Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Oct 1870, p. 2

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Ta. HINDS. gun, IV IIIIUI -lI.rQlIC5I Swede Turnips-lstpr1ze, Jno. John- son ; 2nd, I. Dtyadale-.T T Ixllnion 'l"urninc_`|szt nrimm Mnirc UEVU; auu, .13 u. Aunnuasa Field Carrots--.[Wh1te], 1st prize, Henry Sloan ;T2ud, D. W. Cnrthy, Jr. Field Currots---[Red], lat prize, J no. Brown ; 2116, H. Sloan. Manual Wnrl VA] :1 cf nvrn Tn: X l.JUl|lll.a. ` * Flannel [Factory make]--1st prize David Jameson. 'r'n,._I_,._ 1-. ___'__ r1__I__... i.'l'_..._n um: 11 o 1. J..I.Iu , auu a.u|un uunc Flannel, Colored, [all wool]-`-1st grize, David _Jnm1eson; 2nd, Joseph ohnston. ` - Colored Cotton Warp-1st prize, J os. 'Drysda1e ; 2nd, do. \m.:o.. n..n.... ur...._.1.n mu. A_ "iInTiZ"u;, ii5.f" 1Eae.. 1.: `prize, Thomas Drury; 2nd, David Jnmieson. . Worked Quilt-'-lst. prize Jos Thomas, 2nd, Allan Watt. f`nuA~IuI__1-! llI:l A W T "HI - Ont` .l.l|UlIlulo _ - _ _ Woolen Mits-lat prize, Mrs . Dunn; 2nd. D. Jamieson. V `l'I T....l-... Q..-I... 1-9 .....:..... `ha--:2 Woole1`1Sock;--l at prize, Jamieson ; 2nd, J. ,DI{ysda,le. Wln|Ir_1a! nrivin Win an! JHIIIIUUUIJ , ll, J 0 ' IJl_ 3llIl)U. Flour--1st prize Wm. Cox. >Loaf of _Bread--Home made--1st prize, Mrs Wm. Hickling; 2nd Mrs. Martin Robinson. ' I\" run SDI] 5 auu, Jo .IJA aunuu- I ' White Turuips-1st pnze, Mans 43: Cave; 2nd, E- S. Making. 1i`nhI l`_nrrnfu_r.`.`vhIfn-I, `la! vn-ion uxyauzup 5 auu, uv. White CottonWarp--Isl prize, A. Hart; Joseph Drysdnle. . nlunlrnin `Wnmn MnJn.;.IIt nriun, Genfs Clotlaing A! vepeds, % " `.E-`3 W. J. Hill 52nd Thomas Drury, jr. ' * Qh-unlu-inn Vnrn_1cf nvn Tnnnnls Sun 5 U. do .ucuI.uuo Horse-Hay Rake-lst prize, G. J. Benttre ; 2nd prize do. A ' , Plough-G: J. Beattie. T . Farm Waggon -19t prize, H. Sloan. Buggy;--1st prize, Snmuel.Maier. Harrow:--lst prize, Samuel Sibbuld ; 2nd, -prize do. Horse, Shoes-1st prize, Henry Sloan. Carriage Harne.ss--lst, prize, Martin Moore 9-1.11- -....I `D..:.:I... 1-4 ..-. .... 1\Il ...Hn .I. uuuusa uuu y , J: o Stocking Yam-lst prize, J oaeph Thomas. ur__1-._- nun- q_r_-:.._ `ll --. `n.....L. LVIUUIU - Saddle and Bridle-_-lst prize, Martin Moore, A V n,I_:_-; 117--- 1-; __:.... TIT LT . ".;.;;;.;wm.g.,. A rcqilqction of Cut ZFlowerI.-John. XIII. JJO IUCIIIIUUUIII _W_oolen Socks--13: p1 -__.,__-__ n__'_I 1' 'l\_'.._:I_ ....u;.__..._..-..._..... z.........m.......... .....__.__.-__--__-__.... IQRTHERN ADVANCE, BAR_[jAliT i.Brow_n; 2nd D.,_MeCarthy, Jr. . Collction of Gerahfuma.` -- John Brown. ` . Cotton Plant.-Extra prize. T Collection of A`ptpts.--John ,Brown.i 11.1. mam, ':;;.;";;;;x. r""_ 1 Plain Berlm Woo1.-`-lat prize M13: Elm. Dunn; 2nd Mrs. Alexander Campbell. Raina! `Rmplin Wnn`._._.1nt nl-inn Minn \JIllI[lI)UlIo Raised Berlin Woo1.---1at rize Miss Eliza Dunn;_5nd Mrs. Alexau ezACump- bell- .` ' V .- up , , :l.,_ I r\.__._.l_I- - Anti-Macnsserr--Mrs. J. Drygdale. Crochet Work. '-- Mrs. Alexander M Campbell. 'nIYI`\Dl\:AQDIO A 1;` IIIIA |'|I;Uh IS. uauupueu. `Embroidery .--lat and 2nd prize Mrs. Alexader Campbell. ` Nntnnl l`.npin-in-,._1nt In-inn Jnlnx AIUIHIIUUI Uulnpoeu. Natural Cnriosities.--lat prize John Kent; 2nd Allan Watt. Mechanical Cnrioaity.-Speoia1 prize-.. mum. . Best 2bushels of Spring Whoa! , Bar- ley, Peas, andoats, judged on u_ whole. Special prize of $12_by Mr. Mcconkey. enry Sloan; _ 1?." 1m....o rm....:a'e..:n. m-in nf nuury moan. all Wheat [Sheri' Smith, prize of $5.] lstpuize W. C. Riddel; 2nd [Society prize] W. J. Hill. Snrino Whnnl ._.1at niizn Alex.` Mc- LOUI3lU|y IITIZUJ VV 0 do all! 1 Spring Wheal.-lst prize Alex; Mc- ` Cullough; 2ndTGeo. Sneath. ufhula (`aha ._Iaf nvirrn can uid. DHIIUUEII; auu. \J'UUo Olllililvlln Whxte 0ats.--1st prize Geo. Cald- well; 2nd Jos: Johnson. V T T `l1|...l;- (Mon. __1n nu:-A W I WUII; Allu JU33 JUIIIISUIIO `Black Oats.--lat prize W. J. Hm; 2nd John McDnald. `I_..__ 1`--- -4. _..2.__ T__.._L an, llll JUIIII IIIULJUUIIUO Large Peas.,-`-lat prize Jsoeph _Dys- da1e;2_nd Joseph Thomas. _ g Small 'Pnnc,._.1nf nrirzn Matthew RO- Great Western Railwn; ilton, Suspension Bridge nndjtho Grand '1`:-un{k Railway ~ (IRIS; auu JOSEPH IIIUIIIIISQ Small Peas.--lat prize Mattheiir Ro- binson; 2nd Basil R. Rowe. 'PinIn'l|1n QQQA` _.1nl nriun Qnnc Run. DIIl3UU` znu DIISII LL. DUWU. Tim o'thy Seed.--1st prize Silas Bas- kerville; 2nd W. Osbqurne, pinv Qnnr` _..1nl I-unnn Can damn- lbeiif Iciian Com in" the _ear.]-1st' prize John Brown; and Joseph Johnston. nnllnnlinn nf Warm` prn4h1nfn,_.-f`Isl IJUIIII LJlUVVIlj ll JUHUPII UUIIllLV|lI Collection of Farm: Produce.--(ls! prize of$l0 by D. McCarthy, junta} Craig Brothers; 2nd _[Society s prize J pseph Thomas. I"hnI-A tuna nlan nn nvhilnn nmnnasl nan ._A|u'uo ; Photographs`.-1-ht Geo. Lynn. Crayon Dnnwing'.-Mi'ss Plaxton. ~ Grecian Oil. Painting.--Geo. Lynn. v inn-Q Innnir I UVEUIIII J lIUlIIC3I There was also on exhibition amongst other things not entered for prizes 1: very handsome set of double harness made by Mr. Martin Moore; one of Mr. Sullivuns superior pumps. IIIV `Dull WI, .IW.C The defendant called witneuee to prove that the girl had a bad .ohara,otey lot veracity, and that the defendant could not haveheon at the plaob in %ne'etion at the "time named by her. _ erdiet for de'l9_udmt`.. : . V ;. , `D. -'Mc0e'rth'y', Junta, fox plniutid; _D. lfonltoti iordelendnnt. ' . ., V V II IUI IIWIVlIu`uUl 'v.1n'l,row Coleman vs. Matt McMa- tet;-'-Soiduct)on of planntii daughter. The girl wore to the act having been committed on: certain Sunday near the,railwiytnck'.` - V. V . 'I"un Hnfnnnnt '.s.Il;.a -.{a..._...-- A- As we anticipated the 'Courl: is still sitting, and it is doubtful if the docket -_.fII L, C.,.'-L_,I A`__-_ _____I_ T". `An. I-ooIOOII`oWlco 9.00, 5 x.......32.lb... 9.15 5 wood_...l2.25._.,. 