vuu ume me vessel was crowded In every part, `3: proper regulations on board- At one time to-day a number of people anxious to get etf rushed` by the hundred down the single place of exit. The ladies screamed and many [fa-inted. and there` was much angry `excitement. No one` was hurt however. tTo-morrow the President and Cabinet visit the vessel, when a greater crowd than ever is ex- pected. ` ' ` . rvwH apdtgreat confusion existed, owing to the want` 13v-Iy y. , MASS. ._9Inn ctions, init nblo qua] very most mber l and` 0 per Ad- n.-u... 4.14? A - nu: agggva munness has been ,-carried on with inc-I` [cw f.o-"n`."..:li.V years`: nd Film .50 ditmed at by ma-.~9f*"9'.ss!"`~ s % A . ,6 't:r1Fo.r ml! 09' ,the.'premi-a-' - `.N.B.-'-`If tb ibave 'i not eM_ur1y?`disposed o(,.;ha Stqck will be `I-`nailed oum $9 per eenhalow. '4 I 1ri&s,o{which'nolioe will bu -`gtven. `Ir; ;~ . I : . ' July 3,1860. - ! ` I -v v u n I uvqipflg QIIUI, V Itluche 9 :ho:a3ua.u'_P::nun;f(raice, Barrie. - _ The N _ ' business has beengcarried with urea gees! ,.'l'!hrly.vVe,vear1. and must he m.m..a .: ;..~ 79 T1. VQNER5~0ND;12ooxsE1:LE1rsBUs'1. l`rI1'&'\`cu 13111!" an Air -. Quebc, July :2z5,Tl-860. _ we yve_I'e specially struck with the triumph tziong of the cap! ' who wheelhouse, instant! orders to a- dial, which ographically, communicated the pmpeti direc- tinna of the shin tn nun-*~~ - ~' ` . Tenders to beiad _ Pu_b!ic -Works, Que c, and "endorsed; Ten- et for Quebec` J_1il, _ to `signed by two or more 1-eslppysible persons, with are willing to become securugj for the dye perfor ance of the contract, A and no Tender wxlfbe rece ed, except upon the . , Secretary of A `prescribed form whichnay , qbtained iittthis ` `Oice, otgat the'O1ce of-Mr. B , muse. . . [I Rvnl-chm A ' ' with the plans at! specications, which may3be _seen on applicnt n at the Otce of Gzunms BAIL 5 St.` Lewis"$ti-`eet, Quebgcv,-on and after the 181' [ GUS'l``hekI. ' `. Tendaf tn hnh aunt` in 4|... H G--_.-L__- ,3 ` L -`.,~ vvnnl Avuv -I-II-(lull U]; Darrle UYS` complete `map-of Barrie, is now for sale" _at . the Book stores `ot`R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. PRICES. ' Mounted on rollers a.nd'varnisl1ed.. . . .$5 each.` Pln.iIt........:.`...........'...,......$4 do This map contains every lot and portion of lot within the limits of Barrie, accurately laid down to scale, together, with a plan ofthe Railway Station, and _a tinted view of the.Town,drevrn from a Litho~ grtiyh. A _ . - he _viev`I_vs c_an'_be had separate, either 0!]! still paper for ramm or on_ posting paper or enuosing In letters at 3s. 9 ._and 23. 6d. each, resectively. Barrie. March.23x-d. iizsn. . - mu` lbspa mt 1ie works. Boy Complete Map of Ba#rfi `BUYS nnmnlptin '.+mn...r 12.. .._:.. . mun ....'...... Arrive 'l`oronto.. _ I ' FOR CC MML... . . . . . . Express . . . . . . . . . Arrive CoIlingwood.,. V. Au 5 JVLVJJJI. .ru.v1( _DUUL6L.bl4J!a'1('b" HUS!- ? NEss.1roR`s._4LL7. , io Bx" jmsPosEb*oF on : "v,ery; g"e6i: _V;te;;|,x`xVs:;`,t_be entixe Stocks of ` ` - ` v . lih` 'n'l"|1-|n n`i"-nu" an 1-'3 V` lireat Eastern. We take pleasure in lUGLIo On Sunday afternoon the Glen Cove brought up six hundred -passengers from Old Point, and yesterday morning the Curtis Peck about the same number. We trust, that alter a brief repose, the Great Eastern will, on leaving Annapolis, tarrya day or two at Old Point to allow the untold numbers who `have not yet seen the monster to pay her` a visit. It is unnecessary for use to add much to what has been already said as to the merits of the giving in our personal experience from New Vork to Old Point. We were specially of genius, when we saw an officer on the bridge across the vessel, receivingthe instruct- tzmns captain and pilot who stood on Wheelhnmm, :...,......u.- - - - ..._-_ ._:v-Q van, . , u ' V . BUTCHER, PO UL TERER, Ba! CON ND H./1M CUREII, S.US GE M./IKER, 5%., No. 8 Market Stall-4Re_sidence,`.Bayeld-st. Bari BEGS totinforimt the public generally that hei thashconslantly. on hand a good supply of the primest uality of Fresh Meats; Poultry, &c;, Home ured Hams and Bacon_-smoked and white dried; Barreled Pork and Beef, which `are o'ere'd at the luwast Qussible price. V A Barrie, May '186_(_).- 20-ly _._.__._.__.___.____________________ ...,.u..u uh us. an. nuu baa uu. C . Barrie, March.23r`d, 1858. T `_v::.nua, ,I-UV CIIIIIE DWCK5 Of 1 . _ . mans; fstntuouny; &.c:;` mlmrl In |)m`aI.I........ `D-u...:.._n go o D 50' P N G TR AVELLERS`wll nd the above Hotel every I I my suited to their comfort. 7 ' 1./;_ rt-up...--..-_ __,, , jA.1b1on I-Iotel, M Q T R E A L, . ,L. W. DECKER, Proprietar. V I3 pleasantly situsted at the head of ST. PAUL STREET, amongst the largest wholesale. houses in the city. `It has (with business men generally, and especially with the best. Merchants of both Provinces) become so- great a favorite, tba.t-it is now acknowledged to be THE Business "Hotel of Montreal. To meetthe extensive in- rease, during the last _)_e:u`, in the business of the muse, the proprietor has built a large addition. The `Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; there have been com plated, in the new wing, agrent. number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, andthe House throughout has been retted, and now contains many. improve- ml-`Int:-: anti t-nnn:sn:........... I.:u..._.- .. A - ' Tomiato, May -5, 1866; . . .:._._ Em-re L 1:-::<:Q1:e1, BARRVIE, -c.s., II I-inn---.__ __4-__,- , E3` Fnsbioxiable ,'1`aitoring exeuted promptly on the Premises, on mostmlvantageous terms. ' ' Lefroy, June 23; 1860, ' 26 _ . -.--- a_-_Qa ` VI VLUJIII 5 The. sp1=: 'ndid situation of the House; fronting on the bet`: utiful -Bay of Kempenfeldt the salu- brity of ti : sair--the purity of the water--all com- bine to 1'01 Ider this spot` one of the most healthy and deligt .tful Summer retreats; and the Northern .RA1ilr08d new places it within three hours of Toronto- _ - HENRY FRASER, `Q4457! -`I . /lrms Hotel, Barrie,` Ag ' Latc of the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. La/(G Simone, 1401 July, 1856. - 29 . -' : Got) sun was QUEEN 3'1: all Columbia ll Viva la Frangais !!! __.'.____ __- ....... -uuuurn FGIUVOI in the South- `_ From the Richmond Enquirer, Augusta. in our history. The excitement has be versal, and more than 10,000 visitors on Satur-, day manifested most unequivocally their with the grandeur and success `of this new wonder of the world. Every vessel I hat could be brought into requisition, from the largest steamers to the smallest cock boat, was : engaged in the transportation of visitors. A continuous stream oated in and out of the. Great Eastern from nine a.m. untilseven 1 pm. Almost fabulous numbers crowded the 1 steamers plying_ between Norfolk and Old Point, and on Saturday night there was four- teen orowded cars on the Norfolk and Peters- burg railroad, carrying'850, passenge'rs--a. rare occurrence in Virginia. ' This,- the straightest road in the Union, has ne enginesand cats, and is well managed.