Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Oct 1860, p. 4

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JUV 200 nn 62 l0~ 62 35 46, 75 2130 - 3'! '15 1850' IVV 100 150 - `IV 100 Inn 1).) 0 18 90 \ 100 200 i 200 100 GAA 1:! I00 200 200 l`UU' 54; EUV 100 um (UV 100 . 60 I00` `zoo nnn Ol LU 26 40 13 45 DE LU 55 80 18 90 on n O1 ill) 24 45 24 45 91' run - 34 95 04 A: 58 75 5015 29 10 55 55 50 15 I6 20 52 40 14 25 55 80' 46 65 55 85 56 60 24 25 UV `.EU 65 10 31 70 31 '10 65 `D 32 60-] 57 06 RA An 25 35 00 fl: 25 95 '25 30 27 25 33 45 .33 4'5 RI An 10 O0 17 55 '36 34 11 `AU 16 60 12 00 32 so `ll `JV 2910 50 55 25 60 11 00 6 16 I4 55 13 00 12 60 IR IE 2490 11 34 16 00 37 00' A` AA 32 80 15 40 25 08 :4: my 40 50 21 60 5} 50 7 40 20 25 25 68 24 70 31 40 An HE 03 `IV 49 'l5t 24' 47 19 so 47' so 0`? An 40 75 5 so `7e7` 28 40 61 75 0 .'.".' l!'ptEhf Water Lot U3 DU 68 45 38 44 38 44' .38 44 V Grown NptEhf 1410. Whf Q 17 10 ` Ehf T 5 llfeetemnina in the % nrnnnn. . -` VV LII Spt.Ehf Nplwf SWqr Ehf SWpt LVI vv pt SWqr VV UK Nh Ehf' KYLE Sh! S hf TRY LI Kpt S-hf, Q 6 11 14 11 19 11 . 19 ll ' JO__ -19 22` no 25 10 W13` `ID nu .U _.... ... ] V 8 10 fee remains in the nfllfll 1 2.1 E21 Au 27 27 00 _ an 1.0 19 as 12 11 131: 14 11 411.11 , ........ 150 10 ll ........ 100 12 ll ........ 75 'nIoo;on_u 12 ll ........ 100 13 ll ........ 100 12 13 ........- 100 13 13 ........ 100 6 17 ...;.... 100 18 fee remains in the Crown 200 15 18 ........' 100 1a ~ -* uu 105 SUNNIDALE. T I 0 10 1o 17 13 18 13 2 rue kmiiui in the Crown A - .. A- - 0U 11. 44 ll 48 11 2512 29 12 11V` 23 10 36 10 36 10 4'1 10 I3 1]. an I`! 3 -fee r:}:L'ii.'ih the A ` Crown 0 3?; 30` D1 00 42 37 83$ '2' NW2 2? `slat 13 NM 10 U 14 9` 14 10 1510' 21 10. Q`). In VESPRA.` NOTTAWXSAGA. '1 fee remains in th Crown . 1 `.3 ii? 01 uU 19. SE2 J1 IU _l2 fee remains in the I 0 5 Crown 5 ' do. 5 do. A 5 tea z-H "i'n'a',i'n the ' ' Grown . I . 2 l III! In Crown ' an ' remains nu Grown 3 fee remainsinthe ` " . Gmwn A! 9 ' ' do. 1 ' 1 0 in ` I TAYQ 7' IIIJIIID"/` fed x{n'aLL'i}; the ` nrnnvn 1 Nptwp U FUWI do. no. dd. do. UKUWI do; 3% `Inn |l 'U : SUD 1, 19 so so 2195` M0 105 40 mo '71` 35 1nn'nhnn JVU 000!) 100 7050 200 13595 200. 45.45 1oo~~51'35 25920965 `Ill n` = 75 u1n'n :4 2-.- loo? 100 58 oo zoo 116 so _ 1oo 32 40 100 23 10 100 2310 .100" 100 V 100 nm 0 . 200 100 . 100 100 70 DA 100 100 100 100 100 :13 uu ` 70 uu I6 60 200 198 70 200 -199 05 "100 93 70 ` 200 214 85 3100 151 10 _165 202 30 xvv -3a UV 100 94 90 100 76 50 35 43 30 100 150 so loo 150 so _ zoo 265 90 zoo 287 20 165-262 25 2oo 214 10 zoo 121 25 100 74 so 100 120 65 100 91 lo A100 ss 65 loo '65 65 loo as 35 loo lo2 so 100 120 35 100 16 85 35 54 45 loo 134 so loo 10390 4' 100 so 40 71 193 24 so 78 as Qnn 1 no rm 1 IUU 1 : '. 1oo 102 26 1oo as 90 100 42 90' Of! 10 an 29 50 44 35 33 55 17. 90 44 55 `IVUQ 22 35 5.4 26 -47 65 26 50' 100 .53 95 1oo 33 1o 48 49 70 110-121 20 `Rd 4U 33 88 52 . 25 33 70 50 '56 12 150 153 45 20 60 -20 60 20 60 2060 20 60 20 60 20 60 -20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 35 20 35 20 00 21 60 52 25 66 90. 66 95 -67 65 Anm 151 164 so 200 129 15 "100 89 95 100 '73 15 144 455 05 40 54 65; : 100 111 25 100 55 25 209 174 55 200 184.10 1oo 145-65 100 as 05 152 163 35 100 107 50 AK 91` an 100 38 92 200 233 50 200_136-95 46 47 60 154 116 O5 43 80 40-56 32 10 21-20 26 90 am 100 I00 EUU 200 0AA U0 1U 41 10 29 65 14 15 34 60 34 60 29 A40: 36 .90 35 80 'A 200. Olin 46 35 24 05 16 60 32 30 32 30 .22 05 K9 1n JUV , mo SW pt P `U! M '33 45 18 65 14" 66 14 15 30 10 56 05 an on AVI DU 34` 60 I A0 an UODU 29-60 `28 50 62 05 V6660 .5945 62 `I0 RA an Ir: an 6010 29 75 '01 IR E9 03 53 75' "3410 34-10` 3410 -532 so W16 95 Izi7`68'? 29 so N Ept N pt w M31 W hf` `M S Wpt_ Eh! LV 1'1! Em War `tn Pt :Ehf Nhf Shf R? Li?