9.25 Va . commorzoxs;-=-*. L---Daily um. 11..-_.: -..._ -.--v..-a, -..- .- --.- -vu-.-.-- ---v will be nished this wlae-l:..ml7V; con; tinue the report of proceedings as.far as our space will permit. V111..- n........' _.- 7.1.. -n........ rm... "b'."s'3ui'z'.3.'E5r""ua-ue'a= R. `A. 3;. . `then for defendanii. I I , _ ...l__.-._ lN;I-...__ , , In a up -- vtun urn: u nu. rvnno-Iva The Que_3n' vs. John Duror.--Theb prisoner was charged with having. com- vrmttedarape on the person of one Catherine MoArthur on the 15th of Jnlv,l86'7. ` "Finn n\-vosnnnunufznr 4. rnnnuhul \Q1r\r|-Inru` .vthe'document was a forgery. The van LII, ax; azuvul us, nu uclcuuuus. The Queen in. Patrick Needham.- The priscner was indicted for perjury, having, it was alleged, sworn that a certain receipt produced in" a Division Court suit, had been given him by the prosecutor, Mr. Holt, the fact being denied by the latter who asserted that prosecutor seemed to have some dii~ culty inpositively identifying his own writing, seeing which, the jury acquit- ted the prisoner. . . D. McCarthy for the defence. Thomas Doherty .93. J ohn O Neil_.._ An action forthe seduction of the plain. tiifs daughter, who was living at the time of the alleged ofence with the de- fendant. The girl as is usual in such cases, was the principal \vitneas,and. r swore to the fact of having been sadne- ed by defendant during his wife s ab.- sence,.but her evidence was so contrn- ] dictory that, although the defendant called no witnesses, a__verdict was me. - dared inhis favor. l'\ [).~'..IA.'_I__ _I-3:..vn- an .. i... U |Ily , IOU I 0 i The prosecutor, a married woman,` was called and testied that the prisoner came into her house during her hus- bands absence,-locked the door and al- though resisted by her, committed the crime with which he was charged. She had been married abouta year at theitime and had had 5. child dead born, and some nine or . ten months after the. occurrence complained of, another child born. The prisoner ap- pears. to have a good dash of negro blood in him and the colour of theinfant, coupled with the fact of his residing near the prosecutor, caused some com- ment in the neighborhood which reach- ed the ear of her husband who asked her itethe child was Duror s she admitted it was and then told her story, which she alleged she had concealed from a fear of having trouble with her hus- band. ` fI'\L- _...----.-A-.. _A_L_j L-.. -__- -.-.... IIBLILIO ` The prosecutor stated her case very cireumstantially before the Court and stood her cros_s-examination well, but His Lordship seemed to think that the . fact of such a. length` of A time having elapsed since the alleged commission of the crime, and its concealment by the woman who had continued on friendly terms with the prisoner, would not justitya conviction, and ordered the Jury to acquit the latter. . Auatin aw Riel-unr_.An nnnfnndnd Jllfy lU Itillull IIIU RSI-|vUlo Austin vs. Fisher -An undefended assessment. The plaintiff was called,` proved the indebtedness and obtained a verdict for $552.77. A Mr. D. McCarthy, Jr. for"Plainti'. Thomas C. Street vs. Richard Fogal.- The defendant had settled on a lot of land in the Township ofMulmur about 19 years ago, and about the same time the plaintiff had purchased a portion of it `for taxes and now brought thejpr,e- sent action of ejectment to obtain pos- session. There was no jury and the learned Judge, although satised from the evidence that there was a suicient distress on the premises at the time to pay the taxes under the law as it then stood, was compelled under the provis- ions of a subsequent act to decide in favor of the plaintiff. M `IN 'll-fV_..Al.-- 'l`.. 1'... T\l_2..|2lI`. T\ luuuuuu > ' `Duncan Currie vs. Duncan Curri junr.-There were two suits. entered "between the parties arising out of a farm partnership, but the records were withdrawn and the matters in differ- ence referred to arbitration. luI ..L.._I.. I- l`|.....-.. 1'... _,I_:__.,-1!` `IR UIIVU IWIUIIUKI lull III IIIIKQCIUIII Moberly Gnmon for plaintiff; Mc- Carthy & cCarthy for delendant. Tho Qannnn up Dania! 'l\T-nAla...~. Full-Cloths, IBVUI U1 IIIU IIIEIIIVIIII D. McCarthy,Jr. for Plaintiff; D. Boulton and Mr.Boys for defendant. ,,.1-_ '1r-_,.,_ , ,_,, ._ -.....-v.. ..-.-. -~-..--l- -v. --.....--..v Alexander `Kennedy vs. Alexander McBeun.---Action for" breach of con- tract. Referred wilh consent of Coun- -_I A... `All- `I A A ...I.. ..L 'l\.'.....a-. uuliagarthy 85 McCarthy for plaintiff; Boulton, Lount. Boys 5: `Stewart for de fe_ndant. ` _. UlVlIl!`j bl"-I UV I \J3UQllIl.|Ug ; Flax Seed.--lat prize Geo. Camp- `l_ ' ' LUUIUIIUKI VVILII IJUIJQUIII UI \lUlIlI' Mr. J. A. Ardagh, Deputyi FALL ASSIZES. (Continued. \ \/WJ.Vrwvvv ; We can v_ouch_..for the trpth of ti; following aqedolo :-1-` 1'\.-..:_.`;.: , . . -n,,,,-_; e_a.-:2-__'1.:u_:.:.._ j local xtcm. ______ .....:. am: every morning for ad Wuhngomouneeting with pages to the Munkoh District, rwfefurning }uIjl'm;sunxrs. :. `~ ; vonlng tomcat the evening trail} for I ----w u .-6 u--gvvuv-u 0*` . _ Dnr_in`g` the ma `Provincial Exhibition 3? Tortinto; a'n__old lddy of strict Scotch 'l'01i8i05I._: principles, wanton a visit to, ' Ioqle liiendniot hers to see the sights.. -On the Sunday ineoeedxhg the opening, . her friendto initiste proceedings took her to niorning service at the church of the H-- T--. Upon her return, her friend s mistress asked her how. she liked what she had seen and heard. Her reply was; Eh!..it . was bonnie, uneo bonnie, but, hech! sits, it was an awfu way to spend the Sabbaith. Inn! article sold at the Medical Dispensary is warranted pure and inadulternted, Palmer 63 00., Druggists, Barrio o.nd`.Angus. _..._~v...._. -_- gn.-...... ---. ..