Pursuant to an order in the Court of Chancery ' made in the matter of the Estate of Alexander Perry and in a cause Perry vs. Perry, the credi- tors '0! the said Alexander Perry, late of the Township 0! West Gwillimbury in the C.ounty of 8lmcoe-who died in or about the month of March, 1867- -are on or before the 10th day of February, 1871, to send [by post. pre-paid, to Messrs. Boulton, Lount, Boys, and Stewart, ol the Town of Barrie, the Solicitors of the defen- dentutlexander Perry the administrator of the deceased, their Christian. and Surnames-`lad. I dreuee and decriptiona, the full par'. .i:,ulare -of _ their claims, a statement of their account, and, the nature of L securitiee (if any) held by them, or in defau thereof they will be p}emp- torlly excluded from the benet of the said order. Any creditor holding any security is to roduee the name before me at my Chambers on wen Street, in the acid Town of Barrie, on the 24th day of February, 1871, at 11 o'clock in the ` fqrenoon, being the time appointed for adjudica- ' tion_ on the claims. ' . - D-W =0 14111 dd: 3 J. R. course, of January. 1871. aster at Barrie" In Ovgmoats, _ .. . jFan`c_-;y `Tweed Suits,-I Etgo'y and Grey Pants; 'Kr.1itte Shirts, Drawers} .8u_=-Q % Mqns gnd Boys*.'1_?e1t Hats`, }` Cloih Caps, 22 lbs. `Rice for $1. ['25 lbs; Pot Barley for $1. BOTTLED ALESI A130 *9. choice and varied assortment of fresh T ]ma.@@am@sg.4 THE BEST BRANDY, 2; T BUM, ' ]@3~@@1@EREfs.113 W7@1E-1`JT8i [ W T FINEST |P0BTLAND mm w1N1:s,j [a0@%msaa1@@l UDHIFI-' 1111' IT. as 1 o AMERICAN AGRILUI. TURIST, issued monthly, in of asimilar character to - Hearth and Home, though entirelydierent in its en- gravings and reading mat- ter, and hu loss ofourrent ` news. It in full of useful information for ever man, Woman and `Chi , in City, Vlllnue And Oounlrv. Em-I1 T151b8oB| ,-st New Ctlrranfs (Not OH ' Fruit,) for $1. A 10' lbs- Bet Coffee Sugar for 10' lbs. Fresh Layer Raisins fair 81: Pure Fresh Ground Coffee, our own Grinding at 25 ct: per lb. V ' LABRADOR mnml A hrge 15` of japlendid Black Teai at all prices. A'._[`ha`t Extra Jupa` ~ ' . `. ` `Te'a'in` Pamela of 5 lbs. at 70 cts._ 'Sa1mor.1"'I`rout , Gocferich Salt,_} RY II 2? ti Be `sure aqd `go: to: the,` Thatlst Class Young Hy:son~K Tea in Parcels of 5 lbs..at 65 cts_. Sim ,0? ms ter:Ps*-?xJ.% f Village and Oountry. Each Number has 44 great pages, and n corofnl estimnte shows that it contains as much printed matter as 28 Books, costing omo cnchi Yet on account of _ g;-7 its immense circulation, T unrpuain that of way other aim or journal in the world, it in supplied to re lar subscribers for only 3 .50 a your, or fonroo ion for $5.00. More - than Alli lion Pooplo oon- gtntg road thin Journal- wi profit and delight. It in no rollshlo, so full of uuhfnlmiyfmmatlgr, tgtt it pou c any on} to rud_:he Juteriauh` znculturu 5 you wit ' out getting hints and ung- -gutiono that will y hack , may Dollml you - lnvoitnot, ltngoon ; ` It}: just on oath Annul Volume 7 nowia tho tlunoto ., p N. B N.Bo.-Haolmad Hnu,snd Ana-L , unlgriculturid uoapnt_togothor o nlryfor , only CL Thotgwo.` oon_ Cm I slugln year about :3 .000 `worth .o(jI;eo nit ; "`i`i- ".'.::.'. l 2%: Mr . t--t~2t : That chebxatea Donut win in ` . Parcels of 5 lbs. at 90cts. OF mannvdnmnma cum: `MULoAHx~& Are bond to give the largest Dollnfs worth 91 Goods -avergny ptherlgoulg ml - r. BEST MALT& RYE WHISKEY cnuronmn stun: A;uuLc1it,iv`4 A SPLENDID STOGK ORILLIA. See our Holliduy Ptie List: 1011* .s. Seedluessd Raisins for $1. 37,000 In `Wood anl Bottle. in Wood and Bottle_. at $1.00 per gallon. CELEBRATED. at $2.50 per doz.