmnxa on -ro15m_ r smoxnn suenn GITRED HAMS, ..... ...:u ..n in nnnntilinn to unit nuynhnwn. ~1u,_:ua'1.' ; mg: wilsl be mug icvooty Which we `I980 I '50 ton T -. - ? . . uonvmq, Glassware of ulT~d::onpti;:.- B`"`' `Pm 6"`! 187-" . , , ---------------..____._______._._ _ __ . _ N l. -.T.~ -a cofs f ,` age with 1}! the `reins. dbuynothing but the ltlentuyleo. . ORILLIA; I W. T. &. CO Sv IIIIIOIII Wall] [E IVIIIII an vac: - ' ut `oxtnordinuy ptices. Insonvsrrr ACT or me. IV run MITTFD III` lT,PYA T. 81. CO S ' `""' IIEIIIIBI VI I vvu - - - ___ . _ A I ' .`._-.7 . uockofeonwhinko Po kgud Potuh Bu-nln Churn: W ,. % -`:3 aamhnuz wg$T.:, While up and v$ nsu'mne sum` um. bonus 2 a2 ` '_, _Anc_:dorumdodto. Addnug"; fg _; . ` ' ' ' ' -A4113 \l2 IAIII I ,_T.'{EEi' IYES! YES!\if'1:"sT:` We are now offering special indigcnzents in {all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery. Good Goods for your money. Come and see. A T -. - nnnl\ZA|I A I\I'\ gyogs. ' with IE_AII.Y' lf LEANDER `ST sANDE_1is.' Vvatchrnaker irevveller n,._:-_ m...-. n...:. Thrnn . L Doors Wen of Bu =mx=..!a2hs- 7 com) AND SILVER Rnvas Gold and Silver Breast Pins GOLD as PLATED LOOKETS m.;m.....v. nurimu. the lumen iv ms MATTER omzzxvpxx mu- mcz, or s1'..1r1uz1c,.4N INSOI. rzzvr. _ dbl`: ' Gr` .3. '1`. W.Goorgon, n ? Bradford; Grunt Bro., Cnighnm, lidnciu dalon. ha all is. >`i_iI` Barrio, by A rtopriolon. J aim Wwdl, A. V. Pul- M WIIUI & 00.; My. I II II V I - v V _ -, Gold And Silver. Watches, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS Gold and Silver Branches and Earrings, -_A-._ Aqvix nrrrrfn DYITIVO GOLD C l hA'1'E1U .l.4UUnn1n Children : Cnrriagu, lnrgeat stock North of Toronto, no docoption. - KJISI-I U` CAIV `@0pposite the Railway Station, Dunlop Street, -W W saw Uwwun.-..--_ _.. Dunlap Street, Barrie, Three .-.o.. HAS ON HAND iTMOTHY%SEED, M 7 CLOVER SEED, 5% TARES, &c. ,4 Iammmsm ggm WMEJB. m~2i:;`: Powell 8m_'{'_!;1 son s. ISAAC IAMS [9 M an &,.i`}.00PBR@E3__M The people all say That s a Fact) : P 0 3,1,1 ($'%"nI:\"Ii'crIou `,% ' Does Crompton s famed Emporium stand; The Cheapest Warehouse in the land ; Or ratheris its fame far spread It s wonders o er the country read, Do pleasing styles adorn each dross, With choice superior fashion !--YES. Does every purchaser admire Crompton 8:. Co s superb attire, Are not the fabries there displayed Choicer than any in the trade, Do one and all admire itsdress, It s style, it s price, and fashion !