Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 May 1871, p. 2

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-n---$22.7 :7 if ay ll, l87l: smm Mgoulgough.--Mr. s. S. . Robinson for Degendant. Gaza` adjourn- : . 1\ 1,, 0,". ,,.4::;gl I uvmuyvu IVI yvwuucm-g y~ ed at Dofen_dant s reqiibf. W_nB ,I1U.u'D,lILI-I440 -v-fy -- ~ v - - - - - - - _ ~.. for the defendhn . _ . Tudhope 5425. h,z'ting.-.-Action on a note._ J udgmentifot Plaiuti. Mr. S. 3`. Robinson for Plaintiff. V Elliot vs. Landy.-Mr. Hayden, De- fendant s Couusel,easked for an adjourn- ment. Granted pt; tbe payment of costs. Mr. S. S. Robmson appeared for the Plaintiif. - 71, 1,1,.-,__-._ .`.- l'Vl....1. "`In:u man an I01 U16 rlaluuu. . Hadglcinson vs. C lark.--'I`his was an action for wages. Defendant : counsel asked for an adjournment. Adjourn- ment granted on _ ment of costs. `Mr R, Q Ffnhinunn npI?nyenrad for nlain LV1l'o JEAVRHB IUI um .I.IUu:uuauu. Lawly vs. Gardner.--Thus was an ac- tion on 9. note. Plainti in this case was Inqn-suiteq. N_I;, S.~ S. Bobmson detendhn ` m...n....... J... h-it-im'a..Antinn nn :1 Egigiv ?g'r'ap_t3dr o'q ment `ofcosts. Mr? S. S. Rqbinsqn Iip[?py,i!n;ed for plajn `i . b and Mr. Evnnsfor defendant. 1u-n-.n'..._1_ -... 117.-.: ,_`H .- Q Q- 'll1. uuu Lur. nvuuu IUI uuluuuuut lccullough vs. }VaI1;d..-Mr.. S. S, Robinson asked for an adgournment on cl... u......`I `fll nf nnvvmnnt nfnncfd, HORILLIA DIVISION COURT. .- NU Ul Jo! . McHugh}.-Aegi6iiV for- d ' tf 1't'". ;.{.`L`E. 3. .'. .?..;.`' . Ani- f'I`nmn1o. City Hnll7'.00 . Bruck Street . . . .7.15, . Bmdfbrd . . . ... . .9.1."). . Scnnlons . . . . 9.22 Gilford 9:36.. Lefnoy (arrive). 9.45.. "Bell Ewart. . . . . 9.50. . Lefroy (depzm.).10.00.. Bmm1ey.... ....10 17.. Allundalel (A r.)10 . 35.. Barrie .........10.40.. ' Allandale [Dep.]10 . 55, Ilnrrisona . . . .. .11. 10. Angus. ...l1.2'2. New Luwe1l.. . .1l.40. Stsxynexu. . . . .12.00.. Banenux. . . . .}?..15. Collingwood. .12 .251). Xa l.llUluIl3 J o J. Ivr `F. H. Matcalf, __ E. Coatsworth. nuzcnon 1' ma: Anousn or-As LY._. NOMINATION AT SAULT STE. - MARIE. 1 MR. cuunnnnmn into-ran" in Accu-I MATION. The nomination of candidates for the representation of Algoma in the Legit- lative Assembly of Ontario, was held at the Sanlt Ste. Marie, at noon, on Fri- day last, under the direction of Mr. Richard Carney, Sheri and Return- ing oicer of the District. After` the `Proclamation had been read and` the usual formalities gone through, Mr. Edward rnnnl nf 'Ru-non Haul IUIILICIIIIUN SUIIU IIIIUIIEII 9 Mr. Edward Greneld, of Bruce _.Mines,`arnidst loud applause, said he had the pleasure of proposing a gentle- man known to every person in the en- tire District, and one well versed in the requirements and as able to advocate its interestsas any man in the Domin- ion. He` referred, `he said, to Fred `Cumberland, Esq., their late res ected _ member. The course that gentleman had pursued during the pastParlia-a meut and the vigilance with which he had watched the interests of Algoma, was the best assurance they could pos- sibly have that m the future the D_is trict would not suffer in his hands. He called upon every elector to again repose in Mr. Cumberland the con- dence which he sought, and which he felt sure would never be betrayed. II. T l\/Infnlnnh hf 1`-In Ii: rrnnr IBIS 3lll'U wuuru uuvus no uuuuyvu_- , Mr. J. MoCullooh, tarmer, ol the . township of Kora, said he had great i satisfaction in seconding the motion, and as `Mr. `Cumberland s deeds were before the electors, he felt sure that by re-electing him they would have the right man in the right place. He, for one, would give him his unqualied support, and as the people of the Dis-l trict were common sense men he thought they would not be so blind to their own welfare as to reject their late member, whom they ought to be `proud of, as more rndefatigabletenergetic and able men was not, in his opinion, to be found in the country. (Applause.) Mr Doom Ninhnlr-Inn` than nrnnnat-Ind. luau III BIIU \i\I.l|l||vl,l .\ll})lJIBI-IEUCI _ Mr. Peter Nxcholson then proposed, and Mr. M. Jones seconded, Mr: A. Smith, as a fit and proper person to rep- resent Algoma. . ' M . Pal-mu-I Tait than m-nnnumi, and resent. Axgoluu. Mr. Robert Taitjhen pmposd, and Mr. A. McKay seconded, Mr. William Carney as a candidate. ' `Thong hnncr Chn nnlu nnrannu nnmi- Uul Ill`, no G \[I0|ll|Jl\-Il'U- "These being the only persons nomi- nated, the Returning Oicer said he would call upon the candidates to speak in the orderof nomination, and- trusted that each would be impartially listened to, and that the proceedings would be conducted with order and good Will. `H . nI\vnknr`nhl` nn '\;l`\l'I'l\ OAAIACQ UUllUuUtUu wuu uiuct auu suuu win. Mr. Cumberland, on rising to address the Electors, said that it affnrded him , vc-.ry grertt plCi'tSill".' to in if` sm`.t per i .1 sozizilly` as H c;rnt`.i;l..H-_: for `his it-;'prr:~,..-~-2. , at iatioiioi Aig in asking iilrtill -again for their surages, he did so with every condence,_because he felt that 5 J he had to the best of his ability and judgment, and with all the zeal and devotion he could command, watched over the interests of the District for the past four years, and had fullled every pledge which he had given them when they rst honored him .with theirsurages. .It: was at one time very doubtful whether his professional engagements would admit of his pre- sence among them; but here he was, once more ready to re-assume the res- ponsibility of their representation, and ready to do battle with all comers. for } the honor which he now sought at their hands. He proceeded to review the work of the last Parliament, and the part he had taken in it, .referring ~ especially to mining and municipal l legislation, and to the economical ad- . i ministration of the affairs of the Pro- ; vince during the past four years, and, proceeding to discuss the material pro- gress of the country; he congratulated the electors upon the fact that the con- . federated Dominion new extended from one ocean to the other, and that Algoma, insteadof being, as she had until recently been, the most westerly district andia sort of stepping-otf place that led nowhere, was new the high - way to half a continent, in the develop- ment of which the district must neces- sarily and immediately secure im- mouse" advantages and impetus. He referred amongst other details to the proposition now assuming practical form for the construction ofia Pacic Junction Railway, from Brace- bridge to Sault Ste, Marie, there to connect with the Northern Pacic Railway, of which nearly 600 miles have already been completed. The ` necessary charter powers had been obtained at the last session of the Do- minion Parliament; and negotiations already commenced, would bematured , immediately after his return to the front by which he condently expect- tosee the scheme pushed forward to an early and successful result, an issue which would pour the traffic between the two oceans through tlza heart of the district, by completing the only in- tervening link now wanting between the two great railway systems of the American Northern Pacic and the Grand Trunk, and so promising and benecial to both as to suggest that the ,task he had taken in hand was an easy. one of early accomplishment (loud cheers.) After a rapid revision of other enterprises affecting the interests of Algoma. he proceede , amidst roars of laughter and great cheering to de- scribe ' the painful , but unsuccesstut peregrinations of his friend the am. , bjtious little Peter (Nicholson) in search of a candidate for Algoma`, and claimed that the failure of that gentle. man, notwithstanding all his travels-`by land and water, to produce a live one line the flesh ready to do battle, `was a convincing root thetlhe electors were as unanimo s and cordial in their pp- proval of his`. past eareerin their service, as they had originally been in sending . him to _P_arlian'ient as their representa- tive. Mr. Cumberland concluded by a `brief reference to- the `sacrifices in . - separable from the service of the public and "stated in terrns of deep-feeling _; V which excited the sympathy of all pre- - "sent, that -. := 3-,: :=issueeof~the2election* -, ' whatit . liesliould `be- A ..