~ GIN, soofrcn WHISKEY, 25 lbs: Split Peas for $1; Jvu.I__o) VIUU &t;., &c. careful estimate shows that a single volume of Hnnm am) Home contains the same amount of first-rate reading matter as 94 Boots of the average. size of those sold at $1 each. Yet,owing to its large cir- culation, the Publishers V re able to supply it at the low price of $3 a year, or four copies, at $2.76 each; ~ ten copies at $2.50 each. You should try it, consid- ering its real value it is the Cusarnsr joumur. m_ 'raa_ Wonnnl It is impoanble for any person to read this journal a year without gutting .usem1 - _hints and auggastlons that willrepay him lore! of Dollars; TH 11-. '" unemnnr amm ITI . Smtch C`ps,: &.c4 nus}: WHISKEYJ4 .1. T . .'1`ake NOTIOE that the. Northern Railway Company of Canada, will a. p y to the Legisla- ture of the_',Dominion_ of suede. at the next Session thereof for an Act of the said Legisia- ture, authorizing the said Company to enter into agreement for the working or using of the lines of Railway of other Companies, and tax`- other purposes. ,_ _ Dated the 1st day of December, 1870. G. D'AROY BOULTON, ' 49-10in V Solicitor for Applicants. lmwowsj Consisting ofFoo1scap, Note, Post, Pens, Inks, Sealing Wax, Pencils, Purses, Pocket Books, Pass Books, Drawing Books, Ledgers,Jour_nnls, Day Books "Drawing Paper. Tracing Cloth, Card Boa , -'.l'si!or's Manilla, Crayons _Ink Stands, Pon Racks, Penholdors, Visiting Cards, Drawing Slates, Copy Books, Blotting Paper, Mucilsge, Crayons, &c., &c. nun; Hotels. , two bundles and Grey Yarn. e above will be them at this To make way for further imptovemeule,. the undersi ned have determined _to offer for eele their E gino and Boiler [20 horse power, nom_i- nnl] now running and open for inspection upon the premises . ` . - GRAHAM as LOUNT, 3-tt` - Barrie Woollen Mills. AT O TORONTO PRICES, ./11' % ED WARDS ] Alexander Perry, Deceased. AT TAOR_ON_'T-O Pr;|c:s.| Selection: can he made here from a. stock of 1,000 dlfeiaht pattornwnnd 100,000 pieces. The LA'RGE8"i`MstocE of imported Will Papers in- the Province. . I The Wall iPa'pors and Decorations for the Governor : House in 'l`oron.`o, were taken from ;|11e8;3og}):.. the contract thewefor being over gnljn _.. t1_1n'WARD si AT EDW,A,R:DS | DOOKI In grail Variety. WOW 1"` cellll P `U ten dollars. Pocket and Funil Bibles, Him" and Palm Books, Ohm-ch of ngland P5379 Rnnlrl nnthnlin Prawns Ranks. Fawn- D-nu.`f`| | Classes to commnce on'Mond:y, August 292 . Residence--.Wors1eyV Street, North of the [Mu-ket House. . T DnnI;vn Inn AuguIt22; 1_a7o. Booldsin H 't f0 II P ten dollngfPoca}::. {;1drl!':mil:r.Ric|1ell:i_ `H! ln KBIIIII ISODKI, Ullllfcll OI Egllld .l l t.:V9 ' Bookl, Catholic Prayer Books, Funil Pnyd" Books. Books of Fact and Fiction. mks for -..-..---.- .-vu-u, Vuru--anvil vo g-u5unu-A 1.59 - Pn' I Books, Fact and Fiction, ooka for Ibe Fun: Yard, and Ponlti-y.Ynrd, Books on the Pig, the Bond ind cattle, Cookery and Com- nosiuon. and Classics. - ---v 1 V _ Nzvcnnn, 0:41., -` Proprietors. Sold in Barrio by A. V. Palmer 65 Co, '1`. W. Goorgen anti Aloxuzdu & Co.; J. Deacon Bradford; Grog: & Bro., Cuighum, and all medicine doalon. . '5-ly. . 1' lg, HID D0119 IIIII U3 position, {A1 EDWARDS ! um-_ucuonl wun 99 given" In English, F ranch, Music dizd :_ .fo1-`thou pupils who have gone thron gh the or dinuy school routine. iron vounnLAms. | MR8. LINDSAY (formerly Ilia Grioton, Principal of the Montreal Institution for Young bodies.) is demons-of receiving 3 limited num- ber of Puniln . - . - V. Lllilllo I ll (IBI her of Pupill Mrs. Lindsay intends Ilsotb devote pin of the dsy to I t - . ` pmvnai onianwlxcizti D1189 ; . Pianos on Sale and to Rant. , Ilelodoonl on Sdo nd to Rent. 3 - ` Victoria 0 upon Solo {and to Rant.` ,Sheut-Ilicpnd Mn: Booh-in suit nriiy. 1 I Violins. Concertina. ta ta. able preparation comhinee all the medicinal vi use ol lhoee article! which long ex perienoe he: proved to `peace: the moat-safe and ecient opertiee {art ochre of Flesh Wounda, sprains, ieee. Gnlll oi all kindl,Craoked Heela, Ring Bone. Spevin. Callooe; Fistula, Sweeney, External Poieone, Soratchee or Greene, Straizu. l.emeaeea.Mange Whitlowe,Cornn.8 Foundered Poet. on Distemper, Swe many other disease; which horse: and aub'eot to. THIS val llinge. on cattle are ` ll celebrated Linintent hu beenneed tor - manv years, and t'_te curntivegopertiee thoroughly tend`, and it in conceded to the cheapest and noetrelinble rented for all external complaint: ever olfered to th uhlio-it never fails when time! used and ialth ully applied. To had of all Druggieta end Country Merch- nntsthroughont the Dominion. Price 25. per bottle. V NOBTHROP `dc LYMAN , Nlcnm. Ora-r. . SELECTSCHOOL Barrio, Dec. 17th. 1870. ` STATIONERY!