_ 7r63-% 3 itrot llI Il g8!;|'h.i_l motnipg _Iho`_tq cu I But vorililllb boliyily. and price; tqmninj with- .,>o'uI:inIprov_Vc`n:`nt- 3 `iVO:50iI5'I' ya lItdIy a L -'P**PIi.?;5!#fi?3?I*9'**!*?is`5"!5i`tiiP'*9 "id *v`W?"" :-r'-o==-u- to _, ' nIwpI _UuugU _"llPIyo __ l -Tire-efotlowiriza hag in-"it thegerm of mm... ` and peofiieeinrgeneral-would do we.| to porrder `nerioliy nponit. `L-The loss 0f,;jyliIh ienot the Rnuik of: moment; northe immediate effect of: d3`3e`_ab_e upor'r'tti_e`gy'stem.` for nature acts. not by euddeir I`8vu`:si9'n!.f_ nor ohoins consequences} wittirouten active cause. A few` mnrrths,- per- 1 haps I aingie one, mayenfce to lay the feunda-a tion of; 'c_omp!ic,atio'n-of disorders, for dioeaa `inns secret as it,is,insidion. in its operations. ` As the lvy,._ent'vrineo the Oak _ior protection, but ev"entna|iy,derItroyn its stalwart `supporter, '- so `disease g:raduai!y`nnd'er.in`inoo the constitu- tion unseen Ind Infelt, ti!l the `health "in irre- trievabiy lost, or ruined. beyond I-odern`p,ti'on.. A slight inoigrrilicant cold neglected auho corn. .menoer_n,g:t frequently -. terminates in asthma, brorrchitis, consumption, oi-,1-ome other fatal * `complaint,-jjvrhic(hA viill defy fth _rn_ost akilfnl -` fractiit-inner." In ,th`s`oiaas of diseases Dr, _'Rad-` way, the `renowned trave!ier_and;_ physician, T hI'e-had the most ex'tensive.pra`ctice' in this or any other ego, and conaeqqerrtiy his ` Pilis and: "0in'trr,rerr't hnvebad agreater anccese that any other inedicineo in tlreannalu of science. Dr. Rad way does not ns'_sert than-he cures caseoof cotirmed consumption. though hie remedies tiriligive relief afterail other means have-fail.-. .e'd,.b.ut he corrdentiyvatateo that in incipient > urges of eonanrnptiop, aslhtna, bronchitis, L , 'dip_theria`,andt:deaease`of th et.hro|,tiand'ch.est, his pillannd `ointment, will eect adecjded and 1 pe:'rrnan'ent,cure.' 3'1-`he-Pi|L'a'ct'on~ the blood; and rreutralr_ze.--thewvirus which deprive: it and n at the nme_'time'the_s, reqitalize and invigor- V jojteir. .. V -The ointment. .nbs.orbct ti.rough_ the sk_in'um'eaI`_ inrbibeo nit, p'reients-the'.'pro- *'greu_r'of [diseases ofjtho lungs` in`~tho'early rages of'corisorrIpt`ion_, andf also -muom` the A `phlegrir which obotructerespiration in authlna or .brolIc_hits. Thousand; inoveiy pan of the "civil. ized world hnebeen cured of these, `by; the Piliaand `Ointment after one other rn;ea irn" had been ex haunted withntrt'_ouoc`oa_o.-`- Weeklr /J 0l.t.r7!ia1i 0ldt'man. 5 ' ' P ' ' _.vI_v_u, v uspns. Ptu-ls_I P'riz. S;rI.iua| Jermey; .0.r6.;: 2Vr1dV .JohnsIp;m,Yeap.n.' _. , V ., . Timotla-y'Segd.`_-15: Pr2zg,Wi||_ia(n 'Hick'.ng', ` do.,*Char'.n p.ms`dg9,_om-; am do.,fJos'eph Ora. " . ' Tqreae41'Vsu'.Priz. V. a !e:I Ragike-,` 0fo'; 2nd. d_o.,'_.Job'n Darby. -Vapvm" ` ` Joann Tnouis, `.S'e'cfet_d'ry, , `B,'r_r?'o:`,' Marh _71h._` I563.` : "_ ' " 1 T3:;l':='_l-`l;IclTr?;;; 'W.ifi_i.m G'arAdnfen,'v().rn `; 2nd uo_.; Francis Bntc!ay_-,` lm_:i_,l`; ,3`i'd -,do., Edwlard _;CI_'_O, Vespra. " ` pb)no_I--I D;-Sun` `E-u-1..-! `l...._.... n-.' .; d_ 1` \1.cI.uI__IlyII. uni. . ' Spring-' W/mu; 1_. Pm; gFtaAInciaA:: Bm'a_s5-. TIn`nTi`sI; v.`2v;,1nJ_do..` Frjnncis"Batcl{ay, Innisf; _3!__Id6{.' Mama Johnyon.` Veopra; - ` `Radon- Illprirn, Qnunnnl Inn-usu` ' 6... . 5...... null yupu-`mg mootqony rppqrrpf lboij gufnqlamon makes'm- appennnoo, _wq shgll, `no _j doubt, find out; ilg amuudt of bimkum; 7} A .|:9l_-7: ]=pql0|` I| Collingwood hadsbocu by _w 1 poli],ica}l_" puh`ishn'_wm. Inf 3;)` pogn Qhylngatubr for Npnll` Si mcoe.j -yhj0ho 9h opr. uu`,_,d7giIn Ihotia of nqu{ivy._iaIo' jg_t ." The l!oy_"waS c|9.91d `for! MB,-.-. 9-45-.9: lsjfljegr iriuo be reopened. Wnrondn I... u-.. .ll._|l'!l|ln Luuluu auul_I_II_vIl.~ Vuupnl. jB_zrley.- lsl~Prize,_.,SI_rnue! Jr-rmeyA.f Onto; and do., Charles Pan.ri,dj"e,0i-o; 3r_d dQ.3 Jgg9ph Johnston. Venom, _< nut- 1... n-:-...1n:n:__ rv'_;.n.__. 'n_.- n . auuvvu, Ivlnuu WIS!-'Ill'V_ llI.'l. ` > - " V "l'h'a_ samples of Oats and Pen were mutat- oudand gobd. . Upon me-whole we consider, not ivitholnnnljnga d'eciem*-harvest1:19`! "year, the and "shown was quql jto _(h,at of fovmei. -years; j T usfr; or sucgssgrui, _oono'1j!::1:.1on zs A: 7I'dIl ` Wlwal-:ls !,Prizo_ JqhnT|iomsnn. Oro"; 2nd ,do.', `Abrah/amfart, OrVo,; 3Id do.-, Wzlliam ' G.niul__n[or. Om. ; CV......\.... llIL..;.1 1-. n_:_- l!I--__!," n rpt prize was i_I`_iqrdbd. ?"'"w7.::.;";;;;'*.;?;.:":;.':`:r.:.. 1m;.,'u;. -gr Spritig What "shown, one particularly line, of tho, yariezy cilld Fife` Wheat`; for ivhich the Thdrn- un'rA nnII it-nr nnannlhn nl` R-lilac`: - "'.'=""1'$r'.3J-'AJ';Z_ S'o'?'7}`C}o.-_[,.;m,;n of my shown, which wemlary. TIT-r.j ' ' " -`IL . no-n`-n nu nail- -nal Donn &;o... . .:;n-'..'. n-guy---._ ow! `j-"-u?._' -,w--u _o-7w-_-gvx-., A YouIf.`Ji_d;'ufn,- gjipoiiljgg _I6,nwuV-d ~ pl-`xes. '_fo_t Ihi So'ed'G;ain,*Ih`ov1r:TinV Barrio this day`,- bgio repdrli that Iliii J)'a!_e_cnrgfui|y? xamined` jtha di'ero n`l_:|oi_a.of`-vuin/entered for competi- nion, n_nd'h'ave nwarilcd Ibo `prizes according. to Il) ev!_'ntihm'ded- in .10 your S'erol'uy.' V ` `Thorn Iibnn n'n.lu:ra`n|i nnnlnlnn nf g" llmnol ii?! _i;"1I_;_}:'-doaVdA'i.:"I;c;u}f'b:s};;}y:"VI ' ""' . . There were onlyfq` ut a;amplVuAof_Fa'll What sThov_nn,' ;No-'l'.m`d ;2 wre`gool`., .. Thain, Inch} nnmnl nu:-nllnni ' an-nnln `Inf ,.-uu-y _- v - Y-v-rvw vg -- - -- ilziigu of ,5 3.? it-9: T ; "0"/_i_`r'|f!'76:.7 |.l"Iv.__{Qfl'.)y|\:| fd :' vigil; Ttom our iurilhfoh {tort} nd Orillia, go that V fW0' might iligog` `byi nijko `yj`niutun_l ' ax ' =1---an at may-sn%;V':nrevye-on pan: cow L - nor fail if V hnnger bf_EIee'd` is des'it_able._` A -,wo r'd lfa is oicient . -Aniiexed mu baV:{ugg`_iuTnepo'n'ur u.