` Park La! Nhf SEqr -vv-vnn uunxgal U1. Qvssmen`, same, together with all lawful chatges, be sooner sis: 32 14 a -:7. mun l,ol_'0nl9 It 6 =_E'side High meet ' 72 1 in ` ~ dn .s1.`uu Ill) 12- do `do 13 .-do - do` 14 _ do do _ `I5; do (19 ~ 16 do. do % T 1i)GAR's"nLofoi:." V` 54=Eiaide naaty V|t I . "ii; .14 `I5 1." ~12 TOWNOF B'AR'RIE.j U0 U0 - 9E aide Nelson at . 10"` do do 11 o do do 12 "do do dl3_;do do V '14- do ' do 15 do do ` 9 W aide Nelson at 1 * Kn. An` ' "`(`z:1;w smwnr.) 43 N side Blake at 44 M do do 54 - A.` J. (olb -SI_JR;EY.) . 46 S side Colhet at A 1-8 M 47 do do 1-8 33 W ; lot_on Dunlap at qr - .Bm'r'rmncm's nnoox-. `o o _:J- -n 3,: . UU IIO I10 -312 nidb Toionlo at 9`~E7xidn I-Iiiih 59...: IN THE TOWN OF BARRIE, proceed to the Safe of said` Lands, or so much thereof as may be necessmy fa, such arrears of Assessment, unless the _ same. together with all |.....r..1 ..1...-..... .-----ouauuuu uuvun. ' `8Sside Dunlap-at qr 2260. 10 do M do iqr 2225 13,110" do ; 2 51-5 2690 1...... ....a..__ x 16 16 17 12 13 DA [um ..i 165' WEST GWILLIMBURY. Q2 I` I _O 23 I4 . . '. I00 23 14 . . . I00 A 16 19. (IE 13 15 11 13 29 I 13;2hda}} gr DECEMBER Next, at the hour of TWELVE o clock, noon, at the COURT Hovgn, nu-.. ____.__ ...- V `ll 37 22 12 21 14 ' 21- 14 ,TOS SORQN'i`I0; U L6feer _ the 6 I`! emains in M Crown ` do I ll! .do ' 1: 8: fee ;ma.in; in the Crown V FOR` TAXES. _ '00U1__V l'Y onsxucon, T0 wrr: . _.- T BY Virtue of `a WARRANT issued by the TREASURER of the County of Simooe,bearing date the-Sixth day of Aucusr, One Thousand Eight Hun-1 _&red and Sixty, and to me directed, for the `collection of Arrears of Assements due upon the {o11owing,Lands in the mix? county, I shall on the ~ _-gfea r the o. emaina in Crowjn 0 0 u 3 {ea remains in the Crown 3 do 4 do 4 do A , ` I. > 0 0 0 1 {ea remains in cl... t`......... gfeer 9 I 0 0 emains in the Crown J- J. 0 1 {ea remainavin `T the Crown `I ' n u c . 5 {ea remains in the Crown 4: End Ra.:g; Icu iuulallli I the Crown ADJALAQ MONO. W; H. st. ; fee remain; in 7 the Crown 7 fee r;Iha'1int.s in the Crown 7 . do ; '7 , feet .8" the 0 . emains in `Crown do G`; fe 1.-e.1na.ins' in 6 the Crown 030; ll _u \r|UV| do. ` Essg I St. L`U 1.5 ,; `I15 ` I`-5 Qt Qt Qt Qt Qt QQt ` Qt: Qt Qt ` Qt Qt Qt "it . `Rt ~;Qt . Qt Qt. = 100 107 I55 , 10.0. .100 I00 nnn 100 nnn 100 100 100 `II!!! io"5 lO0 mo . 50 -100 76 100 EA I55` uu U OU 170 18 40 100 1960 100 51 W) 100 36 30 100 88 50 200 119 O0 200 52 55 100. 48 78 100 50 85 nnn zn nn 11' [22 .nuu UUI 9001087 U 0 30 580 1-7.: in A l\ 1400 60 70 onn Inc I-In Us) 09 255 12650 150 132 30 `I050 1050 1050. 1050 10.50 1050 - 10,50 10 50. _: I I 100 100 100 A100 100 100 100 100 100 111 A (In am: 03.90 ' 200 107 90 .100 `.55 85 50 34 10 Inn . nn 775 l060v (`I EK- 135 10 10 10 .10 1'0 Kn 100 100 10 do 10 oo .18 20 100 100 1.00 43 12 61 60 :1 oz 5710 41712 21 so 2470 5490 [100 100 .100 inn az;:;g KR An W.H.S. fa! 40 75 67 30 HOAZ_ 13514245 1!`) A: z: 79 10 Luv i._lD DU `20012260 100 4678 100 6764 100' 6185 200 136 '75 m on on I63! xuv _ "100 715 15 50 23 45 198 205 05 40 39 25 75 50 60 100 71 35 100 55 55 - Inn an up 75 30 "mo ' illll 3480 30 95 GA nn O IOU 36 10 T37 85 DUI 13 1'3 14 20 non 10- 45 UUUU 14 75 12 as 63 35 `I02 zn 41 so 50 60 54 oo 44 75 44 75' 47 75 47 75 10 80 16 90 2845' K0 an 8945 `Int? nn 4040` 10345 69 55 "51 12 935 ..... uu mpuueu tree q] unarge, provided no other [Dentist is, or has been, employed to operate in the same month; bntshonld another Dentist be em- ployed, the warmnly in all cases will cease. TEETH EXTRACTED ( With the least possible pain; and particular attena A tion paid to" theRegulatian-oj Children : Teeth. Teeth` in'serted`on,,qoldP,la.w or Pivot. `Cavities Illed with Gold or Silver Foil, oran other Branch of DEN TJL SUB GR_Y_'oxecnte' with neatness 055' caA1ieis1:x'rnnMnxr upnzmrn. .59 Patq mquiring Operations prformedl are` ` V . rqqnested to come early in the day. Occ Ha_urcfrm~Ez'gh t o'clock a.m. to Four pm. 13 1856,: C; > {If .j V I,` ' `_ - VU `IV 21 35 I {Linn UUUU 35 .5555 69 75 RE 2: .DR. s. N."I'='I'-:`cK., ,% SURGEON DENTIST, -'I\1I`l'I'ln!I1nvnvu-capo V '1 June mm, 1858. wuunmy na1wwAm4J, Mechanics Edge, and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, 'c'ut1ery, &c.