FOR by `the Snbscribef, on "or after the first, _of November. n_exp, ` ` 7 3 l\;\I\ 'I'I`l"I l'V`I"I`l'.IT (V . `V. I . . . auuo,xr4 "V The Kcundpginp Fujzn ain9tiht'a to 3*`, M The Dhrns amongst the assured`slill cdntinuelmder` the calculated amount, .'1fhere_,were duriugnthe year 106 Deaths, cotfered by _ l42'Policlesfori ;. . 5. $56,632 The `Toni. Asstmaucs Tawne- frxcmsv since the comtnencetnentof , - the Business 'amount to V V . .-5,S88`,464'stg. The Pttdemsssxvn Iucnshix of the Bttsinesslis shown7 -in the following` Table :--- `f311ADFo13D STREET, VBARRIE, hOt`jiv`1fi :;h the Trihsactihha V A . ,j_vvc:j-cg .` . ,; . 1171 `F__ 531,829. , _ . .vu-.p;:L`,tv..|:m'r!-1"1{{ST `A_NNUAT.i MJ_:Ef1`INt3 : It . of`-t_he,-JLIFE Assoc1Atr1oN>or:-'sco'r. _ LAND was held within thaqad -Olf:_i~,~oh4hQ*1'lih- . J i1ly,al8_60, in.tet-ms of the Royal ChI.|1'er."a'tndg`A"ac t-tit` , Parliament,-.- ASir ABQBIBALD Honh, of CrAa`n:'ghn11_ an'`1iPih1ti; v >`BA_lT,,`ilIflhe Chair-._.- - The folh)'wing_are the principle `s::msin' inath - D1nt:c1ou s.Rsron';, sttbmitled to 1he`.Meetip_g:-'- . Dnririg the war dndjng A;$t"'h;ht,` t:h__ Atttztgtdk-3 `- '1'I_oNs~_{oi- Ntafwf Assuktucaj Z` . ,wege_ V . . _ l`A129f6r`.j64l;936_stgt f ANNUITIRB weriraid put-chased'on. -. l4'.Lives at the price pt.` .' *.A 7. - I" f The _AN1gmu. Income from Preptiums, and Interest on jnvestutents, 18 now .. . $163,177 I _. 1 ~- . -V 0:303 mmED1,a1'E `INVESTMENT , I -_-_ -u_v._ _..._|_. _.I'_..___- 1- .2 _`.._-:.|_... ._.._.v, V. `.4 IrAhlQ>I4l \ln \lLLN\J. Barrie, N ovembbr 5th; 1860. ` 4 ,` .. . {EMAINING invlthe POST OFFICE, BARBIE, November 1st, 1860. ' ' ._..-.... V"... n ouv uIl\I-IIIAUIUIJ o _ -Cruig.`hurst, 2nd November, 1860; ' or No. .10, on the we'sz`side t` J V _ . EiAp'rn,ia4.2 ' I 1345 Ignnmnco, darkness, and superstition ax offsprixlgnf dc-sportisnl mid aut'o c' mortal cncmics of-civilizatibn. 1 : r 71 ha\' the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your bumble servant,: nm '21 Io.-n` ` '` us 1'_0l.lCY-I310} Prots during 11 be called on In vv\J IJI-\JLlv1 rlu:1ull'J `Vl )_/`\_/`E-Al:-l.flNG HOUSE", lar, and well: wnhm a few rnduxnf` Qnn. LIST or LETTER.'S' nuarem. . . _ .4 . V Tor_on_ V Board having xjeoeivtdv a large` It . , - . % % .%Tw:Njt%A%%FEET%REPpaT; RAME s5ii35L SE 0 ant: n-4-I` Q..n..:t!....4!.._.. ...-_.' L, '_~ , Q - HE .-SD i0'FFI(JE IN CANAADA-MONTRE./_IL, - 7 - . V f " .. ' Dircct`o2-Q: ' . . . ` . MAcKEN|$,`_Esq., of J .: G. Mackexgzie 8: 00".,` Gnome): MOFFATT, Jr., Esq., pf Gillespie, .Mo'att, : Mcrch gs. _ ,-.-. V` ' , _ &-C0,, Merchants. f '. . ' ' ` '1n;~`nU\-u" -- ' '1`WENTY-FIRE?!` `ANWAE ii .r the; LIFE Assoc1ATzoNop.r_g:c9_gj3;[_ `,-,1] I `ran lush! n.:uI..:.. n...- Lt,,_ : A..- Notice to I'Bui1de;sv. 3 -_ \ . AW; ;, \ -...._... .. .~~- - luv-.~.- ._- __........ a o `r You see,` gentlemen, hgt you hztve phrtiy th ' making of the man. Ybu choose the tools` to pe'rt'ect. thehmchine, and if they nre impeffgct; society charges you with the consequences; A `He ... thinks I hear some of you saying, that the Truste who give rccommondatiotis to Teacltefs t`hey wis_h to have must be accommpdated. And then the schoohnrtstor becomes :1 political cilaxactei`, and instead of discharging a_ general duty, he perfdrms my 3 pm-tival one. I have known `men who be; came teachers by such means, and were totally unacquuinted. with the; philosophyiof ouryiearth. A glorious examination that! _ ' ' ' fV.u_aI....-.. 51` A`., R_l\L|'P s. wan smce uccem lo these"-Dmcs. I .10 ; nnu 41. 1 STRAYED, LL- - -1` nnhxf n nn I` .,.,., \lI ... 3... .uounuggn;c w vu., \JI9U|$ul1_uUl.'lA`_l"l', a1'., nsq-, Qt lljllleij , _ &'Co,,Merc`hgnts.' V _ j. \_-$913,. Esq.., :01` D. Torrance J; 00., l ALEXANDER Momuss, Esq., Advoca;te._ cw . ;.1_95 ._ 3.878 ` 1.015 10.203 |.`l3.397- ,\JQEg will be received `lloy tlie %}n.iou School`Section No. 4, 0 Kt . i3"<';1BIV{[-I Xiii O.?Leary _J. Piper, Geoxze` plnvnn Wu: . Raittray, Miss isdbella IHISLUII V\' In.` Roine, Jeremiah Root, Edward "Scribner, G. S. 7 1 Smilh, Henry` Wice, Henry t .Wilde', The judgment is not consulted, the`:-easo'niiig faculties get 9? m_l l) tI'enl:. The pupils ate hur- ried from book to book with electric speed, which gives that destructive habit of learning a. smatter- `ing of evefllings Without knowing anything, . Sucha course is the child : destruction; getting no exercise of self-judgment, he becomes in his manhood the ca.t s-paw of ...;>;.ag0g_m,_." 61 some villainous politicii;n,.w_h.g . .. _:s:mB prejm dice tosecnre his own sejgh` ,._ 1` contrary, were the faculties-.e'fn A gh which Providence endowed bim,.. no 'man`ooIild drive him; he would be rendered byhjs educatiou ca- pable Of l`lgi"ii' and 8-Voting, andjvhen-a. trnthjs. issued heuuderstands it. - V, 'h- ',}. vrv .1 Little, Thomas (2).. Leick, Adam Mum, John * , Murphy , Edmond McGowan, Robert - Mc-Millnn, Miss Margret Nicefeson, Mrs. ' () Gonnor, Mich _ nsT..m.'... 1' nper, ueoxgev Plaxton, Wm.- Raina Jnrnmin ,_., r--V... ALEX. H ISL 'T'm.... x-In in JONATHAN LANE, N N P0Sfl_`MA8'l`ER.A Rcgislergzd. gauze 10.492 1 9.656 45.970 80.678 ` 125.318 ' 163.171 ANNUAL INCOME. DA mu 45-3m ..... ._......._. `guano: , .` ` ten; Lu unauu... B- Fancy yoursekes, ifnyou please, in one those schools `con(?u_cted.A by one of .th_sS,_teah?m. for which society, xs so mncb_1nde_bted go you; `Then teacher calls n rendmg class, thgynperfotln.-their dmy like:pnnro1,-hiwing no iden of w1,,;m,.eyo are V doing, paying no attention` to tbVe Ms`ubject'of the author. In arithmetic it is the same. The ad- dition class is obliged to add, _w_ithout expreosing 5 reason for the performancg. They 3`;-gigold to carry one from ten, two from twonty, &'.-_ ygndas. the Frenchman would express it, c'est_ la tout of the reasoning process. ' ' ` " -nu :,.,l,...._....s .. _._4. -_,,_ u. u .. 45-2N mg; In I! . V rw -'.1"""`-"`?"2' `T ".' "'.""':/'"!.'fw nvpgliun Raga? : :nq_dpIi` `ea ';-'_s6.;;nv1ts._<: *.%n9!;_tb __ H-J` _[ e`3ll_llBKlU-UT W1 [au__d' =p1irti`a 1'yb_`jn`vIted "nk 05 ` .. ` 5 -nniiufdclmi; , , ,,._..l. _,..V., .......v BEGS tpyctprxx big aincereqbanks to his _cus- ` t`6mers.f9r.Lthg. xjery Iibepal. support he `has. rece_i.ved since` his, -residence Lizi.Barrie,; and hav- Vinfg increa.se_dliiAs facilitis,for1fdoing won-k_ of the "very best deaczipgion The`<'py?ahgmea to. have 'a.' ;strongerc'laim=.h`pm_nt e'ir`p,I_Tu'ge, j ' V" .' 7 ;Every fr): `aportsm nsuppiied oi1V"tl_;'e_ ` mot-treasouablq rms. ~ ==`~*~: . /IIjE,l?'|. VE`_l'sVE_L..\`-'1."!.'VI'E`VDi: iIv`t9I_a-`o:sirA`r ' i_ j Igiaem.o,sroskm-ugh` `fig : kei)_tqxi;:ht1'Ir ,.;|qd y[I'!