Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Jul 1864, p. 2

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men-of <\var s men.-'i`u pun; u|':"IJ|LaU`lI. JAIIIUU uuu \`VU_l_lUuUl_o _ , The Southern ti"nd'" ]5`ederal `sailors in town (Cl1erbpo;g);..evere very .1188!` _I'8- commencing 1l1;e"i1etio`n tn, the ;8V_81?A|8 011 term. r_ma_. ; TJaae..;popL1lnti()n ls de-. cidedly boutl1,ern"i1'1 itssynzpal.-luies, and t11e`- survivors of the gal=lantcnIiser~re- ceived ajperfect ovation from the French FIFTEENZHUSDRED P_tR_!8I A1\`S we ran`; 1-"1s'xu'._` 'Cher_bo'urg letters givve.acconns' of ` ihe fight between lhe.~A~laba=ma.andV the - 1(ea`rsa`g.e. The ironclad frigate Couronne , to~ the distance- _-of;- uige `marine 'm_iIes* `F from xthe; .l:u:hor=-`th'aIibeing'.-," the` liiit : within` .wh-ieh it is 0!; p'ermitied_`-for < foreigngbell'igex`ents%o ght. J ' " `V '.Nine miles nt can :. 3...... nm. _..- V `way..- A circuler, askingfor suggestions respecting the amendment of the Assessment Laws, was read and referred_ 19:. Committee consisting of Messrs. Hogg, Parker, J. MeMsnus,Ssunders, and. Craig, to_be considered and reported on at the next sittings. Ar{..7-__--,,, --- __ ._.- ._ ..-.y- no" A communication `wa.s'received!omr the War- den of York and Peel, accompanied by a. memo- rail to the Legislature in refei-ence to the Jury Lnwe, mid asking for the cooopemtion of the Council intbe mutter. 1.1 was referred to 3 Special Committeetto be reported.-_ upon next session. of the Council. u was Iurmer resolved that the County Members, Mr. McConkey,and Mr. Fergusoj; should be re- quested to use their inuence in forwarding the object of the memorial. A _-.-_----~!-- ' ` v-.-. Ivuvv uuvuuuvvu nun IUUII nl.I[J|VVlIl- The Reeve of Barrie presented a `petition. from Mr. Thomas _McGausland, setting for that his duties as mail-carrier had for many years been so arduous that his constitution had broken down leaving him unable to work, and asking the Council ta represent his case to the favorable con- sideration of the Government, with a. view of a pension being granted to him. The petition hav- ,ng been referred to a Committee, compliance therewith was recommended, and a memorialon the subject presented and approved,and on mo- tion of the Reeve of Barrie, was ordered to be en- grossed and forwarded .ta.-the Governor Generai. It was further resolved that the County Members, Mr- Ma-nnlmw and II. n............. _L-r.u L vuu--10!! uuu nu. nyyvnu wna~u|oIIIl II-IUVBCIIU v The Reeve of Colliagwood then moved that a memorial be forwarded to the Governor General, asking His Excellency to appoint a. Sheriff with- out delay, in consequence of the position of the County in reference to_the intended tax sale, and recommending the present deputy,-Mr. B. W. Rose, for the office. This motion, after consider- able discussion, was carried, but the Council afterwards adjourned before any draft of the mem- orial was submitted for their approval. Thu Panic A? n....:.. ..........-e_.I - '_-A!A9-- I--~- v.--V r.vry.-J v- on". u .-...-1.. A Committee, consisting of the Warden, the Reeves -of Barrie and West `Gwillimbury having been named for the purpose of ascertaining the solvency of the securities of certain oicials, with reference, especially, to the next land ta: sale, they were, on motion of the Reeve of Vespra, re- quired to reportpduring this session, and did so, stating that one of the~'l'reesurer s securities was ' :dead, and" that notice had been given to. provide a new one; and that in consequence of the resig.- natien of the Sheriff, it becomes unnecessary to look into `the solvency of his seenrities; but the Committee recommended that the warrant for the sale be withheld until after the appointment of a new Sheri had been made. This recommenda- tion was opposed by the .Reeve of Vespra, and others, but the report was nally adopted. 'l`lm Danna .0 11.11: .__......a .1... ._.__._s .u_-. _ Wldllill W33 um [Inaccu- A memorial from the olcers of the Volunteer "Militia, ssktngntbe Council to make a grant for a A County Cup, was presented by tho Reeve of Barrie, and referred to I committee consisting of Messrs. Hogg, George Mcllanos, and Wm. 0. Little, who recommeuded.thnt the mm at`. 575 be (applied to that purpose. Their report was car- ried unnnimously. The cup has totbe contested for under certain rules to be laid down by the oili- cers of the Volunteer Militia, and has to be won two years in succession before it becomes the ab- solute property of the winner. A l'V-..._.!As-_ --.._!..A:.... -1 AL- TX7--.I-.. IL- A By-Lafv -was passed fixing the salaries of the everal Lock-un huuse keenm-u. 1:} oh. :..n.._:__ son and Miirkokn,_esE`ing for Township: to be united for municipal purpose}. Wu referred to 0 Special Oonunittee, composed of the Reeves of Orillia, Medonte,nud Barrie, end Mr. Kane,as Chairman. introduced 8 By-Law for that purpole, which was duly passed. A _._..__:_I 1.... .1..- lImQ' nf Hm Vnlnntnpr "5-id `of 7 _._____` _ werdsethe erection of 3 Leek-up house in that Villnge, bin notwithstanding that both 3pyl1e3- lions were strongly pinned by Mr. Oouplancfend his Deputy. lr.`M?4u1-`oh},~3nd favored by eerie- rel ether}, the Gegneihillid to entertein then, being eppenently staid of eetabliehing 3 proce- }dnt for other demnds of 3 like nature to be I i I ...,..V..-mu Cll\._lCll.VUfUU I0` enter one, but was held back by the surgeon of the ship, Mr. Llewellyn, son: of.1he' rector of a parish in Wiltshire. See, _he said, I want to save my life as much as you do; but let the wom_1ded men be-'szw_ed first. Doctor, said the oicer in the ` boat, we can make room for you. I will not peril the wounded men, was 1he.reply. He remained behind and L sunk with the ship--u loss muchide- plored by all the officers and men. He is the only officer known to be lost. m m ..I_'.. ._--. , ._,.. .- vvuuVlllUK'5 lU Ilionday tbeiznd any of January house 'of[John Scott, Esq , J.P., _Morrinon. Mr. Jab. E. Jackson is Ilnrnino nm... - ' ---------------__.. TH3 BIBLE SOCIETY. .TKl'Wu-run.--A somewhat lower tempera- ture has pm'an.d this meek um. um, with 2 gppiqtu,-[am shower: on Sunday, and a comp!- lh temjietqtun.` `After the ruin 09 morning with: uxolig` Image from the "No!