Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Dec 1860, p. 4

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-.. .... ....... ..... nu... - Swift wrote many sharp epigrams`, of which this is not a bad specimen : A ' Qlr I n:lnm'1 nun ..'...~..._..1 -..r.. Northern Hftel; Lefroy, W. P. SQI_TIRES,' PROPR1ETOE.. ""EsrABLisHED. ~1N=` 1829.- JAMES B. R~Y.AN., TMDOD 'l"'I:D ll ..-=,.-v---.-~- V--.---u...-.4 ' LEAVE coumcwoon". IVDZ. roa OLLINGWOOD.: IMPORTER OF LOCATED AT" Vnunmn gnonnnn .....J I J: '1'.EJw1s dnlinr, Sunnri m Six hundred men are employed in the manufac- ture of iron and brass pumps, at Seneca} Falls, Hew" York. . The capital invested in the coal lands of Pnn' ' sy1'va.nin, is said to be nearly kthu.-e_ hundred mil` lion dollars. ` L|.lN|a'VVUUl)- 5.30 AJI.` . 2.00 mm.` .l0.l5 A.M..aud 7.45 9.11. -nunom A.` .-...'- awooo. . 3 . . 7.00 A`.u. 4. oor;n. .12.45gu_d_9.oo ma. n\ut\t\n ILLALV I. Supen"ntende1it_. -.`IQ~ ntcgx. , Vmmm Yun- 28- ly. ` Ipa_.vv fplanxngulgiul gnu qunun yunn_a,_ For" the `V.'eiiifn].I)_i's'e,tiae_q'n_nd,[a_ll Private Comvplinta -g`leeli,"ttricti1i-es`,- omiml`weaknesa, pains in `the joints, a'eclion,'of the,lndneys,dioeasea of the head, llu'oal,`I_IoIe, and sI:in,- and ail lhocc dreadfultections ' arining from a open: -habit of youth, ` ;which progluue constitutional .d'bil,i:ly,;-gender mania impqnuhla, `>and7 in lb'Q"l_;ud.d`I_,st:9yhlIh bodo1"ra _5nindoi_1h!l`hg` .1 tment , ` ' '1 result `_ . 1 `n M - % ....s-~~ H yeanexlgngivuy mgcegnljnlpndimj and _ _ f _L_,___\, 2- . - : :.Ae_M0.ST SCIENTIFIC 1NVENT10N- . ' An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or N octnrn'al`Emi:sions,Jnore roperly known assemig nnl Weakness; 65. Can. permhhently cured in from fteen .daya to two month: by thex-nap ofthis in- V strnmc-n_t,_`\ivhe:n used conjointlywith medicines. = . - YOUNG-..,M_EN; .T1@KEv PARTICULAR NOTICE. DR. AMOS 65. SON talw pleunre in = announcing . tbauhey hnuevinvgnted a most important imm-umem. for the cure of the above diseqlel. Jtvhaa hcen nub- ?'eot3:d to a test by t.t_:', mo`_st eminntgnysicianq in ndnn; Pnria,iPhIlnmSpliin,nnd New} ark`: `it has ` been` declatu.-`d theonly use'ful*i'nstmI'nent vr`fn\"vnled - {for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or nn'ydiseao'e of thqenital otgans, (canned by the Waecretrhabxu of tyont...... ~ .5 ....... ... ,,..,... . T _ The Spaniards of SouthAAmerica use twisted A raw hide for ropes and as substitutes for log chains in working their cattle. ' A- n'n....... L..L.;..;_ |..._:.._ ._ :._.-...__, ..-, i'xE'I mos 30 so1~:,`a.' prderto ...;sry% the moai .IcepIicnl'-is I'6.th o3'nx'erita 61' their inmulnent, pledgeA lhemslves that in any inslnnce when it may gave -unsllisfnctoxygaer a {hit Mal, the money will funded by retuming..I|ze ina;_:umem'=in`goodx oidegg 2 Price Te}; llY-I1|8il._or expceu. NEw=1iEmI;;n1g:s,{ANn Q iJxCk QfIRE_S; Fm` th1Va5i'i:l..D?l'e`ises nnaill`PHv n:n' ('2.-.;.`.'.-ax.-'.... Scrofula; Oiriiijl-(.'_e-1:; j_C;';/:i]12_z-l_r'z:.:,"(Ffe;z-t Imputy Wqf Blood, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Fistula, Jsthma, Incipent Consumption, INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH,.0LD AGE, &o.' NO? C UARXY 1U SE D. L .` .Dr..[Amos..&:Son % .do3NE,R: 0F. MAIN. .,21v1> Qzm T.=.s1?.;, BUFF./ILO, NEW YORK,) -. H iRE.theonly; Pbyamians in the State whdiare f unembers of the Royal Co11ege=of`V Sn'rge`ons,V 'London,~mui'9be~cohsulled. from S o c|o-k in the morning anti of Diseagesi ~ 3 *ut__.nighl-,' in every male anq sygnptomo u an-u-nu 4--...--'..._..-..:. -..._._._.b..___ Iuq Cu` 001 n. ~DR.. `B"f31:'. -i:M3!1i~0j~l T.`Disiiens`a:+y !%% ' un'rAm.tmnn inn -rm: nrrnln nu . claw nun uvyylvy gal uvuuu A Pair of rioh'8e:vre.s Vases, with the 'oma'il3 execufd equ":l' to minialI1rE paint- ings;.an ,in like" manner, portraits can-be repro- duced on pqrgelain waresror Vanna -0 -_'..._ __-1_-A_ -3 a_..n,u. --...:u- nu rnllov uvua g820_to 8100 the. V V N.B.-Be rtitilhr in writing the address, dlown,` ` county and late-distinctly- ' All Letters to be addressed to `Manager, Jmerican Photograpic Porcelain 00., 781 Broadway, Nnw Ymur. ;> A ' .1QhLIrinn '!'(`)B_TBE,0IJ;l:!.l.2)V ' Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelas, Gieat "`v'of `Blood. Rheum. Pimnles. Fistula; The American? -ll-1ot ogr aphic Porcelain Company, No.-.78]. .BBoAbwAY, _NEw Yoax,7 I_IAVING secured their novel and ingenious in- . Jained vent.ion'by American and European patents, are fully prepared toexecute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Person non china, presnting_all,th_e attractive and advantageous tea- lnres of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy` and nish of a water-color drawing, and a hitherto unat- ualily of durability,`by renderecl'1s`im5 perisha lo as the natural properties of the articles upon which they are transferred. An II...-. _____ 4...'I upon rorceuun wares 01 any description and dimen; _sion ,u,sed asnnicles of" luxury or (if household utility, sqch as - - Umn,-Vases, Breakfast 0u_p, Toilet Article. col ; 7 thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing; unique and exquisite style of omamenlalion of} arti- cles 'l_ domestic use; - " ` I u . .. - Ihey will regive in return, A B..:.. 4.1 _.:_I. A .-...~__ --_.- .,`-.-.._ .. `u..-.u I-Lacuna nu.) I-I-I\ lllIU3o AN A-wrux. Muonu.-A correspondent of the A C.`1um_bia (S.C.) Times gives the followingmelau-' ieioly illustration of the uncertainty of the types. Aiyoungma-n by the name or Conkey.hnving_ been united by the holy bonds of wedlock sent-his marriage notice, with a. verse of his own compo- Bition, to the priuterfor publication, as'follo'ws: ' MAnnmn-Al. Gash.-am. Jnlv `IR A nnntm- Ianlluvtn` vu rqu`-ylulu vyaucavf f Vases olvevery quality of nlh, ranging in price from ` Qnn 4- Qih 41.- C|_3_ pz_1_1y_'_s tnxg1;ip.t!`xq Epovince. . ` ' jnssu:-ed. Ptemiumiipayhble .{'annually, or by sleuii-sandal or quarterly nst_.z1nf1;ts at_,the option gqf the __ ANNUAL AND` MOST. AMPLE ExH11$ITs ` ' ' 'v of its a'nir_s. ~ANNUm.`1:)1v1s_IbNs" OF Vrnbrxjig j `is pkferabfe divis`iona`a . . . , . V . - . \ t.inte_rva1s of ve, seven, l 91'; 99333353: . . . . .. " ' - R 1'1-ixupiq .. . -- . .._-_.____ A prices; en... nu uurlnlwllv unu- In order to f`ir_nisli facilities for thegraticalion. of the popular table; and to `meet ' the wants of [hose pntmns of the ne '-arts desirous of having Poi-trails on Porcelalt1,'the' C0mpa'ny ha'.\/e'impurted lrom_ Eu- rope a collection of superior porcelain g00dH,`ln8nll- fa:-itured to` their own 'order`,' which they sell at cost A-'.t... A........:...... rv ........ -- A ..-..., ........... ..... ., . V ' 1vedol1ars,, will receive in return by express, free ofolher charge, A richly. ornamented Braildaat Cup and 8_auc`er, . . . J with.tho,portrai_t transferred thereon. ` Ru Iran.-nnhlinn 1| Jan...-.........o...... -'..J nus UVILDII, V they will secure in like manner, ` \ ' V A'hands_ox_no.Fron,ch Van or '1'oilot.ArticIo,: wilh the porlralt reproduced by the patented process. By sending a.pal1'- of daguerreolypes and ~' I Wlgnn hall-.. W" W" '-V" 1".-'";`. '.