_11-z_f `iEiE@W`a`~4 _ ~ "f"--.'`-*-`-*--.-------"' ` A . sUR_PASSlv`.S all olhers ye_t altemptnd in the; nxo.~tt_easentinl pat-ticu|a'irs,- IL is-simpler. and con` I Is. seqttently muclt more enstl_.y,rnunn;_rtd_; urns tnore tlurublt-, and ('0lJSequeuLl_y win mg: mmh I --.-ngenr ; .11. I8 more elegantly nished. and_ consequently - umkus more agreeable appearance; it, zuus easier, and >consequently,dot=s not fattguetlu `operator; it does more work, and of n 'be-t:c.r qltalny In an 641119;` !P3`3_0f llmerand consequently is far more econor'uic:xl,:` it does better wcvrlt, ` j M15 3 greater Vurxety of It and con_seq.1entl_v possesses great adzxpttzbility ;- it. is n `[_Tl'(5:llPr xvij`.--v-.4 A .~'z.ver.1ubor-saver mone -.saver,ttmc-saver. and lm`n rd-saver. and consc tie - -wr -..-.l y . Y _ . _ V q ntly n_, y,t.tl.~x n. 91 . completely to the, p_htl:1n1ltroptc _tnstmct_s of: ltunmulty, and, it. lmjs stood ' the lost. of uctual t.-stir B honor. and has ntzlneved a. \Vld8|' [opul=tnt_v an n -shorter space 0'!` time, than any other Seiviug-- ` I I .\1':zchintrnr.iw before the public. _l urc'l1'._wst*rs should not select n.m:1(l)inc until tltcy ltnve cxzimtucd _ the LOCKMAN, if they would save 8 large ntnounLAof"l'utnre` annoyance and trouble. ' . IAIII p.;\-.' '_A...'...._. ;T,` E. Fl'A_V/VSON,.Aj`gVent',` D \>nDYL` %% ;3-W@'3 W*N3g, mv&antcurLEnY; % % _ `If you v. vaz`u NA.IbLs V , u A :0.c. .RaW$.31.1s % % % % %kG0toRawson.s,F F93? Trace. Chains; Halter Chains, and Logging Chaizzs, For Carpenter : Tools, 0 to 5a" S"'5 I V ` ;% . , ; Go t0Rawson s.% If'yo_xjwant a'I}yth1ng'inthe_HardWalfe7Line,G ; -, F V . A ? _ .. , / m O_,t0_ .a;_vS0ns.._ 'Lms % aomnawsovzs. For Coal 0il,'Paint~,Oi1s and l`ach%ine Oils, % ' ~ . ForPai t % % A % Go`t0Rawson s. . ` n any and Glags, J A no tO.%R%awS,9A.n,S 'For%Sewing.1IIaLchinTes,%%AL4 F H T % 7' otoRawson&s. For Pumps, Bavetrough._Stoves 8; Tinware, 1 -. g . " * %Go%toP;awson. s%-5 For Plumbmg, Steam Papa all Steam I'1xtures;. T . T .1 " an` In newdnmgrl hnsno If you fwantigocd `clock, 8 dny`,'30Vha'uLr, and ala_rm"I-`im Pica ",*fgo ,j\7_s_here the_ largest sIock;ever olI_eVrd `in vBarrie`,-.~._` A _ _ -4--,4-:..._.'4's..... . .NARRl \ ,AL WITH A N E\1VSTOCI;$'; CHEAPER. '.r._IA_N_ E`vJA::a.-' V ` If you hint a. Waich otGlock`piu in gbdd r:m1:x1ing_k>_1'jrie_x, laahdk ii`v`:1`f.|:ant`g:(:i,. A _ 2 ~ 7 . - LI . ` f _-Go_t_o J...yjrf1u;s';f;NGs " ' " - `7 ~."~.W:'T.`5"- .. -. . ' V - . ' ' V3 J ` , _- ` 771-'." .- .' . 1 ` " . . -? ." - '7" r - ` .. . ` ' . ., . V > . _ _, , ~.. _ _ .-, , H. r ._ V . ' ._. r _, _, I _, I /, - .. _.r _ _( M` _ ` ~.~~~ \ .. . A ..a._ `M _ , 5 ` , ' .; .- . ,` .. . _ { `V " " *- * .~ ~~ 4 -r-` . , . .- D . - ' V v - 5-Q .'.,, . ' m mm-..m .7... 11I\l'| ' ` - OF 1se4 Luw-1369. . I I| |!1u"A_4~`I3_ !nili -;l i|i'|1a ` ' ' - $113 M_o.sz" msH1o}vABLE _._ I.`ADIE_s" . 41y1), . 'Cl;TNTLEMEN~S -JEWELLERY, IN'B./IRRIE; .- -V ._ . V . ' ,' ` At .T. \V--H':JR I`l`N'GS.' If you may Gill:-1,9` Wi. RN33: ,1?Uz`z`3"'4"-_'|l(1`;~_ F.Al;i't :" Earr1ngs}B_roo%hen. [Ga % SIMPLE n nn. We would intimate that the g'enersu1_clx:ir.~.rtcr of the business will remain the'an_me*as beforemhc changebof name of'11e_rm';'bL-iug_in- consequence of I new manager and part owu' being in future a-`resident. in .lSa_1-rie. . AEND KNOWN As %MIL&LER%& co. Opposite. the `RAILWAY 5'1`-A4 `ION, two'_1oors `west `of FTmser s`Excha[nge, is knmvn Iru-._and "wide as the ` ' 'ch-eapcst ' ` St'_1(,3"Aai-tIc' e_Ba?er, '- T . -- ~ . `_ ' .Q-ual-ity at `the B e(we2_', 7 CIz eapm_>$s at ilw l>Ac1.L'e1'. Omnotio is C_I-IEAPER THAN EVEI-`fa Tana} xmnurt our o\vn goods. we can show :1 . -3.0 .A._.JQ ,.J._`IJ-.L.._I-`V7 K.J\J-L-_" Dunlzl St_rc[, 'H"est of the '1` b}'t/iern Railroad S{rzzz7an, Ba rric; Ont; ` Tu: Losxmu FAEV2T'v"SiE5TTLE .J_.E1l:4.