(By ordcx-,) _ ` , -T, D'AL'l`JN I\IcCART}IY; Secre__lnry `B.T.C.. ' ' ' ` l-2t can UL `Half I Bariie, 10th April, 1863. having a-first-clas "BARR _ quire'a. gentleman of experience ' le Branch of_their. Schools, A ertificate from the Normal School, and the requisx testimonials as to ability and character. _ . 113 Salary not to.excee .lC`z'\Ea&:h applicant to sen `mid. to state what time he can `ta. addressed to the undersigned, not 28__th inst., `so as to be laid before the vlst of May; - > ' . . {R6 In-Rn; \ ` 500 per annum. _ his ' testimonials, up thevSchool, rep xhanthe rd on the _ `Ems hr the c0.\moN soH0OLs,, . _ . _ _ unavlalln ' 1 Ddors'- opeh at 7} ; Concertito { o clock`p.m. - - ' - . .Por.I rograimme;see small Bills. - .- ___- ...-u..au;n 4., QILU OULIL 0] _Selections from MOZART a'n'd_'Hi `other justly celebrated composers, wi besides `a. choice number of` Quarto Duets,-and Solos`, both voeol and,inst1 ' CONDUCTOR, - _`- PROF. HI 1 This performance hns_ been, got. friends of_ Prof. Heinrich, and will, b 1 his; benet. ' ` ' ' Noticeof _1_% 1:tn%ership.j ER-NARI ) 4;. JAMES SI-IEARIDAN have tLis Jinn Tn:-I`-nn n p'nrlnnra`I-1:n.nnAn'n olnn oouln ..A` ` " ' "M W ' Annnnw coNNoY, , V ' b Township Clerk. v'l`osAsqrontio,.April 14lh, 1863, ,' .. ` 1673: T _FOR BARRIE A& COUNTY OF `SI.\ICOE_. ` at 10 o'cloEk o..m. TH J TOWN ucoumr or "REVISION for an Mann} pglily _ot' the` '- '_ " ` _- _ _ SHIP OF `TOSSORONTIO, `ha halal 4.`: AL. ,,_ - - .. as \(uf.)\/LLULV .l'._l _ Wi`l1*be held_at` the . '- . ` TOWNSHIP cnnmrs RESI_DENGE,, A V _"W of 3, 4lhVCon`., _ ` - On MONDAY, 11th day of.M'AY;n o'c1ok mm [Emns/WANTEn. Meadhge,` April 1:1t.h, 1863. h `I 11$` {for the grpgn; y V w I N E[S' `f\D Ilfrxrtvvr A 9 ---1- L'G RAND VOQAL 5; INSTRUMIENATAL GON- CERT will be `given in thn = JAMESB;RYAN~ LGRAND tfooh. _&.1AN's`1*RU3 11:N'1jAL*' apex` egrs ~TO_WN HALL,_.BAI'{.RIE, THURSDAY the 30th of APRIL. a . Blecrlilnf frnm [HIV] A nm .'._-.1 '71 ; rrnn _Immedih.t Settlements after $alesA. %0N}o:E[RTzx1 - Qpeh {commexicev at 8 am. .. % `carbon . \_h n- Bigo , itandint ' I pn-:~ ._`. , 1. `J, 1;-Iqnxfln; "114 Yonge Street, Toronto,-_ I63. . ` L:';_.t$. '_]-|y_.i an a_.' runwa- SHERIDAN ;VBR0, IHERS.. ... .-.vu.xu; unu 11:11. U3, Illl bmted composers," will be given, ` 9 number Quartottes, Tfios,` ', voggl and_. instrumemal.: tin/xx,` 7vv'I,1-v---.._- f`;V '."' V`-`Viv fl `AL `V4.14: I MOZART and HAYDN, mid i mted 1-nmnncm.=' mm 3... ..:...... _BIA'fRNARDA sHERmA;. IIII; ,DQ II ALL. on In .1 - ix LMAN &_ 00., -- V Druggists, &c., Barrie. 15-49 s_ the h, and bu giver; for . ..--- -0] . v V I ' nun D MOON. * V . ' ownship, Clerk. ;53_ . mun A I nun. u can, 75-1:5}i?.'}}}s1NR1cH. sum. Mun_icf-. I6-2t: .1551 '_-next: A .. . . ,9. ' orirrntcwib-.'li'u-b"wun:n'u-.....' . _ ' nlvuxvgsvp ..:Lv._ua`nJuVU.EI(.l', ai;;m:*` ' T n1iaizALT MERCHANT, _A*nctio':ie_e`r', ma and V ` Oomuiissiian Aggnt, .Ageu`$,_ for the Royal In- -surance Gp!txpa ny,(he` of the largest inthe iiro;-Id, Fife ahdjLifo. ., p soLii1 L zmcmx %;cmv,m,n: '_n'rm v.-n.c 1... 1 Every infoma}in_iind1v1ua t` Lghida in th :'1'QW!!biP8i'Ii;(if;bY19_1ll'{I68 paid-I .0ri1us,18hMuoh, 1863. 11.1,` . .I1et4=1!'2;w.186=-!.-';` ~ 1.1 .. "1'njz'om:, oamraz, ZI:z}~Z}at,'A1ndqn cm H _ Bran, Shorts, Amiles, T, ., I And afaova freslyassonment of V ..GR0CERIEVS',A CROOKEBY, _- mquons, &o., . ` ' I}tm{.oP Sjrn_n_s'r,_ (B43313. ' * ' ze3- Opposite "Mi. Drug ~Sidr_?e. " V _ ALEXANDER LAURIE; 'G_E'lS|.E._R_AL MERCHANT, - -nlulnnv-n ~nv -8 6`. en tor _T _-."*""' `T Barrister & Attorney-at-Law, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, '- V cONvEYANCEI;,'&., T " - n_'..__- Feb.'.2oth,- 1863'.` .._._ ..--_- u... . nun, ~ . . _ D UNL0P'STREET.T `Barrie, .7t.h .Jan.,. 1863. ` } TXAJVOHN ( J ARPENTE.R< %& B,UI;.DER, `Every "kind of worI. the above `bnsihesj pr_o_mp_tly executed, at low rates. 7 _' DOORS :& SJJSIIES .lLW.lYS-ON H.r1ND.f TM__ ` . `._. I In]. - I000 5 `- . , `V-av- E I `J _. I . , . v -,...~..-...f.. v. ..-u._; |.>vvIl5lAVIp:>lJ5lio _'MARKET BLOCK, ` BARRIE. Barrig, Fbruary 25, 186 . . -v - " , -~-~---V-'1. GR.dDU.1TE or THE UNLVERSITY A TORONTO, ---. . n. ' '- ~ ;~~.8x,-5. `I861;-` 4; ,O m*1cE,V Adjoining J. " Drug Siore, and dixfectly oppositel_ ; `_ _i3t'Ohape_-2'. . N.B.--Dr". Kelly, has be`eA _` _` Coroger-fgrithe County of Silxfo A P. S.--Studen`s`pr'epa7'edVl-o enter qf` the vufious " Medical Colleges. - - nv-HIVL: nu 0'1 191:6 ' - .l_ed Associate ' P` at` _ JVIIJILN-( Oriliia, Oct. 27, 1362. .,-\ 'Y< -i_--- ?..4.`.??=ti`A?:?"5;f" r;'2l?11 *-"" "3`11!t!s . . . muisnira-1111:. n1rm`am`r .,V.--.-`..'- vuuwrVII\,\JI|lf\|_`_I\, Lice1`1ti,atcV of the Faculty of Physicians and_ Sur-. 7 -` , geons, Scotland. ' Membr bf Aithe College ofi PhysicIans.and- Sur * . _ genus. Canada. V (".l'-\Dl'\\."Il'D' YBIND "l`rIt.* 'Vl`1:\fv|vrI1v nu n - . . ~ A... _- Ecylla. vuuuuua- - - ; CORONER F0AR`TIlE_'C0UNTY OF SIMCOE. " ` Barrie,` Feb. 416, 1,.63. 7 . ' ' ` 7- 7 Jun uuenu at ms Uxtice, at,VBan_*ie, every W SATURDAY; from 11 am., till 3 p.m., ac-_ -cording to order of Council and every 0t_l1,`r`da{y, at his oice at Coolcstowir, ' ' - A D...._:_ `n 1 .n. .- A .-vv..v ., uu--......4au a January. 1 Zih,` .1863. fl'3 R.;J. s. CROOKSHANK, Licehtfhln nf` Hm Fm-"Ila. no` l:H......'