vv Au nn.y\'.o'uuIy Uutcxtulu WILII lu.\ Ul'. ~ Over and above these considerations, are others more strictly military and naval in their character, but .of' these it is not requisite, perhaps it is not prudent, for Your Committee to speak at any ' length. _ 'P.. 11-... `D...-...:...... 41.- a.`._.......L :.. `_-_..--_1.- . ' Im I0 IIIIIIIIGI In M.U5lU`IIl(l aux uuux. L For apply at her`*-house-, near the 5. Barrie Grammy School; . . AI! Alex; Murray. Esq;, of Moffull, Mama I 6: Co. ; A. R. McMa!er,Es an 01. McMasler 55 ephews ; Thomas C.-Keefer; sq-, 0-13.; Rice Lewis, Esq. ; John Macdunald 65 Co.; George Mi'c-hie 65 Co.; Adam.Crookg, Esq.; I-Ion. J. H. Cameron,_ Duncan Bell, Esq., Toronto. IB;A;RRIE, COOPERAGE; -2--n HE,S|1,bScribeI_', thankful for past fatora, -takes lbi8= Oppollity pf Jemindiug those of his trieuds in want. of arliclesin his line that he_has on hand a largerqhantity of well seasongd mate- rial, and is prepared Io execute all orders with dispatch. Wnnhtnha lnm-nu D....1p `l7.......I. \h'mt"l`ul\u uuuu . . `m... away- Every requisite foi' sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. - ' ' REPAIRS `EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. = All kinds of FIS_HiNG TA GKLE, at moderate prices. _ . ur-_I- ._-a. --n-.: 5.- __:Vn_2._ -In .___,,.u _ . on 1 Drill, nsq., .|,unuuu- , lanai: Bu}.-hanan, E ., M.P,P.;- Adam" Bmwn, Esq.; `Richard-Jason, sq., Hamilton. ` `Rev. T. L.iDavidson, D-D , St. George. For xrlbiinformalion plgase call on or address, enclnsing lellefslamp, the undersigned. JAMES E. DAY, Principal. 313- Snd foij copjesiof our Monthly Commen. . ll-ly ations, zc. _ _ LIISDEICII. 7 Waahtnbs, Chprns, Pork Barrels, Mnt_' Tubs, Butter Kegs, Liquor Kegs, ;of all sizes, constantly on hand and made,to order. . Vtheinpatronnge. BURNS, GUN- V A . T -. . MAKER,` Dun-_ ' _ - lopstree 3, Barrie, begs to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for the very, liberal supporthe has received since his re_- . , sidence in Barrie;and ` having increased his , facilities for doing work of the` veybest descrip-, tion, he presumes to have stronger claim upon 73----.. ..-_..:-:A.' L`-.. __ __4-._. -, ,,, `M\;\f:::k not called fot within _12 months will be sold to pay expnsesj ` av L~ Y'NCH,, _ Corner of Mary and Elizabeth Streets. M snuju, DU llllll ICU: The question of co"nstructin'g'this great` public wog-k has, for (a long period, occu-I pied the serious attentnon of several` Municipalities and other `parties in the western portion of thisTProvinco. r\,_ ..`_n,_._;!.___ ._ `L- ..... __1_' -z`\r-:.', EGS leave to infornithe public that, having completed his machinery, he. is enabled to furnish doors and {ash of every description, at reasonable prices andworijlie shortest notice, having always A sqipl cbdry material on hand. He also, having pure` nsedthe patent right, is n-nahlpd to furnish (YOFWIN {`.Vl4`.RlN'(`.S 1n Inthe Shoeing branch of his business he can compete with any tradesmanrn this section of Canada. Haviughad consideable experience in all parts of -the United Kingdom, as well as the States of America, together with several years practice as Cavalry Horse-Shoer, he canguarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him _ with their patronage. Those who takepride in their horses, and like to see them well shod, will nd, on giv- ing him a trial, that they can now get this kind of work done in a superior manner. Pu-nmntitnrln mndm-Atn 1-hm-nmu um-I 6.-at--nu. He also, having purcnasetlthe patent. right, is enabled to furnish GOFFIN COVERINGS-to imitateevery grade of cloth both as to color and texture, together with 5 good Hearse and all` ether uneral equipments. . , _ Bmnxg, June, 1863. ` . V 24-ly Ul WUFIS UUUV III II BllP|:|'IJl' lmlnlwr. , _ Promptimde, moderate charges, a.nd,r5t-rate workmanship, may be 1_-_elied upon. _Barrie, Dec.V1!'n.h.' I863. - ' 51 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Q; JAMEEEACEY, shoeing and Jobbing Smith, J L. begs to inform the public that he has taken . Poveyfs Old Stand, where he is prepared to doalrkizids of Blacksmiths Work on the most reaonable terms. .-. . . --- - nag.-9-..--v u_ The purpose in 'estahlishv.ng this Institution is to furnish young men and ladies with the tat-ihties ol a -Business`L`(lucation which will enable them to enter atonce upon elds ol usefulness and honor. OGATED in eighteen of the largest cities of ' the States and Canada. . -Under the management ofMr. JAMES E. DAY Practical Accnimlanl, formerly of London, Eng- land. and lately Secretary oflhe Board of Water Commiss1ouers,_H,amillon, C.W. l|\J|-U |-III? IUIlU\'\ Illa IUUUIII lllcllklllllkllla I-- Aside from the importance of the carrying trade of the North-Western States of the `Union, which Your Com-` mittee believe will of itself jiiatify the construction of the \vorl~.ii;*qties'tion, there are other, and in ourwrieni, more patrioticconsideifations favoring imme- diate and energetic action on this subject. Qhnnlrl H10 cuetpm nf av-nnnn nnklin .. 1i.'ra?I'331TnE." `REP:AIRING`NlA 1`-Ii.(Y EXECUTED. Barrie. Mgrcli 3,1864. ' - `11-I 9' Barrie}, April 23, $61. 3368' inmndte A. iha.inhabitim_u of'Bar1[i0:o thMfroIn.thoL 2 1-~a ~ `- . jm` qr; 1Ixtrs1*`NEx`7!; % Q. 9-`-.. :4 4.1.2.... .n._-_.__I__; ___:|_ -1 l.-- nu-an King Street, Toronto, C. W-, ` rmsr boon usr or" wnsnxux Book Room. . Established in cohneclion with - `Collier sc., Barrie, 9.zear Mam. @% ` //0%) ): `"""""_-=__ a%aeAm;av<{ T.GUNS', _R;IFLE.S, &.c. Aleganaereraham V.....,., IR-I .. .......... _ . Agreeing with these views, Your- Committee consider that the construction of` such a`Canul is expedient on national and ,on Provincial grounds ;`they are convinced that as` an adjunct to the Commerce `-of Canada. and the Great VVest, its value has not been over-stated, and they entertain the opinion that the engineering difficulties, which undeni- ublyexist, are by no means insnrmount-. able. LA , ,, .- 1 1 .1 - :- BRYANT, STRATTON &DAY S (/`E(yIVI ./ `Kl/IIVI/I. _ C` , r` 3 ' J / 4" 0Y"`-mk ~noRsE1_IoE1NG. ucu|nI.l Va-VIUIIM; uuv"]3' W. 117* i REFEREES. DEsiGN._ 5 _- - - -- - I v- v - u-Jnc, uuu anunuuutn charge made. Ty I38 re- ` .'I'ST PUBLISE E ad vc.