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U 14 IO- `IK IA `I IV 22 10 {I211 : 12 13 IA SUNNIDALE-.- NptWpt. t o 9 fee remains in the _ ' Crown Z feareniains in lhb'Crom{ ~~4 . 49,- . ;. . 7 -5 V `do. _ . Ill 1 fee femains in the Orown' ` I rooauni fee remains in the V D 5 _ Crown 5 _ do. 5 do. C . VESPRA. O such-one 6 fee remains in the - C;-own R fee remains in the Crown O oa.o.o-n- 9 fee remains in the I A Crown 1 9 - do. _1 9 -do. V : 9 . do. 5 1 10 do. 1 In fee remains in the Crown ` U 8 _s `V an. 3 s : Q I do. ` An - `I 7 do. 7 Q ~ minorono A Afee remains in ' V Orowjn .,do.; do. TINY. ........ J fee remains in the Crown -1 I can-coon fee remains in the `M Crown 1 ' do. _ J TAY. ' 100 100 Illll ou 100 100 10,0 I 10.0 200 I 1AA 159.151 00 100 75 76 20 20 25 19 67 .49 50 50 10 12 10 13 00 14 45` 3 75 16 35 13 55 `65 50 13 35 25 95 ". 200 100 V 100 100 70 Dll Q .190 LUV 100 . `ID _200 ` 200 I 100 100 100 100 .100. JUU 100 100 `WM 200 -100 8 7 Kn UV] 100 2oo_ U`) 150 100 II! 60 100 ' 100 1AA -20,0 133 an UU zoo A9 235 200 . 100- AR `SU 200 - on 165 . 100 100 I I00 .71. A A DU `*0 200 214 -100 150 100 150 ' 200 265 200 287 l65 262 200 214 200 121 `um HA EUU 100 100 I 1(\f\ Uu 70 JUU ` 100.. _ 100 100 100 100 OK ` 100 102 1l\t\ DP.` 4 .100 1oo . IO LUV ID ID 144 455 05- 40 v54 65 100-111 25 100 55 25- 209 .174 55 200 134 10 100 145 65 100 S3 05. 152 I63 85r 100 107 50 45 34 60 An A ) an 00 16 `at: 150 153' 45 I _`2O `*3 110 121 1 Jun: 100 '100 100 - 100 100 100 100 35 .71 so 200 65 65 85 56 ~65 35 102 151 190 16 54 202 184 103 so 19 24 73 65 198-70 199 05 1o 35 85 45 30 so .90 40 50. .'V. P` E hf- W hf 'E"lr.L" ion 36 52 _2oo 233 so T200 136 95 46 47 50 T 154.116 05 -151 200 100 ` Inn *VV 200 200 200 um 170. 170A I 200 onn LUV ' 100 ~ JUU I00 Kn IUU 100 In 100 inn 100'. V Inn * 5800 116 .60_ 32 40 "23 10 ` .2319` 20 20 20 20 20 20 . 20 2o 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 52 66 66 57 40 2?. :1 60 60' 60 .60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 35 35 00 60 25 90. 95 65 04 35 OK ua no '47 65 26 50 33 55 17 90 44 65 .21. Au 26 90 LAL Z0 I '14 60 120 65 I'll In 46 35 24 05 1'6 60 32 30 9-) on SWpt Ehf `kl IU 29 65 14 15 34 60 34 60 29 40 36 90 35- 80 43 .80 40 56 32 10 `II on Ava EU -85 90 42 90 93 70 94 90 76 50 43 30 85 262'25 10 In` G! 50 90 20 50v D4 DU 22 05 53 10 AI In 0.5 0- ) 67 90 - 25 2'5 59 60 (En `IR 3345 13 65 11 (In `GU 1U 56 05 30 20" 25 47 9') IE on.) IU 16 55 .48 50 36 A55 18 30 .90 K: 164 '90 129 15 89 95 73 15 IE! (I! 53 05 09 In `I4 GU 88 52 90 "A 00, WU 29 so 2s_ 50- Va IV 66 60' EL` an ..56 so 64 so 60 10 29 t 75 24 55 V53 75 '62 05' "-66 so 59` 45 Al) an .3410 .3410 91 In 37 os` 29 so 01 IV 32 so 16 95 rm N E pt; NptAW hfA3l Whf ~ 24' W bf S Wpt ` ii {(2 ' W hr IE hf. 1` 124 [ll NV hf W hf W hf ' IIT _; St\Vt r! W 3:` Park Lot II] ._n Nhf S_Eqr NEpt --DUO`: Parts uf ' N I ` . a o 1 7 `U . n n o 31 & 32 14 . . . ` 100 ` WEST GWILLIMBIJRY. . 2213 . 100: f 23 14 '. . . .100 If I 23 0 0 TOWN OF BARBIE. (NEW 8U R\K7EY.)'. 43` N side Blakoet , 44, do do ` 54 _ do`. do T _ V 58 do do 9 `E side Nelson at 10. _do d_o * .11 do _ do . 12; - do .do 7:13 do ` do _ 14. do: do .l5+/ado - do- ~ ' n In -511- x1-n'_;_- ;. 16' 11 `In ytoceed to the Sale of said Lands,sor so much thereof as maybe necessary for such arrears of Assessment, unless the same, together with all lawfulcharges, be sooner paid. *?ma:m;;ocmv 54 Eaid Mary at `55 - dn; dn U :2 15 16 IV! JGI\IU JVIII If `55 do; do . 3 E sid Toroiuo at - 69 E side High street . do 210 - A- T (OLD _sURvEY.) . 46 Svside Collier st 1 '47_do `do 1 33 W r lot on Dunlop at BE_TTRID_GE Sv BLOCK} nrxanavv Aaoav\ -8~ Dunlap It `10_ do do 13. do - do_ no T 30 T12 13: 30 `24. 25 `30 -32 ll 13 nn 16 16 17 fl ? . Virttie of a .WA'RR"AN"1bi.ssned by the~'I`REASURER of the County of Simone,-beairing date -the Sixth day V of'.AUaUs1', One Thousand Eight'.Hu_n- dred and Sixty, and to me directed, for the collection of Arrears of Assessments due upon the followinghands in the laid county, I shall on ,the` Fz_'/Zh day of DECEMBER Nezt,_ at the hour of `TWELVE o clock,` noon, at the Comrr HoUsv,_ - A 29 31 26 13 15 16 19 OZ '2 O 21` 7 9 27 9 22 12 21 1'4 21 14 29 38 38 I35 13 =do- 15 do do:= ` 9 W aile.Nelbon 01 `I0 ' An - J- ` IN % THE Towiv OF BARRIE; -......__`I' L- 41.- CV- -' 10 12 TOSSORONTIO. av ` 31 13 DA `I _'n o v . 4 fee remain; m "the Crown KT 5 {ea r the 0 emains in (frown T sHEn1rF$ SALE OF%LANDS .5 fee rmin in the Crown 3 do. A . 1 . 