-'3-_Wut, '_thc.'l`norc _ ngod our 80 in the Incl-n'I:I\A jylln-`hi ' 1- AL- In`--- fnnnh` lfii-nT.h7;Za3l-"SCSI-?"5- xililxilu }2e;L1 l ,nt(llHnt_o7sa ., ` " " r"'r'-Wu U: mt ulnulo. Tb b.m' Judy : pocket handerchief, _ . elonlodlo-the Bazaar by Mm. Wm.FO Brien. ' 'lI"IIIIll35I-og 0..- -__.|._ _- . _ .- u , ' "'. `WW IUJIQ l. Aemranoe fee'ol 5 cenlle during the ddY:_ 9'11 10 com: ufler 7 o clook in Ihe evening A"_|9`.liIrged, which produced $80-85 Tl [Hill wu"gwMIy crowded the first evening. and were enlivened end rendered more attractive by tome really good music- I llllllbor oflho Blle Glee Club being PW M :0!) both evenings. The excellence of `then Impromptu perfogmanoeo was evidenced . by [l1o_glg|_lo_ning encore: of the large ausemblya :.>3_)lO* 113,0`--Bun: an nally cloned "G04 llvpjho Quin " wag song with loyal empha- mg"Iftir'whi6b Ilirbe cheers were gnen for I116 A Jflllnlxeuof the Bnur. - ..._ -nu-tn-I U Lula. VI m.'U DIN"! ' too onazly an article In nd 9 pumhaur, and was disposed at by a ballul on if phn__snbmi;ted' to the donor, each were being eold'f6r_ ll. * When lhe state of the poll was nally examined on` Snlnrday night, it W83 ionndllnl the greatest number of voles 195? Ind been given for Miss Margatel Simpson ni:i:o..o;v11ohhan.si-npson. Esq-. who was M` \lolnreJto have become the fotlunwe owner II_I0c|'n'-coveted prize. The whole nn_`I'I?dI_e'[|' bf voles polled was 69 the handker- Cjhie ;.Icalixing`$9 more than its. orisiml gonsux-aeefy..u.~ _ A -..;-_ , - two water-colour drawings, exquisite in tint Ind design, bythe Rev. W. F. Checkley, and asmall picture representing several varieties of dead game by Mrs. J. R. Atdagh, remark- able-for its beauty of coloring and perfection of.detail. They were bonghrby Mr. Joy. of Bechllrslg for 822. There was also amongst the works of an a beautiful wn_ter-colour draw- ing by.Mr. John llraitbwnite, of Toronto, denominated Sonnet, and two others of great merit by at distinguished lady amateur of the same place.` On to. Batman : table was qtbetmlifnlly-worked embossed ottehin, which pus pttrcttned by Mr Cnndlo. 1*; L`n-'_;:!__| I 1'. - 5113'. t. In addition to the above some Mrs. B-rultotk collected over $8;0for a stained glass -window_ -'l'he;artioles uetfed for sale were too numer- ous for his -to attempt any description or- enumeration of them. The rapidity with which they were bought up is a suffi- cient proof that they were attractive and well_ selected, In fact the choice, both in the use- '.ful and ornamental line, was of a wide range, and the price: asked moderate. Amongst the things presented to the Bazaar as the work of private contributors, we cannot, however, emit to mention a Bnquet of wax owers made Mrsl Gabiel`Lount, which was greatly and `deservedly admired. This sold fur the very Jtandsome mm of $25. An oil painting, re- presenting a scene on Lake George, by the vsame lady, sold for $20, the purchaesr in a both instances being Angus Russell Esq. An oil painting, by Mise Locke illustrating `I scene from, Hiawatha, attracted a good deal of at- tention, more perticolarly as being the work of a very young artist--It was purchased for $18 by Mr. Cundle. We noticed at No. 4 table M ca'ntime.tl1e' `whaleboat and dingy, the only two. boats ~.uninju:ed, were ]owered,and the wounded men placed .iI1`~,tl`a.e1n, Mr. Fuiliam bcin_g.s'ent "in `charge of them to the Kearsarige. When -the boats were full aiman who was un-V - wounded endeavored to enter but held bunk lm Hm c........... l\ I..- Collected by the`! Misses La.11y.. 4,."-v . Proceeds osales .. . . . . . . o--n Rnmusaizn Tun; Nb. 2- Mesxrn. H. Walkcr,J.]I{orga'n, and H. Strulhy. ' . n- --1--, Rxraxsanxm Tanu Nb. 1-- Mfs, WE Boyt, Mrs. Meelcing, Mn. Morgan, and Mrs. Robt. Rosa. Proceojis of Sales sf Bazaar . . . 3 By owers previously sold by Mrs.Lal_ly..,........._.... 5rd TABLI--Mrs. ./Irdagh, Mr. Burnett, Mn. Lally, and Mrs. B. W; Ross- Gnn.nns: s TABLI:--Miss Keat- and Miss Sanford. . By sales at Bazaau-........... 2:40 TAnLI-Ms. Boullon and Mrs. McCarthy. By sales gt. Bazaar .,......... 330 .TAnLI:-Mrs. Dr. ./I . .dru'ag/t, " Mrs. G . Lount, Mrs. Locke, and Mrs; Walker. By sales at Bazaar . . . . . . . . . . 4m Tgnns--Mrs. W. Jrdagh, Mn. Gowan, and Hrs. Holt. By sales at Bazaar . . . . . . . . . . . previous sales by LKrs.Gowan Hlmkercbit-f......... -~v.. ' 'Last,`b|I_! not 'lut, in its attraction was the relreshtnenttable No. 6, under the manage- men! of Mrs. Morgan, Mm. R-ban Ross, Mrs. -Meaking,'Mn. Bell. and Mrs. w." Bu,-5, a od by Mr. Meektng and Mr. W. Boys. In... t..tt.....:_- :- - _.- _._. _.. _l . - . . - . - . - . _ . "3 -u-- .- on via |)JJJn Tho following is a statement of the sevexal amounts realized. The rs! next le entrance door, which we I still call No. 1 ; was the children s lable, at I which 3 no r of young folks plied their uneslion imnch zeal, and was presidgdi * out by Mrs. and Miss Keating. The next `in rotation, er No. 2, was under the manage. r_i_II'nt'bf. Mrs..Beullon, Mrs. _McCarthy, and Mia Ii-win,,vho were assisted in their sales by the Misses Parker, of Guelph. Mrs. Gabriel lloht, Mrs. Arthur Ardagh, Mrs. Locke, Miss Boys,_snd Miss Walker, held swa'y over the Arnertrhsndize displayed on No. 3. On the op. side of the Hall a large qunmity and great viriely of articles were to be mind, on the table, (No. 4) furriished by Ms.-. Cowan, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Wm. Ardagh, anti ,\liss Hun. tar, the Misses Ardagh with Mia. Foster, am] M;g,enryVO Brien, of Toronto, assisted in disposing of this large stock. The nexl. table (N_o_.