` " `GdK0D` F1_x;1_1.G.-Mr.' Ha;ti 1_1gs; yes- terday, caught 8` trout, "one of-_wh`icl1 weighed *9 poundsg _~ - b ` Nwn.\mm.-Us Dr. J.|Brig[:_' Alleviulol for Neurnlgm, "Headache, Catarrlf, Sore :;'.l`hroa`, BronchiIis,&c. It is` apreenblej.to.uI'c, luid te- fable. Sold`by Druggisu. I _ 3. . V.` _88-131i: . `compensation. I .._ -v v.- vuuuwn v.... A vWe;'.larnA that quite` a nllnmber bf thet residentstiu the Southern part,` of T Oro, along what is"known`as the Lake Shore route,V'n'a.ve expressed their willingness to give the right of way `without any 1: .14- '__-.1 .-I___ .1... V`.*.._(_. L12 1 A staff of En:'giVnee_}s arVo: aT1,"1i'i'AIf`at wbrk looking out, as wmpresume, 9.: new and cheaper line than the one- upon which tho"-By`-La%vsT who subm_it-` ted to Cure` and Orillia. .takes that cbuT"se ~ 1hAey can well afford tp d_o so. ` Pn.n'.s.-Use Dr. `J.'_`B,I-Eggs Pile Remedvlor In lerunl, Exlernal,`BleedingV and Itching .'Pik-s. I gives immediulevrelwf and is 'reliabl. _ Sold by '-Druggists. " ' _ 888-3m -A7.t._a meetixig of the foAx-n_1eTr mvemlex-s _of`- the` Waverley Cricket-Club on Sntgxrday, the fpllow-_ ing oicers were ununiinonsly `elected .-'- ' I n.....:.t...o n n n..'.:= . vhm D...a:A....o' It ` ` Have your Horses and Oattlg look sleek an.l ilvely by;uaing' Dar1ey s: Hame1 s, or St. J ohn s Conditipn Powders. sold by Palmer & 00., ` Chemists, opposite Mc\Vatt a Barrie'Hotel.A . "[Mem1`>rs are beginning to gelatb tired of the long and rather unsati'sfactor.y' Sessxon which is` `nowicoming to a close, and some of them. `are `already moving homewards. We; understand tho.t-Mr. McConkey has |aIready lft Ottawa, and v(il1.b`e` here] to-m_orro_w or Saturday . _ Ou'Thurduy Inst,-the brethren or Orii1ia'Lodge_paid "a visit T to the `craft in Barrie."_ They errived by the Car- rielliz `and proceeded to the Lodge, Room where the _t\\_fo Lodges held a lengthen- ed communication, .at which R. W. Bro. `Kivas Tully, representative of the Grand Lodge of.Ir.eia_nd",iwas `present. After the Lodge was closed the: Orillia- T brethren invited their Barrie friends to a supper at the Queen s, `at which about forty sat down. , L V Ccllingwoodi Progressing, ." ` ' We'a'reIglad to leuim that Coiling- wood has been `improving Very percep- htibly of -late, one: evidence `of which . isfa rise in the value, of real estate, which description .of property,j except `in some very favorite _locnlities, has for /"some ygars past been almost urisaieable, owing to the extenttowhihlandspecu- -iatioin had been `0VetdQ!`16il).i.ilRt town as` in mnnyotheripatts ofiOntafrio. _ V m In... ........ ..r .1... 1m...-:_:.._i:._- :_ __,___ V DiSPEPilA.--USe- Dr. J. Briggs"M levz1nVlor,` for Dispepsia, Flalulency, `Heartburn, Gac; Soledaby ' ' , ~88 - In Druggisb > V - {neinrorcemqnts % I .......... .. -t'*.a1.'. 'm...:'..-..'.. `I M _ USKOK_A -RAILWAY; ` Bisxc mms AHEAD.` _ FOR T HOME. - MASONIE," --.5} *JiELEC`i`iiVKC 7 -`Draumeyn......JU,;Iu 'Allandzi1e.(Ar.)l0.35.. -Barrie-. . . . . . .10.-10.. A1land_z-.1e.[Dep.]10'. 65;` Znrrisona . . . . . .11.`10.` Angus. . . ...11.2?... New Lowell. . .'.11.40.` SmyIier.. . . . .. .12.00.. >,Batte:1ux.. . .}_2.15.:. Collinwobd ., .12.25,. ' . nnuvw u.-uuv I w- u Illlll ' I! U `G V_ V i ' ; ll'l0_F, *l,|v6|""!h"',1Z}';;`_" -"'-"';,";":h';: ton forlonnn 1|. 'SL<;1d'l:;:lll.ilodl':oix;o 333%. '.l5liI!'C,l'P % % F % J j % `Mie`4`d,ru,,Ju;y_. He said the 313- """"""" """ ' """' `V cum waarnot to be eonvictednor |c- , T-Nzdnhau-'-.Un:a 1).-. J. Briggs: Anmmor, , . . 1 A { : 1, Vghes`_ofthoooi1n- ""' `."f"." ```:'``_'"' 5`'f' 5` 1.3""? `*1 A:=2::`3.:1:..P::*.,:..:.::';::..;..amw.ra W V ; zm.:?ao;d_=or_ living; 9"-3".-"'." ,l"5'.i. A . 37- j 1, e;inViq_<.agz I _f K-6 suooi t:Vi':'i$ar.aJ_-fif ' '!.I?d..the_ ,eu1,t_Jr or my naucauamu Man- ., "l,;_1y ; :c3_I`_c[ n'_dt;be} behev.ed*. (Graham - `.tI -Ev; 'rn1-i1"`35"i:.*.h."!.V'9' the responsi- inizy `oflhei lmtiop, heganntw ct . jiis'8<;9 .'f9f p|.I`nishm_I'. ?hi9h 1&1. ,3 on F . thds `i\vho'ntt`empt"toietti{mi gg wives ,. rwmi glzuslyzne-lsswl dew!` the peace .5 td"b$?h10hY,,f1h .fatmly e `I; A ` - * fm; day of the McFu1_landA-tcI. _'; Dig`. f` (riot; .qtt9rney;Gaivin_. zcompnenogd. his .=Ia-m`a`. :a:.i.i .'I`h'. . Rmmnlgo, n..~.. :cqnq1iiJId. 'Wi'lh aiervxd appeal to the - ,,h'q;x;g;,1_;a,nd.mnr;:x3'ge relations, an "the _ '1 ;:2'.;g'gm-goat; Maj 10..;-.-'1'.h'e-fweisty; . jiiniition-plot'issnidfg?it:b -ha a`n .olctih' purpold of vcnrryjngl the uecojnd x. `.5: iI.W,'9;.. ' iiof Comugo " j `ppucu U -. ULKOD :LI.LUL'ullull|.lV uaulmuug me humble spectacle ofn wife exert- , mg: herself to hang ihorhusband. He asserted the sobnety of McFarland; nd. I hisunifdrm kind treatmen'. of his wife ' . and ifumily;- 1'ul!y d`emonfstraled in eyis - ange`; a nd-reiterated in strong `germs A .-ma; existence `Of `a conspifacy to sepnr. V . a;g_husba'hd and wife.j In reggrd, to j`;1,-..,': `rstishooting,' Grahamsuzd "there was noe1ide]nce_`toMpr o've that McFar- - , l;j,nd,_(i re/cl pistol at `ll. .Bn'k `Poms? : .roy _.`_:9:1gid;)e_hdsbgli; comrhdicted, .-2'i1~$!*.;`i.?,'` 1119`- :?duvabnaI Man- :1.7.'.=nn|nTd'fnat,ha . believed; -GmBn'm ` a PI vpvvoolollin , |:mm'? .7 - V1771-.0 AT ` (YQneen.Vz_cto;in` iufaid, have It, ide- .cided leaning towards Catholicism. *K!atv,?8 1fH5S f31"fE3i73Wiu?r8Gbfithif 'te e`rfo'd for tho tnnsport semen of the R1a`rI:Rnmr "unannh , 2 . Jcuuvu uu- lVllU`llIllIP|-H" I .1P`d.sv;.r:.!vs t-e ~ ~ V? Bttihi in Mqntreil u . .-..-.v..v-v -- ---v--gum - 7 Mdrshhl Serm noL Regnt of. Spain, ' powers- - T ' IIFL- ...-A--:_...`. 1- _ 1 am. 7 V `V V Ivy, Thornton and Vine, Mondays, Wednes- ~ daysnnd Fridays, 10.40 n..m. V -' _ . ' Anm. xmlmm. and Ferauaonvnle. Tuesdnvs; my u vuuni. Th e n'oton'ous La news- `pa ,is;mg3pre.a'seAd'. /1ta,"` violent pbli-'_ licmatcles are thdcnuses assigned. `foils, they are permitted tojenter. ' ; .,L5gdyA-y.iVg_`iAt&)H_r)g;t,>A,tl_1e,Stgle 'p;iaon. in N'e"\'sr'J'$rsey smingglbtobncco in then; -,hig.t'1o_nsA, and havo now to `unhair be- Fl 1-- 1-... ...--`_"l-', I, ' will henceforth Acompefe" V ziwith China in the production of tea. - - ' :'l!.-:..l...'o'.. ~`7nn-_ :. .`....._._ 1.. --Ll`-4 an.