Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Oct 1870, p. 4

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nnsannnvvngg v----- v-__- The Inniel Branch Agricultural So- oiety held their sixteenth annual meet- ` "ing for the show of graln,~roota, dairy ' ` produoe,5:tegetables, ladies work, and agricultural implements, at the village of Churchill, on Wednesday, September 28th, when the following prizes were i awarded ;'- ' "'.3{..1`l" "Em! GALIFIIIINIA STIIIIE. i MEN_ S STOGABOOTS, . MEN'S KIP BOOTS, MAN'S CALF BOOTS, .MEN S NAPOLEON BOOTS, N MEN S CALF GAITERS, N N BOY s STOGA BOOTS, BOY S KIP BOOTS, LANDIES _`AND`v cu1}.pREN:s -Inritxrrsnu -- ust received, GO0DS l a-Jag.-.r-;`\a Inn-1; \;;;.-`_;., ;,y;4`.y K; BOOTS in great profusion, for Fall and Winter wear, lower than Toronto wholesale prices. {Dress Goods! just on inahd, comprising in par! of Jung oru. - I _ Milch Cow, .e-leven entnes.--Isaac Lennox lst, VVilliam Patterson 2nd. vnnrnnn "a;{ar n31! Enlu-inn --GR'8n Merinos, _ ` Lustres, TLustrihcs, Poplins, VVinceys, % Alpacas, anid.` other Fancy Dress` Goods in all the choieest styles and coiours. > "`l?;n_1emb3srth plaice, ` Sig 11. of the BigA l`ea Pot. _- ,: _ _. , always oh hai1d.' ' Gooderham & Warts Maltamd Rye Whis-' kies, only one do] lar per _Gallon_. just; to hand to parties buying a Caddie 10 per [cent per pound will be allowed. Those pur- chasing 5 pounds, 5 per cent per pound. ~ - .S"`-5~.I=T- &0- .860-| can'n_ot be surpassed either Fol` Sty le-or cheapness, an immens 6 Stock on` hand. * ISCOTCH AND A D A CANADIAN TWEEDS; ENGLISH DpEsK1Ns, AND SILK MIXTURES, BROAD CLOTH S AND CASSIMERS, `of the very best. 11. Iquons 1] lcnnlm rnmwz, 8113., &c.| 1 THE READY-MADE ULOTHINGE lIlLll I55 [I \IlIIllU, nu. . Two y;:ar_ old Heifer, six er}tnes.,-- William Latimer 1st, Robert Little 2nd. Q..-:..... n..nn..u' cl... nf\.P:G _Inhn |G.ROCERIES and Ladies Comforters, very ` cheap. '` HATS AND CAPS] [BLANK1E'I'S| NBrcaIfast ASl:,awls! A large Stock o" that. splemlial A'.large lot; of Men S and Boy s Bacon and Codsh. G`-irand opening I of. New Dollar Tea 7' uuum IJIIIIIHUI LEI, LIUUUIL JJIIHU unu- Spring Bull Calf, three entries.-John Beanie lat, Gaven Allen 2nd , Henry _Solan 3rd. :1-r_, L- , r\._-._ 'n_L_..L I Idol- 1.4 -A splendid display of_ .__ uuumnv an .co..4 splendid Stock of A Also some beautiful Colored and Whit ` A full stock of WINES AND at all prices. PHOTOGRAPHS, .. HAVE 4 MOVED a` NEW `GALLERY 3- nu. ;as, uuuuca unuas .6llll. Crochet Work.-Pri2e awarded to!` William Main. - ' Fancy Needle Work, {out entries _ Lambert. Wilson lstand 2nd. ' Ornamental Kiltmg.-Pu'ze 9` 10 Miss Warnica. - Narded \j I V - n.3.`?I E?o`.:V2`f`.' M '`" 19' Woolen Hose.~- ` lsaag . 3 g " ,' Stewart 2nd. . Lynn 8 `Tho? Wl GIOVG3: `two entrieu.-John L9 1'3": R0` 3" Grose 2nd.` Fh-'Ji0g| 8Ph by Artist.--Geo. Lynn. .<\lIen s Boots---John Ellis., ` ` Lady s Boors.__Jotm Ellis. HOISB Shbes, ,two entries.--Henry Sloan 1st and 2nd. Fall W'heat vF1our, ve entriesA.-_- Thomas ?4Rhhnv 1 no `D :..1......: r!....... 41...: lemma, Kt nuI1.1mn,\ `UNDERTAKERJ Tuomrsml & LYNN D llb 1, Q-/llllillbo - EG to announce to tho public that he` has commenced business `in the above linea, and are prepared to take orders and contracts for allkirrds of work in the carpenter and build- ing trade, whichhe will execute M the lowest gures And in the best style of workmanship. nnnns, sAF ANDSBLI ns, ALWAYS ON HAND. ' mas: 8:. FUNERAL nsuulsncsl il!N'UNDER.TAKlNG, To be obtained this side of Toronto, and at the . lowest prices . ` From the facilities he possesses for carrying on each branch of his business, he can guarantee general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. ' I.` DVDRTD `Two doors East of the Bank "of Toronto. JJUIIHUJK ISL, VV uuulu Illll-lUl.EUll - -IIIUI - Yearling Heifer, SIX entnes --Gaven [Allan lat, A Garlley 2nd. I`un\ Iran: Alt` `Jn;{aI' sv l3ntfiRQ-- Euausn nun House.` `R. KING 8; SON. CORNER or OWEN as M./ICDONALD STREET, 13./IRRIE. l'\`Io`.l'! tn nnnnnnmx tn Hm nnlnlin that ha` ha IusoLvn`r__5_e_T or law} . 7 . -At eleven o clock in the fo2en6o|i,' for the ur- pose of mixing into conaiderution_1hInoa_t,i_on lnho - of the Estate snddlgo advinbility..9!~wl mo nn-in such manner an mnv In `dnenind man or me JSEIIIID Inn. u_1u |uuuluu|Iy.Jl- winning Ina same up'in such manner as mpy__be deemed most adviuhla. and in case a. sale onhe Rad Jhma lip`!!! Incn manner 35 GICIIIDII Illl advisable, and in case sale ofthe Real Jinn. be determined `on; of arranging and dinning the time nndxnnuner of the same,` `llldellllly for determining as 10 such `matters In msfbo "submitted to them. _ TA lwhkg ,,,. .g 1.11% 20 pct ooxitbolow but I winvorh-Vpricel. In the matte} of Allan Gnnnl an I u I Insolvent. " A meeting of the oreitors is hoioby` called, to" be holden auny oice in the - Tavwn of Bah;', ionrilv-`n'day the Md: day M : -.v DUIIIII 01': Working 0xen.-Robert Little 1st, Thomas Reives 2nd, Richard Grose 3rd. Aged Rams, four entries.--Welling- ton Willson lst, W; D. Stoddart 2nd. ~ Yearling Ram, three entries.--Lam- bet! Wilson 1st, VV. D. Stoddnrt. 2nd. Ram Lambs, eleven ,entries.-Lam- "bet! Wilson lst, John King 2nd, W. D. Stoddart 3,rd. ,-.- n__.1 1:-.-.-.. -:.. ....o.:... 4117 named in "Barrie, mu 2am day olsopuuhu, A.D- 1870. ` V D. MoOAR'l`BY,JI.,. . M ` V. Jasigna. , aaxw \IJ,vbw, DUNLOP STREET, - BARRIE. Q) WU FLMTNEL SHIRTS. CHEESEl Cheese .' ` Dealer in Foreign And Domestic Fruitv, &c., HERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS, .. FRENCH SARDINES, LOBSTERS, cow: oysrmzs, FRUITS & VEGETABLES. Pickles, SEEEEQ, &c., &c.,| 1\T If A TII !."l`V' -.-.--0.--_ A large variety of Fancy and Plain ' Bzscuits at reduced rates. ` -:-no-1:. KPLUNGHES, &c._. prepared at all season nbie hon:-3.. ` 33- (YHARGES MODERATE. 