13 puhlisherl Weekly, in the Town of Barrie, ever-y WE. -I>,\'HSl)A`\" morning,` containing the-.c urrentV m-ws of the day, "and `all matters pertaining to mu-=.:a'm~s ntfthe County. Price $1 in`advano, " or $2.00 if [not-paid at the time `of subscrip- olnn - in 1mxon1m_., ?J'fJ__s'iiICE is THE A(V}:REA`T.,BUT-SIMPLE;PR11\ICIi LE,ANI) TH.:7'7r;IoLI; SECRET OFISUCCESS IN"AL'L GdVERNMENT..*!` [of the ,C'_o_; C'ou nbil_. I 1 v `~ T1`tsday',JanuarTy4 28th,;1862. " . - The Revesand D eputy Revesbf the. respective Tchvtiships .~inA the,Coju_n.t-y. `ofj Simcoe, Jtoggther with `the Reeves ofj the Towns. and` Vj1la g'es...thereiVn, metf this day pursuant {to the Act respecting Q I the A ML`mi c_ip-.11 `.In,stjtutiou_s of,__Upper" ` _C`unada--CO_nso1idated-Statutes pf` Up- ` per "Canada, Cap: 54-and `having led . 1_t'h'eiI' fcei'.ti'ca`t es o'f-" qualicfation -with '3 ` the. Cl.erk,.to their scu_tsTin.tl1e Council. I Vl`l.`...l`|l`...'..l_ L'A_;,'_, ' lav Ulylwl, It was proposed by Mr'.v l\4 I'cClai1'1.se-A-i uconded by M_r.. Craig; Thnf -Thnmna "I3 .'!.`.{..".->.......'L...V 17.... \_.a\lllLlU\.'I-_ u I-'J_lo~ \_/lLl>lg, That Thomas . R. ' Frllsdn; Esq., ' Reeve of' Iunisl,.. be` `Warden_ of the - County of_Simco'e for the current year. , Cair"ried4un`aAnimouslTy. 1 ' T R. Ferguson-, Esq;_, duly; elected VVarde_n ; for the current year. L _. = V I ,'l*l.n {`n...{,.:l n.`l:.......--.I '.....4.'l -an ..J..1..._1-' The Clrkvthereupon deciared Thomas. ; av: uL1v \JL|ll\rIlIa you: 0 ._. The Council adjourned until` ,1 0 E> <;1ock; to,-`mo`rro\v mqming. T T:T ' I 2 f\f\.I _-..,. I -. ;lJ u_.n\.uuuu uv - . (5r`c_Iered,' 'I`l1at the Treasurer be re`-I quest'e,d to fbrward to the Clerk of each L\`1uniipaliAt)9.,-f the us_eAo_f the Asses- sors, on or before the first day of March` -`next, a` listof, all .L-.1,n _ds, the"fee of which remains` in the Cro'wu. - lvllf-I, \/I!-allb, ZVVUIX |vl_l_C,ll BUULS Ill. LHU lJUl|llUl1o } . ~. - '. - ' . , ' - . V V The;Cle_rk_huv1ng called the Councxl 1 to order, .- : U . To civnsn n ......L-L....1 `I--- 1|I'__' wur ru, 3,; . , ' I .. His Honor; the-[County Judge, llaviing taken lnivsjseat-'( m the ~Ben_l1',:idmil1isiered the oath of uicctd the 'VYardn elct. .'1`he \7Va_rd_en took his seat, and called the CouncilTto.ord'e1_'. `. All.-'Me`m bers pre- ,sent. " ` . ........'. -.'. r.,. .. yvnnonuu-suulv gkxusblln ' .. l`_he .Wa,rden named the `A `fo'llo'wihAg gentleuxen vto_forn`1 the following` respec. tive Cginm1i`ttee s, viz: ' _ T ` V .. FVINANCI-:_ AND 'ASSESSMENT': ` Messrs. Parker, Saunders, George, R'us.- all, and Clark. _ " ' ' ' v ' ` V - Mesgrs; DavisT;-Ciz;iVg;, V'1\/ioMan11s, Black", Ian}! I so4vv;1_tt. ' ' . '_ S.M. Sa:ndford', Esq, be appointed Auditor for the cturrent year, ' -l'I`l1 eiWard_en named Allen Lloyd, Esq.` to be Auditor for the current .vea`r., _ ' :On- motion of Mr._ Cruig, secomled by 1M1`. AM`cM'anus,- . -`rm--. n_; nV._;. _____ -_. L- .,_` ; &J\JllI.o ` . _ '1`l1e Wa xjden :'1ddress_ed- the .Col lnc1Al at n 1. ; _ V _ _ ].consxderable 1e4ngth._~ - _ . R 'l`l'\rn ur....A,... .......,.,1 n...-:.T.n,....:.-.... Mesrs; 1\;Ij-Li;Al::;x;xI,';lv`;:lTf:'<;;',`-I,Y{ean, Phii- _lip,and[NoAla;n-.v_; - T ` T -.1. . Usa . nuns ununnuupnwupn - V . _ - _T mans -AND na1nm:s':. A T V` V r Messrs. McClain,_ Steele, Elder, Sis- sons, and Black. V T . ' ` ` _ b CoN'r|NGa`1~`cn:s : f . Messrs. Murphy, Scuttf, an Langly. . ` On motipn; of Mt. Rom,-seconded -by Mr. Sa~unde1s,- ' - _' .1-\ so rs` in u -. i U uxn. Lllioulall, . I 7 .,--J-iOrcler ed,A.'l'l1';1t the 'W_urdeyn_be rqiicst- ed to`prepare :1 synopsis of the e_Ioqncnt address delivered by '11-im `on 'aissnm-ing t_l1e;d_uties,0l' t`l1eA__Ci1:1ir, embodying the varAio1is`..At11utters -01' ]n"uctivc_-.11-A i.uteros't to 1-t`l1e,Rzite]'_i: 1yers ufv-the C0ui_ity, with ad vie,w tb`tl1`e p`ub_li'cation of the `same in `the `print,e_d M1nii_t'es Vuf7-the 'Co1-mciil. - I -A .'._ _I.\-I.. C`f_._',_.__ ___A__,_J,,`I 1 A4-i ,. jm`)Ucn-VroN':_ . . ' T _ Messrs._CraAig; Mc_C-onkey, Ross, Lit - `tlle,-_:_1ndSt0ddarS;4 ` V 'V . M , . On .'mot.ion of` Mr. t'm_ders,A sec_'ondVedT by Mr. Russell, ' .- _ .,F\n-11:5:-Var] q'l3'-Jf flwn -`K/ u rnn kn 1-}.1n'nncvf_ .L'.II.n I ` , - , ` - _' Ordered.,__'1`lmt - the "rule for =equa1iza- `tion "of the- Assessment, Roljs. of the various _MunicipuJities of the County of ` Simcoe,'.pas.' a-t tl`1Te`last' 'OctO1)L;r Se's-= -s`ion.,Vbe resc_indedL_ .- ` ` A - ~ -r.'____..;.-_ nn'n.7 101.-n ` ].U1lU\'V Ills 5CllI.l\zlll\4Il',' V nu - _ . Messrs. McCo11key,Kea_, Clark`, Ross, and .the' mpyer, to take into .consi`dems tion_the'p_etitio'n -of'_t'he Inhabitants of "the Town Qt`. Ccillingwdod, ' {in reference to-the Fisher./Y Act. T - v `n.'..-..~...a:.m nf` Mr. Sisnn_ .p_r-.nnr1pirl -.... I-.----.-~- ---v-- ()n[n1'ot'io'11 of $iss0ns, seconded by Mr. St._e'le, ` V - ` T - r\...1,......1 "l`l..o 41.7,. 1...]... :'m..,..,. ....1:..,. A ' _ y " AJ..T,~u.\nvi3To'u5-,1862. . } The _Wa"_rde_n laid the following (JAOCII-_ ments lgefore the Council,-viz: ' T .:[`4L_ 'l...l...l.I-....4 .-.0 f",.H.'.,..../ lIl6l'llS UU1Ulc LHU -\JV_Jll|l\zll,' via . ' I I _ 'I eti1i`o_n_.0f`the, '1nhab1tant of Co1ling__-'_ wood, and account of John . McCuus- land. * M ;_ -1 -n.r.." m-1i",{.. ......,...,1..,1 1-.. Ia_nu. _. ._ . ' ` On motion of 1\'Ir;, '1l`elfer,.econded_by `n.-.:-_-.a rm... .' q...;,.:,.1 r',a.'.-.-m:m,..- 1u_r. .1u:uu,- - Ordered, That aA Speidl Colhiaiiitee uofiv be np_po fnt_d, . conxpqs_ed_'of the f'ullow'i ng `gentle'menT,viz : _V l\ll .'......... l\/fnf`nnl1-an `(nah PA ..LVu'. lVlULV.I.I1llll3,_ . . Ordered, That u'.e's:;:nas ng Commit- tee, on Road: and Br_idges;'be- instructed to A` examine the returns made by Tthej several Town and" Township Clerks" re-L ' lative to ' the "Statute Labour `-and corn. ` m1itat_i0n- money expended on [Town-7 -lines; according 'to_ By-Lav- of the Council;-No, 90`, together with the tamguunt-`of Commutation money gunex. T pended.by ea'ch Municipality, as well as thosevM.'u"nici1n.litjes_ from; which no re. V turns have been .teceivd, jh` order that measures may `be .t.a'kn` to enforcethe v Law `against-all/defaurlters. V r '. `n -nnnn nf Mr. *R}uh; ' gonna:-`Ina! In: tvhjPrin'ce Consort; ' . . ..""