~ ,__'e,aorre3eot- 3 3 I ,_ -- isaincoalien was 4 i .. 9.! 9'!?"hi"vmmorr `by ' ' o~%'c_t-tlie1t%his?preseueeamdngstthemi 3 -man `ant-hin1zn u:nm'fmm.'lha death` . S '.l onoN'ro-Daily with Grand Trunk Railway. East. and West ; with Great Western Railway for llumilton, Suspension Bridge and the West. With Royal Mail Line of Steamers for Kingston, Montreal and Quebec; with Steamer City of Toronto, for Niagam and Lewiston. BaAD1ron_n-Stn.ge for Bondhead twice daily. Gu.ro1m-S1.age for Gookstown twice daily. Stage daily for Clovernill, Nicolston, Alllston, Sisterville, Arlington. and Rosemont. ' Lnrnmr;-Stage daily for Churchill and Cherry I".r-an Jl _` I if .`V ,, I..uu vu l bed 6! his 42:12.: 73n5',-"{3}, u e1'c::a',' . fho! shoqld go baqk.wit1_1 his ambition ` Sta 02!. h.twi`h&-sug1an'9qg1i_r.r:e- pamb o blan in his ham; moonauons. I-I A~..I...LS4\ '5 .' I `A4000 cum.T!..',;., . Mr. A. Mismith" not abnearihg; Mr. \uouu ca;a;;.';::".' - Mr. A. M.'S?n`ith' not appearing; `P..Nicholson was asked If he had any- ,ihin_g to say on beliglf at i hig 9.!ididute,. hot as he. dolin'e,: `- ` ` u. nrzmnn. -nvhkb mh M AA:ImceT pm as us aecllneg, - ' Mr. William Gurney rose to address the meeting. He said he was induced 10 srmrn I an 9096.11 ta `I h been;-ggportgi inithe` 53:31.,-giigji _.wi's no; the ip;`taniog,9f,_Mr. Cum , lewd-to.f.f9r '.u3I!1f-`f.9*'.r-Tftina` .` C!e'`A.*`T,T " ' " ` ["93 `W V in man hadnov! l.!;Od`IgcFllul.t llll .llUBUll|;:pBIll\-;l;I|'dilIUtli; [1 d`L q, u ' 9 Von ` agagaczna, fa`, elqcted, :- nd 3 men mote able er t to represent 'them than Mr. Cumberland: h"ld ' retire from the contest. (0heers.) Aft n.. ........I am.` had ehmsed. route Irom me contest. [Un6I:xa., - After the. usual time! had elapsed: without a. poll being demanded, the re- 'turnin oicer declard Mr.Cutnberland 'eleote by aoclamation. (Loud cheers ) H Afton 'l'IIA Inn-I nhnnru were l7iVBIl 9-W-V U: uumumauuu. \.uuuu vuvy--'11 After three loyel cheeu were gum! {or the Queen, three for the member and 9. vote of thanksbeing passed to ` Mr] RIRLQIA (Va-name {nu Qlln irnnnrlinl `nun 8 VOIB OI Illlllilllg puxsauu sv Mn: Rxohard Carney, for the impartial manner in which he had conducted the proceedings, the meeting dispersed. Mr (`urnl-mol..nzI It-ran H-nan nnnnmnan- `. accomplished; Each. religious denomi- ,..7,.......-.. ,,....->--.--.- -- _ _ , , , There are two or three ways ll Vwhlch this idesirale object might be - nation might` follow the example of the -Roman Cztholics, aud_secure apiecevof _. 'l_an_d n;a_ suitable lo_cality*for itself; 0:. _vthey_mig hl.,all kigree to join in e. ,pu1V-.`_ .hue`gh eigherohold in opmmoh o:f_ " dividslihe lend-into sections for each ;__ 0m9;{arv;o.Cmp-ny znih? ` d_wi'1"*"`1i1$h"9i bodyiooqld .. 9~;x.T. . rlvvwvulug, IIIU IIIUUIIII5 uluyulovuo Mr. Cumberland was then accompan- ed to the wharf by Mr. W. M. Simp- arm, M `D 4:... 91.- n:..e.:.-o and a large cu nu Luv Wllllfl Dy tut. W. Lu. usury- son, M. P. for the District, and a large number of friends and supporters. Here a company of the Sault Ste, Mane volunteers were assembled, under the command of Captain Joseph Wilson- Mr.,Cumberland shortly addressed them. complimenting them upon their soldier- like appearance, and, after three more hearty cheers, the Waubuno steamed away.--Telegraph. ' A man in Michigin/N swapped his. horse {gt a. wife. An old bachelor acquaintance sand hn d hm than um: am-nnlhina wrong with the a. wue. An om naonenor ncqunuuanua uulu he d be! there was something wrong with horse, for its owner would never have fooled il|eway in that xeoklese manner. -i-- _ tion of eachiag and its use. Some people appear to be totally ig- norant of the fact that the `Dominion of Canada possesses a ag of its own, ` and that it is, to say the leart, an act of discourtesy to desplay the ags of other nations, and totally ignore that of the Government under which we live. The Star says it is the intention of the Dominion authorities shortly to take action on this point, -and especially with regard to vessels built in the Dom- inion, to compel them to use its ag. As the ags of the Dominion seem to` be but little understood, and are used indlscrimiuately, we W111 give a discripo `D.'....o ,'I`l-m Hun nr tl-an Dnmininn : HUI] U]. cuuu lung unu ua uaw. First.-The ag of the Dominion ; this is a very similar to the British red ensign, being a red ag with the Union Jack in the upper corner, and having the arms of the Dominion on the side ; this is the ag all vessels should use, and is proper for all occassions. 0---; 'l7'I...- .-J` ll-in '|\TnInr 0 Chi: in uuu 15 IVIUPUI LU: all. uvvuuaavua. Secontt.--Flag of the Navy ; this is a. blue ensign with St. Andrew s cross and the arms of the Dominion in the centre-of the cross; only intended for the war vessels of the Dominion. nu.-__,1 1.11.. .1 at... T:......o}...nn} HID wur Vuaacla U1 Luu .uuLuuuun. _ TThz'rd.-Flag of the Lieuntenant Govenor s : a white ensign known as St, Gec_>rge s cross with the arms of the Province in the centre. ` n__._..L nu..- -rn_.. ri-.. (1-..--nl . IKUVIUUU H1 LIIU UUll|.[Uu Fourth. -Flag ofthe Gov .General ; same ensignwith the arms of the Do- minion 1n the centre. nu._ 1'.-. .__.._ 0...... ..L....l.l nvtlvi I-so mmlou 1_n me CBIILIB. The last two ags should only be used by oicers designated. _|.;EFlunr-4 C reek. `B1-21.1. Em lnauinrr Patneraon s Johnson Reaper took lst Prize at ; South Simcoe Reaping Match last Harvest. G. | J. BEATTIE, Barrie, Agent. That most exquisite and delieious perfume &v.kinson a Essence of White Rose, is to be had ' r-.1 Palmer & Co's, Drug Stores, Barrie and \num:, - II-`e grease-1 mvnnma ' , l_ .ROP. W. Ml-IRRICK, I feel it my duty to give u bnef slnlemem re `min the food I have received from Dr. -Bull : Patent ilnye ups. hndwomalwecucleifor over two cars, and after three applications laid them aside. and believe after a few application; more thatm night will be- restored to me as goodan wuwhen wnstwemy. [Hunk may are ' '."I'?\'Ba1.LA ALLEN, Q: ' . . 'l`ho`rnton,P.0, Om. -wggenmwhnm fortnil puuculm, eeniacaiea of V curdgpmu, ate. 3 plane and your addneu to In, ,und!Ire`wlllund,6ur truiise on` the e e, at foy-four K wurteebyroturn mad. Write to . .l._BAl.l.&' L W} "~;'.'.:*-as.t:=g~..':::x,;*;.; ` OW,.@l- 9 a':r.n9w_ 1'utn1.MronicAm3:'om lmlied no Ibo Ivory Fl . A Gun` Angus. '1`UCK-4-BOND.