Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Feb 1863, p. 1

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. A %??FVPv-%;mv`9e:*i#% Tho do6_i-"Z 3-" ll ._ L-I_!;.'_`l I__ _ -_.I I ? jig d;v1I11il6_lIq wi`s`5t_hink- `ins of; hi?-ifch" if-i16Yd!wif.and lcokius Ii`p,`.th 1 tOi`eI `saw. 11:0. illender _fo_nn . jstdudinggin-the_"doorwa .'..,: ` "1. uqvvv uuvu I-V \J||vo lV,'said;`?"`f1_8hq[ipiLng ; `and-'---.-? ' .' Rh` - |\nifnfAE`_._fur;Q; u;-"' jalnqpplug 5 uuu---.- lshihesitated-stwisting: 1a_e:T'.h3m'xat ' st;-i [gs '_'.a1'-hAelf~t_l\ in whitet,nge'n.With `an .fai rgdf.pre[tt.y'*emhaxrassmeqt, V T -- T ' .'.uAn`.vl~uplus `u-":hsn'r`l `hked the has - 3": ,0! -p`l'3,lly' EIIIIEIIEEIIIUHBD '1 I Ana; what,-thy-"d'ear`P asked the Be; ronet-7',` wh:_i !`has_!eryoi1 heerj doing since-_ you ca~mq_.1:omJch1msrrd1 - I.=heard a `carriage `stop at the-..door_1Vn; hog! 9.30; b -was yours`, was it_n'o't 1}. C . . so V35` 1 `Joanna Imam an hniar ut;n- an; -Wu? 3951? : _V"=! u-.-5I_v- I.-, - .. V - `..,Yes",-I cameghom Lag: ham: ago, an- swered my lady, th6_same- giriof . 1 ..r , .e mba !"mssV _ ment`. .. .;.`.:~_-;.1_`f`_. 1...--- ---.'.,I.'.;....' .'1..:.... ..:..-....` Aexuournuuusgu 1.. -. > 1 f`An`diwhat hm oLb9# 30% sincei Vyou~c9,-me,-hon1_e.2: j 2 - Qiio TVHn11nnI Alirllnv nnltn this nllah:-' 4ed'V7li_1'1'1' gqit-hihk thatsl_1`wou'ld willingly; _ '-remain Atlnixecessurjlygiabsent I from him; ..talk orgfxivololtsoccupationg . . U uvuuauugua. Va - `y. ir ';1VIic'h,ael. ;A1idley uskd. t1`nis'qZ;18. :"-A.` tidn with a: slightly r_eprqa.c`hful:~\ accent.` His youngwife?s presence: made the spin -V shihof his li'fe";L and though he':cou1d. not haiijto chiiin V h ef`tb; his side,` it `g`r'ie v-I ' fr-itteiing` ,a.v'vay ,her time in'som childish` E . n'.\IThnI- '|nnun -nan` Roan Hn{|ui ainnln Vi`!!! ..|_.uus uL1uvs._uuup Upuuatnyuo , .. .` .. ` , -.1: :What._ have ycui bieen`dQmg s1Tnceypu. T came home`-yamy dear? h'e~1`-epeated, What'rha sf kept yo1I- _so long away from ilT`;j1:4>At-l-`j2 '` 6;.II-.~_ ` V>On `- ,1`)-tr` 1\QUIL nuu;t:_y,. I -spoke` (with, the same} a_ir- of -e'm__bz,>,rrass- }men.t.w I . -V V '- - _. n .L;_. :99.` -_.-r_:.`_.-.:--..;..`. -.1....'..'....--.` A V Sli V_ist_A1l_lV -__t\iviVs'te<.'1` I'1_a,rA " b_o'.nne_t.;stri11T i round and :ou1id"he_r ngers." She still A -me=s_" ' - .' " _ 1 . '. -- , I have ,beeu-`-.-ta1k1n_g--tL_)-A-,-l\./Ir. IiqbertfAud1ey. , . T . * . "192. 'uo.1l`..nyietaJ " ~Tmr"' 'l`-un'i1n=.t,.4sfr1'|1.t4r' Flutinbes, 530., repaired. .rm:wum~- m -.D_unl0p St, opposite Faraigher's Hotel; _ _Ba.rr_ic-._,': 3t_h M:_a.rch, 1860 ' - lumuuw . . _ _ .- , - ._ N _ " Robert-!' _V ._excIain_1ed' baionet' ;_ isgR obrt`_-here Y L " A T - ' 7`.` He_wa8'Ih'ere`a litti whil ago;5 ' `.` -1To;hij.hias g v * 7 Ganja "aw c_ried` 'Sii-f_" V`MichiA1fc"-.I ; What-,do yo_u` m'=._a n',` m_yAdo.r1irig 1 " T wfoundv him` idling ab'.o_ut ..1th_e gagdns. He Sta-yd here-tillabbut a. quaifterof an. `hours _.'.:ta'.lkin g`-7toI me, . and "then . he . fhurrie -06` without. a. word :o';exp1anaeA ,__ ._'I,1~ . .. u.;1nd is h,ere_A:stibll,j,I suppose 't[ .M 1; V`; . `* I.m'_ea.u -that-your nepheiaf jcam_ to . the Court th1s'aftexn'oqn." . Aliciafand I` ` . ._tiqn_; -Lvexcept,"`:inde_eJd,' some - ridiculotis . ef1_tuse,~9Lbou_tv bu.s,iI_1_essA gt 'M9nnt`,,Sta(li.- 2. f and` T g.ncouragoxfgnt.n`9;ded: go `it % ji :`g's;'uud t!xe!* .:-*o'1u!_P: `.j+` Liiviiegas) ` `V any to you: , T My 1'ady\`did'11_'bt_. at1s4v'v'ex" this question; A__herV face.` Her fair,had _dr_ooped uponher h'usband s~ knee, her rip13l_i_ng yellow jcfur_ls_ fell .ofver -- n:_. nas_1.`__7~I 1:i\-LI 'n...ic L.}.;..ot.;I AI.`.'..'.t`1- ner race. Sir Michael uaga that ba'u.ti'i`ni1'?hea<`I-A. `with his strong hands, ahdf rised _ my. lady : ft'w_eL' The '.relight"shiniugjon that pa-lvdface lit uf>,th'e.large,A,soft blue eyes and showed them d'r'ow__niedAin't_eara, (G Tin)! ` 'I'.nnv ' (\I\i'a- th eye; uuu nuuwcu tucsu uIUVt_uvu'au -y-up-, Lucy, Lucy ! `o'ri'ed , the Abarouegt,` what is the.mean'ing'df -this"! My love, `my love` !.i.gwhatThas. llappened; to .di.stress_ you -in .this.manner `l _ g ' ~T.'aru: Ani|lnv:h\ied H,n 1 you in .l.ms.u1uuuur : '_ .; wo _r'ds";diedi%iWaYjinartieu'lately;upon' her 'ahd;, .p1ausible"words, heruouly *u`rm*oi1'r `speak-.. -Th6` `agOn_yT=8heA had Tendurede -silently;,i11fi* t}_;5e. `dismal .]imeA-walk , ho,d~ T `grown-.too ;_strong ;.fm'__he;, and she Tb_roVke _ e=1ntoV ai`1!IiP'e.St [off hy s`terica1`.,Sobbing.= .,It, -s1eu*.-1';'-;r=rm'me aji1d- tore `at her. like some. ;1`ave_nous`= bastethat wo'u_1d. hav,e rent her i'ei1l angu ish` and -terrdr, T of"'refub rsL and misery: ='It `ws`th'e` ode wxld "out; cry, in. which` the)` w_on"1'rn s "_fe`ebler}?ngtrtre:-A got`, the better of`. the esi ren s_ar_t. ' "T ` '7 A ' ' ` I A;\dley;~tried'[to spVea,k, ;bi1 :tVthe-` 1 t'Areet11bl'i_rfg,1ip's;` ' choking sensation -mi the throat se. e med,.tu;s'ttang1e;thes9`false against` her 'e_n_etnies . . She could not .. \vzxs;nb [Sin1nla1ed',grief `that `sliook -her. J piecemeal with its hofrible.st`rength'. . Alt- - .1 TL _;.;-.