`.'f`.'-'.':`.- .'-".'!":'. =:'A "`L'7"'9 i "99 . A * Bqlmtor,--Angu_s Mo;-riaon, Esq. T -PP117-.'5'"f7 -Fi1'e'RiIlcs received atthe Home .051. -T1'l*0: 0.11. Wa[l;iVn,t_<;p-stxoep, ogposfte -`the *0 mmercilf Biinlrl-' Oice Hon:-s,'-10,VA. M._, to 3, P._ M. R ` ' - ~ - . - 1sAAo~c..G11LMon;T-prsidehz. . BOB'l`.S'ANTON, smuaryg T raa1 c'rer.`~ = Toronto.` Dec`. 22- mm` .. In nwu.-1- ~ ' * Aa.lhe American Company are owners of the patent right, and conseqm_:n1l_y the only persons 3... llxrized to use the process`, they have' determined, in 0 er . . . . . , . . To afford People in every section of the union an onnorlunilv to nossen ;v uuvsu Lwvylu usvvuf; auuuuu 01 Ina Umon opporlumly posse Portrait; on _ ' a, . V ' ' ` ' ' to makblhe following roposition to Rbsidonts in the country, who are unable to visit personally-the Agoliez-`and Gallriea ' in New York`. PEl'o!!8 seudhrya photograph, ambroiype, ' or da- niuenreotype tovlhe ollice of the Company in New York, accompanied by . -" . . . . . . 9...- 3-1!--- ~ UV--'-J4--V.yIuIuII_Iv Iou:unuu 1`uu. I By transmitting a daguerreolype and Ten Dollars, `V Hun: >wi|l Ilinlirn {nu h'l.{.. n-......g..-: ~=`%:.~ -g muorons: -`~ = "- E`ZH]i357:L_""' ' A '" l`".' P. Robai-'ts,L . ' And E. F. Whittemore,Esqnirea, l Wa1ter1Ma.c Il'1Bl_I_Q, H """" ;`*.""."?!'`!.='4.r,er.-1*.1>er*L 3t!n'~m: Em- piuuu, w cut: prluter I01` puuucauon, nsiouows: MAnnxKn+At Gosham, July 28, A. Conkey, Esq., Attorney `at Law, to Miss Euphemia. Wig-' gins, both of Goshnrn. - _ Love is the union of two hearts That beat in soesl melody; Time, with its ravages, imparts N 0 bitter fusion lo its e..-slucy. Mr. Conkey looked with. much anxiety for the issue of the Gosham Sentmel, in order to see his name in print. The compositor into whose charge the notice was placed happened to be on a. spree at the time,end made some wonderfuleblunders in setting it up---t_hus : . ` - N'ARl}l"I`.l'l-'--AI_ i(`.nalmm' Jlv '-19 A haul.-- |-canada- Life r Assurance cow I 1 L5w nuts ` or` PREMIUM, A` , 0o'n's`e'quentf`oh`ieiinvetnieht of 311 the Coin-Z .P`.`,'.`.'.9 fm.=d.$;i9.tu2 Province-~` " ` `D.-.....:.......;C;......'.|.u._ `-___,, , M -V V - - _.r_.. ...v.... u... Ia uuucncllcu _As the patente-d.process or the `Company enables lhe reproduction of Photographs, not only. on plain surfaces, but upon such, as are round or of nnv de- gree of irregularity--por|railsv can be reproduced Vwilh faulll-:ss dccuracv, and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain_wares of desoription dimen- annlcles luxurv 0| nf hnnauhnhl iuilin. thereby secnringya speedfadjnstment of`clai11is, and liberal reglxlations for residence and travel. ` "A I>'uun3L`n`- `p2..4I_..` _._'._1,!,',3 '0 v-nu. `111 1 U J. R. ~Aiz1iAGH_, Medical Referee} Barrie, July,-1859; ~ - f ` _._._ --..-.... .5-......uua nu usaxucuuu uuu travel. No further`dut1ay,rel1izird`from the assured than the premium. _ - , , - . T . - - A . - ~ J-AS.-PATTON, Agent J. R. ARDA (111, Marlin! n..4'........' . A# N(`)VEL.'1`Y IN. THE ART WORLD! ' Pup1pg:[zAp11% mwi PORCELAIN. -~ o.-.-.*'*'1.".*-H ;'io_r;~A 11f. %? . h cE._ 'If9n~o.icro`.r `. "~o`_im_ rear! uwugwe pug Iugeegplgl Ii/Illfdpo "Ind ' ` ` < ' 35' . 7v ?.' .. "5" *' covmnt - % `L Penonl, ilulli l. hf .1lI=..V.'Q.i1.Il-. may he success-` ,. _i;uy,1titgd '1orwiinx.u xirt,`.M_aI'l_ of-ghpn 3 i!!2I;i;F-_'r. Iyeiins am . i'l'.`i}?i1!!..'.. H--- ----..-- .- vnlv vu-.7- uuw-nu, suau;uuno There is now a continuous line of telegraph from New York city to Brownsville, Nebraska. To :5 nao:...u.ul nmo .....:..... .. 4|... .:_...-u_ .1_- . Secured letters patent in the Unitfdlnstates, England, France, and Bdgium. . '~ A " 7 1 L27. ._ ,g-'71,~IA/40 C`V.Gx1.;lon,-.l3!sqmre,.' `_ T .- . nun-nu-nah . tun L . D LALV `LVN, .b2c1'ttI ` '1'9r.nF;1?ecf- 22-, .1851: I A Il;`ll NEW 1!n_{:_A1?nIErijEi V .mconr'ou-up Any,` .a01- _0r guaiugnxr, .-. 4 `CAPITAL - `- - $1,000,000. \'l4"'lZ`D!`DQ at... 4'..1r._:_.. ...~_I v..1.___.,A-_ :- -W *______ Ya,vvv vIlvI )FFERS;3he foIl`o_wing? real `advantages . to. in: tending Assure:-s` ;- A -A._ _.___, -7, -J.-----.-M .'.'),""":'"".'!l5- "5"T.'3, .5 9.Fu ,`.19`e'r`. V xW.h..k" .m3"1!3| |l3'-'5,|'|?Q.s 5.5.9,!` ; 4. .- . V ten` Dn:uM0s~'lp 8ON,oornc_t }__!I|l_._l_!!a_ ;qy`|s.,'.Buh|o, N. X.` . . 4. ,. .. . mm 15. mm. L . iej,`J;n.; 1359., n`j: A`n abundance of the finest clay auitab1e'fo1-`the manufacture of Queens-ware, has_ been found in Texas. - viibiaii 'iIA'N}.GmiENT, (i}V3ItetTtt?IT \rvuruI\r\r\l\I\r\I\u\r\/~a\r\r\a\ . . \uuIl\4ll&\J|,}ICQ .i'lftoen Dollars, Ammo rnrxun, Jgent for Cauqty Sirncae ` J."H.`- LAWRENCE " dgent, ollingwood; 5s._ ._i V` g2-ly, 1--_1 --avg: JAMES i=Le.'15'roN, ' .- _/hunt fm (Tau xway, - ,Nnw Yqnx. V 46-3mo 28-Smo ...,... -.v.. - V... ...-J -V u.v-v mutant, aavunucnuu It isestimated that, owing to the drouth, the sugar drop of Louisiana will not be as large as usual. --m,v.'=.1.._J.-.* 1 _m G` /03 F Bbxs. Jsmnonnni, .12. um - `innrnmxv ~n`m;m'.... .. -pvnpv ` JUQGVIU ` `<*s;a.:ie.ef:no,s. nauro: sag =?-omgecnoup ro:,O`uu.- . ~ ';"-new Jluvo L): nu P.S.--This testimonial `of my app:-ob `on for your valuable medicine, (as you are aware is unsoli- cited :--but if you think it worthy a plac mnng the rest, insert ifyoui wish; it not, destroy a thing. _ Yours, &c., Rev. J.` .uJ.|._\J\J.J\.. /Theiestorative is put un in bottles of thre sizes, viz: `large, medium and small; the small ho 1 :1 int, and retailsfur one dollar per bottle; the m inm olds. at least t_\_venty per cent mqre in propo ion. than the small, retails tor two dollars per bottle; large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proporti and retails for three dollars per bgttle. ~ 0. J. woon 56 co., Proprietors, 444 Broadwn `New. York, and'l14 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. ` Aarons _Rnn, K , Nov. 30, 1858. PROP. 0. J. Woon : Dear Sir- onld cerminly be doing you a great injustice not to take known to the world the wonderful, as well as u xpected result I have experienced from using _o.\'z-: tile of your-`hair Re'sto_ralive. After using every ki of Restoratives extant, without success, and ndin my head nearly deglilute of hair, [was nallyindi ed.to my a but- tle of your Hair Restorative`. Now candor and jus- lice compel me to announce to w wevermay read this, that I now poesess a new and autiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer nd handsomer Ihnn thevoriginal was. I will therefo take occasion to recommend this invalunblereme to.ALL who may feel the necessity of it. Respec ully yours. ` D3717 Q A I I KT `D`Dl\l`l( have `till mpted not only to imitate his rgstomtive, bu prdfss M produce`. ulls idei1tical:but l1x ey hhve all cdme suits of f'.$` Si?! lh_efoll_c')vI(i_ . . . n 11 .1 up . . -. uI\_I carts -sinc6'3ti1e' great discovery of Prof.`W T have discovfel-Ved_ soinlhing that would?