Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Mar 1870, p. 1

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Isgnblished Weekly, in t~l;e.'I'omi of Barrie, every 'l`mmso.ur morning, containing the current news of the `day, and, all matters pertaining to the a.ti`mrs o_f the.0onn'ty. Price $1 in m1,va.n9e.r `$2.00 if_ not paid at the time of suhscrip} Ion. A nvznrnsnzu.-Six lmes or under, first insertion . me; each subsequent one 12c. Over-six lint.-3, M porline, first insertion; each sub. sequcn one `H Professional .or_ Business Canls 554 par ynzr $3 for six months, if not more than ten lines. Speoia.` contracts cnn be made by the year, or pans ofa year. Orders to `discontinue, Advertise: ments to be mnd in writing. L'n nunnr il:-w'nn!innnd nniil all an-gnu-....-. OT IE8 lblt: nuu w u.I stgamboat` wbarves. . HAT well known Hotel`, THE NORTHERN, T in the'Yi|lage of Lefroy, is'no'w for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to ' K - LAIDLAW & FRASE M./IRKET SQUJRE, BJRRIE. ENLAV['{GE;\1EN'_[f.>()1T7_'I`TI:i-I/3/. `good order, and capable of doing a good` busi- - TAVERN. sum) TO LET in gm Town 3 ' of Barrio near Allendaie, -The house is in . uess, with gond stabliug and sheds attacbgd. . _ A 1' `f b `letter post-paid go .99 ' y A, m1sdAm>B1-mu, . ' AIlnnds\l.P.0. ' .Allede,`_Dec. 6th, 1569. _.__,._.._Z.__._. IVUIC '1 I'll: V Counties bf Simone - Cardwll. . AnnnEss~nsguon 9.0. . ` ` 16-; A J 0.111! 1).. htuuun vv , , V Stayner. Possession can be given immediateiy. _____-.-_.--------_-_ ` n B.1RR%ISTERS ATORNE YS-A T T ` LAW, . T V SOLICITORS IN C}I.\NCERY.. ,BvARRIB, -' _- 01\`rfI'.~ ___'u..(*......u- -1I`.\v'y-riu KI!-{`.n2'rn\'r, Jr. OSITOBI Ill ,_ Ijuu saanu; aiiin A -`DIDXLOP STE!!!- an we suntan} % Issnerf ` _ ,4-_'_ v_'.-`n""n-` _ BARBIE, -COUNTY Sl.\1COE: s: $1 pier year` 1n advance; ' Tavern Sg._1_1d to Let, JOHN D..LA1DLAW. Stav m LU'|ll_ yn f Olilblol cum_s'roPHEn HA1{nisOi~t, nnou-our 0_l'.;'lTll. ~ -- ` -'-~'- nnnlr -Rll P }.73?ATLT5?EL. B,ar1i_eter'arid Attorfxy -atT-law, 91 `b!f)lIL`l'1'OI.`. I.\' (,'H.n7.\"CIl{Y CONVEY- "V ` ;'1.~:<:'1:R, 8.1-., .3-r. CO()1{.S'1`C)\\ N, C.w.'. _ ' '2'3=lv ag SALE. son 'rnn' Proprietor. Pnomurroxg. V Prop:-iet ox', Pnovnxmon; EA Mrmuu u, Allgndale, P.0, ` 48-hf 9oo_ nlexus LU U(`.'llll|U8 lu wnung. ' en p.n;u;r lzscominucd until all arrearagu amp x.d. except at the opuon of the publish- or. ` ~ V . 3251: .824; (1-'onMi:m.Y nns. scnur..='1I=tD & WATSON, " ` _ BQNDlIEAD,) _- -A l_ ...___- ,._.. ..-----.q-`Z-q-arr em; 4J.4;.4 -/an gs...-.-...-._..-__-_. I Rcsidncekmr. Charles nlcGac's, 'lVhot"nton., ! Thprnlop, Septem\)e_r, 18G9. - ~ _ 890-115'. C'nLDWA1`F.n, June, 1869.; -- Du.` AR'I`HUR ARDXGII, A` .\{EM]5}s_R ROYAL COLLEGE: OF SURGEONS, 1 .u-- I) I pnA:1'aci17L' nEsaTIsT,? - .7mn. uvr nf m Rm/nl Cnllme of Drnlul -5 hilt vs III . 7. .' 1 _ .IlYSICI.`?N, SUR GEON & ./I CCO UCIIE UR,_' i~)1_s?.*B7*X\W 'Barr'is_te1_~ and Attornev-at-law, fF.AN%j[<% e{/}xiu-sT, j S0l.l(.`1TU!`.I.\' CH.~\.\'(}ERY, .(Vmre;/Lnccr,("m)Lnzishimzer in B.R., -C. \ 1-lf ()l{H.Ll;\, <.`..\IC()E C0., C.\V. l | I 1 1 " ` I Iliitliwln tsxuiilw .1V|Ic1nbcr of the Rojal _Coll:ge of Denial 'Su).'ge0/z_s of Onturzo. _Ro.'oms`on Owen Strcet_,'_nr.-at [) nh1opSt ret, , Barrio, which will be open everv day, except} [from me 16th to the 2.111: of each month. ` ' ` ` "Liv ` \lJlLAlll V1: nu.-V. 4 V, 1*u\ s1o1;\x,su1mor: &.<\l3GOL`;UHEUR' _COLl5WA_TER sf-Rear, OIRILLIA; Kt the mu; xjcsidenco of f`r. f_.871`o`s.1'y. x43-1yr ! LA1TE`f-)iv`. KL 15/`E93231: G; ,, n ._._ .- nu..n--o- rIu.-....4.... 1 n._pprove"d fren-ho1d'security, and a.t.mo,dc- i run: Interest. ` . VAV1 ply to. - - , . Aun.\(:H, ART).-`\G!~I 3; s1*rm1'm', . ` HE undejsigned is prepared to effect loans! for any amount, from $200 upwards, on: the secliritj of real eshites, for any `numb:-.r of _vear.=, from one to fifteen, the` borrower clxo0se_s," on the besi 1e_rms`,und at `me lowest rates -` Expenses strictly` moderate. Nu commission- cluirged. ' V ` ` - AXGUS m?,Lr;, - ; A[_pmi;er 2in_1S1irve_\'or forxhc Unnada` - : I Permunem lkxziidingv and Sm-'in`g_s Socic-Ky _` Slinghamxymh. 14Ll1V. \nQnst. 18:36 "-nrrie Ja,n.v. 1h. H166. f?JUs_T1dI; IS"1`HE GREAT, BUT SIMPLE P1INCIPLE,_ANnTH E WHOLE sEdRE'r OF SUCCESS `IN ALL.GOVERNMENT. {xA6`"i%"&3h%M nm::v[%iLi!i _ ."IYIone.y_t: A i ` ...u, . anal) . _ DUNLOP-S'l`REE'l",- BARRIE. Comcw for the Cbzuzty of, Simone". Octobex.-V2ud,`1860. _V . 1' 1 ALL persons In. wnm. m mum-.3, .... .v..., \'l I L leu'_vn-nrs, can obtain it on terms more`.; m1vm1_tnp;cous- to the bormwer Jhan t'h_o_se of; any other Sock-ty,l\y aprvlying to 7 V ' WILLI-AM SANDERS, I`}L.S.` 'P.umn-'.. QLll)e_Nortl)er11 2\hnm1te `*-* .'-I*`l1E UNION PEI:.\V1A;\*_17:I\$'i`M !ABU1LD1NG&S\HNG3 S OCIFLTY % 'Incm`g)o7'att:d pursuant _Vto z7ze Acts Wt/1.0 ,.p.a\,v\~.v\/.A/\,_,`,.-"V -IKI .rvv vv v or-.. .1,.}.:v-i. `W/5`.?ON,'i` 'OFFICE--King St., ,9. few doors West of (}hn'r(-11 St.., Toronto. , , 1- ; . _""""""_"""""'---'1-'-____'_ I PPLY_'I`O .r.?x's. F'.o_w.a.aDs, Royal Insur_ ance Omce, `Barrie. _ 7 ' 843- Dr-1; J}; A. ARDAG v1r.~1:w'1 air arrnncvnv n. annrnrrnrvrrz \.x\\ . _- 1113,N1:Y-cv..Es\v1c1 Ju.-.-,- Provincial land-Surveyo_r, VALUER. &c.. IuI.i5ibAifpnos9i3x?ii{ 3`i5E`.mc_:~. s. ELLIOT: II, nun. I-{nu 'T`nnn\."I`n \ _ ALBERV I`I?0_WLIE, _ . Provincial Land Surveyor, . ....~'n o. n:.~-s`rr.vu4r xn:r.`A"7 ""1 I ' . I5l'\ IT-LX131, 1`1ltL)u 0. ce--Clmrr-hstroct, nr-xt. dnor to the-old ._ (`curt H0=H'?,'1`0ro.n1o. j xv. c. rs. 3('.\!lC.\F:L_. c. m mcn.uu. I I I _ _ 7 1'..\I>:!:n-2, .\pp':'.'\isor aw} Surveyor for th (`n.rmd_a.; Farm.-nmnt Bun-1`:u2 and Savings Eioci` N B.-Va1uatio1is cnief`u1ly attcded'to. 1-ti . \prf:'.'\isor an'1- hurveyor mr Luv wuuaugu, Permnnwnt Bxxiluliug Society. Jul-v, l8_64f. 1-ly PB.93IIN.Ci1il!s1i.f9?1J,B $1.931 fr _1\1`C)V.z:i.`f To % 1.:3sn.% \/\/-".2 NJ \/\/\ ~..--\/\. >..\'.-wx z\4 3/~/\/\-\, %MoaeEv;9_ Lama. .-_-- `LL fcrsdns1n.wnut. Cf mimo.y', for one or` Inn `VI-nr5:. can E3EY` 1-"-O` LENDT ' i~rr.'FR.a,N'C1s mcmimsox, I5ms_idcnt. _9`_ ARTHUR. LEPPER , 'Iicc-President. 1%VI%O1`IEY;l:)?I{5.*;i})," ; %,..%.;.";g," 15"?` .j . ' on K. Disputed Zines ucc1fra'le_lv_I/ tlldiitsi-ed.- V Drawings '& Descriptions for Palent of In- v_entions carefully prkapared. Valuations made-and Surveying of an-ry decripxion e'x-A eculed with accvxracy and despalch. .gcnifur the JEI'N..4 LIFE,` Hurlford, cm V Aug. 23!. 1869. R3 4-lyrvn : Vega; .\1orrisdn - - - -- ` !`n_rnut.0, .\ . 1 S59. 1`. ]y-, II: Illdllii nutty, cousmr CLERK, ILL attend at his`O[Iice, 61 Ban"-i,' ievry SATURDAY, fromll a.rn., till 3 p.m., ac:-.01-ding-to order ot Council and iery -gther day at his Uic9 at Co'okstown`.