-YES. cus*roM:-:as ALL sAv YES. Are not the prices that they charge, Lower than all the" trade at large ; Isnot a gain of ten per cent.,~ Insured at this establishment, L Do one and all With pride confess, Its wonderful achievements '.-YES. Can every purchaser rely For qualzty; in what they buy ! And ought they not to recommend Crompton 8:, com to every friend- And don t you think thataall may dress In better clothes than ever !-YES. 7 TC Ivjy Which we will sell in qnant~ilies to suit pu._vo'h;a;-n. THE Jun, 22, 1.311 'Iis)}\`i:\c V E WIL IA '.i ...:=. : .. on -_ A -. _. Mommy, u.e_'5u. day if July,`_187!:J At. up pxogiipc pf th molveu. E. B. CROMPTON, &. CO., `-AH[AiKE1.-'l', _BABll`|E on*:=*:%; run:-v-u -v--, .. ._., Impoxrrnns. Sign of the Golden Beaver." -nI.-us Q6-nan` `not-v:n 11 W 9{!!!`.f.3 ` " "3 5w _.AS_ _ f\-'.L- II VIII` .:w-..._-, Ladies Writing Deika, LADIES COMPANIONS; | Ladies Pocket Books, -- - _ _ _ _ A --us nnrnnvltl. y$.|.'J\/ .|..-\a.....-.. Concue and Cohvex. K!` WATCHES AND CLOCIH Repaired and Wan-sated. : uuuwu I. vvnsu uvv-y, * TELESCOPES, sn TCHEI. Walking Sticks, ______......--u A par 'I'iL` V $0.5-5%.-. -. .. Barrio Hotel. BRMIYS .Iltunu' .GIlln Indi c"'c"h.'&iiieTa"' be. spnin. c: 1' _ ri. :u|':, Bwoncr:-_ .| Poiaonl, Scratches or Gretna, Strains. Qt. Mango, Whidown,Com. Sand Crack? 1 N PO61, DIE Diltnlnner. Shnllinnn, -n -o- A PROFUSION OF Barrieggjg tn at -- " 7"" A_(orai|Id,t zvvcrmi h W. '.':`.'.:'..`c`xi."J.'& a.."o...a..""` nu- ':.":'F'1's.`.'"'1..a...a"".u"-` 0! . on thqpnth do.:o_(:l!il.3"US in. illuuofsnnu-_ . V ` lugine "AND AGENCY, ORILLIA.- '7' iuiipurori publkhed--Ill um Inc or I Ion >ernmn-M. gdrl . { sud Merch- dlont the lnion. Price 25. `per pfPpIl i\lI0l 0] H16 KIDU. ' effectualund prompt remed {for Scnldl. `Blur-nu, Bruises, Sprung, Uhilblninu, ram Bugs, Cramps m the Slomnch, Dinrrhcn. Cholera morbuo,BiliouI Cholic, Cholera Infnnlum, Dylan-_ terv, 65. - - 'rice 9 y 25 cents pot bollle._ Sold in nrrie by A. V. Palmer 5; ($0., T. W. G1-or en John Woods and Watson dz Co.; J. Dea- con, radford ; Green dz Bro.,C:aigi.um,nnd all mldidna dbalen. . 4-Iv 12 per 1b.,` 3"`1 s4'1.l,12V..5' RiEMEbY. NORTHROP dc LYIAN, _ Nnvunu, Ogm, P1-opmion. min. In ]1In|`ITnn4I.n. A 1: 13.1- As MAUNDRELUS, "No. 1 Mum s:.11,.Bm}a. AT AT To be lold by Braaloru ; ure mqidne d_alerI. Ill tl I . Inna nt- mum; 5-ly. - the utnhlhmq .:nt,o(:line of road :1: h'l0l ll id 1373 `N0-13ii||"b, Eighth sud Ninth (fate ` nun! y - thtltil T0 ! nhxp ofVeIprs, I-I sane VG` Olld vent, N41 0'1" ! - Janos Donpe, 13153., P.L.S.`, undilu- |`n'"'`,9 mufollowlz olnmenoin uolth I . Jami: F` imin omouro. 