~, and all other Goods in the line, an. the Lowest Rates. T . 26-_tf It'll van I an U! I BRITISHAND AMERICAN HARDWARE 114T Yonge Street, Toronto, V (01.9 sum) -rwo noons scum or ADELAIDE smmzw UILDERS HARDWARE, Mechanics .Edg, Q11 otheg Furnishing Goods. . Boys? Comp} to Map of Barne 0YS' complete map of Barrie,1s now`t'or sale at the Book stores. of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. ` . PRICES. . , Mounted on rollers and varnished.. . . .$5 each. Pl'a.in........-..._ . . . . . . do `This map contains every lot and portion of lot within the limits of Barrie, accurately` laid down to scale, together, with a plan of the Railway Station, and 1;.` tinted view of the Town,drdwn from a Litho- gm . - he views can be had sepernte, either on still 7 paper for framing or on posting aper or enclosing In letters at 3s..9d. and 2s. 6d. eac , res];ectively. Barrie, March 23rd, 1858. 12-tf 14 Charles `at T 'q'{- i663 13 June 5: T qr 10 30 V . B. W. SMITH, g Shen , Co. Simcoe 34 -13in Snnxurfs Orncn, Barrie, ugust 20, 1860. ' `l E side Creighton st 6281. 63 do do ` T 14 W side do 54 do `do A 6 Victoria 5! . 2 9 10 21 22 do do `IA l"l....l.... -.. V _.-8a.a.vu.u:u1aL QIHPLUUIUIIUS )1?` ALL KINDS, and of SUPERIOR Quumn for Sa1e`by . A J. B. RYAN, - > `Yonxre.St.1-mat. Tnrnn fn .,,~, 0, 1, u, u, 4 a side mam st and hf of 8 5 Range 3 `I, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7 2 N side Tecumseth and hf of 8 - `st5Range ' 3 26 N side Jarvis st , I 6, 7, 8 S side Bram st 1 1 24 Waterlls 9.5 Rt 0`: 11, 12, 13, 4, N side Jarvis st - 1 . _ 3rd Range 23 1,2,3 .5.6.T '. -7,8, I, 10, 1l,ES SJarv1s st 4Rnge 65. ' V'1LLAq'oF: ORILLIA. `I ll, 12, I3, 14, .8 side Borland at .. 15 . 3rd Range 25 S side Bran! K D......_'. i 1 } J ...) / 3 '5 1: va t_hz'n thevMu- e. _ a :.y nxuu numuumu 5| ` JOHN. ROSS BLOCK. ._.`-7 ` 8`N"aido Vespmiif . 9 do : . do ` .l2:~do` 2 db - . -. - , 52S; aide Vespra root 2 2 E aide Bradfo V*st- .. .32 do do 35 W Si Brdfordbf CHARLES` OMPSON S BLOCK. 1 ide Marks st 2 L} - w 0. Ross? BLOCK. W side Bayeld at ' qr 7 do /v_l do do . qr - . 2 E: side John at qr - 2 ' 6 E side Small, street 2 hf N pt bf 23 5` Vespra. 48 V ROWE7S BLOCK. , `Bra. 1 Penelanguishene at -~ 2 do ' do n I V v 1 Anna Eliza st. ." 2 do I JAMES `B. RYAN, vltnnnrnnn -- _do do 9 do do . 10 do do ' 11 do do I? do do 13 do , do [4 do do 15 do V do 16 do do 17 do do 18 do do 1 Noltawasaga st 2 do do 3 do do ' 4 `do do 5 .do ' do 3 1 l I I I I ( I I I I 1 E side Nouawasaga st t 3 S side of. Coldwaler Rd t do i i 1 N side 6 2 '3 '4 5 6 `2 S side Pene!angui- shene st 3 8 do do do do do do do do do do . do do do `do `do * .1 S side St Georg do I & 2 N side St George st 9 8 side St Andrew at 11 9 vb h `h h h h h ea: 5 E S wnov 3 [side N ississaga st 4 do Is aide Colbome st 3 &. 4 V do ' I N sids do ..~ 2 do_ ? 4 . / do In.) (10 33 13 `do. V8`-do do 2 W iifo 1 do- 4 _side' North street I ' BOYS BLOCK. ' l S aide Henry street 1 N side Eiizagelh s{ '0 ch. `in :ide charted} S; A menicaI._ EAMEVR SURVEY. 28 st _ - _ do Do It 1 AI` , , 114 You Street, Toronto, Two doors oath of Adelaide St. I. o 4 V 26-tf - xmpoxvrnn or_ -1-. Ahpvuus-_. ._ VINVERMARA. U I ' 58 59' RR 3o"w.s`TidL High slt'ree't: 1-16 `:2 6: -86 -dn .11.. ~ 1.5 265 AG ' 0F- ORILLI ..Z.I_ 11,, 31? (Ir Q F gr I hf bf 38 qr qr hf hf hf hf Ll` 13 15 13 15. 12 45 10-60 10 60 ll 65 ll 65 10 60 10 60 Dn hf hf Ill hf III hf- qf ii hf hf .hf hf hf hf 55 12 45 45 30 25 123 31 15 58 2060 24 168 95 `3 _T 3% 5 1-5w '12 1o 10 05 - `I .02 00 `r 18 70 " 1870 I 4 07 12 so 1270 345- 15 so 21 75 15 45 lil '8 UV qr 13 25 3I 12 20 5 . gooooo-so 5 Ieeremlinsintiiel GI-nun nu . hf ..hf ? A hf hf Ll.