Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Oct 1870, p. 3

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[nan maawml ["1111-.,lL.1..ll!!Jl!*JA3T|lRB| DR.Td.W,SLAVEN. .--...,, ....u nun uu van IUHHHII . noois, snsn AND BLIN_DS,- At verv nhnrl nmhm .....a , , . * - - - v . ---v- Tu He also keeps on hand, hand `manufactures COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes all the paraphernalia necessary for Funerals. including an excelient Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. , . V 21- nu. vu; puuu nouce, and 'ON REASONABLE TERMS. ....... - vvnnin vuuiil uancl, Omzasite the Court House, Barrie, Roapectfully announces to the. public that he is at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that he can furnish li II - nu: - -_: - Bu ---._... ilder and ndertaker, Opposite the 0mm Hm... nu.-2-~:n ALEXANDER GRAHAM- ,,:..-' -_---- BEGS to inform thevpublic that he has 1 Stall No. 4, in the Market House, B: where he will carry on the shove business. Barrie, December 11th: 1867. mmusn: ENGLISJI! ENG|.IS'll ;` TEAAND'q9_J:=`_I_`_EE1?.00Ms. swans:-gel. ~ 2 :: - Qnuyancc [to 0r:Iluz' " ` ' ne!r.'q5uJ:en.> ' ` ' 'l`L-':'NI`iD A 1l,*'!3miiiidI`m-'.2 uau-my a McCarthy's Ban-ie, which he has V ton-table style, and smiles, and ivingsl patronage. till 'ke< Mnrket. . ~ ` Dunlop Street, Barrie; BuTc1irR,'i'oU'f.'H:1r':n.,-Etc. For Condition Powdefs II. `A nuunuilll Lanucsnms, oonwnonowant, mscurrs, CIGARS, romoco, mans, STICKS, &o. THE undersigned thanks the public for -their pant favord, and trusts they will not forget him, now he is in his new store. opposilb Mc- Onrlhy & Mconx-thy s.law oica, Dunlap Street, ned up` in the moat gonn- hopes by keeping good ivingslriclattaention to gain their gtill keen: on um Ron: ao. aim Window Glusand Putty In Q Wall Paper sel linf; at a lliscollnt. Give him a call. fr Young ` l ted mm: ISABIIINES, Lons1ns.&c'.l CHOP) The best Fine Cut.Chewing Tobacco A O QT. A'\7IJ"l\TSL- sALd6i: P, STEAK, SAUSAGE AND OYSTER \ \\ \ \ \ ., wanna. sasiu BL At very short notice, and `R`l:`AQn1uA'n1- 1.1 rnr.1n< ESTABLISHEIS 1862. bx the '0! Cheap at SLAVEN S. `FEE `Sigh of the ALI: KINDS OF Tobaccos, tut: punuc mat he has taken ` u Barrie. r r 1101., Inna -- 5".-uuuswllnluu to am mexr keeps on the Stal in tho! IWUUKU Go to SLAVEN S. uv vngalo, Go to SLAVEN S. At SLAVEN S-. iuulrr xx slum i STORE. `E .-._._- o:--- ROBERT NEl LL,- BOO'1` AND SHOE MAKER, JJGIIUIIJIIIHBIUIIQ At SLAVEN S. Vuu At SLAVEN S. lI|u|-J At SLAVEN S. V ' At SLAVEN S_ uw w nus J. UURUUU . At SLAVEN At SLAVEN S i'7lIf.'1I.5"l-`.ll`?l -b I AI,Pr op'iicicm'L -."r. In _7.-,.. , ~ ,'I \\\ \ \\\ `F. BAIL. G I taken Raw-n-ha I-In-I." I I , '50 PAIN 18,01 Ls,` l utty5Glass,1 Sign of the Square and Compass, Dunlap Street, Bqrri, Ont. 31-W311: $TMW% 9995: .'. _=l391=S and Sh9;9Sz ` ` ' VJ}. .iat* p1?icJes will '~ _sal.is_fy everyornleg . . . , - - . 3: ` 18 ,: 9 '1; F` I" " g f ` . ....TB-.*`S'ERIDa.AN-- - - .. . ,~ ' ,. .-.-as-M`.