_tI6! irbjhtd. Id ihswaa-,. era-Sheds; 4 ' for ay quantity of t V jqgpupp 'MERcI1,\;1aI'rAnLE ..wm;:,\1', ' dglivered eitbex` a.t.'tb'eir.Mil_ls, or at their DEPOT i;BARRIE.U_{ V ` ` PJR-TICULJR .8-TTENTION P./IID T0 J ...... _v . .-nu-_u- u `I uuvln `ll_I UfIU_ll r.A Dejnnt `hm: hnn tinnnn h.. l......... ~.--" GRISTING & CUSTOM WORK. - ' I ..:.L -1` "'lfW" 9 JGun:.:Male1f,::v_;:nlqp greet, Bar_ri e`,f 1\1F(1 .4`. `....IL.`.;...'1_2; -9 um: ~.~ lJtuD.l11.V_L'i 9' UUB'1'U1|1 WORK. :. A Depot has ben opened in` Surrie, at of the Market House, where we will constantly keep op-band,FLOUR of we best quality, which we. will warrant to '- customers, " OATS, PEAS, BRAN, and a1l`kin_ds of millotfal. " ` ' mm-v` Amm-9 mm 1... . ......t..A .. ..1,....`... 41.4-- _g.., DK\t1).V, u_I1u nu Xmas OI mlllotfal. , > _Every e`or_t willbe magle` IQ please those with whom wg `mayvdo business. . All we ask. from the pnblic.i_s a. fair and impartial trial. ' V V _ - W 1; `r uncut: `comprehensible to me , `It ig Aft`/g17e_:'tl`;ey_'.s(,;>;;.3_,f.*`!_;;`.}a. 1<;:naYb?P, ee?19 ,?!=P ii=1mi:% of manual 1nbo1'3Tmn. ".19". mu to teach; and 11`?Fh9;V.getlT9!8isLin- get a. trustees recommeudatio`n;ea'qc1A gm`, perhaps a httle uiterest, get 9. dgb r,f:_`u_' Examiners brush, and 'forsooth.`.ghey,*`33`,;fe p;j~(5_ifeii; f gionnl gentlemen. If you only_(>:ona_'1_1vgA";,-.;_>%_1;.h: s sponsibility with fvhich you uI6'e;l;ltr`y3_:t,_;d; .th g__f': you are. to a certmn egtent the fathers oVf'.|_h`g`3iVn'g[ = gem-ration, ypu wonidy, I ajrn. eure, -give'no`certi,.7. f cute to any man who` was not thopogghly compo.` - gent to discharge his various duties. n,...... vnnrcolivn H`. vnn nl...'.... :... ..__ .7 : Baifrie,TJ`j1ne 22;jd! l_8'60. . -_ uanvvlAhu u are prepa.I:ei"tor[')afVt>lV1_e ~:. A v H|EHEST%* p1AnxeT:s,r"i cE m cm .v---u`-:1|- IVIIII-In-\ 5 are novfputtinig itAhen1 r'iz'x exe)1ent_repaii', and prepa.rei'to pay they-1, ' -. \3~' A l .S_|1b8_=l'ib9l`8 llmfingi ;ecen't1y purchased the -I-1\u-n -.-n-;.. -.-_..- _- -__-_- FLOUR, OATS, PEAS;VBRL;A.N 8: MILL OFFAL - ; . FOR. SALE. lGash%'foi- vVvg11eaLGash for wheat! nu mnus or '1'l!:3D' Al\'U- GHUUERIES at the lowest prices; ` Also, mindthe address: The.OId Co`untry . - Store, Bradford Street, Barrie, , (Opposite Durliaus ',S_aw. Mill.) M _ U ,P.` PAE, Proprietor. vnctnhbr R 1;mn~ ~` H` ford Styeet, Barrie, "all the newest designsjn DRY GOODS, consisting inipart of Gala and Wool Plnids, NOW seiling at The Old Country Stnre. Brad- Cnbourgs. French Merinocy-9, Lntest1'ings, Velvets, Capes, .Hnts, Bonnets, Slmwls,Scart`s, Blankets, Prints, Flanne1s,Sntinetts, Full Cloths, Tweeds, Stripe Shixjtings, Donims, Drills , Coats, Pants, Vests, Glbves; Ribbons, &:-., &c., with every other desi-rip'li,o,,n of Dry Goods; the whole of which, hnving` been nn.-nhnemi ah... rm. n....x. ...... ....n:._ ,_ . -....., -........, uwuvua, nu ., u.u., Wlul every Otnel` having ben pm-chased cheap for Cash, are selling . cheap onlh sz'_1me `terms; ----v v- --I ovancoadlld about 15 bands lligh. EIG1-IT DOLLARS _ storing_; the same; but should tlnevhlare be found.) r-. possession of any after this Notice, they will be 'nsecu'ted. , - _ , ' PETE GURDEN, No.` 2, 133th Cong ion Medontc. Rfnnnln I'\n6..L.... 171 1nnn {umi % `new Fall &' Winter 1) y Goods! FOR V A` u. .3, .10. Medonte, October_,17,, 1860. S HEREBY GIVEN, that the TownVCoun'ci1 of Barrie` have decided to est.-1blish-'three free Market days in each and every week. Namely: ;every Tuesday, Thursday -and Snturdzxy, cam- "mencin on Tuesdav 6th Novenzlwr next, 3 . v . 1 The cusmmnrv Mark-at fa. u-HI L... ..|.-...__.: _,, mssgusung on xuesaay, mu Novenzlwr next. The customary Market fee will be charged on days other than the above. . - By order ofthe Council. . . , GEORGE L.~\.\*E, Town Clerk. Barrie, `October 23. 1860; ' M-A?" - ubux Barrie, 23, 4.. uu u 1. v 1.u_1L1 II 1Ul\l`A, and an-d, Timber ./Igent,V Provincial Land Sur-. veyor, and County Survcyorio/' Simcoe. `Barrie, `October 2, 1860.. T 40 -- O1-`xi-1on-T-Go]IiEi` Stre Barrie. j./Ippraicr. ct, East of the. Market House, ._"' ` I iapprovd by the` meeting, and `jibtei of ib` terg ps'se'cl lo the Di- reclors,'and'the sevjal 3 a`;-Axis of Managementat the _Brnncbe_s, and ixhe 0 ca Bearers. ' - ' l......_._..-_ '_.a :1. n :unuIy years pasvnavo -Deon tree from. not a few of , the ordinary ~restrictiona.,tandeonditions, nndjhey _eeen_r fully to mee_t.`1l_u-;-_wauts of the_ majority of . , ` `Asx4`tirers. Of la1e;11tveir,'tdesire has, in some -' r.q'un`rters,_been manifested t'or"a systeifi of Life As- sura`nceJati|l rnore simple, and the Directors have arratlgedi a- SGhe|n_'9f..',_`/`U.NCONDITl0NAL Assim- " ANCE, which Asxurers will in .fm_iu;e hayethe op- ; V tion of joining", This` based on sound '-principles; and precise` c lculations,-j and will no ~ doulit cnn'trib_ute-to_ lheccess and .reputation of ' , the institution.- ' _ ' -- - .. It 13 win! 1-ma ntepser answer the Directors" have ' to" record the death of1Si,r_ James Forrest, Bart. He wascoitnected with-the pociation as Director and Chairman since its.cor'm1_1e_ncement, was ever most attentive` toAits'ii_1terests`, and succeeded in gaining the` respect of .all the memb`eI,:nt_ the"Boa_rd.` The Directors weleifortunate ' 1,; the consent of Sir Archibald. Hope, ORG}; art., to till the. Chair in his rdor1j;"arId.nt_Yin - `,. im.tem nrarily, un_ti| the zip ointment c-I` ',.3ont-rneg at this n'1eeting." hey cordiall J " ' every way qualied, an able to the Associatiom Octdber s, so.- suprstitioh are` the p...I'A'..-.... -.. I -` All kinds or TEAS AND GROCERIES owest prices; ~ ' . UPPER cA`ADA TRUST gigs LOAN _;_cgMPANY. , lvrsvv f\I\v-n- C M . 1 aitidit o:t'_he Aqconnusanda Boo . V : coi1nt8nl,_antl_en1irtIy1ttfob_n `~tbt`s.' The.` 'A.cQl,>ln.l8> hav . ;cbecked bytbe'At_nditorin1_,l _ _ - Jory? manner; arid llge Diruclot-_s' will not only con- ` cordingly=the Policies R by -ihe Prots allo- _ .- `I;- :.`,' :_ ' - -. , ` m , ch as nsujais M by_-;tha;3Audi!qor, aer%'o7-mit_1ute_ and conu'i_iugn V k8} .lhr0ltgh0lil the u,is`cot`tducted by ` is p, protesional Ac-V nected withthe Dime- ifur many years been csompiete and satisfac- ' -e_aeh.tiai'-:oPezaI' r.*Wtat3.-ltB.I't1t1 Woon, ;_-whp '0 tiime this practice,` but .w _ V _ iii render the audit even (mqre perfect if "possible; ` - qtwmcsp that LIBEBAlsl'&' th"evPub}t'c;` is, the best; _poitc frogn time to time ado _gi\ e,n unusual iaciliti in their dealings with y. the Directors have ptet] -atanv improvements and, csto the Pbiicy-holders. Ac- many years pas!-have vbeeii free fmm not few the ordinarv restrictions hntlcnnditinna ....i ....,.. ~issui:d'by the Association for , I1ER.\1S.rhs.}i`e known, either at the Advance Oice, or at his residence, Bayeld Street. Barrie, July 16, 1860. ' 29_ _ ,F. JOHNS, JUN., TEACHER OF MUSIC. 