` qr nrA U `U 14 20 6 50 I0 40 13 00 13 35 13 35 13 00 13 00 1106 1106 1100 1100 -E nn UUU 970 -1115 nnn `I2 15 20 55 13 30 18 05 8 60 19 75 E4735] L56 50'] U'JD '10 l6_ 10 17 T16 95 2305 nn All E1rr1uonnmn.v_ Nance-.-Dr. W. C. Lispenard announceg, forthe benet of the .Ui(`.k and u nforlunate, that he continues to devote the whole of his time to {he treatment of pnvate diaeases at his` ee," `Ex- bane Place, Rochester-,New York. Fe ruary 2o_1860. : V . e_ 8-ly _._______.,_.__._.__i 11 45` OUU 11 95 7 sEL`LI BOOKS; .sTA'j_'1oNEny ` .1! the ./lnlznrnnv `nmsvmu. .. 2 ' 9 yucca-3 A 2 he remains` inwthe Cl-nun `I175 H on MM] "communications addresaedtto E. - - ; - - - - I `II UUIIICU xrom onwrvation, sent to all parts of the wot-ll]. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittance of one dollar, consultation fee. Consulta. tionatthe Otce, free of charge. J21! ld D., No. 19 Exchange Place, Rohuter`:y'.l'?.Yt?: will meet with prompt attention. 33- Oioe houn, from 7 AM. to 9,P.M. 1.3 33 ;1o 95 '10 95. no: `that no case within the reach of mortal .....,,Vu.......u npyly to ur. neynolds without de|a.' '7 In these, as well as all other cases of a private na~ ture, Dr. Reynolds c_ommends_ an_ early application, and without any vanity, or aspiration, decidedly states eave him, without a cure or satisfaction given, a Th man A 1 pa aid shall ever - V W gnnounoes, benet am... .:.a. .... as! cnaracxer, one-luzlfo. with mere ` uuv - ya. AIJLILLV UKUUIC. t P.S.--This testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine, (as you are aware of) is unsoli- cited :-but if you think it Whitby a place among the rest, insert ifyou wish ; it` not, destroy and say no-. thing. Yours, dzc., - Rev. 8. A. B. The Restora_tive~is out up in bottles of th_ree sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds an int, and retails for one dollar per bottle; thevmedium olds at least twenty per ce f ' large holds a quart, 40 per cent morein and retails for three dollars per bottle. 0. J. WOOD 65 CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and _1_l4 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo. ;.__) __|nI U. J. WUUD 65 CO., Prbprielors, 114 Market Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. , . Sept. .215! 1860 ' 39. T CORILLIA (NORTH). REV. S. a a lhinl'; fth; luau! :.......; .'r_.,,. , I ,, , ..- ..... .... "nu vulllllll U] H18 Of my -Un- shaken opinion `of its valuable results. 1 remain, dear sir, yours, ' A. C. RAYMOND. Aarons Run. K_v., Nov. 30, 1858. . Pno1=.O.J. Woon : Dear Sir-I would certainly be doing _vou a great injustice not to make known to the _ world the wonderful, as well as unex ected result I have experienced from using ores bott e of your hair Restorative. After using every kind of Restorativesr extant, withoutvsuccess, and nding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was nally induced to try a bot- tle of your Hair Restorative. `Now, candor and jus- tice cnmpel me to announce tn'whnever may read this, that I now ossess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which pronounce richer and-haudsomer than the original was. I will therel'ore1ake occasion to recommend this invaluable remedy to ALL who` may feel the necessity of it. Respectfully yours. ` REV. S. ALLEN BROCK. BS .--This testimonial mv am.mi,...;,... rnp times to be - asthis, it has no doubt been _ believe where good effects do-not follow, the failure _ _.. O _ V.