-s-_-.,. :-. IGHMS Mill [@0235 0i! EAan1ieIns! J. LI J,|\l\J.LVl. 1. \J1\ rnEFLE_{r%o%%nMLmuEs n11" I Barrie, Oct. 13:1, 1376 . Stands, Pe-ndams {and BRACKETS. Sew7ing Jachines istleternlined to` keep` up his rputntion for giving the Best Goods` and the mosf of blhem for the money. We have marked our stock at such prices this Fall as can~ V ' not Iuil to still further increase our large circle of cutumers., NEW FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, , N - BONNETS AND HATS. LAUES AND TRIMMIANGS, CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. . . -WINCEYS AND FLANNELS. Our Store i lled both upvund dow_n: suited to the wants _of everybody. BLE, " smeld.-` 3- }_ Autumn & Winter Goods; 4 We are now shdwinga Complete Stock in ever y department, ' V of the contents of The Bevm/er has had 16 stop singing~Ia}el'y he has beexi so busy, A -T .. `so_,.is that he is giving DBIG BARGAINS '11 ?_-..______ -_._.. ___..;._..1 :@m`m@`L ji mass E. B. CROMPTON, & co-, _ _ . . . IMPORTERS, [1'$?Don t forget the spot; Two Doors West of F.raser s Hotel. Sign of the Golden Beaver, A A . .n.u -`nun AT f10ts;. I _I1_v FACT EVERYTHING-NEWai A .zv D (,*H1M.'7v`E Ysi. - STGWVES , ,7-` AN_ IMMENSE NAILS, AXES, "At J, IIENDERSON S down stmrs with xi Splendii S_t.ock of Goods ybody. We axe showing thisweek, ---3.--.-'__.. N s..._-.~....s.........-2-. NORTERN_; 4_11g...s(A13I,Lc;E,A{BAI% . ,.-,__._,._,.._,_v_.,,...\`...`.. .-.;...-.-....::._ -- VT ....-,.:.~.~_.4. v..-..Ys_.-.........s-.\\....--4-.,~.-,.n-_. - R"I~>E'I'4'r4=",'"~"" 02-` ' V at " ' ~" OF , STYLISH -AND CHEAP. At. RAWSON S Ieal IEstate.{ The following vnluultle `proper-ty belonging: to the Estate of the. late }}ENRY DOUGQLL, ESQ: ' A . '3 ~- .". I ~ - ' . .`._-,--- ---...,..-, ESQ. `,2 _ . PARK LOT No. 2.-Being part of the We-at part of Lot No. 22 in the 2nd_ Concession of the Tonwship of Vespra, containing 10 acres of as good land as can be found in th: County ofSim- eoe; cleared and `fenced. An mostdesirable property ' and within one mile of the Market House. AlsoTov;1Lot'No. 125,` fronting on ' .\lcDonn.ld "and inme "Streets, i_n the Town of Barrie. A very pleasant situation having two yronts, and enclosed with a board fence. The above p1-op`en_._y`v_vil>l he acid to the highest b1d~ der,'un1esi preyzons1y disposed of by nrivate sale. Sale to commence at eleven oclock, `mm. a..m. _ . 'I`ERMS.-0ne the purchase money dpqn and the z_-emainder in three equal annual instalments, wxth interest at the rate of 7 per cent. , _ ,_ ' _ The public are .here_not_ied that all debts me to the Estate _are required to be paid immedi ately,_a. _all those having claims against the `same wil pleese send their aceounta to the un- eraigned, A LANG. H " D;'nbUGLL, ' -Eecntora._ " v MARY DORGALL. .3.-In Ema: `Dolly 1n'm . . an H. MALE! UU agrie, Sepb_.;29thj, 1870. a_..__ '(r)WR l`-0 RENT. . known as Haytors Farm, Big'Bay Point, Township ofInnisT1l.