- / _ V 4 A Burrie,'Feb. 17, 1863. w ' _ I '1 &\ I Chit.---- V`_____ ,_ _ IDRJIUGH 1' 1 './1N,.r1PPR./IIER. CON VEYANCER. INSUR./1NC-E LJND . IND GENER./IL AGENT, .- - -"--M A- V- ~ nm WM. 1\Ion'mmr1 CLARK, Solicitor,- WM. Pvmm, Sdretpry and Tre:_1surer. Oppdsila-A1h`RdilugayZ-Stdtiari,ZBd1;1.' V V ' HE Sbscfiblbegs :3 {Bdrm the ihbitauu sof Barrie, sad the` T,nvel1ing.Pnb_lic;.that . I ... Iinnn hand. HORSES- niul'BUGGIES for l_ Of USING, 8110 U10 'l]'IVeHlllg l`. llQH~lI18l I he has on hand, H0.R,SES~ ai1d BUGGI_ES for V 313E; 4!. moderate cba.rges.. ., , 1 - " AO_o,nveyq.n_c-.ea to_"0_ri>1l_in gxid'Pgnghiiilien.: , g.."..:`. T.`...`..-J "m.i_? ~ " -- " T 2W; H;-anQs3ii .. A` s =. 22- A JOSEPH DdUFE, nunrur,-I.-n Bahia. mu-i.%tec.s`. Afply V ARDAGH, ARDAGEI STRATIIX ,_ ` Snlinimrs. Bame Fo'6'I:` 'rii1:"T!rb\v2:,;n}4A;x.i;5,; gonfwnn. ` 3 _` I 'NE3DA"Y',`*- 38 ` ' lnegemher, 'i.vslnub._le '.Brob'ch: `i `*5. 7-`9 ` ' ` .213 f:.j-z .. .-'1`*.!. . TTOP..\'EY -A'1`_- LAW. .soI.iCJT0i: ix: Clmncery; Convcyamcer, Commissioner in I kt-,. kn. ' - , LIVERY , STiiB.1;1`3;AS3fi( V Luvs: G-Ivynnvu LAY) GExERAL.4aE&if _OmLUA. av 1.,,.2...... ......,.I`.ull-v nInndn'tn. `AND c0UN:rY SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER; .;;s;:.;;- ;;;`;;.;;;;` . . 5 \~\ `\..-`x .\-\\\,.,..`\\\.._._\\,\.,-\ .Pro1:2'nc2'aZ I a7'I7'amc'7zt. . \Ju \II 11-- (LATE or Tunox1`o,) Iv nnnhnnu 1) I R."T. BANTING, l"r\l'T\'I'l`V l.W.DI? J.JAu \l\IL'aA.u1vI|4, V; ENGLAND . P.L-., nn nmnunon nn Tcrvu. ENGINEER, _.-._ . nuvf\!V`l`fF .--.. .--.. _-- ,_ Barrister and Attorney-at-Law,` 1 SOLIC'l_TOR IN _CI1;1.\'CERY,A . u.vvA- """" Iv III VVALUER, zc., -l`$I.'IIJIl\JL\ld-ln\.-v I , ..-IPPIMIER. "CON- YNSIIR./INCL` T in 8 allsnuu, Solicitors, Barrie. '2.tf - -7- V 031' 874-Gmou. _ , mantra. Ll. 7-1y.` %B;rrie,%% Ontario, L riiizisday, March 10, 1370. 1`iot2'1J1:3~r` (igiiireyacer, . u . \ \ a \ n ru:`ln`\'Dn Y\.' D T`! | I`u..r1:`:::, Booxznxxnxxa and Runxxadone on the pxuzznises. The fn.c'x1i!.iei_of'thc Egtab'lislx 1r.en'.' are more complete th:1n_s,ny other North of Toront_o,'bav'mg `been carefully fmed out in .(-very partiumr. - (,_'n~"-mnnicalioua should be addressed tolhe Pablislu-r, post-paid. - A I -. ' _ D. CREW. ' 0N1` .IUL9=.r a pause, Dauz:aV made to door, winch he ewto open `for 1 and the s:aircase.was before her. It, __-__.'.I4.I I.-- .._ ... .|--._'__ uuu nu: 3IuuI;u:U~ wan ut:-lulu HUI-~ - 1Ie preceded her up to thesecond uolf, and conducted herinto a from. bedroom, where, without" nmking any ubs'ervaliu_h,,Tl1eIefther, ` " yr... 1.. 1.-.: ,.I,.....,a .1... .1..`..-' .....;... UUBCI vcl.|.lU,u, VI-LU [Ulla IlUla_ After he_had closed theTdo'orA upbnj 'her,Daura heard him turn the key in, l the lock: she was 0. prisoner.` ' Y\.7lunn ulna nun!!! nn Innnnn Ina-nr I-Ha LIIU I|JUI\ n FIIU `VH3 IL IJIIIUIIUIC H V\ l1ep1 she could no longer hear his retreating footsteps,_she went_ to the window, and with her eye measured ils height from the ground, ' . - I Tr 'nx.x:`n lunr l\`lI\l|KV- rrh-~19 n Inn`! ` I(U IIUIEIII Il\ |I{ IIIU gluuuu. It Wm-.xdeT her almost diizzy to look down into the street, for a thought had- just ushed across her -mind that she. might probably be able to _eff;-ct her es- cape by that window. . There. were. no `area-r:`\i1ings'b{-neaj I1 to increase the 3 ddnzger ofa desceut,she \\=as'lhaukfLl1l to perceive; 'there would be no` obstacle in her way; if she could only nd courage sufcicnt _fur the undertak- Jug. . _ _ w . . lv She e'xamim~d tluejdonr, and,*to her lgreat joy. discovered that there were two strong holls wit, which she could draw "against any intruder. Wlule sue was. thus employ_ed,she heard" the` lcev turned in the lock of the door. A!` the same instant, "she drew one ofthe laforesuid bolts, and presently _ the -second. ` ' . ' . ` V Twen there ensued a pause. .. zterwards, the key w-a_.s worked bzmkxvardslau-l _{urwards_ in the luck for |vsTum_e_le\_v-seconds. ' A V 1 - I.3,y~:1nd-by Captain Ba-mtree rapped` `! fumously at the panels. `Open` the ,donr_, he said; ` open the door, or, l heavens! l ll burst-1topen_! _ T. I Daurvrepliedlnpt, nei_ll1er di_d_she` l .-l . xhuyn M... Daural replied up move, V A T ` Do you l1E_[`ll',\Villllll there? - Still she remained mute. vuu. - u..-... . ., t, nieiiliet di_d sl1e`l `.Vr'y well, Madanhe added, after _ he liaclvainly knocked, and utteifed _a score or more of uail1s,-`Vvery well; when you are hungry, you will, I dare- .say,rcturn to. your proper senses, and act as it bets you to act. `And then he went a\'vay.. 4 . . Daura l)iba_tlied again, and began to long for night, and rlmk-uess. She must fly, but how ! Q V There was _a bed, with stoul,whlte cotton hangings; and there were, like- V wise, {A couple of stout sheets. V Cl... luul full" nfnnnn pnntino` their sum) 23- _. Leclmu tn, ucuvtu, 4 V , . ' i. - '_ \\ i`lh a hopeful. heart, she now com- ` mencod `ner. preparations.` First she dre\v ihe sheets trom offthe bed, and tore. them 7up in strips; afte; that, she ~._cc=,ed_ed to `do the same Wllh them... , The `task was one that occupied her 1 for soxnetvlngtlt Of.Iime';am] now she` ` : had to pluit these strips together, so ; that the rope on wl_1_xch she meant to 3' risk her life mxjghtbe strong enough to __ 1` supporther weight. , - " `liar 1'nnrL- -Iivnq nnf Fniiuhn the [med down` the hed-curtains."a`nd pr0- ~ v\\'lS(. , 1 couple Ul stuut a.uw;uua. vv . % She _hud_r::ad ofmen eectiug their ` escfape fromimpr`isnumnf_by mezujs of ' the" windmv, and" torn-upvsheeting; "why" lioiulal not she attempt to nd I liberty in the same way ! _ ` A I nnnn rnnyn clan nnnI'nnnl`|P,r` H3. nn 1 nueny HI I,ue suluu way -. | Once mure she approaclled the case- ` ment, and` luwltd out iutn the street. `-1: .w0uld-require 1 bul_d heart to effect ._ the descent. she was comemp!:'u.i`ng. ` Yet what was she to do? Deatlyiiself hex detcsmble husband. m, , .__ __-__L_._,a .1...a .;.L.... :9 ..'..ml would be preferable to_remamiug wxlh Uta ! UUlU3li4|UlU'IIuaIlLluuo _ She rcmemhexed Vlhat when it was dark she would not be able to see the` 'ing herself. She 2`-rust be courageous . | -1 d.un:.;ers to which she purposed expos-i` ! ll then-. and `commit herselftq the pro- E tecliun of hezxven, < X \\Y.`uL .. l.-....{..| 1.....-` n`\n nnur nr\'rn_ `Her work was not nished until the T Sliades of evening had begun toga!-her i around the scene. Shelmd no munev, l land she had forgotten the address of ` the pP0ple to whom Ivan was to have conducted `her. ' `So, \vhe'n ishe gained | 'l,l1er.hfeedon1, she would not exactly `know how to make use of it. But l `t Suppormicr wmgul. l D-H|r|'(`)n_ly` pniyed to breatheithe outer air again; and obtain her liberty. i`;'Alter she "had completed her tu_sk, she` laid herself dhwn upon -the lwtl, feeling weary both in [body `and in- mind. If she could only snatch ah` ium~z' or twa of repose_,shu wuulrl be ` truly grntelnl. Al1dli0vSO_0l1f:`t` dld her_ it head- press the pillow, than her gyes closed, anclsho. fell fast asleep. T ' To .n'....