-At the Mmse, Barrie, on the 8th of May-, by the Rev. M. Fraser. James Tuck, to Angelina. Bond, both of Barrie. ' l at _ey. . V . ` 1_ mag: C":'ttll`gi%`PI(el'of Cure from honest Farmers, Me- Achanice and hlerchenu; some of them the mos}. eminom leading profeuionnl engi political riien and women of edu. errrnon nngl reli_ne|qenI, xn our country, may be seen at our o co. . Prot2 W. Merrick, of Lexinfmn, Ky., wrote April 24111. 1809; Wllhom rn spectacles pen 1 you this note, nner unlng the Pup 1- ye .Ca_pa To; uurleen dn 1, and this """*"..;.r:,.....i '- "W- ruly am I gnleful to your noble invention, may hea- ' v.en bleuend preserve you. I hnve been using spec- lualee lweny years,` I am seventy-one veers old. Truly Yours. _ - _ _. _1_=.nop. w. I feel}: duty to_g_ive njrnegsggergenx regarding 09:, P. 0. Bone; Nqil Ljber; ` smug. Kw Ybrk`. ` the want can on? Myogaia, an lghtedneu me_ on: now Puequlyo ic Ax agent; applied lo Ibo Ivory Eye Caps lps, pto ween: are for tluard . ~ end tbr punph Innd _conicaIeq' fuse. \ uxe` nq ._... _.__._. I... -.A:._-.l__ L--- _r__'... -._ ..-___ , nIo:r;3;ll3h:,| j.IIfling hugofglunen on our new ruloquilyo ic Anacnlgenlg applied the Ivory Cqpo lpa, q`ceruin_cm-e un;__dl|egge. _Send (`or en and gementeg \Vute no your nose und o x- th c, dllmeou .1: "- . '1'-"W " j -""" Joan antzm uvgnp gvuuu ugguuvvl wear lycclllllfl; olf I! using now to lay them undo fqtqver: We guarantee a cure in every. case when the_ directions are fdllowed, oz wg wjl refund the mqpoy. 2309 Ce'nlc.itu'of Farmers. lug- life. and cured of the following diseases. , _ 1 Impaired Vision; 2 Presbyo;-Ia. or Far Sighlcdncss, or Dimncsn of Vision, commonly called Bluyring; 3 As- lhenopin dl` Weak Eyes; 4 Epiphom. Runmn or Wm- e_ry 1:. us; 5 Son: Eye? Speciallylrealed Will the Eye' Cups, uve Guarmmoe ; 6Wakneu.of the Retina or Oplic Nerve; 7 Ophlhnlmin, or mnmauon oflhe Eye and its uppgsndnges, or imperfect vision from the elect; of In. "E?! 0 amuuon; 8 Pholopholn or [intolerance of Light; 9 erworkod Eyes; I0 15 ydelopla. moving lpecks or onliixibodiea before lheoye; lg Amaurom, o; Ougou. sn>n;_ 12 Cglgrgcu, P9119! Bllqdnou, l_hg_ loss of I an In," .. ' any one eanpse the Ivory}-lye Cgpo without the aid of poator or edicinn, go as to receive immediale,bene~ liens! mull: idnevet what spectacles; oi: if using now mo _uido_fot_e_ver_, `Bi-:1.1.EwAnr--With Steamer Emily Itley, . BAmmz-Stoge daily for I enetn_ngni'shene. Creek. leaving Bell Ewart every morning on `I.l`l`lV8l of Maill Train from Toronto, for Bcevertsn, Orillin, and Qntermedinte ports on Lake Simcoe, connecting with Steamer and Stages for the Muskoka District` " With Steamer `-`Ida B_urton," leaving Barrie `at 5:30, AM. daily for Orillin and Washago, ` connecting withStnge for Gruvenhurst, and Steamer Wenonah" for llracebridgc and ports on Lake Muskoka, and Sterniier Waba- mik" for ports on Lake Rossenu. Sr1i\'u2m--Stage daily for Creemore, Bnnda. and Avening. ' . Cox.Lmowoon-With Steamer Francis Smith, for Mcaford, Cape Rich, and Owen Sound, connectsng with Stage to Suugeen. With Lnke,Superior Royal Mail Line" for Bruce Mines, Sanlt Ste. Marie, Fort William and Duluth connecting with the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad and Northern Pacic Railroad, for St. Paul, Fort Garry and Red River Territory. . , With Steamer `-` Waubuno, every Monday for Sault Ste Marie, Bruce Mines & intermediate porta, & Saturday morning for Parry Sound. Daily Stage to Nottawa, Duntroon, `Sing- hampton, Maxwell, Flesherton, Priceville, Durham, Hanover and Walkerton, thence to . Pnilley and Kincerdine. Dnily Stage to Thornbury and Clnrksburg. -nt:\uInncuuT.`xm`Q A FamilvMediciue,wellnndtavorably known or the past ten yearsmevertailing in a single in- stance to give permanent reliefwhcntimely used, and we have never knownn single cnse`ot'dissatis- luctionwhere the directions have began prop}.-rly followed, but on the contrary all are delighted with its operations. and speak in the highest terms ofils virtue and magical eec-ts. THE` CANADIAN PAIN 'DESTROYER has ohls virtue and magical ell8(`lS. THE` CANADIAN PAIN won toritselfa reputation, as n blood purier, ulteralive stomach tonic, unsurpassed in the histor otmcdicalpreparatnona. It seldom fails to cure yspo sin Liver Complaints, Indigestion, lleurtburn, ick Headache, Kidnev Complaint, Acid Stomach, Phthisic or Asthma. and rcstnree to vital activity the system debililalml by sulfur- .11? and disease. A in mammal nml wnmlnrlnl mu-r-9:: in mlrinu sml .n and disease. its ma tcal and wonderlul success in curing sud den Col: a, Sore Throat,Coughs, Diplheria, pains in the side, loins and back, Neumlgia, Toothache Rheumatic and other pains in any part ofthe body and from whatever cause, has given it `a place in every hqusehqhl and is fnstsuperseding all other preparations on the kind. ' . ' it is also an effectual and Drompt remedv for rA1'nin 1.` uurnu V mu 1 V UIVI n I ['1' Uurzs. Many at cm most eminent physicians, ocu lists, student and dluual, have had their gight permanently restored for life. and cured of the followmg diseases. x lmnalrod Vision: Presbvovia. or Sitzhtcdncss. preparations tne Kind. prompt Sr.-alds.Burns, _Bruis_es, Sprams, Cliilblains, Frost Bites, Cramps tn the Stomach, Diarrhea, Cholera morbt,Bilious Cholic, Cholera lnfantum, Dysen- terv, c. Brice only 25 cents per bottle. ` ' hold in Barrie by A; V. Palmer 55" ($0., T. W. Geor en John Woods and Watson 5: (.70.; J. Dea- con, Eradford {Green 65 Bro., Craigl.m'st, and all medicine tlealerg, - -4-lv Alldisenses of the eye successfully uealgd by Ball s new Patcn Ivory Eye Cum. `_ Read for: 'ouI`uelf and rebtore your sight. . Spectacles and Surgical pperauons rendered useless, The inestrmable'bIcaing ofsighl is made perpetual by the use oflhe new PATENT IMPROVED IVORY EYE CUPS. Manv m nnr mnst nminam nlwaicinum. mm lixln. nlmh-nl 30ts=I.IL|.I EYES mus Maw. RESNRE YOUR S.IGHTv. 2-1.. SPECT.20LES' REN}iERED USELESS. w o e oflhe In or I ht md prola le. Persons of either u-ex exullg enrn fr-on . to 5 revem?,nnd n proportional sum y deviating their w o e time to ebuslncu. Boymn girls earn ncnrl as much aumen. l`hntull_who see this notlce ynny send their ndtlressxnud test the bunnesn. we make [hrs unparalleled olr: 1omch as nrc notwellutirecl. we WI send 0] to pay for the trouble of writing. 1-`ullpamcnlnrs. n valuable sum- le which will do to commence work on. and ggcopy of The e la`: Literary Compam'an--one of the In on and Pzfumlly newspapers publi5hcd-nll sent free gby mull. Jvdnr, igyou wnntiyennnnent. protable wnrk. ml-|ns| ~ -. C. ALL N A: 00.. Acousn. llluxz. Vysphrembmbnls. Buainiutiew, ' 'l`l`l`l`l`l'I`I`l`I`r1'v1 T0 TIIEWORKING CLASS.-We are now prepnmd to furnlsh all claims with constant employment at home, the whole ofthetim ortbz-the spare moments. Bxuiniunew, light l_e. Pergom ofeitller u-e_x enslly en`rn_f1A-`org H3 Pnssenge:-ts going beyond `Barrie can stop at Allandale twenty minuies for refreshments. usnnvnun u unnnbt FIqur.-$e.5o to $7.00. Wheat,-31.50 to $1.75. Bar1ey.-00 to 85c. Pea.l.-$1 00 to $1.10` Oa.1s.-60'cents. Beef.-$6.75 to $7.50. _ Pom.--$8.50 to $10.00. Pota.toes.-45 to 50 cts. Early Rose.-$1,00. Eggs.-14c. Butter.-22c. }Iides.,--$6.00. V Hay.--$1o.oo to $10.50. Beef-stake.-l2c. ~u..u,... ..1... .... 1 n- DUUl'3llll\U.1l.'U. Mutton-c'ho'ps.---12 . 