` .A.t; :Edw'~rs1 %1 T 7-l"uI_ily,: verd ,: nmy,... Periodie11[|s'ndANaw`-A mu, no 1m. and [Ame- tican Ledger New or]: _ 1 Harper's nu-icy .woek'I',~ and how 3.11:, G0iIt|cmn'n I' Hnguino, andiminnl. All thehondozi`-Illa!" i ~ 993, -`;`._.1?l2'Vloi.`.$ v:?j.`-1: ' ' "` `I r.` -: xx-(.1, .. . :;"".:'.`.?.`.a'.?.1'3;'Lf'19`.`.?'a.9*` "_n..`. ,r rwno _ 'i!.~18. 79, undo by Sid: poyul_:le_8ovon Month`: after due to John Sh: nmy. ."l'he above Note h|vinghegn;.loIt or Inilhidn RI]ll_IOl ofitis _up_ppdd.` - 9* - :' ____ ---A .-III IDOVU note DIV mat of it is stopped.` . '9, January lath. 1871. TENDFIBS W`15f13E9s-. as. `~1;'ix'~. TOR . non Br 78" IIUSICOX RAILWAY. ..'_~t---' ` nus cam gggusn ne JOB IIOSES PEl`ll0lll0AI.` PILLS. ih IIII KIIIIIIC If! I or netnthtin F lhnn kn "Er3I ` 1?hahi!issued in to ....;.a.. or.` (era from pngtiu yvllllngp to contract for 45: . '-c 4-5 : - o .1-_u,L',,~;._'_" . qunsr-cuss BOILER AND ERGINE FOR - sn.n.T V 'VVe11 `Paper J ` 4.---6 ' ,= `I ~.-no P we rm tinned spun: ` -' ing n:nth.ti': a. J Miami: muss toi-:sdin_onseceihio-wni oi grit . , `. .: - . . . Jnmt nmmv & mt uxn'zvo1_'IcE. I3 Tums non Known on A15:-Lxouioit. Qzxnrs AND 'mn_1' Lo`s'r. -_r3n' HcSns*ui'&a'-c:.a'r1`LE. A _ A NEVER Emma REMEDY. tnlllllll IIIIIB DODIIIII 33083781 , Violins, Ooncortinu, kg, kc. .Inatr_uctionl will gi`venV`in_ 1 -I 1 .1 -o C` POSITIVELY POSITIVELY A full assortment of `JOHN GIN'l"Y-.3 005; mnnun-ma]. L.-A%T-f uv vvuu-vu -vo o . 1 / ""5 via` 'n'g--(Fem.-n"ng cg of `1'LumIm. .-*5 J "\.'..aL4- *77b.T;~iii:3z>s V .A.ra1o1a. n _ o11 Ououcu -.4-n.._.._ uuu_ vu nun vlllluiu the INT; 34-ft UNFAILING EYE PPlE$E:RVERS ----- Lnznnus; Monms & co.,] V HOUSE PAIN TERS, X GRAINERS, Paper Hangers, &c., &c. All work done in first `class style and good material fnrniahed. ' A vm-v larva nagnrtmont of 'I"mnqf'pr (`.m-rinma muenal Illllo A verylarge assortment of Transfer Carriage '0rnnm onta, Painters" and Graiuebz-3 Tools Cam_e1sHair and Sable Brushes, Pencils, &c., &c., on hand and for sale by W. B. Oupon. AA- Is asure pront of their superiority. We were satised that they would be appreciated -here as elsewhere, and that the reality of the advantages offered to wearers ofour beautiful lenses. viz: the ease and comtort,:.the assured and readily ascer- tained improvement oflhesight; and the brilliant assistanee they give in all cases, were in them- selves so appgrent on trial, that the result could not be otherwise than it has, in the almost general ado tion of our CELEBRATED PERFECTED SP GTAOLES by the residents of this locality. ' wm: atfu ll knowledze of the value `of the asser- wmr mun knowledge 01 we value on me asser- tion, we claim that they are the mo perfect opti- cal aids ever manufactured. To ose needing Rnaalnclel. we afford at all times an olmorlunitv |I.. Sanders,` D1133 `sun!-) lcribIr,begs to aquaint the 'l'ra.veIlin g 1. .'pnb1ic,thatbe has on hand the best of mmnsns nnd`RUGGTES fnr mum. at mnrlp . uoII_uIIuul'II'lvponQ||," -- - wv . Duuxp Bone.-Solo reported lsdruded ho pornllnoul It 86.8'li.- . ?nz.n.`-R_oeoipu pp: nil 2.229 bush. Sales or pt-lnbhfietwdre made on ohm st ale. to 61. delivere, on tho shoe-t_mu at. Prices nun! from 65 K0110. 4 Pin.--AN'olhinn dbimz. on Ghnnn Smut. IIIJISDIID Ill DUIJFLBD I01` HIRE, i 111003 rate chug. . _` ' . .c oMcyam:a to Orillia and Penetanguslrene. - T - . -~ ;'I`.- NEEDHAM, Proprietor. In... 1141. 1nIm~ cu ICARRIAGE, SIGN] cal am: ever manunclureq. 1omose needmg S ctaclea, afford tunes `an opportunity 0 procuring the best and most desu-able. .1. .pllnuc, H18` 06 I158 OD nnna U18 U88! OI HORSES md`BUGQIES for HIRE, gt mode mm churns. 3 WILL Ptincmsm A mic]: .