~"~".'5v A . . -T 7 M Orde_red,VThat_th`Wardeu'do appoigg A -a Special Com'm'it1ee"of v'eto draw up annddiess of condoiencei to He: mos; _ Gmcions AMa'es.ty._ our .be1 Qnen; now be;-eav` of `her Illqstxjglis htnslynjd, The Berxt%rsre=iar,comm:uee \'.u 1-` n .7110-4.: ` _ $0., Harrie. . , V >3-xvlwxuln-1. Hill. TrJ'3.'n.<. TI$U'\'.$. ?ALto`r_u_\"-at-Imiv, [Solicitor in. (.'h:um:'y, (9., 16.,` 350., Bgxrrie. `V _ "A 1 - to-me rlsnery AI-'.I~ _ T - .4 - ' - on-' motion of Mr. S1sson_s,Ase_conde'd` by Mr}. Steele, - ` " ' .n..a.;..,z rrhnt nu; fnlldwimr ap..m.;-% Dy .l.V.I.[-~ Quzcnu, V .'Orde red,T That the fbllciwihg ge.m-% men`, namly, Messrs. Parker,'Saunders, McClain, AMMaAnus', "Little, Russell, Steg3'le,Craig} Kean; McCo_ukey, Gebrge, ` Tlfer,"and the_mover, be -2; Committee i to` equalize the Assessment` Rolls,"a'nd `i that theygnnter `on their du't_ies [as such 'zCommitte on'the ,rsAtv _day of the June i_Session, ` r\__ _-.:-;. ..r ml". ri....`:.. ---.;...!-;I `L'.. Jw uailllllr` uu u_U|uu,|_-Vacs .- on motion of b1_1r_..vRosb ;s9conded by Mr-` Clafk; ? 1 . ' ' ` t\..l...'.'..l' Thai WOIAAH "Rn onnil _ Dcsmuug -~ -_ _ ._ .- . _ On mption of Mr. Craig. seconded by .Mi'.VMcManus,; ' ' . -. ` ` ' n.._|-_.~_i mi...` cl`... Qo..`...i'..... f`t........:a. .. WED NDXY, F EER U A RY 12, 1 862. coumi pnorsmvg V PRINTING : _ 3m.;1;y.g9Tt1., 1862.- IAFishAe`ry` Law: was p:tg$s`ente.d 0.1 `with accompanying ujenlorial, T t'\ ,,_.-,_, .1-nn'_.1\m'.n.,,u W1!!! llUUUllllJul1y 1115 u:_1_cu1U1 K117 , > :01) motion of Mr.` M ;-,( 3onl:ey-, seconded byvMr. Clark, ' ' Ordered, That the Zeprt an(14I)ja{t of _ iMem0rial:11'o.\\" 1f'ead' be adopted; that ; the Memorial be eng sed by the "Clerk, si-gned and sealed b ' the W'arden, /and" ibjy. him t.rausmitted ti`; the. Members" for. the `County, and the Hun. James Patton,` Member for 1113-S.lI_geVl.'1 Division, furl presentatiom, . , A , I l`lun *T).nnn|'f nf QfnhrHnn'r`nrnn1'Hfan We i . 1`l1e-'Repoi'f `of AStz11`txdi.1')g'C'c>lnn1itteAl Ion _.Printin`g was presented and re:xd,| reco|`mnAe.ndiug that the'Adva'7zc e Ofce . Tender -f'o_r Printing accepted-. '(`h1"n;r1'nH1\n'nf R/Ir Q cnrlnn (11:11 `x19 Mr.` Black, ' iadbpted.` C-\lI\I.\o`I L-LIIIIIII5 I4J\.J\!\rQJ5a\r`-"O _ 'On`m_ot1on of _Mr. avls, seconded by An" . Ordered, Tllqt the Teport now >1.-ead b rm... 1-Pnsir-\vl'~-KTA 1 I-m....,1:..,.~m,..-- 'u.u.u})LCu. _ .. r _V The Rep`ort No. 1, f'Standing`iCom- mittee on Finance an Assessment. `was presented and read. . , TC I17-1 gs nnnnrl 1-:17 ` nnnn-H AJ- L71`: LCIJCI, V ,Grder`e,d,T That where ipresant themselves to_ the County 'I`reasu,rer, in pattis `having onicting inter- est; in "Lands, `purchased at ou_r- Tgx` tpuuctpuc ; v ' _ - V _ . ~F_:nn'uAnv 1st, 1862, ' On motion of Mr.M,cC0'D'k8Y ded` by Mr. Telfer,j ` L ` n.A-.:.a ' 'l"I.`...o ...Imu-A nnn `nrennnt I It was moved by M.?Pai'ker, seconded" `by George, That t11(_:l{{epor now read be tticlopted. L 1 ' 3, - V 7 ` _ M0`ve`d_-`in ` ame}1dInI'It_ by ~Mr.V Mc- Manus, seconded by Mr. (Steele, T2`! 1 1 ;I'_~'.,,. 1': LV1(ll.l_LlD ouuuuucu U] llu ,UlUUlU, . That? the Report bjhuot adopted; but 4 Ulat itbe referred. back ti: the Commit; .tee with intr11ctiot1s tdstrike out all that . an `increase of salary to the 'l'reasnre r.` The Cc_mn'c'il` ,went into Committee` of the `whole, when theamen_dm ent "was! lost, and the original notion'carrie(l; * I r\._ .._,.;:-.. ~__z- 1,1 - `n..'..I . . _ _ _ . _ _ __ I, 1 1,, -part-lof the vRel_port which recommends} 4.1.31. A'.l\/\J\J}lJI\\/J, T, I _ 7 I . V - Ordered, That as.`gro, e reasonstzre en- terta_iued tl1_atrapplicati;9lVt will be made to those Municipalities, ;who_ have bor- rowed` money from the :Municipal `Loan ` Fund, to obtain the passing of a Bill at the next Session of the Legis!ature,; to have said eliabilitiesehfargedon the Pro- vi'uce';' that "it is neceS's_ary to memorial- _i'zertl1 e Legislature`, praying against any enactment by w_l1ich,dbts of defaultig .MunioipaliVties `should be made a public char'g'e,or assumed` by the -Government; and theta Cornrnitteeyof three be ap- pointed by the Warden to-draft such -memorial, and Report.t(' this Colmoil at `its present*siI.ting on th\.`same', l`|\n \X7'n-`.4-Inn nan-uni 5-.'l\/f........... '[)._..1...... \Jll llluhlvll VI. ;vJlu lded by-Mr. _Nnlan.'-. n.,I...;..A 'm....+ 1 Steele, and "the mover, be a Special Committee. to enquire :into,_and: Report to. this Council whether it is `competent M for `the County 'Treasure,r to impose and collect a large m:ou'mnlation of back _ta_xcs, morally due -upon -Lands liable to taxation `tlirougliout many of theTown- sl1ips,"['o\\"n, and Villages in this County, but which have for years, tlirongh 9. de- fective Assessment, escaped taxation. .TANUs,1nr3ls`t., 1862. V _ It was. moved" by. Mr; ~McConkeiy, ,'sec.onded;by_l\'Ir, Craig. . ' . ' ' ` l vim... nu. q.m..:..I r~,........'u,.., .-... 41...: l|V\5 3' _$_'-l.I..I _Jv.laLUII|-- ' '.-::"...---- -~-'-"'* ' " ` ' Ordered, . Tliat .Messrs.e Saunders, M L?-I10 UCUISG Ordered, Theft this A Council do heiehy hetirtily endorse the action 91' `the late Whrde,_'P. D. M:Co_nkey, Esq., in `is- suing a circular to 'th_e VWa1_-den`s_ or the. `several Counties throughfput the _P_ro. Vince, soliciting their oogoperation in [bringing the diflicultiea xespecting the sale of ,unp atented L;unds,'&c., before_ the L.egislatnr'e,,fot the purposeof V01)- Ttainiugv r_a'dress-sand for which action th_e-.tha'nk_s of; the Council are due tovMr. > MnCoukey,`_ and are__ hereby respectfully - tn4e;,ed.._ - -. / 1':___'-.. . __ 1-6 ic` JIJBJU, uuu yuv- pun:-nun |lg\It{\JlI vuAan.u. ` On motion 1of'DLVIr. Paljker, seconded by Mr.'McConkey,. ` 5 !'\..p1n-AA rpknf na`nnnnAi1A Illu.n'\Bt\r|iIr:n`nA ...-' ;I.-) luyuuuu. all-LIIJ8 UL] unurvosuucoy . The `Warden named "Messrs. Parker, McC'onkey,.and Scott, tqbe such Com-` mittee. T _. __ _ ,. ~ '* T V 'Il'\ol- 1-".:~r c ; -:1LLu|Au\.u, ll! _.LIJ.| o ,\JluI5. necessary stops `to go o~_1-\\`i1l1 the wurl; That the Special COIUITIIUIBB on t1_1 (3:w1'ext'c_11s`i(>z1 be instructed to take the` forthwith, in Order to :1ff'urd.int`emliugL c_011tructors tAl1c'res`idue of the \vinter_t oT procme sutrlx n1ute'riulVs as can" be _lmd,_ slIul1uS 13l`ick, timbc:r, lumber, &c`. ` `r u 1 ,.1. -at--nr 5.