`5) `was presided over by Mrs. Ardagh, the wife (if the Rector, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. .Lal|y, and Mrs. B. W. Ross-the Misses Lally assisted. ~ bama was found to be in a sinking state, - inform the enemy of our condition, al- pfa Christian nation co -V___ --....u --.uu3pua A\l`urUl\Lu _' Mr..Mason has copy of Captain Sernrnes oicial report of the engage- ment /to. the Tzmes. Capt. Semmes says` that i.n an hour and ten minutes the Ala- the e`nem-y s shells having exploded on her sides and between decks. For a few minutes he had hopesof reaching the. French coast, but the ship lled rapidly, and the furnace res were extinguished ._ Capt. Semmes says :-I now hauled down colors to prevent the further des- tructionof life, and despatched a boa`. to though we were `now but 400 yards from .each other. The enemy fired at me five -times after the colors had been struck. It is charitable to suppose that a ship-of-war uld not "have done this intentionally. I Seine twenty minu- xtes after my furnace res had been ex-_ atinguished and. the `ship being on the point of sinking, every man, in obedi- ence to` a previo'_us order which had been given to the crew,jumped overboard and endeavored tosave himself. Therewas no appearance of any boats coming from the enemy after the ship went down. It was fortunate that. ] myself thus escaped to thesl1elter_of the neutral ag on board - Mr."Lancaster s yacht Deerhound, to- gether with about forty others. _.NOBLE counucr of THE SURGEON or V THE ALABA1t1A._ . --r-~a~.;. The mattsgetnent of the Bazaar Was axcel_ tent, and on its promotsrs_,wo:ked .oge,het most cordially {or the end in view. Them has nodonbt s spirit o! rivalry amongst u,em_ but itvsvss s generous and praiseworthy one . ' 1 and we have no doubt but that the Ladies to whose indefhtigable exertions this great 5:3,. ones is owing. one and all, feel untnuigated sstisfsctiott at the result. vWe shall endeavou, to give some description of the 8f| BDgmenl5_ The tables were six itt number-each under the management of a number of ladies, who had themselves made` or procured the particles In offered for sale. ` _ 'l'he,BIzur which in held in [he Town Hall, oozfriday sud Saturday list, was a 3,9" grhgte amount raalized being owe, - Kxjcngtyioe ulnrge as the moat sanguine _rome`ter of the ntidertakiug anticipated. Th, of 'BarrftA 9',V'l"or- iii flran we can learn this amoum Bazaar held in Toronto for Church purposes. ffII__ .._ _ _ _ _ ..____g ,f .a II otatemqnt rout; `does great credit to the people ' `does netffail far than at the prots ol the be. Ida...-...... . . . . . . . . Entranqo F'eoo........... July 13,1864, . $165 31 261 80 35 00 Rli An so do $1132 7. l\ . 13195 at "1082 72 50 0) W H re ~`.BIas~y9uus In.-`I!jt,,f .. Captain ._semmeuat `ha P!P".Y-h?; as to the strengtt;.an'd~ armarnnt-'_of~. the a Federal ship. "What he re'collected' of the Kearsage was, that she was an ordi-,_ nary sloop of war; If_ he `had know i that she was an iron-clad, `and much`- more heavily armed than the Alabama," `he would not have fought,; as. it was` madness to doso. , He saicl that theght A between the Alabama andK`earsage has ` - taught another lesson in naval warfare, that of the uselessness of ordinary ships of warblike the Alabama ,encou_nt_eriy_g" . an iron-clad and heavilyfarmed ship like the Kearsage; *Hedo`es'. not know the extent of damage he`_di_d toythe ,en_en_1y -s ship; all he knows is that he has lost" his `own. i j H` p 9`. It appears thatjsemmes anda i1n,_r n_- ber of his oicers and `crew escaped tram the Alabama just as she was goingdown, and that Mr. Lancaster, the owner of the _steam_-yacht Deerhonnd, was de- - sired hythe conimauder of the Kear-it sage to saveas many". of the ofeer_s'and' crew or the Confederate` vessel _as possi-, ble. Captain Se`_ni1mes.was in the,\_vater half an hour, 8111!; was nearly exhatlsted when picked up. It appearsrhe begged Mr`. Lancaster to. get aivay as far as" pos- sible to pretgent him anv those whowere i with him from being talien prisoners,n`nd` - the Deerhound, being afast` yacht, rwas enabled to get out ot'_the reach of the Federal rnan-'oi'-gvar. . Mr. Lancaster deserilfes the ghtfas a magnicent sight. He $!W_ll0l( .S_l`lgl1t through the Alabama, made by the tremendous shot" of the 1{earsa_ge, - '- (. ,..-, .HeAsliys1_]r.:7l?'El$5corn?fllet , iv 365 so `I80 I13 80 B5 `OPINIONS ` OF THE FRENCH PRESS. Voluni __,__- -..- -vs-annals and `sabresi (fresh `gronnx 1 ere displayedpn deck. :1-le le 3. Brazilian -Consul.`~.allihi`s, gold, '8, iforly-ve .chrono;rwtre r8;rf and I ` -Mrs: Sam"-m_ee ~.wa.s in Paris V. Hutu l"InI;`.nni`v.\iiu'-aIi4sh|.a 1.---- A A-- - V CAPTAIN uzmmgs REPORT. `ALABAMA TO THE nu-:n5uuc1_I1gell'lI$`l0 tight. . ' - ,Nine miles at sea is burn little dis- tance on a fine day;'nudj1',500 `Pgrisians who had arrived at Cherbourg by i1ne1':-` cursion train to.see. the: Casino. had a capitalr view of the 'combat.- Captain Semmes meant. to ghtgizll-'along, and had intended' to boa1tdt|1AeWKe'ursage. On Thursdaylast he entartained-1; lat -ga party .on board thp"nbw3exti'nct:iAlabg.; ma,and 4 showed wit.~'pride;to' the-'ladie'& IIILA -I3 - 3 2 r ' Tyler under orders of Gen. Wallace, - we mountains back.` `In me; afternoon I I -, reinforcements. V ` enerny s operations on our front were . 'o clock on` F-.'_id_a"'.'1lg_ht-` EI 1Y_ two . m'orni.ng_tne Confederates `W813 111 1100 `OP ' `sick "and. 'w'oi.Inde(, stores`, kite.` T~W_0 .TheiG'en.'ha's`hisWhei1 V _ _ A _ Saturday morning-= 1'.-.10 C!I.federate8 v . -...va -cu flnennnicx, JfJNc'rroN, July 49th.:--v Early on Friday morning Brig.-Gen. went; to the {'1'-ont al:-Freder1ck City, and took command. Col. Clendeniug with cavalry commenceef and `continued. eskirmishing with the enemynll day in . General Wallace wentto the f-'rontv'vilh in Learning that _the' A merely feiuts to cover his movementson U:ban'a,- and thence toward Washing- ton, Gen.`eWallace withdrew his forges and eiraauated Frederick `City -at I0; his battle and advanced ioniFredE."1 ` they re-occupied.` We remoyeicvelryr A thing Aposssvible from the city,tQ1cl,u'dm_g` citiz_elJ .W'e._I:ei arlrested by. o_ar_..re,t_irj_n'g .. sl:_irmish_er.s[jAIor _.`lI1aling signghs _,:p' >1 Cotlfederates. last ht tl3.e.cgrt_,g.,;, quarters herotthrs. . are advaincingdfuniif yie %owh_sk'1;i-_iz;`nl' e jg . with our uni: `o -*1 `e:"`,'ri_"e`;oa"`_ the Baltirore= i' ' 'l"i..:.. t`I_..:-m.:,,, .Illini_oiLs t=8,va}'ry's? V` `liitli `iri ".Fi'id"y s -'5'b.0E.`&nd about a, -do`z.h[~ oiun`tienj.`- ;i:;1.t'; Aqn ` Wdneay, w;a k1ll_ed~ 143 Coniderates, . iQur1losq is*1,8" all to1d~ - Cape. -Moi"ris,j--`of an. R Wai-Nvem"f.n!lxp.A_".` `Aug. 11.; n.'..~ suU1Jull:ll u rungs.` . ` . The cimaemues 'levie'd $20_ .000-on the citizens o`fMidd'letowl_1beSi`.de piling- ing-in the place-.A;~ ~ ~ ` "t M On; IR Iihikf` ,lvn TU..'