- COTTAGE moat .,boanifu]ly situ- Med in the Village of Orillia; Driving House, "Store House, Woodahed, Hard and Soft Water nnd every convenience, with Five Acres of Lam`. hit lI\lJ-lAh`IJ\lLV, Solicitor & Conveyanccr, . _ . Orillia. _.` N: B.-Mr. Robinson" has other Village Lots and Farm property for sale. Hatch: hm. Ulla I370 ' AC)- IPAINTINGE -JEWEL:L-ER.. % WATCHMAKER &%0PTlGI%AN Sole Agent for Barrie 5- Vicinity. Has always on hand a full assortment, suitable tor every diloulty." ' We take occasion to notify the public that we employ `no `pedlara, and to caution them against hose pretenumg to have our goods foxj sale. _N.E_-WLIVERY ST-ABLES ` " tine Simcoe Hqtel,`Blzr`.r:'e. nnnn _u'vIn_oo ill go. Pgu.--Nothing doing, on Change Strat- prigoc.-V ,` T ` '_ U Fllll LUPVl DJ IUL Bu-rie,Dec. 7th, 1870. SPECTACLESH lupus"? , June: 11th, 1'o7.:" Barrie, I V H vnuu Ur u:uVUb1.I.V'.l.'.l1.|.h ".|.'UWJN- SHIP OF INNISFIL. A ._| - -.\.:';---.-9-_3 .- * FOR ALEhh"8on1h-weat=quar1et of Lot No. 22, in the 9tlrOonceaslon of. the township of Inniql eonlainizgg 50 Acres. The Lot is all -eluted dndiuyood cultivation. Terms Easy. Titge indisputable and possession given immedi- ate}. For n:-char nu`:-nnliu-A ntmhr in hnvid Tl-um- Il_l]. . ' - _For further pa'rcul`ars.app1y to David David- BOII, Esq., Toronto; or to - - ' RICHARD SNELLING, Vendm-`a Solicitnr. Capon \ Pearcg/V,t Wnntd immediafei for &3hool Section No. , in,the o.IvnIhJp,o,, edonter holding a,Se Olul or`IIt,eV-andvwith gqod; tesmon o~ whoIII1||3}1.301If!,.W,i11.l>D*iS*- " .4}. ;:;.`.','.` ac ,`-rs: J? 19;: far :;m5s:m"Hr; mm. __ INNISFIL." Ncm Ztbnertiszmueutz. .E'E0'1'1.Uhl$ by the residents 01 Imp locamy. ' With a`fu1l knowledge value inn. wa claim that lhev most nerfect anti- mun. as-Apply to Duniop Street, Barrie, ldoor West _ of the Advance Oice, gt Bin-i_o .45 1Y:1>a_1._ne: 5;: qo. The large and mcreaaing sales of thepe ISIUIIAISU DIV P4111111` U, header Buildlhgs, King Street - ~ Vendor's Solicitor, East. Toronto. 52-6in. CELEBRATED PERFECTED AND EYE GLASSES. Pnnmcrnn GLASSES OIIOIVIV I-V -2iCI$I Wjur.-Recoipu per. nu - 1.oao lbuph 1;; `gag; Inpply on-ed winter omtho burou midst v l.{!.o't1I.-_l_eooipIg nil 306 lukot K I-ggliaellgx-Ino,_apur`t and I PLAIN AN D DECORATIVE ' SAMUEL s. ROBINSON, ..1.'..`l.... I. l'VA...._.....-.--.. IGREAT BARGAINS IMEW mssfg :34 1'EAs,| `Q. A % PEBKEEQS 3;: BR(!.,'| ` I -umositze Queens Hotel with 9. well- Nemy ` ` selected gtdck of B%URNETT S S014`/I. 4 1/4: Post oyzc ITHE GREAT EASTERN STORE `1HANCERY Norlc? 2. ??}ts-vtrougiciwig` Dim lam swans! Business, [for which he has engaged 9. first class workmnn,] in connection with his Guusmitlfs and General Hardware establishment. ' . - All lcimls ofrqraipjing (lane and all wail : warranted, -:ud(\a.-a-.. Stoves! % Sic-;}-! Stoves !! ? FOR sm'_.E. .. j ., ___.__'_ Agent_ for ihe -G t:o'vrm 8aLBA1m1iA'Sewing]x\Iachiu3 _Bmie,1s:9. . '{ `L9-ly. cnoesmas Ann muons 2| Which they will sell at the lowest cash prices. Ii.1H086heM18.'Casks, Qim-tar" Casks, octaves and Cases; Remember 1 e Choice Brands, Hen neiv Bmndv. Oh"! Rrnnv. Snzprnn Rrnndv auu vases: nememoer me unoice manna, uen neaiy Brandy, Otard Brandy, Sazerac Brandy Vine~Grower's Bmndy,Cnmbellton's imported etch Whiskey, Dunville s Imported Old Irish hiskey. They would also draw the attention Aitbe Physicians of Barrie, to the ne selected = ck of Port and Sher -Winea. 0iIIey__ s,br9.nds No. lhe ,' Ofa 'r_ o. 1 Pong ~Jgn_ez.Shrry, 'P.jMari_n s gy, nv Pexdo 1_ axl1,~;?,Iirew-,'Juice "fv9a1Jnwf` L . V J - a;"s ofi`s`* $Hr;?-lIBrl%. i$QR?,'Vg;1:ik KO` -1.".'..L vaiv : ninfn-I vi : IGROCERS The Subscribers beg to inform the public that they have j xst opened out n lo,rge Wholesale and Retail Store, in the New Block latc- ly built by Mr Boys", Comwof bimlop and Mul- - c`asz`e9' SM'eet,_ GUNPOWDER, JAP A N L |i@~cHnIcEsI CHRISTMAS rnuns,j {LONDON LAYERS, Z MEDIUM LRYER8; M. R. 1gA1sINs, . , V`. VALEN IA, ,_ I . SEED ESS sz SULTANA, . L1 [1 . . . . I VIRGINIA LEAF TO BACCOS I v . I La Rosa, Light Pressed; Golden Bar, Light Pressed ; Black Swanese. and $8.; Flore Temple Prince Arthm- s and Pride of Canada. A130 1 key; 7 -and ELEME` FIGS! at mrge stock 9; W ms;qes:. `Marlon : Propf. Wh`iake`i,`r_;'v _ ` `agd Old Rye, `Hiram `Wa1k9:j'9-_3UpI ev.