-e_Judge2 ` Mann. $93,` _Mbin_Q . anti. {mg I ._ -_._-_.l ;I__ ..,`!.___ ` I weLmm-a.a.- I ."So':tl F1i'l'c,ljl'l_IOVi_IV[ sin vwodnogdny-|uu,`Iho 4h ic`;sIo_z_it,ubn'd"Vl jinv umoh `g'nIi od_I6 lie juablod ` . . f-"'-I`a?`-'0 9oug qug;.pI rar mo `prim oaa..a by. :uo~Ag";i- q|illb;il:L.;SodVidtyV. apiritd.-Vj No 190: 7 mm -' A. .::tyusngI;:oixsa;ori.,aia'nn:_-gnu won on- :T37oIo 'r fumci| idle bn band from lnniil, 'qIg_. nd q_tmy_ got the .II 2:-` L.-_-.__'._ nu. - }uaa%ro;;eomp1ai:iap, boqidd ucdi. .som of ' I 3-If; .si.n. ._`,;ubio upqti tiie "late .P0stmaltef,G'a'n7ral in '51 .v ..th_e;(_)ppo`sitioh.`) V -. :g"et tin5g\out bf ; direct-talgehdoti only just bu_ t tgrV-_i ' _:etl,';tryin g Ltoprovo that ""'tw`oV b'il__(!,ks_"ll18_'ke a. " Itllgged was that Dubsim had . been"t'ut ne`d out, Jot dfanftt well; psta'bI1in;lred,- arid_"[ia{l.-farf ;_~._wards.beeii restored`, . Bu ; tvejar'e-litririgVun der- (And was it't'ho>kind_"uo' ".`earnealIy~ -and`fe'tA-: ; -.:;wolb'.Iotaording_t_6Vtlie-Conetitulionr :DoeI thin`-i .. ;5 pporogationo'f':'the taut se`ssion,-n Mr.i-Nash V - mu, ho_weve,r, dismissed Jvithout any `other "1 ' "L uonthiautltevdesiretn provide-forAM't-.. Fol'ey- ;aj i _ 1nan underatob,d.hi9} b usinoss,./while Ptiwjell, 1 V down,pnliticiofi,' ,w'hq know; nothingiof` iriilithry T `p`ta ne."- `Bin tovmqke--the niatte`r."atitl _\_o.s, i'_t`:" -. `nppentu thsr those ggntle men-'onA thq 1`rt-.aaur'- :l-. D Benches dfnred -not: deprnvg_ ;.Mt.= `Nut; for big . = * _h_ag "been.-cotitinuemthtmg-hi h`bas_.no'duties` tp . Fergnion liorepotited hivrtnuif tkqr'eca_i.ra" 'i.`rep'i.'y*_ T hint no rop_ly_i:n"tne .-]. - Mt. Ferguson peaumbde " `thbiridictatidn he withheld` thegxitiott hcfhtnd _ A.qm`uio_a`n`s,..and_.'th"oro at -itrno_r'nin.e`o"in' tho lrouggo, had not `only-' ;_cutlItn`tlled ito either `I circulars requesting the; R_ugiatrars.'of_; Pt"tiei to; 4 may now cnmmisaions Tu-`us one gang;-to, -']`.m,.. . .-Music. Wotthiogtmji utiti Bmne|'.:~u t 1 cyst`.-(to: '_ Foieiy mttapnit"to_'aay'thht` 1q'fTett ce now"chargedlagaitiatihim `wan .cha`rg.e-_ much worm foim.~.A(_Qries-o`f phi! ,ti_'i:1'!-ftotI|_- 4; - Mr. Itfrgnsfdtia-Th:ttA`ivait'a` tett _1W`I}`...of ' rI'vh.ita., (-Lnugh_ter.i).' Whatfh`e'f-(Mfr. Ferguson)" .1 new Governmemj. Was-' viii; tithi `_ Itinil 6| : vulahneso and impartiatit.y. they fs`nhta`tl;`I"' Wu ;juhg` kind Ith_e'y "wished .othe_'ra` tb`v-practice 1. me_n_tly payed-for"itt`tlta Ad_drbia. "raga. no i 4nd.an nppe;_l loxlhc House. enti`e_atin?g,lhetn` to ~ memo` wo'll't'r'oi|i thou gantlqmcni-who hu'o_ in -10 mny instances; in so short 9 vpebclgdeparte xndfrtimiit-_? ;lt itvillho` remenibered thin. at -yllf Daiptity-Adjutant-Ge`neral. `_:f; Militia ;._he ` igilowotbwnsmjn. Mr. `Walker-Powvfell.1 It. was` Q admitted `that - Mr,.;Na sh,_ w,ho,.anA a.rnilitary4 brot;en.down'iiourm_Ir atom keeper`, 1: 'broken?. . 'caiia'_whatover. was 0l)bst'it`t_lt_8d"ln'Mt`.`Nishfgi 'ular y.,t and that his`-pay} u;i*to>tho_*p'i'_a'se`nt .--times ' 3 etformt. -H9 wished {to.be: jiufomaed` by the inigm-.o,.Ws`t woreitheao things t_m_o`.` [Mn ' AIAthdrdil.>!t0AI 8P1)':|h0`f3'8'"|[ivWOi'Q>-itlmit-_ "ted, and-he-(Mt.--Ferguson) was not-ty thgt. the` `.-War Min5stet-had_ao `_blou`ii_s`hju| hiypagt 5 it ~ character, T_h.0n,i there ;wan*thq S9! icvitor'-Gene-A ut Wdst, -who promiaqd the Regisuy '_of_ce_to . Mr. Boultbob, of New.murv_kat ;_z_a`nd` what `was ; the result f ` Th? `hon. .`gon.t.lema n got-' 1 Vigi; Juno: committee" Aoatladfi together, and antler , ' iomity pro.m_ise`d' Mr. -Bot !!! .'ntidi. put `in ' ' ajtegd 3 mitten ; T-clerk,` .w-horcvonid hardiy`-` Aoonntuthosackdwhioh baiuiofto the mitt. :'Tho" fvigiltttoe t_:omini_Ne9 were `composed - tujgqly of-b Rggistay V oie_e.=tho' reptetenta_tivs "of Yattku . " IIOIIQIIO; T '(I.*`au_`t;t_iter.)' ;iltt'that,w'Iy'ttiey` tried `to upset thojconotitution;!_. Ho hid. uirndyV _ pbintod out that tho_._NltniIt`ry`,.vih.o,;~hud_'ho - 9thor ca't'e:b_ut that ofienjpying ivh'Qif`!IlI'tiel_iti__ l_ldl_ the tu_|t bf trqming '_ Biit3,'htgiitIz inbnddt (tune one.for_thmelvqs`; but had 4.`Vc0l"lI(l[ill_o(!;' _ all the mom ardnoun duties of .thafey`or'al. do-_*. T'pantr_nentn to Comtnissiqnern; Auiongf uh; nlo: 3' ,,`Thi s Cummusiou `val `odtnpqted-cf jho country oi 0-po_r d'a.y;uch.fI`nd4e`on ti:i.; colloids. and wLhtnt:e tnb.o,ion_-' r_epo1;r=of. ` ` gu?ntlamoutnakos'itui Inoelinnm; .. .'s.-n -...= L .l)e;piy_4Jiidgo Wiggly? . f,"|`|L , - rondhm MIIRK'EI`*. . ,v 'VM;,p;;;$3_`:;L. _ ` eninui-`:,`; 1 -_ * .. I i.|-.-'`T\`V`\3. `:5 . V - Inftha` bnilditti-intently qocttpied by Mr. N . Kin! ;;glx:_.T; l in t 'ti_caVl-.0h_emist,.nnd for _.(ho la:i'x'I:l&`yu'I:_,_e:j `prfigithe: uto'nslve]estab- t :g ` !gg_qnt' of8jl.9P`D,. Dungp|ngb,(To.ronto, lm . 'lllg__9:g_,.4biI"|1 _ ; `with n :,uew`t_o meet the full gr`e;qngjcn;eliti`o `lite tr'u1e',Innd hu 1.: complete 3 .4ug.,.cIn'..bc found in Toronto; The *n qx_t.toAtho_|toto,o!.McOonkey &` Boss, Dnnlbpt` '% is that n... -- :1IlB.IOIl'II nelay loan: and thelot well watered, there being three running streams; ._'l'he Timber consists of Maple, Beech, Basswood, and Pine. r llelides the 50 acres of cleared-.land, there are ` 6 acres chopped and ready fbr. clearing; and wheth`sr`for quality of Soil and Timber, or lbr eon,- .ve_nient`nit'untion as to Ro'ads,APost Ofllee, Church, the "Farm alert great_advantsges to the intending T settler. ` V` "'l'he'P_urehase Dione} is h0O'-200 down, and the remninderin ayearly instalments, with ln< A te1"est:'or, (if taken subject to the Mortgage now. - on the land. payable on lstvllareh, 1865) 125 . down, andbalanee, .with interest, within 3 years. 