4:9 'I'lIR1%l'I.Enl[UAz'.'.`!%llIri? "1 unproven mm or -non 1m action of Building. 2 For mrther pmipnhn ax] .1" uuuy nob, JGIIKIU LA] ll zuu. Quilt, three entries.-Henry Sloan 1st, William Main 2nd. Mits, ve entries.--Lnmbert VVilsonA lst, John Lucas 2nd. Socks.---Thomns Stewart lst & 2nd. Full Cloth, three entries.-Robert Grose let, Willlam Stewart 2nd. Ii`-lannal on--\ ....o..:n.. \l7:n:__. r-. w B3. %M'?\fNFAHANl AHOrs$f?c;r}1"s Sclalf-liaisi-1.1% Brea Preparation. . c----o:- Ipmwm 12, mo. :20-:--a English, F're'ncl$ and Ameriban Confctiphery; .__.o.__. C HEA13)1?,ES ' Lon: -sdvuieod at % lilo mm, Ipoi I`:prov9 or Town pro rty,.or {or `the actionof Buildinn. " ' REMOVAL. Allo 3' Inge quantit-y`-:1.-(icy, Whiteggnd gm- V ~ colored Barrie, Sept. lat. 1870. Under ;S'hirt$c'Pantl .uuuny unuuu 13;, Lauuu uynn Z. Single Carriage, three entries, Samuel Mnnere lat, James Cross 2nd. rpnnrn I-rnvlrlnnn on". ....o..:.... `I , ... , He is prepared to furnish the hnndaomcat L Barrio, August, 1868. EDWARD BYRNE, Barrie, Nov. mm, 1869. ' Q. _-_----._-.`1.:--_ .2-12.2.- have never before been eqnnlled in Barrie. |'UST received a splendid assortment of ALL Wnm. ` :_ROCERY, PROVISION & LIQUOR HTOR F. . mnnmeub LOAN Assoomnog or` . V TORONTO; _L\:\J\J.I'JL|I.l., L L|v\J V 1|.JA\IJ.V IA: .l.J1\`\J \I- STORE, Opposite Messrs. McCarthy 6' Mo Carthy`s - - Law Oice, 1-I-I-pr nu bcmnnnm n A n'.'\'l"I nngvuu 155, IV nuuut DIUWETI ZDU. Flannel, two entries.--William Stew- art 1st, James Cross 2nd. I".-m.l.-o nr,...1. n_.-`_- ,- ~ - - CO0K, also a steady` MAN to, take charge of Horses, and to we rk in the garden. ;APPLY AT THIS OFFICE, 94.1! Freph Canadian Cheese of No. 1 Quality.` __-.n.-_ JD 1 FUCHH WOOL A"-V vvA.1\jr-I-ED, ._.._'_-.-.-e NO RVEEIER ~...:4.-ng-un-o-;......- .~. - _._... N ADVA CALL AND EXAMINE. A T. GRAHAM ; can n---V0--.__ . Just received, Marge supply of which for quality, pattern and. CON TRAC TOR, &c-! ,u3I., L - Lu\i\JUuI.\Uy wuu. Hnrrows, four entries.--A. Sibbald T Is! and 2nd. ` Fanning Mill, two entrie_s.--G. A. Beaty 1st, Sydney Carley Laud. _ Farmer's Waggon, three enm'es.-- `Henry Sloan lst, Isaac Lynn 2nd. Sinolnnnrrincn thrnn m.e..`..- Q........-1 - Brood Marc and bestCo_1t,- 8 entries. 4--Geo. Thompson lat, T. G. Smith 52nd, Geoige Bishop 3rd. Oneyeiir old` Colt, seven entries.- Johu King lst, Lambert Wilpon 2nd, George Greaves 8rd.` . Txlrn unnu nlrl nnlf ninn Alllfi.-- TO mam V | " V-vuvvvv, IN VARIETY. AT THE `ea 9 3 ply to. - 11- SINFQED. ; ; ; . Agent. IW. E. BYRNE. ` 35-ly J 5,- 264! . iTHE ELEPHANT HOUSE. M32? '@s w1___s{s_az:@aaas1w@@ 21 moaaan .>,ru. Two Aged Ewes, six entries.,-W. D. Stoddart 1st, Lambert Wilson 2nd, John Lucas 3rd. in... v-.._I:..... 1:`....... 5:: onh-A'I_ `TEA that cannot be beat in Orillin, or any other place. Another lot of that `fine avored, low priced (70c) Ten, just to hand. Try it. ` ' LCLOTHINQ,`;m3gpI;`;n{gD SHOES.` nnvv-3, u u %c30.a,KEBY T"2ii340sti 7`.- F3VAY"= Cantu" lJ.LI.'.J lJ.I.3.J.'lLl. J. I sell Goods cheap .L_I..lJ$V.L\JI}.I. \JJ~ I JJA` Jul. VI because I am able and determined to do so. prots and quick returns is my mono. AT 'N-IF. R`l .`.'DI-I-A1\! l", 3?!-'II%E8I`I%%?IjitTITi`.i` .._... - ._.. .;-. WE ff. 3% W G M .@`@C*3{]bJi%`f'!1 11:13 1'----tau --u--w Besides aaeore of other-a,ol' equal importance. Among the numerous attachments furnished with each machine without extra charge, is Lockman e Patent adjustable hemrner, which can be not to hem a hem of any width. The only thing of the kind attached to any machine in the Market. We also furnish plain hammer, Braider, Quilter, &e. `The price of machine complete, warranted for one year in writing," is $32. A reasonable advance is made to this price, when time in given for payment ` ` ' AGEN'l`S.-1`. E. R.a.wann_ Harrie: W. W. Ellis.` Bradford: Geo.IfNnnn. General Wholesale 42.6 Sewing .mwMm .r` [LU L`AJ Agent. ' run v; uuul. v.l"10llI, nve 8Dt6S.`--_- 1` hm=15 uelmox 1st, Richard Grose 2nd. Buttons'.---Eliza Jane Gregg. ` Total. No. of Enmes 321. . : Junclss ox S'rocx.--Tho'mas Henri, E_59_-s E898; Charles Bennett, Esq., In- mshl ; W. J. Hill, `Esq, Om, JUDGES ON CHAIN [Mar Dunn-mama Ln And I take this opportunity of thanking the public for the very j liberal patro- nage they have bestowed, and soliciting _a continuance of their favors, I would call their attention to my new stock of . CHEAP FOR CASH. GkROCERlES,%tIae best in the County TWANKEY .. YOUNG HYSON............. `Nhich I oer as low as` any `house North of Toronto. I give; the price of a few of the loading articles: ` Q.n| Q 4-: `= 'B;.'Ac0;|':.mniA"1_I!.S(:A1VDVf' an} V `g, .'O..-.'I`I-.V.-IVI VERY GOOD HYSON..... GUNPOWDER TEA...... mg Pwlg mm, Informs `his friends and the public that he has removed to iIing s Brick Block, Bayeld st}-gee, Bag to armounoe that they hare, enlarged their premiaes, sad in connection with their large stock of general GROQERIE S |rnnn 81652.4 And am nrnmu-Ad in In" all Hnzla no` .l.\lUl.lu.I u ulvuv uuu 9 Carrots, veeutries.--Isaac Lynn 151.- ` Henry Solan 2nd. (`nkknnnc ah! nnh-nu__Tnrnna pn_ I d i1A`l1`g`o"od| dolivbrcd in town {:36 and withbut , Q y. ' _ ' -i I 0. A. PERKINS I BRO., gyiaadhgflthigipc, Qwen Street,-Barrie. 13} "150" LL; THE BEST TEA.....}. PAT. PAILS, each. . . .. . 1\r\r\r\n.`lC1 __-L Barrie, August 10th`,l1*E3L7;)-T. lF%L0UR\[J.B35N1 SHORTS} LAC-I - ..-...., _,_____ _ BROOMS,.each .' I: A LARGE ASS(I;P;1:l\:1IL;i`~I"I`iC-'1~; i Biscuits, Candies, Nuts, `Almonds, Spices, Pickles, Rnrdinma. T.nhs:tArn_()unlnrn. Cnnnml Fruit. Salad 01!, Cm-n Rm:-nh Sm an at Green, 'smaI.-ed dud Sugar '(3Z}eTams. Bacon (mi Om-wl lleats of all. Kinds, ' T - CHEAPER THAN ANY. n -....:- A.._.