- Lot 25 13th Coni Con- taining 200 acres, 120 cleared, with goon} plziuk ' house, two frame burns, one frame stable and all necessary out-building, also 8 large orchard in full bearing. Price 6,000, half down and the remainder on time_ `VKALUABLE FARM FOR SALE OR TO LET, JIEIUOIQ . ` SON. 2241 ~ . Bank oi Commerce ' NOTICE is hereb given that the Canadian _ e as opened 3 Saving : Bank Depaige (exit in bnnection with its branch in `Ben . ~. ' e " > IVALIJABLE FARM ron sALE| To let ajarge Store and House containing 12 Rooms, good well, outbuildings, &c., on the Premises, with two acres of land uttachedv. For particulars apply to ` . JAMES SL(`IA`.\T sIMoo__LANns. FOR SALE [IN REASONABLE TERMS I1 Cat uzsu AJUL _J.U, H1 U16 11 U011. XHUIBIH 100 a._crea. . South half Lot 6, in 13th 0ou.,West-Gwillim- . bury-100 acres. . And Lot 11, in 2nd 0021., Georgina, County of York-l80 acres. . Annlu on Thursday, the 3rd dag} of November j ` A _ next: ` Tim CANADIAN BANK `ow jconmnnc E VsmasiiiiDEPARTMENT- l'CUU|VClf Ill}-I IIJI-l`H'E_Bl ISXIUWCII III IUV ITIIU Ul IUIII per cent per annum. For deposits remaining _ over sixinonlh, a higher rate will he ailowed; The whole, or any part. of the deposit, with ac- eruedinterestymsybe withdrawn-at any time. Inietestnwlll be czedited onallopengnccounts A 61: tho'30th June, and 31st December in each Omwonn.---lo 1.113., to 3. p.m_.-.--Satnxdnys; gl0n.I:."t.o1p.uA1. ', ;.. ' .~?,::'.- - . ' ' . H..PLUlMER,-.._' 1 ., ,.,,.._.- _,) " L av Sole Agent for Barried Vicinity. Has always.,on,ha_nd a full asaorunonl,suitable4 {or every di1ul].yL_r_ "Ff: . We take ocbaslon `to nonfy the public that we employ no pedlers, and lo caution them against hose prctemllug to haveour goods for sale. FIQEOIII" South ba1t'Lot 35, in 4th Con.,Nottwnsagn-- 100 acres. ` 8CI`CS.' West h9.lfLot 18, in the 4_th Con., 100 acres. . Lot 11, in 8th 0dn., Vespm-?.00 acres. West half Lot _10, in the 2nd Con., Inni3l'- I00 m-ran, adv! AV and A-Jun \JULlc' LuouUuI.V*`1VU `Medonte-- DOW! OI one C0113!` Inn UpW3I'uI_ WI 09 reolvoil; and`-iutergat allowed at the rate of four nm'- pant nar nnnnm, `Ic`m- dnntiailc rnmninino _ _-_- _. ___.. \.u;np.1uuu is a sure pmnlof their superiority. We were satised that they would be'apprecittted here as `elsewhere, and that the reality oftlie "advantages u'ercd'to wearers ofuur beautiful lenses. viz: the euscnnd comlort, the nssured and readily ascer- tztinedimprovement ofthe sight, andthc brilliant assistance they give in all cases, were inthem- selves soappnrent nu trial, thntthc result could not be otherwise than it has. in the nlniost aeuerul ado tion ofonr CELEBRATED' PERFE(J l`ED SP CTACLES by the resident: ofthis locality. With u-full knowledge uflhe value otthe asser- tion, we claim that they are the most perfect apti~ enl aids ever manutatzturcd. To those needing Spectacles, we allbrd at nlltimes an opportunity ofprbeuring the best and most desirable. VVJEWELLER, ~ F WATUHMAKER & UPTICIAN -auuun uuu uunao, In 41.1) uon., lV01!8Wl1S51gI-- N. E. part Lot 15, in '10th Con., Nottawnsaga -53 acres. ` ` n. n. pun. 1.405 1.0, In xunu DOE. LVOI.llWS3gll North half Lot 17, in the 18:11 Cong. Ting`- 100 acres. uuuuuuu um. H, In Ina mm uong. '1.'zI1>-_)`-- West. halfLot 26; in 2nd CVon.,Tiny-'--100 acres Et1sthalfLot 12, in 1st. 0021., North OriIlin.