-....v...., ._ ruslicating. The concern bus simmered down no prose. See advt. EXPLOSION AND LOSS OF LIFE. I An explosion attended with loss of life occurred at Mr. Muirhead's, in Loy, on Monday evening the 3rd inst. It occurred from the snuff of a candle ` dropping into a cask of gunpowder. Two of the girls, aged 8 and 16, res- pectively, were dreadfully burned; and the house shattered so as to be unin- habitable since. Dr. Spohn of Pene- tangnishene, wasimmediately sent tor but owing to his absence it was 24- hours before the services of Dr. Black- stock of Hillsdale, could be procured. The elder of the two died a few minu- tes before his arrival; and although the L younger is not so badly injured, we un- l` derstand Dr. Blackstock entertains `but slight hopes of her recovery. ` prup-r_:uom at the kind. It 3; also an epctualaud prompt remed for SIlds,BuI-nu, Bruineu,SpI-ama, Uhllblains, rost Bites, Cnmpo In the Stomach, Diarrhoea, Cholera Inorbuu,BilioIu Cholic, Chalets lnfanmm, Dynam- l.9w,uc. ;, . ., 3 4. (rice only 8.5 cents `per bottle. -..._..._, -,.n.n- _ boldin `Barrie b T. W.Georgen Olivor at no, 3. `Elma, I &Al_xnndo&6z_Co.; - J . Deacon ta o - teen to. n m u { nodseiu du1on. "L," '4-1y". Him` "3! I den 09] 3,: in the side, I} aen U90-.!oro'1' ro-t.Caushs.Di tberiuf aim in ailde, Iowa l?d hack, Ntullgig, Toolhgche Rheumatic and other paintin any part ofthc body and from whatever cauleuuglven it 3 place in every household and in fuuupeneding all other propagation: of the kind. ` il llln` an ARA:-lnnl and ...-.---.4 ---~|-- `` uvllillll-"1-I , r`. ; . ` " ' `in Barrie ' " . _ _ 1""`;"'7-3'xnuW'}or` gem &`4"@**?9,~ ' - ` um wuuwuu PAIN `DESTROY!-JR has wonlorilselfa reputation, as 0. blood purier, alvenlive stomach tome, unsurpassed in Ihe hiup olmedicll replrauonl. ll seldom falls to ` in iv 1- Com la'nls lnd`geal'o Hu0'I|`lb|:|`l ,eEk Heaedachc, pKi|dnc v Colmpla'inni: Acid S!omIch,Phthinic or Aath mu, And restore: Io vital activilythe system debilitated by suffer- .n and diuno. ll pool and wouderlnl sncceqs in curing and- den Cpjgl, 3|: III` nuI.~ ' Au..- -.. _.._.;,_._______.__ Dye staffs of the finest qua1ity,snd'wa.rmnted to produce bright and lasting colours, very cheap at lhgmedicnl dispensary, Palmer 6- 00., `Barrie and Angus. V --_-u A Fnmilv Mqdicing; ;ei|andla_yorably known for the past ten year:-,r.|ever.lailIng in a single in- _ glance to give permanent Ieliefwhentimel used, "and we hnva never known a an` gle case of is_salis- lncnon where the directions Ive been rope:-ly foljowed, lgu on up contrary I" are glighlpd with its operations; and speak in tho highcut terms ofita-virtue and ma ica] eecls. 'l H_E `CANADIAN PA N DEs'rlmvm2 1.... Pnsoun.-'- -'l`he Beaver : Poet-`Laureate, is ....n:--a.:__ nu_, _-____,,_ 1_,_ _________1 _1-_._ New Lowsnn, Oct. 4-.aThe body of a man `named Iohn McDowell was found on Sunday in Jacques 8; [Iay s mill pom]. McDowell has been in the employ of .'Jacques 85 Hay for several months. On Saturday night, the 20th . of_ Sept-, he was missed from his board- ing-house. Enquiry and search was made the same night, when nothing but his hat was found on the toad lead- ing to the mill pond, and no further trace othim till Sunday `when the body was found oating amongst the saw- logs. Coronet McManus held and in- quest yesterday. The Jury brought. in a. verdict that deceased cameto hiadeath by drowning himself. while labouring uudera fit of temporary insanity. It is a. t've1l.nttest.2d faot conrmed by the experience at thousands that Darleys Con- dition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy for horses is superiotr to anything ot the kind now or ever known. We know that it has been used in many cases where the hotse has been considered aim Jst worthless, with the most satisfactory result, the horse having been restored to perfect soundness or so much benetted that the complaint could scarcely be observed.--to' $100 more than they would have rpreviouslybrought, and were well worth the difference ; let all interested consider this. Remember the name, and see that the signa- Rule of Hard -8: Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., pro- prietors for Canada. Sold by allmediuine dealers. LYNN .-At Barrio, on the 7th inst. the \ ' Mr. Geo. Lynn, ofn daughter. ------____._.j__..____._..:...;. , _. _ V ..-.---.-.4n up WHEA'r.--Receipts per mi! 696 bshis. Market fairly active, but transactions mostly for loonl milling purposes and on p.t. Huld- ers ask $1 12 for Spring, $1 15 for Tread- well, and $1 20 for white winter wheat. Street prices. $1 03 to $1 03.} for red Winter, and $1 15 for whitewinler. . Fl.nnn ....Dn.-aim- ....- ....:r :nn ; u -- plum ou anu `IUC. BAn.Lr.Y--Reoeipt per rail 4.872 bshls. Market active. Sales reported of 5.000 bsh Is yesterday at 76c f.o.b., three cars to-day at 696 in store, one car at 73c on the track, and. and two can at 76 0.13. A bout 200 loads onA.lho street market and price ranging from 65 79c 'ENOLAND AND mm Uurrzn Snn:e.-It cannot be denied that things have looked ra- ther equally lately, though we believe that England intents to remain perfectly neutral `in the matter ; should war,'however, break out betwen them, we hope for humanity sake that the armies will be well _supplied with the Canadian Pain Destroyer, the best thing in the world for sudden colds, rheuma- tism neuralgia. bums, &e.- 25 cents per Bottle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. _and Flannels, sumuzm non V The extraordinury effect of Fnnows, Com- rounn Smvp or Hvromosrnrne is due to its power of imparting the vital principle to all oonstiutions imparied by wasting or debil- itating maladies. It is -acceptable to the pal- ate, and suilablelur all ages and all constitu- tions. The blood ls restored to purity and health ; the Nerveavand Muscles are strength ened,whilethe tuberculous or consumptive deposit is retarded. D.:.... an Kn .. t.....i._ . ,. :-_ my In 11 .. . uupusll. I5 remrueu. - Price $1 50 a bottle ;.6 for $7 50. Sold by dpotheoaries and by F. Cundill & Co. whole- snle agenls, Monlreal. auu -391 no Ior wnuewmler. F1.olm.