1 fee remains in . aka f`-nu... fee remains in` the Crown do ' `do Ado ' J. 1 {ea remains in_ the Crown 1 38 0` I 0 5 fee remains-in the Crown 1! . "do grid Ra.nge.: 4 V 7-... U o 7 fee remains in, the Crown '7 I 0- 0 u 7 fee remains in the Crown '7 do '7 ,U V 6 fee remains in the Crown A 3 fee _r`e.3rri:.1in.:s in`. ' . the Crown 8 do 9 . ADJ ALA. qua usmalua -I the Crown INNISFIL. ' MONO. W. H. St, .OR.O. I St. o`oUN'rY': `or smcoa, T0_ W11: q 7 '7! o_.. __ . &UU 107 100 100 - 200 100 Qt` `>5 I00 ifs . sioo 'Il\n 155 100 .100 100 100 Inn 17 u22 100 76 ` 100 50 En IUU 100 150 1 I'll\ bvll 110 UU 200` 52 55 .100 48 78 [100 50 85 200 52 90 200 155 10 `)5 -19 40 23 9 `.25 100 36 30 . 29 1620 :55 IIIU UU (U 200 108 70 so 5 so 170 18 40 ` 100 19 60 100 51 20 329, 32.32 `Ir `Ir `lt `Ir `Ir `ll- `It `I!- ~_-;']l~ L `It ` ` Qt` r ;ltL ` v "ll" 100 .60 70 001] I110 an % Vollile au A u.) on 200 126 50 150 132 30 Qt LUU 100 Ill `II .100 -10,0 100 100 100 100 A 100 . `ll\l\ jm 89 45 200 107 90 I00 55 85 50 34 I0 100 9 70 100 Inn 100 100 I00 100 100 Vnru 00 `DU "200 122 60 100 46 78 100 6764- 100 6185- 200 136 75 , 50 24 33 136 142 45 90 AK BE _1 35 ` 100 100 100 inn 16 10 10 .`I!\ {VII "0 V cu. 100' 7 15 200.%8l5 50 .2345 19820505 40 3925 75 5060 100 71 35- 1nn `KKK! XE VANC E. 0. av 17 20 L1`? 10 LUUU .1050 1050 1050 1050 10 50, 10 50 10 50 10 50 I050 10 W ` '1,0_,50` 10. 60 ' .1050 :10. 50- 10 so 1430 - 11 05 .10 so nan 79 1o` 27 75 11 1'1 43 12 61 so j 54 as 59 50` 39 05 34 (55 40 75 67 30 -78 45 75 V70 55 40 57` 16 47 12 21 80- . 24 70 5100 V7 75 10 60 (IE! 5635 21554 8 80 52 35 38 30 82 65 -00! IJ-`NJ 36 .10 37 85 M. '15 34 80 .30 95 (`A (`II 13 1'3 14 20 980` non 2155 l6_l.`2 7 92 5-3 55 22 00 2200 nn nn 41 80 50 60 54 00 44 75 44 75 47 75 47 75 IO 80 l690 -2845 58 50 14 75 12 85 63 85 101'.` an 40 40` 10 45, 69 55. 7 I5 16 60 65 40 21 35 HA {Ill Jay D 1110 `IA in 116 `I61 _ 45 55 1300 El` {IE U9 U! 69 75 `RR R: on .00 69 `40 98 05 53 80' 1 an `en pane, mm a remiltnnfmfor me-dicineltl drc. _ Adda-essjjD_R. `AMOS dz; SON, trorner, Main and Quay Sts., B_uhlo,-N. Y. _ ` 7 A ` ; _.15,'1860. 1 > ` 1 A `. L33'ly- . _ ' VcoUN"m'Y LI NvAL11)s. T. _ Persons in anv part of the world maybe sue`.-.eg.. "fully treated by for wan!ing"_a`co'i-`tact delnil of then use, with a remixinnim fdr medicinenmrc. `AMOS Am `SON- hnrnnr "n:h .._a Olllg , v . ' - - .' DR,` AMOS 5; SON, in order to satisfy the most sceptical asto the merits of their instrument, pled themselves that in any instance where it may un_satisfnctory,'aer a fair trial, the men , re- funded by returningthe instru ' 11 good ordeii Price Ten Dollars, by mail 0 re . `V ~. : NEW,-nnunnvv n'nrrtn1.r- nrrrnvaen `LI w-IGUIII j W, -CORNER OF M./FIN ./1ND QUAY STS., BUFF./1L0, NEW YORK,)_ RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, mnv be consulted from S o clnck in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptoms of Disease. . - " . A MOSTSGIENTIFIC INVENTION. - An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Npcturnal Emissions, more Ezoperiy known as Semi- na Weakness, `dzc. Can permanently cured in fro fteen days to lwotmonths by the use of this in- strut nt, when used conjoiutly with medicines. ` .vnn _ Mun-mnwn I)AD'l*lr!tT`l' A1 ) um-m`n'-n ~ ~--vv--wa QWIAJLV LEIIIID AJIJILAVUIJALI. J.\UJ.l.\Jl`ua DR. AMOS 65 SON take pleasure in announcing that they haveinvented a most important instrument for the `cure of the above diseases. It has been sub- Etgd, to by the most eminent hysicians in ndim. Paris. Philadelnhia. and New nr|(-2 in ha- c.-cI.3:u__ to 11 test by me m_ost emmeru hysicia_na ndon,Pm-ia,Ph1|adelph|a, and New ork-,: 11 has been declared theonlymeful instrument everinvented for the cure of Seminal 'Weakr'I`esa, or any di_se'ase_ of .lhe geuitai, organs,.caus`ed by the secrethabils of yonlh._ we gen. onlh. Y DR.` 1 J " ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OF :Scrq/'ula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelus, Great Impurity of Blood, Salt Rheum, Pimples, .Fstula, . - ../lstlnna, .Im:z'pant Consumption, INFIRMITIES OF. YOUTH, OLD AGE, 510. N0` ME.RC UR Y USED. 11 me book stores or n. J. unver and Wm. Mann. -A PRICES. ' Mounted on rollers and varnished.. . . .$5 each; Plain..............................$4 do This map contains every lot and portion of lot within the limits of Barrie, accurately laid down to scale, together, with a plan ufthe Railway Station, and a tinted view of tlie Towu,drawn from aLitho- tn-nnh. . .- he views can be had separate, either on still paper for framing or on posting paper, or enclosing In letters at 3s. 9d. and ~23. 6d. each, respectively. Barrie, March 23rd, 1858. A A12-If Buffalo Mcdi-;i;l "Dispensary! HQ-'I`AnY.TlllIa'Y\ FAD 'l`Il|'.\ rvnnw AIR B0375 Complete` Map of Barrie "I\l\\:7Q' ...u-....\l..o.. an... .1` D.._-.'.. . _..-_. t`_.._ - 1 1.`; HIUU UIUIVI 62& 63 do do 14 W side do 54 do `do 6.Vicl(_)ria. at 2 9 10 21 22 do do 14 Charles st - '13 June st ' .L Smcnmr's Omcs, ; Barrie, August 20, 1860. * I!'Eqr 11, 12, 15, 14, s side Boriamm 15 -_...__--\,g... va. \J.|.v11JJJ1[l.o 3rd_ Range. ' 2} ll, 12, 13. 14, N side Jarvis st . 