..:...._ ....J 0.... nus. .50 `L0 .50, w est of First Street, $40.per quan- of-nn acre, Nos; 37vnnd 38,`on the 0m hind. Medonte Town. li'ne,*$S0 per quarter of nnacre. The thriving Village of 'CraighIIrsthing at `the- junction of the fout Townships of Vespm, Flog, Qro,Aau_d Medonte. undon the main rnnrl rmm ,-mwuu on me xour_'1'o'wnships Flos, Oro,.au_d Medonte, the main road from Barrie to" Penetanguisliene, is favorably situated for business purposes, and a rare chance is now offered-to_pur'ties `desirous `of purchasing at very lowpricos. . - ` . __ - One-Fifth of the_-Purclmse Money down, and the balance in twoiyeariy instalments, with in- terest at Six per cent. 9- A ' `-".'-""`*.`-"-*-* 2 _PAT'l`lV)Ni& (YBRIEN. T ,- .ILL attend at his Olce, at,VBan_*ie, eve'ryV ' . _., pim., `Figs. 8 "f0 18, on the Penetanguishene Road,"at $50 per quarter-of a'r/mere. V No. 19, (lmger) $80.: , _- ' N os."20 Vtvo 36, West of First of-n Jmrp. ,.L.I . Nos. "to 1 Qzn .._.l ....u -cgs, and stands sixteen hands 11 travelIe_d-'this County last season `on it! and Penctanguislxene Roqd,`and sired fqnls. The horse may be seen at the" WM. JOHNSTON, Lot-2,4 4th Goncessim sl1ipot'.Flos. . ' ' Crihurstjgilding Lot A ! color is A Deal! and legs, and \ travallmlwi-is I a------ . by Young St, Lawrence out of Fanny- Mincks.. _*He is rising. eight. years of age; his_ color` is beautiful bay; with black-mane, and`legs,V_.pd _sw.nds hands high. He- F _iz;'s_Ai.E by pI_:_rv_.4L1'E BA'RGAIN_,jthnt ne -- ,__.-- --nu`-Vvuuy-I`, . )FFICE and residence .Mu1caster Street; late residence of"!-Ienry I)bou gnV1',VEsq., . -7u;5n17r.vn nr nrwz .15-.nn.a TH O5-y I5OR1`A%s.%% . :7 nnn.1'.r A V nu; me. prgtence that the 'l`rees wpula` h`s'.e'1-1-t, from the'S_t..Catha.rines Nmjseties are fraudulent and. void; I/llfld the. purchxisers are hereby cau- tioned against taking the trees that. maybe _ vbroanghuo them, as jthey certainly will not come from thee Nurseries; ' h All duly autbm-ize_d_ Agent_ can show a certi- gatejof agency no; more than" one month old. 14.4: . ~ . . D. W.'B`EADLE"f IAS` rmoved H1 his" residnce.ac`1joinin`g the _ old_PosI. Office, V nrrnrrn - nmn-nr.-urn --.U' V, OCCUP- der the pretence that` Trees_ would be sent _ ` V _ ._ .... -A-`V v.n;-nu] ul-` I.ll0l ll!OII' and 1|: Bm-rie.are_ hereby notiedthaf. one BLACK- STOCK, of Thornton, is not- a'n agent. for these urseries, and that _imy'orders taken byAhim_nn` frdgn the'S_(.-Catha.rines Nurse!-inn In-in r......a......_. ----.3 `_PbESIDENTS in thevicfnity Barrie. are_ notie_d of now buy "orders der than nrnlnnnn 01...`. .|_, m - _..-1 vna-vv out \.IllUl\3|U\" V _Ba.rrie:,14`.ub. 17, 1862. 6 % V T ` jSt,L%%(%%!a.thari1_1g_s% Nurseries. Co`r1_ier qf` Callie} and I-.'lappe1.ton. Streets, an. 9: a-a..aJ.Ja4. BARRIE. - on tap aunnidale ' j7 A7t'1vrsda_1/, the 7th of at the-honr`of Io'o'clo`ck iu; tlm .........-- [ - ALEX. ms'n`.`oP,. ..14.4:r.. -~ ~ V _ . . . . V I A'l`ownship Cle.rk.- us c-alfjthe ' -;;.,V,=f_ Pot Jul V , and Ibi- I`-oughp [onsl- -5 F`/0'; particulars--inT`1|i.r o; 9! WM. THOMPSON; ; No-1. 1.3h09n,a;. % - lIa:ch14th-.1863; A ` ` i s'4ass4~;ron}sAnE-% V % Bu soup; a.;..;a`v%ra;xa...%c;..:;.j .9 -11- "' STALLION FOR"SA LE. 1+; `_o;|-`_ jm-:vIsn[aN.% -un':-_- '- K T If;-ices, Ebiicxron zv 3. .` _lIa}E.I [ Eh n n .-'.y.`.--'.~, 'T- fRANKEVANS; 2-x-.. IL IL.n.';_...-._.. _- I DR. HA19m.ro~, and v-nah-`nnnn llnl . . . I _ _ Q A _ _- "Ii '!ir `siLc'in.; fr no a...;;..%F; h COURT OF: REV_ISION_ onhe 1 B _ . ._ mug | shad h'IldJ R. T; B_ANT_l`_NG, - _COUN'!`YA(`)~I`.ERK, _ I, ..u.....: -A I DR.MORTON, '.,4'I`F! .014` . T'nl:` rnvn/mum br dppfoved credit; T rsanging fromT$4(.){to $80, viz. :- , West. bf 'f*`i}st .$40.per Quan- a Inga... REMC CA~UT,I.QN`.: nlgylllll U8y,_ wun Dlgzck Inll? stands high. County aeaaonma Hm R4 'I)`!.'.`AI.E'R. `m. V c. - v_-7, _Y. '0n1I.mA, Gd. iucon. ' R- M vicinity bf (Tho:- nton` and ' notiedchsu: nnn l:n.Anv , -_.._-.. val Vvusr unlllc 3oqd,'and over 100 M ' the owner's, 2, Concession, Town-' ..`.... _uu_uua ulgu. VH6 Vther Barrie dfnnd airna nun: Inn current year, of the _of:the Municipality: 9-tf 1A1) . .' `Denim fnitl? I39. QU ICIl,_`IFJ I'll, IlllD CIIII ` NGIIIUIIW pint 'l}'i>edee1a`urliug (16309/nta P. E9?-I9 9} 3 3'"m"fK" (50 ogptp) ((,|.1'HfQlI2 1-1'3-cut ? sirio-ftb-I` ml-1 In-kug`--(ha: unef a;ig-chum: :11; mm mu, , ,I-9 u. an: IIIIEII In uualruyu II!!! I3 I grant umsuxe, 4 u;tl_':e: 0ndy.:moves'tho nut 6!`---worms}-15'. T dead Wol"llll'.-.,1,03 gresuiiorvleis extent, diiaolire- into slime or mucus-3 bfore they axe dinchggged; 7 _a1thon`ghin;nin"yZ wqrgnspre dgjvep on} ip qualities. ' 1 A chixldibf `teniy'e.a.1"a`o{ age; of. Rev. J. hicbou-I gall, Dundee, passed over 500 worms`in5,t|1,-'4; ' days, which he- oestieavthat he believes, by God ; blessing; saved th_`-Vchild : life; Thousands of similar lestimoniala. are given (without aoliciu. gion) go` the prg_sen p__;opAr_ieVtor. _ . . 1""wiio"`In2i&suoihcbng:`ih5;+MA:3j' h . .|'IIId,e'I',.tb9 imti " as,i>`nI.that ifa discharge of wow; d6`e':hut'_-`fllbiif ikfhtaking ` the `Von-`m'_Qj;n>`q,- , it an failed` to desuoy, This is a gram `liiistikg, 1 . nn,.IFn`:`n'nrIv1ununt`on-Ilia nan: wnpnvi-`-.:;In. -N" 6- -ne;d.w. , ..::T % %;%: Iv": `. 3 tforins, jthneist-nhied in which v , Wouns produce their youn . This secretion of. Mucus is much greater in Children and Adults. Whnftliey are not in good liealtli worms will in- T crease; with astonishing rapidity.` The Mucus or br, hegllebgd is: ieuiovediimmedia-tely by the use of Old: eizzieis Worm Dfgmdy Stick, in -As if iesembiea` 5 Candy Slick in taisu-,'ana up-" pi-La`rau`te`,"'nnii 5 child "eating it isf '_v;yholly_ uncgn- noiouaof taking medtiue; Where worms xistsi the resullakngevhqyongi description. 