Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Jan 1870, p. 4

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.....,.. uuu me xmru, um. 4-7s; so that reckonning on the-average of a mile in twelve minutes, he had but In). 129. 5 to spare, and seemed lo Abe` j` worse cveryiap. _ 1-ouI_1d his lordship begun -to recover, and now gaming his .|:ccnd` wind". . paced along in better style`, -[doing h the ~ fourth milof in; twelve`, seconds -, futerf Vthhnj lliezhprevious hc. The'_h mile inns ten ifecdhd: qmcker than thahlburth` T _ `and hglflhe d'sIance.1It8! Golpled in ` 40:. in hlli. "H6 it - 'T'.'.".'T".--0c" `. oooo..'....`.380c oronng`.og..`.70c' V p- 1: 44 U. H 1y;n.0_, .i1.U.UUlYb', and an endless variety of Trinlmings. $11111} -in-c ___---.........;.u:. u1.' LVDVV 1' _,PJziids in various patterns; -In DRES CEYS_,[ something new; The -very b 7-1 1" ..._._L.,_._ `y _L'J_LJ R00 .\ data within]! Han 'Rnl.....o ..-.,.-r`-r-., . , `i of Torontdl wile :-e the whole of the `buness_`in its vari- brnnchcs, can be done on the premises `< , ~ ' . . - ` _ , Ag 1 w. Bndmrtrna at'low`pfice;s, and selling fast. lI"l';Il`t\fI|n(~n A--v------ LIQUORSJ, `CP.jO('3KERY,V A1Lgn4- ____, l..,.,._.,`. vuuq .uuJvU1.LI3 Dy H18 UOX ' 3800 P9I' `bane; Io"ooonn:'ao`ouon - 86 .70c 5? PATENT PA lLS...5.....A.... V 17c .60c _ B0ARDS'o;o'ncaou-0 156 .500 V f0r'io'`a,o'u.on.oo 1 .45`; ' 5 Gallons g'oo'd -,Con1mou Whis`- ...> _ keyfbriugonpnnoip`uoi;uooVo.q S.. 1 00 5 Gnlldns gppd _R'y_e"Wh1sk'ey.lor 4.50 . . .- 25 "5 Gallon good MaIt"Whiky; for 4 50 run and Spanish lightvDiuper':?W"n;'1'he bestvnlue in the Pmviuce,$2 00. g . .- CHEAP FOR r(3ASH{ I'I7|`1` -1 7 1, indcemenls :0" cAsI-1('eU's'roMns hilhet,o I e, as the following qlzopqtions show, viz.;:--- ` ~ nn__'.____ 1L -1 can . -n ........ _ _ Vlxcnsnxnas as it may appear um: one coni- pound should" be`ndnpted to the_ treatment of such a variety of diseases, it is nevertheless .rur-, that Dr. J. Briggs"Allemntor lms_.proved of inmlluulable benet in atfordingypromplrs-' lief in Ibonsands ofca.-sea of painful and dis- tresging attack. Its grand mission `is to sub- . due pain and bring. glad tidings to the suffering. . The capacity of the Allevuntor for doing good is lam-qu:.lled. _aud.no unily should be without it. as it nmy be the means: or .Q....:.... .3... - Always annivinlg; for -jj J` 7 _. vpvlvlili/I19 I found" in t heT Market. A I -` " '7 ="JJ ng usually kept i;1sa.`Gtocery and :Luqu< further aomplainlg about DEA'R"GOODS',' ERE_S'l', NO WAGES to_'pay. Xl.shull ` PV OR OLD COMERS_"?..tg ' _ ' " with me.` " ' . ` V . v -- .;..v` I the Richest an consisting of : Sign of the Watch and Spectacls. . _ - ~ - Opposite the Rnilwayftstation,` ~11: GREAT NECESSIW OF A (V -, /\4` -c---- -ae`I1ve`.9vt. tlie .-. s. Mzopzs-AT-r. `I ` ,-.v-_f gq II, `WIHUI Ij ` SODA BISCUITS by the Box nrlb...; --~--~ `~ ~ quungu enemy. We _SDOuld to fortify ourselves ugni frost-bites, chilblains, pans in side, cholic, cboiera morbus, Vt Pain Dcstro_rc-r is the most etfec Sold by all Dealers in Medicine bottle. HJ...1. UAJ. vxuxv 11 Will . able and determined to dd 30. Small 0. T 1:57 and Slioes. . willbe sold very cheap. 1-: .-..____ K %' B. `SHE-RIDAN. IN CASH FOR Fug. A-.. . ' _f ' ""`f"=rU J DRESS GOODS a'nd WIN- best ' . i vs \J4.V.J-. :md"Lntst Styles of `the.Aseason,' f: NEW vI}'f'1'51'i1`; GO0D.5_'.. __ `I'\f\'r1r~-- ,-A-'-~ - ALI. w. 1n1'iNas{ ;; t.1nd..vv`z1rr>a1it_.:,ii`,4. Go to J. W._HASTING_S v ~\ NCY BIKES: - .Gd`to J ; W.`HAS_T1.'NGS .. ".2 1_ -,5, :n`:e&by`sain' escribed`;` avy.rt:nsa-l`ipap-:~eaaLbera-isg I I * W` . `- *$9ieI 107` .juce:~r`? Tl!9- f POOP 0 ireanownezas theFa ashes`, and; f_*_hf!;-|uumber two hundred a nd*v`r; r ~ .- !!9!|lI!.!I..!-"9"lI- `M- Ha.1evy`sai*s'hy I ._ ?d,ia!e_et, calle`d Falasrus, /9 ,o`r;.`-:x3:tuibi_g, and into this language[ " tli'y.?=lia_ve_' translated a Ghee: `version `I! &~the`(9_td'rTestameut. ".l`hey do notisl `pr`ct.ice polyga'my. They circumcise 1 their male children; on the seventh _ Tday. Their proper names are derived ill tram, .Hoi;_rcw, Gheez and Amaric. 1,` . 