wuue 111 um country. One of tlaeir umbor, Mr. Carpenter, who will be well remembered by our cricketers, scored the remarkable number of 119 in his innings, soorlg lixofox-. one stroke of the ball. Lillywhite an Own: made very good play, ~-the Eleven scoring the formidable number of 328 in their rs: innings while their opponents scored .291! 160. The match was not concluded . 1.... - mrecls, N. F. `JOHNS, Agent ./9Il1m-mm l N_5TlCE.! nl-and tn llnxrmn nu-hr ifhhln. ` c4OL_LI`NGWOOD. , - __..._uvvw- 5..OA.M. ...'.. ...........` 3.00 9.11. .._. . . 10.15 A.:1.,and 9.00 mm. J. LEWIS GRANT,` S11Dl!r1'nlpn:-Ion! motels. % _ 3 6's."Ep?z` 0, Agent dvmzca Oice, Barrie. 94 run 111', Superintendent . `I 0 ._-.......,.. eueuuun u unulllllco A Hmvv Bm'.-The political gambler s Book is openeu`. The betting on the Presi- dency has commenced, The editors and proprietors of the La`Crosse -(Wis.) lican and of the Democrathave ofces, papers rand" types, and (value $4,000) on the result. of t Illinois and Wisconsin. If erything election in both States the editor of the Democrat is to take both. oices, but if Lincoln carries one, then the editor of the Republican is the winner. Prop- erly to be delivered on the 4th of March next.- Hamilton Times. . . {.36 "each. _ _'_ _g1 An '10-lmo WGOAIERY. > '12-. wly. 12-tf cuuty caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetfulnesa, sometimes a ringing in the earl, weak eyes, weakness of the back and IuWet' extremities confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be curedby the new Botanic Retnedie. * V ' . -- ` ' COUNTRY PATIENTS. - . "Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States' or Canada, by; tieuta communi- cating their symptoms by letter. . mine-aa_ c0I | _.BP0lt- deuce strictly cuntlential. ~ ; , _ ` A _ _ Address DR. GOODYNG _ 94} No.15! East Broadway, New York. . in uiorclloltltt U *0`. 55`, I'{`ing Street West, Toronto, C.W., I ESTABLISHED av DR. GOODING, (formerly of England.) NEW, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUCCESSFUL mode of treating ' Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Marasmus or WasttngConsumpl ion, Seminal Weakness, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt ' Rheum, Mercurial Chronic Complsin6t;,3&e., Gzc., I3` Nocharge for Advice. Dr. GOODING is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted b him is new, it is based upon scientic;princi les,.with new discovered remedies, without mineral; or. poisons. _ The facilities of cure are such,-`that patients can be cured at their own houses without. as use`, in any" part of the country, from an accurate` eseription of their case -by leiter, and ham: tlm n...t.`..:.. . -.._a--I--- L - " April 1 1tb,.1860. __._..j.__.__.___: PIIUIIKH To those who desire it, he will send the Pre- scription, with full directions (free of charge); .a.lso a. sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful` "combination of Nature s simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain it by return mail, by addessing . J. E. curmssm nnInm;n 1) -A---'--'--4 .. Inn DUDDUK.ll.`JK, for several years 9. resident _l_ of Asia, discovered while there, a. simple vegetable rcmedy--a. sure Cure for Consumptimz, stlima, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, `and Nervous Deb_lit_t/.7 For the benefit. of Consumptives and Nervous Su'e."ers, he is willing to make the same public. . l`n Hanan ml-m A....xL... u. L- __... . .. AND` NERVOUS SUFEERERS _ ,,.,-- ..- .. .-.. -uv-u o Pm\ru`.wo|mnr.-An Irish servant girl, named Jane McCord, residing in B0-Ion, re- cently lrainilled lo Ireiand the sum of40, the result of six years incessant {oil --as payment of her deceased father s liabilities. A II._,_._. n, rrun - -:-- THE SUBSCRIBER,ifor several ntberg, simple vorrnfnkln rnuu-..l.. .. ----A [ May 15:11, 1860. .-___. THE Advertiser having been restored to health in ii few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several yenrs wiili a severe Lmrg Aection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow-suerers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send it copy of the prescription used (freergfc/large , with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Conmm lion, Ast/mia, Bram-Iu'tr's, .c.