-rwell s Cele] his I N cure (without med Ivnv-It AP GK`: an-no Dunno r`nann:-\ Se'"'nal' -weaknvess; `11-ly .37.. ulm IUIIUIU UII IIIIQ HIIUJCVWGLC VVVIVXO From that document Your Committee quote the following recommendations :- Cl Aciria (ran: Ihn {rrI`nnu-kl'onni: .-.6` 1'11: ..., `av relieve her strerimz. We at length decided to try a bottle of your Dr. Wi.9!ar ._I Balsam of W ild Cherry. In` three hours after she had commenced utiing It. she was grntely relieved and in less than three days was entu-ely cured and is now well. I hive since recommended the Balsam to many of my neighbors who` have med iliarid in no one have I known it fail of eecting a speedy cure. ` You are at liberly to. make any use: at the above you think prof:-tr. II it `shall indgptjenny body to use ,` your Balsam inhnllbo glad-forl hniolgreat con- denceinit. _Your`e T . .GUITTE. . Prepared MI 81? TH: `W. :1?0WI2E 4!: ~co..J2_o- ion, and for sale by all .Drugg1'm. Sold-i1tBa%fArt`e,_by!=f`l'l" w.i-}3aE'bit;i.*N,; KEL *.Cfe~si-E01G!5T=aMzN1` : , --_-. s. W. Fawn: 6; Co., Boston,-- _ . Gentlemen :-Iaving experienced the mo'st grati- fyinz results from the use of Dr W1'star s Bdaam qf .W2'Id Ohm-y, I am induced to express the great `condence which I have. in its etcacy. For nine months! was most`:-ntelly afllicted with a aeyiere and obstinate cough, accompanied ,Wllh __acute pain ' in 'the.sida,' which did no1vleavo"m; summer or winter. In Octnberthe symptoms increased alarm- ingly, and `so-reduced was _I,.that [could walk `but a few steps without resting to recover from the pain and fatigue whichiso slight an exertion occasioned. At this juncture! commenced_ takin - the Balsam, from which I found unmeduus r i having usedtonr bottles! was completely restored to health. _I have also used the Balsam in my family and administered it to my children with the happiest results. I am sure that such Canadians an use the Balsam can but speak in_tta favor. `It is a prepara- tion which has only to be tried to be acknowledged as the remedv ' gzccllutcc. ' ` Yutiro ieutservattt, ; ' L, J. RACINE. A cure-tor Whooping cough. e , and alter r Sf. Htrncnrma, Catuna E., Aug. 21, 1856. L5 ltnasas. S. W. vFom.I"& C_o 7 _ . , Ge tlemen ;`-Several months since a little dough. ter 0 mine ten_ years of age, was taken with Whooping Cough in a very aggravated torn. and nothing we could do-for her seemed in any my :to` telieve herjoierinz. try 3 - hmtle nfwinr Dr. 'W'g'un:9o D-l...... -1- urn 1 run _ _ _.__ 4,7... .... now you .ugucuuIlo I3-There is a vile counterfeit .0! Ibis Balsam, thawing. [as sure andgbgiyfonly; that pre S`. W. `Pawns an Co. Buubh winch has 1 `e signaluge of I.~BU`1TT8,on ti1a,ou`m`de 2 A,t`to me}-at-Law; `sQp;c1;r'o{t ;IN:CfH..4dNc'ERY; IN` Notary `Public, conveyaneer, nnunvnrlsififi 1|! 1| '1') - ` Depart1;;;1-1:;l':;.nd Parlivannjlehtary I > mm. Inc to. ' _\ ulsvuuy Ijuvuvvl - INVESTIGATES and adjusts` Crown Land ~ Claims, secures Land Patents, procure: infor- mation obtainable from any-of the Pnblie Depart- ments {takes out patents of inventions; registers trade marks `and designs ; takes charge of private bills during their passage through the Legisla- ture, &c., &c. _ _ Fm nnrliml who-are unable to devote their own :ure.ac., ac. For parties who are unable to time to such business or unwilling to incur the expense of travelling . to Quebec. Runinpna with the Crown Land and other GOV- vvunasnuunv.--.. --. _. --., '.`I_.m>' Aanni-;`:aro;,v(Asg;} Heir a;uz.1>e_m';eev C'la_z ms pgasecu:gez.: 0FFICE' - Hnoxruzxo Snur, 'Gou.nmw;_ . " ' ""` ' ' A_ That there are engineering obstacles, it were folly to deny. Your Committee, however, without entering into, details, may be permitted to repeat, that the evidence of competent parties appears. to deinonstrate that nattue presents no difficulties along the V rmtte~ surveyed which science and persexferance may not overcome at 11 reasoimhle cost. ' , `I Vruuur I-`\rv\-r\-`:00...-g _l._,_ `E .I'. -I-..o expense of travelllngmo quenec; ` Business with the Crown Land and ernment Departments, which oflen take: months to do by correspondence, can be transacted in a _few days, and eta small cost, by employing a resident agent. - ' . Address, post-paid, to . HENRY GRIST, nm 2.44 D 0., Quebec. e_j__,___., v -- --vwv-vurotvi I JTST PUBLISHED, a new edition of Dr. Cul- Celebrated Essay on the radical medicine) of Spermatorrhaaa, or Seminal `Weakness, lnvoluntar_v St-minnl Losses, lmpotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im- petlimcms'to Marrimze, etc.; also, Consumption", Epilepsy, and Fits, self-indulgence or sexual ex- travagance. . :13" Price, in a sealed envelo , only 6 cents. The celebrated author In I is admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self- abuse may be radicallv cured without the dangerous mien!` internal `medicine or the application uftlie l.'nil`u-poizlling.out amode of cure. at _nnce simple, certain and efliactual, by means of which every sul- feler, no matter what his condition may be, may curv lximeelfclieaply, privately, and radically. . This Lecture should be in the hands of em-rv ymnu anu every man In Ike land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any" address, on the receipt of six cents, or two post.- age stamps, by addressing the publishers. CHAS}. `o. KLINE, & Co., _ _i27Bowcfy, New York, Post Oice Box, 4586. February, 1864. 5-Iy V _ . - - . _ . . _ ... rnvuvntunvlo yuu -an vslonluu urvlll Teeth inserted in a superior manner, from a single tooth to a complete set, on Gold or Silver, or Silver Plate, or on that justly and highly es- teemed material, Vulcanized Rnbbergpand in such a style as to afford ease and comfort in 'rnastica'- ting the food, giving to the patient, at the same time,- that natural expression of countenance so desirable to secure in the operation of_ inserting articial teeth. mm-zen clugaply, privately, bands of every youth and every in Ihe land. Sent nnmn um! :n .. ..I..:.. ........1...... .- -__.. v __._.__.-:.w.an.