` f._4f_on`d _s prepamtion, an_d have been`1" yg the ld 1_o ils_ rgsigllegs sway. m.a`.;_ma;;.e, Apt-ii 18th, 1859. unv IIIIIV w u . Paos. 0. I _ v . , wrioteyougin 1856 concerning your valuable `Hair Resuirative, d which you have. published in this vicinity andgl. where, has given rise toznumerous en- quires touchin he [acts in the ; case`. The enquires :Woop'- dz Co.E;Gents`.:-The.letteri I ' are rst,-is-it ii actiof my habitation and name,a.s' stated in the co nication; second. is it true (if `all therein containe ;third,'does myghair still: continue to bi'n`g'obd"ori .r and of natural color? To an I can anddoansw invariably yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, moreaoii, thrifty, d bettercolored;-the same islrue of my whiskers, a the only cause why it is not gen- erally true, is than esubstance is washed off by fre- quent ablution oft face, when ifc-are were used by` wiping the face in e se connection with the whiskers, the-same: result will ollow as the hair. I have been in.the receipt ofs parts of New Emzla V , asking me if my hair still cott-_ tinyues to be good; a` `there is so much fraud in'_ the manufacture and sail 1' various compoundsrasv well as this, it has no doub been bmly tmitated,'and been used, not only witbot any good effect, but to abso- lute injury. I have in` "used `an'y`of your Restorative at number;of letters from all, ofany account torisom months,and'.vet my hair-is as _ g(_)Qd 8_s _ever,.and hun I s have examined` it with` surprise, as! am now 6! ears old and not a grey hair in my head or on my_ fa ; and to prove this fact,I rend . you. a lock ofmy h `r, taken otfthe past week; I received your favourof 0 quart bottles lust sum- mer, for which 1 am very rateful : I ,r..'ave it to my friends and thereby induce hem to try it, many were sceptical until after trial, on hen pun-lmsctl and used it with universal success. I ill ask as a favour.'that you send me a test by which can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by man `I fear, without autho ity from you. A pure articl ill insure success and believewhere good eects d not follow, the failure is caused by the impure articl which curses the in- ve'ntr.\r of_tl1e good. I deem it y duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised -of the c tinued effect on`my hair, as [assure all who enquir `of me of my un- shaken opinion ofits valuable re `Its. 1 remain, dear `sir, yours, V _ A C. RAYMOND. And sold by all good Druggist and Fancy G901 Dealers. . . 1' , . LA . .. . , _ Sept. 2ls_t 1860 , 39. wuvuau I u] >lL Ill 11 remedy. Several of Attend the disase;_but ca where few of existe of the -body, after death,`- Lxvgx to have -been: extensiv , uc umrusts every have occurred =yet examination 'has shown the above symptoms ` deranged- V bi:t`ccr be-u.p .ll who ire `alicted `With/this dis them. A : mun` * V . A'G(TE A_Np"1= `Van . T or-afuter taking Q_uhne. . We ` -.o-I_I. ._. _.|u nuqrcss au oracrs _ to_ x$.i;- 11$ "*a}1n.yaa.n." `order-lung-M) ' _::1`l'd0 welnq .wrlte._the1r dmlnctly, , Dr. H'Zane u`, prepared` Bron, Piuabu.`-gtgg. fro thqgo wig1ung_ep '31 , 1>.;.E",iNi` Silk cumire is td be added to the industrial pursuits of California. ' . mm... 11-... n--.......u.:__ ad-.- __9__,, _ :_ , L {I}? :e:i7i|re'I"" , ilew drid ,hig'rh|y`-successful trcnltnem, aandgpletlry thq gulhor fully explained by; means bf which` everyiin is-'en,n|>le_d_ to cure hunnell` pexfectly,;and at the least `possible cost, I|:reb*_avqiding.gll:;h_a adwrtiacd nobltumo of the day. _A hiif lure willLpr0Ve_n' boon `to thousands Ixidtlloush .` - - -' _; in . '9 - _ ,-u., ;__ _7<|1,,-.` ,,,_. '_ _,-1 ,_ .I,, i i i the right side, under the edge of the ri , increase on pressure; sometimes` the paini -in the leftside; the patient is a rarely able 0 lieon the left side; sometimes l sensation in the the pain is `felt underthe shoulder blade, and it frequ ntly extends to the top of the shoulder, a is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatisme .the arm. The stomach is affected with oss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in alternative wit lax; the headais troubled with pain, aec panied ; with a dull, heav pack part; There is gene-" rally "at considera eloss of memory, accom- panied with a p 'nful sensation of having left undone somet 'ng which ought to have s . been done.` `A. times an attendant. The patient complains - dry cough, is ,s,oxnc- of weariness and deb 'ty; he_is easily startled, _.feet', are cold or 03508. and he com- plains of -a prickly -s sation of the skin ;. his spirits, are low; an though` he is satis- ed that exercise woul yet he . can scarcely s enough-totry remedv. _ on up fortitude it. In fa he distrusts every Several of t neral are `costive, so'metiine's ' benecial to him, . ahnve Rvrnnrni-nu __ .._.. ._.... vuvv arr acumen, ' . an yrcpu 1' 2 Fly husbuzh, R1. To those wishing to 5! them a - .1 " u do to up |In1to&_S_{hte_i ; 'i&"."r. r"..:. attunpl, or` mo 6! Vennlmge. or` . bx-W-.ntr` ` at stamps. Allordqn oincgnndn _ ~ho;ao.-.` ux asvu. Jo vuu v um. vv ......., ....-. The important fact that the uw!u1__conseque_n`ces of cell`-nbuae._m,uy.be etfectuallyxremoved without in- ternal n'1'edi'cfnea,"or - the" dangerous applications oi, caustics, intmumeutu, medicated bougies, and "omen"- emp_irj_t:a_!_deviees, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirel hew and]hig'h|y-successful treatment, as mlnnlad. v the celebrated author fullv exolained aenl Illllll receipt _f, V dressinzob: ,. ' ;*QH5lml Wl$4#BFT ` 3.:$9{94F!iGUF`3 PE.,?E5M-. _ A 4 _ , _*,*`or .S'afu"t'iuI'We`'`neas, `Sexm Dabilit 5 IT_rvons_nesa and Involuntgry Emissions ~ H _`Iampotency,`ConsumpIion and Men!a|'a1_1d :- hvnianlr bililv; - . 'I@.W|l,'- lIel'V_UIl3llGaI .. lulu xuvmugnu-u, \ . H qonaumpuon an`cl.1VIiefl-1|!` w ; 9-*1 *'12a?`~1m. Jtjctjm-T:nw`E`z:1:-,'m:n. ~ :. `L- -___l-,,I ,__..__.--.. _DYS _SIA AND 31}: VHEADACHE. - Epas or Liver Complaint, - . Sym totgigf a Diseased Li-ver.T '\-Iuwnill vn vunnnvnunau The New Hampshire State prisoners earn abot v380;000`a year for the treasury. rm... ..........r....o..-.. -4` 4:..- ....n i.'.- .I.'..-._ ____ . _~ . ; 4.4vee-awn! -Nc1+~:Ttorzaczz,;w., .`l,.. `wonunjor AN}? CONEPENCE iron - ` m;mc% Iusjgun mu 4AY.;- I=E?UQNLY Anxsoovm DRLMIANE3 ' CELEBRATED 1 [VER `PILLS, , . ,8! -'4'3%5L ,1-' I 1 G` 1*. 'a]lV 'qr;lc _-to i ron man 003`: or w;,eson`a81, ` V` . V` i V I ` "IR IUCU HUI. [0 as 1' ` ing Re: ss_, he: as nally ind: rative. candor munce al a I: it nu.-kn o nlnn 7--4--.. - Jun... -7- vnuv Inv|oauIJo The manufacture of ne salt has `been_ com- menced at Peuloa, in the Sandwich Islands. ` 'n'.........a.. .: (2.... 4i....-..-_.1 I.._1--_ -n __.._,, ,,, -` V- .. --...- .....- .... nu. -4-.uu-auur A Dnnrcwra S1'o3u\cn.--A shark, recently cap- tured near Port. Jackson, N.S.W., carried the fol- lowing curious miscellany 1'n'hisV copacious. stom- ach: Half a ham, sevoml legs of `mutton, . laindquartenof a pig, head and, forelegs of a bull dog, with a. rope round his neck,'n. qmmtityof lizorsocsh, a. piece of sackin:r..nn'd a ship's scmpenj. `No wonder that twelve gallons of oil were ob- mined from his liver! n n rgpenynjlended 10, inc} rhediine;"s}Ha?;lyV;lo; dhoerygtibn, ugnt to all pans gnhg war a. will binswered `unlusihey contain a reInjtt'ance'ol`on,e dollar, consultation lee.` `Consulta- ti6n'Il`__j;-Gmod, fnjcg of ghal-ge._,_ , _ ` __Al mI1nieuili'r.u;..a.1.;.a..'