Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Feb 1870, p. 1

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|__ 1 V... K0"5tI.'9.N' . . 'F`;3.'l``* }; Counties afinwae 'V Cardtell. Anonsss--no.muoxi,P;9; . I I 151-__.-.5 EP0l!'l.'0ll Dr "Ann. lv-M Bikwvw `WY: . 'nmi1.m> .ai51ill'l;' .~ I 7\'VUl'|l- _ _ June, 1868 . 1I_si,1jer~of = ;`E`n-Ms:' $1 `per. year. ` "In advane; u .JUu_N U. utuuucuv, U Stayner. Possession can be given immediately. 896-tf ' WE(x\:`1LATl {GEMEN'IA` OF THE 1Io'1'j:`:;'t.:`9.'X14~,'1T)'XLiiiiNS;. ()I"FICE--IIunu.vmnxo Smszr, lconnxieeivoob. .\'uvcr"`` 1862. . . -. , 1 ` 1 1LU_I_1u U1 1J1J11HJJJU1_lUl1J1`Ull 1`%?rernS_t_I2d `=0 I-~ (SL'cqasou TO A; .\11scA.\11'BIsz.;..)_ C1lRISTOEHER_A.HARR1S.Q1Tgj. _ .._....._...n :.i Juan ' ` B-._\I`.RIE, COUNTY s1,\'1C`0E. DUN_LOP `STREET, BARRLE. EOTEL l=_o_g SALE..1 .ROYALHOTEL \ `AND comxomous STABLING. nnr6ayron7- at 1'3: .-"n -IQII` ZIQTE DULl_Ul1U1t uv L1nnv:.1y_n1, uu.vr;..u .z9.vVCER, &c.'- ' ` Ux-'nc':.-On Peter Street, next. door to U16 Post Utcc. - - V .A ' furillia, June, 1868. 23- .~. . \~ivi1i" `E-T ii'I'u1I\T;1t\i\T D5359? z Pnoranrrok. ` . . ` Pll0PRlE'l`0ll. Proprietor. 825. 900- 5 IWw?$@I39@ - .n=:_s`x`m:.\'c:-:2. - A11r'1122n, 1869. Rssxnzuczu :--The rt Cottage East ! of tho E resbyte_x:ian Church. _ . V ` > ' - (1 `V Q\\rr\1:"1'.\Qrn.r '. ' J.`J:.M I:A.L`NA1JY;m-A--_ V . ]3A1iR1S'.L`ER, ` A T '1` 0 RN EVY_- AT`-L'AvW, I - lNuf\` urnvr or QUEEN'S connauia, _As:D' Liceiztiatc of the Royal CoZZege_of Pity- T szcians and Surgeons. n...`..\...m.. . V A .... .. 1-1!y :.lm.rged.- T`!-IE uhdersigned is. prepared to effect ioan for any amount, from" $20'O`upwards,_ 0n_ the security of real estates, for any `numb:-.1` `Of years,f_'rom sue toflecn, `the borrower_ chooses, an` the best terms,,:1nd'ut the lowest l'(1lBS.--.- `Expenses strictly moderate- No commission AGUS BELL. coL_bwAfsn smear. ORILLIA. M. the late rezidence bl` Pr} Ramsay. '4 . .:mie Jn'n.V5lhV. 1966: "ma. `APLTHU_I{ ARDAGH, V \iEMBP.'R ,ROYAL COLLEGE 01`_ SURGEONS. .`.. `III - GoLbzv}n'r:`,... "Mom 1 MuNEv%`!FiL%'Me:Ev: !% H `- . Mo1 iey T (I-`ORMERLY`DRS. scnom:-n=1.n & WATSON, noNpHs.w,) v- ` T j .--....-.. 4`... -.-----u--4--us-q-./v 'Residen`;,e` Mr. Charles McGae s,Tl1orntou. Thornlou, ASeVp1emb`_e_r, 18`G9. 89".`!-)1_v. I I V .1 1. 1. Luuu. ;-.1 ;-an u, v > (.'o:n'cy1uu"cr, CaIInniss1'on:'r'in B.R.', 6'6. Heir and Duvisec Claims prosecuted. Agent ~_1'u' the Canada. Landed Credit Company for ouninp; `moncyou Real Estate. ()FFICI;'--Nc::t .l"n_1I:I; Kean's -Store. ' V_ .:I)c.c. l,'1S$J8.' ` . .7 343._]y. PH1*S1c!;4z\; 's'U1eG'1?:oNs; Acc0Ucfm:UR, l~ i ?i~EiE`1}6$fI>}tu\aA1$i;jiTi~:T"" BUILDIWSAVINGSSOCHITY `A-"LL persons xn want of moricy, fof one or.` - V Mn years, can obtain `itpn fox':11s more :n1vzmlagcons tolhe bormwer than those of any other S'0cie ty, b_y npp_1_ving to _- . ' '7 WILLI.-\.\l SANDERS, ~I .L.S; s Dy. nnvn I7zcm'2m'azc:l pursuant Vtoth-c Acts of the | axn\.Iuu unguu, .Af>pru'1ser and Surveyor for the Cu`nad'n_ 1 e.rm-anent Building and Savings Society 7 -Sfm:hmnntm_1. 14111 August, 1866. .34. 0FFICER'ing St.,:u. few doors West of | Clluircb _St., 'oroulO. V ' _ _ 1- IIIENILY. CI .ESW1CI'{`E,_VJ_u:\'., Provincial land Surveyor, I ? `VALUER. &c.. T `I LA TE` 0F_ KLIIVEBERG, , ....., V. V _ ' 'DUNLOP-STRl_}'I`, BARRIE- . Coroner /urthe County, of. Simcae. October 2nd, 1860.` 1' _ _Aj.BEaT FOWLIE, V V Provincial Land 3 Surveyor,` r Ann 2. t:vvJ\rbna.r'- 'nrvD7n'1 siiiblishcd W!39k'l5'i in lie7"l`own of Battle, `every, 'l`ui7nsn.\Y morning, coiitni_ning;the' cu:-rent iicwsof the day, and all matters _;-ertaiiiing to the ai}`airs_bftlie County. Price ` - 3.. in aamnce.-r;s2.oo if noipaia at the -'_ r so 1u;n_ one 4.: Professional or time` of -suhsci-i_p!ion._ . , r-v3i;risixu-Six lines or under, first i`nsertio_u 9' Inc; each subsequent one? 1`2gc. over 51; . lines, 16 pei-liiie,rsI. insertion; each sub-,- Business 7 can-.13 54 .par ygar $3 for six mdnths, it`? not more than ten lines . Special contracts 2 .c;i:i be made by the year, or parts` ofa. ' . . , - l _ve.u-. Orelcrs to discnntinue Advertise- iiieuts t0'l)e made in writing. , 0 paper dzsconlimied until all atrearages llFC{Il:(1, .lXCC[)tl. the option of the publish- Ql'. ` . . _ . ,umuum. . N B'.-Valuations ca1'efu_Hy'a.ttended to. June, 1869. AR CHITEO '1' `.5-'0an'z'12*Ni;`fI14vE1.'1; ` ' BARRIE._.__ i..o-:.'. I ! n M D..kl!..' ur....I.`- n__-_L___"._; )N npprovd freehold security,` and at mode- 'ratc Intcrc'st.' - ` ' ' Apply to ' . Annuzn M:-n.\m1 Kr _ . .:..v:.LJu.Lu.L.I.u.__ ._ , _ ' `_ Late in H. B. M. Pnblid Wo_rks- Department Hung-Koug_Chi'ua. V ' _ I882-Gxlno. \PRnvI,NUiWiL31S,BYEQR I 110 IITTJLI-`I'll Ax? ADDTRISCF auu Durv\:;.'u1' xur uu: \;2u:2.um _ ` Plermarient Building and Savings Society. 1 'J'.x1y,l8G4. _ . ' `My 1 PPLY TO JAS. EIJXYAVRDZS, Rqyl Insur. L unc,Of}icc, _l$o.rrie. 941'}. \\ HAl11.`\.\I DA_ 1V lll'.l\n`!, '1 .` V. - - B.`-xmm-*., . Appraiser aw] Surveyor for the Canada Pm-m.-ninm Building and Savings Socil Mr. FRANCIS I'2ICH.~\RDSON,'Ptesiden,t_. _ 4` A ARTHUR LEPPER, Vice-`President. J. R._ COTTERV,H lountv Crown. Attornev-,% :1`. .\ L`DI\"I` ND '-n" JUSTICE Is THE GR-EA:..'1',B[U'I,` S`;IMPLE PRINCIPLE," AND THE WHOI.` eclueu wun accnracya.nu'nespa.!cu. Jgentfor the ETNA _-.Harl_ford, Conn - - Aug. 24,_rss9.- V. . ~ 3?--'=.-=83`-'4-lyr-p. ' ;u1nn:>uu:vI_m_rr us: 5!: u._w--i. -mm.--.-_-.......... ` -_oi_'LBa,xrie<,,;nu,d.t.he Tnuvglin -, Pqbtic`-, mat: ` and UGGIES` rd:-._ he has": on_ |x .ni!9v;.3Q,R5,$ -- ;1_1k1znV-~vzz:mndeuu chug . `rs ` gm pa; S.jELL!OT, 1-1) WeNT:9`{{%[{+;fEm.i{ M 61w5iY 71*b,`"f.`1*1'\`if ,~o./.-v.a.\,.n,v~n.n, Vrvvvmvx ~\...-..ra-.v\.v-vvv~ 99;. J. H; WATSON, f1;vIoNE~Y_'r9 LEN`D; f DR. J. A'.ARDAGl-l_, .n:1m.L:1I, ARDAGH & B a1'rister and Avttorneys, 1 Solicitors in Chancery, 7\v',.;,.-...`.m n..'z.7.-.. n..;..- - _ - DH;sANDERSON, QRILLIA. ` WM. Mom'num CLAIlK,`SO1iCil0Vr. -Wx,VPymm, Secretary and Trcashrer. mm A.` ; J. %STE\lABT,% P"nu Fi~s.L1i;~1*.`* ;i{6`s? " `CIVIL ENGINEER, JMoNEv;r*g;J LEAN; I Oppo`:`ite` ti; V [31t'iwSbS`:i%igs"`aftiifihabiuiie. n as-~v:"x`;; .-1>:w._: gm IRJIUGHTM ./IN ,_ JPPR./2IER,.CON VEYANCER. INSUR.dNCE' L.dND v JND _ GENERJIL AGENT, uuntrs. L - `_ -` -,nu'I Apply to ARDAGH, ARDAGH & S'I`R-ATHY, Sn!vir5i[nrs. 