Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Oct 1860, p. 3

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ucrlntl. by intereste zplaining the 7 Iwho frameo! sheries -`--I` S}n'ihg WV/zeal--siz enfriez.--lst, Chas. Par- tridge, jr.; 2nd, James Doran. v _ 0ats-seven entries.-lat, Johathhn Sisons; 2nd,'Dr. Pass. ` - Peas---ve entries:-1st,Jdnahan Sissons; 2116, not awarded. ' ' - P1135. ' { ` 'Boai--sz'.z: entr-ie.-1st, Edward Give; 2nd, Jno. Partridge. - Breeding Sow-s?zven entries.--1st, Dr. Pass; 2nd,`Wickens & Darby. . ` " ` (mam. Fall Wlwat--v"e entrics.--1st, James Dbrnn; 2nd, Chas, Partridge. . - VBarley-.-three entn es.--1st, James D{ox-an-; 2nd. Dr. Pass. . "`An"vAxbn; Onion, Spt. '29} 1860. `Want, Fall,--850 toil" per -huishel. ` Nay, Bpring-10oft.o 13o.per bushel. Fr.oun-$4 50 to $5 peribm-cl. ' `T V- Bmuv, new--we porjbuuhel. OATS 250 to 2'IoLper bushel, Bu'n'ln-15o `per-`lb. ' . V` 0n_n:uI-8oxperlb. : - : ~' . NmP9wo 25`.-not hI.Ih-l- J. Ema"-,-8: !:l0o_" doleli. " " -Pun-.-40cil45o buabo1.-I V` . 1:.-_'.L Mn Kiln] an in!--;1)- IIII.` A Rain entries.-lst, Edwird Cave; 2nd, Wickens 3: Darby. { I BLC_0X'f"$l`. _ ' ' llD`0il'+-.'Ic per lb_ . , . Sane Snxs-'loo to 75 uch. S'nuv'-2 `doll. O/on`. to.'I.5,w-oh-V, Iinm-8o `pen-lb. '. - Omcnxgs.-ape Ego 250 pg: ageu nam---four 2nd, not awarded. Yearling. Ra.-ng-_ve. ent son; 2nd, Wickens & Da Pen qf Ewen 2nd, ditto. , IY.'..._.A 0' ' aztriu.-15:, ' r2'e:.-`-V1: rby. .-four ev`ntries.-V--1st `Cave; 2nd, not awarded. { _ ,, ., .._v.... - alulnlllo _ , V I. . Ewen-.-four e,ntries.-'-lst, Edwa'rdTOIve; A ` . _ - 5 2 Gimmer Shedrli`ngs--three entries.-1at, Edward "arm 7 I---1 ~ V ` nqfu;--IJ In: `In: .p...-4o_ c 5 45B'oFii3'I'e1_.4 . -BIS!-4 .10 5 do1l`I.ArI. 100. lbl, B 12. 131?:-gggzlc `oer lb. _ `0q;a:;"1s:. in` Gulf .; giving mu-mi `j' ' ntne:.-1'at, jE' Cave; V2nd,j_di_I'tao`.` Two year old .Hcifm, ht clan--r-vvc. lat, VEdward._Cavo` ; 2nd,- ditG'to.r Yearling. Hei en, la class--six entries.`--Gist,` Dr. Pass; 2nd, dward om. _ _ _ Grade Cow giving milIc-eight enln'a.-1at Wm. H. Pam- iage; 2n`d,_Edyvard om. G ' A Twtryear old Grade Heifr-ve entries.`--1at, Edward Gave; 2nd, Jno. Darby ' ' Yearling" Grade Heifer-thre entriu.-13$, Joseph Johnson; 2nd, ditto. ..-n-nu Univ; 4911, M10. Ulby Grade Heifer-`-t4 Joseph Johnson; , as El?pIl *- t Kinema- ndsnltho? sons were nmg gangs ercbanls of sheries, all ed. From partial , IT and boats. even crews ks, Missis ` nrnlm hid ' ,-_.' _.vu-nu lllllllruo . 1r 1" `or 17uzy-.eaa.'?e}Jn'a.-+uc; 3 Wicfgzmzgnuby; ` = Tzndycn-.%rutr:dze.3i. Bulls-;four 'entn',ec.-`-1st,: Edward Cave ; and," ditto. . . _ ` , More and F6.al-ve entries.-lat, VJ.oxin.than Sissonp; 2nd,g:litto. { '_ _ . ` ' ' Two year old Call or Filly -_pc entries.--1st,. Edwardjcaieg 2nd, Robert Munro. - -Wi " ':r_ _egntriu.:.-lit The Vsprs Brnnoh,;A_griou1tural Socie1y q__,n- _1_131u'L! Shdjv if heojon `Wednesday jat,`o_n chi ll:-;Tl I_nirs, _Pen'e- Ind my Raim--four 1 _- run} a nun-A....I BARIZ{_IE`M..711I.(i'JT nnjponzr} -DAIRY PBODUOf. ..-.:...-,, . . --i aztriu.-1st, Edward om; ;-vm, Max-`tin John- us, 1313515- probably .. Ind crews Arahnu 11-1 Vn.-am; Saul . `as? 1935; 0 BE SOLD, the Property known as the 0RILLIA_ `MILLS, situate within a short distalnceAof"the village of Orillia, gnd ,cg[j5i3ng of Griatlll, Saw Mill, 3 large and con`1modious' Frame Dwelling House: with out-houses" and" 110 acres of Land; a canal Am-able.porlion of which is cleared. . ' V lf'o1fterm8,3_pply:to. V 1 -. . AMES DALLAS. 90.15 . 7 Boot` J ohu` M ~I)Ul'l.'y , 13550 9 Brett, Thomas Cameron, Hugh Cookley Margret, .Dar_ling. John . Davis..Jnmes Fox-tier, 0. P. Fortier, P. 3'. Foster, Thoiaat - Graham, Joseph Green _ ' .Tm-nh \.I'l.'l1IlBll.|, I! U515!-I `Green, Jacob Harrigan, bHu`ell`,A J. orima. Sept 2:2} xaao; nnnnln, zujuu Allnlmur. ` V - ' 5, 13005 V . 3'-f'_;.m 5 `9 WW 13" two year! old, sud th A la; up}-Egg : foals. 1 ` - the pur-, OUT-BUILDINGS fX1_\iD FENCES" ; - E_M:;I_NIvN(-} invth'e POST OFFICE, BARRIE, RT October 1st, 1860. ' ` ` Persons calling will please askfar adaeizm Lette'rs'~ "Appleton, Isaac` ' Hudson, Mrs. Julih. Baker, Bamey J obnaton. Charles (2) ?Bens'on,.H, Key, James T. fnnvv fungi?" ` Vin our TY-I -3-3 .1.` _.ulllllll'. c uulumg` I `DBOOIIQ or Third 0135: Get`-ticato L accepted. ' : - `V Ap 1y` to JAME8~~ RKPATRIOKorJ\0HN TIIISIIOI. L . 34th` Oonceninn `vxvuu vuuv uu_ IIVUII .\u_gcq_uu clnger; . . xiazgaig, Au a catch at M from I formation a for last equal to is amount, rim: them nuav: Certain .Plumber s Work required for the above _ , Asylum. Plans and Specications to be seen at the Ofce of the undersigned, No. 8, King Street West, .and_a.t the Branch Asylum, Orillia. `l7I'1'7Aa mn-rrvv' _ ` -Provincial Lunaticeisyluni. ` 0 RILLI A B RANC H. .--.1-- T0 CONTRAC1`0RS. ' TENDERS will "be received by the undersigned, . until noon, ' , . On Wednesday, the 10;}; . October ma, V . I Hotel. Will PPLIC.A'l`ION will be made utlvlthe next meet- ` ing oftbe Council of Orillia and Matchedash, to legalize a. road on Lot No 37, . in the Village of -Orillia, leading from Bay street to the Lake. Orillia, October 1st, 1860. . 40~4in uungun \.'uy.unqlV1Ul\l`J, Ldnd and Timber gent, Provincial Land `Sur- T veyor, and County Surveyor of Simcoe. `Barrie, October 2, 1860. b 40 _.UPPER `CANADA . - J TRUST AND LOAN BUMPANY. HEN-RY CRESWICKE, L A .Agent and .dppraiser. Onion-a-0ollier Street, -East. of the Market House, .Bu-tie. . - . ...... ;_uu.. nu: m mug great prmse to your '0: reslonn Io hcnll -our chnldren. We consider remedy fore the public for the cure of worms. ' Yours respectfully, 7 S .J.M.4 - (mica) ` ~ .]lYlANll-`.9 Z R'._ ARTHUR ARDAGH, `Member Royal College of Surgeons, Englahd; L. M.` Dunlop-street, Barrie. t\..L..L.... n_.I 1 n/an JIIUULV LA111 nllalb \'VUK.M. TEA. ' Cmmcx Hn.I., Sim_coe County, C.V`\_ . ` llrlassna. B. L. Junsos & Co.. _ DEAR Sms-l take great pleasure in giving my testimony in favour of 'our Motmtnilrerb \Vorm Tea. I had a child six years 0 age, who had been troubled for a lon time with worms. I tried several different kinds, of me ictncs, but they done_no manner of cod. Mr. Main. your agent at Cherry Creek, recommen ed your \ Vorm-Tea. which I am hop 3' to say. that after giving it according to directions, ll great y exceeded my ex ectationa. He only took half of the package. ` He is now Eenlthy and growing more robust than ever before. I gave the remainder to a neighbour, who join: me in giving great praise \\'orm Tea Ill it the best efore worms. `Mum; BIL. Jtmsox & Co., A CHILD NEARLY DEAD. V ' Cnxnnv Cane}, Simcoe, G.W. Sme-My child has been very d with worms for a long time. I tried all warm medicmeq: they availed nothing. Your agent. W. B. Main, at this place, recommended your Mountain Herb Tea. I had given up my child an incurable, but concluded to try a package. ' Before it washnlf nish- ed, brought nwny worms from 410 8 inches long, most all of which were knotted into little balls. I may say he passed nearlya pint. I take pleasure in recommending Judson : Mountain Herb Worm Tea to all parents suffering with this complaint in preference to any other worm medicine. Respectfulgt yours. . (Signed) - - R BERT IIEPPINS'l;ALLrL. I her of the `exposed of nets 4: is then- _.