.u-.- u... .- .. .- uon 91 j All /' u;_ 5 M.D., No. u,uuu.uox.- truce $1 00.` Sent by mail to tiniltretft of: lh_e.'\V.orIiT.' Bawttre oftcounterfeits. They are not-onsale at apy other, place. Dr. R. {isthe onlyr ular; educated physician in this city who devotes e whole time cxdzuivclu to the treatment of diseases of tt`pri,t_mte: nature. [The I aiicted would do well to make inquiries before con- sulting tttore advertising in this city.]' Dr. 11. : prac- tice extendi Ihroughjeveryrstate iuthe Union and the _B_ritieh Provinces. ` ' I Dr.REYNOLDS GREATWORK; THE PRI- trt ed _wttlt needy 300-iiafgtd. `Price`, 25 cents. 3*. . ' ~ 1 : '_' . , - ' ' .t'er Idgac`ribing_.age -gym _ 9 u 4 t` ' Sac, rt';gr!y[tttt,ended,to; uni! metiii:`nes:':ecu`i:l';n3ealed oboeryutibu, lent all'na:'tu oflhn `Int .1. -VA,f12:__5: MEDICAL .0 UIDE-_-.Benutifully illus- xu_.u., no. 19 Ex_chang,e"Placb,` wnll meet with yrompt me nion: . r!..'.`.i9 P9",-W9 7 4.-M-J` . LU pgamnhs. ` Dr. R; can-be` quggpgqfny cousultedon all disease peculiar to En;aIe, - 3 _ p _ _ N.B.-D')."`Reyn`olds,- is" sbio-ogt-nlfor -Dr-.Vich'ois -Female Monlhlv Pillsr Among the many thousand ginpuallrsuld; not one cnmnlnim uus ye: wen'made`agair l_ain situation ahou_ld not" wihichv will be found in II: enchsboxzi Price $100.` of l|'\n~urnnJ1`l` - D ------ -- Inna unucuca u Diseases oi the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Janndic, Dropsy, all forms of Scrufuln, Teller, and the most obstinate diseases of the Skin, Neuralgia, Dys psia, Costive Habits, `Piles, General Debility, ervous Aifections, Chronic Pulmonary Aifections, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Cough-and Colds, Incipient Con- sumption, Inammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Ulcers"0f"the`Legs,'Ulers of the Mouth, Tongue. _ Throat,,Nose and Lips, Incipient Cancer, Glandular Enlargement, _Tumors, Chronic : Sore Eyes, Mercurial and `Syphilitic`A'et-tit`Jns,' Pain and Swelling of the Bones, and all diseases arisingfroiu the impure state of the blood, whether I-Ieredilnrygncquiied or Con- tracted. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, and other Chronic Complaintsof years standing. Gonorrhaan, Gleet, Syphillis Stricture, `Sn pression of the Mouse: in - fem_ales,j&c., successfu ly treated. ..-.--;;... _ ._ ._ . _ ._ YOUNG MEN," .. 1 Who; by indulging in secret habits,_have contracted that soul-Subduing, mind-prosilrating, body-destroynng vice, shouldapply to Dr, Reynolds without delay. "Iain. an -null ..`- _ >-l .._-......._ -. - ..--.v--, u. -.uu u-on-cnnnu :.auIuu:I. Upwards of ve thousand bales of cotton were received. at New Orleans in a singlejday. ` K'\`n'a1-Iv `Ann: nun!` :1 `In! n.-.3IIl.u. L..I.... .5 ..AA._ eeve him without a cureor satisfaction given. ...... uvuu-auuuulllgg mmu-prosilrattng, body-destroying Dr, In these; as well an all Qthe; cases ufa private na- ture, Dr. Reynolds cmjimends. an early. _a plicalion, and without any vanity or a.-`piratinn,'deci edly states that"no one within the teach of mortal aid shall ever ln tins}: vi ya ;-' ,,-, ....-~. .- vvlu*IlsCIll nur -Urn. V l(`n0ls bqxenpf Z es; lls gtmpuall `sold; one complaint hairgft ma'de`againa th`em. ' Ladies in a cer- giQ_!_illlB_l_l:0_l) should noruae them. lha nani....1..... ..: IWCllly._VBIS: The constantly in those who have long: lhe satisfaction which lhIeI'r'ul=, has induced the rent-h ofall. "PL.-. D-nl` An uuL.ll. HIE l'EII('II 0! all. . ' . I The Professxon We-H Calharlics art on lh rm... uuunv rm IIIC IAIVJILAI bil- with due reference [0 'fac't,~ been` compounded pur-st Vegetable Ex- , on every` part `of the _ are good. and safe in all ` is needed, such as Dc- -mauh,`.STle'epiness. Loins, Cosliveness, the .wbole body, from qugnuy, if neglected, Fner, Loss of `Appe- Iiol. of Culd over the I Heaiache, orwcizhl in . mry Diseases, \Vorms Rhemrialiam; a` `grew and- many diseases to . nI'm_1eyous to mention in ' V nose, Ito 8. V I His long experience t_tnd_ at_- \ __\ tion to this class of complaints; his safe and ,speedy; method of treatment, and his eJ'tt'ra'o'rdinary success, during along and extensive practice, enables him, condentially, to promise all personsa safe and radicalcureg without injury t.o.tl1e' constitution, or connement from business. ' By A lon'g'course of study and praclicalexprieni-e Dr. .. has now the-gratificationof presenting the unfortttnate with retpetliesjhat have`nAever,t'ailetl since he rst introduced them, to cure the most alarming cases, and that in a very short but reasonable time, without the aid of mercury or any other deleterious drug. Within the last forty. years, Dr. R. has cured more than one hundred thuuaand cases of the above character, and it tnay be `said safely that more than I om:-lmlf of the patients had been previously treated with mercury and other poisons. 'l'\_l') ,-r I ' Dr. R. can be` successfully cbnsulled on_the follow- ing Diseases: ` `l\:-..-...a.~_a .L_ `I ,o,; - v-.. . -- -- .T_'ne 1g*AM11 gen3|e but ac prieton has use lwenly._vears. ` The cnnsm , . . I T I - 1?R1cE. svnnms. .L.IVi3R INVIGORATCR a . Family CA- THARTIC PILLS_are relailed by D uggi.sl_s gene-` rally,` "arid bold wholesale by the Tr e in all the large towns. S. .T.: W. SANFOR Il-__,r, . With the least possible pain; and particular atten- tion paid_ to _t_he. -Regulation, gt, Children : _1'eeth._ Teeth inserteKd.on4 Gold Plate or Pivot. "Cavities lled 'w'itl`z GbId'bf Silver Foil`, or any other `B1-an ch of *})E,NT.L -8 UR G-ER Y executed withneatness, and dnrability. :03 cumzczs nxwknumiri Monnnrnr. -.51} Partiea requiring Operations performed are . . xequesyed to come e.ar1)':in.`-the day. A . . . . Oice Hours from Eight o cloclc a.1r_:., to Four p.m. August 13,- I856: - - ~ -9 ..33.l,... -----.-_... -.-.. v-.--.... ... .- wlnlanv` -nu . . Nearly fourand a half million bulge of cotton were raised in we United States, this year. 'l"lm-n ha -.4-up n ..n..:..'....... H..- -0 ;..I..__-_1_ mend; ]cA.1*g._4g\JI_:5j1:Ic 1`_1_LL.s, _.___... _._ guy: w-. ;, __` " V 1hQ;113`y3d` Qfelihltr . -fnfndi BRADF0R_D_,>o1_z'the -uh a each month When.-he will be most `happy to wait upon those \ who -requirethis services many of the Branches of his Profession. T I He would a1sostate,.thatia.case of failure inany work warranted during` the past Eight years, "it will be repaired Free of Charge, provided no other `Dentist is, or, has_bee1_r, employed ,to operate in the sa `em h; `bhtshould another"Dentistbe em- ployed, the warranty in all cases will cease. ....._....u`- -rssyn-rn A t`I!I'I'I'I|T\ 0 pain}. iaiild 1;;rtic;1l.a.1-a;.t'e;1- osm. mm m the Rumlatian at Children Teeth. Dec. 21st, 1859. _compound}-.d entirely fgom Gums, and has bin`e'a'n` 'est`abIih'ed fact, a. Standa'rt'i'Me'di-' cine," known ahd ap- prpvedby all that have usdi 'rid' is ndw re; sorted `with conJehe' in all the diseases for which it is "recom- ........1 A _ _ > _ _ IT 0 mend It ha cured thqusands I yearn ho had given up nun;er - unsolicited ` 2 i.Izit:h=wmb:=ss. I FRA Ivs OTEL, BARBIE, ' r -5 - o---_.-.