'l'.hefir_1stiti;*tion of purication is prac- i `. mad; the children are-- taught the .0 Bible,s.th`e`-psalms, prayers and sacred ob! history. In the synagogues the sexes a sit `apart. `Incense is burned during 5' . the service, .Their religious hopes nre turned to Jerusalem, buttheir ideas of_ "Messiah, are very indistinct- They have a religious literature; keep the Sabbath rigidly ; fast on Mondays and Thurdays; keep the 8th of Ab to com- memorate thevdestructionof` Jerusalem; .wnsh before and say grace nftereating; havea traditional-mode of slaughtesa - ing animals for food ; and practice com- memorative sacrices on the holy days; nndalso for the repose of the souls of the dead. Their women eujoyi equal- j L . ity _with men. ' They hold slaves, but liberate them afte'r`_'a_ servitude ofaix years. i - {U9 ' At. Jgw. HASTINGS. n nblg `to {lye better" '-At J-. w, Imsrrxas. Another 10: ofthat Try it; _ Tozmty ~L ` nrigz`- 837- V Om: I<`on'nrxcnxo4xs.-It'V is now nearly fifty years since our fortications have been looked . after in any way ; we think iris now high time, and that it behaves our_ government to put them into a. proper state of defence, and have our lakes and rivers well protected, " one cunt-e of prevention is worth a pound of cure; but while we are protecting ourselves against a_- foreign enemy 7 _should not forget against ' bruises, the back and - the Canadian moat emvctnnl M...a,:.a:.... out AVA` '5' ' Builders, Cabinet lokrs, andpholstorqrs` Hardware. o . . ' ; Addis Improved Carvers Tools. Stubs Celebrated Files and Tooll. " _,0ar penters',nud Joiners Tooli- . Shoo Tonga or All kinds. ' ` - _ _8hoje and -Machine Thread, Silk. kc. ' r Gallery ofsll kinda ` ' V - House FurniIlringfI_fnrdIrlre. ' 1 _` Shooting and Fishing; Tgcklo. C ~23 ' Iitilfx Ammnhiciohs. , M q!%:!i7-D&`.'.'i".fl`;`:." T0|l- . ' K9 ..|3!:, ll , 9-3 ~ 9 " _ ' ..z7I=.:4T:4cazr i.sr.mas Palm. W.-.-m laser; . . '1: {- ..... - IHPORTIRS 0!` ' HARDWARE a 1'oc>Ls, --114 YONGE STREET; "r|r\'-b r\s---'--- " .uuI,'\l1.l ml - IVIUQKE AS nowzoni hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Oar- riage a.n.l Team)", English and Common Ridiu S:sddles,Double, and Single Bridles, Oollsrs, ' &c._, which he can.o`er at very reasonable. prices. Also in _stock, some of the best English -and othex-`Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, ' Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., to bejfound in this market. ` = vA_I} mlick i1.llc 1 tie nislztd -lo cn uLi1uIz;uE to give satisfaclion. r.xn:rnr.r- u,ud Mme J3 Repairs well and nesllfoxecutnd` H ` Barrie. April 8. I868 - ` AVJ LJ4.l_..J .f.l..\J IXD `-Made and Dressed on the shortest notice. ' T. S. being a. practical Axe maker, he utters himself that he knows a good Axe when he sees it`, and be is determined only to olfer such arti- cles as will give satisfaction to the pnrchaser.. . All his own workbe guarantees to be made of extra quality steel. n3'H,orse-Shoeing and General Blscksmithing done so usual. n ` Jumpedexas constantly kept on hand for sale, ` I3 Three splendid cutters (new) for sale, n cheap for cash. _ Bulrin, no. Inna , - ` * Saddlc2'y and [_iarnessT TESTABL.-_|SH_MENT, _ Nearly pposite the Bank of Toronto, DUNLOP srnnm, BARRIE. 1 `rs and warranted for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axe sold by him which proves sdft * be tempered free -of cost within 12 mm from sale. - . M ILL PIC K `-`Turin and T\..-----I -- A'-- V` '7 ' L1 uepmrs well and 2 April I368" _____________.__ All Axes unwarranted from superior makers he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town.` I _......_,..c I1` is an established fact that consumptlon . can be cured; but it is far better to prevontthe . cruel diseate from fastening itself on the system, by the timely use ol a remedy like Dr. Winn : Balsam` of Wild Cherry. This standard pre- paration will ;-Ipeedily cure a cough or cold; and even Consumption often yieldsto its great power. 5 V V ` V IIAVING found itimpossible (0 meet the in- creasingdemund for Axes of his own man- ufacture, has recently imported 3 large stock of Borrell s`, :\iocock s,`and Dates superiur Axes; all of which he is prepared to warrant for thirty days. ` nun` .......-.....-.| 1.. n1\ I A -. - -. ..\.--..n. An 4 VII u. Axes ` iiuinped mos. silimanserrl :-wup 101' Cash. Bulrie, 0c:., 1868. ` SPANISH Sole, Slaughtei',VU1V)per, Kip, cm, Harness, Binding, Lining, Shoetnakers Finding, &c.. _ . ` ' A \1 l \`I')1.1n1-I1n n 1-7 . up ` A VERY LARGE and. complete Assonmni of Ladiea Enamel1ed .Kid and ` Prunellb. Gaiers, Buskiris,` Boots; Gut : C'a1f,'Kip and Course Misses and Children 3, of every variety andstyle which will be kapt consang- ly on hand, _ V . "AT PRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD . ANDREWVGRAHAM Barrie. Janunrv. 