` On Saturday, to make up for delays on accottnt of the unusual crowd, forty miles an hour were easily made on the road; V ~ I\_ `r-- ' " ' FEE Subscriber hegshlost respectfnil y to inform V the gentry, and inhabitants generally, that he ` has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict. attention,.combined with first class Wines, Liquors ` &c. to merit a share of their patronage. Vacancies for a few BOARDERS. - EDWIN SIDNEY..MEEKING, Proprietor. l Barrie, Sept. 6th, 1858. - 3"-1*` nuwm u1D.NEI Sept. 6th, - ur war. .ue~ nas_ p._ls9_sge_ry Extensive Aocommoi datjon for Hi`ORSES,, and OARRIAGES, and a _ LIVERY S'Il`.ABLE connectedvwith the Estab- lishment, the. wholeof which he hopes to be able to make the `most extensive and comfortable to be met with Nor. rah of ' Toronto, and be has no objec- lion this should be known ' TRAINS LEA` _ FOLLOWS: U1 1 CB!"- dation .' 'Y.TI1!tDV Q` ----::- at u-Eli HARM-O-NY ANDIGOODA FELLOWSHIP}. The Premies `which he has now entered have` been greatly eri larged, andin aifew days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate `rs pectable- Visitors of `every description with BOARD, in Pfrivnte _Snits.of Apartments, or at the Public Table, by the Mesa, Day, Week, Month, or Year. He 1 has 4o._ls(_)_v.e_ry Extensive Accommo- H.."ORSES. and nAn.m.u:u-q .....a .. ;uLu law 1.2:.` J. .'I.l_.I. U 11 1 And since he n-E13,. by the Latest/Intelligence, that than is uo_mtgore,War, or rumour of Wu-,_he intends to devote: allhis energies to the mum. tion of the Arts of J:>::.:_AcEz unnunxrv .....-. ......_ __-_--~ --'_"'-` `UV-ujai 3 Formerly kept bythe -late Mr. J_ohn'Bingham, and afterwards by Mr. Eu.-Gaisae, under the manage- ment of ._both_.of whom iit`-`was 50- ` `I].|lT'|'r1'.\1vn1--u- `n.-.--.......__-_._-_ V T HE S0b8cl ib8I.`1:l(l.1l('1' he- has Leased-llet inform the: Pmi,` tlmt well knoym Hotel in :icketer; `Boarding; House and .- ' Restaurant, LATE INTI-`J2 N A 'rln\: 1 v lint!-I-v amms Anus, Pormerlv kent bv'lI,~m-Into M. 1.3.- :;~:..';.n...`... ....; George Maundrell, TVIIPD Dlfrfnnvan - --~--- jNorthe.:r:n fHotel,` Lefroy, + W. P. SQUIRES, Pnomunroa. "-' " .-'--- vv _uu:u ll Wu: :0- EMINEEITI-.Y SUCCESSFUL! Ill since he mfla luv Hm. I'.-....o .r..a..n:___. .. rAnn%A1';ii'.B_`.PT{6i'*}z:ETnn; Io u - o . .-no` VLEl_\\'lE cdLLINc,wooo. .M. . .....l2.45 and 9:00 I`. ll. LEAVE `UNI O N STATION AS DWS: . . I ' _ ` - The Great Eastern Festival in the I "18 mdlmolld Enrmir-p An---I H C IJLLICU 01' I By order, nu. ron' coumcwoon. In-no . . . . . . . . . ., ._.v_-vvw-gyvnnv, LATE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Mona w A R U , , . _ . . . . . - . - n u u-DU A.M- 4 3.00 mu.` .4 . . . ' 10. 15;A.M_. and 9.00 l .M. ' J. L'EWIS".GRANT, . ' j - ` `Superintendent. 1860.` ` ` " % V itctws; '\IIDEA&,. Sam-ptn Proprie .1 rrinnu u. ......go sunuuguuuu uas cgnmlns man_v.impmve- S hitherto llnknnwn tn in: .. l u.0P "W P3539" And if you send you} dunning letters here or money, saying you can ! go on without it V I'll let you know my patronage per year, worth your bill and more, and if you doubt it, Then PH stop my paper. , 1!! .5 U 1 - Secretary. I . 31.4}. ucw cuny 3,19-it LIUDHAII BIN 47-12mo 7.00 A.M.; ,4 nn-.. I - uu Ad!!- 4.00 17.31. Iona-.. . -., . 12'-mt` VIII lClUr 36-tf flld with.Go1dor Silva:-F _-' --,., ..... ..... rpqpoyvlll nu cases W111 06380. TEETH EXTRA_CTED;.~, V the, last. possibl p a'iix; _`ti_on paid to this cgulatian qf `Children : Teeth. ,'1`9th'hjerted on-Gold Plawbr `Ifivot. Cavities _Df_DENT.aL V`UR'GERYoil,`or guy other Bimich V M 1 executedwithneatziebs `:2-'dg`gability`.m' V ~ nun Dana .... .__ ..--.- -J u Lnjf-Egnqns ixrnnxnny MODERATE. 4:0 ; -;Iar i'| requiri1ig_jOpera.tions performed an -9 -.4 ; rquestaqo come ea;-ly in the is .V ,H6ur:'6m,E_a'gh2 o cloc_k a:m., to` `f pm. [-*1uuaz1;s,,1s5e. " ' "' [ .33-1y ' . __ you will no; insert such biu_of_;re'-w.s. W o:*::.':*:1'::.::.'::.~.::;v...:2`.:.:':'!.e:* %- To IOU our tutors, butler, eggsnnd grain, . ` V PM ptop my; paper. Bboutt '5 railroad trips to see the Falls; if you dare to mm am there are blolingl, on, Mr. Edilor! !onk out for lqunlls, PH -3102: mv nnner. NEWHARKET, zedlist, Znd .:rd of each frwnuth; cutie em, m a; ski. * ' February, .nA\/ a. JJLJ, .l)1I\I\J,rJ, Qf-August; Octbber, December, pril and Jun; next 1 -of his Pt:of`essio.n.-. . . . . r ' L ' :- - He would alsostqbe, that in use of failure in any work warranted, dmjipg the pasg `Eight year it .gwi|_1be;rpaired Ereeof Chargg, provided no 0 ,er Dentist in, "or ha}; been, _empl plnyedythe warrguf,v,in`all cases,will cease. 1'; -:' "lli`_Tc`_'l`.lI'1.`v*rn1v-r------- - oyedo opergte in the V 4 same mout_h.7,- bptd ._should.,a1_1oheg' g-Dentist Q9 emm. ,f' ' N; :PEC|(,, ` : SURGEONVE DENTIST, 'l\.w..Q'D"n!dvru-nrgr v .. ........_ .._'- . rarsonsin anv'part.'.`0f the world may be: fully treated by forwarding a correct detail case, with n remittance for medicines, doc. `v `Addrds DR. AMOS-65 SON, corner Mr Quay Sts'.', Buffalo,-N. Y. `J. August 15, 1860.` . . . ~ L l Ulllo -3 DR. AMOS Gr. SON,in order to satisfy the most sceptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be re- funded by returning the, instrument in good order. Price Teu Dollars,bv mail or ex ress. vNEW.REMEDIES AND UICK CURES, For. the Vent-ral Diseases and all Private Complaintsv .-gleet,s,.striclures, seminal weakness, pains, in the joints, affection of the kidneys, diseases of the head, throat,`nose and skin, and all those dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, render. marriage impossible, and in the end destroyboth body and mind. The` treatment they ado tie the result 0! upwards of thirty - years extensive an successful practice in Europe and America. . ' 5 ' COUNTRY INVALIDS. L farsons` in any part` _`nf* world `may be success? ,fully treated by lurwarding correct do-mil nr 91...`. . ..-v.. 4AAI.U 4.I\lJ.A\llJn " DR. AMOS 65 SON take pleasure in announcing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been sub- Ected to. a test by the most eminent hysicians in ondon, Paris, Philadelphia, and New ork: it has been declared the only useful insti-ument ever invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or, anydisease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of yogurt ` T uni 5cm lh. .":'n. - .nal ,W,eakness, '&c. Can . A LVLUD 1' b'UJ1u`N'1`lFlC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nocturnal Emissions, more E:-operly known as Semi- permnnently cured in frnm fteen days to two months by the use ofthis in- strument, when used conjaintlv with medicines., YOUNG MEN TAKE PAR'I`l('3ITT.AR Nnrmnu slrumer|:t,V\_a'vl;c;r;1 v|1.5";.'ti m. MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ` take nleasnm in 3IIIIIl\lInn:nau .__. _----v-vi VII IUVAL, (CORNER OF M./IIN ./IND QU./IY STS., A BUFF,/1L0, `NEW. YO1{K,) . RE the only Physicians in the State who are . members of the Royal College of Surgeons, -London, mav be consulted from 8 o clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptoms of Disease. A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. for the aura nr a....:...u n..i.:t:... __ V _ _ -7 .- - .-I--r`l\Ill|JIIuIJ I . ESTABLISHED 1-`on_ THE cum-: or Scrq/`ula, Old Ulcers, Erysipelas, Great Impurity qf Blood, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Fistula, , _ ..Jslhma, Incipent Consumption, INFIRMITIES OF'YOUTH, OLD AGE, &c. --..., ..... nuuur: zook out for squnlls, ' . -stop my paper. 