`-u vunnllu nu ulv PIUUIIUIIUII U]. [680 Brigham Young is going to utilize }raif`spa_re wives by` making them itine- 2' `ft lecturers. - * s ` general Jordanplate commander of 'rk. Heexpresses himself confident `.0 success-in_time. g In the.Im_perial Parliamo'nt,'_Mr. Ot- a'-y,un or foreign secretary,` in reply '1 a question:by Mr. Gilpin said the l ipamsh Government was fully.iable to bdue the insurrection in Cuba._ The insurgents held `no. important place. T A "e interference of Her Mnjest_v s go- t _ emment -which had been suggested ~ `cold the inopportune. He promised at the government would not fail to `seize any occnsioneto mitigatewthe hor- rould be highly desirable to have the A cit}:-operation of the government of the` ited States; `A An` envoy of President Baeir, who {a-. or: theaninexation of San Domingo to the United States, is at Washington. , "Pl-... m..:..... ..`......o:..... ._ _..- L. I J iinsnrgent forces in Cuba-, is in New rors of civil` `war. in that islandgand it _ .,-_., -.-- r-.....v-v- rvvuuuno ; iog-jam ve rn`ile's.long"hasV formed` in thefriver at Chippewa Fal|s,..Wis;A' Sixty inillzion feet of lumber a'wait- re`- moval and will hardly be got away this season. - ' V - ;A post morjem, examination of a man ;-beidy in New _Yo'rk last week re- v_eald tho-fact that his lungs were petiied, V 4-6-1,-n-,_,_.s' .5. c - ,. ` M He `reminded 1-hejury that McFnrlnnd.'s. . `them that theprevious snnenct couldn't in which`McFarl':md met Richardson his plea ' the Courtsaidjourned until `ro- ` marrow, when District Attorney Gar- ,'Vi'_WIil sum uptor the prosecution. * .Mr. Grnhnnr continued his speech. ' threats or previous attempts to shoot Richardson ehouldthave no weight with-the'm uuless he were proved sane inttheytime. His Honour would charge jntlerice nn insyaneact; counsel -re- minded the Jury of the casual manner "in the Tribune `office, and alluded to the special Providence which seems to" directthe bullet of an injured husband, ,a then which shows the more! justices of the act `Moreover, McFarla_nd s wm-d_s' at the time should not be consi- dared, because they were clearly the . the oispring of a frenzied mind. ` Gra- ham concluded" his _a-rgument . at [3 ,o clock, having spoken `continuously `for four hours, and etthe conclusion of ` Graham r_eviewed`in detail all the ev_i_-, 5 dance otiered by the prosecution as f well as thetdefence, -__clnrming that the prosecution had been prontpted and in`-` 5 `;p1red by; Mrs. McFurlnnd,_ exhibiting Inn horrible snentacle ofri wife mum-" _-.___ -.-_ _-.-v -.l.....-un vnuuuoo V Correspondence relative to `the with- dtawgljof British t`roops'has been asked for in the Senate. - . T.`;I`l:;`f_;[;ei:iz;i-Governhxht his intro-V duced a bill enacting sqcrt, votingfat elections. .- - v v-A"1s[ >a.rtero. and Prim are spoben of in _con'nex'ion with __the' Spanish throne f`..................1......... ..._v_.:--_ 4, .- A short time, ago a little boy, lve years old`; son of Mr.`J. D. Lawrie, of ' Goldwater, Countyrbf Simcde,` fell into the Coldwater river, and was carried off into the-centre of the swo1lcn~ stream. His; brother Gustus, a lad ten `years of vagc,follo.wed down` the bank of ,the s,trealm,Vand seeing his brother emerge .througl1:a. pile ol drift-wood, jumped Into the rough waters',a'n`dlat the risk Lu! his life" brought theelittle , felloxvaafe to shore. In Eng|,and,such courage would `be rewarded by the gift _ ofa medal Iromlhe Humane Society, 'y In , n.u ..-.. _. _ `xnursuays anu nnuxruays, -.,u.qu_ u..m. 7 Elmvule, Mcdonle and Mount St. Louis,Tues- `days and Saturdays, 10.40 am. - '.\`lmn`v mm mm Minaszimr. Tuesdavs and FrT- . 1.W1'uat`_%Fmiii9ne ~ .. .5 B1ihi'fI!1M9ntbil .;1oo1ez.sg` up. " 1ur.....1.--1 a-........ :_ 4- L- :.*n_-._I f.--_. . v ---Tw- -gt-u-ova ll) QIV IV IIh7III ll5|\II4l[ " The opium q'lIes,tion is again before the Engligh Paxliament. I . ' 'I"I,, 1' Haves, May 8th.--`The Cuban Generel Goiconrin arrived here last nightlznder estron g guard of naval officers. He was taken to jail, where a verbal court- A martial` was assembled for the _pm'p'oseT of trying him. The court sentenced :h_im to belgarroted. At4- o'clock Ihis morning he wasiakan to_Pnpc'ipo Fort and `at. .8 a`.m.`-, garoued/. The General xemained perfectly serene -and rm lo .the last. New YonK,.Mny 9.--'I`he MFarh1.nd ufial was [resumed to any in.zl1e Court of Genernl.S_essions. A - A The McFarland Trial- jwitlh the fallen is}; be Roya1~' '1; 8 o'clock on Sduday. n_o_ni_ng-viIh 1 full _ V udfuh '.4y`,$h".n:.."v"i-.[::;.-gs . cduuihy` C t ,' `Till: Cli\|cvf<')VIAa- '.-{Th0 Slotmbr Chiiion .'_n_lgo, _ ,iiIclIdiug;gjomd M ptjlho Qovqmmohlj . !`1!I` in--.-n-T V ,-;mia:d_oa_- u -s, no you wm_n_e satised. , -:_', thenauae, slid In! that 11:01 :1 ' tm-o.o!Hurd gt 9o..VisA-on each pngknjc Nogtlnv-op 8.14 II.`;Nwc uI.lo, ..0nI.,,, , e- fox-`Gnu '. tJSoIdbya|AlvN.orliino on`. .._.A. A 839'" 3W""`1r%n% %\1J.iIann2.` ;ri=:I`s*1z..ysi`aas5s`i`;`;.iii;yi` `am: `,1 VIII ._ ed to shake the; house to its foundations .. s an ft[ie=`neaji6n"at 1..;.,.?-%1~zo:gua:.., .. wag,..4_the,answer. The scene that en .8 su`ed_"begga:{ed desexiptien. thswhol - audience cheered asthongh detennin 5 [Even the egofm oieers. joined in th ' leheerin. Men "and wolnen s an I over seats and struggled tor the i_vi- i legs at shaking Mr. Mel?ntlaud bftho 1 hand ; Ladies divided `their attention . 'b'etw'en the liberated manand his cotm- ` sel, whom they lavished with thanks. ;McFnrland was very much aected himself; He soon after left the Court room, and the crowd dispersed. ' %-C.5- "_"7i;3Cx' L:faii .`i.`.*:3i".;+.; give publicity to this despalch,' 5 copy of which I have . communicated to the G`ovemor-Geneb val or Canada,` end you will h_ok_lTyour- _ self `authorized either in "communiqu- uou' with-Sir John Yoi1ng,_or therwise, to tAake;sucl1 stars as you_;.pro_perly.and icbnstitutionnlly ,fcnn,1for p`rom'otin`_gv_ the favourable consideration of` this eques- .u:oh.J9 : i .; W . To mnko old fnrnituu-e'Jook as bright -and handsome as when new, uses 25 cent Bottle of Pnlmer s Liquid Lu'_slre. Sold uvnlynby Pa & 00;; Chem1sts,oppo_siten McWau's Bar;-io Hotel. British Colnmbja ana1confe`dpr- ` ' batlon-= uucn u ucgguauucu Auplillfllllllyo '-The 1 constitutional "connection of Her Majesty's Goverumentwith the. V `colony of British `Columbia, is,'ns yet, closer thundwtth any`other part of ` North America, and they are bound, on an` `occasion like the present, to give for -the consideration of the community and the guidance otfl-Ir Majesty"s ser- vants,.a more'e-unreserved expression of ' their `wishes and judgment than might be elsewhere tting. ` ` 7nn uni" nlilrllh` -1..