'A DA BROWN MARE, ink: VA... .4` .. .'*"'V PROM ToLLELNDAL`~MILLs! I nur vnnO4o{}o Qluun `,..;' ....- N {aw _ 'l_"e_as an_d Groceries.- '9 GREAT sr. .mMEs. STREET. V L IxcoxxU.. ggrifr W A"?'=>. DT! LEN. OR STRAYED Ls }\ 0 "Du-anamu At` 41... u..x. . PUBLIC NOTICE '.`T\`l1I\1? nvvrnnv IUIC CASH BUYERS. -__.._ HENRY CRESWICKE, Tiarllnnr nnnl D.......'.. .:.J -...u.v \/Lu L) I. l.l11..l..J 3 Prgmises of the Subscriber, '.'HE-may CRESWICKE, 1\---u \-vnu .-.... cuI.;\.I;CuC|.I Ie mem`_br_a,:o1_1he-VB. unale ii: -___' the ._ _ , '__t_a5J'y hpprm abaat jwer_e .1 n}...'... 1. ..r M.......... lfllvo W. & J. MORSE. .26-tf. f ! 42-4in _. ...u tn`: -both mor- wu burl It 43-4in '*.'~P5.|'r'E-'_ ,2` . = ` House Sgnnd Decomptve Pamtmg in Wade: j, sgldi: 10, _ _ih_ijng, G`r'a'inin g and `LIai'bling._-- ~n*.1e?Wnzl21ilae.E`ezabzesa;2zent`ao: r. _ `Z ~,' -' _`"*`. _ .;_k.\ . % `?8i,AFri_=!!:v-15539-.4- ~ g; T T 'ChI1i`c'h?;s oi;Hal'ls 'nished`in.1he 1-lclgesj Fresco. ~ 1.;L',nA1tUrAlN Ur` ICUUM. 1"Al ERB, from the most exlensivemaried and cheapest stock of Paper Haqgings eve\"'presented to_ them in v G_anad`a.." Thy are most `suitnb1e_'for' Dining`, Drawing, and Bdroomalls, Public Bnitdings,` Ceilings, Oioes, at Stores; Borders, "Cornqt3', Centres, Mouldings, Statues in great yariety, with auperipr wozkmen to pntsthem n-p. ` . ' Rejhas alscmt their service a; fnuatoclmf Paint: yurxeuy, wuu superlprwurxmen to put them _. o `ryan-mt wan` ' '- seed 0i1,wa rtantegd p;enuine, Spirit s' of T:3):1fenti:1l:3, Vgtighfs, itty, Glass_ 6!, all siztfs from 60 x as v<::'zh?gg'are * *-eaves` _. , d`,.,l Igl.u'e n tanneq /Glass, mgny ,.Exjns;.an ,3 co o.,rs,A Brushes for l: mutg_2`1-s, Whale: - i 2?`*:*`-W 1".?i',`..-3 9' fa11%qwes- Send :.`tg:si. .n 55:}... .'....1"|`\..'.'.i`.'.`...;::.`...,n'..&..-.:.`__. 2- m-.-_ ` l..lJJJJ_X[lLV U121 1111.1.V.l1.l.A 1 \J.LV , . T his stnhd, 188 King"St.reef. East, below St A Lawrence Market, is now offering. to his olti frixids and'c`ustome;-5, and` the Pub1ic,'_, `L GREAT BARGAINS OF ROOM PAPERS, from fhh mnat owlnnaivn 13`:-Int` nin nhnnvuaab an-...l. 1: un, ucccuscu. ' . In the Court of Queen's Bench, PATRICK ' FOY and JAMES AUSTIN, Plaintiffs, vs. JANE ; HARPER, as Admin_istratrix of 'JAi\llvZS I-lAR- l PER, Deceased, under. two Writs of Vcnriilioni 3 Expands and Ficri Farins, residue of all the Defen- dants interest in tlie`folluw'in;: Lands, namely :--'- Village Lot in the Village of .Cool{stown, consist- ing of One Acre andn half an Acre of Land, ` more or less, bcin;zLot number Two and Lot number T/In-e, on King street, in the said village, and being composed of part ofLot number Twen- ty.-four, in the 15th.Concession of the Township of Tecumseth; a certain parcelvor tract of Land in the 'I`ownsh1p of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, and known and described as Lot number Tu,-grnt_I/, _in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of , Essa, containing Two Hundred acres, more_or i less ; also a certain other tract oeparccl of Laud and premises, composed of `the North-West Quar- ter of Lot number Twelve, in the First Concession of the Township of Essa, aforesaid, and contain- ing Ffty acres, more or less; also,a*c_er,tain other , tract or parcel of Landvand premises, situate in the Township of Mono, in the County of Simcoe `aforesaid, being the ,Wcst Half. of Lot number Five, in the Third Concession of the said Town- Ship, East of Hurontatio street, and"containiug One Hundred Acres, more or less, also one,Vil-. lage Lot, containing Half an Acre of Land, be the. some more or less, at Turnbull Corners, so called,.in the above mentioned Township of Essa, and being part of the South-East part of Lot No. 6, in the-first concession in the said Township of Essa. ` The whole 'of thattract or tracts, or parcel or par-' cels of Land and Premises, situate in the Towu- . ship ofrlutiisl, in the County of Simcoe aforesaid, ' being composedpt` part of the South Half of Lot number One, and` bf_ part of the South Half of. Lot number Two, .in,tl1e 1*` irst, Conciession ot`- the said Townsliip of Innistil, and containing by ad- measuremebt Fifty-niiic Acres, be,the_`same ore or less; also all that` tract or parcel of Lao and` T premises, situate in the Township of West'Gwil- limbury, in the County of Simcoe afor_esnid._.being composed` of Lot number Two, in `the Fifteenth Concession. of the said, last mentioned_Township, . and oofntalning by .- admeasurement Thirty-six acres.~be the same more ,or less; also a certain ; Village `Lot, in the Village of Copkstown at'o_re-C; A said, known on the plan ofksaid village as.Lot number six,.on-;Qtie'en street,` a'nd= containing by 'a_dmeasurementnenr1y an Acre. . A, _ ' ' - ' ~ ".1 '.`1`B.'-W.' S.\II I`H_,` , ` V Satnmua-?s Omen`, BAKRII; V Per-,}_3. W.;;Ross,A= . -..,-august. 28, 31>.-13:` .. .De1miy- nuoM`;PAPEnszT1uM PAPERS :2 ' Room PAPERS!!! ALEXANDER HAMIL'rbN, A T his tllild. IRR Lqlrnnf. Ra} }1n`ntu- Q6 ;|u_y. In the County Cnnrt of the County of Middle}- sex, EDWIN HEA'l`HF[EI.D, Plaintiff, vs. JANE HARPER, as Administmtrix of JAMES HAR- PER, Deceasd. ` In Hm; (`Anus At` r\......._I.. n_;_,I. 7-s;mnv.-u-- ucncumun lUl' Gusts In ms ucn.-nce. _ _ In the County Court of the County of Simcoe,' ISAAC DEN.\'lS, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES JEFF- ERY, Defendant. The South ha.lf of Lot. Number Ninety-`leven, on the West side of the Pcnetnn- guishene Road, in tho_Tnwuship of`Tiny, One lilundrcd`Acre_:s, and Village Lots-Number Two. "and Three, on the South side of Mill Street and East side -of the Penetanguishene Road, in the Village of_ MaCVlllQ, One Quarter of an Acre each, as laid om on lint Number Ninety- Four, in the First Concession of the Township of Tiny.- I-" Ulll, Tiny.- 1,v{roV the ;3,emisfas_ ,_ -5inL_i'aianx,'Le_-.2;~ 2nd Concession Eloasyin-hear!y par! of;8epI.; "last, a STEERagbont:(hreifyeI;{old; ,_-%h:,gy_ag;;; ' .., by.9r'ovin_Pf1irT~ L . . ,u ,._.... ...... ..-.-uuuuuv, vvnrf, "9? observing lhe encouraging. .prospec_|$, Show lheir ' ab .` determination of .shaLring inn. d '"-dance" of wealth they are likely to _pI"0-:3. c9 by securing -a _claim_ to operate` u ponj." mg-k eyrrwnr_& Co`. hav_e driv._en'a `p,_`ipe,t`o-th_ e`_ fag, . which has about srxtyifeel frnm1_he_su'I_'-.4 - r hey are now" sinking,avshaft-;-though `uh . about 1hi!H""fel-'dn'A|'| nnlnf, Ih'u".".'r`n` In the-County Court of glue Conntv of Simcoe, _ THOMAS Sl.\lPLE, l l;1inl.i!f, vs. JOHN S.\lI'l`H, ` Defendant. Tl:e.E:isL 'pnr't. of_1he West 11'aIf'ofl Lot Number One IIn'xnd`;'ed and Two, in the First Concession of the Towhshfp of Tay, Fifty Acres, as the Property of the l |aiuLiIf,- to satisfy the | Defendant for costs in his def}.