'c]iKnIAN[ P55 nesmnven. OUR FLAG. HBARIHIIE MARKETS: n.-- . A--- MARRIEI; `aging "?:nsw4 1 ` - DARLEY's ' ~ '.A.re_t'b1a:l:1 on 1-`on HORSES 8: CATTLE. 4 NEVER Ffma REMEDY. Sgconjtii THIS valuable preparation combjnes all the medicinal virtue: at those articles Whlch long ex perience has proved to possess the most sale and eicienl opening for lhecure of Flesh Wounds, Stirains. ruisea. Gall: of all kinds.Cracked Heels, eicient operties {orthecure of Flesh wounas, Sprains, ruises. kinds, Cracked Ring Bone. Spavin. Callous. Fistula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Strains. hameness. Mange, Whitlows,Corns. Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings, and many other diseases which horses and cattle are su$ect to. In: nnlnhrninrl Linim-n! hm: Benin used 10! IIIIIIII IIIDC "IIIIvII IIVIDGU IIIIII width-V -u- sub ect his celebrated Liniment has been used lo! mluv years, and its curative properties thoroughly tested, and it is conceded to be the cheapest 9114 most reliable remedy for all exiernal complaint! ever olfered to the ublic-it never fails when timely used and laithxilly applied. To behad of all Drunista and Countrv Merch- ume Iy used and faithfully applied. Dragging and Country ants throughout the Dominion. Price 25. per . bottle. NORTHROP 65 LY!/IAN; Nxwcuru, ONT: Proprlelorl. Q.-.14 . :. n.....:. L. 141... \1r,....I- A 11 `Paul. I KU}JI IUIVI us Sold in Barrie by mm Woods A v Pal- "I".I");5`m`g`["3B'1'n-`d\g-rd,3. e(<;rgen and Wnl:on 65 Co.; and all m;d1cine de:,dex-fen 6` Bro. cmi%l_l1`:,r J. ueacon, Isradlord; urea medicine dealers. me `amt _N_agsH REMEDY! .103 MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which lhetemale constitution is subject.` 11 moderates all excess and removes nll obstructions and an apt edv cure mav be relied on. T0 MARRIED LADIES `nu nnnnxuny mnuxma itispeculinrlysuiled. It will, in a short time bring on themonlhly period with regulm-ity. These Pills s/mulzl not be Iabm I y /}:ma1.s (Zur- ing the FIRST THREE IVIUNTHS ol lhese [ms slmum not be Ialcrm lg /'rtnmIe.s dur- ing the MI)NTHS oj Prsgnancz/, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carna e, out we any other time they are an e. V -In a I other cases of Nervous and Spinal Affec- `ms. Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on 9ll`!hl exertion, Pallpilnlion oflhe Heart, Hysteric: r..|'l Whites, these ills will elfecl a cure when all nnermenns have failed ; and although a poweifnl remedy, do nol contain lron, calomel, antimony, or . niylhing hurtful to the conslilullon. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. Onn dollar and twplvp nml-n-lmll I-nnlu lnr mint )5.-v?sm"'*` Eva {.1} 1,7-;~s~_;;;* ___.____.__ Jun muana, AVIAW xutus, aunt.` I'KUk KlI'."l`UK. One dollar and twelve and-a-halt cents for post age, enclosed to Northrop St Lyman, Newcastle- Onti, general agents for the Dominion, WI insure in bottle. containing over 50 mll-a. lw rmnrn mnil. ;v,\.u\4|vc\.u -V ---uuuvy wax u nuuu, :.u:vvua.:|u.- wnll 1 bottle, containing over 50 pull-, bv return mail. Soldin _Barrie,b \Valson 6: Co., [`. W. Georgen, A. V. Palmer 55 .0. and John Woods; J Deacon, Bradford; Green 5; Bro., Cmighurst, and all medicine dealers. _ 4-ly J. 1 The Subscriber begs leaxe to acquaint the in- habitants of Barrie and the County at large, that he has on hand a choice lot of fruit trees, viz.--Apples, Pears, Plums and Peaches; also 4 choice sorts of Grape Vines, specially suited for this northern locality; all strong and large, sure to give satisfaction to purchasers. Also a large assortmentof Early and Late Cauliflow- ers and -Cabbage Plants. Early Tomato plants, three weeks earlier than any other, the best sorts known or than money can buy. Who, for 24 years, in the Town of Barrio, has been in the trade, and when all others have failed my plants have givenventire satisfaction. Hoping for con- tinned favors `I _-_..-',. uuuvu In! VI 3 I remain, yours, ' J. LESLIE, Barrie. P. S.--Pex-sons applying now can have a ne ever-bearing raspberry plant which produced an abundant crop last November- Barrie, May 11th, 187]. 18-tf. Tn: Notice ia hereby given that all Notes of Hand and Book Accounts due to the rm.0f Powoll & Thompson must be paid on or before the first ofluly, next, as the partnership ex- pires on_tha.t date. All debts not paid before will be put in suit for collection- Pnwmm. A. '1`lIn\rD:nxr. On Friday the 19th day of May inst, at the hour of Ten o clock in the forenoou. }GONI?EOTl0NEliIES- cw anocnnms.| Bstvgd :1; ix; rstfclam Ifyro. with the best of V ipipkfes and eondlmengs. ' Ivnhdiahind I :-nah Inna Oh In-1-an `vow-1 V \ `IIUIIVB Illlll VUIIIIIBIGI-IVIUQ Vegetables fresh from the garden ver} mo:-niu. _ . "V )lIL pan belud" by `culling at the Store of the.sbon.- ' , ' ` A =:r*9;=-gm. isfko. ao%.:r wuu vu yum Au uuxunr C0llECll0- POWELL & THONPSON- Bmie, my 1111:, 1,871. 18-N- First I 1 ' The Court of Revision ;for the Township Flos will hold its First Meeting for 1871, at |CUM1VIING S sbbidsn ma & eamaj Elmvale, May 8th , 1871. [nmEsHMu1s,| Vcnokp .aND; srmxs M .221. HOURS. .u The. rived, and the Clerk of-' be had by callin ' Peace, in _ _,._,... ,1 . Uqpr 01$/(at the Clerk of the Pence, , Barrie, 8th May, 1871. The subscriber has recently retted and re- furnished the Hotel recently occupied by James Curlykgnnd supplied the bnrwith the choicest brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars. - i3'Good Stablingnnd attentive hostlers; COLI.`\' (`.HAm'.I:`nn1q~ `THE POST OFFICE CHOP I` HOUSE BARR-IE. V. 1~T.;; i 141-13`: 1) 0M IN 101: H`o%U SE CHARLEBOIS` HOTEL." ' PEXETANGUISHENE. ' _ ` ' J. (il{b'EN, W Lieutenant. Commanding, N0- 1 Qompany, 35th Ba`.'.:.1ion Head Quarters, Bame. M5-__-; `mg, 1371. 17.. ~--vwjo Nun 2\hnerti5c111cx1t}. )LANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS! whecavha has always. ready all kindof 'O'I`ICE.` IOTICE. Q1019 T0 MAGISTRATE; KING respectfully informs the public that he has taken the premises next to the . POST4OFIE_`ICE_, Efnrtlgern 3IAI1mnce.`| pteuv cure De rencu LADIES Iulinu-lvsulilpd. Ilwill. in n I. / V No. 1 ).Hen.vy Mar Shed on th a.m., for I_nspectiou. Company will :hing Order, at the Drill 9 24th inst., gt 9_ o'clock Evry available man must be present. parade in. u.u.|., nu 1`upECll0l]. Iqnu gust be present, DO;sters. I171e!'s, Sardines, J-0., ALWAYS READY. `10MPANY onmms. ' } _, HOT AND COLD. A choice neck of nugtma attentive hostler COLIX CHARLEBOIS.` Mnv 4th 1971 1'1 9 it three former sessions The action taken by the Roman Catholics of this Parish to establish a burial ground near or outside of the town limits was a wise and commend- able one," showing a prudential fo re- A thought which should be an example to other religions bodies here, and which is likely, we believe, to be fol- lowed before long. We ' understand that at a late nieeting of -the Episcopal Church Vestry a committee was ap- 7po.nted to consider rmdreport upon this question; and whatever sugges-' lion the repnrt tobemade may other-` T `wise make on the subject, we cannot doubt but that it will favor the general a principle of having grave-yards as far removed from the business centre and peprtlaled parts ofthe town as possible; V `mu-.