`1.l:'ILlV J."rL1-.\_LV 11; ` import our gr.-ods, ,\-re can show 4 Sign of the | .1jZIZ~`!i--rT`I '1-`ban any other house in 'Bnr'ric. `STORE BARBIE. E. `B. eaemga & 99., -r..--\.`-.. ..-- TD 7 . BARRI E, _QN'I`; V w;g'I 'rj3D,'.igT 'I};OR -1 42... 'n.L...rL-..M 1)...'1-..',._) cu-..:-4_ n......,:..- BU?-2 T0 BUYT ~ uuu llVu\Il\'o "w%IL_sf o{T r: ,' `EEK/UM AN &. co. T-T.\\HY'T`\T .` ,I..vx'I`E Z;1lPO1 n. uyva ayulu wuns, mm 01 ll DPU01` N8 economic: .:A V `gm .-m=r xvif-'-V1 er. con.=cqu`er.tly n_ppe.1ls mm-..-. .il. lhe use`! on (if Hmn than ounr) nut. Q. .... V Av:;`J.,_ $v.,I1;isT1NGs, l|Hl1,|5D- .. . .. , 1 ;Go to. Ea,V,VSOn'S.1 M; W. --nAs1~`mGs{. .. cw. 1:1:m1LToNT, om. T119.` largest and best. selected I 7 ' ` _stocl~:of.'V V I i`mNEs% AND LIQUORS] yevcr Imported mto this roman- itic town, i:_1n.d whlch`, bought to the `best advantage mj 1hTe'var1- ious markts or" 11-1'AeT wvorld, _ We : ofi crat@ T ` J {'4 1b.`F1te$l1 Groiind Rio Coffee Lower 11-,"ricAesi The TTr'ac'1e.suppTli_e.dA at Lwh.,1e.? sa1eP_rices._.-L " 1- ; V. I `;'I"h a_n; any other` House In the }. ' _V _ Trade. ' - V" The Pu_1'est Quality _ _ ' \vnmson,oLnnmmmrxvulsxm 1 -A'r T _ $3: per Gauonj `27j1bs_`. ArTracTa1.1-Rice. L`-IIV, . . 1:12 o',clock.no9n,all1lie estitej rlgluf, lino proper! _,_v5z.: l _ _ _ l4 4 . . 4; `Tbs ouuz half of Lot nluober-.fIe_en,i inglhe hing`: concession of the Township of Snnnidale, ` East of the Road, containing eighty one at-res. _a'nd equityof redemp1ion,.&c., in the following ` , A-portion cr said'j`1remiseI~are cleared and fencod and under. cultiv_ntio'n, and there is `a house and barnerecled thereon. , '- - I The nronerlv will ha sold snhim-t Qn.A lfnrf. 3;-{(1 .5 "Ibis; Fvresh Emele `Figs umoF% im:e *fs?? :.;.ig:msi?'r- izsmx, I , A That -under.and\by',-virtue - of thh `p e\v`ers ' `vested-,in_ me as Oicial,-Auignee cf the inane pf ihe above nnmedIn3olve'n_t, And under the `*~ |3rbvisions of th` Insofieht Act. `of 1364 and 3 1359, ghe-npzdersiguediwm oifer for angle V , -rs,-rr:' 1111,-rs 7 12-: . ?f"IhlI!"`l\,`9, .' VIII" [dew- M Sfin-I n-nu 14 ;-" -'-` Us .:41,U`t 1I,J-" 4V ` , -" At hi's_Q`ice,VBVlarket Squire," Tqivii .l`. l_3d'u*i,e , in the County 6! Simcoe androvincej of . n.;....-... .. f? .%,%o s 1:64 , % 6/ Mim_`7 % * the = l'0`m`zsIn'p ofgsunmdaleg? an,` -` Unfc %oft1TTsT nsBi"`91vEN. _ That-underand`-by ,-virtue -of yiewers vnafnll. in I'll` an nm..:.a An-inn-n -f 0'.` Innkon ;$a;a2*ay . the L55t`}`;..j_.1fl"a_1";.-af1|1_arc'}z-,T ./1._D . `A `1s7o,._T -~ {run --_1-_1. _--_ -n .I_- ._..`..'v 4.1. .:.u- uuuu: uuu narnerecteu 11161903. U - The property will be sold subject :`_ Mort- gage of $700, and ifi_teresj,_I\t nine per cent. per - nnnukn, the principal mbny being made pay- ' able in't!:e' year 1874.; " n4.-_,nv1-snsnra-r v;n'-rv '__ ' . l FACTS ma STUBBURN %Ammss :} 1'5 sfmg W W @ I lbs"; Fresh Malga Ra isiVn_sl saw. ne-nnuersngueu Inn our.-r I01 use - 'l3'iY'i1 - -UBLI0 }-AUCTIGN Athfs name". Xhukee swim-.` -r..a'.....`: Biggie. i Actioxis sp.:a1{1ouTdert11an-words ':87oi & M An on 1870 ` . .7 . lbs. New (_)u_rrants 0,928 ..g.,. * SHOES; mIIY-Mm Ilwmxus, I 12 lbs. '_Ne.\LvATur1_:`ey` Prune s. 'Anj'\'l1ere. No1fth.of_' Toronto. We have Majked VII ?! ._'4 A ._n l"I.. ,DRYG Andja Geiieraf`Assoftxigniof U94 -L.L4Ll JVJA lJJ1l)I1- Dated at -Barrie, 11:13 "1212: day, aduuy, s.D."`18'!0. ' " " ` ' . V JOSEPH ROGERS, . Hm:-inl V A aaianhn *' `-'.*?***':" "H-.--==-.1 4.9- *._*-..": . .."` W1 nte:i.-_Goods_-vatI- `Prices Bid:-.?_ - T ~ - L cjiJus`1jr.:Low_!' ..