'l'he'owiAner-o_`ers the land at a` gfeally reduced "pricefto enable him to meet other engagements. . *' An Ii: -----l-~- Bgrrioi, FQb.. 13, 71s_cs_. _-*-----v%-r----r---- ,- .--A.v --I--nu nquu so marl oil!!! tn`!!! Apkvliation `Io JOHN FOX on .the j Ind` for.'~furI.her `pnrlictars app! (if M no-tvp-wto ` `D A`-Mann g. 'nn..-. ._. ------ nu IICGI Ills IIl'VIll_I"I. Fnnn-_adjoius St. Ge0I ,'o Chin-ch, IE- dontc; and is within _tbreo miles of_ `Price : , Cor- not-'0, Mu-clilnounti P.0'.. on the cold water Road, and within 3 miles of the Btonund Pout Oice at Ju-ran : 091-mu, on the Tovnliqei of 01:0 and llodonu. 4- ~ ' : l`b'e poilio (clay ion: lheibt will ivntend `Ml ! being INC runuina nlnnnr TL. rr:...s...` _ V _ count. Oincx or `run Gr.:nx`or,1'n_Puc:, Fi, 9th `trates who may from time" `gentleman whose name is inge Am'is sion of his appointment. V ,fen:_ed` to. `PI have Also to request` this`D_partment wigh the T N.B.-'l`be Clerk of the P Commission of Dedimua Pete the Oaths" of _. Oice, "and hujs\-. V is authorized by Ian gondminzst er uly notied uch 'dfin the cm- ._ has. also pro-` rided the proper form of the`-O '0! Qualica- Iion, prepared in-accordance wiv. Act ro- `_"" .3'i_.".f :.~rf1.5 c[;;a..,...;.% dn'.ied `(hm-DI}; t`;`e.u;.}{a' "lllden,`disthigedA;-_})y the late .P,06tmutet._ Q G%nial,`inf ',_inqo1'sqi} ::|ha.,_{:gct_d' `I_l_, Rated, by! - `Mr;fFe{nson..- : :.-.=- '_ . L `,Si`n;coe:rvn7okingoaIl 7 `gentlemen therein `their taking, wit/tout dc .tion 'pre scibed-._by cap. V . General Oi` Sunni ' (try, Izod appointing the County. _ ` - v_Y9I1 Wm"!!! long) to notify each Magistnte of his up - ` ent,an_d at the ma. time, to call their cue - to tho-necessity for the 0Ath_of Qualica- ' of tho Conuolidntcd Szaguxtes of Canada; . ` _` , , V `request A. 'N,B_._.'|`hal'`.lmlp..cu...n . o- - -A Itheir ' ` - uuuuty. '" lion `prescibed - 1 >1 `IIIDQ glam 0.. '_.....-- who qtialied A de_r the foxmer Com unintentional] ' "be actipg in` iguo -t`u.c,t, without ; `ting the necessar; Clerk of the Pcv begs to call their , _lbe following e tact. from thefletg i fromthe Pruvinc lsecretary, accoi 0ommission:-- - = ' ' I have the hon _I Commission of .Si`mcoe, all 8141301: `gentlemen Oounty _~ Ynn l-ill "HA ` --~--` -Peace for t_b nu... -nnavvlnly an uv nvl-nl Illaia All persons gr; lin_bl_e to painqin Stomach 0: -Banach. or Chaim Morbus, M'hlCh should ueverbe neglected; to rth and Eamcl|e ; to Nura!g ia. which in to conuollcd by IM nund,.||nn il can bc called on Ihmkivzg ol'__1'l; or I-y sud. den colds; also to Nervous Suck Headache. caused by In; ' teat-I indiucrelinn. I"au gu_ or Can; and fluv. Lou of _sleep, which--Jmigu . 1.aIvyrs.`Slvdnm. and Batman` men. anzzioutmatllen and aged persons. are :11 Iubjcc; lo ndnva most polem cure in Hun -swnvxn Tour . Axuontar. and mnov-e perfect Pain Killer, or F urnily NcceuiIv.' II no: `go b_e_found_. Byjho above is meant ~` cure." or um"... .. gnu perfect Pain Killer, Nccs{iW.:'no- In be found. mean} cure? of money In .bq rfuudcd. =Fnc~sim-Va of" `J , L. . Ha-fncweils `signature. our com; of genuiut holly. Seq advenilement. ..._j._..__..__:..._.___..___..____* %Va%l%I 1abl e % Farm-7--A Bia:rgain.L F RTALE -nun ur-...-_._ V circulation, (and iiurify and expel u iloflowI;} sPillu- Pu-egnIn'c,v-Durln um I delicqig ninnivon, Iadauvwill-experience great 1: er hy `u-jug tbIa'mildcaIhar1,io medicinc Ru correcting` those in.. dispositions axggl nausealinglcknus to which they are lub- jeclallhis peuod. They give :1 Fans -|ni`mu|uI~ Io lhe ' | more Immors wh...'|. Je_cl at um peuou. Tncy cutie -Isi`muIu:~Io cx'pcl 3| more` human wh,h c 3. irrilnie the uolmich gm] how most delicate cumlilumm may lake them wllh perfgcg .-a`eIy. -For assisting females an the dnum or womanboud or an lhe mm nfli-; they are equally udapma, sum by ,1; .;D-`uggullgl 25c._ 62c and 8!.` per bgx. - ' 19 , ?-- They art so .1uild Ihu mg . vvuulavwlww, V: I7`: J1! I, I : :uia&{'co.:- - :GuuLvu:-gA_eIu|d of nine. about eight Inch -16, - was u|.`_e_n will: gnty uurevco_l_.a'. Not bug; ullendcd to _ `at once. u li!l|`ed"olIIh0 chat. and ultimately tamed. imo Croup, in ilb won; form. e loeunedeal pnetmn in I/u tau-tuna: mild in, am` Ac, aftev hit; u-cvytbiug is In . pmocrgtordievc hr-butdl in uIn-gue herup an dad. I now Iookper in hand no sc}_'m_nd mbbodher chcglond but w51bRAD`WAY S RE DYRRLIKP photon hl'y,'wl'cn, ' h a coume of}: few boom, aha vcinpm, u now is as well and he-any u 3 chlld can be. ` 2 ~ . ' ' '1 un gentlemen, your obpdiem vernal. ` ' JOHN HOGG, xA11'w4rvs n1z,4nrm:ur.-2 .-. ..u;.. .n...___--.-- Editor ino Propridlor Collingwoad. (C. II.) Enurj:riu.'r : Q4vlIUl ulna: Iv|n'u|uI IuVlllll3IVIRRl- `U. W..) " `uuyrnu_n kAn'w.4rv.s sz.4brnzL;z1z in uldby -nru;,a...; - DR.-RADWA_Y &: Cu., V 501-`men, 87 MAIDEN. LANE. sir.` 1-mos 25 CENTS mm` Box; . non-.= .M_r. Foway` bgllpclznnredf `aha: :LhsliV' h3`?.`d6{:\ - {I!m"n`ed oI_it.l'ho Pqqtinul of Yor_|i.v'i'llq "Ia aliod byj Ilia ri|9tiher' for SonmSjmc,oo' ; . _ih a'H_mh`ad-. diimipsed by; big predjecessor, nnd"th`a3` the; ' ichargoh `made ` hg.i_ngl; Apim V(M'r.' Fqiey) jute` '-_fumruo.- -' :_ -1 -"_ ..;~ `by Ihejdmlnmrnv of RAIMVAWS REA D; R - __.v.- -- ._ _..-.- v.-- fuuuwui vrru ,. ~---:.