---. uuu was natural, Poll)! I 1'0 all I can and do answer invariably yes. My hair -is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause whyit ts not gen- erally true, is thattbe substance is washed off by fre- quent ablution ofthe face, when ifcarewere used by wiping the face in close connection with the whiskers the same, result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt ofa great number of letters from all parts of New England, asking me ifmy hair still con- good ;. is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well basely t'mitated,and been used, not only without anygood effect, but to `absor- lute injury. 1 have not used any of your Restorative ofany account tot-some months,aud yet my hair is as good as ever, and "hundreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 6! years old and not a grey hair in my head or on my face; and`!o prove this fact, I rend you a lock ofmy hair taken o`the past week. I received your favour oftwo quart bottles last sum- mer, for which I am very `grateful : I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it, many were sceptical until after trial,and then purchased and used it` with universal success. I Will ask as a favour, that you send me a test by which I can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without autho- ity from you. A pure article will insuresuccess and is caused by the impure article, which curses the in- ventor ofth_e good. deem it my duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued effect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me` of val able `urn:-an 1).... 'tr_. 1?, -A --'--A 'ESTORlNB THE __B_ALD AND GRAY. WORTHY OFANY CONFDENCE FOR [TH_;;__%gNLY DISCOVERY] KTORRHOEA", "or Seminal Weaknhsz 1;], .lVl.l'a1V'.l' ALVU IKAUIUAIJ UUIXD U1` exna . Debilit; Net-vousness and Inv__oluntary missions . roduen Imlfotency, Conhumptton and Mental and _hyeical$el:-t it ` ' ' Br ROB. J. CULVERWELL,M.D. The important fact that the awful consequences of sell`-abuse may be effectually removed without in- ternal medicines, or the dangerous applications of 4Jcaustics,inetrmne,nts, medicatedbougies, and other eriipiricaldevicee, is here clearly demonstrated, and. the entirely new and highly-successful treatment, as edoptedby the celebrated author fullv explained by means of which every one is enabled to cure `himself perfectly,_ and at the least possible cost, thereb avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the - day. bis_Lecture will prove: boon to thousands 1 and thousands. , ' 1 SAM nnmu anal In .....`...!.1....... ..__. .._.-1 -,. .1 A auu `mqusanas. M , Sent. under seal to anyhddresa receipt of a ten .cent slam dressin Dr. CHAS. J. C. New ork, Post Box,4,586. 'iiL`h& , post paid, on the y postage, by ad- E,48O First Avenue, 3I'>_ly .u-..-A\f-LIQUID` .47 5; .41) l{ .4NC'E OFFICE, % , %M:AN Ho0D._ HOW LOST ! - HOW RESTORED Jiast Published, 62; a Sealed Envelope ED )7 . 18 ` 'nn' LECTURE ' Q NATURE. TRiAT- MI-INT AND `RADICAL cum: or spam. A'l'hDI2l1nI.`A ~... u.......~....u ur...u...'.... '--..-1 DGWBTO 0 ny other pl .-...l.. ...-__ uey contain e. `er, Janndice; and the moss; a, Dyspepsia, ixy, Nervous Is, Bronchitis, uciuienl Con- ' 'is1:1s59. A , vuvn .-uauulo or after taking (Luinjne, We would advisc_ ` :11` who are alictcd with this disease V A PAIR TRIAL- PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the .shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism inthe arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, -accompanied with a dull heavy sensation in the back part. There is gene- rally a considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought _to have bcen"done. A slight, dry cough is some- timesan attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, _.lus feet are cold or burning,-and he com- plains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; andValthough `he is satis_- e/d that exercise would be benecial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of ` the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination . of. the body, after death, `has shown the to have been extensively deranged. `[5773 `g... -- grown 3 7 .......