.l......'l..u air;-" ' "'l_:>","B! uuu auuup u, u'UZI| puuu: men. We wefe ftI!ly'as'subed -`thvat H16 'Gou- ' ifedefatea `who fought u'a-~.we:b' mnncd 13};Breckenridge. ,They hu`\ re -mo. -i '~ , ha - ` T `n McgC`:1uilan`:!;.`:-f ; 1 P11-J.*33lal4h_:cais VmuliingT p1vve;iaroiliE:u"n* a t_0;dafd.%iI8p6i3t,s7yjlio';we7";pi_l1`:i;]Ld'c 130 to the hut;~.iu-u`.E..all.l'.i..;_n-nL.'__ E wvuviv Hp to. T Bu-xrrmoruz, July 9; 3.50` p.m..--Onr' forces have evacuated` Frederick and fallen back in this_direction,and now oc- cupy~a- position south of the 'Monacacy. The Confederates now occupy Frederick, . but in what force is not positively known . Reports say 12,000, and that they areiunder Gen.Breckenridge. There `are reports, seemingly well _fo'u`\ndAed,tjha,t' another Confederate force hasgerossed the Potomac near Edward's Ferry, arid` ` has moved in the direction of Urbana: what force is not known. - This is sup- -r posed to be `an effort to ank us.1' We are hourly gaining strength by remforce-L ments, and will -doubtless frustrate this - Confederate movement.` - e L, PHILADELPHIA, July 9`.--The Bulletin has a. special despatch- from Harrisburg, stating that the corps:o Ewe, Brecken- ridge and `Rhodes*_a-re allpn this's{de of the Potomi1c.~ g ' ` ' \ ~ A\. A ..._ _ Mon_day s- tel'egrarns brought import- ant news from the South,wh_ich we give below. Baltimore is endangered, and its railroad connection with Washington- imperilled. Frederick is occugiiedby Confederates, Siegel defeated, and a thousand Yankees made prisoners of War,\vhi]st his ying army was pursued almost to within sight of Baltimore. 13-..- ..._-_--_. T_.I__ A, an .. -- - ___-___.. v- ~.._uuu ca` Juan VIII. From deserters we learn that many of Jhe inhabitants of Pelersburg have been injured byolour shells; and that a grancl skedadle commenced some days smce. The Mayo House, at which Lieutenant General Scott was married, and whi_c_l1 . belongs to the family ofhis Wife, has been reduced} almost to -ruins. 4 Several shells have struck the gas house, nnd,the" We]-V - don.Ra_il.road Bridge across the Appo-' mattox has been rendered_ impassible. IDTTD 1111!: L`\`I!\'|`I' 1-\'I-1 no . ....--._ . _-_ ___.`...----.`v- { THE INVASION OF MARYLAND La Frkzizce pay's.a {aw Well deserved` compliments to Captain Semmes, and deseribes tl1e_.j_c.>y_';of'tl1e Confederate . prisonerson lieiring oflhe safety of their 5 commander. One -Confederate oicer is being atteiided "_[0j_'il1_u private house. l`l1ej.l=o'ssof tl1e3,A1abzima_ is said to `be e_ighl.eei1 killed an'd' wounded; 'I'lu.. Q.....IL-_.. .-K I...-it! -.l__, I . V-I r&a='x:n'n.:- cu ;-r;`;'mi:. ,"T' At three o?clock p.m., in the most an- expected` manner, the rebels commenced- tfurionsly shelling `our `rst i and -lines, with two Whitworth s and four" ten-pounders, from ` theeheights on the north` bank of the Appomattox. Howell, whose gunshadibeen run `almost to water's edge, immediately replied; xvi . salvos from. his tea-pounders, and almost instantly joined by L`ee s batt ` , which dropped its shells--with"s[i'6iai ' .accuracy-. . This seemed toAb_e;a moment" waitedlfor Hygtlie rebels, any everd gun` `from Petersburgto Fort Clifton `was in-' stantly opened upoa these two batteries 7 ' Tan HEAVY prncss ENGAGED. it Burton and IIow came to tlie rescue " wilh thfeir twenty and` thirty pottndis, ` .and almost si;nnltaneo|_1sly theeight-inch -mortarsopenedjupon the enemy. Klnrlittlfv Aana-hourare-.gnein*y's1mT6Mgrks+wagea. `one continuous clondof dust, raised` the innumerable explosions of our shells. The rebel gunners could. be seen running f.l0ln'lh_$lt' pieces to seek, placeseof safety ' further, to thegrear. A rebel caisson ope posite 'tp.'Howell"s battery was blowuup" , during the ght_,and caused considerable, ' confusion among the enemy. During. thecontinuance or the action the Cohorii mortars were busily engaged sh`ellinTg`> '_ the city, assisted by the thirty-pounder Parrott, to which has been assigned the duty ofgdropping a shell in the streets every fifteen minutes. TH a nexus srnsnc an. After two hours of ghting every rebel batterythat was near enough to reach our lines was silenced. In many * places their `works were badly damaged, ; and everywhere they found it impossi- ble to make at stand against the terrible" re we could so easily concentratejat any point oftheirline. , ' THE nansr. pno.tscTn.r-:s.. The rebels, either from a lack of pro- jectiles or from" sportive considerations, occasionally astunish our line by dropping peculiar shells in our midst,` of a shape and description entirely unauthorized by the War Department of any civilized community. The last was an empty ale bottle, which was badly shattered by coming in contact with a tree. The other day they favoured us with bars of iron, *0!` no particular shape, which whistled through the air with so pecu- liar a.noise,_that even our oldest artille- rists were at first puzzled to determine their nature. JGUUI uu1u:rIc8Bll(l from their precgs: - aIrnJ|lola_I V. ' To-day witnessed cue of the most ex:-' citing artillery battles of the xirar. The artillery attached to the corps. under the , direction of Col. Burton, of the 5th ar- I tillery, splendidly posted and admirably manceuvred, succeeded, after twovhours cannonading, in completely silencing the rebel batterieeand driving. the gunners. . , pieces; , ' `;----` 1'h.e~ American ;Hrazd,.wrmng from -the lsch oaips`i>an} ..i6ulars of the .294 inqtg,` gives, mg rabwgjig` wmonwe';w.m_=1aa(x- V rm} 1-zmfx-:6:rs or suznns IN THE CITY. I,,,,,, 1 A ` gm iu.:nr.mag.=, \ ..._" 2A_:.--- 3" -L The telegraph, however, is still work- ing to Marripttsville, which is be and jEllco1.t g. Mil.;ls,_q(_i thhtxthe. report 0 , the -Confederates bein_g"-th`ere is preihhture. havgi been within '15 miles of the city. `We'_are s,tillA1'19t wit`hout hopjes of being able IQ pxfqvnj 1-g enttnucq of . the_ Cohfgde;ia1'es`_1iI'td'the` `city; _The _ a `O9 'ht'!id pledwf-t;!i . .. 1`hb:m `1.*"T'. ' ` ;Their scquts, however, are believd `to ' .siiv;x;I: isTs,-i%`fziif-Iirbverty ,m:stbk! 3` T be(~?;;..%9; 0?, I ' _OLfr{ c>iti_ze1_:s gfe. com,ing,ou with spirit , and manifest a determination to do_tl_1eir : . are `now rported ((1 he at Ellcowa Milli. .oity; 1 TL`- .J.-`I-._..__I. L-_;-__# , 9; ,;'II- __,_ I, 'uunos; tadefu,d`the_city. .The enemy` Gen. Wallace is falling back towards the % _ ,]\;5OLj nu sue \J.vu:.U_uclI.Ua ul. ulul. Pullar Banrudxzcn, July 10, 9 'a.m.