3;` t ` (50 IMOTHERSJJOOK To voun ou1LM& HIS_is without exception the `cheapest and best Washing Machinejn the market, -and does its work in- the most satisfactory manner. Ladies are invited to try it whether they. purchase the machine or not. Those who have tried it` would not bewithout it for double its_cost.i The _ following ladies in Barrie have tested the Machine, and are perfectly satisfied with its_ operations :- .Mrs..Bingham, Mrs; Bnrnett,'Mrs. Drnry, Mrs.` Fmser,"Mr_s.v George Lount, _M_:-st. Rogera,`_and others. '- 2 , ' ~ 2 T , AP0_WEI{_S"_ P'A1'ITENT V A `Victoria. _Wa.shi'ng Machine. HAS removed his office to the premises of -.--Kellnan & C0,, and can sunpbly the v_ari`ous_ Hummopathic prepamtions`, with or without. cases for family use. - 9-V i The large eiperieiice of Mr; keiman ensures accmjacy in the medicines dispensed, whichwhis purchases, being for Cash, enables him to sell sit `the cheapest rates. ` - `A -Physiians Prescriptions carefully compbunded. ' a L , KELMAN&.Co. _ Barrie,`March,Ti863. ' - 9-ly _ "1Mr. Kelman beig/a..p*rAnctical Chemist, and for , `the Last-si_x years engaged in the xtensive eslnb~ ` _ lishment, of Simpson & Dunspaugb, Toronto, has selected his stock with a View to meet b`e fu1lV reqnirqmeuts of the tmde, Ind lugs as complet` `a Pharmacy as can be found in Toronto. Tlze ' Stock com prises- _r` V A, . q -. . - `-2- -- _.._,._ .,_,...--, _ Drugs, Chemzcals, Paints, Oils, I/farvzzfshes, Spices, Dye-Stus, Perjumerg/,`Fancy Atria`:-loo D,.4....o 1M..;).'..;..... 9'. . _ _ _ an I I. \J \J O I `\J l'\ C. In the building rec_e_ntl_v occupiedby Mr._ N. King, "next to the store of McConkey J; Ross, Dunlop Street. ` A V I ~ ; HE Subscribers beg to announce to the in- habitants of Barrie and the` County generally that they have ope_ned`a _ VDRUG STORE In Hm Hnihnn rnnnnI`vv ..... ..:...s n... u, 11' nu ., u--u.I.nI, \JllLVIlID, W'_1LL hpen -21. PRIVATE SCHOOL on W_ED- NESDAY',,the 8th of APRIL, at the resi- sidenceof the late Dr. PASS. . , Fees per. quarter, payable`. in `advance: English kind French .... .. .'$4- 50- - Classics, English and French . .. . ._.j 6-50 B0arders',. including Tuition . . . . 45 00 branches. Evening Tvuition, given in 9.11 the above` ` 1 A`redu(-.tio`n madeir brther Bgrrrie, March 31, 186,`), _ ' ' Moses Bough, ; ln`1ur-due`J`an. 1,` 1864, -due Jan. 1,-1864, `ulmur--fd'ue Jan. 1, Catherine Hand, . Robert. Galla.ugb_er 1864, Int'er'es n-Ioqclluloonmn-0 7 James Ewen`, Monq- ue Jan.,,1, 1864, _ -Interest. `IQJM-A , - can.--non consensus..- 131:`. T mmie, om; 7, _-1862. _ V- _-. -,T., ".3- , Sellers ivill see` that it is impossible for the pur- chaser to,bestow,that can-e upon lat;-_e,lots which the farmer can easily do in the smaller parcelsfbe . may have to dispose of. II! o, nu . IN consequence of Tso }nixch:n;A.MP WHEAT being offered for sale in this market,we desire to informfarmers. and others: having `Wheat to sell, that we must absolutely xefnse to purchase any which has not had bestowedixpont it the re- quisite attention in drying. a-n, ,,'_ , on ..`, 7---, .-_.Jf >IuIvVI-`lit! .5. vrJ wllvuly, 4"uIu.`.l/ T Artzcles, Patent Medwznes, .5-c.` j A SUPERIOR ARTICLE-OF ROCK o_IL; ' B:v. SAVMUEL _JoHNsoN_, 11.3., I `-Manlafjwhag College, Dublm, PRINCIPAL. V t:e_s, for the Lay En." aliens or Mercantile puro Inna are assured that For `terms apply to the Pr incipa_ . Barrie, March 24, 1863. ' ` , ' ioted'he1altbfnlne-ss of ' I'MPOR'I'A1`IT` To % unmnns. A VERY IA.@RGE",augi:`i:oinplabi;te .sortf9{` La.6i_o a_` Eniimelled Kid`a`n'd Prq'nells,Ga|ter9, V -Bnskina,` Boots ;.' Ge'ht a' `Calf, Rip and Course; _'_Mis'ses' and Ohild1`en a,'ol', every variety and` style, whi_ch will be kept consjantly on hand, ,A l{ PRIo1a:s*No'r' ?r`o= BE` UNDERSOLD_! -1.?arri'e,' May-16, 1860. "Au 13-3t II. It! Iv 7 from A . 1860'-V I I n_.l5 4 Ha'rnos:_,'I 31189 39-" 1 V wows: -a:_ 4"%_1~I_.Is11 "8oli,T8lai':gh:eg,` upu, mm :05". ,,_,, B,_`f'"'.:Bidi8`s~Lining, suoem`akm' Find-I minus. .m-. '1 I-tiier!;?* ';Ia6atl1:?.! I-joathr 1 New `Me}i_lj._cal % _Ha.Vll.A y 5 [MR. IRWIN,- A,M.`, CANTAB, .`ll"l -..-._ _ 'I'IT\IYVAlI|rn n-~--~- V _LIq{oF` NOT-Es s'roL1:N. on; L. OLIVER fkxatni-`GiaA_1!1%_n_mR scHoo1.. ---- TPBICE, _ $6.50. '* '-We musmer U K .V 01: '!:'B.1dE3`o:~I-ining:Shgggikqrgg 1'r:.:. y 16.1860.` 3 -..`.t".." Gki n.--due`J.an. V1,` $11 00` 12 50 .\Iulmm---d'nn Jan I V W. 8: Mouse, "I`Hos, `L. H::u.1w:1.1., T1-los. Ronmsou, ' T r'I._'.. ' .vv. \.-UK, c. J. paumf. A_IID1z.1:.7v\f-'G_Ii.f4;I:a"n1; T > ' T204: _4l[-II `.`\'"`.` ~~ .... f V 3;- .12-Lu 23 05 24 foo` auvnaulluluy at as `you. 16, I Ad.m - W-A ' 0 I I - , M -3 ,1?-33:? :IE=`-`:3-g 1!` `itIie'r"Imbrnva` Itni-`cu ' '"mRd.'-ci'ix:ulaj goo ot?n`g`a"I c!.Ie_I g. -it-.3` '7`. 1 . _{n_p. RY RT STRLTTQN nrllnlnczuc, x-. ncenan Business Penmanship, Cor- tes ` ndenceg c.,-and lo anthem rm-fany'depar_tmem of ininesdghev may `choose. Scholarshipt issued in Car_1'ada,"T\wi|l`'nuiIle'Ihesltidein lo'com lete_ his game in any Collega of lhe chain, and V rm,` `without any n(_ld:1ion|`oharg.. The Oollegaishopn-n day and >ev mu. . , - L . - V A JAMEES E-_ DAY`,-Ruidem` Principll. ` - 1 T cqLx,Iaq_:l:A1%axr songs; i. _ n:y_m:dn,sm3m2A comuan; " ` . ' cum ,,Law 559 .-_.`c;..`,y`:,. ` 1' noox-1(_r-:1-:2. ,_ _ , _ ~ T rLlB`,G.V-....r"..'2la` r.