-,,l..'.-In mlann `ha nurnlzn nnrl 1.: f(.}.;ptai;I.Baintr`e:Vsu-Wi.f'e. -A TcH.A._I>'rEr._ XI; j cwseu, ullu.:`III'. IUH {um ualuclr-V ~ ItTwas`da'rk.,\_vl1en`she awoke,` and a male vonce was si_ug_iug "if: the street, in front of !.lIe`house. uv|__.... ..-..... ....'.......ol-.1... .'... 01.. `Anna .. IIUUI. 0.1 but uuuac. There was svims-thing in the (ones a ` 1l1a.tvoice that arrested her attention, and maue her slart `up-and listen to ill. the words-vsihich were Russian. `She Vhfad frequently heard the Prince sing that melody, which was a national . one ; and she believd that the present She recognized the a ir', and iikexvise ` singer was no other th`an`lvan. who had" disaoveyed. llerbode, a`ndTw-anted to let her: know tlmt he was nar at V .hnjud,_-au;i ready _'l0 render. her assis- `ane, ~ ._ > ` ,_ _ [Jan-u".r'nnuy:nn 1:71-nnI.':`1n ll_'nn n`)nlI} - Ha;dij`k'nowi;1g what-She was about, ' ~.Daura .sof`tlyTr_ai_sed_ the window-sash, . and looked forth into tl1e`darkness.._ She cpuld repeat. one . line of the song throng!) lmviug heard it '90 frequently. . So, waiting until Ivan paus`ed`,'ahe"prog ' nminced the. _s_vqrds slowlyniad distinct- . 1 ..'m'I1...'g. " ...`...41;s'n.a. `Iv1n`m1i:I.`iI-i. Ileir qml Dcvisee Claims pro.eut_ed.T A. atvr1Lhe're,`,:ndame, he Asa-id in Gfm.31i-.. .L . '. _ - `L ' ?.-Whnt is the hour ? _.Dati__mT.inquitd. - 9 New midnight mada.me,'._' : .- -'-I will madame-. :Ivau hnswetd.{' j '. ' .Th'en~ l)au:h*ulose`_d the gash , wi'Ihdt1t' f nois. Oh,:h'os'_v she:pra.v9gl_ for "utter- - jsil`on'ee,"anav`.iunb'rgda:iuass,nd;f6r,'thg v-:`n.i.ofmen't 5`*Wl!3l`~-9-I'hO7:V c6lV may choir: 1` 3. Come` henaagaln 'in~.`_!w.ohou rs. . 7 ~ , 'w&". ll`lI;a:i'e ' she; "tint; Eeukenig "soq`nd.'."Sh"eg jyoxjld I not hlV0,- fq|_lgn' A `aglc L` g9`eniPshe couId;VlesAt_s,h9; jglgf * ' `Ii _ _:sl9'i in`-: yg~1ATwhuz< V` (C'o2zVt z'71zVAfl-A) .' _` ' (From Bozo I`eZl.J) nut: her, `(She hearhia 1'1-eAig`l1_boriu'g-cIoc1 st;-ilgew. one. S-:on after that the measured; tread of a policeman reached her acute 1 u-nr,` V CHI I She now ruse, w'ent again to the win- 3 dow, and looked out of it. The -street? was silent , and no Fghts in the oppu-` site houses could beseen. ' `FL... > ' __ J2.) .__A .l',_. ._ ,,, , 1 lllll IFKVJIJO I ' When a mere girl, at school, Douro. had always been a learless climber of orchard -`trees; but, ofcoursa,` she had never attempted my act halfsu perilous as that which she was about to_ per- form now. ' T " n . a 1-r,|t.,__. -._- _n_1_,u, mI;_' an-U uuucca uuulu DU 3:1!!! . Duura did not dare Io gaze down-! ward, lest she might become ~frighten- I ed, and so bednven tonbandon her ; purpose. ' `K-"hon n rnnra nir` at -nknnl T\nnvn Mflilezxtllgiv. Half-past one_ o'clock. T"I`lie' _momnt- _ was fast approaching when I the gerilous. feat was to {be performed. 6 nnu-nno_,-,1 nlnvnn-n " aha nvhlnimar` OFFICE -'I`{unox'rAmo Srnjnr, Conmxawoop. I\')vt-I""_'."` -1803.2. `_ ' ~ 1- `UV DI`! IIUU3, I535`: waa IU - DC RIUI LUI IIIUMI I on_rage--roumge! she exclaimed `within herself. And she` jpressed her hand to her side. and made every eu- davor to keep herself calm. _ An... a four minntpa `aha manfnrprl ueavor [U l`.U|`ll HCISUH Ullllj After 9. few minutes, `she mastered hcerhars, and resolutely uervedherself for the hazardous task. n. ,, ._9.. ........ l...,I Lngnnan nnnnafn-n |Ul' luv lllllaulupua uuan. . V T Danra s eyes_had become accustom. ed to dar,kness,- so she found no diffi- culty in securing the ropes she had prepared around the massive bed-posts. That done, she lifted the window-sash agzam, and quietly-` watched and waned. ' A; I__L -1.-.. luv-J-Ilna hlnnlr afrnzn wauea. _ _ Atlast she heard the clock strike two, and at the saTme.ins!Ta.nl' some one coughed Joudly in the street exactly bencath her window. 1- , , n _1.-r ,...lL..I L. :1 Lu! I1v`n:o, same manner. I 1 r _..:nL.. 1 nencam I18!` \\ llIuuw. . L` ` Ivan! she called._m a loud whxs_- c `\f...1n mpI" lm hlnsxwaiared. in the I same manner. - ` I will be with you` presently, she went on. Do not be surprised at what I .am going, to do. Utter no sound. 1 `beseech you! "Is the street. entirely emply. - . .5 Vnc - nnt n livincr nmntlrra is \Vl'.11- empty. Yes; not 0. livmg creature is w1.h- in sight, madam_e3 ~ : -r1-_.l I) ....o.....u-.11 T\nI'n-in `Nnuvnrnu I I . lor my saxety, wuu ; Whereupun she disappeared for an`. in_stant,aud presently, i_vuns.1w descenzl to his feet the` end 01 D-uum. s white T |co'lon rope. T . 1'1. .lr\n`.r:l\lP nn ' kn gun; [hat (he k m sl2l1t. YT!'rl(]11lI!_- V v V -Good ! remrncd Dau_ra.. `Nowpray for salety, Ivan ! \\7lsnu-nnnun aha rlimnneared {Ur all I \.'lX"l'J-"kill A shun nu... {'05: (Mice. _ - - Urillia, `June. .1868. I covton rope. But, looking up, he saw that the white line extendmg frcmf the case`- ment abuve to the ground, was broken by a daik gure. - r.nuyaI--nnr` unf `I-\\VF!l` Q'l'8 de` Dy Gun: Ilgure. _ Lower and yet lower, that gure sce1ded. . I 73---__..al-. .J......-uuu'nJ Lnf {n onnnlnl` scenaea. Presently she paused, but in another munlem her light form was in-motion, Vrnd- before Ivverrr could sci} to o"e'r assistance, her t'ee.t,l\-ad touched the emfth, and she was lying in n. s\voa_n U ion the ground.` ` - i 11' I A ' ' ' ' ,_ ._.-.....-.-o ... -n.n.nn H-ua (:0 H10 2_'l'OLlI1U. - - . He lost not a" momenljn raising the } ` lady, and carrying her townr-Isa` cab in_\\'aiting up the corner oflha next I islretg ' . ' U _ H` I , L-) .--L ...........A.1..Jnsn\-allnnn S_lI'L`GI; b - _ . . Du . he had not proceeded more than "a hundred yards, when` he was metand stopped by one oflhe gnardiansol the , public peace . - ' ' 1 Tc H..Hm_ mv mnn! W'hnt havcvoul IHIUHC [)C'u|UU>a 1` Hulloa, my man! havveyou] got there ! _ the policeman de_mandcd, iu a growling m=m_ner. 1 . 4 v\.r_- .._:...._.... 9 ...'.-.I:...I Tu.-an uvihnnf . neslluuqn. _ V I '- ` Your mistress! echoed the other. - . F ` But where areyou going. and where ` do you come from '1 'l`here`s some mys'.exy,1 m thinking. , " 1 I n'nn1n from" Russia. sir. answered 1 _1u growung m=Iu_nc|. > ` My mistress, replied Ivan, without h'es1'I ul ioln . ' . , \,` j... ._.:..a..;..... I9 ....L.....`l l`un' naar 1nys'.exy,1 m luunuug. - I come `from Russia, sir, answered Ivan, at his wits end what reply to make. V 1 13--.. `D......l..... 9 nl_. 1' .4. . 1m.,`;] l I rnzuze. ` -x . `From Rancher 3 Oh, I see; you 11 1 have to come `along with me ! ' I 1 13,... ...L..I u-sunny-\(\n(| 9:: '1` nnnr:nl' Yuan | . _... ..._.