}l\3t3\llls3,- KJU_r\l\/l_PIlI' - l - -V ' { ', `Th Report of SpemaloCon1nnttec on address of condolence tothe Queen, was presented and `re'ad, with accompanying- dgaftv of ;;d ' The Report` was laid _on. _the Vtablef tlntil next meeting offthe Council, in accordzince with-a standing rule of the Cou`ucVil, ` " ' f\ ., _-;._.:__- gr 1m...1u'r-~n`r_'..`.__ _; ;-,. J [1 .IlI L_W.7II-Cl,' V~ uyC;l'd_erod, '1`l1at_th'e Clerli of f_l1`is Coun- oil do procure ;a _sufcieAntV number` M of` Assessment-. and Collectors Rolls and ANotices', for the different Corporations in this County, and forward the same to tl1e__ Township, Town, and Village Clerks, with as httle delay as possible, and -' that he get the" same from D. Crew, provided-_ that he,_ will furnish tl1e_m for the `same amount that was paid lastjyear in 'I`o:on_-" j to, and if not, then, that he procure-the lsamelin Toronto As last year. _ V ' .'t'\.. onnbund l\` ll`-' Qnnnzlnln nn a_IIIG'llI_ .I.`JIl'II I.`-F 1935' . . ' -On m_ot1on' of Mr, Saunders, seconded by Mr.` George, ' ` ` nP!1PDl` 'l`|-inf fluid hnllnnil Ah }1pI}A;l'|v _ Moved in `nm_c:11dInc nt> by `Man11s,sccom_1cd by Mr. Parker, /`\ VI 1 in: '. .1 . ,, .. ,._ `l_,t-',,,_- " "'1"` ",1 ' I Ortlered, Tl`lt;it the 11:oli'ovx,1'11oAwA' 1)efbx'e the Council `(IQ notpuss, as it would be. unwise` tuimpose so` heavy :1` tax upon the 1 v.1tepaye1's of this County at` the present time, as Wonk] be required to c;1n"1'y out the c0utem'pl:`Lted enl-.trgcmeut_ of `the County Gaol, to the "extent re- quired by the Prison >im-pectores; I xr_ 1|/1', -k,,_ . hrs L 1\' __5- 111 1 `I.\"1~m..m,1a- I'.IC;EN'SES;v-`-JOHN ROSS, .of.. I '.\'I1u11Mz1.1e_ Station has been ofcially appointed in issnne-"mu-itiage Li,penVses for'th:1t. Di3t'riqt,=aud; will kevp a s\1m)ly.conStanlly on ha;nd. V r\.L,,,1.- 10:0 `. , 4` '9, by Mr. 'Te1fer,- \4'UlIllLav1|, ~ , ' On motion `Of Mr.` MAoZVI_z1-.r:A1;s,,s t'\..,lmmA 'Plnnf C11-n lnvir If`. 911:9 V(`nnn |.JL1lIllKI\ I3`), '_}It\I\.l\-lL7, J-%Il`\tI I >&Irll ` I V ."_'NAYS..`-1\_1eSSrS. Clark; _ McCou!g_ey, Ross,` Rowatt,*- C_r`:'n'g,' Russell, Scott, Sissons, Stce1e.+9, v - l`L-...' '1).-..,...4` ..z' c:.~--:-1 ,rc,'.,..-.,'..:.a .. `-.- 1. ' .1 . Yr:As.-Mcssrs. j BL*1_c..k, Davis, Elder, George, Kean-, Langly, Little, McClain, 1\ ]Cl\ ]11l1_ll.S:,' --Myirphy, Nolan, Parker, Saunders, Stoclders;Telfe'r.-15. 1\T . ...; M ...... .. n|.`..I;. 1\.r.,rv,..;u.A-..v Jll:|-\/\)I * On motibn 6f` MConkey, secon- nr` H11./Ir Nlllnll .,>`. ' `r '. ` ' cnted and read ,1 n1nr-~nl Land Sales, are willing to arrtinge for the re-conveyanceof such -Lands to the rightful owner; that_,the Tteasttrer be authorized to carry out such "arrange- _m_entls on the part of this County, as he, in the exercise of a sound discretion, or under professiona1advice', may deem advantageous, ` ' ' '1'. 1'1 zur`, .~, ;_.,'._J,.1l ' IICIIIIJUIII-I - A The administration of . the has nothing to do with the subscription to the paper. -Smith,.of the.Strand, sees to the mailing of . the pets, of whichhe takes, thirty thonsan ' daily. '- The remainder are buughteby one hundred and seventy T `news-dealers; who "pay in" advance. `The Eaper is sold to them` less than 1-` cost, proprietors looking to the ad`-_] vertisements for. remuneration. The wear and tear [produced by -the perpetual rmotionVwhi_eh'reigns.in this-immense es- .. t:'1bl ishme'nt are so great that it is neces- sary to. rebuild and strengthen once every "'__'$-} . tj oyears the lower storeyg-of the build- _ l A French tonrist, who has qvisilted the olceiot` the Thuuderer,_vInrmshes some *.in_terest.itig items respec.tin'g. the in- ternal economy? of that vast estab- ljshment,_that wehave not before seen ' mentioned.` Adjoining" the editorial room-wl1'ich{i,s large, lwell-lighted, and tted` `up with desks-comprising. every. .. convenience -forawr1tlng-Aia a dining- V room for editors,`:ind the archive -room,. where. are stored all the 1s*or the 1 Times since its foundation", Next to the archive room are proof-readers rooms,` T. where are. hunreds 4 of dictionaries - and V encyclopedias in: all .languages `and re'-- T lilting to "all.`su bjects. Ardozen proof- readers are employed `during the day, l and another -dozen.-fdurir.g the. night. _'I`l1iey" have an eating -room -adjoining that where they work, and their meals "are provided at_th_e ezcpenbe of the estab- lishment. ' .+ .rni.- ,.1_'._:._:_._..:;_y -1-'.L , `no-,,, , o '~`~ ' ""T`."D"""" _ I _ _ . I V, -1 . It was moved by Mr; George,seconded ` by Mr. Saunders,` M ` V W3?-. VI . `I I , ,,_,`,,,L,,`l 1.- 41.3.. 4 7 7" ""'"-"_ . ,Tl1ut_ delegates be nominated by this l Council, to proceed to'Quebec,` while the l 'Pa_i:liament is in Session, for the purpose i I of carrying out the suggestion contained 5 in the circular addressed by the ex-._\jVi1r- i den to. the 7 VVurden s of the several Coulntjles throughout the Province. ` A v . .` - , .\,vv\A~A/\,~~ . . HUN 1*. I).-\AVIES, }\ceo\1n'tanQ,Colledtor, Con-V c vu_v:uncor [ns`umnce,_Lsnd & General Agenti L_' in` B. R., &c., Brgdford. `Am-i. lG,-1S:3(3. ` ` 14' 4 . 1\'Io';;2:1 ui-I_;v:'1r|A1Vei1dn11-e11t Clain, secondeAd by Mr`. McManus,` I In! -', -that the VVurden, Thos. R.-Ferguson, .patentedLzu'ids for Taxes-in .t'liis V-Pro-` ' """l """'-'." `J Ordered, That in case other" Cor.pora- ' tions send ztdelegation to Parliament, I Esqq, M.P..P., Angus 1\IO!'.I`iSQl1', "Esq., M. L .P_.,und theionoruble James 17;;-ttuii, ` _M.L.C., be appointed, "and respectfully l requested to act as such delegation fur, and in behalf` of this County, to meet! and confer with any and every deiega- tion that may be appointed by. ethei' cor- porate.b0dies, to go to the seat ef-Gov-i eminent during the furtheoming Session I of 1 -ar.liameut, f'u_r`the purpose 0'!` obtaini- ing some justand reasonable me:1su_1'.e of _relief in the niatt.er of the sales of 1111- 1 v'ince,>and fora dec`lu rator.yi Act, so'th-at the true interest and meaning of certain ; Clauses or Sections of the `Assessment Law may be betteif and-n1or_e clearly. de- ned. -T ` ' ' .d1'-ess of_condOle1)ce to the Queen be` i I .-;. u x-vygeu, '*Orde'red_, 'l`hatV_the'.