-I. . *6 _-.w. :-coum noun, f ATIT M`E'1f1Cj32o`_; N. ':: .;`;3?a;*"wiB.%-"' 5% -e ,. "90 .r1vvuIl!'G' The ob _ of thsb Chllogec itio inipa to Young Men and adies, lhoiough and practical insmxc-lion in Baal:-keepinzy Comma:-cinl LaI'I1.'Cnmmo-,n-in} {nan M" 148111438. Int-rough an_d pracl_iqal ,insu'u(-lio'n '. .B"t'-'*~'P'v8_r Qomnnegcnal Law, Commercip: A!`|(hlIl.1!a sxencenan Business Penmanship, reannmlnnnir- 1!` mini u.. 5:. mg... r....=...-.-..-.n..~_-_.__._. V This iNSTITi3TI()N, locttd in the MECHAN- 1cs- ms l`l'l`U'l`E; ronomo, has just. been- added to BRYANT, STRATTON Sc C_0 S' chain or Cqminercial Colleges, established in" New Yo:-,6. Brooliun; Phjlndplnhi... AILm.. ., mu... - n..:r..r..- Dentist in nu` `rgoyincff ."_' "'A.A`v".'_"',-F` F?! u;3;5:`;::3;"',i .' , Q-Q/:1`4A'; . 7 V. -.. .- ---- .--- -, I.r_`|gI._J nun up \J__\I 0 Clint!" Ill in Brooliyng Plniladelplda, Alany, 'l3ro_t/, Buffalo; Cleveland. Detroit, Ohicagv, St. Lauia,Porglaud and Piwidatu-' 1 5 - , V - . ' ' D"! GU61 cum. 1} I 1om'da_m-' > Thu nlnnl THETORONTO COLLEGE, C}w. Sheriffs Olce, Barrie, > _`J::n,_l5t_l_1._l863.' vu -Lu u can. aluc LYCIBUII Du`C|2|-. , Is FURTHERPOSTPONED until the, Second` dnv of MAY. lRl;3,-m. 19 nv..1....u ......... :. n.-.. u ru1s1nmn.,t'ua'l't"UNR`JU until the, Soco day of MAY, l863,Tat 12 ._o clock,vnoon, in I Court House, `Barrie; _ ` . ' . R .f Q\H"l"[l (kn: HE 15- of the `renewing I.ANi)S, `under a_ _. a W of_Venditiom',.E:cponus, in the ,sui_t of `George S.- ' d:l_endan't. A \ ay, plamti`, vs. Edward -VSvhortissV 1 EVG to inf'o_r'm tube public that they have enInr;:- `I ' ed ' their Brewery" to meet. the increasing {demand for their Ales, and are now prepared `to supply a genuine article of rs!-rate "quality, to . any extent-. ` ' - v V ' VIII, _ ,. I IUF } their __---- -f fr-Iflt V7 " 4'3 1 Teeth `inserted in ~the mobtispprovd style`, Swlnli as theyhave made an-u_ngement{s tisitiuj ` .v_ xnonth. they no prepnya .to:exeou `any; #3 fl!ItI!_ll9fl_ to _them,.u cheap in ;in nu. e and for tho ; t1_:e said ~ In R-- *rAInvmv1__ynnwnnY.} ANDERTONpBROTHER,-* 'i`n1r1 ABREWERS, I .1iberal support he has `received since his re-_ J.V.Lo Lunnnu, uun- lop Stree `., Barrie, begs to `return his -sincere thanks to `his cus- tomers for the very sidence in Barrie; and _ .- hiwing increased his ~ -1 _ x . facilities fordoing work of the very best descrip- tion, he presumes to hn.ve`stronger'c1a.im upoh the-ir patronage. ` - - ` ' 13..--.. ........:_:._ p, , ,....-....5.. -- , Every 1je_quisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. - - - REPAIRS EXVECUTED wrru DESPATCH. All kinds of MSHING` TACKLE, at Vmoderatert nrices. Pure ALE fnfom I\I'all :& Hops only.` .... nnuua VI L'10l1lLV\J prices. ` Bart-_ive, April 23, 1861. Mono ` BarArieA, 7th Octbber,` I862. DRY Goons, Groceries, H4R1)`I4V'ARE, CROCKERI/j I u uu ultllilllllus lll Dl'|'lB unu, 1 surround g 33uy, who have patronized W91` during the past` thirteen years, beg to intima.`t_e that in futur they will attend at the f00Wi.'-'8 places mogthly_:- ` Mewmsrket, Isl, 2nd ad -3rd of 'eah Mouth. ' Brdfnr AAL ` Boots .d c Shbes, 7:230. , Which_.he will sell Very low for-CASH. -av . -n-- . -5. VFALL & WINTER GOODS: ' BUmIs,.GUN. . MAKER, Duri- )Str5-,p Rn n-in Hana GUNS, RIFLES, &cS. WHE-`_SUBSCRIBER, thaiikfixl for past patronpage; would _ ` and the public invgengral, that he is _ . . grurrs SALE or LANDS. mgr v_umInaIjcuII uaw, uummercm nancerian 5c..-nnd t lhem[for`anv'dunanmem G:E.NERAL%sTooK uuo: . Pei B. W. Ros, ' nlewmsrket, 1st, iwhen my will beha Bradford... 4th......;....`_.. Gookstown, 5th.. Bond Head, Brownsville, 'lth..... Sllollunu l0lh.... ..'..... _ Left-oy..... \3th...;.,..... Bi:-rie um and 15_th Gollingwood, 16th nnd 11th, -qasooooru . . Ii" *0 wit ` qniring than-_ qervxcea In any of ti their nrnfanmn . B. . xv.` SMITH, - Sherzf. D... b 117 nnoo NOWIOPENING A wsu. Assonnzn J09: ' ' Deputy . 3-11_t I-13 JUlll.|_ | the _V-.V!ll'u'1 ".".`J9"l non; Ii.-Ilavtheson, Perth; 3 Holy.` A. Kienkom ` W W|`-!s'v1. l,'A`-`..3km-1. ` O. .- .3 .7 .- .Ji.:.!:33FF5E.N.W=. \ - . 2" 9?-~.:;B1%2 cob-rs: .1`-R. ueust. nsq.. ' 153.-L}!-,R9|Wd,1'{07,|1T_l; Hon. 0llih|\3I!fd;*_"1bi-on:o - Hum; G.` Alexander, ';Wond-taucgrfnppz 1 B-aim, Haabknb-try ,- Hon. 5-~VQ%92' f Hon. 8; Human, Perth; .iHao.3_G: .1.; mg ...m...k.... vp4m_ 1_'b:r R='G80_WN LANDS oaurnso, cL;_uMs BEFORE 5. ' as -DEPAAIITMENTS or _caowN L ps PROSECUTED. Ipveption _and General Business with P4ubl_i(;`)1Iicc|{ulie,Iited to, ' HIV.-lE2a`li2`zvl`:ig".l:7T".&..`):2`t..I..-.'.` ...-.... xx..- 4:- V,- , "'_`_`:h5""l|-|f_|V|F,V_IllVUI nuepleu to, -T.'_~_'\|'1faI`id.vic given Free ox qulrlng |.uel|'_ s_erv their profession, 1 :.;F1;EDER'I'CK` `1."Ig!YLOR,_ Rarliimentaryg Land & -General ITIIUIIIIUIBIICIIIIS. '_ V ' - In the Slioeinz branch of his business he can compete withpany tradesmnn in this section of Canada. Havingvhnd considerable experience in all parts of the`United Kingdom," as well as the States of America, together. with. sevcml years . practice as Cavalry Horse-Shoeigjie, Ctlf)_[Il|lll'll tee satisfaction to call` tvhoinay favor him with their patronage. - Those who-take pride in their horses, And like to see them well shod, will Jtiud, on giv- ing him 1| trial,_thatA'tliey `can now. get this kind of work done in : anperirv manner. V TD.-n-u.o:o...I.. _.....a.._...- -I.-.._~A - - -. .- nu. uvuv nu II uuyulhrf Iuuuurr. Promptitntde, moderate charges, wofkmansbip, may be relied upon`; isrrie, Die. l:'H.h, 1363. ' '7 _-.