19.67- 1 H` WH OLE`S ALE & RETAIL-' u men will neaom at the lowest remunerating' prices. . Boots and Shoes made to order of the best materials, by competent workmen. ` A call is` respectfully solicited. ' ` ' noun _._.- ..--.-w... -1 -vvuh [Nil HUI- 'Dr. J. Briggs Allevautor applied to the head, will instantly relieve nervous headache, ifs sick headache dilute 1 to 6 teaspoonful in half I glnis of cold water, and take one to four swallows, inhale from the boule, bsthe the head, and a cure immediately follows. A One to four swallows relieves dyspepsia, heartburn, pnlpilntion. ucidity of the Stomach, atulency, &c.. Sold by druggists. I .-. vi {ff Which will behold at the lowest remunerating pri_t_:esf 1 Leather ! 'Le'a_t'h'er-! - J, .I`. . . . . V . - vv vvw avwuu, whero_ he intgnds to keep constanuy on bind a Fmsr Opus S1'ocx_ or THE SUBSCRIBER desires to thank his numerous friends and` thepublic for past patronage, and to inform them that he" has re- - moved to the ` ' ,9. ,3 an. n-nvv \u\I IV LII South Side of Dun_lop- Street; ' TNea rly. oppakite his old stand, ' whom in: :..n....!.. r. 1---- --_-- dams au_t_l' the_'_publ_ic for p nnhmnnm. ....A A- :_tt ll Barrie, Jan ua`:-y, 186'! .._..____.._.___._. 1 Barrie, January,` 1867. R l'L". A Rx,-n.mr that isliialuable not oily ,-oun1cx_' iryigant to :.'r've pain and innmmn FAo_*_L_i_c_)Rf VERYLARGE 1 . Eua.me11p.d .RM an-4 M LIA mane s1-can xuvonnng A|nI---- _._-.4__-_______....__--.: 110019 `AND snom. M Go to SLAVEN S for Teas, Tolraceos and Cigars, of the first quality. A Go to SLAVEN S andsee those Coal Oil Lamps, for saleat 5 per eent You will `save money bybuying your Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., &c., d Paint, Varnish, White-wash, Camel-hair, Scrubbing & Shoe Brushes, al - DR. SLAVEN has a good business and intends to keep it, "if low prie quality of goods will secure it. ` i a Try Sla.verxs Condition Powders, for Horses &. Cattle; the best in the liberally dealt with. A - . Give Dr. Slaven a call before buying elsewhere, and you will be sure 013' `Look for the Red Letters on the window as follows: _ ._ ,- .__.-.. _.5.g _ aauauullnl u r : i ;Di. SllZ'.A`VENis lextenzxling his Beck and Stationery department.` Give him a call and save money : he sell: at Torbnlojetail prices. `Great inducements offered to Teachers, to whom aediscount of 12; ` per cent. will be allowed on all purchases. A T ' Go to SLAVEN S, and -look at his Wall Paper. 10,000 Rolls just receised from New York, which will be sold'at _the cheapest possiblelrales. ' -. ' V Try_Dr. SLAVEN S PILLS, they are well known and recommended. Buy a bottle of SLAVEN S Mosquito Lmiement-_-a sure preventive for the bites of Mosquitesiimd Black Flies. ' A ' ` `A - ' A ' M ' 7" to SL1VEN S fer Pare Drugs, Chemicals, Dye"-Stus, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles; `Combs, B_msh'es,.&o., &o. - -~ T ` ` Go to Dr.` SLAVEN S for Garden',,_FielJ end Flower Seeds, which `heimports from J. A. Simmets, Toron t_o,`_and from the United States "and England." ,- ;Dr_. SLAVENis extending hisgdok _an_d depar'.men't. Give and money `-11; nuLII_ -5 flV__-.,A ' HEALTH is s-rn:no1'~i'1.--'i`o prevent or conquer disen:-c is one of the grandest attainments ever aimed at by man ,- and `Bryan s Pulmonic e Wafers will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the throat and Pulmonuy complaints, as ' wnr and pestilence will destroy. `Severe colds if not Attended to sooner or later land to in- curnble consumption, and the strength of the strongest soon isils if neglected. Thor reodiest and best means known for the cureioftlsese . complaints is Bryau s Pulmonic Wafers, `which have been thoroughly. tried for the last twenty years, and have nev_cr`becn known to fail. Singers and public speakers will also de- )-ive great benet from the `use oflhem. Sold by all medicine dealers nt 25-,ts. per box. Dr T D-:.._-! AII,,-, - - - - Prescriptions carefully prepared at lallnhoufs, ANDREW` GRAHAM. % ,, . A- nnxmr Bmn. ..__.__. _._.__;___. Leather `e; sart will months _nL_>:_L`A\yp;N'sL i5FiUG STORE. '84:- *a%aa@Mmg ;,"*"'"*- TJ%cm1}Ex 3 N G, cuouc, choiera Cauadi; effectual Medidine. Medicine at 25 eta. ppr e. . JEN POWELL, I 3 ` A Late with Richard P well. UV Sauces, Pickles, Mustard, `Starch, I and Porter, Case Liquors, Wines 8:.