- _'.-LI!_!4__ . A parliamentary return of _much in- terest cor;tei_ni`ng eqrrespoiidonce. bet- ween the Imperial government and the Governments of the Dominion, British Colnmbia _and` Prince Edward ` Island has been published. We `subjoin sf _ material portion of` o. _despatch from Earl'Granville to Governor Mnsgrove or British Columbia, in which he om-L ciallyconvejrs the views of her Mejes-'; ty s government of the incorporation 111` the Dominionof British provinces. on` the Pecici coast. It is not often one reads views so broad` .in a despntch (rom.the'colonialoi ce.'--- - ` (.1 r_--__ ._--.. 4.. .'...t'...._ -...'.. lL..L 41.... IKUIII -I-IID' UVIUIIQHI UI1I.UUo`' _ , V . V "I have now to inform you that the terms on whicl1'Rupert's Land and the North-West territoryare tobe united` to Canada, and that ma Queen will probably be advised, before long, to is: we an Order-in-Council, which will in- corporate in the Dominion of Canada the whole. of the British possessions on the North American continent, except the thenconterminous colony of British Columbia.; ' A L uvnL_ _._-_4:-.. aL_.._t`_...- ._..__-`..L- .'L uunuluym... . The question, therenre, presnts it- self, T whether this single colony should be excluded from the great body po- `litic which is thus forming itself. t(r\.n 01:31; nI1an.:lu1 flan nn`nn1v <:Ian IIIIU WIIIUII I3 Ipllll IUI IIIIUE llUlI I `A On this question the colony itself does notappear to be unanimous. But as far as [I can judge from. the despatch- es vwhich have renohhd me, I should conjecture that the prevailing opinion was inifavonr of union._ I have no hesitation in stating that such is also the opinion of her Maj`esty _ goveiu- ment. :.l'I1l_ ,-__ I;_I!:_-- AL-L _ I___'-`l_1.{.._-* u.|II`.u \.vrvu_v U1 ulunll \.zU:lll_ll7Ul. Her Majesty s `Government. are aware that the distance" between -Ot- tawaand Victoria presents a real dii- cnlty in the my ofimmediate union. But `that very difficulty will not be without its advantage, if it renders easv communication indispensalle;i and forces onwards;the operations which are to complete it. In any case it is an understood inconvenience, and a diminishing one, and it apuears far bet- ter to accept i_t as a temporary draw- back on the advantages of -union_than to wait for those obstacles often more intractable" which are sure to spring up aer 9." neglected Aopportulnltv. '.T'l1n ' nnnatitntinnul 'n.~.~.......a:.... -1- % IRISH Ponuu/hnassis umut. _ ~ i , They believe [that u. legislature , se- lected from `an extendedvarea, and lie- presenting a diversity of interests, is likely to deal -more comprehens`vcly with large questions, moreimpartially with _small q_uestions, and more concili- sively` with both than is possible when controversies are carried on and decid- ed upon in the comparatively narrow circle in which thev arise`; Questions of puifely local-interest will be more carefully and dispnssionately consider- nr` I17"|oh' lllahunna rrnrn Ikn `carnal- UCIIUIUII, ,(llJIJ ULU}lIIEIUlllLCly UU|lBIuCI' ed when` disengaged from the large: politics of thecountry, and at the same gime will be more sagnctonsly r':onsilder- ed by personswho have had tlns large er political education." . u`w':r m1Iu n...`.. '....o:..:...`..o.. 41...; 41... _transit. r\ll`l|vI\lQI \u\I-I\llIIvI\-III` T Finally, they `anticipate that the interest of every Province of British North America will be mcreadvanced by enabling the wealth, credit an'd in- telligence of the whole .t_obe brought toibear on everyipart, than by encour- aging each in the contracted policy of taking care of itself, possibly; at the ex- pense of its ncigliboiii. Most especial-` is this truein the caseof internal I 11?; 3. ,_,'I . `I . .1 4 -. '1`. u I-IIIIIDIIII . - - - It is_ evident that the establishment of a British" `line of communication be- tween the Atlantic rind Pacic Oceans is far more feasible by the operations of: singlevgovernment, responsible for the progress oi both shores ofthe` conti .nent,'than by a-bargain ne_g,otiatedibet- ween. separate, perhaps in .some_ re- spects rival governments and [legisla- tures.' The San Francisco- of British North America _ would, under` these circumstances.` hold zr greater commer- ciai and_pohtical positio`than1would be attainable by the capital of the iso- lated colony of British Cohrmhia. 1:11-. M_;..-.....v.. ~r1,...-._..__-_. -M, _A.9unsnoz;. `:f.`, ,.9:;'?:I'. e,,. duiro (or man: '~ rfk. 3` ":r:i'O` ilibnl uiI:l`:ty9: 7 km. man miserable and _ Qihonalu blnn -mu L nigh Iidigeation. WP`- puloe ; it degtroyl produces dizziness, "load. Tpwducu mzzlucn, , A In _fl9.mu Inisenble pre- `fold. 1Wh9qtbo`d|mm are serious jllid W` ;-n the hen remedy` is Fnm.ows' Oou-.[ 1>oun)__Snnr_' or Bl:-ora'osrm1;ng. u it restore: {hoAci1fulsjioIi,`thc`,nervoua gnnglin, bnllda_ up the muscles, and Inducuhealthy Liver, Heart, -Stomach and Intellect} ' .P_rice $1 60 g bottle -, 6 for `$7 50. Sold by apothecaties and by F. Cundil176- Co , whole- L sale igents,_llontronl. A _ _.....,a, nun ......_., mm unease: which houses and cattle are h ' lab ed L` '> h ` be sad [ll (:0 fat . Immenl an en u tor IIIIIIV-.yll lg_IlId in curative properties thoroughly lented,I`ndiz`is_`conced`od to be the cheapest and ' external comphlinls riteucver fails whqn ' I800!-`ll cuuunn I I Ag 1 . Gwillimhury. .LJULV.1J:A\J L1\.ILVLIu 'I"onoN1'o--Da.ily- with Grand'_Trunk Rnitlwaf. I East. and West; with Grentwestern Railway -_ for Hamilton, Suspension Bridge and -.the \Vest.. I , , ' " BnAmro1m -Stage for Bondhead tw,iee`du.i1y. e Gu.wonn-Smge for Cookstown _twice daily.: ~ Stages leave Barrie daily for Penetanguishene. The Ida Burjon 1cave3_bnrrie..every morning.foi' Orilliu mid Wash'ago,connecting with stages rimming to the. Muskolm District, returning in the evening to meet thrievening train for Tor,ont o.A `l'\Y.VI'.\`n1`C`Ifll`I'Z`\Y'lVG' Rtbn Aiznso&-n0sE.