3 . And when Duke 3 ch in public meeting, And my wiie nyts'E ecl hke lo see it primed, PH send I copy. to appear your sheet in, But, if its length 1 End Von to have minted, l"ll_n1op ,__ _ gESPEGTFUL'LY announcgs that he wilf be at`! `l ."l'n'l`1.:r` Y) A 15117:` Buffalo M ed E3?! Dispensary ! FOR THE nnm nn ning's Wharf. 7 _ nmvv mice. This is the only direct Express Line from To- ronto by Lake. - / ` . For freight. or passage appiyto S. WALTON, No.'8 Front Street, old Royal Mail Office, next, door to American Hotel, or at the head of Tin- tn nnuvnav n Toronto, July, 1860. . v_- _ -...;4w-1u.aAI EAVE Tinninfs Whnrf every afternoon, at 5 o'clock, for CAPE VINCENT, BROOK- VILLE and OGDENSBURGH, connecting at` Cape Vincent with Steamers for KINGSTON, and Cars for ALBANY` and NEW YORK; at Ogdensburgh with Royal Mail Steamers for MON- 'I`REAL'and QUEBEC, and with Cars for BOS- 'l`l\M' mu- IL..-` u,-- . .,,_.-, wnll nuym man meamers for MON- QUEBEC, with TON .. ' The Boyal Mail Steamers consist. of the Itnranmnm no 1 1:1.-uillpl NEW Yofff & 1\`0It'?`HERNERw `-I-1:11-wn nu. --AA iafao; ` LAKE `ONTARIO EXPRESS ROYAL MAIL LINE of STEAMERS 7"" --_~- -- ---f- --uv-uusm Lulu ne W111 be . FB.ASER ,S, HOTEL, BARRIE, ha (11).. mi 1:-nu. bf. 11 .... ...p n..-_1_,, .-_ ....-..., vv uvnv vu: -nu uc pwuseu L0 BXDIDH dsigns and specimens of work to shy who may`. favour us with a call. All orders through ou_1`_ Agents will b promptly _ attended to. _ `E3 Please remember that our Ma.rbleAis of the finest quality} 4 Om` designs for the above work are of the lateststyles. Orders for any work in Marble executed with taste and despatch. D.. CARLOS YALE. WILLIAM YALE. August 8, 1854. ' - '28-1y I slop my paper- If zyouzirill bits ol'_news. `; .,_ _1 $01! von ninru -AID -"3 ` Iv_Ir\_l1. D 1...: TVV U` I`1'K S, YONGE STREET, NORTH OF QUEEN. D ' G. & Wm. YALE, Impbrters and Dealers in* Italian and ./lmcrican Marble; also, manufac- tnrers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Gmve Stones, 'Centre-Ta.ble and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, &c. &c._ `Our Office will be open at all times during bu-- siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs of `favour ' - All nrrinrutln-anal. .....; A _..._A_ - 7' -V ` No ME-RC UR Y USED. June 28th, 1858.` ._.._-.__:._. l,BUILDERS" HARDWARE, Mechanics Edge, and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, _Cutlery, &c., an'd.a11 other Goods in the line, at. the Lowest Rates. . 7 26-tf -m1-1v11'=:<)n'1H'1:`11 5;?` BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, (om) snub) -rwo noons soon: or ADELAIDE s'mE1:'r `To:-ontoA, April 21, 1859. rtspelf, G0. _' House, Sign and Decorative Painting in Water and Oi1,`Gilding , Grainving and -Marbling.- Churches or Halls nished in the richest Fresco. 113' Remember the Establislzinni 30 yearcqf age. _ -ALEX. HA MIL'I`N', waves/vvs.vv~.-vV-.,vvy...vv\. u/\/\I\J'\/\4 ~;u\;vv\r-axysn. NEW TR_F_1TMENT! mncsy,-wuu superior workmen 10 pm: mam up. He has also at their service a full stock of Paints `and Colors, dry and in Oil, Raw and.Boiled Lin- seed Oil; warranted genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, Varnishes, Putty, Gluss'of all sizes from 60x 86 to 6x;8. inches, from polished late to the cheapest Window Glasr, Figured and tained Glass, many patterns and colors; Brushes for Painters, White- weshers, and Artists; Glue of all qualities, Sand Paper, to. ` M ' ` Hanan gin`:-| and nonnrndiun Dainlinn :n 117-6..- I II! me many extensive, yaneu anu onespest. swcx e`1?aper Hnngings ever presentedto them in '0IIIi.I_dn. They are most suitable. for decorating Dining; Drawing, and Beiirooms, -`Halls, `Public Bnddings, Ceilings, Oices,ior Stores; Borders, Corners, Centres, Mouldings, Statues in great va.riety~,with superior workmen to put them has also at their Marvin: A full aim-Jr nf` pninlu May this be-'- the opening Of an era of direct trade in Virginia and the south, and may the visions of" our accomplished friend, A. D. Mann, Esq., whodelightedly -.wi_t~ nessed the arrivalof the leviathan in Virginia d waters, be thoroughly realited. Bunuonn; August" 8ih.--There was a great rush of visitors to the Great Easlern. [At one time the vessel was crowded in ndezreait confusion DIEMAIL nminn In Ihn nmnr T6RoNTo . ` MA RBLE jWO_R'K s, Vnxfnn Cimhnxnm un....... ._ __,,, '. GREAT_ 'BA`7RGA1N's* 01? Room 15A1iE12s; F1211; the most extensive, varied and cheapest stock 0 `Rune: Hinoinan aver nrmmhmd in them in mmmzns Fam frmms 2 2 ; noon _I:__1 ERS!!! _. .. -.... .,.,_,... KINGSTON, PARRP Agculturai mlmplements )1?` ALL KINDS, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, for Sale by 1.` JILJIJ AILVU Sale by Dr. Amt}? & Son, NER 074` M/IIN mvn nnav , ALEXANDER? -HAMILTON, 5'!` his stapd, 188 Kingvstreet East, -below St. N` Lawrence Mal-ket,._is now oering `to his old Lends dqd customers, and the Public, ' ,_ ` ruin A on `b inn A tun. rim rhnnn u A nmnd. JAMES 3. RYAN, nuu'n'n-run nu :01 um, PASSPORT, . BANSHEE; IVIIAI ' __ -.... us uau rum! mmbers whoAhavaAnot It to I tozhe pleasure ance New Vnrlr .'Es 1*r.1siIED `.1529. THE srmmsns ` |I\I1' ...-.--.... V .1. 1;. n1 Apt, . 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, L 26-1.!` . Two doors `South of Adelaide St. 1 Jn n F1, CHAMPION; and NEW ERA. t from" uuuxu1Il;1u DU ymzrs Q] age. -ALEX.` HAMILTON, 188 King Street 59. 17-tf 7 W. BOWEN, gent. { an J. B. RYAN, 0'9 gin-nnf 'I`n`-nah -"Mi`n and 2 success- of then 3'3-VI? S. hfof Lot 5, in tb.e1-`=1Lb (.3om: b0llt 50 n.m-on I-Inn:-pr]; ' .` " ` for;Bh;rrie;. Feb_ma:y20,Tl8`59." " `,-_.- -- uuvua uyuu lip ` one if registers at my,rVs l:.A L-Adress, u, umu. -xeucenta the package, ret Physicians, Druggists and others, become, geggta will have a sample, sent to them upon up lication_._ M " ` te ' d "1: b. m(,)vll:iyn l:. {$11.81.-..:?. n 11- '1' it"di get children to take medic 4Powde'rs,.&;c. _; ' V A T The: are of: great value. in cases of. Worms, Teething, Eruptions of the skin,'_nnd in many other diseases ofphildren; they may also be given in any case requiring physic.` . _ Th.Y;Rl'0.7Dllfr~Itb in n fnrnrnn----3`~` ' Te.n ce ` P ysicians, Dr nts the packs Ilzkists ARE a. safe and cicient CATHARTIQ. LDZENGES FOR CHILDREN ' Medicine, composed of pure Vegetable substances so combined with sugar and peppermint as to be agreeable to the taste. b A IIIL- _.-' ` ` / Klmmr, and BLADDER Com .... mm. 2 urmrxr muzuu, Enumxous, SOR()FULOt;B, PLA1N1 8,tak8 No. 5. In all cases "the directions must be strictly followed. P;-ice of the Bnoon Foon $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, ` , No. 409 Broadway, New York, uhid by'all i country. _1"ea'p'ectablo Druggista throngboutv the 5 =March_2sth,1e6o; V V . -Bins `retain. The N -on-I l'\lI.I'\ I I\JI`$ adapted to the deciencies of the Blood in differ- ent. diseases. For Cocons, Goms,_BnoncHms, or anynffection whatever of the"I`-zmoA'r or Luxms inducing Consumpnon; use No. 1, which is also the N o. for Dspnnssmx or Spmrrs, Loss or Arma- nrn, and for all Cnnomo Coueumfs arising from- Oven-ass, Gnnnnan Dgnxnxrr, TIIATION, No. 2, for laxvnn Coupmmrs, N 0. 3, for DYBPIIPSIA. ` Being already "prepared for absorption it is_ Tans BY Dnops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you o. 4 is for Fauna Iannaurnmms, Hrs-mun, Wnunss, &o.A See special directions for thin.` F`nrSn_-n~nu..... tn ---- -7 - and N icnvous Pans-` No. -. ......