`r I Has been u. nearly_hal!' a century, with the most astonishing success in caring Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, 'Sore 17zroat, I114 uenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Daiculty of Breathing, sthma, and every ufeclion of ' =-qunreu, _ ._ _ . ` In this reparcmon, beside: the U . , all-e value, I/ms :'ncrea.n7ng it; value le1Lfold,a:1nl formmg a Rmedy w/wsa power to mocha. to /wa1,to. re/iwe, and to turn disease, ezim. I in no other meulicfnc yet discovered. `TEETH! TEEIEHII ll!l@&*siH[LAEI|3iiI*%%llli`Pi%TiST !l vv\._A.uu|IAU on. u ACi1b'!)_ll'll)le C0$[o V _ Your Committee also find" that Pe1i- tions from severul Municipal Bodies, in-_ Cllldillg the City of Toronto, the Counties of York and PeeI,the Conn-Cy of Simcoe, the Town of Barrie arid others, `have been preseyted to Your Honorable House for a grant of ten millions of acres of public lands to aid in the construction of this`Cm1aJ_._ " `V .... .. F93... __ L2-4, I E-PEcT1*ULLY alanouuces um he will regu-V `lurly visit the following places on the days and at. the time stated, viz. : - BARRIE-At his Oice, Dunlap Street, from 1st to 13th of each month. unnrnanvma nnxnnnc n.. `L- 1 ;.L |__-L 13!: I0 IOU] OI E800 HIIODID. MOURISON S CURNERS-On the 14th March, May, July, &c. _ `0RILLIA--Al. T. Mo'att s, on 16th of March, May, July, &c. S I`AYNER-At J. Algoe s,. on the 15th April, June, August,-dzc. nREF.\`lnRR_.AI I `Mun-n : nn Inn-. nf Ann" auu August,-ac. C3EE.\'l0,RE--ALJ. Martin's, on 16th of April, June, August, Jcc. - " Where all lhnm I-pn`uiri.nn Mu anrio-can in Army uuue, August, ac. _ _ , V > Where all those requiring his services in any branch of his profession can be mailed upon. 'I`.mn. :.....o..A :. .. ..........: . . M . _ ....v_ 4-_.._. .. :1-`-:.eth sued with Gold Foil, cemeui, and White Filling, so as to preserve them from further decay. Toot}: nvlo-nnha mhl. Huh, l\ .. ....:.. .....a ....- - --n-cab uv --J Iv ylvwiol Iv QIJI-Ill IAVHI IIII ll-ICI HUSH : Teeth extracted with little or no pain, and par- ticular attention given to the regulation of chil- dren s teeth. -.-.. u uuvoul All operations performed in. the most approved style," and satisfaction given in every case or no - ` . 16- WILD CHERRY] THE THR0A l`,-vLUN4GS AND `cmssr, INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION. IJ.-__:_` _ ion. J`. c. McjAUSLAl\'l.D, Qnl A T. P`l`.RA'l'lV`|3`. AND :conside1; the raeticebity am} propriety Of consunbtihg ti Ship.."Cana.1 bet3'veh.e. `the Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario, -via ` Iiake`Sin`1coe,-have the honor-to report :-- That they_ have received evidence - from various parties in re_ferebce-;to.'tl|e prxicticability and necessity of construct- ing the proposed Ship Canal, which is herewith submitted. ,_,L_,_E; 41.- ___g , - _- ..,-, .V----,--an -';.uu` ;1}r5taL;c7W b>i5It1La1c` l'13L)6rr..'co,}'. 0 0 ` . I 2'! '. connifsxomm IN. B. `In, r-a.v- .--..v..-. November, 1862.` Quebec, 1864`. certicate from L. _J. hpiixe, Esq, of the - llmorva. }I1 I`NY rIAi.0BERTS7C)N, ;, L.L;B;, 3 Us \lo lvl\J&r1\I&I1| SURGICAL, OPERATIVE, AND 1- A m- A - --Zjil WISTARS BALSAIVF >,,...- __ . ~an\.IU.lVl. LD- v `0>:ouri#r`da l."HyuintM. l'T..'.. :.` .. L512 - , HEN-1_2Y GRIST, !lUKU\VlI.ll uuuuu-cu- Your Committee also submit .the vi-1 deuce collected by a' f_o_rmer` Cqofm`i_ttee appointed fdrlthe same purpose. and would recommend. that..,the evidence should be printed.` _ ' " ` - rm... ......9:n'n rif':irin`afr|'1hh n'n"VH1:u nnfi Ient, Quebec} 3A l`lEQ and lndinntn` C1-4 There is scarcety one individual in the community who wholly escapes, during a season, from some one, how- ever slightly developed. of the above-. %_\ mtoms--a nctzlect of which` might land In the last named, and most to be dreaded disease in the whole cata- Iogne The power of.t'ne medicinal gum` oi-the Wild Cherry Tree over this class oft-otitplainls is well known; i so great is the good it has performed, ' and so great the popularity ilfhas ac- quired. . Tn. thic nrpqun-nlinn I....'.l-. 41.- MoN'raxAx., L. C., Oct., 20,1858. Ln. HOW LOST, %1W i_est._res1! (MANHOOD: umb 1`, Box 344, P.0., Quebec. 12- {real conn- ` ,1! ,,,r{ llaortmenl. of Lamps, Chimneye, &c., Which ere offered cheaper than ever before in this . ` ' ' market. ` No. 1 quality ROCK OIL always on band; also Glass, Putty, &c. E? Prescriptions carefully put up under Mr. Kelman s immediate supervision. Barrie, Feb, 1864. uua vltllptl 5 Your Committee.-l1a_v'ing a rega(rd_ _to the nmgni tuc'Ie':i'n3 importance" ofiht-his ' work, venture to indulgeie` hope that a grant of land, com'mns'unite with the greatness of the ii'tidertak:ing will` he. made to the Toronto and Georgian Bay Canal Company, incorporated in l856,as one of the` best means of securing the construction of the work; Your Com-` mittee being" persuaded, that Xvithout some municent inducemen_t;of`t-hisdes- cription,it were useless to see`kVthe~ co- operation of the capitalists of the parjnt country, on whom mainly the` Provin`oe' must rely for the practical execution of the enterprise. ` ' `t ' ' Vnnr (`,nrnrnl6..'.. I._--s A ' ' " E Subscribers, ,thn,ku'ro: we plirpupgp T bcpgowed on their` establiphment, and the appreciationfshown of th`9!irVe`or_ts to keep only V - u:s- rum ENGLISH DRUGS, 42;. , __ ._ =_.:....... lhnt their stockis now ` replete in all that Wonld- beg tmintimate thnnhair stock is pertains to a rst-c_lus enab- lishinent. They have besides -Pain: W5: D_7I.e"s5u:3.2 Perjumery, Fancy Articles, Patent ' Medicines, -2: Just received, direct fromvNew York, a. large I annnpifnnll I. (If JIIBI rcuclvcu assortment of III`! in &:-u-._ CAN be consulted at his olce, in rear of Kel . man 8: 0035 Store, and can supply the vari- ous H_omoepath_ic Medicings for fgmily use. ' R`l'4`.LMAN 5: C0. . ' COATED WITH GUM. Dr. Radium Pills sroeleguntlycuued with Gum,_ |rottoo'troInIuo' or smell, an be taken at all tunes `ind on I oeculons. No danger wlll result from colds, -if expoqedto worordnmpwontlur am: taking these `v ph. ~ co -nuuuanuutlillw song = ; 1';nLMA~N.f&*co.,' naine; V ` ;,r. mm, _n-max. Suzan- - ' -,1; .jL-`AVEN, Ofillia. J. `wrnnn, AII&:;.n,", ` v.t;:z:nro seam ;;4.2 innit ennume; c.m.....a= ~~ ; ' .n;nm1v1r11. as oo., nzgaroxl .1. ALA-I-L \JVJ.Llc.