-_; 1nu_ ` 1m-In V .. G_L'A;.IV`A121'E`,7C?1iOWt:,'1Vi}VQ`1t-Y,'- L5-;.,T -__-v-- -`v--~--_- ---w-----, oars, OATMML co1zNME.aL, 0R.flCK-A L ED WHEAT. BJRLEY, cz ovvbovlv bvvnnwncvuv 3' XUIU -13--Vrabvnhig In! d-bill-BLUE, lgndines, Lobsters,Oyslers, Canned Fruit, Salad Oil, Com Starch. &c., all of which will be sold `at a trie aboverzost. ' 4vAuuUAU up, vuunca UIUSS auu. Team Harness, two entries.---James Finluy lst, Isaac Lynn 2nd. nt nu-an ..m...'.... u......... m,., ; _ .- . V...- A;,-_,-- .,-_...:_.-ta.- j_'_._`.._q.,,..._,..`___. __:;'...'.;_-..._.: _``'.-.``_2:-_:;:;_`:;: I ` _____;__.T_ 1`HECHEAPB@_1`HOUSE I1?!f!!$SH MEA TS! M'2{IIN15L1ez}%Ei:.L'Ls NEW sLd5Ei1Ej -Mr A -D-:7-turn s2-'1-1:2.1='.1=2rr| `RA 1:2 -::'1~-x:-. REJHOI/'. .ime is glvan for payment A(}EN'l`S.-'l`. E. Rawaon,.Batrie; W. W. Ellis,'_ Bradford; Geo.|2Nunn, Amvnt, ` -.-......_.,--uw-vxv u_., u. -.---.-v-- .-v -. ---.._... - V .V, _.._, , , , [AS attained the proud position of being the lending Machine in the.Dominion of Canada. I_ owes its wonderful success to its inherent good qualities. j '1`h"se qualities are ` 1 4...-. .g.-:.. Bu'ri-o, Aug, i7{h:'1s7'<>. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, WITH FISH, VGAMEVPOULTBY, 850., IN _ T SEASON. T Next to_Bro1ley s IT-Iotol, wherehe will have on hand a constant supplybf 3 JOIHI uuuua aru. 1 Two Yearling Ewes, six entries.- Willinm Kell lst, W. D. Stoddan 2nd,` _ Lambert Wilson 3rd. 13---- `I ......l... .u....... .-...o..nn,, T nun`-mar! i uuu. lll.llUl\ ICCIIIIIB 113 I11, I . AT THE ELEPHANT. E. A. ranxmsa ano., (Late 0. 4; PgrIa'n.s,) GR*0CEEE -__ .__..____:.__.._j_.....: {BEIGE GROCERIES. v~.\-.-.-.\~.-\.~.x~ .\-_\.'~\\\ --.\\\ \ ...-~.\. . .-..\ . A _ `V Please call and see 0u]'_ on the 18th l.hSt., at _.._._ .___ ..-_------- a--. .;\a ---o.--~------- _v.____ _ 'E..T..?..p.:.T:o En J n?I:'oT Munu_[(LctzA'/'e(l by WILSON B0 VVMAN (f 00.,` IIamiZto7z,.0izt.,- u,,.v-,._ u,_L:__._ .. ..... fiii l`: Faun. ALSO .g.a2;.n1_vo1n` z_,o;1; or SlMPL|Cll_IYD, BOLOGNA AND GEm1AiI SAUSAGE, SAVELOYS, kc- .r~_-~.-\/\/\/\J\ _.~ _, . Informs "his and the (mt has removed [min .nAii dnnn A .-L.V..L.'..--ua.4s._a.a....-.4.-vs ;-..wa-._a vv K4 {MARKET STREET, BARBIE THE LOGKMAH `PATENT ASHEBTTLE :I, uj:-T --- -- nt low prices, and selling fast. ..-u-~...a-;a;u-A4-u .-r-urv"-v :1Iway_s_ ORILLIA. IOIOVIII W D: `)0 60 .70 80 .80 90 00 ' `.20 30 SUGARJOW ACURRANT& RICE, 20 lbs. BARLEY, 20 VALENCIA I VALENCIA- Box of 28 It GOLDEN SY SOLACE TO} LEMON PEELS, &c., &c. UIUDD 155, LIUIIUIF I-IIHUIU QIIIIO _ Beets, ve entrie.-B. Draper 1st, Richard Grose 2nd. . _;- _._-._A.....- T.___- T ..A._ 1-; -I-. s. ZBIOI-"I3"'..L`I"I'. 1 I ABILITY AND CHEAPN'ESS_,. `--u.so-- X General lnsumnce A ents. A. mmausox. J. w. F RGUSON. Fergnnonulo Doc. 6, 1869. Q 348 ME33RgUo`+EG30 _ .`_-.. -~v-- - --..a4 Thkeu pleasure in announcing rte their `custo- mers and public generally, that they have now on hand ncomplete assortment of . V- J-ILUXL`1 U, . _ V..,ANp,__ _ l iraoviio Ms. T|H\VA||E,| DELF AND GLASSWARE. `P SUGAR, 10 lb. ACURRANTS,20 lbs . for. . . . . .. ('nr.. . ......... . 1bs.Tfor. . . . . . . . RAISIHS, per lb. . RAISYNS by the ,, ,1` Lin IL _ _.. , ' ';;;;; {2;;.`u,:},%gm. . .1`: SYRUP, per qt. , . ... TOBACCO, per lb. . . -TSV D__ u||, dklllll -l\lll`_', Aallllt Fowls, any breed, two entries.-John Lucas 1st and 2nd. fl` ' ....l_..-. on". ....A...,... In: ,_ n. DRY`G00])SI DELF GLA Bottled and Barrelled Llquors _o1` cHoI_<:1__:j1` BRANDS, GROCERIE, HARDWARE, 32- 0 uni sou) ch. 9 for cash, a. 7.0. Piano-1-Forto, by n)ce1obr_nted maker. M For part.icnlu-supply at thigoice. `V3 f.iJhBOOTH' % CARPENTER ND BUILDER. Oabinet Maker and Undertaker. HOUSEHOLD FUR N1TUI~:E, , ~n,__:v_- u...'.I.... lfnnlxinnu I IL\I-\J|.IJ.aaa-\'_-. ._ - ___,, ' I Spring Mattresses,` Family Seiv g Machines, Coffin Trimmings, Room Paper, Wiudow_Blinds,` Framed Pictures, Scho'->1 Books] Cpncerunns - and Halodeons, Lsdies Work Boxe,Writing Desks, Toys and Fancy Articles, Children's. Garriages; , . ` ; Sashes, Doors and Blinds, kept on hand and made to order. 7 ~ Peter Street, Oriia, C.W. ' 16- 1'01!!! DLYUUL, un.uu:, U.I RAMA.QUA;11`%AIE~S. ` STONES `AND LIME! Jlvlllllalkl KIIUDD Avllllu Ducks, Prize awarded to Thbmas` Stewart. ' Pen Fow1s.-No o'ntrieVs. I Butter, seven entries. William K91] Jst, John King `/Ind`. ll......... 0...- ....a....... r1 . ,, \v u A __ .._-. ' Building and dimension stones, Li_nu_e along and Lime for Sale at the above Quarea .by V 1 Mr-DHERSHN, t Linau Rama,` 23rd April, 1370. ' 13. -.-___ rpm SCHOONER coUcH1cxxm(,*,~ Stones, Lime, Lumber, ,_L A" Tnhnn QIV .4 ...._..4.4J:._..._...._....__..._..- ...___,, mum [Q5 ETLE. -4 . v . . ...,, > minudfrom any } ux:t on Lake: Sl.VICOEf& COUGHICIIING. All orders addre-sscd to Capt. O. /Lyons on board. or to the 2-.`ubs>crib9r, will be promptly attended to. ' ' JANIES _V10PiSER2$UI1, Rama, -23{a, Apmgfmo. .-..-v_._ SHAVING, I'lAIB.UU l`f ANA!) SI-IAMPO()]NG SALC-027,. ` Is in `the large building lately 0cL`b:picd'b_'-' ' Mr. James. Russell, ` 11 . ".1 I ENTLEMENFS Whiskers and mi: D_fcd.: Ladies` Ilaircuuing done in good style-. Good Hair Dye. Hnir Invigurntor. Hair Oil; &c., manufactured and sold by Prof. Cuuio. ., .. .. . .|/- `custard or samcae AGR|CULT_U_I`1: socum. Lamnen VV usuu oxu. Ewe Lambs, seven entries-Lambert Wilson lat and 2nd, W. D. Stoddnrt 3rd. Aged Boar, three entries.-John .M'c- Clure 1st 2nd and 3rd. n__,__ ._...I.._ 0 .._....ol... .......... -..o.:n. \JUUI5U QIVCVUG UIUO Two year old Colt, nine entries.-\ Francis Rogerson 1st, George Thomp- non 2nd, Thos. Reives 3rd. ('1.-.....