_-, In oyul cm [W UUSOTPHORV Tans` BYvI')=ROPs gain for mi. this. For SALT `Rxmm, Enormous, Sonmrumvs, Kinmng, arid Bngnnnn COMPLA1N1's.takn Nn r. r- 7 A :1 II n I. I L. always presents us with the `an ments, and gives of course the Analyze the blood of a perso Consumption Liver Compls Sciofula, &c., and we find in we deciencies in the red globules c these deciencies, and you are Bnoon;Fooo is founded upon thi its astonishing success. There 2 ' jug -'_. .-- ul Ul uut 0, m `I about 50 acres 1 N. hfof Lot 3, in LIn- I an oldcleared 1 S. E. i of Lotlin wasaga; an old Lot No. 6, .in the about 30 acres -` E. hf of Lot 74, i _ about 50 acres . __--_.-v--v V. VIIAWDU of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the suerings of your child, instead of by deaden- tng its sensibilities. For this reason it. commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for CHILDREN -Tnr-rrmxn, Duumuozs, D\'SENTEll.Y, GRH`L\ G IN THE Bowicns, Acmmr on THE STOMACII, Winn,` Conn IN ms HEAD, and Cnovr, also, for` softening the gums, reducing inamationf, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal- being an anti-spasmodic it is used` with unfailing. success in all cases of CONVULSION on ornsn F rrs. .43 you value the life and health of your children, . and wishto 811138 them from the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other remedies for Infan- tile Complainls are composed, take none but Dn. EA'l'0N Ixmurinn Connun, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicateinfaut. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT, Z No. 409 Broadway, New York. . _____ ____- Q VIILUK: and why? because it nevcrfuils lp afo tuueous relief when given in time. It ; by magic, and one trial alone will con` that what. we say is true. It contains wr- -n- 4 - - - . uunu nAv 'FlVEV PEE'i=ARATIo%Ns (Tamed m {ha .1.:..:......:-- - Heulthy human Blood upon being A II I I v '1 P - .... rnsuav VA on. A1:5i;s INFANTEF 9onI2mL. we ibzucans, a tribe of Aborigines in' m.xi':o`."` Gxcfvtlx: Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account _it contains of tho "Gun _Ixnxcuu" of the Aztecs. 0burvc.--The Nouniain ma, Pan are put up in a Bqauliful Wragzr. ` Each baa: contains 40 , and Retail ll 25 cents per box. All genuine, have aignature of . B. L. Jl7DSON 00., o_n each box. `I Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of I'\l\ I-n--.__--A .._.---- - g-nuauu _JILl-'lIIL\ILL`J'J I Females-who value health, should never be without these Pills. They purify the blood, remove obstruction: of all klndi, cleansethe skin of all pimples and hlotchu, And bring thevl-ich color of health to the pdo cheek. E"l'he Phntn ma "ark: no _s.:..s. .u....-.. um- -_- _.... um, um nun umur 0| ne_an.n 10 J0 pue OIIIOGK. 3-1110 Plants and Herbs of which these Pills are made were discovered in a very surprising any among `the leezucans, Aborigines in Mexico. Get the lmnnno our Agent. and vou read with nliaht auu.vUn`l ruu are me Heat Remedy in cout- encefor the following Camplainn: Bmoa Complaints. Debihty, Inward Wealmea, Gorilla`, Iboer and Ague! Liver Cbmplainls, Ool , Hrmale CompIamt:.Laumm qf Spirit, Chest Diseases Headaches, Pile: (._'oativengn, Indigestion. .sam amz Gran-1. VI JJ Lot 4, & S.hfof1l,i in 3rd Concessic Lot 27, in the am 0." part.'25, in the 8 B.1.J1mW'soN, &Co.,. SOLE PROPRIETORS. . No. 50 Leonard Street, NE W YORK. 3 FQBEALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. `K T. W. GEORGES, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE, Bcl1'Ewn'rt. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. IIARPER, Cookstown. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. - SIMPSON .&- DUNSPAUGH, . 28 `r\.rl'InlncuI}s Ann-.- vn.._-_A. noel impure blood y to every put, and leave ifs stink behind. All the passages become obstructed, and unleu ` the obstruction is removed, the lamp of life noon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretion of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled In 1. ` cum: non muons nrsmnsns, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, &c. This Anti-Bilimu Medicine expele from the blood the hidden seeds of die- eue, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure end uent, clearing and reluscitating the vile! organs. - Pleasant indeed in it to us, that we are able to lwe within your reach, a, medicine like the llomrum Pms, that will pass directly to the uiicted parta, through the blood and uids of the body, end cause the eniferer to brighten wlththe am of beauty and health. - Jud.wnl:lPill`: are the Beat Remedy in arist- encelfor following (Inmnlainh: , IHPURE BLOOD 3 'l1iebleod 1. the life I `and when my foreign or nnhceithy matter gets mixed with it it in It once distributed to every olt-gen of the body. .very nerve feels the poison, - e end all vltalorgans quickly complain. . The etoumch will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to eeprete a auiciency of bile. The action of the heart is Jveakened. and no the circulation in feeble. The lung: become clogged with the poisonous mutter; hence, I cough-and all from a slight impurity at the fountain- hend of lifo-the Blood! 33 if you had thrown some earth, for instance in e. ure spring, from which ran a. tiny rivulet, in 3 ew m nntea the whole course of the stream becomes-di.eturbed'auil discolored. As quickly doe: impure blood to its sting _nehin_d._ All the obstructed. ._........a, ....-..-5 yuu-vu uvnu HUB! uuuubry III III! world. Ho spent over six years amou the `Indian: or Ibo Rocky Kountalns undo! Mexico, an it was thus 1.1158 the Moozrruu Ens Pun were dlacovented. A very Interesting account of his adventures there, you will nd In ant Almunno nnd Pamphlet. It in an ostabllslxed fut, thnt all diseuu Irlu Ema _bo ted gntin, {mm the Agents for these Pills. - The inventor end xnnnuhctux-or of Judnon s Houn- Ieln Hexb Pills, bu spent the greater put of his life in tnveling, having visited nearly every country in the Indiana the Rocky Mexico. it wn than than V Knovri, we prgaont you Hth u perrcc llhuou of lemon, u chief of a. tribo of the atrnngo Aztec Nation that once ruled `Mexico. You will nd a. full account of nim Ind his people In our Pamphlets and Almuna-to DO lad Rfltll. Aunts for than Pilln. . ...... -- .-.uuu a-van-vv. auu nun uuu I lllll I (Tim All: _bo gntln, Agents for Pills. inventor mnnufqqturar o_! Judson 1.1. "41 run .. . . Moun'tafti-n"Hy'rb~Pills. _ _ V, J -~--u -4-I twlllik lllvolvllll` us It acts as if ngic, convince you N o Paregoric or Opiate m kind nnri Hun-n4'.\.... ....I:__-_ L GREAT(FEMALE Tnmnxcmn 1 Arnnlgn _L.. _-I., Lots Nos. 6 8:47, N. _11, 12,13,& 14 411,12,.13, & 14. AN . Estate. '. . . S. hf of Lot 14, Berczg I gmd Dwelling Hou ' Lots 19 & 20, Eastsid Block, Mill road, Dwellino Hanan. fl .-I nn. % FRANCIS TN`. I.'n7n`.`l\rau-cu nnn .. zents `same essential ele- TRUE STANDARD. e person suffering from n Complaint, Dyspepsia, 3., every instance certain n redglobules of Blood-. Supply ncies, and made well. The '"K"N"K"["""zmE"E entsng with Hm ........ ...; r..v_wav Alilh ruggist who wish to will hgve _a sa.mple,,1gvith; Terms Jviioars s% ncaaacnu, rues, Indigestion, Stone and Grand, In_/lu enza,_ Secondary Symp- Injlammatum, ` mm. o 0 s 0 as 0 N .1: DUNSPAUGH, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. :__i V... ul muuu; supply well. The an this Tbeory-heuce here are v v --w-v 1-:Z `fails aford instan- time. If unto na :4` 31` . 