__..._.. m;.~cAn_'1*1~1TY (1-. McCAI;`.TH_Y,A | nave to come ulullg wuu mu ; . -, . | `For what purpose,s1r ! qugned Ivan, `as politely as belore. " , ' ;. :"I`n rim: 2:` m'nner m~.eonl1t of V0111`.- Madame !" he kinswred, in the as puutely us UU|U[Co - 1 ``'1`o.give a` proper'a`ccount of your.- self and the lady, of course. ` . y 11...... Tu...-\ n-nnnanl n ninnn nr n`n`r1 7 sen anu me iuuy, Ul uuiiirsu,-. .' I-Iere..Ivun produced a_'piece of gold. E `and silently showed `it to the speaker, `Yuu don't mean any kind oi foul p`.ay---eh-T inquired the` policeman in ultered tunes. ` A ` -.........1 .../.. I, `law. an nnvnnolln Iva- u1L8!'8C. lllllu / . . ` By mysoul, no 1 Ivan earnestly re- plied. ` V ' c It to nn nlnhemant on the . narf of O. . ' ' I It is anolopement on the part 1 lady `I ' ' ` " Well,yes ; I may say itis`, SI! !' . A ` Iiuunin , away from her pa and ma, I suppose I T ' ' T ` Yes. ' . ` Q ` They were against "her murrin _the mun pf hat. heart-um 1' ` Exactly, sir. _ , `F Ila! See how well I guessed at the whole case! the. policeman Tex- claxrned in !ri_1|mpha1ituccen1s{ ` Au are yuu the happy man}, There- dun l answer; I see you are. L` \7.....vI..u in nu: uvnilinnnnlvu n Tunn (10111 uuswer; I _:st:u you due. ` Yonder 13 my svnmug.cab,s1r, Ivan rejoined,_evasively. a Wnli, nl| hnnninnss attend vou l'e_|uun:u,Vuvua1v::ny. bouzhve , a appynfss a an you .Wl1Vllh.' ttd. ,1 __:.|.. .1. _ _`...a ..._..-. .\.....L.. own - ` -- - " 100d night, air 5 and many thanks to ycuu. V ' A- ` Good-night; and . many thanks `to IIIIIII ` _...._. .. ......_. _'.-........._.._..,. . J;J.LANDy, . 'BAumsTER. ' A -T T 0 `R N. BY - AT-L A W ur\ r irv1'!"nl)' l\' ("N/l.\'f`fC`N V. CONVEY: yaw.-T -. T . - A`ud so saying, the last speaker` crossed the road and disappegred. Q T -svnnr 'InrIu' 'I"I1n'nk~ himven. we UlU3aOll_ till? luau `Inn ulauyrvusuu. , -`I_ o`or "lady! Thank` heaven, we have} escaped !' exclaimed lwm, as he once mm. bore Daura. onwards to- fwatds `the cab'waVi!i,ng:at the next comer.- Aft- d:yvlight,.on. 1115 following; main- ing,CgzptninTBainlre9 was aroused by 'f_rc-Vm his bgad,-and rsgngis bell Tfuriougly` ` to" loam the[ `cause offthe- disturbance. He -'wnis 'soon- infoiny.-._d that a policie- - `man wa's4o,t- the door. who had discover`- ;ed_:i ` 091319 tie_l;hqet.dnqgling; from an` ` upp,er'wiudow; and had iioiire to apprise thgm arms-rae:, ` ` - = ' "..`..'i.'nn' nnznhgn-"n.1"z.ra:I `that nziiin; lound knocking at the `door; he arose > menu In Luv `lacs, Cdplmn Baintreo brdrod the. pnlioe fin:into bcg called inhis p|"_esence,'which -vas go`on:Vdno.- A ;._' . L . ,, - 1 .I,!_'|;'___;_ -"r `WI! llltllljlwuvu u ` Youiro tho.mastar 6! thiiliqtns, fl. bs`:lieve,:sir'! began -the policeman. I V.--a I'nr`.II-in nu-nInnL_` `am- II in a D3|IOV,;Ull"!' Ilgllll `Illa fluuuuuuquw . _. ~:`:=.8f;-_fpr the. ptepent,.I `mp. Inn :1 -fuuishod house, gpd I am it m_o_ntply- Mvlilihtl only-' i :;'1 lia}{s;:uf!iiiein$.!ir+ _ - :- ..%;!bh `fniurif. -d.I".8?V} `ffotil his MW. E ` f.`t_hif~.'twig1_`ad_f."l%nn.i`.ahd* ` "5'i39Ii!';! V CHAPTI:-iv xxx}- you too, Gibbs.` [interrupted the Cap- ;tain, dashing out of the` ' rbom as he spoke, and crossing a passage, the two men at his heels. ` ` 1 ' ~ 2 n__._:._ n_._..-- _-`..-`-.-.`._-.1 L- . ILIUII QB H13 IIUUIS. V _ - ,Captai_n Baintreo now s!opped he--| More :1 door, at which he began to. ` thunder with all his might. T l n..a.'.-- -..-..___ --..._ 1.. 1.... 1;..:.. ` I -vNutari`es Public, Cohvcygncers, BA RRII-},'Co.'S_iu_1coe, C)_I~II`. nun-nn `v 1 Ann: l lUlU|l5 Hlfllguo 7 Q T "` Help me to force it ! said` he to, `the men. And, at the same time, the Captain placed his shoulder against the oppossing barrier, which example the policeman and Gibbs` both imita- ted. At length "the door opened, and all three entered the room. " .n,_' . ___.-._ nu..- n_:....'........ -,....n' ' l.l]lIll\|Cl VVILII (Ill IIIO llllslllo Butno answer came to Ins bois- . terous appeal . ` Flair} nun fn fnrnn H V cnrC' ha in K (UIFEU CVIIKUKUU IIIK7 IUUllIa V ` By heaven, Mrs. Bainltne s go-we ! v exclaimed the gentleman, gazing 1 round in-consternation, an.hihlhe1_1 t. rid~. hing up and down` the oor, with his hands thrust in his hair; and his face` I pmfpl-3 with chnler. . ` When Isee het aga`in,I WI. have no mercy upon her -_I will kill her an inch :1 dayi! he abruptly stopped to say. ` Ihhat her now worse than ever; and '1 will` have I my revenge on. her! ` ' : , H . A ,,.__,_--|_.._- cl... '....`...1.-.... II... lily rcvcligu uu ucx . _ V `C And approaching; the window, the 1 frenzied man ung out hisfarms, and , with his clenched h8l1d9,8hiV6fe(i pane afteripane ofglass, until his ngerwere; covered with cuts), and bleeding pro-3 lusely. His istrenglh_ was paodigiuus ;: and vainly did th e4policem-an and Gibbs I ( .1 I `eudeavnnr. to arrest .1113 won: ef de-`! 1 ninlition. Ark-ngtli they'tia`re'w t_ham- , selves hudiiy upunihim, and with that very piece of twis1ed__lineu 'Daura" had` used, they huuud her hushan_d s writh-I jng limbs, and so prevented him from I doing anyfurlher mischief. - ' V V i I C C _O 7 1- - I When Daum recovcfed from'he'r long and deaih-like swoon, she found her` selt lying on a sofa in as! range apart- ment, and under qe care of a matronlyi wumau. _ I 9 Where" am I?" she demanded. I f`_ In. safety, m'a. am, washer com? pamon s reply. ` V C I :1n'nnl Ialarsfnnri- .1-Tnnr nnrnn! pauluu Icpsy. I 1 do not understand. -I-Iowcnme 1- here 2 ` . V V ` A foreign gentleman who lodges here brought you about two hours" ago- ` T ' r\I _.__ ___; . 1 _..- l._..___-!.._; A- `. UUH It I.;la(\\|Uu n A -` Are we still in London .? she next asked, . He answered in the airmaiive. ' ` But I must not remain in 1!, Ivan. 7 M i We must y from this land at once. * ` " Whither would .\Iad-ame go 2" i -' ' ` To Coble-nlz. I have a father and l;brbll1er1here. I will seek their pm- i tection. ' ' a'lI`,'_,,',,,I,_A ,I',__'l1,I, .-, , n 'l 1__n `Oh. yes,_ yes; I am begmning to recollect now. You are quite certam that Ium safe hers! _ l _ ` Qui_te, ma am, At this instant thercnme a gentle` tap at the. room-door, and Ivan show- ed his face.` . . . T | I f\L 1 . . . . .. I, ,-__I,_',,_ 1 .T\, u_5Llo IIUIII \.~|tI|lAlll JJM.-IIILIUU 1' : 7' | `Have -no fear of lnm, madame, `answered the m`un,'udvz`.ncing :1 (`aw steps into the ap:\rt_n'1em. `I am Vi-p1E: l. to sag Madame once more her-' (`T lselu V __ 1 'I'\T` T [,lIv`l --.,_'A`_-.._ *_.-_- --_3 IIIG ltlubl . _ ` Oh, lvun ! exclaimed `D-aura, in ` thankful accewsj; [am so glad to see yup again. I hnpe I am far a_wa `Iron: (`Jptain Baintree 1 . G `la-rn -nn ru-nr nf 'liIIYI v1\nr`-'A|r\\Q, "u.lJ`U\IG OLA, T j>bv-- __J I JIT1 ORNE Y-.4 T-L.d'W, Con'vcy_nccr, C:;n1missioncr'in B.R., 43. '-Heir and Dcvisce Claims prosecuted. Agent fun LUGC-'1,ujddu. haudcdx `Credit. Company for .