--T'h.e ex- cifemeut 1s Intense this morning; `The Union citi2ens__h'av`e `been arming all night",-and at snx o clock `this morning 'tlie l_i m' `bells were rung; VPg'rties zcadgd by admin and fe are fmovfring through the tpwn. 1,9 man 'the >defensiv_ `workrs, show who dined- with: hf hatchets and `-sabre whichwere.displayed Hal 7: wjth the. Brazilian { G0'nsnlsall;hil;Vg old, - , ` . . .\ 1chwnq1;1e!*i'8j$.:`9!"dI` lus .-.wiH: -Mrs; Sammie: %4.\ va'se ~in:` Purim 1 .. uuulu me now-extinct Alabav. ~ ed \vith pride to the vladigs 5 m .1110 boarding 1 a`. (fresh ,i`g:onn`] . `- Ereached` here that a. portion Gneral 'Hunter"s force under General Sullivan, has regaptured Mnttinsburg and taken abou_tfl,000 'prisone'rs,,a'lso all the stores ' captured there," and much plunder col- ;le`cte`dthy} the: Confedelats at that point- '5 `Rn.-rnuinnnr-_ Jnlv `In. 9 h rn ._'l`.l... no, - : i ]3;LI.'r1MoR:i:,J1Il`y 10.--'Iutelligence hzisf ' H p.r'n.-`-It 1s'repited that _t~he ia`dvance.of a Confederate cavalry. .`fore.is'within seven `miles"of the city on "the York "road." H _unvuIIlUl nu IIIU naruur lUl'_Sl81y. - . July. 10-6, p.m.-Gen. Siegel s Wag- gon tram arrived hereto-day in `charge of a lnrge` detachment of infantry and cavalry. One oftthe ofcerswho was in the ght says that in all his experience `in thiswar hehas never seen so despe- M grate" ghting, and he thrinks the Confede- rate loss fully as great as ours. ' Alex- .ander s battery is all safe. Our loss in been no estimateyyet of the killed` and wounded. ` L` .' . ' ~ : prisoners :is about 1,000. `There. has J ......v.,, um. uua I uuuis is incorrect. h At all events the telegraph line to Washington is us yet uninterrupted, and it is believed our troops are such a posi- tion by this time to e."ectually protect our communication with Washington. As 21- matter of precaution, the valuables, records, &c., of our banks and other in- stitutions have been placed on board a `steamer in the harbor forwsafety. ` Jnlv. 10-6. n-m-_Cnn' .q:-.;.,n.. ....... ycnuluilllcllluo Among the rumors just started i_s that a portion of the Confederate force whic_h engaged Gen. Wallace yesterday, have struck the Washington road near Luuret factory,` but this I thinkis incorrect. A . n nuxnhs ll... o..l.._......_L `-'--- -uv lulL|Ul Ulla There are 'mainy`wild.r1uncrs again aoat this afternoon, but the condence in theability of our forces to holdlhe cityeis gaining ground and there is less` excitement. I U , . -| V ~uuuuu u \V VI 33: ' A Confederate cavalry force, estimated at 1,500 `strong, probably exaggerated, crossed the Northern Central Railroad above Cockeysville this forenoon and are going towards the Philadelphia `railroad. They are expectedtoreach there before night and cut that road and to destroy. one of the bridges, but it is hoped that the force now guarding the roadin that direction will be strong enough to drive ' the raiders off. . l`I--..- ---- - - nu: ll_G1V o - '.10:5, p.m.--The. Northern v'Centrl ,'Bgilroad has been out near Cockevsvill and a bridge isreported to `be burning, supposed to be the bridge at the Ashe .laud s works. A fV_..1\,,I, A ' ` ..... uuu, uuu, uu IIIU uue OI Inc Intel 0 the right, two other regiments. were -thrown out as skirmishers. Thevlat.ter~ were attacked athalf-past seven 1o c|ook' in the morning by cavalry, -from the Hagerstown pike road, when they fell back_ across the river in good ordpr .and with slight loss, ghting all the` way. After crossing,` they succeeded in check- the advance of the enemy, and heltlhint here a long time. About 10 a,m., a desperate attack was made by dismount- ed cavalry, which was repulsed, and,` notwithstanding, they repeatedly tried to dislodge our men from the position, they could not succeed. ` Their loss here was heavy. - '_l0:5 n.m.._'t`tm `t\1 mn...... ;n-.`.o....I ll 1'1 1.1/t.`-'dI`he .. party et Reistertown, _ said to be small,` reported a bridge burnt on _the Northern Central railroad. Wal- lace-`isretreatiug towards the city; rear covered by fresh troops; city alive with volunteers,` for defence. ux: "FLA 4---~--~ ' ' ' voumteers, tbr defence. ' 7p.M.-The troops engaged in the fight at Monocacy bridge. yesterday` formed in line of [battle on the left of the railroad, and on the side of the river 0.!) the rioht, Mun nilapr. ---3----4- ----L4 I W D U V - "`.r_-7--."~"""' `1"'.","" '\. ~ , ' ' V ; Brig.-Gen. Lockwood has volunteered = toftake charge.of all the`c_ivil'forces thus T raised, and, has -been assigned to that ., command.. The loyal men of every ward will assemble` at their. usual places of ward meetings and report. forthwith to: Gen; Lockwood at his lxeadqnaners. (Signed), ~` A. W."BRADFoRD 1Governer of Mwylanil. BALTIMORE. JIIIV VA II ._'P|In uoverner or Mwyluru]. BALTIMORE, July 10,_ 9 A.M.-V-The enemy are now reported at Ellicott s mills, but as the telegraph worksto Mar- iettsvxlle, which is beyond, this is doubt- ful. = ' x_L_u;;_ xnyasgon mat.."m1ght._ premature, -`h we-have ho:-longer: sncl_1.,an appre-. hehsioh, and feel. no hesitation in djeclar- ing that, in our `opiuion, the danger which now threatens our city, is immi-, `neat. . Iffyon would avert rt, every loyal manmust at o_nc'hprepare to meet: .j,tg . The in/vading enemy is,by the last aacouhts, approaehing theicitye. Men-- nlI* .the_ men that can be truised-are _wantI't;occupy the fortic1itions.a`,|.~ r;om'ple1`eq and to formothers. ' It 18 n0t_im..p01'l8ll_t how, you V _should come but It Is moat ,importaut`_) that you should come at once. jCo_me in your millitary companjes_, and V come In crowds_,and.come qugekly. , ' R-I... IV...` 1' --L--- ' Midrfrig_ht~.-'1`l1e.following proclamation has been issued by Gov. Bradford: Citi- iens ofeBultirnor`e-`--We have been un- M yiiling toergate nnneeeessary alarm in the comunity by any appeal for your im- mediate assistance in resisting the threat- 7' r_b1gd;,-inyasion' that `might b1`lf. W3 -have nnelnnanw nnnh an n.-.....-., 's der his command and the Coiifeileiatesi. - (four o clock, p.m., uuuu uywu gnu nulllm0I'6:,-1fl_S8.`k- _ ` WAsI'uNG i"or, July 9.;- -.'-'l`.,b"_T=Maj`i Geri, ; Dix-An oicial desrnatejgt battletook place between the.