-nce. ' In Hun (Ynnnnv l`.\n..o no {Ln ......'a.. -0 09..---- uuuv:1' n In: III we Iouowlng DIHIS :-' In the'Count_v= Court of the County of Simcoe, GEORGE KIDD and'J(~)SE} H KIDD, Plninti{f s, v_s.,THOMAS'ROBINSUN, Defendant; The West half of Lot Number Six, in .1119 Second` Concussion of the Township of. Tussorontio, One Hundred Acres. ' 1.. cl... l'\......A_- l`1;..._; ',.l` 2'1 , A - . a-I ru- Sheri"s Sale of Lands. ` A .`0QU.\'TY 0F"SI.\lCOE. . On Sdturday, the 1st Drcember, 1860, V ILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at _ Athe Shcrif1"s 0ice',.in the Comrn Hocsna, in B.'l.l'ri({, at 12 o'clock, noon, the undermentioned Lands, or the Int:-rest of the Dcafcnilants therei, under Writs in the following Suils :- In Uldcnllntv: (`...nrI hf" llm (`.1-mnlw nf Qiml.-m. _ . S/rerzjf, C.S S1mn11-`v s,0H'1cE, Bmnm, g Per- B. W. Ross, 0ct.22nd, 1860. ' 43-6!: " Deputy. ') my 16, 1860. UL \JUlllH5"\VUUu. . ` ` Inlh Queen s Blanch, CHARLE_S_ B. S.\lITIi,` Plzintiff, vs. WILIJI.-\.\1 F. s,\11'_w, Derenaani,. Town Lots Number Full!` dud Five, onwth South "side of` Elizabeth Street, in the Town of Barrie, is liiid out upon the West Hulfof Lot'Nu'mbe'r Twc -my-I<`our, _in tl1e`ftl1lConc'ession.of the Town- ' slxip of Vespm in.tl1e County of Simcoe, by William Gibbard, Esquire, for Henry Rannel's_ Alver Boys, Esquire. . . 13. _W.;S.\lITH, Sheri". C . S. * __ _ _ ` \V. ROSS, Deputy. July 16, - - '29-l3in The`sbov<~..sule i postponed until Snturday, December 1st, 1860, :1tun:e place and ham. ' . ' " R Iv R\H'|`n` _uunu-.I.- pf.the`-Town of Collingwuod, in the County of - 'Sirn_coe, Defemlant,.the,West halves of Lots 9 and 10, _on the'de,of Cedar Street, in the Toivn of Collingwood. . _ ' - , ` A. . In -1115 nnnpn5u nnnnh FEYIADT `HE D G\n'mrr L In the C0l.lI`t of- Queen s Behch, CIIARLEE MACDONELL, Plnilltitf, vs. HENRY PEIIRIN, 4 Suits :- :."_ 'PVOjS'I'E`?`(__5A_ll;_EM El`J.TV. *1 % SHERIFF'S LSALE art LANns.t ~ COITNTYE SIMCQEI " 0nMonday, 22nd October,`-`I860, ` TVilZ be Sold by Public Auctzon, . . T the SlIERIFF`S` OFFICE, in the.Court. H0use;.in Buirie, at 12 o clock, noon, the nndermentioned-LANDS, or the interest. of the Defendants therein,` under Writs in the following In Qfneen Bench, CI{A]}_L}_S' llAt'Vnn\rInr r rn,- vvv--v--- `~- Sherw"; 0.-S .SamVzms-s Oiwxon, Brri, % Pe`1-I3; Ross, .' `3 August. _-14, 1860.` 3-loin _ Deputy. Th9" above Sale `is FURTHER TPOSTPONED until` SATURDAY,` Deceinber 1st, 1860, -at the same place and hour. ` V` , A ~ ` ` ` ` ' ` B. W. SMITH, _ _ , I she:-50`, C'.S.' Sm:n nrr s'O1='nc::. BA1mu~:. ) Per R. W..Rn=m Lo u1'uuguI.a|_nuu,"l Iingwpod. ' ; Novembgr '5, .1869.--; _. I s/mm; _Sa1:mn* s'O1='1r1c2:,BAnn1s,z Per B.AW.ARoss, C)ct.22, 41860. 43-6t _' -V Dpuly` DU Ea: be.rttt*s a f\3\f9\/\.I\.v`s`Nrv .:\-vx-x-u-x.\.-vsx.-xxrsw.-vs.~xv\.\.'w~.--\r~.-~a-m 7 ESW'1`:iwBLISHEDr\I` jag ~ v u-\\r\'y'v\`\I\r\. v i5'c"'>i\|" E M}:-: M 3:37 putul: unu l_llllll`. B. `V. SMITH, Sltcrjf, C.S., B. W . Roan, Ju, ucflul g '29-13in 859%` :i1,_ 1630.51 ucgw vlluav cuuw " umuu," comprising engm. 0!" the.m'ot thornu b, extensiv, practical and papy- `1az:IBuI'iness* 8:: hols in" the` `world. "For Cw, loguu and Circulars, can nuke Qollego Rooms, or addve8 aid above. Iuguup lulu ,Ulrclll8,l`S Qrgagdxgess npmo. Mxssns. B. L. Junson it Co.. . .. ` ` Dun Sms-I take greatpleasure in giving my testimony. in favour of 'our Mountain Herb W'orm Tea. :1 hada child six yea'rso age, who had been troubled for a_ logy time with warms. , I tried several di_'erent.kinda of tn but they done no manner of . Mr. Main. your agent. `at Ch'erry'Creek,-_recommen ed your swarm Ten. which I - am hap y to say. that after giving it accordin to directions. it great y exceeded my ex tgtiond. He on y. look halfof-. the package. He is now gnlthy, and-growmgmore robust - than ever before. `I giure the'I`emaixi der_',to ajtei boar, who joins me in 'iving`griant'pn_g1se to your, warm. ea In Icmea, ,_ resturin to hen our ohiTdr'en.- A'\Ve-reonitdiit the femedy fore the public for the cure of Won-mI_."= - ' t .. = run . g A. `(sngne`d)_ J31.:? nuA .~ -7' ~. t - -` -- JAMEsjK_tt_i_KU Li-..n3r i_ - `upc1_u.'_e'(j.u1g." .' V ' 'Sgqdents can commence atany time, as there are-no.vaca tioiy1's. { K _ , Tli_e`Prinipala and Teachers of thisrchain of C_olIe"ges"-ha'vei_ `an extensive acquaintance in seven laige it}es,';.sq always `consider it a pleasure to_ furthergthe bciuterests pf` ybeir gnxdlmtes. ' Students 'ente'rinir nhv one at` mom nnym... runner, n_e Den Interests ,0! Lueir graduates. Students entering g\`ny_ o_ne of these: Colleges, bygpayment of $40, become entitled to'the privi- lege's.of,_the entire halu,' oompiiaing eight bf thiriioht tho:-an h, extoniivdg pgaccicaljauad papy- lnnfudinewsc Em}: In "the"-.Twnrld_ 9F'm- an-...T` LOCA"l`ED AT 7 BUFFALO, -4.-Corner ' Seneca and Main Streets, . N. Y. CI'l`Y,`-`-Cooper 'Izzslj{ute, Jslor Place. ` PHl,LADELPHIA,-_-Cor_n'er `III: and. Chestnut Stu. CHICAGO,--Corner. ( ]larIc~and Washington Sis. - ALBANY,--No. 448 Bi'6ddu'ay._ I CLEVELAND,-Come? `Seneca and Superior Stu. -DETROIT,--.,-life. 70 Woodward vvguue. ' ST7.L0UI`S,-C0nm` `7th;'an`i Vine Streets; aia1?ERAL` INFORMA'l`;.ION. . }:dur"smudard of.- Peiugqilgkhijz gs the jam-....._' '8pe1y:e1_-ion. j. ' " _ designs and specimens of work to an rxcues, ow. ac. - Our Olllce will be open at all ,times'.dm-ing bu- siness hours, where we will be pleased to_exhibit y who may favour us with a. call. ' All orders through our Agents will be promptly attended to. 7 _- 1 . 1G` Please remember that our Marble is of the finest quality.` Our designs for the ubovework are of` the latest styles. . Orders for any work in 1l\Iarb1e exbcuted with taste and dospatch. - - . W'u.r.uu YALE. nan D.m CARLOS 'YA1.E. A .........4' .9 1:): A G. & Wm. YALE,Importei`s and Dealers in . Italian and ./lzrwrican Jllarble: Mao, manufac- turcrs ofMonuments,'Ccnotnpha, Tomb :1 ml Grave __Stones, Centre-'1fuble and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, Ito. A&c. nlwr-Hm:-A xvi}! ha nnnn at an 0:.-.....p.' .l....:.... L.. 'Fashionable Tailoring, Clothing and General Outtting Establishment, Dunlop St., Barrie. CALL A.\'D.SEE.IlIS sroex OF ' nln9}-nu` nnnn`r:n.1 i- v .. :---CCC. Made by rs!-class "Wb1'I:'n'zn, from every -variety "of Goods, in styls to suirull customers. N.B,-Cn'stom(irs may rely on having garments made to measure in elega.uc'style, and in the latest fashion. ,!nrIr:4\- f\..o.\I...._ {urn ' - ` -` uauu AAu..:5 ` Cloths; Doeskius, I Cassimcres, Tweeds, 'Snli_netts,nud V |C:xnad ign_ Cloths, Gcncral_ Outtting `Establishment! 1 % % `Cc. p1zLossm:,`%V:i,o;s;.es..:`%:;.;,.a s;.:..i.;_.