15 ` 1 3fd'Range 2 . 1- 2, 3,4,.5,6 . . 7:8, 9, 10,11: s SJarvis st 4Rnge 65]` 12,13 ' 1 V . Lzamaa . 7, , 9, 10. 11, 2 NS Brant st do 65 I 12. 13 - S - A I l,U U) .lUv 11, 12,13 ] 1,2, 3,4.5, 6.7 an.` hfnf Q V41 uu ' uo > , qr . 12 do.` do qr ' . 5-S side Vespra street 2 E side Bradford 3! . SANFORITS BLOCK. . V 27 Eside Bradford at qr - 31 do do qr qr qr 32 do ` do 35 W aide Bradford at CHARLES, THOMPSONS BLOCK. la`: 1 S side Marks `st _ _ W. 0. ROSS BLOCK. 1 VW side Bayeld at qr d . ' 2 do 0 qr - -2 E side John st qr 6E side Small alreet hf N pt W M23 5 Vespra. 2' 48 A . ROWE S BLOCK; Bro , 1 Penelanguishene st 2 T do do _ 1 Anne Eliza st; .2 ' 2 do 7 do A` I eptical the emselves |_satisfnctory,'aer the nded returning` the instrn order`. 'ice Ten TERI. . . L DQUICK CURES, es and all Private Complaints- urespscminal weakness, pains in this ection of the kidneys, diseases of , the _hgad, |6nhL.nnnn 3...! .l.:.. ....I ..II sA--`.; .l..;.'.u-..n -n~ -v - _~ v--`---vv ---wv`l- v.- jvvonov 0YS' complete map of Barrie, 15 now for sale at the Book stores of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. -7 PR l(`.l-`S NEW TR_E_ATMENT! I3 `I. -,2, 3, 4.5, 6.73 s side Brant st and hf of 8 5 Range 3 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 N side Terumselh. and hf or 8 sl 5 Range _ 26_N side ._Ia.rvis at I 6, 7. 8 S Ride Bran! st 1 24 Water lots I OK 2' 0!! - ' ;o'~tV 2581.2 -1: : .1 4u...l.J.l.lw\JLI.l.I..l. UDJJ r. Amos. & Son, IER mi` nmnv ./nvn mmv 1 _u BIUU ul uuulgu U3 8 (IO '0 1 & 2 N side St George st 9 S side StTAndrew sly ., vvuuu uevu UUI|JUlll|Iy Vvllll ll.lCl.IlL'lllL'!!o `r MEN? TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. `lltua I- an`? _ 3 S side Nississaga st. 4 7 do '_ 1 S side Colborne at 3 & 4 , do I N sids do 2 ' do 4 V do 3 pl 22 3 Vespxa 55 12 45 5 ` ~23 3- do 45 30 25 E 22 5 ' 12; 31 15 V M23 5 ' do A` ' 58 20 60 LE5 % 5 . do 24168 95 VILLAGE OF QRILLIA. TI`! 11 \G 0 3'7 18 1 ~ Ht) 5 do I I 1 E Fizfe Nottawasaga st} 3 S side: of Coldwaler Rd k 6 do do I. 1 N sule do T q 2 do do I} 3 do do v h 4, do do` h 5 .d9 do ' h 6 do V do 11 _ 28 side` PeneIangui- shene st ,h 3. "do , do ' h C l_S side St George e: V 8` (`O In h I izde dreighlon at R!) .1- .1- (5.-U\IERO;I'S SURVEY; '2 West st 8 do do 0 .1- J- %ao..icv%aa%jaigs lsllreet [1g1o ,as:r4o*-= ~ '*`do.T , -**1:5 2`0"Simcqe `at 1`-5 BINGHLXPS Byocx, A, 2Eside Milfroad ` L hf V6Ado~. Tao. Vnr VV 7 E side Charlene at H hf "8 do ` do T hf 2 W side do ' ~ hf- 4 N, side Nonh stret hf 1-1-(tr.-u v-v An-- 71 72 ' IN VERMARA . _. -v --,....a any-cg nvuuviav BOYS? BLOCK. V 1_' Spide I-lenryslreet .1 Naide Elizabeth st K), ,A'.. , .1- ..u u azue mnzaoem SI `2 -do ?do= . `JOHN ROSS BLOCK. 8 N side' Vesp.'a at V 9 do do ` do. 5 Q -:.n'.. v......... ......a aUitaI.- \ \;vv\r`r\\-\J\J\4 ...,...n.,-.. rHilWlSfl uu nga st qr 1 qr 1 qr 1}; 1! qr It qr 11 W. SMITH, .Q))nr-Hr ('11 R1511 YVI KJLVJLLLL, .Sher1 Co. Simcog ` 34-13in i "hf hf 3-8 qr I` `ll- *1: ,hf hf III hf III hf Ill hf HI hf Ll` (III M I I M L!` ORILLIA gNg@{wu). `lili- f `Q '18 30 K 860 8 60- 114 95 1145 23 05 20 40 14 50 2 30 97 15 Qt `Qt `Ir `it L'1r `It `It J 33?. Hr ? hf hf` LI 2435' 2435 18 70 18 70 407. J-GU 9 85 9 85 4 40 19 00 I0 05 10 30 12 50 12 70 3 45 15 so 21 75 15 45 1` 10 gay 15 1315 13 15 1-245 1060 10 60 1165 1165 10 60 10 60 630 970 1115 .920. 1106 1106 1100 1100 E L\l\ 14'/35, L56 50] {I6 95 .l.l en} 7 65 E Kn 15 $5 v- 1.9 I0 16 V 10 1-7 {U 07!) 285 2 50_ _ V SEL-LI>N/{(;.`OFF, ngooxs, STA 1`ION_ERY. &c., , an-.- _____ 5!-A1859. ' ,,,,._-.., -:u VP. 8. Dealers nd Plufsilnnc ordering n-om olim-a {ban /Fleming Bros. will dowel! to write thoirordets distincy, and take mm: but Dr. M`Lane k, prepared b_v/ .Flem.:'ng Bras. I t'{t.sb l9,'H1.. To those wishing to give them a _ trial. we viii! orwtmi per mall. post paid. to un y`part o! 7 the United States; one box of Pills for twalvo three-cent po.-tago stamps, or onmvial o{`\ ermifngo fur. fonrtoen throocerit umrixpo. An. order: from mus; bang." - 'cqmpn'n1ed by>twi9u4ty'-bent: axtra. Enid hv all -...m...o..|.I.. n_;._.:-.. _.__i n__, . . _. ll-IJV - IJ. IIIJIJLLLV DLLUUIX. -_ P.S.--This testimonial of -mv approbation foryonr valuable medicine, (as you are aware of) is unsoli- ` cited :-but if you think it worthy a place among the 1 rest, insert if you wish ; if not, destroy and say no- I thing. Yours, 660., ' ` Rev. S. A. B. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medimn and small; the small `holds at n pint. and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medimn holds at least twenty per cent more in proportinn than the small, retails lorltwo (lullar,per bottle; the large holds 21 quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. ' I\ 1- nvnnn . l\ .. . 7 ~- o. J. woon ck ca, Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, am! 