- l00 ncrea. ' V natal. uuu nut. 12., H1 15!. UOIL, not-Ln UI'll1m.-~ 100 acres. '_ Lot 12, in 3rd Cou., North 0ri11ia.-200 acres. West half Lot 16, in 13th Con., Medonte--100 I scram - ' I...s.samezs, Ugan- HAND nn AI '3:;i,?8ept. 1s,1e7q_ -A LAZARUS; Monnis} cm] UNFAILINGEYEPRESERVEESI Am"! H! WM. B. GANAVAN, _ _ Toronto. Tpronto, Oct. 26, 1868 883-tf. MARKET SQUARE BARRIIL sPECTA5gj7s 1 AKTTI `DVD (`TA [OUSE AND rs_TORE To I` mm Am tltxnntrv PUBLIC AUCTION ne. -. _ V `V reposits of one dollar and up'wardI_' will be nlvdh Andriterenf nillnwpd M. (ha rdlinnf four W- ._ _ -__ \J'C nAI.l\l.lJ|:Jl `% v_".;x.;.,..r_. The large and Increasing sales Loflhcse" nnnnnnmnn ". . ......__ lratqingf ` b put of auxin; .s.n.J.vJJ kl]. LET AT CHURCHILL. SALE OF 1'|*U5U H-CI Apply t9 , _--w------w Ca V i -V - - "7 . CELElRATED PERFECTIGD ' AEDVEY-Eu G`L`;:S-SGES. LANDS FOR SALE _ .,.......,. .1-n.s us- GLASSES TOZBE som) BY Aifply on the premises. no; . IA1lES SLOAN, f`Ln..n` nun Lu, Churchill. 39 -5in. mu... '1`onm0, amx & mm n.uL\v,. Special Geggr_al `Meeting Monday, the 31st day of Octo- ber, A. D--, 1870- I&uu:uw v-- -v-----uu:--v-c Mnnufacturos and makes to order all kind! and` since` nf _Firkins, Cheese Hoops, House and Stable Pails, Mil}: ',l_`gIbs, 1-`ex-menting 'l`nbs,Aall sizes of . . ' _"_-B991andwwhiakey-Bunfelg, V ____.n.`: ----tn\`--l.;\-..... - - _ .._.4 ._ Allan`; o-ou_-r - so-vac `J-ALI-UJJJJkl, Pdtash niui=Fisi1I'rre1ps, Flaur and Syrup Bar- rels, from one gallon upwards. htl'...._.'l.. `D..6` Dumb and `D.'..L-In '..L. ......1. ll-.I'1'u to order. U1 nun Jn nmnnax U1 V mm` TU J. Shareholders of the 'l`oron:o, Gray and Bruce Railway Company, that a. special general meeting of the said Shareholders wi'l be held at the oiceof the said Company, in the city of Toronto, on ' Bg Order, , _._-- At the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, for the` purposo of giving to the Directors of the said Company, the sanction of the said Shareholders, to the issue, by the said Directors, of the bonds of the Company, under, in pursuance of, end for the purposes declared in thef7`.1g_l_ ec'ct_ion of? the Act of the Legislature of the Prince of ` Qntario, incorporating the said Company. w. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR. |Tmrr@ Wm} ' ~naer auu vv msxey-zsarrela, ` -. r BEEF ANDPORK BARRELS, D4;6nn`\ Wing: n:-val`: `whicnr niu Run-nn Rm-_ > S'1`AYE3WANTl`lD'.~~ , oj'Cauntry orders'pronq:tl_1'/ attefzl .-`-.---.- -~------.1 HAS now on hand an extenaine and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Car- 'riage and Team), English nnd,Cbmx'non Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars, &c., which he can offer at very reasonable prices, Also in stock, some of the best English and other -Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards,` &c., to be found in this market. ` Ann nriinln in Hm. 9.... in .........r`.__..._,1 -1- uu:., LU ucluuuu ll} LUIS marxet. Any nrtxcle in the trade manufactured,` fur- nished to order on short notice, and warranted to give satisfaction; ` [ Rn`nnirn wnn n!