~....I Dnlvnnan `Linn-an niv nnh'iaI__- THE socmw -6'}-EnT1=RtzEs FOR Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Swine. Poultry. - Dairy Prod_uce. Manu- factures and Productmns of 1870. Implements. Harnesp. Roots. Garden. Prpduce, Fruxts. Horti- culture,_ Fme Arts and Grain, amountmg to ;8520..75c. Vzwo at Pace and two of 03:5 $I2.00. - 7 ' For best collection of Farm produce consi`:- ing of Grain Seeds, Roots, &c.. $10.00. For bestTub or Crock Butter not less than 20 lbs. $10.00. For best two bushels '0! Full Wheat $5.00. and others. Entries must be made with the Secretary on or before the 4111 of October. ' FOP `nl'lhOr-nnoauuln-a nr\t\`:nt|I:.-\- -_-- |-~ nsuvuwi`. or wumu, Comm: or Sumo: . Bnncoo. ` muuu-s emu uzscases. riunlum and aildlsenscs arising irom lxnpurmesolthc Blood. wc botdlv slau- that `mas great remedy n-as NEVER` BEEN EQUALLED. Where was llu,-recvz-1 me}: :1 cure aalhal m the person ol?"z"sIm SlLI7`i'P\`,"` Brighton C.1V.. oi C0n:~UmP!.Iun : ur mu! (-1 .1 . In` C. I". Iffillcrm Er:)e:9lo'.vn,C H? of Consumption or `that of AIIN1/.r`e, lV:~/I1, 0! CunS'cu)H, C.TV.,uf D spcpsia nnd Live: ('.m1pi:n:n, or `mu: of Jain: I ago/:-.of `1`3D1.lll!`.()` DE'_...n HI......(...:. .. .3. I 9 ... u spcpsliz mm Ll\`! I .m1;n;n:1t, Jo wag", of 1`-apxucc C. H'.,ux Hlneuxmumn, win. i . actually been on crutches for yeaxa, m sy--1:: of treatment herelM'orr_. and :3 now wcH.:~'<,ore.- such cases Imghl be uxclmou.-d had we pace; 33" Call at Lhe Dru: S ;rc and 21:! a Cm-mm Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. U3` Fnr Rn]-. Lu ..'| n........ . l`\._A ,, : , V- V, ...- a.vvvIvvV4y $70 (.0150 110750.) [pic L3` For Sui: by all Druggists and Dcalerain Medxmne. Amzgvrs run B.u1.=uu,-Mes_-rs. A. V. Palmer &. Coo, and '1'. TV. Georgcn. Orilha-Mr` J. W . Slaven.` Cozngwood--Mr. Carpenter. _ PVl;o/e.m1r .-lgt:u(J,-M.e"5l'B_. Lyman, Eilmlt Si ~ 00-. DUIISPEI-Ih 55 WI1son~ TurJnlo..' 837-1, __. In addition there are several special the gift of Individuals; among them I two bushels of Spring Wham, two of of Pace and collection (If Wan-nu nu-nuuu. ur ueluw me till) 01 Uctober. For further - pnrgiculars application may be mame to the ofcers or directors ofthe Society, and Prize -lists and Rules may be had at-the store of Mr. J 01111 J. Brown, Seedsmnn, Bsrrie; or of the Secretary. ' ' ' Daltd Ihis 13tb' day of Septemper, A.D. 1870. I JOSEPH 'l.;0MAS, , . Secretary, Edgar P. 0. Jntm `Dnua .JUl`lll l.;l_lUua Ans, vv . u. .uu.uo ~uu. Midge Proof Fall Wheat, ve entries. -Wi|liam Stewart Isl, Robert McKee 37- uueu as name, tms mm as) 1870. IOOARTBY dz Mc0AR l`HY`,- _ Solicitor: for Insolvent ._ gly_ For Discs.-as ol the Throat, Lungs, Lxvcr.D.ges. uve Organs, Kndnoya, &c., as well an Sumfula, the vzmouu Skm L`-iscast-s. Hunmr.-a and all dnsenscs l'ISH]L':'I'0l`u llnn(lr:lw.~A:IllhI- Rlnml uvn hnlzllu man. suuu cases Imgm 1: uxcmxou.-d had :13 :51-zrc get Curr-uinro! unquestionable ccrtimm-,5 un the G}3.E.`\.'1' SHO- SHONEES R_EMEDY and PILLS, and` -szuisxy` vourselvda - onuu mza yoursclvua -\ . _ Exaxfwgow, AID I-new-can-g - __ ON TUESDAY, THE 11th DAY or ocaconnn, 1870, msowm A9` or Ise4i.} 1: the matter ofIm:as Tar Bush, an by ; On Friday the Twenty-ril day of Ocgtnber next, the undersigned wjll apply to. the Judge. of the kid Court for 3 dxscharge under ,th,e-a/aid `Act. ...-_-. Th.-following remarks on '!`esLimonialsot most wonderful and cxlrao1diu.'u'\` uurcs iu(,`nn.1dn bv '!helGliEAT INDIAN R,3.`~TEUY.'I`tu_v nu-`L stern, undeniable and n:cnn!e:x::-.b!e lm".s. s-Ill}:-is.-1.! to convince Ihe most skeplncni mat L!1'c(}rc'.z!.E\1cliL-i- nal Compound yearned alter for ages us now accus- mblr: :u the: Gr-.-at IJIUSU lat, nuuluw vv nunuu anu- Peas, two entries.--William Stewart 1st, John King 2nd. "Fun-nine nun n'ntrinc._Tnhn `Khan Pnovmoh or CANADA, 1 I nnnnmv A. Gun`..- *@a A_;~:3@ :2 SHOSHONEES REMEDY! UK H10 `Act. `I'\46 1 Come Gents who wish a good smooth face, List while I tell you of a place WL'erc razors are kept bright and keen, The easiest chairs, and towels claan. Where we will shave, shampoo, or trim, And brighten faces which look dim; And if your hair is white or red Prof. Cunio s Lotion colours well. Forjust. ve cents we now will shine , And do it so smooth and clean You ll say we ure :1 mowing machine. Aronrrl your nose and chin we'll creep, _ With so much ens:-. you`lldrop asleep ; Your nap will ply for coming here ; The old we can make look so green, The gels will sayvyon-`re so cet sixteen ;- And when you leave here for the street, Your friends will smile when them you meet, And say what makes your hair so dark. Oh, it was the Professor's Hair King s wash, And he can do you black or brown, A little better than any house intown And if e. twirl:-d_ rnoneteche you want Prof. Cunio brings one out. Town Park Barrie. :I!;(;a.ted at Barrie, this 15t_h day of - uuunua. n ~ oppos the B(I}7}}1azez.' 'P]{OI<`.,CAU.1\*IO.~;-3 NORTH RIDiN(`r , `.mEl{b,";I,' ;i1;.entries.-James Fin- lay 1st, A. Gartleynd. f\nnno [Erna nnh-:95 J nrnnnv 1:9: ' ALSO, nzunu nu IN THE HUB LU. JAMES MoPiJERSUN, l?.A'?sIA, P.0. nlln IO Dian LlllH'.l , &c'..,v `on SlMCOEf& n...n- .- nrldruncnd to '1-Octave` and vv\n`fAI`_ nvuvr gun---vu _.._, J. MCPHERSON, V RAMA p. o 1 Q-."mn. I III` IUUWI 9 [N the Counly Court of the County at It \- 3o`xAs*hvsiz. JOHN ROSS. V * Presidenl . Tomatoes, v entries.--Isuac LynnA '1st,John King 2nd. r.`m.-"I.-.. nniv `xv-ant` Outyn nun!-I ... T-.L.. .~.cvuH, u. H ., u! sun: Jo/`m, 1ntis.n, who ham rs, ofui! : well. Score: ui Id `U1! El` ` ) )3 1 IVIHULULIU Unuvv I -ow--~- r 1 \ " Hundreds of medicinen are put up under difex-m\' ['1 H\' G nzmxcs. PH made alike, inimitation of some sawzezs. . !'uI.,ri.;:in:;t5 There are, hqwcver, but rqry few at thcuc r.u;d\c-mes thrgt Me cnmled to any dmjnv-mo or ('.\'\:L`. ,.vo aropc;'uea.`_All them L-Qmmon pglln an bcCu1_cd.')