---Receipts per rail 500 brls. Mar~ kel quial_and somewhat: weaker. Sales of 500_brle. Snpelne at 5 15 f.o.c. here, bbls. Fancy at 5 25 f.o.b., and 100 bbls. Fme at 4 dollarsvat Milton. ' V One-Receipts per mil 3,714 bshls; Street price 30 and 40c. ` Rlnl I.vv._Dg....:..o.. n..- -,:: . nu... . .. emu outs-virtue and magliaj eeclsl _'"`m THE CANADIAN DESTROYBR n_'_onl_o_rilse|farepaInl|on, blood nu.-in... . cANAnmi nesmnven. Wheat-About $1. 10 Floor mixed-5 50, Penn -48 to 60c. Bax-Iey--60c. to 62. Outs-.-28 to 309. Inuep-17c. to 20. ggs-10c. to 14. Hay--$8 Beef-$5 to $6. Pork-$8. Potatoes-25c to 30. 'I'o:nntoea--80o. '10 owN ERS OF HORSES. Spttial NBIICRE. TORONTO MARKETS.` -;:.:___..-_____Z__ BARRIE MARKETS. vial?-cu ` 9.15.. o no DROVVNED BIRTH. Oct. 13. 5 wife of . DARL.EY S A 1' a. 1;) 1a 11 C) 1 1 FOR HORSES 55 CATTLE. .4 NEVER FZEZING REMEDY. u-y--- THIS vulunbie preparation combines ail the medicinal virtues ot those articles which long 4-3:- ....a.....-. mu m-mu-.d lo nosscss the most spje up ofthose articles which long perience has proved to possess the sate an eicient lope-rties Iorthe cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, ruises, Galle oi all kinds,Cracked Heels ; RingB0ne. Spavin. Cnllous_ Fistula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Strains. Lameness, Mange, Whitlows,Corns, Sand Cracks Folmdcred Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings. ancl many other diseases which horses and cattle are suliitect to. ~ hts_ celebrated Liniment has been used tor many years, and its curative roperties thoroughly tested, and it is conceded to lye the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all external complaints ever offered to the ublic---it never fails when timely used and faith ully applied. 1'. he had of all Drumzists and Conntry__Merch- lyjid `add !ailhf'ulVly To behnd of ullDruggis1s Country Merch- ants throughout the Dominion. `Price 25c. per bottle. - NORTHROP 65 LYMAIN. Sold in Barrie, by A. V. T. W. Georgeu and Alexander 4 Bradford; Green 6: Bro., Cm medicine dealers. . THE (mm ` EQQLISH REMEDY 2` JOB MOSES PERIQDIGAL PILLS. = Valley: I v 90365;. 1 . ILA` ` A-l- 2. Mo, CityHall7.0o... : :Street....'l.15...A. 'm-d_,,,_,on: A ---_-_ This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure ol all those painful nm._| dnngerous disease: to `which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions and a speedy cure mav be relied on. ---A -pg-`I\vI1I \ `I AI`\1'I:` it is peculiarly suited. It will, in 11 short time bring on v.he_monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be ta/`en I females dur- ing the FIRST THREE iVIy!)NTIIS _oj Pregnam-ta/, 11.: they are surr. to bring an M11- ---_:-.... ...o .. ..m,,.;ln-r time they are safe. Ilzesa rzus H/wuru um, Ur Jun: .. . _,.,...-.-, ;vI uNT11s Pregnam-1/, carria e, in at any other time they safe. ln 3 I other cases ul` Nervous and Spinal Affec- `.,Jns.- Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue nu sl.-:zht exertion, Pal itntidn uflhc Heart, Hysteric: a.r1 Whites, these ills will elfecl a cure when all olnermeana have failed ; and although a -powetful remedy, do not contain lron, calomel, antimony, or mything hurtful to the constitution. - Full directions in the pamphlet around. each package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. n... .I..u...- mu] twelve and-a-hall cents for post UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. that the, Municipal Council of the township of Me- ` donte,`at its first regular mcctingto he holden after the publication of this Notice for four suc- cessive weeks in the Northern Jcluirnce news- paper, published in the Town of Barrie, com- mcncing on the 13th day of October, 1870, will submit and be asked to pass a by-law, and will take into consideration the propriety of passing a by-law for establishing a road or public by- ' way across the 8th Concession of said township, being a deviation from the presenhline of road or original allowance for road between lots live and six in said 8th Concession, and which new road or deviati0n`n1a_v be known and des- cribed as follows, that is to say--starting from the centre of the road allowance as now estab- lished, being the division line between lots num- bers six and seven in the ninth concession of said township; thence on from said last men- tioned division line, south-westerly across the concession line and through the said 8th con- cession. The centre of road as now blazed being the division line of mid lots six and seven ' across tliecasterly halfof the said eighth con- cession, and on the same parallel and on the same straight line through said lot number six on the west half of said eighth concession to the concession line between the seventh and eighth com-.essions-said road being one chain in width. Ana -1..- s'._ .4--. 2-.. __ _..,1 __n!.._ V -n A quum-rt ox neuron and Honey, in comb, hunted at the Medical Diaponsgry, Pglmort 0o..Bu'riund Angus, ' zu ennui tor UUMINIUN Ban-io, Oct. 9th, 1810. uueu to ulspose 01 me same. Dated at the township of Medonte, this l2th day of0c., A.D. 1870. \VILL[AM WILSON, 'I`nu-nuhin nlnrlr . puruleranlp num-no carried on nnuer me name and style of GRIBBIN & MGLAUGIILIN, has been dissolved by mutual consent, and in future the business will be conducted by the under- signed. All indebted to the late firm will set- tle up immediately with F`. J. GRIBBIN. N, B.--A'good General Clerk wanted. Orilliu, Sept. 30th, 1870. 4 --g-;- THE noumton srawums of 1370 have been uceived by the Clerk of mg Pe}_xce. Ilnn%.o...o.. .....I ..L....