-:foreas="'an-3 -at _ Monocacy. to-day, eaoqtlheliciijg` nine o'clock, am., and veenti'niri'ag.,y.(gtilV at length overpowered."b'y,.;.~tl_ifelt ` numbers of the ene;11y,'ajrjd.;vV,ere;*' to retreat in disorder. - Colonel Seward of the New York heavy artillery was wounded and taken pris- oner, and that Brigadier General Tyler was also taken prisoner, that the enemy s force numliered at least 2D,0Q0~men,"that T . ogir troops behaved well, but sulfered severe iloss. He is retreating towards I Baltimore. 7 _ _ (Signed,) E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War. enemy ' `dcobead -` force do:vsns?he Baltimo`::1"i`ll'E.`l.~.f.;1"."h"'eq`y'V: Wnntnnhnu `l ..l.. II In; ll;:A_-. (1-: ~ BARRIEIWRTHERN ADVANCE- A-report of the Select Committee, of which Mr. McConkey was chairman, has been published, accompanied by a prospectus map showing the position of the proposed ship canal as the shortest route between the North Western por- tion of ` the United States and the Atlantic` ``Ocean'. {Phefreport consists principally of the answers indetail to a. series of` questions on the subject` sub- mitted `to -Mr. Kivas "Tully, of Toronto, Civil` Engineer; Mr. L. B. Cracker, of Oswego,'_M_ercbant; Col.`R. B. Mason, ' C..E., Chicago ;_ and Mr. Wm. Bross, of the ChicngoeTnbune-gentlemen whose scientic and business knowledge, to- gether wi_th[th'eir practical "experience and familiarity. with the general details" of the, undertaking, rendered thern the}-rnest_cornpe,te_nt persons to fur- - nisli-~in`for'a1ati on,'on.thillrtportant sub- ject; ~The {'oamphlet istoo long for pub- .;licatiori;"_`B_'iit `,ther;e,ps_eems to be no di'erenee;~o-opinion,arnotigst the parties consulted asjtnonthpe [practicability of con- structing 9. Canal from the Georgian `Bay to Lake Ontario Lake Simcoe, and fthe" great7benefit's_ Which the Province -and the fWS9tn` States would derive - .th,ere.irom.r fThis_.r.oute isalsoconsidered. I fptferxsblejntoianyi rather nsshorter in re- gard" to time, and possessing the great ;ad\tunta'geo'f. avoiding :thejdanger and - l egpejqsejo!` trans-shipment;-' Mi-."l.3ros ' 7-gives, _ , - , 'cent(jt. hig_hVwa`y;-for,.the{ commerce of i _ the: cdnitirient by`!-Iirn who} 1 - .foif'ii1`d -.~it~ the" _Bay its; his-opinion, the`gre'at L l `9!*~s`1!P~?"P??9=~.hn9e1- ' ~ >?v.9H'r:`.tu.11,9!r5.L1 he` `-1ou,=`~'gf.: . halt.- ..) ~ epq;-`l;,_t_1`1e. a_nd`tl ~the..t9m`"8.W6.i- .(:. ll- rI'!__I`|__ -_;_-,_, ., -I==-...~,-.?=.!=P'"8. '!~`-' auzgrmn '1n"theZpresent instance the County lCoIinc_il, as albudy, is entitled to the thanks of the Volunteer Militia for so promptly responding to their request, and showing an example for other coun- ties to -follow. . -.u.gu auu. supplied Dy lV.leSSl S. : Josphdg Co., Jewellers, Toronto, and was selected by John Hogg, Esq., . Reeve; of `Collingwood, under the au- Q 'thority of the Council, and with the ap- proval `of Brigade Major Dennis. The I design by is two maple trees divided eat their-.ste.m, but entvviniug above so as to ~ appear to have `but one head, which < supports aeult glass bowl intended to hold owers,or answer the double purpose of use 'andornameut on a supper table. Between-the trees stands a stag, and on one `of the "branches hangs the shield which is to bear the inscription. -It is about fourteenbiuches in height, and the . "design, it will-be seen, is emblematic of our country. `Asa-prize, the fortunate winner will nd` it much more useful as it certainly is rnor e.ornan_1en'ta1'than the ordinary ?cup'. We believe .that:th'e creditof (getting-a grant for this hand- some; prize'frmh` the County` is due to Angus Russell, Esquire, Captain of the Barrie Volunteer `Infantry Company, at whose suggestion Va niemorial on the subject was presented to the Council by bound to say that of every such praise- worthy undertaking. Captain Russell is generally found to be an active pro- moter. A, v` - Mr. Ardngh, Reeve of Barrie. ` We feel ' f'The_ County Prize Cup; We _hgd . n;1_dpportunity last _week of V seeing the prize cup, or rather an perque purchased" with the sum? given by the County.Connci| for the purpose; It was manufacfured' and supplied by Messrs. J- r;_ .'rn..s'..1...:. ru. r-.-n--- m - lEniscqpal_Church Building Fund. A '.Q|Il'nn:-unnnn on ol-:_ r_.__ 1 ,,,,_ -._-_.--- -unoanunsags 5 I411: Subs.:;1pt,i9ns. tqthis fund will be re- " ceived by _E.zS. Lally, AEs_q., Mahagef Bank of:Uppet Canada, Treasurerof the btnildiugpognmittee. ,- '112.0 8-!h_ .-`-;:.-T118 Northern Central _. ..v--u-96 uuxc Olly- Railroad-as -`:'ep'orte.d~ a_t,' headquarters as `cut, iheails Vbei ;1g'torn_u p,'but at what precise:.poir_it',{'i_`xipt kntpwn. ....w ill uvau troops covering his rear. The enemy werenot` supposed to be following him at rleget they were not to _bese_n on the road`-over which he is retreating. - His artillery is reported safe. Our streets are swarming with people. Union citizens are coming forward well, and, if they are handled well, will help much in holding the city". .-11230 nIh.-""-- ""~ " .,w...,, wuuc mr. J:`u1han1 returned to- wards the Alabama, w_l1ich'snnk are he could reach her, andgafler picking up a few of the swimmers, he contrived to reach the Deer11ound`,'wl`1ere he found" Capain Semmes, twelve other officers,` _,and about, twenty-eight men.- uoluuuu-I_|-uuge. ` - ;' '_V '~ V ; `Gen. Wallace, at last advices, was`26 miles from `this city, falling back, with a force of fresh troops covering his The 6-nemv wemnm` ...........A on I- v*.-3-':'r: -5*`-,"1Ti` PIN! ?`5Ti `7C f`.`9' - m9S1i}.e|8`ertovgn meigideibiae a-small body; They am, stealing cattle and h0r86l- Rep0rt sitys they have struck lb! N9"~her.n Ceptral Railroad, and burned-a-bridge.A = A ~ Genj1KYnIl...-.... -. |_,. .' . . -- lv*.:3`|'.'_5V.".$8V" V:353Y 5'!l1I'.l?-.h3!" Wm` '59 S:m_h.. j _ ._ j . _ N I. no am-`*.-j-fIYbe' Tfeaemtecavaw are _ 11'IodTto%_b9`_at; _'ipterto_ivn, 16 nules. Tnorth.9f_' .`R,~.1liInoi*e V and are supposed '0 . be -mak_i`ng-_ffdij"`oi a Northern Ceniral `Railroad; Ito. endeavor to out our.commu- mention in that direction. ` Avuain whch~-`started on the Balti- with a number `of wouiided on board. T 11:15 'a.m.-The party of _Confede- rates at'ReIstertnwn nun ...~.:..o'.. 1... .. .....- II more-iancf Ohm. Railroadhas returned - .'WEDNE[s DA'Y; JULY 13, N/\fv\p\rv .Georgia_n Canal. , _.