` branndsifor Medicinal purposes. ' I ..... .... 4.- l"l_.-*I -vr . -- ' Gvood-3 ` dl,i1J.?:`e'.J. Qn Town`, Tland- JOHN pnwwsn. Bright Muscavadq. Extra Bright Rened Sugar 9 lbs. 1 Teas at 50, 60, 75, so & 90 cents, Rice 221bs,rpr $100,. % "Raisins, N_ew Valencia 9c. per lb... _ , AI Currants: (very good) 20 bs for $00,; 15_'&&: um um W` flllil .~.1. Ulllllllllllllllim"ff: V .uuuu:uuu.Irers rnces. .7 Plough Points, Mould Boards, \ plements on handand to order. \ Machines,` '.l`hreshing Machines, Corn Crushers. f____.__. T } - V _ , _ _ om: DEA LERS in all kinds of Farming Implements, such as Reapers , Mowers A Fanning Mills, Straw Cutters, Gang Ploughs, _ AClutrvz1tors, Plonghs `ofall kinds, combmcd Horse Hue & Weeder, I-Iurse Rakes, Horse Hay Forks, Sawing All of which will be sold at Manufacturers Prices. . _ r,'fIlIfr`\ `D,.:.-._ -`N- -` ` 7"` ` "' ' `V :.... * - V-'".-~'x' r ai. ..v` . . ;1helst-tribe1'fsaid to have ah 1': ii'i3n"lI in A I.n..:...'-- IL. .I---_:L-.1 .uuuIvC!'?`e, __,_gpp-1'"; 1 -. . ,5, t 2. hr ouuces, 1-'1cKlcs, Mustard, Gaunt,-d Fruits, Bottled Ale nd Porter, &. * Liqnu ors of the very best randsfor _ Liquors to Hotel Kgrepers at Toro _ T nto Wholesale rates. T ,,__J_ V,.,. -'.7*-----*-`. ... ---- Pipers V irgcasesrg Sayer s incases; _, __---_-.. .9 mm, _/uuuwa/L5 1)I'aIl(."5~'v Duvals in cases; Robin & Co s in` 011595- V Ginger Wine, Old Torn,`_Ho_llands, and Stewart Malt. Port Wine in O.`-V-RV!"-'5 or Bottles. _ Sherries in Quarter Casks or'Bottles. Claret, Milk Punch, Se `lzl Waters. Bitters,--John Bull, Orange, Appetizer andAOrange Tonic. `Syrup by the gallon or bottle.` Pine Apple, Rasberry, Strawberry, Lemon Pear, Stout, Pale Ale. &c., &c., &c., Segars, Cheroots. Ilis Stock of Groceries'l V all equally cheap, and well worth and Dry "Goods, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes are A comparing and _lryAing before going to Bogus Ban/erupt Stocks . 875- T ` C.` A trial solicited. Consisting of: - . Barrels of Extra'Rye, 26 n Ana _ _ l/ -- .., . _._._._.4. .l....I.U.L-.I..J 'Bcgs to offer to the trade and public generally, his cho. varied Stock at WHOLESALE Pmcas, by the 5 T gallons, Cases orwdozen. %ozgzJScand, comer of Du; ` ASUPERIOR . |MPTANT NETIBE TO THE PUBLIC. :. J: W? SLAVEN. Ordeifsl 867- A AL- I-_n A II , - 1----.. -v \J, au .1}. Malt, 26 u.p. `, Toddy,' 26 . u._p. j.Brand_1/ in Cases or Bottles of the following Brands :- 1 :-.'nnuan. Q------ ~ ' New per lb-. s.% MEEKING, having decidedto give up the W1 .0" LM`I:ps; sale.af 5`pex' pntlo cosf price. our at SLAVEN'S. , :1-hair, ScmbbmgT& always on hand at SLAVE N S as nn.l 2..o_...I_ A, L,, -. w FOR CA SH 0./VL I . a . .1 uuunum not only as n F Pr-we pgain inammation organs to the surface, lhere- I Fr-med iniurim .nnd nr-Ivnn:n B. & S., will also keep. on llml an assortment of Cook- ing Box and Parlour Stnves, Hollow ware Stove Pipes, Tinware, Sugar Kettles, Lamps and Chimneys, Sewing 7 Machines, Washing Maclnnes, &c.,- &c .by,Jl`{az'l pranzptly attended` to. V ` H V Address, BEATTIE & SCOTT, - '3: day or night. ore, to get 6. Bargain. ' _ ' -j--j. ___j.-- . V7 , C-aunt :d Liaunrs- Winn. .2, .1 :-.. --,- '..'BY`-' / e, in markef. The country trade 10 `lb for $1100.. s, Land-Sxd csfau.d castings r. `injuries .and organic . Briggs Allevan!or will be in restoring the skin to a. in all those annoying aifec-; inammation and eruption. nd country mcrclmnla geu<-r- ' gs 3: Co..`proprieIors, 2081 .nd No. 6 King Street, West, I organs to the I 341`- 115 lo} St.v,R. R.` sjquarie,` Barrie. CMSSQF W753: . ' ,,,,,,- ,,_J_ ,_ H, Lt,'if low prices, strict atfention, and good :-.--.w@..---.1. _-_g, Public choice and WFI'`l'.I.`QAl`l:V -Dhrrurrn L-- 4L- er --AN D- At i5ov rni.L &. Tnompsorzs. bs. for $1 00,, BEATTIE SCOTT, - BARRIE, ONT. At `Pow an & At TPow'LL At Powr,-LL &. THOMPSONS. Fam P cl 6 , . A 3 (ra -use ouglzt 3 ' I A IITJO mrrnnunnn. .1- __ `ya. `JV, At Pov /ELL -, _ . At PUWELL 3;. THOMPSONS :.:._.._.__._____ 6.- T " `'24 g "JAMES THOMPSON, Lite with `T. D. McConkey - . . for all kinds of Im 8:. THOJ1I SONS_. IMENTS, &. Tigoiup sons. -.. .- ..u nnvvuiilln We tegret .to' lhavieg to record two more deaths from starvation, one be- r ing that of a man, and the otharthnt` of V . _ A _ Vo;._aog1p'time;_nnd. ?ac-A ' '=7d'ih-;l1|'55. .WnV.?lI!9i|1i*a i%_h%d; Esau` eight da,y:.1gillgou0. {o4gd;.. At; the Jpa`;_g; j `!