%;.,,V . Draughl.s1_mu1,~und {Valuer sof, Lands, 1-: Hncrwnnd- * A - V ,. .3 , - FOR C` "l\Ini1.......V.`......`. Ex}n'css;........... Arrive Oollingwood. I Enuc A - _ LEA` Express...... .. Mail Arrive Toronto. . ' --'------'1'1`v'1_ No. 8 Mm'l.`ct Stall--Rasz':ience, B(l_l/field-St. Busri EGS Io inform the public generally that he has conshmliy on hand a gum! snppiy vi the primes! quality of Fresh Mums. Puuhry, &c. Home Cured. Hams amt Bru:nn-sm0ked iwhich are o'er:d at the lowest possible price. } Biarrie, May 16, "1860: ` _%-ly and. white Ir-ied; Barreied Pork and Br-e{,. imrtherngailway of Canada. ` 44%.:-:\\\:2= X-Wm n~.~~:,.\ -- wou- OT No. 7 in the 9th 'Cox_1ccs3ion, and Lot No 6 , in the 10111 Cnilcessinnpf Innisl, 400 acres; situated 5 miles from Barrie, the County Town of Simcoe, and near the Railroad. Good soil, and no swamp on either Lqt. Well woodcdkiritb Beach, Maple and Pine. Will be sold on reasonable terms. ' , ' Apply, post paid, Post Office, Oshawa, C. W. Box No. 7. ' , 34-tf 3 ` .. .' ' V BUTCIIER, P0UL'1'EIz/:12, BACON AN1) ILJJI CUREIL: SJUS/`ICE M./YKER, 'c.,_ `R7,. o u....1...: o:..n n... Vespi'a,. June 26, 1360. ACRES, bih,g'composcd of Lot Number 20, 12th Con. Vespra, with new Burn, 30 by 52, Dwelling-`house '20 by 30, Stable, Out- houses, &c. There is a good thriving Orch.-u-d on the premises, and 40 acres Cleared. under Fence and in Crop. For p.'n`ticll1!'.=, apply to \\'lI.RF`.m`(mm`. 'I'.\> same, March 21, won.` TORONTO . _ M A R`B_L E w or-jugs, Qvr\\vr`v< n......v..._ -...._- ._ _,, V v V , .U1lURC1I't.I vMxssns. Junson 8:. Co.. nun: Smn.._I ialm cram nle I. UARLOS IVALE. August; 8, 1854. wnn ur wu.1_1uul- me uanu.~ ' V ` For -particulars apply to this office, to John Alexander, Esq, "or to the-owner, ' ~ MRS. P. RIOHARDSON. R:1.i'riP_ Arch '71 IRKJI 1" . - . . .-ADS0.1._ About 21 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 of wluich V is under cultivation. The Cottage can be rented with or \vitl_1out. the Land.~ wan n....I:m.I....-. .....-.|.. g- n_:_ _m., . 1- - uuum,-mxcm-n, unu- an excellent Uellar; with good STABLING,-OUTHUUSES, a Garden, and an Orchard in_bear-ing-; situate about 20 minute`:-3 walk from the Market. at Barrie, and fronting the Bay. - gran ,, COTTAGE T0 RENT or "LEASE, V . WITH 20 ACRES OF LAND. 0 be Renter] .01; Legseti. with immcdite pos- `sessipn, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT.` !IOUSI*_], ._._..-- ' D.._1-..__ n h.) n EIICSI. lllH|0n. . v Barrie October, I859. - . uu uc n.n||u:u -ur u('_RliL'll. wun Immeuxate _l.~ session, IIOUSE, containing 2 Parlours, 2. Bed Rooms, Servants R0om,TKitchon, and an excellent Cellar; `with Hood S'l`ARI.I\'~nl.nn'I*m.mmzq .. r:...,a.... ....-.1 F YOU want 9, get GOOD and CHEAP CLO'1`HI.\'G, go to . `H. BE.NNETT 'S. .1__*I._:_.__L1_ In -I , x . .U1_n:luzY U1u;:x,b`1mcoe, l\l't;ssRs. B. L. JrrnsoN& Co.-,' " ' " Z ' " " Sias-My child has been very bad'wi(h warms fora long time. I tried all warm medicines: ~the7_availe_d noIhiu,":. Your agem,,\V. B. Main. ntlhis place. recoinmeiigied 'y`nur` Mountain Herb 'l_`ca. I had glven up my chilqas incurable, but cuncluded to try a package. ' Before i; was -half nish- ed, brought away worms (`mm 4 to 6 inches 'long, fmost all of which were knnlled mlo liltle balls; I may say he passed nearly a pim., I lake pleasure inrecommen'di_ng"Jud5on,'a Mountain Hcrh Worm Tea 10 all parents splfemlg with this `complaint in preference to any. other worm medicine. ' especlfull ' routs. , . , \, (Signed) , ' "R ERT HEPPINS'I;;`\ .I2rIa . _ V. . , t mun; uuw us uauww. 4 Lots?Nos. 6'8: 7, N. S. `Louisa Street-Lots Nbs. _ ll, 12, '13, _& 14`, N. *8. `Elizabeth `Street, and 11, 12,13, '&r._' 14, S.`S. Henry Street, Perry Estate.` ` ' ` S.>hf of I.`ot9l4. Berczy Street, Roe s BVl_ock, 3 acte and Dwelling;-louse. Lots 19 & 2o,'1T:ust side` of Bayeld Street, Patton s Block, Mill road, nearly an acre with a good Dwelling-House: ' ' ` The E i of Park Lot No, 1, North side of Napier V Street ;_ 2; acres. 14 acres in the town_p1otofKn\rm:NrEnDr. Lot 8, St. Palul Street,\voon. The above Will be snld ohnnn nnrl nn naav Immu- uul. q, gs. raul om-er," U0_LLING\V'00D. The above will be sold cheap, and on easy terms of payment. - ' ' ` ' ' ' Apply (ifby letter post-paid to . ` V _. * `W. D. ARDAGH. - PA l`TON.& ARDAGH, Bmnm. Barrie, May 28. 1860; ' ' ~ ` '19-Iv nu B}n-vrie, May 28, ._.._.:._:__:.___4_._. Toronto, May 5, 1866. u. u. 3 In um. z In uurxulu uoncessxon Noth- wapaga ;;._u`n old cleared-Farm. = Lot .No :.6,` in the 10m Concession Vesprs; Ifb0ll`t':30, ares cleared. M '7 E: H? nf `Ln! 7,! {n cl... 1.4 II ..... -!-_ - _. .vv_.u.u. uauunp Lot 4, 8: S.,hfof I 1, in the 6th Concession; and 25 ' . in 3rd Concession Flos, ' , LoI.427, in .the 5th Concession ; 25 in the 4th and 1 part-25, in the 8th of Mulmut. YONGE S;RF;T, NORTH '01-* QUEEN. I_DOlll3"3U_ ROYCE cxeared. E; hf of Lot 74, in the lat Uonession Flos; A about 75 acres cleared. V FN. hf 6f Lo 3, H: the 8thGoucessi6n' iIou.awasa;V;a;V . an oldcleared Farm. 1 8. Eu} of Lot 1 in the 10th Concession Noth- wasaimzzan clearedfarm. Reagdy-Mad;aZv(`3 l:;1-:i1:i'I 1g, min In: fe _n,:|ro "ll"....7.'...-.. 12...... EXTRAORADINAARYV Woaizs oh: Jtxnsons , ~ MOUNTAIN HERB `WORM TEA. ' ` , +Cnunci1.Hu.!.-, Simcgie Coumy, C.W. Alnssns. ` u. ` ` 5 `RAINS I.E.wE UNION ST.-\'1`IV0N AS _ FOLLOWS: ` ` , = ~s.-u-.-'.\An;v~.~..x.~.- A .~..\ 'v\\-.~\\y\x.;. awn annt{{FuIEz? FARM Vr-`on SALE: A Gegr/ge M-a&}?f nr.rvrrnnnnn , ., -. --- V - - V -v.wvvvvv-vv-v- . -v-;- .-vvv\A.s.\.-x.- .~..s. \A.\.-.-vsjvvs *1-`ARMS FOR _SALE.` ;m`:E* *`*~*`>*~* ---.--- Town ` Ltb in Barrie. 'n:: R Jr '1 `M Q 1 ....:.... Cu......A `r -4. `F0 BE SOLD un-_5vvuuu . . . . . . . ..1'..4() (III LEAV E COLLI NGWOOD- . FOR COLLINGWOOD. `V ':;lJ1z\v Yonx, January 23, 1852. v` lm\the' Liver Cnmplaint for ct` any medicine to helpme six years, and never c uutill commenced using l ill.s, prepared-b`y' Fleming Br public. that Hpeyi have complete] by recommend them 16 all persons Liver. Ihey will cure. Tiy them.` `- MARIA EVANS, No.` I can now say to the red me ; and I do here. 1lI"Lan 2 : Celebrated Liver ' rm p:u|u:IInIl.'.~', upply I0 WILBERFURCE TAYLOR, ' Onfhe premises;. Or JNO. C. TODD, Rrnrnnlnn f` ' Lands. I .._ 4|.` nu. II, `. \.ovn.l.IlIuVIUUU~ . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.30 A.M. .. . . . . 3.00l .M. .. . . . 10.15. A.M. and 9.00 l .)!. J. LEWIS GRANT, S1t))E`l`1'lI Illntlnn I nfaivr -b.mAj` mom 0._ v= A '- I -U: 38:11 ._AI(50.1._ of LAN n1 .. 111.3 oxuolx Ur` Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Braces, Hosiery, Glove, 313 iWUUD. .. .-. . . . 7.00 A.'.\r. . . . . . . . 4.00 9.31. .12.45 and 9.UU1*..\1. nwnnn. LIUSINI LCD. W u.r.uu `I9. I v I I} Brarptou, C; W. war A turcd by lv`Ll<}Ml1\',G l3ROS.. of Pxrrsnuan. 