-I-T'.. [xer- auu U I 0.x SA LE-I .- Tb BE on easy `tr.-rn1's-n HEAVY YQKF{ OF OXEN, EiglntYenrso_1d; _ _, I For terms, 62:15. n.p1y:at Qice. same, De'.-7(h,'1'8"i0.' " " ' _.._..__..___.____.._:-_--- `3 I On 'n{E;iTrdin, Conngwoaddew Elaaior -Works. -Wages $.14 l2cta per day. __ _ _: . A13[il:tdFOREZ{L-{N on worliz. - ' 4 ' 4 HICKEY BROS, _ "Y-`mvmw ' V [AS re-opened the above well known stand West of the Wellington Hotel, where he intends to carry on THE TINSMITHING woman no vnua, In (my, Village Number has 44 [Iran mum: ,gxB o;iIIs E P S W A ru H um r-., JAPAN TEA, ._ ORANGE PEKOE, I T Highly Flavored SOUGHONG, OOLONG - AND CONGO. I{membt_the choice brands of WHOLESALE ,& RETAIL ,AdAm;1 :so ' r V, _ -_./ Of therlsgtest Importation. In choice Biak lUUl`u.1l1-b3UL`0 . - PING SUE, TWANKAY YOUNG HYSON, TO Tl_l CBIDITOIE 01` [CHOICE ms, GREEN. YOUNG-TIYSON`. `DIKYIT om) Qrvm; Street, Burric. ~ CUTL'FR,.&c., 01101010 101 Also . - We have '_al_so selected a. The only stor`North' of Toronto where the whole of the business in its vari- ous branches, can be done on the premises . , A0 I W ugumnrnet Talk about WINTER I" guess we've got it now. You've wished to see it long enough I troy ; Wberein,it`s charms that you speak of consist, `I must confeas-to see-I m in a. mist. It's charms, indeed ! no`charms.fo'r me I vow ; So many things we need (the wife says). Now, 'l`hcre`s wood and our, and fty things to get- The moL'GnT s' enough to put me in a sweat, I work and slave and every way contrive To get a1ong,a`nd yet we h:1re1y_live.' Where to get CLOTHING from. I cannot see ; My purse is slim, and no one will trust me. OF THE ABOVE FOR . :)a.`,lroneral agents for! JOI M0828, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. One dollar and twelve and-a-hall -cents !or post age, enclosed to Northro Gznbygnana NelvIv;a::l:- e ommxo w: m I e 0, containing over-60 pill`, b relurn mail. Sold in Barrie, b Oliver 5: Co., W. Georgian, A. V. Palmer, an Alexander dc Co.; J Deacon, Bradford; Green 6; B1-o., Craighursl, and all medicine dealers. - 4-ly At J.W. HASTI If you want :1 Watch or Clock put in good running ordex, and wnrrante Go to J. W. HASTI Go to J. '7. msrmcs _'..___ Earrings; Brodghes, Chains,.:(`:"1-1 _rds Spectacles, Pipes, Violins AND S'1`mNr:q. um T`u-1:-v (: nnnn K` .9. If you want aggbcd cldck, 8 day, 30 hour, `nrn-at-f nlnnlr r\\rr\u . _.____._..._-.__._.__.___-_. If you Want ne GOLD WEDDING RmGs,PuzzLE and FANCY Rmcs, A . o ...- Dearvme, Chum Brown you ve surely got the . _ blues! Such talk from you does naught but me amuse, To listen to you one would surely think You d got no work, or else you'd ta. en to drink. V Than me none_better knows tis not the case, Therefore I smile to see your long-drawn face ; All summer long you`ve steady worked each dav. - ;.ALNJ:D.A @5.1ENm#_m'U3EN;I;EnanN@. >ID,, _ Tis notin what you make, but what-let ; ....v .. .- o- \lId H. .-.. VJ uuvu Nu anlLU T1,g,f;'o1l"vt3"c,:l;oJngh to meet your needs-atnd Wt-1lJonos, I think if ever you told truth ` more. " . You veldono it _now. And now Iaee foraooll: B `d ow of talking I'm begun v How :11 your tnbe fore_ver a_re well dressed 1:.5';g.s::v11 go on until I'm done) Mme shall not be a wlnt behmd the rest; V The way to get along all do not know. I ll give my wife the atom And clearly prove that W g:'=THE Spor Is--Two Doors West of Frases Hotel, Dunlop Street, Barrie, cu '5 f\f;\nn-n:_A-- pa, and of!` she'll go. hat you any is so. :- Besidcs, (as now I might as well ; W W $2 ~ {T113 MOST FASHI NABLE LADIES A1Ib" GEM y ' j A` ' ' JEWELLERY, IN BJRRIE, _ A0 I \V DAG table the Lllel Iniclu which Inn; .. Overhears :1 Dialogue between Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, twol T 1' ` HI I ' ' 1 ' I :1 -1; Au au1u'u\:x' long you ve steamy women each day, While at the week s end you ve received your . ' pay ` - Pm pretty s,ure you vc laid by such 8. store That you've enough IDOPE. CLOTHIy,/ ,STRAW eo{o'D,%i3T0oi*"XNn ozs, &c-. &c., Barrie, Jan. 19, 1871.