-~ `_ ._ - `V ` _ Irllllh -~ meaqe1bo.vuol pnnc1p|e-1hu we Iucceuvu` :35. `Ll . I uenof Cr , JlllT'I.G[I0'. louenzn. ' ` d` ' - a3s3.s_ueqn:r. xunguwavrs ne;AoY"1':'i."'f.u'+';"# be used whcvueized wishcuhct of these eomphinu-ul ' dangcrwill be removed in a hw~_minnte`s. The follow; lciier r-om Mr. John H053, Editor at ma Collin ' ma: II C. W..'Euuxpu'u. sh_owa-the of RAID 1!' ;K3'ADY REIJEF, In case of Crone. , , . 2 In-ernom Mr. Joan uoxfts Editor shows-the ;R`Al_1Y Rl5`{.l.EF, in case Croap. olmnknunulrn 1'. `H 1..-: 9 W _ ncnnnrgi .. .. - . . ` Inplf active Inammatory and Nervoio dag." . ` * ' , M.ob)ecI qroold-be; I_n noliovovtlpe pnlicmof` weave mo.-vual Iucceufuz {' .c-,,.,g,&h` I Inn: `by Ihe `ndmlumnnan or mmmnns man ,3:55;`;'f.:':.."::r,,.`.t:.'.:;?::'..':".::":aa;'*:,*;='-.:;EE%` n: nfew` rs, all Ingreeab!e`fee will leave you, ",5 zouxgmn will become charges! Iltbe` oloeuaa ea .2 I . '- Tn nli saliva; "nn|"nn|nh-nu only` N.._.... .a.-_'-._, -yon` ypuy, vu-qua, LUIVDU M l'- I IUN -- DEA_T__ .` . . Tbonundoiu-fuIrrfedin'h"nvi'nnIimely rue, becngq Jllev neglect to-..hIo curo at |~l|i[h| . Let RM). V mvq: READY IIEEIEF ha and, when you IN. temim, 11; yu Jain clnahl {Ind ill--will be well in a few hon-:;,_do`.not,\ain um you're winced n caught, um aznnu bu tjulenegl upon` yon`--,l:_:`qu gbe indicanon or pain-.-Sure Ilgroyl, Head-ochoandoybernnplunnn. if no; .l!"?.!.'!!|y,p|``' 'f.'I'P'=='.-.".'. 90 38.4 OF mum, cow. C0vGHC0ws.UMPirtoN%--mzm kin` in" ~nm`.`....|.. .....- .- , Nev A won} to the wine in iucient.` `us an, v.I_-I-_uv_qu.nuvuu`IIry, 0| ` `~c.uu-.mus cozwrrnou town:-:33 . uh Mr" nil: unywhcn {us 2.1;, _l.`4`Io 126; ind Jha exertion ddu no! but `hot n the bug ~ 5.15 L_ -n1\__n__;' 4-1-.` . "_ c Ivvna Iv luv 'II -1: II UIIIHIFIUIIIQ son by m negnm-;-zojcanza`-per Package. ""I.F"!"_'_""! "'l""""`.".'|' 10' his l_o.knom ' 1&7:-know Ind wagon uu yon. Her own.,',_ . Im Mr. Win.-v.c.r.nom.-tr. `one or `cnAn|?.-Inna: linnlrl-nnu nm........_ _ -..-.- v . av-.-J.r-5;-.,-I!91!!-?-RI-9';!'!_.,*!'* ?fipitroreu-aadao2'=thJuu-po-ot%V :' IIOI Q .1`-oI'au pI.a*hdd%tooh'oxnij?21 o ro'vaii o {::Vt'%n!iA3`iI"=-. . , ,. -. > . -.. -54 :3 , I; john:-_m_zhbo'=4s-n-awry-`arm mo-ah K*%i!=~ TIIUM T ';pu.uia_hhiy" wgu;qnng',.;buu-amiiaa` " : :l_urnigmumhchid:-d,iohargqd:fbbir=~m6niiSir" ` who M_ommH?ou Ofci zawnjom. `u,ua a;f`- iiit 'Iilh'nI ~coIipfonlioo:`V T` Thil-"WC!'lhQ`illlpi"!; : znlilyuf flbib exemplary Govemmdnl; Aga i`n, A .- `bounce 1 person Ind opposed himat ll:o`Wes3}; ` T ho. had mrnodiom his _widow-j{io'm' tho ' chug; ` .._n_qunlry, lhiollgh` ma: ;g'euuama`,n I_- 'dnug.htg'r, ` ;1uy nbsLeuoo_ in _tba_" -Siam, for ~1_lzia I purpose 3of 2d.e}jy'e.Iingraeriel-ffseymonsg ptvlho-d_eu;iraV '9! " _AbpA,_.C_du) [-ilv tion of ..nnnga; .h_u,in.: .. fa`-;;4` ` it. such :31!!!` nlOtuu3Q=j_n}g!1i`f`qdl f:aniaT." ' n: iuihig Union and e'Pli.lfI.IIr 1113 ' oipi'|Iptn nib `-.i'l l' au? !AI Iy-* - ' in; 1!-t-`minis-vy*. V ll'y_;`cnm'incH1O siloonidlbgtauuinlaonqllul-i'5[if%.' ~ ` ' `: f l: mos-she comm?-d.`n:m=sndA.so* I#t'0i taxfih ' ',~_IhiolvllI ul nfou h.I`zI'iAI_'r'o`at!y-_o:p'rnI_rIii(_of,uI,."*-..*1'.t:y:' _ v&Q:=Pb|lu;'ulet.Gnotil1ncd` uc'I'un'Ify -idtliitltlgi. ' alihn -h appointed mtg`; ;':Iba`fT[po`ri IouAa`.;gnt_it_p 1'y" xp'o.w~u&`gvoo'n hands.` The` gel vm a `crying,`_ L sihumo, and he coals! `hn_rd|y1.cuncoin .-how 785009 Ihroo Iuccuon `(o`llM`1'|I-h!fI`0'iI' ipliol 1 `lf_'n:ainnllfPotI.0ica.; He} had` afmigminaa-" ` "gumbo R9v."-Drj.` Freojla{ul,~tha`- p`omnuI9t_ fo*r"._ Yorkville, on-Iho_jrlen.;hat*he fwu.-not; mum. ] 4AlJ_ll(lB|`_'lil0_IIl_!ho!'ily'.`(1_f. the 'Deparn`a.'n!, , dIInd--'_ .lo the dulioiwf-the oico duriiuzsbia lampor- ' ---_.. -_--__..- . ._ L_J Ir %`Z\ *rVmk % ihnexftiscntcxtifz} ausavs/gsasav-.rv\~A_`_-... .. - -::- [ musslox oras PEACE rm igsued; for the, County of Simcoe, ' Magistrate: 7 Commiaainn .....,. wan saoupn Be In lV`l8Y`fAIlILY.' ..-.-.....'-.- l:..|.|- 4.. ..-:.._-._ o.,_. . - -v - uyuuvu Q ":l:3,;R`U/G 785150 lllm ' I}. it . uyuu A`VA III] III! pnrlictars uppij 10"?- naaueu; I01` me, Uounty Commission may; 7be. ignorance of the king the _necessary.-Oaths, the ` theiiattentiun I9 rsible tb.t some or the c xaecretary, ::_\cco`n , gc lice, 'and"hujs\v. 11 I muneia 'd"i: xppoihtment, .' ` |_u I@HUvIll `guy. * Counsewuu, C. 7., Jun 1,181 n r ' ` ' A --7... . v--_..-. --v In uv_uuuIIvI- T Mr. Foleyankd.whatjli`ivo'uIJ lhhif wif.-he had not turned _outfIha- puny in quklioh -.,L.* Mr..5Fargus'on'-'-vwonldilio pay [it wfu not Irwin, -.?I'o:_-|pod_ .h;iIII .f _ ` V b _ ,'og:|hul Iha'.inem`bor' {9rf.Eul, ; _Y9{k_ umln-' '7" Ii VII! W M'0-.W.oIld you unmo.`u....,. flail Isl] I-nu Il.`. ...-_ ' can :ue1r>8l temion 1 tbefletjer of advice. wry, accompanying tho 10-ll. lacing IO- _..,., pugvum-_ uu Iuq Augnlyi, wt "llll, parpoaovl `~d_e1iy'e:ing- Va=aer'iesV-of seimons; pi V the desire` of Qtncny 'pou_o_ns wbo.had- ~k-_im'_wn; him in. _the. did f_coimlry. But'1='wh'oI9w'as` lhd 1-nub-" Ililnt foI{Dr. .Free!ai:d 7. . It _ina'n"`i. Mr. `Dob- n9n`,.w h_6 had `been.'forme'rl.y*'dinisod {gum .1116 lune` Oice ai`a_dg}_'auller. '_ : . ` Ind` :6dun:|_`;tau , whit; _l,o, -Il'I.o`_f u:;qvamau_g_gV % 3.:l::!xt:':*;_:.v:t:!1.:3: '_:!2z:J::'-.1..'*3.?:?:;;I .'.*_W.lll`Ill_lI|IllI.__ wanna - I}lIllIlUIl_' I-Ir -_ `i.'|!P|.iIfl1y; hnd:;inl,.Il|. Hwy:-imagnn. . ' .%..!-;"..*.::.L--as, *7-2 P9.-k|.* % % pinch _lolho,*No lI'-'iu__t urfr"i_tor_1. ;. V but |!`3'PflI_I~!u`.hqfIt`'ilIll'i1`-iiiill`will? ` II.-.loMuIono.;'s.o he g.um.o`on_muIm_- qhichjr ._ |'0l|.|O_dTl6,-{be fcdngribuubna for mi:-buffering: ;. Englnh ,op'omiv_u ; but hominid l`l,M IO.,WI_]_I! A _ may :Mi_nium had todo `wilh. um. - 'l_`|.wyr .. .30! "T " 'v`tu'o~. uuy 'uIvuu--ulIIII |llVIl,l__I".'/' ggph in_s .1 -hope` thigil iuna _bnsi;;: ivi_|alu`ro`.