-:Report on `the ad- ndoptcd,' be engrossed `by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Warden_, nnd transmitted by the latter to His Excel"- lendy, the` Governor General, fo.r=presen. tation to,HervGmcious Majesty. - ' " t\ ,r- `If... 1|.I _t\,-._I-..-. .........-. ..', -.-.- _ ...__- ` Ordred ma; the Cle'rk be msm-ctedV' ,the Minutes of this Session printed -and l circulated with the least possible delay. : r\ . `1-`\~v !ll_f1 ,L-,- ,, - to have the usual number of -copiesToF' (led by Mr. 1 -a`rker,4 "J on motion.(f>_f';V;\(iIr.A s-7e-con- '. 1 nu - .1 n ' I IV The Repoff of _ASpeciaV1l Committee dn address to the,Queen was again" read. . 1 I "I,,_ \ /\ nut 11 motion secon- 1 ed by Mr; Sissons, `T ' A I rru A A`, _ 'I'lT>,__j.L- L`. ..-._.-"__A. . T Orfdered, That the Wrdn be Vrequ"eVst_-. ed to confer with the,Board 0f'I riso.n` Inspectors, with a view to aereductionvin the contemplated expendittire of the same,.and that he advise` that body of the actio'n taken by this`..Council.- at its present Session, in reference to a` post.- ponem_ent of the work fuVr the present. A 4'-, 1' ll'__ C`A.-,`l,.`l_..L. . . . . _..J--.1 sgaaoded by Mr. Parker, V 7 ' n..,l.;'....,l 41.... nu`. ru...'.1. 1. :.;..:....-..+.,.1J _Ordcred, That the Special Committee on Municipalvlndchtedncss be instructed 3 to prob-pure u memorial to the Legislz1tun'e, E `protesting anguiiust the -.1ssu_mpAtion of the s `(}overm11e|1t of the iutdehtedue._ss of sc`vL E oral ACurpm'z1tiuhsA who have horr'mvc:d`; from the Mmlicipul I.`u:u1.Ftm(l,ziI'xd that the \\".artIe11 append his sig1.1-,1t'u_rL' puul` seal" of -the County to such ' mc`muri:\|,} mail that such action be reported to this I _VCouucil at its next Session. i I'\ n `Y I\ ' 1',-I } I ..._.... ..,..... -- -.._, -`-.__-_ . _.~ " On rpotion of Mr.` I-ivoss, Mr. Ge_orga,. ; * V- 1 nu .41 , "n,_-__; ___ -AL_ __`I OrderL?d,"1`l1at the surri :0f'i'ITw1ity; Five ].)ol1u'rs be deliveredi to 1 . '1`. ' sidemtion_ Of extra Services_perf0rmed by `him in [)l'CpZlI`ill__," _{'ro1_n`ithe several As- 'iscss_mentA1 \olls- the tubular sheets fur- I I I ABuming`,'1L`sq.,. Cuunty Clerk, `in con- 1 nished to the Meiiibcrs of this Council, showing the-average value pieriacreg a_11d.-otlioif stzxtisticsof tlieiseveml Muni- cipalities. " ? ' ` t\ L`-.- ..n 1|/l'_. &~v;-_1,1_.__ _--',__.1, ,1 "Ii"."""' ~ ` - T " . . V Ouv-motion of Mr. Stodders,sec_onded by Mr. Sissuzxs, , ' ' ' 1'rnI ; 41,. n--_-.-__-1 ;,|:_._____ Ordere':;iV,i '1`l ;af Coulncil adjotirnu. and 'stu,n-d`_ ac}j until tl1e_;._fourth. ..iV_louda-y in June next, at 2 o cloc_k p.m. . T London 4`-`Tim_es. _ A` Peep Tintd the %o1J'cef of the: -On moiion of Mr. Davis, secohdd by i'Mr. Saunders, ` ` I'\ . .o n on r l l l - l their _` "wondered at when we renieniber that. ' ` ' ; ~v.v-in - . . Two thousand six hundred _artisans,l of various trades, are now working at the building at .S_ou,th Ken_sington.t It} .is quite an army of labour, but we un- derstand that it- is to be_.further and con-: siderably, reinforced, in order that faith! may be ke'pt,`and the building be ready} February next. 'Looked__ from either` {Exhibition or Cromwell-road the build-'1 `ing .isbeginning to have" a great appear-i lance of tinish and completeness. Thc 't\_vo.long facades are perfect from` end ' to end, except. one corner_'tower, and are; perfect specimens'oi' brickwork; but, it ' is generally thought that if they were`; ' stucco, to" imitate stone, the eiioct. would ihe very` much improved. .Both thel I doniesiare sutliciently advanced . in out- sline topr<.J(-lace the intended effect, and i no doubt, when`finished and seen glitter- {ing in.the summer sun, will press.-nt _a_ l very striking appearance. in the eastern lone, six or the t-we',l.ve ribsof \\'hich. the" ;conc'.1ve is to bel'orniedai'e already. in: 1 places,` and the remainder lie -aboutall ready to be hoisted. po_werl'nl i niachinery, this apparently; Titanic work is apparently very easily ` performed,'but-the fittingthe ribs in their; . places,-and l'l'Vft[lllgl.ll_ej0il1tS, are tasks ofsouie difculty,` which will'not_i be the measurement of each entire rib isl _ V Tlian ks 1. to the splendid vscafiolcling and H the 3. ;about 100 `feet froni-the capital of the !supporting column to the centre piece. Once` the ribs have been placed and- ,secured,the reniainder. of the Work will i be g.ottt_hrougl1` with ease and'rapidity,.as nothing will remain to be done exceptito . t in_ the cross pnrlins, and commence glazing imn1ediately.- After this has been completed, however, a . task of consider- able _ difficulty, danger, and labour will stillvre`ma`in-namel y, the removal of the "vast internal .wooden structur-e, `round - and over wliiclithe dome has had to be `raised. A It -is to be. observed. that. the glass dome. ofthe exhibition building; I had no inner cone, like that of, its more substantial rival-St. Paul s. The wood-l en structurebefore mentioned at present` takes" the place of the cone ;:but, when" A tl16`,dOmc`lS nished, the wyoedwill bel` removed: altogether, and the super.. '.l.'l1C_Al11C`l`lCdllS are alarmed at th mo_vernent by the tone of a portion the English and French prt-ss, and. I the remarks constantly in eireulatio that Louis lNapoleou.desig'us to take share in the Auierieau contest. l`ln interpret tlu.-so mtuiili's'utioI|s to ind . for the zecerniouieogoods on the J21]; Ct1_tc_u. dggity on the `part ol` l':ll .. l(llltl :n 1rance_to prevent the suppression of ti Southern 1 tebell_iou, and to 5'-_'t'Ht'-' _lI CStL\l)lisltuleut oi two rival li('[llllJilL.'\ North }\lllt`l`iCtl. `The L' liroatle-r than the preunst-s \\'i .l in. Some of the rumours oi Louis Nap leon s intentions may `be tr:u-ml liouthern agency, but we think lln'l'I` evidence sullicientito show that be disposed, not to iuterpose rwith llm and armies in the Auiericau pl-.u'rt-l, l. to oilirr his uieditation with a \'it-w- bringing about, a f"rieu-tlly St`ll.lt'lllt`l The reports from credible :~->l|l't.'t`.\ t-i` '. designs go no liurtlu.-r than tins. and it easy to lll 1tt'_g'lllC_1lll.s' (`HHFSU`:l]i>t`:tl'l:t',' hint emineut.l_v .heuetit'ial to has t~\ position and utl\'illlf(l_,"t`UtlS lo the \\`m at large. The lnipt-ror ot the -l"rt~i. has, in fa.ct,a great desire to lnrC(-tin` '. arbiter of the uuivieru-. _ lle ha;. .