- ... . hm; m- H1-rah wave it iztes are now priviliged WM. HARVEY. '7nnm"-..I..J 7K 0! I "Count nh(-on ) " J. GREEN, -COmmandin:r ugnuru 5-ly. Pence, kc! Sima uucu, f\Simcoe. Iuuv VI I ,1 * 'Bm Q-.o`,uj3 ! pniihl. 2;`, 5:6, ig;j:,;:_':'_;%_ BY-LAWNO. E`; provide for tilt` 19auepf De- bentures to -the` amount of Twenjyjive Thousand .D_ol- 7...-5 Ann 119.11 n-F I124: 5'1:-fnnonnn DIVISION COURTSSSIOUNTY SIMCOE. l "'7 ' 7 ' ' O ' J ~ WHEREAS the extension and completion of the Midland Railway of Canada, from Bauer- ton, passing through the Township of Tny, would be of manifest benet und advantage to this Municipnlity,and greatly conduct to the prot and prosperity of its inhabitants : And wherauil inc idenuhnt the n is Rnllu v pron: Bnu prosperity or us Iuuloluuu : And whereuit ilo identlhat the I ii Balls: y will notbe so extended or completed without the aid and assistance of the mnnicipnlities through which it may pen. and it is desireble that such aid should be afforded by this muni- cipality to the extent of twenty-five thousand dollars, by way of bonus, as hereinafter pro- vided-; And eehm-nan it in nnnnnanrt In nun In n ght uuuu`; And whereas it is neoemlry to creme I debt ofthle municipality to the said amount of twenty- ve thousand dollars for the purpose aforesnid by the issue of Debentures to that smount ; And whereas (hernia nn nintina dam nwinc y BUB IHSLII: Ul UCUEUIUKUI I0 1035 IHIOUD` ; , And whereas there is no existing debt owing by this tnulicipnlity, nor any amount. due or in arrears either for principal or interest of In] such debt; AMI mhm-mm 01.. 5-.-: . _ . . ._. _-_..s,_.: ._ sucu In-um`, And whereas the total amount required to be raised Bnblillj by special ring for pgyiug the said debt and interest thereon, as herein- aftexj provided is two thousand seven hundred and fty dollars. And whereas the nmnnno A! sh. ..t...t- ..o.- auu lil L)" U01 IEIS. And whereas the amount of the whole ratc- able property of this municipality, according to thoinst revised asseslment roll, being the roll for the Year Of Our Lord One Tbouggud Eight Hundred and Seventy, wgg on. hundred and eighty-one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars, [ll,280]. - . And whereas an nnmml ......:.i -..., Al` lung ergmy uolmrs, [1Il,Z25U]. - And whereas an annual specinl ute of one and a. half cents and two-tenth: of I mill on no dollar upon the whole rateable property of this municipality will be necessary and required for paying the interest, and forming an equal yearly sinking fund sufficient for paying o'the princi- pal of the said deb _ twithin the period of twont years hereinafter limited in that behalf, nccor - -ng to the provisions of the Act passed in the zeasion of_ Parliament held in the twenty-ninth and thirtieth years ofller Majesty's reign. en- titled An Act respectimr the _ Munlcipnl Ineli- tutionsof Upper Ca.na.da." 88 ll. therefor-'9 Orrin -H rd and .....--A-..I |-- AL- 41'/UIUF `-151/5 `JIUUDICIJIIIU `IV. lars in aid 0 `the Ezterzsion of the MID AND RAIL- WAY OF CANADA from Beaverton to lundgj Bay on the Georgian Bag. nvnnnu AG AL. .. -....l.._ -...l -_..._I-n-_ -0 tuuuuuun upper ua.naaa." Be it thereforb orda'n(d and enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Townsbi of Tay, and it is hereby ordained and enncte by auzhorily oflhe same, as follows :- I. Bv-Law -Aha nnm- l--an AB!--A ------ Has re>ceijfe:d a:'fu1l Stck of _. J -.-.u uulhll uvulu IIJHJ CHOICE P011 and from and afterthe rstday ofJnly, in the Year of0ur Lord 1871 II. It shall be the duty of the Reeu-of this Municipality, and he is hereby alztlfrized end required to issue or cmisc to be iesn-.-I Deben- tures oftbis municipality to an amount not ex- ceeding in the whole the sum of Twenty-ve Thousand Dollars, insume not less than One Hnndred Dollars each, bearing interest at the .-ate of six per cent. per nnhum, and `mude pay-' able on the First. day ofJuly, which will be in the year ofOur Lord 1891. I. The said I).-hnnln-.. ..L..n ...... .!_-IA yuan` In uur Laura 1631. Ill. The said Debentures shall respectively be sealed with the Seal of this Corporation, Ind aigned by the Reeve, and counlersigned by the I`re_aaurer of this municipality, and shall but date respectively on_ the day on` which this By- Law shall take effect. and shall be made pay- able to the boa:-ex tbereofrespectively. IV. There shall hp ntlnrhnrl an n... .-:.a n.. ame U) we ova:-ex mereot respectively. - shall be attached to the said De- bentures, coupous for the payment of the said lntetest half-yearly during the currency of the Said Debentures, whrcb coupons shall be made payable at the otlice of the Bank of Montreal at Toronto, on the first day of July and the first January in each year. V. ltnhnll ha {ha dnlvnfilm 17-..-.. 1'... AL- JHLIUIIIJ ILI CIIUU jCur- V. ltshull be the duty of the Reeve for the time being. by the order and with the sanction of this Council, expressed by Resolution to that effect to advance and transfer the said Deben- tures, by way of bonus to the said The lvlidlnnd Railway ofCensdn, at such times and in such sums oi-amounts as must be deemed molt con- ducive to the object in view to be by the said Railway Company pledged, hypothoclted, sold, or converted into money to be used and expend- ed by the said Railway bompnny in construct- ing, extending and completing the said Railway through the Township of Toy, to Mundy Buy. - VI. It. shall also be the dutv of the Run II An In: uinu Ill -I-ovv'N'% ohthel said Turn. on. `oekho Township or Innisa: 1s'n,will be held at..Adun `J, Villngo of `Victoria, In still" `Mondsy,'22nd dayigufgy jut.` v - vlglvll not C nu. vv|I' "" .`n _ or BARBIE Tow"WmbehOldfnthe' T jg. - -`- vunuc IIIIII AIIWII FRIDAY, the 19:}. Jay. of May, 7 1: L *9 1 `.!1!'! Mn-7 ~ 1 n `IA:-nu-an Barrie, my 3111, I371. Lurougn tne xownmlp OI 1'3)`, to Mundy Bay. duty of the Reeve, with the sanction of this Council, expressed as aforesaid, for and on behalf of this municipa- lity, to take from the said Railway Company such security as may be azreod upon for the due application of the said Debenlgres and the proceeds thereof in and about the construc- tiou and extension of the said Railway as afore- said. __._ ; MOVING NORTH: MOVING soum 1 Read Downwnrds. Read Upwards. -- all `g_ p LIUU ll said. \' I I Ill: VII. That for the purpose of forming a sink. ingfund for the payment of the said Debonturra t by this Municipality, and the interest to become due thereon at the rate aforesnid,| a qpecbnl mtg ofone and oue-hal_f cents and two-tenths 0! A . mill on the dollar shall, in addition to 111 other rates, be rai.1ed, levied and collected in each year on all the rateable property in the id .\{unicipnlity during the oontinmnco or cur- rency of the said Debentures, or. any of them. VIII. The -sand sinkinz fund nnd Inn-.'nl not wrong rue votes or me said Electors, and should also name a Returnln Officer or Oicers, to take the votes of the said lectors at (evory)~' such place. Be it therefore enacted and ordain- ed that the said votes shall be taken on the Fifth day of June, now next ensuring, at the fol- lowing places, to wit:-At the Town Hall. Penetanguishene, for the First Electoral Divi- sion; and at the School House, on Lot No. 3, Con. 6, of Tay, for the Second Electoral Divi-~ sion; commencing at the hour of Nine o'clock, :t.m., and closing at Five o'clock p.m.. of. the same day. and` that Mr. Charles Ross, Towa- ship Clerk, of the `mid Municipality be Return- ing Oilicer for the First Electoral Division; and Mr. Mark Voscy be Returning Officer for the Second Electoral Division. KBICDIS. Parties now in occupation of lot; no rgqgind to secure the same by purcbau forthwith. "HIDE! U Ytiivnnu rency 01 we sum ueuaulures, or. or them. sinking fund and special rates,`and the proceeds thereof; shgll be applied solely to the payment of such Dgbenmreg and the interest thereon, until such Dpbgntures nnd interest shall be fully paid and discharged, And whereas it is necessarv that {EA Inn..