___..__.-_.._.____-.._____._. EXTRAORDINARY WORKS OF _JUDSON S MOUNTAIN HERB WORM TEA. Crmncx Hn.1'.. Sim.-..:. na....... rv ur ,,,..-__'. - vvltl u MRS: ANN JEMISON. ao Niml: Street. Purchasers will he carful to ask forDR. M1.ANEs` GE EBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEM- INGBROS. of Prrrsnuaun. P4. All other Vermifu es in comparison are worthless. Dr. M Iane genuine ermi- uge. ulio his celebrated Lwer Pills, can now be had at all respectable dru stores. Nonegenuine without the 5' are qf FLEM NG BROS. ' (40) -lNO'll'l_1lBAOI'- GOOD -moms or` own err: nzsn-i _ _ PIES T0"'!'H EFFICACY OF DR. M LANE SA.CELEBRAA 1`ED VERMIFUGE, menu 3! manna imos., prn-s.nt'men, u. 4 _ Nxw Yong. February '1, 1652. . Q-I doherehy ceify to the public, that achild of min {our years old, bemg troubled with warm, I was induc ato purchase a. bottle of Dr. M Lane a Celebemzed Venmfuge. Vprepaged by Fleming Bron, ot Pittsbnrh, .Pa-., which 1 gdmm1s tered5 and the result wan. it` numberqf worms In bunches and strings: man ad the appearance of being cut to pieces. , My child 1': taught away an. nuw enjaymg nnoarexcellent health. I take pleasure in` recommending it to botlryoung and" old, as one of the best medicine: I ever used. - ' - . man .u.. ....--..--. .. --. A 4o-zin 49-2iz : uu"A_I.V`l'lhl UUBDIAL.` ' We would request particular attention to the advertise; lmentnf Meun. Cnuncu as Durozrr, addressed to*'Moth- en." The Inirurrn.I Coitmu. of Dr. Enron in a medicine `Roost celebrity, and the standing of its manufactureu . n euicient guarantee of the care taken in its pre- parauon, and its unvarying purity. - The Bmon Foon" II for u_ clue of diseases unfortunately very prevalent in this vicmitv. and its hi h reputation should ensure a ready, -sale.-_-W|'lZt'amaatic( mut.) Joumhl. !3"8ee advertise- mun! V- .... . uulal ul uueuea umorlunalelv h`repulaIio1_1 om.) Joumal. rsee advertise-N meat.` - Barrie; Oct. 2," 1869. ~ M3hl1Y3.0Y onthe19ih' `F m6l`l!EQ,,gf`_&a`ugh'r.. I ` e9rW.B.Ch:L 2'Ao'n.`_-_ _'_- . _' Tnuday} Oqtobr l` ! Ygtt'tday,towin g to '_t.hoI'ra'ia'3 lId `56 limb-1 dt_1_l_q9gI.9f Monday,_ thgre with little on-;notthing= done`-iga t_he_ market. only a (gin: Imp]; of wheat A ;wero h`I'Ight `at the highest prion a for the be - of which $1522} per. bushel won 't extreme, `an . ' the _'lqwea_t :1 15. `span What`.ateaay at 31,` `and for a very prime lot 1' o3`mifght"h-rghlized. ~Ba_rley~was steady at 63. per bushel. Oats are` ,qmet_ at 286. 3 30; per bushel; * - Of other articles there was littl_e_ offering; and price: -remain un- changed. _ `j 7 ii "_"- ' `VT??? ` won Sch ` -Section~ N"umbe 2 '1" my 1 3' Mu oldih n.`:Se::ong`:)r in . .. ~ Iui Om-ti ha at-.nn`n'hul ' 7 ......ar uumuus nauglv` October 2nd 1860. lH.A4R'l`S{ ` (1 Oral delineation of Character ' will be giv or two or three days, at Fraser : yte . . ` `,V ,,-`., -f .1n`IlIlIVI'o~ - . H `Al Bin-ie, on ghelh tilt," the wifcbt Mr. ~'V1'.! Lwin * ' New bnertiaettttilts. -._\;._-u\.,............. rroperty for SM: LIST or LJETITERS IlA1*\1'I'\vt1 9,, I\(\I-up-1 A-__.-._. _ ._. .TORON'.l`0 ----.- -- HENRY CRESWICKE, Ill Tianhnr Human! D-nu--'----'-7 PHaENoLdE?T ---- , noon Teacher `wanted, L: !....o:.`. ...'nI*;.....I.-_ . nu'__,,:.`. %5p ;cial Ifhtitgea. For the conistx-ucthion of -- " INFANTILE `oonpun. I manna: m.-a:....I- . .......x.._ .. -. l_NO'TICE. 9.5 ;.f1'f umerue, nuwaru `H McDonald, Hugh . McDonald, E. A. McDongall, James H. `McMahon, John McLean, Allan McQueen, Peter Osborne, Edward ' - `Plaxton, William Ridden, John" Thomas, John Julia Knox, Dtivid vLawson,Oyers , ` _Libertie, Edward ' Mnnnnnl nah J. O LEARY, fesnor of Phrenology. [ 40 Hudson : 1-). besides 1? daily ra- or Detroit ...J ....-, vn nu KIVAS TIIHITLY, ' rchitect. _ `Joiw A"rmN LANE, - Posnusnn. tn 1.uuA'o1'~JUN Q 54th` T Oonceisiop -ecmuly, M. J. MALTBY, JAMES KIRKUP. % ..3"`.`."`. uni` 4ngst14, web. A, , snnnxms sun S(I){!'i'GI(;).INJ)S-0dUNTY or On Tuesday, the .140: .,u,,-mt; 1860, will be sold by . ' Public uction, ' AT `the SHERIFF S OFFICE, in the -Court House, in BARRIE, at,12 o'clock, noon,`the undermentioned LANDS, `orftbe interest of the` Defendants therein, undexj Writs} in the follovying Suits :-- M T... 6|..- IC-.._A_ I1-.-_'A -5 .1 - n, . - _.-- Ill 08 ll! `Ian will be DI-"L3 Z" ' In the County Court of the County of Siincoe, HUGE WILLIAM CAMPAIGN Plaintiff, _vs. JOHN GRAGE and WILLIAM BOYLE, Defende ants. . The West half of Lot Number Ten, inthe Seventh Concession of the .'I`ownahip'of Mnlmur-V-` 100 eater . 1.`. oh. ` ....-s...n-__. ._x .L_ 11.-_, . - _ " Ml;5th`,l$60.- .PerB.-W. ; .131 . The above Sale in-POSTPONED, nhtil` HON- DAY, the 229:1 dgyof _0oxpn:p ngxt, at the `same V. _ _L;,..'_`; 1', V_,. .' V_.' I * ' ;.'- I - Inn cession of the Township of Adjaln, 100 acres. `_ In the Court of Queen's-Bench, CHARLES MACDONELL, ,Plainti&`, `vs. HENRY PERRIN, of the Town of Collingwood, in the County of Simcoe, Defendant, the West halves of Lots 9 and 10, on the East side of A Cedar Street, in the Town of Collingwood. ' ` . ` _ . In the _Queen s Bejnch,_CHARLES B. SMITH, Plainti`, ha.` WILLIAM F. SMITH, .Defendant, ' Town Lots Number `Four and Fiv`e, on the South side of Elizabeth `Street, in the Town of Barrie, as laid out upon the West Half of Lot Number Twenty-Four, T in the fth Coucessionjof the Town- ship of Vespra. in the County of` Simcoe, by William Gibbard, Esquire, for Heury;Ranne1s Alver. Boys, Esquire. - - 4 B. W.`SMITH, Shmf, 0.8. ` . B. W. BOSS, Deputy. Juiy 16,1860. 29.1a:..' LUV B01795} ' ` ' In the Cpnntycoupt of the County of Brant,` WILLIAM DARBY, Assignee of ANDREW Mo- GILL, Plainti," vs. JAMES -ROBERT BRAD- BURY, Defendant`, under 5' Writ `of Venditioni` ` The North hglf ofALot No. Eighteen, 2:: the ,fo'urthV Gdnceuion of the ` Towxishin nf uqauuus. nae noun nglr or not No. Eighteen, in; th fourth Gdncepsion Tow`n'sh_ip .of T0uo`ro`nti9.1 ` .. F ` " In If? lsuovinv-V _Juiy 16,1860. COUNTY .OF SIMCOE. On Monday, 22nd`, October, 1860, Will be `Sold by Public Auction, AT the SHERIFF'S OFFICE, in the Court House, in Barrie, at 12 o'clock, noon, the undermentioned LANDS, or the interest of the gefendants therein, under Write in the following nits:-- * ' . - In the Que '5 Bench, ROBERT KEENAN, Pleinti`, vs. LA RENCE MCBRIDE, Defendant, the East half of Lot Number 10, in the 5th Cou- cession of the Township of 100.ac_res. In` th Court of 0nenn g4 Ranch (`.FIARl .'l`..Q Samurws Option, B July 31, 1860. Snanm- sVO1mom, BAnain, April 24th, 1860. FIVE... AL`-.. G-I- :_ Ylrrnnir-r mg. :13 IU ,5_00 gal- e Fishery re of Oil. 0 any ex- sin 9; man . they for-` e lessees . - - -. guard -.