*Bil33i0!Ii'7|1*;r . y " -rond%sn%.u:-#96: % I THOMPSONS. .872-ly H :1 IMNSVUVRAANCE CO.\dPA.\ Y; FIRE & LIFE: prepnred to draw up Deeds, M- Bonds,Wil1s, &c.,' to make S(':lI (s" H1`;- Registry Oliice, and to receive npp1I<`-I3W-' . , Insunfances, (Fin-e and Life,) upon xensv!`- terms, and solicit: the patronage 01 ' ;_"friends and the public. D-o.:. `Inc An. anon 15'- u- _v- c%nnABX'm1immzs >I7ae Accident Insurance (.`m,-1;: IN THE POST OFFICE B'UILDL\'(}',;iiV\Ei 7 -- -avuaso, a\nUu'3 3|` Hailing supply of spring water on HM For particulars apply at this oicy R_ Ford, Brad ford. IRDYALIMSURANCE co1%v~ma:;% Cape ofGood Hope- A. great many. away,` while the railway to Leghorn . Tliere `are `news. Loiax vivfent gef which lasted `three -days, from the lives havelieen lost',.,aad much'pro- petty has been `destroyed. The gale was accompaniodtby heavy-Jain,` whieh also did nmchwhnaage. -In Italy there 3 have been; innndations, caused by tho] overowvof the Arno`. Pisa is finsome parts four `feet under water. It is said that two bridges have been carried` is reported to be iiooded. `I9 ' ALEx.MO72Row, cu, auu In a high state of There are log houscs, failing v particulars nnnlv 5 r OISE SOLD ON EASY T.'IR.`.i.< < or cheap for Cash, ihe Somh M. of Lot 8, in the, third Con. of (Hit . ing 50 acres, 30 of which are ch-.1.-pi. ed, and in high state cultivnlii :` T118"? EN! 100 hnncnn .-o..hI.... M I -51%` kg .4 Also 10 acres of land joining U Hn_ytcr s fnrm_,and 20 minutes W Market. To be sold together or 5 suit purchasers. Terms lib:-mi. For further paruculurs npply to nwLL|ud""hiE, Stables, &c., on each, with 3 1'11 /*.' ; aides, and situated on the N.\\`. (" nuuuua uuu IIIV puullvh Ban-ie, May 6th, 1868. RSCFB TGIF. Also` 10!` Sale, a valuable ET: (the In other of the celabruav Jake) an d Hkewise 3 Cult n`,-.. Pnr m. r!irn.'m-a n....I.. YALU.-\BLE .\llLl. Sl'l`f-Z.~' l` Tllli BLACK RIVEIL "ll. Water privileges are shunted (v 6, Three miles distant, from the l . way. They are wr-ll suited for or Grist Mill purposes. I).-ml \-. tail ofmill for fzlcilitutixug lh:- . lumber, &c., through the Guru} Nine feet. bend of`w.'\`.er pong abundance ofwaucr tIl\`;W1J()l(`_\ supplies of'sa\v logs can be [- neighborhood. N.P__.'l`h;= f\l'h(\vw n A`.-. -.t - C|g|lUUl'HUUH - _ N.B.-_-'I`his presents fuvornhiev for investment. _A good iuunnn: mad to mill privileges by the 6.5:: are within three miles of u1 usH=; For furthpr nnrm-..1..... ...\..x.. The Emperor. Napoleon] still an!- hercs to his old (ministers; but it is said he desires to form a Coalition Cabinet composed of all parties. The latest policy is announced by the minister toiaim at making it its-glory tnfoundiliberty with the assistance of all. It is thought that, if the Em- peror abnudons personal ogonmment. and renters upon a Parliamentary wegime, the Empire will be saved! and liberty ` ,willbose_cured. e ` . o ung) an u ur.cwI:'e 8 L UH. r:`y'.\' ;,_-_, 3 For pg, rlicuiars apply 1 I Conveyam `er, Urillia, or to lrr, -1,; ` - July emh. [1869-' WATER .ammsag;; __.___. an: wuum mree miles of A1l usl (`*3 . For further particulars apply (A post paid) to . J. .\I. 'I R?~Z.\' Prnnrimn. Al` 1-: 1.10: 5' '3, Lots 19 and 20 COId\v,}tL; acfe `.8011. ` H-.. 4'... ...1.. .. _.u.., I - PRIVILEGES F.')R 5AI.I`:yI.\` E.-xsv 1'+:I:.\I;~.`. pernull. . 2. Lo: )0. 10 South .\!es.=r-is. frontage also on, .\l2lICllC'L n:i'LJ 113 1fan_ acre, to be sold in su Ln. 8. ' -..-.-.. 1. The premises and :zrbund.< 1:4 Mr.1 .. J. Oliver, Lots 17 and 1-` . chedaahvslrect, having froxnzmg-v~ I and Colborne and From :~`m-- about an ncr. The house-is L1:. `up, contains 8 rooms besidvs kiir; complete wood-shed, Dxiving I. -' . ve horses with Jargc loft m-cr. . 1._-ut Fruit bearing Urclud. Pum; soft water. Possession cuu bu I bet next. .3 Ln: \`n In m,,.I \- Barrie , Nov. 17th. ~-_ 7.. nu. AV. n MARKET SQUA :~. Ala.` In ..-..._ a . INSURANCE N0'1`l('i~ts. -`AA. ~~-,~ ._-\,--~ London -and the neighborhood have- bcen visited with a tremendous storm of hail, wind. and rain. The tribu- taries to the Thames have been over- owed, and a great deal ofdavtrmge has been done. Three persons have been killed by-the storm, one ofthem hav-, ing been a boy who was blown offthe` embankment at the Commercial Docks and drowned. nub! uuu not IU, 111 the End 100 acres. South half Lot 6, in 131}: Com, bUl'V--100 nor-nu vunvwl. lnE`.".