- i%EWN@ Mmsmwg, M. &C., ]]BENNETT, MJ`%1?9H.%&NT TAILOR & CLOTHIER FA.'LL.QI/If POR Sign of ee Sezuare and Compass, Dunlap Street, Bah-ie, PUTTY, GLASS, _AXES, _EN_GRAVINGS more 84 HBEFJ u brother Mechanics, in which ` BROWN: 837 - :TOVES, ATINWARE; 1 Old Stand, Comer of Dunlap St., R. sqfzare, Barrie.` M-T.7 E. RAWSON So 3 1. T tau. 5. Going at prices that will sati_sFy everycR B. SHERI JONES: I , ,,-, V_- v-.vv- ---v rvr U133? Am) Srnmcs, AND FANCY Goons, &c., I CHAINS AND ROPES; bck, and alarm Time Pieces, largest stock over offered in Barrie, V9NsT4N?L1N.HANDe `PAINTS, 011; S, 4HAj1*a*4ND `e.Ag?s; ;S"z'gn of I the IVatc}I. and Spectacles; V Opposite the Railway Station , _ - _-.........u a While you. lama-rnouey. you must likewise see . To now YOU spasm 11* : Understand you me ? "l`l1Ve knack s in buying, Brown, to you I'll prove You'll get your Clothing, ovor and above, Buy all for Cash, you ll get at lowest price ; It tick4_vou seek the-y ll not be over nice l3out putting on nn extra dime or so; For in a. long account. no one will know. And now your C1othing-mnrk you well the SpOI,V _ ` Says YES _ __........, .', they express their opinions ; rl`I\Y!'.`O I` .. ....... __ uncut, .l.)ufI'l6, :. B. 0516:?/|"u ="oN, & co; 1___ ___,, EM FOR . ' 1"" JONES .Cormm:r:s .- At J. W. HAS! BROWN :- BEAVER At J. w. HASTINGS. la in J. w. HASTINGS. -v-u vv\l IMPORT]-IRS. 7- 5- UU'l'TlK, __ Master at Barr-ie_ 3-8in. NAILS! S, g0` you've seen /yet.` 4-3lTn-p. 34 -:._- Pnrsuanttoadocree of the Court of Chan- cery,:u1d ofcermin ordemdnted the 10th day of November last, and the 14th day of`Jammry., instant, respectively made in the matter of thev Estate 0} the late James Charles Fulton vs. Whatmouzh. There, will be offered for Sale nv nun-u -- - --" I Mesrs. F. `W. Uqate 4} 00., Auctzoners, At their-Auction Rooms, King Street Enit, To- ronto on L Tuesday, the 14th day of Febru- ' - ary, 1871, ` A1. 12 o'clock. nnnn nm ....A...........-:.-'-: In 24 paroels as follows, naniely:` Pnnonns I to VI inclusive con i` -` Valuable Building 1013 on Ni:\ gara B j:`3D Streets in` the City of Toronto, cog, min No. 24, Section L, military rr_,s'e,-,3 P E PAECBLI I. II. and m. h-..... ; ..-`_.-_, _ aarnafvc, out at any other time they ar'o aafa. In 1 l other cases of Nervous and Spinal A`ec- ' inn. Pain: in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion. Pal ilalion oflhe Heart, Hysteric: Lu! Whites, these ills will elfect a cure when all omormean: have failed ; and although a powerful . remedy, do not contain Iron, cnlomel, antimony," or uphlng hurtful lo the conslllullon. ull direction; in ll.e pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. dollar and Iwnlvn nn.l-n_l..Ir .......a.. I-.. -- S t_ I; .1_`~- -~~v uunuynulug 1.405 ec ton ,m I any 1` ' '.:s'e1-ve. In H: and my hive a frontage of 34 feet 8 in_che8p 011 the North side of Niagara Street, with I. depth `of 104 feet. Pncxns IV,V and VI have each a similar frontage on the South side of Down Street, with a. like depth of 104 feet. These lots are situatedln a good locality. The Sewer Rate is commuted and :1 Deed issued. A.plan of the Lots is registered, copies of which may be seen at the nndermentioned oices. ` , Psncua VII to XVI iuciusire Lots numbered from 4 to 13 on the South mp. Ar r11m......... ..-v, two. I CORNER OF OWEN & M./ICDONJILD STREET, BJRRIE. BEG to announce to the public that he has commenced business in the aboveplinea, and are prepared to take orders and contracts for all kinds of work in the carpenter and build- ing trade, which|he will execute at the lowest gures and in the best style of workmanship. Enuons, sAs"H AND am}: I "ALWAYS ON HND. .