- - --.., nuvvu "r , I The above Sale is FURTHR POSTPONED until MONDAY, the 22nd day _of Ocrom-zn next, at. the same` place and hour. T 3. w. smmi, B.uuma,: - Sherzjm C. S. July 31. 1860. 31-I`?-in VV'I`he above sale is posfponed until `Tuesday, March 6th, 1860, at same place and hour, . . B. W. S.\ll'l`H, Smmm- s Onmcn, BARRIQ} 'Slw1`i_', 0.8., Jan. 31st, 1860. * V5-5ins The `above Sale is FURTHER POSTPONED until TUESDAY, Arm. 24th, 1860, at the same place and `hour. - ` 4 . B. W. S.\lI'I`H, Samunfs Omen, Bumu:,g Sherqf, 0.8. ' March 6, 1860. I0-'lin The above Sale of Lands is FURTHER POST- PONED until TUESDAY, the 31st. day of J our next, at the same place and hour. 1 T ` -' B.` W. SMITH, T sl01mom. Buuun. 3 Sheriff. (ls- Slfxmn- s O1-`nan, Bmnm Oct. 24th, 1859. I 4 uuuunun anu U'l'iUlVU'1'4' 11. UHISN m, I have seized and taken in execution the North half of Lot No. 61, in the 1st Concession of Mi-lonte 100 `a.c_i-ea; and the North 9.71-_t 'ofL_ot No. 52, in the jet Concession of Me onte, 160 acres; and will sell the same or the interest of the aim-e named `defendant therein, at my` Oice, in the Court House in_ the Town of Barrie, on TU I-Zh l)AY, the Thirty-first day of JANUARY, AD. 1860, at Twelve o'clock, noon. , T ' B. W. S.\H'l`H, SHERIFB"8 O1-`nae. Bmnm.) .5 /mr1'lf'. DR Covmr or Smcos, Y Virtue of two "several , T0 wn: . ' Writs `of Fmri .Fucias, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tcnements of ROBERT STANTON; at the, suits of-lst, ANDREW HERON,.t-he younger; 2nd. HORACE METCALF and GEORGE H. CHENEY, Ihave seized and in executinn the Mm-th hm` no- Sn:nm=~ s OFFICE, Barnum, g Sept. 6, 1860. liberifva m1bcrti.uemeat13. V\f\KJtI\I\.%&RJ\AAJ\\\\\\\\'\I\I\\JV`J\\/vxV\f\f\\\.\I\AI\I\An' H ll-LUl'lUU- Apply at Mr. O Brie farm, Shanty Buy, Oro. Sept. 18th, 1860. 38-3in Barrie, Sept. 1st, 1860. th east: V to Cape em to the .' 4 cash, and however, ` ian `pone THO GHBRED Devon Bull Calf, got by _,-Prince Wales, from the well known herd of the late . Robert Ferric, of Doon, Co. Waterloo. ' Avun`vv -5 u- n1n_:- _p_.__ on, . u t\ NY he:-son cutting" timber-,_oVr otherwise tres- passing on the undeunentioned Lots, will be prosecuted, viz: . North half of Lots 24 and A25, in the 8th Con. ; West half of Lot 22, and Lots 24, 26, and 27, in the 9th Obn. oflnuisl. Dnmmnxr n_' gnu-.1:-ma` I no 9 ? I ' I CONTMNING 28 autifixy executed views of the principal.-'p1o;'ces'vfsitedjay the Prince and Suite , in`Caua.da, incloaed in an elegaht illumi- nated envelope. ' ` nnvnu ntrrvr LI` nu`-nun Sept. 25, 1860. at ,2 NM, . a HITQDI Qll ~ V -`LL30, 1- S931: 4-year old Colts, 2 Good Milch Cows, 2 Heifers in Calf, ' : 1 Yoke of good Worki TERMS :--$8, and nude: Cos ' 14Months Credit, by fnxnishin dorsed N ates. awe, Sept. 25, `1eo_g__ ......-_ ........ ........ ....- - ....u-as u_u`nI:u.lllIB I!-- 106. Acre; of Ex, llent F1mning,Land with Stoxet Diielling, ` `Stable, andall necessary conveniences on the ' xmses, situated on Lot No. 1, in the 9th Oonce en of;Innis,l. 'l`ERMS:-QuAu-ter the purchase money dowmbalanceein fonneq l A nuallnstalmenta. . -AI.so. ' THE PRINQE, OF:WALESA"1 aouqusr, M ggllfifflnifv nvdnnfn viyhxnua Al` 1 P JAMIESON, on t tioned Land, Smc VUV "% "'3;."7iti;'6Z-lobar, 1860, on thenremises ow occnnied bv M. nnxmnm L1 0 m= ExA LLu_I__nMms mun. W{ERIFF S SALE OF LA DS. SHERIFF'S s_gL_ or LANDS. - meiveh 1"` V ._ o'ertoP uc Competition m om `O x_. lI'I'I____-_, , A1! A . `. .__. POSTPONEMENT. T/Notice to Lumberers. "I- ;I~(;`E ONLY 25' CENTS . At the ADVANCE sronm. `(IDA l P.T< or ASSIZE-.. zdvnnce ', in will employ as `one from men, who has 5 has nanied 1 ted by any shed, _:nd respasqxng; or 1859, 1 5n xssosm FOR SALE; vrvruvvu-uv\~\- .. 'PATTON at ARADAGILL` 90 at` in B; CL) D. ` .1113 erzjf, C'.S 9! . 29-13in . `as. I L_. ('.8. V . (me . and Oil} smug, 6'r :_|ining`and` Narbling.--_ e `Churches of. Hall: nished i_n tho"1-idhest Fresco. V vuncuy, Vuul uupurlur wonnnen. ((1 put them up. Helms also at their service a full stock of Paints andolota, dry and in Oil, Rsw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, mprranted genuine,Spi;jits of Turpentine, Vnrniphes, Putt , Glassof all Sizes from 60 x 86 to 623 inches, pom polihed `late to the cheapest` Wiqdbw Glue, Figuredfand ined Glass, many pitta:-,na ind colors; _Brushes to; Painters, White-- A washers, and Artists; Glue ofull qualities, Send Pl 1'; &O. ,:v~-:2. - as am: Docorti16.PaintIng in Wm: a:1-i- .:~...... ..r ..,- t::':un\G 80- 917. 'n::` dians,_and umpany 3| Ell number E-iy;,;3..._,1;g,.n"g;. Unurcues or nan: nmsnea In me`:-Io! [gr uanuabuaamt-ao ya AZYSIIV Illll ALEXANDER HAMILTON, .1` his stand, 188 King St:-ee_t East, below St. . `Lawrence Market, is now offering to his old friends and customers, and the Public , GREAT _ BARGAINS `OF ROOM PAPERS, - from the most. extensivgvaried and cheapest stock of Ptsperangings e`ver`presented to them in Canada. 7'.They are most suitable for decorating Dining, Drawing, and` Bedroogns, islls, Public Bniltiings, -Ceilings, Oioes, or Stoms; Borders, Oomrs, Centres, Mouldings,`S_t.aIi:os in `great variety, with superior worlmen. tdput them - llehsulso their sotvioesfnll stock of Pam. rleues, ac. ac . Our-Oiliceiwiil be ohen at all times` dxiring bu-I`. siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and pecimens of work to any who may favour us with a. call. V . ~ . '; T 7 All orders through our Agentswill be promptly attended to. . . - ' KG` Please remember that our Marble is of the finest quality. Our, designs for the above work are of the latest styles. Orders, for any work in ' Marble executed with taste and despatch. D.` Canes `Yum. , V Wmnux Y1u._I.` lnmmo :1 mm ' no 1- .0. & Wm. YALE, Importers and Dez.:.1e1- s in . Italian and mcrican Marblg; also, manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomband Ggayg ' Stones, Centre-Table and Sta.n_;,iT7()/1`)s',,0hiix1gg-.}{ ` Pieces, &c. &c. nnr.nmn,a'u:HI I-m Anny` at -11 13...)...` .l...:_. I... ROOM rAPnsT'oM was 2: TL gnoouj g_5_1=Ens:!:% at-ruugur ciaun upon their patronage. Every. requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most reasonable terms. A V REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH ~DESPATCH. E3` Specimens of wonkmanship kept on hand, and parties are invited to inspect them are they think of purchasing elsewhere: Support home manufacture. - L ' Barrie, March 26, 1860. T my ,,_-_`, V- v_--v -s-nu-v; BEGS to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for the very_libera.1 "support he has received since his residence in Barrie; and hav- ing increased his facilities for doing work of the very best. description, he presumes to have a stronger claim upon their` patronage. Every. requisite snortsmen aunnlind nn Hun uaoas, in szytes to aunt at customers. N.B.