__ would In, sounded In` .:.M.. -_.I .:.. -`.. -`.;'..`..m-|. ..-..:.:n =,'r,- _ _@thb;t'. f have;" :l_:;af;u`[ 1`6s@:.d[" `.ausea``2s' _wi`:hg1~1' th_at`t`_h'e.' gqvetgment` hays; "*don' 57for.,._: the] `n8W;-..C;mP.`.)_i" 5 V m_'mefd tu:3aa:`~:ju; ei: ad mim'Stntibn, =W8. tqzme rg.;u;naiy-orT_conamI`nsng;.-u he7iuIi .IDd_G-9_5!Gi3I` 3Iy:$hip:Gnn|. : 3 Th: _.iag_ tir, I"a't:c':ab'[ 4_`:f ithal".a`onalru`Ilio':}_`o[f Jhe . any '|.l{l,c\I cu; j Tm! rig` an , o_m_r'uo if Il_nq';.fI.jo g_`u Ia;gtiei,jt,`antA-Ihq;lbh minions _ _ . . .. - _ . ...`a.-`G-..-b -_n_ .'ij_ :.._._'._lf-I99/1,!!! practical Id =h9ul.d_ i`1ike_*`t:` know. (rim? <'.ti_*..'.";."'Y-.l`!.'1:.-'."'9"3Hg9!?!9fh'9'"P!1!vn f=.!h.-I iv` w*h*i`v,whm;.eygrI1*!*'`4fF .`-'?.. i'I.J55i`."3{.'i5... .`l1.535%?`33:%.?';% old ons-". -1`Lho2T1l:ct"of';lh8t;$sSi0h en?$: ;ainpsr-lupinalf-1m_iI_;p' bnsgmciion_36I `(lip won; Aclearlyio iii1!?1.y"thati.c1thing;-vfielf: 1}`;.9.hfr<-7'*i'.!%`?!h;i.g!*;i9g#94%91J-L509-= .lowajuq,e inj-=l`ie'n'of it;-_.is ,toVbe_ given. to ._9".9'?9'9'9'?9"1_"'!_`V '-`,"' -_A':'5v', 4""' ' _ V` 2 . ~. V . -I. . Th ~_;,_-ln_|hu uunnorxlho Prounc:glvGovem,ment *u V].'" t,`.'. ""3.,`]"T"_9.! P139-9 ._ n_edd;.[no!;.;e!pend'.'ong. do|_)(r.:on._HIe ,pVl oje,ct. same thing, ha.s_bee:_1'..impl1edly, __1f -not `Ajul n;norlnud,vg9ujId;ofcouro ba.;eul_m{l iIn_l_lhe ' ~ :_ " [ - conrpeq c"erl:I||nl_y";;vvj9nly4 Tv_oyeara_`i[ eI__|o . o_f.M'iAlitia; 'hiq1slf' Vinf_;s_om,ef explanntiqns - _ t_hn_t5*h_e;: `rece_l1t]y'.mmie f in `the rH'9use_ _st1_itnen{s_,thfyvidfyI1y`0I!e.`t5;i9n> % ilincrngingiibjhe i`I'1gV"V"?[:|||:OAI of the Broiinc,:hg- '._aids rbxirggyng` "t$bni`n`os_g "Io `lug ,_n`u'pr6du`cuvo v_roi_ka~'onj-A`lhL`S,t .`V.`Ignrnce; f V 7_ . .. = _. . : . -`, l'hIll,he:amdnionfa1fewVfaf`ii|"i6fbi'-; ` '$'l1fF!a .`.1`%-_ `_1`. .9Fv -}1PI._1__th95, Ad_d" $3."9 jehigp-aid `:_`1.e.`vv_r_;.g;.ga_.: T;ja 4e,:py;jcu `Iv'i?ll':lo`_ITr!.y` - :,vAn.d:yAet t_h_e_; vI(hole__;xm_t.t_er. hays-._been,:Io domqu_ax_n1o. tugs, - the fqzturg coq1_mgrco~-of Ihov %w'edndmv~*ied' **vW`**v: ::`**...:&';;'::%.:".".:t _ A V _ _ _ 5 jifci, |nd_(h'o' oalculutiqns i_If"C6l'.'R,;B. _'Mijon cetQ;gin:y;' jhug. All}e' EAngii)e_e_r.Jvhob w'as~.qsocinqd*wi_lhjariii` 5 j\f;fi{5t9l_l7:'9f`_8ai_(1`91l:`111838iIpjW{` l: 9{ f',"9hV .10. "9`", ` ;% %%in``i_W?f *."i ;.""""" ."4?`.".`-*."`.`-"_`.`!;`3f" " %:nm4 ns...;.;a;;%'ForJg;g;;.jrm. .CHi;gbI_lno_ .r M fawdeed-3. -.t.m1s=I9ae%%or,1861-ftsmn--d%Lr%o% 50.481362 , U .,the.quve"s_ti_`6u_ $319531!` :":""."?" .`h`:;':_Ing` uni. :ncft'e:a"q_aT pf. *mg'rg' than ' % n.1`bn f;P!9V`d`1"`.W."h. arm#s.%F99!9*` 2 `}'F5."$ 3$1'; ."}'d`iQ"" ""i"""%`L ` rhem%r99vs.%s' " .?!-T.?T a'7;:3:'2.' WY"! <`?F"?hY:9?91,!10Y';il?!?.'Fl8Ama!+. [ .: - Lana mg; 4ompiatViomt` :`o;6I;hi@g;g: ` .% g -9-*3?`-.v h;-d 3Tfarrthe-2% f!9#%'9r9!YVbi#$5 1 % .- T 1`.'a;caa;u .'*sani' J!xin1a'i.*f*`1:"f'i9ZY*.Vt!`t1:`159? ,: .. , , L- z`:n.; 'clo'th'1_ng`jiu{adl_ibitiqIi; vv`:1_:n_iVft`e<.3I`ajss`%1=jli,gii_z=;i f , . mg ,,.ayV:,..buzTiij:.t-%:iche _.1o;hig`4;%:j;1wa may mopeisnae%;:namvexn:neneass x`na'*`sn,s cam 1} _1 V .59:-3,-_v,u guu_Iu2|_|uI:oo*:uIIlall|lIoll|`t|'-`-" .; AMIB .M:l)_odIg`I|.i'_oIiqIit_o:k\:1`vdura.,I|no~ahon;A A 'on.|.|om.=1Ihadv ot:1ib=iaf'mmiohzf`=V g..; - . `Ml . 'Fnrnnnnn.'...'.'.'II:K;..-i-0. -. .`n .nav-vs.o..~.\.\....'. .; !hi.!.i`-ivg -`-`i I'I'-'*':- -`L!-!= j :-s0d?.i.lh!_id-"nft!59f- " `V um M " ~ 1. as:-k%? M ; : 3ll ."l.V__l'?:."i`-,:()fA fj;. , ...Mt ~ _ pork .f H%10 % _ ,I*'IIiN0TI.!`I||"9'.-?i ,1:Iwpmuad:nhn`;unMinim;manid?u;nr- rangoubont-:a:i1hs:ccn_inAlolihIfzmi - "'..*`.'l9'9':'~'ltI.1!I'vI'!Ii|55l.I`4|.!lU! 2 .fn3_rly,.oga.wii|qd:th n;._ ~AndVi:=.{wnii!o9Lupuil- : ad um` -om. jammy-.A. 1m|...r.'unist_.w `prof: to . molluy|hc`:l'ndinnI,.-bidesvgtcvfwqd;-rm Gut, rnltm; .impzt'iidb!o=,::iM'1begmg`J:id mane 5 Vfp?`;/lhN[ ooqlclrI_IIIt:|5o':d1I In1uiIhonl`il. == .- ' . g-._, - nnn'| |inII3'nn'nni:A.I..".uLn-. ah. . I.-- "` I.Iu.I..'|lI/I.l.'-|`l_l _llIll9lE`j!I"lDlOlIlI|l$ll L3. E Mt. 'l?Torg.II:oue-.+e'l!Q15i?;;-oI|ta'n_n'i:|;;:ln'[ o::_la"cd (aim fmn in -1.10"? dfvzslib .~h'oi_t.; ' Cpnuiuylot.-,of. . ='Cro1__I_'n, I-au`du..~.vho sun. mobilmwinun hniini in `mg: . and al"Ih_q rst im.erviow.-.-a'nformd:;_ihjo.- `laid?-~. 3 Il"I__UW |!|V;~SuU :I_lIJI_Io'; Km _ _ .7-V>IIl I!ih.='!l.l9 .:!I.u. ptobib!y..winIim having in `|_3 : .g9|'!a`ryjIo:|_>__e_"u Injmnus. .;_1.?l=`hu _inI|I7Il~nN_II1`- .108 .V'h .h cII.l:Iq_11qqiin|Ic:,i| PP`0Ld 0'.".'!0, 20.: t.o'nogn;_iuo, w?iIlI.ouxcr'o_.-.`lro:.o.I`ued.-:hi`s rms. `anu._ who dooiingd: to ;`5b5if~pf9|)'oI_i,_l,ii!l,' !_hp_t may. _neio`d. nu: c!lIIl'I nooo.nd~.Ii|_no;-. gml`eqI-` V prepvasgl-Vlo 'd 93_|9r`-ha .Ihna,; had _,,i,u;vfdaired eecunu .uIjn.oy=_h`ad. so -nhmit.-v.to. qIa'nrLoI._opaggu'r.q.,` all: ILhi__|.w}'q1;e'.Ir nnV,nn:d 119` inked v!.,.l1el.hj_o,I .i.!' sin. to .nteno[I`-?1vhoro am si!en..!nd th.-..r-1fo.m..it 'vu:mt_o,.=n' sum.-.Iv.n.-` ` Adincgeditllo lhu. hohq;:.g.qnIlgljna|j.f Foil; 1.11.090 AAgjgipgLhgauppoged' we fewgrg; toj . ` too.` - LBM -n in `not u-am:I'..:..-..- ~1!'.'.'7! I-9.-"mm-r we .-Ion.` Io ~:_l|Ill'.l.I:" :89! ,_nu,i.t {not , |Vuo'rgifyin'g:_ ,t o1, hn._ v.nA;.'l'-he natal" qfgis,,ExcblIonoy.'iggokod,in, _ co'n'neg{i,_oh . . -Zwiih .sn')db !_!|'If-.(!._w,d, and p__rol9ns,0l_ ..cp;}: |n3IIa-) W,E15NESi5$`$ MArL1%%5i1;i -v---~--v. --.-.----:-.- -.-.- '`"'."!`'-:`?""",I aim tofthe chain; "-0. -I=.'s%**nx<!>*I= r- =1 ~: .. . . _ '09 F.7-1!i".9?96i"k uoimn Wineld .`, ..,..,. .` . "",'l """ l'."'. `" ` _ _ _ ;~_-_,. A ,, ngouIfcQl"`!!