'Ba'.r;'iE T v.'JOH1\T MCMVULLEN, (L ACCOUNMNT, Notary PUBLIC \vv\ An.--an . . .-.--u-u lxvsvr . - - V --- ---.-u ~ -v-.. v 7` LAND 5; GVEVNEAIAI./IL` JGENZ, ' T ORILLIA. T _v..1...o:,..... ........:-..n.....u.....-1...: 4",. .t}Ei3fSfTfxiE,7Z7i{i?J" .P7'o_m'ncz'al 1 a_rZiamemt. (LATE on` Tono.:7o,) I wuun. uo V G. W. SAx\'IDFJRSO_N, 'M.D.. .\1.n.c.s.. am, E'1s,r1.=_u1"1 AND SIMCOE A 41.11 Exam ' CIVIL ENGINEER, Mr 9` 1- luv:-\u'u-row y L'l. ' , n ~?n.\~.~., I3oozmz.\`un;n~au_ Rumsc done on_ the :, !u.(:}Ii$(`.=.. -'l`hc- fzlciiitiei Of the E_stab1isb- "nu-n . are more complete than any other"; _,V:n1'Ll} of Toronto, having becn-ca.refu1ly.i ned` out in every particuiar. - `Jo - municalious sl1o1_xld be vaddresxed to the ' Publislzcr, post-paid. 1 " ' h nbnmw" - renal!-I "'""" ""5 ~ VALUER, sic-, AN GUS BELL, ....... 2.... 41.. (`,.`....J' :11 oz. a_ 1 xx-A-1 n .1 , Solicitors, Barrie. . A , . 245:` ` BARRIE; TBarr1fe,.Ont'a%rio,: iThu'rsday Febru` '43-lyr 843- 4" 7: -. l.`l.\"l !:`I\ S`. .'I'I"I l')R.\.}':Y510Ll(7I' ' TI)R..9', Sc- ' . '1" 1'::--.'\\'.-41L-rn Assnr:u)ce:BuiI}ings,Church h`:roet,'I7orm1to, _C.\\'. in A 11;} _ . _ _ _._ Banister" and A'tto1'n`ey_-at-`law, % .S JL1C`['l'()R /N ("II.- I_.\'(.`ICIfl" 'CONI'}'.'Y- ,4NFER,m,&m,. ` CO0KST()\VN,- C.\V. o6Jw r K W(7(.;ofnliIi1ic(Ii.)V `W Simpie as was .1 heir ropast, they con- tinued to while away nearly three liburs 4 over it. ()=cur was :1 lnrgeeater; and tl_ien, as the Captain was furnished with some capital . cigars, `they both crzusumed some time in smoking. Os- ' car tried to tempt the Captain) todrink more than `wasigood for him, but the latter was an nbstemiolls man and knew when he had C,I'lUllgh.v ' A.`u_.__.i'_ 13-...-- ...-........_-..l o.. ...... IHJUVV W [Hug nu uuu c,uuL~5u.- Atdlenglh Franz x_xppeare'd, to say that tl10'ho_rSes were put. to, and that all was in readiness for that gentleman! 19 proceed on his journey While the lad was_makinglh1s announcement, the widow, bill inlnand, was added to the scene, ' 1n n__._:.- n..:..;...... ....,a..L ...... um suuuuav T. Now,-taptain Baintree spoke exe- erable German, and he read it with great diietilty. a lie took,the slip of paper from the ..lundlad_v, and, alter making `several grimaces at it, hand- ed it to Oscar" Grant, "who received it with an eagerness hecuuld hardly 't'c_>nccalL lblu,.tun, owed a little. ac- coum, which he mustrsettle ere he could leave the wido\v?s hostel. Cap- tain Bu,i'ntree s partial ignorance ofthe German language was a most fortu- -nate circumstance for Oscar at. the present moment. He drew the land-. lady apart, and in`an' undertone, ask- ed her what he .himself owed her. A Af'te'r rapidly telling off severalitcms on her ngers, she named the amount. Q.-....l nn nnnllunr }u\flln nr II1|l1l3 UH HUI llllscla, any uunuyu unv unuuuuu Send up another bottle of wine, madam, and the.n I_ will pay you this gentleniaifs account and mine both to- gether, said he loftily. _i V Wliereupcm shemude her exit. How much have I to pay '! demanded ' ths=.Captain, pulliugout hispocket-book, . null producing some` pieces ofsoiled imsy paper, which he cerelessly threw on the table." There, Just see what i tlxesetliings are, and give her what gshe w.m*.ts.- I never shall _lem'nA the diflereutmoneys, and I dout want ,1o; in fact, e1 m heartily sick of the ` "xv-l1ole_ContinenI,Vand:shzill be delighted A I, T .1... ._ I ..-n.....-._.I f\..A-_ when 1 can hidit an ' etern-a`l farewell; \\ llt:U .l l:ull_ulu gl. uu ckcnuun uucwcu. Ah, I dare say! returned Oscar greediivy clutching fit the t_halerTbills`. These dollars, and kre_ulzers,' and gr'_osg-hens, and. thalers, are, at first, a great bore to understand ; butI'll make I i _ T itnll right for you. 1).-p\c-r|r|Cll1'l\t) lIo::-`nu! rains:-mar` Inuit IL illl llslllg IUI "UH- Presemly the widow returned, wilh A :1 bottle 0f'w_in_e and some fresh glasses. Oscar placed some bills in hex hand, which he pressed signicantly, and sl1e|1o:!ded,uhd smiled, and curlsied up- on perceiv'iu g 111:1! he had given her rt "whole, thaler more then she had charged; VI!-.1... ..la.-`I nninrl ll-so rtennn urn" cuulgcuu _ '- Theu -she quitted the room, well jplensed. with what she had received ; [and Oscar, humming avtune;-returned to the `Captain the rest` of the notes`, which he put. away; withoutusking `any question. ' - n=nnrl1nnI1at` n aim`: Vnr n'I`nl\1 ng rally VIIIIUHLIUII. V V Oscar henveda sigh of envy as he saw the other thrust the well-lled` book` back into.his pocket. It was enough for the old knave thathe had made free with the Caplain s money "asgheo had; he hungered `to possess himself of all that the pocket-book contained. W'ell, who knew but" he .might.be able to do so ! The Captain was evidently a careless person, and rich inlo the bargain; `Oscar was de-A lighted vlo elmve encountered `shim thus,` and __vyas- determined lo` `turn the meeting to good account for himself.- lo um ; annex:-I u-Inian nnr' linvnllar: lHU('.'|.lHg_ LU guuu ussuuuuv. up vutllu-30:10 It was sunset when our travellers siaricd forth. .Bnt there was not a` cloud in'tlae rmament, ahd, after 'dark, :1 full moon would rise to light them on their way. nauounn A-x-unnint` On `an :n `I:lI1'II\II:.V EDGAR 1."'s}i7}iI5'iji{, . `T1`()P.\'ICY-A I`:L.AW, souciron IN ,.. .. . . uununnn "`no\ vnnnnr I`.-.w..... ........ .... '1'here s none so welcome, so lhqi Say, .4: '6 o'clock P; M. A _II.ow'many'chi!drcn show delight At _6 `o clock P.- M. 7 How many homes are rendered bright I - At. 6 o'clock P. M.!_' How many little happy-feet. Go ouriuto the-l_:u_s_y street, ; With joyous bounds papa to meet, - At.-6 o'clock P. M] H nu Ju_yuua uuunus papa (.0 meet, _ _ At.-6 o'clock P. M! Thousands bf tables draped in white ' At 6 o'clock I . M. The gafhered families invite V At 6 o clock P. M}; And as they eat the frugnle fare, They qui1e.forget't.heir, toil and care A And drop their heavy burdens there, At. 6 o c1m-,1: P.` `M. nuu uxvy ulrlr ucuvy UUIUEIIS ILIBIU, At 6 o'clock P.` M, Then `blow, ye sh:-ielkiug wistles, At. 6 o'clock P. 31., "And let. the weary toilets go - , At 6 o'lock P, M. Ring out, releasing hell's, ring out I And bid the welkin take the shout, `And echo it all `round about, ' u "Pia r: ,.vn1m.1.' 1: it, - V_..._...-.. The {workshops open wide !