-`-A: the Mance,FBu-lie, ., on the 9th inn," by Rohext Richardson of tholfownobip of Tnny; . . o. Malian A. Rose of the Township of medicionl.vim|es`o! thosnrticlan which long ex- `;_i_erie_nco has pfoved to posdeis` the most safe amid, .,e\:_feq1aop-rtieavfor `tho _ourg of Flesh Wounda, S h `hit, ruisea. Gall: olnll kindo,GncI:o:lHeela, R gBone...Spav-in. Callous; I-`istul _=Ext_:_u_iaVL l?oinbn'!, Sc ' . l'.aiI:Iiqn'.'_Muige,Whitlows,Qonu. Sand Cracks, I-`onndvifrqd Eye}, Bocnpiptemper. Swellings, and 4,1-ab1%an on 7* '~.iFQR :HoRs'13's `.3; QATTLE. 54 ._1_V,EVER' FAILING `REMEDY. I J - . RONOHITIS. LARING_lTIS; AND ALL . eofthethroat, longs and cheat mmedmtely reliejed, and ell but hopeless cues Dr. J. Briggs . Throat and Lung |ISlll - Sol by all medicine dealers. - ._. ..._.._..._...._.~..- _..__. .. 0RNS.-H.ARD, SOFT AND FESTERED ` CORNS, bnnions, large or small, ingrowing ails, sweat-scalded feet. &c., relieved im- ediately and soon cured by applying Dr. J_ _ rigg`s_ Modern Curative according to direc- tions. It never-does harm ;' always does good. Sold in Barrie by Alexander & Co., and by all ......a:..:nn dealers.` . ' 333.14 fnnermeans have failed ; and althou .1.\lthinjz_hurtful lo Ihe cons_lixulxon A ull d nge,e`nc1olE(| to Norllhx-on G: L ,,, __....:. ...... uuuus, nmgue on ' slmht exertion, Pal tauon oflhe Heart, Hysteric: r.-.n~l Whites, these ill: will effect a cure when M! remedy, do no! contain Iton, calomef, auumouy, or o . nreclion; in_ we pump package, which 3110019 I) Onl.,-fzenefal qgenls for the Domin a bolt V _ Ion, ml! insure a, gqnlanpnpg over 60 pnlli, by relurn mail. in A--:.. _-_ nu. - - - h a `powerful ' 'medicin6 _ Lyman, Newc Omqvgenernl for Dominion, 1' home, cdnlaminx pill`, in - Sold -in, Bgnfrie, by,Oliver Sc Co., . W. Geo A.'V;Palmor,;and Alexander 5560.; J De Bradlord; `Green -55' Bro., Cnighum, an . V \ . ` I ' 4 Gold In Drlilu may 4 mediciqe dealers.` ----.------->~- use of 3 pnpi.` ..n.m t..n (or V .WBVea.t,> 1 On-Inn altho _ ,_.,. - ...... ...,.u= qacn: anu'L.imbs,i Fa lalion u calom anti mythiniz hurtful lo the ..m...:......._ Mmns going Smith daiiy, at 6.60 'a.m..a.nd 5.00 pm. A > v - .Mnil-I n-oinrz North. dailv.at`10. 10 a..m..a.nd at .WDe8l, 1311.. nclcaooo-nu-. nonu- Spring, wheat . . ,' ......... . . Spring Rye, choice seed, pen bush Seed at Maundne1l s. apuug, nu.-. .-, Spring choice se_eVdV,V1V> Seed -0ats.........;.......... Beef, by 1.heaide......... Pnr1r~. . . . . ......o can Thirinvalunble 'lmedicine is : cure of all those painful and don to which Iheflemale constitution llnnllnrnlgn nIl'....-._-_ - i BOURNE.-AtBau'io,-"on the loch, of purple 7 fever, aftu-1an'il|ness-o'f2.z hours, Francis F. eldeu son ofllr. W. Bourne, builder, of this town, in the 16th yes: of his age. ' . ' , EURALGIA; HEADACHE, SORE THROAT v $ `cured very quickly by using Dr. J. iggs Allovanxor a safe, nreeuble, and relia- Ie rem'edy .A Sold by All medicine dealers A - .uvI\ `:1 _nuy...v..... Butter [nan _ . _ . . . . uuumn -.-.-.._,,, Eggs......................... 10 fr? 00 Flour..................,...... 375 to40O Potatoes . . . . . . 25 @ 30 Botatoes, Early Rose, per lb. :5c ` ' per peck,.... ' V 1 00 :The`aeed of this remarkable-potato can be ` had of Mr. Munndrell. - . Early Goodrich per bushel. . . . . . 1 00 0 00 The second earliest, very (prolic. .Seed nt Maundrelvs. Hides........ . . . . . ......L..... G00@O-00 l_?5n-ley.... . . . . . . . . . . ....; 40 {(3 42 7 AA A: On _. ll1l.'4 UILLVAUIILLV 17.111` UDDLI\UXb1[rHSI wontn`r_itseltareputatipn, as a `blood purier, alverative stoma ch\tpmc, unsurpassed iii the historv_olin_:dicul rpnrations. lt seldom fails to` cme.DyjspQpsia ivcr Complaints, Indigestion, 'Henrtburn,Sick Headache, -Kiducv Complaint, ' Acid Stomach, Phthisic nr Asthma.` and restores to.vituI activity the system debilitated by ` suffer- .na and-diseaseu - - [IR mmnr-nl nml Ixrnnnrhul cfvnnnce in l\IID:nIv -...l_ nnu-ulsease. - Its magical and wonderful sitccess in curing s_ud~ I dun Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, Diptheriu, pains in the side, loms and back, Neumlgia, Toothat-he, Rheumatic and other pains in any part ofthe body and from whatever cause, has given it a place in every household and is faslsupersedi_ng aI'l other preparations of the kind. N . It is also an eiactnal and nmm'm rmnmlu "r...- .._j_._.__._._....._. I ___._._._.._......_ VEREAT [M;_;:13H:iEM'E:! [ROYAL MAIL LIN 1:: J0R%.M0sEs'%P1y1nIcAL PILLS. I jg,/,\ 7.01.: pm, . _ ' _ ' V Mails going to Penetanggishene,Grmgbiitst, Hillsdaie, Waverly, Wyeb1_'1dg_e and .1_381Sl0D, daily, at 10.40 n.m. Mung going to Nevis. Edam: and Ruzbv. AI].`luuuAvu :- ..... G B:n-ley.... Peas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Crown Pen._(for seed) remarkably prolic, per bushel; . . . . . . . . ' A few tor sale at Mnundrel1 s. Shep skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cordwood Gren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 O91-dwoodDry..... . . . . 0 A Familv Medic-ins-, v.-5-.3! n'm! tn-xorably known for the past ten year.~`.t1-.".`t-r mitmg in a single in- sluiice to gIve.pern1n-punt u.-tit-|'whentimc|y used, audwe` have never known a single L-Jase ofdissatis (action where the dirt-ctinns have been properly l'olluwcd,but..on the t.-untrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms ofils virtue and nmgicnl eects. .THE'(}ANA'DlAN PAIN ntasrxovnn hn: `S nlds, Burns, Bruises, Sprams, Chilblains, Frbsl preparations 0: Inc | V _ . is e'eclna| and prompt remedvlor Bites, Cramps 1n the Stomach, Dian lmcn, Cholera m_'orbus,Bilious Cholic, Cholera lufamum, Dyseu- lcrv, Sac, - _rice only 25 cents per bottle. _ , Sold in Barrie b T. W. Gcorgen Oliver 55 (In, A. V. Palnner, an Alexundcr SI, Co.;. 1. Deacon, Bradford; Green 65 B:-6., Craig1.;_1rsl, and all medicine dealers. ' _ 4-ly l --53.3.10 as-J-J .1 IIlBl.'ll.Iv Will Restore Gray llair to its Natural" Life, Color and Beauty. It is a. most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growtll. ls`ALLING HAIR is immediately. checked. -V-an A A`I"l lI\YIlr1-vv1\u\nu.-.-..._-- _ ,. _ _._ ....... WIJ vuvvnuuo . Mrs. s. A. .u.m:x's z'YLoBALsAmuu,.amAo ' frtparaon for tire Hair ; clear and-tramfarml, 'wi!lu1'1d;n:Jirnn:_t_.. It}: wry ::'mpI: amlo/3:11 Irvducu ucw ulylco l`lIl[DOI'K!ll lillllc. A REAL HAIR BESTOBER. AND DBESSIIG . Combined in one Bottle. `H112! (`C A A `I `I '-"cuv.