Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Feb 1864, p. 1

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U! |\.I\- uvu vu --~g~- . _ `I lielieve l\vl.' Sleaf'orEI`s` was..the fine pocy. If yuu ,hl`r' boys. 9'5 h`'_s and let Iuose the dogs of war ; slm_t your purse against Iliep_ainter and the cuVr_pen`-` M nu. nlmnher mul`_vInzie'r.` the nnlmls- IHIFSB u`=;illl.|SI. IIIU 'll:|l|l|K'I_ uuu unu \.ugln.u- or. the plumber aml'g|nzie r,V the nphulvs-' tteruraud gurdeuer ; f` let what is bruken, so remuin, ?4+*rp:1rntions are \\,'a'sted`_ labour and wasted money. Buy a ho}! of carpenter's tools fur'yuI:t boys, if you lil;e,uud let them mend `what they them- seh-es have broken; and,-if yuu 1_lmn t mind their sawing off one _or t\v.o_uf.tl)e1r ngers" occasiunutly,` you .m'_i1y end by making tl1em`lulerp|)!y useful. . ` I M. Rlannml." hml mm` nmrlltnr n hd' --vwvvwwv'-v ._.v.. The Doctor's Wife. T L BY THE .u;_mon or-V -` LADY AuDu:'t s srzcnan &,c-. &.cs `We will no Dying? You do but jest`! You smileln the dark! know? ' Snxjely I should know best How the quick-pulses go. Lu your hand on m` cheek; ' `eel lhmtgh you see not, the red, Why in another WOL`k, - I shall have left myhbcdl it was being so long alone,` So Slltk of the world's `vain strife, Uncnred for and tfnknown, Tltat*snnp"l. the springs of lifal Yon ltatvegitgen a world of love: Nay, soften that anxious brow`; Is not our God above?` .- He will not summon me now. "The snmmer ls coming Inst : `- C . I'cnn scent the rich perfunie Of th lilnc by the `door, _And the dt-limite apple bloom. ` Wltero shnll our your be spent? I i long for the hills of Spnin`- . to Rome from Lent, m . I I I .. ...... 1.,-H. n-nnin. uc nu: );u u. ..-........ ....... __...., Then back to-our home ngnin-. V 0, what is this hidden pang? 1 ,.,s.-_ nun 0' this hidden mug? is it growing darker, Will? I-{em-ily goes my lnontt,-A V 11` is nlmoat sm.nding_ still} ' - Raise me-I cannot bronlhc-= 0* 4` I ,_. n -1... -,.:.I l\Lll_:l: Iu\:*J Inuuuu us`.--.... _P:{ny for me Ipve, she said, Father, intd Thy lmnds ?" ' And my young wife wadeati. - ` __r m Zitcratttvc. ;3d4ctt:9. - l;'I:'nm ' Z L 4! din. irr n1Ga"r'." N I . g., _ _ ' ' 7 V '~' _- - . I . _ `.Ius'r1*c1: IS Tm: Gma'AT,.BI3'rIMPLE .PR1NcIPLE. AND! `.'_1.`I,IE .\vHoL'13 `SECRET OF sUccE`ssVIN{ALL__ GOVERNMENT) : bun: -0nceA-:1-weal.` B A RR?I E; j I. A R I 86 4- the-crew of the sufu; an.-"r `inn un_ lmnmt ic intorhide "of `slugs. cuffs, `and remun- Struuces from` `the higher 'p'u\\'crs, who `walked into the storm-hezitelx ocean with `cruelbi .disi'ega`rd of `l|1<:..~-u_uiIie_s-. Mr. Slcwilbr(i.lIntl a~roo'1`n to himsell n`p'-stnifs, a Blueheurd `cliniiilier, which the boys nt-,\'er1eiI|er9d; for the barrister made a point of ,lucki'ng the door \\'1`nene\'e'r'|ie left ihis'rumn,_xmd his 'sunsj\vc'r.ethe.re`- r" ` *"""-l `-- V`-An--'-DI :1; nu-nu-innnnf Hill JII3 I"UC:II'\ llllkl IIIU WVIlt)_-`I \.|.\{ IlI\rI\v FOre cmupel|ed tu respec.t.`h_is npar1_meut.v Tlney luu_kegI'I|1rungh the keyhole`nu\\ v {ind Ilu-n,XusAee if there was any thing `of u myslc-`riuuys nature in the {urh`iddc.n' ' `chamber; hul,:xs_lhey,saw hothing Inn 11 dingy i'n's_v-'cl|air mid an uice-tuhle, Will} u quamily. at pu])ei's scattered 'uhunl. it; thvir curiusily gradually sub- sided. mul they caused to cuncx-Am them- selves m.any mu_u_ner ubuut Hue u;nu'l'- meut,_ which -they always` spoke of-as Pu s room. ' ` M T *f`7d(3.{{'A`.P";1`dI3:R 11!. ' ' '1sAh:t.._ The. garden,` at the back of Mr. Slea-, ford s.house was :1 [large square plutnof `ground, \vi!h.ne old penr-_treesshel1er- 'ing :1 Ileglecfed huvn; A row nl hazel- Imshes screened `all the ix-n-__rIlr of ihe wail upon one side of! the `garden; and wlnerever you luuked, Ilzere were roses and sweet-.lrier, cspuliercd upplt`S,ull(| tu!| straggling rnsp|wrry' luuslws, all T equally nulnmilinr will: the gurdenesd pi'uning-knnI'e ; thuugh hero und 'tln'e:'cV `Von came to :1 lncnkless bush tlmtjluul` been hacked nlnml mutilated ,in some` amateur opermiunsof `fdlhe lmysf A I * `fvuh nn Idol-`-|&|\;l|f'|lll` (`r:|I'lluIl~. \x'hi("|I uuguunu Ullcltlloulla \l| Iuu nu -co f It \'ms nu oltl-Insltiunetl g-nr(.len~, which ~` ha_d doubtless btice been lieuutiltilly f kept; for lxright garden lluwers grew`tp 4` `:1m`ongs't: the weeds stunlnerufler"sum- mer, as ifeven neglect urcruel usage cuuhl nut disruut them frum the futnilinr place they loved. __'I'ltusr-are erehicls '8[I'I'0lll(.`(i upon`. of` beds tlmty were half lull (trClIiCk\\'C'(`tl,1l|lll lilies*~ul'-the-wvulley ourished umun'gst the g,'roundsel in in shutly curuer untler `the water`-lmit. There were vines, ftiputt which no gTil{:t': ltml everheen su"et"eLl to "ripen tluru-._~.; MI`. Slealbrd s tenancy, but which yet made at beuut.iful- screen of \ t:`l'(itlli`. l t"uc.eu`y all over the lr.1el lx_ense,. twining their luVil)g' tendrilsuhunt the dilnpitlutecl Venetian slmlters, thut rotted slowly en `their rusted hinges. There were `Sll'fl\VlIe|'l'y-iletiis, and there was an url-our at one end ul the gztrtlen in which the lmys played at. lie-ggar my neigh- lmur and ` ull fmur's with greasy, tl0g s- cared. curds in the long summer ulter- nuuns; will there ,were_ sume r`uhlnt- lmteltes-sure evidence of the m-igli- huurhuud ullliuys-in at -sheltered curner under the lmzel-bushes. It wasu dear ulcl, untidy place, where the utlutlr uf distant pigslit-s miugle_l'l31mlly \\Tilll:lllB- perl'unte ol the roses; unil it \_\'-as in this neglected garden that Isuhel Sleaferd 'T|t`Blll. the [best part of her idle, useless I tee - e 1 T She was isiitingin u 14=as_ket-cliair un- der one ` or the pear-trees \\'lueii. Sigis- nmml,SIiiilh and his Iriend \\-{ent into the gairclen to look fUl"lH`I . She xi-as Iqlliiig in :1 lmv basket-,cimir,-.with at book on Iierlup, and her chin fl'S1iD on the i palm of lien" huml, so liS0'M!