>.l1 eix-odoors` ' ' -At 6_'o clock P.'.`d., !Ancl workmen issue forth by scores . At 6o clock P. M. Ofal-1 t_he minutes in array, 4 . Or hovfra that go to 'nu'ke`the day,` -' There s [lacy say, 6 P. M. IIIQTIU PM IIIQII Wily. * . Oscurappeared to be--in highsplrits, but on :tho face of hIsAcomApa_uioVn thgre tested a dark cloud. T ` Thr{$'cdnchma,n, -who was in total ignor'ance fo{ thavt pm of the country, wafsf,dire,clcd1on his waylyy Oscar,`\;o_ nbrbv fn `rnhmv u'I1nru' `iunv-n his ' Unt` was,a{re,c1ca1on ms waypy uscgr,`\vAnn_ appeared to know. every `damzvge toad,` and` ewirybolpaih that_ pges_ented it.-` .A1f_ ` - ' - ' ' ` ' uuu I self. j UPI. $61!. V - Thesho`t twiliglil Had now; given . place ?tOv brightV moonlight, 1and.the Captain luid fallen into; sound and ' sonorious -sleep.` ='=0scar .loo_ked_ out of _thg'~e`a`nfi>ng e wimlo'w new and then, and cu r iqusIy_. trje_d`the fas9e1jing*of `ts V ' dob:,si,onciaor t`wice.`. Thi: vgliiclrwas 'P'3=diE - 31.6-V3!-.` !1l _l a" w'ss'd .-h!.' i ej1,h_?7a'idg.pf whiqh_,,wn$_T ift9d,. l_,:y;_a 5 , f\-..-.. -'._..;l._ IIIIUD V! UUIJI Ogcur -acoughgd 1:6.hl`1y,T hvigrrfel-V 2 llgw-lravel_ler was not .in1the least dine 2 .SOLl.Cl 1'01: IN c11;qNcE1ay,'coNVE16 mw!r`.R, .! V. <;u.uxq .I,I._u_Iuuerer'. V ~ %ca`iaii'%`ge:nsres; Wll`l'l - Imlegq in - .ug;uL..|I_Ill,. pent; is-1 an :1-lcirtilzyre _ 'd;{;E;iIfE.Ei;eB s iii}? CHAPTER VI. ' srx o_dL'o`dK 1?. M. H: IIH YUHIHI HUUHI-. Tis 6 o'clock-9P. 3:. - CHAPTEIi VlVI.' blow, mud, w ty, nn` Aawape df `the fac_t. s'a;nm'ered. ' He is uotgone iureality ; he is having a jestwilh me, that s all, he added,` pulling his head out of the ' window, and `casting his `eyes in all dgrectionsf Holloa, Grant! shouted, at the top of'hi3 voice,--Grant, where are you? ` ` No aniswer, as you may suppose. el ll be ln_1uged.,- Grant, if this nice be- ltavimlr - on your part, continued - the Captain, txking s1il|luudly,and direct- ing --his wo_rds to space. Wllereare you`! Confound it, man, don t act like a fool`. A V ` l'\r , , -I ' V - vvuvuv. HID lllall D tllllllllyo What s {he meaning eot'_.this? he I I nnu .An_IJ lJ|!lAVI. 4l\.`\l.l_ HUIXLV 1, \.Il\-IIIUI-Hf V J Ulce on Peter Strut-t. V ' . _ - \\'ild`nnd Improved I~`arms"in the Connnea of Ontario and Simcoe for sale. _ :r2.=r......1. ....I..`,..1 .....a ......o.-. ....n-..a..A` ' It... -_ uuvvv iiyvifupiterl eixclaimic-d the ' speaker, jumping out of thevchicle. 11ul4loa! he shouted once more. _ T _ ']'hen thereiensued a pause. A . this moment, the couchmun s eye caught sight of the openpocket, and he` pointed it out to him; . 'Pl1nnr"or' I113 115::-HI 1171... 19... I_._.. uvva_|G qr um `mun, _ _ Oscar immediately plunged inloilhe wood, and the vehicle went on up the hill; gnining._the top of which, and perceiving that the road was now split -into three, the driver checked his horses, aliglnted, and asked` which of the three roads he was to pursue ! T Eh, what is theuimatter-2 inquired Captain Bointree, suddenly rousing 'hrmsoli7 up, and looking confusedly around for` his late trav/elling `com- nanmn. ~ ' ` J-JII W panian . RP: Hlllll I . Where 13 the" gentleman,7sir m-V quired the driver, looking in `atvotie of" :lhe winduws upon the vacant carriage seat. . m. ,. _. `..". .. J 01' course, there cahi up reply to the` a`bq`ve._". _ I roach. yh-3 bl moonli Captain te ronsl The bo secured his. km rn|,, The Captain rubbcll his eyes, and echoed, the man s inquiry. \.\ ]1!'II,u {Inn n1nnn|nn '1.` l|\:a 7 L.-. lI\.'IllIU\l IF uul. LU JHlll._ 'I`hunder! he cried. Why`, I ve been `robbed !_ Ass-nss that 1 have been, to trust a strangerl--aerascal with :1 plans- ible tongue! He has stolen all my money ! ' V , - And the captain stamped and swore. He knew not what` to do. There was noehabitalion of any`sort wilhinsight, and no sounds were to be heard, save the cries ofthe night birds in the leafy woods close (by: . am [:51 um: u.:... 1;... ...:n-:_ _--_ -_---. , vvuvua \.4_IvJD J) . Uh,Tif I had him but within-mvgrasp -lhe rascal|y to`-ber! Captain Balin- tree weuton, vehemently. Then he sprung" - back into the carriage, and bade the goacllnlan mount his box, and drive` on.` ' M _H'_.. 1 v... ._ ull V u uu. Btu which road am I to take sik? {he man asked`. ' - l'i .1 in . - Uu\:ul0 auu oxmcoe `tor S818. ' 53I Lnntls vnltied and rents collected, Mel`- chants books made up 9.nd`1u'mnged- accurately N.B.--Speci~.tl attention paid to collections -an-J prompt rexuittapces made. RSCIFIEII!-f\:|*I.~: __nn- n I . nD`InnaAI\ Qnnnhun nu.-u uuuyu u 1 7_Any you like, theCaptam answered ~w-uh an oal`.1.: ` ` A _'_-.~._1:-,n,,, .v~ . . . . ` vvuu all uatu. - AccofdiI1gly;l1ie vehicle once more ; moved onward. T A -' TI'7l-_._ IV__,; ' 11 - i IlIUV\;\.| UIIVVUIUO 1 When Captain Baintre, waiting at the rai_lway station, had found that his wife did not nppezuthere atthe ap- pointed time, heat once returned to the hotei, resoived,'ifshe were Still there, to take bodily possessiun of her. But when he went to her apartments, - he found them vjacant, and, on inquiry, he was told that the lady had Just left. Tml't! \Vi1ilI1nr irnc ulna lrnnn 9 Ihg IIU :1 an) Left ! h gent|e.mu.n~ demanded. . I IPI. _ sum uuu uu: Iuuy uuuJusL le. Whither has she gone 2 the 1.: .1 c.- 5| . u n IUJIIKOII u\'- unauucu. The waiter Mreplyed that he did not know. Whereupon` the Captain" pro- duced a small gold coin, and su'er,ed~ it to glisten-in the eyes oflhc other. ! \7nlI thin ? lrnnuy u.L.-nu- cl... L..l..9_ L 1|. Lu BIA-JBUll'lll lull?) cyua Ul UIU Ulller. 1 You don t know where the lady s gone ! repeated the Captain. 7 Nu. sir. was lhp a'Ln'u DIV!` p..l....o.....o i.',uu\; 3 nurouscu ull! \4i.ll)Hl.Hl. No, sir, was the slow and reluctan answer. * ` ' n... .I,_ ,,,,-I ~ - ' `V'- QIIQVV MI I Ilefe: lhe gentl'mo`.u drew fortlfa. seqoud_piece of gold, and, shutting both hands ]ing|ed the two together. Run`: imncin uvna .....-...'..a:l..I-. `L- uuuo Jnuslcu ulu I-VVU I.UgUll|Cl'. Such `music was irresistible; ;waiter s iheaxt was melted by pslmin. T ` . II, I I I .1 an - B|ll-All! .lIe looked up the gallery, a-n.d [then ` down, before he spoke. ' ' 1 - '[`hn'lntlu a `nnnn ..n`:.. ..`...;....:__._ L, V liumm, Q51`. F,FICI-I-I)_uu1opvStrce't, m it - to ' Arrntrdng'I - .