-. prtparation r I11: -.-uitlwut StJl'i!tlIJ[.. If is wry m: frvducz: waudzr-/5:! rm-ulk. In great .ru[rt'vn'ty and trauma} a.r_a air Dr:,m';:g otter hrlu cu! French Pomadcs it a_kt1o-Lu. :a'g_rn_! 61 all not only in this country ha! 2`- ' M um! nu: -w:'!l_x I/at at/w a.r_a Hair Dr:,m'r:g hark ch! acknozultdgrd 6 only t_/u : couxbzuut in Euro/t. T/x: nlortr and Z ylaalmmum 3 _ 14' U0! r. son) 13! ALLDRUOQIBTB. Pxnpriv-ton, S. R. Van Duns: & Co., \Vhnlenlo D ' V - 35 Bucky St. nut (0 Push Plug. New-Yoxk. Agent at Barrie; A, V. Pailmer _J; Co. vumnuwu H] Um! natuo. ` MRS. s. A. ALLEN S II I `II, `II`I'.\7I\lh`l'lr'II` DGEI, Dy tun u{uv.. ... Pork~.............- Hutton ... u....- . ___ `days and aanuruuys, 1u.rw a.m. `Shanty Buy and Alinesing, Tuesdays and Fri'- , days, .1040 a.`m. . ' ' `I T2h\VAT?hQ.1'.` 1| vwvuvu , ` gm mug 1 :54. 01 ENDS 0] HS Vllle HUG lgfill ellecls. , .THE' CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER _hns -nnnlxirilaulfn nanntnlinn, an n 'h|muI n..`.;n... I " % petial Ndttrc.i5. % cANAnIAN 'IT1E?`ih[nAY%th% T - . New style Ilnporlnln Change. BEAT. `lil A`l"R 1IJ`.R'l'l'I`R`l-`J! nun nun-ear vuu my: 4:: 4.u..nJl.a.l.1LV HAIR - RES'l`0RER II ootasnnn lV_..-. nu_.2__ ., v-~-----.----- vvvrw mm. D relurn mail. ' ' 1 3%. '- , ~ - 'M. BURTON MASTEI` .*.*.:.:::%:...5a`;::;.:`.:? L `T " Greu 55` B:-o'., ",4 3;} LEAVES Barrie for Orilliu and Washzm _ ggg.';_- . _4 `V?-.-_ 4.1, 5'30 a.m.. touching at Bawhtone. Az!_r.-.3 . I 3.. '_ I ' . _ V Orillinhud the Portage.-~ARRlVlNG at |-`_ ;' v. V - ago at 10-30 n.m., and connecting tbere_-"--" ` V ,- a 1 V ' STAG]! no-S1-uutn Wlxoun to): 111: .\0_}-"_ K O Gouxrnv. Returning, will long \u,vslu_ngo s..- ., _ '. , " V` . a `. umziz,anq1,0;iI1ta:`_L2,3o.,p. ., artivrng_ A. )R ,5: CATTLE, ` Btnfe in tinge to couioct wkhi `e the Evezaws .' ' 7' " - g T|`$lL3;Inl1he_N0I?l')r_el'n Rnilwny for Toronto- P` ' ' H (`U0 ICKETS from Toronto `-0 REMEPY orn1isaud:B.uogmeg, can be puxcbased an . ,> . -` ' V - ' . the N; R431, "Sltion, `Toronto; and Return Ticketi can be puocurod on board the Stenmc}. R0l.llrn.Tic_kel1.froIn Bngebridge to Toronto ' M ;`I t ,'2'a...n:nn' ,1 M mm"s?or :42... 4 I-`ox-`Freight or Pmih, apply to the Cnptliu '_on bond. -- _- . nuns or nus. BARRIE LIARKET. idiot if the Towmbip or nay, - . Rose North _.._.._. M,RRIED. '""' ' ' I I nto Banki .% 3 mos. ls? House East To; 13- J > GRAY HAIR Is a. certain indication of decay at the roots. kBEA'UTIFUL mun, -' 7 Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate it K , according to sunsc- utwaysdoes .'&Co., 888-l-ly my. 12m, 13910. Ila ,- 3! Frmch II: I couxtr 6:1! abarnum 3 1:! am! uulllvll WM` HISUTC I, >., -. Georgen, & Co.; J Deacon, Iighum. and nl| ioih, PPI'5` ....-. wmncm unfailing` in [he IDZETOHS ll:-Innunu _ A-I. . I'oronto,,City I-.[a|l7.00.. '-Brock Street_ . .7. 1:`).-. .1`-radford 9.15.`. Scnnlong 9.2: ... .Gilfprd 9.36.. Lef:oy [Ar] . 9.45;. Belle Ewart.... 9.60.. 'Lefrdy [Dept] . .I0.00'. r Bramley.. . . . . .'..10;.17.. 'Al!nnd:ih=..(Ar.\l0.35.. `., uvw o `8'00f(D 900 .. 20/13 00 1n 3 Ah Ooto` 000101 000:0: UU NJ! 70@ $51 `v:'.`5""*a`s"` V !.9.*1'c.'eb n?;E ' ::}`~ , -s-..-_us.uw::r6`nnxlxn. rm ~ - .. ea rm- 1'. '1' of Blliit , , ' " mint` Gilchrist, ; ";};.)A`m conun: on I Accounts d e Oee of 13a I3 Passengers going byond Bafrie can sfop at Allaudule t.v euty minutes fo_r retreahmentg: pmusnsmr. u-.\:`.;`.'.- -_ ___ :a`1'r;:s U!` FAR! 'l'bro'hto lo Onllia, 02 do Barrie" tn ` Bucebridgox-IN ` `- " " Rouenn l4ke,`48O J` Barrie lo Hawk-lone, Q60 nurse, ._A_pri1, 1,s':o,A MVUSKOKA COUNTRY, |3'By Railway and Steamer, via. Barrie. .;`. -2-_- `Only.-route to Bncebridge Vrilhout trsnslnipmc -_---_n ~ ID.____BlRTON, |lT] _I-J~S%'PwRECEIVEf) ILL attend at his Oice, at Barrie, evtry summon`, from 11 3.111., mu 3 p m. ticcording to_or_der of Council And every -01?-ct day at his (mice at Cookstown. Barrie, Feb. 17, 1862. lnnwanns m=v i1%[ves -Mails, going North, dai1y,atA10.10 a.m.,a.nd at_ 7.00 p.m._ going Penetaguishene,Graigbnrst, by druggists n.nd dealers in me "7 ' This won-known remedy does not dry In`) a Cnluzh, a:.l leave tlm muse behhnd.as is the cane wit 1 mun pr m- auons; but it loosens and cleanse: the lungs, mu. 4.. my Irritation, thus romoriu the muse of lllc A .:ny:w..a . SETH \\'. FOWLI-I &' S S. Proarletora. Bonn-u :ul_ clue: genernnx . 187.0 SUMMER I_tR_ANBEMENT. DIREC_2'I`ROUTE To ORILLIA" b . At ruarknbly low prges. Barrie, May nth, 1870. ' Loans advanced at reuonable rates, upon Improved Faunor Town -properly, or for me erection of Buildings. PM rm-thm-.nm-tmn`nrn nnnlv to Bariie, May 12,` 1870. I H} DD DLlh1J,j B LIOUIE nun IAIDU D('Il' W` J. Orillia. Mills, and one mile from the` \ 1.4432 oflorillia. The House is of frau'1e,`large and commodious, substantially built, and not ms; since wan rough-cast outside; a ne W-:11 v5 `water is close to the house. . c. 'rI,..1,....a .......:.... -1 ..|...... on --_... .4 ..1.,,L "l.l.llg|-||- UV [HIICDHSEKI IIIUD5 Will] HHS pl'()[WY3_` For price and other particulars, apply to .\f:. Jamesuuinn, Land Ago.-npt, Orillin. (|-lIl!.. `HI. 1!... IOWA Iv. equnre stern, with iron siip Keel, not liggtdl, name Rover. A an >.4-Innn pr:-`an Hush :nf.vrrnnI:nn an Ivuni name " Hover." . Any person giving Iuchinfurmntion as my lead to her recovey will be suitable rewnxded. Y r` I D` WV 4ays,nnu.1~'r:uays, 1u.4un..m. - A. Apto,.\lidhurst and Fergusonvule, Tuesdays, `Thursdays and Snturda_vs,'1,0'.40 n.'.m. ' ` mmm.a_ Mndnnte nnd Moum'St. Louis.'1`ues- NOTICE. K THE COURT OF REVISION FOB ' THI [TOWN SHIP or mos 31$-ta I 0 BE SOLD,; 3 Ho'use and Land nut to the Orillia. \'i'..ngc nr n}.:!I:.. rm... 13...... :. ..r r.....'... 4..-. ma |uu:|` A3 CJUB II) we 1101136. The land consists of, about 87 acres, of w1;:c.`. 30.acres or lbreabouls have long been L`.-.-ml and in pasture. A part 6! the price may ruum on Mortgage, as may be agreed on. ' If rt-Inlirecl 50 nnrm: ifnmedimx-Iv ndiufrz" 0. ' UH munguga, 83 may DB ngrceu U". 1' If required, 50 acres immediately adjuiziz 5;. `might. be purchased nlong with this Pr()pm 3_` For price and nllwr nnrlionlnrn nnnlv tn \ r. E}E1}I.,`71i;'if.}," 1'56.