\llt|\ ---shall we call it his wt-:tl or 1 strength '!-in the aflairs ol' ltal_\' and the East, and it would he an auhhtion feather in his cap it" he could ln: 1 means of" jquietiug the greatest tltitlltzsl broil the world llitS`c\(Cl`- seen. A 721 ` 7:c/m sovereign, hehas no vestetl l'l_'_1l to rest upon; he has won his spurs, L he must keep them bright, and tl1i_-re no spectacle his subjects more dc-:n lovethan that of their ruler controh the destinies of Foreign States. it : most excuses their own pusillaniun submission to the tyranny got` the in: vidnal. A I . Let us look now at the position Lo Napoleon will occupy, should` he ot his mediat_ion in the American plan The proposition will probably not madeuntil the effects of the .\'or1ln expeditious preparing ou the Alississi] and in 'l{entac-ky, and also the liurus expedition to North Carolina are lu tested. Butisupposing that Buell c: not penetrate into Tennessee, or pa-. trating finds no support from the iuha -tants, and is bravely and spirilully 1 2 struct_nrewill_ have to dependforsupport by thesouthern forces at every poi F sol`ely7'5E`7T_ own strength and lightness. so that he is unable to cut oll' the r: : I`t*is expected that after the dome is way connections between '1`t`llll('S.\(`t':i n y ' already been the result of, some l1]Ol1](.'ll-l '; tary iua'd\'ei`tct1ce.on the part of the nieni finished it will take at least -`tlireeewecks torernove the inside scaolding. The eastern dome will, it is expected, be finished by the'1:2lh of February,and its westerii rival abonta fortnight later. It _ "was hardly to be expected that so much iiperilousiiwork gsbould "be got through I -witliout, some accidents; and, accord- ingly, there have been, we regret to say, five 0ir.six_d_eatlis, and a good many ` broken limbs, but we believe that in no case. hasauy accident occurred, through ~ `litilure in the ropes or machinery, or, lwe-akuess in the scaffolding, but it has] l 1 tlieniselves. l-nu ,1" '1-.` '[ vl _nia_y say to .\lr. l.iut-olu-~-" You a l were six I .I A _Virginia; supporsriug that lilll'l:\ should he repulsed on the cozist. or unable to penetrate beyond it: .\'1l_[i}' ing that Savannah should not be tat; by -Slieruiau, that Mobile should ln' 9 from1 belp sattaek,aud tluiin-\-.-t-.\i. tion turtle: tieueral lintlt-r.~l:ou!.l no more than otli-'.'r L'.`ll2l'tilllH|'.\' l..v.x. 3 done. _.\'nppose. in short, that tlzz-:3 2'. should slro\v: no _:reat a M` .\'orthern Cttll.\t', then l.tIlli> .\E.p~?. l'l` \ I stroyur-_: yoni's<-l'.'t-:; and _\`o::r .'~':aIx; ii-llo\\'~<'ouutryun-u, and st-i'i-ta:~ n_.' terrilptiug 'tltL',L'<:l.llllt`l't7U ot'.th-- \'\~l 4` yet are no Iiearer your t'll.l '.l...u _\ nonths new: is 1 . int lwf /, I I) ll , . I .1 HJSICK \-Illlfls UII\I` "\J\mI . ' A rather singular traffic )8 that now precious commodity, exhibition s , ce, `has been discovered, and put a stop o by Mr._ Li'ndon,`one of _ the secretaires. It a. number of persons had applied for space who had no intention toexbibit, but had `secured their space . betime's,asa certain class of Parisians do the front seats in the theatre, in the expectation of selling them to advantage ._just as the curtain is about to rise.~ The course of the Commissioners is to put- downiall such trafc, and promptly` to cancel any `space privilege which istlms sought to be transferred_'. . F;:I-:_m4:::m<' H_`lHl|EV,`Revenue-"VInspecir,_C>o.' of .\'xx`n.-.u), I)u`nlnp Street. ; ` 7 n..;.-. 1 man . - A. .' V22 ' KIIK 5ll\ \r'~"-`5' I I I ' D ` 'J.`hc- nave may be said try be iiczirlyt gcniliplctc, liciiig _roolLjtl over, llourcil. ltliroligliout, and liuving all its culinnnsl l`Sl::l!iLllllg` in their lirst coat of p-.ti_nt. An !iL`Xp<,'rilll'L`lll . _\\'as tried. on .\lon-.l:ty int` L=olotnr_iii_:j," at portion of thc 1'ool'hL-.in;:l puiiitctlol :1 very tlL`:tLl blue. The l't'.S lllll [was not szttisliictory, and Titiis. il`.Ul|_L`lll: giitliut tlielicst way will. be to `lo-.u.'c the `o-.11: puiicling-to its natural colour; lllL`__l't`l W -.`DlV'll`l": ,' it at coat of bright vannishr We 5 were verv much sl'l`llttl{' \\'ith_ the; . ,r - V -. spzic1ons,'.ury, and cheerful nppcur:.uicul`- ot"the \\ CSt(,`t`l1 court, llU\\f_CU_ll)[)lCl.L'l_\'l, ro0fcd ai1tl flt)Ul'C(l,`ull(l_.l E?t1(lY for our? best C`Xllll)l_ll0ll space in the whole l)llllLl- nig-. A\\A'hc11 this S[)lCllLll(.l court shall` li`-ave hccn (lL Ct)l"dlL`tl ustlic _1"'rci'icli `ex-g llll)llUl`r5 p ropo_sc to 4tlCCOl'$.t_lC it, and is?! tlllcd witlntlicir \'urious,und l'ic:uiti,fiil, ` niumiicttircs; it -will certainly he not_`| V the least attructivcportiou ol the exhi- bition.-, -Tl]( .llt1_\. C, in whi(_:h the -Eng-1 . lisli will probable muster struiigest; is as! yet iratlieri (lurk ';1ll(l(:l()lS_ll'zll,. but it is expected that _when the demos are nished and their scaffoldiiig is cleared -`away the light will be abnnthint. The ,pictnre g._1ller_v, to which the Vvisitor must ' as yet ascend by a` hulder; is neve`rtl1c-> (less quiteiready to receive its pictures ; and here the light is,_*as was expected, .perf'ect.p The` length is_ 1,200 feet, the saniecas the Louvre, and, in addition, lFl`CllCl1 frientls, \\'hoin it will have the: . feet L long. Should. all this length fut" hanging space he tilled with meritorious pictures, use nordoubt it will; there will be ut`_Kensin,gton'u ner exliibition of pictures, not only than any existing col- election but than any collection that has ever been brought together, not expect- -ing the Louvre when enriched by the V First Napoleon with the spoils of all Europe. M One of the: annexes is nished iexceptpthe ooring,.and the -other is nearly half covered in, whilst. the re-` freshnient ` buildings have made rapid progress during the week. A I-nthnr nintrlllnr friaifn 1': Hus} nan. there ares two minor g-.1ller.ies, egich 800,i Internationlsslffhjbitigg of rn_'_,A AL ;_.;___' ,1 _'-__ ..-....., l at Loni.-; : occnpyishould` olli.-r l 11ll:ll`l`t'l. be ".\'orthern i\li.~'sis._~ippL l}uru.~`ul.-. Carolina lull)`; that can- ]`il'il|`r trating-nds the iuhal.-.- nut the_Soiithern forces point. r:;..`- '1`l`llll('S.~(`t' :u..l JilIl'l.'.\.'.. -` lw it; snip;-~ should A-; - from l sattael;,aud V5. ll ! 