- -_AnI-.l A- __-_ , V I --o - 3.45 - 4.00 - 6.15 .R 00` : Inna UUMINIUN u'1`A'1`U'i`is:s of 1870 have the Peace. Magistrates and others entitled to receive them will please call at his office in the Colrt House, or send a WRITTEN ORDER, as they will be out of his eluted at the expiration of nix `months. The 0 TARIO STATUTES of 1867. 8-+1888-9-and 1869 are also on hand. Price 50 cents. ` i i W.-B. HcVI'l'Y. Clerk of the Peace, - County of Simcoe. 2d3N.` B.--I! you wish thelnaent by mail,` remit cant: fol"DOIHNIONj STATUTES.` ` Barrio. Duo. 90:. mm. a n -2- NEW vmus, sum-4 rnurnnnnvn. One dollar and twelve post age,enc1osed to Northrop dz. Lyman, Newcastle- Ont., general agents for the Dominion, VVIH insure a bottle, containing over 50 ptllu, 1) return mail. Sold in Barrie, by Oliver Sc Co., . W. Georgen, A. V. Palmer, and Alexander 65 Co.; J Deacon. Bradlord; Green 6: Bro., Crnighurst, and all medicine dealers. _ V 4-ly ___ .u V - The subscriber begs to inform his numerous cuatomersand the public genernily that "the partnership hitherto carried under the and shit: nf munnm 5 unr.nmnr.m Inn vnulu. And also for stopping up and selling or other- wise conveying or disposing of the said present lineof road or original allowance from which the proposed new line or road is a deviation as aforesaid, {-0 such person or persons as may be legally entitled to become the purchaser or pur- chasers, or to receive a conveyance thereof, or otherwise as said Council shall be legally en- titled to dispose of the Dated at that tnwnuhin nf Ms-ulnntn thin I0nl. T--_-_.- V . This well-known remedy does not dry I: a cough, and leave the cause behind, an Is the cue wit mo gr-elp ltinns; but It loosens and clean.-ea the lungs, an a ys Irritation. thus 1'tHl)(7! II'_{,5 cause of the complaint. BT11 W. I-`OWLE Av, S! .\. Pro rietom. Boatnn. Sold druggisu and dealers In mu clnes genenlbr ,. n, _ A tr 13.1.... 1. 11.. 1T0AD%NT1cE. V Now`ltylo. Important Change. A REAL HAIR BESTORER AID DRESSING Oolnbinnd in One Bottle. -aw-`rm (`M A A I` `I `ITITOQ ________ _ Mn. 8. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALBAMUM, nnarrr ; preparation r the Hair .' rlzar mu! trzvuparnrt, ` wit/mu! .rm 1'mex!._ If it wry xfmplt and q/kn product: wander 1 ruultx. ll: grmt suprriority and (whom; an a air Drnsing over high rat! Frmch Pomada :1 ackmv.-plat m1 1' all not only in I/11': czmntr 6:4! in .E:n't'[`!. /It tstcrer and Z ylabalmmum : [J not 6: am! om -u/I'll: I/u atlur. 801.13 3! ALL Dauaoxs-rs. ' Prupxiutou, S. It. Vnn Dulrr a. C-\._ \'/lmlaule Druggluu, 35 Buck: St. md 40 Put Place. New-Yoxk. "III UHU {DU 5 ' MRs".i' A. AI."f)EN's -i--"ls `l"I'!Q7'l'\lhIII,1II- n. `raw.-`nu ZKIQKZC 165.5 K) \VilI Restore Gray air to its ; Natural Life, Color" and Beauty. It is'a. most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is inilnediately checked. . - - ..-.... ...-- Av` - n . ..-u`- , Dull ` 6.36 . 6.45 6 50 , 7.00" 7.17 '19: A qmnnrhru 6! Saron and Hohey; in Bomb lnntnd At u u..u...1 n:-..-_...._ n_.___ 31 'l`i`i`I"lI`l`1`l'l`I`v`I TO THE 'l)RK ING CLASS-We we now prcplrcd to furniv-II all cluyuea with constant employment at home.(ho whole oflhe mm or {or the spur: nu-menu. Bsulnvu net, Ii`h(uml promnble. Pu-nuns ofclthcr sex can! urn from c. In $5 or c\'I:n'm , 1nd I proportinnnl suI_n y devoting their who :2 time an e busincsa. Bcyyrnud gulsuruncnrtlf us much uunen. 'l`hnL-all wlmsce Yhn notice mny sendlb I` arldmes nmln-at the husillem. we make this unpnmllelki nlf--r: .|`oauchnnarc nutwclluthcmwe will send ltn my fur um trnuMeu|`writi:u:. Fullpnrdculnn.-vullu loam- uhg whirl: willdo Iu cummenns work on. and a copy of The I-0 Ia`: I.in.r.n-y unnpam'on---nnc of the I t Ind In-ntfnxnily l:('ws|'m|\I'ra gnublishc-d-nl| at-n| the y mail. llcudrr, i ' h nd-Inn 'r(Tn;: xvaongxxa ge vipimglq Prupriutou, 5. IL. Vnn Dulrr at C-\._ \'/hr-loule Drug` Bn:ch__y Agent at. Barrie. A. V. Palmer & CO )IsS}oLI`IT1{)rTr OF PARTNERSHIP. Il&|lnwIC --- -..-.__... _ --_-_-_ --_-- Ageni at Barrie A. V. Palmer & Co. Nun Qkbncrtiatmcuts. .a..-..-.--_-.-- I "xifi 'i&':s'1`0m3n an ---_._4____ l`1....-- II'..:.. o.` T0 MARRIED LADIES N()';[`_I_[OE.- Lola 10.35.. 10.20.. 1 R0`) Noxvrmtbp LYMAN; Nxwcurru, 0;-9 Pronnelors. NIWCADTLI, un-1., , Proprietors. vie, Palmer 65 Co. ind 6zCo.i J.Denr:on Crnighurst, and all ` 5-ly. Llllil IVIUDUH, Township Clerk. F. J . GRIBBIN. mnulnpinu. 41-lin. =.,_._.-. 41-ilin sLu%nnoa1gI___Leoun'r. OTICE is h'erohy `glnn that slur the expin. lion of TWENTY DAYS from Ihg rs: pub. Iicatioa oi this-Notice appilenlion um be md. to the Judgifol the` urtolo Cour - of 11.. County of Simcoe, bylptilds new or he ton. ship ofllono, in the Oonnty of Sjmcov, Widow, to be appointed Guardian of Elxubolh Ambu- Reid, Dim-y_Jsno Raid, Thoma Reid. Rebeca` Reid, Alexinder William Reid, John Rdd, Ro- bert Reid ..mm Edward now, god Iurggng Matilda um um tn!-m. pllclhn nf Slam...` 5.13:. 5.55.. - 5.35.. _: 8.00 i:Ve'1:I:'I-{'e'i'i-L:--A-,Tl;cI:; "E(.i':I.r`i.l-l'0;I',-;Id"i:r'g;;: Matilda aid. the-Infnnl. clldfon of Sting! Reid. June nf dm lnunuhhi of Iona, In an. SIMIIOI Ru.-Id. Inelnmn cpmmn or annual Reid, date of the` township of IoIo,|u tho County o!'8Imeo%`;` yeouun,` docoaud. and M. wife the said ilntlfdn Rid. * Dated this 7!!) day of October. A.D. I870. . ~- IIATILDA Rlll), Iusomvm ms or 1864` & T869. Clnum N the Couniy -Cnmlof Province of0ntavio. County of Simcoe. - .- _. A _ - ... the Couuly of:-incoc. In the matter of Michael Kaye: . anlnsolvent. ' ON MONDAY the 'l`WENTY-FIRST day of NOVEMBER next, (A.D.,. I870,) at twelvg o c1ock, noon, or as soon thereafter as Cunnul may be heard, the undersigned, Michael lIn;u_ will apply to thludge of the said County Uourl `for a discharge under the said Ann. Dnmd n! Rnrrin in Ihu anhl Cnnnll nf Qlm- not Is tuscuurge unuer me Dllu Ann. Dnlod at Barrie, in the said Count of sun. coetbia 12th dny.ol'0ctobor. AD. 18 0. MICHAEL IIAYICH 41-4m. NOTE LOS1'.