- --'..c '51.... Giant *sn`-eLrs_ur|.. : fight 7 her trribldduel with Robert And.-V .s1,1e, had`,i_nteDdc1t1_'.td,:use ; _,b_4ut.4pthb;p$ nd -Aa`rt,i c.e. which` she `could have; devised 'w`<`}uldVl`1z1.'ve s:`e,rved her=soTw'ell` 'ast_hi`s' hone outburst bf '1'1att_.tral~ griefpg It shdok .~her.`h,usband_toLthe_verysoul. -Alt bewil ' `detedjand terried him. , .It -re'dnch,ed the, le;y7sTa' ctibn for, his -wife.;. Itwwas `not "thus. that she~ha;1-mi:nt"t'6 F fey. _These wereh not-the weap'on$ Whxch strong ihI1~te,1l$=1 .01 .-the .n1%P 1~-h1P?eS$T hconfusion_-and piplxity. It struck at the ` `o_ne `weak _poiti`t5in~via go6d !1i`at,1 s'; lnature; Itu`ppea1e.d straight. to Sir Mi6ha.e1i`Aud-H .- A 1. I-Tpaunn heln n sti-(mg mi1n s tnd; . .7: _ .> ' - V .~~.-.`..V: --.-7-f.__..*>,, I V ART_-1{U_R_"ARDAGII; Mamba": R'oyn.1. -.Co\l_cge of Surgugn,s,\ Eng1;_md,'._>IJ. ' Dluop.-s>11`eL-_t,`Bhrric; ' October 2nd 1860.` X hm {_w i_gli jonvlilsive " ngcrp Ttd 1116 itxong that-`h_ad` rested careuingly upon Wha Vdid:?he say.1I+ucy'? v`A.. V *; :. ia`!a0h.sn2:r: z d9ar;.: how..I.ni1` fell? .`y?od~A1 3.Vcne_d;-my'1ady._ _ .1 know-`that I gohall distress -yon-(')rAy`ou laugh at uni` nntI.I:nn.j ._1u_Iu_I win!-swan xvniva yvu wasp gang. up- ;: _ .'L1iu'g'h at you-`I-_ ho,:Lucy.;' `H _ - 4- L_'od'y Audley was silent for a moxlut. "She sat looking strait-ht`-before be! into the *n:'e;;wa:h V her'%nge'n locked about her husband : hand. . - A. .. :n'__-.1,.._99'_L`. ;_:.1 _n____r.. 1_-_:g_a:..;;. luuula nu: uuauuuu a uuuuo . 1*` My dear, ghi: said,slowl'y, h_esitat_iug. now and-.th`eu between `her words, as if she: almosyshrunk-` from7-uttering. them, -`_`.hav_e you everV--.-"I am so afraid of vex- - _ Andley a11t.tle-a little -V-`-- -. V" A litjt|e.what,_`my darling? V E b `f-"A 1iVttle._out: of his min , .fa1te_red Lady-'Audley. . ` ' T ~ u (in! of hi} "J nnipd Qir Mi1QhndI_, ing yqp-have {you ever thought-_Mr . .5 `Luuy-* nuuwy . . '6 Out of his mind, crid Sir Mshne`1.V `fMy` deaf girl what axe, you thinking of 1 ` .You;s9.id ,,just now`, dear, that. you _tho'ugh't he was half , mad. = V :4 114111 11111 `nun 1 unit` Hun` I-uirnnf `, puuugns [luv Wan uuu luau. - , .,Did'I, my .1o've 1 said the. baronqt} lalighingg : .1 d9n t_1-e'me_tnbAer saying 1t, and it wasa. me're jaaon dc pa:-ler, -that meant nothingwhateiver. '1iobeI"t may- be -a_ little eccentrio--a. little-' stnpid,Aper- hapsa-he-mayn t. be overburdened with Vwits,'btIt7 I don t,1think he has brains 'en0ngh`forf niadnesfs.` I-believe it_ i gen- erallvyiyou1`.grea.t7intellects that get {out of order. ` ' . ` .- . ~ `k`D'._; .._._ .I`;.-.L.. z. ..'....'...`..o:.;....... L;.--}1on.iy US uruvr. ' . -- -. But madness is sor`n`etimes,hei'e'dVitary, Said my lady; F` Mr._A1idIey may have in_h`erited---"~ ' ' V - :1 `II ; L..- _'__I_-._fA_J. ._'_ __.J._..`.'. l'_-.'....-. IIIIIUJ u.,cu--- A . He has inherited` n'o- madness free: his fat_her7s family) . interrupted , Sir] Michael. .,'1 he.vAudleys have. `never pe0 led -private -ljt'I I1a,tic' asylums. or fee d ae doctors. . ` ' `V 3` No rfrom;-.his'~molher s V:fa1i'1i1y '! I ' F`No1.'td1'my.knowledge.7" '_.` T . A ' People genere.1ly.keep' these thingsa seeret,4said my:]a`dy, gravel'y.. `f There dmay have-been ma'd`nes_.s_in~ you; esi_ster- in-e1a\v. s-'family. 7 ` I` T Ann-:6 llvnlr an Jan? V1-pt`-int` Lu-Ju\v~:i'.Ium.uy." . _ , ~ ` . -. ' I_dont thmk -so, _`my? dear, xeplled ;Sir I\1ihai2l.5` 5` But, Lucy; tcgll me what, in" }Ia\*n S na.-m e,.ihzi_ sb put this `ide_a.`into` your h_eud. " - ` ' x 55-1` Imnuva Lnn *'fII`17;nlD` `nnVn'nnnf` '.fII' .Tr`-to; u-gvlug 'e'vgr_y pamcula_r-4 1nmm|InicnlibS ` sh: yum ucup." 2 Tf`:I have been j',t1."yin4g1 to acoun for .Your_ ne'phew $ conduct. I'can -vaqccountj. for it-injno other manner. If you heazd _the things he` said to 7me 't o-night, Sir` M.ichzi_el, you too`-mightv have thought ,hi'mmad. " . `- " V ` :_.'1\Torth'e\nIAR'1i1rdagi. j 1 Thei1n`nual meeting of :the'.prdprietors jof..the=Nottl1'ern `Railway. Company of _ Canada,-~waAs;held on 'lfhm'sdaylast, at `the otces-of the company, Brock4st=reet. Tlnnv I `R n.\'\;ndn 1)r:$c:`4-`nf nr "|l`= ULIlUC'UI IIIU UVIIJIKIII , JJl|l\JB'|-ltiliio .. Hon; J .,B. Robinson,-President of the .Cor_hp:my,'. having; taken {lie "chair; 'rea_d .t1.1 noticve c:_1-Ilingth meeting. 3 `Mn 141 MT ('nIv\'\av'nn:I' `Mnno:n .. -.__ -...-_..-._ - Tn gross earnings of tiieli `ne forthe 7yea_r 7 `have, amounted to ,$4,-06,238 ;02, being $4-,7701'S9 lessthan the eamingsof this year 186.l,al_t}1ough 1argl_y;_in excess Qf 1860 ajud,_1861. UIVIG IIUVUIQG Ullllllls |rI_IC IIIUCUIII 0 . F. -W. C1Imberland;5Mnnaging Diictor, then `realdvthe Repoxt ofxthe .D_irecto'rs, from which We make `the. fol-. 