11`- ih.-.x. 3. tii:-.-~'j la: : ... |iNOl'tllUl'l1 .\ :.p--?. i .1 i'_ma_y Lint-olii--'~-" zirv Ii l stroynr-_: \'l|lli` :<:a1i'; ifi I ,. iv 4 ;] iliL`_L t:l.llllL'l`L`.U \\ 1. I, 1% _\.i T that you ::l.ould :i|l~o'-.'.` me in lu' thv If." l "` diun1_t>i' ai'r:tiiuiiis_: yuiir (lilii`l'4'l:" .~." '_1'Iiu rec:-_ptii>ri_ \'.`liu'lI this Iii`-Zn;'m:il \.'m. (l i lllL t'l. ll'Ull1llH_` \`i'a.~l:iii_'_;t.:-i (;mi-;`:.:.. 1 : i`~\\`oii`.d dept.-iu.l tlpoii eii'eii:i.~-t:in..'~. l.. l lbr L'.`Ill`Ill[:lU,, the .\'oi'th \\ t:-re lo rt-luj-is I lipuy taxis, if there \\'erv nw d-uu-i.-?r ; tions on bi-lz-.1lt' ol the l'ni-vi: in it-i I see, or in .\ orth (j:'irolin:i. it it \\`--'.`~- t- 2 ideut either that the .\o;`th \'.- '.:.'f s'u.st:1in the war lot the ('itllt1`|li<>~i E L5'Ul|ll|, or that the >'i=iith ili~-pi:;_\. `*a_sp.i'i`it :1snia;h- their liuul in >tor;.`. ..i Z the l.'nion iiiipossiliii-, tlu.-u .\ll`. l.u.~5 T r -nn_-_rht lindit u very t-oii\'_in;k-ut th;i.; i yield gi`aeel'nlly to `Louis .\':';-'-In -pcrsuasioiis. lint, '.su-p'n_~;iu,-- t:i.;.t 1` Nortli cuntinui-s in its !`l'L i~,1'I.'., 1:-2'2; pays its taxes \\'illi'u;ly,':u.d 1.-:;r.= i" . soldiery into the .\'ont.l.i, (ll`ll'l'li.ilH'\i _I l coiu1iu:i'or1u:i`isli,tluii l.oui.~. .\`;i;7Ii .3 Li oller would certaiiily be <.lee':;u. -cl. 1_; `. - not necessarily in a llttlllt: .~pir.t. -5 Lincoln iniignt say that he \\'u.~t t`itii?I' ii 5 for tl. \\'L`ll-lllL".llI1Ullt`l','l)|lt that his ii. s -plcstill preferreil the :ii'l;iti'uiiwi ml 1} n l l l , . 3 I sword. - \`\'e may liuiey that that rvlc->: i would result ' ii: the i'('(3t`_1{lllll1Ill by. Frzit'ice ol - the b'ontheru ULJlllt`(l(,'lt`.'.':., 1 but ' :1. 'dccluratioii of war` .\\`onld i... -necessarily follow even that SW1)`. A J31`;- tuiu uclinouflcilged the new (.'overiiiini:*. of_'J`useany two years ago, but .~\ust~i'i;i did not `commence hostilities _agaiu.-..:'- her. It is not foritlie interest oi` l.oui~.' Xapoleoiito liriiigabout a state of war with the United States} - lt ivould hi'in_;; liiin no territory ; it would be :1 very e.\'- pensive contest,_ because it would be waged at 3} distance. The iiiaiuilfaetiii'- inginterests of France would be lower even than now, and its -foreign trade would be sadly cutgnp by the Aiiwricaii 4VN_lVy.'_ We know, ulso, that it isptlieuini of Louis Napoleon to conciliate the Republican.'p.*irty of Frence and of Jin- rope. ~ He is not-a friend of the [/"cit: Legitinnsts, and he can iiiuiiugc. the clericttl party, but these roygc revolut ion- ists, `ready to risk life at any moinent in a contest with a tyrant~`--cven Witlcltllig - `with sleeplessvigilunce for their time to sptrike--I-hese people , Louis ` .'\':ipoli-mi, pa_rtic'ularly since the Orsini biisiiiess, has endeavoured to conciliate, u-nd lnis par- tially succeeded. A war with Aim-rica -. wo nld lead him in the oppositedirection. Louis Napoleon had :1 fair chance of ob- taining war with the United States. hail he desired it from the Mason and slid:-ll affair, yet he decisively and earnestly -strove to prevent it by his remonstranci-s with the Washington Government. if he recogmsedtho Confederate Govern- V meat, it would only be, we` are 'con-, 1:~.i=.-;i` iiioiitli.-`ago: it 1w 3`: 1' Breaking the ' "Blockade. 'l`l1c.Americ-.1ns are '11l:1i t11cd'ut this 'theAEug1ish press, lay `the remarks L-.m1stuntly' in cimuiutwu *"thut Louis; :L sshare iutlm 'l`l1~y I I Linterprt nlzmili-smtions indu- ."t.. . }.... t`!.*,,. 1.; iCu`(.,d. t H, U ,n-..|!n .m-. ` Sllm>I`L S.\`iulI U1 tin: : \'a||||\(:|'|\ |?.Ju~.lH.\n I|Inl' 1.. .~ ...u.- . IV" . ]mo_vement :17 -v_\-gnu Alllltllkallt J nu \."ll\.lII`l\"| 13 ;briJzule.r i|".1I'. '>.'uine the .\':i1--i.- *l.cun n1:xy`.hu tn . agency, i-. *evidenc_t: I.\' th---t~; i I i z1lilL_i`dl`l1li( Svill Aniurican t1tl`.lt'l't'i, int ` . I O to vii-w-t St`i`.it'i1ll'|i1. ('I'L'tiii)iU : aIlIl'(It`>. `.;.;. iin'tlii,-r this. is. iii1:x'g'iiie_t|iis L-taairsi`: :IH|t':H'iH`,' M. 'eniincnt.I_v.bu i1ctit-iui man ,pusition ud\':nitngt-uns \\'..i.'/1 at -I-'11-i.t'h ,.hus, gxfvzit desire Iin, arbiter lit` hit; .~li_n\\`i`. cullit \\'('1|i{H(`5S iH>; ' the wt" i`t`\\'Ui\1 anhhtiunzii feather if cunhl th-. means ofjjqtiietiiig g['0L1H_`.\'[tiUI1lt`.sit'u hroili world` huscvcr-seen. A pd)`- : I'lj_1ili.\` but and tin.-H: .i< ic-zirly l,o've,t|iani c-untmlinu, ui-' pnsilluniimins of the indi-_ ' A L ,. .. .._ 1....1_ ....--_ _'; n. -, ._.,._: I..._ T . And `$2 00. if not paid ' in -advance. n` o`- .219 u.:.`a.-- l.\L`, tlyml` '.\.:x[:-_.'.w .4 11'. Lincull)-4~ Ygru _u;--~ I.1'.sul\'(~s ym:1.`~'<~:IHn rri Hyxnczi, .S'3. I'iI.1!>:`' Hz- 1 !z.u.cu1.x1I1m'uc n.;',` 9 n.:;u'vr;y0z'I1' '11:! `i.;.n _\V;l .n_nlh.sb:1:u; . Iwfiz .m_ld_ :lH'L)`.\_' HM} In In the 1:'.e_-- 1'15-:\ .... I\ K y,f:un , I.uui.s` .\":x;v)fA: : (,lci:3i:|i' V ztillgv he ubli; )I1tl_Imt his 1 No. 7. l`rm.\mr_\ an .uunnuJI'4v """"'-" *7 l; linrrtou Cbtllnbersx T`m' .V ' , V , " . " ` > IUDI0. J. 1n:y,:1:r.\` .1zn3xssou v I - - ~- _ . ~ -_ . ` . 11.-x RLES .\[AGRA'l`Ha B" str :3! Golborne UF1-`ICE : Corner of _Ch.Ul - { , , . ,Stree13,'I`nronto. _ ' Jr1n.,'l86`2-. _ 74 . V 5 - A.AcoolIlVW' ILLIA 3.1 I Yl")Ei,_ M;neyt*:'"_"'-. .3 t N tary` u 16 3-v_ ' W mu 1)?!-n : gntario Bui ldinC `V s.`et!l't.)l'Iel:)'-I. " Assurance Buildings, Ch0!0l.18".". t' _ ' T 6 Ja'n..' mm. " ` " 1`; UL\l\.l.3U1V at BAMPDUAI, U'|'" Aneys; Solicitors, &e. 0Iml` Iurance Buildings, Ch|ll_'ch_ SreeIbT<;l V-Anrgus Morrison . . - o I, Tm-m.o..` \r.;.;.....|...- `mm ' ( tm:1.~' I`1 H"lH~1l .> H ItI1I_{1TI)e'p(itmv _of;tlie ' , i3Vu ri.- H:':uu'h `. .ih_lc Society, I)1111l{)p">S`t.rL-e7't.. __ .13 . . =xing 0HN.ELLxs Lnho rapher It 3'"_?'r`Y."" I T 0 -Street \'Ve_st, _'l`orono. Gouly M`p" Lots, Invoices, Arms, 0restI..||-1'19-`P _ ,- '-; with Presses. Wedding Cards, jg =5` JI11y.10,1855 V ` I101}. . V ' _ . . kn_v+:1:`r1si.\:r:_-Si.\:1nes or nnde`r, ,r`st'i nsertion,- . .m;; L`:I.(,'h subsequent one 1'2;(-.'. Over six lines`, _7c per line, fnrsvinsr-rtion',' each s11b`sq11eut One. on Prn-::ir-HI.-ll 'nr'15u'siness Cards 34 par .. . . .l..,..\..c:.....u! nrnil .111. _7c lu`\e,nrsL~1nsr-ruon; eacn sIu).