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. n ...l.....I.I'I......n __ .1 1\ ,, - n > (U 71 -.r..-, . .- .-.--n-.u -'uu\.|, uu l.4\'|l|D, unu- A ml-sold'by`al| good Drnggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ' v n .. -..... iiy ll't)l)l you. A pure article Ill tntire SU('(,'(`..~'S and l)e'_livc where good ell`:-ct.-g u not fullnw, the failure is _cau;~'ed by the impure ,`5M`l`l(`l, V"lll('ll curses the in- vcntni-. nfthe good. I cm it mt/' duty as heretnlore, to l{(`(.`p_\"0l1a])pl'lS of the Ctlllllllucd efli-ct on my lmir, as l nseur - who enquire of"me hf',my im- :-liul:en`opini ofits valuable rc.~u;lts. l rvtnnin. dz`.-nr sir, your ,r _' A. C. RAYMOND. A/` Aaron: Run, Ky., Nov . 30, 1858. Przo1=.O. J. \Voon : Dear Sir-I \V()l_ll(l cc-rtainlly he doing run a great injustic.-0 not to inaku lrnnwn to the` 'wnrld the wmiduril, as well its unexpected rcsxill I have 8XPL'l`lL`ll('(`ll from usiiig om-; lmttlu hf your hair Rcstoi-zilive. Alter using every kind of Rcstqrattves c-xtant, without um-c-ess, .and finding my head nuzirly destitute of hair, I was nally imlnce-cl to try a hot- vtle of your I-Inir Restorative. Now, candor and jus- tice (-nmpe.-l_ me to" announce to \\ l)0l`\'el may reml this, that I now pnssmis u new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce l'lL'llUl` and hamlgonier .th'nn the original was, _I will tlicrufurc take 0(:(*aiun to recuminend this invaluable rcincdy to ALL who may feel the necessity of it. . Reapccllully yours. ` I THPV Q A r I HM nnnnv ]')AIN' in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side"; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for :1 rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetiteand sickness, the bowels in [general are costive, sometimes . alternative with lax; the head is -troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part, There is gene~ rally at considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with a painful sensation` of having- left undone something. which 'ought:,to_ have i been done, A slight, dry cough is -some: times -an attendant. The patient-complains - of weariness and debility; he iseasily`start1ed,` his feet `are cold or burning, and he; com- plains of _a pricklypsensation of the. skin; his` spirits are low; and althoughhe is "satis- ed that exercise would be benecial to him, ' yet he can scarcely"sum_rnon_.fup fortitude enoughto try` it. In fa,act,3,_l1<:,.distrusts`every remedy. Several `of the "above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where fewof them existed, yet exaxninationpi of the body,`after death, `has shown the Liven to have been extensiyely deranged,__ DR. M LANE s LIVER PILLS, m cases" 6?. AGUEAND F EVER, when taken with Qginine, axe productive of the most happy rcsulps. No bcttcrcathattic can be used, preparatory to,` or after taking Qxining. We would advise all who `are a.licted`with this discasd to give them A mxk TRIAL. - - ' ` vvluylolucu ugruvvuby ccnus Extra. #33:? all msyyzagtable pmggtsu. pd stays _ [ ` ' `T. W. GEORGEN, l-:.4; 9I,,, 5 5|-1859. ' rcnu you a lU('K OI my tmlr taken on the pits! W 'k. ' I rum-ived your favour ot two quart bottles his um- met. for which] am very grateful : I grave {rig-n_ds mu] thereby induced them to try it sccpt-ical until after trinl,and than pure! it with universal success I WI ask ~ you send me a test by whivh I can the Reajtot-nti\'e, sold by nmn}-', ity l'rnm you. A pure arttclv l)l*li\ (! when-. gnml 03':-1-x to my ny were` ed and uskad a favour, that S('0vL t' fraud in ar, without autho I insure and in run! rnunuviy II... r4;lnrn Hepatis or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND s'IcI; HEADACHE. as this, it has no doubt beenb:-sely nni'tatcd,nnd been used, not_ only without any good 1-HL-ct, but to hs()_- lute injury. I have not .us::d any ot'_\'uur Re-.~itoraIi\'e ofany nccnunt tor some months, and yet my hair is as gIIU(l.ilS ever, and lmndseda have cxmnined it with surprise, as! am now 61 years nldand no! a grey hair in my head or on tnyfncc; and to prove this fact rend you a lurk ot'm_v hair taken u'the pnst k. vom` f:1vuurut'twn anart bullh-R his .nm- `Bath, Maine, April tsm, 1359. PROF.0. J. .Woon 65 Co.: Gents.:-.-The letter I- wroteyott in concerning your valuable Hair Restnrative,nml which you have published in` this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous en-- quires touching the facts in the case. The enquires are first, is it in tact of my habitation md name, as stated in the cmnunication; second. is it true of all therein contained; thin-d,dne.