-Onstomers may rely on having rmente made to measure in elegant style, "an in the latest fashion. Barrie 0ct.ober,1859. V A A 14-tf EIIVNS! TRIIILES, V1114]: AND, D]! Cloths, Doeskins, , Cassimeres, Tweeds Satinetts, and Canadian Cloths, . I-, % L M.f B_URNSm,"' Gun Makcr,`D'unlop Street, Barrie, `l\1i"(1Q on -45..-- L:_' -2- H. BENNETT"S Fashionable Tailohng, Clothing and Goimral Outtting Establishment, Dun1opT8t., Barrie, CALL AND. stmms rocx or Cloths. Dnaszkinn, W-Ma (`mn- And Ready-Made Clothing, Made b t 2 vw Im -.1 T .,;, ofz$If`izyz..":.. .313 {IzZ L';2 .1 rZ" * N.R_--f`.n:tnmm-A mov rah} An Im-:.... ...............a... , and known -and described as Lot number Twenty, , ter of Lot number Twelve, in the First Concession . .cels of Land and Premises, situate in the Town- ,,, .__ -_--- 1- {--v-w Aullualvll I.LlDlV`\l` . FOY `andiJ,AMES-AUSTIN, Plaintiffs. vs..JANE HARPER, as Administratrixv or trainee,` HAR- PER, Deccased,: under two"Writs` er Venditiorti E::po_nas.and Fieri Facias, residue `of all the Defen- dants interest in the following Lands, nlmely:- Village L,ot;in the Village of Cookstown, consist- ing of One "Acre and a half an `Acre of Land, more or less, . being Lot number Two and mot number Three, on King street, in the_said village, and being composed of part of Lot number Twen- ty,-four, in the 15th Concession of the Township of Tecumseth; a certain parcel or tract of Land in the Township of Essa, in the County of "Simcoe, in the Fourth Concession oi the said Township of Essa, containing Two Hundred acres, more `or less ; also a certain other tract or parcel of Land and premises, composed ofthe North-West Quar- ` of the Township `of Essa, aforesaid, and contain- ` ing Efty acres, more or less; also a certain other tract or pjrcel of Land and premises, situate in the Township of Mono, in the County "of Simcoe aforesaid, being the West Half of .Lot number Five, ip the Third Concession of -the said Town- ship, Bust of Hurontario, street, and containing "One Hundred Acres, more_ or less, also one Vil- lage Lot`, containing Half an_Acre of Land, be. the same more or less, at Turnbull Corners, so called, in the above mentioned Township of Essa, and being part of the `South-East part of Lot number Six, in the said Township of Essa. The whole of that tract or tracts, or parcel or par- ship of innisfil, in the County of Simcoe aforesaid, being composed of part of the South Half of Lot number One, and of part of the South Half of Lot number Two, in the First Concession of the` said Township of Innislil, and containing by ad- measurement Fifty-nine Acres, be the same more or less; also all that tract or parcel of Land and premises, situate in the Township of West Gwil- limbury, in the County of_ Simcoe aforesaid, being composed of Lot number Two, in the Fifteenth Concession of the said last mentioned Township, and containing by admeasurement Thirty-six acres, he the samemoreaor less; also a certain Villageliot, in the Villagevof Cookstown afore- said, known on the plan of said village as Lot number six on Quinn street, and containing by admeasurement nearly an Acre. `n 117 noon-nu-v . , . . Sheriff 0 Smzmrx- .s Omen. BAIlBIE,_} Per B. W. Ross, `ugust 28, 1860. 35-l3t . Dept General Outttitng Establishment! % . TORONTO V . MARBLE WORKS; Y0NGEV. 9'I`R'R'I1`.'l` -`M'l'|D'l'I! nu nnvmmu Ia VLISLUH IAIAE. `August. 8, 1854. A In the County Court Rube Countyof Middle- sex, EDWIN HEATHFIELD; Plaintiff, vs. JANE HARPER, _a.s Administratrix of JJkMES HAR- PER, Deceased. _ V ~ 1 ' ant! ` Inv Vthe Court of-`Que:-en's bench, PATRICK `and JAMESAUSTIN; vs. JANE HARPER.` ma Adminintrsrhv AV _1mim.c:`nan_ i In,the.Bouuty Cent-trofithe of Silncoo, ISAAC DENNIS,`Pl'ninti', vs: JA s JEFF`- ERY, Defendant. The Southh ll` of `Lot Number `Ninety-Seven, on the West si e of the Pene_tan- guisheneiltoad, in- the Township df Tiny, "One Hundred Acres, and Village Lots Number Two and `Three, on the South side of Mill Street and East side of the Penetauguishene Road, in `the Village of Macville, containing One -Quarter of an Acre each, as laid out on Lot Number Ninety- Igour, in the First Concession of the Township of my. 7 In the County Court otftthe County` of Simcoe, THOMA$.- SIMPLE, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN SMITH "Defendant. The East pint of the West hilf Lot N3unber.0ne Hundred and Tito, in the First 0once_saibn _ of the Township of Ti ), Fifty Acx`es,t as the Proprty of the Plaintilf, toAsstiafy'_ the .Defendug- for costs in his ldefeno. ' - - infthe ognt - of {be Cnuiy of Siliacoe, 5 `anonem KID and'JOSEPH KIDD;'Plainl.i`. s, vs; THOMAS ROBINSON, Defen'clan;~._.- The Wat hq._1f{of Lot N umbeg Si_x,' .ix_1 the Second Conceusiop if the Township _of `Togsorontio, One Hundred ores. j ` . s vr '.-. . `~j5;?.b6tzNi~rTo1i smo'o.5n"' 1 L 1.0;: my 1_st Deembr, 1860, BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AtIOTION,'at; I `the Sheriff : Oice, in the Conn-9 H9033, in.;Barr_ie,`u 12 .o clock, noon, the nndermgntfoned Lands, 0;--the Integeag of the Dgfendantsherein, undepwritq in the" following Suits :- \ 1_.";I , A-u . A. _.,_.-. u.:Itl\\Il .Y()'NA`(";I;`.?STREI.s}T,_'N'(.)RTH `or QUEEN. FbYOU want, io gag GOOD and CHEAP ` CLOTHING, go to _.a`s`?t:.`::.`.%:.9.:":.`.:;::=: .E:#:=;.:,? ::e:.: f Sale at Lands. , 1 iini-vsvmtv An c-mun:-un ESTABLTSHED: IN 1829. 13$ E; L 3. .' EC. Ihll luv FIBBUUI lw'5mmt' `30 ' rs Q . HA:'f'L1'o?" 59. 5 17.1.! ' A ....r1ss. Kin ,Streot,'V u.n1.3 DLUUA U1` Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Braces, Hosiery, Glove, B. W. sumr, Sim:-HT I` .u.11u, ; It T5 0. S. W any; 1 ll 1 AD- 28-ly ' K galwu 1'7-_u llfilne qeu 1nw_res}s qt their. graduates. :b--_St,udenlsM nt.erin_g nny_ one of these Collegeg, ypnyment of $40, bco_me enmledjo the pun- Llegoqof the. game : chaIt_s, compgising eight. of V:h.C:`!|}0at.thorou Ix, extumv9,_ pracncal apd popq. - gt Ifgainpqs Scvooylgs `ID the wqrld. `For ACu,t__a- `I031!!! _ui_d gircuju-I, call at tbg College Rooms, .:dr:addresaIlubove.. . -' . 2 Sum sumuara or ,1"enmansIn'p is the famous ll ' I `"3! .' - tuflents commence at any time, as there are my vacations. . L ' colleges have an extensive a nninlance in seven lei-ge pitiep, and alyayg cpnsi er it a pleasure to t`mW!m but interests of their-.3:-adnates. 1 -I-Students iintenh n'nv' one nf than ('2.-mm... : The Principal: vand'1'eachers of this Chain of. A - uuwx mm: Al` BUF'l_7'ALO,-Corner Seneca and Main Streets. N. Y. GI l`Y,---Cooper_ I1_Ls_tilute, .dslor Place. PHILAvDELPH_IA',--Corngr m and Chestnut Sta. .0HI0`A_GO,---Cor1_u3r_ C'lur]c and Washington Sh. AL BAN Y,--No . 448 Bidadway. QLEVELAND +C0rmr Seneca and Superior Sts. DETROIT -- 0. 70 Woodward ufvenue.` s_1-.LoU.I$,, j--Comer 7th and Vine Streets; Iuulu-vl IIIlIIII\I- I I Illvln `III UIIUII for any quantity of _ GOOD MERCIIANTABLE WHEAT, deliveredither at their Mills, 01'. at their DEPOT in BARBIE. . 