\J.IJo 4` I have taken slx-doses of Redwey s Pills, of three Eldls each, ln six days ; they cured me of Constlpetlon, lgestlon, and Dyape la. 1 have taken B---th a. 1--re , and many 0 1- Us for years, and could only obhln lemponry relle . If I stopped the use of - these pills for a week my old complaint would appear. Blx doue-ofB.Idway e Pills cured me. - .`8TEl HEN.BEN'NE'l'l`,- `)2 S. O. S. phjnubr seven year:--h_av_e used all sort: or pIlls-- 1: th would (lye me tom nry demand but was com- pelid to take them all eltlme. I have used one-box. -_o(Dr. Rndweyh Pills ; Iun outed. I have not hken e yertiele otmedlolne in six months. 0. ll. CHILI, Rnvhnpn II... ' ' 01 5.96 suffered with Dyspepsia and um cm. 039*? - _ - , you would avoid these annoyances, whenever I purgulvo medicine is r nlrod, take a dose or ' BADWAWS ULATING PILLS. WILL `PURGE THOROUGHLY AND - LEAVE THE BOWELS REGULAR. Persons hmlotodwnh FILE, may:-elyon a. positive! _=3:_x_a`r_:__l_:z_thelrvuso. ` N __.__ I unlulou vmn J ; cure 1: their use. WITH GUI. nr unu cu LC] [H156- Your Committee have to express their. 4 thanks to L: B. Crocker, Esquire, of Oswego; Col. R. B. Mason, Commis- sioner of the Illinois Central Railroad; VVil|iam Bross, E 'uire, of the Press and eTn'Im7ze, Chicagof(}or'th ve_rTyi`mi')ortut1t statistics and use_Iul.informntiou gratuity `ousl-y impa.rted-by them for-the` informa- tion of the Committee`. vnnr l".........:.._- Lr- - " I. ` ` U ILUICII In The progress of settlement westward, the development of the.vast' mineral re-_ sources which skirt the northern shores of Huron and Super.ior,and the certainty that no distant day, the interests of civi- lization and commerce, will demand` facilities for intercourse from the present terminus of lake navigation to the golden . shores of the Pacic, are circtlmsfances which render the Georgian Bay Canal a matter which the Imperial authorities. will necessarily entertain with favor. nlynr nru` nlunnn. {lung-n an.-....',`l-....a.'....... ew seemed a vlgorode evacuation, In severe cues of Inunmetlon or the novels, Paul . ae., met Groton Oll Harlem on, and means oom- _ pleliely ' A doeeo! way : Pith will remmm ell ,obetn_ouou eeeureslreepegege. Dlrectlonefor we are lnekle eeehbox. Price per box,26oente. Sold by Dtugxlele, Iledlclne Dealers. end store-k _.__,1_l. Agent he: been mrnlehed with fuel FILE, STRAINING `AND TENBMU8, PngE8,S'l'!A[NING ANDIENEMUS Are the results of In tlon or Irritation of tho mu- cous membnne of-the bowels, Induced by dnsup Ems--theu imperfect pills, Instead of bei_ng~ dissolved ytheohllo,u'o'enrr!od to the lower bowels `and In- duoo 3 perhtnltto movement or evacuation iay their trrltatlou hates . --. ,tM uraini , cramps, Pa_a_u,pa_n age! fraouau fake aaurvuwv VA a- ver, Billousneas, Tvnhnn Wave 1-nevus; vvvn nus-av: Inc -..v, -...v-_.rv..--v. VEGETABLE l':`:TRACTS FROM ROOTS. `HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, ' BARKS,.FRUlTS AND WEEDS, PRE- PARED IN VACUO. One gnin oi the extract of the medicinal proper- ties ofRadway s Pills, possess ll greater curative power over disease than a thousand of the crude and inert materials that enter into all other pilisrin use. fiihese Pills are compounded of the active medicinal proper- ties of the Roots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums , &c. of which they are composed. One dose will prove their `superiority to all other pills. They PURGE, cmmss, PURIFY, HEAL, 80Q'l`EE,_GAI.M, STRENGTHEN, mvxeomm, 1...! nnnn-r Ann: l'I'II'I`l!I an-rnmvnr 1' -, --._.-. ....-...-, _.-_-.. ...u- AS EVACU'AN l'S,_ They are more certain and thorough than the Drastic Pills ofAloes, or Crown or Harlem Oil or Elnterium ; And more soothing and health than ,or Rheu- `barb, or Tamnrinds, or Qastnr l. 1'`? arrnruenv llliflil 11171-I nu-I IN SUDDEN ATTACKS or Inunlmuon of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas or Kidneys, Biliou Cbollo or Buious I-`ever, Eryslpelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or Scarlet I-`ever, SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY S`- REGU4 LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA- RY CAUSE OF THESE mom THE SYSTEM TM QYY IYOYTDQ nu. vaumu Ur Luann rnum. 1`.I:LI:i D!b].'l.ltl. ` IN SIX HOURS. One dose of Dr. Ra3way s Pills wlll cleanse the Intes- tlnnl canal, and purge from the bowels all olllandlng and retained human, as thoroughly a lobelln. or the best npproved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with- out producing Inammation, irritation, weakness, 3 T R A I N I N G . u I. pruuucmg lnuammauon, Irnnuon, weakness, 8 R A I N I N G , or other unpleasant sympaams. There are no other pm-gatlvo.pllls in the world that will secure this desi- duratum " 4; ..-.._..-..-..-g;-.:, They exercise 5 more powerihl inuence over the live: nnd itseeereilons than ealornel, mercury, blue pill, hence their importance In cases of Liver Complaints and `Spleen Dimculties, Janndiee, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headache, he. In the treatment of Fe`.-e1e,eilher Bllions, Yellow,Typhoid, and other reducing I-`avers, they are superior to quinine. Their inuence extends over the entire system, controlling. strengthening, and bracing up the relaxed and wasting energies, and regu~ hung all the secretions to the natural performance of their duties, cleansing and purifying the blood and purging irom the system all diseased deposits anti im- pure humors. ' . uvuu veuasu, Constipation, Congestion, Heart Disease. Disease of Kid- ney & Bladder. Dinmm of T5- `uuu Ul. UIU uommutee. Your Committee cannot `conclude this Report withourexpressing their appre- ciagionn 9! thq.liberaKsfiri1 displayed by M1jLKi_va_'Il'I_l_ly., Civil Engineer. in bre- Duluunucua, Typhus Fever, 1 Ship Fever, 3 Malignant. Fe- 1 var. ` ver, Loss t` A - ' tifao ppe iuulgeauuu, J nnmmation, J Palpitations, 1 Scarlet Fever, Binml Fnvar oy ntugxlsu, llodlctne ind sloo-keepers. . `R. B.-.-Every` t has fmuh l '|nd_no1fLnndoPl .. Aaeach Meals wick |8bol_|lIVIdfIAbel,ako`nnne on. ' 0 v 2 > -- ` mum: .00., . ' ' I11mdau~nne.`New York. 5' Y`li uAu"A.