~. . 4 fee iempins.intho ` Ggown 333 Dec. 215:, mg; PRICE. 3 DIKE8. TI-IE LIVER INVIGORATOR a THARTIC PILLS are retailed by _] rallv. and mm ml...I....-I- I -- 1nAn.l'lU I rally, and so large towns. FL Hepatis or Livr Complint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. LIVER PILLS -_.---, won-Ia; The FAMI gentle but a( prieton has us twenty years. The nnnais v-- ---aaa.v.l. LII In Jul-IJJIU, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in _GLABS CASES, air-tight, and will keep in any clnnate. FAMILY 011- I THA-RTIC PILL is a 89,"9 WV? C3` tharnc which the pro- prueton used In his raclice m ore th an P . IINL - - ' Ut1J.V' Ll1\..lJ'O L` AlVl.lL Y CATHARTIC PILLS, COMmn`nun|:~.n I:-nmn ow I410 `IA 11 XIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWAL W BOTH T0- GETHER. `Du-3.- n..- 11.... .4. -Lu- um: commencement OH All who useijl are guv favor. MIY \VA"PI.`D `nu rnn J.U11., and II Will cure ` lious Attacks, Dys paia S u m m e 1' Comp aims, Sour Stomach, Habitual Cholera Morbus, Cho- lence, Jaundice; Fe- may be used success- Fnmily Medicine. I! ache, (as thousands can mes, iflwo or three Tea- lhe commencement of ' llrhn nco.;I gun in: 'C8Bl0'8nOW. - J The dose must be ment of the individual l such quantities as to act ` Let the dictates of . on in the use of the ' OR, and it will lions Alta:-I.-3:. n.mmn.;.. Symptoms` of a Diseased Liver. ., -___, menueu. I ' It has cured thousands I years who had given up numerous unsolicited ' vessionahow. 'n.., .a...... ......-. 1...! -a. u can`: -LG` I .s\av5vLa.-LVJ-Us NEVER DEBILITATES. is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi- cine, known and ap- proved by all that have used it, and is now re- sorted with` condence in all the diseases `for mended. O. which it is rccom-' qscu 1!, 8 in lb mended. To hug case, wun a remumnce mr memcmes, ozc. Address DR. AMOS 65 SON, corner Main and Quay SIs., Buffalo, N. Y. I Auzust 15, 1860. . 33 Iv 7 uuun nu 11V v Ahlut. - Persons in anv part of the world may be success- fully treated by lorwarding acorrec! detail of then case, with a remittance for medicines, Gzc. Allllrnn AMOQ QDN, nnrnnu Mn):I| and ORILLIAV `I9 :5 nnw nnmnuina any uutun uunna, For the Venerel Diseases and all Private Complaints -gIeels, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the joints; affection of the kidneys, diseases of the head, throat, nose and-skin, and altthose dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and in the end destroy both bodvand mind. The treatment they adopt is the result 01 upwards of thirty years extensive and successful practice in Europe and ' America. .- FDTTMTDV TMVA `I 1T\Q J.` L` \Jl.\1J K3 LIVER I`ivvIGonATon. NEVER III-'c`.llII .I'I`A'l`I4`_E, ourn. DR. `AMOS 55 SON, in order to satisfy the moat sceptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may rove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial", the money will re- fundedby returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dollars; bv mail or ex ress. nnrur pnmrvntnq nun rnr-J: nrmrrq g. V -/-1 nnaan `guns... ----- DR. AMOS 65 SON raise pleasure in announcing; that they have invented a most important instrument > for the cure of the above diseases. It has been .aub- A `ected to a test by the most eminent hysic-ians in ondon, Paris, Philadelphia, and New ork: it has been declared theonly useful instrument ever invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of you! . DR. AMOS & SON. in order to natisfv the mom . CORNER OF MJIN JIND QUJ STS., BUFFJILO!" NEW` YORK,) . ' _RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal.Co1lee of Surgeons, London, mar. be consulted. from o Qlock in the f morning nnti 9 at "night, in every state and symptoms of Disease. _ A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An. instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nocturnal Emissions, igoregoperly known as Semi- an nal . Weakness, ecc. permanently cured in from fteen days to two months by the use of this in- strument, when used conjointly with medicines. vnrrua nsnuur mints: `DAD'l'lntTf_s`n `Mn'1'1(`.'l.