\':urt:. ' ' . uuIV ll, 'll'.7lU|U IIU IKE: , The 1ady s `gone off in acarriage, he whispered. L ` Yes; ' Well ! V - -And she s not coming back here, Sll'. T v Gdon. T - v ` I only know her first halting place, and that I heard by` mere nccxdent. 'I`Iml urill An `II. ..-..........1 .l_. rc_,, uuu nuts I. Ilvlu y I_UKU lwclenl. ` That will do. Its name? the Cap- tain eagerly demanded- ` A A If it! n lhnvn Iv:l'r\1-I11 '..L_.-A 1-.- . gun-A \.ju5\'JII, uUlullUUo_. _ It isu. more village. about fourteen i miles hence, sir, the man rejoined. Alt - is called Formanzbach. ` T Formanzbachw! repeated the gentle? man * 4 ` V __ -_-~-------nuns o nvrvlllvtl llU SUIII-IU man- Yes, sir.- _ _ ' And you say it is about 'foutt'een milesdistantl ' - ` ` - . `Tn. V_____ V.` . ,.. o luuu-:ul3I-ltlll. X l. Not more sir, replied the waiter; again looking `furtivaly around. - W 4 CHI ! I IIIIVA n nnnununnnn.lnc%...o usqlu uuumug 1uruv_oJy around. And can I have n conveyance-tothat ` place`! as `ed `the gentleman`, anxious- hr. = ` ` ` `A Cnptmh LBziAin`tre put the twb pices ofgold into the sp'eake_l" .`pa)lm, and than tamed 'uway.to'procurg-a canny- nnce to,-take him fdrthwi; t6 'Fu n'na`nz- Ibnch, and e'lsewhe'r_e;'*'qho1Ild` 'hofnot, succeed in intercepting his'wito a ight pln'ce_;.'._,.g , ; .._.. 7nf * 'nnnoung_.I I- I;:..'. ' _--._ -l\A- before the quilted tho-abdv`Ve;m_en&l_i9n_ed . What 3 happened to him ' soon.aer- Vwardagvqe have nafratecl already; whgt y_et fin to happentohim the raider ihbll 'sh9I`.tly`leam. - ~ * + `L ` ~uuu prompt l".3Iu1UB._nCOS maqe. l{ursm;.vux:s.-IIon- D. L. McPherson, Senator; llou. John Sianpsou,'Snator; Hon. G-.. Craw- f.nrd,_Senntor; Hon. M. C. Cameron, An us Mormon. F.sq., M. P.; John Morrison, Esq... A P., '1`. D. .\I.cConke_y. Esq., M.P.; A. P. Cock, and Ramss v-. Ormin burn. 341- 1 ll-P.P.; Wm. Beatty, E3q.', M.P.P- J 01111 Ham Perry,Vsq.',Wlxithy; Doctors Corbett 3 nn Hus ~W.Htnv-u nf Ihn `By the mereat chance, theeoafchmani had`-chosen the direct, toad -'t_'o` TW anh- ' .,b_urg. . : But he wuf not aware '0!` ` that, facHyI1il_ ho |_|'l'iV ed _nt,'.nd . .94 .159. ..ii:inh!9-:.of,s. -1,t!1o um. .-I I.-;.. `;Is9wa of 4 94" ' A % 'I-.: 4 ` "e dam-V about mar, and with. an need, ~ouAI3T1:3, v;11:r; . the {the II-FQQI u ` `Yes, entirely unexpected, sir. A" lady; her courier, and two [servant-men, V travelling privately` in u Inagmcent carringe-[-`a princess, probably, jovmey- ~ing incog. Amongst . people bf high rank, i!. s fashuonableto-do that kind of thing now, sir". Al. . :...l..`-.x I .__..-..__,1,n, , Ii ' sunua nu \I, all 0 Ah,- 1'uded.' retumedthe Captain. And so the old lady and her attendants have eaten up a]Hl1e{oodi:1:_l1e house.. Coufound themall! T 'lVI.- __..._.I `I ' ' - ` . . I m Bzuntree expressed Ins snr.-_[ lliis piece o[ unwelcome iufo;- ' nd asked mine hostwherefore such anempty larder. . ' two hours ago the, la'rder,was empty, the lundlord assured - leman. But since that time he had losupply four hungry travellers Wllll a hundscome repast.` - .()li, cnmn nnur suit! nnnsnvnnnln nu ` 11 us: (5 nuuumzuuu lU}hl3|. .Oh'_, somegnpw and tmexpecied ar-` rivals, I suppggie? said, the Captain, pretending to make this" `inquiry ..care- I lessly. T ' ' vnu nnl:-nlu I1r\l\|-r\r\o|.n:' ...'.. > A Pi. l)'.-\IiUY BHUL"1'_(').\' (late of 111%} rm ut |`..n11m11v& .\Ic(_7.n`th_v) and .\lr-.IIA.\HL'- ;.\' I). SI`I`I\\'.\I{'l`, h:1v(:ent1 rediut0 co-part- sip \\"zll1..\le. L-`mun ,& U0y.<,~f0r the .xv.-tive"n. "1hvir pr0t`essir_n1;, _-n.t_.B;gri-jo, _umlv'r. ', -1 mm. M. me of .\I.-ssrs. l1mr!tox1, Lount Boys" uunllvklllu uncluuu; ~'l`he gentleman made a. mistake. V.'I`h lady was not only young, but lzu11dsoxxxe~-l1andsome as an angel! Alhe inkceper replied , with considerable. en- Ihusiasvn. But he was much afraid `that she was in some sort, {of grief, for she was dressed in the d_,eepesI mourn- ing. und "her lace was full of sadness. {`|....o..:.. i1...'..._,..J.. 1.--... uh, .- , , nus; uuu usu Igloo wuo lllll Ul suuucss. . Captain Baintree s heart leapt. in his breast. o 1le.had feurd,and very natu- ially so, that the man who `had robbed him, had l!keWiSe deceived him with reference to the route pursued by his fugitive wife. 7 But he rejoiced to nd that it had proved otherwise. He cared nothing lor his money now ; in fact, he scarcel gave the subject a serious thought. The s_um oi which hehud been robbed was no mean one, but he hudaliout him 9. letter of order for a large amount, which he could imme- diately convert into cash atqtlie first bank he could find. . ' \xn;-, I I -' ' Iuunn II] The lan'Ilord was Aquilte awed." A gentleman who could nffdrd to laugh at such alloss_as that which he had. just sustained must belilemlly made of T m_:mey, he tl1oughtwil'l1in, himself. Nr\I|r r`nv\9n;n Dnnb-an V:--.... _.`-on`.- |u_uuu , us; I.|Luu5l|I.Vvl|llAll' ulusacu. Now, Captain Bnmfree was revolv- ingfin his mind how he should act; =w`hether or.not he should make the in- kecper acquainted with his story, and ask his assistance. He did Vnut_'s'-e` how he conI_(l possibly carry out the plans he had in View without his help. I'L=,|()nkbrl nt hie hncl an:-I nrilinnllu uaun IIU uuulu uuu. When he diseovcred how near he was to her for whom he had ` been in eager search, Captain Baiutree was faiu to put up with any sort of` accum- mudatieu, and accepted some bread tlitdwine in lieu of more substantial fare. And} he was quite chatty and agreeablewith his host, whom he in- formed of his late loss, all `the while lnugliing, or affecting to laugh, over it- merzily, ` A V Thu l..u,ll,...1 ....... .....'a._ -`......1 - `A uv uuu nu In:\v nuuuul HID |lCl_ll. . He looked at his hcst, and critically examined the e_xpression of"his Jace, -which was broad and good-humored looking enough, but which had a cer- tain stamp of creduiity upon it. _ ' "Hi:- _e Hip rnnn uyl-in nnnhl ha nmuln in i Lulu -lluxull un pxcuuuty upuu II. `He s the man who could be made to believe m_1ything,[the captain said with- i in himself. He's of.the wrong sort of -stuff for an hotel-keeper. What is yourename, worthy man ! he inquired aloud,-and bestowingva most. benignant smil_e upon the master of the house. I(innnn cir Hun .'.II'..-... .................I .1- ouugc ul:uI_| |vllU Iuubtcr U1 H16 Hllusa. _ Klopcmsir, the other answered, do- mg Ins best to stifle a yawn. Khmnn 'Pl1nnIz Inn! \\r..n In........ I nu" Iuo ucol. |.U auuu it yLl\V|lo aiilupeu. 'l`hank_you._ Well,Klopen, .I want you to listen to me. Yes, sir. ' . Now l'beg you will my attention to what lam about to say, the Captain added, in a grave manner. - "1 oglun-.u.. ...... -14--1-- 4- ~~-- uuyuu, Ill u. BILLVU lllillllllifo '1 always pay atlenlion to my cus- tomers, sir. None can go away from the Murg Iuuuud say to the con- nnn "|p\`:nIrn `O7L..L T -_.. __- `I A----~ ' WAL'1;E'R` 1{EX'i`ING; .191` 0 R N E Y-A T-Lg llulll , `I can believe Atihat. I can read your I dispositiontlwronghly,my good Klopen; and feelnssured that a noble heart beats under that plush waistcoat of yours ! ' ' , _ _. . .u . .. -. . _ - v At this the land_lord s visage ushed all over,and his eyestwinklqd withsatis- faction and pleasure. lIe_stanm_1cr`ed forth ulew umntelligible words, and then stuck fast altogether. V..~q lrnn I fnu' Ania ""\`JIlVI.I.lA ...:oL I Luuu atuun ldh ullllglllf. V Yes, you, I feel can sympathize with the misfortunes . of another. Stay`- are you `a married mnn,`I(lupeu'! Ha hsurl henn tvmhlnd nnlu n hnnni`-u unu yuu _u _unuI|5u Inuu, .l.\lU[)I':ll : He had been weddedonly a month, he `returned almost bashfully. And vruflnvn unnr unfn a'n.2......|..A uu. nut-u|ucu' anuuas uulnluuyc ' And you Iuvo-your wife, iusinualed the Captain, 4- in lack , she is to you the dearest thiugvou the face of the whole earth`! . ' `Ir: ,,,'1 `I-. 1 ; -- .K|:p'_u s eyes glistened o{ a` sudden, and [)r9seutly hemrned aside and drew` his{s'eeve across them, _fromVyou `I ' Ah, 1 see -I` understand, Klopcn, happy man as you are !' the captain conlinued,rin an exaggerated `manner. Now, what would you do, supposing she, your beloved, were to run away 'I`l1e jiujkeeper s countenance assumed an expression of alarm lg1d_icro1is` "to be- hold. But Nanette would not run away from me,:'snid he. DIl\"IlIh'IY nu! 1I'I.......- `l 1.-L -.`--- - ` drm; ` awn, uunn Inc, an u . ' ._ Probably not, Klopeu. But women are not to be trusted, as. [Lean well You, s`i'r? ; 7 T . ' `Alas, yes, Klopen! Beholdin me a woman : victim}: `V ' ' '_ ' ' n vluuu D V II)! I |ll.:' Blessed saints !; exclaimed the other. T I lligife a wife; lovely as an angel, and .she s_own.away-frcm me, and in` ,d0ii1ghas so nearly brpl`cen'my- heirt! . And- with 1h.-ml usma: ..|.:..s. 1...: c.0.inuss10.\*1:n IS: 13.12., aomg nas nearly brpken`my- heart! And; with .thes_e' wordi, which had "been denve'n=;au mh ' dinmatic elect, who speaks: bowed hisilxeadfupon hi; -- "rn. '.-2'. -"zr . . --5,12. _uvs_ n_uvwug Wlll I I0 8_8 . ' 4 V }Ah, your` `pity n!'e'!`-'cried ihe, Captain, lsi\i.ti1ing'(sf:wild`n'eAssa- Gracious - %9!:2e!9??-Idistzs!dL!. 7 ~ ` V 94 .. v T vureur. :Qh.if,exlaimi_.iI _I;|'az,v not. 'kno.w;nfg what I to say. ' ` L =`Ah'.` vb:I7:`niri~` rs.-.;;. .| an. n...-...:.. 2 a sort ofsurly thanksgiving, ring theVhouse,' he ask.-d, :11 man, for some refreslnnem. At he innkeepera shook lus head d|y,'saying that he -was scr_ry the gentleman that he _.had .in `the house to give him 'lo,i govERNv1EN'if.?* V nu: uvucc, 3.11! _ ' i ` ){ei1.are right, Klopeu-a-you are right, . t was the response. [ ' The man passed his hand across his! temples,and stared at the Captain. I , can t believe Pmrawake, sir, he! said; after a pause._ It surely cannot; be; and yet it. must be, for] have not "other lady guest under my root, ho` sentences. . . . Is it she? ' A ` 1t._is, Klopen. . ~ - The man looked utterly confounded.` \Vhat say you, now? Was it mere: chance that directed me here, to the`! very threshold over which she had just 1 crossed? Ne-;`the angel ofjnstice has; guided me hithentlmt I may pull deg struclion on the head o{,her iwhe has, so cruelly wronged me ! The lnotel-keeper showed signs of great uneasiness, but he uztered not. a; word. ` ' ` . l I 1 v added, delivering himself in detached I 6 um oquuc IUUI wun Del IV . _ The same too! with her? repeated 'the amazed and bewildered inkeeper. Blessed saints! he comirined, looking `around him in great distress. `The same Ifoof !` Why, that means here---in , mp house, sir? ` Vina urn -C.-Lo TI"l-'.,-, ` ` I "word . `tiny-service you may do, ` , _ --.. -v ur-uu am: uuu Just ] "`"`' _ ` crossed ! has; Then Isliull act iinnzeilmtely. (win. has; the sofa came a dog (lam ui..it,... `.1- me! ~nume its palrticnlar breed)---:1 r-4:17? - ol ,CUiW=`l-lU'8h Will! '-`YES ;n`u;~,r U; 3 i human. He looked slmrply urrvm l . . `_l_iini, us if asking what was the n:u`.lw _ And I charge you, as youafe 3 mm,i'l hen he gazed wlslfully l'n'n H. to render all the aid I may require. 1.: m1755 S ("C9- nm an Englishman, and rich, and Il The". N3e Wk "l' lll ` shall not fail to well rew `- ',r A42`. '- md you go, I-amp,0;:e'ned lhe.room-duur, m;;I, ff . ` ling the-light wnh her lamp. ")u':'.- l , 1 l1.nf'; n'ln Ln ....-..:,i.._ The lmlv Rn!` II'l'\llI-no.1 ...... l.-AL pude_[()pza! she called. Anrl tum: llllllvil uu,-'DUlVlU5 yuu Hilly U0. 4 ; T The ladv and y'ourself are both at; ` you my guests, We mun observed: I don ! think I should like -to help to in-V jure Madame, whatevvr her fault mav? be, Klopeu contvinued, with a shake 0'1} ins hea . n--._:.. 1` ` - ......., .. 1- an-I. .17.; n In. Denny, I.'4q., 1u.r.r- John Ramsay, Orillia; nnd'the `Editors of the Examiner, Barrie`; (hmadian Post,` Lindsay hhdl Cltroujrtle, Whitby. - I , . - I|Ll'\'I`l\-|--V.I \IU\l,. . B-.1r1'1ster `and Attomevuat-law .=am.1cnfo1z1>: (m..\:_ Merciless womnn ! the Captain we: on. But. I am on her tr:u:l:. _Nuy, more, he added,exui`u'ngiy,l am under the same roofwilh her ! 'Pl\n .....;- .....1 -_.!.I - un. uuyuull U.L`Hl8l]C|E(1. r You are aware, sir, lhat,Madame is` accompanied Ly a courier--a stout lussian, nearly seven feet higl1--and, two other domestics? . * M Were` she attended by Satan him-, seIf', he should not delex me in thxs . businessz. - ` business. 1 V n__ No. 8 Whole No. 911 u 1-: uwllua Captain I3ain{_ree`s brow became clouded, and wratlrs his hrnncl l2..o .............-I.- I Captain in.~tamiy V became wrath's_weHed in his breast. But presently hn subdued his "angry feelings, and the cloud on his brow vanished... Q ".\..l-'.....- 17" V ` um uluw Vu.Ulb'|)8G.-. 1 ' Lookiyou, Klopenybe wise, and act` In this affair as it will interest you hrs` V to act, the Captain spoke in mild * syllables. You would not like me to` go to 9. magistrate, and accuse you oi`- harhoring my lawful (hut. runaway wife in your house? ' Nh nu u n....o...'