-..-__ .r...--.-, I V vcfoz_1ae;j'sc'.,1Ban~2e,`ne;zvr the Market. - J'j -L. begs to inform the public that he has taken , .- Pony : Old Stand, where he is prepared to doall' kinds of Blacksmiths Work on the most renonableteuns. , .V In tho QIun'..2..... L--.-.,I_ -0 I 0 '0 T __ _JAME-f.AcEY,_ shoeing and Jobbing Smith, IV;-.7]-.'...`Ch.' 1).. A... .,..,.....;4 1;: uuu 01./1.111. Owing to the number of witnesses necessary to prove the above intportant. fact, it is not expected- that the Coroner's Jury will come to any hasty. decision. The public will-, tltercfore, not be de- l pi-ived of the many com'fo_t-ts his New Establish- ment affords-during the investigation; but, as the witnesses consists principally of the travelling community, it.'_is earnestly requested that they will call, and give their evidence, without.-being stibpaanaed, at. their earliest ._convenience, for which purpose a conveyance marked "to Ftu.=et`s will attend` the various trains at each arrival and departure at the South Barrie Station. . `-'____gA 1 .. .-..._ I . oi;:D PAUL 1=RY`,: '1 but on"his movemehls, to ascertain whether he 1 has or.h_as not 9. right to live in his _ W I NEVHVI-7ES'i`ABLISI:IlVIENT .'h;l\'| 3a nvnnoln - - ____-:n`6 ARE respectfully` i:_1s'ited'to call at the `FREE MASON_ S ARMS,` ` BY JJMES J|IcC'.`1BE, v- Momzisox_ AND Mv:s1m1;.\ Rolma . - 11.mi1es from the Severn Bridge ;1 8 miles from '.\[u_skoka. Falls; and half a milefrom Muskoka ` Bay. ` .rn'nn.")A IQ!!! ' " A Nrelurnin ch V V - I T Z kinks to thexrfriends in Barrie and ,, _,f,'`__'I```_`_`f[`8 patronized EDWARD T., BISHOP, - - TAILOR, ' - I BREWERS BLOCK, `BJRRIL .`. " rBEGSto cnlltheatteimon ot"the surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had considerable `experi- ence in the CUTTING DEPA RT- MENT in the West of England for _ the last seven years, and -trusts by V * strict. attention to orders to merit ' .-i V- aahare of public support. ' \VORK XVARRANTED; Barrie; Match 21-. |`" ~9 inhabitants of BARRJE, and the` BINGFIARI begs to inform the travelling: `V .-community that he has taken that t'zu`orlle old Stunt}, the Queen's Arms, up nndT\'e'nov:1ted in the most [llOl'0ll!_'lI manner, nndycan assure his patrons that his whole endea- vors will be made to` place the establishment fore- mostiu pointof comfort, and accommodation. r..1.. 9 < Ram-in Iol\1 \vllich.is being fitted CORO-NER S AINQUEST TTTHZI. r'.{\\T\1I4`\ f`L` 0.. I... L,.I_I . . -._._ _. ..... ...\.----u A Barrie, Jun. 25, 1862. RSV .i"1~;`ne.-24, 1861-. __-__._ l....... v. uvunun. Barrie, VJu1yv.3, 1861. 1RAVELL,EI'{S'will nd the abdve Hotel every _ way suited to their comfort. I KJLLKJLV Lan, D _.LA\I (.\{U.lSb"l' , IILL CO.\I.\IE.\ CE to be held, not on the body at` - QUEEN S Aims `HOE; FRAsER_ s_HoTEL.% CHANGE A OF V ADVE RTISEMENT. D36; 8. N.;L -l_ .'B. P,E_CK,v' A 5 .3 G E 0N DENTISTS, zr3- CELLENT ST./ZBLING. u. rAa%:Kt}i@:PVREFnIETnn. .. ..d.Vv.-.4.n4J_L.;.Lx)J..l.LVJ..l.`4 which i; exactly `.0PPOSI TE HIS OLD ST./IND. n1: 4.. 91... ..._.:_L,._ -0 7 -- - -`. .,v\zv\.--.\/\_~.x-x-vvsavvs BA 1?e`R1E HOTEL, ` BARRIE, 01s-.,; Flhnnnnnnn - - - - - - -- TRAVELLERS >_HoRsE_soE1NG. ."| J1 aargg, 20315. NATHANIEL KING. j 4.1- A 4 - _ 'mKE_ NOTICE. ', That if you _ . . vulisuant to the above order,-_the Plaintiff will do not answer or demilr to the Bi . o`bln.in an orderto takewhe Bill, as confessed` against yoi`1,'and _t,he Court_ may: grant the'} lain- tiff such relief as he may be entitledto onvhls own owing, and you will not receive nn.Y f"`hr natice of the future procecdings,inhthis'caII8A6- _ Dated April 11th, 1863. ' _- - _ Yours, &c.`,' _ V `CAMERON, MGMICHAEL 3: FITZGERALD, - , - Church Street, Toronto . _ Q " 16-6t - Plai.nt{" s Sqlmturs. remind his Customers . $11.` ayst-rate WIII w CCIIVUI 19- _,:u. 9,` 1m'.' pnlrqnagenna support, ~ - -v - V 'All`orders or Communications addressed! (9 the Subscribe: at Barrie . P.0.,T on; I_3jqgl1am |}Ro|9},; paA-_p"aid) ygi1lrecei\'e`|ro pI__;stg_ og, , {W ,-, A Age a `wuI,c`anvmr::Ip ud |to!;h_._` ;will*bdd6linro(Iin*.In-`__, - ` Rn rm`: Lt :l'IuIvIu uycun, III.|n,..wi`. .*.. , ` -_ , ;' `YT ,'l`he Subscriber winlfb u; to slat; thug, be}: , .ab.o1_n_ to exzqnd lheVNursery Jviohgm, jto den] withjhe public so nsi_ Vlo _inaI'x'g tbeir,f)z_I':_n patronageund `support. ` `V i ' ' ' - IA1'I'uui'em or Oommnhicnlions ddinuc hi.-tho ` . `EVGS to returnltltanks to the inhabitants of . Barrie and the surrounding neighborhood for. their-past favors and patronage, andvyishes Nursery Stock suitnblcfor Spring planting, raised and grown in the North York Nurseries, which he utlers to the publlc at least. 20 per cent. under tho usual prices. The assortments are all grafted or budded from the hardicst kinds, and natural- ized , to the climate and `soil; standard Apple Trees from 15 cents and upwards, and other vsri-.. eties as cheap in proportion ; in choice and hard variety. of Ornamental (Trees and Shrubs, both Jtpright nudclimbing gt also 60 Varieties of. Roses, consisting `of Hyl`rid,Perpetual; Damask, China, `Flags: . do. etc, snug. up,` I 0| ". i5& 3 . -n__ .-.-._.- AL-` i- -2. to state that, he has on hand a choice variety of ` Mo}ss'.',inid Climbing Roses; hardy Border Plants, - '-Bnlbou`1RAoots, and moso_thsn bovvvsriorhs of ` 39:. -I _ -....-- Vvu .,-.vu\.J IJJK. `Th-se forms tire, masters. Cfuntaipling DI.1ties `of Pnllnnns_tofi.' and Ruled Forms for Money and Work AI:('()unls. `mum... a._..... __- - n ----r Notices to Township Oicers.