("d by the i_n- 'lvrw:st of life page bi:l_Ure lief than she did not even lilt her eyes when lhc l\\"o young men. \\ om close up to lufr. `Alie \\'ui`e u muslin u'r<~s<,n gbml deal tunilii- Cd and not Iuuicleaiugaml u,strip uflilnck vuivel. was ilied. round her lung lhmut. ~Hv;ilmir -wus iihnusl as black as he-'r` lurmlu-r`s. mid was roll;-(I. up in at great Iunsc kum, lrom wliich u long untidy curl hall straggling un In-it w.hi_te llinrul-her i`|Il'(|3ll'\\'ilS- very while, with the dead, yell'o\\'ish \\'liiteiisLs qt'vi\v'oi'y_. . u ' p. '- A4` I wish that was Colond _Zl1dnIrfasca, said Mr. Smith,. pointing to line book xxhicln `he young May was reading. lo should like tosec u Incl) so interested in one of my books that she \vuu!du l so lIl_l_iI.'lI us look. up when ll, gcmlemuu was \\`uiIiu:g to he imrodnced ~10 l|cr.- ' nu .Qlun`1n'n| >1-Inn! II-up l|p|:n'! null)` an..- without . nation: thick, ck. ; .. maymoo%benutiEii1firsti;`saag ' ...!`. Dan-g9ruI')'.. 1`.*1'|.."1lI5.f;!?sII gulhud. IIpubfej, . 5 .tlpg_ Vyuu.I._!g~.: mun 1-gmyely-~.; l ` -side t`!~fS'.'1IEjmifglzoki.d9u?tgmak& 3 .\'|n:uIu_u5, uuu >w.uu_ uuu yv 3|3G;|IIlL:ZQ. gu ;u,;~V W113! is it, lzzne 2-" Sigisnulud asked, interpreting he; luok; . ._- _ L 3` Algerman Mo.unl.lurt. - .i . T- 5 5 . Ah.;I thought an Always his l.>ooks.? . A,{intb,l1;l1.quei11b!ed over Miss `Slen-V l`_ord'8 pule_.:fn.ce-: " "T - ;. benugi s.ss.\'.eB,l;5I.Ii.!'Ii~ xvi!!! .sqaiu_um::nA : ;yg.gq-[;l1q1?P3';$49,llIQ:1313121? r.?.i1`s:.=~:.~;,. , ` u-Nu-1.hn_u,..mnlm.mn j|nhnn|m.,:.J.m,;.;; ; yU|l: -llH`I_!]1)', '.}|U.,'>'||VEl: '39`??? - - rx AL`- V .;`.,IIo,`1lle:-#11339 . E me 1nn|1appy;5,,Lgt:.; _ she ' `lu-.s,itnled a_. lmle, and t_hen:hl_uphed:- M i:s,sh_ 81!-.5!-.l:"'..'.`.?r1::.N$9..-: .U1!\.k=3 F?'Ilh3l" 1 [ii It : a | ...i`.`.v'-` |.;. ..n:.... .1`.'.'r...~u.i|.inkv;:I:..h.n.3l~ u`.~.. b93Lt<:!L:.t!w' +?aiusun4'#'ee:a: in3&;n1!.d1 !:9iu~.1wJany.:!J1s!MW :s ` Id, :09I$:!|'Q.43!r.%h0 Jtin \! IIIIIIC5 nv Irv aIII|v\|lI\.\.\I II 5|\,'| .' Miss Slenlnrcl shut her lnuuk and rose from. her low chair, ulmshell by~|hiS,I'c- fpruudn ; but she kgept lwr thumb between the pages, and evidently meant to go on with the volume at the .ti'rst._ cuuvcuieun-t oppor1uuity_; A She `dual not. wait Iur any ceremomuus. inlroducluu tohGeur.ge, hul._- he_l_d out her. hand tu`lun1,und..su1iled at him frankly. _ - 'r >V it I 17.. rs-n, . + u` .' . WI! )'0.l_I-.... .. . . . : ' She` glnncd downwards at th book, as mu|1:.a.s.I0 siw. ,1!-at shelm l~;n,isIned spealdng, and ,\.\`.an_1ecl 10 get. ..bm;:k. to iitr, u wimn is-.iL]1zm 2.'?`sini.m....`.r...1.-.u _ me geulsi. 0.nIy:sIurm:u::.mo .y.ou.ng M Ind Q: 1 Ai T `;ngom%i{39li!*.'ehv~.==Wh*h . '?.-k9<!,liI_!3.;.fiii\?lili|i8hl9!Vmp; u ,!L~.in:a: vrnlswl-108* y~ henna Taeeuis a Inky" pxcture till yougs-pun - .1" 1.2;: 2; ink- _.-.-__ ....-..--_ llllll ll'llUI\|V- . You -1u'2s~Mr.. Gilbert, I know, T she Said. b'igisnmnd has been ln|kiug~.;ol' you incessantly for the. last`. weeks Ma_|nnm.h: 1s go; your ' room ready ; und- Tl suppuse xvevslmll have ten soon. '1-`here are lu be same clmps. on purpose Ior._ yuur Tlrieud, Sigismund, nuunumb wid me to tell you.._ . Cl". |AI;;|tl t1n\\9nu.vmnla `nl cl..." l....-.l- 5| V 3}-.gaVrng[.!.-v_n,.,;::n u lsee_1 i_a'sv`."` inky all bctajna i:. The yo_u: g- `goon coultl -only! stareggytiuglerihgly at Mr, .Sl il{0 |.'t-,l'S tll'|`!I_:!l)leIf,. for he ~l_tutl'tt l, lhe lititilesl. ltln \\_`lmt.' -she end his lrieritl we're _tnlkiug` _ttl)(Ilt.t. A He "could" only I _\'\jt1t`c-it-'l1_er `pttlef fuce;`o\'er which taint 4 ,lIl]l'Sll6SI ttemlbled. and '\"at1islied' like the - rnseatie _reflev_t_`ions of 11 sunset sky." George Gilliert `suwtltu't Isuhel Slea Ford lmtl _cye`sL t1i`atf\`Vere lolxge and, black, like `tie; trut_he`r'*s,i. but which wte sentirely - .difl'ereiil: froni_his,- ngtxvjthstatiditig; fur .'tlw`y were soft and slee -py,with very. little _llglll._.lI_1Vlllel"t|, and \\ lm_t little there ` -wax, only t1 dim d-re.-tiny glimmer in the depths oftlte Iufge fn t'pils. ` l3 e`in*_,: a very `quiet young mun. \\'itlttntl `much to my lot` ltittt`sel'l`, -Geu`t-ge Gilhert -haul plenty of leisure in wlti`cl t to examine the young lntly s face as she tnlketl In her tnuther s lmurtler, who was on cordial l`rot_l`i't-rlv te't'tn`s with her. G1-o`t'ge was `not a very enthusiastic young man, tiitellte looked at Miss Sleufurtl s face with no more emotion than if she -llutl been a statue `amongst many statues in a gallery of sculpture." lle saw that she had small 4 I I 1 1 l - delinite l'eutur`es untl a pale lime, and that her great black eyes nlune invested her-with a kind of miirtl mu} melon`-' `(-holy l)('illlly,\\'lllf'll kimlletl into warmer loveliness when she stniletl. ' I I ' a I` ' .. ,-., 4L- I..II ..