__.., .o`nAthVe 6th *7th sthbo Jugust, bohr, Deceber .. ffebruary, .3;-and June M V T 2 Il|I8l'||(`S HUI |ln- In The FAMILY CA- nhl. Jun -ml` ..... an I:\ ~ -FAN|ILY_ active used it}, h n Ivan:-Q ........ umuu against mem. ` names in cer- nion not `use them, the particulars of ill in the-directions accompanying 3: :1 00;` Sent. -by mail any part zorl." -Beware of. counterfeils. lle gt qthexq V l V ,, _, _._-- V. \4uulpVg, , ' u. limnnieubiip: gddnnd` lo, . Reynolds, :2. 19 E_x_cHangg, Plub, Rochester, N.Y., :wi:h `Romp! me'aIio`n:= ` leg,p9ufg, [rpm 7 ._A\.N.I.:lo E2smc,IED. XQU 'QI `U - NEVER 1iEmL1'rA'rEs. Manufacturer and` B.5%33,Broa;lway New York. ~ fro Ff:ALE. ...-----r.-I|.. . TS ANFORD S' nnnuuon. -1... . ' V.pNI9|!8h'\1jfa1es:-Vic =1 3-93 iwrinkle; }NYIGORATOR, - an. nun l`:.VUl1lJ$ "\V0ll|d respectfully inform his friends, an_d_lhe -public, that he can- tinues to 'be cdndntially consulted M his oldeslablished Medical Oice. No. 19,, Ex-, change Place, ON ALL DIS- EASES OF. A PRIVATE _EOR DELICATE NATURE. :` His Inna Alina:-innnn on.` ..c - DR.` REYNOLDS 'vv;;n`ld resneclfnllu infnm. 5:. r..:.....a. a. ,n - u:_1J.\.|`\J.|_\vLI 7 Manufacturer antkroprietor. ` adway York. ~ - . Lispeiurd ` Inforlunnle. J19, ` 18 IIVI-n I ll.I-`l l'\lIl'\II\/II`-' adapted to` the deciencies of the mood in differ- ent diseases. Fox--Couons, Cows, Bnoxcnms, or 1111! affection whatever of the Tnnou or Lrs_63 in ucin Coxsomvrxox, use No.1, which is:IlS0 the No. or DEPRESSION or Srnms, Loss or ;\m-s- rrrs, and for all CHRONIC COIWLAINTS arising from Oven-use, GsN1:1u1.`Dsnu.1nr, and Nnux-nus Imus- '"``lN- N0- 2., for luvxm Com-uux-rs, No. 3 W D"5,1. 3PSIA.. `Being already prepafed for absvrpliu t 3s.'!"AxI:1I n`Y.Dno2s and `carried immediutclf Jnto the circulation, so that what you gain you retain; ,'l`ho No. Me for Faun: Inm:am.Am'rIE8; ilhannu, Wnxxxss, 8:0. See special directions `for: this. ' For Sznxr Rm-zuu, Enurnons, SCROI-`ULo17s, Kmnv, and Bunmm COIlPLA1N'l's,tnke No. 5. In all cases the direotionsemnst be strictly followed- Price of the BI_.oon'Fo_on $1p e'r`bome. Sold by ` , ,; ' CHURCH 8: DUPONT. . , ."` ,'j ` No. 419' Broadway, New York; [gA1Yd'53' ilfrupoc ' ble Druggista throughout the 'd`0|l`!2lry'.`,'.".T . 1-" ` ' ` ". .-7|.IiiiIA'y"e1'1tlr,-'~1860': * t . L 1y * 5 _..- 1'H1[n"E1:xI;Y NORTHERN ADVANCE. ' Publiahod wary W'dnuday' Marnaaxg, at the 3 "T Damlopemut lfau, Barrie. n II n I. I l. I. U always presents us with the same essential ele- ments, -and gives` of course the Tim: ST.\sn.um! Analyze the blood of. 3 person su'erin_[: frvm Consumption Liver Complzxint, D3-spo;.si_:I, Scrofula, &c., and we find in every instance cerium decmacies in the red globules of Blood. Sup/'/3 these deciencies,` and you are made well. 'l'iw }3Loop Fdob is founded upou this '[`licor_y--hL*m' "5 Qllgiiouishing/4success.~ Theta are l!'I\ll- Inn-A---5;-. g--manna -uv .. wnvsysxv UL VPLGUU of any kind, and therefore relieves by r`muz`i'1: .the sukrings of your child, instead of by :1: ml. I.- ing its sntsibililies. For this reason it cmunxt-mls itself as the only -reliable preparation now kntm n for. Crunmuzx '1`s3'rn1.VG, Dmuumtn, D\ Sl~2.\'T}2l'.\', -Gmmxa ix THE BOW! -ILS, Acxnxn ov rm S'rmr.mz, Wm, Conn IN THE 11mm, and CRut'r, also, for softening the gums, reducing injlamation, rrgulutmg the Bowels, and relieving pain,,it has no equu1- being an anti-spasmodic it is "used with unI}Iilin.': success-in all cases of CONTULSIOX on o1-urn Fns. As you value the life and health of your rln'(dren_. and wish to sarethem from the sad and blxgrhzmg consequences, which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of u.-hitrh other remedies n Influx- tile Complaints "are composed, take none bu! Du. Errors Ixmxrlnn Conn:-An, this you can rcly upon. It is periectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each be e. Prepared only by- ` nnrmnn nr'nn\"rv .-a-no an`! `Admin \l\lL|uI-ILL}-I-I, and why? because it near fails to ubrrl : m~I.n.~- taneous relief when given in -time . It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what. wevsny is true. It contains 11'- n......_---.-- --4 A -_ A ` ' * _ Uolling [Agent for Barrie. . '..' T. W. GEO Feb:-_ua._r){, 1859. *-11* J: . _ . ,..._ .` _ V xnu;x._ "sen cents the package, retail. V" Physicians, Druggists and others, who wish to` become agents will have a. sample, with Terms sent to them upon application. ' iloney, if -registered and-sent 'by mail" '11 b at my risk. Address, - m 9 DR. FRANCIS, g, ` Collingwood, G.W Agent Barrie; T. W. Glcnnmw -------.--v --e--mung run uuu,1)REN ;V:-5839 a1Id..eicient medicine, composed ox Vegetable anbsanca-so~combin `V sugar and peppermint as. to be agreeab] taste. The maker has been induced to'o`er th L sage: 0-1_.he_.p9b}ic. from haying in an exfiimff` of`30`&;2sra In the medical profession often fou e it til nlt'to,get-children" to tak9"medicine :1: J fowdege, &c. 3 I ether. diseases of children ; they may also be gig "'1`E'y are of gi-ent value ` f Teething, Eruptionsof the xglkifxirsgsntl) inw 3:1? 3 ln'any-case requiringphysic. en Thev are nut un in A rm-m ............:-_. . _ ux uuycuue requxnng pnysic. Theygre put up in a. form convenient to 1 by ma_1l.T Ten` cents the package, Physicians. Druzziats and nthora -5- ..:- L i512; ii " INFANTILE coRnIAL,_ whv? near fails In umml mt. Healthy human Blood upon being _ I II I I II'X $ 3 Y --(manna nav-\.$q' "I-'"I\}E PREPX?1XT'IoNs .l...o.uI n. u... .:-c-:_.__:__ A . - nu--.) :.. azmu ', 4,:,a_,m:e,n;~:-o[-ra'c.;r hi-.rohhed}!!!5.~ 44-a!!..=!w9a.">9h `?_'-.1}'r'-98:: _ ;}e%g:muo&1hpy,'n.wne; ' ` . ,X,|7I`Bl`yIl|lg1_>_l_,WnllA\Vil!k ,3 v , .- A- .w_.. y,-r .-ff: DR. FRANCIS OATHARTIO LOZENGES FOR CHILDREN a. andgicient Medicine com d _A_3puo` zgggmble pqbstances so c:)mbi:?:d.:.: "Thonlsands are daily speaking in the praise of I'\ I5 I- A -1- A n n 1 A wmu. we any 13 true. It conmxns No Pafegoric or Opiate m kind. and tlmrr-fnro rnnnt-n: im .-...... -1`. W. GE6_;ZG`EN, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewart \\.'\l \lA1\ (`Hm-..-.... f`......l. In 1'1. 1.)I\dl\l'J.D8I|1`4WTI WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. HARPER, Cookslown. NORT_HR01 _& LY.-\lA.\', Ne SIMPSON &. DU.\'SI Al'G 'l.nl...-..I.. A ..,...- - ;;A_.Zf!.`"A_l. 33:5,; CHURCH DUPONT, No. 49 Bron 'a_), New York. .- .lJU.VDL`;\L nu, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. . 3] "auto IIIU nuaucu vvnl vv Illslll And people's imitahon Of them, the custom slick as thought, Will spread throughout the nation. Yankee-doodte, arc, .Nevz York in dancing goes ahead, Some chalk": of Paris city ;. If we ha n t_showuhun-how to tread _ A polka, tun a" pity. V ' Deponmentularut with dancing, Io, V Now Wales can show his mother On one hand how he shakes the toe, A.ud.'reots the heels on Hothet. Yankee doodle, Jcc O Bwuuu, u RGEN. Newcasifc. Ill ' send 50 uquur guy upuuuwluluu uo]_u_:,: ,~n'.;v_ x1'hia Neyvcgiof;na_k'LAj:gj '_And Benuftuft * . . Mint julepu; which ihey lc:iIf:nl. to brow > Boneaih. on; tarry bohneru, Jhdhlao Ilherry cobblers, in Mend your English Manners; . Yankee doodle, 65. . The horizontal attitucje, With legs upon the table; Ouulretchedm. oasy latitude, Andqength oonsiderablc, Ru Wnlna Ilun nnhlnn urill I14 Onnnlio - D015 IRJVU U-I \ _IIl'lIUZ II.' _e V .:l_)efIc`I.l!0fi`flI1l'IllI1-l'8W,l_".:1 A Whiclrgoiernl ,everynilion,.;, -. - _- ' `Bow beeuiiful we`smblreu'ndehewI You'll` nowequke some .'