The Qneen s Srteech is said to have caused the most. bitter disappointment in Denmark. AII.I 11 wt`- ,I\rIr._GladstUt e 'xplain'd `hat the pro-_ nse of "England to stand by Denmark was giveni under circumstances different from lhusg which-control the present war. V ` rnu I\ - A-' uuuuu 1-U Jlclllllalo ` - . ; A Similar discussion tookplac in the House of Commons, where Lord PM- merston vigorotlslydefended the policy of Earl Russell from the attacks of Mr. Disraeli. 1 `III . run 1 .... LLI l33l|IIUUu ' - . ' Both Houses of the British Parharnent adopted an 4 address in reply to the Qneen s speech, without amendment`. `pnr" hark`: `:14 0|-`A I).;...... -0 I --J- \.JIvv\.|uu|Uul uo uululuuuug H) uugmuu. Earl Rtissell statedVthnt_ England had not given the s!ightest'pro1nise of assis- tance to Denmark. A _`.'.__-.'l_._ _I!_,.. ,', A ' ' yguuyuxn o alrccuu, wuuullla u1uuuumt:I|l. `Earl`Derby. in the House of Lords, condemned? the foreign policy of the Government as humiliating to England. Enrl R_nsm=_ll smtpd thnf I:`....I.....| 1.: constantly brought in to'Ret'tdsburg. vs anus uul an 6-1 ' ` ' ` ' - There is_no newsfrom-the .tb_utte of. war. It is believed that the Frussiuns will prevent its trans m1`ss1on.j : Severe ghting is supposed to be going "on, as numbers of wounded are being A [ I.!i.l1'il\;I'm rlnrvsufah AF if`-tn un|-nnnv-;~`1 yvuouaulul lI5ll.b_ Ill IuU J.|uU|lLIUlIl5o A 11;;-tuba}; despatch bf `the aernoo of 1hej6t=h, rptyrta` that -the tU I I;; Q . Schfeswig was e`vu'cua'fed by the Dzfqes and occupied by the allies. This is sgid to be authentic. V 'I'-AL 3., _, ,,A .1 ' . -I I_-U UV ulll-IICIILIUO. Nothing is known as to the cptlzr of Missunde. ` ` ` 1'I_;I. rb ., .-0.: 1": o.- 2 '\ in .ing. _n:u.s_uI.I_rg, ule uermans pursulug. There has been ` no additional ghting in Schleswig. ' A snowstorm on the 5th. inst., prevented anything but skirmish-A A II .-.mL.-.-.'....7.'!.... :.;..'o..'I.. ,.:Vn... ...;......:...-..; Quebec, Feb. 19. ' The speaker tool: the chair at 3 o'clock, and shortly afterwards being smnmoned thither by a messagre from his T Excellency, proceeded, with a large number of members, to the Cham- ber of the Legislative Council to hear ahe- Speech from the Throne. ' 5.- I..- ._,-- V -I " Jug. ` . - , A - _ ' . . A Ha_1mb1`Ii*g des';3a_'tch of the morning ofthe 51h says :- I .. s . 'Pl1nrn : nn nnura 'Pr}\n~.f`\n .I"\A~VlIt A` ` OUVVII VI 3119 [III]: - . The Da ne`shave evanatd Shleswiig and the Dannewerke, fullmg,.back to Flen sbu_rg,'the Germang pursuing. There has been no additional nrhtimr Arrival of the Afriba. The ~" Africa has~ `arrived, with Liverpool dates of the 6th gud `Queens-_ 'town of th 7.fh. rm._ n.. __'_'u____- -__- '.~_,._`-.1 C1;I,I___.V_`L , rues nxmu. . "'TN8}I gbe nevi name given by the shoddieb `M _ 1,l;egd_gn1A to the advocates of a. peace betweli ihtndilg -ing ebnth. What a7.'i:ontradii:tion orl _ie_rIna the'i`Lii"in`the name. Iaodkars on at the ; g'n_In1"i`E1elg;'hags been playing--over-._lhere forgge _lnit~f7fiVyenI7z5`iouldbe rather inclined in {Kink ' thnfthg7gH`l spirits were very nnequilly divided, ` old Abe `having evidently miiuagedyto gefthe - "?wl1Vol_e caboosbf them on hieide. `-_';_-` `tr i..;'WAR IN EUROPE. %1Ea:t`c2-t Zlntclligeuce. &iri,ri|3n.fle- Jen,-. came. % `rz9nlv=.1n;g.n.aEs2 -on ` M -"'I he~Hovel Keepers at AFAreehoId._N. .l.. have had a. meeting, and agreed to raise Ihe-price of . Thfnew arrangement ondey. It is mmnuted elgo. made agreement to s . .` ',%i {i3f eeV;mgny.dgiipf_|_e ea formerly, but 11% -*%,i,;u.a:= fa _,.-.--,..........uuuuuurs puree it for its great `veoonomy'n'nd'-honeetyg `am! denounce the ex- tfeiaizanpeeend cnrruplion in their predecessors pyewhieheyhey live. . e 'q1cl lJlGTy. ` #5 "Bieyond quack medicines these two journals have, hardly any mlvertising, because the pub~ !i_ok_tio\v they h_aie`;io circulation, so Ihe Gov- efnreb .m8imains"Ihem' A ` ' jI1r8a,.nnd their editors" nrnise it for .1. ......o UIIIUXIU "I U Majesty an =~not,ice for` 1 Q-sand I... _... -.......1..., uuumanns `Inem opt ofilic .purae,.and editors` maie it for `eoonomv and` 'hnnenh`r;- `....n .a-.._.._-- " tiifns in jnurnslsurhoge cir - works at Ottawa , to supply the .. u--aoallllll |U ll MSW lllel" cuiatior. made them a valuable means of advertising; then an ad- vertisement six ir.senions of an order in council reiative to the erection cf a revenue division in Elgin, C. W. which, so far as the Mercury is concerned. will never be seen by any one in that locality ; then an mlverttsement, six inser- tions. announcing that the United States have prohibited the exportation of live stock; the two last being Finance N!in ster |Ho'to n s con- triution to the Mercury concern. 7 Turning now tothe Quebec La Tribunefthe journal recentlyponght by the. government as a; French organ, and whose proprietor was re- wgarded xvitlrlhe job of the government gas Parliamentary buildings, we nd it. one great plester of gov- ernmettt advertisements, in single "number con- taining six broad coldmns. some of which have 5ben- in for. months; costing the country hun-` d'eds.of~ pounds.l'or' publication in_ a journal ;\ghich hes are circulation even less. than the mm-=;try-- in ` i ~ "Rnd nnn".'.l. .....I2._',' -I Goverttmeut Patronage of Newspapers. From the Montreal Telegraph. Two ministerial journals lying before us fttrttish a curious commentary on the boasted economy of the govetntnettt and the recent re- port of its Finance commissioners on the atl- vertisittgj--hs perpetrated hv their predecessors. First comeartho Quebec .Merc'ur_t), edited by one of the Finance commissioners, who was foisted on the lessee of the journal at a large salary with the promise that it Shlllli he made up to himvin pluntler- from the public aches-t. One page is devo'ed to the report of himself and colleagues on the wrong doings `of the pre- vious government , the other `contains ttte pay- ment for report and pttblication. Firstappears an ativertisement, nrtlere:l for one week. the militia general order relative to " efficient volunteer battalions, spread out over half 8. column; these general orders being usually conned to the Canada Gazelle in which they appear, and published as newts by other jour- nals`; next on atlvertisetnent occupying nearly `a uolumn, also six Insertions of a proclamation ting the terms of the Courtslof Arthabaska. Beauharnol. Betlfortl, /lberville, Juliette. and Ste. Hyaointhe, such advertiaetnents being ll__;Bll}llly conned to the Canada Gazelle, antl whtchfor any purpose to` those interested 'mi2ht`as "well he pnbltshetl in the Chicago` Joisial asthe Qttb Mercury; Then we 'ha_i'.e`the announcement of the customs rate of tliscbnnt-on` Kmaitaan invoices; tenders for ll9;loVincial,stear|iers runnina rm... nu...- _ .. .... .....uvu;au Invoices; lend wfgnvincial steamers running from J Isefrfo . mu, althnugh conned lo a Tex liba in journals whose circniation mm`: 9. Oeniaemenl` an reialive the arm-Hm. .r .. ........n.-- I ......e.