? yuhko, vmh some ocuvo dmstm drug _. .. '- IL J_)`.V.4.Yj.`! PILI8_ pnssaeq prr{per_ues_sbmn.g H I Mg` ha Medu.-5 has fmlgd to dnoogur :3 cube: the 0tE . vegetable or gmnernl kmgdum. (.:.lmng.-1 and thy . . mnnyfprcx.-arntxoua of mercury. fr.-r cz.-nt>unoa sup 12-: _ v _ uptc(lI7zr[Ll`u. (and the runs: popular. tor 1c`.a n 3... Hair Dyed E $1.4:-rerl m `J90 eyes ouof1fJ_f,u_)nnd Alnegl, l}nr_n}.(.g - ~ d . _ R cm u-`-uy:_ Ax..xn:n`n)'. Pyhxruylugunz and km-Ire 8 3U"`/- drugs Puppues Lhq (..'u.ha.ru<~.. rm and fur the my ;~ 13;, on; & pxucmiuner, but 10: all sorts of the odvertisod 111, .LC-'.)2?,- rnmn, A .; 18-Smo. nun r - v 18-Cmo. , ciul `pzrl 1:1 for best Barley, . AC1: .' __` _ ' The `nndersi ned~ hag opened,-3 PRIVATE BOARDING I! USE. Dulilhp 8&1-et, Eur, in the -house lately occtgpiedby. Wm. Stud:-ra,Euq., where all t_Iye`cbmfoma_'`of'n ptlvme fumily gun be bldo k`J'vJ ` ` _ `Ra ' " >` 1311` E. LLS 2\1,0_,D~E R4,'l'E3..[1' "'.> ' - I *P`Apt)l`y at the ofoe of `Wm. Fa bu, Esq] , " " '5 (H`.. UQAIG. ` - Pr:-pritoc V" ` " 30-cf B`ii`,:!III)P6 `8th,` l8'f0"s V, .4..- u . .41 ---<'o--- u R!V141. l1Is`;% i~`T,5i".;.I~`*P W G. 7l'|L ,|D|-, UUIIII JXIIIB bllul Cheese, two entries.--George Nelson `lat, Wellington Wilson 2nd. ' 'plnnn-he flair-nn nnh-inn T 'l;`I_.-.__. MATERI4 MIIDXCA oqnulm In in npegtmn lnanypun;.mvu1Mcazbnmc Iqontl lllulot oxdmur phrposcxg, L-pcn the bowels, and through what In csllort Q " pcnsultnc " movement xguljn horn tho .11- mommy canal um moon and Mn null. Such sum: for the purpusc of cure. or romonlol any Imtoq I I d!Eoa5-:. are uzmrly useless. ` Ilu. R.u>'.vn has cumpreud. one of tho Inoctousnu i I t1uh1'.s:ovm`iea in medical chem}: .-!n combi- n_n.Linn nf 7g:ag.Lub1ouubatnn<:_u-u, tor of I of q 1 .'l`.9.*.TlV E. APE {IEN 1`. C0 N 1'1`. .3.-m A1 'm:n A'l`!\ . PILL. that can bf taken or PURGATIVE d!eou.s-:, utterly uaoxeas. ` completed 6` 3 Hal dls zovcries chemist! 5 n;1Li(.nnf7g: -blublalmbstnncg-3, for l_ I-`L'_l`.GATl E. AI ); ANl`.`AL 1`l~:I1.-\'l`l\ PILL, um Iflminm.--red wuh t_)m_nbarlute cert | TUUlL01'I;}g,_EA}g}f;L$!ON OF , COUNTER-IN-1{1'1'< . gun mkono: m _ . !hnub_-:uI}1te ccrtung ofsmnri . ;\ '1'!1oun1'm :x1gn..=xox UEAI. I;5cA'r-`D i -AI\' 1) l)EC()MI 0:`h\'J elements In the human body Land uzaosafe to mks in an moat. muiznant or erup- tive Favors; in cases `were !_ho_ muoo rn_gmbnu;o| of the internal moors are auonnc fro Lwermun, I 3 Inamaziun or from I Gastric, Bilary, Pancreatic; Complaints. 4 _ DISGDVEBIBB. = , :.:__- --- ....o ..nn..A.o A34`.-nu` Qr1:g5`F5_`\|p]nu,-.-5 pxucuuoner. I2 Iim. mwAY s _PILLS. TERIA contain in an npertoizo n;13?3;.um..ziv- and catbjrtic fggntl l.III__.fot ordmu: _-.._|. L-` I- .-u- ` - In RA'DWAY'8 PILL! (which are the only por Mj Puraanye Pally] you -aecu_ru is Pull superior in :11 uq !'opcrno:1 to t_ho most choacqromedial menu in `w Moulicul.S-ca_ence. They mer xn every nag-..-u ll ogh_er mils m an era! use. Ind tho only Vogoum. _-Eodacmo that supp we a. Iubsmuto for F` - e rs; `WMVCZ-l5[2`2;ZelZ or .7)(cr&ur_y. In RADWAY S PILLS you hnn one didnl that will seen}! qnipkcr. more thorough 3 bguu zoaulu than mllbunvpn in {you} throo__9: mon dz!- I." HAD Al. `D l 1_u.I.A`.I `cub uq nu ma wwu Incl ma r rec or more prescriptions s_re _z\_ven for. without run gin? any tisk fxom umoumhnu ot uunuu 0: In am. .155, vvcuuxstul-I vv Haul] Auu. Ploughs, three entries.--.T. Fleury 1st, T. McConkey{2nd. T I-Tnrrnuyu rnnr nnh-inn A o:LL_,1 J it socurv qnipkcr, uaorous Ind boner maulls _wil_lbo van {yo throq 0: erentprcacnpnonso thegnodxcrg pmctgtioner.-A: roof of this : You are oexped with a BIHGDS much [at prescribe; Blue Pzlll or Calomel non some "mic gxootio plll ox; powders qpyork the c!. e- ta uftho blue pill. Thus pros_tn.m ; and u ' II next g1vo{1, or a nun npon_ont. w emu ONE F3 E RAD VAY Pl_LLb well dq all the work Mn prescnptlons run; nimr any risk (rum mronmhunn uunuu @113 any I131 uuuc lllvullulnnliuj VI Iuuvuuua MI Iyntsm. 2!`/4} 2': f ezrgalz'on JVece::ar_r I; u , _ :_L __;- all other {eve}: ; ndigthin` n!d`iacam it cum` when all others tuned, and PI N TED Altnlstb 9 `on road urns: 3 * O~ ~s>- .. ., , . . . r ` fhe=Wi-don 9.2.-Pivldonco inaicetiua 11" "`T"' Ion and Pxjopnetotl of t_hia mnrva.-_|ou.I rqI3`i\`1])m`: out In`: F311. ah; ipktlclng In nn1gh.1u:.,ov;:m_ who huumlc `t fupllh :0 `Fr r than?!` broad c-````` the Hun retum":3" oma liar-. who saw 001153111" 30 UFNI3 Out `l)of?l."e`!htIsuvorId xhp richneiiv Dlrilrnndrmimculous qnioktzou of thl . jg:&.l.mum. mm: wonderful virtues bqgg; A. thin. 88 W _ o 3: this Th'g{`,,'[{u.? _.--_13-IA-.::2.29_vv_orz em.-4.--I - R" 3.... us. A neczulg ovowwhon-nhovgkthvo ah.` .v- ' u ., 4 There urn two principle: which exist in over) i vinz human Lody; one is the pn-duct of deny or nm:np0sitir)n. [those humuurs or elemenm that no L-jeclu-I i:',"Ihc a1L.4orlgr:nt_s and lrvttenia as vwmj an other is that 01 nutruitlon. It becomes mm-an for the life uf the body that tho dam) cd and rx~:- memitiuua eluzncnta be rlinniuctl and thn mm :. ~11 gdopted. 1-`ur tho removal of the hrs: the human body is sup 1:01 with lungs. kidneys. In): :-km, bo-.\-cls. &c.. `u: when. from any cause. the {Uh"hsr` of them orcann M; su. than it is e.~.~(m .x. M rannrtlu an or I!-.".`?l)Q0 xnsubnlvimz l:'i2_-l.w(e Ir.-i of ur-2 .-:u.~1,.-uaed. then H 1: 9.->')! `.1 :~ rear-rtt-.v.1rt >1usuL~pl,\`ing L'a..~x.une ofnu lne-.l'w`.!x:-.-v 0'-`gr cuven to the hzmmn ram { r this,purp..-`e. [hero )8 139110 in the ucnna of M.\'l 1'1- | RIA X\`|M>IC.-\ -rClil.nSTRY that accurea two ' inmortum rf-salu so thoroughly. HAPPILY, um! um} ' _lll0h C0l\I1!.'liT an ' imwmrs PILLS. --,_...... -vu - unawu us EI{adWny s Ready I{u]i< .. nz afew I:u:1m:.'t!l ufk-~ 8.` 00 Raw nderful poworin rl.