-.O..uO At` lU\'t'IIUf.'$ \VI|I`.'II 3llU'llllllTlIu George-did-nut see the full extent of merely a guud young man, with n `toler- nlole qnmnonpluce iiilelieqt, and Isulm| s lwgnily \\-':1sn poelicuil kind, which ccnld `oniy. be fully c`un1p\'chei1'Ll'ed by `a `poet ; . but Mr. Gilbert arrive-(I 11`. a vague cun- victiun Alllllii she wus `wliat he called ; |n'elIy, nnd lie wondered how. it was Ilnit he-i'._eyes looked a '1'-.i\\'ny yellow -wh':n.'lh _c light shone lull upon ll1(=m,. `midi a dr.=`n1 bnck "when they wore" sliucluwed by their dark lashes. ` ' IN,, . isahel Sleulurd s ,leuu1y, for` he was` ,_, __ -1- ..............;.l 1.3. uuusuv I-51! u-J nuns-u u---..-.. -w-..__. George was not much impressed h'y 1 Miss Sluufur4l s.laeau!y'a:s hy lhe fh-.1c(lhul' she: was cutirly dill'crcnt. ` from any \\'um:m he lxzulhevvr sec-n hofure; and I ithiuk hr-`rein Jay this 'y`unn_-:5 |zuly s rich- ,|Acsl. charm, loy'ri,.-,ht.of which she should xVh:weh\\'on the homage of an ernperutl "l'l1cre.\vus' no one like her. \\'hutevor heauly she. had was her own, and nu, .uHIer/ pm.-lly, girls. You saw her once, common pnipvrly slnired with ax lmmlrcd' E-aaml.remembered her l'u'1" `cw-r;_1mt yon. ! never saw any u)ur_tn1 face that remind"- E ed you of _hers; -_ - L . L.-. . I uu `' uu vn union . . - 1 She shut her book allugethe1`:\i. $'iigis'-9 , mund's request, nnd wcm with lhc two` `young men 10` show G{'Ul';!C the gu1':le'n ; but she currjed the dingy-Iuukiug volume 3 iuviugly under hcruml, and she relupst.-d I inn. u In-zuny silence nuw um! then, as 'ifshe hm! he-un. reudin_-.1 Ihc lmldeu pugvs by sumfslrangc faculty ul'cluirvc;yunce. i"i .. , , ` A:-i n I I" as he spake, uni! one hy one -presc-med an dingy paw "to Mr. Gi|hor`t.'. l`hey hml heel) ying in kite, and li.<'hin:,r in the canal, and helping lu smck some hay :in u disluul meadow; and they were rough and Iumhleul,undhsmelt slruuglyyuf um- duur :uunsen_n`eutsA. They were `till lhrve very much like their hrulhenaud (a'om-__:e. looking at the hlimr .lnuys us they cluslered round him, sluv eig.-,ht u[ the hlackest eyes he ever rememln-red Ilaving looked upon ; Iml not une. at those Ilnur pair of. eyes h_o`re any re.!cmhlnm`e to l.-u`Jel`s. 'l`he hays were only Miss b'lr-u{qrd`s.lxuIl'- .hruI'l_Iers./ Mr. b`h:ul0rd s first wife had died .three. years after her marriage, and ` ' Three "younger hoyii came tmnping out Jsuhe|_ sA.on |_v memury-oi her, u-xplher was . the [hint shhdow of u lmvinfg, me.lun;-lwly .tuce-;- u irzmsielit -sh;ulo\,v,e that came to the mutherless girl 's..:metimes in her sleep. ` - 7 - An nlo` `nan--unnl - uvhn `lull hni ONE.` """"'=' """'l 7` 7 V AHumceA Sleaford came running: out `presently, and summoned the wnndcrcrs .w the hunse, where tea was ready. 1:"`l u . n -1 0 , ;I , lv- -u- .u-...-.. .. u`... `.4... -----------J- The boys are -to lmve theirs in the. `kitclnen, he said; and we. elders lea tug`clhcr_in lhclruut pnrlullr- Fl ! ,_- _ , I , ._- ,, 4.._.._..-.... An! An old servant, who had come onel' any, long ago, to See` Vt|`.n_ |cu[p`rds',' NH lsulncl that` her niu't|Ier l|:1d o1ice haul at great. lruul'le,' and mm itjlnul` knlied her. The Child haul :1:skw,l wlmt"-llw great` trouble was; but the ol-I servzmt only shuok her he-'u`d', ud- szi-id. Better for ' yuu not to know, my poor,'s\\-vet lamb"; ` butler luv ykgu never lu km=\\'. ` . . 'I`Iuim$ n-no n. nun:-H u-Isiah-H nl` IHAIGIQ1 < :11},-m1\`rs.-v -_$lgg;fotd+<":vhen 1he'yv curried` T Wlhitliefnlhnl 'afti_sIIopumphemulia which = $bB.-9nlLgcImVheir-ixubbish,-and ,th`-`-`I16-A predations, qt lbbz audiopithdiefor` . Janis visible in shit` ufnpartmoat. lIf_a.. UCIIVI IUI- !_\'.lI IJUVIJI III l\Il\.' II o ` - V'1`liere_ was :1 pencil sketch of H19 first Mrs. SI:-uluul.iu the best parlour; u y- spollcd pencil skelcl1,`.wliioh representecl u young woman like Jsuliel, dressed in a slmr4L_-waisted go\1_'n,,\villi ling balloon sleeves: and this was all Miss Sleuford ilsnew of her niotlier. , - .- _ : - -` `nu , `. nan, 1\I.,0 ,_I 4_-,_ I\ll\;\V III IICI IIIIIBIIUIO ' Tltoprsent Mrs.- Sleafurd tva a shrewish little wonian, with light hair, ' and sharp gray eyes; a well-meaning little woman, who made every body about. her tnisct_'able,`aindi who worked lront morning till night, and yet never sie`etita3di to nishan y task she utidertook; The Sleafords kept one servant, a unaid- of-a.ll-work, who ,\\'tt8'_ called the girl; but. this yotiiig` prson very .Ifal`t3l) emerged from tho b`tI(:k.kllvcl|('ll1o'.\i\'hl (` there` \t'hs a pe"rpet_nnl pumping of _wat'e`r a"!idi"latte"riIt'gjol' 'ltartl_\t'_:_trd,,' expt. to digtmfa the giboe.l3er'ry'-btisltes wit It fittde ding-.cl'oths nml dnste_rs, which she hung out to dr 1 in _';ti1e_'sun;'hiIie.._ To` the ; ignornnt- niiud `it \'t'0tild'"`hn'v e se`nied that > NIB *lcal'ords`;miglt't-` have been 'ne'a"rlVy its ;'%t9 ll}~:-oii? *\Vi(\Il0l_lt?