\.c...; u: cuull. I (I8, oars were some six ' _brt-seven feet above the llmjr ; to those he tied the tau/M, and ll).'IkiH$_7a llunse on one end of In it, suspended hirnsvlf until life became ex- ; tinct. He was fuundin a. cmnchtng position, that being necessary to raise hts feet from the floor at" the cell and -enal le him to perform the Moody deed uhich cutlml -his existence. As might have been supposed the blond oozed from out OI," his nnse and mnulh; though time enough hml not elapsed when he was found tuchangu the expression of his visgge or alter the natural appearance ofhis features. ul w||u.'u tn: nau Dcett gutily. . - In thisthe turnkey mistook his man. Green- i wood proved to be a hardened man of the. world. Reiigtottimd l-at iitt!e effect upon `him, as his latter and `shmve`d.. He lied to the last moment. He. prevnricated with regard to the ' . crimes oi"`whiL-hv he had been acctisetl. To one person` he laid one story; to another ` another. Agni rather than allow the sentence uf the law lb be cartieti out on his persutt, he ` coolly, went In work and tot-.3. his own life 5 'by,th'e oni.y_ tttaatts itt his puwt.-r. When the 7 Vtitrnltey re-entered the prisoner s ceil zit half past ten he found hts_bot|y hnngina. dead. from at wash-hand laurel nttachetl to thebars of his 2 crib. To do this must `have required some consitlerniie effort. The bars six brr-seven feel :-ih.-.:-u lhn n....r . .. .t...,... 1.. .:.n . he was`,lut.-t'ie(l off the st-affutet mm eternity. ' "half-pas! ten o c3u('l(. The Miirdrer fireeuiood.` 7, irmni-`ox. sun or A wzctn-:1) LII-`E. At a quarter to twoo clm:lr this mctrriing, as r we were aboutileaving the vufce, alter ltavirtg prepared :1 somewhat" lengthened account of therlife of the prisoner Greenwootl. and the pruparatiups tnade fur`hi'5 exeuutiuh this rnom- ` ing, Mr. Sin.-rt Jarvis and Dr. Ricltartlsun en- tered our allied with the startlitig inte:lige-nce that the wretche.--J m.ut h:1.l h:utge.l hiansetf at The Rev. Wr. sallavll l l I l - i had been siithloint to within a few minutes if ` ten o"c`lc:`:k, emtvavnting tn pres t.';tt.H him the necessity (iftnairin-_r. htst'p--;m'r'=.'-vitli U ;i'ht=fore Tho lurnkc-_s'_, wilm hall clung-2 of the cell alm leltabuut the Shiite time to atten-I to certain , matters conriectcd with the"a'ppm;'u-Iiixtg ex`. ecution; not snppnsin;__r ft-r a'rfa'n:n_t.-nt that the than Who bait :1 few tnuments before u as con- l vcrsing with his spiritual adviser upon rnat_ter's`~ `affecting his eternal we-flare, would Jventnre to take away his' life, anil add the ;i'.vfnl Cfife Or Suicide to the other heinut 3 atrocities- of which he had been guilty. thisthe tmhlu-.v mernnt: hi; rnan flu"... \II|7a\_\'l! QHGIIIUUIS. V _ It isirnposible to ascertain frgm what quar- tets Mini_sters expect suppox. Thy cnnlinue \ -to assent" 1haHhey,WiH hve a majorily, but ` their bnaal is believed bv_lh!)se.w.el1 in'!urm'cd m be enlitely uu{oiuuded.--L'eader. - ' The Ministry` are rhhking the! mob! eklracr- dinary exertions to secure the'eupport nflhe Ollawh membera. Mr. S.1mleIdMucdunald, Mr. Hulton, and Mr`. Mncduugall dogged them all day yesterday around the hotels. endeavor- ing to iuheuce lhum, Wright" pa'nicu'nrly. They haw been unstlcccssxi, `so fa} as it is possible to learn. Wright is dfsgusted uith their corrupt advances, as well as_ all the` Ottawa members. I. :..:._.....:Ln_ ._ _-,__,.A:_ A-,___ ,_,'n nmucaa un mu. ` l I ! \l"lIIl It umutul EHETHIOU [0 economy. Irejoioe that lam enabled to inform you that the resources of the past year considerably exceeded the estimate submitted to you last session, whilst the aggregate cxpenditure for the public` eervice.of'tlte`year was less than the estimated amount, Notwithstanding these gratifying results, however, there was at-large excess ol expenditure over income ends! the revenue derivable ` from existing sources is clearly inadequate to meet the . unavoidable annual charges on the public treasury, measures will be submitted for your consideration calcu- ilated to equalize the annual income `with the annual expenditure of the country. _Hono2-able Gehllemen and Gentlemen: I` V Quenzc, Feb. Th`e 'Oppoeilion Had a meeting lo-day, but did nothing in corlequence of the absence of several members from the Hntrue by reason of sickness and from other cenaes. Among those absent are Messrs. Rose,` Cameron, Street and ":Pbot1:pore'. M. P9t_Jpor,b'wVi4l! be here to-marrow, a .te!g'ratns` have been received from Messrs. mnrian nnrl Q1:-but-`ln` Zuni that thou will In: -llgliflll IIQVU qqll IUUUIVCIJ IIUHI 1VlC33|Ua v_ merbn and Sfgeetjto, bay that they will be . here during lhe week, ifsufciently recovered. Mr. Rose will also be here lo vote, if necessary. . 'l`hnrn will In: nnnlhnr rnunlinn nf lhn nnn... I'll: l\\l3U WI! CID" UU IIUIU IV VUIUQ II IICUUBUCIIYI . There wiil be another meeting of the Oppo- "s'iIinn lonorrow, when it will be decided whether any an`eudmems_ wifl be made to me ` Address or not. 't`L.. 2\Il:..:...:.;'. --- _'.'.`l.:...'. .L.'. `_..'_. ..'..._- ,, '1 I5, uuu *$|uuI\ou bllv WUISQV of {our millions of orins. uuua, IJUU UIIJUUID Alli! luclla It is asserted that the Danes have sent : ger Prussian vesels.. h.-n_- T.\_-J_.:;I_ `L..- 11...... .........l..:..-...A Prussian vesels.. Duke Frederick V Ixas: been proclaimed at Eakenforde and Sqh.'wangen,in Schles- . . . unvrnu m'?`i|e Austrian Reichsrath had express- edits sympathy for the army in SchleB'- wi'g, and granted the etraordinary credit II` `pinto nnnnnna nr (`nu-`nu | VVIS QIIUI aI5l'C\I KI K-IUIJIIIJILIUISO ` The losg of the Austrians in the storm ` ling of Jage is stated at..,4u00'1:ncluding man` officers. A false guide cdgducted the msi/ups` agaipst.thej`Auatzia.ns, and 1733!, red ugop-each other. } III II! V{\illlllv]`UL `IJl7IJICBVVl5n The Dane bud altdgetller about 1,000 `hers du combat at` Sgieswig, with 300 ill from inclement wather nV|.- .1--- -1-.L- A.._a_!-.-.. -5 4|... I..o.-mo Ill IIULII IUULCLLICIII WCGGIICI The ioss of the Austrians, at the latest date, 300 oicers 519 men . ` 11- in .-......-..o.-ul blunt ll-an `Wu :-nah I-u-nun can}. -mctruy, tCUHUfl'!_V anu eatery. V I [would lurther invite -your attention to Ilte state of the existing laws--relative to Parlia- tmenhsry elections; to bankrupt and insolvent debtors; to the atlministration of` jttslice;' to the encourrigement of agriculture;and ofthe sheries; to the registration of titles; to real estate; and totlte granting of `patents for in- ventions. A Gentlemen of t_he Legislative ./2uem'bI-y .- . V The public account for the past year tivill-they .~ ].titl lj-elure you, as also estimates for the sup- plies required for the current year. These ealimatesrwill be found to have been prepared with :1 careful attention to economy. Irejoioe I am ennhtml tn` ;..r....... ...... `!vl_V -Ix 2I~I,_B~1IUI>_ 9. I!-5uI_9_uuv:Inv_ J/OIl|`lV"!'_IP`?] --0- Y`e.y__;e;j 1? n:_eab h , `On the 5! A instant a fall of snow pre- . vented much activity among the-' oppos- I ingfdres, bu_;'th`er` was} randun firing- in the vicinity of Schleswig. i WW-an nnnn In-gr` nHn;rnN\nr nhnllf 1 ` The King of Denmark had left 'Sc'h'le's- wig and atrived atbsionderberg. "Pkg `non nr flqn AIIafr;dnn 1'n [ha nrrrr_ II vumluurs running lrom Decem- , few inser- I whose cinmi.