'l`h cre urc other ills-rurporling to he Liver Pills now re _the mblic. )r. R lAn_:e s genuine Liver Pills, also his cele- urmcd Vermifnge, can now he had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the signature of . " 1*` \ l 451' . V . V lv`l4EM1NG BROS. l\l L:\'lV l`i 5 L'l`2hl'il`3liA'l'1`4'U LIV l`}K Plh lllln0. l l\i\ 1', Superintenrlmt . ' `I 0 an 1 Au: 28-1y , IJJIIKKIH 22-Iy }'.._,,.*.x . "` % -1'or\m6:-July. sea. ~- . aoaunront Htreet, Id Royal Mall Ofce. neg` doorto American 11%: at the 'bead of Tina, ping`: Wharf ` H A _Ro_YAL MAIL -_L;\'I'1_~:, or STEAMER_S_ 2% NEW Y0}i""Ta`_f1_"ii`7i`:gEaNE1; `I I` A Vb` 'l`I....:_...v- un June 28th, 1858. M L.\-NE S CEIJ-`J-}RA'l`ED LIVER PIL manufnc. (E? YHTCNREET5 H, U? CHTCNH l0~ `I07 U-I inn-I luv I-`I .l<`.RHl\'G RROR nf Pxwvranvvan, 'l'h m-A BUILDERS HARDWARE, Mechanics Ede, and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c.,nnd'a1l other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Rate;, _ 26-tf - IMPORTER or ' BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE ' 114 Yongc Street, Toronto," V (om smxn) TWO DOORS scum or ADELAIDE s1'xp;-:1` L. \V. DECKER,Proprivlm'; V S pleasantly situated at the head of ST. PAUL S'l`-REEI`, amongst the largest. wholesale houses in the city. it has (with business men generally, and especially with the best Merelinnls of both Provinces) become so great 9. favorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive in- crease, during the last year, in the business ufthe `house, the proprietor has built at large addition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; there have been eomplete in the new wing, it great number of. well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been refitted, and now contains many improve- ments and conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. 'l`he whole of the beds have, ut in great expense, been furnished with NEW Sl llN(} i\lA'1"l`RAS%l-IS. The Proprietor expects that b ` `continuing his personal management of the con-. ' cern, The Albion," to_ say the least of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best DOLLAR and 3 Han` HOTEL in Canada. 47-12m 3FFashionn.b1c Tailoring execntc-d promptly on the Premises, on most advantageous terms. Lefroy, June 23, 1860. 26 Albion I-Iotei: V MoTREAg `I 1!? nnnv-ran n - . Ba/rrie Hote1, - BARBIE, C.S., __-.-- v v :.-- uuogan vv vauuaaal 0 The splendid situation of the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of'I\'c-mponfclult--1lio salu- hrity of the nir_--lhc purity of the wnter-:iil com- bine to render this spot one of the most healthy and delightful Summer rt-trams; and the Northern Railroad now places it. within three hom"Uf Toronto. IIJ'J.\`I .Y lP.ASl`lR 7-1- -4` AL. ff. my 1: . r 71 132 - LAKE ONTARIO Exnnnss ___..-.._v-.- -..-., uvuu Allll.lJ\JVV\1lIII 5 The. Premises which he has m)w_entc-red have been greatly enlarged, and in n few days will be completely` renovated, so as to iiccummodule respectable Visitors of every description with BOARD, in Private Suits of Apanmenls, or at the Public Table, by the .\leul, Day, Week, Munth, or Year. He has ulso \`_ery Extensive Accommo- dation for IIORSICS, and C.'\Illll;\(H'T.'\`, mxrl fl LIVERY 8'1`.-XHLE connc.-c`.ed'-uilli Lln: lislrili. lisliment, the whole of. wl.iclx he hope;-I to be able to make _the most extensive and eomfnrtnlile t_o be met will: North of Toronto, and lie has no objec- ion this should be known Toronto. IIVJ'.`.\'I .Y lI .Ab'l`JR, Lalo Qf the C'uu:mc1`ciul Ilatcl, Barrie. Quecn s rrns Hole], Burrir, % Luke, Sizncoe, l4H1_Iu_Iy 1856. _ Gov SAVE ms Q17:-:1-:.~U Hail Columbia !! Viva` la Frangaia ! !! 29 1 no other Pill. or. reniedy for Liter Comfalainyt, has gait , so" dese_Ijvedly,,the reputation now enjoyed by Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared- by Fleming rgh. As rm evidence that they wlllcure, .certica1e from a; lndy resi,iling' in our <-\\.. .3 " . _` N1zwYoRx.Jnnnarv23.1852. Bros.-n!'Pi1 rend Ihe folio own city: -whole surrn Fun , uls-V`-'5',` l'V.. th6Y`.."- mey are thirty_ feet Q3gr3g, ,o guqced forced to pump the Oil ont,_II:h. 'h(bughqut: "19" with the sinking. The ear` mi lobb fa" f unding =`.'y' wiurace. in severlz.-1, oil. as it breaks lhrof.` '3`-9 *3.` ha` _.b,,egfa_n_I_I.,*.i> places. and in evenf !hfh' j ' " V` ' ' 'lh6,1Uh7j"' The prospects are more _e.!|"" 5-mg werebat Perms y,.,_,;.,;pn.;acwgno;0159. _ ; . being so near lhia-l_|lfAf{1",`V any, that when throII`_sh,;!.` f owned. will be: nnlwwi LJAVJLJILJLVJJJL IJlJ\z\JJ.`4IJIJ1.` U141 And since he nds, by the Latest. Intcllivcnce, that there is no mom War, or rumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cu1liva~ Lion of the Arts of ID on-an EQ II -Ididbi NI LLLIIJHK , Formerly kept by the late Mr. John Bingham, and afterwards by .\h'. L. Cnisse, under the manage- ment of both of whom it was so HE Subscriber would inform the Public, that he has Leased that well known Hotel in BAr:mE,_ THE QUEENS ARMS, Formerly kept hv John Hinuhnm, mm u.-nu .u{1..1 n\1L).Ill'4.V 1, thr:-by securing` rt speedy adjustment of claims, and liberal regulations for residence and travel. ' \Tn 4'...-CL..- . _ _ . ~ 094,; n ..- ...-_ .---..... .-b-......uu.: uu u:auu.-ucc unu travel. No further outlay required from `the assured than Lhe premium. ' JAS. PA'I`TO.\', Agent. `J. R. ARDAGII. Medical Referee. . JA5,FATTU ARDAGII, Referee. Barrie, Jux_1__y_,V1_59_. Asa uuuu a. AN:U,\L mvrsroxs OF PROFIT,` as preferable todivisiops at intervals of ve, seven, or ten years. _ ` N\HI`. ,1! A \T A t'ID\n:<\v-n .lnu|_y auluus III we rrovmce. Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual orquarlcrly instalments at the option of the assured. ' ' ANNUAL AND MOST AMPL-E EXHIBITS of its nhirsx FFERS the following realv advantages to in- tending Assurers LOW RATES OF PRE1\IIU.\I, Ggnsequenc on the investment of all the Com- .pz\ny's-flmds in the Province. ' Prnminma nnvnlxln ...-.......II.. .. I..- -__.2 - ___._. -__._.. - - q)|,uvU,\J\lUu Canada Life As_1}1:1}ce .Co y Vlunnnnnn . run .... . .. lvnnlvb, u_y nu .l\`Ic-ssrs. Ctmncu 8: Duroxr, of . New York, are "the `sole agents for it, and also proprietors of the world-renowned Dr. EA'rox s lxz-'AN'r1t.E Connun, unnt`ttcle which every 1\l0lhf`l': should have in her. modtcine closet in case of need i_ and `containing, as itrdoes, no mregoric or opiate of any kind. it can lte_relied upon with the utmost condence, and will be found an Invaluable` specic in all cases of Infantile Complaints.-0lu'o State Journal, Columbus. 13 See advertisement. V ' i - Bar1-ig, Jam. i858. 