3 53- PARTICULAR JTTENTION map To GRISTING 5, cvsrom WORK. .5; - A.nnnnt hntlxnnn nnpnnll in Ram-in MI... .-.6` ll'.l'Kl.A31.lLVlJ 9' U1" WUIUL. A.Depot has'been opened in Barrie, Westof tb_e l;l[_nirk9lVHon1se,A where we will constantly keep _on hand--FLOUR of the best qnalit , which we will` wamnt .to customers; OA S, PEAS, BEAN. and all kinds of mill nmu. 'Ba_rrio, Jun 22nd,- 1860; V -:1--11:11: IvII&I-\Ii are now putting them in excellent repair, and are prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH fnln nu-Iv nnnntur til-' Will warrant to` cuswmcrs. U1 BRAN, mid all kinds of mill diil. EVQPV nnrf. Win ha rnln in ulna: DEAL`, uuu till KIIIUS OT Ullll. 01131. " Every effort will be made to please those with whom we; may do -business. All we ask from the public is a fair and impartial trial. - ` M A . w. J: J . mnnsm FLOUR, OATS, PEAS, BRAN 8: MILL OFFAL FOR SALE. . FOR COLLINGWOOD. 7.00A.)l. Exprgss.........;.......... 4.001>.u. Arrive Collingwood. . . . . . . . .12.45 and 9.00 I`..Vl. LEAVE COLLlNGWOOD- Express......_................... 5.30 A.M. 3.00 mm. Arrive Toronto........ 10.15 AJI. and 9.00 9.11. J. LEWIS GRANT, V A Superintendent. [Cash for wheat_Gash for wheat I vrmg utrrv pon sh, ' on` sh for Septem- ians and her ll . attached to -the Advance Printing Oii-e, Barrie: The above bu.-nines; has been carried on with suc- cess for nearly ve years, and must be disposed of by reason of other engagements. 13- For particulars, apply on the remises. N.B.-If the above is not early cisposed of, the whole Stockwill be relailed out at 30 per cent below usual prices, of which notice will be given. Barrie, Julv 3, I860. lorthefn` Railway of Canada. vvvuv VIII IIUIII-III, TU! attached Oice, Barrie. has been carried nn mm. 3 H 7 7* - a i , B~_UTC'HER, ~P(_)ULTERER, BACON ./IND H./MI CURER, SA USA GE JIMKER, am, No. 8 Market Stall--Rcsid'cnce, Buyeld-st. Basri EGS to inform the public generally that he has constantly on hand a good supply of thelprimeist quality of Fresh Meats, Poultry, &c. Home Cured Hams and l3acon-smoked and, white dried; Barreled Pork and Beet, which are offered at the lowest possible price. Barrie, May 16; 1860. W-ly 33;: .;..___.. sm TIONER Qizvp BOOKSELLEIPS BUSI- NESS E012 SALE. rjj LOT No. 7`in the 9th Concession, and Lot No 6 in the 10th Concession of Innisl, 400 acres ; A situated 5 miles from Barrie, the County Town of Simcoe, and near the Railroad. Good soil, and no swamp on either Lot. Well wooded with Beach, Maple and Pine.` Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply, post paid, Post. Office, Oshawa,` O. W. Box No. 7. 34-tf Vespra, June 26, 1860. ACRES, being composed of Lot Number _ 20,12th Con. Vespm, with new Burn, 30 by 52, Dwelling-house 20 by 30, Stable, Out- houses, &c. There is a good thriving Orchard on the premises, and 40 acres Cleared, under Fence and in Crop. For particulars, apply. to_ WILBERFORCE TAYLOR, On the nremises: GENERAL `IN FORMATION. Our standard of ,PenmansIn'p is the `Snncen'a'n. --ALBO,.-- . About 21 Acres of" LAND, cleared, to of which isunder cultivation. The Cottage can be rented with or without the Land. v ' For particulars. apply to this oice, to John Alexander, Esq., or_ to the owner, ~ I T , MRS. P. RICHARDSON. Barrie, March 2], 1860. I2-tf 'ch, Capo. , acked in. r agenn, paid {qr J. 80531011, A REA-'1` UUTITAGE BUILT HOUSE, contain5ng.2 Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms, Servantls Room, Kitchen, and an. excellent Cellar; with good .S I`ABLING, OUTHUUSES, a Garden, and an Orchard in bearing: Ritnnfp nhnm, on ...:....o.v.. goon p l.`AbhlNUr, UUTHUUSES, Orchard bearing; situate about 20 minute s walk from the Market at Barrie, (and fronting the Bay. :Ar,:n j TO be Rented or-Leased, with immediate pos- session; A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT confnininxril pa!-Inn:-ca 9` 11.! `D,......... Q .... ._n_ |co1"rAGE TOR]-:N'1or LEASE, ; WITH 26 ACRES rmmnwn Toronto, May 5, 1860. - , 4.. vv gI_-.o'ts4Nos.e& 9 LI. -HUD! I-ll Dune. 7 A , N; S.'Lonisu Streev.-Lots Noe. H, 12, 13,.& 14,'N'. 8. Elizabeth Street, and 11, 12, 13," &`-I4, S.S. Henry Street, Perry ` Estate. - . S. `hf of Lot 14, Betczy Street, Roe : Block, `i acre and Dwelling House. L ' Lots 19 & 20, East side of Bayeld Street, Pntton s Block, Mill road, nearly an acre with a good Dwelling House. . The E 1 of Pail: Lot No, 1, North side of Napier Street; 21 acres. 14 acres in the townplot ofKs.vn=xxnt.n1'. Lot 8, St. Paul Street, Connmawoon. V Th3 abovt! bl! ldlnhnnn and nu noev On-u-nu uul. ,0, BL K8!!! EIFEPC, UOLLINGWOOD. _ above will be sold 'cbeap, and on easy tex-ms of payment. fb ` ` d) A 1 i etter ost-pai to ' ' ppy( y-- PW. D. ARDAGH. { . T PATTON & ARDAGH, BARRIE- Bqyie, May 28, 1860. ' ` 22-ly Isual prices, 0! Which I July 3, . VI nu uunuuu . ` Lot 4, & S.,hfof 1l,in the 6th Concession; and 25 in 3rd Concession Flos, ` Lot 27, in the 5th Concession ; 25 in the 4th and - pu-26, in the 8th`of Mulnmr. . -.4 - nu om cleared Earn. . ` 1 ` ' S.-E5} of L0; 1 in- the mth Concession Ngu- wasaga; an oid elem-ed`Parm. . Llot No: 6, in the 10th {Concession Vespra; about 30 acres cleared. E; hf of Lot '14,. in the 1st Oonogssion mos; about 75 acres cleared. A UI run?- I cost e -Islen K... QIQ impoz-tan... -. FEE Subscribers having recently purchased` the Nfhf` of tot 3, in the 8th Concession iiotmwudgag an old cleared Farm. J ` S` R `J. nl [no 1 h. n... inn. 'n-___-,- -- ,- "V0 BE DISPOSED OF, on very advantageous _ terms, the entire Stocks of_ XRZIIL :1 n 1 n - . - - __ - A TOLLENDAL MlLL.S! n nan: .... 5...... ol...L... 2.. .._- ._ _,_, ancrtmemegtjgzgi ..., wnlv .. utvuna 'iifmxs, ?AnuN"nv, &c., _.-he'l_ Priming Oice. FA-RM ' FOR SALE. Geor IfJDD n A T T T7tITV11r1v\ -.-.....-.. FARMS. I-`on $ALE '9. Town Lots in B 7ne 1! In '1 `A? D -`l....:-- a.__-. .---u-- av AUAJAIJ. UL LII} WITH 2b ACRES OFLAND. ` wi1TI._ands. In 9 hfnr 1 I :. an an. n....... TO BE SOLD . `DI . 11, mo. ` un me premises; , Or mo; 0. TODD, "R:-nmn LOCA-Tl-31D AT `nu-nap Qmnna-n an) I `;ni;fANr}i TRATTON2 Q9_In A .v lDI`JlVl` unvn "IA 1 On premises; G. TODD. ruu. W. 85 J. MORSE. 26-If Lynn room. I able infor- ave issued to believe 3 engaged g stations Luuu, Brampton, 0. W. `IRA F nun.` 1., Superintendent. . 1 0 Lll\JL`o 18 famous 5: - '1 z; 88th,. 