__- ...-.......... .g.uum >uu_`u.- agent `on ; -thtpnkh, wujadoptody and .1119 BynLsw|.pused landorderod to Imprinted under tin. pupa;-visions of the Raven of Bath and Qoll!ngw9od.i- bnildl.p1L=B:idI on: an by us: n`ev:`ot:.mnh!n-pu; _n peuun at 1330 make! suyngn-`mi'4hI. ~;iiu:o:.9 `gag 2 arranged with Capt. M splehdid and cqmmodio The Boss will leave on tha train, calling at .\VyndI [ Point, and-the cistern ; Orillla, mid 'rotqrnin?g vi Jokl6n?d gain: at'va_o c 5353 i$kI'iHl'qa . . . - - . - - nun 05 , _ , . .. G _sunnidale.....,.;.....;_.... 1317 62 TcumathIOlUIVOIOIOIVDIIUU 481 OPNHDOIIIIIIUIOOIIOVU Om . u~ I--`unsung fa-nootll >. Till]......-o....uu....-u . `$:l18I8nI_8hElIO-..-va.-no-o` y...o o u - oII01I.IO0.I nu velpl'l...;.`._ ...a......a._.--.' At. the January geagion a. ommitm, consist-A `ingot the Basics of Mgdont B_u-vie, and _tho Dgputy`Roev_'o 0('; nlnipdfor the purpose of revising-gnd consolidating thy-Lawn ohe ;0onni|`,~qnd,t1oeobnirmad, Ilia VArdq`hT,V pmenud `his; report .e 1vish,. draft; .ci =By-3.9;; up Arovfised, `which; fty!" llw. .1IIIial `Kan?-gong ' ud-:th'o._""3_,;,. yg~.up.j.ga ?4-!h`.~.n'n`--3.` A."-L_`...__n', . u - .....~... .. Iuav Jvluf vnyvll. u: we IWO counties. The Warden laid hbefoiev the _O6uu_ncil g. state-' ment taken from the Receiver General : books, givjng the sum payable to eachiuuioipslity out of the Land Improvement Fund as follows :~_-9 Adjahonuloolovuucobolohvvi Essa ...,.................. 228 66. F103,.......;.............. 77410 TOI0l 0M0.... coo-fun :-o-ob ` West Gwi|limbnry,......._... ' 1914 Illllil-no--an-us--.-u--. * Medon.e........;.....{.....;A 48 66 M0n0.......o...}a........:. Mu`mnrOOIIIQIOgICIuIOIUOII . ;Nonawasugn.....'.;......... 63514 North 0ri|,|in...V........ .. ;37 40, `Mui.cheduh"..-....'.. `M 0 .. .... ...-u nun. Several petitions came before the Council from parties who had purchased attax sales, lands the fee of which was in the Crown, and for which no licence of occupation had-issued, asking for a return of the money paid, and also in one or two instances for Compensation for losses sustained in Consequence of the sales being illegsil. Claims ofn like nature having already, on several occasions, been repudiated bythe Council, the Finance Committee, to which these petitions were referred, reported against them, and the report was adopted without any amendment, `to it being _o'ered--Mr. Earker, Reeve of West Gwilllmbury, `brought to the notice of the Council the dilnpi. dated state of the.,Holland River Bridge, near Bradford, and presented a letter from Mr. .B. Thorne, of Holland Lending, onthesnbject. The matter wasjrefeined to_.th_e Contttnitteevon Roads >andB_ridg_es, who ;-ecorr';_vIner;glegtha't th,e_War-den should be authorized to irrig e`wit:Ethe`f Warden of `York and Peel (or the necescsaryirepak-s 1,9 be made at the joint ip`m`..,o`r thetwo counties. V D1 The Wninlan. lnid '|uf..'..'. 41... n;..-.L-- vI:ayus.......-...--. In 116 V Separate School .. . .. . . . . 10 West Gwillimbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 ' The Reeve of Bradford applied, on behalf of his Municipality, fora. loan from the Railroad Sink- ing Fund of $2,400, andrth hpplicalion being re- ported uponfovorably by the Finance Cofnmiltee, was granted, Q_..__-u ._,.5.0 - -' - " .....s.uw u ne nau come to surrender the ship. He said..tl1at he had no such orders, but was sent to ask for assistance, as they were sinking fast. -'l`he Kear-_ sagertllen ceased firing and.` lowered her boats,` while Mr. Fullmm wards the Al..I...m.. ...1.:-._ - - 10580r0nu0......_-.....-...,._. Flos............ ............. ;l23l Tiny . . . . .. . . . . . . ....... _818V `T8 IIcinotluoolooolollluuoono Barrie......`........;..;.'. .... 1252 Bradford..... ..._........., 602- Collingwood .... ........g',... 1047 The Finance (lblnmiltee nlnointroduced in By- Law to provide for levying certain sumn of money for school purposes as follows _:- ,' .A.dja|a;.;.,................... $315, Barrie......... ............... 153 z Separate School.'........ 92 Bradford........ ........y..... 110 Ewan " .. _._ ........4 van! a nun: The Finance Committee having before them the Report of_ the Committee*for revising the Assess- ment Rolls, submitted a By-Law for raising 'in each Municipality the sums required for County purposes, which was passed ;` but some members of the Council beingof opinion that the amount asked for by the County Treasurer for the years expenditure ($40,000) was more than would be required, a motion was snbsequently made by the Reeve of Collingwood and adopted, instruct- ing the Committee to prepare another By-Law repealing the rst one, and reducing the amounts to be levied nine per cent. This was accordingly done, and the sumsto be raised by each munici- pality for county purposes settled as follows :- WestAGwillimburyA $3239 . 'I`eenmseth.........-........... 4083. Innisl....'................... 2639- Nottnwasaga........... , 307. ) Essa-................ . . . . .. 191.4 Sunnidale.. . - . . -911.` Adil-a-e-noon-no-u-.-a-g e Momo................ . . . . ..... 1689: {Inn ' ` __- .-v-run! anus; cuuu: IIIBUIIIBIUD WIS auople. The Committee appointed to equalize the As- fsvssment Rolls brought in their Report-much earlier in the session thanuenel, this duty: being the great task of the June Sittings, usually occu- pying the Committee and Council the best part of the week; On this occasion, however, they adopted the gures in the last revision `for each Municipality, with one or two exceptions, which made their labor unusually light. Their report, after considerable discussion, and the negutiving of motionsin amendmentand for an adjournment, was nally carried. ' ' ' ML- 1-113., , n `-Eerly `ur the Session 3 notice in introduced by theplieeve of Adjela, Mr; Kelly, tilt the Finpncel Committee` should be -instructed" to lreportont the '--_. mm. t propriety of issuing Debealureefor the $3V,o00ex-: pended in improving the Gaol, `Nader `the. provi- sion! of la. By-VLnw7passed'laet year. Thiuum had already been paid out ofuthe generaifunde of the County, but the object of the material the, reso- lution was to spreattbo payment-_oie:'s dumber: of years, as at first coqternplated, and thereby lessen the a'mot`1nt'n'e'ceiidry to be levied by`pre- sent taxation. The Finance"0ounnmittee--the Reeve of Barrie cbaiman-in their Report, re- commended that the $6000 should be borrowed from the Railroad Sinking Fund,*ar'rd a yearly rate `leviedifor its re-payment in the usual "way, as if Debentures had been regnlarlyissued and sold. The Report, after some dieoussion, "was adopted. The Cnmminnra nnnA:nOn 4.. ......