--The public are hereby cm. lionnd ngninsl negolinling 3 NOTE UP` HAND for 3110, made in favor of David Johnson, of H03, by Lawrence Joice nnd John Gmmluw, or ' Wye Bridge.` _ Tue uid Note, the prnpmy cf the undersigned being lost, and no ulnc there. for having been received by HM owner tbcreof. .Tho Note fans due on the 6th of March, Hm. DAVID J'OH.\'SU.\'. DI..- 11.0 In: Ian Picture: esfmodohlo prion. . Pal:-ti cul;il' ntmntion pnid to 0010"" W tone in; mm ' Framer, Ifocke.t'a and Gaol, "1 ammr wood, and Hard Rubber. "mu, , Albums and` Porfolioo k0P` hug :.g4:o:,u9_1_ gs yo`. $51? PHTEEE_fWY '1 0-30.. I FRONT STREET,` Nearly opposite :-1 0 RlLL.l'A/y . "the `f Jalmatm C&I$ I Photographer, late of the. and Photographic Connyn Ora. ms 'to inform the inhabitant! 01",; and the surrounding eounfflr u u F.- commenced busineu in Orillm "'1 awn`;- pared to take Photographs of am ! by! lion. 0 tea db Vilila, lm rill 'u Oarte|,S oscopie Family ram" P`?-`..". .?..; ."'.`1".'.7.'I2.`.?.."..'l`;`.'i'2. ooze-in V Flos, Oct. 1st, 1870. . 1 A large supply of which Will always bl`P` hand. at prices which will be cerum to 05' satisfaction. , A- ........| n....A mumnu Au-.,_del1V`d aalislacuon. As usual, Bread, Biscuits, &c.,< any put of the Town. `R KING l WER; Jomv ohvn, Solicitor. HARDWARE &'TooLs, 114 YOUNG smnm, __.-.__.\-`crux;-\ A BAY H-ARE came into the preilziul J the subscriber, Lot No. 12, in the 61}: (`on_. of Na!- mnr, on the 23rd Sept:-mbt_r. A I.lUIl'l` HAY HARE, ab0llL3 years old, white Ill! ll `her, white hind foot. The owner is requested Lo prove property, pay expenses and take her away. SASIIYEL .\'l JRLR - OONFECTIONEBIES & UHOCEBIES. -_o_. HE SIXISSCRIHERS thankful for the "17 liberal patronage of the past, beg to info! their old cur-tomers and the public generdllr lhatthoy have made arrangements with 5` Leading Cheese Fuclortei of our Dominiop for 1 continued supply of _ _ runs ? i5i:Ki'ii'i;:{ . Builders, Cabinet Makers, And Upbolaleml. Hardware. ` Addis Improved Carvers` Tools. Stubs Celebrated Files and Tools. Carpenters and.Joinen Tools. V Shoe Tools of all kinds. Shoe and \la.chine Thread, Silk, 86. Cutlery of all kinds. ' House Furnishing Hirdvnre. V Shooting and Fishing Tackle. Sporting Ammunition. . Garden, Draining, and Farming Toola. Cordage, Glass, Putty. &c. FDR S./lI.Iv. ./17' f.()ll'I T'l`,/ISII pmrwu Laoruage, uuus, ruuy. ac. FOR SAL}; JT L0ll I'.'ST(.`.4SH PRI('I. 8. I 'I`nrnn1n. Jnnnmv. lH`.R_ I I ' `Served up in first-clues style, with the keno pickles and condiments. Vegetables fresh from tho gsrden on-7 morning. D..._:.. Q... nn um. v.~' inn V0016 muss. -"-"A RS. LINDSAY (formerly Miss GriDl0'o Principal of the Montreal Institution for iouug Ladies.) is desirous of receiving a limited nut! her of Pupils ' V_-;.__._.!___ __ on 1 . _!__._ 2- _.. _. .. _r.... I Instructions will be given is. . English, French, Juszc and ,DW""F' . Mrs} Lindsay intends also to devote pm of the day to A for those pupils who have gone through the 0! diuary school 1;outine.7 !3'T:m(s um: knows 01! Armenia!- -. ao Classes to commence on Monday, August Residence--Worsley` Street, North of 1 Market House. Rnlull. 051`. August 22, 1870. 1-3 _4'. lo 3.55 2 AK E;`iLi|iBunAEEHous CANADIAN CHEESE DEPOT. Lossnsns, SARDINES, &c., WHOLESA:E&. RETAIL _n__ ICHOPS ESTEAKS _-......,. Barrie, Sept. 29, 1870. THE POST OFFICE ` 01101: House, BA_RRIE. REFRES|"lM'ENTS, HOT AND COLD- 01-illio,}Doc., ma. 'Ull D-I'll;lL .71 LU I? [)0 Toronto. Jnnumy, 1868. & i3[I`f"7TE, J. n. Ha AT11rAx7_~ nv-V.r\\v x PRIVATE OR ADVANCED CLASS? where he has always ready 2111 kinds of_ {ELECT scuooxf KING respectfully informs the pululic ml he has taken the premises next to the [POST o1~`13`1c1~:, 19.!-'P '"'s'E:. 4- ..A- n. fmuhnl AT ALL HOURS. 76iT . omen AS FOLLOWS: " Robinson , `Znd James" rtaon. _ mm going South dail 1:43.00 can. and Mxlch Cow; [Aynhire]--a-Isl. pnze. In 7 . 5'00 gin`: _ _ Mama ' 7 013:? .3` going N91-Rh, duly, at 10.10 anmoguld Two` ya, on Haifa"; [Ay[.hirg]..- " 'u 1" i 1: - ",0 1 _ lat prize Thomas M_!L60d. . nnu.u.fw'}'f..?:,,'3"i'5s'3"'iIa '1`>.1"'m'.' .' Grade, Cattle-Yeulin_g Bnns-1st dmnihst 19.40 ;m.N _ M d nnngbi` prize John Darby; 2nd John Drnry. I ll! 1' I ` ' .. 'l'nudnyE:)T%nnd;yaerI::1 Sntfrdtyn At 10.40 M"h Cw 13` PW` Ddton Mc., ._m_ Cnrlhy, jr. . _ , | Ivy, Thornton Ind Vine,` Mondnya, Wedner Two yeafold Heifor--lat prize John days nnd Fridnys, 10.40 un. Drury; 2nd Joseph Gregg; Apto lidhnr tend Fergnsonvnlo Tuesday! - - _ -V J h . wuunaiysana `Sntnrdul. :o.4o n.n I.` ' ~Y'"'"`5 H"7' 1" 9" ". Ellnvnle. Iedante And Mount St. Lonh.'l`neI- Wamio 1- 11411.8 CLOSE. AT TIIEBARBIE rosi Ayrshire". .'Bnl1-13% Matthew}. YOYSTERS, ALWAYS READY. (TORONTO. A choice glock of : r-....mnu. 'the Lbudcn 8!n.oIW" onor. 21.11. mm. MICHAEL HA YES. VCIODEV. A. U: IO `U. JIATILDA mm. 1: :- R. KING I SON- SAMUEL N4 VBLK, Manseld. Baum, Os-r. ' it-I ` rnunuuys um uazurasys, 20.40 s.m. Elmnle, Iedonte and Mount St. Lonil,'1`neI- 4!: I sud Saturdays, 10.40 mm. T ' _ hlnty Buy and mugging, Tneudsyl and Fu- `va. 10-40 1.. In. . Ewart. . .. _: I Dani` , delivend 0' _ Il-I_" 4! sin. TH`: Ollhotntrs _v ,1! {act} kw.` `31381; I ww Tues Rexm WI! ab-M.` boner. I thm D0111 :4, till` 1 Wm; :`\ to my illnrr F JIICIIIUJ `: Swbxn M of April, A woxmzy certify `H. nu, T1 `IR. I U" her lungs no` help 1:- bollle of 1 the up}: at doeidely : rapidly Hm tlc Ibo wx? the remedy Va... -..... Ina ren|cu_\ You m:\_\ those sim'v.!~ lilllllbl DD, Illll ya, 1040}. ya. Tofoirb, 56:311. j R08 1 BOOT AN! LI lnnu koks uncxiu hum for 011 AC! lftnn-I Company, u )l|i0I|*un.. I`: K`o'-llI nced busix .Utuy years 9 liabment of .