-ninn m...I.. .:.-__ From Quebec. ... -av\tll"J tug lltfllfly ` mans ` Courts of lbervilla. and adverliaaunems Canada Gnrniln uni. . r I JIU! VI SUV` {Is number e have u country hun- n less them .- rs-villi in great 5 Han av. _ _ -.-~, -J u-uvnnvblll` Iuv pllllllillfiv . % `~= *~'=4'+ mus. J.___(_)_. x1._1Nn, arog, ' 39.1. New, Y.or,I=r:.r%-c one sex. as `ypbmfg ..-`1"g4_ V. . `,4 _M` 3 ,, abulll mlsery. ' Just Publisluf-d, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 ds. Spermatorrlima, induced by Self-Abuse: Involun- tary Emissions, lmpotency, Nervous Dqbility, and Impediment to Marriage generally; Consump- .tion.'Epllepsy nnd'Fiis'; Mental and Physical In- capacity, &o., - `Bf -R031`. J. OULVERWELL, MD.` The world-renowned author, in this admirabl Iiecmre,`olarly{pr`oves from his own experience that tlie-awful oonseqheni.-ea of Solf-abuse may be "jelkctnally ~remove'il without medicine. and with- Inn,t,;r_ig,:'dr colinla, ppintingiont 1 mode of cun,I:oIi6q9r!nin `mid eifeotunl, by which every ,8u'\'i-,~ n'iJi'xn_ntter what his condition msy be. A will ptove is boon to thousands III` ` `Q; in `plain envelope, 30 ll! . fll, by Ihopnhliohen.` . `i 5?? `ritt"tR'33'.:i; `-.a.l`!'ll.A i;>`h vvvlrn 'A-`- ont dnngegqntsnrgical operations, bougios inoun-. mngcnrq. jnself cheaply, private-l_y,nd mitt!-` ' loot ' : ,_i1H_x'ag9,, onfitho_reoeipt ofnix cents, or tw.'0 NW- "w\_| uu uzgiamuuu tor ule ptmuc wetram. lihave taken steps for `carrying into effect flhe acts passed during last session for the organization of the militia foreeotf the Province,` anti 1 will continue my beat Myths at-_ tginment of not important uuobjeot. . The petjiosi is approaching when by the con-H dilioua of the treatv of teciprocity between Her Mninnlv nmi' ll-in Unitml gluing at A....`..:... .L... _ ,__ . _. ...: :.J.v.l.ul.l`4.IJ141 TWO YOUNG MEN who understa: Goods trade. Terms, 3468 per : outboard. Applying stating how \ trade and where. ` . - u--:-- HE REV. W. F. GHECKLEY. AB. is prepar- . ted to reoeivehlimitcc} number of pupils to board with his own family, Barrie- Web In}. non; WANTED IMMEDIATELY, "TWO YOITNII Ann! -.I-- -- - of water, with a patent ,-_- ---v o-uuun U0 IICITVU clear? land in a. good state of cultivation- 20 acres of .Fnll Wheat sown, and about 25 ac :-es ploughed {(1-cady for-Spring Wheat. There are on the pre- ,mises Good Substantial Buildings, and a Young | Orchard beginning to bear; also, two good wells pump in one of them, convenient to the house. ALSO FOR SALE, 20 ACRES of Good Land, being part of the East half of Lot. 22 in the 11th Concession of Essa, principally bnrdwood, with about 5 acres of good cedar. ` The above property is conveniently situated on the line leading from Cookstown to Barrie. For further particulars apply to John Armson, WestGwillimbur y ;' or to the owner, on the pre- miss. _ ` GEORGE WILLot:(:nBY. , Essa, Feb; 15, 1864. 9.4: ___- E A EING composed of Ihe East half Lot 20, in llth Concession of ESSA, containing one : hundred "acres. There arc about 85 acres cleared `and cultivation; Fall acres {ready lmises ; ;of water. with it nnhfnt ......... :_ ._. - -- .1 , n uzxu.-I sun '1'`! YOUNG MEN 4 who L-uffer from Ncrvatis Dcbihly, Premature Decay of < Manhood, elc..'snpolyiug at Iht-same time. . I ' __ 'l'i!E`ll.E.ANS,,Ul` b'ELl-` CURE. _ By one who ha; cu_r_d hi:n.:if.;I'!'u-|:.l_n;i1ugput IO 'g'cal ex- pulse and injfnfy lh,m`u_gh ggcdipal.humbug,and,quuck-ry. ; B}yl'Vprep?{yiug-pbslag, single copies may be had uf the .uu1nr. I.-~ \ -.,- ` ; NA I`HA_N.lEL MA;Yl-`AIR Esq" ! 2l.'ly - Bedford. Kings County. N. Y. ~- I _ oi as _ _ ._ , _ ,.` A INVALID; _,, _ __v ' Published for the" benefit. and an n -ivarmng a: ` A c.w.'ndN '1': YOU '6 M1-2;` ` 1-ufferfrmn Ihr same '_ `I'll IFM lA!\:u1u.v _.... .. .-..-- , ---.. vonvluad vr ua.Le:ILLV|AV\.l'- lf those who iutfer from either Const_tpatiou. lndigcsnon 'Custjvtte: , Pllet-, Dyspep:-la, &c.. would use Dr. Rad. I '.vnv tt Regulating Pilte, ttt place of the common alt,-e pita. ; lhz`)' would il\`Uid the nttnatunll habit of I_truintng and I quickly rid lll|7llL'lVI of the disease, Thls straining that `is fun.-ed upon the patient when glv l0'0l.` ts mused Itythe irriluttott ofthe niucni membrane or thv lower huwcn. 2 I5:-a_r ui mind, that all of those cotnlhott pills of nlocl. l\c., ` min.-r dissolve in the stomuch or exert the lvusl t:.u(:nr.'e on the liver. but are carried to the lower bow:-ls. and there, I by their drm-tic and uuuaturel inuence nccxuiv-n irritation, and tuslt.-ad of iqcurittg t__lIull.ifal tnotrement or evacuation, Eimluce an irritating tliechntgvg which itl\'t)l\ tI cramps, V tvrenching pains. 'strattting,'tt3tteqrrtus, frequently sending lltfrpallltl to the water closet on futile errands. Dr. Rad; wu_v s Pills. are the only safe pille to tnlre--they tIL`l directly on th ltiver and purit the blood. Otte to six boxes will v('_lJIfl: tmydisensc tlmtt t.-most popular of pltlls are adv:-.' gm-tl t `cure. _ ...... ma unu usmlly Vliarrie, Feb. 15th, 1864. . `A -fresh comracl fol our Oeean Mail elem)- -ehip semise has-been entered into on terms which will`bo+aubmi1telfor your consideration.` ~ar_1d will, Ibelieve, be found IQ combine efli-, c|ency, economy anli'safeIy. . . . [would lurther Inlnln -vnnr nHa-|-~- `- "J AA. 1 I J. .l'JLJ. A MARRIED .\l.\ N, to work on a farm. 1 dence and Fire-woqd will be providul. Applyat -this Office. " --.\-.-\-~.-. .-_---\--,x-x - \\- ~. - - * ` \ ~ connwoon wmfsn VAT TNYQ nwwrnn 1 xv~.\~~.-~.\.~.-.~s. - %A.\ . ._. ,, Hol!oway a Pulls.--Bllluuu and Bowel com. ` plgmua. are speedily cured by a sleaxly [)l'!\ cfrnce mm mm mediines. In Feverund Ague. Ihe cfcucy of mu ; remedy is nlmogl beyond belief; it Ihould bc_ ;e.;o,d lo" ; won as the dxsease is suspected from recurring cm. ,4 u.-nee. lyiiimxsneu loss of appetite, turn-d lnnguc and dry skin. Sold e'\'erywhere. . %__'---_'-----__-`----"- BARBIE GRAMMAR Baa-ley-In moderate demand at 70 to we pu- busbel; the supply-, however, being light. .OaI.s-Steadily I purchased at 40 to 48 per bushel. _ M Pork--Actively sought. after, and in light mp. I gruuc was aulu uu onsuruny Ill 6 10 PH bushel. 1 ply, at 5.75 to 6.25 per cwt. U90- Spring Wheat-Iu s'm:-ll supply; I] - at 83 to 85 per bushel, One snnllsekft grade was sold on Saturday at 87 per busbe1. Barlev-In demand at 70 m nu. __, un uuccruuuq vvuu scguxu w lulllfe operation, Fall Wheat.-1.00 to 1.03 per bushel, and in. ` few instance`; L04, medium qualities brougm 35: I to 95c. Q..-:_... Il1I...u.O,_,Tn n -...II ......-I_.. _,n February 22, 1'3 Thrmarkets for the week have been ye steadfup to-Saturday when the arrival of ,1,` City of Manchester occasioned holderlzo be .rrner -in their views. Very little, how," I changed hands. The arrival of the Africa on Saturday afternoon, bringing lower prices, su'm,,. what changed the feeling, and created adem. of uncertainty with regard to future operagjon; ` per bushel. and 1... Ladies 1 Ladies! !" I;adies" 3 Don L fail to rem! `Jan L. .L:. ,. . ` . _ n sun-v-nun], J.'EDo 11' For the past days, owing to the storm, ,, lime grain has been brought imo our mm: prices havenuuomewhat. declined, but riezimjn 5` at ptasent quotatious.