\..'..a.m 'mmmV on Real Estate. 7 CIl- ` ` * Did I fzl `Z--`-was'thercj `any acci- dnnl? Dnura inquired. 2 - H ` Np;-;\[{1dam`e only fainted Z _` But I lmvc`escmped-a-I.nn1 iree 1-1r_min.! lie '1 not nd `me in this `Tp|'.1(`.!.':, thmk you '! - . `Inn: Ihu Iunrnnn I!);Il'\l1PIII7 ;n nu-Jar fllllll/ur` '~|Illl(l J\JIl Z Ito make :1 cup of coflee for the lady, and Duura; and Ivan continued their conversation ' . A..- ____ _.:n 3.. r-._1A._ a ,v , ,_'--_. Hem the woman withdrew, in order ` I hnve'oxy1oobcy Z\'Iadamc'! Rut` might I'be a.|loweAdT to offer. her advice,` I should . say keep at 9. distance `from! that part of the Continent for the pre- sent. 11' ,._,,,'A ,,,L ..,-.,_.E,, ',, Y'.`,,,I __J T ~ ulllu `I must not.re`main in F.ngland--I` dare; not !7 Damn). cried. ` You cannot ; conceive the _d;eud `I have offalling again into Captain _Baiutree"s- hands. '1 would mthe'r commit `self-destruction l'),,L ___f.L A..- l'_f____I, A- __.L-__ AL- [MU U. ' - . _ _ ` But with the friends to whom the Prince, mymaster, has- recommended Madame, she nmvsurely expect to find not only seciirily, but every: kindness. Duura seemed to reflect". I ` D.cloi Nukeila was`. one of the most hohourahle and worthy men in the I whole world, and his wife was both T `amiable and good. Madame would be sure 0! a warm welcome from the Nunkellus. ' ` 1111.... l.._'.. ....`..-...1 -...I hnnvo with \munkenus.' A T . Then -[van paused, and Dauta, with her wan cheek leaning upon her hand, asked her weary heart what she waste .1. -1 - - . , ./ 1-Ian; do ! v 11- `I.'|"C5UlIlly- GUI: lunncu up, an sion of decision m her T face. .rv_I... ._... 0.. Ilsncn am man 0! aecrsmn m net mun. _ ` Take me to these good people, Ivan, she said, inn broken voice,- ` T - ke me'to them `at once. The Brince might "deem" me uugiatefulwero I to refuse to take advantage of the protec- tion to which_he so kindly commended. me. . Ivgm. good honest f;:1lO\V as he was, signied his great delight ' at 'Daura s determination` and inh 3 `less than an hour after this, a closed y `carried him'and~her in the direction 01 one.o( .the:o1d;squgr s;,`\yl'g_ere the'Nan-V keuas m>e`d_.-_f_ IA M HRON, I\1c.\iT(`;li:l&`_I~.l-I: 1:3: Mc- 1 . AHCHAEL; ,.v BA RRISTERS. . n. C.-,.-o '....~,+ Ann-Vin fha -n'lr\ ..Di1'rakie s}cha;agter;.~-they .f,elt' Chg . ;bldmeLgnt(a`ch`adA;`t..hgrhmb. -, . (Dams; could n`df.:h:elp feling munch _` gratied at the hospitable mnnne`r_ in .' which Doctor Naukella `and his wife ` received her.- They had been interm- `ed of her coming, by'n'telegraphicL messagg from the Pringc; and they had. 1 already: prepared izpz'1rf_mo'n'ts for hot. recdpticn. ,Thcy giid` -not knofw the. `lady s`. history,.a`s a Vmajter ofioours; V `but ;fro`m their knowledge `-of (PIIIIOO. lheie could be` nZeith`on;.slgum.8sn9 r'. Aw`. ;-J l.*;...'..':.`.`-` .' nlag I6? nhnrai blame nuacngaa to nel-name. V T After having; plat-.'e'd hi's.cVhnrgeac-_ cotding._to` his illustridils` m'asto; |in- I ilruction`s,I.vghLhad notbitigkmota to do , :.iu.Emzlahd.;.'..l:Ie_ hnd;prlygtqlyAIl3lpped : ` `imo,I he :'doQt9t'I'.jha_l(_l;._l~, gglain aqua ? -v.i!jIeI!!~:!F%I!! `J3;!h9:.3'il!L?hih :*:d99!I1 ' =,!11nmv,b91 .=h =,;1.;<.fnA!:i,`;i.It o,r_; ,W9!!!.; !PreTs[entIy1 she lonkezdiuyp, nn expres- l.... .'.l A....ann :n lunar fnnn. . CIIAI;ER xm. my any a N010. W11o1e No. 913 ` her pain. , V wursv, my uuulo A _ ' .Attimes,thoughtswou1ddattathwart `Upnn my word, _exce11e'.:t adVIC ti her mind. " If her husband Wcre bl" but such as Mrs. Bt!1l'IXl`c cnnnol ft..- 3; dead, how very dibrenther life would . 10-, n:t_urnad the geutlem-.m, b.m-m',_: - 3 become! No moretmisery---no` more; to the mnstn-ss 9f the l1tllse*,a!ld`!~`PL`1?k'-1 hidmg away from all the vwu.'ld--no: iug in 11 snecrmg tnunucr. Comet. s';;morc trouble of any sort. She would! he continue ', gruspmg l).:uru 5 arm.` 4` than be restored to her father, to Ross.` ` No, no; I say she shall nut go wxth `l and to that dbearly-lovodtriend,Faith-'1 you, Suld Madame l\uk--Ila. 1 ml! t Daum `thought of another, and then] {mg for my servants and have You put :1` hung her head, probably feeling some-,; ulll of um house ;_ l w:t;1 send at once `I what ashamed -of having thought of; for the pnlicc. D him at all. And yet that thought,{ Duexuctty as you please, Madame, whether she were wedded orothertx'tae,-.;ep1ied he. 7 \vn.one_ot'innocenco. . 1 K It is quite `useless -0 oppose him. A'.:',.... 4- t`1__:.I_.l 1...` AL. n..no:nn arch- Nan- ..... I l\..nvn .-lg`;-r'IIn1Hu nu! tn ` V ludge,and cloth their gustif} a whole twelve-'mouth';t'o come. 1 All Il ,,I-4..)_ .-.....I._'__- 1.. L- .._ BVI'U|VG`IIIUlll||*"|U VUQIIISQ . 7` All Madam`q s \vantsfare,to be un- sparingly rup`plied,' Ivan said to Doctor Nnnkella, She is a most.` unhappy . lady, in whom the`Prince, my master, i takes a great" interest. . I"hn Jnninr nrnvnicn H1110 H-In -`nv I`\.'>\_1HI.'IT:V>'. 196 3 . `W. L; Anninn, lI!H.'I u grcul. uluurran. The doctor promised ,llmt the lady sshould have, every comfort that he !cuu!d possibly procure;_and with that 9 assurance, and a score ofgrattul thanks from Daura, the flllhflll fellow depart- ea. . . . It "was strange` how she. regretted` parting from him. Some new and . pleasnnt--in fact, the only link she had {in life-seemed to be severed by`th_is l separation. Nowgdespite the constant kjndnessshotvn he: by the Nankellae, ' `Duura felt {at from comfortable under their roof. V She was still in the same city with her husband, she remember- ed; and hence the continual anxiety and dread with which she was being tormented. She would not stir out of doers~--she dared not, lest some unlucky ' chance should throw her tyrant across her path. A I oimna ll-nnnrrlnteurnnl dart all1wnrt' ' \VllS,0l'l6_0l mnocumw. 1 I - Guided by the advice of the Nan- ` kellas,_Daura did not write to Coblentz. She T longed to inform her father and: l her brother of her whereabouts ; but as ; the doctor andhis wife, to. whom she had recounted her painful history, had ` counselled her to be silent for awhile.` she had` obeyed them, although she g i knew her friends must all be suffering . E . great deal of anxiety on her ac-3 i I:;11_ l coul L. v 1 U Oime 9;-. week the Nankellas received ; _ from ptincfs Duraskie :1 letter cuntam~'} ing an sons of Athoughtll, delicate, and w kind inquiries fespgctxng the `health! 1 land Ageueml Aw.1_'-bemg of their. fan M-I ; charge; and by feturn of post, the 5; Prince s letter was :i.""" d bl `he! Nakellns. ` Madame was" -we: lhcyi would sci; ` but oh. :0 said .1`"``Y3 !