- "The only object 0| 1 e advertiser in sendingthe prescription is to benet the aflllcted, and he hopes every suflizrer will try his remedy, tie it will cost them notliing, and may piove a blessing. Parties i wishing the prescri tion will please nddress REV. D\VARD A. WILSON, May 2n-3mn '\Vi'lliumsburgh,lKings Co., N.Y._ AND 3Q,]5ANIB DISPENSAHY, - 1, King Esnnnmsmm nv ...u.nu u. unumun, President. ROBT. STANTON, Secretary - Treasurer. f Toronto, Dec; 22. 1851. _' JAMES PATTON, gent for County, Simcae J, H. LAWRENCE, ' gent, Collingwood. Barrie, Jan.. 1858. . '2-Iv 1858._ . ____:___.__.___. C.AP'I'1`AI..v . . . 100, ooo -IN SHARES OF .610 EACH. 0ME_ (`FFl(.`E, ITORONTO. Prcsilcnt,-IsAAc C. GILMOR, Esquire, Vice-President,-Tnmus HAWORTII, Esquire. - mmscrons: George Michie, M. P. Hayes, James `Beaty, Walter Llzncfarlane, Hugh Miller, T. I . -Robm-ts, And 13!. W tvI.mm......... 1:*.~....=--- uugu muwr, I '1'. 1 . -Kobarts, And E. F, Whitlemore, Esquires, Secretary and Trca.sm'er,--Roberl. Stanton, Esq. Sol;'citor,-Angus Morrison, Esq. ./Ipplications for Fire Risks received at the Home Office, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite. the Commercial Bank. , . I Oice Hours,-10, A. M., to 3, P. M. } ISAAC C. GKLMOR, ` 7 : _ , A P1-nizlnnl JIl'l1'/Ill % AFi='LIoTEI_) READ! EUROPEAN MEDICAL HOUSE ' AND Canada; Western Assurance ' Co y _ V u . . AU fig, - A Welsh newspaper recently contained the ibllowing in its notices to correspondents :- `-Truth is crowded out of our columns this week. ' I 4 . JA5. 1 A'1_`TO ~' J. R. ARDAGII, Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 1859; . as preferable to divi . or s mraxrs. ANNUAL DI{IO1\'_S OF PROFIT, 0:13 at intervals of five, seven, or ten years. . . . HOM MANAGEMENT, thereby secur_in a. speedy adjustment of claims, and liberal re ntions for residence and travel. . N0 further outlnv rpnnir-mi frnm nu. .' ..... _.: Premiums payable aun.u ly, or I_)y,som_i-annual or quarterly instalment at the option of the assured. . - . ANNUAL. AND M T AMPLE EXHIBITS ` A 3 of" ' 9: nf`nim uuu uuenu re I muons ror resndence and _No further outlay required from the assured `than the pr ium. - - TAQ T)A|'lVlVn\r A __, . - Manager J. EDWARDS, ./Igent, Barric_. '..r...--- --non! -auwun UV 1 INCORPORATED BY ACT 01-` I ABLIAMEN'l`, CAPITAL, . . . , . . . . . $1,000,000 FFERS thefollowing real nd_vanI.ages to in- ` tending Assurers:-- ` . Low RATES OF IZRFMIUM, Consequent on the investme_n t of all the Com- pany s funds in the Provinc rprpminmu nuuahln n...-... I... .... 1..- _-._.s -' _;,z_': :_ Canada` Life `Assurance; Co y INCORPORATED BY ABLIAMENT. l)lillll.'Uo > _ , :-All losses in Canada are submitted to the gen- tlemen composing the Board who examine the particulars, and if found satisfactory, at once order the payment. of the claim. This system has called forth numerous `cards of t1_mnks. H` x'ru'-rinnnn b`1nI|`1` n....~.. L..A......._ -'I-!_.A..A- xurul uumcroys C.l`(1S or Lnanks. If di`e:`c`nces should arise between claimants and the Cdmpany, the Manager is fully empowere to accept service of any-process in law. ` - ALT<}Y'A Nman R'l`I.`.\\7.anm lllllill Lvllulu lIllL~l4LAI{.Sl The Report further says, that the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in the business of the "Company, and they have every reason to believe that from the `con- nection now formed it will continue to increase in the same ratio. 'I`lm. Fania"! l\r`lII\ f1-..___.__ 9- .1. , .' 1 .- - "A stalilier being asked if he met with much hospitality in Ireland, replied: `that he was in the hospital all the time he was there" ! . lu but URIIIB N1110- . The Capital ofthe Company is devotedventirely i to FIRE Lmmumss, having no reserve for 9. Life Branch. .A-1| 1........L :_ n-._'_:, T' v --- -- 1wpurI.: V V It will thus be seen that the total amount. of business done during'll1e last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWENTY-T-W0 THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW -POLICIES, producing an ndditionalmnnunl in- come of D `$150,000: Rem-esentina Prnnnrtv Inanrnfi tn Hm nvlnn} n4` v a. v v yv V V a - Representing Property Insured t9 the extent of 'l`ll I R TY MILIO N DOL-LL A RS! 