13. in an em 09-ow r _ unto?!) Township ofVoIpn, at 3 (11003 13 he `said 11- .0?-ll?!-IL 46 Q8 lIl|k!v0l`Q0{.l0Hf_t0lI1-j.`ll_ north: -.._ ugl_oofI_qid_lotN 13; thunD|.|I| |' ` QC 53 - ,*'oM0chinsnd30- ubmoniir "(us``W I 5'3 look trgo;-thence North 18 III {mun nmusnms MULGAHY & 30's.] MuLoAHv&oa~s.| |@na@ssi`@@e)s Q! u-munpup. nungo. Whiuowgconu. San?! Crack? ` Founddd Pget. Horn Distemper. Swollings. an I muydlior dnuuu which hornrgnd cattle are} nugget 1_o._r_ _ _ _- _ - ` , IMl||.0AllY&1 cots.| !ORILLIAM may mmunw oounmmnnsl IGODERICH SA.LT\ brow wmsaaavi [FLOUR & PORK`; `CALIFORNIA STORE} MuLoAuv & cofs. Oxillia, Suu 20m, 1371.1 0 DH luv - . _ - . _. i Yachts and .B?`oats to hire by the hour, day | ` or week, on reasonable terme. f Bout Hansen Barrie, two doors East of the . "` Advance o ice. . 5 Boat House in Orillis is situated at the Queen : \ '=H||L d . vv . " "" JOHN CARLEY. , , I Barrio, June 21th !, 1371. ? 23- v0r'9-v-Ital-Inlag`.`1': .oi:iiuTitc."..`*3i.7 ..a "`"`."='uI.'..{..'::..`:.`, ':;'.:*..;`.'.*:':."'-* 31158. 8 win. Cu ld&_ Fistula, Bwonoy,.! Poilonn. Scum... .. n..... :|...:_- 75 CENTS PER GALLON AT LOWEST FIGURES $1450 TPE13. . B43335 J ohn `cvgrlezgropr ietor; I .._.... I The lubcfiber begs to Inform the Public gene- a 1'3! WI` he has bought out his brother`, J. Cars 1 1) : 09 Onllia, and is now prepared to receive ; o_rdera_ fur Yachts or Skim; on the shortest no- ' W3` W1! names: and deapatch. Boats repair- ` ed and repninted. 7 FBESHIASSORTMENT on Mulcahy 5? Co s.j "In vim of the coiniii,,1 i Yacht {FOR ..SALE- 1 .. ` `nnw-Quad-rors.1a,ch \ - Sh;""' 9 "~ unit of nails, and Itlnding "`" " comply. ' I I eich in `three ...`.'.'.?.'.*.'=.,'::'.2{.:.'.:.`.';:...'::' mum- '. _ -, - I_._!__.A - -__,n . ,n.. helnkej pl?`h.] mg` list Iuee.o'I:v`e, y::n |:e!l:I'j`:1:t::"- d u "1 mionof being {he cxuk ncht 0! xx kn `unit in \ Sign of they ` Tm Po t. Or to tho owner, 1. A. A or to tho owner, .1`. A. -mnmn} 3IiO, June 1911:, I87), 13'! 00118811 of an Corporation of In Town? ship of Yarn. -' ill, at their meetin , to be held on the min thy of July next, pm 1 -Luv for [cheat-hlishnv .ant.of 1 lino 7 of and 1h _ '19` -m. tR:'in'tha n:.1.n. ...a mam d .-..'..- -at ;ARRIE 5; ORILLIA BOAT I MANUFACTORY. VERY Low oh: \ f` pOAD'NO Ticn. UUIII` Ill` VII Apply to {:>on1upon1cs| AT ' .. AT AT AT AT AT ---. `jg Regan: the well-known `1?i>U'ij3;'~ii3=i*i 'ki?5fV}`~_L"i \ wuaamwmmmau `FSTURE C'orner of I ` Dmilop andillarket Streets, ' Q1Kliore`joi,3Ivi1I_Ilnd:v. VA; _ 1: ` a.%m,,s *5 9.Rs1i&8KT'l?E.11.