| I'l5c!cn.our hitho;r(o,unprodn_c_-_ fa; oi.-M; .:ht1I.I'.Iwo=i;ihird-y.or `fig; 9~b'i:;rf;;!f.;_:k-gm-01.=;3!;;3;';;;`-~i!- _ ~ "~7 VI,i fi|.9"8T'C f".|` v * _ - -` '-" .' ".3 m .3& !'rPrvW*' `id- _ ~ % yr v_6n;~i~9a::;q;a`vre.' .~*i.8'-=i'ti'r-I 111.; ;A'..'n!n!_; than who T :: usu- . - _. ' ~ "IhriiIih: ;.!h"I3I:.-h`av.n hobs _a_gjd::: .a'f.`.", ..... n. .? gvai. T"'-'='3-T`-"'-""="'T`-"V 'A"'.".'-"""-'."v'..s'9"-'7""'. Vofrlif .ninI!.:`iC3i."l Id ouua\:,hIz% an 'b"'.f -.' `V -"' c'b" 7"" '".""'-""' _. V Icrlyeisiwiinjlhiglqhuog1gopg;l:A_.-ho}; _ j A A ._ _ I H V ` K I ;1;lo_%u;t,;t,onv.g:e_ruc_o 3, hpqhel, meoyuo Qaglwaip, ._m,;m,,,j,, on `fnol up good at Jun: anlianpuodcqngndorung " ' capId,invgated,"thp nexvthiing {or :h_cm _ijo_do 1%` `!'. *3.+i'-9%`? bl" )"1'.:?~8""!'. 3*.-. 45".: lhq objoa: wuifg and mo Imiihaio 311.-J ;;.|on`omjc`-.. j"qs,uId.':hq `obtnihd; uaanuch lief Find.` 5 age-:nsa-ta_i:g;g;mjuyi h;_;y;:1gg:a pm , to 5(v_vo: nudes. ' ` sou; 3iiu'o j "jib . ` billj !!..|lu."ili`\!.,l'fii1i|0ii"$06119 V 1,. gen rec. =uo7:un`o- w_.- amuipt. `Md mar-m`r ao_-_ *wiro~.'IiIaIt:lIm1i;sr3buIh-I` . H iywld :..;;`..;:n:a`g:1:u3;.:at:15"supe:cg;...-r:w.aa...i.a;.. |nnoIIing't1lII:iIlfal`p9tf6llll'In`: A` ldigi Q '9';*f'.-ipng..pot`LW"E 9"` i` j,:i_hp;-`.5 '.,,_ -pspay _a`a3'inbId. ` A ' i-I-.t.t,-J,-ct?i?ikl.!:%:h..ofs!:e.*!-.I!.-.f**,:,*` `*1!-.vv!iv2Io":1_'=`r(`-`.v4.ix_`a<=:e. ma:_o. o:; ti : [iiil`o,[|_:oyn._._ftain;._ .k;hb1 mi-eh` Q-hon! )f,-iI..=`-!r9.1.9y"4'-';-`pg A ` Llitlla.` niigm had -to ; %.-Iiyil-d<!:_}in'~.gih6_ ~1;gl;';9,'c,qejpo nadippiiga;,:;Thii:idipit!}iigif 4 V. I A c66Min;AI9"!h- -Jtmn Isriinido lyi".t.?&tvnat.o;-`- 1:`o`4!:!f"ifnn: sh.-. uutfeI,od "by-we` 6.n.|,i'~. 7 bliufin-_T Bari": - -."' iE"`.3."i`.'_i.'3""`j`3.!i'.'.'}`.`lJ'4,," A`A.',l. vvlvvd cu` IIIU 'IJ'|c-ll-_:IVVVIUlIc'u . -` `git shill: ,he_r,a`1na'nL(ionV' Au` few `|"'of;.9i'-V jcihigpgio `the. W_%s(erj1'T:ida,_yhich will dloniiy ` demrjugxrulg: 1'hn'}'- fulurd .co1'p1mero %-urine .WeQl jrivlt far-*oxceed-Aha 6xpejc`laIionu= o`f 1ha '-mpit__,;a_'u)nuing; ,_aunpo`mr . or -they Canal =pm.-_- `jf, and .tfh'0' O(-.06!-.` R..L B. .'Mtjon, V A Ilia *Engi'ne_eAr.,wh_o o_v*'as~.asocn3qd -{vqih _jno='in ` ' ;!h9,3sn;, _ >r9po_rI-._ ol_' _.wtiqb you .h_'nnV -`adv v_V___ -._.-__._V_...r.v.-._-.-. uo_-us vy_\I|u`. lu'_IIul ,AGIl'Io '>_;;_-[In _ ibis `tjunnot,=llio "P;-ovincijnlf Gdvermnent need ;.Tnog:; ;e'x penjd 2' one, do|)a r.:on_. V {lie ,projg_ct. we lIHd;,jW!?II1(};0f cduieo b0.!e'Illl|l in. the course qf erIniii1_y '1n4nly4io_A }`9irl_'i[ loll to. `Ilia {qlipfpigia 9! 1;-prigglq [companyi xherqby iincreugingiijhe i.I'a,_v.9I,'InVes -igidgs fbringing` bniinbqn `mg gunproducliyq ; I_roi_ka?onjElba`-$j`:?:Ig!rnce.'. T . .]._|__|i' L `L 353` .--r- ,-,'..'1u"'-" -'.-.7.-~`r'_;""I'-"'v`"'."I' ' . I 3* _ hq `.im6tImca, `of `the "oo nalruIi on; `of V the . .Cnnhl iisibi fcgl'cu!b! o[ m!Batrio` nnd_ _.To_m_I'uo,. ngl, Ihfo.Lg3.uIalut_e,' mn lA-um;lbh minions ' o;r,_fac.a1-_: of*;.lnppj,j: jl/_,d_nft .-`guy ` di_ii:u |!yfj{i; .Ih`o` '.i.ii,hg;`lg';l; vc oinp_le.I1o{n of.-; mg ` wbrk`-Q-oprtiilily: ,I:ilIl5l_i7l""p'qtiI'>d' of [ca yetm.` . I am .- _lIir9_~1_!q!|lI l_cl0la . wo'utJ_ `be . \fv__i_lli'ng` to- ;amgmE'upi|I:'itri_xI_;p' onsgmctiongol my woik "if 4_g_;f;q:wgr,ni;'t p'f_ the lI_'nd"'is 'tl`l_ l'(:]:0'.lQ',I_1I:Ioll|ll', Vfqrttiq4:qmpIIioxi;'of.f.;he w'_oi-.|:i infton `yum? -In ihii"ii|nni{dp:I|i. -D5...*.:....:-.|:rr_'_v__~.4__ ,_. ' " 1 , W9_u}d_ i pqt_{b'&, _AAdfv,isible ,T ._yvh: ' 1-{ho iomjmii-' jjqprs`. iyxifon ftheir fvayl to.;_Qu'eh,ec,` r!;qIlIt~ ` : tl_;ein :g_'iv_si`c. ;;rie,.ggd judge for` tl}efms &f:i'aai ; io7_lhe fe.Il5Ililily'of_eoixiIruiing:.`Ih f A "V 3 ahd -Gssaia-1iBx=$h59:G-nail--E . TL- {:....;..-.>___ -,'_`c-4 ' .; we ma .mi1eh5_'pt_uqnrg .iii'_i2'u lI!ial1`in'g.A cu "m_-_ . toyqiag;';1g:_erVaud;1x`e;segivq=T;p;jI1cGoixI;iy; I:sq`.,' = gum`. 9fBu5ie,5l)'iiKivip'1'qlly, Esqf, 'jo..1c_.;:-9 3 I % ' , '_TA:/I`)'i_:`AgT:l'.VS_:_1'1..j-.-`-V:IA , iiippbge Ida: `hpia_l "n Ioii_e`d' in L we lxqcgni-`papgrtg _t_|_1gl.' ._the jlllindiq Lcgislaiqt` hive" _nui.hor,i;ed', `;appdxg1;m,nt`- f -0_o m'misplbu'en 4:-19 Hysgac-.._:_a;ej ;I3g;lhmenloT}' Cahadsmjd ;.p'pnj fofr ..impxjoveg_iieht of.5_ I 1, 2 . . ; . tr the} tqanapbrigtion _td_[i `At-' 7 _...-,. gnu up gapuqunvu me)! _ldea_s, ofits ._l||.ss - `around no` tatvyigearsug. The `um : aim.-:ua1uy,[ _ he thought, of tlflfjiilg-_)`|I'C xhe.bbjecu`o f the meet- 3:10` Min} _wouldbo` loge; sdciemion {mm this 'G0uII.J:,. -lost` *!roiu`T_ciro`ni'i. If the 'p6p:l9Atbe;~q'yvouli_ ukqiny ,3 5 A` ` ` ' `I'bofpe9;ple4qfAGhi;ag9,VhndV druid; upon ;oni'evj9!qt:' 3'9 t-u_ Q . -1 1 E - _ _:fion;C_ Id.,tbIjt .del_gg&iou gll; ' - . ,9 , _.3-_,.. :~ ., ' -nnitfed ilpquld ]t"hoin_ pkesa: 1hO:`ll`lI-le_!' upon the nth, canny. A ' .~` '-.{7We vIli`ucII~` 'bIeunre- lu1`mh!ialiinir. th ML nee'un"n m In-a r....a.. ....;_... .. - siiaixiza` theie 3 `is; iatii *uoihi8~ ?P.".*1"'T*! *-`;"7t.h." 0`-W` f;Y<>.|3 1.0 coi-f"r-"h ` V . uiggiu_`r_'ine_Lemsme._:.Eocuugmzwouja be.` ;__,` CUVCCQ-VVD 3 % '.M,'." has V rgsigngd - .vh`}*{- -3- ih* .|i1S"!i;` `N3 "4-t>'"i9~? .13 S .. `wfiy.priduq.dtion-n;t.t;eRdpie;exita:_j 1 . ta 1; . _ nleresIcdIVIn-tho-pgogpey _O;lId!&IK1pg bypury can A j .. `s-=~;}.`.?:.~.:r: 1:12. ? I * L %-I-our amay ~u-y..:-uueIw-v.-;9- "- A I `om `` -s j % .5"?!-',. .'l'Q`.'!:`.'!~:3 '!-'59: E ' 5 . p ' ~' ` "W "I" ` 7 `A? 5`! ,rr *- ."i"` t . `).f.::.,;_/:5 .. . aw; V' . A . . . .r99I,-n'9r!9. * ' ' .n'.:.%~a;;am~.4. -m=9.d.-M 25%-;ro;FsT}V;1m:~rssmga-at1 .. , . -"e -.aamaeau.`:<:u;raa:ia:;iii';i1ar,.