> _, J,-2': ,4; rs, gu- eqngl - giulllr, d Vin: I :As 1'1sua1, the- best value` in file -01 sg; .11 ..o .D....:.. .I'.:. man. .1__ mac, nun-x_eI: aquue, '.1'9w_n;: qa pan 3 _Simcoe avnd_1 ;-ovin'cej,of, V ' ' Outs:-`to. on ` ` ' - ,, ".1 , Ann 1 ,1-1.1,, ,1 A If -. A,l_viv[a`y$ :S`to:ck`. 01-` 61.1 E nurn lxvunna, Ofiicial Assignee, Co.;Simcoe 1i`or.$%100% For $1.90 objnt ` nnicic - An}- `f 'or 81.00 For 81-00 POI 31.00;` For $1.00 0A.!Af>i5"i 75ii 1!.- '%R S -Ant: `cg; -_ . ` A rztrmm -nnn Uordage, mass, Putty, kc. ._ V _` FOR S./ILIL .6T LOWILSTC./ISI1 PRICES. i 'I`oronto,-f)'anumy,-18038. V A 1 1 .. T'"__. 1 W Awi4'"4A 0`?"""-" -'1? 4 IN um Posr OFFICE BIIlLDING;!BARRI-El, I _Bm-ie','May e;h,'1sss.;. . . '1-. . 18+ nico. : L ll HYt)`ibi'E- biF gff ERVEE _H|.l5LlCl|U- .' . - _ ' As usual. Bread, Biecnits,.&c,, delivered at I I any part of the Town. ' . D . `L`l\'l-" E. Qr`.\- 9UNFAILINGEYEPRESERVERS| IRE-LIA{;N(3E% LIFE Firkihs, Cheese `no'ops,'Irou`so and same pm, Milk Tuba. Fqrmenting Tubs, all size of ` Beer and Whiskey vlmrrels, 111.1131: I \11`\ nnnrr 73 I 11:11:: on -I-JO-`I4.-I -&IJ_I l \/L045 JJILLEIVIAJJJL | Potash and I_-`ish`Burrc1s, Flour and .,S_,'ru'p Bar-` xtc-Is, from o_ncga!Ion upwards. ` ~'.t3"F1mi1y Bet;/ , 1'01 /.`.[mrlPi:lc.Ic Tu(}s_1na:/r. J9 ordrr. -~ - V A '. . A E.`.?'C'ountry onlcrs promplly tzltem/_ la. - ;\u91:b:3s , . , I rcz\Arv l'I.`1t.'1tvr.A\1;: . [CANADIAN .DEPUT. HE stsscuxzans tb:_mkful "fbr the my liberal patronage of the past. beg, to inform ' Ihnir nlrl nnctnvnor: 051` N13: nnhlin nnnnrnllu ""` '._'T I A large supply of which will _always bekc.-pt an -baud at prices which will be certain 9,0 ensure _sa.tisfaction. = ' A1 usnnl up-A33 n:,Inn:Cn I... .l..l'2..--..1 _. fR0YAi1ni'fi:iii6EnomPnwY" p"a':7. uund ` om; .\[~.xuufact_ures sing. xixakcs to order` all"kind.-1 - . and slzesof, ' ' '1 IN! -:15! run 2 -n >5-u - u amczr \u_ C/turns`, 1'I" tis}; Tjubs,Butm* Tu_6;s', ` ne,t_s__ 1-n,____ rv_`__- 1-r_,,'__ ,4; (1.4 L n .1, BEEF X5?E i;:1c l{,EI,S, 1 _ __,_1 ,,,, n B:.i'x-So. Jah'y 20, 15:0. Yllh DUhDUl.tll5bl'D l.D!_1DKlUl'l0l' [DO Vl'y'| _ patronagq beg their o!d customers and the public; generally, I -that.4theyh:n'e -"made arrangements with thc Leading Clwesc Fuclortcs of our-. Donu`:n'o.-_i,- {or a continued supply of ram E3LASS`t3'liEESE,L lame sunnly ofwlzich alwavs be kent 1;n RYANig,9}:|VERJ 'HARDAWARE _& fro`oLs,T X 114 YOUNG smmr, % TORONTO. _. Builders, "Cabinet Maiicrs, and U1ihoIst_ere;3_.` Hardware._ 5 ~ . . _ Addis improved Carvers Tools. 3 Stubs Celebrated Files and Tools. Carpenters nn}1'Joiner`s_"'I`ool3, Shoe Tools nf all kinds. [Shoe and Machine Thread, Silk, kc. Cutlery of `all kinds. House Furnishing Hardware. ~ Sliootfng and Fishing Tackle.- Sporting Ammunition. , ` Garden, D_rainlng,_and` Fanning Tools. Cordake, Glass, Putty, kc. _ FDR K/Illv. A7` I .() E'.\'7"l'.'J?.'H PRIITFS. LAzAnus,% Mounts 3. cog} [of WHOLESALE & RE-TAIL _n__ Is a lime pfonibi their. superiorilv. We were satised that `they would be appreciated here as elsewhere; and Ilia: the" reality oflhe advantages ' offered lo weaver) ofuui` beautiful lenses. viz: me: ease and comlon. the assured "and readily ascer- {nined imp'rovg.-_mem_ _of lhc sight, audlh: bi-iliiaut. mmance `they giv`e'in1Ilcases`. were .in`rhe.m- T Jaelvca lo-Ipp`I,'I'en`t` on trial, that 1l:e`_resu!i"cbul:I_ Tnol he '0lbI'Wi&~lhIII it llllp in the almost central '- ` lsdPI)li0|\.'t`f0lll'?. CELEBRATBD, PEBEECTED _ GTACLBQ by=Ihe?ruilrn1a onus lc-'n li{y.j - 1- Wink: {u.Illmnwledn.ofllw valu'ol-'1he.uaer- 3. 'iT;n1n nnniv Rnahlrv-v\ ' | SPEGTAULEQ by-me tunuruu on was Iocnmy._ 7 With` 3 fujl Imo w|edge.oflho _valne'oflhe user- lion, we chum tlm Ibey are the ` mquperfocl opti- inapnuctnred. , To those needing. l _ F` _ ` ::e'cLa1u..%e\$li5rd`at all lime! `in oppouuniny uuu, we cluuu mm, |uu an. an. nu;-. rvulvv.