-iugthc BM- plodilnoumatlc, .\'cun~.l ,`:--?.n~-.-a'.*.n: g su!1'or lnz from Pnin. Intlnwnazi : and other infmuitios. outing m u tmv d. may and digouacs m'momr.. an`! you. - onhnluy p- we uchc, mine: I '1` .n\!.u ..n t'\"nnhv. ----- Tho historical truth of hqly trm`.mon' l;:.ur' M5 II ` `Illustration, in the history on 1x 1 - -* When this zunrulouq remedy was rs`. :3:-~=:I , the nut.xco.;f the nnmlxcal .'.'v-'.:1rv..n `m-. ml` ` Imndjng Lb: mys:criuus_ix_:thmr..-c it cxhluh jtoppxng the most excrncwmux PAINS. :\C}HIS. AND IXFI1{)iI'fIH5: InvCL,'nv uon. Ill I nm]nv4`n| umuna 4- -1 ` 3:24 wI_m the nuns zrgnuncut. thug the .~:- 1- ` , rs buxlujcra, t!::.v:.1:h their i;.znu:mm- A .a } tame. reJe'-ted. but that aflorwunls b'vt`M".L' '..'. 0 corner. i A was ron nvsnv pm. 117.. I-.,.|:... .- LALIIU 13$ auu uuu unu- Boars, under 8 months, seven entries. --JoThn Bcnttie lst, William Stewart (\_._l .- `I-III: lUll LISHI V } `W9 bqlicva ti.-vz_1hv d't,:.~ovv.\r_)'. com ` dxgtrxbutxon thmuguv-at .\I' uumus u ' Qua mnrn-In-as X"uI1:.\dr n m... nn um.) -`~.`"--"-~-vu UH"-xu"u: .m lm'.lrus I we uum I this! ronzody i~ mm no mm}: In the mu-\` 3 `W109 smddirom will .4` n:v1yp_ |3|uv\ [|Il?.VI`H M ` " -`thK_lK'0-. _Wilnen the"cmmluixnnni-xn'..{tho u r-v-| w\x_-`Q . Is mcrvc um Tn(lI(~- V. `V ..\ A N \ 2` ?\fEAD&' 1u;1.u:1'.w...- c.1E::;'ir!\`3{xi1:!u|{tluv-I - -v-:4 I51! hm] `}'\`I'l`Ki{`:CL I]-`.;{,m~1{),(-r n, ),p.;:|ur1- N1 dlscqvc-rial in .\v1um.~.,_| (`mun ,\|y\`.ur Lh -Urn` mhun nr H... cl.-ill ..v .I... .. ..Z..--..- m... . uu..I I dlscovc-r':ou Mmlwu Moulicu; or lhv skill -.1 guild socuru 9-.: l.'.;- llu 't.hor. .\l-`.rpVm.u. Jpin over--1' `l: 4.1`:-ilhjr `M- of these ' rem;-dies um. pub]:--. } ;Tho mm whioh the builder.-' re}-me.` ir Morn` \ `.50 head of! o`corner."-4M|m.. ch. x.\i--v. 4.. in: n 1105:} and diseases or xixonirl} `H227! cm-5, either 1 1`:rcN.u. on E.\'TI5""' a\A|.`. Al] Spnsms, Crr.m xs. '1v'1:1xu_nmnc:r-r.a ' nnrdxn Il\S l'.\.\ A.\E|Jl'S use -um mt M: the XIgUl_lCu_l .~ buildcrgl .1.-h nznurmmo \1 fun;ng_ pain:-rad O v`p...o ..l'..._--_ I- l - A - no 81v:1il)_(-f e\~or:.- `cirwl. '.ni ` un or nluolrcuznstmw--.a.x`.u s . power of - _..>_.- . .-u. w an I uiu alunnu` jfexposed to rumzngiv-us. or xv;-i\i(>'--i ` ll`-1 .||ol only Cm-cs Pain`. but mu 1-rem-I I'-- " of aicknesp Itxuosphono. um; um enmugn-pus. or m: U I110 lS.2\UWt\\ '1 RE.` aav_lo( to the nllctotl h xnuswn of cure uvor nuvu-. ..-..-___,. ..__ .-.-uuuvAI UV '**;*.?.*9!!*,!!'s_ .8836? 'ii3*=i: vvvv7VVVVV v ow-ooovv on-ow-""' without one doilar boimz scourol by 1~nh'h=L"" `"4 nviuxto waiuor rem1inornion`unLil the num :1-! 0: Q39! B Olnonsen fur furoivtn lulim. 59'5"! xuu. - 4 Best bred uged Brood Sow,six entries. --_1saac-Lynn Ist, Thomas Lennox 2nd, J . S. Burger 3rd. I14-` L`.,... ......I-- O ..\..0Ln 1).-u-Inn ..n..unu u Iu.r\uI nu.-----' Ind tho mnrvelouumcuru ' C . . no I; acted in H '4 cuonmm. cu R-A xgu ..n, uI3g',?,, ATTACKS. DI , um su .131-5.,-,,,,...a other disease.-no , no eounlr_I,8 " ` v where it was Iuod'i|u|teIt__ mm nn.drm,. - Yellow Fey ',-f ' -_ _: T)` 50` Ecarlet).~`o` x-. ~ \ .4. - 1-hD1 ""v $i_j_ -- - 4` "'1 IuRADWAY'S PILLS. the true 1:;-inn` '5, xv- aalirm is so;-ured-no'.aIo1i_o to the o co caxn'..\s'~ 1 the fmcea an-1 excromqnu {mm the bowels. but {H 0 humors xhzu. a.re_ chm-.kcd or stoppod in lhoi: [ms-ago throusth thp A/.`.m. Jfulncya. 1.1m.g~. And all ex:-: tn] ` and egcnmna (upctmns. forif these oxczeuun-n.mnl Iocrotmn: belnn.-nu; lo the |k1n.hvor.` lung-a, us no `arruptod In men: e_s._~npo. they become zvrwiuet.-d ` locnq {sud decoxnponuon npd munbo purged (rs: he hvxn: body. through {heir proper chgngols ;hc Iiidde I u'\ve_n-s bx-ought. tn I-.':h5 A..-n,,~, u . .. . 1 _..`n . , ._.-_ .`.u -.-.n u.v.-5-.~. As a Pain Romody it um`-I.- ull r-_~n and when tirst. ill'ndI:c0'l the -1u<-.!nr' : people were, nsmnishcd M. it: um: vr `WI`r.--for tho nulmnem. it wus zxpin-I -W_l`I.\"l"\' D1{Ul`.~` diluted in w an. ml 9 must vinlum. Pains. Crmnps. -ltnalll Vauralgio, and all unplelsnm fouling: ` When A.-intic (`hnlem nppcnrcul. H \!P`\'_'.*3 EADY RELIEl"Wu:I llmunly p.-~iliVt: 'Hr\" 3! 'j'_"` uuundr-, and saved Iuillium {rum an mm. Lu. W '11.! that Divine PFOVMI um: inspin-.5 u~ z~ M rth this grant relnudy lo every nntiu n un lhn` fr'*` 0 _enr1h." \\'o woro ins;-in-ol with faith --I in '11 llbmly in savimx the lives of MI pun;-lo xnxni" '3` 9. "3"" lull`! `tilenvus {I at rosirhui all vimnv`H" 9.` `.H0'bost 5,1311 ofphysitiinm. Witlmu I|'nvzIv; suranc o one! I. `. - . -- `Hm an E n... 1. MW . 6.1?` 3r...':s!."n1..!*::'.~!:-.' ' um we host skill Ofllhysioinns. suranco 01 one `dollar? ra-tum. In-v-ng! ml the RAD\\ Ai'S 1u:.un' In-tum pr` ` 3.V_|ol' human race. ms M.` lnxto wait. for ie:iiiihFiti6h]uniil"mo "." Old. nd all expenses for fureigrn lmicw. fu-uh.-1 ggmnluvion aaonu-. ndvortining mu. were w-W` `.3 W0 0l1tinlI9d to do for yours. Wlwruv-`OI H """ uni ;ofliv' ' ' ml "' 3 mroglgsrgnd soul; c.x1aLe5l. am no `RADWAY S_ READY RELIEF. . an n 'I'H` -_.I `L. _, , -. -2 : a-f1rQ`'`Z! In fevers andihkhin 01 others failed. and PR I f Eh` `.3g}52n3` ..`i. usi 1 0 cnranve pgwen of en: ( 9ll`fTmH hn `! A. '7.ai:"ar".x on; 3 um-..:m..-111.33 ""m I menu to u,- ` I ll nntworx u..'.. r ...,*:.:=`.*:.*'*.,-_:,*:-..".:*.-;::;.-.~:.,`:.ms: . a,` ~ 99" _ hln been roscu dfrov rs` ll ugg u r on!` `l o`uuhum'v'm '"` "" M ` V` ~ V -- --:r:'a:r.:.~~.~.-:u'~ guu Wlnite Spring Wheat, three entries. -WiHiam Main 1st,A Gartley 2nd. lblnn `Dunn? Qnrhnn WIr|nnO,__N'n decomposition. mun be (M to hvxng bod)`. than-groper chnnuelg ;hcrx 0 urgauvg qualities of l_ ..`\* \\'A\".s` PILL?` x_'n_n D onorenons oftho SKIN. KIDNBYS. 3' H Io-,--whoreas, not one of to not beyond tin bonds. j :- mum BAD\\'AY'S In-Il.H:F rm human race, .