48.! * VDIUUIS, Llllll FUIIU, Dwelling House. ` The E i of Park Lo? `'1 Street; 2); acre. ,_ 14 acres in the town ` 1. T.nt 0 Q6 `DA -`I Gan... " 19 99.". _. uzruuuau, To 'prvc _ won: the.` glue I`!- ;nbnugE.&;G6 L Din-ctiona for 13 D` 3 CU mt MEDI 11' e%`/be . It WI thencure lna taken except frect like - of each bottle 1, Bllhbgl No Y ccom CINE, in connection with mmatory Rheumatism, ue, th er C GURLS other. confusion Docron Fa uhlo ovur 27 V n'eIsot' the Doctnr ` e worst-effect of hronic or Acute. , not removals E, these Medi snsaxcz: Dar. 9 and Dr. I`FK`d- .,..blown in the `each bottle. No.1 $3 '__ ,,-_.- ......=..u rcgcommendinglhinselvea. J ` W. PABSMORRISON, j -. . Z ` . ._ Jgqat, Barr c. name, sepzeugbex 1o;1so93- V ~ ~ -A 87-V gnu ;tneum,1=m Ie 1 'Pe|a8, 1n_rrni_nieg or"/ easea which hav '1: impure state ..r In .\ and H18 Com pla I'M-lnl cIj_er, DI lhmg`w cme m .__._ um: mu-my years,l active practice, at the rec all parts of the country, I medical preparations upm care and knowledge `of h left them with the difli.-rt , T 1...... ...u. - or BUFFALO, N. Y., AFTER an unprecedented successful practice 0 I over thirty years , being about retiring from t request of numerous friends in has consented to make two medica_l'prepara`tions upon which he has bra`-I-mu--I Hm (`nra nru ----~--* ` ' ` ' 333 Dec. 21st, 1859. Ifl , ' PRICE. 3 DIMES; THE LIVER INVIGORATOR. am . Family CA- Tll-IARTIIC PILL? are retailed by Drnzeisls mm.-- ra Iv. am mm .....n - - 1:110 rally, and_ lam. [nann- I5! III`-YES Ill tut: LUWI 1'1 Lot_8, St. Paul Sm mrc` The above will b V .. ... .1 rauy, and _ so large towns. 'Fv';er, Loss of Appe- uamarncs act on the The FAMILY CA- wilh due reference to fnct,_becn compounded purest Vegetable Ex- . on every part of the are good and safe in all ` is needed. such as-De- mach. Slecpinesn. Loin s, Cosliveness, the whole body, from quenlly, if neglected, tion of Cold over the I Headache, or weight in + lory Diseases, Worms heumalism, a greal ` and many diseases to nnn~...'....._ . uuuucluus l0 H nose, no 3. -...uu-mualn, greaI| numerous to mention in] nose. no 3. nwemy years. The constantly in- lhose who have long I Ihe satisfaction which I their use, has induced the reachofall. The Profession well: `Calhartics the` FAMILV nail nnf -_..V_ --4.:.0 .l..LV J. 1.1111, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and'put up in GLASS CASES, air-tight, and will keep in any climate. Tge [1v`uv11;;Y %A- ':THARTlC. PILL isa gsittg ';s1`:sfe(']"`i`n `:13; lharu.c 'hICh malpra- `wemy pracuce m 0 re I 1 n he Pllllfnnlnk .'.. xavur. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. . Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --A I..\`().-- All \ favur. R1 I \` __.____-._ ~ L FAR-lV-|-S";:[9gB._ s` .ALE. emon snow, | g The dose must he: gadapted to the tempera- - ment of the Individual taking it, and used in such quantities as 10 act, `gently on the Bow;-ls. Let the dictates ofi_..ivnur `udgmenl guide you in the use of the `LIVE { INVlGUl{A- FUR, and it will cure; Liver Complaints, Bil- liuus Attacks,Dy.'~'p<-psia L` hr 0 n i c Diarrhoea, S :1 mm e r Complaints, -' ibysvntery, D ru p s y, Sour Stomach, Habitual j lCustiv-n_ess, Chulic, Cholera Morbns, (,`lm- m lo.-ra lnlantnm, Fltlllh lence, Jaundice, Fe-l _mnlc Weaktiessos, and may be used success- U.l';l'nlly_ as an Ortlinnry Family Medivine. It;> `will cure Sl('li Head- ache, (as thousands can; _ testify). in twentv min- utes, iftwoortltree Ten-I _J .spoonfuls are taken at lhe ('l1lnHI|l(_)Blllt`Hl ofl Iattavk. All who use it. are giving their testimony in its - AVl.`JVl`.JI\ LlI'4lll.I.4I'I'I|'I'l`}.'. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, nnd has become an established fact, 9. Standard Medi- cine, knuwn and ap-' . `proved by alllhal have used it, and is now re- "sorted with condence in all the diseases for which it is rccom- mended. ' O lo |........._-.n.. ,,,,, I ' menueu. I ` It has cured thousands.` years who had given up` V_ 1 numerous `|JllS0ll(.`llcd ` 6:-ssnon show. I l`hn lino. -----u 1-- nutty, yuuta, . ` A. W]. l.zl\'l TA, Attorney and Conn:-ellnr at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. . The Restorative is put up in bottles of three` sizes, viz: large, medinin and small; the small holds ,5 a Kim, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium olds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails lur two dollars per battle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. 0. J. WOOD 6: CO.. Pronrielnrs. 44.1 R.,....t....... And 50 Dealers. 1...... o unu relans tor Inree dollars bottle. ' V CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Lotus, Mo. And"sold by all good Druggisls and Fancy Goods De_alers. ' sun mum: mur, wmcn nu money can buy. As a mr.rk_nl' my gralilude for your labor and skill in the producliun of so wonderful an article, I have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquainlances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like cllect. Verv respect- fully, youls, A. M. LATTA, Attorney Conn:-cllnr at Lnur. LIVER `r`i`i;<)RAToR. Nl`.`.vl.`u non:-1 um . 'III\(~- at cu. . I at once made application to the most skillful physicians in the county, but, receiving noassumnce train them that my haircould again be restored, l was torccd to becom reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 18:37, your Restorative was recommendedto me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found In my urea! satisfaL'll0n that it was producing the desired effect. Sin(-e that time; I have used seven dollars worth of your Restorative,_and as nrresult, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money buy. a mark of mv or-atilmlsa. for on... Int... .....1 -r..-u `I. nuuuu, uuunLVLVnA| llllllllo Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana; Feb. bth, 1859. PROP. 0. J. Woon: Dear Sir :-In the latter part of the vear 1852, while attending the State and National Law School ofthe State or New York, my hair, froma cause unknown to me, commenced lalling off very rapidly, so that in the short space 0! six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remairiing ortion upon the side and back part at my head short , afterbecame gray, so that you will not be surprise when Itell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. 1JUla_O, Dlu ruul DH" I file above will b of payment. . Apply (if by ' ........- v.yy.., .-pun.-, nu--. ~.u. -vvu. Paar. Woon: Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago; caused by a -complicated chronic `diseale, attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not :been able to obtain stuiffor caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in conse uence of which my head has` suffered extremely rorn cold. This induced me to pay Briggs 55 Hodges almost the last cent 1 had on earth for a dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the rst of August last.