-I up:-- cal ninja, e inapn,c'lnred. Toihosc 3 ugxu * _ latdit nlllimtan op 01 my -1"?" dsiruhkep H-' 1% -: -- ` A Vb 5` `t 1:43;` V `4 A V; b; 3 u-.a.;!"3::;b-inry ,foI':;: mnnnfactv of LI. ~Doo_ns,% SASHES, nnmos, l1OULDING,&c_l ' v H ' T -- ` ' > .,'_ ; ndis prepared to supply tbe_'se nvrtiles Mtbe ` ' 5-5 I - - " `' P"*?~ . ' L Evsn. sscnrrW ~ 1 si.`=1 g Q 1..-5L :'A~;W.i,7`i`?G% .1 3 " Mela! mama at all lung: in opponumly bgrcqcugif _op,anIal_InoaIdesi_I:I1.fJ.|`Ie_-, -- 1NsUuxn~:.cr`:- c(3._\z;1->.r?1-z-.5_z'_; __: Qu EEN S_ Fl"FlE 81. 'L`IF;E.,. r -V n-QQIQ @1 nu-Zlll lnnllnn hunih %.'SAA} v7VvILIsIAM8%[ ._01posi!e Mc`!l:o.!isf~C`lu n'}:/:, 3 sl:opEuxlr` r:f ` V ., Market. ' - " V -._-- `J: Ann... SPECTAOLES 1 T:u:m%sm6u[s:T The inrge ind Ihcrgang safes of Ihugqi ca1'vvziA2sicz2:, *2 *1'c.; ; -Ao_;s_1i.jron-rnnf ` CELEi3l;A'i'ED_ PEt_%FEC"l'ED AND `EYE GLA_SSES. clad` thl Yr.-.?.. pepufzr wstr-r> 1f1'a'na73qr1n'cI:'AssEs wuiuwuu :(':EjNT~1*on xm-onrzns, or isms vx; WILLIAMS,` [Ln-uh.-(V nnnnnnn .. `A5113. n.- r;1".\'<';; .2 sax.`- 1 u w u..L.uum, liume 'Cooper.3ge.' si. " - zxogzfrwi _1sboz~f;nrc:4L;rpgg1o.-am-j . {foil- yoti1: mnchlnory. -T-Yioia .\!l2'iid ft n'uool.i clean gnd durable as amen mpre' expeusiii oils, ` while ithas no tondcncjto cum` add will clau . ,'~`._cf!' any,,dig'ty- gum which may` adheite to the ,"ftnachine"r_y from the use of omei oils. Thisioil . is thoroughly pxfaried and i$'enlire1y frg from all `foreign matter. Everytbzinel 'bear'a ~the . (ioverumenfstamp. Oil: will` _boT taken hick ~i-within 30 glnys 0! date of in.Voi_ce if fonld un- Lcqnal to rppresentntion. 1PrSce-30i:ts_pear. gil- _- Ion, barrel included. . ,7 ;` ; - ~ , ' S. C,.1DU.2~'G.-L\`-CI.AR;K 5- Co.,. . " ,N.W. corner King-and Chntchistreet. A Toronto 011?. LllIII,.' limo- i REPAIRED; % MRS. DU,"Fi"-'Y,_.'- } `CLOTHES :CL`':`.A1\I`ED* AND , 1_'|jI,\`n:_m.- u1,unl.n-nu, rub. um, I;*vb`.V. 3 This is to ccnlxl_v.ulnntI!:.n:'nguse winlcr 9!" 1866 I I was taken with a-wcuI;I:u.s= c"lho :m'cI_-5, which !gmdua|ly,du.;ing the .~`prin{.,'-`(MA .'E~'b`7, I-.\'tcn'_dcd lo - my knees,-nnd un up lo my lup.s,-:1mI I br(-nnlu so I wcaI.'llr;1l I cnuizl um-\\'.1.'k, lml w-.1's conned to Imy_ clmir., I`;-r :1Iv-9`!!! H`-`.0 _\-cur.-, V wlnlc` this` | weakness was Mming on may z::uI':-I72:-r".vn-vls, I sought uuzdia-.lI_ zul\'iu-, c1_n_g:In;mug, at difI'crcm :i.'ne.=,!hrcc Ila-h.r<, mud nut-<.iux1v:-rut d.'f.I3`run! , km:Is_'. pres:-nlzed by In:-mI.a, but ,0! no nva`l, Iv 1~.onIin:x'c-d tovgcl worse and wm:~-:..mm'l Ihc sum- ` mcr ofI,`a"J`3j \'.*'.`.eII 1 why iz'.yIn:-cd (n1ry_ me gr'a1 SI|0SI20nL`(_`S Ilmxzrzly hy- r(.'Hu`ing; the ("arcs perform. ed,V1'n u pn2n'1_>hlcI. Al Hus IIn:c I had bcgzun to feel we \'vcal:uc.ss in my hamh: ; in Inc! I was get- ting :il111QsI.|M`I]`vIC--- I ll-"W1-' l'=kc.n xwo bomcs of 1h'e Shoghunces Rem:-d_v'::nd 1-.ml.-`axes or me pins '.n:":I Iain cnnrcly n-.~lon-d_ In hnnhly. I lit vcr (-x pcclcd lu ECI_.I).CII_L`T. Inll >II!I1--I 1ricd`l!:c nu-(Ii('in'c us 11 sort-of lnnorn In---ye. _ n1,-l :1 prv~.':\!: mm, but Lunvcn Io 'I_|II my .nm'gbI.-ors om: x1II:L-Inf as I was, I ` Shuclnunccs Ilcnzuly ;.l -.1mIIIien.!+; nnII In an ' have only to-any lry Ix belxcxic II mil l".ll` you).- !T..... | .... 'fiais C351: 0|` ` m int-J was; umnno. _n::nuv('s spo1$;nm1 Mains from (1 Clothing, repai1'svgentIn)e{I73 ciolhing and makes up'gnrmenls on lh'_-most. rasouuble terms and on the shortest; notice, . ` ` - .(15Po.1TJ3 TH;-.` _z_V1:'.sL_ g`1v`.;1{~' TB 121' ..; , . I CLEANS. _rcmo vos 511613.; and` Lslalng mm Clothing. ren::h'svs?ennm'u7.x ..4.m.s.... .....a "l`o'x\Ics.=ra`.(7m".unr;1gI..u:; 6. Sn.i.s, Cumvny 1'1) County or LL'lHl0.VI, Ontario, Canada. .