~`n- -n, -> '3; ` Newly Discovered Prinqiplesln P-u-gatives. _ Dr. Rndway a Pills are the best Purgntlve Pills ln the wot-ld,and the only Vegetable Substitute for Cnlomel or Mercury over dxscovered. They are composed of Yrnnnm A hr `IE! mvmn A IIFIVG nun`: nnnmc And REGULATE Trim SYSTEM?` DR. RADWAY S PILLS.- ONE TO SIX BOXESVWILL CURE Costiveness, J aundice, Rush of Blood Congst ve Fe- to the Head, Fnnmzntinn , `TAP, (\}\nfI-nnfh-\na nay on nxuuuer. Disease of Li- nu N0 FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOBOUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWEL8 IS ALWAYS SECURED. `sun QDA4\l\ll.A.LA` `gala -1.:-.ana4u.u.o Their Great Combinations.` They are Ape:-tent, Tonic, laxative, Altorauve, Sum- nlgm, Counter Irritant, Sudoric. ' Ac! 'nI'1'At'\vfA\ .......u. \_u me noera1.spm1. displayed by Mr. Kivas Tully, Civil Enginegr, in pre- senting 1250 lithographsfor,1he purpose` .o explainingthe position and advau- ` tagesof the Ge-orgian`Bay `Rogue, also, : fomhe-zeal which` he has mguie s_te.d It'll prgparing thg pecesary statii:i's,iihich, m_ the oi_nion*` f Ypur Cqmynittee, will be foun 'v`aIuable"`S,9_x ~l1uIr`9;;gf _ _t;o_:e, cl'ea|:l_y demougfmifgyi 1&3` ' '_7 pmwney P *i**t*r0Vi!I8:'i1i:n!In3=hF!lr* 3I91i'=hii}gaii:!ha neoe'ssity:g3"~ . ., ch- Vs? ...... Barrie, Feb.. 1864. DR.*_RADWgY S 1=I;.Ls. __ _..._. _...._.. nu-ucvnnrvr -----.__... MEDICAL HALL, . DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. `HE thsn,k!u,l `fo: the patrpnnga ---o..-..-1.... their` establishment, the BE'I'l'ER~ l'HAN CALOMFII. 03 BLUE `PILL BE`l'l'l-IR THAN GALOMEL 03 BLUE PILL.) BEITEB. max CAIDMEL 03 BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, .11 .u--Ala- - uu.-A -nu-n.-Ad Ind..--._- -_-.. n_- n DR._ L. OLIVER ARE THE BET PURGAHVE nus. ARE ms nssr PURGATIVE mus. ARE THE mm runauzvz rugs.` ' rm smmmo, N0 GRIPINGL: \ . N-OTENEMU3. an on wars mm I n uohpuuui-'.'......-n.`- n_ __ I AM` OURED. ._-_.; ..-..., nu. also we necessit of ggugtltxigt-I .Y . . . . `W ff9i3)'i!1;`9Yj'0?5m?1}I_I3l,!:!:_' vr, . Sleepinesa, - Gen ! Dela!!!` cuccpxuesa, Gen'lDebi1ity, . Dimness of S`t . I.-`Na 1 I I ' Dll-I5, . I Lown sof Spir- I its, 1 , %uinsey,_ 5 YSPG -Mmlegfa 1 Melancholy, Hysterics, S Amenonhuaa, V . Diminnm I , umzmusu, Retention of man `.00A'!ED WITH GUI. ouxmn w VITH GUN. ' IIIIJY Ousted with Gum. IIIIJIIJ USU - KELMAN 1 1-111. L}l.IBl4l U1 DIOCXI - Obstructions, - Dmmv. - Bad Breath, Inamation of the Intestines, Apoplexy Enlargemzant nf thn Rnlnun {:'m"e XIII. Pleurisy. , numrgement 1 of the Spleen, Scnrvv. NGUIJ 1 My- - ._- rm judiciously, cit: imp: an by opening Ihe ` foul humors,_ render; u 6 "(I v--- uuylvvv IIIC UPPCITGHCC 0] H13 H09 _ul hnm, `I 1C,lho pores of the nkin the carry ml "9 Mmlerlng the con glossy, I e appetite ood. d In` ' ~ . god "i::`)rn.l:||l,1l:I.e3.}lp the whole nyuem lo a luallhy "RAREY's`cONnI"r1oN, APOWDERS are the hlrzhornmn Ind :-uni- H- mun xu,uu:; I S CONDITION, POWDERS only reliable medicine for horses and came. Ito,/n.k1'urlhe. . - ' T . }}1w1NE Jmnzis, by pl! Druggigg M 35 9 ch. P7093? bl . - Ilfnu 1- vvvrfxn FARCY & GLANDERS USE __ ., .......u, m-:-.- In uppelllf, SKID dlScSt.`S_, gtease, swelled l'e'gs, foul humours, 6:0. _ A few doses of Romy : Gondinon Powders given to horses and cnule whenluken from pasture w:!l be found `Invaluable in warding of intestinal disorders caused by sudden chahge ofdicl. ' ,In,_al1{c,au-not. over _work.hard driving, for severe eh_x`po:u,re, `Runny : Condition Powders wall reslow I 0` { _ my Io`hn9 nqual health and vigor. Every . - - ; by ugmg the `Gnuihe Rarey s Powdgfg judiciously"; imi`-mm. us... ......-..-..--- A An old Yorkshireman heing informed by a betting acquaintance that his friend the captain would obligingly hold the stakes, the canny Northerner rplied-- " Ay, ay, thut s all very well, but who st hauld the captain 2" - ' rs are very effective arms, mange, four "00: ttaggers, heaven, Ioas or appeni I dose of Rn.-gain l`..u..I:n.... as sobn as indxsprsilinn is noticed, will he m-m-raffy suiejem to ward off Mia:-ks that ulin-rwm: \\'uukl prove Ironblesome and o-xpcnsive. Thzs \`8llInMu Plln Ina nlslnlnu-J ul` all wznnnu 1 1 v r. ru W Dull cun be ob respectable Druggisls, fur the same mm those now in use. most of them being i the purpqse intended. Fdn BROKEN wnvn on HEAVES vsn FOR COUGHS 8: COLDS USE FOR INDIGESTION USE Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. _ Ra1`._ey s Condition Powders. FOR. cirrus TAKEN FROM msrunn vsr: R1i'y S. Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. ?Rarey s Condition Powders. TO EkPEL WORMS USE THIS celebrated medicine for the genernl afi- mcnls of Horses and Cnllle, is prc-pan-d {mm ingredients that have only been nppn-u-d of am.- reyealed trials by the most eminent Vcierinmry Sm- geons of Europe. I! 13 that llnlvi-r:=al|y\II.~rd l'nr\V hv lhe lnr est Horse and Stock Bro.-ml;-rs. na llw only POWDE that can he l\.`llt`(l on to el-x Iually 4-.-r.-M : lhe irregnlarilies of the dige.~t:'ve sysu~m,'aml an pu- rify- the blood as to prevent all apprehension nfm- llammaloly diseases, which often cause in-cpzua`.-lc misc-hielv before detected. Hence, a dose of prove ll`0lIl)IQ*s0|nu and exp, CORR ECTIVE P0 W DE R rpsnw-lnlxln nrnnn:.u.- r.- .1... : The PI.z2la1_e-lphia -Ga;ctt.e, speaking of a new przma domza, says :-- Her voice is as soft as a roll of velvet, and as ten- der as a pair of slop-shop pantaloous. jcounlmu rowsns FOR FATTENING STOCK USE ' DB; R. TROTTER, who will be at Mr. Fraser : Hotel, Dunlap street, on Tuesday and Wednesday after the first Monday in each month, is fully pre- pared profeqsionally to wait upon and accommo- dat.e_sn'ch gs desire his aid. Residence, Newmarket, where they may ha consulted the lat, 2nd, and 3rd of each monlh. April 19, .1863. d 1-tt` For HORSES, Cows, Sheep, Ilogs, '95 Klxe Sr. Eesr, '1`-onowro, AS much pleasure in being able to comply < . with the requests of his friends in and around Bu-tie, and to extend to them the advantages or hie Dental establishment. V `I\ nu`:-srsnunravs `osgiclmano to be seen by calling at Mr," Fraser: I-IIIIVJI nlnnnxcns. Dr. Ryerson, Superintendent of Education; '1'. J . Robertson, M.A., Head Master of tho Normal- Bchooolg Dr. L. Adams, Ho. muaopnthic Physician; Dr. Aikens. Dr.