` ~ They hoped-llmt she would n\"' D9 We, thus. "Should they` be doing \\`1 "' `f they persuaded Mad"-amo to c'".5 1 some clever lawyer regarding the ,'` $' 1 pact of obtuimng adivorce tmm ."-"' crul lm.-sband? For it would never dl to Acondernn a Wom:1n`su ymmg as: Madameto along continuance uf hm-I present existence, By and lay, they: . felt assured that her health wunld_ ' ; smile: from too much confinementir. doors, and from lack of necessary exer-_ else. rnv_r_ .....! .......I. -111-\-A .....,.II.. I... in.` else. This and much more wrote the Na- kellnsuand the Prince replied that an soon as he was able to travel, Hwy would hehc-Id-him in London, when he` would see what could be dona tori Madame. ` ' .._ ...'._..l....1....`l ....A At` 01.-.!-nno 1 '.\!uu:uut:. ' Daura, never looked out ofthe front jwindows of the house, and her dreary walks were conned to a dreary-loulv iing back garden,-in '\\'hich nothing ltvonld grow but a_ few tufts of grasszl land some weeds. She" tried to read, `but. no amusemenpcould she find in books. Her friends had lurnished her with all she requiredvintne way of; lclothing-had procured for her all the, I - best, new music; but although she ` thanked them for their attention to her wants, she seemed totake very little in- terest in either dress or anything else. --_-....'... -...-o It- unknnrur Snrlnnrl I l_el'6Sl Ill Elulur urcaa UI uuyuuua U:-`nus 1 A womm must be unhappy indeed ` when she ceases to care about adorn- Aing h;er person, Madame Nakella sazely observed .10 her husband on more than one occasion . mu. _ _:..-o-- Ivcnn nf Ha. innu: ' nnininn one Occusnuu. ' The doctor was of the same opinion `as his wife in that respect. But whm could they do to promote her happinesg more than they had already` done? he ,-_._..:....s '7"-uni! I.-ad ha! if aha wunld ` than tney nau uuuuuy uuuu . lav inquired. They asked her if she wuul like to visit Brighton or Hastings, {'0} shook .hcr head, and replied in the `negative. She dreaded meeung Cap- tain Bainttee. . nu- 1.... .... `.Ul'..A..m. Rlnln-Ha u-an in the sake ofp. little ehange ; `but she A COMMISSIONER [N B. IL, v A wn Ant. tau) liamuee. ` ; One d;1y.us Madame Nakella was in the front drawing`-room balcony, attend- ing to some owers there, the `sleeve of her dress unluckily naught the branch of a rose tree." Turning qmck- ly; in ordertofree herself,` she caused the ower-pot to Ioe'e ltl balance, and 1t toppled over, and tell upon the pave- ment below;_ A -L.._.. ...... 5. AF -nrnn hurt. fa]. menu below; _ Aeharp cry, no of some hurt, fol- lowed the descent oflhe pot; and Dame, forgetful of hersell, ew to the bale -cony, and looked out. I1... :9 hint am: one '1 she said zaz-_ ana l00_lKell ulu. ` Hasit hm: any one 3 she gaz-. ing downwatds. _ V t Nut mu-v nnnouslv. I thank vou, mg aownwarcs. . Not very seriously, I thank you, `ma.darne, * replied a well-known vuice, hvltich thrilled poor Dauro. s whole frame. And before she could make her retregt _{rom the balcony, lhu speaker had recognized her lenlrures, V and triumphantly V pronounced her ndmol. - :1. ..;-n ......n Its. ` "Roxnlrnnl uni`! name. b .. t , T . Ah, well met, Mrs.` Bamtrce! said the Captain (for it was he), liingthis hat `with a mik courteous air. ,` I've `just hu:d .a most `lucky escape, he added, pa nting t6 the fragments of brbken (1.81 .`!it his fgt-`a most lucky gseapo ilidd! I trust that it was ,Anot;Athrwn` by your hand,nnd with u "tn1ali,ciou;'_i`ntont.`f`A ' ,,,,_j~ -'..;g`a.. _L.........- `Lug And- $2 00 _if not paid in advance. ` nlauclull IUIII-u, -, Daum itnyed, not Tto nhswer, but grsed lnbliuto, the room. Wk?" ' 3' dgjqpped T_iin[to'_a '_ seat, tVo_o4`A rgucl} 5 over- fqome to mgr. .w`o.rd`a. - 1 Y. :9 nA`-`Ilur"`:;.n\lnin- `Rnfn-ii`:-no Q `Quid Gig!!! w uucriu yv\qgu._ ` Is it` xehlly Captgin Ba,;'n,tree 2 said Madame, Nake||_a,. feelin'g_ iiemly a~ _(righlehQd 9; his t_m'tuward hppearahce u_Dama hr':el(., `_fI`her_e,-- lhAe'ra kg in. `,knogn_kjng .;_z.;th;fgonl d_oo;`! A0l1,i\r)mi ; ahall we d9;nQPh,.IPl. `*9? !3b"75i'*5?P*T _ lip, 1o;y9,u_r- hambar;.g`ud look` jfou f` ...|.E'e`i!':5`:g!f-g`-Y? dgs;,r,,a;nd mm aeaamey = : I1, ; DauraAal_nsweried qune jiolpluly. Oh, 1 air: Inn! (`nap nunr "nun: {up the" Caugdu lqauucux -uncuu. \_.-u...k...,..J ouning money on R.:!.1E:`lute. . ()Fl*'ICl'.`-~Ncxt Fran]: I{ea.n`s Slurp. "\~- 1 Isms: >848 Lldlllu uI_IavvI7II=u uuv pun 1 am lost for over `now 1' I \T.. can . plnnio` nuance 0|: 1.!!! IVS} IUII BVUK IIUW 3_ _ ' A . . `No, no; don t` guy that, my deg! 2 He would notldate to {test you_ ymh mysorl of,vi6lence.. , , nun: I Vnn dn nnl knrim this man ! any son. 01 Nlulouum. , V . Dare! .You do not know, this man! .He:w.il|L dare anything}. '3LB1i't-I`*w.illnVot:let him see you! _. "Oh, `indeed-! A xuolution you `cannot now keep! uttered I man : voice ; and Captain Buintreo bum in- to the room. K1 an`! n Ihnnnnn nnfnnn for uni lu mu Iuqm. - V ._` I ask a. thousand pardon: for my u-a'ma nnerly intrusion . hue, Indie: ; ` but I am only come to domund mine own! hehdded. ' Mn. Baintroe, you gull plense accompany me now, and, if 'you are wise, without tnnking any tnnecessnry demur about the mutter. Ha ! the very thing` I want! he went on, stepping into thohalcony, and hail- ing a passing cal. . lnnnnu nir Hmmmgncad M1- dame iVaKIuu. In uswnlsnmuuu ' `AAh,'I see you are amazed ! laugh- ed the intruder. , A`..........A I 16` an rlnnfnr uvnrn Inn! at n 8 aSsIngcau.- . l ggally air comm:ncod MI.- dutue Nakclla. in astonishment. 1 A I. -1` a... unit ntn urnnvlnt` " `mush- ed Lne Inuuucr. Amazed ! If the doctor ware but at 9 ' . home--- . n-_.-_`I3 -..l.n...I Ilsa (`u\lnn_ (W1 home----" _ ` Doctor ! echoed the Cnplmn. Oh. tlie master of -the house,`l presume. ;Well, and If he-wore. he would listen In reuson--he would help me to obtain juisticc. This is my Wife, he con- tinued, pointing` to Daum's still gure -, and ] command her to come with me. I do not wislu to create a dis turbance here, nor Will I do so unless I am compelled. I have 9. cab in wait- i2`g-no preparation: is roquired--come ! 'I |... lnuv (nu: wunlu were directed to [Hg--llO preparauuu I3 H'L1uutu--vuauu . . lThe last few words were directed Daura, who had not oncevchunged her position, or looked up, since he emer- ud. She did not answer him, but alter a slight pause, she removed lie: hands from her !ace,und stood erect. -` D-var Madame Nnkella, 1 must go,` `she said, in stifled a ` Give my thanks to one w.io has befriended me,` she went on, putting her arms around th lady's neck, and whispering in hvr ear. ` Good-bye, and heaven ble.