_-n__ -L- A- PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. W9 give g summary` of the proceedings of the County Council, 3 full rport of the minutes being too long lot publication. .T1`.nn-Iv in nu. ....:..a. .....:-.. .'..-- 2-1.--.1..-_.1 L- 1VIUEW'|3s`lIDO10_IDIOIQOll ,Sunuidale.....,..`. 'Tocumseth.*... 0rillia...........,... Mm-;hedash"................ 80|1lh~0I`ilIil..`...g......a..'- mI~t|ug,looc0y oounooooo 'l`lny........ ..,...'...- Peneta he\no............[-_ Ta. n_sIaV l y.........--- I The report furnishes some"v_erjr im.-' portant and useful statistics or the trade of the Western States` and Canada be- tween themselves and T with Great Btitain, and which would becarrie (l on, but on; a `greatly increased scale, by means of the Georgian Canal. v -in'te`ti`e.li],t_t*f o,`.9zgr 922.000.0005 890+ "19. _ vdiieulty in the} lieeyjgxicut though the oak` - ridges; we-i (hit Mr. MeConkey heady! Mt. Fergusen .:'(ef South Simcoe)"}I_ve_r.. -. '- appoihted. hyhthe Committee a detphnte-f L ' 'tioi1"t9,c.all on the Finance Ministei`, Aug. ' ia_ak..9*g_rantVfor the purpose of sinkig '9. I 8li8;;_t9`hs_certain the nature of the soil ` 9?-afeftnatibns through which the cut 1 ;veifld have to be made. We are not ` aware If such request has been made or acceded to. o, _-_- .. ....... VII ouv -mun ox me morning calling ot..Wyodhnn_1 a wborf, Jackson`: oinu on `her route to l nil! 'will.lnnd Exonruioniau at _P.olnt_,ot*vo_o clook. . Ticketqm only 3503; 6ilIiiikW&d6'n=-. & .2 ' I _ V * KErrR$3AGE. H -~ VVhen Mr. Fnlhamreched the Kear- suge he had his sword. by his side, and ]e.t-it`I`ull into the .'water lestille-should have to. `surrender it: He went un board I -he Kearsage, and was asked by Captain VVmsIow if he had 1'11: o`|:r\ 1"]; _ - I .1 . - - ~ ` 4 pruusqnr 310035103. On Tuesday next,-die understand, there will he on Excursion from Bell Ewart in aid of Christ`: Church, Kiswick. The committee soy, 1` they have great pleasure in announcing that they have with may for the use of the `F splendid and comntodtous steamer Emily May." Theout the. arrival of the morning - .|'|||:~ osliitil at .Wndhun n utmr 1--I--`---t- __ ,-, -- .. .....-- own. In: wllilk, however, that Messrs.` Bingham, Sidsworth, and Dr.` Mccauslend would I-ontribnteif the water was carried" as far I! the and of llr. Binghunk house. We have agreed to pay the water rota, but unfor. tnuately the water cert stop: short of our ollloo. If lt-will pay to take in the other three twould be well to do it; if not, we, of course, cannot ex. pct the` ext:-3 piece to ho `weteted, and will not compleln. - h ` nan 015551`). Under Mr. Laurie : management our neighbors on the front` street have been relieved from the nuisance of am, and we think they must all feel that the arrangement is a great boon. We think, Sidsworth, and Dr; Mccsnslsnd "contribute if water was _____, ___. ..,..,...., nnlu ycupm." ' ' The Rev. B. Gill, reoently from England, will attend as n deputation from the parent Society. 2 `IDBBISORAID IUBXOXA. . -. A By`I{3W was passednt the last Sittings of the County Oonnciluniting,nnd inooporating these Townships for municipal purposes, and appointing the first meeting for the electiono! Councillors to take piece on Monday the 2nd next, at the 'of John J .P., Township of Morrinon. appointed Returning Olcer. __._ ----an uvvanbla We are requested to call attention to the meet- ing of the Bible Society. to be held in the Town Hall,'bn Wednesday next, the 20th inst. From : some cause the attendance at. these meetings of late years has fallen off very considerably---not . more than forty or fty persons attending. gt. used to be otherwise; and what has caused` t 3 lack of interest (unless it be the fault of the So-- clety s advocates) `we cannot tell. `These meet-' ings used to be oflan interesting character, and those not specially earnest in the matter would be sure, at least, of an intellectual treat. It is, besides, neutral ground, upon which all Pro- testant denominations can meet-anr's the dissemi- nation of the Bible an object upon which all are agreed. The importance of the Society, in his mind, was well setforth by the Rev. S. B. Ardagh some four years since in his speech at one oftbcse meetings, when he said. that in reading the Reve- lations, it had often occurred to him that this Society waspossibly pretigured by St; John in the Angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting` Gospel to preach unto them that dwell;ou the earth, and to every nation, and kin- dred, and tongue,`and people! . A m` H I33 I\AIuI-lI_ p_.'_, v! - - .wuu-ac: to:-pnnung me minutes. ' On Tuesday morning, the 5th inst, the Council adjourned. till the 2nd Monday in November. uu uuu IIUUIII II}. _ A resolution was adopted, instructing the ol: eers of the Corporation to` give all the County printing in their control to the oce having the ' contract forprinting the minutes. Tuesday mnrninnr Ila. an. :....a IL- n_,. -- -r.__ -,. -.... ._D., uuouuuua, uuuuagwoaa '.lL7ll'T- prize, South Simcoe Times, nan`. Rxrrie Examiner, had been examined, and with the exceptiongof an overchnrgc in that of the Examzner, which they had struck oil , had been found correct, and re- commended payment accordingly An account from the Lender olce was supposed to be incorrect and ollowed to stand over until information could be had about it. ' A Inna`-`O1.-_ --- -J-~-- " ,_, __ . ....- r....u.u uauus Iuu UCIIBPIOS OI N10 `several Lock-up house keepers: at the following `sums, vim, oi Collingwood, 40; Bradford, 830; - and Penetanguishene, Bbwmore, and 0:iIlia,$20' mach. ` , . ` The Committee on printing presented` a report, stating that the accounts from the offices of the Spirit of the ge, ./Idvance, Collingwoad vEnter- nrize. South Sim:-no 7`a'm.n gnaw Ds......:- :1--- V _ -_, ..---v Lock-u; MESSAGE mom ma. `

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