-Ogde 'Rev. Wellington Jetfers, 111)., .Editor_Chrixs:- tian Guardian; Mr. John Ley, Barrister-up Law; Mr. Joseph Rogers, Bauer; Rev. John - Langtry, Toronto, C.W. 35 S IN returning thanks to theirfriends in Barrie and surrounding country, who have pat;-onizgd mm, during thelpast thirteen years, beg to inlimalo that in-futnre they will attend at the following places non lye:-- Mewmorket, 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each Month. Bradford... 4th..-.. . . . . Cookstown, 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . Bond Head, 6th...... . . . . . . Brownsville, 7th. . . . . . . . . . . . Sut.ton..... 10th . . . . . . . . . .. Lel`roy.....I3l.b........... " Barrie . . .. . 14th and 15th . . ll Collingwood, 16th and 17th, When they_ will be happy to wait upon those re. q'.n_rmglbe1r. S8l'VlC5 in any of the branches of then: professnon. Teeth inserted in the mostapproved style; and as they have made arrangementsgfor visiting Barrie every month, they are prepared to execute any work entrusted to them, as cheap as any other Dentist in the Pruvince. Some years ago it was the custom in" New York city to re sunrise and sunset guns from the battery on the river. -An emigrant ship was coming slowly up one summer evening, and a knot of Hiber- mans on deck were staring about in_ un- disguised astonishment, when the report was heard. VVhat s that 'l asked one. That,? replied asailor, contemptuously, that s`sundown, you greeuhorn. Holy Moses, exclaimed the astonished Irish-* man, and does the sun go down inthis country wi_d a clapilsike that! A ``IY,__ _, ,_ 1'\._A._ 1'.__ "VI', !3'Pnrticula.r attention paid to the Regulation of Children : Teeth. CHANGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. DRS. 3. N. P. B. PECK, SURGEONm ` DENTISTS. `Ti-Ii \I_,LL1_] "TW; c. ADAMS, D.D.S., Ar 17.... E. 11!... m__, u, an uruggmp .1 29 not P.hB. " I P'""` Y-: . ~ .-IAKSO!,u' 5; HURD. ," -. New Yo: `I ` Qnooosunav 9, 4-: mm`>s commox pmxrmsn ALL WORK WAVRR./IVNTED. Rarey s Condition P0\VdeI_'_S. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Rarey s Condition Rarey s Condition Rarey s Condition `Powders. Rarey_ s Condition Powders. Rarey s Cotfdition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. IU\\ CLIU IIIILICI I Pickets--Tl1ese are chaps that are cent out tu borrow turbacker of the eas- . ma, and to see if the kussed. rebels hen got 9. pass, o .Rary s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. Rarey s Condition Powders. VARE THE BEST REMEDY _.-.._vJ - - VII woven- imiovo me n bran His I ck In` -WWI llfgeukin 1-ti:-:1 on ' are eeclive tor broken wind, amps, mange, founders. inamma- heqves ofappelile, skin dis;-ns.'5_a d`l'egn', I'll bllmnm-n. Ant ` `Q. , LVUVI Lvlnn _ xE1.mB1: 65 co., A '- V In: -Wh fox-Ibo Can ll RAREY S kc cc. pcm-Ive. .|.m.\` Vllmhlc can be oblnhed of all a nmnu m.um.- n.. nn\|I ..c DENTISTS. Powders Powders. Powders. A VVORDTOR -rm: BLUE JAY.`-`The hlue jny is usually considered a mischiev- ous, useless bird, but several practical farmers think it more than pays for its board. One farmer says he has noticed these birds for nine years, and nds that although they steal a little corn througll. _the opening of the crib, they busy them-. selves in picking off the eggs of insects which are` glued `to the limbs of fruit trees. They stay around the o'rc.hard- all winter, and he is quite willing to give the half bushel or so of corn they eat, in return for the services they tender in re- moving the clusters of eggs.- He says while he has allowedythe jays to be "un- molested, there has been scarce.ly.a ca,ter- pillar s nest seen in his orchard, rwltile the trees of his neighborsghave been in- fested and nearly ruined. , He7consid_ers the jay one of the farmer s best i friends. Theicrow is agreat enemy to-_th`ef `jay, and is always on thelook-put foxechaneg, to destroy its eggs and young. . r1___ _.,,_ , _.,, ,, , - inn ' o mm:)' us any 0] ; iucifccvlive Ior `J RU. ow York. II? a. `II. are the Be um: n. 5 VI HUB . 7 `baptii- Henr}y"Mereer;-'3r-1' 1., was ire- cently shot in leading a_ forlorn-hope against the Maori position in New Zea.: land. When rushing -enwardat the head of his men` .to`gra,pple_ with the fee, he received_ his death wonnd--a shot struck hunt on the face, tearing away the tongue,` shattering `both jaws, and inflict- ing a fearlligash. Where heefell` there he lay.all night, resting his poor mangled headion the - lifeless, bodyyof one of his brave`gun_ners ; the ground on`_whi_ch he lay V was. i so enladed, and the re of the enemy so deadly, that no one could attempt to re'scue`him and live. Intehgence of her a husband s sad fate- was-despached at once to Mrs. Mercer, who immediately started off, and travel- led forty miles in great haste, though the poor lady was expecting hereonnement, to see her husband ere he breathed his last. When she arrived at camp her grief was `heart-`reading to witness, and caused many a rough soldier to brush away a tear. Poor Mercer on. seing it appeared to su'er more on her account than his own, and, rallying a little, made signs, for writing materials, and a pencil being put into his hand, he. wrote ; 4` My darling do not grieve for me. ` I have peace-'-the most perfect peace in Jesus-deep, deep as a river. He doeth all things well. Immediately afterwards his spirit ascended to his Saviour. Thus died a [)l0llS Christian. Poor Mrs. Mercer, with ve fa-therless little ones, has Just returned from New ZeaIand.-Arm_1/ and Navy Gazette. nuns:- To the Province the project is scarcely ` less-than {rite}. Its geographical position points out Canada as the pussessor of the first commercial advantages which are to be found in the interior of the Ameri- can Continent. IllI'Jl.IL' Advance Gard, -tI{is ,is gard tha hav tu in our arma, to keep our fellows, from pitching into the enema fmntwurds-. H 'Rarn (1-arr` __H1;a {Q nun-H H111 ~l\n I1 JIUILI Illlbllllls IIIIJJ IlI\J vuvlllu IIIIIII-VVILIIJOO {ere G_ard,-.-lhis is gard tlxaphuv` tn ha`v tu keep our fellows, when they at surrounded, from pitclling into the | enema backwards. ` u A,_,I -__ L`__ 'I'1.n.___-.