1o\_ving'extracts: - A ` ' l"L.A ....an..p.' Vps-uunn:-`Ea Ii` OI-.-an `.l\-.I'|Vl) % ;_I{n;e cm ;aenu%e,;wh;1s: the pas: s'_e_uger~ t_raf_c.h_as shown Va fair average _inctease, tha i_`alli`n`g-.o' in -the eaxnings from freight.(chiey,_ if not solely," in the [article of tim.br) has 9,mo1'mted_ to T 1551,- $51,568.36, whilst on . the other _:ha.nd,. `the revenue from the through trade ,'.h9L"s, been` apggneuted thejum or $Mr.`- 21sq;59.%4Aj% > T Thus on the whole the _ revenue of 41861 haibeen` closely rnainta'ined,'~bm. 'ibeyond,the fact that a through gcompeti-' tive. trnde. inf alwayelesa pro'tablefthan; 3 -. leca1t_relc,-.various, causes have, dam-.,; binfed during theyear to prejudice the economical working: of" the line and the net; revenue result. Thuqthe warin the United States`, which has so serious- -ly disturbed all eon_1rnercinlvop_erations,_V , and be entirely deant all financial cal- : Aeulatioliyhus hind, on tvhej-` onedhaned the` eti'eet,of jra_i_eing the price` of all the lead-_ ing an-ieleeofreilw_e`yoonu_umj)tion,and on . theiother depreeintedme currency received in =th'e`throa`gh`Attralli_e, as to re . -"resent diiringthe peptueaeonvin the sing e ' ._i_ten1`:9f `Q Ex_h;|ng'e"r ..a nf0.XceptionI_1l~ and `0(()')I:(`tsBlY._V'ddn_i0B3l:`:`33IB_. of nearly -' `-'vA5.__ .._. A1.` ."_-...__!L_. '.l\A-_V __>n.-.I_ ___ T _I._ ionturigg`-was-`theL.-cause of great rem`-3, tad? of an: unprecedented 7iL!I{i9`9.xit$ob;in;the damse aeoaunyand ` I3? !!ih`:1h0z`..5b9H- qr. temodial VJ ..T".I 3.Ltd-bav;iI1vd1!I9..CQiiipqnY, V arsx.1iabim;;,a,ua % 19.6 :92, hn'(I'a~. inn.--. -uhinh: ` -nnnni. 4' of ire/ss'elu on Lnl_:e`; the c;iN`AD.x L"AN':DEDA chm1>1T_.um1'1>'2\NY. .A.m>.1y at-me Q(cIe_ A-dent fdlf 'of`.V{eI:srs. 1id.,S0l1 5; 00., B_`t'1l Brokers a.nd`G,en- eral.'iCo:mnissio`n'=A en'ts 0wen Street `Biu*rle,- . _g..v_:,_ nur' To- poiwiizdd. *Looal_ fzuic ` _ `Acnoss lARNl1C38._ (`W 'I`btongh ? freight trginc. ; . 492,692.10 ' nfxgighc. :. $209,065.59 V , . ., J?aue_n_gn. ` 96678.14-_' . Mailsandull 1 '- Votheuomoes`. 7,801.49 " QQIQ KAI DO V 'r$:a1eamings'.7_...;.saso6<,23s.o2T - - lxPENDITVRI- _ 1. ' Nlainiitaining :oad`wy and V Worksg '0 II I 6 I 0 Q Q 0 Repairs" of machinery V ' Ilhl` .rn";n'a nlnhb AR 005 `Q LBUWIIU VI IIICIBIIIIIVI 'iand`;o11in-gaock ,.46,205.52 Operating road trafo,-1 99,] 15.86" ;Specia.l works of ex- h`anninn__4_--___.-__ R106 9` The interest dividends, accruing upon the `first .,Preferenee Bonds have been duly paid, with a surplus to the credit of Second Preference,Bouds `equivalent to 5; per cent., of which 3_ per cent; ha: been appropriated, and the balance can _!__I .4 41.- ---:I:. ._c *r;_ .__-_..,1:o.-...I _. -v--- v-`-r-vrw----yv-, ---v- --v -vuu----vw V..-- , tied up the credit of Ix_iterest:Fundat ..'_-|. . )or_nmunu_::_mo_ns_ nus. ishe:`,_ post-paid`. tract Woxks of `R`estora tion- have been The estimated quantities of work, pro- T vided` foif under the act of 1859, and ap-7 proved _ by the `Govern-rnenwt, (in stone and iron bridging, eai'thwo'rks, track _:c.,) have been's ubstantiall'y executed within the '_:respectnre appropriations. 4T.ho bridges andlother works of the line are now of the most Eermanentvconstruction, _ and not stltpasse in stability of churacs terhy` those-'01 any'_other railway on this continent ; whilst the rolling `stock has" been rebuilt and i estored'toa high stand- ard `of`ef_ciency-.a These services should ' -result in Ihereljef of revenue account by fntuxe economy. in maintenance and working; V T A " ` VTVI, - A.,A_1 __,'AI___ -_.-V-_. A`, _,_ , ,_,\_ ,, I n,..a.;g the past half-.3y,eatr the Con-. V biought-to full and successful completion. ' tire ,c;>m,;iI;z{6E$f `these -works, the .m'aintenan:e of_ wuy,f `heretofore ~-under contract, has reverted asru Company's` service. The Engineering Department ha.beenebo1_ishVed. Considerable rol- lingstock heretofore engaged on`works . has beensreleasefl "for. ordinary` traffic, and other economxcnl mcnsures'h;1ve be- come possible nnd|ar_e in course of adop- tion-. `H 1' V V L Tlie total outlay iipbn these services is ` rpreselited by. 200,000 sterling of first prefereVnce._bouds,. which with the issue of 50,000 sterling of similar securities in adjustment of the outing liabilities 0 now wholly` provided -for, compose the sum of thenewi capitalvaccount, (author. izediby the`Act, of. 1859); now 0 nally and satisfugtorilyjclfased. I ` ' ' 1\ 4! `I .| I .1 `The-Special Wot-ks in partiforeshadow-av ed in the last annual {report-, have been` proceeded With. . Experience goes to prove that to promote an increase in the A local. traffic, the attraction; andconveni.