` nnnr av.-u...o..A A. 1)., 1370. IV . nu Lunnuniiu 'LAlhU.l(, _ Secretary. Dated at Toronte, `t13is19th day of Sep_t.ember, -an. IIIIIUIBCIIIIGB anu IIIIKGS I0: O|'ll.Bl' Ell Kllll si '0 gs? ohuinbfr % ,Bmer Tu, Bah-iq. Jpnfy 1 `L0-1. Vbelt of Books in great vmicty, from five cents up to ten dollars. Pocket and Family Bibles, llymn and Psalm Books. Church of England Prayer Books, Catholic Prayer Books, I-`nmily Pmyer Books, Books of Fact and Fiction,-' Books for. the Farm Yard, and Poultry Yard, Books on the Pig, the Horse and Cattle, Cookery _gud Com- position-, and Classics. Lu glve suusrucuon. !Z? Re`pairs well and neatly executed. Barrie. April 8, 1870? SPANISH Sole, SIa.i1ghter,Upper,Kip, Calf, f.!`indng,Ttc. Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoemukors - Ti 1 Lxpnnvy` _G1'u;=.r_A`u: .. `vB.ni_J J`Iu`r ) ` " 3": ` H 1"`! '. UH: 1'I'DV|!lC8. . The 'Wn.ll Papers and Decorations for the Governor's House in Toronto, were taken from th `stock, the contract therefor being over $18.00.00.~ ' AT EDWARD S Pianos on Sale and to Rent. ` ' - Melodeons on Sale and to Rent. . Victoria Organs on Sale and to Rent. Sheet Music and Music Books in great variety. Violins, Concertings, &c., &c. ' At Edwards Periodicals and Newspapers, English and Ame- rican, Ledger, Ncw Ydrk Weekly, Harper's Bazaar, Weekly, and Magazine. .B_ow Bells, Family Uei-ald, Every Wgek, Geutlcm.-1n's Magazine and Journal. ' All the London Illus- trated Papers, &c., &c., AT EDWARDS Q0__0PEBA-,GrF}. Selections can be made here from a. stock of 1,000 different patterns and 100,000 pieces. Th; LARGEST stock of imported Wall Paper": in. the Province. rm... -w..n n ...... _.. n. , .. . Saddlery aml Harness ESTABLISHMENT, `l\T-....l_. -_ lmmuzgmmasi AT TORONTO PRICES, __lS_A.ACw vs WILLIAMS ;L9.h$ "1"! Leofhdr !` Leather`! At Edvvards POSITIVELY AT TORONTO PRICES. .41` EDW/1-lens _ .., Nearly opposite the Bank of Toronto, , DUNLOPTSTREE'I`,s 3411313.. ` .MARTlN Mooagj, -rr .! Consisting ofFoo1scap, Note, Post, Pens, Iqks, Sealing Wax,vPencils, Purses, Pocket Books, Pass Books, Drawing Books, Lcdgers, Jburnnls, ` Day Books, rDm.wing' Paper, Tracing Cloth, Card Board, TniIor a ` Mimilln, Cm_)'ons Ii.k Smnds,`Peu Racks, Pcnholdersi Visiting Cards, ` Drawing Slates`, Copy Books, Blotting Paper, I Muciluge, Crayons, &c.. &c. umwmg b'Imes', Copy Book 5 Cray'ops, &c.!_ &c, lulu Invnnn vun. anuuvln uruuuuuv !3'Family Bqef, Pork and Pickle Tubs made In nnlrr, \/ \/ \I .L _.I_.'.J..l..II.J....l-\Z 4.2, Opposite Mthodist `Church, (3 she; East of ` - Market. ` rl ' 4, ` c {STA YL IOTICE IS HERE83 -GIV'EN~ TO THE Qharnhnlnrq nf Hun Tnrnnln (inn. and Vv an Paper V BARBIE HTOFLQNTAO PRICES, POSI'1`I_VE'LY" mas. POSITIVELY smvss waxrnn,` r 20, 1870. A full assoumnentpf SUTHERLAND TAYLOR, Sccreiuru . :`LIaE0,-T- ` .13.440 -in WILLIAMS, 1 ' Barrieoopcrngo. [8 0. ' 9. l _ V- 5;: '- T is )v_'r`3fr"3{`-j;;;~ :;;_~.,. ;lA_3 , _ _ M W `:i11&} . G5 If E A _ _ ,4`; AA b'Ut_ lS1f1U1i U.uA.3p u1;',5|.u_| Ifl, ` _ {gm @v:s4@r%W2, _ --- 4; nindn-us- . md and.ln i} t). is\s\\ni'B ` The'onl'y