~5e.qucuu. mm. 20. Prof-ssiran:\l "or 15u'sines5- par yr-;u--. lii 1}); six months , if not morc,Ih'an mu linc.~`. SpL`vChll comr:1cts'c:1 n -h`e'made by vtbuv _V,e:1r,nrh:_u't. of :1. year. Orders to diso_ominne . . .-\-lvcrtismncu'ts to }ie'1nz'ide in w1jiLi'ng.' ` - ' -- ' nu-rnnril BIC`. 1' K; I \7` !`}:{_!`-I ii` :l)cV NL1ttl)cr'tI 1 2\h nai1jteL >'cpl` .` _';\}I|` T" U.`I;_\\\`RE`_\'CE, .I.ife,T~`Vire` sLndV.\_[.1rint'r InsIir-_ 9 a.n.~(-..;md House. Iiand ant1_`.'I`nwn'_L0tA.0m- '('<}n\'e_\':xl1ccr, Commiasinuer in B. R., kc.>, Is:-uer 'mf .\1.nrr'mge Liccuses.e-0`xce, [Huron Stret, Col- - l'inp;vs'k)()d. . . _ _ _ A\,.. 14 1011'! ~ V ' I . I` " ""l L'.I ' 0;'lu1\er 1: ), 1858. TAE-R315: $1" per year, ' in advance ;-` ' ` ':\r\'~l_l_) maumnce nu Ja.'n., 1862. __._________. Vt. .\,H-"l`ll[`l . ARDAG_H, Men_1bcr_`Roya.l. <'.1I{:.q_vL-"of Surgeons, `England, L. M; m}n|:-_~`1rm-. Barrie. _ V - 2 | \`LIv1)\:l '. _lld 1800. `V v` '_ _ . '40 nulgus momson Toronto, November, 1359.- 5-. , . >\P\/\ - 2m1.\'sn_\* .9; McBnlDE,'Bar:imr.m;- .lInn.o,... ("l.......lu...u Tnrnnln ' ` OHN. ELLIS, -Lithographer .&`Enr!Y!'-I Street. \v.u 'l`nrnntn_ (}ouutv'M`a!Il.'P`! v0L.XL ._ gvu c. `*hru':1r_V-'_ 0. 1.960; .'\llV(5I'Ll.'l'JllL'lH.5 LII l)l`- muuu In vv|_u.nu-5-. . {(0 p:1p<~r discmninzned until ul I-A-Mrenrnges are I` paid, vxg-4-pt at the option of-tI1cVp'ublisl)er.V I [ ;:xx'r:.\`';, HunIc`m;\'mxn and RUl.l.\'G 'done;0'n the pm-uni-sa-s`. ,Th(}.f1l.(:il'il.i(`n" of the Establislntnenpl Ann: more cnmplcte than any olhe]-'N0rtl1 of)". "'1`urm1{u,". hm'ing been` carefully `tLe_d_ out ix_1 cv`r_v' pzmiculrxr. . - ` Cumrnuuic:1ti(ns should b'ad_glressed_ t6 "the Pub- * lishcr, [;ostf[)}1id. _ . D. .cm+, . " . I , ,.J\,\-,._,\,\ ,.A v fl Lu }{.\1 Li {U .\'_1`, 1'iar{s'i.r, Auoniey; sol `citur, L`om{u_yu.ncc1','_&.cf_&c,,Duulup,St.rect,` ...n ' V ` I . . , |0RmSUN 8: SAMPSUN, Barrilm-Is nan: - qA`:1n:.ln En 3.1; HOL1`. ; 'm:m'r .._. ll .1". `. l` |{().~'.\`'I})l ,_'l yn;$={ncini -Lind Sv_'r've_vnr,.' Jmsuglxtsluzul, and Yulucr of Lnnds._ Col- A\:| *.'xnh_L'r 5_, 1360. \\'\.1 .n .-`.1 1.1. -.'>xn,le1K*'17.llV1,T4861. ,|'. I..7I-4:78.," Burvriater-t_-Law -, \'...-.-La ;-;a mix l`.ER, 0oppe1;, Tin; aha {e}z :1` \\'urkur,`l)unlop'S,{rcet, Ba}-rie. ` ,~ `V .-M:1y':!llr, 1860. 7 . " _B l`>(`;{' ( H 'I'I,!`...\`, S.\U.\ DERS,_ Watcltand (Hock r. J-\\'c1lL-I`, &(;.,ib'egs Ioiuform the in- ...t' l::u~:`i_e audsurrounding country that H mr'r|~a,`l lnniness inqthe above line, and _. to the tuna ofhia eud- ; V-in general satisfaction. Melodeona, . .*;u.~, re;.ai'r(-d. ..`Ill w_ork_ W_nranledV.. I ,_msp~s=i;e. I~`y.m\;,r,her s_ Hotel. 51.[l..`\VL`1.l'Ch, 1800 ' _ 1-tf '_ ;..ln1;.1'.i"{.1} !_:mI_1_v nu ;-"1-`mun FI{( ).\1$(>);\I;\Ti`};)viiici;1i~LV9.xid_i :'\`.-yar, Civil I-Iur_iueer,?&`g:.A ' '- Wihl and other Lands, exzm-1i.TxV1c(.1 and.` (`KB & SON, -Provincial Land Sur ,t'iv1l En'gine(-rs, kc. I = _ __ l'--1_ 1hL- _l.'ppL*l' Uu_nada 'l_`x-ustffsnd Loin .(H`:-`xur:-Co1lier,_SLreet, `East. _of` the .=w`.s."".`,' um-2.`, `(:m{era1 w:rct{ant,I ~n`-ml .~\n.ctim1ecr, 1s's_ur:r `of _M_urria}ge-I 13 15302. >\`h_ Aprii. 1861. (:o[.I.1S<`; \\'(1)<)1)[ ) \T I`1).\' S: ARDAGH,`Barpisters-udpsolicitors, 4`nu\':-_v:u1co!r, .\'mIriea `P115110, 7&0`-"""J3m5 l`.HLull, \\'illi:un D. Al`dlLgVh.V _ > V _ >_ . . -. V 1-um-..-. 1-'.-1;. 26.-1.~5s.. V _ " _ .5 .-\ -zon(.t0`r tlmvC.-XNADA IIANDEI) ` lT().\iP.X\'Y. Applyict the Oii-e ..\'nns 3.: (}o.,'Bi]1 Brokers and Gen- uu Agbnts, Duulop Street, Barrie, .\'o\'.,8_',1858.'- /.sI.n\TIN'II`)ALi3._ .13 A 1*. A11 1 19." "B_I_{ pionn. {A IE5" l`.udsteauij:m `(Yhair .\lmm-' m the Rogist__ry Oliice, Burk-;, L-`ux"nitu1`e. of-;v:\rio_us descri,|`)l.i,mH_I.`. m'h;~.`n:1, ()1`nmde to ofder. Wood 1 :1 all its bruuclaes, excuted, with _ > , I -4 r 1:OI{ONf'l`O.' I (m1 LLIT .CIi1w, V Drnrl .rriIurI, xuw. >1--WeItnrn Aln A ' Tomato, 0_.W. SI`: '1 .l rimsm=.n. 1-l\LlHl, \\ llllllll II. .'\|UD5HnV l":rx`n', -_ u . I-: .\'m',u. 11_<)'13I{Irx'si,MCdunyAxfomey, Co. at` iuxcne; Barrister and Attorneyatghair, f~'-vlicimr _in Ulmnc-r=ry, Notary VP ub1i0,&G-'-*`OmC=` n I)uh1op>`lreet, `B:n'r.ie. ' " _ - V .7 :\l:rth'3, 1853.` t . ` . . 9 Anasgvuuu-9 ` ` &I`L9 Wel- 1<??.`Yj f 45711 43- \Veep, England! noble-fatherland, weep. for thy ' V .mighty'do.-ad, : ` _ _ . .;. ' \ ` In sack;-lpth _.and in tubes mqum. and bow thine ! haug'hty,head, - . _ _ For the voice, of _ wailing has gone forth with the_'at '_ ofthe-J_ust,` . I ' , T .. With the` will of great Ubiquity--the God in whom . we-tryst. 7 ' . - _ .- . -- Haul down. thy haughty standard s gaudy silken fold ; Shroud itshlessed mono 'and its brilliant scroll `of; ~ anl.I . xxVxt1`~'n.iur or nscsmatsa, MDCCCLXLA .nave, From Linc<`)ln s boa y fowers lhat nll.:I'ime s_e'urls V brave ; -. ' . . _ FromQxw'd _s lava] city, red from her Popish `res; i `From York's old Norman Minster and Pelerlgon-ough s I snircs : ' ' ' - V_ .(rlA' . ..,... - .,-... -_..,........ ..,......... ...... -.......,.......5.. . spires ; . . _ O eg-'Penslun-st : shzV1(l_:'s,vand Derwent vale; and Al- ' 1-m s.ducal'lowern; ' ' ` And ClmI.~iwnrII1 s noble mrlusion bosomed midsl 1 - vjnesand own-rs;' ._ :; 7 7 . - . A From -Benc-lty Head to Arth ur s seat and Ellric-k s -' fnno'_ns gvl-n, - -' " ` ' ` den; . . , . V Each bans heard the soundof woe, and sadly one and .` a- ` - ' ' ' . ' Havo`n'nourn`ed for lheogood Vand nobl,o_ne undeiiho V blazor1ed'pal|; ' ' ' ' ' -, ' The miirer in hi$'sunle88_c ava, lhe_ Weaver 8! his` ._ A loom, . ` _ ' ~ : And u: s1_arv_ing, "needy seampslress in her acant_v- ' _ l'urni.4l_I-Ll room, . ' ` H, I Have joined the -.wide'-s pread sympathy for those who ' ' _ mourn below, . ~ A -- ` ` . ' 5 A_nd_echded _-w.ilh' aection, the ?iapa; . In _peqsnnl homes and lord!y.haA|ls_-,`is told the mourn-. A ful me-.' V ' 2 2 . - - The palace: ul'\lo Hulyrood and b_;nu{eous?Hawllxo'rn_; I ....... uuwll. my nangnly slgnaarcrs gaudy snlken told I and `of; `And bid_'old Paul`s stupendous bell roll torth the 415-} , . -mal sound... _ _. . . V _ Answer il,.a`ll ye hundred spires that rear your heads 1 -- , around. _ . ' V ` `- Let all we Tuwer_'blleries' tell in their cnnnonnoar That England knows her "duty and knows.