` ence_ of extended. accommodation are essential as the production and vttnde. of the tribntahroonxutry are ' from time _to time"-augmented. A "T . A`I,`, I I,,v,',.', : 5 ,4, I A local gr_axnVelevatora'nd storehouse, capable of .rec_eiving and loading 10,000 ' -bushelsof grain per diem, has been 'erec,t_- edat Collingwood, to meet the wants of thegrain' trade of Owen Sound , Meaford, vDxi_{ham, and theoounty of Grey gene-` "rally. ` It has alrendybeen large] "used," 4 and with the facilities now a or ed to . that trac, Collingwood is, xapidly bee ' coming an important `grain market. - ;.-._-\______ -.._I_._-_A-._._ ___ __ ,1,` ` TUVIZI, F9533 VI C` i 0. 0 0 0:0 0.1 - ; to: the company ; hotel..- It is the _ and.at_tengthen- the trade'offthis tomis` The storehouse and warfage aeeomada * tion at this. station; has, during thepa year, been hugely Iextended, wrhilst th wart elevator has been reconstructed t increased power V and .oapeoitfy. and add tionseand `improvements have been made of the Directon to promote the gm" _ing;tow_n by every e:'or_t; to stjmu nte'the enterprise lt:}d.conciliate the eoooperetiqg I . " The station accommodation at `Stayner and - Su`nnide|e have been inadeqI_1_ate= to to the wants` of '-those localities, and" _.measures have falready been taken" for providing, in the ensuing spYing,_ s'uh additional accommodation as the gx-ow-. ting tnde of. tho: stations demands. | . .' Q;vnnuo:n `hQ`;nnnQnDn luiun `a'.`.,I-J `Q6 III. III_\JC DICIIUIID IIUIIICII I` At*Bnn'ie the Directors have :.'o};|ed and n'ooumgenpent , to: the ` _es_ta1blishme`nt of stave mannfactorieopnd the has already usumeid an f'iin.' uihoiniunis \n;'Is':n`-r nnnnl `in I'nuns'i v 15.2 -u`-:2 tug luau, uucuv unuuuavu all nus fP9!tn;-Wick` Eu; A**=fl':3e1A` .bi1a- ; Lc1nl,to_,thatlocahty,-,and pg no in i a. j_ new and Lextensivo mo w1:.he ,li'po.; P , - I -L6 Ln.--Vi-` nun`, C`.:l"nun.I"4-A--*..'_2-..A .4- '; ` _L_vm.u5ugaV-u...., iugwood, _ V Novinber-5,1860. PQIVIIUIVC III ? ` ' l M Allgutand GilfonI_oauvcniont.sta~ f tion and}:-eight home`:-hv o hen etocuj; ted `during the ;'gI_id?a_'t Boll llw 9 ded. , Dil'q`('.t.olu.lAIa1r,it~ in fcoIi'e"1'n1 -platiotfto utIairt;the,{tqi_ tghousg oi t_haQ `stationjo the nt:ei.v'ing`gt!;gI.qkq Sim E fqtg1,* I_t0I'i in%?I:(iII'31,in`nlAiipIi\v_itl`rhi\Ige_g=ulinauW .3 .(..1 in. > . .n' :` . `Total "penditug. , . ._ $308,653.96` Nett rvenu'e..V. . . . L. '-97,58_4.96 !L'_ :..A._.__-. J:__:j-.- 1, _ _-, 3 in"advance.' I IPVICT7 ...__._-aps13,54532 NET AVID t)0uGAL's izec1sce;a;da.t.d chai'r-.\1a;{ii- 'fac_:to1-y,` `opposite the. Registry. _Ofcef, `Barrie, constantly, on"-hand, or made -t0,order., ,Wo od Wouseluold -Furniture of various` d'escriptio'ns._ - Turning, in _all].its b_mnolie3_,"excut_ed_yviLh neauiess and d`espntch.",_. _, . 9 . _ _` April,l4,_1S55.'_ -- = ,: -,-314 ,.__.4-__..__.... ' Ln;-L.iu,vR'ENcE, Lfif-,1~*_i`n5 aV: nt;;;ino`1u`s'ur- "n.nc'e,'aVa.nd'Ho1Is_e.A Land and Town` L0't Age_i1t. I I Conveyancer, Gofmmi_ssione.r_ in B. R.;`&c'. ,.ISSllet 4 _ol ' Mhrriage_ .Licenses-.-`-0>ice,4 Huron_ S treet,=G_oVl..T lingwood, _. Oct.`l4,_"IS57_. ' _ _ : :-I _-4'z *` EORGE I ROBINSON, Boot` and `She: - [ Icollingwood. 4 All Tqrders in the al manufactured under his own ii1spect`xon,: ranted. for negtness am_i'st.rength,_ ; I ` ~~t.o i;_aue' Marriage. Licenses` _ ` will keeps u_1pp|y:_o_onats_ntl_ybonhand. Auiueriz. .L1omN`s1:s.=-,- Joan Ross} of_ Sunnidule Station has been pieigll y appointed for that District, _un_d- V _. 542 , ~ V October-l5,Al8A58. . , .0HN F. DAVIES,Accountant,-Collector T Con- - 9 v_ey'anc_er; I`nsu__ra_noo, Land &`Gene|-aligent,` _Coinm_issioner? m B.R.,T&c`.,-Bradford. - .Abrilrl6..l85G;_ "A : : .-;_!_ :14;-3 ._-..~.\- . Vvvx-.=-_-\,v..\;\~.~ - 1.E0[1(E HUNTETl,*`CL)ppcr; Taxi, `and _Sht_ J I~r_on_\`Vo1fke`r,'Dun`1opStreet,_Ba`rrie;. ' . - hm-1.-'i_e,,MVny 9m, 1300.. _. V - g . 8 \.I , [81?! fun old ( -n - anvil Stmt's,='Boronto;,~ ,, A R`, JVag`.,.,1 86_2.,5-`_ .~; _ _ -`EAWPWU 4'90-3------~.~. _ _ ` Omen :, ; Cornenj -0! Ohuuih .nnd~} .Jgl1.,186_2 ._ A 7- -ILbI'AM.fPYl`.ER,. Money T*Btohet.=;;A-_ 900.ll,`1 nnt,I_,1'ntury Pub1_lo,_&c.,_tc.g 2 ~ Onxcxz`,0nhri9 [;Buildi9g-yi. _ ioty,~ `Assurance Bnildinggihqrch ' feat, K.l`HH`1_K.|L'|\ V \J'DlVll`4AV , u.cI< of Simcoc; Qunlopjstpeet; Barrie", June 1,1859. 2 ' an mru:av-want: .-_ 5' n-_.l.' g.- ~m-r'u`s'r01>Him ,'HA.Rnxs0N; Defaitary t;_t,l.i9. J Bin -rie B_r-a.n' Bible Sdciety`, .D;xn_Lop Street; `I i3;x5i11cs J iljttttat u. .1 1 `1`m:nI=:mcK` () BR1EN,`RevnueII15P1f93'a C____ ,..c Qinnnn n.mlm'\'Su-net`. Wlllllllssluux -Apr_il` l6,_I 1`F..()ARGE.'ROBINAS0N, not` ;...a% 31...; - Mske'r, W r.n..n:.mwnnd. All forders in a.bov_e line`: R`OBlNU1`I_ or muggy: _ lingtou Chambers, '1 J, n v_:m.r uontusox, a .~qaAm_.msi1A;enybn,3irig.gg;;1:`;{; I fa-man 2 . COIIIBI .'I`EnMs : ` L in:'a * : * 20311: ' o"N_. ' & Mongzlnfa,-._13g'niuis,, . I:.m nm. hnmbrs. TorQnto,f- ` ; 3', :'PRO S_S_ER., E . Dmughtsman, 1nd. A I ` I "15 publisheaiwkiy, i"`n_;'he.'rovvla'-cf-' ',"e'v`e ii`y' Wrokrsnn morning, containing"."tli_e` current, V mews` of.-'_the,day7,.a_nd"all matters `pertaining to the-nlfaireot` the County. "Pi"-ig:e.