~4 my hnirv still continue to be in good .ori!t-rand of natural calm 7 To all I can and do answer invariablv yes. My hair is even bettcrlhan in any 'stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same is true ofmy whiskers, and the only cause why it is not gen- erally true,is that the substance is washed off by fre- quent uhlutinn ofthe face, when ift-are were used by wiping the face in close connection with the whiskers the same result will follow as the hnir._ I have been in the receipt ofa great number of letters from all parts of New Emzlantl, asking me if my hair still cun- tinues to be good; as there is so much fraud in the mnnufncture and sale of various compounds as well this, it has been b:-sely nnitated,nnd bcen used. not onlv without am! xrnml t-H`.-.-1. hut in at..- LIVER PILLS, ORILLIA (scam). Many, since the great discovery of .Prol. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his restorative, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results identical; but they have all come V and gone, being carried away by the wonderful re- _ sults of Prof. Wood_ s preparation, and have been forced to leave the eld to its resistless sway. Read the following :-- . ' .-n..1_ 11,- , A -u .45.. .-..'.. WORTHY OF ANY CONFDENCE I-`OR |ESTUlNB THE l AND GRAY. [THE 1 ONLY DISCOVERY] gseu-auuse may De enectuauy removeu wunqul. in- ternal medicines, or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, medicated bougiea. and other empirical devices, is here- clearly demonstrated, and ~ -the entirely new and highly-successful treatment. as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained by means ol which` every one la enabled to cure himself petfeclly, and at the least -possible cost, lhercbvtnvoiding all the advertised nostrums of the` day." This Lectu're'willpro\'ea boon to thousands and thousands. ` 3,. 1 u. I. -- rec'e'i}3'i 3'r'Iz'ie7T2'e}.": Ii{a'}n`{;,'.'i? a3"" I"'g'3 , 3; 351: drcssun Dr. CHAS.-J. C. I_(LINE,4 First Avenue, New _ 011;, Post Box, 4,586. _ . 35-_ly uuu | u vuuulllvo Sen; under seal to any address,`-post pafrl, on the receipt ofa (en cent Islam .10 a ' la e _b ad- dressnnz Dr. CHASJ. C.`}[.II\?F! Ag3s12`igo Amy=nn.-. Sept`. 21st 1860 1WO'x:elle;zt" Horse. Rsgkes .. _{ _V0_iu'q cheap foruh. V .1; -.v-u u. \a\raaI Agar -- .43.. .u-... The impor't'antfaclth.at the awful cgnseqttences of scglf-abuse may be effectually removed without in- Iternal medicines. or the damzernns nnnlicaliuns ul g % T%MANH00D- `_ V ;H'ofW LOST! - -HOW RESTORED . U in a Sealed Envelope A LECTUREION; THE NATURE, TREAT- ! MENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERM- JKTORRHOEA, o'r Seminal Weakness, Sexual Dcbiiity`, Ncrvousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debilily. our 3410 TA 11 `FLEMING 3393., rumaunc, Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. DR. M?LANE S K- _. , vuvl `.1: mg .41) V.;2Nc_'E EVOFFICE, '.' AGUE AND 1.'~`EV[ER.V `By ROB: J. ctn.vERwELL, M.DI Address all orders to Horse" Raks. CELEBRATED FOB. THE CURE OF FOR" '.t:AxE:s. VI -1- A\.c.l\.I4llI1lI'V -\UIII\`g ,REV. S. ALLEN BROCK. | for Sa1e at`t_his1 n!1'}lAORD!NARY _No1=:cn.-Dr. W. _ C. Lispennr annodhcs,-for the b'b`net`nf the sivk an dnnfnrmnnle, le of his time to hm oicc, Ex- ththe continues stod:-,vote the who ;he _treatment. of private diseases at chan 9 Place, Rochester, New York. F` runny CI ! 190-- ....u.u V\I|Il nearly JUU pages. Lellers describing age, sympt properly nllended lo, and medix {ram observation, sent lo all pm . No letters will be'nn$wered remittance of one dollar, consul! tiqn at the Office, free of charm A" nnnun.-u..:..--E -- - ..- VI uu: W01 unlessthey 4 one consultation fee. ( charge. All communications addressed tov J. F M.D., No.` 19 Exchange Place, Rocheste will n1_eel with prompt attention. I3,` lxottt'8; from 7 'A.`M. to 9 -_ol' the world. Beware of limiting those advertising in this city.], Dr.-R -...,.....--st um: yet. oeen made against them. Ladies inn cer- tain situation shoulrl not uL them, the parlictilnrs 0! which will be found in the directio . .- V ` ' each box. Price sl 00. Sent. by mail to nny part _counterl'eits.- They are no_tc_n_1 sale at any other plzu-e., - . Dr.-R . fix the only regular edm-atmi physician in this city'w4ho,de his whole time. e:e:clu,u'rcl;r/ to thelreatmerit of diseases of aprivnte nnlnn-.. [The emit-ted would do well to make inqnii-ies before t`Oll~ . a prac- tice extends lhl'(_)llg.h every State` in the Union and the British`. Provinces. . ' ' Tin .T?1Z`V\rt\1 nu`. 1-.-- . --- - V . ` ~~-- ~ 1 L I III; qinnlvscu woum do well inquiries ultirig city.] Dr.-R. tice cxu.-n ds through State and Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT WORK- THE PRI- VA TE MI3DICx!L GUIDE--Benut_i!`uliy illus- trated with neatly 300 paves.` Price, 25 cents. ...... .,...u_...t any vunlty or nsptratinn, decide-dl_\' states; that no case within the reach 01 mnrtal and shall ever cave him witliout a cure or satisfaction: given. TO FEMALES. 