`2;'J-,j;r.. ran SALE on REXSWELE 1;: Knuth half Ln? 2% in A l.South 113.11 Lot 35, in 4111 Can, 100 acres. ucu man not us, In we _4lh Cu: 100 acres. Lot II, in 8th 0on., Ve.-Ipru--L` : a West half Lot 10, in the I" Ir south half Conf,"` bury--100 ncrcs. And Lot 11, in 2nd Con., (law, 7 of York-180 acres. - A_-I,, . ,.__ - - _v.r .. -, 1411.1 U11 It 1- 1; p the following Lands, vi/,.; PABOIL I.--The West lmlf or 1,, the lith Cc-n. Medonte, ll!) ncrt-5, in about 60 acres of which are elm. and under cultivation: good iltttwl chinked and plastered, thtcc -TU :m: one large one above. Double bl...-t_' `Z8 >1 60, and several small cn.ztl- t Boll it rich `loam, timber lltlrdwolu] falling spring-Arttnsl through pnrt 1.9 This property is situated within 2..., Orillin, one of the must rising imri:--~ the Province, and is in the" lmmr`t1,;g hood ofschool-house, post-ollice. IE. I . gt-ist,saw,nnd fulling milla. n -.. subject to a mortgage for .I1'.t>, \-, 3,. in September, 1870. The mortg,,_... ,. property which the purchusr.-r \\'t,I ha getreleased. Upset price, .`jt',t._ -, going to proprietor, cniibt: pmvl ;, .;.- nnd partly on time, to suit pUfC}l;;_;',; secured. PAIICEL lI.-Tlte North West Q ; :1- No- 12, in the int: Con. tm. About six or eight acres clr-rm.-ti M 3 tiution.. Small log house. All` Mills, six miles from` Orila. it at sulject to 9. mortgage ot`5<;. l',...; The balance, going to the pro-g.: - paid patly in cash, and partly oz; `.1. secured. . rt: n..oI. m:.t-.. H.` W ouusu unu LAULOD, In `NH UUU ,.` .100 acres. ` . N. E. part Lo: 15, in 101}: Coy -53 acres. North half Lot 17, in we Lam 100 acres. mm: nun nut :1, H113! Uun., .`u` X00 acres. Lot. 12, in 3rd Con., North ()n'12Z.x West. ba1fLot 16, in 13112 (Jun-, .8. - acres. nu... uuu AJUI LU, All acres. West ha.lfLot 18, In 100 acres. rur Iurmer paruculurs X':";:y BOULTON, LOUNT, - BUYS .<.;' Barristers, or to Tncrrnn n/-.,... between the new South W- `eldsvandethe adjoining :1 ......a.. uuuunels, opening a new mu}; ales coal- . - . Qstricts. The if"`i`3 ;"3;'i"h:fed"_29` ',,ooo,0ooz., which, percent. on ,. all yield at least ve ` .ue omln y. '1 no Sar. .sdoy, the 6th`, was t'n'e anniver- `J of the dnnfh nrol... n..:...... rv-.. Barrie, Dec. 14, 1869. nuuu unu uul 1!, In Hie ISM) '_ 100 acres. Wen`. bn1fLot 26, in 2nd (7on., f.--. East hnlfLot 1`), in Is: Cun., .\'j 100 ncroa. -:__. [VIE umjemigzned o'erVs the folk . property for salt, vi7.:- 1___ _ c J %`'?. F_@:5P}VF535 -JOSE-I75 noemzs, i H1 $.22: :::.:'::;` " % c-5:--_-- } ' at his Auction Room, PUBALJIVC AUc"1~m\; at his Am-Jinn nnnnc u.,_ , F at Auction Market-Squn.-n I` . SATURDA Y, IANUAR Y 15/}... la fnnmin... I __ ,1 __T_'9_r3_r19. Oct. 26, 1868 o1iILLi}1 VILI..\ Desrable Property for is : ,, - -....... Vvvua pwuucea. The success ofthe Suez Canal has- encouruged another project of a similar kind, to connect the English am] British Channels, opening muge neiv South Wmes _ elds a_nd the adjoining c`f`Smcts_ r post will he abotlt PJ o00 000z_ n *3 :".mm.d `full ;'ield at least l De! can 7 An ' V -..qx1.I.u ., in `A =-lalicniairl oo1rVE'{ ANoE}2, I-.'1'<.2 CCUICQ . I3 Both Titles Urioxcr-;.4f.,'m,}_ Sale to commence at 12 (lm A ' For further particulhrs a;.;.1_y KOULTON, LOUNT.`BUYS .t ~ scoa ____3 FOR SALE`. (Law Deputy Registrar) to J. J. LANDY. {:7 .or to-,J. C.,Mc.\IL'l.L Notary Public, 1.. A.` kc. avuv awn :Apply to fL}uns FOR` 1 ,1 of the death ofthe Prince Con- sort, and, accoming to custom, -the 7 Queen and. the Royal family, with the Prince of Wales, "went to the mauso- leum at Frogmora. The Dean e of !Sa,___ -auuy, um uul, was [[16 anniver- Windsor read portions of Scripture and A some appropriate prayers, -and `-the choir `of St. George s sang trchornle and Har_1del s Funeral, Anthem, His body is buried in peacel T . 1-`W1, 1.: -~ (A GENT FOR AGENT FOR THE V ._1. .u. "rm; Propnelor of L1. wm` scrznum u umw ol cuun-mu _ stables nu ` .l)I'iH Irnlur nn H. JOSEPH R0 (ill: fblume WM. 1:. ..-X; _ . ,. .-_- :0 sun uxu llfl. - T _On Saturday, `Mr. Jnsfic'e Lush"s redmedy for thewgarrotters was applied ' with much vigor at ` these amiable young . Fjundnr the punishment ofthe lash inlhe .cQnr_l-yard of `the gaol, and we are told ' n decided eH'ect was produced. nu Leeds. `Eight of V u;e_4:h Con ', 73311:? I 511;, .... uuluc. ms last-words were, Now I for the grand secret. - ' - The trial ofthe directors of Overend. Gurney, and Co. commenced! on` Mon-- day at the Guildhall befone the Lord Chief Justice` Cockburn. A good deal or evidence has been` taken,and_the lease may yet lnstsome time. It ap- pears that nsllate as`1860 enormous prots wereldnvnded by the old rm. n.. ,0-----J , .... JLIWS uelmpaled them,*and {he knifr, held rm} `I grasped the rbpe~ll',at: was thrown me and was landed. on the open. A"There, now,'ou have [the whol of 1I--not much after an-.