~1s_)'uu 3 ` ` Nay. but this is fully ! said the "other. ` llusbztnd `or no lmshand, Cup. Iain Baintree is ii tyrant, and you cau- not be compelled to obey him. >`ostuy whero you are, and let him do his wursl, my dear. r IT...'m mu u-nnl arm-lle=:t-t arlvirn. mnxw iiismrsm TICPHCU HIS. quite fo my (rind, Du.ura4clejecLedly put in, 1 am 1115, and Isuppuse, according to thv h_w,`uf which I understand nothing, I am bound_ to do Ins bedding. But, be. {ure 1 depart heucv.-,1 lrunkly tel`. hum Friar. his \\. 1sdum wuuad slxuw iIsc`.f betler we're he to leave me eunrelv tn m`y.+elf.T llxs hie WIH uul be safe \\`x'.'n with me by Ixissule, aim wcm on, mm terrible eurnesmess'. ` 1` W131 hut answer for what 1 may befdxivn to do ; so take heed, sir-lame heed. .AnaI '-nu hum.-. 4|.-lava-quad Hm, hut But she shrank away from him with vll'JlE`,lllst;_d loathing. V * I call attend yen, she said, icily. April warn} you not to lay so much as "our lingers _upun me. Ami wllh that, she_ hurried out. of "me. ap-u`l Vllll.elll, and down the stairs, (;,`,pmm amlree lulluwlng her. she lherr entered the cuh--ha dill the same; and having recelvud some '[UCUZllUHo whispered instructions from the garnis- man, the dnver set of wlthout_ delay. ~ some more my own! exclmmed the \w'rtl1y`Ca.ptuu1, in his compa.liou`s cm, 1 null take good care lhuL slm dr ves not again escape out 0! my hands. I \\vlll be doubly vigilant this tune, ra.,dl iron bars shall guard the windows ofh er chamber. . . ` _0u'tof one street-into anolher, Dame. {en hscrsell earned, \vitluout_hu\'ing 1 smgle motion or cure _of whuher sha UU 5 EU cunt: Hutu, an-'I.un0 Ubtiun -And '-as Damn duhvexed the last ;words,' she turned upon her hu;h:ml lwnh ushing eyes and threatening *gesu_m.-s, her whole-uspecl. changed, I . . 9 us If by magxc. I a nu rnu Iurn poll npvfnnt mmlwnmun. as H U_y K110510- By my hIe,==n perfect madwonmn. We shall` require it straigln.-xvaislcuuf. i here; I fear. ` I L`..u1.... uvoL:nl\ I`\n nnnllnnxnn urn, ~ uwu, 1 mm. Saying which, the gentleman pre- sentedhls arm to Dauru, much in tho I Same manner m which he -w'ould'h-ave pmsented jt. lu hex `on any ordinary ` uccuslun. I). -I._ ..l.-....I. nutlnli `l:\I'I\ Lhu uv-ll`: A depulauun appomiecl at the public moul- ing hold In Tunmlu. an un: Hrn F_:hlu.n_y, waned on Hm Excehuncy mu G-;vumur4(2,u :- eral, In Kuleau |la:l,aI one_o cIuuk yesxerd. y, lo presem me Inumurml ul, me cmz:9:)s qt` 'I`uru.nu in ma .-mbjuct 01 it lu_0(B compm.`.un~ >118 canal policy. A The foxluwmg gentlemen were present :-- S. B. Hqmnun, I.-I:'q., Mayor of Toronto; .\ |r. _ F. C. Capmnl, Hon. Senaxur Allan. Hon. Seuaw. McDonald, Hun. Mr. Ttnppcr, Mr, Beany. M.P.; Mt. Hurrmin,-M. l'.; Angus Mumsnn, M P.; .\Ir. Mcdcalf, M. X`. ; `Mr. Wells, M. P}; Mr. McCoukey. M. I .; Mr. Amos ,\Vr|gln, )1. l .; Mt. Fergnwn, M. P 5 Mr. Ma-gu:,VM. P. ; and Mr. Graham, \." D I V cIu`'I\4 -'-"* was bumn; -111. uA- I - The depmaliun having been shown xntu lhu presence at H-,3 Eu-unency`- If.- lU....I..n \|.n-up H~nn\'nn nf'ur vn. |||D jut`-auuuv UL ALI e4au-vi-v-nu" [Tie Worship. Mayor Harman. effer !.'l- troduciiig the Dejiuteiion wtih his usual courtesy, to `His Exoutieiicy, stated that about a fortnight since he was the recipiunr ~ as Mayor of 'l'o_roiitu of e reqim-irori signed by some of the wealthieet and most lllullv tial merchants and ciiizeiis ol Toromo,i-.- questing him toconveue e pubiio meeting, tu. lelu: into coiisttleietinii the question ot the canal Bcodtnmutiallult of the Uu'l|lnlOl'l, amt the great advantages that would accrue, wem steps taken to ieniler it more cumpieuo-_iiii.ve and cective. The meeting, which min B I/cry'larue one, entered on the ciiiieuleratwn in no sectional v pint. but (It) the broad pim- crpie ol improvemeiii, ni which all eeoiiuza V of the Dominion w--uni siiare and Lem-Iii. The urguinenle need were-fiuit.th.'it tliere isa rnauifeet want of a large rm-reuse to trio existing.oeiielgaccoininodaiioii, it we hope to attract and secure the carrying of the already` immense and dill} rncreumg prtnlnctl of the great. North West of which we seem to bathe natural carriers from our posnioz. an! unrivalled writer coirrmunicatioii. If that communication ll only effectively oonnectcil by oana.te-in conneczion with which, allus- ion we: made to the projected ennal fltttxl rhle city to the upper lelri.-e--to-tt.e lateiii it cut, as ll was termed, to run from Niagara in Thorold, where it would intersect the Well- and C,anel,`e1tending thence to Chippewa r . `to the great projected canal to unite `.529 `waters-of Lake Ontario end the Geurgiezi ;-Bey; endjotherr litre" projects. Second Ty, iii u! r4 A\`Vl1tIl'|,l|0!,bG`I`e`Igne-.2 . a comprehensive cant V ,sy9tete..or policy? ie rieeiled,: not merely es it;iinrdt'no.w.`iig:t:iiriii!i;usctuii:in. but the Im- _. . Pf}"}!li5M.'0flhi'.eItetih`eennle-; end third- `? lv;_;1h';\`t wje'ire,."-` lliledf-`its oettmg Illlmlitill :`v.~~ {lb (!ti!`Iil_e1lii`iI 'e'6b}1et_L.uhichmee made " meet the ettpeietieue:.eplenJreon the plai- . a 5!*!`99"`|5'19*"*!neAI90. oi. mvrehw ` . -I , ._nAgQ2_.z {p J: ; V the._l_)nion. I 4'11 _l. U 11 LV_ 1'4 .1. - .lLL".I.z4x. .., soL1c1To1:'1.\' C11/1,\'cE`zx Y, C01\`VElr5 ` . - ` ` .4.\'c1:1:, _&_c.. ? _ ()rnr:r.--0n 1`eter'.Su'ect, next door wine ` l !.._~o Hm.-n I A cmu. POLICY. (From the Ottawa Tirries.) I (To be continued.) hr-.N1iY ROBER'1`SON, L.L.'13T.,'_' OTTAWA; CANA_DA,~ Transacls Busilxess with (he I a_fent `Office and `other Departments of the Government. ' COPYRIGHTS `AND THE REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKSIIV DESIGNS PROCURED. -- ' _-..I II\: An:-n. U1` 1l\;\U1: m Zllblxuyur u.._,__ ____ _ __ _ , Drawings, Specin,tions,' and other docu- mems_nccessn.ry to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the Model of the1Inven- 'tinn, and preliminary searches in the Patent Ollice carefully made. . June. 1868. 824-. sgnnm s~`.{`1ioi33:i:" . V OE -I'LLI.X',, V` _ Solicitor 1n Chanceryy mm`: nD\'h`1z', 'I'_T. /-Ill/V .=L1o111u.sON & s.mp's<)N, V '?R!{I.\"1ER.S', ,9'7`7'0R.\"E YS, SOLICI- .' - '1'()R.\', Eye. _ . : 1cvs.-\\ c.'mrn :\33nrnA:;cr- Bni1r1_ings,Church .. h't'x'ee!,T01'9nto, C.\V. u.__:..... , , _ T1 A,nmndnn ` i I Ul'('1l.-I;-2 Doc.1, 1868 . n..:rze', Jan. 1; 1862. Saddlery and flawless % ESTABLISHMENT: ~ :'nr_.___1__ -___A__-.- ".1... 12,...1m` 'I'nmn.ta. * IVI H r\ I -I II avlvvrsu, _. AS.now,on band an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Cal'- - liege and Team), English" and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars, to-. which he can offer at .very .relnhb1e prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and mhu Riding and'D\-iving Whipl, BHS, Lines, Brushes, Curry nd Mane Gonlbls Cards, - &c.,to he found in this market. ' ` An-Ir nu-lipln in tho trad: :\nn`Ea`nrn fur- "1:D"AWR- 11.7 sLAN1)'iE'_f," ac.,w ue found In this market. , Anyartielo inthe trpdg p`wm`ictnro `fur-, nished to order on short hoti,ahd Inated: to giev satisfaction. _ , ` - A . l3"Repaira`yvell apd`uenll1 exu".'