>` - `dent be CM) V 3 n! 0111.: Ho Inn on do Boots .l Hppern, &c\ H 'n0u~'x~. Dining unwk-: llnio, `April, Tomato in or- ' " BlI(`<"v` APPLfcATIo{ uuvu; am .-a mes noberlson. - Two year old Colts (general purpose) -lsl prize Thomas Reives; 2nd:Geo. Thompson; 3111 [Thomas Reivesa _Ye:Irling Colts-(geneml purpose)-lat pnze -Martin (Johnson; 2nd Gaotge Olmpbell; 3rd Wm- Bishop.:- - Durham BnIIIn_.Int m;.. u...-... -_ rum on me n I:l'THROI'< Ormil llld BM lhc N. R. R. Tickets can kw Return Tickets ' " Ids Burton. bond Bleamor In. Isaiah! 4 DOC? UIUIIHJU For Weiglxt on boarii. A LEAVEs Kurt S'30'I.n.. tut Jrillh and Ilur :30 at 10.30 u Snell Ayn Sr Dounnf. Igc ll s.m.,'nnd U Bsrrio inximu Train on the N I1-'l'IlRl`\l`( KWHOLE4 _)aly rouulo Bi 1" By lwni must FREE vulupllill 3 3"! `Wm- Bi8h_)P-' ' _` Bu|lJs-lst prune Mam: 65 ._Cuve; 2nd Waller Rnikps; 3rd Jolzn McDonald. Mulch Sow: (Dutham)-lst prise" W`. Raikep; 2nd and 3rd Main & Cave. Dllop N! sum JIRECT 1 arms. ` W `V 7 ? 1cton ; 0- 9- slld W. D. An L II Prices` ml -J Iunnd, HA1 1-mans] `_ . 0TiCE is `- I? mug!` SOOT4 `_21AderA |.fVlm.Y t_.A F at I -.l.--)l vnwuuuh .- , `Yefiing Colt or Filly--1st prize Wxllxam Hickling; 2nd W. I. Hill ;` 3"! D- McCarth y, jz; ' [B8 nd Ff! vuIun;\n-an` [in I CREE cl.-Irina `frag sioxl >oYiL` 1 vI .1;r` fis W 44- Uwuarzn 1:; _ _ Mayo: and Fo.uls'(general purpose)--- 13` W20 (590186 Thompson; 211:! Main '5` CW9; 3111 Ta mes Robertson; 'PIl7n'unn- A151 f..lb.. I..-.._._,l __-_-__ , \ rlfhi-ough. the kindness of Mr. Thomas and Mr: Darby, the Secretary and Treasurer, we are enabled to give tho list-of prizes this week, but its length, and the time ooc_upiediupiepar1ngit, prevents us from entering into other special d'etails`in cohneclion with the . Exhibition. ' A I Ilnrthern ixbantt. ' ut noon, and by the time the judges ere ready for their duty -the day had . came ne enough to attract a large umber of visitors tothe ground. After the prizes had been awarded, he President with the other officers nd a number of members of the society nd exhibitors adjourned-to the_Queens o rtake of the usual annual dinner, after_u\rHih,7` Mr. Ross, the President, returned thanks, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to the gentlemen who had acted as judges, and -had the prize list read over. ` - Mcuon xey. . _~ Smgle Horse in: I-Iarness--lst pnze Dr. -E. D. Morton; 2nd-B. B. C. Perkins ; 3rd D. McCatt.hy,_1'r. . H _ Mare in Foale--1-.st prize John Dally ; 2nd Dr. _E. D. Morton. ` VQnl`I"n I!..._.- -1-. ___:__'. 1'\_ 1-3 1\ ' uuu Jllo J3: J1. JV.l0l'I0l1. I ` E Saddle I-lorse--Jst prize Dr. E. D. -; Morton; 2ndD. McCarthy; 3rd James 1 Clement. < `r__'_`3__ H ,._ ._ -_... A I ey are the choicest Goods of the n, and at pnces to suit all. ' 11 we have; made any error or omis- V sion we hope to be able to correct it next week :- vv--- " _vu 934-uu. J: uaucnuls uwyu. Entire `Homes (general purpose).- Wesley Blackstock; 2nd Wm. [._ Hill; 3rd Silas Baskerville. ' Tanm 'Ll'........;. 1-.. _..2_- 1\____-1 11-- `Entire Hot.-_se, (blood) extr. prize, Dr. E.nD. Morton. T IV_______ 4 . - r1,__,.__ vsu yuan uHJ8IVlll6o _ Team Horses--lst prize Davld Bar- clay`; 2nd Brazil, Perkins 8; (30.5 3rd`Kenneth Cameron. M nnrrnnnn 'IV.__. 1.5 _.._3'_- . "I----- I-nu \U.|JllUlII 'LJl0l'0- Carnage Team---lst prize James 01801811?-5 2nd E. D. Morton 3 3rd T. D. McConk-ey. Sunni. Ila..- .'... u .... .. 1.. .....-_- .12. Va suvuuu . Carriage Horses.-13: rize George Caldwell ;52nd. Frederick Ioyd. Entire 'H(|nmn' fnnnnvnl nnirnnc.-an`,-_ PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION` B PRIZES. B Amongst the prizes taken at-the Pro- inc1al.Exh1bition by residents of the onnty, we nd the following :--For est thorough-bred Stallion four years Id and upwards, first prize Dr. Morton, E B_radford.- Best two year old Stal- mn, James Lawrence, Bradford . Best horough-bred`Stallioi1 of any age, Dr. Morton, of Bradfurd-Diploma. Best {are and foal, second prize Dr. Morton, radford. Best pair of matched car- iage horses sixteen hands and over-, cond prize Dr. Morton, Barrie. Best radlord. Best two horse team wag- first prize Henry_Sloa.n, Innisl. est six varieties of potatoes, for garden nltivation, second prize J. Cuppage, rillia. " addle horse, third prize Dr. Morton, |'rHURsDAY, OCITOBERL 13, 1370. -~-- , -vllll Hnllll OK I'll!!! N . `Two year old Heaters (Durlinm)--In t ptize Walter Bmkes; 2nd Maire -`dc Cage; 3td John rDnrhv' = ' ,..,.... muwr mules; Dave; John Darby; : Heifers fl rile Walter. Raikes; in & 0-n [ Wmmn unusual nuts on Unve. __- r_-_- -_-- ..... ..__ ......._.._...l __.V_ e, arid` there were several prizes hich were evidently considered worth mpeiing for. The early part of the day was rather reatening, but the rain cleared of '.__A ..____ __..l I.-- ;l__ 13...- AL_ 2..*.I___- The building in which the vegeta- es `wore exhibitedin the Crystal Pal- e grouixds, was very handsomely de- rated with evergreens, and the show ranged under the supetintendence of r townsman Mr. Vair, late of the rm Bgpwn & Va.ir'. A .a annual show held- re y last, was generally ad- tted to he one of the best we have d, taking it as a whole algogethei, in me depanments the entries weie wet than they should have been.` The prize list was an unusually full - -,i:' .1-_`_- ___-,. ___,,_,,u , _, r..." , uuu 'vv.u.|- .Dlll(_)P.- I urham 3; Donald. QING AGRICULTURAL I5113_I'rIoN.- ` :r.su,tDurhaI.n]---`lat 11:65; 2nd `and J. nnwnms, 1>`._u Has receivd a full Stock of ." .VV";:kli.|Ig Ox_en--1st prizh `Joseph Johnston - 2nd and 3rd John Kent.` 11"... ____.__ -|_: a.____ 1-: _..:-.. lnl.-. `ilouiils-`:r1?tg.prize John- ` n1-_u.___ AW 47 1-. __2_;_ v1'--....I. I ouuualun ' Z110 Illa Dl Jullu nuns. Two year old Stoets- lat prize John Warnia. . Yearling Steers-1st ptize Jonathan Sissons. =L V K - 1.1.. 