` agservaait ;V for Mr. :`'1&f'4IPPdrbd-`rt=d`al1 th1e :`cookiIag gniitl part of =.t:Ii5A"-hbt1-work, ` . imam}-and the boys tbok'i(-`i't't*'tiirn' - `mad iu`Iulilttteutl:stBiith8 z -1 i~:':':' 7 I. . I ll! |id00fs'; OIVI. Slenford hml made `herself . tidy in honour of her new boarder, a1_1r_l: he? face was shining with the raven! application of strong yellow- sonp.,- George saw" at woman, and thutoany iiltellectttal graces, inherited. by` the boys niI_Ist_h'avc desentlg 9}! to them from their ither. He had 9. profound reverence-`4`I'or the higher bruncli `of the legal profession, and "he \vomle1_`el that aolmfistr should have . mnfried such a wumim as 1\rI i'. Sleu'{'o'r'd, and should beeolitent to live lit the mud :- dle peculiar to" u. liuusehold where the m ?stress is her own `cook, and thejunior branches are unmtem` ei'rund-boys. , .{I-_Ji `once that she was a very common little` -mlxnlll ` nf di0v_ ye anti,` ' their youth. ........,..-.. ..... ......._.-... -....--_ -.-,-. , . After ten the two yonng`men kvalkedl`. tip and `down the; weeily pathways in the garden, while Isabel sat under her {uvourite pear-tree tending the` volume : she lmtl been so loth to close. Sigismund aml his Mix||iInd_sl1i`re ftietrd tvalkedkulp and `down, smoking cigars, and talking ofxvliat they called old times; but those `old times were only four or ve years ago, though the young men talked like g'r:tyhea'rds, \vl'1o_louk lxrck half_a cen- tury or so, and wonder at the folly of l _ A-' - ' ` Isabel went on with her book ; the light was dying little by little, dropping em side ofthe garden, and the pale; evening stnrV'g|in1niercd-ut the end of one ofthe pntli-Vvays. She rend on more eagerly, almost breuthlessly, as the light grew less; fur her _stepmolher tvouldcull l her in by and by, mid there wouldbea torn jacket to mend, perhaps, or a heap of worsted-socks to be darned -for the boys; and there would be no chance of l`t,'il(llllg|lUlll9l` line of that sweet. enti- mcutulstury, that heat-'enl_v` prose, which lliellinto a cadence like pueuy, tliut {en- der, inclnnclwly nu'I`s`ic which haunted the reader lung alter the book was shut _ uud luid aside, and made the dull course I ofcoinmnu life so dismally unendurable. .n n u . ` down behind lhepear-trees at the west-'- |._,,, l Isuhel Sleuford was not quite eighteen years of age; She had been tuttght a srn:itte2'ing of evcrything at zrday-school in the Allmny Road; rather :1 stylish 3 st-ininury in the opinion of the Cumber- em-u`gh French to serve for the reading of nuyels that she might have better left. unreud, and ji:s.t so much of modern ' liisftory as enahlerl her to pick _out all the sugurplrinis in the hi'storian s pages,-- the Mary Stuarts rind Joan of Arcs and Anne Buleyns, the Iron Masks and Lu I wclliuns. She knew}; little ltulian, Yullieies, the Marie Antoinettes and C l_mrlo_ue Curcl-.1}-'s,lricklc-ss Ko'nigsina'rc ks and wicked B_orgius__:r1ll the romantic and homlnle stories scattered amid the dry records of.Mugnu Clmrtas and Re- form Bi|ls,c'lumorous Third Estates and * Beds ofJustice. bfhe played the piano in little and sang a little, nnd painted wishy-wasliy-looking flowers on Bristol- `l)UJl'd from nature, but not at all Ii/cc nature; [or the passion-flowers were apt to come out like lolue muslin frills, and- the fllCllSlll_S would lizfve passed for p'r:i\vns with sliurt-stghtctl people. i Miss Sleaford had received that hall - untl-hull'cdueulion which is popular with the poorer middle classes. She left the Allnury-Road seminary in her-sixteenth year; and set` to work to educate herself by means of the .m-surest: circulating library. She did not feed upon garbage, hut settled utonce u]_on the highest blossomsiu the flower-garden of fiction, and read her favourite novels over and over again, and wrote little extracts or her own `choosing in penny account I I I I I 1 4 books, usually employed `for the entry of ` lmtelter s meat and grocery. _She knew .whole pages of her pet auth_orshy,_heurt, and used to recite long sentimental passages to Sigismund " Smith in the dusky summer.e\'enings; and 1 am sorry to st: y that the young man, going to work v `at Colonel Montetiascu next _momin::, \\'ould'pnt neat parapliraseu of Bulwer, or Dickens, or Thackeray into that gen- tle.-niun s mouth. and invest the heroic M lsrlgitnd with the genial, humour ofn John Brodie, the spirituality ofa Zanoui, und the savage sarcasn1'ofa Lord Styne. `~Prhups"-therer never was a wider *dier- ence between `two `people than that `which existed between Isabel Sleafurd - and `her mo'.her s` lwiirtlerr Sigismund wrote fornuhtie ctfohs `}\{liolesale,an.(lV `yet. was as u`nrtimu'ntic' `as` the prosiest butcher? who` `ever euftered a cattle- ` market. ~He; sold lxis_im'aginution, and .!gul)el lived upon here." To him _r.omnnce r was son 1et_l1i*ng_ wliitili imttstbev woven , .`into the torn1'most'lr_ikely N to suit the popu- lar d'm`a`tid'. t 1-.l,_e`slt.i!i petl.`his`lieroes` into :murketu lVsl'1u'p`e",' as? coolly us V a butter`- mar; step}: a 9iant.`6f butter iatorthe sembl- !1.u;:9f.v~.~.wu.!1-ur; a_- .<:roir-2ns`i.n-' accord: ' ';I.!=9 :.'i.l.l.3.~1l'l9'l'.`{p"vi." r'."9.l~`l5 9E his; `.%.r . *wp. grs: `But jiiooi-','I`sal)el s ltroes were int pal [tlil ` Yy > _ V _"*>fra1's,-uid nited',?):er>*tif!`a; 1 b:l|`0l"\P`tit1f(HI3t,/liftt -`tohe lil:e b'e`r bunks`; . f she -want-ed_` towlre. . u 'l1troiI_,1t:;'-ii.-5-lg !!! 1 M = - Petlrnnssy4's,95l%;Six!*8t`tts*`- S"t%" esiggejgl J d _ "me-toA_A ' l Ref.