.ni` . ' 2 ' mu-ia-Amna.1nm '. r - V .1." I l`D'-VIrIIVIIili I Nearly opposite the Bank of Taronta, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. ' 'f_r11o M./x 'I`-. A._130Y `s,T B5?1i?3`7 FLTBB?f3:Ls` _. V E68 to inform gh pgblle `hail! ' Bull 342.4, In theVIl1ng:k,d_t; ' g . 3 when he wm,ur_ry oi =--"7 64-1." 'I- ` L.-.'-tins- Nr xwp;ura'yve1|uyq I Buo. April 3. 1868. % 1I;iE;.iiT E'.IiE6`.f_* .\rv'u/v`\l\~. . .. V 4`-'\` -_.\ /\ r.*v.'\.\\ ._. `-\ L51i`I3}-Q2214, A1u)Ai:11 as S'I`B.ATI_I_Y, Barristers and Attorneys, d`l-'I:..:L-.... .'_. (TL . _ . . .._. KC. . S1'.n'_x1:n, Co. Smcos. ATHQS. .nmnunn" `.-unt.-miizinn n. M A RT-IWOOIRE`, LQ nnln an hand an nrlnnnivn and RE B.\RR1STER, 5-Jc., D: `HENRY GTJRIS-T`, I z:~..s-1.I.'.1....J Ismn \' 5 I` I I I \a J n I v (Established l830.)' ,,-_._- .-. rulsnl? v.\'. 13-us. uu.u., U_\:HLTO.N" D. ST_EW_ATlT-,> LL`-B S47-If .7; __ _ . .... .._..._..__:__.-. UN & 5.-X.\ 1_L'UN, . --- :, .b97'7'0RNE !_ - 1 e!,T01'Qn10, . -I - D.A.Szunp_9on v1her,,`lS3:'3. ` - Z 1 HP \i,~\1T!`HAT`,l'. 7- Mn. :d_' nu. 1.1 u. A\n' LAND AGENT, &c. &c_. D. ,CP.EW- `Du..- . ~'_*.H_-"W--' -3- `""'-``. J "9 Sohcxtors 1n Chancery, 7\f:.hn-2'4 t u,J;n /7/191; nnnnnnnn re 7 l9"v`5-IV ` ` bENLA'l{GlsA113N'_1j.ur;`11uL_ , % .\1cmcC .,c. . 1 T - _ ' poa:i*{ 3 BAR RIE HOTEL _ ..--.. n vvvv \vR11'V n|\Ir1r\f.V .;ARR_IE'. `urn VT > _Pcs1.xsm:n. . 900- 1):._ [OTC ` s4's..a, TERMS: Joan B. Tum-:n, -*-V u`;;L;;:3?e:*;f, J HE nbovg Hot_1 is ituated;nbout one high mil east of the Market House, Barrie-,`on themnin rond_ to Penman-'| gnishene,Uri1lia, and the Free Grant Land `in; . the Muakoka. Country. I :\rt_i;es -taking came, .&c.. will find it to their ndmntage to_ stay at the abofe Hotel as ' there is_good stabling, sheds and attentive oatlcrs always in" rg-adimgss. . nan ru.-__.... .....-.. .....m-....In1n tn w;l':Ml;..'~C- _'l:VE JF\(. ` Gountv Crown Attorney, D A DDIQTTPD In-,, uuu nu-cuuvv vuuwna un[vul.a . . . . w _ . _ . . -. K5?` Cbargoaygry masonnbie. Bnrrie,Novmber 29:11," 1859.` L . AZ ~ 9 |V7i9aI.!2 am. mil! John 11.? Johns; noon 5: COM Mc>-DT5Us STABLING cod; _ AL \I - .___ 7 I DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. `I .'FT2.-\Sl-`.R begs -leuvo --once more to re- ` . mind his friends and the travnlling com- munilytlmt he is still in the land of Lhejilving, and not behind his c_omp(-litors in the wnypf improvements. lle is__still to be found oproite the Baryie Railwa_v_.Smtiou, `where all tlmt.-is nzcessnry to c'n:':"[me a `plain (lnnadiuli Inn l are to be lound, private and public. V . Convcynuces to all parts North of Barrio. 1- _ H. FRASER.'Prnnriemr !e`if6N` i:`ii`i'7iL} - A gnpgzgu-1-. \./-v--v--- i= cooxsfowxv, j.' ELIGENSED AUGTIQNBER V V v n',rm"rhn BINGHAM, rroprieto;;l %?I*?L"'f!!'.'5"7E1il 1 '(SL'ccr;ssoh To AV.'MVlSCAMPVBl1`,LL.) 11818 favourite old House has beenthorough- ` ly renovated and reliplcd, and is now f open to the public. . ' _ I` The bar is stocked with the very best Wines ,l.:$'t`L..L1..xn..n..x:J, - - V-` ... D`.\1.'ro.v 'I\X('CAmm'. ' 15`.~XL'r'o N McC`AR'rm'(, Jr. _ (n.-nv-.<-`Dunlap SL.,the same as those oc-` -Cllpiui by the late rm` of Messrs. Bnnltqn 1: .\Ic(,'.Lithyr. 847 2 7] Gbbd5 Supply of Horse igiicizze always on ha;zd . Cpokstown, Oct. 1867. ~ '42 . T the public. The bar very mid Liquors, and the table supplied with all the delicacies of the season, and _a'1tent.ive'serv- .,...o.. l fE5(J(1I{A}`N`"1TH 0ffE L, % .......- nn aknnnnm n A non.` - ---.-p TUB nzsf on` mxzs AND~LlQC 0R3 n"r_nsV mi: E, ' I3 S'1`AGES 10:11 partsv leave thisV: House . daily. ' '- . ' ' ' 10-ly Lllvaaluvw-.-. .7 _. .V_ _ __ ________ _VALU_A 1`OR, V'VE l'E_R INAR Y SURGEON, 4-c, "Mrls. E. MARKS, P2'opHetress. _ JOIIN McTV21TT, Su]1cri2zte7zderzl. EAIZGE AND 'CO.\I'.\lODlOUS STABLING. .-_-- Vol. % NEW %E'&__A_L_V_\_7 rm. V... v`! `.4- June, 1868. XVILLIAM T1>A?Ri 1--:v--4\QY. l|.1\vI!l'VI Q v;--. ....- .. .., . , ` 1'11 Shot:-1,so long and favn-ably-known to 5 the travelling community, is now "cun- lductedby the prop1ietre.~`s,und is under the su- pcrintendence of Mr. .lo1mf.\Ir:\\'att. Nenrlv lhirlv additional bedrooxna'l1nv(]:Aa.12]y of Mr. Jolmf Mr:\\ an. Nearly thirty bedromnmve latly ' vheen added to the Buum: -I-Iuran, all ,w|i'icli bu-. iug built of Brick. and_w(-ll wnrnic-(1,, will lu- `funnd as coml'ortab`.c and commodious as can be . l'oun_.d in'an_v house north of. 'I`om.n1o.' ` ' F3` Commercial travellers will find ample ac- commodation for showing samples. Barrie. mh Oct., 1868'. ; _v - 1s.` 363\Ts.3N HOUSE, _` ORILLIA5 O]N T. _ Drum-1'pfnr 1 Jd.:A. Johnson, :1 , . , T. iJA3.VJ0l.!)'S0.\',,SVE.\'ll- _ - '-9 Pnovmarom l _._--.-- I bin in the above v_e_ry. comfortable and l `HE Subscrlbr, having socceetled Mr; Grib- cgmmodions Hotel. begs to assure the numerous ` customers of this favorite and well gestrlblifbed . manta in the internal accommodation and other- wise renov:-ted it. so as to render the House one stand, that he has made considerable imp:-over of the best Family or Uommcicinl Hotels in the. nlnnn Tlm. bar will be found stocked with | _ , ,_ . . . . i HIS new `and coulmodious hotelissitliatetl i . near l.h_e"Loko Shore, and commu.udsa| .ine view of the surrounding scenery. The rooms are `large, handsomely furnished, weli ventilated, and families can be supplied with separate suits for tliernselves. 5 _ ` . Sample Rooms for Commercial '1`ravelle1's. ` The Bar will alwnysobe luund replete will).- Liqvmra and cigdrs of the best. brand. ` v< Good stubling and Mtemive osllc-rs. lions leave every` day for Barrie, Hawk-, atone, Bell Ewart, Beaverlon and all 'porls_on I.ul Simcoe , and three times daily for the \`.nvno-n sxI;7i: i;"X1C-'6 sX_t.:pi_xs. the best Family Uommcxcmn nuu-us Iu lur- piace. The b-.xr_w'\ll be found` Foreign and Domestic liquoraand cigars of the . choicest brands. _ I-Excellent stabling and attentive ostlers. Pleasure boats.` Fishing tackle and vehicles ` forthoyconvenience :or `summer guests and tourists. The Hotelis situated on the margin of the {Lake and within :1 minutes walk of the steamboat` ` ` A 87.3- I)f.\`nCY MIILTON (me of lhegrrn _ , nf l3~mlt_0n at .\lcC:u'th_y) and Mr;HA)I|L- T<).\' D. ST]-)\V'.~\l(T, have entered into co-part- '[:x'rSMp~ with_Mr`.=3rs. Louut & Boys, for (.116 ]ir.u:1'n:e oftheir profession, in Barrie, under Uw rm name u_t Ivlcssrs. Bou1ton,Louut,B0ys and-Saewart. -' - on`m:_.nunzop Strccf, Barrie, oi-or Mel _(`v::.';r-y .`,2(.'n.`s biyrc.- ' ' V ' _` ..~.. ..,..-.1-.~.u xrul urn`: LI. TL.

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