\i.-.Dm-.Cc;~r.-n:\' vl'H:a.I.liIIg-, ]_ |j}`\`iv:_m: 4,-1', (llllnfiu, '1-"ch. {M1, 1369. , ccIlxl_\'.|lml;!.:ni'ng we [was with ! gradually, dmjing .~`prin{.," M _\ Clll`!, |\vcakness \\"iJ\'"'1|llinf nu-,1 41':-l`:o.-r-`.\-owls, [sought c1_n_g:| mug, -':'mc.=. three d.`(`h.vr<. nI(`(.n1nL`-4'11! 1.'I l2x-um . Th:fqllbwing-reluarks on TL-.~limo|ni}.sul nnzax -.\ ondu;rlu! and c.`{u'aurilxu.1ry runs in C_nnm_a L-V . 1lu.".(H~.F.-1'1` INDIAN lil_'}.`.}I-JDY. `hwy mc alum, ` > ualCoxnpuu:1gl yearu-sd alter for age : usnuw a-:ce;-- ` qndupfable and inconmsinb!-.: fm-ls. w_ic-ie|.t_ l_0 c.on\'m('e rhc mozl skeptical that the (3roal-\Ieu':g-n- sible in tlu.VUrenl_ 4_..-_..--..-pug .--gnu-9-\\: I nu; u nus _f1_Q_SAl_-I gm:-i"Es REMEDY! .2... rr:..._.... 1...... I ....... h-`nag. \J[,I\l\Ill\I__IVlI-I-\r Iu|-Ivu~-- - - For l)i.~:ea.es ul thc Throat. Lungs, Ln'er_. Ds'ges- ` nvu `Organ.-, Krdneys,'s\:c.. as wcl`. as Scrulula, the ` various Skin Diseases, llun1-yr`;-.nIld all digw:-e arising lrom Impurities uhc Blood. we holrllv stale .- llml this great remedy has NEVER BEEN - EQU,-I LLED. Where was there cvur such a cure is that in the pcr2uno!,Wilwu Slorm.v,)f Brighton ` C. IV., 0! Consumption : or that of Peter C. V. ' i|I!(ar.ox Emeslovm_, C.H ._, _of Consumption, or thnt ofvdmbrosc. Il`o9r. ,0t Uonsccon, U.IV.,o( D pepsh and Liver-_CuxnpI'ainI, or that of Join _ wag . of Napinue C. lV.,of Rheulnmism, who had actually been on `crutches for yearn, in spxte of all ' treatment heretofore, and_ 1: uw_ _well._Scores 01 inch macs Imghlbe.men:1oLed had we space. ' , rga Call in the Drur: Store and act a Circular of might ue.tnennoLeu nau space. :5? Call at the Drug act unqucstionnblc certicates on the GREAT SEO- SHON EES REMEDY and PILLS, and sattsly ...~mu.lvun v nu Jain mnnhln EIIULVDD-J .ul.uuuuL uuu :.a.uus.:, uuu auuuy yourselves _ .V . . _ . ' Prige of the Remecly in large pints $1, .25. I'.`.. 0.1..` `In: all l'\...nn:.o. and I\..nl.`.pa in `.55 , V, vlvv ..-..v......-J ..-V ....D..l - . . V-. V-- For Sale` by ll Druggistsnnnd Dea7;'ru_in .!\`Icdu{nr,c., AGENT: FOR BAr:Iut:,--' Messrs Kelmsu &:Gu., and Mi-.A 1`. W. Gcovgan. Orillin-Mr. J. W . Slu`vcn'. Co1hng\vood-Mr ..Cm-punter._ , `lVI1.ula.vr1la A.szau.t.v.---Messrs. Lyman. Elliot! &` IV. Sluvcn. uomugwoou-Mr. bnrpunlen. H /'u;l.'Jz_l18 A.gcu.s,---`.\1cssrs_. L\'mnu,,Ellioll 8: 00.. 'Duns`pau_gh 55` \Valson'. 'lo1"onlq. . V S31 -Iy 'GEOBALL,? C 4]I1;N7rER, BUILDER, &c. _y * _ - Vcoxn[I.m_uu ms . A gs1:ea:Ipn 1=Povver T u,-|_2__-; .;-._-'n.. ._.._._n-. -4--- -1.- _-_ ,'Ul'es3eu,dccInutiA ol to "try. In ti .! qudg hi oi-&,e`r`-j \Ih_;_ ` if A;BAR.RIB_. ---- .- ' qnhounce tojheupublic that he `has ~ ' : complaged his A A -n.'A.4 ;".-4` L TL -:4. T `It -- ocuouoooonvoooocuuu Ad I.ll1LlLJtJ\JlIl- IUI onqo.....,. 1 nd Machiny fofthe tiaanufactux-_c VT 55%,, ~ . ._. . . . . . ;. . . . .. . .45.;-, . ` 5 Gallons good Common \\'m5- fUrt [0J0RlI{I ooNs u c 0 u . ' key {Ora c I I 0 o n o o o o o a - . o a o u o 5: 3 1'" [~,,- ' (-1 it we 20Tlb$. .114 __'l'S., 00 5 Gallons good Rye Wlnskcy lur I -,`_,:-,,`;`.,;`, .;,,...,.`. 5'jA_` ' 5 V A _-5 u;s_}fnA=1 0D~A-for. ~. . . . A 25 ! 5 Gallon `good Malt \V_hiskcy, for : - 7 - , .. .. .. M .{rFi |_xov :av ored_:Medi_leuanean and-Spanish light Dinner Wines, lh be.-t vax... - 7: ~- - = ` in: lhTe_l_?mviu'ce, $2;00. 3- I , - .,_ n"' ` itivhnsfireiylhingbanal-ly7ilm:Lxnz: um`rdor.am Lz'`:'* -; ,V __ ,. \.. ...\. -.-...uu.u s.-`LuI.\,': `Dr . .`SL;\\'i3`N is cxh;-mliug-his II: he sq-vlls 211 . l`ryrm':fn retail prices. G: T pr cp:zl,v\.x;i-ll be `uH:.-wcJ'on all [mm (--_'x) to _'b'T-..\'\'I`.;"`.`1'. .'111d 1003: at his will hr: sold Tuttlzr; cixvenpesi possible Try 1);-.~.