$l` in" idyanoe, i hr $g.00_ift not pt.1id`;.at~t`he`tiII._Ieb.0f. oubooripg : ` - tio_n.` ` Anivsn'ns1.mi-'-Six lines or undergrst insertion, 15oc; each subsequent one l'2}c. Over oi; lines, o , `(e per line,'frat`insertion-, each subsequent one. no. P.rofesional.or. .Busin_ess. Gard: $4`_Spar-. ' year; $3~for six months, it`, not more than ten V Lines. Special 'con'trocts can be mndoby the . -year, or parts of jlv year. Orders to discontinue '.'Advertisemeuts, to be, mode iii writing. .- ,W`No_,p'aper.dacontinue d' until 1:11 .me_mge' are j paid, except` at the option of_ thepnblisher.-j Plll$1 l.\`G, BO0KBl'NDING-Sud Bqmmfdone `on tho pr.-,1 I)i_Sel. The facilities of the Establishment . ' are more complete than an ; other North `of . " Tomato; having .b66_it.- care ullyittnd ontm `ting!!! nnl'iil'.IIl&l'." : B A R R I I .SU1`I'VN-_IDA__.I. E.`_..` BRADF'OR_1:),-. ; "TORONTO-.'_ -_--.A.;. Provincial Land bSAurv eym.', 5, Vand_ Value}; of Lans,` Cuol-C. Igluu, '_uI f u - T?P.`- %%t-j%LoRRW. Dnnvm 7- `evgai-_'y piu'ticular.* _ , > ._-Communic:_:ti'o_ns_ should bqafldieied ho,PuhJ_ ' |:..1.m- nnnb-naid. __ ["8110 ll_()E'n13Kcr, . yin above line` nspection, and-w_n.`r-f nih ` ,` _ 7 ' C 7 Pu_a x.Ij'Iunj. ., A&Ac.;,:_"VVlV-L t A1-tf 145%-.11`: H5i`v do'.thq:9w9r-"i 55 N-`v'7A=..i=$ * V _ I see ghggei-m`;ou;_'e fxunxjgu ._ ' aofw 4. ii; .ae.i,g; A nd- the ne s(lin know.*tha7old Idq not-see_.'yvAh9__th'e:o.1si:o,1ena;_h_.._, __ Ines tl`VIe_jhn're f.n-'o_1xvx` thidunjer ~ ' ' ' -And th`utsjra[th2ough jekless ;_ I_do n__ot see thattheyg h'av6`a"gui_de. ~ He is o`y>_e 1s_!. <)1`-111 wlo_ iiieyea {bl tho` ' : V ' All mot.i6n_3gos,,to `the tikhtfnl T ~ J Oh`, God ! I ca11__,u`us't tor` _I.he.luimn)I`I' mu 7: . I-'4 -E'Ie:1 dokd` bdqt hini in t.1{_e' my "on. A sourity. The Vloneily garden \vasas quiet.' `as some sol 'i`ta4r-'y_ graveyard, willed inand h`idde`n- away 1ro1.u[:tt}9 ;Wmjld_ pt-tthe 'living_. _' ;_ _ _- - . -' . , TI Iwnnd anrnn\v11t3_l' In "thls 'uvmg_. -_ - . It was somewhere `in 1-this garden `that shevmet George-Ta-lboys upon theday of ' his di_sa_ppear_auce', ? he thought.---'*T` I`, wonder] `where it was th_e`y,' met; .I wo_`nde,r7`wher,e:1t` was that he looked in_to__-' 5 . he: cme_l`faceT_'an(1_A tax_ed her "W ith htfi ' falsehood. `-u_. 1...`... ...:-aI.. l.V.m- 147001;: Iuui .I-`EVE .-ii`!-'7 , 13.a'rie,'Jan=.' 51, 1362. XlllS8O0(1.7' J 4-Mylady-,.wihV:hr1iiil;3hi)@i .e'sip"g . light!-`y: upon the oppbsite to-'-that." against "which. I{oberAt;leaI.1_,t,.to3edV; wigh. ' herxmetty foot aimongs1h`e1loxn_g` weeds, but Vkept ii.` fll lfi\`8"' watGh ;ll_ponv:!1Le r _ enemy s face. . . . _- u To :g on-1m.Ams.I 1.0 fthe death.` `than. 4 e.nemy'_s race. _. .. . . ; It istofbe -duel :tojtl1e , dea;th,A _'thcn,. ' fmy _1ady, saidmobegt Aud,1ey_,'-solemnbly, You 'rg3fus to accept~my_ Warning. You ~n_3t't1s`eT'-to-r.|1`r_1_ away 7 and repent *o1_'fyou_'r - wi<$kedn'_ss '4in>someT_fofreig1_1 plm:,e',fa'r,fro'r.n the. ge-n_e`rou-s g`e_i1t1e1 nan` 'y'014tvhad -dgceivs ed and fooled` by _ your false,witche`ties_._ _Y_ou' cvl_1oE>se._t_o reniain here anddefy me._ T 4- 59 -....-.-.....-,..u~r'_..,1., A`m!Ino..'lit:n&r X 01! c I_1oose._w l`UJllu.|u ut;-up uuu. uua f 7 `- IV_do,,a.1`iswgrfe.d" Lady A11_dley~,v'i'1i`t`t,i";a! jg: 1 her. Vl1'eztd;n'|1d` l_o_oking full at`t>l1e_--yioungi `- 5ba'rr.ist.er.V " .It5is no fault of_ mine: if -my l111s1):1nd s'.i1e11__ev`_i" goes n u_1d.an_d}-c.hooses=V "me'for.'thc victim of h~isTmonToma'nia. ." . ` 1/ cc; L-" -4. ,4l...~.. ' .3.-.u `I;-2,11,.- Q-n'n",,., Hl`_1'le'IU>l`-U19 Vlelllll UL l_l~l5,_ll1Uup1|1a|1na.. f` So be 1t-,>tl1e`n,' tny 1:idy; ? a'n'sW_e_red vR'obe'ct..'-- My .:friex1d George .Ta'lbQys was last4. see;1_1 :jnterin g-t_l1ese_' `gardens by the 1i1`tle'ii'pnj.ga_te 'at>whi`c`h we ,cam`_eTi;n, V10-night.` He .*Vvas'last` heajrd inquiring for 'y p`u.-_ `He was seen .to` en'ter `these. Aga_1rden's, but lie- was` n_eAve'_r_-s_en` to `_1e a'.ve , -them. ,- I -gldnot. believe` that `he `eve: did". ' leave_.jt_11em'._ "'_I believe tha`tA_he`_m_et.'with 1his'-death v{Iit11'in.'t_lie bdllridapty of.__t_hese; Ag rou11ds.;A`a; 1d-rthqt his`-body `lies ' hidden ' \. below `some M quiet water," or 1 in some -for_- A gotten corner of this fp1ace.' "-1 will h9.ve such. a.- M Search `made `as, shall; level `that - `house to the earth "and root` uphevery tree'._ . _in these'_gaid_ns,i- ratherlhjan I will-. fail `... ....l:n'.~ "fhn"5n|-n\lA nf rnv::'m11rde3d D .g!'(:le_u3,.' KHIHUI .l|_l1ll J. VVlll'- llbll Vin . nding `the "`g;a\_I_e' of . ;11yrV_111utd:Isii__ ` ien'd..._'-i-i..r'.- = 1' 4- -__ A .-.I|..V.'.....M~.-u.._sJ '1'-n"l)\r|lI| 1n_ Lucy Adllttrd A i_ugcry, a ud3threw upiherjagnms abovelher head with a wild" gesture or "des pir,I but she mad_e~'n_0.;im`swer_to' the gh_'stly .cliia.rge `of her accuser . *-Her ar'n_1's slowly 'd'r,o_p- j}:_ea.,_and ,sheTstooid_stti`rihgV at:-Robert Al_`u'd'-V . ey, `her white `face "gleamihg ,t_hroug`h the, d"'usk'," her blue? eyes ,g1i.ttering~a ndV dilat- uuon ~e. , T "fYdu';s_hall`nevetliye to_-}doLthis, _"she W `said, ` `A`VIVz_oill kdlyau LWhy_have = `youtormentd.me_so`?