---: uuruun. III I U!I|- |"`_- "I I To be obtained this sxde of Toronto, 2 lowest prices . From the facilities hey osseases. for on each branch of _h's business, guarantee gqneral _aatr."sfaction to all ma: him with t.heu:.pa.tronngo. V 1-: uune uuuermenuoneo oices. .. ' inclusive Lots side of Gloucester street, West of Church tree`., as laid out upon 9. Registered plan of the property of the late James Charles Fulton, now in the possession of the Vendor s Solicltorl. The said Lots have each n frontage of 26 feet, and a. depth of 101 feet. Pmclns XVII to XIX inclusive Lots number- ed 1, 2 and 3 upon a plan, of a portion of the Estate of the said J amos Charles Fulton, situated . at the south-west corner of Church and Glouces- ter streets in the City of Toronto, which said plan may be seen at the office of the Vendo1"s-,Solici- tors. These lots hue each a frontage of 33 feet. ? inches on Church street, and a. depth of 116 eat, . i --' '"VJ.RDGOm5I , luuns 7zz[r'I'1iiinL nsouusnss t1_:is of Toronto, and at nm EAIIPHNTBII 81 BIIIIJIER, CONTRACTOR, _` Enouns, SASHE3 Bums, INuNDEnTAK|NQ He is m-nnm-ml on ('......:..x. u.- L B/`Yw.-l-:`u|'-J I anu unoccupied. Psncu. XX.-The East half of Lot `No. 3} in the 4th Concession of Caledon West, inthe Oounty of Peel,containing 100 acres more or less. There are about 25 acres cleaned, the re- mainder being well wooded. 1`h_o.property is siluuted about 4 miles fruw, oxgngeville. avjdi close to the Toronto G-,-' . andi Bruce Rail'.va_v. The soil is of a. oQ_a`_ nu `ty; Psnonx. XXI,-_-h`e est half.of.Lot No: 21 in the 19th Ooqcqssion of, the Townshin M n... :. puu ruin should not be taken 1' amalea dur- ing uu FIRST THREE M": NTHS ax Pragnan an they are mra to bring on Mb- aarna 0, t other are _ l_9lhor cages 9!` Spinal A`ac- [ vALUA3LE'PR6iEiik.s IUIS lo- Allnthe above mentioned parcels are vacant and unoccupied. _ PARIYIEI. YY _'I`hn `mane l....u- .2 1- . - -- we son is or googi nsmy.- ' ' half of Lot the 10th Oongqssion of , Township of Ops, in the County "of Victoria, containing 100 acres mor- or, loan, shoot 15 acres of which av.-e cleared, the Sesame being well timbered. The mom, 3i_41i,s_tant about 6 miles from the Town of Lind- an . and lies upon a. good mod. n _z.`{ A_nClL XXII, the Nolth West gauge: of Lot 0 . .. .. . . .`]. `in )8 r-at nnnnnan-._ ... UNDETiiiKEI U IICIJ feet. All ......- ......... VI Avon. inure is a good Mill privilege lug upon Lot No. 9 in the nth ' ownship of Elqnesing in the County of Peel, and being that portion of the said Lot lying immediately adjacent and to the West ofthe Block of 40 acre ` Oharlel Fulton. A plan of the property to be sold is lodged with Mr. Robert Preston, on the`. premises. PARCEL XXIY.-The East-halfLot No. 18 in the 1st concession of the Township of Vespra in the Oonnt ofsimcoe, containing 110} acres or _ there: uts. There are about 20 e;cres cleared and under cnltivation-the remain wooded with Pine timber of superior qnalit and there is alsoe large quantity of good B - wood consisting chiey of Beech and Ma la. The same ot'- ex_ee11ent quality: The prom es ere favorably situated, being about 5; miles _ from the Town of Barrie, on the Penetangui- ' Ihenenoad. The whole lot together with the der is ,well- .1] Timber thereon will be put up subject to one r I I M served bidding on the `part of the Vendors. The` purchaser or nurchnurg ilhnll .+ n x uerveq muamg the part of Vendors. 43' P3305850! purchasers shall at 1' . of ulo pa.) to the Vendor: or their 80" .v:` "me deposit `a'i1-opogon of $10 /xcrtors, 3. 8100.9 9! the pqrchug mom, ,- _.~ for every bg -gnu. 93, mum from .- no balancp to A .4113 day of sale, ' user 0 1 X . w'i::nt Ii:ktrut.f uemawytbo wbolns 1'13: a= .4411 will berequired to gmgu,.ybof..|,,,,,. .unberwi1hin'throe can ' only between the rr_ `Ah removql to _bo ecled thirty-in-at day om `ca-xlrnof November and the The olhnr nd` . h the foowinn Venn-. , . Beau`, ` Kir- % T,1`'-5 thirty-in-at day on! '/Y 01' November the- Th. olher (1: `Arch no the follow . condition: om? `c'|3 Ofnle will be $5 ztigling piilgnbli. 