'VIxiLi.""Ei9%}ia"1iW_ii9`I1E WORrLD.! ....1..../`l2.l .! `-CAPITAL - f- -. - . .1oo,oow '_IN sH;mr:s OF*}c1o men . `g6n.n twp: (.`E,-'l`0ll.0N'l`0. President,--Isuc C. (}u.xon, Eqnire, 'YicuPre:ident,-Tnoms HAwon'rn, Esquire. run nnonnngi - ` George Micbie, James Beaty, I Hugh Miller, A nd E- uvvn 5 uuvulc , All. In IIEYCU ames Beaty, - Walter Muctzarlane, Hugh . < T. P, Rubm-ts, And_E. F. Wlxittemore, Esquires, Secrtary and Treamrer,--Robert Stanton, Esq. Solicitor;--Angus `Morrison, Esq. ./Ipplitatians for Fire Risk: received at the Home Oige, Toronto, )n_ Wellington-street, opposite tboommercial Bank. Oice Hours,-10, A. M., to 3, P-.11. ` r V ISAAC C. Gn.MOR, President. 303T.-STANTON, Secretary 1` Preasurcr. ` 'romnzo,ADec. 22.1851`. Canada Western` `Assurance G3; OHABTIBID BY AC1` or 2-LnuAu2n-r. HRAVELLERS will nd the above Hotel every - way suited to their comfort. b- Dvnlrrnwxvrnv nnvnnv-ruuz. o-baavuavuaus J.LI.l.lJlUJ1LUl1Ia FALL KINDS, and OFVSUPERIOR QUALITY -for Sale by J. B. RYAN, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, 4 ` Two doors South of Adelaide S 1e 28th, 26-tf H_~\R.\l-0~NY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP! 1|... I )__,__,!-A ._ _, n. rAnaAsh'g}: Phnlstnn. Mtemion iscalled to lhis most remarkable and` scxenlic preparation, advertised innnothcr column,` `I! is an gntircly new 'discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is. n cerlain remedy for all the disea=es specified, and especially those of :1 chronic na!ure-of long slungling-'-of weeks; months, and yenrs.- Su'erors,1ryitl V ll-Tnaerg (`up-n..-." 1. n......-._ AA-1u____ 11r__o, "W .1 .7 I Ag'ricAx'1l-tn - 1 Implements I` ALL KINDS. and nf SH'PI`_r.-Inn n.... an); .401 An Lun, oecrcn 'roro.nto,ADec. 22, 1851`. 1' | `nun No M o R E TWHXMFXT .____--.- CKPITAL - - - $1,000,000. \WW|7.N.Q Hun 6`.-Jl.-.-...:...L ._-_I'_.1.,,,. V 1s&1f;\9i3SI'19j'_X7"Sf}'E:f:vEssFUL 2 up` :vnnn Ln 62.-.J.~ 1... 4|... r_.-_. 1,,;,u ...-I an-u-.u unun In H3` EX C1:3LLEN'1` S 1'ABLING. Northernwotel, Lefrd TV `D Qnrvnrno n..__.-,_ _...__._?.__.. .-JAMEHS B. P._YAN,T ' IMPORT!-`.R OI` IQICORPORATED BY ACT Oi` PARLIAMENT. November 7, I860. ..|.UEDA, nov. 6,` 1860. V ._There was a moderntely large attendance of farmers yesterday, and, for Monday, a fair amount of business was done. Fall Wheat sold, ' retty freely; l'rom $120 to $1 25 {or common to goo , and from $1` 25 to $l-28 for good to 'prime,-the hverage {or the day s deliveries being about $1 25 per -bu.~'hel., which was theligure most frequently pttitl. Spring \Vheal z-teady ui $1 to $1 04, but very little offering. Barley quiet at 59c_. to60c- the latter paid freely for choice lots. Pens. dull at 50c. to 55. perbltshel. Oats steady and rm at 290. to 3lc. per bushel." Of other articles there were no supplies. _' 4 . " -- v -- -u-uunauuagvv 1 `CIIABTIBID eunuuzm. W. P. SQUIRES, Pnomusfon. 1}o.\1E' MA.`IAGE.\IE.V"1`, nm-imr Ii annnrhy n:Hno........4 THE. S'l`E.-XMERS` |I\Ir A Q~1\-\--|- Xtltt. vnunuo rnl Ul.V,' gent for County Simcoe J. H. LAWRENCE ' gcnl, ollingwooql. S8. ' 2-ly - .1 m_uoL AMI of its affairs. I\YI7I!Vr`\|-vr~< R. '.I_.'A..fx:: PATTON, V xrpnt Fm (`nu ,., u,...auuu ul tut: rrovlnmlll ulel. The Ken.-l 1ualz Court of Chancery Hungary and other inigorlant to that Province. P. Hayes wnur Mun n 28-3n_1o ummn;.r, out on the other hand it was said that Aus- tria had given a most positive assurance that she vwnnldenot draw the sword unless ian1-`a't_tack was. made on Rome. ' The Piedmontese troops were _encat_nped`at _Rieti, ten leagues from Rome. . _ __ _ The text at the Prussian despatch relative to the . invasitnn ofthe Papal States is published. ,1! con- sures the notion oi'Su_|-dmia and rejects,Cavour s justication-; but does not threaten any active hos-. tilit_v on the part of Prussia. "`l1n A....u..:.... -m'-I `W ' " ` The Austrian official TVeine_r Zeitmzg publishes a reform manifesto for the Emperor. Many sweeping` (-hnynges in" the consliluiion are `propused. Legisla- tive power ts onlv to be exercised in future, with the (_:ooperaliou ufthe Provincinil Duet." V Tho Kn.-n.|1....u.. IV....... .1` nu - nu. uu \.all\2II It `was also reported that the French Liixrtnter of `Marine had received a_despatc-h announcing that GaribaIdi s ships of war r-apuned a vessel bearing pgmish colon, and another bearmz an Austrian unrnbalus ships of -ap'lu.ed ve. Spanish bearnng ; ag. ' - ' ' ` .._e,. Sqme attthotitis continue to (`assert tht the Aus- trian 1 elnonstrauonson the Italian frontier were'm- creasing, but the other hand nosmvn n.umn'm-.. .1... .1... apgm " W018 surrnnndi fafv v--ucn ues about sixlyfeet frdii\'thvsu{'-." `nee T 9) r_1ow' sinking__a shaft; thoubglg: Mei; iiire about thirty feet deep only,` thejy"qV|je_V Mm` ` Plm[_2 'out,bin order/to s_.u'c{ceedv ei:rlh"t_h_tou`gh_o_fut; (hp: ng country. eerns ijo"b" fa`l_l_ bf `J! It lhl'D|luh -Thu` an: rm`; {-5- at-I-r---II \ _ Purchasers will, `be . ircful io. [ L5\-IA\fE _ _(_Zlr`._lJ-`.1-)RA'l`l3D L_IYl)R PII The Gazette de Lymurha `ben siip'r':s]s.ed on account of its incessant appeals for agitation, the attack or`x`G`o"vrnment and its disdain lot` good advice. - ..- . nvvi _Na.ples despafchesto` 21st 0ct.ia.nnonnco that a vote on the annexation, question, was then being taken. Much entimsiasm existed, and" immense crowds had assembledat the voting places. All` was quiet at the latest dates. The King oi Naples had iied ajxrotesteclaring : that he considered theyoting null and void. It was renorled that nar nu. .............:-.. ...-- ,___.... .....\_. vunv war. The 'C`anstiTulionnel hnndunccs {hat iihi Eriip`erbi'. had receivd aulog`raph'1ette'rs=from `the Czar of Russia explaining the natqre of} t_he_Wars_a.w meeting, and depriving it-of any` signicance hostile to France. ` ` A ' - ' ` IIIL, nu -- -.... vvvo, uglgu HI years. ` `I_tL is a`$er`t'e'd5that Rdssia ha.`.sVpositiv..e1'.y -'ref_;tstl}' vto en'te'r' `into any engagment with __AustriAa` whiclif might lead` to a. war. j m1._ 1: -'--' - , - Y(--w`-vrvvvvvt Night; - The dates`by-tbe"Princ.'Albort`;1re=,two dnys" late; that} .'"thos_e6 brought 'by- :the -EtnjopeI-t at `Yoting tat Napie V but 1- ithta taunexattbn i1t;ies:ti`onV :commenced on tbeA2`1s't. tot` Q'(:to_be:.t The . result had`n bt been denitely ascertained. It wah stated that `the Ne'apolitan!' v'otg'd` .a 1most,un-i auimqnsly f_'o_r annxntion. : Tho Dnlna nf 1):).-..w....a .a:...a .; 1- ,7 .- -- unumullsly r_o;- annexation. .-" ' - ` `V The` Duke of Richmond died at London on _the` =21st Oct;,ag9d 70 `yemjsy; . V . g 1. Te}: gdL....`o`;..a34I.-;. n'_~..a, - ' i-- '-' lS7er[n E % 2Z\ bp rti;ie;ztxei1tst,%% Arrival -bf 1he ----- V1zus.aa.zze;u;s:p:1s;.zer`a:b air May. Lead to W ar.-.