-sx`.[.\vI-:.\.ff.~s mr.r,.'s',jm_o Buy u_'hu{lIc of .'$'L.\\_'I-IN"S Mo-sq I3-luck . lib{:r:111y dealt with. {I g Luck fur the Red Letters on the window as fo" -(r'-_) U) :5}; X`-`.'L'.`\"'_D' for 'l'ur\=,A'1'rK).bAc`cos :1m1 ('fig:rrs, of u: lira! qr:-aI ~' (Jo 10. .:'L.-V`, "J~Z.\"f~' :.-.u`d scolhoie Cnu'.l{Oil Irzrrrs, tor 512a ar .3 [wr am You mar savg: rnnuy'b".lmying your I -aint's, 05145, \r't\rlri.~'|1e5; Ex (2.; .\ 1`Lxmt, \'urui:In', W|rixu-u"us'I1,ACtrmcH1:rir,vScrubbing 8:. Elma I3ru:-.l1c-_: D 1. 'SI..\\'1'i`7\I has `:1 good business avid intends to keep it, if law ; quality u1:`g-;._u_!.s wrli secure it. A '1`rySla\`e1u s C-mcliliQ11`1 o \\'ders; for Horses & Cattle, the bee! in I ' jGiv-"c Dr; r_~'.'avn :1 call befurebuying elsewhere, and yuu will Dr: 31 ..o\\'s: My -{U ya, -_`!1.'_X s mxo 101` 1-`me Drllgs, Chemicn!s, Dye- Combs, l3mshes,_;c., \:c. T ` 4 Cu tn Du SI`.A\ FJN S to} Garden, Fieid and prov.-ex: A '1`or fronnlaa Iinited States and England. V `Dry. .*5[.;\\'i?`.\T e:~:h;-mliugvhis Book -and Staliuuery a s;_f][;11_'l'Q[(n]fn p;[ccg_ -Grant innlnr-nmnnm um. no .20 D;~._SLA'\' 1'1.\"s I` r \...{\I\,. n..... I. L. lyfescriptiuns.carefuH y prepaid at all hours, \\'i`N cxtemliug Innis -and{Sta'liuuer_v d9f1df'nX.tM. an-_c him a call and save znamjv. .'l'0rm'Ifn prices. ;Grcatimlucer.1ents ubrcd to 1`r)nchur.=, to whom a discount at 1'25 nil uH:.--.vcJ on all purclmscs. A - ` r_ \.\vI-X-,`. _> 1. . . . . .-. .. ._ ,. .T ,...._.--. . .\'\'II;`{`h'. and utllis `.W'uH Paper L-tlzr; cixenpcsi possible rates. V .:l`-\l`uv\~- . ..rr .-,. 7. r \ ~ -_._-- lILL.'\', )_0:,' ufg \._. . ->y-...-. _ .. ."S for Pure Drugs, Cinemicnls, Dye-AS-tuus, Perfumery, I.-`uncy nm1'I`uil_c-.1 .`\xtiL`lex. \:c - 7 v " C u _ :. J. xv. S;AA$7:N '1`. an Masm`u@ 'a"a1, `THE EIJEPHANT }1owt % ORILLIZA. [A GREAT WQNT SUPELED --j .-- -...... .__ C31-TI -I.\.`l- 101; _(,t ; GR0(:m:Ix5s, um we \g R \.I.2-.1. `.J \.J<..;~.\-as.` .1`. ' .-...n.-n.~---- _ v.. .. _- .. -u I! -. .1 sell Goods `cheap because I am Vnlr: and dctcrLr.i::.d to do 5 prots and quick returns is my memo. A1` 'l"l"H`. 1'.T.F'PH'A NT`- STRIQ1Lmm`J%}..%S5i` : l`l'l`I cAN'roN7 STORE Rubber & Raassiaun Henap % l a1cEiang;. %CLOTHINQ,L:_BQ,QT_lD S:~:o:::::*? {: 0`GI{}1}1 _lY `: _.>.,\L.31'\.4'}E:_`-.`;;:_" u an TEA that cainiot bu bent in Oriin. ` line avored, low priced (mg: 4;. :11. n.--; -u-`L5-. Gnoclm IE S, Win %E.s:; (Met: (tom this day forward, induce-Amenls to CAS1lL'C[I.sff`_oM};;;g ;m;__j . ,TjAuu,l;euti{of; in Barrie, as the following quotations show, V;-4, ;__ $1 TEAn'(o Inc 0 o n.i-0,0 o o 9 o o 0900 Per 11).`: by I3 fix " I`;-'o'uovo`uooIo_9I'n|80c, PCT Ibc-ouocoooon-n-'-... .'80`c.-T`T`_ 0 o_,-:-'-,o`-4;-V-=. Too-_.'. -70c " ` PATlN'1` PAILS. . .`.. ; . . .. . : I o_ Ioo:go,o"ot Ic.o`tcnoGoc BOARDSooOIa.;.... an`. .1. Kn- *u' ` 1.: nine onAn':, R@mWN3 &:s,g Offers lromthia dav forward. indudmeuls CASH O[I:`sTl`.(')x-n-`.n.~a Inn ' I?! 3 42.11: U0) ur \'.',cIi kl{'0\Vl! and r('cozunm:u.7a-d. rsqnito Luzimont--:1 sure prs;vc:u!i\'-; 17:1` T % 1-IAVING P._EM0\~'1;1) TO ms ./Vew 4- and C.'ainm.0lious I rc-m2_'.~m-s~ _ Awrru A COMPLE 1`E NEW s'roc1; op` TIIE cuo1c+;.s'v I \Cl' Idol-I ;"1TI113 I-ILEPIIA \illI\.ul\ lclllluo no in I Leat/201',Ifubbcanfl I- ntcnt (`Ii 1.1-_II--Up-V-fy vvv-on, -QVIQOIO c. vavga -' on ;E|`1;1jB6|tlvg, Aan(l- evetythmg usually koprin: a~ gall Jow; .,; No neod,.._fur ;u'.lher c0In'p|ainl8_7&b0 n.m.`.N'l\ am In'rt.`.|urs'm1_\*n wums `ainls, on.-;, Vurnislnes; am; .\-c., at .s1'..-nil-::<-'.:'L. l',5.crubblI1g&-. Slive Bru-.-he.-,:. :L!w:\ys on huml at -SLAV {'1 .\".< J i..I.....l... 5- 1-. ._, :. `- I - ` " ` P`EuCE1V_'I1\`G f1'111.c:Tir':[.7xT"Z:;ru:=:=x7'x> or A .1 4-.._..-_.. .1.