--bnthad I npt kept cool it might have ended .ee.... u. was me ,ugliestofsharks- -- the` shovel-nose.` - Seeing his `mistake he `slowlysauk back into` the blue depths, till his body was scarcely dis- cernible. _ _ _ ' ` Gettinga couple ofhandsto help me, I put a piece of park on the shark- hook and jumped on the sail to throw . the bait directly over him". As I slung it clear the rope. caught me about that-anklesxand jerked me into the water. Being baretooted, l was only encumbered by a pair of duck trousers heath knife `was. in- my belt and as _soou asl struck the water I. drew it. The shark was just , beneath me and calculating my time I put myself out of his reach by a couple _ _s his body passed over me ` I'lunged.upwa'rd with the knife` and telt it go home. When I arose he was aboutgfour yards . ` For a moment he hesitated and then rushed on. I had" I him as before ; A ed with his blood and I could not see him distinctly. I gave myself.-uptor lost. -His white belly gleamed in the sunlight andphis open Jaws yawned . before me. I thrust my handbetween '1 them, holding the knife perpendicular 7 ly; as I heard of pearl divers doing. It was all done in a second s time, and it; i saved my life. In attempting to shut his jaws heimpaled them,*and the rm. I rope-tl~_'at `Pas ms Im..r...i .... .. t auvwlpuulo` _ -. `During nVcnhn' one day, as I was- leaning over thelstem lookmg down into the clear blue water watching the : lazy motions of n sunsh that played about the rudder; my attention `yes drawn to n 1ong_dnrl_: object euspdnded III the water many fathoms below , and seemingly without lif . I knew it most probably the latter; Procuring `n lniIlot"ofwood Idto `d-it over. As ' tlick as-light the ge darted tolthe gurlece, turned on hi! back and crushed` the wood between his tripple row of `teeth. It was the_,.ug1iest of sharks-- II._' _I.-4 ` was either, a "sword-sh orta shark- - nuvu. nullllly Haj` "(ICU m the ` I WI; if `you wish to hear it, but do notoexpect much of a story. ' It 0001" - redyears ago.A Whenfi was in my `fteenth yea'r,_coptnin Brooks took,-vme . on a _voyago with` him. We "were bound `to Mobilo,to `loud cotton for Livorpool. ` T` ' .`VEl.ll.lIlU 01 I118. _ - ' ' -W379 *0 i651 -Vever liqd a shah 4adzenlme1_ .Z A A . _ ` c`P."' 3'95? He said youonc meat`! `made. a meal for one. My 3-.l"i'[i*Y 58': amused and I want L know about it- .~ 'r.n .. .1... -.__..n :to . know about it. Tell me the story! V > W|.'ifVOI.l Wish In hour it Inn A ..u_--u-any nu; aroused and I gt . `_,.-r- -I-I:'H$UUI ..' ' V ' Wd`."i.iera'Iiltiiig*i 1;' tii - .-of thy .St. Nilfolas one *'ae',rndo4nA' `Charley out of": " b:ow'n..-study', by amokingiand. thinkfghg; which.-l uni-tled ' G asking him ` to ` relate that 'shuI_'k'ad-" .ven'lut'o' of his. um... ...u _;;,-. V .' . . -- ,nu u'Ill ued,v ..-...ucu ms mpplewrow of the ,.ugliest sharks-- `_.no3a_' Sonia-an 'l~=- `--'-'-` ~ -.-u A _uI UQU III! was rds away and turning. t hesitated no time to a_void ; the wake was crimson- Dod and T ......u .4 H - c .~uguUE OI SHBFKS-- hm-.Ir inn-.< oI-- l`~-- ..--v-vw 1 uc JJUFU `n. den 1 me 1tap- `I860 '1!-an nm 4:... II uuu .I the crew. )se, he I1 wide ding-room . ahernoon ` .1 startled study _ by _I._..I_ _j ' `V ---V -.`-l--..- III` av vcn HuLXD.AY G!ETs.-W I Frespoh paper that ` _ " I,urers of toys 9'7 me as Christm9'- , 'd,`e this sea" `J-nd 1\.e 3 d,,`.. 4'" Ben. work J ' 1 11326 (.`5`:Ihe| `.,. V _--. wqnuavw, wuss, .1-IILILI, n I In Wood and Bo_ttle,. and everything kept" i_u.;a.;'G ' Store equally low. No need for further about having N0 RENT,NOV`INTERE_S'I'.nNO WAGES to ` leave no room-for NEW 011:. COMERs_"L; - . _ wit me.` " ' 1 ,,,-,_ rvv_----vuuuuu aunuut Fine avored Mediterranean \ - 'hfI prl\U:I1nn VUU OQIIIIIIOJIIIIOUQDG RICE-f0f.....-,...3... 20 11-8. GOOD CURI{ANTS.. ' 5 lbs.13AKlNG SODA Tfor. a UVU P l E 06 ll, IVIJ :n_ ` . an -up .n. u-vuacu, iplv UV. . ` '7` .` QC? Brandies, Gin, Rum, 1 ort e1'.>% a11_dj:A1eg, Iu_Wood nud__Bo_ttle,.und everything nsuallv kent"in.n' I13."