` FREE GRANT `LANDS! Barri, May, 11th 1870. HOUSE 3; LAND FOR SALE. Thursday,_ the 2(}tIL'-`day of May, imt._ At the hour of eleven o'clock n.m. , By order, WM` TIAR\'F.Y_ Northem Railway Time Table. Cltttiaments V :-/~avV'. -\I\(\\.\\4\]W,`.`,,,`_-A""( 0 ' v~A~~..\,,,_, - -q-- - u----V 6rii3i:ii'A`i:iT " * H . .xi'.Ru7...9.`-.'.."' 3333.3?` 522. CUMM1Nc s 7SCHooL' Ho1'_s};, recuon ox uuuumgu. For furtherapm-ticv`nra npply to Q I! HA UILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION or TORONTO. Agent at" Barrio, A. V. Palmer & C6. ' OST from Barrie about two weeks ago 1 ` _ . 'n:;=A SAIL "BOAT.-CI) THE SIDE-WHEEL IRON-PI.ATEU srmnnn . For 1870, will hold it! first fitting at `daily , at 1U.qu _ Mnils going Nevis, Edgar Rugby, Tuesday:--, Thu_rsdnys and Saturdays M1. 10.40 nm.', R'.T. BANTING, ruvvrnxv nt unu- A lug: supply of superior COUYTY *(iLiI-IRK, Ah!) Tlll A'l`_ [3!'|;{0.Tj`to Aumly. 3: m Otlllla. I my TO THE gAAi;1}&DIES% zi , N;IR'i'oN` nnos , ` ' '. P!opiiotors. * ~ 1:. '|:l_.._.'lo Alberly. an w ` Oflllll, U1 . `* 5'\VIIhugo,' l'.`.5 `I'l"J s. u.'A.\'ronn, "WM. mmvzv. "`l\I-nn`u:n l'h.p` J. 6Xni.`rf&?" DI.-. l1..:I. II III. lIIll\V Ll Township Ck-r'k. Jnhlll. Bo:t,Bui1der, ' .19-l.'.. 3, tllgd at us ?',?" .unu, Agoul. Hut? WOULD no `WELL To" cALLfAr mt: UOT P.-K ml \!... HEA Salt` Al U |`>(h In; `.\R All -1 lu\ Mn` `\ Y1 \} H cs] VI`: MAILS CLOSE AT `THE BARRIE rosr ' OFFICE AS FOLLOWS-: | Ybu should htfve on qf lhoisyneold I '1`:-1Ui{TsDAY, MA_.Y 12,1870. .-_-- .\m vr`m} Nbnru; Movixd SOUTH 1 D....v.1 n;.....u-nu-Ru - Hand Unwnrd - NUVINKI l`Ul\16 Rea d_ Downwarda, I -1 II 1: r1n_..1isinhA-inn . gs T REFRESH31ENTS'. .o1a.aag.- .1,-.;..: CONNECTIONS. I_ ._.2|I. l`l....._.I-'1`-.. J. EDWARDS,- rpm. 0-5 8.40 9.00 n IE` Luuv mu D\.'U1_l: Read Upwn.rds.- ' A.ll. PJ A-In 10.35- 10.20.. 00'! VI Ilia 5.55. '5.35.. 5,20,. `$3.10.. 0-60. 8.13.` _8.0l. 7.52. `7.42. WOO `1_13`l ` ` 5% ~ \ t . . kn ht ~ 3%, W` X `igu *`iu,`\ 1., ` ``$ . 1 `i:'\ I Y `xix ` I 5;,` .. )'. .o. 7.18.` 7-00.. 6.55.. _6.40.` 20`? >%cLU' ` 3.55 '3.45 sin-uwuuvuni VI sun llylllle . ' - ,1 ,0i(Ircoternpors ry in relergng to wood, and our first atternpt to estab- " lish a printingioice in the town ina roorn six feet by six, and jeoinpering . that with our present extensive *pr"e_-_ 3" rnises, we have just reasonitop .fsfel_ " proud, and trust thatonr triends will keep pace with the_tirnes'.` - , He might hayeedded ,.'wjth etrnth that fewmen, with-`the ?world before them where toehoose enother _ resting place, and, with the knowled'ge~ofj.a business which is everywhere well re-D eeived,rf not well ._ paid, would have been content to remain and share the adversefortunes of a _place which for years continue to retrograde. Printers are known, however, to be a long suf-_ v faring, patient clues, and if a gleam of prosperity happens now and again to shine upon one of the fraternity. -the fact should be noted as an exception tothernle, that peopleseldom reapthe ' reward of their good deeds here `below. Wn frrlnf Ilmn Ann anigu-n`-2-2.`... -.'.-.-n change of - premises. says :-'}!;'On look? ; ing hack to the earlydsys of?dGollin_g-I; .;nh9usitieenmi1a:, twhers they will:-=-. :_er'nbajrR.. Admitng the _ rest offthe .vo.y'age'-to be safely concluded, the ex-' `pedition will land at"theDepot,.a point give us credit for--endeavouring?-to? "irttxen. thnfithi frootli-.*.3|iI!*,1 Ir9I._1I'._"` * use of the suit` Ste. .Ma;a. "Cenel;5b1t1 1 mm they`/she`-_ll`be ai.enn::aar:t:mezhg.- ~ Chism ot.I.A1z'9u.1 97f3h:-tC?9"!!?*'%:: nae and amoreh'vi?renii,?thd?t9lVIi_5f: {in11` Ste. ~ Marie to fsomewhere one '1`hu_nder_ Bay, about seven miles from Fort _Wi1lia_rn. - We_understa'nd that the '- stores will -have to be` trans- lerredto small craft here, a.there,1s no pier erected,'and the shallowness of the water prevents the near upproachof {in y. vesselsofthessjize 01 those engaged; f Shbuld the road,.which~ha's heein in preparation some months,- he passable, the Vexpe'dition`_.will go marching'.fon_. ia_s_ifar~as Dog Lake, thence bylake and portage they will reach. Port -Francis`. . the land polic y,'lhe dimensio u_s- o'f*tho V G. E. 0.ar'.t'i.'r' 8;I7Id;.he.A.`had_:-.i1o=,: ledge~ .f..,nn.y- .!33:.d3Ph`r? `llll_D,_ , ull_U ILIIJCIIGIIO, OB.Ua|I8(ll8n, both being practically in,lhc,=`hands-of Vtlye` `Grand Trunk _Di:acton;!f.' +Th'e Acbstfof'?!he strticturowould he 240,000, -5 xind it was intended toicomplete it, by _u;g.en;1':;1;e:. yen; 187 .;_;A,`,I,t,.g's said; "fh at.'oM,srs-f Gzowski;andMa<:phersbn, Concerning the Bill,`he7coni1cmncd Province, and the local oGov,e rnmcnct provided. Clauses` one -"to ;fou_rten- wercpnssel. `_ - T ' In answer, to enquiry gwhcthei tho` 03519 `1g'm_..`h9`-. I9 :9V"F`.`_ F`; of ,,?1T(_)'rOiil'0,; .,ha\ t'e:jicci:';1ej14 ...t_h`o{ _1.'}fon'-1-4 -Gon_e,r'al.ha(1qnhmut_e.d tojhc Jmp,e;1nl -sm :" _ 3"` ,_ : GovernI_neI1.t.15`.1l15.R8dz11iYe?.di8flI'4*` _ bances were,-t/tlefd_w_as ;:c|ib,hJ_e+...~"-` E` ~"5'* " " V '* P` " been se`nt,' 'IVI;_, I, .u.r --- ---~ -------u -v-v -.- ----. -*1."---`-" .'I'he debate on the Manitoba bill was deferied on the 6th, owing to Sir J .' A. Macdonald becoming_ suddenly indis- posod; on the 7th, the Prime Minister being still unable topuppear in- his. place,it was r_esumed`by .Mr. McKen- lzie, who in the courserof a somewhat protracted speech followed" the "ap- pointment iof - Hon, `Mr. . McDougall vdown to v'the `present ,tir'n'e, -_He laid the blameof the 'in'surree tion chiey. T on the HiIdson"s Bay Company and the priests, and -he also animadverted severely on the unpatriotie conduct of, Hon. Mr. Howet._..l-lo commented -iu- . pdiiierently on the appointment `of the` A delegates, and took occeejun to defend Mr. McDou'gall s action_ in issuing the proclamation, (wliether this latter was from fear or desire we "are;-jnnnlgle to state). ` ` T ' 1 f`...._-...L:.._. AL. '1'.\vn -i- l. e `I E guano): Concerning (hi Bil}, ' h <'cp[Iileix1ne`d the lnnd_r.olic'y,' the loc_a1yGo`v_ern'mnt provided ., Chases` one -(to jfouften: were` passe IL Tnfnnunvnv In .n.....'.:-.. ....I_-.`I_-.- .I__ ' . Parliamentary Summary. V. t on rising to move the secondilread ;ing_'of the Nor - West Bi,ll,_ Sir J. A`.