` I have - faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling con- dent that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel` anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, [would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send mean. order on thine agents tor a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declara- tion--``the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless. Thu: h-innrl RIYQA l\."l\TAI1 IIIDDV LICBIBTS. June 21, 1860. ,_...... ,,.,_..... ..._-. , ...... ..-.`._,r_,(,`. d teqimouiols, new, ' _ almost without 11 1 -,'might`begiveu fro } tee and gentlemen in all-`grades of aociet , whose unzted testimony none could resist. that rof.` Wot)d u Hair Restor- ative will restore the bald and gray, and preserves the hair of the youth `to old age, in all its youthful [)8 I . `7-if`. I_` an Y Battle Creek. Mlch.. Dec. 21:! 1858. _-n.-. -.-V. may - The only Preparation that has STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, ' -, And gtpw: more and maggggrular every day. .LAnd tnimdniala. new. and almost withnm ""93 the! 8 rfarnnnn on Ia ul me Kidn s, I I) General Ilily, Im, Pimples. ores, ` nrrnilies ofoulh t vh_ich' ll_:e _ 0|` It i ver weaken F ER ME K -. ....,, uu-'5 consented ` -eparations hastbestmyexl the ' mowledgeof his_long experience, and has I . different druggtsts for sale. To: are acquainted with the Doctor nothing 2 I aid-to others, it is but necessary to y V as for years prescribed for from 4, iii. mm. and nl.....'.._`. ~-- - ` u 1'-114143 rel: sold wlxqlcsale ns. my uuqumnled Wi d-Io olhers,it y, r years pre`u-ribed 4,0Qyto ; :15, and alwa'ys`wi1h lhe`greale'al`s vess. ,' have baled other me ' -v. lh Docloi'V};u-llzinxg 33313 359. Mannl'nclur roadway Na-to . so-- vu-v rrnlrll-IIJUU or :JtNO. C; `TODD _ T Btu Vespra, J mm 26, 17.8602. . Dsnolcnocs Buamrm Fwic Ex1>LosroN.- On Monday evening last, as Mr. John McKay saloon keeper, was preparing tclight up his" establishment, and while he held a can of burning uid in his hand he struck a match to light a candle so that he might see to fill his lamp. No sooner was the `match lighted than the air contained in the fluid can exploded, burst the can and spilled its contents over the premises. Mr. McKay s left hand was badly burned and Mrs. McKay and child who were standing near by, received some of the lighted fluid on their persons and had a narrow escape, for she ran into the street withlher `head envel- oped in ame which a passer-by withgreat, presence of mind, put out by dashing his cap upon it before it had time todo her any injury. The same person then rushed into the bar room which was now all-ablaze with the", uid. and with the same extemporaneousrer annihilator, assisted by Mr.` McKay, with a similar one, quickly extinguished the ames. `During the continuance` of` the blaze, much alarm was manifested by the observers of it and a crowd quickly gathered to the spot, for it '_was just dark enough to, make the light plainly visible on the opposite walls, where it had the annnnrnnnn nf nr-nnninclinn fr-non` n _._ - --wt CQVQQ1 NEVER DEBILITATI-3.`. mnonndurl nnliu-nlu hm... n.....,. SA N?5'E D S L`.\l\Nll'\7 FER MEDICINE, 2109" `-" "` me l8IDeI'le8o Thy triend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. J..- RY..Ll.. (V- 'f_.l:...... 1:`..L L.|_ 1o::n SANFORDTS. -u-Invvo-vpv on - Battle (:`>e`;ek7,'i``IicbV., Dgc. 2m 1858. .`. P'l"L.._ _.:I. _I-..-.. _---_. - 12-. . .. W . B'ANFORD.', annfnclurer and Proprietor. 3 zdwuy York. '11 L. uunA'1`U. and 1: by Druggisls gene- sale by the Trade in all the . WL SANFORD, Manufacturer and P.-m...:....... - I A '1 Barrie, May [28, |13go_ 1 creasing demand from used the PILLS, and 1 all express in regard to me to place them within know that the different urtmns of the bowels. EHARTIC PILL has I is well establislu.-d from a variety of the tracts, which .act alike , alimentary canal, and cases where a Calhartic | rangemenls of the Sn Pains in the Back and ' Pain and Sorenew over I sudden cold, which fre- : end in :1 long course ol `lnim . f`----'A , quuucll cum, wnu-h fre- i tile, :1 Creeping Sensa- b od y, Re-sllessncss, the head, all -Inmnnnu in Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, which esh is heir, too this advertisement.` , _mvcr uomplznnls, 15i|~ -;C h ro r u ; Cosliv-ness, 'lv.-ra and ':]`r 35; an (M-Jinn.-.. I `s'wi!hin the last two full hopes of relief, as the ,ccrtit*alc$ In my pos- I 51-ly `announces, for lhe benefit of the sick and nunforll$:_ 9- f.:-Pl-`en Rochester, New. York. 5 E71 R_AonnmAnv No'nc1:.--Dr. W. C- L`~`P" um` I m1'n|lt-'8 lo devole the whole of his H "tment of-pnvale diseases at his 05 3 8?! try 20, 1860, '__,Z WE `KL? NORTHERN ADVAM ' I"`". *0dfvn ' Wadmaday 1WI'or111'II6"&y 3` - "9-"W'oa! I-gunlvpvatrm Eau, Iiar" `"_'.m Observation, sehl lo all parts oflhe worlu- " . f_emman'ce of one dollar, consullnliun lee- No letters will be answered unless the) ""::,; . .0 _. hon at the Omens, free of charge. All communications addressed to E5- M'D-s No.19" Exchange Place, Rochester; "' , Wl"l|leel with prompt attention. I3` Oce hours, lrom 7 AM. to 9 RM- me miah Prbvinc-"es. , . r~ fr . Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT \\ Omtf {.{uI:II;- VA TE_ MEDICAL G UIDI3, B3"-"...-.u.: mated Will) nearly 300 pages. Pnce, ~""_p;,.i.>n-5" I-esters describing age syn` ."." ".`.a...r.v3' -"" .; roperly attended to, and me Iclnesra [-6 world. ;. rpm`obcervation,sen1lo parls0`1'hey W 3 t ` ' Nojuerg be nnswa-red unless I 0 BE SO! .. .D,'cheap, the East halt` of L`o'I. No. , 9, in the` 8th -Concession of `Medonte, about 26 acres of W xich are cleared.- For partic alars apply to th Pdstmaster, A Mnnnln 1)..-. nm-- 1 most, 1Vn!e.nnd Lips, lnclpirnl (':nwvI- _, Enlargement. Tumors, Chronic Sure I-Ix vs. and Syphilitic Ahvtions. Pain mul -"W Bones, and all diseases nrlaing from lhc I: , of the blood, whether Ilure .~\U:1" I l 03941. Sal! Rhcmn, Fever $ure:<. null um I 0mpla_I'nls of years sgamling. (`.xn.nrxl. , Syphilh: Striulurc, Suppressiun .01` the . females, 650., succes.~`f|1ll_\'-In-ulc-ll. V _ YOUNG MEN. `, Who, by indulging in scc-rot habit.-I. l:.1\'L` , thalsonl-snbdnnng, lnind-proslrnling. |'wl.\"` I vice, should apply In l)r. Revnululs \\ nalnum [1 those. as M-`ll nu nll mI.... ........ ..l :. u the l: 015.. lofl CICI that T0 FEl\'lALE>'- _ `W, Dr. R. can be successfully consulted 0" -' peculiar Io_ Females. pr. xx` N.B.-Dr. Reynolds is sole agent {HT M `M. Female Monlhlv Pills. Among the nu! WW. xes of these Pills annually suld, 1"" "in mm as yet been made against them. L1" ` V- . . . - 1 l1`" ,tam snuanon should not use .xhen_I, lhf l_ ("`:w`;.,;,;.. `which will be found in the du-ecnuns at each box. Price $100. Sent by "",;l "'v1-?,:;-' of the -Wbrld. Beware of (`,1)Ilnlt:l'fL`lL- I vice, should ])r_'K_-\-nuhls` \\1ihm;l| . `'~`0 as We'll as all olhr ('1m'.~ W3 5"` i WW3 Dr. Reynolds cummcmls an vnrly am" and without any van), or u5pirli|)|l, (lwuiu ` mm W . '91! Within the rem-h ofnu-:'1al .mI.~." V6 him without a cure or suti.~f:mnm glw ~ FEl\`IALE.\`. Dr..R. be successfullv consullcdon am Pu|Iar I0 Ppnmluc ' V`-Wvllava aulc and rmlxcal cure, Wuh- "*-"iml 9 or contim-men! fr:-In bur B\ a long nnnrun nu` .. I. . .....l ...-.. lion to NIL; (`I39 0! his -snle_ano| speedy method or lrcallm cxlraordmar_v sucress, dun: 11 lung: an P7395909 ellubleshiln. (~ontidvnliulL\`. Iv Pe"~0_SV!