` QT .:l'6_\1V.' j'i~io7 n&&.iJT"n.;':i}' '.~f.mI,1n'.'.'i..':'s'g._ ; $0 -,R_EN_'l,",, NQ _IN'_l`El{E_$'I` ` NO WAGE a.;;1.`a.-.. r..*...nu1aw:nn n Ln nmman: 3, day or night. ..n...nn-- L. `I A- - \/ -J'|--J 7! ..l '1``B.u'.RiE, THE 1* umm;'1'u1:`o1` '1'm; I L3 .-\I.L m.\'>.% 01-` PLANTS IN P4o'1*s__s-3,-T 1. ..... .... I......l .....1 -1..- ,I\IV' O 4 `VII Il\5C\nI. IUI lIII*lll'ui| 1-IIIIIDIIIIIIIL _o .1zpN_'r, 1~Io.IN11`I:Luc_$'I',;No WA( ;"ix_9,96I3}:vL:i9x``f?.1iEW;QB'QEDV.00M1i A ' .w`i`lh' ma : 1(_)-,"Jx')0`RVni}s j&IV;?.fL-l`(:L`\:i\'(`.(1 from .\'e\\' Yu'r'x, :71, -v 2 `r - wv - .- .- at Juwpricvs, and S(.'HIIg fitsl. --uv--nu-.,/an.-n .-...~.-- r Seeds, which`_ he imports from J. A. .`~`iInnn~rx, . \1$i.'a)'s ar{i`.'ing for A: J.[1~1ENnEB.surs"s. LIQUORS, Czaockuuv, 0 `(VII . .. >0c 1.2, a " """ "' """ l,Tif pric`.-5, strict attention, and '2 F_I'._ W Iao:E=z:-"A'.v W) CATALOG UE S GR./1 TIS} 4;. 5 .pA?B;%.;WN &vA-As-5 NW3 - V w\l_.JU 4 ".`_\v'i`!l_i_' me} ' : sure tu ;;-;'. a bzxrgain. tin; u1-'.u':;ct'., The counfry {rude Ir1I+._I"! CI.Is!7 price. ;.r .~.v.~a\..- . qr:.n_\' -c) '1"r:a.just to lmud. p.--mg. --.: : Aaa&DA% [`()'1`.'(}.A\.H`H.., /;('s!`in I/ac .(,.'o-I PA'1"l':llWl1:h1;z.\.lI;::12: I wAsu_ BOARDS. . . . . . 12 BARS son? for R t"..I|...... ..._-.l n.'.....__ ,4 1 I ` -Jae .)E`.C5 bf `.`fLSLi _'."i .`\ ` \ M Ems! saaT*zz mus .`\|1`\1 ht? UJVI-.\' .(,-'mml_2,' S7`: , . 77'!/CA .. 4.3. . :Agricu1tu4r,a1 &g' ` _ F1o wer%-- Seeds. ' L .1)Vm:zZi>p Snjcel, . '1'i).'i) . Doors `West.V ' Ilazlroad ,Statz'o)`z. - . ';`OTICE IS I1EREi'.Y-GIVEN, -That John J (,`_url:i!, of the 'I`ownship ufE3sn,i'1th.- CmuH_v of Simone`, \_'`-uman, hath made mph"- mlion to the Court`u'I'Ch:1ucer)` for :1 certicate ti Title LO ltmvubon-..1nr~ntiu:1(;d property under the Act -for Quietiug 1`i1le's to Real Estate in Yup: r C\1:mdn," and bath produced ev'idcnc_o whereby he nppcui-a to be 1h<-"owner thereof, in" 1` 9, subj-.-ct 10 mn certain .\lm`!gng's more fully snout in his prmion herein, on'e'1n Rober1_., L`.`uun i1c;h:n.'n fund the ether to C. S. Gzowskizj \vlw re!`urL- any ollxz-r'pr`sQn,lxa.vihg or pretend- ' Sng mhzsve any-ti11c_ to or interest. "in 1130- said 1 1;: nd 0.` any p-,:rt thereof}. is required `(in or be- - are \\'cd_nes'day, the 'l'hirteculI1 day _of-April ; nmv m-xi uggning, to "tile n smtemont 'of;his . (.`1.'\ili1 in my clcc situate on Owen Street, _in thc Town of linrrio, in .s':'ui:l County of__Sjmcoe, `and to serve :1 copy on the said Jabn Corbit,-bx , on .\I-`Sara. 2\rdngh,_ AI`4]'.l{!11 & S:mth_v, of the . said Town of I5-zrric, his S:;Iici_l.u:'s, and" in de- < fiuilt on-ry such c1n_imwiIl bc.b'arred.nml the . 13110 of tho suid-Ju_}m Cdrbil become -`absolute * anti in:-`l'efc5xsiI.fm at Law and in equity, subject aiyly to the rescrv.-atibus mentioned in tbe`1'Atls t A`....IInn AF Hxn acid Ant !L:n-nin rnnnnnnrl nnA~ I Mitch 3rd,`18'iO." ilirfic, Xfnrch 16111, In the -mat-ter- of the Eastvhalff -of L0]; `number-Thirteen in! t.he'E1ghth Goncess1on_ of the E VTcwnship% of Essa,- In the? . County ofS1mcoe. (MM! [0 UN: |"ES\.'['\'2i|luC|.` Hll`llLlU"U In llle IIIU v lo:cliOl],0'f the said .~\ct>thereip mentioned, and \`.u the said incumbraucesubovc actforill. ' ' I Dazed HHS fmh day of March, 1870. _ , J.R. COT_TER,. . :` "u.-a0np ..o D.....:.. - J~'!`o'.1'?5, .VU'l'h5 Al`U'llUU\ _UL"l'aA ' , ' E (`ash advances made on Goods ltfffor `Sale. Rnlo Rnnm, nnrnnr nfnllior and Market Sta; Ca.AnKsoN s. Ho'r`1:L, B_Annin. ` "--Ax.so-~ g@sum>nIsI=. sazn OATS X 15 \\'lhL1 1'11! A\1X!nLVl'i3 A D3115! UT V $30 per week and expenses, or , nllow C large cgsmmission, to sell our new wonderful inventions. _ A ~ 31:10 6-13. V-`M. \VAGNER'&Co.',Ma_.rshn||. Mich. ` Inn nvlurlu IL}-vpuyuteu ARK) UH,-V AHUAC-_ 3%. STRATHY, 1.1: Snlit-.i:nrq far` Detili L} _ --- . Slnyed, B valuable BLACK DOG. The owner can have him by proving pr$en.y,nud paying expenses. App}; at 1119 9 Hotel, Barrie. - ' llington 2- u___I_ `nu. Hun , an an. I _ PAR. DIUDIX, IIUUDDKIUIJU -I` UIU Gm-dn, Wares, &c. -Also for the" coll I?