-Fall Wham. 88 to "` Spring Wheat, 70 to 75c:.;narley, 58'c 109:5? I , Oats, 38 to 40 ; Peas 46 to 60; Pork`, 4.50 go 5.25 per cwt; Bay 87 to`s7.60; Beet $1 to 50 per cwt.--Enterprise. i 'I would also suggest to you the expediency of making legislative pruvieiun for ensuring.a more efficient system of investigation into the causes of shipwrecks occuring on or near the 4 sqacnasts of the Province, as well "as of simi- lar disasters, which, though occurring else- where, may; from the nature" of the V auehdattt tcircumstancesi seem_ calculated to affeclthe re- ;putation of our marine service. - --- ...u - . v 4." umnunbl Dr. Cheueman. of New York, has devoted the last thirty years nfhis pmclice to female Complaints. - His Pill: act like a charm. They are rdiablc and safe. ' JEUIJIICBI ran. 22' The market for our it 'vory du1I-gen,n pressing. There were A; few mien on '05 M` day of superne, at 4.22} and 4.25 wjzgox about the ruling gures. 1`. 1'1. t':L.uzk's New % 1\hnerti5en1e11t.': .~.-xxx xx-s.`-\_~-, - ....-ua.v-a 0 uauxuu 6 6 14110188 3 I I fail Io read the advertisement in this paper, headed _ tunnnriu . un. ...,. .__.- . - - - "*"%f"%s;g%m;i;;ga:;w . ` j , `T"` " Fb'33:18o4_ Onafutdny 1. In-go quantity qr `mu f . itqjay to glgfqimnxlrket, b_ut the Erica former! 0` [gate not~.ej|`I'Ilwed,:SprIll3 W est expexigng W4 $1} of 3 cents. To`-`day the supp], Wu ugmlnt.` 3 i}pr_ovedzprices-'l2 `.9 `(to being paid, "ii V0ta-m-o worth about 14 to 48 per bum .,Peas-6_8c per bushel. L -_Beef-4.50 to 5:00 per `[66 lbs. ' Pol-k-6.50 per 100 lbs: Eggs- l4 to 17: per doz. Butter-20 to 21 per lb. Oordwood Dry-1.50 per card. . Cordwood Green-1.25. A GUIJIK Fl6nr-n1. Mill, 3.50 to 4. 25 per ban-.1, Fall Wh'eat--87 to 93: per bush. Spring Whea.t-73 to 75. * ` Barley-new, 70 to 75. Pou-by retail, 40 to 45. Oats`--35 to 40. 1_`l11~2 CONFESSIONS AND EXP!-JRIENCE FARM TO RENT. mm uuuie stream and Us tr.butatjes. _ ' Unforeseen obstacles have retarded thexsur vey of, the route of the `proposed.~reilw'ay.be_- tween this Province and the sister colonies of. " Nova Sootiegand New Brunswiak._ Arrange-r meats arefh'oweAver_ now in `progress which .I; 'trust willoon leadto the execution of e-, tliminary work} the result of which will enable :all parties to form a more satisfaotoryvestimate `than is possible at present of the expense,and practicability of the tlndertelting; ` The condition of the -vast region" lying the North-west of thesettled portions-of the" _Provinc_e is daily becoming a .question of greater interest, II have-considered it advisable. "to open ecortespunilence with the Imperial - Government, with a view to arrive at a precise definition of the geographical boundaries of Canada in that direction. Such a denition of boundary is a desirable preliminary to further proceedings with respect to the vast tracts of land i't that quarter belonging to Canada, but not yet brought under the action of our political and municipal system. -The annnlrtlnlinn .11` it... ....t.t:.. L..!lJ-'---A :3. mlmusncu loss at .___. ucuu CU IMPORTANT T0 FEMALES 1 l"L _ _ _ _ - ~ -- -` THE CAUSE OF SI`RAINl.;1'~(}.- THE CAUSE OF. STRAINING. THE CAUSE OF STRAXNING. ... Anti`..- f_-._. -:.L,- ts, . Eupetial N otig I-a~.~\.'\.\ru\J\. COLLINGWOOD _MARKE"rs. Wedhosday, Feb. 11' In nnal aws. rfuvhnn IA aka ..n..__, .-AT THIS OFFICE. 'rdRuN'ro ufxnxmrs, W ANTED, I \l\\Y .- _., BRADFORD MARKET. 1., Wholesale ggents fo_r Co. Simcoe; ______________________}, _ -cuu ruuutulpal system. -The construction of the public buildings at iottacvarsince the resumption of the work last ~eprin'g, has been prosecuted with so much dili- gence as tojuatify me in announcing to the officers of civil service the Intended early re? -moval thither of the seat of government, in pursuance of Her Majesty s selection of that city as the future capital of Canada. 'l`hQdim-.nvnrinn'nF nnljl .....l ...|_-.. ..-I.--L| aommerctal, " Inman Misery. 0 3801041 Enmlnnn. D-.'.~. a el- ____.4.A, EN whoiunflerstand the Dry 3468 per annum with- int stntiim how 1...... .o u.- ""1 --~. W. J: H. GLENN, ` Indianapolia tn DHONTREAL MARKET 3, PORT. _ V onlreul, Feb_ 22 lamina `van .1.m_...u-_ ' ........a navy Februniy 1364' week hnvn In.-- I ihrnyiag iin 3UNG M EN SCHOEE: -:II, 1' "333: '33. . A _ - - Q,uabecI,_I7ia'atst~' 19. _ Thittlay at thtee o clocl: pm.` Hi: Excel- lency the Govt-Inn: General proceeded in state Chmtqer of -the `Legioldilveegcgnhoil in" `Pafrllameni-;`-Buildings; 2 .!t'ueIimen_mn` at _eg_ielative Council bein'au'embletl,';`His E`:-_ eellency was pleasedto eomtneitd the attend-e IDPj~0f the Legislative Aslemblyyatidw that -5` Hlllfle being- tpres_ent, I-lis"'.F`.x`cellet_toy -W_;Ii pleased to_ open the second Session "of the eighth Parliamemvuf the Province of Canada withthe following Speech from the Throne :- ' ` Hon. `Gentlemen of the Legislative Council and *G'entkmm of the Legislative Juembly :- I am happy again to meat yen in{ParliatnenI, and `I feel condent that during the session now -commenced your best attention will be bestow- `St! on legislation for the public welfare. [lhana Ink:-Ill nlnna fnr nnrrvinn inln .n'....o5 _ w ich ht '!iN!9u,;h3qaIQBiUd;'.8 scinpytbfzihe , -. oahasiaauivt ..,... ..m..ui,, uuunruxiug no me usual practice. Atty. Gen. Macdonaid said last session` he hadwentan advance copy of the Speech to Mr. Cartier, but on this occasion he had not him.- eelf received` the printed copy imtil `he en- tered the House. -The" practice referred to had nohbeen observed by gentlemen opposite when;thre Ministry. ~ : e~ ;Mr..Brown, being uppeul` to b,rM`r.' C'nrtier,; 'd_ ,-he re,c.o.l|gqrgd:tuo:or.%:hma. oaoaioneibn - S'.'ch'. in-1I!! .`9x!!~?Ihe.up:sgu;':=;Arso' ' I 4% . .I|`I'r9iI',|t.|,I`I.".'-_...`..1`.|II5! ;. !' . I :n6'thpy;.` a'e6s"? .. .-mu .` r unnllm Witn- long 3: the Tnrm. Resi- npo.-IA. .1 7:.u 7-3t I'l_' Town Lot UVC`l.CHlU. A150 till 1110 Town Town 110 Street, Sm Commenci produed its mom,-; Slrent. '1` limit of Du boundary Southerly of said To\ water lot i Westerly u lots in from South:-rly lot in fmn Western :1 nngle of Thence No wnterlot i East angle Lot 8. T boundary In llU|III U Easterly t nine-tenths A`lI'\ oh nlnI:'~l.unuI3 Also; .111 for the do Simcoe St laid Town to convey > Dnusd 58 I864. Glenn ml Tow on] as me tuture capitalpl` Canada. The discoveriestof gold and other valuable ores within the Province, which have recently been made, and which have attracted `very general attention. appear to can for legislation, both as regards the more systematic and periecl developement of our mineral wealth and the . rights. as well of thepnblic as of the private individuals, connected with it. 1 lllllli .V| gaid Hue. from the meets the Square in Westerly Ive-tenth A I-.. ..u I-1": nu; I It All lhax Street he mencing front of t. of Barrio. `edge of K limit of H brly along produced and 40 ft: limit. of .