-`~`ely". ., : M tIi`;s't earretasr Wltf rvirnait-twat? s I,phitr`e-*io "$hei`fl`tti1'TtP` df` . iiuelskb l)titlnfJitt`lgbqg'rtliat (banana 1 `%!t!i1!-tatiaiii-3a5!i;2!f:9'?1!i!*!!tl:9ll9"%ll' . p .ge$_ em uuuuu IIUIV, .s,I.v\;g-git. n V;|Lnnx)~d1Inx&I;ug_ .4 a mic ;`hdlli}I5`:` vu-uv u - , ---;g-__-L9,-n r,,; ~- - Vplmn-Juvnxpliug yb;3Il Y.7;f5 ;" 37355; ; ' amlU:``ns?k_il'4`='tl'? an6ia=t~` =%'rnai mi 6675' an 6P ; o..... :..|.;.. .5` maaina at dnnar- and nu F801 ! 0l~`.`_B0|tSl!uJ]!uuu~'ywv v tr gm, uaow , I tyvo,ho1pe9f pudding at dinn_9'r,an_d no ble =Carn;`. The papers brought by the overland mail which has just arrived, briey refs.-r A to the capture ut' Soochow by Major Gor- don. Gordon_uttupked the `city at 8 p.m., `onsntiirdiiy the 5th nit.,nnd entered the plde on the same morning. Dissension * had broken out amongst the rebels, nnd 0 a partyof them, desirous of::ri'ende'rintr the city, cut the Mo Wang s head 011'. > linmonr say that 30,000 wanted to_ sur- ; tender, and that 20,000 had remained l true to the cause ; and, moreover,that of I tlieiatter number some still hold out in e the different parts of the city. An 1;`nn-Hg-K rnanI`an n-an. 11-r;Ouna (nun-n cdptuia hr `sooch`ow-Honi-' 7 lnd of igread-and-butter for breakfast?` '0. ___.;_ L- x. 1- .l.-. 1.1|_..____, 1-\___1 -9- WU UI UlCuU'u||U'|llIllCl IUI UICKII\IU3la It wtis t1_o't So that Florence DJmbey s friends udd're'sScd her. It was not thus that little Paul would ,ha've `spokento his sister; but, then, who could tolerate these great healthy boys utter tending about little Paul 1 L ' ..... . - It ._who handed over the city to the Imperia- . Major Gordon, it appears, exerted liiin- I-IIU \aIIl\a|_\.'IaIu Hill to UI lIl\4 VIIIJI 0 An English gentleih_an,_ writing form s Hung-Kong on the 14th `of December, I states tl'ia't the town was given up to pil- lage, He says :- The details whicli have reached as are not very full, but we have leariitthis inucli-thut the traitor lists, had his head removed by the latter -a reward he fully deserved, and that the Footai would notallow Gordon even to enter the city alter the surrender, but gave it over to his own troops for iiidis- criminate sack and pilage, declaring that notone of its inhabitants should live. \ I self to the utmost to save the wretched . place froin the terrors of Iinperialist ven- gence, but with so little avail that he was compelled to retire to Quiiisan to save his own life from the hands of his allies. Acorrespondent writes from the North ; -4` The streets are running with blood. The mind refuses to picture to itself the horrors of_ such a scene. Soochow was ve years ago the commercial metropo- "lis of China, and its inhabitants number- ed over a million. Those who have visited it receiitiy--descril)e.s it as still size. of Liverpool, defeuccless and iiii- ariiied, given over to_be sacked by sav- 1 age suldiery, the same men who turlttrcd 3 our poor countrymen Bowlby and l3i'ab.i- zon-inen who crucify their prisoners in; cold blood in their own camps, who hang woinen by their breasts till they die oi agony of starvzitioii, the most unfeeling whilstttlie most rened of tortnrers, the most relentless and unsparing of execu- tioners, in fact, our good allies the Im- perialists. Imagine, if you can, sncli `iiieii let loose on the iiiliabitauts, with orders to spare neither man, woman, nor ` . busy and popiiloiis. linagiiieatowii the` child. ,No words could describe one- tenth part of the horrors which ensued. Not the aggregate of all the sufferings eiidiired by tlie'Poles troin brutal Cos- sack_s~,savuge peasants, or woiiian-whip- ping geiierals, who have brought all .l'u_i'ope to the briiik of war, would equal the atrocities committed in the sack ol this one city, taken vimially by British arms, with the assistance of her i\-lajesty s officers, with the sanction ofher Majesty s Government, and with supplies from her Maj;-sty s arsenals. By a letter received `by a private slcumerwfrum Slluxmglme, dated the 11th December, the above particulars relative to the massacre at Souchow are thus conrmcd:- Soochow is in nu uwlul stale,and the camuge has been some-` ihing1'rigl1'lful. ,l`he general has gone to vi$it`Gor_Jou, with 0. View towards pquiug things straight. Another private letter, dated Hong- Kong, December 15, s:1ys:-It appears that the rebel chiefs refused to surrender on the Footai s word that no unnecessary blood would be shed, whereou Gordon gotthe Footai s promise to himself, and `gave his word,on which they capitulalcd. The Footai got in, had his troops con- cealed about, and when Gordon_ was olllside; commenced a wholesale massa- cre,-t-omen, women, and children. Gor- don" heard of it, gathered a few men to- gether,-`--a'tnong the rest Count or`Priuce Wittgenstein,--and borke into the place; and theseenes theirwitnessetl were so revolting that the Prince says they fall loaded:and_' tired again upon every man- darin. and Imperial soldier they met. Gordon-is said to- have shot thirty-live buttons himself.` They, penetrated to .the'Footni s palace; but suspecting, it is suppose, that some such thing might be ilooked lot, lteproved too strong tor an attack. Every one is disgusted to no ordinary extent; undthe teeling_ of re- gret is universal that Gordon `did not succeed` invcaptaring the '-Foetal. nd` hungiuglzimw Gordon has returned to i tA; -l__1_5.