~cn`. .. 0 bod)`. Lheix-Igrnpar chnnnelq ;h-* W A Y `S l'IXJi .'. on orenons SKIN, KIDNEY `vhf 9.,-- areas. not oftho ndnrdud :1 unnnvl 1.-vnug , .,~ rulyxun.-1 rnvmxaga A.a-Um. inn... 1...... . ....;u-_.n._ _.,-. _..x:-...... nnun `R`ADV'VAY's READY RELIEF PI'JS'I`ILE.VCES AND Plu\.(H'l2H. `; RE\r`ENTlNG ouw..J `Ax ., UIIIJ IUD- Barley Six'Row.--Richard Grose lat, A. Gartley 2nd. _ T Barley, Two Row.--Noentrieu. Common Oats, ve entries,-Robt. Grose lat, Andrew Wallace 2nd. ' Dunn nun nnhvinn ._`X/Hath Qfnnnzn-I DUI! auu, Lvau LIVUIIVU unuo General Purpose Horse, six entries.- James Finlay lat, John` Lucas `Jud, Isaac Lynn 3rd. Clnrhlla T-Inrcnn {nnr nnhi'nu'___'rhnI"I1l1Q om: MILLION DOLL A vs \Vui`.'1'l1 -AAAAA;., " PERI"'EC lt XII). Wuujd nllm) pmn: NJ ! I nu|dct1_m(-- ah um. and nc-cum 32.1 be mad with safety 51550 SICKNESS. .. :p|n.`I( r, x1P,~ `.3 ma. kl! I-xx-vv. tho lmlnc..' ul -.<'. u;:nne-m I'M}; U`. n:. l`l.||K" nld nllrxy m(-- IS nu I'I.'lIIl*< \ d0vluI * 10` 2: lllM1\'Q'Il um-li.ul 9-1 wzue. Luka- * 21u.~{' Lhe holvl ls`, JUIIII I-\.llJ6 `III-In ` Turnips, two_ e`ntries.-John King 1st, William Kell 2nd. Annlnn I\IIP'AdI1 anIv:nn __n:nHnvA ;u|., vvuuzuu Lxuu oouuo Apples, fourteen entrios.--Richard Grose lat, Robert Little 2nd. Dania Hun Anfuna _I2 nrnnnr 1n-9 In, 1.1!. `La \.ll.5lIuIUy nu. Ouious, three entries.--B. Draper lsi, Isaac Lynn 2nd. (`nu-n" fnnrlnan nnh-inn _'T`l-nnnann RITA, \JbIIIVla|5Il LEI JDKJKIU JJ, Ill] unu- P1:n1pk1us, twelve enlries.--Samuel Manere lst, Isaac Lynn 2nd. DnOn.nna n`nIrnv-I nv\.UI'nn \xr:n:...... VAl.IllUIU Adi, Adi!-(IV JJ III] tlI\IO Potatoes, eleven entries.-_William Main lst, A. Gurtley 2nd,Wilham Kell 3rd; - .,_-A___ 1:--- _._4..,',_ 1 4 1- J: ID: IIIIIBCI Ulun - Best Sow, under 9 months.-loger Wilscn Isl, John McClure 2nd. 11n_r._ `r.`_H 1'(Tl.....o C...-. .-...o......, H ILSUU Jan, auun Luuuuuc uuuu . W|1i!e Fall _ Wheat, ve entries.- John Lucas lst, W. C. Little 2nd. i\ll':.l.... `l`!....n{ Wall Hung! Gun nntrhac --W uuum Luuul 1uL,n LIIIIIIU II\-In Midge Proof Spnng Wheat.-No entries. 'n_..1--- o:..'D..... `l')2..L.....l l`...... 1.0 JDKXUU -11, Ill` HIIIAI Corn, fourteen entries.-Thomas Mc- Cullough 13!, Isaac Lynn 2nd. 17nn-unlrinu fI'nn`un only-nn_.Qnrv.n..` 1391 . Gesse, {our entries.--John Lucas lat, Richard Grose 2nd. 'I\ 1, T`: ' Jsauc uyuu oru. _ . Saddle Hotses,fonr entries'.-Thomas .Lennox 1st, James Clement 2nd, Robt. grose 3rd. (".m-rinan Hnrcnn, fnnr entries.-Jan. ,1.Auuua Jul: uuu uuu. Turkey, two entries.-Thos. Stewart 1st. r1-_'___ t,_.._ -.-...:-_ 1,1` 1- - . A_G1ucUL'rU1u'I} snow. l7u7>rs`s,u[ team of remarkably ne ani- male: and n wnmmn In: H. Slam nf .........,u wuu us naluigrnuluy nuc lull- male; and waggon by H. Sloan; of Chutchill, which may be pousjdored [perfect in every respect; `also, many" I f ' d t bl . f:nol!llg"A?l(!|)faI`:|n an.-uv amuymu ur gram uuu vegelnvlel. >, . At the close of. `the proceedmgs, very able and eloquent addresses were "de- livered by the President, W. C; `Little, MIPIPI Ho Eqo ;JoPo'. | president.--.0om. T ` 0110 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S FALL snow. The following is the list of successful competitors at the 0:0 `Agricultural Show, which came o at the Town Hall, in that township, on the 30th ultimo: 1|, ,,, n .- an 1-. IIIIIIIIU. Entite Horses: 3 eutries.-Silhs Bas- kerville lat; W, J. H111, 2nd. ' ' MDPAI Illa!` wnn`nt R av-nIo:n., (1.11; gross oxu . Carriage Horses, four entries. -Jaa. T Clement lat, John Gregg 2nd, James Scott 3rd. , , .1 n..n T..lL.. 1)-_a.'.. 1.6 D.'.JJA DUIVIUU LEI} WV , JO I111`, zuuo ` Mares and Foals: 6 entries.-Geo. Ca1dwe1l,junr_ lat; James Robertson, Ind. ` . 111.... 71- ____ _ A ,_.,- 1- n- -I f":i`.eam Horses: 9 entries.-Jos; Cald- woll, lat; John Rutherford, 2nd. Tenn Van: (J (`AID-u 10 ..-.6.2..... vvvu, Lat, uvuu Lnuulcuuru, Allu- . TwoVYear Old Colts: 12 entries;-- Alex. Graham, lat; John McArthurv 2nd: ` 'l7--_13___ ,1! In 1 A . - rc maarling (Colt: 14 entries--George Campbell lat; W. J. Hill, [protested] 2nd- ` |;.::;:*' aan, vqaucu A-'LulIlll .l uuug ` TMilch Cows: 11 entries--G. Cald- Caldwell lat and 2nd lll-In well _1st,and 2nd. - Tyo Year Old Heifers: 9 enlries-G. 0 'l1-___I2__._. l'l_:t__., an -1`- ISL JUIIII \J. CKUUIU IIUu Two Year" Old Bulls: 2 [entries- Alex. Watt 13:; William Gardner 2nd. Yearling Balls: 3 entn'es--A|ex. Gra- -ham lat; Samuel Jermey 2nd. nun (`.nIwnc- 2 ....o-.;..._.w... M:...n.;.1 I wxged `Bulls: 4- entries--J_aa.' Adam lst; John C. Steele 2nd. ` ` mm.-. V......' nu n..n... n '.....o..:.... uulu nu, uxuuuul JUIILJU, suu. Bull Calves: 3 entries--Wm. Mitchl `Isl; James Marshall Young 2nd. {Milo}: nnwe! I1 nnfrinn-::l'.`. nah]- _Pu"];;_'.y yaarsi experience in using Bryan : , .iiic Wale.-re have proved them to be the "f?" . effectual remedy for cough, and irrit- non olthe throat,eaueed by cold, or unusu- al exertion of the vocal organs , public speak- ers and eingers will find them meet bene- cial. The entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients renders Bryan : Pulmouic Wafers I or Cough and Voice Lonzers,-e eafererpedy for the maxi delicate person,und has caused mom to beheld in high esteem by all who have used them. Sold by all medicine deal- - era at 25cm. per box. " 11 ' urose znu. _ _ Yearling Bull, six (entries.--Davnd '}Iunter 1st, David Barclay 2nd, John King 3rd. Mlnla (`Am olnvnn nntrin.n_--Jsnlc _Ul\A| Mite: 67 entries--Geo. Johnson lst; Archibald Campbell 2nd. Sacks: 10 entries--Alen. Graham lst; Geo- Caldwell junr.V2nd. J unG2s.--Messrs. Ford, Ron and Robinson. T A The weather was exceedingly uv... propitious, but notwithstanding the sat.` tendance was large, and the 3}-`ow a decided improvement on {our ,3; yams. 