-her` loss > full sore. ` ` ~ Fromxlmnry Wi'n_dsdr"s_haugl1t); pita, that-rnqitrninhg ' _. has gone forth ; 4 _ . ` From ve_r(.ant-'sunth_ern Shires to each,,,rocky_H-ugh-1 I land'stralh': ` ' - - - I: rum ve_rtunl"sunln_ern smres I0 eacn,;,rocky_n-Ign- land'slralh'; f _ > , From Ely s stately turret-Atop and Winchester s proud .nave. '- - ' ' '- 1 - - ` LII VPCIQEIIIII IIUHICB HHU |U|'UIy-I,IIIAIl_', IS IUIU IIIU IIIUUTII9 ._ ful lale, And rdck, and dell. and mobr, and fen, have heard _ the pcople's_wail.;~ , ` . . -` ' ' And`ro_:'L',- and dell, and moor, and fan. have heard ' !he.pen'p]e"s praygars - V . ,j ` " . :Go up to G_ml in Hem-enw -lo-dry our widow : `tears ; a For never" England : monarchs have ever had, I umpn. - -` .;.|5a.l uc uvv>.-u nus nngm4n_pcupIu.unu IUVUU ms nu- ' ' glish bride. ` _ _0h, proud old regal Windsor !, you have gaine_l;this day a name ' ' To live with youv[ur ever, linked with your own" _ wide` fame ; - . V _ ` , And_'nnt all your-boasted heraldry, your `roll of garv " ' tered knights, ` ' The bride or all your Tudor kin'.orjb'old P.lantage- ` TIEII ; Norfyou`r'Norman Wil|iam"I_`rovTslrieB_Orthe-sldril ' ol'his._reign, _- " - ; .- ._ , _ _ The beauty of_ proud Adda,` the pearl 9! fair Lur- V '-raine- ' ` V- ~ , _ _ . _ . . * Nor Surrt'5'!: fate, nor _S_eynmur's`lave,;nor the ashes ' of nnr I.'nmi.' ' - . . ` , - lV0|' lllc l)llZUlICU UIIIIIIBTGI, DUI` |lIC_ UIUCTB Ull'Illa -breasl - ' ` `HI-lave made this pole'love'him,`.bn! aseverei- lest, Where-in he pruve_u|.,wnh a noble, honest fpride. . Tk;`a.l he lcvycil `this Edglish,pebple.and loved his En- zlish bride. - . XVU_I' D|JlT)", lull! lull Qe!|u(Iu["I lHVU,'_llUl luv aaucu - -0rQD| km`gi.'. ` A Will o'elr`surpass- lhe memory that new around Jhee 1 `- '(.-lugs. - - ' , - . Golha may mourn her no_blc'Duk, as mourn run . well '5-ha: Inav. -' ' :- f ' ; And Ruse.-n_au uud'Ehrenbcrg regreuhe diraful day`; But the land ul his dduplionl, lhis England be ap- prove-d, - ' ' ~ _ I.-Ias,grnv_ed his name `upon her heart toalnow how . :3-In: ha : ln\'::d-' v ' ` I Ill\llllIlIaIl3 uuvu uyuu nun, I Wefg , A lithe of that deep sy'[HpaA1by we are `proud lgi gfv.e- our Qur.-en. ' - ' '-' Luv: _n-uvuu AJIIBIUIIV And not the` lpudest piaisea that Ah cr fherus ever A blew, . Nor the Iong_I{o|l of'Ii_I'les `of Gzafler andblarehcieui, - Nor the blatuued bunerel, nor yhezoldera on-his -hrnnvni - ' l_'l8H,gl'||V_C`(I HIS |lal_llU Uplll! HUI" llcll lU.a|Iuw uuvv jslu: ha`: lovcd-' _ ' _ To 'leH'uur grar-iuus Lady her people `share her wu_e,_ To lell_I|ne su:ickun falherless we their orplnahsorruw -I-nnu: V V i. \}HU \ I \V hu tnlgnuuq. ).c,c.1z, 1351. . A _.42 H'Il)R(H. .R(7IX6';:?3(30t and VS1I0;:.:li(:l', T Uullinqwnnu. All nrders`in the abovevline and war- ,7 m:\nuT:y,(`tuf('I under In .-5 `own in:-poocion, rum-d.fnr nc:uno,ss and strength. _ ~ '1 -Ana wllclllrr wr mu 'PC_d3lllI|. vvuu u|uuI_, 1 _ _dg-n"_I"a1c.`, ' v ' 4 , I_Wi1h mnn'_\' a sub and maxi-y a tear, at the opening wurl|u>1:se_gt_I1v, ' ' - `- . V A ` ~ t_0r forjtlnelr -sovereign) Lady" when her throne is` I 5 -n.- alum: . . slmdcd u er,_. .. ._ . . _ . _. Her quick. relief and`syrnp'a1l1ics ~a__r_e given as of yore. .' [- Andv Ihnsc who serve hep true in life, she lLwelh_.unlo ' " rL.oIl\ "' W Iln lenqer uaru, anu zsurruvum, vjnlunglnlg -..-.-- _-u. _ 'esl-' l)realh.; _ V _ ` ' __ And-when in lJxe,glooIn-lled."valley ghcxr earthly '_ labours c-can:-,4. 3 - ' ` - ' - ~ i_b~l.a)-5 aijngel c_o_nvoys bear them >tov hovly,r_esl and.1: . I n'Pm::. linme. '- Viz`. - -_ ' b _ . [And wlxethn-r {Jr the -peasant wife xnouming her sud- | (L-n"l".1l4-l. " X v Said to u .Scolch ooun_try'm'an,'%;0tttething' of a g 7 Samoa 5 HUMOI_'..-.-.A sp'|;enet_ic' Engtishtnan } wag, that no` littln of taste would think of re- ` . maiiii:i_g.eiiy time in such` no country as Scot- .land. To which the canny Scot. _replied_:--'_ _" Tastes differ; _l se tnk_ y_e to _n piece, no far: free` ,Ster>Ii'ng, whaur .thretty"tho_nsend u -yer .` couiitrylmen ha been for cveihnnder years,en1 the ve nae -thocht o. leavin y.gl_e:v .5 north country dro_ver had, -hoI`veve`r,.tl more tangible oipporluuityi df-gfatityingz his netional'.'anitnos- ;it-y against the sonthern,-`Vandcot which he V avvaileil hitnsel7f.A_-Returning homeivarde, after , la` somewhat` unsuccessful journey. and not In a- very giiod humor with the Englishman," when . p.'assing'thi-ough .'Cat|is|e, he sew'Xa. notice "stuck up;-oi-{ring a reward 'ot'..50 for any one Lwho would do a piece'j-"of service to t!.-ec`comV- 'munity,_:by oiciating as executioner of Ihelaw on a `noted, criminal then 'lll'ldel_' sentenceiot 1 death. Seeing a `chance "to make up'for'his bad market, and comforted with the assurance when movingjoff with the`. money, ' being money , .. T .. plied. with a. gum and qniet glee.-_-."I Il hang iyleia at the that he was_ 'un|tno"\1;"n there. _unil_ertook_ the ' office. hanging the rogue, and got"the fee," (qiuad as a.v_mea_n. be_2t'."a:riy Scot,'doingjt'or. what ._no Ellglzshmil '0'-|'.d.he' re`- I111. HIUFU V\"ll| ' ~ death, _ \V|lh _tender 0: ucl: Ix :-...c _.v_- - - . I his own good `charge others. and have the epijap `Air Barron ; Aocoun.rsAuu:m-s..--.At a, lag, printer ; 'feoI.inQ` in Boston. 'Iho'{o|lo\iing mpg - ta! Ions: was given : The E|ilor-Th.mnn limit` is expeolqd.-;lo know overyubing; tell. .`u he knows", and guesq Il_`lhB rest ;- to make known 'l'e`:,_'ez-lnlilish the reputa. _ lionrof his neighbor, a'm}el_ecl all oandidalaslo office`; to blow up everybody.n`oit Tsverybudy, and reform !hO'\I0l'|II_( Iorlivo fnrlho benet of M ` (In his lombloneg Here he lies al In! '3 rn short, ho` In locomo. five runner `on Ibo l_rg_k of_puhl'1o nmoriplyg {his lever in; his pin; _ A _ "norm; his driving. ink, this tender ii-his`_om V whoa! in `public opi_nioI| ; phenevor he ax, lplodoo -it in cnnid b]'lh_B non qf:ub- T ' ind conqugrbn - `I Like. the gbnniily of `king: ' APW'!|.Ph50, Fmtlerick _thg~GreaI had a moot indiifetenca tb d9ja_'th. ;_l_n on. of his human`, 3 binution oi-vbloiino haidg liken to "their hula he ypllqppod pitch` the _ _ '46 `Why do'yoo- 'm_n'_cw'a.'y, you old blnckgnugsi 1 {on P393 I9 l !jI9I9m_ 1 V m. bavyling o`m, . 79 , > V ` , ' . " . r are, and sorrowful, watching thexr_la7t- xi-...o|l1 . ' D