- tt'1;ea,r`1ti`tI`1e'_j._ Qttit1san; which' hecentiaaesv t6 hold in _\VlII`1!llUIIIo . H 4 :4 w*91?e.% `Hg? sggduua 1;g1;)rb:egd` % *5 ,`s~iif1i'; ~ 3: ~ :-_sa_asa' [e'y. m"an`' L u ` in QIvalI_...n ` The Sioux were, whengwe lest heard, encamped at I_aane s Post, In consequence ut` the seventy of the weather; but whether ih`eywill 7'move.,`on, now that .thq\v`:eat/lA1'e 1`f"[1.t1`2v._' tnpdeguted, is, we think, very q;i;9s1'i`gl1q?i{},, 1111` the meantime ;l;gy.hnyQ1[)gp charity and the e.p;99eed.incse9fa;litle Barteridg in horses, muleygttnsg kioy, .wJ1ieh they.` brqught ml: 5:1, cf; 7`2-) ' - ' "~ ~_.-;._I.'-_..- _b'n- M . 1 -n, ,.t-I _-.-.:~. ` -Tod Riirer. V The N07 Wager _of Jnnuary.12th is nu.-.9ivcd_from which we-make some ex- 13:` slow; IXYASION. L CI\Vl 3 To be aontinud. - young ok or heifer being an equivalent for o. Sffntx. - Bishop '1`u`che bought seve- ral childrettniid adults, and has in all`, eleven` Sioux zit St. Boniface. From one of'th!80,i1 child who has been training 3! the. convent a short time. the bishop li1te1'y_ received a letter in French, which reecf tlie highest credit upon her kind Jeechers. Another of the Sioux, now .thmieiled~ot the'con_v`ent-, is believed to be about onghumlred and twenty years of age`! She IS. decidedly a. curiosity; and to look ut her one could hardly doubt | the story of her great age. - . on _ ,. .2,__, _t____ _ .--_n_- ,0 `t-_-_'..._ -.-'- v-J --... _.-, . A 's11o:i't}{na siuc at party of l'dr'ty- T one-men, woman nnzl children--went to Pemhinu with Lieutemint Gerrald, to surrender themselves to the troops there, and they are now in good quarters and are weil .Ied-T-comforts to which they were stra ers for months before. Mr. A. G. B. unnalyne tted out this party and sent them to Pembinu--n service Iur which he has not received the slight .-st remuneration,though he certainly. de- serves lhanks and something more sub- `staittiai at our hands for ridding us of so much of our burden. V`-EA-1-1'o;l`1evr_--b;1`t'cl1 of 54-13 men, 19 womenand the balance children, left here on the 18th inst., to give themselves up at Pemhinu. They went with Capt. Ch-uml:erliu and Capt. Grosvenor, who procured the provisions for Ihem,1hough they expected our um horities would have been so glad to be ml oflhem, us to fur nish the supplies to Pembinu-. 17 ;,,,I , A-,, (V ,, I" I`f`..l (V _ H _ Yeslerclziy the Sioux chief, Lillie Sui, who is said to huve been the ringleader in most of the Minnesota massncres,wus made captive by the aid of CIIIUFUFUIHI,` and despalched lo Pembinu. The chief was first made drunk, and had chloro- form administered to him; and while insensible was packed off to Pembinu. One of his body guard shareci the same fate. -r1|'. - ll .1 I1 I 117 . I `(LEGO Editoriully the Nor - I'Vester remarks: Our old and boasted security is thus clearly threutenetl,it' not departed ; and we speak from personal 0lJSt-.'l`VtIll0ll when \V8.SlJy,,Iil`.ll there is it general feeling that some uidvement must he made which will restore public conti- dence and security. In endeavouring` to get the Siox uwuy quietly, by giving {them provisions, the Councillors did ` sometluug towards averting the dungcrr - B:-.t`it was only at po:~:|poueiueut. ofthe `i evil-day. Had tlie,iiieaisiiretul{e11 been _ successful, we \\ ere still open to simi- larlyclungerous visits from other hands ol the same rebellous tribes. Owing to the severity of the we:ither, lion-ever. the plum for gettirigthcm ell` has so tin failed. The Sioux tife yet in camp gsomewlier iu the iieiglilioiirliotid of Laue s Post, and \\'Ul':8 still, lresh bands are dropping in by_tlcg_rces. , A Timely Warning. "Mouaduock, the Lomlou corrcs-' pond`e_ut 0! the New York Times, gives the following note of warning in his llastletter under date of January 23rd: in: , I-I ' I I n The rise in gold is an kward for those who have money to receive, but no one. even in England, is new tool enough to `expect nancial difficulties, North or South, to_ end the war. There is, how- ever, samct/ting we do expect, and which I may as well wuru those concerned to be prepared for. No TOWN ox nu; linen-' TIER on s:ABo.utD_ WILL as sue WHICH ts NOT want. nasasoan. --'l'he Southern- ers, from motives of policy, have up to thistime refruittcd from retaliation. They have no longer this motive. So many of their own towns have been destroyed; and such efforts made to burn Charles- ton, that they will consider themselves _ justied in the eyes of the world, in carrying out the Zez tulionis. Morguii, Moseby, and a dozen other moss-tr.opers and guerillus on land, and fleet steamers at sea, will do what they can to plunder and destroy. It must be expected, and guarded against as for as may be. 1. S, 1,. L- ---2..|-- I al`. .4 AI, , _-, , ,_' I A - v---v ---- av-vv -- -- -- , The above is lrom a regular writer for :1 leading administration juurunl. His warnings and convictions are well worthy of timely consideration, not- withstandingthe assurances of the Wash-` ington authorities and their satellites that the rebellion is on its last legs, tottering` to its`: full, __They come. across the water fr_c.