\1 1...... AI... AIILHILH H A H1 Streeri in (.I..I by the w: South Mg.- the Em: 5th (`on North-\\1 distant. fx `pf the No but, Cont less. A! between to conrm now fence ing Kenn convey th purposu said 10-. way ac Railwa; poses 3 Branch Al: nnln day ` By MI ,Ul: Uu.. `Court 1` Wells. DHIU Deco On An, I ML` ` bcc -..._..3 uuuuuu VI mu uuuuy Ul ruuigructty ualweeu rter and the United States of `Arne.rica, . -"~not_ice the det-_-rmination of its, pt`b'v"isT6ii may be given at the option of either party. I have not faiied to give my best attention to the `subject of tin`: treat y, and ef tkgqgreat interests ' alfected by it. V ` Your attention will be invited to measures designed, by the improvement of our existing -system of inland water c_ommunicatio,_n, iat- 'tract to "the channel ofzthe ._St. Lrtwrenceva `larger sharethan we have the _toforai,et}ipyed,_ -of .the great "and rapidly griizw `c)'_tntI,_Ier:t;6foE. aha` western lakes; r 5. '. ` " ' `L... ...2|I ..l.... I..- :.__e., I . I ."i. Mass: All Note I V8112} BET 'VViII( Blzml "Bulr.nc_ `Recciv S HHI ` publi nob: ml me western taxes. - You will also be invi_ted'toV'c'o`n`giderTfllio bx- - pediency of providing for -such eimprovemerttsi of the canals, constructed to obviate the ?r:`ntdral< impediments to the navigation "of the Ottawa. river, as" will. it is believed, without -involving a heavy outlay, accelerate Ina development of the extensive and Valuable territory drained b D that noble stream and its t'r.butaties. ' " [Tnfnnunnn nhatmnlna ha...` L.-s...._l_.l .L . L , ` LEGISLATIVE ASSEA/IBILYA. Volu LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL: -"r'*"-' . . . . , - , .Mt.Cnr4ieoo 1' .1 11,19 Oppositiofu,haizpnzltngaetlh?':1x:1hi:hag;:?, 0: WY ' '5" G'"'* 6 Speech .-some time be- fore delivery, a':cbr_diu'g to me usual practice.- ANY. Gen. Mniulnngld ..;.I 1.... --.____, aucpuu ul ms wuuesly me lung of Denmark.- % mu s;et`Iljrnent Ih"aLdifl'eie'noe`s ihihg -anghii Her Majesty; acluate'd'by the"sam3_'?dec3re to preserve ('ace of Europe} which Twas one `of Ijiq delared obiet;I.s{of 1jI{l the Power`: who we';o part`ies__ln_lh_al Treaty, `h_u_,b9an an-.)- remilling i`n hg.` ehdeavoou I o.b_ri'ng lb a_pa_ac'e,-_ `maudt, have arisen`-"beI_v;j1j `Degi'iI'|_rI:. imdf .Gem u_myv, ;and.`!6 .1tr'g&t-1,})'_o: *.g1_in_g&ri _ Ya` V _. 1might'followfftom_- . ihd ;ho'giiM'txu_IiI`n''*-.*'.A tram 1.|;lhl.*;l`loI1h znf ' jhm `liar: :11-s:-an-`s-I - Kansans` IIIIIUW IN)!!!` "I? :xn;_,@n, =.non_h. ;of Europe, pad. Bar M 5-Vill continue her _a'onsj~_n`n`tbo .`inuqu:_pfs'_ ~ That Treaty declares that it is conductive to the preservation of; the balance _of power and the peace of (Europe, that the integrity.of_th_e Danish ' `monarchy should be maintained ;an,| -- "'`.'i' that several territories which" h at1e liilhe'rt o been under the sway of-the'iu'te"King of Den- mark, should `continue eojtn remain ;`and. for this purpose. it was {agreed that upon the death of` the late King, and `of his 'uncle.j_the Prince Fredericlr; without issue; his isMhje|y = inig` _ Christian should be acknowledged _Ia succeed`- ing to all the,;uuited uudertl:e . sceptre cf his Mejestyi`th'King`_ of l_)enmurk.~ ; Maiestv:actnntad.:h+=1ha-um}."serial... . We are commissioned to assure you that her Majesty has great satisfaction in recurring again to the advice and assistnce of her Par- ` hament. Her Majesty is `confident that you \\' ill share hex feelings of gratitude to Alm ghty God on_ account of the Princess of Wales hav- ing given birth to a son, an event which has called forth from her faithful penplerrenewed demonstrations of devoted loyalty nnd~altach- . ment to her person and, family. ,The. slate of affairs on the continent of Europe has been. the causetof the greatest anxiety to her Majesty. The death of the King of Denmark brought into immediate application the stipulations of the treaty of May, 1852, concluded b_y- her Majesty with the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of the` French, the Kingof Prussia, the Emperor of Russia, and the_,King>of' Swe- den, end afterwards acceded to`by`,theKing of Hanover, therKin2 `of Saxony, the,Kiag of - Wurte`mherg, the King of the ',Netherlsnds;'the ' Qeen of Spain, the King ol'.Portugat, tandthe e _King of Ita_ly.; A . ; . e: :. A 'I`l_-A '__-a.. J__I-_-_ lL_A 2. ', 771' 1 Lormon, Feb. 4. ---The fdlloxivig is`(he im- portant part of the Queen : speech :- M11 Lm-vi: and I2'a+.Il......... ;, - - I ,,-_.~.- r-vvv vu IIIIJ WMUWII 5 My Lords and Gentlemen .`--' `The opinion is gaining ground that the next `movement-"on Richmond will include an ail-' vance up. the eninsnla` -in sufficient force to drive the rebeias. beyond Fort Darling . while Meade holds Lee in_ check on. the Rapidnn; Which army will be the real attacking one, or whether bothwill, are questions only known to the Government. The fault with our forces heretofore is that they have been too scattered. ' Now with Banlrsethreateningl Mobile `on the ex- treme r-ightrofthe line. Sherman advancing sfro.rn_Meridian on the Vicksburg and Mobile Railroad into the cotton and slarestntes, Grant sweeping from Chattanooga towards the rear` : of Charleston and other South v_ Carolina _and Georgia seaport cities, and Meade and Hancock pressing on Richmond from the North and East, the rebellion must receive a terric shock. Let us have no more side ex-petlitions 3 no more abortivesea coast raids, inflicting greater loss upon ourselves than the enemy ; but let "3 with three or four heavy columns, penetrate t`o the heart of the Confederacy and break lip "and scatter its armies to the winds". Everything depends upon success this coming spring and summer. Let us concentrate our forces, call in our scattered bands which are only worrying, not wounding therebels, and al.'. will yet be` says :- fI'\L, ,, The oofrespqnde=nlIo1`he Chicago Ifiburze` uupcuuu U] auutut UB1)` I0 rematn. . V The Miils`House and CharlesI on'Hotel, those princely abndes of comfort ahd good cheer, are closed: the`Pavtl|`ian'sti|l invites the sujourner to its hdspttabte roof`; must ofthe habitues ot Haync and parts of Meeting and King streets abandoned the merchant s desk for the camp, or transferred their -wares to points secure from Yankee guns.` Thatpartof the cityto which the cowardly vengeance of the he has not penetrated is a` `(map of` busy life. The newspapers; post efce, express office, banks, and many business houses are` in successful operation, and the streets -present a scene of animation not at alt! suggestive of a state of siege._ . - t ulu um-uue oi ousiness is suspended. Here and `there a pedestrian moves hurriedly along, and `the rattle of acartor dray is -heard for a whole square. The blinds-arerclosed, vases of rare exotics droop` and wither on the lonely window sill,'be ca'use there is no tender hand to nouris`htlie.m. The walk gliatens with fragments of glass, rattled thither by the con? cussion of exploding shells, and little `tufts of bright, green.2rass_are springing up along the pave, once, vocal with the myriad tongues of busy trade. `-If this be food {orexultation .to the rnalevolenr-foe, he is welcometo the tender morsel. "I do not mean to say thatany part of the city is abandoned. Here andsthere stores are opened, machine-shops are active, and labour incident-to the public defence is pushed vigorously forward, even in the most exposed districts. "Still many branches of ordinary business and most of the residences are remov- ed, because it would be ioolhardy for those not impelled by social duty to remain. The iuiiis`HnI'tun nlui (`ha-|gg'.r'.u-`U-I-I -L---- 4______.