-_l_9! ALI- ` UIIUIIJU. l.lLl.Ul\VVl.Ll\.lu ? Awl quite on the -Potnmuck? --this ; shows wluxt perfeck subjeckshuu our fel- lows are under. H 'r\- I, . H rnL. ,_ ___- _I___,_ `LA; _._- The law gives the right of way to fdqt ~passengers--any man,` woman, or child desiring to cross-a street can compel all "vehicles to stop forlhe purpose. " ~ ._. -...-._. .-.. .. - .- ` \.n.'.l_1'Iel1.t1u>y d"'C CUL'_rIvA'rxoN or_To1\u.'ro'ns. --There is i . scarcely a vegetable, unless it beethe po- . tato, that enters so largeliy into consump- tion by the masses of the people as the tomato. They are not only eaten though the summer fund fall in the vari- ous, styles of dressing, but are putjinto cans and jars ' and `preserved for. winter use. They are as easily cultivated as anyevegetqhle and yield profuse'ly'7 if a little care is devoted to .,their; culture. The Culturist has some [remarks on the culture of tomutoes_wluch are worthy of attention. _It says `-e thereyis a diversity of_ opinion in regard to the culture of. to4 matoes. - Some preterto allow thejyines to cover thegrnnnd at will ; otfhe_rs.prc:fer trelisses or`. tfranrefs. ."Th.0 F|'9|10..h;me-- thod;iis 'as~follows; -As.soon ` as . a` cluster of owers isivisible, they `top the V stem down to the tf: _l't istet Js,`./'I},<'J..~_lA1.i3 .9V- "fe? owers tei'ininzi_teTH);.;stef;:.~ i-.,5l_";he_ eitcfy is, that thesaplis 'in1medla tel-y 1; 'into?the-t7wo- u"dsiTnext`; A, 2 . tervlnieh gage; "[)t1shf`stt3it;i n edi=ce'.a.::f>IJie'v:;ticI-.ts:teir.:3 gs. ,. . . .Whenj heso"ure:;;.viai _. f ' ,8! " BGIIUII `U-I. \V IIIDDG IulI'I.'aVUI J 0.1!! I Vll4UQ~9 Military strategy,_try1ng tu reduce aswamp by ketchin the bilyoas fever out ofit. .`r, *1, ,0 __,_,,n 1..-; _--_L, ,1, Josh Billings takes a logical vu_of' wizr frases : _ , . A On tu Richmond, `that is tu set if" the kussed rebels will allow it : M _ Parallel lines, are them kind of 4 lines that "never cum together. ..= '\":|lu'9nu-I1. I1nnn:~o:Cn , 1n nanra rirni n Ul. lluo Onluce t`he 'dogVs of war, but mlizzle the darn kriltegs 5 ef you dou?t sombody "will get hurt. - ` ' U `Krnr A` Q\ .II|lQ'|;V'II';l\V'I ,_f'n:n `(I-non nnes Ina: never cum togemer. . Millitarv I1ecessita, _f 10 osers anti a. gallon ofwhiska tuevery 3 privates. 1` T\:1:l:nI-I1 air-nnn-I1 'lFIV;l'Il'I` In rnalinn V` III E5`! IIIIIIIO War of exterm1nahon,--tms frase belcngs holey to tlieikomisara depart- ment- ' n A 'l,,,__-- f`1,,__.I )9 ALIS-` 3. ..__J L_ Even now} the produce and `minerals of the Norlh-West demand increased facilities for reaching the" seaboard," and the business men of Chicago and Oswego are of opinion tlmta'Sln'p Canal from the GTe'orgian Bay to Ontario presents attrac- tions of which none else can boast. `I7 nu tion throu`gh"this-; U-il rovince fO.!'.f tl1}1f1r'Via V's and rapidly: increasing trade ofilhe `West. The whole Arespelctfally submitted. ` T Taomiss D. Mcconxnr, I! 9 ' *Com)i`ffe `Rooin, N(`).`E1;6;'; .Tuesd_uy,31st May, 1864. _1LsId's j Fats.` V War gages: .4a;;_ %[LA3oAd%k&.,m1ea; . ` . _ . Buuaanng `BAARAIJIL-' 3.`. V, . .-,. \ Aiizifttin tiinhli, or '*o';l_aeiI'Qo: ini- ':_ . ` in-th,q;un`fclf fuuygzmfsmud _."_- - . Slain: ran}-` " " -mu '5" ugooq qwelling house._ _ 2 - VILL`AGE.6I~ ALLANDALE-t.-F:-`out parts of * `L01: .2':o.ndL3, East 6! Esta" Road; Lot -No. . The apgve lands _wi}l be_;_sqld_-_ch`_eap. ,and on any term; of paymgnt- - V 5 V : -n_..an.....'1.-_ _'__u'_.:I'_"_'. `. .L_I_ In I..'. I-Ar._ ._`_-_ J.` 91' `II-||'l ipaxd)-h`; -.GOLLI'N'GWO0D--I3ot 3 S: Pimlfstreet, to ` T the Railway Station ; Eailegly of'll andjl'2. West of Birch Sltcethon which is 3 ...;sood. 1weIIinshhouse..h , , 2 Ah . I-nr I`-A:l'V!;'lI3~ .1 fr |"\?l\"I'fB- 1:I_'..'4 ".."_n 50 Acres of _I_.nd for Sale. H There are about 42 acres cleared, and in 8 high state of cultivation. Thre are a good Dwelling House and Barn, andla thriving young Orchard, on the premises. - The land is of the best. quality. Title lndisputaule. ' the proposed Canal is obvious. .._ It isa necessary complement to the plans 3vl1iel1,'at an enormous cost, have enabled the British Government to pro- mote the means of travel and. transpor- tation over a large part of the Province. The existing Canals, originally in ad- vance of` the wants of the time, are-now declent. e In! r n ..-I . . u COUNTY OF SIMCOE. FLOS-Lot 25 in 3rd'Con.; Lot 4 in 6th; hf. of Lot 1 in 7th; part of S. E. 1.0! 2 in 8th. INNISFIL-N. half 25 in 8th (Jam, and lots 26 and 2_7 in 9th. RIEDONTE-Lot 43 in 2nd con.; W. half 16 in 7111; Lot 19 in 8th; N: W. i of 2 in 1o:r-` an improved farm; part or N. W; {of 22 in 13th Con. ' ` ` ' MULMUR-.-E. hfs of 22 "in 2nd, and 25 in ,4th 0011., E.H;S.; "part of 23 in 4th Con., 70` acras ;` E. half .29 in 5Lh - about 40 acres cleared. T . ' . N0'l`TA\VASAGA--Lot 29 in 4th; N. I 3 in 8th ...'n vnlimhln fnn -, Ln}. 2 in 1mh'nm.. HE north east quarter of Lot 12, and the south . east quarter of Lot 11 in_ the fourteenth Oonpessjon of `Ora, containing 100 acres,- more or less. . , T Apply to L. T. NOTTLE, Land Agent. Hamilton. EING the South-East quarter of Lot 9, in the 1st Concession of the Township of Oro. Distance four-and a half miles from Barrie. Twelve acres cleared. Land of the best qunliy; and a ne hardwood, liush. good for. Cordwood. For `further particnlas a.[Spl_y to 50-tf ' ` I R. T. BANTIN nut LAW l1Dll\1t1""_.l.AUl. 5:! In Inn; 11. Q .1 in am --`A valuable farm ; Lot. 3 in 10th`Con. 7 0RO-Lot 34' in 2nd Con. - SUNNIDALE-Part of N. half of 22 in 4th` Con. "!`.Y-1--IzM_s' 116 and 117, E.P.B.. ;. S pan. of W; 01.14 in 8th Con.. 37 acres- COUNTY or Gimv. MELANC'l`HON-Lot 214, and N W part or 215 in 2nd Con.,.N E of Toronto and Sydgnbam Reade-an improved farm. ` _ PR,0'[`0N7_Lot 222 `in 2nd Co:;., 8 W Toronto uid Sydenham Road-`-an improved fora;-' an TRUSTEES of the Wesleyaii llethodiit rl _ Church. Barrie, being about toerect new! place of worship, are desirous of disposing` or the present. Church property,` and will receive o _exV-x for the. purchase of the same until "the 1911: of: June next. The property consists `of Low Noe.. 84 and 85. and the Best part of `X8, on the North? side of Collier Street, and 103 on the South side". of Worsley Street; together with the buildings thereon erected. In the Township of 01-0. The Mill has tworun of Stones, and is nearly new; the Farm consists of 200 acres, with dwell- ing bonse and extensive outbuildings}. _ There are otherwater privileges on the lot. For nm-tinnlm-u nnulv tn Rlaibin lo Ah.