- luu-run auuu uc Iuuy palu nun msquargea, necessary that the forego- ing by-law shbuld receive the asient or the elec- tors of this municipality be{o:e the nal phasing lhereof, and tlmtlhia Council should by this By- Law x the day, ind hour, and place or places, for taking the votes of the said Electors, and ahnnld Alan names a Rnfnrnlnu nm... ..- nm........ --j:-tiill The Above is; true copy of: By-Law to L. taken into consideration by the Council of this Municipality after one month from the first n_g',.._ Iicalion thereof in the following n,ewap}ier, _ViZ.' T!::- Northern rlvance, pub!i.sh`et_l in the Town ofBnrrie, the data oiwhioh publicstion` was 'I`hur`sday, the 11th dnfof May, A.D., 1871, and that the Votes [of the Electors of the said municipality will' be taken thereon, at the Town Hall Pcnetnnguishene, for the First Electoral Division, and at the School House, on Lot 3;`; 3) Con. 3 of Toy, for the Second Electoo-at Divi-. s1on,onAthe Fifth dayof June, non nut ensu- ing,` commencing at the hour of Nine o`cloak,_ a.m., and closing at Five o'clock, p.m., of tho. same day, ' Dated this Fifth day of . May, 1871. CHARLES ROSS; _ "lbwnship C'Icrk,._ Barrio. Mu 11th. um- .. ruin 18-4ln nus-nu. a open f: A man! Bax-rig, May lI_tb, 1871-.` '1`HUR!S.I-)AY, MAY 11`, 187i. N I` ' h reby given 1hnt.tln its! $1 0 lo. "111: Court. of Revigjon for` the n` Tfgliime _X.X J . 1oUR'rAo1f REVISION, ... .. mu 5.-.g.uuu} .. .'1i'gS _or -v1cm'm; aid" nday, 22nd day; only .lnIt., I. ' .___._.._._.-__,.__ 1oi`_61}-1i1EvIs1oN. ].V_fmO"I'I<;C:2~E_I. " ' .1 V _ QJLI of.the snid_'l`own, on. '. the 192}; Am. ..r M. uc, us zouows 7 shall come into effect. upon 'the rstdav ofJn1v. in tho 7 pul'Ul-IBIU lllrinwnno mugs. n.JoHfzsoN, ' Juislant Cdmmiuioncr '5 . f I. 2.5.3:3'i.. `I 'l_mn j.Tg;,TJ:;r;,"'"'!,x,,.u, ' :Penet_anguishene P.O. 1.1151, 1 VI i" ?'>,. 01' CHI ' I 2 mu and 5775.3. 18-Ain, ";TtToTnEI7Ea_vd. -` i Barrie PA) . ` 1 _ - __ _-- ----|` j!fR.0bE1`t MeConcby, . _| Bradfotd_ P.O. Thqse in want of SPRING & summma Goons` Ia -G1{A-\7E-~I;1T.i 1.;3`(:3A"_I>`V.VZ @.\hhn _ CONNECTIONS. ~ .... _..-_..v, REFRESHMENTS. _B.` HINDS- May, 26, 11 vs. _lJuly 21, 11:1 1. .`\n as. -|'_.'.;'.'.._,'_T._.__. " June, '26, '11 3.111. u_`Auq, 23,116). _|__:_ ____._. .-.>. .1 __- ot~.;.;72T I, (.U,11 a.u1. ,14, 11 am` fying` the` ground proceeded with if for no other_ reason than to ob tain.as` speedy (return as possible for the outlay. UITL- .;_-An.-_' _..:_'l_L L- _..L n. 01:`: CARPETS " """"` `DU llvaruenuv Av: Itllv Ilhiiou- - The `mattermight be put in this j shape:-First` get the di'erent re- ligious bodies to agree . to close their present burial places as soon as the ` cemetery should be ready for use, then formacompany, the capital of which might" be about $4000 divided into-. shares of $50 or $100, the subscribers to be selected as far as possible from amongst all the denominations in- tending to use the Cemetery, so that each could be represented on the ex_- ecutive committee or board which would be appointed by the shareholders to manage the aair. -1 __,,I1 L- -__ _`.--- .....a4..- in nvnun -v uuuu-u-bu -..- .......... It wou1_d'be an easy matter to prove ` that the stock in such a company would pay the holders handsomely, but we should hope that the majority of sub- scri|;ers'would be-inuenced in taking` shares more by the` desire to promote an undertaking of great advantage to the town than to make. a. good invest- ment. ' Au; -1. `\a\n` Pnrnv. llnw u -. At present there are at least four-' burial grounds within the limits of the S i\I'unicipality,,each seperated. from the 1 others, so that no united action can be 1 taken to bestow upon the resting places I of our dead that care {and attention l which we should all like. to see given 1 to such an object, even if their locality was not in itself objectionable in all c.r~es.V Every congregation in the town appears to haveits hands full `at present, either building or paying for what it has built, so that it wmld evidently re- quire a united action on the part of all to accomplish the object we write, of ' and would wish to advocate. There can be no ,qnestion as to its desirability, and it must also be admitted that the sooner tamovementis made in the matter. the better, as the clearing, fencing, levellingand plantingiof the ground must necessarily take some years to accomplish. I IWHIS anu nun. at. RAWSO1\"B. THE DETROIT l{iVER TUNNEL. The `Great Western Railway olCan- nda and the Michigan Central Railway A , L__....... \ua\rnr\IA.V' U.Ul1 Lulu un; LVAl\JIAl&uuu v~...-.... _...__ , of the United States having recently entered into co-partnership for a period , of twenty years, nd that in order to compete withrival lines,` and to ensure ;_ P for lhen1selves,at least, a fairvshare of:. y public "patronage, that. it is necessary to l have a more speedy` and convenient mode of crossing the Detroit River from ` Windsor to Detroit. ,-'I`his, with the I present-connection the Great Western 4 has at the Suspension Bridge with the New York Central Railway, will make , one unbroken line `between New York `1 and Chicago. Formerly this was the ` case too. certain extent, that is, they ran through freight with as much despatch as V was possible and at special rates, but now each company nds itselfto give allthrough freight into the other hands, and to receive none from` anyrother company. Any one who hashad occasion to cross over to the" United States by way of Windsor will have noticed the great inconvenience, even in the season of navigation, at- tending theconveyance of passengers as __. t_..:..1... (mm nifhnr amp tn ll LULIUUIE tuv-uvuvu.-,.....-.. -- r..__-.,,_, aswell as freight from either side t the other,Vand the necessity of having either a tunnel or bridge at three con- structed. The "great obstacle which would arise from the construction of the latter is that it would necessarily have to be provided with draws. which would greatly increase the liability to accident, and even at the best would bea serious hinderance to navigation. .When it was found therefore that the building of the tunnel was practicable it was at once decided upon as the plan best adapted to the interest of all parties. At present in order to save transhipment of through freight and give through pas- sengers as little annoyance as possible, the cars of both` `are conveyed over the river on a large steamer used expressly for that purpose. `To obviate this great difficulty, however, is the. reason why these companies intend building this immensely large tunnel which, when completed, will be one of the largest of the kind in -existence, the following description of which is taken from the Detroit Trizme :-- .- 1 . . - IJIIUE lllualuflfy` QHXGHIUQVU 01 ~.