.n1wues dnr rumonniun hacien- Eh-them more mm: oi'breedin'. Jud Iota panem lo lh Conn, ' _ which k'nowe"em `but by reedin". Yankee foodie, kc. - To liquor up in handsome style, lnunmlimv vnur an-.nl mmrlllu: llIuIl`_IlI5IlI vvlunuuluult, By Wales the nobles will be taught ; Antl npnvilnin irnilnhnn a nun -. -ya, nun M: nvs u `ruin . "'Boo.--How` few are aware of the origin of the word boo l"-often used tofrighten children. It is a corruption of Bob, the name"of a. erce 4 Gothic General, the son of Odin-, the mention of whose name spread uvpanic among his enemies. A"u Annuuu II.......- A ..____-..__.'J, _. eneisela,-o1apignaiIa:7benu, ' - Qaookoflelten, ._ __' _ ung fellrg, no jbw, . ii` l`,.`ae mgjnea oheig bptten. " , _'I'hylerbrbetlertbc_haw_ i_; V .ln'_tlnis'horq 1gndorrmmm;_" ` 7 .WlIero none but_Niggb_r is`: lining _ "Than boys in old Grandaedoln-, _ 35:0} ` doodle. ` Ice. .u- an own wrvvlunull s Sir. I ndmil your gm:-rnl rufe, That every poet is a fool; But you; yourself,` may serve to show it, Thu! v.-vc_ry (`no is non: poor. .7? LI';.--.- 6`... n... ..-...... - AL. _,I H. The euro Cunt: I-`CR In-cnowiua N.uLs.-It is stated `by a correspondentof the lMeaz`cnl and Surgi- cal Journal that cauterization withhot tnllow is an immediate cure for in`-`growing nails. He says: `The patient on whom I rst tried this was a young lady who had been unable to put on a shoe for several months, and'decided- ly the worst case I had ever seen; _ ?I`he;dis. ease had been of longstanding. The . edge of the nail was deeply undermined; _the `granular I trons formed a high ridge, partly covered with s|5in,i and pus constantly oozing from the rootof L the nail; the whole-Ioewu swollen, and ear tremelyitender and "painful." My mo1"o(_p'io-_- ceedingwas this`: M! pufi my srnall"piee`_of tallowin a spoon andheated it over `a` lamp until it "Became veiy hot`, and dropp9d,;w-9; . three `drops . belsveen the `nail aha . rzraiinlations; ; The eeot was',almost`tnai'0l_l.j _Ifain`and {em I {demons ,w0r.+.I!: .Q.OlieVO.d:: And f days Ihevgrannlatibna. .weIeS.ia`ll;- ondb ` seaaed parts: dry.;and.etlaatjtet'm_ ,,`i'0Oiil'l:(. E- El Medan of 1b:-.iI.6i.1'- ..e .i>ooed.T-gin 11 _ V _yI;_it;,o{t ', i08:PV9`! ,. y lb` n1Iw'r'u;wu ng1`wr_uru1'nu uy acorresponuent: I have forty-eight el1ickens,`large andsmall, several of them fallchickens. I obtained but a few eggefor the {are part of the winter-1-not more than one or two a day. The feed was com and oats. ' In January litried the experi- ment of`hot feed once a day, in the morning; As soon as the lire was started in the cooking- - stove, [put aaquart or so of old potatoes in an old dripping-pan, and set them in the oven. After breakfast I took a quart` or more of wheat. or buckwheatlbran, mixed, put it in` the anvil]- pail. and ,mixed into `thin mush with boiling water; then added about a quart of live coals from the stove, and put in the potatoeshot from the oven, adding all the_egg~sl2e|l onhand, and sometimes a little `salt, and sometimes a little sulphur. A` Thong rnnahml m..`.n...L nu. (`ml :..........a:-._-1`. up wuu uualau gmse anu smart-weed ` l7._ Co_rn-elds with a dense undergrqwlh of weeds, and potato-eldswith 1 dense over- growth of the same. ' ' IR, plnmnzl Rabin "Jul. .....a .....n-i.-_ .-_ ..- 1 Vlgulvll VIIlUU5I _ We are glad to say .lhat very many farms were nearly free from these blem`ishe,s-'-often not more than one orlwo to be seen at a lime, and we are informed that may _are rapidly- decreasing-and d isappea:-ing before the intelli- gence and epiritofenlerpris which agricul- ` Iural societies and periodicals have done so much to foster. ` A The Best` Food tor Hens lnewlnter. ' The. value nibwarm food,eand a variety of . kinds of hens, has eften been reiterated, but the i following, record of experience is furnished the American Agricullufist by a correspondent: I have fortv-eight chinlzmmqlnr-an nn.l`.n-null HUI Lllllll} ' . . 'i`hese` mashed togetherare fedimmediately in atrough preparedtfor the purpose, made about ten feet long, and two short pieces nail- ed on the ends, with a narrow strip nailed lengthwise on the top, and. two -bearers under.- 'l`he object of this was to 'keep tlte hens out of the trough, and leave room to eat each side of _the narrow strip, At noon 1 ledtsix ears of oorn cut up in piecee an `inch long, and in the evening oats and wheat screenings about a (wart. Nowifor the result: In aboutacweek ' I e number of, eggs increased sixfold, and in about two weeks, and since, they have ranged` W from twelve to twenty eggs"pe r'day_-. . The coldest weather made no difference.- ` Whenit was cold and-ls'torm`y, `I -kept them in the hen- house all dsymnd-geaeralvly until ten or-twelve o clock. V` Such singing over the corn at noon I never heard from hens, before-c-n concert of music that would havedone any lover of eggs good to hear, , ' A * um-uuuauy nuuuuuu ml, or uanglng all one BHU- I4. Pastures inlhin or partly cut woods, 0` m newly-cleared land, with many decaying piles _of brugsh, and a luxuriant growth of this`. tles, Iron-weed, and poke. , ' 15. Pllirp innnrnnumhln `RIVA ! ...:o'l. .. ...-......a by ---------- -- TALL T.u.x_mc syn LAmr.-On the occasion of a democratic pole-raising in Blist-eld, Michigan, September 1st, Mrs. R. M. Styles, . `one of the mothers in Israel, a lady seventy years cf age, whose father was a soldier in the revolution, presented to the Blisseld democra- tic cluba beautiful banner, made by herself, and also sent to the speakers stand the follow- ing toast, which was read and received with immense applause :- Our N ation-begotten amidst the storms of the sixteenth century, its infantile movements were dim and indistinctly seen on board the Mayower,pthe rocks of Ply- mouth at Jamestown, on the plains of Monone gahela, on the heights of Abraham, The capri- cious squall: of iteinfancy were heard at the. tea party at'Boston. in Faneuil Hall, on'the Elaine of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill. his boyhood he ran bareheaded and bare- footed over the plains of Saratoga, Trenton, , Princeton, Monmouth and Yorktown, whipping ' his mother and turning her out of door . In his youth he stood over `the prairies of the boundless west, and called them l}i`owrt ;.paid `tribute to the despots of Barbe; :in'powder.and halls,,spitin*his father s,faoe rem behinithe : cotton bales at New 0rleans*,*' the ,_ mistress of the Ocean," revelled in thejhalls of I the Monlezumas; strad_dled`tl1e Rocky ritogn-1 tains, and with one footjon thejgolden sandaird - the otherfoot uponfcodsh and -lumber,.4;lee'(l- the world ; in .manh`ood_ vclo'th.edj`in purple` and ~ ne linen, he rides oyer a continentiint `ea - nned care, rides over ` the ocean` in`7.pat,;-iepe steamers sends histheu 'l1ta'en'w1""ngs," at-,t _: .;? `iainitn 0'-or worlit `-toting. "ti.-1.'r'i?