}"`.'.V'I`S, NOTES ANDvACCO_UN'l`..' tr,-.s /V...1. ....I........... ......a.. An t`_'.....J.. )..r The favorite D`mughL1Io'rse `nu: I`.AllIlIPJHI., `TIN alarm` u` Hanna I}\:5 annann 1:} I ,Barrje, Harch_ mm, 1970. U ' 7 , `(Lalo Clerk in Cozinty Registry Qlcc) Conveynncer, Commissioner ' in Queen : .'P.-nch, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Aczcnc for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS,` win svrnmz nnnw.nm'.n .wn.nm1-nrm, ouuuggs F*W'7% F-5'L(I5!ll_1(!! (17l(.``8 TTIGIIC 0, (10008 It]! GUM. Ssh-. Room, corner of_Co1lier and Market 8:33, Barx-fe. _ . . ., ` _?. 3 Highest REFERENCES given. . 9. VIN CHg[\_lCERY V The rt sitting o`f' \_he `Gbhri foi . ofae currenl year`: 'AI8easmeht =Ro1ls, til`: Tomiship o_l' Vcspra, ufiil be lie|d`3_i.I|t`.I u;-,'l'0`Wl' ` ' BALL 0! snid__'lf9wn_sh'1p',` `V . -_ ,A_.__.--` . n- 3610?}! I0!` IIIO` Bl? OI lJUUl'4, unnur, PXSRXI STOCK, HOUSEHOLD -_FU-RNlTURE. Dam! \\7m-an 310 Alan fnrlha onllel-,on'nl GA.UTi0`bT.--.xn grznztina has the name ``Pnxu.u , S"`x'n!'1-,' (nnf "I em-.ian I`surk,"`) blhwn lnjhq glass A .';1._r_~n':' pnvnphlvv. _nL fI(',(`..V J. P. DXKIIOII ]'mpucmr,;,'4;1)cy '.~'t.. .\`r:-.'/Xork. __ 7 ' tcyld by all Drug-.'iale. , ` . On -1'IIUR`.7SD:1_1',T"*tV_h`e '-3ii: .-;.;g;;.;., ' A cemmncipg at 10 o'clock in lho_ fo|9'eoo_xi. By Order, 5 ' dun cvn Amu- E (j"'T;l1[Lli'1; ES, " ~I"1o* .}s5'1'4" "Pots V 1-on SALE. 9 . xuglg 3 tline: ty-ninl I 115E Suo3c:'u)ers-l`.a.\':n;; opengd 3 store hr` the sale of all kinds of _ > -. .-.., ...., .--. 1m~;1 every x`cquisi`u- connected with IIor- _ _ullure., NOTICE TO F.A.'m1`1ms mo am-zxmmzs G.-mun}-:.\' 'l`UOLS or TALL sonfs, age. \ nocEm-', PRoV1s1oN`& LIQUOR} STUR I-`.. ` . J}-\.U"z`i01T.--.in Mm-`...= nine F'\x'm'x-.' (nnf " I cm-.1371 I`:urk,) injhe glass -- ...-,.w ,_-y -_-qup guittnuw, Foreign and Native. ERMETICALLY SEALED Goons, FRENCII mnoums, T ' LOBSTICRS, cove ovsmns. T %[ ' FRUITS ya: VEGETABLES. 1.45:- i6n1=11 ROGEi :,.'- 'ur\1u.ul'L.l., I. LLKIV l~.`A\J.l.1\Ia 4JA\.`IJ\.I.|.I_ s'ro1u-;, b . V ' O}7}l/silf. Mcsrs. Mcirlhy 5' AA_3cC'a?l>hy"s _ Lawice, . oUNLo1= srmmr, - BARBIE. t an'd paying rsl. ll. M Dealer in Forvignrand Domes'lic7Fru'it4s, &c., , . .. { . L AGE:N;l`S-2 READ THisT V- ..._ _- ..-.__......._.....__..___..._-j.___ '._.._._._.- ) , {TRA Y no .V .__o...-. fikles.% 'S_ a_31ces;% L&c.,%&c.-, Prsefordk *s$1-I n...'_` _ -7 - ,1; mm. PAY AGENTS A SALARY or dun nm-urnnlr and nvnnna-I nu nnh 1 Fre4sli.Oanadiau-(J.li-cg;-ea` ' ----(1.: E: the : large ~ A 4:. iRS- MTNAHANJ Will stand foi ares this gason at I uun, U`I\$`lIU T4 o ', um collection ~ of 0 vnmra Ann Annaium ' , __, _.. _ wuwv 1 INiV_ARl-ETY." 4 . . --o--- . Just received, a large supply of Min .. ...--, wmEs;Aun uquons, I\ nmirn nnd Niavn -For suie at the .sme piace. I nnnnnm nv ge variezo/-?fo.1_ :-ncy and -'j1 l.a:'n. ' Bueuizs at reducgd ram`, 1----:- u...--, xn Kvipt. on lumd. gunl also 4*\4 H` IHI J -1` I` ..__.._. ..~\ lar~_v o stock of} Ulullllld. ,7 Debate". *2 e saisln ` tlIero3" *`:` , . l s *se1-Raising Bieadl Preparation. A` = u. '1. \.u_L,Lnn,~ . "Master at Barrie, The Ref;-no M-ipointed herein. um! A S l`R.A'l`H\'_ L211. 0; 01..-xluu, I Soltcitcrs far Detilnoner. uw .uu-nu rAInu\o -_ ' ROBERT CLARKE, 'PrnnvnO/V 030. gm: Am. Tawmlup Clnk.` B70. l?.lin, - . 1 Quality; L4 un tux n, Proprietor. 0--tin 11-33:: 1 pl up Loan _l2-lin.,