[ Why oo,uldy7_o`u T not let me`alo_ne1 Wh_o;tjl_1a'rt__n, --have` I` ` `ever . done you that you; shoilld mak.your- '-selfmy petsequtor,a_nd dog my steps,a.nd wa.tch`myj_looks_,fafn_d _.'p1u. the spy bupoh . m'e_`l A,.l_)o;V'-yo11."lv`i_rx;n,t tcij` rive: ms 'j;'iadfl you 'k'n_ow'.what .`it:,is' td.wrestle;'vI{ijhja . madwomanl ;.."No, _ r1ed-my~f1a'dy;,- with" - a` Vlafng'l1',_`_`,,)'0u dc)" 'n'ot,`.or y9'_uwou_ld ' never-.--,----'f' . A" y ; ] She. 'ato.p ped_ abruptly vapd drew hetsplf suddenly to heft-}fuIlZe$t' hei"ght.` fltvwas .the same-'acti6n-"which R`olSe`rt_h::ig1.7tVeen in `the . old. half:-drunkenj ;Iiefii"tendu,.'3 Ind` - `it" had_;th_a1: sum dignity";-thg . agxgumigy A .'ofTfextremje mi'ser.y.: . - n.-l`|_..` '..uvnu '|\r.'A`nl'n;r,;' x/\I\z\ \r A ICRESWIOKEA a:,4soz~i,-_1= rviucH.f1.'Lfa:n-1 7_.{.., vyors, Cf1vil'_Engineers,._&c. V - L ~_ - _ Agents [for the.Uppe'r Canada [Trust and - Loan Company. On-mn--bGol_l_ier Sn-"set, {East _o ` `the. Market House. - "Barrie. July 1 5.'186:1 . i ` ` 1 = ` 43"-_ 5 AA .ofjfe`xtI'e_u)je m_xser.y.j. . _. _ _ ; _ -GoL a_way, 1_l"'._"'.[A|ldl'6:y's`.'. , shag Said-. _, You re mad,:I gen you, you-.ate_:fmad. . M T nun nnih. -IXIIUIHQ-LU` I19 lifvnug 4 v - _ Md*! Ij:crie`d uumsuuuaua1.y;`:3;:;i:,;.?u .".3!?`..`1Yf-3 5I"?'9`?9F`9`Bi'W7 :1.-an `- > .u9x+~t;-:+!9!I;u'a!r.`!rInsit fnshto *`m`e., hearts n.ess- _' You have`.-?eISd.,'5` 4ieP*".mY, ?*dI14.v3!'9u?9`!!8'1!d a.i:Y"`7% e '*mtcY`- :1 Wi8h1F hive P'ity,u~p.I1f.ll107 -i".'!m`e::` " living.Ishalluhencgforth ou[y}=_ie1lj;ub_et _' V I 3'- myduty to the dead.l."-, .I_Ie;walked` aw_a`y:fr_`mtho~lone1y2w1l: u,l1dl' th6.8l.!330W o_the.'lime:t. .Myi-lbdyu P V . tollo."wd'Zfhim s'lo_wl_`y"j-_dQ!_uynv`;_uth.t?;lung; " .Iusloomii`uaY9nl1nih!1"W05! ; .. . u bridge u . V = 11.f}"8M1l9.:j-`A V ft: 6nt`.`fi.. = ;1itt1eulva1feelass;us!oo;mamdfy , 3 'vonk+pa,uelledaubaeakfnshgbm.gtqn axgglo `p. of th_g;1npuo;?fInii;i1ug`anemia `V ' ii _,You re mad,:I tell you, you;are_ maa."_ ?` I -gm,` going, `my`*'u`Iad_vV,u`nwere_d.; Robert iqunetl-yj.-. ; AI;would_~ha4'vei`ondohed your [crimes-out. of pity` to your _wz}t_chbd_ rqwvvvvvwr I* AudIeY.': _. 5'9*+ ?*?9vatm4{ 21.5.:-o - ...-`.-_ _.N.~..__m.-_...... R ` 1 ;C`,I(lV8.l__[I:__vUUIg_v`t_1_I`la_.vVn.'au`:Ii sq yug yqu-u 7 #4 , T 4 V . Ely-rlady -threw =,g:~.h4:r.;1aan;-;:;=: and I "..fabi% `had -':euted}sdtseljupon~ d~,vel!e&-ooverefd. 1'<>.i2't'-I . ' " lxgu Tztqol ;~ir M_ichgel _s}g`et. _ ~ .1- hetAe "' ` 2 ,;.n.9thfi.I1I!tudi4j9:asceQ"in:thig,sii!i:T _ '_It_was_so1na'ur'alto Luc'y9`$11ld_-"- _ _ A _ ` 'I6){be *ehildigh, _.'-','lt .in0, i;onei=~..would` K , _` h ?t_ve wighed liar` 'olher__v'm.' - It `-lm! ii'ecti6iiwhich-`W93 4` '*'1 5955?! `.0 "expect. dignied i e's7er`vef= or ` womanly `gravity from this ambe'r-haired5'sire`n','as; to wish "fo`i'ri<':h` ' ' amid_:the glen ueble 9 t`:a_ .,f,.f..`.`O_hi" ` 1aay~izi391 ;aua * "3 - V V ;*1;i!ie'f1y;iff:ny; 6 ' , .3i!!8a!!-P,915!. ;!&P';1!he&!,9:`.J: 4. _. .a9h"`9'.=1!r%~.*Irery.E ` }_ ` _ -T ?" i*:8!`V`"8 1f="`L* ='-'*"j'5.`"*|'!'.`;`M nu % . a. ,no:yt.5lie a.W-ts _ . ~.sih1.eW_ I .. % 9??? 3`-'i`!: !?5h9.l|.<.:.!9:i!!8.i ,!:!913`%ii!`!?!.Wbf*i19vI!si'mdtht fT:i\iihn,visaud:ohivnlrous_ -.`_.e.s.myfdear3 >:ausweredAtIaefty9qng: a_t __t!:9.J3e1:oi `yn;-Iion;o:f9rhis- "Z6 "ind."1ittl;dihur1ied"bfaum6% 1-:,l1ege:|1_1>1_3tgg.aL .Asky:la1`kT. .q7'n_c':`ng.A. _ ; T_ .A . . -- -She sat -withher `mic face turned= away ';I2.._u.-'__'-'I;I; :.;-..:....` ..- ... ...|'.:..:.3x ..'...._..___ ' C ." ""lI.|_`} [III]? IIIGIIIIKW % % `bx: business` in :wuib*r un=ve:_9y.. ; :ixuo_ "V`Voim3_'eincd,'a_"nd. wduld ,r_o.lio:,t.;nqt see m,y"=uIi.o1e---* .nisht;, wiIl;'oome`p;i:.w;it;e'V-_')+motrow;"- `"4 inn-.51` "Ida n nnln- n Immi; " `V7 III_IB IE5. IIIVBIIX ' V u_nunp.puuq:uu. `th es'e abstj d6ing'son? 'Sort_ig"(lis:a:. gi'ee_-V, .-ab1_e4b1_Isin'e'si that diatutbs him, indeed-1 I suppose the unhappy qrenturg-ihas had =a,bri`ef: forcedupop him by some, .e\`rilV-. -istarrefd attorney,- an`d1is[._sil_,1k _ingF__ : I at state :of imbecility from 7a_ dim commons- ness of hi`s~o`vv.ri_Lin:_oinp'ete,nce; ; -3 ` " .'Jh1in 11in~n`n'unin VhfIIl`;nt` vnnru nhIic3n h' V wall-A -bus grit" "iviug .1 mill: ;.-J.I.?he.`11iui it thtrendzn iabfe -!eIt6d,,hY991f.PP `=.Vl`.'.W0VeI'.d. l'0.Qt-.- ~ - y:1 ood ` ' :: e$:s; jmyetsuse n ` ,`;tjeil7ind ;a;tT-V-ir hicl}9e1 _-:,It- %'Fh_eta,~ra eanbjo-3" I fie W J .7 A` ` A A . ' ' | V I w1|I,mmq-_p;:.wxIw ._w`-motto. `-"*7 Ha pgeued `jhis1oou`sin*s hand; bbweid to Lady Aua1ey;and~ w"ak`e'd? ~ugder~' .the`bIak `_ ahado.ws:o`f;-the archwdy; Court.->2-... out inftb -the, q'iii_olI',T - (uz'e'nue - ,_1h5`; f My My ' 1`mhl,h`e was on-tot` .sigl1t.