=ntit '4` i " ..f..t _`o-":>e!!!iel..rEu2' * ' " :9` i-`91,."i`.'<'i.`; ucu, uuu_-wuuu, uuu POKB. 15. Pastures innumerably `lled wi_t'h a dense growth of rag~wdod. 16. `V9! hallrua nnonknpl uvkiln Innnl ...:ol. \lUll|!_U luwul Ul rag~W00(l. }6. ve: pastures, poached. while wet, with "the feet of cattle, imo rough imobs; and grown up with coarse grass and smart-weed.- I7, (`_nrn.f-inllla ull. n` ,I....-. -A--J--------IL gluwun U1 luv same. ` 18. 1 -lowed elds with wet patches "or un- plowed portions. Ilia latter variously covered wilh coarse grass, weeds, and bushes. 19. nnwn run-nun (:0 l....... .. .1... -a----- with bushes. 19. Cows running at. large in the streets, dropping their manure in the most inconveni- ent places, and thrusting their heads through poor fences into neigbbor s lcabbages and corn-elds. . 20. Attempts at hedging, rmde by carelessly and irregularly setting out plants in unpre- pared ground, never culting, and allowing the the line tolbecotne covered with weed and grass. ~ ` L Thnan I-nnnlla -'-:ll'..'l..._.._ -Al--. -1- - - - `- - 5 These results willalways take place when the owners forget that `the price of_ neatness and sucess is eternal vigilance, and that the original curse of thorns and lltistles" is in-; teuded to be converted to a blessing by inducing industry, enterprise, and thecultivation of -the vigorous virtues. t ,5 urn nlanl In can 11...: ....-.. V..._-- fA---~ vvuuua auuun ulu Iuul Ul-luv uuuna. - ll. Piles: of apple"-brush thrown along fences, end plentifully invested with thislles, mulleius and burcocks-the fences often half down with many scattered trails in every vaerietytof posi- tion. T 1n I.1__._-_ I`, , I I I I 0. ,-_:.L ._Il Wig Fences linedhnd nearly hid'V4'i1h`3: neltles and elder bushes.` ' ' * 1-2 n......a r,..._..- ._:.|. ___._ _____ _u_..u.....' |lUl|ll:l| nuu U;lUUl' uusues. ' . 13. Board fences with posts very shallow: -and leaning at various angles of inclination- sumemes gpropped wilhe slakes-boards 00'. casionally knocked off, or hanging `at one end- I4. Pastures in lhin nr nnrllv 1-nt nmmla Cl P|u.J!!I:lI Wllll HIIIH. . `. 9. Barns withlarge piles of manure against. the sideboanls, and waggons, harrow_s and plows `scauered about the yard". _ I `In, On-hai-:1: inilh (Inna! Hlnhl. Lhrnlznn E. 5L'o"i',?ZZ3's"3h"s 2';'ff;ed boards, an; corded wood, `old barrels and boxes, andjalop puddles. [ '7 RrnIrAn-}mnlr Hun-no II-in! 3: , uvhh u: rnnf l,l'j||!U|lIlJ_l>l*l,_'j"lll.0Ql`._.. {May I; J nu -is-tme~. s: . .- '1. ... W"Z:.ut':c.>ken-back barns, that is , with the roof deeplybanl down in the midd_le-s_hing|es 01! -,._boards occasionally off the sides,`or hang- ing at one end by nails; ` VR Rm-nu with than dnnr: n3` the him-ma- nml lll u| UIIU uuu U] Illlllu ' V8. Barns with the doors o' the hinges, and propped with rails. T - 94 Hanna wilh lnran nilm: nf ma'n|1vn suminal ylUVV3 a|Jul||'.`!IU|l BUUUB IHU "HTU. * 10. Orchards "with dead. limbs, broken branches, and abundance of suckers and coarse weeds about the fool of.lhe trunks; 1 I `l'):I-,... -f ......I..` I.._.-_|_ .|.____._ _1..;... l'......... ruuuy IUUUIIIK, WHII ISIIUIIUIJ BlUPo _ `5. Door-y'n'rda zrpwu up with burdock: and lhislles,` with a few scattered, half-dead fruit trees surrounded with buckets. . A I`... .._-.I..' ....nL ..-_an'A....J L_-...I_ .-.. ` .AKindeh%nHe:{;`$hFt;?ig3*hi-em;" 'yetbeen --establiehe'd."' [But while `there in .such a turn of mind. The editor saw, in a IIIIIIBIIINIA '-1', country is youngg'.thet"i;we.hnve _a sparse pop-T ' elation on an -l'imIiIi!_nee 'ei ei`ol e land, and ` that the prineipleo iit .`rI':rul*,lII'te~h'u`e never" weight inell all th'ese-`arguments, there is only the morereison why we-should. set about an` improvement at once. .Perhapca_s good_Va_way_ ' to aid this laudable work is `to hold up a" uloolring-glass for farmers to seetheir short- 7 comings reeeted therein. 7 Sensible men are generally willihgto try to correct budihnbita, when -clearly pointed out, and even ifethey cannot do all they would, they accomplish ,` something. Here is somethingtfromthe Corm- try Gentleman. which may interestfarmera `of recent Journey through the rural districts- ! Hnmmc with hmlmn wimInwn--nnmn.. wulcu mtvu uuuu Iuucli hanging by a single nail. A. nnnluvnrrk rnnlnrl uh llllglllg uy II amglu ulul. . . V` 4.-Door~yards rooted up by pigs--nthe latter having flee access, `for. the convenience of ready feeding, with kitchen slaps . ` `E, nun:-..v'n'rlI: arnun. nn milk hnl-dnnlna arm-I TUUUIII JU|lIlIUy lllillllgll IIIU IIIIGI NIBIIIIHB` 1. Houses wiih broken windows--some-I tlmes with old hal or `raga lhrus t,bin,t`o keep` out lheweater, butusually with free Iventila-A T lion. . , n [1....--- '...:aI. ....l2..1..I.....I*-L! ..... -...Ll "'5'? i 4'.`Z.';a'Z"3aiIi."%'i3;s3.'3,$i,337af"5n;4 which have been knocked off, and oghers Inannilin In! I: ulna`: nu" : Char-&y35ntar9iI,i..,. . ' nticogof . . 51.: "their dwelljn Au*amrrsibiIurI`mdhaaq:6ani'iui' 3 '?evn-hi_sii , - Q :, 1I_|j: ;blindvusr to? he ;sha'm`6Inj"` a :nf;;,'moI't` A bmeri.-:2-' :.`!tI13b..,s,;,`5'i4?1!:= |i9i`3*'!!1!!l!i`3'!.1;sy;, .this`.CdIiinbig:;f3 puad_i.o ,. __ pnrallelzin Europe; ,Tl;ough,np L 'a~::Ahnga.-hmdonzqf ;..ux"ntioII_. xmnndgiyty zlh` , ,I_us: by snpujior sand !'8l_.Ili!'=;iI= ? natural brihtn'esIo[`- 031:7 7 l>_.Vlk.'pgQpZIi,_l}j1]w .; farmers in Europe show mo(,o.A.nfotI|j'gi`; " V 3. x mes; 6eldq(.1_ aaj=;v{:o;; Theta an"; hIihdtd!of`ftuIi "}_VOl} lbWi8ndIT0:~hif9' V91Hj5}|35= . many ifn'r`rI`ietI'a_,h9.mQ; ibmit which ieygery-. {thing is jidily 'I_rgd';Ig:a;ofu1|y kept`. " ` B.I':t"`wo` E speak of the national evil}: -I ;whnle,,tnd; 5 point to`lhe- exceptions uptight examples for E imitation.` TI `-1 " 1 Ohe of the tunnels on the Bammora and OhioA Railroad is lined "throughout with cast iron, and Lighted with gas.. ` rm... a.......'....,:. -4` Q....LL A.'..-._:--- ___ .,- -,. . "03: Houses: fwilh, unVf'inished`chimn.eys,. and wilh brick and mortar lying on lhe'|fooi. . x V R Hnnnnn with lnnau. nlnlhhnnnln, nnmn nf {-0. II Vina], Pieces; &o. &c. - ` 4_ - v . I. 7 wml Our Oice will be open at all times during bu- siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to -any whovmay favour us with a. call. A ` All orders through our ;Agents gill beipromptly attended to; l . 113" Please remember that our Marble is of the nest ,qua,lity,f, Quort designs for the. above work -are of the latest styles." Orders for anywork is Marb1e.exe cuted with tsste and-do e.tch.. ~ D. CA1u.osYAu:.` . - V V "L A.........o a 1a:A ` -- '- " n,:.u`ufY'u`.;W -P L L -_ . . A DacornMtivejPain't.inngn,in1fV_ate,_I E V.n.d'- ` 5598: .0511! ` orlhllsf ` ".?5. `-'.`~:`+,A`."? 735:"? ..,,;. _ I I xi-* o`*P5"f1]n` 5.1.359! " '1'!"-BA-`rainiyx 9.-Id`. .. . manna is=;.x:fo.aer-"9-_s.%1r%rea.xo. 1 % -EJ . j .30. .. .19 - 1 .'; ~-Annx.nAu .?m n",`T " .1_8!iIx Sues, aur- mrers 01-1uonI,1_n_1ent.s_, uenotapns, Tom in and Grave Stones, Centre-Table and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, &c. , _ n..;.nm.... -..m 1....'.._.._ --. .u u____ _1._.,g, , . '`-`.`.'.`V`-' "."}`?`'`v' `{ ``f'*`T` '.""