store North of` Toronto whbre -the wlwle of the business m nts var":- _` ` Qns brullnhcs, can -be dorm of`. the }..;1`_`;~;c;`; - A0 Y \x' L'L"r1\`.vv [THE SECRET OF was s:;cC;;;;L;s. S Havcpronouncd fhem the best and chapcst in ms Conntv. - Rea d.er,' if you havo. not, as yet, ied the L3A1\"1`ON '1` S'l`OR'lC, ddn t failAto do so at once, and see the advantage tr be gained. Remember that a Dollar saved is a Dollaf made. Mer;1jantT&:iIor &%(_3lot_`hi_er, If you Want-agocd clock, 8 day, 30 hour, and alum! '1`in_xc 1"ie.:.s.-:,, gu xx here the _ _ largest stock {ever oered m B=.m'n;-, If you want ne Gom Wrannmc Rn\'us', Ptzzus and I:`,s.\-cv Rm. Earrings, Brooches, Chains. Guards spctzicles, Pipes, Violins AND STRINGS, AND FANCY ({u(;`.>i~', .\*c., A- . u` 1'\.'*rH\'1v.v ' J. HASTINGS havixu: Lceu in `Jar bx: satisfaction than any other Store Kort! 0:` 3'1 39-ta`. Q\%6 ~_)4H .9S`l`.5`- /.5" EV "" V y%wuvawsm @m@;. . tVn1caIh4M'BIiEz N` 'ANW,." ' If you Want 9. .Watcl1 or Clock put in good running order, and xmrrzmzcd, ' V ' G010 J. \'\'. U.\H'1'i.\'ii:'1' Agent for '1`aylnr .s (.`len7.or. for rczmw: Britannia metal, Sic. ` NO NEEDWOF (U`i_3 `Ar.1i();`iS. ON sATuRDA\ ,`0CT`ovB?EFe n, 5371'; Ad! 1IE'l`l1Y7'f`|?lVH_`I :1-vnrnrn-:7 usnnurn lAF"Wm E '.v01'!_"~', NEW ARRIVAL v\"1`m Tm W .;<'1`0m;; THE MOST F}lSH.l01VABLE_ LAI)1'ES' /IND (r'[L`J.,V'1'.L1'.`]U. 1`;,\'.S ` V JEWELLERY, IN1;."1+:m1-.', A: V II H\."'.':\'r WINES AND LE(@Ep5'@`aE%5, C.`z`FL()C3`I.CEi""' A*TRIALSOLIGITED 1`O1 ROVi1 TJIE Iwyr. Barrie, Sgptembcr 22, 1870. 7!3`R}4-H-'5' SQHI? 0l"IU..~. HUI!!! '3 V / ;.' '5.!"'r.vV.-----& : - ~ V coNsTAN'rI;;L;QN HAND.- T nanae. M.-r<'-h:17`h 1899-. % L - ';);`.'J_-l..i'nl:' 5 , -` 0ldv3e7,:C}e+ fbunlop St.,_ Jig WWW: 3 . _ A SUPERIOR CLASS 0F.cI.0'I'HS, r;-\.,.A r.\ (`:13 (`:4 83'7- AND BUY" ::-:=zI}=3% ' 30 ama ,Tumblers. - V Wine Glass- Plated Ware, Crockery, Teas, % A Mississippi Board, 6.30., Alboive Teas me usually :;ulcl at 80 c.:/sis r/ml $1.00. CHEAP SUGARS, NEW 1`+mmsf, mm` CHEAPER 1`}I.AN _`.7]319.. AT MEEKINGPS AUCTION ROOMS. `.The'bst Usood our M;zrl::,:.t.\ suppi; All who have pu1'ci1n.~_ my FRES;H sjsecx. A nu s,n...v;;. -, : l ,. rm of Cmronu. S'i'_.c:72 of flu: Wine Giasses. 't.,~ R. -sq`u:are, Barrie. I .:._.. mtg 4'--mung 7At- J. W; H,\.:'i'1.\'a.s.;. `At"J. w.. 1I.fxsT1.\'Gs. wm. Humjm, `(er and plated ware, Cart:/m T S501 c . x'.\STI.`IGS. RE" ---:o:---`- . R. N.-Info1ms the public that he has com- menced business in the above line, and from his many years experience an foreman in the estab- lishment of Andrew Graham, Esq., be is con- dent he can execute all orders intruated to him 1:: a re! class style. -Ho has on hand 41 km. .c-..'I. ..c u.._..s n-~..a_ J .` C. Cnumsnurx. EsQ.-Sm,-Thle is to rtify that my wife was very _low with lung dia- e. The Doctor had given her up. He said r lungs were tubercled, and medicine could thelpi her. As a last resort, I purchased a me of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At e expiration of two days, her 5 mptoma were cidely better. She continue to improve no pidly that by the time she had taken one hot- she was able sit up. By the continuance of e remedy she was perfectly restored to health. You may publish the facts for the benet of one similarly alllicted. T. C. BROWN. _ 'l.