- I DECLARATION OF OFFICE; ,And all other Municipal Blanks for sale at the Advance Oice. These Cards are equal to, and cannot be distln-3 gnxislicd from Copper`l |:ue. M. the same time they can be -produced at onc,thir<.].the cost of Coppet Plate Cards. _ ' ' ' ` 7`< ' we said pefeutlant, JOHN FERGUSON, tli El- , der, cannot be found to be servjed with anoicev copy. the I lainliff's'Bill in` tl1is"_canse:' Itjs <~)rde_r_cd that the s:1id'Defe1idaIit, JOHN FERGU- SON. the -E1d,er,vdo, on or-before the Third day of JUNE next, answer or demur to the said Bill S` Indiit lS ordered that `a copy of this order, toge- ther witluhe notice required by the General Or- - ders of this Court, be published in the -Nor_thcrnA A Advance (newspaper, published _in the Town of `Ba1_'rie,A not less than six Weeks be,fore.tbe said :I`lnrd day of June next. and to be oixtinued once in each week, until the said day; and an` oic $01)) of the said Billie to be served` upon the wife nf Hm .-..:.| n,`-. . ......- ...a-~----.~-- - Pi'intedf:`n}n a new Typw, on Thin Iqufy=or Flu`- '- 'c'bIe Double Enamel Cards. CARD C["l"I`l.\'(} and CARD PRl.\"I`l.\'G 1 lll'.'1lUUlllU[I H) nu: . IInm1N'(' I|lH('e 0! H10 m-st .\l:\CHlN[-DRY of the! day this kind of work can he obtained on the slmrlest notice, at a. consider. ablen-ducLion`on Toronto Prices. TIE following BL.-\.\`K FORMS for Magis- trnws Bu'si_ness mn_y_bc bad at the dvarace Uico, lfnrric :- ' V Returns of Convictions to Clerk of the Peace. Summons to Witness. I ' Summons to D011-_ndnnt. Information and Complaint. ' Complaint by. party Threatened. \Varmnt of Uommilmo.-nt., Rovcogniz-unce of` B:xi!. _ - Warrant in the first instance. Tnmnj, '20th January, 1863. 4. To remove doubts, if any, as to liability of the` Compnnylo pay out of the earnings of the Ro_r.d :1 judgment debt of 5,000, ,justly_due the Town of Harrie, or in` lieu thereof, to compel the Com -any to build :1 I .r:1nch line into the Tuwn of I - Barrie, in :u-(-nrduncc with the plans ndopted under Board order dagled 27111 January, 1853. u.:.....,..x.. . ._...___ ,A Can.be had GRATIS A: the dvance Otce, V ' Barrie. `. . 3. To explain the mmnixmg of;-the `Zn . action; of the `Act passed in 1859, irntitulcd `an Act. re-3*" lilting to 1110 said R:(il\\'.'1_\`; and the 4th SL-clion otflhe Executive Council Urdcr, passed pndur the autllurity of sn.id'AcL. 4 "J ' . 2. To increase me number of the Canadian Directors,` so that the (;`m`ernmunt lieu of 83,- 000,000, "` !l;c [ic(1pIe'.% money," may be, in` com- mom with mlu-r interests, thin-ly represented at the Board. Meetings. S IIEI .El:Y Gl\'E.\', That the Town of Barrio, .lulgmcn_L Crcdimrs, 15-nul and Stncklmldors of the Norlhc-rn R:xilwa_v oi` Cnnudu, will nmke application at the next Session of the Legislature for certain amt-mlrncnis to the Chm'lcr5,of the suid.Uoinp:1n'y us fullons :- 1. To prev:-nt the Pxcsidcnls, Directors; I\I.-t_n- n ers and (.HIiciuls`o\\'nin or rnnniu Sl.eum-' , Y . 7 g boats in connection with 1he'I{;1ilwny. n m BN1`:-:m~:n, In- `Irv -A-- ..\vnu44 .u.A.\Al\1L1.IIl'l.\ 1 thereby securing a speedy mljnstmenf of claims and liberal regulations for residence and travel. .\'0 further outlay required from the assured than the premium. ' iA. ARDAGH. .\1.1r_c-.sr. _\1...nm.: :....-m.. JAMES T .~\T'1`0`N`, Agent. __..-..,.... .1.--unx,r.uJ V.)-L` LLUIFXI as. pref'c-r`ubl'e to divisions at intervais of vc-,: or ten years. ' - IIl'\\lT.` II A \-' . nvs.....-... , , .1.4 .\ll'.b I .-\l FUN`, Age! A. ARDAGH, .\I.R.C'.S., Medical Referee. Bnrrie,`Jau.,]862._ ` i ' 1- Pathmasters` Blanks, Premiums payable annually, or by semi-nnniml or qimrterly ixxstalmclnts at. the option of the assured. I A.\f.\ UAL AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS LOW 12.-mas or PRE.\H[T.\I, Consequent on the investment Of all the Com pany's funds in.the Province. V ' `Canada. Life Assuranq-e_ po y Y|. l`nl)Df\Y)A'I`tVn nu Ali-01 Ann ..-..... . __ Y the addition to the .`I:Hu11:rc (mice of the bust (Mann nfr"|"I`I\'(1 ....A nsnn nnvwnnvn -`_-- .------u )RVEPARED f..r the use bf` Oicers and Suitors in Ibc.Divi=ion C()|)l'1s~.fUa! the Barrig, Jan.. 1862. Ul we Elder. CALENDARS FOIi_1863. `YVIWVII l"(`|fV\VlnI)` I\ll\l1; IllI.\I'uIv Luunv I UIKB . Mnrcns Rossin, Y. O. Gilmon - Joshua. G. Beard, George Mirhie, Thomas Haworth, "Robert Gilmor, Robert Stanton, AND John 1\Ic.\lnrrich, , I . Wm. Henderson, Esq:-1. Secretary and Tr'eaufer,-I}ernnrdIluldan, Esq' _ ' Solicitor,--Angus Morrison, Esq. (The Western being an old established and suc- cvesstul Oice and having a large reserve fund, can afford to do business on most liberal terms, and clniins for losses by fire are promptly and equitably settled. I'Avv\r . u n`, . ...-H... INTEREST TA BLES; Drrvsnrrn c _ .1 -, ; CAPITAL - - - - ; $400,000 IN SHARES OF $40 EACH. HOME (`Fl/7'! (` E, .'l`0R0`N'l`O. CORNER OH` C6LBORNE AND C_L'RCl:l STIlEE l`. Canada Westem Assura[/nce Co y CHARTERED HY ACT 07` PARLIAMENT. ._-u--- Monn_1s_os 6: Suwsos, Soliciluu. WILLIAM Pxvsn, ESQ., Secretary 5; Treasurer, 0FFlCE-Western Assurance Buildings, Church ' Street, Toronto. - ' 1 WILLIAM PYPER, 5 v Snrrnlnrn R '1` ...... ., BUS|NESi CARDS. --_;-n ISAAC `c. Gmzuon, EsQ., Pnnsxmurr. muons RICHARDSON, rm, Vmn-P FFERS the following rcalv advantages to in- tending Assurers :- CAPITAL - - `T0 J0HLV`1~`i:1zt.9UsVc)j\`r, tn abmm nn mm] ~n..r.... J-.. 