.-l-- -- ~- the Captain demanded, , ~ - , vv--u-uu_y nut. nu uu3w`en-_;(. I ~3\-U\-U U1 `NC BIC?-'| H':.: l1L|UTCl- the man. But pufdog me,s;,; such an AFor some few seconds, {Le intrude; statement on your pm-L\~.~ou1d be {u[se,`= paused to _ regard V the sltnn`m-n:-v. [do not harbour anybody, - 1Nanette was afraid to awake the f::t ;;; Then suffer. me lo seizaupon mygsuddenly, lest .-he should be alurnzttz, own.- _. - _ and so cry out. ' That much you are welcome to dof OPP5e ` Naeite WOSHIG 9|) r=!|`" sir; and 1 yyju aid V0 in yum. msk,ito`tlte ante-room of which the Cu1.:.t.:t provided you Wm gfve me your word 1 was holding possession. " of honor not to harm me judy-.`. A (fpza ! whispered the wcmnn, `.;.~t;E Can you secure um` doc!-Vof the ing down, and addressing: her t?:;'. apartment ~1n high she is sleeping? which pricked up its sharp f:urs.z:' Li ;looked up at its mistress with an tm`~ . ` .1 ll ' - -- Vnn lift) nIng._A _. _ uuoIuC35- `But there wouid be .s1rifoL in my house, urged the lnndluxd.` Very probably so. _ Bluodshed, mayhup? xNot `unlikely. . `Then , sir--gnod sir, j not Tl_o {mak my dwelling the scene fvf `turmoil, `Let the lady depart hence in your wrongs elsewhere. 1.'l_..A.- - ` -I implore you` peace, and then follow her and make ' to the very uttermost of "In ` Klopeu replied. 4 Ba \aAu\;\V llClUo _ - l Klopen, you area coward-an arruut I I coward! said the Captain in accents of`, contempt. What respect would your spouse feel for you, do you imagine, were. she to know that you refused to aid 0. husband in snatching his wife.` wh'o'is dearerpto you than life itself 1 from the villmious hands which are hearing her away from him? llurk,` ye !-you force the hateful truth {mm 5 me-my trail wife isbeluved by Prince`; Durnskie, and it IS he. who is carryiugl her-heaveunloue can tell whither! ` Is `it really so, sir"? I have spoken. , . Then, sir, I will serve -you in this` y power,f I l : 'I`liauks, my worthy host ; nd doubt` n.t but I will recompense you. A How do you purpose to act, sir? 5 I would seek her presence without? delayeturued the Captain. ` l ' The iunkeeper meditated for a mo- ment or two before he answered. ; A1 ,l..I:..I~.o ol.--- --------A -r' " .l.'4L'llllll.'LI:r, name; . Whitby no In yuur HOUSE! V _ ` No, no ; certainly not, sir, answered me, sir; such part would faIse.f I do suffer, mn In ..-..:.............. In'\-9 g u-Uuu us two UCIOIG D0 1ll!SW6l'do At daylight, they purpose setting out ; on theix journey again. Could you not? wait, sir, until then 1 ` 3 `Y - v ".1 -.- -...-.. -"V" 1 No; I must barricade her room door: at once. i 1 Brt-t"t'l1e lady is `doubtless asleep; Pray do not alarm her bynny violent , proceeding. Stny,sir, Mndam s cham- herrs approached throughnnutlrer, the key of which is on-the outerzside. You can take possession of this room, and, by means of `the furniture in it, secure the door against all intruders. } nrnvin '. Hnntn-H nu-Earl (`nnfnun Rain,` acuulu IIII1 UUUI agumsl. an ll]ll'llUGI'So- i Bravo !`1' bravo! cried ._Captam Bam-i t_ree.-_Your p!an, 'Klopen, is a capital `one. We can do business at once. New lead the way. - . V ' I Klopen took_.up a lamp, and at once conducted the Captain along a pussage,| and then up an old-fashioned stairway, `at-the fopof which three dim corridors presented themselves. ` ,All wasstill. , _. A Allen: is the room through which .Mddame q chamber is reachd, the inn_- =.kepo;r qdi;tl;.`}apusir1g before .n door, 'whidh' he*o`omy~ope ned as he spoke. ' -.4: lfrenlied thnnlhar- * Wnm iv: me me m_n_p.anu go your_ way. , - M There will `not be any scene of ' violence, l'hop'e,'si:b? returnedlhe man.` Yeuvii not`in]me the-character of my I ._hous o .'by';L-'@|I3iII` any son of brawl 1 -ugdgg,It;V!bo(.l~; _ _ , No,j,_no; twp: me. ~ T _ ,-.;:'I>_lmic` y6nr`wo_id,air.`!f ' V _ _;g,Kyles. N;r_lgo."d " ` ' jg ,ou;;pu, ijmrej; 1- 1 & .f'Il;T*. [ X5033 ` ' ' vvnnau no uvuly vlvcucu us H8 8pUKB- ! " Good !`replied the other. Now giveg me the lam ._.and 9 syn". .. ' ``Thera`*51il|`"- nntg~ hamm -3...`- -1` 54nd $52 on if` ` g__ , 1, 'cHA1717:a Ix, $2 not paid in a_d`va,nce. L! -...,.. nuuv:-us lulu; up H10 l;i`_;I`. ,2 lamp, opened the room-duur,' .~.: ling `with Mont` into the corridor. _'l xv,` ,j___ ___,, . I . ` I Inll- , Th"fgct I dolimnihh, air;but 'genIlen1`en kngwwell enough how to deceive; wKen'i`l-suits fthem so to do. I ' vIIII IlL ;....l'L.nI .-:..:..-.l .I__ 11,. . I ' man. ' 'l"l.... _ uvuclve, wnqu II.-Sllll Vtnem IO (10. .YotI re it--fool=, -rejoined the Captain, abruptly snatching the light out of his hand. Get tibout your business, and trouble your head no more about me. And so saying, he entered the womba- forfhim, and shut the door in the {age of the landlord; who stood in the darlmes_s, fairly astonished at llm changed manner of his guest. wl|l." Iran nn v-nnlu'nn L- mvuquv wuy` In wugun H8 acxea 1 What should he do`! He wouh! seek his wife instantor. And he did so, nndtdld her the whole story; to whgch Nanette listened most attentive- ly. Atns conclusion she arose from her counh hastily but said not a word. Rlncad cninlo Nnnnoitn nyln-av Jnn'.- Dun t blame me, Nanette, thorcjs :2 a dear love, You don ! know \\`h:-.1 :~. v.'hcedlin,r; tongue he had while he \.`.`1m ,geHing all he could uut.of me. 13:: pray tell me what.you are going tn .do? ` - I II,__,o.1-- ..uu - vuauscu xunuuut Ul HIS guest. Fool`! ` Well, vet, on reeclion, he really thought he was a. fool ; for who but nhfool would have acted in tho simple way in which he acted? `Vina! `nhnnl Inn 13:; `I II. .......'.I I Haven ! Ijnst [uh] you`! ` 3 Xou7ll never face him surely ? 6 \V|mt, the hrute? No, nu; lizn t-,4 [wise for that! The lady nccufcs um i`bt-.5: chamber, does she not 2 z" Yes? ' ` Very well. ' There are more \v:.'3-4 `than one Into the same chamber. `Number 3 commumcates with it. ` 1 Ah, so it does, N:1nette!;';0!`.h!essr--I i thought ! A woman for evcr, I my! Nllf 11); unn I\vI.rn;on 0.. llklllr .1 PmmsomenToii&iiiiiuanrsmA1, OTTAWA, CANADA; Trunsacu Business with lhe"Patcnt other Departments of the Gnvu'nmnnL " .- `In uulc Ul ulna uucul. IU INC . 