1: (Dr. can be suc-`cessfully consulted on all disease peculiar to Females. l.N.B;-Dr. Reynolds is solehgent for Dr. Vic-hm`.- "flan: yet been made ngains Female Monlhlv Pills; Among the many thousand boxes of these Pills annually suld, not one complaint I ' in a tain sitnminn'.Im..m ..... ._.~_;.-.. -7 - MATCHEDASH. I the `Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, N forms of Sc-rofuln, Teller, nnd diseases of the Skin), Neural:_.v1_a, I __ Hnlulzx, _I 1le.~=, General `1)l.".)l||lY, Mic V.ons.ChronIc Pulmonary AH.-vtmns,_ I n_Ic Cough, Cough and Colds,_ Inrnp pnon, Tnammntury and Chrome Rh. IT|cer of; the Lezs,_ U|ccrs_u.f the Mouth, Tl1ron_t,`l\m; and Lips, Int-Iplent Cunt-er, `Enlargemrnt, T.umors_. Chronic Sore Eves. nud S_vphi|ilic A'ections."Ifain `nnd SW:-Hi Bones, and nll diseases nr..'~mg from the im of the blood, whether _Hereditnr_v, Acquite lrnclml. Snh 'Rl..=..... r.`.......-9... . - - .l'emnle2_3, 6_c., successfully treated. `lure, Dr. Reynolds commends ul me mood, whether Heredimry, Acquiled or Con- lraclerl. Salt Rheum, Fevm-`Smes. and olhcrclxronlc Complaints of years smntlinz. Gunnrrhom, Glccl, Syphillis Stricuire. Suppression of the Mcnses in YOUNG MEN, Who, by inilixlging ln secret habit.-z, have conlracled ghatlsoul-subclui ng, mind-proslralin _ _ vice, should apply to Dr. Reynolds willmul delay.- In these, as well as all other cases ofa privnle nq~ V ,_ an early application, and Wllhout RHV Vnlllr an oral-nl:rn- -' ~A' ` " g, boll_v-dcstrovnng . `tu_re, J{eynolt_l_s In these, decidedly states I V _ _al.1id without a or witltqut any vanity aspiration, within reach mnrt ` By a long course bf studv an Dr. R. has now thc grutir Inn of presenting the untbrtnnnte with remedies th. have never t'aih,-J since he ist intrnduccd them,t cure the most Anlarnnng cases, and that in u very_ tort but reasonable time, without the aid of mere _v or any other deh-terinus drug. Within the las more than one hund thousand vases of the above-. -charm-ler._ and it`: y be snid safely that more than one-/m_/fof the p ants had been previously treated with imercnrv n nlhnr n.-\.'o.~.... brty years, Dr. R. has cured . INC rn_uIu_! L.-\-; with due reference _x-W` fact, i)(' c V pnresl Vegetable Ex-i on. every part of the- are gund and safe in all ' is needed, 24m.-h as Dc- mach, Slcepincss. L 0 i n .-4', Costivene_ss. Lb whole body. Fmln ;x3ntly,- if neglected, over, Lass of Appe- lior. of Cold uver lhe I Hea')m-he,'nr we-321:: in lnr_v Diseases, Wonmx Rhmunmism. a` grew and many diseases luj nmnerousm mention In; i nmm 1 fn R I H|lllH'.'l'UIl l() nose, Ito 3. '?` PRICE. 3' DIMES. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR am? Family CA- THARTIC PILLS are rutuiled by Drnggists gene- ;-ally, and sold wholesale bvlhe Trad.-, in all n... .1nnn._uu H L145 Drngzg rally, by the Tradei large towns. s. T, w. SANFORD, N1nnnl`o..o......_ .__. ! n gg`-':is`_*:\`._ mm In this class of (-0 " his sa plaints; f'e and speedy method of tr`:-atr:'e 1(,nnnd his extraordinary success, during a long d extensive `practice, enables him. condentially 10 promjsc nll persons a safe nnd radical cure, wi ut injury to the constitution, or coqnement from ustness. [He rCn('n 0' all. . . The, .Pr0l'e.~`sion well i I Calharlir-s art on tho; 7`)... P;\\HY.V r-.\ ` MULMUR, `W.H.s. - 333 Dec. 2151, 1859. Lwemy years. The constantly in- lhose who have -Inna` the satisfaction which lh'1ciru~`c,` has iuduccdf the rear-h ofall. } TI... D..na;..--:.... .....m T'n'e FAMI gentle but 2! prietm has us twenty years. Tim 1-nnozfz ..-. uvuuucllb 01 PT zhari Roche: Fciruary N 1860. ' I COMPOUNDED `FROM Pufe Vegetable Extracts. and put up in GLASS CASES, air-tight, and will keep in any ciinnta. _T'r;' lFt\ MPL_`{ ' {TII.~\RTIQ PILL i u g`."1_ '1'" a`_l? 1*?" w gshazrrp which the pro- pnetm us usu m u:- mmcmze _m 0 H, lh H n 3 l.we}3ly years. pd 5 - | _ , Evrmonnxnnnv N01210:.- lhllodhsur Hm H:-`n..m ..r- V '1m'xfw4vrr;n IN THE yum wrm THE INVIGORATOR, AND VALLOW BOTH TO- GEim1:1{._ I A ` ` ;All whouse it are giving ffavnr. -...v curnrrlv-1f\ `I1? n-\v7rV 1 but-nquanuues as 10 um , Let lhe dictates of you In the use oflhe TOR, and it will cure ` lious Attacks, Dyspepsia Sum m er Complaints, Sou'r'SIonmc-In, Habitual Cholera Mnrbns, Chu- Ience, Juundicc, Fe.-~ ` may be use ! _au(:('ess- ` Family Medirine. II ` ache, (as Ihmnsannls can ` ules, iflwo or three Tea- lhe'(-omluenceimcnl `of essnm snow. ` The dose must be `men! of the ngdividual ` but-h-quantities as to act Let [he dictates 0. : 16 is compdunded ("entirely from Gums, and `has become an established fact, a. Standard Medi- cine; known and ap-4 . proved by all that have used it, and ia_nuw- re-~ sorted with confidence in all the diseases fur O which it is recom- mended. V '11hunnuu-n:`Ilhnnnn:L1`I ?un'Il1in thr-. Inc! twn `menueu. I ~ It has cured lhonsnhtls I years who had given. up! numerous unsolicited` ession show. I Thu Juan nrnu-at `In! With the least possible pain; and particular atten- tion paid to the Regulation of Children : Teeth. Teeth inserted on Gold,Plate or Pivot. Cavities lledwitb Gold or Silver Foil, or any other Branch of DENTJL `S UR GER Y executed withneatness and din-ability. - 0'3? CHARGES EXTREMELY Mom:RA'r1'-:. 