- `Macdonald `said hon-A. members would V_nd`thn't the measure as now. before them in printed form varied from the provisions of the Bill gs originally" stated. < The principal udierencie - would be found in` the decision arrived at by the.Gov;emmen_t that the ` settle- ment of Portage La Prairie `should foim pnrtof the Province ot_ Manitoba, U'I'1l__ _.-.;._I_.'.._._A_._--' __'4!.._-n .' cyunllua, \v (I) luau H. Ecwvlal IIIIIUQ ` The stlpplementnry estimat'esfdr 1871 "were then taken up, and with th0e`ex -0 cpt-iim of, $100,000 for secret s.erv:ce,~ and $50,000ffor printing, the several itemswere canisd.` . ` " 0 ml.. :._.-.._-. Lrn __., , - 5' c J- - On the _5th, the, Hduse went into Committee of: Supply, and the item $1,300,000 for providing, for; the set- tlement 'ot ll1e',BeVd River Territory brought aboutsome discussion. Hon. Mr. Holton charged the Government with an attempt to evade delscussiorrl y lumping the expenses `of the proposed enterprize ` instead. of allowing the several itemslcomprising it to be voted in detail. Sir` F. Hincks 'corI'1pla| ned . of the shilly-shally objections offered. to the item, in question, and said that if -the House were opposed t_o,grauting it, the proper course would be to flake" a straight vote and refuse it. .The Min- .ister `of Justice supported the Finance Minister,` and in a most- able speech .convinced--or appeared to convince, for he silencedvthemq`--the _House that things were all riglit',. and_ that he had reason forisay-ing ~ the. Red `River expedition would-behailed as a friend; ly procession out` West, unless some unfortunate exhibition of `party feeling "should be made` in the House to mar the prospect. Aftera wl-esultory con- clusion thedebate ceased, and the item was dropped.` _ ` , TEA unnnnr` rnnrnnn AC` 91 ... l".u.O....... GlP|l (A IIIIIJUIIIJ VI IJII T The MVmmobaTBiH, aftervsome paltry sparring, was read a second time.` \ 'l`l1a aulnn`-nninrnru nar-snfna I.-A... 1771 ISUIIIG VVGIU IJ(IlIILll The interest bill was cofnered olitho '6t'h, nn_ n'tlu'eo mohihs, hoiai;-. on" the casting vote of` the_ Speaker. "ILA .`..`...6_ A... OK- III'.._.'L-l__ I,-II " "e s1ipp1}I.;3:11};";:{.;1'J:e0 brdllglrty down; the total" amount" is nearly $200,000. V 3 , '0 ' - o.i'muo: of` Sir'- '1`mn_ci`s Hincksgv. the `Currency Bill wasdischargied. `The Finance Mi_nis'ter' said] the1?e*_wn`s no doubt it was desirable that the currency should" be assimilated; `but much difference of opinion existed `as to the exnc; standard which should" govern. ' Sir F. IIinks said his clear on one poilit, v_iz,: whole currency on this` Tsh uld be alike. `V (I3 UIVRIVCUI The seconcol reading of the Costoms Bvillv, after some opposing motions In re- ference too the taxing of coal, coke,_ .our,z_mdo-wheat, was carried on u 4divi- A siou byn majority of 31. 'P`1n N/`nrnhninn 12;" nffnu an-nan -...14..`.. A It appeared that there*was a. pos- _pect' of gssimilatxon between_ Great Britain and F`rance,vand it-was Suggest- ed that_it would be.pr'udent to delay the co11'si(lerntion of the inenstzte here until 2;" decisi`on- had been 'an"ived at between. those countries.` ` [,1 ..... .. runny. v. vu-undue 'l`he inea of the Muiiicipality is very large," and`during' the land` fever :1]. most every acre wascut up into build- V - iiig lots. -`These small divisions, have. within the lat twe oilhree years been `brought to the l1nmmer,iosold'fo.-' (taxes, -and thrown by the purchasers-into good ' sizedlpastlire gmd [lurk lols, by `which . means Hie` building ground proper has ' . `been, gmdually nnrto\ved and the value of the wl1ole;impro`ved_'.V 2' The progress ledge; of any- .--. u Avnvar v u an by auuvu_ lu Qjlub me latter we f v p, ._. _ `Concerning the Bill, `be -eojndemnea the polic'y,`the lOc31j'GOV_Cflll_II lIC provided. `Clauses -`i-[to ' - ` ` In ' ehquiry. the cable telegram that Ashe Goyem;or.-_. -G8!`)_`t'&lA.l1'I(1dl`I_C(il"l`IuVf_'l] to ,5th' T J mp_'e;.ilil= GV3'n9`e'l`it.`h.R94?Bz5Y?.di8fl"``` ` . bancel warse~a:6tld. wes- .'f thetplace, which of-late has become- . moticegble in `many respeols,.is fevi-` V _jdo'n"tly of a _h_eulthy description,'aud _ *` V'__."alt1,1ougl1`'tl_1a aniticipations Vofj by-g_o_ne- V 3' 'f d'a;ys_,`:`w;vl1i`chlooked to see .Collin g,w_,3 od= M , ' .0: second edition__ of , Qhiengef ~ . z ;jay7fnot_be realized, we ex`pe_ct,:bgfog- '-- mny~ya'rs ate'paet- to see` it, the pofsi-v . 7 ' fl,` 'iijo }wfhioh1`it is._entitleI,}7the A _ 3 tef-l5i'minus'9f l_.`z'1:V_g1_'_nix1"n"[),ort c;:_|'z`;d_(:.._`AI3'ail`- 5L i 4, .o ,_ Vl:!3'i'.`9.hla`.`:.< z::.i"': -G-A Ev .Qar.ti.9r `Md. :h..* .'hld.~r::l!--'3l\1?7w` h1deegie1:h haw ehoul and 1 ing ll panue 71.113`: `-( 7cost:'o xind ` the . -4 ,6!` 3'1? :ii'lit`; ' .!,`p_9 1cwcuu cu, |IlISll' gvuu uUU__uj IIUIB "DlU.W. We trust` that our enterpriqing cotem-A ` porary willrealize all his expectations. _ Cmms.-7Us`e Dr. . Bfiggs Curalive Tnf `Corns. Bunions, ingl-owing Nails. ' 'S[od by. all Druggisls 999,9...` mind 1:m1'_s .-That lhe, ` continent} T. -__ 3--rvv\a'y_I|l_l':s ul-"l|I`l0Il_l` Mir-c Mfr =.11S;n :M5idi6iIi' 2. 1L\.`,tIf'iI!; ,l.i!!!!-1n9"!rgad;vz_hn `fr: V ; 51.13. ngjainua ieherefon=`tl1_;a`yaitl_oi; -iofvthb` ; "`*`-v."..'`.`V-".".'.V"`V 9"9"'9f`?"i ` *` bh`'.l'di.'a`y liiat; onfth oi_;Wil'-` = luugquaa wuluu u.wnnlgIlt.: ` , ' The clxaitm [Residing . said that it was: very 1mprtaut7 thatVthe' bridge: a5hould'.beIofng to the Grand,ITtun`k Co , arid ' t'o_ it,aloqe'.T . '1fhe,poivens.:Ior`;mal;'s: the bxjidge were .vestg_d[Aium1wocom-. pamAes,_.~ one Aljljefitliii,Q[lQ.Cll1a(li8n,' I1I'f;"I} `I.'I1 `Inn =-kn-h:`n 5`, The -International ._ Railroad I '0 - ' `Bridge- } . At the lialf-yearly. meeting of the` `English shareholders `of the Grand Trunk `Railway, held in London on the -4th Inst,` :1 resolution was :adopted ap- propriating 20,000 out of the Capital of`cotnmenc_ing immediately the can- the "Niagara Biver,.`(ron1 Fort-Erie" to eBu.'a-lo. V V'1`l_1enppr'opria_tion_ named was voted in advance or the `mu-turing of n scpherne f'orraising~the whole sum`ne- cresearyj to build thebr'idge,' andhwitht Brydges, instructing him to` closetroon. tract forthwith andhave thegwork in progress within a_l'ortnigh_t.; ' ' Than nhnirmnn nu-.n':.i:...... ....:.I 'n_;. gl Itlndsof the Company, for the purpose. strntion of the proposed bridge` across the understanding -that 'a calhlepides-. `p'atc_hAshot_1ld at once he sent to :C`.;J wuy,-gn V-u-guuuv vA_ I-|u._llIU l_ls5_GU`o_ , t/-fsfhbuld roa}d,Ywhich*'hns in some go and.