3 I couldn t possibly leave it in hem r i hands. Inn 1 I n . .. Ill?! UUIIIEII IIIIGEIIJ LING DIIIII IIUL il VVUl\ln Blessd saints, Nanette, whathdocls this mean? the husband inquired,as he watche I her; - 1A...,____nI._AT__-, ,, ' n \'V(3|\.IIlV I Ilcla It menus that I am going to pres`:-n n the poor unhappy lady from falling into lhc hands of a nwnslbr. , Ycu? Huw? ~ Oh, never fear ! I ve my wits a`r=u* me, I wonder alyou, husband, Um` 1 do! - 1x I. In -no `unuusuu. . n wuunuu nu chat, 1 .-ll_\'I ` -Now, \v|l_l you promise to lc:1\'e the ,whole of this ulur Io me. 1' _._.J_l._h ._,_,'I I__ I -. . . tun: tutu LIIU UUIIIUUY. _ No one was to be'secn,and AH v.2 perfuclljl sfzll. : .Slnexhe ,u crept stealthily [0r".1. \~'.'; :O]'>Zl_l, by her .<;ide,'aIId, reuchnn .2. ;e1;lr:um1 A of the an!i-room '3 I" 7C-aptain Bamtree hm} fus'.v 'wd I `Inst. 5119 M-nl her earbtd iisrr-n. Q1... .. ..l.l |.-,.. 1' an. an ul MCI cur lU HlH. She (umld hear him n!(,'.'ing 5 n.- ' piece of furniture across the o~r u A ' A ', _. . 1 '... M. .`x..,.:....... .. I [tawny u. lulu:-UIK7 u|lJlU3.`- H13 110"!` \\ H gm, and placing it against the d_r,:r ` the other side. order to prevent its being optned In C._ I. . _ a LILI \-VIIDCIILVIIII Wlufs there ? Is xt time in get up ! ;:1skcd Daura, suddenly a\\`ul:iz.Ag, ;.n ;'. ',s'.nrn ng up In bed. ' T Nanee hastened to her sidv. . Not :_z word, gracious Inndmnc---n` ' ;'a word lsuid lhe woman, in a vvaxrznix 1., iln:\n.ner._ -' I I .\VhaI 1s the matter I D-aura cxrshmn ;ed. \\'hy this intrusion) ? Nanette pointed to the cmrr.ncv.i the aufc-chamber, und plncml L-.=; .finger on her lip. ' H93: lhPre' clun ~..:.1 .....I,_ 1...- BIIU vlucl axuc. Sdhscd us to what he as fl!-u..`., IN-anelle glided over lI.o llnre.sluM1 .1 Uun1l,er 3 apa.rl_ment - which \\;\.~ Fortunately,unoccnpied--m;d, .:nfn.x:m:. jug an inner door, `she sloud in (Le pro - seuce of the sleeping Duura. I` Fur snnn fnur Cunlxnula 01.. I.......,l-` . Ivvuq |||J|\,|l|ls l'UD3CB3IU|Io the ,iVng 0:3. which e:1rs.z:'=". Elooked `pressionof marvellous iutelhgem-.2` m its eyes,` I have a piece of wunk r you to do. Come this way. And 91.-.; led him to the ciuspd dowr of the :n.';-- `room. ` Now, keep yuur guard In-re`, `and suffer no one to puss--do you he:.:, zOp'/.a `! 'I`ha' nu`.-nnl ......._-,1 :._ 1 `I I `cine Northern f:\bnaut e A \_/"I40. : The animal wagged its l:uiF, ::r..1 'utlerdT a sort of pleasant \\"lmw, ;.2 4 ` then crouched on the threshold, .iIm.r. and obedient. IV`! 1, `I II -I uuigxl vu url II I. lIe`s there! she said, umlc-r_l1ar breath. ; lln ! OI` whum do you speak 7 M-._1dame s lmsbmrd,I behave. My l1usba:ul! Mergiful pouers ! ])on r fear, gracious rrruduzm, lm-t . rise and dress yourself as spcc :r~< you can,` and Klupeu, my lrushuuu and _I will manage the rest for you. Km- 'don't make :1 single sound, and l xx 2 lbs l-;uck again directly. Q ()h. (lnrff lrnvn Inn I\v:\Qo V ....a--._n. I ;UD Ivuvn usulu uAll.'L'Uy. Oh, don't lcave we, pray .' exxtrc-an -' .Dgura, catching hold ofthe \\'u|n;| ' `arm, and detaunng her. If he [us he. j, he may break in upun me. NlI)D'lD n....I.`.l 1.. L- 1 _ I `nu Ana rllcun Ill UIJUII mu. _ ; Nanette pumlcd .10 the Lg, ;-..,..[ '3'shuuk her head. I f\ _, , 'au\.-vn llbl ucuu. P Opza, there, would be at his limu 'l)efure_ ho coum touch )`on`._ .-I: nmswcred, m condent. lanes`. (.'w.7r iage! Mudam s scx\'un'.s must be ur<'.o~ ed at once, and her carriage` jvrt-punaf [Trust mc---all shall be done mt! delay. ' . T `In -`A0 `nu.-.....I._-. . I ,,,,v I 0 * I-do not comprehend how wu h:1'.' discovered my posztion, mid Dzuzr; . I I l1nvn|1 f nima 1.. .\.-..l..... 1. uwyuvxiuru In IUSKHUU Vl U1ll3TL ; J I s I I haven : time to vxplum 1'. u':v "all lhmugh my husbuucfs clan .`:;..~ But dress yourself quickly, ,'_-'i;u"'- mculume. And, so saying, Nam: -- ' hurried away. T\...._- AI__-.__ ` ....__.__._ .Whq,:!;`;yqu 1'/aeaxnn. I_~mi`a Vge" He- uan. `V " ` ' .-..,-. -.---,- Daura threw on her gnrm.-ms one `after another, and mechanicuny (zu- IV ed each oflhem, her eyes all me [1:3- 'direcLed to the pannels at ll.e on... end ofthe room. Every momvn` 21 expected those pannels to l.u.`:=!, . t 9 her hated husband stalk` fmth. <~':~, Ihow had be tracked her, and CUL: upon her so quickly`! I Barnrn nnllrn In-ul .l........-.1 xx... -. 1 ulvuu ucl $0 quickly! I. , Beforo Dqura hafi dressed, 1 was by hgr sxgle agam. uric-,'Jnn. 1, 1352.- - The people who steal hair ("rum young ladies in the streets nrc p1yi1:Jr their `vocatnon in London, whcreupm. the E'cho'rmurl;s: Alas! how nmny uglhoughiitessgitl may go out mm `lbcksmjing `in the breeze, hn;.p_v and,. _; _W,a_|1d,1'etutn,V it not h:1p>)'. } at !9::`.%5`A`19?'-7 7 7 wh-n.- '_V .. _.`.__ 1 .. . _ laii_d Proluotion. A mnn- shing in Q4`. rivet L n that State fouhd that his houk was attaoheditopomething, and pnmnr-_~ i`L*;u' 'wiVIh:;'do_ma-`difculty, discovered it`; gt 9 !ld.,_9_f5l|il7liuuo;ajug holding: : algout, I lo'n_. NnI_ wishing nu .Ioto.1iiI'f.Il` k,;,l.1q'v 111.. tgiiig ` ff ff t.7a;fonislIme11z > 8WuHuw~ - V'l_`he,a'nI`!1'aVx;ed sh ntoty is n Um;-- d, Nnsllu 1-fum ` 1xTiI;?:};-ii'i` 1'ii\.7 TC 'ix3i;:T3.Af i{'f1;iir,`_ t11;N'.nY 11oIsTI4:13.'1*s_Atj\4I, vi;I:3T3:;,1 Solicitor in; Chancery, X - .2 '1": n m\/r4` V. /) I'_T. /1117 uuusucw pusmess wun me Elfin! Departments of the Government. I . OOPYRIGIHSWAND THE REGts1~1zA,TI0}z: of 'r_nApn pa; nxs- Dmsraxs mzpgunnnv Dr:-hum ....:A--. u__ _ ::_=;w EAyri`RMi ('7/),_1`/'7/.'.' /15;-,( ,'onznzz'.s'sianc74 in . R., 1-If _ ()I1II.L]:\, SI.\[COF{C0., C.\V. ' _ _ ........... .. ..u..a,.u.vu rn_v.uu_nnU- ' DrA;ns,. Speeitinticnn, and other nenu'neeem.r1 to secure Patent; of Invegalipp, ` reds mi" `om...-. ms: _ ggg-m_4o_n`E_`.y_ M .3-_-,V:`nv!-`LI om 1. ~- ..~ .~_:,- un- '3`./xh AV "otarz'cs I ubZic, Com)e1/ancers', ,\JlHll:9 uuuc, xuv S:\1ViUEL"$:.w1{(31~ivNSOl\I-I" .lIH\.\J';l `:11 `IJ-.'-11!, DIJIAKLJIIUIS IL` (".mnce_r_v,' (}onve'yun_cer,~Comuiisaione;` in icx-A. ..'_(-A 1-h|u:ll_V,1RG2.v AND AND GENERAL: AGENT, ORILLIA. J Ulne (Sh Peter Strut-L 5 V F R A:.NJlZ 7'a\} A`rJs ,I_ ..2..L-.. .-.-...J. A4.L...,.......-.- rs`- .s{()L_`10I'1`o1 IN C11`./INCERY. n....._..___.._ t_- -- . 9 A . ' ma .\i<:(,`.umn'. I)'.\LTo:~1 McCAu'ruY, Jr. aw-*s'-!)xx111o'pSt..'thes:1rhe :13 those oc- l by the 1a1n lirrn>ofMessrs. Bnnltou 7.uIh_'.'