1 Ourt ofchanceryso Mr an ap- nrt er r - - V - be obtain '"i|_|n lld conditions of le may" m we- I I '1g2 %f;$a.i%`;z':`-}`u A:`!!'.*'L`**# ~.-.i`:...;'_.11 ` 2 T In.-,Mum.V Paize 33? am] Wlllfum Mnlpy Esqrx-lg; ' ..... , .- auuuu vu o I xuumzn munxm - his pecuiiarlysuiled. Itwill, in a short time brin on themonlhly period with regularit . no Pills should be {,{a ea ing THREE` I N I'l1 I-4 . 'PA,B0lI- No.1, `in "the first Concession in the Township bf Flos, in the County of Simcoe, eautainingo acres more or less. There is a madman m:.n....., -_ r ' the0i-odi_ `, of"the above namod Insolv --1 -V: at the office I.`_` 'dersi d , on Dunlop stre'_ef in the Town of 37 .', _ v ednoqdny the First dny of Febrnu-y, two o'clock in the at- ternoon, for f receiving: report as tolh Sale ofth - z;p'- ersonal estate, and for considering a c 'eterm . g w_hnt further in tnhn dmm wit - A nu.-- .._-A2--- nImu,Jtn. 18th, .1871. ' 3-in. ` Hereby c A ed-_to be holden Barrie, Sept. Ysf. { Barrie. N.B.--Roterenoe may be made to W. B. A. Boys, E9q., _nnd other gentlemen in Bartie. ` BI.rrio,Jtn. 18th, .1871. , 3-2in. --:.-u .. .1; . 'l`he`snbscriber begs leave to acquaint the in- habitants of thecounty of Sixneoe. that he can fuynish them with the best sort of Fruit and 61'- namentsl Trees ever brought into the County; also Shade Trees, heslthy and strong, selected specially foe, our Northem locality.--- 0}-deg will be received unti1~theiF[rst of April. " Per sous dcsinoueof giving eraersme come to my garden and see a specimen and ll ewise a des- criptive catalogue, and choose for themselves with the advice of subscriber: I Y.1l|ur,tn an , 10.` At 12 o'clock, noon, the I -- .-------- I l"[1 He 15 prepared to furnish the ha FAA-- - _ . . . . __ , Fnurr mans; 'rk'u1'r Titus. ' 'I`||A`nn$un--2]..- I.-;__ I A - g V - ~ 1HANCERY SALE or I TATE AND TIMBER. ---__ Wunnot `l`l`|`l1 .'!!.!_|_-,9!`-_r2I.I.u-neat-A `I3.-I-an-v. `YA Serum Glrl;mua;-T2:--L good cook and make herself generally useful. Wagea 36.00 Ru month. Apply at the Green Bush Hotel, empenfolcll, Ao{_._ BWOIKWG I.;-W V ' ' `H CLAI Guano: v*"-'7...".'.-.::""'.*s.'::.'..'.'" .. ........ "0 ..*:?,.....n"...1-.1*......""`.z,"4!.'.';..'::';r; I dmuo bndnu. Blanch mn.'l`hd I Jcudzirlucnm .n.-. _.._|. ---_.__.._-u-_..;-.. _, _... ,, . -_ . |DWA-RD/ J3YRNE, dug! I to I vulIu.b1e 3:2! and I I and mail. nu--I |nI-u1 Illlljlrllfll nun. all home nudcunqnen out I on, v nuke this in u notvdl vcvlllnead Ithnroubl-oft:-lung. full lovhlch wllldotocomnoneowarkou. yarns Va : luau`) ' o of (ha I uni nevilillhn pnblhl;ed-s_n gm frag gy J}. vr:|":I: WllldDl0liDGn_c0IWII,In3;;1Ipyo`:"k"I; "'" `i'. Xi';:.&"86."` o.u'2Ea'n"'1.... mm a pI.|blIIhed-:ll -am free y _7 mnllrv ' pnblIhcd-sll '"e5$`m-'nii: " xaw-30' `..*=: 7 1-` I I I I I V` `kc-9 &':. 3 I1I:`f\'l l7'l2`Rf I -...... uuuuru lUl' cane . 1 !BNI:l6;\UCT|ON, sf. 1370. _ --v--7 nu. vlvlll-II and at the '95` P|`i ces . I carrying 5 be can itrsfaczion to an whn .....-. 122 GOODDOLLAR Booxsj-$134 [8ixnedJA. nu null .01 .140: No: 3 containing 100 acres: U1 1; I undennentioned 01? REAL`_!- Acconntaht. RRI59N~J'5.Ni'"` ii`7`!`3'_"9;`'!'`?.'*? "J. LESLIE, A mm-r consimng of6 53?. and Down _ comprising Lot nerve. Iu . -A._N.BUEl.L, _;- Accountant handsomest This invaluable medicine is tinfailing in the cure 0! all those painful and dangerous diseases to which thetemnle constitution is subject. It moderate: all excess and removes all obstruction and n lpcodv cure mav be relied on. E.BYRNE. 35.-`)_'__ NI .DUI'1Ld.I.lg Accountant. 9N-`A. Jinn; who may Duln, Aeapu-, Barri: ,unnunns}1;nwwr' The Public are fully aware that Good- erham _& Worts are the largest manu- facturers in Canada, and that-. their Whiskies are ceilebrated for their Purity and Strength, and we canguarantee we purchase their best and sell it as we get it from. them. is now rep1eteV With ail thdvnvest and 1aV4st novelties of the season. A full and complete assortment of [cosamvn & 60's.; for Mns , Boys , Liea , and Child- rens?, wear. \nrw\/-\.\.\.\\\.\-\-\.'\\`