{'r`ri_.asottrce likely to be better informed ._t.hi1'n we are.-here ct. thogeneral desigug of the rebel .lealers,. and one that. _ccr5yinl:y would not. be! `likely to give ottffalarming statements` ifthere were-. no grounds furwhem. -It `is .3, .notorious~faet=that there n`*e in '_the' ~prr.-vinees number;-. Of. peraons in` the." ~ service _nti*jIlY;0f.tl}irelel goverr1ipen'f j s:3,l 38rots,1,`t;4:_;nri.`s remgegr`; t sand` _ n a""""" "9""" -` " "` "'.' "' "It is to be wished that the war might he {might inn on civilized principles, as it might be 2'] such. were (/4: desire at Wasln'nglon ,-_ hut.,i['.lhere is Greek fire- {up the massgs of the Sumh_iz must be ezyzccterl t/tat some /ciutl afre will beac- curnedi to tin mm: by. we Nurzli, who nmy be within reach of Southern ren- gcauce. Wu: is a game that two can play at, and it is notulways as one-sided us partisans wish it to be. It is my dc- -liberute anviction, from eccryzldng l sash and hear, that the qlcstructitcrzcss of the` dun'ng1lie_presmt' year will ezcal 7a!_l that ha; gong by/'o're. A And $2 00 if not. in advance. . * . nble . non-MI No.-% LIVER ! l A N I pbisolig _ , mach - ` F sen` W ' nonrt 11,}:- `pe lung! HE.` J omu,- ' KLTH; `RUM kip in 6 mm: iciam `o plneo. ' Hxxi" rlmru, ` enunc- haste. 2 sent oh}. ' o um `un- II THO: 4-5: E NT} : "mun \ nd IF" ainll ' `I'M `,1 . .2 and . 3'3 pnblishd Weeklf. in the Town of A Bnrrle, e`ver_t` ' .\V::mn=:;~m.u' morning, containing the current. V news of tllevdny, and all `matters perutning to - the nlhirs of the Gnnnty. Price $1'innd\"nmce, or $3.00 if not paid at the time of `Subscrip- tion. \ 3. ` Am'mmst2m-Six `lines`o'r under, rst-insertion _ 50c ; each subsequent one lc. Over six lines", 7c per line, first insertion; each suhseqnem.'on'e 2c. l rofussionn'l or Business Cards $4 per year; $3 for six months, if not more than ten lines. S;w(' H` contracts cn.n.he made by the. year, or :. L:'l. ` n vear. Orders to discontinue ' Advert'x- "`.l"t`.tV$ to he umder_in writing. 7 _ No ]Htp:`t" -2 mmtinuetl until all `nrreurnzes ate [mil], t-x:-.-us M. the option of the publisher. P|uNTt.\'r:, :.'v.I`~'-'.ftI.\'DlNG nndVR't'mxn done on the pruxnisr.-5.` "Bite fatcilitiea of the Estathlishrnent. nre more c-nnpl_ete th.-tn nny other North of 'I`t)mutQ, l:.tvin\.; been carefully li1.ted.o'ut. it`! every p:u'ticul:1r. ' ` C0lll'IllllIlc:ltl()l]S shouhi be addressed to the Pub`- lisher, post-paid. ` _ D. `C REW, ,,, _ A__ ` . . I ' `I 1 tom! Dnnl.1anI:'n_ mrrie, Jan. 1, 1362. ~,.. .. ` ..\- ,~.- .-.- -.~ r\/\*~.-.~ .~..\ - ,\.-;.-.,\.x.`,-4`-..-..-,-.~\~\. - . .. -xpmwncrqlr. 4: S051, Provim-.ia.l Land -Sur- Vey:)1'S. Civil Rnrgine-ers, kc. - - 7 Agents far the Upper C.-mzulu-Trust and Loan 'Con_nmv. 'OFFlCB--0011.101` Street, East. of the . M:1rkeLllon.=e. - Barrie _July 1;`), Mill. ' t 1- ' `Dr: Amfntm _Aru).\Gu,T .\`rem'her . 12.,-n1 1 College of _-Surgeons,V .England,. L. M. Dxinh)p-street, B:u"rie. _ ' L)t;mber `Ind 1860. ' ' 1 x` _\1, nnrxr, ..\.r.nm mr the CA.`IADA I.ANDi<`.D I CRl'H)H' CH.`-ll .-\.\"l'. .-\ppl_vnLtl1e Olce of'.\Ie.<%r'. Holt, Sons 5; 00., Bill l3x'nk'-`|'5 and Gen-' `crsxl G.;.n:nissio:1 Agents, Owen Street, Barrie. 'C.\V.` . , - I nc:1tne :1 Agml H `W11. n.` /mn.m;x. Barristers 6: Attorneys,` emu-_n'un: N cn.\L\'(`.=`nY. I iv. LOCNT. U. L.\\VR!<`..\'('J_E, Lifc,Fire and .`.I.1rine Insur- 9 wnco,nm1 {In-1. h:1nd_n.nrl Tmvn Lot Agent. (`-onvey.-mcer, Cnmmissinner in B. R., ,&('.'., Iesner n' .\'.1rri-1-;3 Licenses.-Omce, Iluroa Siret-, Gal`- li.Im;'.\'ood. - _ _ 1'\ so `I ! IQ-K7 7 ' . 1 ALOUNT & BOYa "Barristers and Attcsrneys, `SOLICITORS IN C.iI.7.V CE.`i comm) . JN-313123, &n., r! Y L.` Ill :|.II _;uLmu.u-1 ixgwnn~l. _ Novmbur 5, 1860. motirira R0m.\'30.\+, rim; and Sliop me.-, l'.t)nllingxvon-L All -orders in tllenboiie line n1:uu1f`:u-ture-I umlcr his own inspection, and war- frunted fur nealness and strength. .1 T011`! F. mvn-`.8, Ai:connmnt, Cullcctnr, Con- Q ve_',nn<:-er; llnllmnue, Land & General Agent, {`-o'n=nissim1o1'in B. (1., &c.', Bradford. A-';n'i. 16, 13:30. _ 4 ' > 41 '0 ...4. V m,m_,. C.\\Il-`.RO.\I .3; 3Ic.\xICHASb.' I_3An'- ; nmw:n.s.. nice--Clm.Arch Street, next door 1.9 Hhe old Court. llouse, I'm-onto. Ew. c.wt.mr. u. c. cmznox. 9- ll'i|11iA'"-- I .`..I.......-u Inn`) V ` " 7 ` C TLARLES .\I.\G ...-\I`lI. B.-`n.i'risu-r anrl_`.Mtorny. _ Omen: Corner of `Cliurch and Golborpe Su`oeLs,`|`nmnto. _ . V . Jam., 1862. ' W 7 ~ A "1E~`.)P.GE lIU.\`l`I~}R.. Copper, 1m,,nm-1 Sheet I [mu \\'u.-ker, l)uu1op"$trecl, Barrio. L`u1rrie,V .\li1y 9th, 1850. ' ' 1 _7.L|)C Nottl)cru nmmug Get. thl doslight, - Gnu! [NI-:r>Ian1CI< mam EN , nmsenue Iuspectdr, Co. of .\`i:n;;m_-, [)unlnpSt1"eet-; _ - V ' - ` ` Ba-riiu, Juu>1, .H.'>9. _ - . 23 TERMS: pr:1':yea1` 1 in `adv-ancVe_;A LIuI;\\'ou-x. ' oat. 11, 1357. V lLLIA.\l PYPER, ;\Ioney.Broker, Acounl ' ant, Notary Public, &c., &c. , _ Jun. 1862. _ A 0nc1~:: Ont:u'i_o B'1iNin.,' ~`soc_icty.T 7 A Bsinmnce lhildings, Church Street, Torontp. `A _ .\VI|) D()UG.\L S Bmlatmul mu] Chair .Vl:1nII`- n-Lm-y, onpn.-mite the-. . _ .u;_ri~:1ry Oic9,_ Barrio.- Htm-:olmld I-`m'uitIn r* of vwriuns 4|:-scri}1inn's crmsmntly (_m.h:m:I, or made to order. Wood `K'w\r1\in-;. in an its Imuxches, cxcuted with ;nQ lcsp:-.tc-h. , ' - . 7 14,1s;.3. . * I I O."IN St).