1858, $`QQI F ALL ; for 8319 by uzuunna IlIYLIW'AlSl`J, mechanics Edge, ` aqd all _otbor Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Gintlery, &c., and all othar Good; i_n the line, at the Lowest Rages. - - ~ 26-If Tdronto. July, 1860. :-- [ IMPQRTER or BRITISH AND AMERICAN, HARDWARE 114 Yongc Sheet, Toronto, (ot.nuulo)_1'wo noon sovm 0P~ADRl.AlDl srurr .._-. V VUII.DERS' muinw.u:1a3, Mechanics ___aqd a_ll _ol:b6x_- 'l'_gols,_ Bongo G -' mum 'nnmng's wharf every nftornoon, nt 5 ovclock, for CAPE VINCENT, BROOK- VILLE and OGDENSBURGII, connecting at. Cape Vincent with Steamers for KINGSTON and Cars for ALBANY and NEW YORK; at ,Ogdensbnrgi_i with RoyalMniI Steamers for MON- TREAL and QUEBEC, and with Cars for BOS- TON. The Boyal Mail Steamers consist of the YIHIIQTQN D AQQDl\hrn n I svnnnn It: xcaauw en ever] make the leablc at . --... .. ...._,..r mun uwzuucus cuuslsl 0! )6 V KlNG:i`ON', PASSPORT, BANSHEE, CHAMPION, and NEW ERA. Thii is tbeonly idix-eci Express Line from To- ronloby Lake. . For -freight or passage dpply to S. WALTON, No.8_Front Street, old Royal Mail Oice, next door to American _Hot.el, or at. the head of Tin- nin_g'a Wharf. ` 117 'Dl`\II'1`n\r A____,. NEW Yoif %1 i3'ii7 r{1E1:NER TWAVE! m:....: _____________ ,, -Albion :Ho1:e1, M O T R E A L, L. W. DECKER, Proprietor. - pleasantly situated at the head of ST. PAUL STREET`, amongst the largest wholesale houses in the city. It has (with business men generally,-and especially with the best Merclinnts of both Provinces) become so great a tizvorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. '1`o meet the extensive in- crease, during the last year, in the business ofthe house, the proprietor has built a large addition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; there have been completed, in the new wing, n.-great number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been retted, and now contains many improve- mentsnnd conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The whole of the beds have, at a great expense, been furnished with NEW -SPRING MATTIKASSES, The Proprietor expects that by continuing his personal management of the con- cern, The Albion, to say the least of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best Dm.1.Au and as HAL! Howsnin Canada. 47-l2mo '1'8*6" . V LAKE ONTARIO EXPRESS " ' ' AND ROYAL MAIL LINE or STEAMERS ..en-_ I3` Fashionable Tailoring executed prompuy on the Premises, on most advantageous terms. Lefrqy, June 23, 1860. 2 TRAVELLERS will nd the above Hotel every way suited to.their omfurt.._ Barrie I-Iotel, ~ BARRIE, C.S., ----V: `v v gaov -I-Abdul` UV \IJpIIJJ`l 5 . The splendid situation of the House, fronlinq on the beautiful Bay of Kempenfc-ldt-t.he sulu-v brityof the air--- l.he purity of the wnter--all com- hine_to render this sputom: of the most. healthy and delightful Summer retreats ; and the Northern Railroad new places it within three hours of, Toronto. H ENRY FI.{ASI-Jl_{, I T..a..'..l` u__ n ,,' _-__--_.,.-.- -...u uvvu suuuulvolllrl The Premises which hevlms now entered have been` greatly enlarged, and in a. few days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors of every description with BOARD, in Private Suits of Apartments, or at the Puhlic.Tnblc,_by the Meal, Day, Week, Month, or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGI-IS, and n LIVERY STABLE connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which hehopes to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- ion this should be known . .- A ---__ ___.._ (in .......u..u uuw ytuucs n wumn mree nours oI_ FRASER, Late of lhe Commercial Hotel, Barrie. Queen's ./Irms Holel, Barrie, 3 Lake Simcor, 141/: July l856. 29 Got) sun THE QUEEN! Hail Columbia 2! Viva la Fmngais ! !! .__ --noon uyva-a.I. u.I U HLDLUU, Formerlykept by the late Mr. John Binghum, and afterwards by Mr. L. Caisse, under the manage- ment of both of whom it wns so 'I_17ul'I'1v1v-nvrnr1- .-.-.-A._..__ . ;uu;.n.u.L1 1 14 .l. OUb\/ILDDJ.` U14! And since he finds, by the Latest Inu-1li.r that there is no more War, orerumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- Lion of the Arts of PEACE! Iwnnunxny Jun run--- ----- ' HE Subscriber would i he has Leased that Burma, -.a9Avu5uu`` ` F` ALL KIND ~ `1*AuuLvuI.a ) for Biro by 8 d of SUP E3103 QUALITY VI LLB Clllilllro ANNUAL DIVISIONS OF PROFIT, as preferable to divisions at intervals of ve, seven, or tenyears. M HOME .\fA,\'AGE.\lENT, tberebf securing a. speedy adjustment of claims, apd liberal regulations for residence and travel. Nn fun-than nun-.. -.-A-!A-J -3. ........ ,5-....,.uu: nu n:>luL'llC8 anu travel. No further gutlay required from the assured than the premium. V JAS. PATTON, Agent. :1. ARDAGII, Medical Referee. .1. KS. AHUAU Barrie, July, 1859; puny a mum: m we Province. Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or quarterly instalments at the option of the assured. ` ' ANNUAL AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS :A_ ,1!` ` 1V.'uw_ RATES OF` Consyeqnent an ue investmew pany`s funds in the Province. Premium: nmmmn ..........n- '-'- '-`- VV`b'\Il.iILIIJ1`L`ul` 'EAVE Trinnin v Wh rf 1 ovclock. forg imp}? \?75nK$3'"?z1.?3Lv5 on to make .1 `close the `in .____. INl'_lDnllA'l"n`n nu nu... Ann _.___._._,,_ -. ux. nuuvvl AiLiW6\7ER _Ti1E WORILDJL ml`; unlnuuli ~24..- U... -1` - George Micbie, Jarnes_Beaty, Hugh Miller, And 111. ---. -._. , ...... . . zuuIu'T,1/1005! ! amnton, Esq. _ . Solicilaf,--Angus Morrison, Esq. Jpplicationa for Fire Risk: received at the Home giioagggzlitgi 1!..l.`V'Vollington-street, opposite Oaiee HorQufs,--10, A. M., 103, P. )1, - _ ISAAC C. GILMOR, President. 3031'." STANTON, Secrelury & Trcwsurer. Toronto, Dec. 22, 1851. ` JAMES PATTON, uent fm (`,'mmh. .Q&....... Bgrrie, ._Ia.n../V1858. __._:-:.__-----.__ W_esternA Assurance 0`o y 0HLIl.'l'lIlID`BY ACT 07 PARLILIINT- CAPITAL - [M Qlfin ..--v-vnv 1` George lIiEbie,, M. `P. Hyes T Walter Macfarlano, T. P. Robnrw, And E. F. Wbittomore,Esquires, and ' Trea:ure?r,--Robert Stanton, Esq. ` . s0h'l.`l'01`.---Anwnn Mnn-:3.-nu I`.-A QUEENS ARMS, Formerlykept by the Mr. Binvlnnn nu: HARM-(_)-NY AND GOOD I-`ELLU\;SIlIP! `L... '[)..-....:...... -..L:-|_ L. 1 ha: Michi- R.-CL Aggicultural Implements F_AL_L__1_NDS, u_nd surmuon Quu n. FIt'i%_I\-_l'}ii'.I_i:_ PVHEEHIETIIR. n.oua menu ('2 E, .wb`norb. Preu`Tdent,-Isuo C..Gn.xon, Estilxire, ; _ Vice-PreVn'den!,-_'--Tnouns HAWOB.1.'H_', Esqgir, _ nmn:cron`s:7 A 3..-..... u':..:.:.. . -- -- -- --V~,vvvv\n,... NO MORE WAFU! -_.. -...`.... - - - qpl,UUU,\[UU. )F'FERS` the following real advantages_ to in- wndn Assurers :'-- BATES OF PREMIUM`, `;OD8 E`(V1|lenI. n_n` Hun :nI1nnCnnn-6 -4` -n .1 , n ----- CAPITAL - - - $1,000,000. \wF'En'fhn 5'nn...!.... _.__| -j,,, . Z1`2;\-1fI.\;-1-'JiI'I';i:3? S'T'.ICCESSI`U'L! Id aim-u Ina n)-la in. I... l ..4...A v Nort 11? `D Qnnvnnu *n_,__ JAMES 3; RYAN, Innnnu-no-non-u A- mconronnso iv AC1` `or 1 _,_._ -- `-..-..-.. o-unusaub 1 401 PABLILIINT. -.----- W, P. SQUIRES, I noPmx1'on. octob}%'3, 186$ r-.- ._ * W 7: IN IN SHARES OF 510 EACH. .m:5. l A'l"1'U . ARDAGII, Referee. 11v. 1859; acriber inform the Public, that Leased well kuowu_ Hotel in n% THE STEAM ERS ntsrv . --.._-._. Y .. _ - I .1. B. RYAN, _ U4 Yong: Street, Toronto, L"1Two,doou `nib oAdc1uide.St. _ . tr. 3.` I63 . k::....`.. ixuautaiue. % tamer: Iv 1 From - vnxuno rnxrun, Jgenl for County Simcoe J. H. LAWRENCE, Jgont, Collingwood. 