-'.....I.... HE West partior Lot No. `7 in the 421: 0011-. cession, of T Tosorontio- 95 Acres. The Land is well situated auid'capa.b1e of being farmed to advantage, . - . It will be sold cheap unrler a power of Sale in a` Mortgage, from one William Caygill ,to the xrdrsigned. . ~ - W1LI3I_A.\1 HOLT. K9, ` Ran-I-in. nnnnrnhnr 9,00}: 196: ) 1'11-x-+-1201.! no and 111, 19.r.1s. ;` B pan. 0! W ; of.14 in 8th Con., 37 acres. 4 - `TINY--N. halt` of 86in Isl. Con.-an improved fprm; part. of N`. half of 10 in nth Gain, 95 acres`. . ` _. _ - TOSSORONTl0-Pa!'t of E half of 22 in 2nd an R5 cull-no ..-...- ..v..u \.Jq1\I vuu uuuoto rYour Committee need not indulge in prophecy to prove thatrall arguments, based upon previous commercial wants, are trivial indeed when place in the bal- ance against the wants which will be experienced when a few more years shall have brought out, in a greater de- gree`, the resources of the immense and fertile region of which this Canal will V be the natural outlet. TOWN PROPERTY, aousns, be. BARBIE-Lots 59 and 60, South of Collier street, with dwelling house and stables; Lots 13 and 14 N 8 Elizabeth Street, and 11. to 14 S 8 Henry Street, Boys Block; Lot_ 33 N of Kempenfeldt Street; Lots 34, S S, and M M . N S Blake Street; Pnrt of Lot: 15. E 8, an ' )2, 14; am! l5,_W;S of Nelson Street ; part of E ball` Lot 22 Mb Con.,. Vespnn, .2: ae`res;j . About 25 acres `commanding 9. view. fgtbei Bay, and beautifully situated" `for `prifate `residences; would l_)'a_ divi[ded`to_'ault pur- chisetls " I it " . ' .1 _ CHI'J`R C H- PROPER';1;( _ =F'OR%_ALEJ=-; Proposals to addresoed (post-paid) to the undersigned, from whom any information regard- ing terms, title, &c., may be obtained. - . ---.-. -..-- . -.-.;-u - l I EST. half of Lot:No. 11, in the 4th Conces- sion of ORO, 100 acres---60 acres of im- provement--20 beau"-ing Apple Trees and` a large quantity ofVCherry Treci. About 12 miles from Barrie. There is a. good stream of water on the premises. . It will be sold on reasonable terms. For any other information apply to NOAH MORRIS; . " On the premises. Barrie, June 11, 1864'. 24-p . . s Luosvunuuxxu--run on 13 min In at 1 , 0011., 65 acres. , A b VESPRA--L9: 6 in 11th 0011., 200 acre}. ul vvorsley an-ee thereon erected. ; `:A'uns EDWAAR-VDS, . , V - Sec. to Trustees. Barrie,'April 22nd, 1864. 17- S; S. begs to [announce to his numerous . friends and customers that he has now on hand a good supply of Alarm Clocks, `Watches, Jewellery, &c., which he offers as cheap as they can be got anywhere north of Toronto. I CLOG.KS mom 32.25 UPWARDS. * Gall bforg purchasing elseyvhere. N`.B.--Melodgons, `Flntinas, Accordons, >&c.,'~ rpaired.'- All work~wurranted.,_ - -~ Barrie, De. 12,1863, V ` so- uulrr water pnvueges on the lot- For particulars apply to, Blaikie & Alexander, Toronto ; or to" Ardagh & Ardagh, Barrie. Huh 1 I -1912.4 -- VVCSIBHI P011101] OI [HIS I'l'UVlH_C0o " .- On referng to the Jou_r na1s`of`Y'oiir Honorable House, Your Committee find` that on the nirith of Jtirie, 1857, thelafe. Joseph Hartman, Esquire, `M.P.P. for North York, presented :1 Report from a Select Committee appointed to inquire and report on this projected work. Ivrnn-I H-uaf (`nnnrnnnf Vnnnr (`nrnrn;1fnn Watch and ock Mulmg, Jeweller, &c., 443., Dunlap Street, opposite Farraghefa Hotel. lino! II-IIII? Ill .1:-;un`-uuu. ,:,if,"{{,f`S9"'T.-5 ??$`.?"3E*`. ;`??'${9.;";.'$?9F"ii? WC "'_,V__&CHW_,' W. For particulolrs apply to? 'Hznilton, 4 March, 1864," 33-tf ' I1 Barrie, December 29th, 1862. ..... -- , -. .- ... Feb. 11,- 1364. go BE son) CHEAP, the S. East ; of Lot . No.28,ip1he am Con. of the D0,be sold, on` time, the property known as the . RUGBY MILLS. A uluhw ,u.uu lul-l\.4l6L1IuI\4 nun-|v_JII .\_lu I-Il| LILIJUU|o Should the systemvof granting public lands in aid -ofipublic works. of a national character be continued, Your Committee respectfully submit that no work yet projected in Canada, has equal claims with the Toronto and Georgian Bay Canal, to a liberal gru_nt.. ' A nrnoinn uritlu iluiscn .u:}auv9n V.-nu. VALUABLE rgpy run SALE. LEANDER. s. -SANDERS, LAN D_s FOR SALE. FARM % EQR SALE; TOWNSHIP OF MULMUR. FARM i|l"c3Ft SALE. GRIST; MILL AND mutt Silas. FOR SALE `FO_R_:AL; 5lJl\. c As a national work the iiwmportance of the proposed Canal is obvious. ` I` {an Hana:-anrlv nnnanlnw...n4 0,. ll... AI;I- LAURIVE, - Dunlnn Street. R l-3;1i*ITIN G, O_ook`stown.. um-n. un UILlL`1,_ Dunlop Street, Bar'rie. Eii1::E- RN AEDTVANCE. 10-8in C.~RnlIaruo`n,. ; iS;ng;n*ueq;s,:13auiaei; ohe Boardof1Tzi'8e.> ; - J -.G:_.Wouc,Vit~e_ `___`V L . " 65 V ' u ' as `V-4 , Manic! Toronto Savings Burk. Wlllll ll Will 00 Ill I0 "I05! 'lD0l0Ilh'lIIlnP. 1 Regrgegnl-er__ it is the. _Bnmsn ~AlElI'lOAN C0I1I_:IlOl.i_IQM_CoL]`2.IG,..%7:ll to the Post Oce, T.0rP!lo:~~v~v "`-* " ` = ` `din . an-. nu. an... . ..'.._._L." 51:5 intoivndnvb -pupil`: stzhckai-gown `residence to inltruct in MUSIC and SINGING. 11-... ....o:....|.... .....I. .. 1.....'.|........k nnr nu. ` _nThisAInstit'u_tio'n.'now attended by over one hun- ' dred students, is far, superior to . any other mercan- f tile College in the -country., It is at thorough British Institutt'm6n,'lt_etng=not` at ill interested, not having anv` diufct mnuection*whtr:ny or ttie'Unitersa'ates Obtheges`, buutandulona so its own merits, which any one maykvinow by tnjhng notice of our refer- e_nbeI,.Int=Nisitu'ng?the Institution. Terms as favour- ublgntarw Ollillr-Institution-with `instruction much -mono thorough and oomplete in every department. The Mtbh. mat~cmm. tnnnhain more xnorougn. and compune in department. A} : _'_I`h_e .Briii9h-Anzericim. ` _mercial_Collegeleaches all it odverlioes,Ahnd,I vcises` to tip nothing only whit if `m1|_ao the most`-iholoungh manner. j, 3 Rememhcr it in the B1111-mu .Au:.-am... In this regard the marvels of the past are the best index to the probabilities of the future. -