` "__ ` ` - `- :3;;_dialhg`1ujIl).!`n':`%; "=7 68 .000 IDBIOQVHI--~'nn !\'nnn 9`; UIIUVI IIIU IJCII UI IIIU IIVCIO In addition to the main tunnels, El small drainage tunnel,-with an interior- diameter of ve feet, will he built, _ex-- tending . acmss the rivet rconsidenbl ye" below the main-lanes and midway be-' tween them; r'l?his' ;will'ba rstlcozi- ` strueted in; order 10 drain the main . tun ne1`s1while'~i th`e Twoik? progress, :as" ' well Jae =.-aud,al8oe to dove`-.. 39 ', `mtm`?' `cag:{gak;`--~ v -- 'Lam.nc.'um!... : . _ _ _ . -_. lopajefgla the eharanteiof the soilfnt`thef : 1*; `Would do well to examine those Goods at the Dominion House. IIIHFIHFIJ LG 36 lUuVVVB_3" ' V` = V'_ i: f-.. . :1? ~ cn bi"aYd_v Excgvntionrin` 'qs`anIoat`tiag;~. 299.5000; .Exgv1;;ion: in 4tllIihbl'u`7f:.";J,"5 .< pal) ..~Bri9'l!`~i`i!i$8ii9y;iti}uvz'o{:;fr.7s;; .-z; 3 - 3: ".43 r.*f2i`h'iHHH h`5iliii'B "n.,':.-Hum ': sImnm s,.usun.:,nvI:u:_uu.I:`uuul'I.uu WKlI'lq `. _' ',i: 6`mstYmatps 1 {gr ' exouvanjq anti mg , uuryara&s1Bllows:-:"*:. .- T - 11 ;.,~.: .-.-...-;._-.:u.u.r -v.-.- _. --V.-- The length of the tunnels from De- i troit to the Canada. portals will be each , 8,568 feet, The engineer has propose 1 ed the coiistrlictjon oi two single track ~ tunnels, entirely seperate,` instead of one larger one sufcienttoaccommodatep a double track, because by this plan l1e_t0l8.l).lI10UI'lt,QfeJ$0aVatl0Il`Will be considerably reduced,_the liability to ac- cident will be greately lessened, and also for _the important consideration . that in the` event ofany accident or any obstruction occuring in one tunnel the other will still be ready tor'us_e and the passage of trains be not even temporaily prevented. The tunnels will be cylin- ` ' (let in form, and will run _p:_tra1lel; 50 feet apart. ' The int:-rior diameter of each is 18 feet_6.inches. The sheel of brick masonary,will be 2. feet thick in, all that pan "of the line under the bed of the .'iver.but at each bank this will be reducedto 1 foot (5 inches. . -,,.,,,j_j L, L....- 51-- a.-.....'I Nails and Hardware` of all ` .. n A \vsm\"R_ - uu nzuuucu LU J avvv V nwucoo / _ It is-notintended to have the tunnel at any point within less than 20 feet of the surface at the hard ola,y. ` An ex- amination showsthat at one point of the line the `distance is conslderably less than this; Itnvis propasedto ll ~in'- tlus depression of the river bed with clay to n sn_fIiGient' dept` to` insure against any ;possibiiity of accident. ' Tho nuns:-In imnnn Vin fhr nn Ann}: ah-In `"'%i $}Z3;"isn2?}i}' on em side of the river, with;-'1,000 feet of 'leve_lv under the bed of the riveg; ` ; ` __ _J.I2A!-__ .A_ AL- ...__.._ L._.,,, I _ at ieast four kinda, vry che:;p A atone shaft, 10 feet in interior diameter, will be sunk In each bank of the river, midway between the main tunnels, and connected with them by _ internal shafts, each with an e interior diameter of nine feet. The engineer estimatewthat without sinking any working shaft in the river,"the work nan kn nnnlnlnfa` `villain turn vnnrn. NOTED FUR CHEAP GOODS. WUIDIIIE GIIGIIVV III lull? IIVUI ll]? VVVIII can be completed within two` `years, allowing a maxgin for extra precaution where the water is deepest. - Thu Aalfrnnfn for than nhfirn ya`!-mt nf `VIIUIU LIIU UUIIBUI ID CU UDIII V The estimates for the entire cost of the tunnel and approaches, Including a permanent double track, with steel rails, right of wayvetc., amountito `$2, 560,000; It is thought that it will re-. quire about_two years to complete the tunnel. ` ' j Considerable `opposition has for many years been manifested amongst the Several rival lines of Rallways forming connecting links between New York and Chicago as to whlclfshould succeed , L -1` in obtaining the largest amount of through traffic. Communication like this, however, established -between these `companies places them in such 3. position that in point of expedition and cheapness they need be surpassed by 110118. - . .. uvuvu ' . An act of incorporation fur the con- struetion of the `above, havingfor direc- ada, has already been obtained from the Dominion Parliament. The requisite funds \t7ill, of course, be obtained in Bri'ain, it being supposed that it can be had there at _an interest of not more than six per cent. That,` with the ad- vanlage gained by dispensing with the . feiriage and the certninincrease in the . that this tunnel will in a few years P amply repay the entire cost of construc- tion. ' ` tors anumber of gentlemen of the : United States as well as those of Can- - - amount of business, it is _anticipated' The Cayuga. Chief, Iron Mower, as made by Patterson & Bro., is said to be the beat on the Continent.` Never was beaten at a trial. G. J BEATTIE. Agent, Barrie. ` Our readers will remember that spe- cial firovisions were made for the-hold; mg o_fthe election for choosing a repre- sentative for the Algoma District in the Local Legislature of Ontario. Cir- cumstances rendering it impossible" for this election` to take place at the same time as the other "elections were held. throughout the Province. The elec- tion terminated as was {generally sup- ` posed, in the return of a Ministnalisl; iMr. F. VV. Cnznlmrlnml, of Toronto, having been on he 5?h ins- ., re elected` l by acclznnatiou. mo other c:,;ndid:ue.~, E Messrs. A. M; Smith, of Toronto, and i. W. Caruey,,_of Algoma, were also pro- : posed for this position: but both declin- l t ed to acceptvthe nomination, ` U House C`LEA'NIVNf`-.--A splendid gloss is pro- duced by Palmer's Liquid . Lustre, which, with ` little trouble makes y_our furniture look as good oannnr `2!'mf.i:, nnr bottle. . Palmer 8: 00.. trouble makes turmture IOOK as goon as new. 25ct's. per bottle. 00., Druggists, Barrie and Angus. _ STORMY. . I The weather still keeps-so cold that _ there is scarcely any veget.1tion,.nn'd wind storms are more frequent than is usual in this month. -Part of the rail way track between the station and Al- " landale was` washed away last - week owing to the violence of an easterly storm, and for about 24 hours no train came into the town. The lumber-` men who have timber or logs in the bay have had to keep a sharp watch af- ter the booms. - V [ij-TFirst` House Eaot Bank Toronto. ,_._._..-_._..._._......___..____..._. ,, ____. -. _.__.._____..._.._.__._.___ r We are pleasedto see that Mr. Vair has largely increased his -area of glass since last fall,.and `that his stock of owers and plants: of all descriptions is now such as would do credit to a city nursery. The popular taste for flow- ers is apparently increasing, judging by the quantity he is selling daily. We shall be glad to see such an `enterprise as that Mr. _Vairl13.s engaged in suc-_ cced here; not only on account of the proprietor, but also, because wehave long maintained that there was'no.bet-y ter place in theyProvince for a nursery, than`Barrie, and we naturally wish to see our opinion prove to be correct. Two Quasrrorae Egsugy ANswr:ru:p.- Why should men wear beards? Because they , am 3 great protection to the throat and lungs, . and lucid Amutcfe to their gersonal appearance, Whqehould we use Brya2 a Ralmonie Wafers? Because when used for conglni, golds, tickling in the throat, ho;arseneee,' &c. ; 'lbeyact like a charm. Ministers and Law- yereuee u1em,'f>hyei_ciuns recommend them; ~ ~Bnd eingercend public epeelrers pay tlteyere the `ery Ibe_et`medicnne,m existence` for. the 1 nureiofeuctr cor_I_:pl_gicts._ _old_ by.