1 _ INCORPOBLTED PURSUANT TO ` Vlvrvnr n.u.... Vl$-ITINAG CARDS. - - - . vs-\.:-~vs-v~\.~ vv~-us.-s.\,-.g,-.. . The Tb}t};1to Ontario Perm . nent Building Society. INCORPORLTIEH Pnnuunm nus ...... .___ , Presidenl,-GzondI Mxcmz, Esquire, A Z Vice-President,-.\IA>ucL's Rossm, Esquire. run:-nmnna . R. s. % EDWARDS A.`II\'U.-\L mv1sm.\'s 0_1` PROFl'I`, Il'l'rf`-l'1lhli3 I(\1v`:zinn.v no :..on.....\.. ..4- 1:..- __ wn`i-1 EOUNTY DIRECTORY, INCOIIPOIIATED BY ACT 01-` PARLIAMENT: To M2ig_i_strates. _ __,--__ ___~u.wuvU I v"C7!VIVAVE'X'_ERED -------1 - --v-.-vw I .(L.S})-' `A ' =71|1cz1, V" V JOHN FE RGUSON, the Elder, "JOHN FERGUSON, the ' ` (Younger, and VVILLIAM ~ FERGUSON, 12_e/emzanzs. - VUDOI} the application lot` the Plninti`, and'it I`P03|'Ing`by alduvit lhnt.,,after due-diligence` the said Defeutlant, we El-' der. cannot hn r,.....a an um ........M: ...:.n. ....' -.a:,.- - ;{O.\1E .\IA.\'}\ GE.\IE.\'T`, mu-2.`... .. .........I.. _ 1' , . .\101:1i1so.'\* as SA.\IPS()N} ' 0;. .' .R ADVANCE OFFICE, B.-XVRRIE. "1 -. .4... ..~.\ -mung. _V'0ry convenient for Path- xwwuci 1'BlA0`| 8 or was no. vuycxm. PARLIAMENT. of its amnirs. `JOHN ALEXANDER, ./hrnnt nl Hnr (I..Si)- v-3-nu nu .un-1 1 nor THOMAS DALLAS, './lgcnl at Orillza. ' I-ly lJI`A4\llVUl'4l\., gent at Barrie. IIALV rxnvr An JLAJ1 I ! V195, Secretary & Treasurer. -j`j-- $1,000,000. `um IIlIlI`l'. ;., Vmn-Pnsmm-r )\l n , Solicilohi. ' 3- t f 'c, seven /1`-ly an-In mmuu-s pas: mne a.m., returning from the Falls on Monday and Friday. ' * Furcfrom Orillia lo th Severn, Thirty Cents, , FIKEIGIIT :_`--Flour reed, Sm, ` -and Potatoes; 12c pr 10_0`lbs.T Shingles, .}25c per 1009. ,Gen: cm! Freight,` 15. per 100 lbs. V ~ (I Ev nu.-- -- IR *'V -L-_.1.r_ 'x"__nar-< .u::.'_-2' t l.\` Gll;\.\ =GEllY, HAteg:tEI)1S3'A.fi {I}iF%%A " 15; C__.._MBERS_ the "I`v}'ep_ty`-siktll ytgr [of v V the reign of Her.-.`1aJesty v. C. ESTEN, Queen Victoria, and `ix; the gear of_ our Lord,T18U3.A U CIUCK {LU}. ' ' ' _ . _ ' On Wednesday "and ` Saturday evenings * the `Ste.-nun:-' will leave.v_.be- Severn nt;6 o_ cloc`k for Oxillia. { - A. The FAIRY will" call at Rama, the Quarry, and , allinte_rmediate_pluces, when requi_rt=d; ` . 1 .- ..-\ Stage will lea.ve the Smiprn rm Mnab.-J... an uuL:_1Iucu|itLc_ places, wnen requi_rt=d; . Stage willfleave the Severn for_ Mnskoka Falls with the Maijl; on Mondays and Tl1x:rSda)'s, at-I5 miuuu-s past nine rerun- n_ing Mondav Fridnv. I win run uer nsu:u_u-ups this Summer, conheeling with the E,.\IILY MAY andithe NURTI-IERN RAILROAD froin the South, and North `with ' Stages running` to the Mu`skokn Falls, forming" a. complete route from Toronto to Muskoka. The Boat will leave the Severn at half-pi1st'9` 'a.m.,' daily, for_Orillia.. __Roturning', leaves Orillia `at 3 ' p.m., arriving ntle Severn at. 5 o'clock. . On Moudava and Tilllraowa oi... ...:n 1-....- m 0 p.ru., umvxng ankle Severn 5 _0n Mondays and Thursdays she will Len.vo_ Orillia. at. 7 a.1n,, arriving at _the Severu_,at. 9 o clock mm. ' ' ' (1.. u.'..,a....-.s-_ -_,,; pi . . - , _ { _._._.___._- g scan`; 3 , ' UNNING between Orilliarund "the Syern, has been thoroughly overlmuled, repaired-,` and adapted to the incx_easingVi.ra1`c of the route, and will run her llSll:tl_tl`i[lS this Summer, connecting MAY and Hm Nl.D I`l.ll2`D\r TIIROEGH noulmo musK0KmLLs. I76 III. poked] tstand as vye_l , auer, - ahet ____`,__-.., v...._ ......u.. uuu L u_v=1t:z_l.l U8Dlllly,'_ By ROBT.'J. CUI..VER-WELL, M.D.. ' The important fact -that` the awful consequences ofself-Abuse may be e'ectually.removedwitliout internal ' medicinesor. the dangerous` application of caustics, instruments, med'ic`ated bougies,,:'md other empirical devices, is here clearly demon. ` stmteal`, and the entirely new and highly su_ccess- ful treatment as adopted by'the,celebra.ted author. fullyexplained, by means of `which every ione.is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby `avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. The Lecture will prove .a. j boon to i.ll0ll_38.IldS and thousainds; Rant. under anal in n ..I..:.. ....._-I--- uuuu LU LHUll_SH.IlUS nnu xnousands; - , - Sent under seal, In a, plum; envelope; to_any address, post mud, on the recexpt of six cents, or two postagesmmps, by addressing the p ublishe'i*s,;, Du. CHAS. J. 0. KLINE, & 00.. _ 12`IBowcrT_1/,Ncw York, Post O_`iceBo.2:, 4536.` February, 1863. .-.-.n.uuu. urzyclupca 17103 6 C18. ' -W-' on the Nature, 'I_`reatment,'n.nd A Radical -C'ure'of SpermntorrhAoaa on Seminal" `Weakness, Sgxfugl Debjlity, _N`_en'ousness, and In- voluntary EIIIISSIODS, md_u_cmg _Impot_ency, Con. .gumption,Vax'1d Mental and Pbyslcal Debilil.y,'_ ROB'1`.'J. CULVER-\vI*.r.r. u n V and well ii secretthat has escaped the rearch of the grout.-st. ` htibitants of Mexico were a strange race. found by'ihe , tic piles of ruins. their King: and Priiiceuu mighty in their uuuuuuna AILUULN l.A_lN How strange _a_tid -wonderful it oeii seems to its thin? in medicine composed of simple mountain herbs and routs, should so certainly s_eiircli 0lll'1llld_cl)t diseases. How stir. prising that the Indians should know and preserve so long pliyniciaiis the world has ever seen. True, the ancient in. Spaniards living in largetcities, and `allowing that |lH',ii' strange customs and religion a_s well civilized gs their con`. querors. In the words of ii writer of` some celeliriiy, `- They htive perished from"the.enrth. llI`it"cllle-&le,gigiN:- . life, are fnrgotteii ; their ruins and their mediciiiee alone are left. The united testimony of` intelligent persons is. " the JUDSON ,S i_1(:H;IlV_'_l'AlN _['_lRB -PILLS are the must ............r..i ._....