_l safe and rmlical wuh--m. c,"s"-"'0"; (`onm-man! frnm l|Il~Il|("' 51-1859. vwupnuncu uy twenty Ocllw Sold by all respecmble J Keepers generally. postage stamps, or one n] of V three-cent stamps. All orders In: oumpanied by twenty cents extra. Madam, Ap ;i17,` rseo, ,1 __............ P. 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering {rum rv Flerning Bros, will do well to write thr-ir and take none but Dr. H'Lane`x. ]77"`]>rIr(/1%; B1_`o_:., Pitaburgh, Pu. To those wishing 1.. :1 and take but Bro:., trial, we will forward p the Unitml nn..- mm cuuu mow ruins our ur. u'Lane`x. ]77'*]~lr(/1'ry I wishing .'n'- per mail. post paid. to my United States; one box of Pills fur rm-Er ::~ postage stamps, or vial VN'mifu:- r.r: stamps. from (Iamulu mm: DR. M LAN s LIVER Pn.Ls, xx (' Acuz AND F:-zvsnn, when" taken wi:.`;`*. are productive of the most haypg. bcttcr cathartic can be used, prc`. .z. . or after taking Qgininc. We w;;-'.;' . all who are alictcd with this dis.';1s:7. dmcm A t=.un. -rnuu.. T PAIN in the right side, under the - the ribs, increase on pressure; so:;_.`. _ the pain is in the left side; the nafl:-- rarely able to lie on the left side; sir,-;;-ii . . 2 . `the pain is felt under the sl1o..L.'r' and it frequently extends to the l IB{ shoulder, and is sometimes mi;:al:7_-n.t rheumatism in the arm. The a: ` affected with loss of appetite anl ~,:..- the bowels in general are costive, s-,;r__ 'altemative with lax; the head is t: with pain, accompanied with :1 Gail, ;_ sensation in `the back part. There}. rally a considerable loss of mexnor:-, panied with a painful sensation ofh left undone something which ough: been done.- A `slight, dry cough :- times an attendant. The patient c. ;. of weariness and dehility; he is easil;. _.;v his feet are cold `or burning, and it: c plains of a prickly sensation of U135 his spirits are low; and although he 5. . ` lied that exercise would be bCx:'.'li-iai `.0 - yet he can. scarcely summon up `V : enough to try it. Infact, he dl:i remedy. Several of the almvc I attend the disease, but cases have ctr: __ where few of them existed, _\'::[ CX`&r:`l"u ' of the body,'after death, `has av LIVER to_ have been extensively dcrzxzg... ` AGUE AND FEVER. _ Address all orders to FLEMING BROS., Pn'rsI;L';z12 V -UUUNTRY PATt,I-:.\"r_;` Medicine: with full directions .~cn|x'r', the United States or Canada, by puhcm ah cating their symptoms by letter. bU5lltx_-J ( dencc strictly cundential. ""` Addrm, t)R.r;nrmt.\`r; 9 1y 4 No. 3] Ex! Bt()51d\A';w_\',,,` .91:-mory, with nnelancluuu, 1.1 nn v Lu; .3 mam 1.I"r'i , Young men who are lrollhlcd wnln erally caused by a bad habit in vunlh whichvare dizziness, pains, !i;rge:{I'u!n., ringing in the ears, weak eye-.~,' Wtilkn and lower exlremmes com'usiun or I Hepatitis or Liver Complaf-; DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HE:kD.`:if- melan ...... mwcr cmremlues Botanic Remedies. chow, may be CUM - COUNTRY PA'I'I,E\"r.`<' NI1.:di_cira_es_>wi1hfull dirctliunx -T" \ .1 G No charge 1` Ad . Dr. GOOD1NGis now cttga(;)grt- Wt . . J In trt-31;. of maladtes mm the most Batu ` ` treatment adopted b him is llw,i1i.,,;V scientic princirlcs, with new, "1 without mineru 3 gr p0isom4. 1`t.._. 1! are suh,.that pattents cut: Le um] expensg, tn any Wm from an accurnte dcscrtptiun of 1|,L.,,Ca and have the medic-ine sent lhvtn by ..,,. Ntrlnrnnu n... , "f 11.. LIVER W PILL A NEW, SPEEDY, 1 mode of treating Liver Complaint, Dy Marasmus nr w...... Symptoms of :1 iscascd Li, ~ V " an NEW SPEEDY KND M . ` . of OST SLCCE3 iver -Complaint, Dyspepg zry a In In muluc runnunnrv A Ih.-cIm:=.-- V `E-Th: Cough und'(7o!ls, In 9' '"T""8|nrv and cm.m..- mug '3 L388: Ul.(`('l'S of tho .\l-ulir. ' :.nnd Lips, (-1.4 1 l'Z\ vs. .\I:' ` ic Pain nml .\`\n-..`m'.' ll nrizuingfronn urmn :\o.'t;1mr Rheum, ufrw `r Y9379 G`--nurxhx'*- iulnre, Supprc.-zsiun.m` .\L-z~.. sill`:-unsfnllu-. u .-....n...l ` T T August 22 -_._._.g_, 3 r: menu-me aen NERVOUS m wpm ..... .__. wan: I!` on the Bay _'. .% M LANE s ; man '1` rlzlcv, \'.\ rIm_3 E as up A H:.. )-*- on DELI('.\Tf-I xn: E His long cxpcwrru lion this class 1-my j` rlv unncknd no` Innlm.-nv .2- mu of Vernvifu;;~- f-r 1-"'~. from Canada lzlrdikv` LV extra. CELEBRATED FOR THE CURE OH LII`. 11-4: .v\:u respectfully mnurm and the pubhv, L` "l?\Q linucs 10 hr -- consullcd :1! ins ..i_ Medical (Mica-. _\ changzv Place, (LV .`Q In.` .1 DR. REY .\'()l.I).~' `'..l!.- .n....-... v . ac unna- I Druggists, -and Country : T. VV. G['IORl;\'. .'llllKI Ul lll'I`lIIUl'll| nrins a long and '0n1id'nIinH_\'. gm :1 wnhnux 21;] em from bu.~im-.~:~. .Id_\' and pr:wlu'ul c: ulit-alinn 1-!" pry.- S lhnl lmve m'\`rr 1.. .10 x-urc lhv nu ~I y aha-rl but n .-_a~~:. Ir_v or any ullwr `- ifrly vcars. Dr. H." . . ___| __ u `DIV `raging Houiie `Garden BE_j u-:'r.; * ~ f ul lllcillluill DI`) B )u|)lcd wn Y mu; .l'I'Y. I. ..._ `TO bell `ented or Leased, with immediate. pos- 8eSSl0| 1, A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containln g 2 Parlours, 2 Bed: Rooms, Servant : Room. K, itchentagd an excellent Geller; with good ST; ABLING, OUTHOUSES, a Garden, and an 0t'ch= nd in bearinig`; situate about 20 minute : walk fl` om the Market at.<~Batrie fund fronting . the Rm: - - ` , .> ',- ~ ` A50! _11; 20 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 of which is and! at cultivation. The Cottagdcan be rented with ( (without the Land. . J I V For particulars apply to,tbis,oicej, to John` Alex, under, 1634]., or to the omie`r,. ' ` -g. D tnurnnnansv ECRES, 'bing cbmposed`of Ll --u n_.__-. . _ rt Vumber ' 2'0, l2t_h_- Gpu. V-espra, w,1th~1 am; Bum, 30 by 52, DweYYmg-Rouse` zorby 30,.Sl , __ _ _ able, Out- houses, &c'_, There IS a. good thrmngzl Orchard on the premises`, 40 alcyes Cleared, UL ' nder Fence and in crop, For partxculars, apply: to u'}'r.n`mDwnnr~m m. ' -- EIJEC ., X pdon ,'S"!`:+:4;,13;ii-.1:!.`a,.",##i"`I"`,`1 Acr1*u:I). `q '7 The garden contains/eboxce,_s1'>pl`e; plum, cheu-y',; i nd oghe tablg fnlzitb,-`nd;`excel|_ent soil, with 9.` _pring__0_ water`run`pihg- through it. . . 1 _ Fogjpartiohln-I`, apply` nuns union, or -on tho, [;px-emzsesito ' -. . ." " T - - ruuuuuvu ' ` ' ' """""5` A, virgigtxans we feel truly proud thatllzis` ` mammoth V3.55? m"e.d 80 safely and beauti- fully inlo our Wa'"3: and was so cordially welcomed byom` OW" People and by a glo- ouggahne f.-gm ,the fort. We only wished lliallhe immense g1.f"_'(Mf- Knap s, ol'Pius- 1. burg), now at old pow`-llle largest cannon ; in the world-conld no.` also have been fired l of! in honor of the greats`-8! marine creation t `in the world. ' * , J. W. HARRIS Sues AND'LEATlII-IR. EXCHANGE, Jmy_25, 1860. - ` '};:'} JAG Let `with ` ;Ined'a '1` "poas:ession a. GOOl5_ IIWEIJLING .'oUE`a;5ND,.`GARbEN, T en- : n`bl::e'6n Collier Str'et,.a.ndonl,y 40 rods from the; jg: et. L`, 3: ;-~'l' --vuu-II I \_J Fz_`fly Dollars a,Month,.a7zd a N active Agent iswvanted in ehery Count] A the United States and Canad_ns, to so! ' . ver family, which makes it the cheapest nndi mos ; popular machine in existence. A limited nu of responsible Agents are wanted, to grave `solicit orders by Sample, at a salary of $5 monlh and expenses..- Business pcrnmnent. dress, with stamp, for conditions and instru conq _'I III` II -----~ ' ll ':I.pen5es Pa` id- 10 SOI ,9" 9. in the` `mi. izamh mrncmeemea . sav~.rvx..\-x/..-vx '\4 -`\-'\'\'\. \/\r\'\.f\ v\.\I\.-\a\r\\/\.