`..2-..A....1 Il.uI..u-I236 Ilhuiafnr III as mu BIBS! Style. on hand a large stock of. Mona Raddy `Ede 30019 & Shoes. Ladies & Ghildrena wear, 'ppeu, &c., kc. V - ' . -In order work a go-071 t is.guaz1:teed and none but the very Vbestq/' mater- ml ucml. - Mic lbs! 0 the [Hills I VII"! IIU IIIIHCIEU IUl' TUE WEI!` OI nth` that it was very difficult for me to speak din the night time frequently throwing the thee 0!!` end ruining in the bed to keep from augliug._ I tried three ofthe most `eminent. ysicinns in the County of Northumborland about: year without receiving any benet. - fact [continued getting worse all the time. last I was advised to try the Great Shosho- s Remedy. I boughtn bottle ofit, and when was about nished I began to feel a. little tter. I continued to use it untill had taken ree bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found 1. I win as well as everl had been previous my illness, and have been so ever since. .l'DWltl -sn.vtan_ lily IIIIIOII, nuu LIHVU D681] 30 EVBT EIIICB. _ . JOHN `SILVER. Sworn before me at Smitbeld, this 6th day April, A.D., 1870. I J . M. WELLINGTON, .I.P. ONDERFUL CURE OF` LUNG DISEASE. _ .-u-I'TIi ----- AVERY LARGE and complete Assortment otLadios En|mellcd Kid and Prunelln Qlhn, Buskins,L M C Boots; Gcnvs 0:11; Kip _onrss Isses ind Children s, of every {'\Ls.n`;l style whigl: will be kspt constsntp ,5 um'3{-- -- `- ~ ` .,C. Cnvuannuix, Esq. This is.to certify about three years ngo I became alicted ah -Bronchitis which lssled about eighteen nlhl. Iwra so alicted for the want of .ul'. club :0 us... an... A:m-..Ia 6`... ...... A. ........1. Dunlap Street, Barrio, lwodoart (act of the Queen's Hnlel. . -:- ' Prim such as to suit the times. -_.._...... ' ,. _,--_ w ill UV IUPU c0lllIIll- " ` MIG ' ` A1` Pmbns now To an mnmnsonn. - a. u. Iuuutut, _ - . Solicitor for pplicantsg Into, Sept. 14th, 1370' 37-10 in- TICE is hereby given, that application will be mnde by the Toronto. Simcoe and Mus- Junction Railway Company, to the Legis- of Ontario, at itsn next Seaaion,- for an to Amend the Act incorporating the said pany, and to extend the powers conferred age said Company. ~ `I n nnnnn fticmnu T0 -PAL|AMENT.l tu Oiillin. 32 50 Barrie In Alhorly. 31 00 Bnnnelyridgu, 4 00 Orilliu, 1 00 8on.u'1|uI4Akc,4 `lb \Vuhugo, ` I 26 to llnwlmoue, 0 60 ' F, April, 1870. S Barrio for Oriiiiu. and Washngo, at m.. touching nflinwkstone. Atheriy, and the Purtnge.-ARRIV_lNG at Wash- 10.30 n.m ,nnd connecting there with VA.-an-S1-nusn Wnxoiun ron run Nonrn f. Returning, will leave Wanhngoat ., and Oriilta at12.30.,p.m., arriving at in time to connect with the the Evening n the Northern Railway for Toronto. HROUGH TICKETS from Toronto to and Bmcebridgc, can be purchased at . R. R. Station, Toronto; and Return Tickets from Bmcebridge to Toronto via Burton," and N. R. R. can be procured on Steamer Wenonah. rd. I can be procured on board the Steamer.