___ iitotaimtal i!at_ag;cf_::.|L .. .. ......uu.5, sun in remote _|l6lV_.8l_Si| D9 earth is ?or'n up where a shell exploded, and looks, 4 like the work of a porker in search of sorrte ` hidden treasttre. Venders of the staples of thepmurlret sit serenely by their little` unritindful of the pytotecnio salutetions of their {Yankee deliverers. Ibought delicious apples `and cakes at one-[fourth the pricevcharged two hundred miles away in the interior. in reply to a question if she were not afraid, one of these `old women replied; *.`Lor, mars, we no feered now--w'e s used to ?_em.. Dey make big noise, and fro`trash'all about-`-dat _s all-`-de `good Lord_ prolec`ts`us. Thus is the reliant trust of these. people "exemplied even _ in thespirit of this simple African. I confess ' that [could not feel thus indifferent to these missiles of destruction, uncle as they came screeching across the bay, [felt an rioetinctive inclination to change my base of observation. Extending my ramble to other portions of the city. thertrack of shells were "here and there discernible, but they have not elTected'a tithe of; the injury sustained by the great fire oftwo year-saga, whoseblackened outline stretches across what was once the heart of the city. In only two or three instances have res been occasioned by them, and then the loss was triing. `In localities most exposed to the shells the ol`d"tide of business is suspended. 8ll(i `there a nminntrinn rnnune k.....:...It.. uuuluulullllll I'-- ' The limited destruction of `property by the protracted rain`of shells is aewonderful as the sm_all'los of life. I walked through the streets wltetret the effects of the `shells in most apparnt. 5 Here `a .corni'ce i-.13 kdocked off. _t_here;i_s a;-small rduud hole through the elder of a building; and at remotelqtervals the earth Tom no where I: shall .n.u...a...n .....a n----_ -,,-_ v-:-~--'-*.-"_I\ We are pleased to `ob-serve that.the e;rpoi.t,0*l`":lv.i ` of the Miuistryare alive to jthe,,iInponauce of T various -loeelitieeglihrpughout U917`? thoroughly. orgeuizin ifotj any emergency `bill. may arise, and witg that objeeth, ' menced .t64{!b_and elhietiteelvee log h if Thgmqn magi`-Eng jiccounts regehl Ijeevery ' day,'i iu`l"in in Chart time we are"ulifld every` coustituencv. itf-this section. will ha vevi tu`Con_- l aritutiomu Association.- Thelgader of _,Veeterday'- eaye~;' ; ._ A large; and influential L-meeting in:-held on Tuesdaylaet in St. `Lawrence Halllfor the purpose of arranging the preliminaries for `organizing at British Constitutional Association for Upper Canada. A Committee was ap- pointed to draft by-laws and reaolutione, which were to be laid before an a journed meeting on .Wedneeda_y next, the 24th inst..-Frorn the numbers who have taken an interest in this -matter, and ~from'the enthusiasm manifested V in it, there iu'e1ery_r_easo_n tt,>_,b,eli_.9Vve`thl'tU_ti_1ef movement. will be,a. great sucoeee. The nucleus will thus be formed for, a general organization or IheCunetitutiona_.l partythmugh; _ out the country? i _ci:i1i1.i:$1'oi 'anbl:n rxn." ~ 4 A currespondent of the Aug~usta"(Ga.) slitutionalist,__writing from Charleslon, gives `the fq_Howtg*pl`c't|ire 'of`lhgt city under the I bombanImentV:-- ~ - ` ` '!`|... I:__:._..n 1." -- - MOVEM RN78 OF THE ARMII-IS. {w,p,,.,,,...i% % }...f.. American` .War. the o1e@n&i;u;9e}oiMhD9:sa%1x S"Oo,.:on the \rey_te;s eA|a.taio1i;quesj9tio1`a, we gnay fiayiiin '.thq`~wor`daio5bome-inicfern aw- __ -,,,. .,...._......_.... ......5.u... q11estion`A;t;_:\a,a,)lT;Ij Egjgnorgd "in the`pro-I gramme 'of;__; 7is L \__ xceltncy s advisers. Any such V'1i1iticifiatiou, however, will have been: dis}zppointe`rl.o The great c11ampioTn o`fBeprosentotion tells us that the Ministerial-bill of {are is a. very. good one, although nothingis said therein to comfortthe people of Upper Canada. in general, and of Huron and Bruce in par- ticular ; the forrnr, as `the Globe has _so often told: us, for 'bing` goverueidfby Lower Canada, and_,the having, . ut.the. bidding: of the same Jourual',_as- sistd by. 9, paokfof unprincipled Gyit stt1_'rnp'goratoi's,'M:,x'c*;l1::1`,i1_g_:d_ oj gespoctablo .tpresoutativo, Vwhohud done some ore-2 - ; Tdit ;'.th8i!' :ohoic,1~for - `one 2 who is slime` beftte`r`,f'u'his_ p]ace',:tho.t'x5an 7old 'woman,, upid='wljoge fohi`s cou:stituut. `oi'-I } T his f o1iI ' % 'ai:yo.gree1t;`9.x;hoI.a`9r;; ;than:1s se9eral|z;pIip:- ` ' bgjoonferrml.on-theareoipieut L011 1 ` 1 ' -90% $0; f vCl)|r1wr`xl;o`tion of Hon, J. S. iMnt:d`onalz'i,' the usual formal rsnlutionp prohibiting t_he.nn- authorized publication ofthe debatgs,'and re- specting the appointment of standing commil- , seep, and tha privilege: of membai-s,'were.}` When Mr. McDougal|, at_t'he Ottawa dinner, lold_his;s,1idience, `in eect, that Repxfe`sc_ntation _by Population was all moonshine," our faden's wlillv remember the slashing s,t.yIe_in Wh i:h he` was taken to task. by'the'_GZbb fbr his recreancy, and might natu rally. look"for.,anoihet outburst, _of iqdighation from the editor pf` that consistent jbtttal when he [mind the rights` of Canada on that great : nmaiatinn +'ne..Il.`.;.:.........'.;:. '.:..- 41.- .-__'- Poor Rep. by Pop. carried them through some tough political battles,and although ridden to death and then buried without ceremony, was still worthy, one would "suppose; of a passing tribute or :remark, on the part of those to whom it had done good service in times past. There is no baser feeling, or one more hateclby gods and men, than ingratitude; and certainly no set of rnenever deserved reprobation in this respect more than some of the leaders of the present Go- V/"ernment. and -their, Upper Canadian fo_1lowers_._ I. A i ' T ` L Notia. souhd was heard, not. funeral note, As the corpse to its bourne they hurried; Not a member discharged his farewell shot _ . 0 er_ the grrtve whereitheir watch-word lay buried ' I -:19: up up u.` -- --9 Theteis one subject not referred to in [the Speech. ~Not one word is said about the poor old na'g on whose `back so many friends of. the Ministry rode into parlia- i meat, and who, also, carried mote than .' ene "of themselves 1uto_ the Treasury I! Benches. Way, end the bad faith of the Ministry 1 in referelnvee to`. that undertakingt glossegl ; over by :1" feference to tmforeseen ob-Ag ` sta`cles;whiIst the settlement of theft North-West, and a Bankruptcy Act, ure the baitsthrown outafor the VVestern 1' members of ` unsteady principles. - l The Ministry ha.ve_evidently leftno means untried _to obtain support, and in M fact have only been able to keep in office by either shelving or buying over mem- h bers. of the'Opposition..