-=_.. ....; ..uu.;un-,9 ._uu-_.m mun Hlglt -lfll.l.S aie the ma successful medlcn e In the world In cunngrdiaense. , 15 V Sold by _all Deallrs--25 _Cent.s.pei"Pu.ck'age. ll- .-Tust Pubzzsm, z'n a 1 r nIr1:nrrnrs- ulvllii at 0 Ian. " The united itItih'fzetI'tm|':ersons MOUNTAIN HERB -PILL _ _ _ _ _ Sure must curlltmdinehse. 15.4 _ , --V -~-zu uuun 31.; wccna U_C_IUlC-LUU Bill-lu turd of to continued nntil_ [Dy Bill is Ider. the sgid D.cfendant, JQHN FERGUSON, Vth. Elllargetuelll of mu 8 I J ` . . i . Pglpilalion or the Heat,e:3 ! u:':.fi;2g',`{ag:gnE:` ". 9 ythe `- vcgvuuuu nu-5-.u.... _.._.. vuvln us` Illl=lE,.IIIlIG' ~ >' ' mysterious power. for 11 > Ir -` ` ~ .` Uh~_lz-, ,. . moms of Heallh,`,Regevn'I-$31, Ewe: 9-m,| i.d: 1!-59 Persons who suer with. Dy,,,e',~,fa' T . 0.; n . < ' T C .. . - . . I am: . ' ' - , Ila. |p'erma neI|Ivc1ref Wm nd in.R"mwy ` R81|18!if!:9|. .illr!:' VRAD AY"S:RE T V" are the W. Yse!5I.b|9 s3.`.7af.'.f'}3"...lLP. s `THE S'1`EAMER' FAIRY,? nn\7\n\'r1 ...'........`.. n..:n:.. .._.a .. ._1 IIHLV above 1 jm. nADwAir's PILLS 1. l1s`cI`I :`. . GA'r1vE`.; .`..%m. L-f`r".- _ 1,; 1hea.ebPi|l5 we havo !ho_me7diclna| imam! ecieI_n.planu. mall. h,|'hl. um`, Iild hula . . 1|! V I iegetable kungduru. In-. each these lulle Ping m.`_m powef. in eqclr Pill in`w`_m|.h,.'d: m`- I ` J 1 moms Health, Regeneration. Slrcmmh-ma up. ~. 9 .`:`-' DI [H086 II!` In Eases l`.rvAi nu In: Ntm Qwntrtiscumtts. T LJUDS0N S 1sioUN'r_[N HERB P-.ILLbS.A low strange and -w.$nd.-_.-r..n :. ..n.... ---.__ .- . N FE1zt:Us0zV, the-Eld4 3 n_a.med Defendants. ' g will be ham win n';$on7thoae"re-V f;'i;ff"' in the bn_u_gpgs 59! _ - 1 WORK WARRANTEDL Iereed in um .....'...--.'._____. . 1TI-IOM_A_S `o 7sHEA, Pzamzj/3 sluullp` ' v0lI|_lnf_ Ipnenri ` 2.151: Moiil. 4th . . . . _ . , u . ' -BETWI-`.EN I now Losn ` V ` mow Restgred ! ,. .e....I..,1':r.`..-L *5 V --I _-vvIvv\JL`; . `Scaled Envelope-. Price 6 ct; Hun \Yan..... m___. `A. GRANT,` Run`:-u ..._..' V` . > ` C. .Y. BELL, Magcenj AL` I,_ Rnarswun. _ = mus] 1.5-'1 onntry e Gov-'. alter a Q 'l'..._- `Fromhils present ze` us ugnuwuru w 4.... Pacmon Rovndjin kley. qua tof . _l__!Al;ack -L Rf Bullqll`|': g:Y __Br_Iage ovoi} Jou_ aid nosa..u_`omia.,til1n2m= nUn,spVAY, `on the mad: ledding max umnnua. , tho 23l d;_y of'APRIL`c'm'___ t.; ` 2. Fir 0'lfenrin:g,'_';OFooiwqyln, -Dc MUSKQKLBOAD. ~ in `actions slon .thoI on 1ra,In-,;ur,= u;'o'24ux dqlof r-A;1.>aJ_t1..V-`e~..:zng=.: -- .._~;` _-14.- `in_..r._v_":'n L \ 1; 'P'?| .'-"Z"".`.A""~`!?`v'V!;-.;V.*'-.'.-.-.-2* I wmqwan_u.:.au_. Aprils , Q------_-------u.---nau-a- Anesdayy. prdcdinj -`tho _lgtup.; .5 VII I'IIVIII`u_D-? -----` -_` -7 ', T ` " I . l ' `n"_, PI'I}l'Il a`iil`:Srgcii:_ati6i:_I of;he_ Work: wil be exhibited in [0ri!_lin, on tho Tuudnylnd -W'ed'v_- FroI'nfitapresen`t. t L` I . V Pntnrinn mud `in A RS .m be` `r'ec e avedj by thd isuhiciiber, 4` r Tspecitietlfvia `: 1. LF_or-tho_ ~ `follo'win`|z Works, on the days audat , .4.-__ '_`_- __--`_-`.r- A '. -' , Ploughs, Herrows, Seed-Sowers,b, Gnltivetors,- Horse "Hoes, Spades, Shovels, `Hoes, -Dr'ai,ning -Tools,` Forks, Budding" Knives, Pruning" Knives and Saws,` Garden Reels and Lines. Garden and Lawn Rakes, Garden Sheers. _Ga.`1-den Trowefs, Gin-den Syringes, Garden` `Tools (creole at the Lowest__Priceg.- ` -r n h!fAV\t' in `gets, &c., &c,, ' ll ! '1`6rop_6, April 3, 1863. WOULD invite the attention of parties pur- C ' chasing to his Stock `of HARDWARE, vwhich. being kept well assorted by regnlars'up- olies direct from the manufacturers, both in Eng- land and-`the United States , `will compare favour- ably in prices with any, other Houses in the `Trade. Mechanics Edge and other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Builders` and. Cabinet Makers_ Hard ware. Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Am`- munition, and General Hardware. V %'Agricultura.;l Implements, Garden _& Field :T6gl s, &c~._' cl) Iu[_ Es, hill no.-nu - IGENEHAL uAnnwA1m WA[lEll0USE,i` ` _ -1-l-1 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. N.B.--A_ll.personsiudebted to the undersigned, either by Note 'of'Handv or.Book Account,` will take notice that the receipt of eitllex-_ will {liqui- date the debt. ` . ~ ' -A ` * ' -'1:n.1Dm' A-nn qnnbrn /Av" uu.'.Vz1u.u 01- un_nu`n) DQHHLUALV nave ILIS day formed a Partnership under the style of Sheridan Brothers, for the transaction of 9. Gen- eral .\`le-rcan1 ile`Business , to be`carriedfon'by "Ber- nard Sheridan in Kiug 3'Bui_ldings, next door `to the Post Oice, Barrie, and by James Sheridan at Allandale, Bn.rrie Station, and` former-ly occupied by :Bernard' Sheridan, where they intend keeping a. large a_s_sor`t.men_t. of Goods snxitahle tntlie trade. jg. 2 Bbggie a._nd'a'Light Waggon fog-,Sale.. `A Ca-sh ./rhiiances 1:iIade"on GoodsV `i7ll{7ld(1.f07 Sale. April, 1363. 5 _ ' -_ EDVA_VIN'S. M_EEKI_NG', ` . 'L"lVC E'NS_E.DAAU.CTI~.ON am COUNTY FOR MEDICINAL and DINNER `use, of the - nest quuality, just received by -, A _ ' -T . V T KEL:\IANA& C0,, _ .- ` D[I1ggEsts,. &c., Barrie. ` `Also, achoic ldtof GLASS, OILS, PUT'l`Y,' ` kc. ,A good i1sso1'_tn_m1t._ofVL:u1ics" Suppor:ers,- Shoulder Brace; Trusses, `and other Surgical ap- pliances. . - A . KELMAN l\..;....,-: . . - n._ h_,_', r W`u.V iolent-* n pros . killul