41] Parties requiring Operations performed are requested to come early in the day. Oce Haursfrom Eight o clock a.m., to Four pm. August 13, 1856. ` A - 33-ly ` NEWMARKE T, on the 1st, 2nd& 3rd of each month, gm! BRADFORD, on the 4th of each month When he will be most happy to wait upon those who require his SE1-vices in any of the Branches hf _hisIjro,fession. T . _- . . .I,,4!__ -_-.. .. l'..:`-1-o\:v|4\-arr 'wilI'be~repn.ired Free of unarge, provxucu uu uumr Dentist is, or has been, employed to operate in the sa.1ne..mout,h; but should another Dentist be em- " plyed`, the warranty in all cases will cease. ...........--.-.- vaurrrin A !'1fl1`rl\ 3:9 -.-...\_' _ . . . _ ~ . , ,, ' He ivduld also state, thatin case of failure in any workqwsu-ranted, during the past Eight years, it iilrbe repaired Free of Charge, provided no other nnneiao. in nr has been. emnlovcd operate m~th>e, '11}: 5f 8!}; .of./gugust, October, December, - , ,.F_ebruary, Apnl and Junenezt V iEVVMARK`E tlz Znd` 3rd of each month, .. ...a mi ADFORD. on of LIVER INVIGORATOR. zaxnarnma (`l OH H} The F2\;\HL_Y C.-1 uhh Jun v-IL-n..n,. n, s. N`.- PECK, SURGEON `DENTIST, . `%?3 :d`'n ?ESPE}'fFUbLY'annouccs that he will be at .....- .. .nw1~r\1rV 11"r\'t\`l':`T `D A T)'DTT7 Luarnu LL` uuus. u................, .. VFI_{.A'SER S? HOTEL, "1XIEi{i'1i,' --A I'.S0.-- * S,&NFORD S FAMILY A _ Pripe, O ollar per Bottle. nt. 0: 11 :e, ` N EVER DEBlLl'l`A'l`ES. lryzw` m'1;EETlIf EXTRACTED .-. -. .. . -..uun \.u.I.u., - '_1\'Ianuf`nr`lurer and Proprietor. 333 Broadway Nero -Yor.('.- 359. ' KI I.. matrxc PJ;LLs,A TECUMSETH. 1 ...u u xx u11Jr. .---lSemxl`i!'ully y , ring symptoms, occupation, 65. 10, and medicines -sec-ufely sealed ,'sepI._ I9 parts ofthe world. - be answer-ml amt-.. .n..... . _.... . uuuluuull ide against ulil not u's lhe m, particulars and in directions acconipunying ,-_$l by Beware oconnterfeits.- 3 sANF6RD s DR. R EYNOLDS wnnld i-esfeclfully inform his friends, v an 4, on _DELICATE NAT RE the public, that he can- tinues to be conclentinllv orm.-ullcd n ! his old ezslahfishell Medi('a'l Office. No. 19, E_:(- change Plnce, ON ALL D S- EASES OF A PRIV E I-Ins long experiencgv ml at- \-lion lhis class (I- c');t'Iplainls; ly lfcatme - and hi-- .. _.....wuu._v, ncquned Con- a Gnnnrrhcra, Suppression the I\/I.-Jma. an 3.. uuu uulus, l!H`lpl(`n!_UOIl- wry Rho.-Iunaxi.~In, Jlcers of` Mouth, Tongue. rs, Glnntlnlar I_.,Chrnnic `Eves. M-:r(-nrial nns.'Pain and Swelling of the s arising from impure sum: r nahrr`,I--.m:n , Jnnndit-e, L-rofuln, the most 5 `kin, Neurulgla, Dyspepsia, Do.-ln|ixy,_ Nervous monnrv 1\m'0litIna. nun... ` :1}-I lit-rousing demand from ; `;u.~`ed the PILLS, and `F3 _-`u'H qxprcss in n.=;::wrd In I #111010 plncethem,wilh.`n I I ' ` I rullllry Awclzuns, Bronchitis, Colds, IllFIpi(`f1!_Cl)Il- Chrulll Rh:-Inlnnliun I ) I adapted to lhe1empera- laking it, and used in an the Bow:-Is. - 'ml_gnn~nl guide 'VJG()I{A- [til I I uo. ` 1 _o o o I 4. :3` I V J 1'93 temainsjnthe ` Crown 2 do. `. : 4|). ' V ' E---Dr. flha sinlz inn! ... Vto 9 , '11! V DIX JLV V'V|LlUl\!\' ' _ ;Livr Complaints, Bil- ,C h r0 :1 i c Diarrhoea, iD_vse_nlery, D r 0 ps y, Iosuvenv-ss, Cholic, j ?male Weakness:-'5, ml `fully as ,an Onl'mry` , {will cure Sic `J [Pill].- ;1esli{y),inl 11y min- ispoonfuls _ :2 taken at lnllan-k. ~ I _. era _Infnnlum, Flalu-r lwilhin the last two all hnpesof _rc-lief, aslhe icerlit-ales In my pos- ._.._, I. l_heir',(s1imony in its I . ` E- -1- Reynolds estgr, N.Y. I ` . 'I`H.T. \` nIn.l| D. Liqpenm II'lnrn`r'lnnma', y,_ nervpus us, Bronchitis, trlniom Cnn- I contain a ConaulVta~ 74.1 -5)- ........;':.V'```'` 2 fee remains `_1-our . Go._ A - Crown .100\ ;5l:l:`. SEXIE- :in all me 5-1 ? I 51-FY. Ill rely to [The `e Dnn- `n!S1'l:mA, Wmxsss.~x, &c. See special dim-no_ns WV ibis. For Sam: Rusuu, Emu-'r1oxs, Scmu-`L1-0`-`v i'KmNlr, and Bunnnn Couvuxxrs, take No. 5. 1" J.l11.ca8ea the directions must be strictly followed- ?Price qt the'B1.oon Foon $1 per bottle. S014 Y : `_ CHURCH & DUPQ-`Tr k V. ._ - No. 419 Broadway, I\8' 3` ' And Abylgrspectnhle Druggists tlu-oUE1 ` we count .` V 1 v _ Md;g;2sth. 1360: -1-""" *017ic. 7Du1nIon${np'1;'n.`:2. n...m_ ~f1 ?E....vIrz`z: 1;z;y`7i3z;J:-zzxsm .w::~.a;x-as '..7 N?"I`".kw6f:l/; }Vm'nesday Jllormng, 41` W .- - v u... r'r\l:,l'I-\|'1.I-\ I Iunlv dv3P`_-_d_ t0,the.deciex'1cics of the lllood in differ- ` d.'398.3- ` For Coming, Cows, Isiuixcinris, of "7 m5ti0n .