`,9y. 1 I AT his tand; 188 Ki_ng`St,reet Ealat, below 81:: Lawrence Mn.rkgt,;is now; offer-ipg_to his old L friends and customers, and this Public," ?` GREAT. BARGAIKS 01?` ROOM PAPERS, _ from .thei,Inoet exlensive. ya;-_i9d and bheipqst spank ; of Paper Hangings .9.-`vgr presented to them in Canada. 1`hey-`am-`(most [suitable for decorating 5 Dining, l)ra`Iuug, and ,Bedroom,- Hans, Tnblio Bnildingl,.~Geiling:,_QlIices,` nor Stores; Borders,` ; Gornerq; Centres, Mouldings, V Statues in great variety, withhuperior workmen to pultham -up. V . I_Ie_`_hqs also__atvl.hei_r peryiee s'full,IIocko'f Paints vuncuy, vvuu superior worxmen to put thamvup. He has also at their service 3` full stock of and Colors, dry andyin 0il,;Raw and..Boiled Lin-` seed 0.i|, warranledgenuine, S i;-its ot? Turpentine, Vnfnishds, Pnt:y,>Glua.lof ul fromtao,-188 -to 6: Svinches, rom polished late lathe chegpesr willd0W'G'l3S"Fig|lIEd and `nod Glass `many tt Bznahosror Pt` la vh`: ` I;_ QGIIIB _of :11 qI:li$,` ` 1 ,.3p.raV. . "'5 -` -..u...... ._ u ........b u u y - . v u v nu- An Albany barber having an intempernie man to shave on Sunday, begged him to keep his [mouth 1shut, as it was a punishable offense to open a rum hole on the Sabbath.` A 'I\...._..__ CC__._.__ A I I -- O. at Wm. 'VYALE,TILm orters ag 1)_e,o.1e;-sin . Italian and merimn lbarble,-. also',m_an1_1fac- tnrers of Ccnotaphs, Tomb and Gmve Stones. Centre-Table and Stand 'l`nnn_ nhimm... mom Amznsiom Amns:%z . ROOM PAl ._ERS:!_!" . ALExANDE:;HAMm'1;b1,_ I `I hid cgnrl` I`|`?8nc- ds....'..`o' uI'..'~.-.`4. '1._u-_"ng... nun; vat L aaA\ \ll' .- BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE ` V , 114 Yongc Street, Toronto, - - __ _ (ox.n snub) Two noons scum or ADELAIDE 313:3!` L W UILDERS. HARDWARE, Me`c.1mnicsiEdge,i and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, ; Cutlery, &c., and all other Goods in t.heline,`at ' the Lowest_Ra.t.es; " - 26-tf . . u nu usunu Lu L` vu.u:L I. IUJX 0 Ont standard of Penmanship is the famous Spenceriun. - . z, A . . 'Students_ca.n commen'_ce.at any time, as .there are no vacations. ` _ V ' The Principals and Teachers of this Ch8_il1 0f ' Colleges have an extensive acqnaintancein seven large citi,ea ,and a._l.,w_sysV consider; its plensnre `tn furthenthe bespinterests of their gradutes. Students ehterihnr nnv nmtnf thllnn nnllnaau l|.Il'tIJ|$l'.lo[lC_ D83.lIel'_9SlS 0! their graduates. entering any one" of these Colleges, ;by payment of $40, become entitled to,;the privi- leges of the entire chain, comprising eight` of the most thorough, extensive, practical and popu- lar Business Schools in the world. For Cata- - log_ues and Circulars, call at the College_Ro_oms, or address as eboye. i BRYANT &: STRATTQN. Bu'e.lo,Sept. 11,1860. - 38-_ly uuunnuu AT . BUFFALO,-Corner Seneca and Main Streets. `N . Y. CI'I`Y,--C'ooper Institilte, Astor Place. P_HlLADELPHIA,--Corner 7lI_z and Chestnut Sts. GHICAGO,--Corner Clark and Washington Sts; ALBANY,-A-No. 448 Broadway. , "CLEVELAND,-Corner" Seneca and Superior. Sts. DE'l`ROI'l`,-No. 70 Woodward ufvenue. ` ST. LOUIS,--Corner 7th and Vine Streets. GENERAL INFORBIATION. n_'__ _;__g . E5 Fashionable Tailoring executed promptly on the Premises, on most advantageous terms. Lefroy, June 23,1860. V , . . '26 " North:ern Railway of Canada. Mail............... Expres_s............ A41-rive Gollingwood. 'IE\lE I Ill Sclnl-Ills ll: llp""K`UU3 : .` muumzn-'-At 'Gosham; July 38, A Donkey, lsq;, Eternally at Law, to Mr. Euphemia eiggins, _Eoth of Goosdatn. Jove is an onion of two heads That belts in softest melon y ; Time with its cabbages imparts No better feed to an extra dray. A" COURT SCENE.--A man who had never- teen the inside of 3 court house till he was in- troduced as a witness in a case pending in one of our'District Courts sitting last fall in the northern part of the State, being sworn, took a position with his back [to the jury and began Ieliing his story tothejudge. Judge It u in his bland and courteous manner said `Ad- dress yourselfto the jury sir. The man made at short pause but not comprehending what was said to `him soon resumed his narrative. "id I-lnnnr uvnn Iliun um.-.3 ..u..I:..':s .....l -_2.I Express........T... -Ma.i1............. . Arrive Toronto. . .. 5&2; V -I 12 QQQQ. `V V13? 0- The splendid situation of the H6ds'e; fronting` on the beautiful Bay of Kempe_nfeldt--the salug brity of theaix--the purity of the water-al1.com- -bine to render _thisL_apot one of th most healthy and delightful Summer retreats; an the Northern _Railroad now places it within three hours of Toronto. ' HENRY FRASER, ' Late of the Commetcialrfliotel, Barrie. Queen : rms Hotel, Barrie, Q _: h` ` Lake Sintcoa ugh July l8g6._ 1 29 -, A 0D.AVl! !'HE mm! . Hail Columbia, !! 'Vive la P1-angst: ! !! 1:e1,` BARRIE, o.s.,T TRAVELLEBS will find the abdve" H` t e1"e'v:'y waysuited to their comfort. . . :- I ~ .- Yr& I7'VI7I`TTIi`IT' GUIADTTIYII _. .` nxmmnvg Goon .I{Is:n1;owsn1rn ;.'r1_:e* Pri-.In_ise;e`v`rhichv`ihe has now` entered have greatly e'nla.rged, and in avfevr days wi|l..be ;compleeely. renovated, A so as to -acee'nirn6date~; 1respec{able`Viaitors of every `description with IBOARD, in Private Snitaiof Apertmente, oret the Public Table, by the Meal, Da. y,Week,Month, 01' Year. '-He has also very Extensive Accommd-' dation for,HORSES, and GARRIAGES, and-`r LIVERY STABLE` connected with the Estab- lishment, thewhole of which he hope,a,t_o_be able, to make the most extensive and `comfortab1e'to'be met `with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- ion this should be known _ - . --7., --._. 4:2: . by~ `i'*."` 15? 9 :._.-.\~-.li : u xr,_.%._ ) `_ , ,.r,`v,r1-omin!-isstsr.-A:V .2. . ,~ . . - u `L- 5. . n.nIv--:.&\-I`9r~nr|CfIituo\1Q-iv`! -g : 2 g to now 31-,` or ai-, ,iM.'e,ndt4 to? -devotomll-his thgcultiva.-`L _ti0llv'bfVl .LI tl4 of _ :I:-=:.::,A.-_c ET: - .-...-gngicp" " A `Rosin `pk mint 1 'nnrnrnn - IKllI ox gum. 9`1!l,7Ill`l|I y,vI;,I=,_II!. , i:;`1r:?sI1=ci:ES'si*`1.Jr3.~'t"` And; &i.I_I_ee;.'.lIg.,!I ~.,thn`t than is no more` Wu.` or mmonro!` nr. 1 dag-Qb: ;sho`Lteas ;1.ise1i' m `FR-INII :ami;;=: I sneiivuigb ": `;"I;.`.ci`nt`sr.%t wan uuiu nu mm uuuu resumed ms narrative. His Honor was then more explicit and said to him, ` Speak` to thejury, sir--the menzsitting behind you on the` benches. The witness then turned -around and making annxvkward `bow said with great gravity of manner `Good morning gentlemen. V "I".-- !I\,___,.,, - .- . J `TORONTO M A-R BL E o R K%s,~l~ vvnuvnvu AS-u-;'-----u --.-.___ __ ____-, I. UAILDUB IA: Augu_s}:_ 8, 185-1.. IIIO nu".-_ __1-_.1:.I ..:'a..'_A:.._ ..z.- n.--1-r.-.2_-_- Torontp, May 5, 1866. YONGE` STREET, NO:RTH~OF QUEEN. wRA1N LEAVE imlolk .s'rA'r1oN. .vAS. _ FOjLLOWS:. T T . Inn on: I nunwnnh ` n. FAiIA[ii|'.7l_l1l"li'lil"'|iIE TB. a%M - /1%); ..z~7t/z'1ll.4& _ - 7 Ag:-i`cu1tura.l Implements ` T.'I'. VYKYDG .._.I -13 QI'Yr|1':\ntr\1-1 n_L,, u.-,4.-nu. vv uuvu vvnuuu in IE? EXCELLENT S TJBL INC. A. 1 2;afaf.;. .'; .`j 5.3`;T y"v".': .%:"3:iu.i.."a`.:Fi:'a'f. .; I,`a.*&dd fly ;f'knov'n., . ;May..lAI_q:_va jenf > til Iiilni-noun In-Ian I ', ..`~'.. , I

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