~" ` T \m...o.-.-. ......-.1...-...a ...';..`.tan`11.a.:"i-um." tinstor;1r-zrox: t W . ` ;ti`p,`.th 1 saw the 1 " T 1' " 4` Why,.Tq:ydulin` _ ,..ho-exelaimed-,u *. hand;`B5ivd tn; ~ n-ass na'm'e` i`s7t_h_ Shut`-.`. Mist-Audly _ ,im' A;ao nnnn "rat. (6 '11; "x51-iiitiii;1it`di8tur1id`5y`i6m? -ilio?'" ' ` V V _'gibl`a_1)iIsin`e_sAs'Ainiw|{ai:_l:fsIa om-ve:}=y xlnuot o6nc_ arn od,t-`dud. WOuld,;mhQt','uQt "869 my: uncle---` fnisht:.. .11 wilI;'mmg-pgwgita ._t q-,mofro ' . `H3 P`!eae:d;his~ fusin L. Lady . the man `_ahadqwa?o1`- Rho taxhwdy; A at into -the_:_ qfiet a.v,e'nue- beyond _..th1; .;M1dy-_. IV 1u ntal,he `\_vus on-t_of sight. * *'V"hut'ih;Ed, _ U . 7 `let with myrcou`in' Robert 1 -?;-.o,xelai1j_n.ed_-V intly, asjthe hurtistep . hof'th\ni 'HA.ri|Ann. hv 5?-to 6;3d2inns lie `i1f6Y6dWifei. and my ..lgdy;cloued me _o'or behind. 11,` ml -came, his` `cm:-,;.~ I` have "been likitsl . {f Yiisi and;`*vu`tinz-fotu -for - ap'.hmir;:.;. LWhere.-thavawyoa been, and 'whut`?h`.uv do'i.ng,1_..-. V * ` : Myhdy,|tgndinginthe sh'ado'w.'rathe11- !uf:au:in' the light;fpaused;a_.few'n1on;e9ts befqre`rpIyihg`tto- this qu_'estion.`- . L _ I 'ha.v V beim` to ; Chelmsfqrdf she ianidsiihhoritiinc : 'and-'--? 1- '-She sit-withhar" Blylfll llgn, from _.the"._2reli`ghtj,_ and. with herf hands looked together iipon thofarm of her hus- -band ; easy-chair, _-' ; They` were`; `very - .re:s`tlesg',tho,se slendr white Vh8.lId8'., My jflady `twisted the` jowelled ngetiiu rand out Vofe.a.oh other in she` .tulked_ . to, her - . T I hatchet. What can saytoyonl . .. paier-ice mmeamy V _ . , >4 . u,.'94y? know; dea_t,.'she said,:I w/ante tocome to you . . dixtectfy I `got hom'e,.hut_Mr.'Audley in- 'sistd'u_pon myhtopping to` talk. to him. V V - 3 Bu_t"wliat about, In 1 love 3 asked the d Robert_hav`e to _ MigT.A6di},'imp&zian:1y, qsjgh psrtihtexi d_isap.pea'red. -F` - hgt`do`es.'h;emean,; by ->fh na'n n1-u-nir "`l!l`;I1lI'Q;f\fI 1 Rama nos: 01 |11s'uwn_1uuuu;peuquuu. -_. ' -.Hav1Ae you`e've'r".8tudied your: obusin $_' fha:ac::;, Alicia-1 agkea.vmy;1gdy,Vve:y.: "seriously, aer `a pause. ` "u .Qo..'A:.A iln~:.I -A-hnr'nntaLp'1 V. , Y\1 nf sgtluusly, uuer u pause. .'-Stud'ed has-ham:e:_:5,:1~Io;"tidy; AudIey _' ,;Why-:shonl_d . I .$tudy_'his_` h'a'-_- jra__:t'er _1`_ - sidu_ Aligigi; "` There_ is very` little study '_required to convince anybody f_ha`t ?_Ali'e-V xsfa` lazy, `selsh ` ._Sy hari-t_,v-L whd -cures fdrjnothing in;Ith'e \vor1dV.'xcep!hiL -own` eals`e_ 'a.i1V_d'(`!(.)'_l`Ilf'Ql -t-. " I " )1 .'I').~-'A.'I.-.".'..".-......' -u4\'hO4\ Q`sL 1\:n'|: TUWIQ euuq uuu l5U}llllfI'0I_` 4 T: 3` But: _ha9fe}fyo11CTne'vex? .`him: .B.C ' '~ V 111:`-.. " :_Ec`efIitr1'c:`A! ,[ e ` ' ' CUGVCIII-l'|U If _ A 1icsa}: fpu%sirig7 ifp hr_'red_'Iifs au_ `ih-tugging "her" fshoul- 2 '-`dots-. `..W e _l,.:?e`sei-7-.-`AI believe that is the. 5 exci:s;-8n;ral[y_` .1 snppose.?B9h- . . .. .. ._!1!"!-- ." r -1 I4hgve,'gnev_r-heard ',0_u speak ofhis. " r-.I,_'._ -_';:l ....al_._-}) ....:A .-.u l..4-lei.` "@669 for such` ;'i_eopl_e. , 3 1 8.llp[)Q86_ gI_zIu:u,I,rnu 0. I .h_ge,"gnev".r- h '9;'r'cl ",O_li pzik ofihis. .fa'thei'.- anTdj=mother',-. -said my .Tlady,x` ghonghtfully. f"Do;ybu remember _tlse'n`r. 1 -cc TnAver saw his mother. x-She-'w-us a l.nUuguu_uuy.j IJU2 ULI'_lI7IllU_l3lll\l uuuuuq ' -' 6! I"ne.ver s'a\'v{l1i"s mother. q-_Shef\v-us ` `Miss.Da1l`ympl6,;aT-very. dashing girl, who.-` ran fnway with my..unc]Ve-,'and lost` 'a'\'_ery_i hinjdspme 'fo;'_t`l1tie `_in c9ns:e uejnce-. -' `She died at iNice` T ughenf poor` b ob` was ".v?e_a .`dt='h1d.s**? - ._ - .. V: =un.a mm mm: hearAa`nvthin`g.mrticu1'ar years u|u.: 3 V Ta '?D id `ybt{'.e{rer afyigulhg dbbtit hei"! ?i . ' V A.`_" How : doTiy9 u'V zia,` VVI.>.1"t.i<:11:1ar : '1- 'askedA1ieia.:=. ` '- . V- 7 Did'Yoii'evrJhan tHtii..he was ec Tenuio:--what{peop1e c:il,lT` cdd" 2 ? - rik. -2.}. ."i~ou1 ZA nib. lnrhinaf 66 NR7- (_:euu'1u.-_w uuv ycvylu uu_,u' ' vuu a V `_` Oh,-. x'1Vo,-'_"sa1d _ .'ALlicia-,Ylaughing.T `f My: .a u_,n-t was` a.'v:jx"y `1,'ea,soI1jaibI`e wonian`,~ 1 I beflieve, thdligh she Mdidm',a`rry" for V -love. ;But yjdu must remember that she died -bfore.I'.wasVbom,5andVI have not, there-' ` 'for'_e," felt, ife;;y;;':_t_1hch curiosit_y gbout ho_:r.. T H111-`-.`."... ..--..fl.. .- ..L..Q-'..Q...1- 'l ..I...... _ti_on_; ve.xcep_t,`~2indeed, `some - mnculous exctasegxbout Business Mount Stan.-"V `f, Bit |ey's anecuou .wr_. m_s wuu.. ` _ - L .' Ah, Heaven help a strong man s tender , 'Bu_t;y,ou recollect yourlmclo, I dup- _..-My.,n_ncl'e R<.he rt.1 said_Alioia.`-Oh, --ye_s,:I rei:xe`mbe;?him very well -in;d4eeds 7 . Wash; ecc'e`ntric--Ij [mean `to ` say, peculiar; in r his ha_bitsj,Tli_k:e_',yo'ur cotisin 17 !` Yes ,;`'Ifbelievei;_Robent inherits` all his - `hio. fa_ther.