|llircedjcine 8! ` l V _ ` . L H3113 mm 1131' I as RAWSO_N S. The Johnson Raper; ame as made Vb'y`Ps.t- terson, too}; lst Priqe nta three days Reaping Match in the United States, opentp the World; .G. J. BEA'l`TIE,>Barrie, Agent. _ The best London washed whiting should be aged fot`v(hiteV-washing. The addition of-Rose 'Pi'nk,`Spini'Ih'ReI\0r1eeleaal Blue make Abun- lifnl Ihules if delited bo\c9lonr,.the wplll; The Axbmnrsiclss an to. W!-41 frvm '1 Rnar: 4`. 00a -.Dr9xgi;mrrie 1329 Mrs` ' - A . ' * ii; and Hnrdwsie of-"Ill kind! `vnyvcbeap " ,3. . L` V "Ton strong points supporting the use of Fellows_ Compound of Hypuphoephites are, that while it takes immediate hold upon the syslem,'tn stiruulatmg the Liver, regulating and strengthening the muscles ofA.th._e _Heart, ?to:nat:gr,L,.unge,_ c., rtthae no tlebijluagrig ei- ec un er-any crrcums ances ' an w to is continued use is marked by`the general ' toning of the eystem.. without. producing constipating effects, it may be stopped at any time without the usual disagreeable effect foll wing the discontinuance of some otherwise qraluable tonice. These characterisliqe are .particularly valuable to consurnptives and other debilitated inyalide, and are peculiar to this preparation ' Kim: WILLIAM, EtttPtmon.-`-'l`he States of ."Germauy, Northern and Southern, have named King William, Emperor. This may heagreatand distinguished honor, which, we surmise is satisfactory to both parties; but we doubt whether as rnany'heartt'elt blessings of gratitude will be showered on his Imperial Highness as is constantly bestowed on he who manufactures the Great Sltushoneea Remedy god i!t_s,. from those whohave been cured y his wonderful . medibine. The Great Shosihonees Rerriedyi and'PtIls thoroughly renews and tttvigorates ghe mind and body. `May 1 mo.` Buy Fatb:son) & B:-_) s, Machines. You can get apy pieces at Beatue a,in Barrie. Don't i be like some who have bought other machines and` have them idle qll. harvest for want of repairs. R- J. REATTIE. Barrie. Agent- . pave mam lune q,u- asrvesi wt 15 G, J. BEATTIE, Barrie, Ageqty Northern I .ai1wavTime `Table. LVIIHB ll mum` at RAWSON `S. THE ALGOM;-`ELECTION. Nils and Hardwiire of -all kinds, very cheap Lt RA'WS0N S. ' Ngils nd Hm-dw'are"of all kinds, very cheap kt RAWSON -A - BARBIE NURSERY. -v --v ---.---. _ Again, I beg tolenclose you a copy of waspresented to the Hon. Wm. `Mc- Master by the deputation, Messrs. Lewis Moatt and Haniug Kennedy, and I regret that Mr. McMaster was obliged to decline the honor conferred upon him. He expressed his regret that his numerous occupations prevent- ed him giving the subject that time and attention it demanded. HeAwish- " ed the project well, and he would give it his most hearty support.` Yours, most obedient, 'Si'n,-In reply to `the article in your . paper of the 4th inst., The Canal - a reqnestion and the signatures which. ` Toronto, May V9th,1871.; `A T9 the Editarof the Northern Advance... ~. ed to take the chair: /' a. &vn- (co15v.) A Toronto, April] 28, 1871. To the Honorable. Wm, McMaster, Sma- tor of the Dominion of Canada.` ySm,-As it is frequently `remarked 1 that the majority of the inhabitants of ` the City of Toronto" and its vicinity 3 are opposed to the Huron and Ontario Canal Policy, when. it is well known that nine-tenths of them are in favor thereof. We the undersigned Met-. chants, Professional men, Traders, and others of the above city and its vicinty, hereby desire to call a public meeting to express our sentiments on the sub- ject, and would feel much `honored it you `would permit yourself to be invit- SIGNED: Motfatt Bros. & Co.Wm. Hessin, Samson,Kenn_edy .&'I`hornas Laily & Co Gemmel, Andrew Mower, James Crowther. G. M. Hawke, E. Hooper &, Co., Thomas Dick, Robert Hay & Co.,E. Ryersnn, D.D., James Michie, E. 85 C. Gurney, ' Campbell 85 Capels,A. &S, Nordheimer Mellville Fair 85 CoF. W. Coate &. Co .1 . 'Gillespie`& Co., Jos. Sheard, Mayor George Mnchie &: CoGeo. T. Dennison, J. D. Merrick & CoH. J. Howland, Thomson & Burns, J enning9&Bra.ndon n-.,_ rn....|. x. no hnhhnn Kr. Carrie. Thomson 0; burns, auuurugsuousuuuuu H Copp, Clark 65 Co Dobbee 85 Carrie, .1 P. Patterson Ward-A. Fisher, 0 ' en, 00. of York,` J no. Charlesworth, 3 W. R. Howland, &: 00. f P. Howland, C. P. `Reid Sc Co J. F. Ramsay, M.A.Joseph Stovell, 9 IncumbentofJohu Heudin, 5 Newmarket, ' Rich`. L. Dennison, `, W. & R. Griith, A W Laudin,M.P.P McCrosson & Co [James Beaty. Jr., 1 W. J. Macdonell, S. Rose, 1 O Keefe & Co E. Wood, D.D., G. D. James, Nelson Gotham, J. I John Whittey, P., Newmarket, ~ . Fred. W. J a r v is ,T. D. McConkey, : Sheriff, _Co.' of M.P. York, Wm. Lount, " ` (James Tills, W. D. Ardagh, M. William Cawthra,` P.P. _ Fred. C. Capriol, W.B.Smith,Sheri" Tennison & Hunter Co. of Srmcoe, .> John Catto &. Co A. Bonltbee, M.P P A} Thornton Todd, Jas. Metcalfe, M.P. A . Taylor [Captain].Iames Leslie, ' Robert Walker, Samuel Plait, ' Joseph D. Ridoat, H. J. Morse & Co., Buntin, Brother &Thomas J. Preston, I`:-` ' ` -11`. H; Mnfnnlf. {any}; {0}l!d :b_a ' Vfmthggljigg, ht Lon`ce,_ `We?- ikiof-iuitptoviug qnai-beau? TVORTHERN A%DVA%NCE,BARRIE. LJIIIILIII IJIVUIIVL -av .- Co` ` F D.,King.L ` E Damer, King. & Co Farmers 1 Patterson : J obnson . Reaper and the Iron Mower took lat Prize and Diploma at the Exhibition last Full. Repairs always in shop at Barrio. G. J. BEATTIE._B:m-ie, Agent. vg.--._.____ , The 6th.D1v-isichm Court of the Co. of Simcoe was held at Oril1i.1 on Mon- day, the 1st of May, inst. His Honor . Deputy Judge John Ardagh presided over the Conrt._ The tollowing cases are a. few of the more.important casegz n rv. -.- 1\1.'1_.... am a. Aavv_ V1 u-u -nu...-..--r-....--. ____-,_, ` Wilson, Thomson, 4- 00. vs. Nelson.- 4 This was an action tor a balance of a 1 store account. Mr. S. S. Robinson ob- jection to the jurisdiction of the Court on the ground that the balance claimed was a balance of an unsettled account of over two hundred dollars, and also objected that the Plaintiffs had not fur- nished particular items of account. Judgment reserved. Mr. Boulton and Mr- Evans appeared for the Plainti s; and Mr; S. S. Robinson for the Defen- i dant. _ 'Spe_e7-st vs. W; W. J'acIcsan.-This was action for wages and wrongful dis- missal. Verdiot by jury for Plaintiff . for $40.35 Mr. S. S. Robinson for Plainti, and Mr. Evans for defendant. nrnmmnnn am .Qna;Jtrmn._;Ag11onfor 4 Naaaina sndyheo? 1a11`kin.-"a .%*?`l`7?9..'? ` .-`. VThe earlhlu said to be `gyoving smaller. In two llyonund millions ofyetrl at will be as until u Rhode Island, wlma they are Enlnublovto njnool_woodoonk' with the ~6n9a_L 3'; 'bi:dT9l;9_t_ fo;,.fogVr,nl`.slhootiqgintq_ some ol_h [ 7 :5l"`:.!`l:?Lj -T K ._ . - .': ` I'J?lldt.he;_! - Kathe!-1! Moths:-II! Why don't you get me some of those W9r;n Pqwderl V that are doing every onolo lunch goqd- T0 59 Imor Palmer -.1; oo., lledicni Digpemufy, Bariia sud Amrnu. IIICIOI KIIIIIEK ` `Barrie and Angus. QUUIUSUII uancu IUIFII IIUJUUII-llfiilllo phe usua} term 9 no. mom 0 1:93;. Case adjourned, Mr for defendant. ~ _ ._. : Tgd];ope vj. McHI`agh.;-Acuon f0! alnrn nnnhnnt Illrlnmnnt for lninli.

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