58. 2-ly _.___________________ ) MOST of its affairs. r\vurvnu-.-`gun A _ ..,_ A .. _-_._. V .-., y investment of all the Com- Province ' L 7- -.- - 100,000 ES 15 Izunu W. BOWEN, Jgcrpt. - 28 ' PARLIAHENT. 28,-`3mo u am of" - T116 Provincial `Exhibition for Lower `Canada. Otgened at Quebec on Wednesday. The Chronicle 0 an immense number of-entries he.s_been made, far exceeding that ofnny other year. The stock had IE5 not all arrived by Wednesday night, but ludgingfrom those on the ground, the C'hronicle Is. that the cattle surpassed anything seen at 3") Previous Exhibition in this city. Some of the orses and oxen would have done credit to any. agricultural show in the world, while the feV.;Vx 5I %'cimens of the horticultural department which i `'9 Saw lead us to expect wonders in this lihe, V7395` "_')' object entered for exhibition shall bwfnirly before the pub1';c_n ' e V r 9 the" 27th in giving some details of it, says that Pum:xoLocr`.--We_ would direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. O L3i')'o found in our colunms, on the above science. .We have heard that Mr. O'Lcary s delineations of cllaraeter are exceedingly correct, and would.ad- vise persons wlslling for correct charts and 'deline- v eons of character to avail tlxemselves Of the oplbortuuityan opporlunitbylwhich should not be neglected, as from all we can heat,` he comes VUP to the standnrd of_ a. scientic lecturer. Hi5_ 180'. tures have not been so well attended its they d9` deserve; and we presume the reasonvto be that _ the people of Barrie suppose this lectnrer to be livered ihe person who some ve or six years Bin-139" the lecture on free love, which gave` rliieh general offence. The_Professor now in Bar 13 I not that gentleman, though of theanme nafnelnd We know that he eschesv he doctrine of free love, Ind lectures against it at every`favorab1e'9_pP0l* tunity. ' V " was on the Flower (ballad) 3 VIa"&!I!l`0f.' 00!: Musxcn. Fnnmn, No, 85 cbntllnl T9? T8! Waltz; The Souvenirs Sel1ot`t,isll;f'1'h lest Feelings-G_ennan Song.` monthly is only 15 cents?! a!lI*'1. :,` ' ; - per volumgof 17 numbers. " ` ` . NORTHERN Raxnwu Tn.umo.-For` `tho Wing Sept. 22, $10,143.81; <;ox-responding Wk Wear; $6335.48, being an iucmse.o r$3808.,33-* Total increase this year over `lilit, $73,0M}8 ` - " V I V ,, -f ' . ' > Vt` _. Christophevs Ham, at c1inton,_nnd the `I `N! Oren, were burned oh the 95335`?! L! $10,00o--part:in1ly'in`aured.` -' 1 H There was a. large amount of shock and farm produce on the ground, and the prizes were more equally divided `than formerly,--evident proof that the numbers who are striving `to excel in their calling are increasing annually. All parties ap? peared to be well pleased with themselves, and with tbejudgmeut of Messrs. Leadlay and John- ston, the Judges of who duy-many thanks to` them for their services; and after partaking ofan excellent dinner provided by the new landlord, llr. Bell, returned to their homes at an early hour. 1 '1` ~ - ,7 " ;` ,3 1" . s"`f`"1 ml. for the`nonc1.t.imMli = "1I&zamempz;, -V ? .:_ L .____, -..., ..........- u.u.u.: , van, uvuu zxuuuauua Swedish Turuips-sLz eizlrI.es.-1st prize, Samuel` .lermey'; 2nd, 0. B. Chalmers; 3rd, Walter }\l;.ikes;`4Lh, William Beardsall; 5th, John At- 'ms0n. ' ' ` Indian Cornv--four entriesf.--lit prize, Joseph Thomas; 2nd, J nines Neve ; 3rd, Frederick Lloyd. Our Annual Exhibition, as usual, was well at- tended, especially when we take into considera- tion the unfavorable state of the weather. ' It is truly pleasing to have to report that the interest in our annual shows `is increasing rather than di- minishing`, and to see so many members of the so- ciety bringing their stock and the produce ofvtheir A farm for competition. Woolen. Socks-I/tree entr1Zu.-1st prize, Jams A White; 2nd,Jumes White; 3rd, Wm. G. Gardner; . Maple Sugar.-three entries.---1st prize, Joseph` Thomas; 2nd, James Neva; 3rd, John Graham. Potatoes, swish Tyrnips, and. Iudgqn `com, mm in U15 elds.` , ....... ..,,, \ll\II _ Potat0cs--niIw entries -- lat prize, V Joseph Thomas; 2nd, Charles F laherty`; 3rd, 0. B. Chal- mers; uh, James Ernms; 5th, John Atkinson. .enur:-`I 7'.n-...'.... -.'.. -4}... - I -L n ' - 1` WEUDGES-.\1eSsr3., Edwin Bouncy, and :WilIiai;x ' Rickling, Oro. ' ' 13.1 .A.... _ entries.-15! rize W . Gard 2nd, William Gardner. 9 Vm - M" Woolen ME(lens-ll1ree entrieO.-lSt ' J 2nd, xyaxxiam Gardner; a`?i`,` :o'5.' , r` puuuu-.. .. --.__, Outs--four }m'tries.-1st prize, 1`b oma.s D.-ury 3 , god, W91. Hickling; 3;-d, Joseph Thomas'- 4, . _ _ ', Abraham Hart. 1__,-_,. . _ . _ v-...-...- - ... .-._-. CIzeesc-four nntrie`s.-1s`t p1-ize, Chm-195A 1),-tn, ridge; 2nd, Edward Luck; 3rd, James Neve; 4lh,J0;eph Thomas. ' 0Iu`ons-tuvo wlries.-1t prize, Edward Luck; 2nd, George Caldwell. . ; n 11 ,_. 1...- ._.a...-- 1-; ,,,a cwvuu .. _ Cublmsse-4-lwo entr2es.--lst prize, William Gard- ner; 2nd, not. brought. forward. A,,,,._;_ 1-4 __._._- I1 _ . _ , ,_ II In .. 4 _ nu, -.._., ..-. ..._a_. .v.. 3. .-.-- Carrots.--lst' prize, George Cghjweu. 2nd James Neva. e'ntricx.-1 T `H- Wu". 2nd James Nave; prX: m(:e'Ee Samuel Jermelyi , am Hart} 4th, .. -..a..:_- .-.. ___,_` ___. ... Barlay-lwo cnl rz'.es.`--lat prize, Samuel Jei-mg . 2nd, Abraham Hart. > ` _ ' Timothy SecI-two entrz'es.--[st 1-ize W _ Hickling; 2z1d,Jolz_n Graham. - P Cm . , . , 'n_.u... . . . . - n n . . mu... 1.; _,,!_- v- ' -- ";;,`;, ;:;,;,-;;;'.;,,;;i;g:;1;:'1,..:,e J., zdd - B . '2 mes Nave; C!1xa:r1es I?:Llrltrid(:;nel.my 3rd Ab'9h`" HF"; uh nu H. r,..._ _;.A...-__ a_." - n. . __ The} Itl Ll-ll-VIII sh. _ stem, DEW r, wl be ill be in- -.. _-!`H R- `Mu, v . u . V _ _ _ _____-_ .$`[.,.i1`-if Iiifxeal-_/`om. enies 1 ` .-- St Prize, Sam uel Jamey` 2nd, W G ` - Gardner. ardr Jose ph Thomas; 4112 not bx-on " 3... . Eht forward .. _ `\`>> um-r , _ . Fall Wheat--_/`we cntn'es.-1st prize, Abraham Hm; 2nd, Samuel Jermey ; 3111, John Thomson . 43. C, B. Chalmers. . - nu -..4 4'... _..n'_.,-, _ . . . .. Oro, Oct. Alst, [U1V"""' ' '_"" 'J 7 `'`"l """ `JI-"U:lklUlI: V ` Sow and Pi5.'3-' 97117795--1st prize, William ,Hickling; -2nd. JOSGPII Thomas; 3rd, Richard Dru ry. 2.-_n vtr1....I_f..m .mo..-.'...L 1.1.` __e__ L. Uuuwcu, ...._, _____ , v.__, v . ...u vuuuuunn. Working 0xcn-seven enlrze:.-1st prize; Jog, Thoma; 2nd, Samuel Jenney; 3;-Ta, -wmgam Gardner. Id S` , ` T 0 year 0 teers-two entriec.~..1gg ,1 `G_ gcllfalmers; 2nd, Tb0ma.8>D_rury. P ' Ywrlizzg Steers--two entrituvI.--1st prize,` Wm. mm Be-ardsall; (and, Thomas Caldwell. T 4-..! Dmne_.Hn`an nnlrinojlat .....:_- 'n'r_I.,, minus, "I -- -- v-'--------3 -nu, u. u- nul- yurlirzg Rams-two entrias.--lst prize, 0. B. Chalmers; 2nd, George Caldwell. - rm. nnfn-1'40 1-; .......- \I'Y 1., n on Uupuuuu, _,-W, -,_--_- v-...uwu- ]v,'wes-f0ur Ventrias.--1st prize, Walter Raikes; Md, George Caldwell; 3rd, Charles Partridge. r....h.