` Freight or Passage, spply to the Captain _nniF{ Emu %] 3 -\arrq \-r--- na--n CURE OF BRONCIIITIS. M. BURTON, MASTER,- rt: smmwmcm. IRON-PLA'l`ED STEAMER DA BURTON " . 5 liausxoxv. COUNTRY, I H) II]. v of III- l l` BAY .u fnoo-,. nod to In her BOOTS AND SHOES. Wain (_fi_f[I_tNGEMENT. CT ROUTE 110 ! ORILLIA 2 Railway I #5 GRANT LANDS! ------ REEIORE MILLS situated in the ' ' Creomoro, in the town- .Nott.untsug:, one of the best wheat inaction: in Ontario, are now offered for onnble terms. The Mill having p during the past year with the roved machinery and the dam and connected being in the most thorough ith plenty of water m I desirable opportunity to any per- ing to lpurcltase so mill property.- a telegraph oice in the village, aud_-'3 ge carrying the mail to Steynor. `A rof vlllnge lots for sale on easy Title indisputable. For particulars, of PHILIP Low, Esq., Barrister, G. S. PATTERSON, Esq., Toronto; D. ARDAGl:l,VEsq., Barrie. 14-to during All seasons, ~ NEW HL MAIL LINE. FS1TI{J*x1x:; 0 to Brncbridge without tmnahipment muss or FARE.` U. Dnu "11 . Epiacopul Mtthodist Minister. FOR SALE. Bnobxnnx, April 5th, 1870. ..r....l . J. D. EDGAR, Salirilnr I'm- ,. ' and Steamer, via Barrie. .3 nu nu BURTON 31203., Proprietors. 1 9- ' Smrnnnnn. 1000 ENVELOPES FOR 90 GENTS At SLAVEN- S_' Country Stores supplied at Toronto wholesale prices . . At RT.AVl'`.N R, I of 1110. En? II-L |o:inia,1gt September, 1370. V . 872-ly I Try DR. sLAvEN. % Stomach Bit- ters and Liver Pills, the best m use Wihea, Bmndies, 8:. St. George Wixies, for Medicinal put as at . ' DR. S 'AVENS Drug Stolfe. new Liven! sfTAB`ls, Omozitg thqimcoe Hotcl,`_,Ban1e`. . . L . HE nublcribcr begs to ucqhafintlize '1`:-sv`e1ling ' public, that bohu pn -lu'nhd~ `flit best of nnnman um nnnam -`rm mme-- :1: mode pllollc, `URI D. III on ulna` '[n' DEB` OI HORSES and BUGGIES I91` Qt _ ;n0.d nhghme` _:r,,r g-,_ ..~s..~; .~ .` &nnunnnn in 1.n'd'PnnpII.'n.u.*1Lene. [Machine Oil] All the standard Works and select Literature of the day to be found j A At SLAVEN S.` `awn!-We mm 1919:` r - V `-1 Cf as chenp:as:elsewhere 13 per cent discount allowed Teach- ers and Clergymen on Books, Statioery, &c., &. Grintol, r Young and nlumn Religion: and Standard Woi'k_s suit- able for all Christian Denominations A A ST A '\"VF\'l11C1 |GALL AT suvemsl and get a bargain. Call .a examine that choice `stck of fancy Pipes, just received A p at A xrvimu Try some of that Golden Bar To- bacco . At SLAVEN'S. Go to SLAVEN S for School Books, Stationery, Wall.'Paper, Window Blinds, &c;, 850. Go to SLAVEN S my Paints, oars, Vamishes, White Lead and all other Paints at Toronto prices. Teas, Daily Papers` and Magazines , both English and American A A 01' A 1"r`!1'n1rn Go to SLAVEN S for Drugs & Med- _ cines, Patent Medicines &c., &c. - Goto. SLAVEN S for choice {Per- fumes, and Toile; Articles. Go to SLAVEN S for pure Dyostos. Go to SLAVENS for Fancy Goods. If you want choice Cigars, (In 9.-. QT. A vI:1\19o 5L9!`

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