-'- ' aldi tb`,Rcive" thg` "I`iIIn nf D-ah... .....l D---L - "' ` ` * \|-.:ir:-1UC per 10. NEW PQTATOES 18: to 200 per bushel. EGGS-100 to 12c per dozen. ' Pl-1AS--400 per bushel. , . B121-:1`--4 to 5 dollars per 100 lbs. MU'rm.\'-7c per lb. _ Sm-11:1 Sxuxs-+80c each. HM`--'$6 to $7 `per-ton. S'm.uv--2 dols. per ton. Tvnuu-:s's-50c to 75c(each. LA.\m-1c per lb. CH'u:i to 25 per pair. H1mcs-$5 50 per cwt. Woon (green)-$1 25 per cord.,_. Woon (dr_y)-$1 75 per card. tum u. nIIbII1?lll`lUl'CBS on me lronuer ol lhe l r-arm me Mincio. backed by a still more (il'i1li reserve marching across the _Alps_am.i quzmerell in er:/u,-l ons from Undine nd`Pal- mannva. to Treviso. Two of lhe divisions .\\'l|l(`.l\ weie \n lullnw King Vicl0rVEmam'.el on his pro.-1I_'e.~s to Naples .-are` made. to 'lr}ni`|_" ha.-lz. by the forced marches, lo the threatened lamls in" the IE.-mlia. An allack by Austrian 'lIp(_nIl .\liIan or Bolugiia. in tlie chill days of .-`\'mg:=inl\er, IS mHi,cipau=,d by men unlikely` in gm-u. way to idle nppreln-nsinns, an attack on `u~h:i-la ..-\u cvml-l never venture, unless Ru. lC'l.- herf from all danger on the pun of her ilisaflectted and ulnwsy insurgent l).1uu bizm Provinres. . V l)_._,;,-,, rru \ "A -V .n.uv-Arum: 'UFFICE, `NOV Wmouvr, Fall-.-$l t_o SI 05 per bushel; NEW, Spring-8c to per bushel. FLOUR--$4 50 to $5 0 per barrel.` Bannm, new--45c to.50c per bushel. OATS 20c to 25c per bushel. Buavnmelsc to 20 per"lb.' Cmtusr-:-10c per lb. NEW Pnrrn-mm `Ian on on -um I----I-~' unuu uu'na.c .`\THITNTKT WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN SAYING .muy_ Lena to Wat.-.- -Ganfb`a1di l"d`,Rceii:e" ih" *Title of Princeand Rank of General.-=sP1:um'a. `Protests gainst the Iigvajion bf. the` States; -` `Ga. 1'.__. `uni; . "- _ A C1lIL]I)"`I;1'EAvI;l'VI::Y':;DF}AD.AT Csmnnv nvnr, Simon BARBIE MARKET REPORT, 5pctia[l Notirci STR ED: '``I "At an TOROi\" fO .n1AI-{1{t}:TS'._ A.t)vAxcn f'Omr1cn, Nov` 1860. 4 ""*`$l to $1 05 her hnahnl BLOODZFOOD. -... vnuuu. urrnum, LVUY` -$1 $I\ -8 t nnr lmnalunl `u ndanlxina a Jtnamngz n .Cm:mzv Cnnx, Simcoc, cCo.'." Z` Sour! is restored in imgorlant concessions are_ made .T`UE.SD.-\Y, Nov. 6,41E60. -nunlv l......... ....__ .1- ,, Ignmure of l~`I.l-JMING Buos, ry....-.., umas-;;_u1xui{. A " The Attitude of Austria, Russia, and Prussia_. ' - -` Correspnndencenf the 'I`ir'it"es. A 3l`umN. Satmday, Oct. 13. 1860. Tlmre is not a little tn the signs of the times `tn perpix and disquiet Italian patriots. The I\`.u-then: Pm-.-rs keep them in suspense -by (`tear Gun-_vress at Warsaw. The Emperor of ~. Itxtsiztststttles tlmril by the threatened recall of the .\tini. Turin. All our accounts f=mn~\'t-n-aria ptnnt to a l_`urn:'Idabl_e condensa- ltntt of Amstrmn -Iurces the frontier of the u~am1 nzarvhtrm a(-rnee nu. Atm. 'cssc|- nearing ` Austrian ` I for. ITIQIII Qvaau 4 Are how able to make advgnoes `to oohaidergbl. extent upon appnfoired fay: prqpertjes, without .. delay. . T. , V. _ ; ` `Par-tkww b,`,in=:b9..deszir9ns to 0b_1nin.,losI,'.Is - .ch;qu1th`_`u:`e:_ "}Ion,=hy,applying tq_theghn'der- L signed;yv,ill,.recx;nva_.- of q.ppli_a(i9'n_gnd,gll ; ` =;cc.e~s-ary-inronm = ; % cuusguw * 7 The T amount . an ll The CanadaAgE:y`Associat_i_on, _- : ow. LONDON. ENGLAND, V HAVING` NEGOTIATED LOANS T0 the ex- - t.nt`of_$700,o00, uponjfzfeehpld I petty in` Upper C'ana,dn`,2within eighteen mom `of com-`ns-is prepared to negotiate further Iqaneyfor sqm vn' f:`otp fonrx!n_1pdred dollars to ten thbnsdnd` (io'Il_ar,s_ god jn'pward_s, upon im- proved Farms,`fo'r_-A terqnofzve yegxfa`, at eight per ce1ftintaerest,..v - . ` - The: l`:n-and)` `Ina!-`Ala ` nnnunli. Ihneih`. . OAct0'ber_ 0, :._12860.'_' |LoANsJ"uP0x%4vmEnoLn PROPEBTY;l .. " ` `T ' ' _ " I ' ` NTO _the.'p ' s of BERNARD MHINDS, Lot ` 17,` on the 9th ` Vespra, on or about _the Tenth day of Angut a YOKE of The owner, b ing property and pa'ying expenses canhave the an 43-3t lJUVUll[)Ul'|v' Ulfo lllfy, ' Ann Dixon, James ' Dorod, Daniel . Dunn, Andrew Eberhnrt, Micklern Gardiner, David ` Gurant, Mrs. Israel Hayes, George A Herrnn, Joseph ` Hill, Mrs. Hinds, David A Korins, Mrs . Ca.ther_lne Kierans, 'l`homasC v Kidd, Benjamin Lavrmox-e, James ` A -...v-:15 I` BaKc.onA,' Mrs. John Birnie, Thos. Bouldry, Leonard` Brislawn,.James Clark, .Mrs.VSarah Cums, Miss -Alice Davenport; Mrs. Mniryi Ann $um'ida1e,iNo`v,,2, 1350. Pgrson calling will plea.::e__z_dc for ./id-vrtieed Lettejs On` Saturdbaj/, November 1 A I-1 nnces for Roads, lo, at Sunnidale ` .v r\ .The Timber on such 11! shall be put up to Publich Stntiqn, at 2 o c*Iock, p.l;~' A I Tv `run-r . . '(Q'XU'1`_IOlT. ~ T : TN|berers-a:1-1d Trespassers. ___-_ .l. urxsy Ul. J.` uvcluuur ug:_.\ v, -- g,obo,BUsHEL_s 2 *- gkrj 4`-_SW'E_DE T.UR{N'IPS. _, .._,_ L4 _.____L,_,_I ,, OTICE A `HVEREABYTGINEN, thaguy`parties cutting; r removing Timber from Off the nllmvunces for ublic Highways in the Muni- pnlity of Sunni it ill be prosecuted _according to Law.` ' LlU|\7lI The above Property will be sold on very rea- _som_1ble terms. For further purticzxlnrs apply to Mr. ALEX. GRAHAM, Carpenter and Builder, Barrie, or to JAMES G. STRONG, Bradford. n......:.. , v.........u_:._ -_-.1. ..-.1... -' ,__ _ -_v-.a -sa - .n.vJ4.|.lJ. JJLLLILUIJJ, Containing a Qunrtr of an Anre of Land, witha good, substantial TWO STORY FRAME n'j|I n-. ..--- --- 9 vv u..u..|_I|vuI r-'l\JUB, Cllnr, wll; within agfew rodS~of Spers Hotel. ' Oct. 3), laud. I KICIHII` 'l`l.n canon 10 we 1If|Ls(eeS-- V 7 - TN.B.-Not bound to accept the lowest unless otherwise satisfactory; - .t".....:.;.L......a n...a xr-..__-1-_ -nr-A [vALuABLE"i>iziiP__E_n1v%? run silt] J. .l.IvL.lLV.I..I..U K)\J.l..L\J\J.lJ I1 _ Plans atid1Specica1i,ous may be S cation to the 'l`xV-ustees-. W Jlfedicai Pnnxn-'}S{owI4Vnb,'Esq., | Solicitor_;,-_Messrs Tonnaxcalz Moiuus. ' i ` " A SEORETAIlY,-JANES GRANT. A b T ._ V - , . .AGENTs4 - . V . BARBIE-*-`Joxm Sr1w_rm*-I Barrister. . . COLvLINGWOOp--W. A._P.uzLAm=.', Brokr,1&c. [43-4t . . I The 15th-da_*zV/`Fay ovembf, z'nsta9'z_'t,* At the CRAIGHURSI` Pos (ee, for `l.`T)A1\ T.\ C1r\1'1'r\r\1- -r -rwn--rs I a. u. mAcKI:x_gm',_1 Merclmnts._ DAVID Tonn.n' 'll.......l. 4'5.-22:5, U!` U KUUN l_)l'l or ./fgmcies. , lothese"-Dmcs. JNCQME, _ 2\SSURANCES since Dccembe1fl838 11;] ANNUAL __ B ,,.-_.- ..._...._.......u.. -u-no Gexillcxuen, if this system is continued tlrcie will be plenty of pedagogues,. but no `teachers; none cnpiiblc of moulding ihe cl1ild s mind. Ci- vilimtiun will be retarded, and instad of accel- .lt`mllug that period for 'w_hicli the philosopher sigl1s,n cuuimry etfcct is produed. If we were gurernull by the oligarchy of Venice, it cquld do tent lc.-icliei 5. no more to dmngralize the people,.to degrade their intellectual powers, than to give them incompe-