-\;..'...-'. ` $:1`TEA,, `o . .' _ -._..,_.,..-...u\.- 4-4;: uxunnl .LV.DUILU_.l1. |STRICTLY cAsH%"s7f0RE "JN BARBIE, THE PROPR1E'I`OR mr rmm IS```'`' The oi Prussia Ens invested, the Iglnvgeror of Russia with the `order 1, our_ lc Z|Iente. The Emperor 'tetmn- ; ed the compljnient by beslowingvon King William the rs!-class oflho OM` of St. George . The `relations r '3' ally and polmcally, between -'`` 5""` {ha two V" avonrtbsv '7, PM em m 0 my mendlv, IT....n... ........ nv T_ THE HIGHEs"T}PRICE PAID Bame, 1869. . . [ [ ' --_. .u .uI: nuuuu m 1118 `C1ot111n g 13<>'ot7_ ~ -. _f_l An IV'l`IlI|r|I-|n;n nlr--L - uuulcaa vuncty OK I . } 0:`:-.4 SPLENDJD A.-SSOR TMENT OF all Wool Tartzizflnids various patterns. -1 [N11173: - . _ . yvu aaaaa us U1; T H Bonnets, Dress Gap , H ts, ' ]WA]V7'T.F.'S'. FF'A rlTFDO` 'l'Af`lTf1`vrnn. , V no.LiL_\J VV Is now open and replete with all M ,__ , ,,__._) ---- we-av. 1:19 Illlall T-`EA that cannot be beat` in. Uriilia, or any otherplace. ' ne avored, low pnced (70c) Te'a,jusl to hand. Fm. T. [ll | 3332-: - - -- .-.n... V x.-.n..n;u.n.I. .11.. .A.J\J'...|J;WJ. \JlJ I sell Goods chehp because I am at prots and quick` returns is my motto. ` AT THE FTLRPHA 1\F'l` * I, _-...--..._..b uvvvd suu -very nest V _ . b Canadian Twcctls; Flamzels and .BlcmI:e'ts' . ' _ V To .be in the { ` `sun -4 sa,liricavI"reI5ch `.`.When I lost my_ wif with which} \vasac_ another; but when 1 not one of lh,emAof_Te:e 'good,- ' In: - 7" " quninted offered in -., .y -..u.uu|. author says`:-- e every family lost my horse, e . d to make him ;oLo+n.na,%% ozs, -v .vu lunvvu, acuuxg lust. _ H31-{OGKEBY ALM0%'i` GIVEN AWAY: sell Goods cheap because am able nn ,I..o......:.-...,: .- .a'_ __ '1`.s. Mourw, THE ELEPHANT HOUSE, % OREEJ/LIA.E ' __-.. ... . uu. `um 1-I11`; 'Ur1UJ.Ul1i '1' :;n 0o1:1gnM:1A_;ia:$", vv1N1 J. W. HASTINGS having ban in the husmeas upwards of 20 years,` satisfaction than `any other Store North of Toronto. 7 _:-._._.._Z..___. The only store North _ ous cm _ .qv nu u. _n. ng.3_1'uyqs 1 . l `I 0 . I av u - Earnngs. Brooches, Chains, Guards Spectacles, P1pes.;V1ol1ns - AND Srninas, Vang Fanqr Gq)_ons,` &c;, . T ' .A4 I In frnnmrvnn Eveiy` one hns heard` of the Welsh fastiiig-girl._ She is now undergoing the ordeal ofa watch by a stat! of Lon- don nurses, On Thursday the news was pnhlished `tlmrthe little girl had . been without food for five cluysgund ~ that she was very weak and iJJ.= The fear is now eJ_(prossecl that the child -]`!:l`!` he stunted to death. ' - f If you wa`n.tAu.'Watch oi Cldck put in gqad yuhninrg ordey, Ifyouwaut ne.Gor.n,Wsnnma Ru\'cs,PujzzLn and FANCY I 42.:r' If you want a gocdclock, 8 `day, 30 ham`, and a-Ia_rm'Im_1e, Pneqes, gojgherie the J V _ 1 [ la_rgest.sIo_ck ever offered In Bz_1m_e/, - ` ' - ` ,V_. __ gyuwuntnj 1-- ' ` - A - HAVING REMOVED To His` . :`.7V'ewJ uml . ; Commodious Premises WIT_H ACOMPLETENEW swocx -`op THE CHOICES`? !I1A'\t*1-1-u-u.--..-..,\. - ------r I THE T V M0515 m.s_H1oNA1LE ,'z41`2;Aisf , . , "ENT1iEM1's: .rEw_LLL1:iur, IN B.1iii1E,` ' ' ' .AI> 1'. "w flzna-nnrna . CI-I BAP:-=3 =I,3V1%-33-. NEW ARRIVAL ` \JL.l.J.'J GROCERIES,` Au-..|r.;1I min 15' VRH counter irritant pg -from Ihriniernul by `relieving deep _ lesions. but Dr. J. Brigg: ` rspecinliy usefuly .in restt heniihy condition 1 -- (ions suteudcd with inami Snldby druggists and couu ally. Dr. J. Briggs C Broadway, N. _Y., and Toronto, Canada. `nvu| uua uuy IUI wutu unheard of in Barri, u uuu ululun lullllll I 3 my 4'1` THE ELEPHANT.. -.-.r - - w - --u-uulollvu Iloanooioroooaootusocl Kn; .--u-uooooAaonoUUU_ o,...'.a-..`.......50c oVonnrooaoo`aulnon45c ut V > PRECEIVING TuE_ " `, ,_. ---r-cu 1- MAN TLES, FEA THERS; JA UKE Ts, % f FL0WE;R;S_',TRIBB0NS % ` J 9 ....._1 -____-- :j\\.I I An immense slpck which ` BARBIE, PRUPR1ETC_)R OF THE _ r..---. --u -vnus guuu is family it, may means of Saving life in those sudd'-n visitations of disease that require" prompt measures to- pxevent a fatal termina- tion. lt'is conceded to be the most valuable medicine ofits class on account ofits adaptation to n wider range of duseuses than any other pre~ pun-ntinn, nnd_t_bero!'ore more convenient as an ~ every day mnedy. . Sold by 'druggista Jud country merchants. Dr.-. J. Briggs 8: Co., 208 Broadway. N. Y., and No. 6 King Street, West, Toronto, Cnnaoa..- . I v\ - V

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