__.II:rm nnh-ice _'|e4r m-hm uT..n..... D...-1--- zgu, uuv-bv v"---- ---1 menu, vn-nan A: J. AIL uuugu. Lambs--t/zreg cn!ries.-1st prize, Walter Raikes; gnd George Caldwell; 3rd,`Wn.lter Raikes. /2...- -..l...`..- 1,.` _._t_. nu , .. am uI;aLuu-.- 7 ---, -...v.-u-u Vang yvvxlo Md Rams-three entries.-1st prize Walter mifes; 2nd. 0- 3- Chalmers; 3rd, W. 5. ill. v-_...l.'..n D/ln1c_Iuu') `union -.. 1..L .._:__ .'Illl, \`V"`D" """ " "' 1 "'I " "'5 IJIGKIKXVBA / B0. II S-f01lT`l1fTieS,--18$ prize, Thomas Drury ; 2nd, Charlesvklulxerty; 3rd, John 0bappe11._ nl "ml Pirn-._u'n onla-{no _1n6 .._:_- I'l 7!I|- " [j_ Ulllllluusa, nu, \avvn`\t vIo|uwc||. Yarling IIefertf-thre entries.-lst prize Geo. Galdewell; 2nd, dztto; 3rd, 0. B. Chalmers. ur....l-.'..a f),rnn--1.'men nnIra'1u_'Iu ....:....' 7..- fkh (,'0wK,--ctgru. cvunea.--LSD pnze U, B_ Chalmers; 2nd, Geqrge Caldwell; 3rd, Ghm-lea I).-on-Mire. Ullllunzua , Partridge. "1-n nan Pflflugc. . ' . . mo year old He2fers--two cntrm.-15: prim, 0, B. Chalmers; 2nd, George Caldwell. ' ur_-..I.'.... Ilaifort.-_-lhrez nnh-in _`I at .4... (L... l Yarling A1Wl""`JW "_W_W'--18` P5543 ueox-ge. W`w.,u__,-,.; 2nd, `Wdlmm, John nfu; 3.3, mm Drum ht entr A ` A 1. C ws,--eig ies.-lst prize 0. B. ,.3{.1f..-a: and. Geonre Caldwell: 3':-d- Chm-Ina` T ,1!-:00 year old Bulls---thrc-ze enrien.--lat rizeli William Gardner; 2nd_, Richard DruLry;"3A not brought. forward. Yarling_T n-m..m!l_ Ir. . Bulls-_ue`e1_m_-iec.-1st prize_, Geo;-gej Jobnston,Ve5P1`3- ._ ` V. .9 . Wu and F --ve erntnec.-.-1atVpr1Ie,.;,wi1..g. rm Hickling; 2nd, Charles Partndge;-=3.rd,_`. WFmdmy. f entree` 1 t in; M H rses- our a.- 3 pr _V as.` Thfg mo, Thongs oa1dwe11_; - 3rd,'_ ~43. Cba1m"' - . . V ' C'olts-s1.2: entnes.--lst rize John . rald _ Gbfggfe? 2nd, .Walter Rmkes; 3 ! T mag Drgzlw c'olts--n':c en_tries.-1st 2nd. Waller Ra.1kes;.3rd, Thomas Dru:-y. -u...-null Yw,-[fng (,'ous--run c'It..LTws.-.lBt pnzp qoggpn ; 2nd, Jgeti Bulls-lIIree entne:.-1st ' W31: wk; gnd, 0.8. Chalmers; _3rd, lxam Hick- one AG8I0UL'1'lmAIaI0I 31?Y._f ' : r be Mew,-. Report or guecesgruit ., the Annual`Exh'1bition,`. heXd;_~at_". gougi- M Panetgnguishene Road, on 'u.u 1009, > I860-'61. found upon en houses; M ms from the. ;o found on ablishments. 1 old Indian,` )t, at Horse grounds :- 1 sh 2 Why herican been l`::Dm_Messm. Robert Leadld); _. ,-onn Vesnru . V V '1 V Volume , 1860. J osnm Tamas,- Sec. O..r1.S- AN, Om} Suvmr or nu: '.Cnow1@-The Niagara Mail says that on" Mondu the 17th, the followin genllemen MrSimpaonIM.` ., Mr. Merritt, M. P., V r. McMickcn, R,` and Colonel Kingsmill were invited to lunch Wllh Jhe Prince-, on which_Aoc- casiun they were opeqially presentegi-bY'ge'neral Bi-ixce who relntirig. the aerynce ofCol._ Kmgsmill remarked to the Prince, . _Th1s ofcer, you: Royal` Highness, fought In lhe action of Busaco fty-yearn ago, under your greargrandfnther George III. _ . - - . `T ` Tan Cousin or AS8111 fr_thia Oqimty opens in; this Town 9n Tuesday next; Judge McLean pre- siding. ' ` ' -. .~ ' ' Nonru Smcon Aanxcur/runsn Snow was held on Thursday last, at Barrie, and a. good `show it was in cattle and produce; The cattle, sheep and pigs were.fnr'snperi_or to all preceding exhibitions, besides being numerous, and we.. can scarcely venture to comment upon some of the superior stock without seeming to be invidions. - In horses, the show was inferior, with a marked deteriora- ' `tion from former years._ . The Mechanical Depart- ment, however, "did not-meet our expectations. On enquiry we nd the lack of work for exhibition was principally owing to a misunderstanding be- tween the Directors and the public--the latter, not being suregthat prizes would beotfered in the `Mechanical Department,` waited for the notices to be issued, and` had not sufficient time "to prepare `themselves; whilst the former, having decided t last year on recognizing that Department yearly, thought of course that the people would take ad- vantage of the time given them, considering the mere announcement ofmthe "prizes ajisecondan-y `uaaif "Wt'rBst our readers" will understand this for the future. We shall not particularize on the show until the J udge s Report is issued, which will undoubtedly appear next week. ' ' ---- -~-- ---- -- v_--.-J .u... r--. .._- _ of water, and about a hundred yards from shore. A diving apparatus is employed. The boiler has been already raised, and shows plainly the cor- roding action of the water. It has a thick coat- 'iug of rust, and itlis doubtful whether it `can be made again to answer its former purpose. E stations, I in tendering } to accept, ye tender of- dian, at his End he had W_e this week give {he very excellent address of Rev. Mr. Oheckley, delivered `before the School. Teachers"Aesocintion at its recent meeting in this Town. T Its careful perusal will amply repay our readers, especially those fnlllingthe responsibili- ty of parents and guardians. ' L` A Nonmnzm Rm.1Vvn.--`Thin Acavnadien Board-of Directors, have `declared a dividend of three` per cent on the Second `Preference Bondeof the Pnovmour. VFAxn.-The receipts of the Agri-' cultural fair ibis` year, a.tT-iHamiltpn, exoeeded Toronto by $1000. ' '1_`he receipts fmin` the sale of Tickets were O13,600.A ~ ' ' Rusma or in: .J. C. Monn1aox.;--This _long delayed business has been undertaken _at last as a. private speculation. The hull lies in thirty feet -9 ._._a..... _...:I '..l......L .. L.._.:....: __...a. A'___..- _L-,,_ Runs.-_-TbeAtime for the quarterly Fairs, ap- pointed by law, is as follows: Lemon's Corners (Adjalu) 20th inst. ` Diurhaxnsville (Tecumseth) 17th inst. Keenausville`(Adjala) 30-day. ! Bowmore (Notta_.wa.8a.ga) T5th;inQst. GomP9-"3" Tm: Cosnoronxrsx AM llonrezur. for September `is agood number. The introductory plate is A model of `artistic fancy, beautifully executed, re- presenting Juliet in the Balcony Scene, in Shak- speare s play of Romeo and J u.liet.e The liter- aryVs.rticles-- Dean Swift sud his Amours," and Leslie s Personal Notes, are especially fresh and interesting. To subscribers to the Cosmo- politan Art Association it is furnished gratis; otherwise,` two dollars 3-year or 50 cents for single numbers. - ' m___ ` __.A__(7 AK, V,, j. on . - Tm: Aualcumuaxsr for September comes to handfully sustaining its claims to hearty support. Tm: Bamsn Aknmonc Jouaruu. fox-'ASeptember is freighted with much that is valuable in medi- cine and surgery, from the -beat European and American authorities. ' A ' ' -uauur PRODUCE. ' 'Buttr-nviwe entriea.-1st, Edward Cave; 2nd, W. H. Partridge. C'lwese--jive entries.-_--1.st, Joseph Johixson; 2nd: Edward Cave. " Gzo. Smwrn, Secrctary, V.B../2.VS.. Vesm-a. (`M-.1. In `man ' lllluvn DJLVEA Vespra, Oct. 1st, "1860." e to Indian nj, the re- merchants at of these" persuaded ,and unite e been ac- . in the on; Q ) nnnn --

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