- "A-'M'yi` uincle, ex ressed the sumac _indi'_ercn_ceg for: his -fel ow-oreetmeias m_' cousin; but "gag-hej was la}--Vgood husban ,}.1lhl afectiondte fathergand a kind m`a'ster,e-nobody em. ..cl1_a-llngefd*liisfqpiit).i6i:s3f-:~"' g _ ;,sc3ut=h9"wdscecqgutriqm V g V Yes I `suppos'e.._l_1_e a,s_l_gs_ne%g']_;y;. f Vth_'ou'g'l1t`a'- little ei:c'entric. '.f.j' ; A .__ M #11. undo mov lad, suvely. 5*-I Athoughit-.`_a,s` }'nl1h.--: _ Doyou `know, Alicia, ; mudneqsio ,_..n10,to .9`;enj ,tt'auonji_tted., f"1"`f.h1'`:`|P` :1h8l|:i'Q!!1`?rf4ih.!' *0 . T. .c , _ da8het.:9l}1".ft9m *-moghetitoj dau'ghter- '_: fe`;I;ii;1,\;hh(l if I: say iris syhite, he` will -;t!!an;:frou1;in99b!f`am:`Ion1:Your cousin}, -balidvoamb-;_~` `:~". .A -' cliohegtgudleyigs`wyoryjhnndsomc yo'ujIj1 ~Sir:,=Mxol1ael.Audley inadeclarin ; man;,`a!fu1.f Ilfhohevcoaevoryigqod-hear ' , l;thgt;his mephow s-.wit;`lwere` disotdexm, -Y"?'.'A!1B`-`:.1`!I..ij..Ir'.1".yI.:'isel;:{1a1 e: 3_.._:-Lwgtohacbi"ais.,,,_:uctcga,,zhe. In-pl me; .-:cT` 1A alfll.)`_tlVxAe`3a.gony . tonne tmnana.wuo Alncnaa-`i`ot_eh ; ; ;,nlution,whiol1_.`s yve_l1k_no_w_ngto_ havefyeryg fclooe8`*tli 1I0r.sl.~oo.=the.fqmi1iufuad.dn- ' . Vlittlm1\86.~ :.%Th.:`:huron6t.`had; iris: -'1`h0..an;uish-of fsjmother; @ = d*`.*".|'."f||'5l'->`=f`|.I:t7v`~l1.It, nover; ..lool:.asain. hair , "`?Y .Fi`g*8"*I*'%.`I1I1? 1 `L T bu-m--orechimemnuy .1!ils1!f9..~.-i.&l9=s.~t1A9n. ..t.h`;to_rc-`zient. i""tl.i:6H ._ L: _. c_ - . - jwealsnessfor the`"gxvoman _`he.love_s!-- `A ,,i`nesg.g:Mounrstanining1 Why; Hea.iren,j)ity'him \he1_1 _th'efg.tiilty.crea`. "What. b1Isih'e'_s;cc_m_, possibly` have in tur'efhas'deoeive`d hfmand corhesvvwitli thatcoutaot?-t,lIeA_-way.pltzcfe fl `He hasgone` her` tearsitnd l_amentati_onf to1throw,h,er.- . to sleep at .Mouht Stunning, then, I sup: :se.lf:.a`trhi,sifeet jnj self;-abandonjbmegxt and- pos'e-`,~ V ._ V _ * g _ remorse-";_tortutingjhim; with. ethegight .", Yes};-eI"th'ink The said aomothing Veto _=of-'ner7agony ; re'ndi'n`g`,his heart with` Ithat fee'c:-.~= - ' 5 9-. T : her obs,lace'1-miugtiis breast iyvitlrf-ller ;Upo,n_;my f,;x'cl:':iined.~t_he'Vba- groans-srulliplying her-V own_suerin'gsL rone.t,A; I tlxjhk `that bjoy_-is hal$-mad;. . : iuto..toov_great.g anguish -for_l_1`im' to bent-.; l "Mir. l1hdy?s.;.tnc~lwas so much in shadow mu1sip1yinst.h,m;`htwentyrfpld; mum:-, . that Sir .Micha1..Aud|ey was unaware of V plyiiia; them in timatio fa_br:. u're; u?.=[an s; ` V -the; bgighgghgnge . t-hag. .caj;;e over its `cpocity for endurance. "Heaven forgive sickly, J oxg ho madethise yery~ com-' him, if, _madde`nf;l by that-c;_u'el* dgony, V mon+ 1 ace .ohu'crvation. ' A..;u-inmphant fthc] bdlnfnoeewavenifotz a"tnoment,vftmdi `smile illomined-Qhuoy Aud_ley?s,connt_an- he is ready to .;.i_'o_x,g.i_ve-_ anything ;,'_3 1; a'uce;'o;-q_milo:'`that plainly Jaid, it -1; I_;o take ghiotwvgetolxegi 9neLto,the;'bs:helte1wf conyncivrgg-42-it:i1sobt;iin `s. I can twist him ofhis,bjreast,~~and=1.t9. pardonithat which which like. ` V 08f`pl| black ho.`-` ._ __ theist'cm`voice"*_Of malgly. ehonox-5 . must n'ot`he pardoned. 7;'Pityhini, . fty-_. : ` .l`;im....I3h wifefrwqnt remorse, glen ` . hhe st3!l!3';Wi'-h9`,.E .1! *h.9ld.9f ~` `he _homeal.1< '11,!!! never.entex more ., is": not _ ,. lookint 1iitl.a`.e0`IlI'I; -7"`.`M !'. ` 5 - IS;!.!21li99!1-'*"!bdein99'-1., 1 c A . . . . . E7 t.!`s?.?;5 -91-5cll?!`.!!?" 3"-1"! vi. 4. ' L1!9!Pw?9!N!`e`h9:s9ne:9!1!89`!1*!had =.!9n3!,>!,I9s !?!!.;l1-.*;!l'!1'S`:l`; -'.`..`;`1'.d!'ii?`.leW ll9I.l9w;.: .b`_6en vyitli_thg:pe`;aoqi_ e ` Q A : 7""-iYs??`31i i`i3`.59`?`z'3`!'i'5" $ - WWW! ' ' ' I " ` v -' '.u'i `vs: -' 2 2 t A 511:?fm9'f31-- I 5.. .\ 2_ ,` i WI -Illllllllulg`-VCII IIIICFIISJIIBIV ` fa:t:het5 and m`a sLtex, -n9_body {yr-- h_a-llngd _liifQpiI).i6i:s3"-:~ " T ~ ; _`.`l3.`l1$=1.i9"II!i&sTec0.`vlIt.fi`i 3 1 a #4 YeI'.;~. I ` suppOs'e..l1.0 (hou'ght`u- little 13+ ' 3': a nu. '. ..mt:;mw*=.1.av;` irnutuf V".-is-'rir` ivth.'ou ght`a'- little e`co eAntric. {-`__t lady , 31inch! D`.I1.'kn_Vv .A1iia; mudne;nf:i1.._..n1ote-9ienj .ttb.uqIn`i_tted. from V -~fa'tpher ~to`:o'u "._thB;jfIQ_l!l ':1~fathe_:' `dai1gh_fel",.:IIl1d Afro!n __t1;an_fromjitthr`.tp:urn1:-A-*Your c9'usin.,- J1 y.bh.rft,A\3dly"i=` I>veryh'nn"_d s;9m` Yoilfil `V :mag;,".and I.fh e1_Viev`hLvry'A1==g9bd-hast . Y"0Iii1 B7:.m.i!'.i'1?i""".?1ii "'*l!|.II'I't." ';W3"3hlad). v n |n-.:.1`u ' .1...ii..;?. hi ilk.-'&i car .-.in._".t.y n'u"'e< '1u9dd-l?':sn4%,mi _1 f:=L<%=2To"xi::ib:`i.trud.e_,1 Ha ~'?`L?:5'-*'33 " 3r`wh it%i`:'is '5'": 4+ ` `Ag; M V ` :`." 3fVL.*:, ;`* A. Tmmis viaxwbtan s_. `sjsuxniaas, Wa't?ch1nVd Clock: U - Maker, Jewetler, 5zc;,' hegs.Io'infdrm the in- habitants of ,Barric"a1:1d surrot_1nding" om1try'thnt he has opened. business 'in"the ja.bov_e line, and- Ttrfusts;1y strict attention` to -the wants of his cus-_. tomers, to give gen_e`I_`n.l` sa_tiSf:xotio'n..'. `Melddeons, Flntinoes, repaired. All:worIc- Wun1g'zntert.v n..T..1.... mg nnnnsite F`.amizher's

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