- The speechpnt into the mouth of the Governor-General seems to be expressly framed with a view to catch a few stray votes`. The ` Ottawavmen are approached with a pro- misethat improvements will be made in I the canals constructed to obviate the im- 1 petliments to the iiavigatiou `of that; noble stream the Ottawa river; and of,` the speedy removal of` the Seat of Gc- verument to the" future capital of! Canada. The feelings of the Lower ( Canadians are attempted to bemollied . ~ . - . C in the Amatterof the Iutercoloruul Ra1!- `r t A session comitm-.n`ced, :on Friday last which has been looked forward to with considerable interest, principally from the fact that parties are so_ evenlybal-' aucecl `that _the political race is a neck- and-neck afiixir, the result of which it is impossible as-yet to `feel any certaintyin respect to. ' i ` V ' ;yrWegggnhan;; Azmannn/~AAaA4. -.-.~ 0 ;ren97d_md it u`ecesAnrW ihpt A/d;o_Ju4`uu_!s A "'""`% '> We own he? men! and upon gbg.Da;mi;::5y gnu, V . 'ers'=Iom e of these oulrazei__pq:i_-4ooiuiufii;a'df The Goyemmept cf Ihevoi;jnp1..g';wg. L .9 the demands made uponlhemgby Her.MajaaIy a Government. and {nil utisfuodran hazing been made the friendly` relation bOI,W9B_I'I lAhe h :v,o"'_ ' Governmenlo have cdnlinued jnxibtoiteng but- Uaimio Plice Salauma refused to comply `"3" "'9 W51 and modems damandu ;which were mmln uni. I.:... u:-'-_:r.;_-_n _;..,':-_-..| That enemy of Mankind, Consumption! can 59 Nd. but it it` far -better 16) prevent the cruel .;disease from fa_tteniug-itselT um the system, by __th_a- timely _ne_e{, remedy inch in . Dr. ' Win-, nn": Balaem of - Wild Cherry aorda. There : a vi`e counterfeit-of this Balsam, therefore be :aure~an`d buy _qn_'|y7|bat,.`pra V by S. We. Fdle '81. Co..'BusIon, which an the signature ' of 1. Butt; en the eutuide Mwrapper. _ ..... ,.... uuu moueraxq_ugrrnanuIV_'wruon T were made upon him.- I-lis"'dfrjs"ni=;r'nn'!_ered` measures of coercion {Mr Mm- jemy regrets that while%`r`thegev_I!Iii!} !0ti:.h.'V9 brought the Daimiouo 8!l;$`g_ jnent,-.l.hey;led incidentally to the agrruagiongardaaggmamhrgg portion of me town of K`a'goim,` on this aubjcr will be laid before you. 4;.4n___ rT);I"hn-s"I'etu|'n, the Speaker intimated that during the recess lt=e,hadr -issued a writ for the etectiontof a` member to represent the South Riding of Leed's. in place of the Hun. Albert,` Richard: who hnd'at:et=pted the office of.Solie1- tor Gfene1~a'|, and that` he had received the re - mm of the Returning Oicer that David"Ford Jones, Esq2,had`Heen elected.. Hon. J. S; Mhudonald introduced. a Bilh to provide for the administrationof oaths ofo`i_ee_ to J nstices of t the Peace.- 'I"L_ 0-, n -- - WEDNESDAY," FEB. 24.`, 18164-. AD1v1sIoN.To'oUa`rs. comm smdoa, Opening Pafliameht. . The x-st number-of the n'ameseke'of .our.Barrie cotemporary is'announced for Friday next the 26th instant. The publisher, we believe, expects a very lzirge circulation, and ihtends to keep ahead of all cotemporarypjournals in the matter of news.` The people `qf',Ori1lia are deserving of greet eredit for their enterprising `spirit, and we have`;x_1o' doubt that the establishment of. 1; good loan! paper, such is theE:rao}n1'nr promises tobe, will `be the forerunvner of'o1her imiiortant ohnngeg Vinita: loeelity,` ; _ ' We neglected last weelto call the attention of your Barrie cotomporapy of the Examiner to the fat ..tha.t_he opied our lrpprt `of the Worden : speech without crediting us therewith; use is cus- ztomary in such cases. As a. new beginner ive afe willing to excusehis neglect, and have no objec- tion? to him making u`ae.ot bnr`co'l_umns in obtain- ing matter ofjgenernl interest fox his, readers, but we should naturally wiahtto bee the'uhhal formality of an acknowledgment complied with. Litgle hope seem t}>'b.e e.r.xter.tai,ned of England being able to` remain neutral, although there . is no doubt but that her people are desirous ofyemaining at peace, and fully `aware of its blessingsn ' ("-11 , J_-_-_ _ , ,I 3.. 17---, 1I.,,I, , II`HvE4c;`;dI;<;dVi-nfi;Ie;\; ?ork}}n receipt ! of the war news from Europe. * England is p1ac,ed in adiieult position 1n respecttbthese new belligereints. The queen is closely-connected-with both parties, her daughter being the wife of [the Crown Prince of Prussia, and the Prince of VVa1es son-in-law to` the King of Denmark. A,b.rother of the late Prince Consort is also engaged on the side of the Germans. The Cabinet, too, is said tdbe divided, two ofthe Ministers, Lord Russell and: Mr. Gladstone; being favorhble to the German side of the ' question,and others taking part. with the -Danes, who seemito have by far "the, largest share ef the `public sympathy in their qu'arrel. M ` " ' 3 A I _..,,...... .. ula unpuur.-ucy's spawn.- Hon. 1. S. Macdonald moved that the speeo be taken into nonuidelalion on Monday next.- Carried. - { - * f\_ __`.S._ 1- on - 4- - * War has at lastvbrokeu out in Europe, and uh `encounter-Atatken place between ithe German and Danish forces, with iconsiderable loss on both sides, but in I whichethe latter were worsted. u nu; uuv uanvI.r|5.|ovuu\4\'4uo We congkratnlate our cote nfpornry on the 7 choice language he makes use or in ms > closing paragraph, which hiay bet tly ; termed, for the sake ofthe pu'1.1,atap-room 3 sime. _ There is hovertheless an opinion very prevalentamclg the ratepayers that V; the spigtgot-holes in our corporation cask K` are rather too numerous, and that enough `V-oftthe contents have been leaking out to I make the matter worth looking in to. I We undrstand that the costs on thei two writs amount to nearly twenty` pounds; but the pecuniary loss is triing :in comparison \v-itl1ith'e injury which our fgopd name and credit raight sustain iunder the circiimstaxices. ` ` V - was still in office, and before the present . funds paid in to satisfy -the claim of-` the that `the interest due to the Municipal, Loan Fund was three years in arrear, ' ix;-Marisn=3lat`.the7sni1i or-me.2ta` E. _peid"to'the rsheri on in similar warrant ;. and when the demand came again from the Government, before the new year," it became the duty of the co'un`cil'to see? _ that it was promptly `paid . It is simply childish to saythat thisicouldb not be done for wantof funds. The Rollpshould have been imth cnlletctofsjgitaiideat-.tl1e . ' time, and ifvit.-C 7not-fpcolfliiliaxteibeen A `at once plakiedigtliere, rieessary amount collected in a week. If this was. found tobeari inconvenient way ofget.