` Ivuulllclllg wucu UBGU UUIIJUIIISI vvuu nucunvn-sum {YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. `fur! Attila l_ gnu .'.l._ ._l---...__ .._ -_._..........._ '1 7 Jslfima, Iiwipent ' Consitmyitian, 7 ` INFIRMITIES OF AYOUTH, OLD AGE, &O. NO MERO-UR Y USED. Dr. & Son nnn-rrzvn 111.1 uanv ANTI [H711 R I'.Q Bntfalo M e d i :3 al .Disp'ensary ! 'c.....':..1.. :`(:l:n?a.Hp]i::fU?J-5?; Imnurihl , . ISTABLISHID ron THE cum: or Scrqfula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelas, Great Imp nf` Blood. Salt Rheum. Pimnlas. Fistula EiE"'1`.r . I53if.'F'i?v }}.'iI l'F2' NEW REMEDIES AND CSUICK CURES, nr the Venernl Diseases and all Private Cnmnlnin nuns no bvvu vlun ESTABLISHED FOR THE GU55 U! . rrofula qf Biood, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Fistula,` _AsIlmm_ Piminent Oommmntion. Impurity Imw 1'n_:__A1'm:N1'z u n hub` sold wholesale by the ` ns. - _.__-.., vuu -avaawn `Iva avuuwn -/Auto.- SANFORD S FAMILY lI'I`l'l1ul-nu-on :-- n. _ g Price, One Dollar per ottlo. -A rsn.-- , no 1.. W; 3ANP`UK.D., ~ Manllfavlurer and Proprietor. 333 Broadway New Ymu. 359. 51-1}: 1 star - ---v--` muuu, um ./islhma, IIIIVFDQ l' 103 TE] CURB OE` CELEBRATED cot3N'mY INVALIDS. ` only I-unrl .-J ulna nu`.-|.l run: - T. W. sANFoRD., Manufac-mrer am! 1: SANFORD S rIlOJ' II llLBI'4o ry _ JVIGORATOR and Family CA- l Druggisls gene- nolesale Trade in all the > ulvnn 1LVVll:iU](A- , Liver Complaints, Bil- Z C_hronic Diarrhoea, " Dyse_n1ery, Drops_y, ~ lC0bll}eIf!'8l8, CIPIDIIC, - era n_ an um alu- {male Weaknes,ses, and full? as an Ordinary wil cure Sick Head- ... testify), inlwenlymin- V _J spoonfuls are taken at attack. `ving their testimony in its I I I oruons ot the bowels. HARTIC PILL has this well established from a variety of the tracts, which act alike alimentary canal, and cases where n Cathurtic rangements of the Sto- Pains in the Back and Pain and Soreness over sudden cold, which fra- end in a long, course of lite, n Cree ing Sensa- b o d y, estlessness, i the head, all Inamma- in Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, which esh is heir, too th is ndvertisetnent. know that the different orlions of the bowels. [;`HAR'l`l(`: mm. s..... , . { creasing demand from used the YILLS, and all express in regard to me to place them within . .m.u.; aumcumes :.shouIder blade, as a m tire sickness, rostive, MA ;_ .__,,L1 1 MATCHEDASH. 1 adapted to the tempera- taking it, and used in ; gently on the Bowels. vour 'udgmenl guide LIVE!!! INVIGORA- , UV-lo. -1.. nuv uuwcIa- vour uide 1Nv1G5RA- Livnr nnrn nln Enln 12:! , within the last two , all bopesof_relief,as1he \ certicates In my pos- cHU'nd1I 6: DUPONT 1` No. 419 Broadway: NwnY;:rh6'M And by all respectable Druggists nu-onsh country. . 3' 3 " March 28tb,'1880: 1 mt, `. `W '-"ll For suxr Ruxml Enm--noxslscaoruwwr Kl'"': nd Bmummz Cou I*LAnIl`s, tal;e N o. 5- 8 1 cases the directions must be strictly followed- P" Of the BLOOD Foon $1 per bottle. Sold bl CHURCH DUPONT 1 `Lb. Avn n-....A....u `N:-W Y0? 6" `Wu Iur an unnomo Uommms answs "" "R41"; Gnxmn. Dnnxnmr, and N nnvovs 3" T'""- N- 2: for LIVIR Commamrs, N0- 3: . Dvanrsu. B.` 1 ,1 1 ab it is Tum -ny"'i3p"a3am5'af?;me ' "17 into_the circulation, so that what you gain ! "t`"'V Th9 N0-'4 is for Fmuu: Ian:GULA*" Hysmy Wlllmlsa, 650. See special direcliw W) {for this. For Suxr Rxmma, Eamr-noxs,'ScaornwIn Kxnxlr andB ' 1: No. .1; c.....:. .ff.".`3E`_`3"1` P:*"';_*"_ .`_`;`_... .nn.... 1J0?-um: auafy WCd7MJday Mgn[3](g,1 E9`: Bani`. I I YE rrl:l"I'\l'lf\ I IKJIVV 355!"-ed to the deciencies of the Blood in differ- ent diseases. For Comma, Cows, Bnoxcums. 