. , 847, Bv.1. illSTEIZS ATORNL` YS-A T- . _ LAW, V ` - . sm,1:m>ns x.\' c1x.x.\'cI;m'.-f BARBIE, - oN".1:'.. s.1<>1f.1A .i(>.7.\I'5'.-L E<.;\_;\ I-P:_Si'().\`; 'VJ`{1O.\I,/\`ST'I`-.mA Boar `nA1:rzm, Co. Simcoe, om`. n.`1ij (i.iL c AAIiDsl `\',""l1`>01', 13.10. S1'n.\'r.n, Co. Smcos. .911 0R1VEY- T -" 11-... HE,NFijY'GRl-S1`-,'* (Establislml mm \ >13.s.1m1s'r1~:R, `rec . 3 D . 1 ).-\ .m-:uo,\*, m.\1I<:x1A1ar._ Mc- ` 1. m1c1_m1:r., - A `l%.A\1{RIST]j3 RS. n-.;,,,,' ,..... o- n... .1.3- -_l 1 I U I n] 6 (Establislml 1360.) nl lnimnn A an . -. L.-DID geiaxr, &c &c. .0.t11:1}_\,- . IN` .uu.-u\_IuI, Iuu 0l.llEl', CCU!` . " " "' meem-o Pagenu oflntention. A. Qoftlzo liodnl qhq Iqup.-A W1 ' !.I.I.ihI.,1 IW.!` .. . D. CREWT Du... 3). ix. Snmpon V. ;3ARRIE. km W Pusmsmm. 9'00-ly. lIA|1lll4J.|.7.LV.I`JlK-`I ' O,":'xf__'()`--Clll1'('1lSIH`(`I', next `door to the old` Court llunso, '_l`oro`nto. M. c. cA.\n:no.\'. n. .\1`.\;scg1.u:L. c. M x\_ncn`.u=.L ; I` FRASER begsileave one mnro to i-e- _ mind hisfrieudsand t1zc-trawlling,com- munity that. he is sliil in the kind of the ilving, and not.bchind his (_'.oInpetil`ors iu.,the way of i.npr_cvemenLs. He is still to be found opposite the Bunie Railway Station,` where all `that is necessary "to constitute In plain (}a'mudian7Inn are to be lound,px`iv_:lte and public. ` ` Conveynuces to all parts North of Barrie.` . 1- *- AFR=SE.-?r.99ri9!9r- . A. % R. BINGHAM, 'Propritoxf.._ noon &_ COM MODIOUS S_T_ABL1NG._ ..~..;. 00:, '6' " LICENSED; NE EB @s:m:ai:om, A 15 TITETIVTT A HLIU uucnuvc uaucn: un-._._,.: u. .- -u.......... 5'3" Chgrgos very reasonable. '41 I:xrric, Novmber 2911:, _18G9. 2' gem -1 vG Supply` of &0l"ScV!}`1.(.;l.1`l'Cl'Il4Z -aulways on /u1.nu' CoQkstown,'Oct. 1367. ' - T . 42 . TIE nboe Hotel i situated dbeut ette mile east oftbe Mxxrket llouse, B.:rriz,-, on the main mad to Penntan-, guishere, Uri1lin,_nnd the Free Grunt. Ltind in . the Mns1:okn.C_ountr5'.. Parties taking cattle, km, will nd it to their advantage to stay at the above Hotel as there is good.s_tn.b1i`ng, sheds and attentive 0!-`nl1el'_5'I\1`\V.].j'S in rrndiness. ' V -.-- nL--____ __-..... _..--.....-l.I.. 5.4 a s= smcms to an {mus ledve this Hdusc~ ~ i`n i1_v.A 10.-ly ! ` ; ' ' , ' ' ? Bar1'1.ste1' and Attor11ey.-at-`Law, ` f so1.w1'1'on IN cn.2.\'c1:1z Y,- in. 1\11- (1,; A,- JOHN B. TURNER; _ I MJERKET SQ`U.rV2RE,T BARRIE. T .lotIN'H..JQiiNs, s `- Pro;-).rietor. -.-__-- ` rite 35:51` or wlxa AND mqcons IN 1"a2'nm. VVIMLLIA 31 PARK-INS,` UN [ON :%zmim., u1:guAn-. E `5 >AE.F.`:" EH1" REEL })l?i'l_[!rl(`I1(lGDCB 01 MI". JOHII A\lC\\ul.l.. - I Nearly thirty nddi_tion:11'bedrodm3 have lately hevrn added to_ the Immta IIo'i*J-:I., all which be- ing built. of Brick, and well" nrxnedj, will ,b(- Ilmmi as comfnrmblc and commodioits as can be founui in any. house north of Toronto. v'r.3= l`,..u.unu-nini h-nvnilnru will nu-in` oxmnin (IF- PHIS t-a.vouriLe dld House lms-beenv thorou-glr ' 1;, 'rc-.iovatr=.d and retted, and is now men to the public. . . `Hue bar is sutocked with the very best \VJ'mes mal l;i(1n0r.~`, and the table supplied with all K;-.a delicacies of Lheseasou, andmtevntive serv`-V iz:ts; Mrs. 13.; MARKS, I?)`017rji`el7'cfss. " T JOHN -1`]CI'VJ11-'1", `supm'nzendenz`. ' I-IlShote1,'sb long a_nd`favomb1y known to , the trm'el1ing* comtnunity, is now con- lnctbd by the propxietress, am1.is_un(ler the su- ;mi22'in_lcnde'nc of Mr. John Mcwntt. ` \'......1.. .|.:..n.. .-.A.4:.:n....I 'km!.m..}-no Inn-n lnenlu ' "! geaaau*s%usm;5+'sL., J 011 N S ON H OU S ` . ORILLIA, ONT. Ins.-AA.;To.l1usou, ` l`\`ot,&`:1' .t-11v)'l`ic'3f,. c5 -Sheer, (*|\\l\llQQH\\ I`D III 1'`. D EXq{{A1\*`GiaTjLJI{6TEL,% x-rr nn _ornnnr.Vn D I D'DlI'.\ LARGE} near the Lake Short`; and comm_n.ndsu xine View of the surroun-`ling scenery. The rlI_IS new` and cdmmotlictas hotc1?iss4'1tA1mted" `rooms are ' large, lvau`dso'rnely furnished, well. ventilated, and families can be supplied with separate suits for themselves. _ V S;1mp1i3 Rooms for Commercial Travellers. The Bmwi a1w.'\y_s,be' found replete with _L`.quors nndnigars of the, best bmnd.. _ Good stubling xgnd attentive osllors. Boats leave every day for Barrie, 1'In.wk- Anne, Bell Ewart, Beavertoh and all ports on Lake 'Simcoe, and three times daily for the 7 4.4-vprn ~ ""'"'v'.;_1'u;T:m',%" "L" VEATERINJIRY SURGEON, :5-c_. l0l1nll In hy HOIISC X1()I'l|l 01' 1()l`()lll(). _ {LE-= (,`mn111erci:1l'travellers will nd ample ac-i -onnnodution for sho_wing samples. . _ P:;1I'l'i0,::')U1OCt., 1868. V , A 185 H `lIE_Subscriber having .=.u_cceedcd MrL-Grib- 5 bin` in the above very comfortable and L`0Y.l1Y]lOdlDllS llotel, begslo a ss1_1re the numerous customers of_tl1is,fnvo1'll.f.s and well established _ gland, that he has made conxsidrable. rimprove- `meats in the internal accomu1od:11iou:1nd otl:cr~ wise renovated it so n_s to render the House on_e ' of the best Family or Commercial Hotels in the -nlnce. The, bar will he found stocked with` Foreign and Domestic liquora.a.ud cigars of the choicest brands. . ~ ` , ' Excellent stubling and attentive osllers. . Pleasure boats, Fishingtackle and vehioles for the convenience} of sun1n_1en guests and` tourists. "l`he Hotel is situated on the margin .)f_lhc Lake n.ndwilhiu 9. minutes walk o_t"thc steamboat wlmrvcs. - " _ 873- Lxsl JUl12~ S0.\', Srfmc. ..vv; v\_I.\/\ T June,` 1863. .:.--- ' WHAT well known 1-Iona; T113 NORTHERN, 'in-the Village of Lefroy, is now for sale m reasonable terms. Apply to _ ' . ' ' LAIDLAW & FRASER, .JOH_N D; LAIDLAW, Slavner. Or V * -.........~. . rnr.ruvu1'.:c. uv.sun'.Iu\_UL' L./IND ' TAVERN STAND TO LET i-n the 'l 9\v_n_ GENERJIL , A of `Barrie near Alleutlah. Tb1_|5`5"I ANGUS, _ 9 `T _.i `- `Q 5 (..,.j -`rood order, and capa_b_1e of doing as gootil gush A V . _ _ . , V Hess, with gondstablmg and.she_dsa.t.tac e .b Dzsputed Lanes agcqralgly adyuslecy - Appm if by letter post-paid. $0 ~ ` A. u1soA~.\u>B;':LL. Ijnm_.w1ngs &..~nes'cujp_ugns ._f9r,_1>jntentsror In-L - ` 1\I)audnl9.P-0- ventions':carefn1fy *~ pfupa_r`e`g1`.'-_4. -fvaluztions . _6 1, .1559; . ' 48-1.? . made _and Surveying of every description ex- B5@ ecuted with accnrac'yend"desp`atch`.f ' ' A .` n n a r-_-n . nnn IN nnm -. _ Jln'2n.fn1' u..~m'1'nr_4r LIFE. H...-m....; n...... lair and Deviscc` CL ai7ns prosecuted.

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