\vbixte\'er of the l`m:o.n- or LL.`~'l73 inducingCoxsasnvnos, use No. 1 which E31150 the No. for DEPRESSION or Si-rims ,Loss or .-\l'I`h" Tm`! '1.d f0!` 311 Cmzozuc Co)m..u. ws arising Mm \'3R'3B: GEM-:nAL Di-:eu.1n mid .Nl?R\'UL'S W05` ` 79`T19- N_0- 2, for l.1\`I~:u C f)3Il I.A).VTS, No. 3. f0 .DYPBP81zK. `Beihg already prepared /iII'Ib.vnr/W011 .1` -'9"1'AK`l:N-mt Diibvs and carried immediately `5imQ_-F5Qv.i0irculation,.so that What you will ." "" 7t-"."'~'. :3-`he N is flit F.E.\L\LE lm:a(:i:i..\i:im:s, 7.H,Y5'1~'3:3IA, WEAR'xzss,A&`c. See direction! ..f`,' " F0l`s'Al.'l` R.lalru_ F`.nnrvnnx'n, S(fRUFl.`L0W: . n ll H L I L I: U _ alwaysresents us with the some cs.:onh.-nl ole- _men`ts,_'aud gives of course the Tun: S`r.\.\'o.\N` Analyze `the blood of-n person su'uin'.' '1' Consumption Liver Complaint, 1)}'51"}"`. Scrol'uln,- &c., and we find in every in- *'f``, deciencies in the red globules of Blood. MI`/"V `these deciencies,`and 3011 are made W011 T 'BLO,0DAF00Di5 founded upon this 'l`hcory-l1enc0 I its astonishing success. There are l:"nn- ---- -'- - --"` `Iv1.\u, uuu) IN THE 111-mu, and Uuutr, ms:-. softening the-gum.-:, recluoiug in_/Imnulion, n 1111.: the Bowcls,nn(l rclimfing pain, it has no um being an anti-spasmodic it is used with '1/::z"u! -succcs`s in all cases of C().\ \ L'l.SXON on 01115;; F .s you value the hfc and /zcall/1 of jwzzr In//x and wish to save them from I/ze_sml uni (u':.~"x consqumces whic/1 are 'ccr(nz`v to rmzll _/'11-'1 usrv of mrrcolics of 1c.`u'/rol/Icr 1`( 1IIl`u'i(`.~` _/Zn` In tile Co_nip1ain!c are L`0lnpO.s`L'(l,_ la/'.'e '/1uu('['u/ EA1'ox s I.\fFAx_rxu: Conm.u., this you cam upon. It is pcrlecllyvhnrmless, nnd vmmot in. theAmost"delicm_e infant. Price, `.25 coms.. I dijmctions accompany `each bottle; A l n~p: only by ` ` nnnn an n. i'\1'?nn \-1* JQIL gnu.` - \I\I.lIIJJ.I.J.LA-I, and why? because it never fails to n__!}Zml [/1~. :I.'A- tuncous relief when given in time. 11 acxs as if by magic, and one trial alonc will cmlvincc full that` what we say is true. It. contains TA nrunnnounsqn-o. -- [`--'-`- - U --no--on 5 fee remains in the Crown 1 K. ' .I.uuu \\u:u. we say Is true. 1!. Contains No` Paregoric `or Opiate `of any kind, and therefore relic-re-s In` rrmuri'I.' the sujfcrings of your child, in.~stc:xd of'b_v don in- mg its sensibilities. , For this rc:1.=m1 it cnnxmmzds itself as.thc' only reliable prcparaxtimx nmv klm\\'I_l for Cmnnmzx Tl-IE1`!-ll.\'G, D1.uuum:.\, I>\'.~'&t.\n:r.\'. VGRIAPING I.\' THE Bom;Ls, Acmxn 01-` rm: 5.` .\x.\(`H. W1.\'o, Com IN Tm`. limp, and Cuurr, nls--. M Sftllillff 'hn,o'nyna,- qunln. .'..n- .'..11..... .I.`.\.. .. ....V .1 -> _. `Jan: .;. ; _;} l?.5"?d ., HWY? , Tvediarszlay `}|`I;I71 `Pe, `I7t'tnm'-1_lr:rt' `Em, Barrie. .... ...... .... .:l..,.,.n. .. Won. `ii:AT` INFANTILE co1mIAL,VA_ win"? hm'mx it nm-pr fuilc In ,.H`...-./ .'.._r ....,.......5 atlucuas. xucre are "ve PFiEI=fAAFiA:I"|_<`3:_if\l_T_1_ rlnntnrl In H... .a..n_:._.~_ _,_ , H`-'m 9 hnthn Blood upon being IIIlI\l'Il-n _ \J _'_I`bonsands are daily speaking in the praise of l\ E) ' I" A -v- I\ g I 1 A ` Agent for Barrie. February, 1859. oy mau_. _ `ten cents _the package, rem Physxcmns, Druggxsts and others, v -become agents will have a. sample, sent to them upon application. Monev. if rapist:-rm] and mo L... __ ` `Physicians, Druggnfs"".{d".}`Z1,;';i];0 .~ sampl wilhw to ' ` mm M `f ' - . A atm(;'n:; l:1. *::;s::;::` by be DR. FRANCIS, {`.:.H:..........-.: n ... Ieetnxng xsrupuons of- we skin a ' """" other disases of children ;. they m;.,";`,so'e :`.3 in any case requiring physic. . 9 They are put up in a form convenient to send _byma1l_. . Ten cents _the package, rem], Physxcmns. Drumzxsts and mm... ...|.- ._, . U` u o u o`. o u o 5 f'e'rema1"ns in the- Crown , do. do. do. dbl l.'U1V`VhllC|`3, NC. . >1 ` ey are of great value `n v Teething, Eruptions of- the lskifiasfasridofig` ; inky also be r i Thov are nut. un in :1 (`mm M......_:_r. . {_:`*""`-- DR. FRANCIS CATHARTIO LOZENGES FOR CHI ,1 RE a safe and efficient Medicinn an----, HULC4 Th: ..._.... T. W. umn:m..\'. :;mnc._- R. GEORGE, Orillin. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewnft. I( \[ \l_n\? l"l.....-.. r~--..v. I. 12. uunnn, bell Lwart. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. {`,nnL':fr.n'n H Al. MAM`, L/llCI'l'y UJ'("l\'. HARPER, Conkatmvn. ` NORTHROP & LY.\r1;\.\', Ne SIMPSON 8: DC NSPA KG H, K'h.r.l,m..I.. \.......- ' ;%5I5.!KL T Octoimer 24, u:uuu.u .3: um'u.u, No. -if.` Brontlwng, New York- cmmcn Ts; Durtnxr I In .4 n l.`..,....l...... \', , luloultl U 9 fee remains in the .Crown 3 I` (I L` n UU.VDl.`ALlvH, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. utc. FRANCIS, ' Collingwood,vC.1 . T. W. GEORGE.-`J. Newcastle. ' [1 Ills`. . rm repared >y..'L- 1. 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