+....a.aA' ='~ 3"7"%9i!! ri'!!-en.-ant-rg in ;h_0'. ;or: 7 .'!.`'Tf`.: ffdniiteaa; 9' =0!-A-L~ ` -9 '4*i'i3hii?:b btier;rconkd7iii?iiirasiissue)iim:i7 T`:'v'5'.`-".'-""- `:"~":.`.?-'-I -`A`9.!:?.`.`.`2, !!9-'!r -' ' ` ` ' ' - * |!!d.i-!V.:!2-Io-n--Joesl-`lie-.c~s`:et.'otai`hIeu: tbs . conptrmion -or. `.tl:b_:i.Vvv:`-6r _I: ,Aw_6nI?a`}gt=. hops - ` `g3bp1L9t`;g1uuou.' ~.b rfso'i;:inao;41itfe;-.n,n-..o(__ __ , H le I,dio'..~tbo:rIolntibDs` Iy.b'lIib`vucl|7g"'L.t[I6 . .,nm`:, `t:."`i`th`3r.`'f" i-` ;.;`ur-V """""`:"M'H""' "?`:` "'5 , : u of` " "h , . . . , - . `M? h It 39 ~r-h9"'cwm~y- arhed.Ikink`.he da u"wui:u:sad been "mmmm"' "'i"""'"""'"`.` !9*I?"1'.- t-_3ma yllji- I]Iii1 aio Ild "fths subject" '3 ',,`Mch;~he.._b.e_1 :: HB.f3,illl|ll!__ Snium-.:eco`nded .tli_i.i`no|n`nion.. r "ah-`$%=h:wr1tahke"ti:-wt-: ;:vaar:m+.e`u..: M: u... M. .... .. 39 AM no-W -.-tI-F..-~--- =m;~i~~iI=.%. `m`.'oan `-L` m~p_ -unvd _tVhst -it VoI)l(.l_;..;pg_ ;; ._,ncvl. ho |houg`ht, DON-` 90*Op'B_l`uti` in In." 1 /'.:.""K" .V0K|7`l|fIill,"8('! tivelvdpgr Au;-nt. on '.`." mt. '9 m" ;f'7". 9" b9.`:d99d '-mh` ' '5 F ,; : .".'M__L'i`il`.` I`."'fV"-95;` `whicllrfb Iliowiri8"hIi1! x: 'V `i" `'3"*```!`.~'F!`='. 3 `!'.'.""w- 5 -" an .. 4 . - yr'og-_lii:i'e;:pcunoi`.T-ivo nldv jn-,y gVi:;,p~`..-` .. ...; go" 9 `could Lhogniudleiforfuluiug. Pruviix-.V` ..rt~ 1 V .1`; ,1 . ;_: f 5_%,g5o_m Hum, day ii awwork ; 9 ch! nid,'aul muit_cou|d.ho:_giveh-filth; jhnpe a_- , -, , T . - hr . _ . ~ ya_igfml,,.l:owever, in chevron-ut forth in r f l"`d"i'` `-"Y "`? "'` `,`b..=`n`,.5" ;V:::,_'.0$ing;:a,'--ebuba`-~' *,1i`lth.:;M * .1,A.d;gv`,Vc'.=m`hdmwoh `his I`-ll`, -W ~ In-go*ulIho In nd"wn-Juioui un`prbducIhn7 mid ' . . M . , V . . ; jecmnd; - .-_ .. 7: T V . . w _ V Morm gs rsitnea; cw o1`T~6!';R- ,V?. 9? ! wstionthex.nad :o`aec:ra% us , we-nu. :;"';';* ?" T'%,`;;f.` %'% '.'"`f;'3 ~ i.`-{W-;vr 4_. - .- :, _;.:':-:/;'_: :--.."- 2 . .- ._r . ._ g.`.nV`[-'p. ?: 13,1 thought` tx .` ~ ldhe. `V _ `ere WOIIVA; , nouojn ll `mug -_ 2 est! - bgd upgngcgn m_.1|., d;,bo3t V l "M ` .ol_fered no son of loud fox-_ Qyery dollu-.~invsl.,ed has taken lus` lace Th 13 th T- ~ * "`d "`'-' - ~ ~ - > - ~ - - <" ..x; ='4....:.`~`~'v. . -.I.1"*=..tt,.m.r'=9fto .IfnzIiahcapi:a.usuA:amam um "1 .* ~'*' v" `. 9'*'=`"A`.*'.*-\ '9' " "0 -i_f.-' fYe`!39"u-d9f99n'nit~beRP'3nm3_? , `*9. Ph(ef |lP9n` thin Wdrli which hndnol some! er- E`-"7"-7 in "i3i.g "m" "A 7' " `M T . V '75 .' ' V ' ' ' .. 3 I ' _' 'I.1...in.....1' '.'..'... 13-..: u__,_ -., ,. .. :'.."r.~. - vr| r'|~:iiinnf1'h` .- - {iv : -:: .. o'a.`I..o'...ra.n :aL..-_.. L,.~ "9h :xn9*W*P t? 911: %A;...%.......: J>_9V%ss%v.9r=!.%L1<>;ons9tion `bf .1!: . % 1 71% ._rl'.$0`.*'Qor6rnineu`i;.'nig"" ' A . P93 nterestedv ` I031, r -`.."IMII8 by every ;;nd~ xsithqbtghwny. of,b_o{|'5 undgiz is '.-!.=|!o3Iczi'.lve.b_61G.eorzi-`n`BIiy c_--_-"1 2 ~ .... ugrgu-us , _':u.'ne_`,on_Iy`gn_:estion .wu,- shynld _ the 3 v{u.;.u.g .`o:sn_n_s, ;n:gq.. .n.~+_m_.m, uaai gas? 1;. liId`drvi_n i1|Ii.resolIitiqn `which hnbought em: by-uloed 1 my iupipbrtqinz iieifr oghe iinbjeeg. `I1: ,_viu'Vl.'`4;hg_foll6\jihg'blE;;_ -_ I _, ' ` _ ' V` h`st 'ina .ini_'n1`-.hi~AI`* gol , conn'truVction) of the `G ' `n `-Cyan! wotjld drones seoomtlish the endiofour _e'o_nmei'6i'alpollc Vbyu lug nun " M ~=mjzd kj`dcn.our hitherto .unprodn_c_- for`; but . 'trid'; "developin' our 'thoVSt'.=`IaIwl vh<'?_eV%.bo. highway to; um -n` ` Mme;-dqvr.-9.. wtldonntrpsotinio-ho+ . tygqgugf-l,_u`r9f:oig-:9 the Wet. .-.theIebx ..ziv1nn, ilk V `FIIBHI n`i 6i'hI7lbntcb:d nvimue 2 that-is-.3-1 ` .. var` my uuguu.` lure. _:.1'_'or lhjl ltvould be. n'e9uuryjt q li_1e,`fuudh p|_-ovideql 16 meet, I.h_o e_ x-_ pe_}isi~.1hht`.jhy woul hate-t_'inur; .a'1nAd,' co.n- ` i _` |ide1'ih thvxist impgiancq ;t_h_at,A the} project ivas to tb:e`InAih.'1;a_t-t i"('::til;i:f, The ma not think that any {sum-glx _y.,eould__gi,g.e"y;ilhin th-it xncgins .would be bddI_v; -`1aa_a,o_uz.:".:_aad the Odjqniy beengmore l'ib- . Ae'ru1"iAu"'ibis grespgct on former occasions, the re ` . hull` might perlvlaps-mv b_en different. ilu`_:_o'n- ., __,o!'uaipn;T h'e'-`cllwelt, upon the V immense beneg '_\hat. * th`3'_f?V.l`..0f ihe counix_y'.`and Barrie 1`n parAlicu'ar, wou,|,d`driv fro1n;the- conslr,ncti_on of the woek, " _|i1d hrged up_on`a|Jl Tto.l_'eave no means -I/fnti-ied ' to V 'i_:ur-iivlccomplishment, ` _ 7' ' . T" _ D;iyxn'Monnow, ;Esq., J. 9., seonda mg mo-. fibn . He vfullyigreed in_ all that i\_Ix'-.ABo`ultonv "1jgd iqid duo unq-im'pom_nea o`:,use w;1_:; both __ 16 `thcininglvps And lo, the cquntry at Ian-ge,`andT j ' _:honm- "tune with. 1ho sti'o;ig' man; in us favor . : iio'I v mn!fstcd~by the "Western peopl, lhere"wu_ Jevery pro`.opgc`:;.'ol4iu uucco so`.'7 Iibeval, 3;;-int 5 ' rapoaia 51 . ovor _z;..prexin;iury"expen;_s,` . ` judjs depu`mi_o'n ';_o~0hic1o wound , hAt_hoig3ght, . lie? 'th_e~m6u:t :a_`e_c:uan mm -9; /prbcgedihg. no ' thy didzftom the peopl of ,` _1`omutog Atby had.1a_lvisy_a been" spa'th_eLie in ibis` 1`na,ue,x-_;' bus: jioyv, without-._th eir` issistance,' ho-.tIion_:g'ht,a uc`es`s vs`: within thei; teach.`-; He . . Vdw`e1'l:'::tsom"o length npb_n. the'estimu1es,of ;tho -: cost inndejby II:-.V Tully and 3 Col. Kaoli, thel e'n-, " "1 g'ii:or_s'w'ho`hn d been consuiled,- as well-nuhut of - Mr._ `Burr, su3i'.!t9m.al| he bpd seep hd no doubt", ithat, _u'se*w.o`:k` eouia be don f6r up aim my had: ngmed. 1,-The,'ngoes:i_tis~o{ West lndvbjeqome Io` gietht iher was?nb'(lp'I'jb t, of their om-ne_'s,_t-_ I';`eis.-in hio tei',land. tbitfij'e.sh:'nicnI ofont-L" l et thibIi3|i70: nI_d` ipu`ld_b6_migIe ivu.' .l vhf ' I fdnt holin'lSe"(h'a5Gmro:;.. 