`I .6; .\1cnmma. Barristers, &'., wel- linrzlnn Clmrnhers, Toronto. _ . V` . . J. msvmu.\'_nonx.\'sox. . 4 ` Joax ;)K'Rl_l>l-,_'.'.= Ya U.\YlaI`.Y. M FcbL`u:1ry', 1863.. TI'H:$ l`('!PHER H.\T1RISl).`I, Dopnsi_tnr_\* of tlfl Utrrie ll_r.-xnc'h Bi|lc S-('iul_\', Dunlap Street. ` onmsox `av. . SA.\lPSUN, `13.m-isms, .Imoi- neys, Solicitors, &c. 05110:"--\Ve3tern `As- Eumnce B=xillings, Church Street, Toronto; O.W. ` gngus .\lorrison - -, - - - D.A.Sampson, 1`o_ron.to_,_NuVvemb_er,1859, , 15"]; 3. ,,....`,.s,.. cm. : _. `- V N.Bs--.'e199re\s;*'urasst;ed,o.n~.the sbomivnotioe m1'ni'm`nnn lnratn. . .. .. . ;. `.._. ; All mam oa:eraq1;j?u"u3nZ1i{&i3}a.= '-_-:- ,;.;u;;}{ -,'~, :' ed OI` wreath apt} in uenccg7_ VOL. XIII. 5 3. . , .w..'-as ':'.?7'."!`_`.1'I|-I.'!.'!:~.~ V1 55% :*95?l9 s`~'?,3;;}; . "V ' ,"" """`,"\?,I `..,., N'I`l`ABLE'for eithe; Sinzlue` or J oint No't6lI 5" .P_mux: 25 cam. * . .;. yg5;yq.aa.uu vw - - . u - -:vu . -S()Ll(`.lTOS IN Cfl.\_'.\'(`!-`RY, jvam`,-gg; P,d;[;'c, Comm/rzmscrs, B.\llR[E, Co. S[.\ICOIi, ().\V, munv ; Aunnn .A&'\\\\\A..\ \.\.-\ ~ .~ x.-x.-_-\.~.-.-..\\ - - ..-. &T .v. .. - , ).'_l 1{'HSER., l _rn'in'ci\l L-v-`H "S-|rvVym", D:`:m_;hlsn1.~1.n, and Val,uerAuf Lands. Cpl-I ~n.l 11? .E%;..A;F5N* 111E A_1)_vAr#cI:*!,orFn=E.'.naiiiir;5l: Y .-IIAGII & A11D;xG[{`, " Nca 37oon<," 3LE'for eiiher S'lnI!l nr .h.:}.'-'u ~- - v:v-,--v-. r-w~ uy` . Having oompleled_"tl_1eir new ` -Ed1;"` " --min; 'AlL.x.g-.A.Lmm coI.r.1Nm\`0c BRADI*`0I L_I.3_..- TORONTO; /y 2 irnlent '1 these J . Gianni J-')ll.`I A. AICHAGH, B3 A. 1`-\bnu11cc Mu w , T Punusxinn. .s`crn' IDHKIIII; ll|Cll.I IUll.'-l`uIg| uu(7uu,. I to. l Mr. Sleafurd haul one daughter and `f:.;ursu11s,_m 1;l_Atl1e sons` were all hcys. P.-euple ceused. to wo_nder_nt` the shahhi- noss of his furniture and tltetdilapiclution Attor- 'n As- _ _ . V of ms house, when they were made C.\\' _ tpson. aware of this l'uct..L 'I:he limp, chimz - 1; curtains that straggjled`Irun1`tl|e'cornice. lntgl been torn rtutlilessly l_q;m*|I to serve. A ` us clrnpexics for '1`.u_m ,wll1en1_.h: persunat-I I-` ml the _g|1o_st,..in._"a chnrad_e,m'. for -Jack xi hen .?he -wanted a HUI: to-r.f_usten1o `his ztishing-rod. lirmly -ptlunted an the. ~qtiar-A W .ter-tleckut*-tlnrgotig. j'_1`hq` chair g had't_.lul__1e, an-`rs-. `ls-V`l"'l(.J'c`R >.-4t."o-1'-..ghe;ghu.m`n]@u!W:of: _ nlunynt iiniiittiii .`~tA!I1!i!5:.-tf3*Ali'$t7Ii and." ` .. xx-1u;jr;e;_gx-gt i41_1`,`tt,e:.{ f1_Ip9n',. ; l9_1Jg;;:Wi_lt!ei" V,"i1!39.-twilgtl: *..1itfhs;e=daP'*`~"*>: sota_-piltgw, ; with ;4u`;;n'I;_k y-~ pcnkpr, mz_ti_le_t {Pom an1d:'Jak ttkept"gt)trb ` " i` . _ ;cati;ld,tAx1;1;l;i1vj Id ...ll1e.;[ 2 Wit: .`Didu t I tell yuuvlfwanled a'no'll1er| penn'urtl1, of milk ti.-tched, you `young 1un_nc'nl'! But, i-.1Aw, yuu rc lnk the rest orumm. 1hnt`sull! i may .sl.:u_re my life Tuul`, and there isn L one of you will as umch us lift :1 uwger 1.; hlp me. The boy xlisnppe::re upnn this, grumllin._r: 'suil:ily.; and Sig'ism'IInd opened :1 door [ending iutp-:1 parlour.- 'l'lye' mom was` Ian`-i"-.', lmt sh_ul:hily furni.sI1cLl and very |u;.d_\'. Thu lfact-S \uf hull auluzen _diUL=rcI:l uccup-.1Iiun.s' were scullvrod ulmlll, nnd H11-. a'p:mnwmT was e\`i(lc-nlly. iulmhih.-:1 `z_\` peuple who made :1 |nIiu'.u!'11evLfrpn!!i:=gunyll1i11g1i\Vu)f. The-re \ms.:_1 \\'U|`1ilmX upon the lulnlv, npu|I,:lI1d nmniug on-r will: u CU|_)lllSiUll 01' lun;:l<.-(I tapes,` and '|mbhiI1s, and" :1 mass of cliffurczn,`-coinurecl 1lm=mls,t|mt luukecl like \r:.n'ig:m~:| vcrmicvlli. There- was an ukl-fuslnimwd lesk,covereLd with luvse Jarznss-work, which yzmght at nmml.. murmnnlg nr \\'.mmIml Ilmir ash lUL'a\: ~l III-'D'|\1II\` u nu\.u IIll5||\, "1. people .-4 g:iriiioiit.s or xvuumled their esh ` xvhen the (lr=sk was cznriml nhout; this I was open, hke the wurkliox, andv-as ' littered with p:ip(`t'S that had been hluwn . ulmnt hy the sninmcr breeze, and were souttvred all over the table and the (tum- heno:'ith it. On at rickety little taihlc 7` non-r the window there wars :1 llilaipitlziteil lmx of tculunrs. ti put`-of gtimwilli -.1 lot of lirmluvs sticking nji nut of it . hull` :1 duzen sheets ul Skelt-is dritmzitic scenes and Cht||'tlCl`l'S lying ' nmlvr scrnps nt" lil!S( i,1!t'I(i l'mg:nir-.n'.s Ur-CUlu_l|l`("ti satin,` nml llL`illiy'it)idL (i packets Qt illliu gum and silverduts. which the t'Iiiii`iitmtvd might liu-\'e mistaken M liar powtlors. l`licrc were some raiggml-Itiukiitg hunks on a shelf near the tireplzuec; two or tli-i`c`c.(!ili'ereiit kimlsnl' iiilistuiithuii tho` nmntclpiccc ; _a IllllllultlI`e'\\`utt(i( l) stage, with alup-sidel [|llSl(.`l)Utt|'d prnscciiiiiiti an-J greasy tin luinps, in one cnrner uf` tlw our; n [isliing-toil and tackle" Ivan- in:; against. 1i|e_`\\`tl" in nnutlier corner; 1 `:21-iii. the room \\'us gnerally `[lBl'\'illl(`t' liy` cl-`lay-lioolts, slate pencils, and turn Latin ;_rr:uni_nars with half `a lirowii-leatlii.-r (saver ,linnging to this leu\'e,slnyi1:stuiit drab thread. Every. thing in the. apart`-' ment. was _shnbliy,.um| `:nor.e or less dti;t|)iLiz1|eli; nothing \vin__purtic!.i|iirty ole-.:n; and eve ryVw'lie`re 1il_et;8 was the evidence of boys. vn ;- oI--'p-..2n;' -.--- 49.- )..g.'._ o- u` r ' X

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