-A. ting the money, or likely to be attended with some delay, the credit of the town was good, and the bank would have ad'- vauced the sum V required on the l`rea- . surer s check fora few weeks or even months-; or a portion of the loan ob`- taiued from the County for Switch '7 purposes could V have been used in advance of the tax collections. The warrant was not received by the Sheriff` until about the middle of January ;- and before that time, whilst the old council one was organized, there were`suicient Government. Why was it not then paid ! or why did not the late Re-eve, when he met his new colleagues, make them aware that a visit from the Sheriff might be daily expected? When the ratepayers were told from theihustings that their taxes had been reduced, and that there was then a good balance in the treasury. how little did they imagine and that the balance would be on the other side if our debts were paid ! `IT- --...1_....L_...'l Al__ ; `L. ,__r, , .| :'.,:7:f, *2`e:7.-s&T:.3W `_;~',e"'z_.` ' `6V9`i?5_'f exiiliseii ill,` the` one set up, aidemand-was made for the money about 5Nov{`(Iiber last, and bf: the bbnst.beihg madam the electibn, byamembefsjof th last Council, that there was then a bal- ance In the tteasm-,y to'1e of the town. ` ` 4 e fats already mentioned that . F. kw in "me: E2 4 to byoilpbked our `refnafks; . isptihg Iha Edi};-payment oxfe `inter- _st to `t;h`"Loan Fund, 1.-ham jmving ndticed than; to` put in such a . lamedefehce fdr `what he admits to be "the-`disgmTce of having the propeffy 91" the Corporation in .`,th_e -hand of `the ihaidtbegixpoirr-L - l`or"for;E6.t t`Te`:i `wound hm romea L In oa11.z.IA~'.* n,xAnmn:n. ? War in Europe. .. -1. `I....;' L....l__.. ___ (Eran: THiE;!- . _..... _...nuv--yuan. I commit the aaire of the Province to your patriotic and disinterested consideration, ear- `-nestly hoping that under the favofof Divine Providem-e your deliberations during ,Ihe ses- eion may be productive of results conducive to the prosperity of Canada and the happinesrof her people. V :_:wgnjidiiE6" ~ foihd in` '14-` CL- t.u|4\ an} nn \.uu'1UD was very gf8.l ` `S ' ` The attack wizs`coutint1egl'on=thi-`4th ;ins_tant_'-,A wilh ouI;` [making I iriuch imp_re$- % `sion on th.e7Dam'sh lines. `0ne-`rgrenwde- fell`-into, tbs town of. Sehlswig;f-btith` town" itseI{was.Ih_'ica ` ' ` ' ' `1J'l3!.7la :`;`..' 25? `Vi a J ` r ;'.:~)s - ;--2 l`:.- I` L, K"; ~ - 1 a ' . an .......m... mu uge~o:>_me cannon arming; gthe Dannewerk. " The lossesare inpoh-, 'siderable.~ 7 ' ' - Anotha aoc'ount dss ertthgt{the Ger`-' ma;naloswzis'v`e_ry g"reat:1'"~ W *' The sittnnk um "n`nun-9:.s ..J....I.:..=ir.ri~r1 -- uvuuti uul I-SIS 6*` The Austrian vz.nguard,led by Gene- ral Von 'GVatlenzLin~ person, with the van- guard of the Prussian Guards, advanced against Schleswig. . At.{lhe'third charge , with: the bayonet, the `Allies repulsed the Danesposted between Lbtterfan'd- Go- orf, and "st`ormed- K`onigsbe'rg} and ;Ob'er. selk.~ The -`attacking fprceV-captured a` ._ried:g`nn,- and V penetrated ` _onwarc_I' till; beneath the reibf-`thee cannon..arrniug'I ethe Dannew'erk.i=% The ldsles am` "inm.'.*.- I AAIUIIPO Marshal -Wrangel has issued a prtocla`-` -mation to the Schleswigers, saying that :the civil commissioners of Austria and `Prussia. will asgume the` administratioti of the Duchy of Schleswigtonly, and not as had been stated, of Schleswig and Holstein. J nu. , .' 1' u`:.i"}::f.;;roceedings `on`the 3rd instant against Schleswig are reported as follows*oicia1 bulletin from the Austrian headquarters :1-- mhn Autau:-gm co. -A-----3 i ` ' " llllvl A.Hambl1rgtclegfam of the_"-Mh inst. says that Prince Frederick Carl is re_:port- ed woundedin "the aim. -' ` V 2 Am -._ n__ ___a_ ,|., 'l\ I--a ~- sun nvuuuuu nu I-IIU ul Illa -' An attack on the whole Danish Tin,` from Missunde to-Jags, was expected to` take place on the 4th inst. - TEA Drnan:nn In---1---`AA-5--I-- -AA- Luna luau: uu luu `llll Inst. The Prussian headquarters were. at Krupp. - ' V Mnrnknl .W-nhngl L-.. 3-----1 - ` ., -_-........ u. uuv a cane.` - v ' " The Speaker than read copies in `French and English of his Excalleucy s speech.- I-lnn_ J, S M.....a-....u _-_-.n .L_. .. .u.;.; was muuu 5u:au:1 guuu (HIS. On the afternoon of the 3rd; instant the Austrians attacked Bistorf, one mile south of Schleswig. There was sharp ring until after dark, but `the r Danes held their own, l_osing,thowever, one eld-piece, and having a `few wounded. Another attack was expected on the 4th inst, Au attack on Frederickstadt was also expectedto takeplade on` the 4th. inst. `' ` .7-I-I -I -- uu -uuaounuuc was uu1_u. 1-N I0 ZUU men. The Prussian loss is variously estimat- ed at from 150 to 300 killed and wound- ed. Some accounts say-that the Prussian loss was much greater than this. nu O`-an l\r\-vu4\1\n-u ..I'.' AL- 0 J ' mu uoouu ucGu.\Cu_ LU agree wll mm. In the attack on Missunde the Prussian force niunbered 9,000 `and that of `the Danes about 2,000, Two stormings were attempted by the Prussians but they were repulsed, the Danes maintaining a heavy re against. the slomiingr; party. Accord- ing to one account one Prussian regiment was totally destroyed by the. re of the Danes. . . ` A1I.~ `'1... .' A/uvuuuo Additional details bf the attack on 'Missnude give the following particulars: The loss ufthe Danes in the attack on Missunde was from 150 to 200 men a 'l-"In DFl`l:\\'r:I'\ `l\nn :1: un. ..:...-_l__ , , A` - vuavu The Paris correspdndenzt of` I-Jou`don Times says :-- At a. ball on the 5th, the" 7 Emperor Napoleon said to a group of Marshals and Generals, ` It appears they ha'\jre_bog'un the exchange of cannon shots in the North. Let them go on ' it is no mlif Of (HITS. ()llI' nnlunu cl-unnhl . suuls 111 me 4.VOR'Il`l. them on; affair of ours, Our policy should be non-intervention . Those whom he adressed seemed_ to agree with him. 1I1!l,fnl|l? nn M;nnl|x\.ln I`-`A T)-----3A ~~ uuuu V side. fI'\I uu...-nu-ucx: Lg umnu u. report inereon. The London Times says that the Bri- tish Government, a few days since, made . to the two German" Powers a proposition _ which deprived them of every possible gronndfor liostilitiesgi England offered to guarantee the fu'l_lment ohereqnired conditions, and to `embody German Hols- tein in the protocol, to be signed by the signers-ofthe.'1`reaty of 1852. V When, `therefore, the troops of the two German Powers passed the Eider, those Govern-= mcnts knew that all they had demanded had been conceded, an`d not only con- c-edcd, thut guaranteed by a first-rate Pun-er which had been the chief adviser - l of l)eumark,nnd possessed the power of." e11_ll-rcing its own opinion . "Can it then he s llkl that the war on which they have entervd is other than useless carnage! _But with the antagonism between the slaughter, we have littlehope that mode- rate counsels will he listene-:1 to by either side. ' ' Dunc and German heated by .mutual if ulcul nuve Ll paclnc leaning. The Liverpuul Cl)aml)er-0t"(lon1mer_Ee has been discussing the alleged` systems` of nominally ,truustrring- A"m'erlc-an ships to the_British flag, and by this eva=- sion of law, avoidingithe risk ufcaplure. The subject was finally referred [to a. committee to make a report thereon. The l nmlfm I'i-moo Q-`Ira Hm : H... n..: 4 JJUIIIIIC/Ill\o -_ _ ` ., 3 1` All the English jourfnals treat matters` as very undecided, but the mu_]ority of them have a pacific Ieaniurr. 'l`h(=. Livprnnnl .nn1l\nr :`.&"l`..m....-...`.J.`. nncggof ll he plqadadiq '_Par|iamel