11.". n...;a 9` V` .. ~ . . use esagr` pan .11. zudught i t.ta:._ nyouxa` L: V um _, po1my,_g `mi disbbneit, :o.__uoIg1T ou_An .a;a'_y7 .4g:pe;;g.:idpgjw Jinziiah capitalists to induce an-m ga:gcy.19r.mts1n:m._,:; but," as thmatte noiv uopd, imuld lad !jnI`v`i;..I:...a, vn.-`._'.".-'~ 1*-N . - .,.:;-p n;x;s`q:?1_e_uon upey`_I1aq fo'dcideyu', WouId_ `tor mi` IIPQI5 Iil"_W6 l"k I.hich hid. no; omo, get-_-V .l-Ae` *l_Iid"Lno7'd`oubti'thVat their _idea ogiu ucgcss j _-`,rg5,,:;f__g-ffg. TV ii}? 71="'Jn'1;'. agu-um` {a_itn;a* fuifjjvi bgqu_':ibgra_ _ xqmd pygnmfil 4 _ Awi:Jnibgrny,. .;gi;;r}b:g1 t~-in -ix !.*T',.liLl..> t-A: .Iti ur-1 F '~ T l.i.I`I|,oj. niigm. gu gEx'lIVibi`iiim`ot. .p.j.._ui,us g`g, az ..=. A, fa i v="`1*|.'.7.cini.:-?:.t.`=u`.i...' 7 v-- vv-.' _Iv FII IllU _lJIlIUIIIIlU. .'IIU' pngiy -lv_voj 1-gain. "Soa; 3iiu';'_i"6, `bins !nV-t!n5nsV.'!r.!-ii-I" Wmea-L. .4 ; 2 , "v%*P"!*i -I``i"hbI9d- '9?! `E9 `Q ' X .!ri- '.%'{ uiwh` }f.-Ii!.=.-Irn!.9y"?',-`.9: % ~;;gl_| !;n: nxdippiig. bof,liufgin;_[ Bani": M potfdrmi V *|il6 oli_;lhd`M,6dg .aaussi%ra`:na&is . vuvln _ ` i`n_jI;l_|o_'lA`opi_pegnbq -Hull, _0_ti ujl . 5 ;,_l/fI[_i -nun`-2 .jun_'or..n;e anon` cunbf-.5 u`uidai_Iuo;wii -n_hm_ho'_ vmlgo mirth` HAL .IP{._`.l`- g. -.1. s-- L, 914.: T 19:5,?-fiiooheon -"u. bait? `.'noi I9 u: _IAl>I`|_i_ 9i]:`9`lO'vdg`:iI;OlyxI_ liivlU`:l iI"l`VAv """".P -v---,---n.--..-J--:-:1-.-9 ".'""_I W ._iv7;.n Ttogftvh .iI_9i.InIi`g I5. Ininzhrokb 02- ,3 '". . ` .~""-".5-'."v'.'."'. 'rI.":".='9 -"v"-"..=.!=Prt .,o ,__. idio-need nieetioz. so. boxlioin min` :18,` 'f'oru`,ii!it ; -h.d-:- ..v.o1t oz!` `thsai. :AV?K:n oiihn tnlhn hninn` Hui u-..".'|i_..{I.`..1.'_ _.. =. *7i"i?:.T:'I:';;g-7pncioa or h7rov}n hr; ~n.;.s. ..be_ requested to make a small-Tcnhuovaids do-` frayipgxho qxpesiuq of lh_0`90llllIIitlh_0.," A . _ I ' A-'. ..;.._- -n.__.u___ _n`____-,., .. ' . "Fe -73 37-` `."l""_""_ `" 9"? _\,"-`I-IlVIIl|Efuf` V w After jaongg f,lIVl'lhel'_d'i|olI1_ion,__i;yu `baa :1-mhe' .eo=:-antes` .n >-2 -ppoiocq -_uo..m _:e`ia.' '.to7 in"n'diVnu:-nd Ilihnn In In Id..|. a. . .a.i.'- 2;-` urgamki-. vim:-%, 1.; mt}: r..%...%..,% `moygd u,follow'g'.s-' ~ ` :-I-IAfQVTv-.i`|'::'|iv e`i-in :ho-wu&_- s;.ies.,fhcou1 ipeqk -fr'9'm p_e1-sonail, obsetvjtion ol_Iho`uaI.quin- mien -ot`_ .produce- whih "daily-A'_ brought` mo the pm-t`l'o`f ; llilwuikigi and Vchiengxjn, gnd `which; inciedilig par. lpy; ygne, `And ivhich _)_r_o`u1d "continue 't_oV:inoredso fot mini yegiif to come. ' ` lion; ` }.__Wn_t.' Got, Eq.`,- iljdr, riuoln-V _` 3 .=15;:' Tau. ro`11'o`ing g_ent2e_u3ejn`~i dpbniled V [committee "to cdrry out- ll1 o 'ohIIa_of ibis,- meoling: She:-ill` Smith, T. .D'.7 Mo06nk'ey-'. Ed- mund' Lully, D. Bonlton,.;Chis. ,P.irt Iidge ,`.l'aIns' Ev_endcu,f_Geo. Lounft,-D. `Morrow, W; D. Ardagh, Wm. `0 Brien.S. M. S`I_nl'otd,H; ll. A`."B .. Alexnnde r,.AnIu' Russell, 0; -Bqlftbon, _An'dnw- "Mismmpbll; F-. 4-Stveng,-'-Andxeyr Grhhain, a_"_n_d U. -_:_-.. |:.'.'.I 1- AL- IIv,-. `- ' A. L` I rolmipg; -- ll ll||`.-L A` I be` safely answrdvin_Ihe'i;{r_inativ'e; ':.'l'h.e;j', a`: ' _of.Bi`rrie`in 1:` con1m_erc1i`alpbin o_ff viiaw wdcgfd `I-nrnnlnnut > -_.._._.,.- vg vvuuuauulvlillvll null .15 I130 lLllll,' go the 1_bird',' it -was dimculuo snyT_.iBst._\_the 1imit_.'of'_1heir interest ir:ight`_l>. ~._Tbe.iposjt'ion be al'I_x1qs't as. g.ood_'._I(1s" aha; of; 'I`m`oi3_8d, dud there were numerousgjrticles of_{`1'tw.r(_aAa'l._atia'l, lm valuelesg for want of _.m_e'ans-of. carriages `which A thitwork iiould become :'sqnro'o'fji_rie grlt_ lx, By` itlnlio sing uii:'r|_-a.l.. y,e'.;'c'n:' `qr._`:th.g. Upper `L1ke s, now _|!uy'ot _nx_n_uilip'g, io_uId" ho Iiitly" 2 ` *8. ll. SA'l!0li4I,"Esq., H01"1lvI_I_iI;;Iec9Ii'Gd ue 7:7`-*A*:'r".".". ,?F.." `'.,'3'. "H? .'M'.'..'~,f-!.'j.Y 9'99T.:, -vat`!-ham Iva!-%ad.;s'-fckao.vI:3;n!6"o "`.el.`9!`.l!f1__..== '!:as.g.mg!=gM!4-'1Cs9!wI `.reTs'~o-lution; ; ' {crest in-`it gs nwpay6n'of-Bnle 1`-i'l`he;B_m gm. ;tend to ' answr, but" from` the ooinlaurexpyessed `cold be-pg `doubt on" thgn? poiqi. _ f; A; _,tqj die _f6r_nierl:y, ` they. nag . ngiw su_ch' Aeyidquie `of A` th_ .Textra1ordin'a`:-y'- increase 'iu_ the prcducitiobna of due i-1`:.e`:1-Sj.;c'Ve, ho aid, _pan:d- fmevt `int ya.-eel lsspeets: 7Wu[` project) ptactfgplo o'_n_ej? 'Wou!d it:-pay~whe|i_ b`ujlt.?` >Wbt "wgs'9ur in-_. :ioti, nq_t being in 'e`n'gin'eu~,` he chu not .pi-e_- b_v_Mr; '_I"ulA|y.nnd{Cbl. Masqh he lbbughr there ~ ecobd, fIi;eve_r- mi ght Tha"ve7be_en_ 't,b%e use -wes;,_aq we.ugasqt_1_ie inpao1;y.pr `lheipireserivtt channels of cqmmunicaliozy `that-,i_t.;a1ap' might" his imfnlu ....m'....L.I,:.. u....~'..u:_*__--.:..--~ "mL`-_'- -8 "sins. .~~pe'izusor'L;s'$ the'.Hl'-rbvinpcialv Pjrlimeut be pre_p'un-.gd for general Jignatuie, praying `for nm_h ud.:_eithqr by 1 gram of money or `public had, tovargls `tho `eonsIrucbn_' of '-this important pub,ll*'Iv_ofk`as `tho =Legjsjdtiq;g iyg their. _wi_sdom* my`-ae;:.<:avis._b1e;"- V ' __,--vi -- -- wanna --av nuvuv vV Enniuxin` Aliisi 2. Hjngju or .UPP!Canad&'th9P |o_.d`* ' ~ -. 3 . . T-1 LMH*#v-viva hllninni ' `gm. ; us run was ulpaou I,0I'.`nvIt|3o,_ gpdf_g`_ ' wgjhegr it `ind ho" teopqngd lo? _Nja_i]a,;Id'eg_l;im,:out of {hogjwn -.: ~Agui.i_;_|hg}g'. . Com-n'A .tho,.Cdl_.|5tr 1.6.` :-.C.n.9_w`mI; .?,il!Ve..`?o`.-T.'i'-'.l,?!_.n..L_ `!!!!99ch9vH . _ .. ..Iig;n .dprauIuj:; %`ul the .q_(I;qn_I1,t; -Cbmmiuione_ty_. hid |'Ii!9dT t'..l ..m;C.r_-d.i'I;T-;.,.n- -ihillthjslldu ;:;(L9ud '|w`h1er.), `Island ;_1M:,. -4 jGoit3!`!Ia_bt'; ofl.P".",-'. . j.publ_i,s 9 npi'vaa-.1;han.m::;ncJmag3 M ':w`-;;