'I:he_ oontinnous fall 5! min `and 3, very dxspmtmg effect upon ell,'e"nd upon `the lady competxtors gnrtzcvmrly, nejthef _themselves not then pv_odctions 1;. mg the advantage of ,, wen me;-jzed fair show. We are happy to learn that )9 SltY 19 in *1 most prosperous con- dmon, - \JlIl\4IVVUII IDG Ell`-I u! Heifer Calves: 3 entries- Samuel Jermey 13!; James Marshall Yonug 2nd. 7 ' l'I7._I, I\ A Twat) . -3 Pulmfynic Uui;`evt'1:l.i`r);;i!.|alil{`:a1*as;l entries"--`George Caldwell 131: and 2nd. ' ` ' `Il`...`lL.. !'V_l_.__. I) . - .2- Avuu Working Oxen: 9 entn'es-George Tudhope -lst; John Kissock 2nd. 'ruIn vans (`L4 Q0.-nu.-. H ._...n-2-.. Yearling Steers: 5 ennt-ries-Samuel Jermey lst; J. M. Young 2nd. Aired nnmn! R anh-{nu4'\l7 `I `Hill 1. uuuUIrU 1mg uuuu nrasucn Z- |l(.l s Two Year Old Steers: 7 entries- Jno. Kissock 1st; Leonard Leigh junr. . 2nd. `rA__1._ g._ .- -. . ._ ac: L110 105,.) o .Lu.. J uuug gnu. ` Aged Rama: 8 entries-W.. J". Hiil 1st; Thomas Guthrie 2nd; ' A '\7n....I3.... `D-...-. I` .n- ' v - -u ;aI., L uuunua \Juuu 1!: ;.'.uu. Yearling Rams: 6 entries-Jns. `R0-' bertson lst; Samuel Jenney 2nd. Ram T4HI'n]\R! R AYIfl inn_Tnrn:g- D... uunsnvu Aw, uu|uuu|JUIl1'2y znu. Ram Lambs: 8 entries-James Ro- bertson 1st; S. Jermy 2nd. ` Anni TI`.\vnq- G anon -.. l`1....-...- n_a_| unayux, `I. J. full, |14Sqo, U10. J uocss on Gmuxv, IMrLanu:N'rs, Sac.-- Thomzus Soythes, Esq., Essa; Roger ` Wilson, Esq., West Gwillimbury ; Hugh Canning, Esq., Markham. - Juness on Lama -Wonx.-Mrs. B. Boake, Essa, Mu. Wilson I4timei}In- nisl ; Miss Beive, lnnisl. The day was'a.very pleasant one, _ T and the folks mustered in such nmlzben abut a stranger -would woxider vty _,_1nuoh where they all came from. No: :'inEl8 nnnidnnf nnnnpvn in Innn OI.-I Tm: (EcuMx.\'cuu. COUNCIL lulfly ca]; led at Rome is an instance of the noliciurde of the Calholic Church for the welfare and prosperity of` her Comrnunieemn. _ Large nueerblee of this nature oonlerning|repmen- mire from all pane of the world`. should. be of some benefit In our race. We hope, this opinion will be en harmonious end, unanim- one an the verdielin favour of the Great Shea- honeet Remedy, for disease: of lhe lungs, illl. f .OaI- blood, uornok, liver, &o. For bale by drlllgg-. ADI: Iluu avuun J unGns.-Messrs . and Thomas. .3rd._ snunuua buj J35` [1083 am. A Chessc: 3 _entries-AUan W9. Geo. Tudhope, 2nd; John, Ruth .- -- ~ HUI wauu 19!, us ulcllly Zlluo Aged Ewes: 6 entries-Georgo Cald- well lst; Allan Watt 2nd. Ewe Lambs: 6 emries-Samuel Jer- mey Isl; Allan Watt 2nd. ` _ Bows: 4- entnes-l{. J. Hill lat; William Peryman 2nd. `Rn-on:1u'nn Qnnu. A vv uuauu L cnyuxuu zuu. Breeding Sows: 4' _entries--William Wiggins Alst; Jas,Robertson 2nd. Qnvinn 'D3nm'- O -..4...'..- FIVLVA 'I\ Fall Wheat: 6 entries-John Rulher- I ford lat; Wm. Johnston 2nd. Spring Wheat: 9 entries-John Ru- therford 1st; George Tudhope 2nd. While Oahu: 3 nntrinn_..(1..-.....- (nu meuora 18!; George Tudhope White Oats: 3 out:-1'es-Georgo Odd. well, junr. 13!; Henry Hatohnd. Black Oats: 5 entries-John uther. ford lat; Reuben J. Hill 2nd. Large Peas: 3 entries-,-Jo'nn Ruth"- ford .lst; Joseph Thomas 2nd. - Small Peas: 3-entries--Reu}-Jon Hm 1st;Josepht;I`homas 2nd. . M Barley: entriese-John 1st; R. J. Hill 2nd. R"f'd belBl`l;1::.Seods. 1 entry. __Geo,ge Camp, A. Au; Butter: Joseph Graham 1st; Joseph Thomas 2nd; Jtw `Ross 3rd. . nhanccrn Q o n . . .. All, , -rt? - - V EMXNINT `Mort or Scrnucx have discovered that electricity and magnetism are developed in the system from the iron in-thoblood. Thin accounts for the debility, low 5 irito, and lack of energy a person feels w on this vital element becomes reduced- , The Porn- vian Syrup, a proloiide of iron, supplies` the blood with its iron element, and in the only form in which itio possible for`it to enter the circulation. ` l ""6'_" "'3 -'ouUuc_IIauu I600. Spnng Pugs: 9 entnea--Thou Drury 1st and 2nd. ` as .. . __ _ J .- ----_I-an wlmxu may an BRIDE lrom. N03 u a single accident occurred to may the = day : proceedmg, and all went many `the marriage bells. The` show was "re 9_n a r with "last. year's, if not ' may-s iuliyi ix_1ontion-th|_/t. _ - `Its, 3???? }ho` jincst; ls avg: exhibitediin ` vs V. -ulcolc auu. Tomatoes: 6 entri`es --James Ross 1st; John C. Steele 2nd. Cabbages: 4~ entries--Wm. Johnton 1st; J. C. Steele 2nd. M ' nu I1]n<:nn..-... 1 ;u|, uu \Jl OJLUCIU ZIN1. _au1nowers:1 emry-James Ross `l3__AA `I ` ` 000 tnk 5d. with mcayhmg ..;...n.'., horn: mVb.euv nu; ~~ 4. lInh:re'd. .c:r:.a` in `1.".'.`3...3.' .`.';'.3 '..`1'.';.?'1'..2 I DUI I LEE` Tim`hY 5305-` 8 entn'es--J. Ruther- ford lst; Genige 's Vhitii1g 2nd. Swede Turnigis: 6 entries--Samuel Jermey lat; John 0. Steele 2nd. White Tumips: 2 T entn-ies-James Ross lat; Wm-. VVxggins 2nd- Onions: 3 entn'es-John Rutherfofd lst; John Baskerville 2nd. Potatoes: 15 entries--.Iohn Basket- ville 1st; Samuel Jermey 2nd. Apples:-Henry Hatch Ist; John Home Znd. Canotts: 3 enJtries--G. Campbell 1st; James Cobertson 2nd. Beets: 5 en_tries--Wm. Johneton 13!; J. C. Steele 2nd. ' 'I`.\..~...L..--. I` - ' ' ` 1737-5 vtir-?5d"3p 3'a'3'r'na"."w'z':' ' `"':'g.-""'n'n' ' ` "``}!d: 1110! were about 5i : orpaz; you: 616.. ; A01 pvrson (Mn: Inch inhimnlon ..-uam A'nyNpa-uoh giving Inch info:-mstlon ulilll 1905. 1 156 repvery of the cums, willbe ult- nhly rewarded. ' ? gpto P. 0. ~ -Lnn Ann ;. ~. .........-.., -nu; vuuu Iwvut In: vrjoilln yuru 010-- 9 A . nonm'Idx~ (Sim-.-`I E - vrnnxco :.....g .3, pumiaa Von 1,5: 7, con; 5 5, ms, in July last. A 103:5 or Qxrm. ` oxmt t -AUt;1 Wait Tst; Rutherford Duby, Clarkson D6011 am 9 I ' . Aged Bu1l.-John Benlie lat, Rich d Grose 2nd." 7 A 11`- ,,1,-,, , -n__n _!_ _.._:,... `l\....:

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