\/s/\J~ FARM FOR SALJ stronger claim upon their patronage. Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most ;'easonable`terms. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH UESPATCH. 513` Specimens of wopkmanshipkept on hand; are invited" to inspect them era they. think of purchasing` eiaewherc:.Support /200) manufacture. ` ' _ . - V Barrie, March 26, t860._ ` 3 . ` I3-Iy _________________,,, rm :1 \n1.1:1nv __'_ '7 M. "BURNS, J Gun,Maker, Du_n`lop_.Street, Barrie, ` T)EGS tn-rpm.-n M. -:..---- u - GUNS! RIFLES, Barrie, June 22nd, 1860. Every effort will be made to-plase thdse with whom-we may do bus_in_ess. All we ask from the public is a fair and impartial trial. 7 - 1 V W. & J. MORSE. ' 26-tf uu nu uuuur U world, , _,.,-- ..... uccu upeneu In Barrie, West of the Market House, whem we will constantly keep on hand FLOIJR of the best quality, which we will warrant. to customers. BRAD; and all kinds of mill olfal. . Every effort will ho. m..:.. 4.. .v..-- A- .... -.__-. IIlIlIIl\hI BIIIUE ll` WWII. . for any qnhntity of - GOOD MERCIIAN-TABLE WHEAT, delivered either at their Mills, 01: at their DEPOT in BARRIE. ' 113 MR T1t:UL.q1: JTTENTION mm. T0 GRISTING ,3 custom WORK. .5. A Depot has` been" opened in which OA-TS. PEAR no A V -- -' - ` Barrie, `West lruautsr Mdniir mm: IN BASH I any qnantitv m` V are. now; p_|-x_tting them i are prepared to pay the Town L ' 0-1;: . `.'3an.i'e'_ rna !lr"1,N' S I T.r _ __-, .,-u'u|VlI"IJ 3EGS to-return his sincere tomers for the .very- libem ceived din:-n I..:.. ___:L - FLOUR, ' .___.__..__.______._____.__ Cash for wheat cash g: wheat `nanny VIBIUIU Ull NIB UPPUBIKU WRIIB, WHQTU it had the appearance at proceeding from a very large re which had suddenly broken out. This accident, with others of a similar nature which we have from time to time" copied from exchanges, should teach a lesson to those who use this dangerous article. Too great care cannot be taken by those engaged in handling it while it is open or exposed, not to approch anywhere near it with .a. light and especially not to ll their lamps, if they can possibly avoid it after candle-light. Strictly speaking the uid itself is non-exptos'ive,--[as its venders and manufacturers assure us, but the fumes. from it.-_bha_.`tge air that ' as..- - fined about It with a gas that is as; losive as gunpowder. When a uid can-`is half full for instance, and is'kept tigtgtlfcorkad down (especially in hot weathepxe upper half of the can is charged with this dangerous explosive gas, and any ap chtto it with alight at that time is our ocause it to explode in the as we -have "described that in s having done.--Clinton C our1'er. Izrr Ilsuunnn Lint; Danni-n-r :u"!4`n-m- TGn ...u.u uuuuyemaue uotnmg, 4 Mude',by'rst-class Workman frtmrevery variety. ` qf Goods, in styles to suit all -customers, _ N.B.--Customers may rely onhaving garment: made to measure in elegant style, and in the latest fashion. ' Barrie October, 135;). ` Satinetts, and apsnzpnam Tsilodng, .c1otmg and 'omn . Esta.h1ishmont,- Duloy St, Barrio. j CALL AN13 sis`. ms srocz 61* Olotlgs, Doeskins, .Hats, Caps. Oassuneres, Tweeds, ,' . Shirts, Colhts, ` _Drawrs, Brages, 4 Canadian Cloths, Hosiery, Glove, 'Rni.Il11I-'.'n.L. (II .A.'r__~_ _, Geneml Outtting EsLab|is1Ime.t! YOU_waut to 'ge aodh :and camp CLQ 1_:I;_lNG,go,to ` >TOL\LENDA.jLv Mm-.s1 P IIOW nutti thlifh `fl wAn"._L .r- ' -- -v 43:15:51 U1.` Ml ITHVZ 20 ACRES OF LAND. { xuu; want 1` ING _ dq . '-" siniare thanks to his cus- ` era .verylibe1=al support. he, has 1 since his residence in` Ba_rr`ie'; eased his faciliiim rm .1,.:.... ..--v. A A- ul ucurmg ; Sllllate 300!) at.~`Batrie,_- WIT ldf La: Ids. nfl|,i ntlip r1 _4Aite.a aira,.;but- will hold.the zlariilby a.dire_c_ :3 .7 which was started io`Lo'ndon some yeaxi` *_"Fl1~P!9'NQ opqmtibn 1 V i For 'p{{iciz"1:ir"a`;;;;i`i A1011` ti ' ' 1 111:. 111 ' y ! naung done.--Unnton UO`l'1e1'. T GREAT Ir.1.mois Lnui Pno.u*.c'r IN Eno- uun.--We notice that steps are in pro rose tor the organizationof a land company in ' ndon, with a capital of 500,000 elerling (over $2,- 500.000,) to be devoted to the purchase and settlement of -lands in Illinois. The 5` Prairie Land and [Emigration Company e:a_te =lhat}a- conditional purchase has been -made of 300 acres of prairie land, from the,Illiuoi_s Cerural Railroad. Company, that when the `gale ia oqnpieied Iiheoompany will not be ioany way connected with the` Illinois-Ce'utra|Railroad. 0| rolling` House . ti nnee`6`nGol1'ierS `M t,)a Mia:-keg ;~_- "; I , . ,,.,,:A3I- _ 'i`he,i:a)-den coataioih ` mang oghe table. fruits-gap 0 `5P`l}K, - .- `W.7!'|IZ. 5 ` ."'..'l". 1', f ` `.0 39-it!" Ac, March _2V_l,;18`_6:0. v Iennl-e'iri freehold. ' Theaclieme is aimilfarilofthat of the Canada'Land Co and which has aoooeaafully. eatahiiaheiti V_rg'-: population upenits -lenda, and<.,g;on. ` " '0 --- --vunus, aypty; f}}aBERFORCE T1 On thd l'|I`AI~\:o "-7 `""l"*=y at snlar r. PPnses..- pern1{;nen|;$,J `ml , and Co., TIH-IR Exrrn um: Dnann-nu ,'OA'rs, PEAS. BEAN} a; oirmn ~ FOR SA V .. .1 3 _`uuh Ul AEMPENFELDT. set, Conuxawoon. ` I e soldtheap, a'ud"on easy terms tter; poslt-paid) to 117 'l'\ A1-us-`no.-a ,, I... `W... `v ` 3 -.w. D. ARDAGH, `PAT'PON_ & ARDAGH, Buuun. . ` 7 fit` `_ UUUU, BDCI UK L- B E N TIT is bio `kilox-inn. m.m.n...v ....1 .. um 1-1 Lu . UULU t.-haredj sm Goncessi Fzmm. A-k..' `lnl. fl IIHILII the-10Lh'J1 5-lUUolU(1'. xi thg 13%'.`- n the 60 _m Fios,'_ m cessii th _of'1V V_ .... ......,- cum (I! our 0001 and spacxous state-room, slept and dressed, and gvroteas steadily and calmly as if we had. ` eon on terrafirma. We `had novep ex- pg` "led so rmly to pace a. `deck on. tbe'wid_e mesh`. and we could not but arrive a1.`llccon- mmioh that `the Great Easlern presents the I perfection f, '"'9""E- - I. ~ on ua_ym.-nu mreet, s 1 ; fnoarlyan acre with a good ; . V ~ _1_ not of Kammnnnnr. g'f.. (:nT.l.IMl:`nnnn a1'Io, 1, North Side of Napier UILIJILL` UIVU On the` premises -`mun t`I mnn-n 11"? LL! misa .Stre'et-`-Lots Nos. N- 7 3`. Elizabeth Street, and a :7 -5. S. Henry-Street, Perry "3. tfeet, Roe s Block, J acre ne ;. - ,3 '~ of Bayeld Street, Pa.tton - 'noar1v'an anm wilh . .m~a tthe owner, ' A 77 MRS,-_.P. RICH.A.RDS(:_N._ 0 ; _ ' rv - the Postmaster, Medonte Post Office- 18-tf lyn ; 25 in the 4th and .ulmur.' ' - . .__`. - - - -- V v_ in excellent repair, and i . IIAQC noncession; and 25 y.uRs.L1>dvnv.1 V. , ll-if mmnon " `"3 U780! Peffeoon oftraveling. AH Virnin'll88 We fan r_ 00., BOSTON u.I ucessiori Vespra ; ` Gqhcession ; Flos ; uuulu av luullll8'S ie,_`and fronting wincessiqn "Nona- rm. m; session Innil ; aapton, C. W. 26-tf -' ELOR, -5...pu.uuuy, communicated etlirfproperi tions ship to another dial near the stemywehere an officer and eight steersmen, two aeaoh of the four wheels, kept the immense-vessel in her true course. Mr. Murphy, tlte'New York pilot, who first carried the steamer into Yew York, conducted her out of the New York harbour, and Mr. Guy, 3 Hampton pilot, carried `her into Hampton Roads, taking the ship channel that passes very near Cape Henry. Both these oicers discharged their responsible duties with quiet dignity and masterly sucuese. he voyage was most safe` and agreeble, spacious state-room,` wrote as been term firma. tjX'v. be` l_3_ 'Wld.9 ......-. '. and ma ......i.i ..--