11,_,. ,. _,_2__ 111_Ia__"D_:L-- . uwI'::lt].3;ast-1st prize Wallet-"Baikes ; 2nd George Maundrill`; 3rd Hepwonh Ohappel. r.nnnuOn- , Anna` Rn!n:1al ring `\JIlItI`PUlo Leioeser.--Aged `_ Ram-1st ` rize I. Hill`; 2nd W. D. Stoddard; 3rd ohn Warnica. ' V `U'-_._|_._._ 11,..- .4` __s._. ur n ' Iv nlullh _ Yearling I{am-!st prize W. D- Stoddaxd ; 2nd`Jnmea Robartson; 3141 Craig Brothers. . `Cotswold .-d-Aged Ram--lst and 2nd ` W. D. Stoddard. ' xr-__::__ 'n__._. c_; _...:-- TIT 'l\ If 0 LI; oluuuulu. qYearling Rama-lst prize W. D. Stoddard. d ` a-.-.L 1'\____,,_ 1..-.` 13-.....` 1-4 LJ svuuul U I South Down.-Aged Rams`--1.3` pri e W. D. Stoddard. I z . van: :I|JI D-.. `In! $h:`A W `H g!!!- [IHZ6 W. Us Dl0(l(18.Hlo Yearling -RaIn-lst prize W. D. Stod- dard; 2nd Walter Raikes. V ` T Ann 11...) D... nlla thorn Rmlwav Txme Table. "W"-5 3 9" VVEIIUI l.\lll B Any. Breed.-Ram -I:tn1V)-`1st and 2nd (Mr. Wm. Nicholson) W. D. Stod- dard; 3rd John King. QL-_._ 1-. ___,__- 111' 'r\ of_.I..I_...I. W-S_h,e:;;;:-`i`s';--;)r;;:B':|7. D. Stbddard; 2nd _and 3rd Mair: & Cave. _. __:__ 117 n :!n-.I.1_...! . lllcl `J JJTIUKCU ' DI llllf IX: UCIVOO Ew$Y}amm._1: prize W. D. sma- dard; 2nd Robert. Wilkinson; 3rd Simon Thompson. ' A Fat Shaun-\___1nl nu-inn 'RnhArf Wilkin- auu uuu OIL! JVLIIIIS X \J,IlVCo Gimmers-'1st prize W. D. Stoddard ; 2nd C. C, Bndges; 3rd Mair: 8; Gave. Ruin T.on1-uh: __.1nl* nndnnw, n, glad`- `son; 2nd and 3rd Walter Rnikes. _ IJI IIIUII J. IIUIIIIIHUIJ 0 Fat Sheep--1sl prize Robert Wilkin- ., sip- __-- , -..- -u-.- ...- u-cu.-. ----...-.._- Swme.-Boars_.-1st prize John `Mc- Clure. ` ` ___. , `I "'An ,, 1,4 , ',,_ I f___.--l`. \.IllIIUl . Sow and Litter.-1st prize Kenneth Cameron. ` T ' a_.._n ~n,__-s~ 11-....- 1_. -..:_- 117 TU". Small Breed.`---Boats--1st prize W. D. Stoddard; 2nd R. I. Hill ;. 3rd Geo. Maundrell. V - gnu! nut` T.Nhav_._1af nu-"Ira 'l`I'{nmn ." gexen.-1:.` prize V Martin J dhnslolls 2ndGeo.V Sneath_. ` . I')-_._ 1-: __..._ nu.-- 1-u,_____'...' n 1 . uuucuuo " Winter npp1es.-1tpnze 2nd Baht`. Little. A T nwarl.-.. _B.50... 1 [Dept] ..l0.00... y.....*...10) l... slo.(Ax'.)l0.35. . . ...` . . . . ..1n.4n, ` snug; sun 1.). `Lulivll uly. Tomatqes.-lat prize E. S. Meeking; 2nd D. McCarthy. ' . ('1...-1'nna._1 at nriwn Tn!-n `l!..u..,vno `hurl au(`3n;;>I;:::ila.t"[;r.ize J o_hn Browng 2nd Wm. Barren. 11.3.... 1.; ___e__'nn-_.-e,, 1-,. , ..__ uu uru .v uucuul. V ` ` Beet;--1sLprize Chas. Bennett; 2nd John `Btown. ` `l:'_._I__ 17---- I1 ____ ._ 1,;,,,- , 9 I " Wi.:rTy"i;<>.;1'1 Cartou.-lst prize John Brown;2nd H. Sloan.` ` lpnlnninn __`Inf no?-n Talc- D.u.-...- JJlUWIlj ll Ila $11- Panvnipa.-lstT prize John Brown; 2nd Geo Snguth. A - Collection" of .App!es.- (25 apple- treei fro:n" '_Brown~& ~Vair;) lat prize goiter; Little; 2!!!! Mn." Cox;-31d . Geo. neat a " . _>-. . _ .1 _ `S`(.)`\`l`?u:K`:;l Litter--j.st prize Thomas Drury ; 2nd Robert Leudley; 3rd'John, R nun .._-..... Poultry.-Dorkings--1st prize Walter Raikes. ` H Cochin--lst prize.John Cuppagc. Poland-lst prize John Cuppage. Spanish-lst p.iize- John Cuppage. Bramah-1st prize D. McCarthy.` Ducks--.-lat prize Martin Johnson. Geese-lst prize Kenneth Cameron ._ '_I`urkeys-lst prize George Sneath. Dairy Produce.-'|`ub or Crock of But~ ter--Special; prize of $10, offered by Mr. W. D. Ardagh; 1st 'prize_ Mrs. Martin Johnston;`2nd prize Society .s prize] Mrs. Dean ; 3rd John em 5 4th A John Kent. [33 entries]. `Rnlrnr in Rnila .._| at nrizn Rfnhaw "biallal:.E0; e"l|::-`- -u1.8t prize E. 5. Mad- king; 2nd D. McCarthy. 'Pnn|nfnnn,_`In} nvpn W H llnnbinno cer. ;WI'UWll j nun, LL; Ivunlun Mange! Wortzel.--lst prize, _Jos. Dpygdalo, 2nd D. Mc0a.rthy,Jr. ` T pnml~akins.-lstp:ize Samuel Man- Squa sh--lst prize George Sneath, 2nd D. Mcouxthv. J|'.- ' ` ' r1._n-_.:-_. _.'Rn:-no l`_' `I . `D...-.u:..|... Z IJO 1VlcU.`:|'h 0',` V. Collection at R0018--Q J: Bea.tt16'8a prize of a Horse `Hoe; John Johnston. Collection of Gzrtden Vegetables-- lst prize E. S Meekfvzi 204 -7- 310W"- Cabbage.o--ls! prize '13. McCarthy, Jr. ; 2nd Johnston. V n....|;a.....-.. ,_1.1 ..i... `la! R `M'..'., novma NORTH.-5 MOVING sou-Am Read Downwards. Read Upwards. P.l. 4.21. 13.11. _ I10. CitvHnll7.nlI ,, -2 `.4: In .. - - - UUIIU L\Cll|u L00 OLlLll|.'B_lo Butter in Rolls.--J st prize Matthew Robinson ; 2nd A!lan Watt ; 3rd Simon '1`l|o'mpsou. [16 entries]. (".1-mnnn__.`I:t m-ima Edward T.nnk : Luuow. Cabinet Ware--1st prize, W. H. Freeman. . !I":.-. Tlfnu-a__1aO run:-In "P, "R. Rnunann : yxuuumu. Tin Ware--lst prize, T. E. Bawson; 294, J. Pullen.` 1-: .4. _...`l !V_...I..... 'I3--.I..-A __Dl\h_ J. IIUIHIJSULI I LIV Uull 30 . Cheese.-1st prize Igdwaxd Lock ; 2nd Mathew Robinson ; 3rd Allan Watt. I-.nn-as nu, - - - ------ `Rams and Gzirden. Produce.-.-Potm goes__[Early Rose], lst prize, Geo: sneath; 2nd, Wm. Gardner. "[)......ln 'Rlnnn:_Icf nrivzn, `Vrn, Wink. JJILV Ill JG-IllUULlo Blankets:-lst prize Graham}: Lount, 2nd William Cox. - nu_.x. -n.".__ 1u-_.x- r_u `-......n 1-. neaul; (um, 17 Illa unuuuca. ' Peach Blows-lst prize, Wm. Hick- ling; 2nd,D. _W. Carthy, Jr. _ Cups---1st pnze, Henry Sloan; 2nd Joseph Thomas. _ _ _ Any other kind--lst pnze, [William Hickliug; 2nd, Waller Raikes. Qnrnrlh 'l`n'rninm_-_Ist nrize- J I10. John- Munuf'nc.tVures of meat] Factory make--1st prize Graham Sc Lount. ` -nv_.,__-I rl.*,-n-._-_ ___I.-1 1-; ....:.__ ZUU VV uuulu `JUA- Cloth, Home Made all Awool]-Alst prize W. I. Hull; 2nd rs. Cox. Plnnnpl. l"`.nlnI-Ad. Tn" uinnl1._;'Ist mi;I`1`;->.|e`r'I1v`a't.1_-t.s:'."-:-`Best Raper.- [Mr. A. . l`hompso n s Prize,] G. J. Beanie. Fanning Mill-1st prize, G. J. John- son ; G. J. Beanie. unrnn_"n `R1-aEn___`I.af I\P:A (1. I- u........: y[Ar]....: `Ewart. . _ , 1

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