` they Fmucig which IS aboiltjone lwnedredmiules {ton} Fort Gary. - " ' rpm.-.' ._'_._..;._-_- .__ ._ .1,-, -`.'- - 1--. -.----J- . Th'e eountry up to this.poir'1t.is de- senbcd -as being uneven, and as pre- seating great obstecleg to lhe__mov.ement of t_xoops;A but, these surmoun.ted, a much ner climate is_ reached, end the pond, becomes comparet_ively easy '0! travel. . ' ' ' _WV-V"e"aAre iformd `by the*S_pecia'l Com- `m`issiou_er of the Daily Tele`graphrthat the bush and swampwill. ogr gravedjf- ficulty. -in the prbsecutign jou_x-. ney, and_we are fully 1:9 credit all he. has said, from tl1677 f_;riptionT piven 'inAa'.uthenuc wdrks onlin n'n_tur `ofthe Country. T V v. T. .- BANN00K'BURN.TWE1:;D, 1. isettring est(ie'.the pe_rilous,v:i%hee1th:- V (ultness of the _sw_arnps, vie, stfppose the insects will be out inzfutforoe, and it is not improbable tha.`.',if5;t_eA insurgent party*`conten;plate.- vio1ht_;`_opposition,, ~7- they mu show ;hems' 1v- es in `this neighborhood.` - T On_ the vwho_1e,7the_ march from the Lukeeof the Woodsto [Fort Gary may be regarded as offering 5 the m_ost tryingeivmpedimets on the en-. tire route`. The mbmntous qu estionA is this :' "23. the force dspatclzed competent for ie- ris/qs and dangers awaitzng _z't .? ' T 1011,31 '3- .I_:- ___. 3...- -- , Q1 ` -Bouts,-waggons and otheti things re`- quired for V'_th_e fexpedilion have." been brought from various parts of both Provinces, when everything of` the .kind,'cou1dhzw`e been procured uter- will_1in a shout` distance ofthe place of embarkatiun. ` ` . ' Ii` Reil is driven into a; cornierauid shows ght qn;this roa d,and at a junc- ture when our troops are struggling . with the natural obstacles which beset` them,`a wretched ;carnage may ensue which will tarnish omfor fame and perhaps remove forever .,from our pose session 9. couritry inevery way so desir- able as an acquisition to the News Dominion. T - I.Five or six yoke of Oxen have, we are -told, been purchased in the neigh- _bori1obd of Collingwood "for" the Red River expedition, and itdseems to have required four menttu do the. bnsin_ess.e III} the first place, instwct1ons'are' sent to an agent to employ isome One sup- posed tubes. judge pf cattle to` look themiiup andebargain .16; the price. Thisgivesj two parties vtogthe transac- tion. Then`, `a ' yeterigiary `surgeon is sent up\to' .ir_1sp'ect_thianimalshahd last a` payintizstei from head-quarters ap- peai{s_on the sceinetand settles for them. They must be p'rettyexpe_n_sive animals -by the time they 'become,Vthe property `o[_`ithe Governntenta ' , ' . i '1 Co.-NsuM'n'rivr:s.-Us'6 J. Hrnggv Thlont and Lung Healer fomll diseases oflhe.Tluroat, Lungs and Chest. Very pleasant and eicacious. Sold everywhere, - _ ' S88-3m Tim Cost :05 Routine; f 1 . i . Wipih "adIon_o anti- :1-F` improvihg, but reqtiired. rent. . .'l'lie ill-A ness i's imributgd _to `over work. l_tT"is gl1at_.he-tying-not V1)VeV blg" 9;`il.t' ` ` d ' `_? tg3a_uy busiuohjvibtv id`Ine5`w6Ih ,",id in ihat case wiAlljnotVappenr agcm it; Vtho l;I9! ...s!uii!2x .n9s9nsJ;...9.e.a-;9.hV ' which islxpeciod to close- igl _g afgg days, A ` ' -.2~... ..`J1}= ,T&'}`.: -1-. Ilir-` Lara} no Mmmn Hous, 219,. ._p;o,t;ec.t;,eo1:r , f.'erme);`L._ i;i y.x,ig_l';Ei{1f.j`*L`I:r ',l_i}_a,v3;. `a1's?{ beni gunbogts sengby t1,gisGpyot,nm 9,n$ . ._ _ }f.9.<'=r3tary Fish vt_hj_13l;. ithpgpwiyl gag "hut -sam7.thnt" mi! ri'ir"I:ln mn'nt i-m. "main- pa ;_'9oig`ict,? I I8" 1.5!!!! T5.;`.`...'."!;: W!` 4:95? ..::u..0-,- !1uI:8:`h!l9 o!sxA,rishts,mus _tained.-+A_men'cau. _9onmct, fmaing Ving favorebly, had had a sedan: relapse- .al friend of Sh-`John : ste.t__e"s thai alt_hi} ~ ` '1`i1esdziy,__end geye estrong.;lq'pes_Vg-i.;p8~I- , motxiing; whenhlpaein eeg in fellbvifli We ieama ,e;7.;;a;;e.a3.}.a;.';;`;; ' much1r eg_r_et't-bet `Sir John` :'A_. _M_e`ed_on- aid,` who had previeusly 'beIenIprogre`ss`-' A. telegram received hei'e_._l'rT`.`11, peiiei-`v he penned 4 .vezy-':Ievbmble.m'i,ght.;.en4 . s-u1_escenceup,to' 9 eLm.`ofy_ee!erdiy. by" great prostxetion end__coI1gpe;'whi5h` lasted `for some hours} 'A;;.reacl'i :n/nf,- tenverds took place, tliouh `,i'1'j._Ioh'p s position isjstill precariousg ' ' A V . 1CAl5;l`lci{.` in our hdngh5le climio ou'g.hs' colds,,and; diseases o.f.Ihe- lhroaI,`loi_Ig s_ajnd ' cheat will always.prevail;Cm'el goose/mplioni will claim itsgunliml. Thqaa diseuoanf nt- IuJeillo"`i;1.yLi:ue,.can.be.im'o:led am] outed. ' r The .r'emedy'Z is` `Dr-V.) '_-Wistafsr galsqr qf` Wild .C'lgAe_rry. : - V ' ` Q _, Guxi`nioATs_'r*bn '1'k1i: Fxu'n'1ix;}s.-r-The .gI1nboatsdesmtchd'J;bv"I!he ' Vcnadin gpdz English;Gpvg;qmentg_;to[,tljn T Fish-' ` mg `Bb.uks,to.en`foroe th`e. naw>isl1ery, l:_1wsA ._lA1aa;v`o?`;zp'riygl;.' _"'-1_`here. bays: `also hn irilhhdntn Enf `hi `this ('.'h}iiirnnbn' ? Fair _I lay--_WeH'4 Bridget,if rengage ` you, I_shgl1"\v_ant you%t.o stp.y_` at -home ` whenev_er'Ij wish yto go ~out.` Well? ma. am,_I have .119 objection, said Brid ge;, f` -providin fyou do h %. s:u1_1e:vizhen_ A I wish to go, out. _' The Commissionex,of`:l1eA.3Tfntoi 2 -Telegraph wlnen `passing Ltllrolgh . `Col- lingwood lately- o_n his'U_\vayl.5t6'Red~ River, reports th/at the ],?r'eni;'lfl(l_dna`- ' dians: which were bein'g5_ sent*up' Government tomake roads, sac.-,; gave free expression to the`ho[`):e` that ery` [volunteer ."going to the settlement _migl1t-bebshot down, oL_nd_?spoke'"of their A `willingness to assist .Rie:l.' _`We hive since henrd Mr.-l Cunnlxighnmls state-j .nient_\ie1`ied bymore than one reliable person. Perhaps" these men were Being sent: up by C_uftm and Howe to yeinferce;the .P:es:ident,7` _ - IIIK Illllkful "uni: Inuuuuuvua-J susuuua o`- Presldeut,O. C. Davis ,- Vice President", `H. . Wallace, Esquire; Srtary , Charles 'B_annister';~ Tresurer, J limes Gallagher ;. Gaplain _ for. the season, SohnMcDonald. ' ' ' An..the Cr i:zlmrst club llas l|ls`:b'c`e'n'r';orl'znn~ 5911500, 50lI_D IlCl{Dlll1|u. - . . _ - _ As..the Crnizhurst club has nlg`o_'bee'n'rorgnn- ized, it is condently anticipated (hit tlie friendly matches" or last season between thpie'clnba' will . be;revived_'vvilh spirit. A . , - As them .is 3 fuli stock of? tiid'se Godds Jill! arrived for,both Spring and Suimneg. ` T