0 9! 'ti0n whatever of the THROAT or 1'95" ` in! Coxsmumox, use No. 1 which is N`3 the No. for Dnnxsaxou or Spun-rs 'Loss or -W" "'2 and for all Cnnomo Com>1.u;u's arising mm am: _lNl_=lu:I. n*.nvg_U5 1: ff; Sctoful J..l .`._'-._ """ V'`"- We say 13 true. It contains No Paregonc or Opzate f "31 kld, and therefore relieves bv r.r:uori'-`I 1,, '9,.If9"7l$'8_ 9? your child, instead offbv virw."m~ E"? "8 Senslblltlies. For this reason it c{rn:nem.`.4 Itself as the only reliable prepnmuon mm known for CHILDREN Tm-:'nuxG, D1A1m1mu, Ds's5.\`Ts:s:\'. GRIPING xx ma: BOWELS,-ACIDITY or ms Smymz, WlND,_ Com m 1111-: Han, and Cnorr, also. Ior 39f-"" the `gums, reducing in_tIanmtion, rczuiul. _: H`? B'11s,and relieving pain, it has nu`equul-- bemg 8}! fmli-spasmodic it is used with uur1m'.'u; success m nll can... no` r-......... ...-.. -.. -_.... r.-..; . 3 I remains in the Crown '1 2 `V do.. andwhy? because it ncve'r fuils lo ujfortl in. , Imwous relief when given` in time. It acts as 2! ` by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what. we say is true. It contain: m ` A . V L A uuuuuuuu Aug HUCCESS. Tnere BIO FIVE PREI fARAT|O[\l`i5m dint!!!` In Hm .1..n..:-_-.-_ -9 -L- nI--- 3 I H`W*.'I human Blood upon being lllnuu-:-n INFA'i`If 'c3iBIAL, and Why? it mwdr` fuilc In ..:r..nI Indu.-1. 0 Agent for Barrie. . . . 'l`._W.0 February, 1859. . V L I, H N . , .oATHAnn`5`:ozfr.Nons 1561380,, .ABE no safe and emcient Medicin, cogbnnx 7 They are of rent 1 ' Teething, Erupgona o`;'at(-$22 lsnkigasgs of: W| m3 other diseases of_children ; they m;,0'e Ryan, in any case reqmring phygic_ gm , They are put up in n form convenient by max1_. _ Ten cents the package, tail to send Physncxnns, Druggists and others W1; - become agents will have a sump]; ,,~ 1: to sent to them upon application, " -Term; Money. if renristernd and ...... L_, .. 5131;; IU tug? upon appcatjon. ' ' ""`.l\:rm3 one 1 ' , . ' DR. FRANCIS, Gallium... .. . ruvnwrs, ac. great value in Eruptions of the ski of children theyi requiring They up form nnr .... ..... ...._, aycnnlus m use 1 -DR: EAATON S I IYIIITT --u nag.-. 1. unumzn, Urnlna. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewart. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. HARPER, Cookstown. NORTHROP & LY.\L-LN , Newcastle. SIMPSON & DU.\'SIAl'GH, 'hn1nanIn A.-any-. vI\-I\D.A- -2:\_j\..j\-j `T. W. GEORGES, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE mm 1:*.....~-. October 1;): m1r_e ' NORTHERN .41) VAN Tlfnala-.n.l..a. -llrfnv-quills unuxtun s uU1'U.\1', No. 409 Broadway, New York- n u. LIU`.VDl'.'\l.UJ1, Wholesale Agents, Toronto." `. IHANCIS, ` Collin wood,C_w_ W. GE RGENI fee remains in*the Crown V 2 8 do. 2 0 :c31fi}i' `v'33d. C. . name. un- 8-ly .p.v1. nej Unrnc ` An 3 I no 27 N bf N hf sh; 'Nhf .1`? 1} L_mvoH Conv of his hugw ()0! "0I{_.~_{| the .l.L D 01501 (`M .uIllC Sega] C . 7 fee remains in the '1 Crown. uoo-no-0 '2 4 fee remains in the Crown ' 4 do. 4 do. 4 do. _ K _ a ,.-..-.....- sife nemaihw in the Grown 3 do. 9 . Z. u--unuru 2 kn remains in the Crown vz JD- 15 17 I 2 fee remains in the Cmwn 2 do. - ` 2 do. _ Q . MEDONTE. fee r;e;11`s;i'11.s.i'n the Crown 1 do. I 1 a J. I op.-noon . e reuxaius in the I Crown 1 N bf 11? hf S hf .5 111' 0 o - o . u u o o ` Gfee nmafns in the - Crown Tfee remains in the Crown fee remains in the Crown do. 6 2 fear (mains in the Crown 3 5, IIOIIIOI zfeeremafnsintho ' .rn-rn our-nnop I. . P fee remains in the Crown 1` ` ` do. 2 do. Q .1 A, 6' we remams in Grown I E.H.S. 1 _ , . ' .A I feremainsin thev Urogrn I A (51): do. W!- 100 106` In 100 100 100 200 200 GA AUU 200 ll! LUV 7 100 200 200 100 .206 200 200 onn UU I00 200 200 200 100` 100 1'00` 73 1-00` LUV I00 100 `Inn _ 100 100 Tnh 250 A 100 100 `AU 100 122 100 100 200 200'. on 200 '10 DU 200 200 200' UV 100 Imn. smEM

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