'I`lm Dnnnrf (`nu-limp mum 41...; Hal... `l'\f......n....... , 1 LI , L! \I `I ,- ~. Which is retained in this country. The increase of business in England is unpre- cedented, es shown by. tl1e`Par1iamenta.ry returns, and the" following taken from the last. September Report:' V -' H. n, Hun: ha ennn flan` {kn On}.-:1 nrnnunr A4` '.l`l.'lllUB9l Ill IOITC OI IHIOOIOTI Ill Ulllllli Honorable Joan Ross, W.P.HowI.Axn, Esq. MPP. Joan Cxuwrpnn, Esq., Wn.y.1.u1 Ross, Esq., W . MOMASTER, Esq., Wu. Hnxnnnsqn, Esq. Banlcera--Tnx`BANx or Mowrnnu. Solicitors--Ross, Gnnwronn AND Cnouam. This Brnnch was only opened last January, nnd . now has an income of -`pl-9:-_-u -4-` p\'4 I ri-rx--v A _.._.. c:- --.---1 I_vu @vv,vv',_v Ti, wmz Urwmns or 1000 smnnnonnnns. V The Right Honorable Loan Kuxx Chairman. Penn Momusoiv, Esq., Managing .brec!_zr._ _ - Wumxua` Cuwnnn, Esq., Secretary. A cqpyv of Stock Book can be daily seen en the counter at the . HEAD OFFIGE, (IARADA BRANCH, TORONTO. IIIJYT State Fire %Insuran'ce, nurmu nnmrnua `9 `DA! 1 , MALI . AND 2'! urn-u nonnnnn rm 1nnn nnAnI!I'-Inl .nIEl1.'_ Established `Vii{'15e; um,-. Charter ofzmperia Pnrl1'n1nM1L 's.t'2'r`;'ant ` In F! It ? .-~.\...v.,.,vJ..vv.A.-.....vv k'f6'"coNsuMPTTIvEs. -:__. illinllllllqln AL}! Qlluwssa wu-vw; CHIEF OFFICES--'3 PALL MALL AND 32 ' LUDGATE HILL, L I,-c>:n._'__c_1<>:I::I_.. Trustees and Board of Directors in `Canada: nna-`u-aln [nun Dang I Tl? `D Unun nun Wan RID `CHARTERED nv AM or PARLIAMESNT. DOW {I88 8!! IDCOIDB 0! $575,000: Vhich is 1-Mninp in thin nnnnh-1 enital. V9 ..vVvv....v\.\..,.../.1..- uuu u: zmyprucess in law. ALEXANDER STEWART,` . Manager for B. N. u rica..- S. ./Iaent. Barrio 4'1 mrm Jhiiasnratice. . sI\/\a`.\\.\J\lws'\/\.r\r\\-.r\/\4\4\r\\l .u. 1:1. UU L11.D1`1ll' Botanic Physicia, . No.24!) Broadway New York. 1 5.1 O}:- M 1 AMI of" affairs. DH Q1n\' n` , - -.._-- --_ .......... ...u avuruuolullltlcn A} young lady recently. married a farmer and on visiting the cow-house, asked lhe servant ` which cow IS n thm auto: or... u......._ mu; u,nuzr=v on L Parliament. JAS. t>.&T_'roN, Agent edical Referee. an lt xcalueuu e, C'0nJrum'nI1'm: ; u()., N . I 20-3mo ._.:..___.-. 28-3mo lb WUUIL ` 2-ly q..._ Au any case reqqmng physio; They are put up in a form convenient to send by mail. Ten cents the package, retail. . Physicians, Druggists and others, who wish to become agents will have a sample, with Terms sent to them upon application. . ' at my nsk. Address,- Money, ifiregistered and sent by main, will be V on. FRANCIS, V V ' ` ` Collin wood O.W. ' Agent for.Barrie..-.`. '1".W.GE RGEfI." 3 Febtnary 20. 1859. -` `- for `Barrie- February 20, 1859. * . us 318511 1113' CATHARTIC LOZENGES FOR CHILDREN V ARE a. safe and eicient Medicine, composed of pure Vegetable substances so combined with sugar and peppermint as to be agreeable to the taste 7 ` The maker has [been indheed to_ offer these_Loz- in any case requiring ph_y'sic.'. D in R fnrnu I`|hlIBnl|:nu|` In ----`J .vuus'UaI'i, uucm-IRAI. UEBILITY, and Nmwous Pnos- rrumox. No. 2', for luvnn COMPLAINTS, No. 3, for Dvspzrsu. Being already prepared for absorption` it is TAKEN BY Dnors and -carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for FEMALE Innr:aui.Am1-1'25, HvsrEnu,W1uKm:ss, are. See special directions for this. For SALT Rmzux, ERUPTIONS, Scrwrnmus, KIDNEY, and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, take No; 5. In all cases` the directions must _be strictly followed. Price of the BLOOD Fcon $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH -& DUPONT, . a No.` 409 Bro ad\-my, New York, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country; March 28th, 1860: -'3ins _____________________} , .. .. ..v.... V--`Install uacvuttzuu V _ Why is a man going topay his note at line bank like a farmer going to meet his children '1 Because he meets his responsibilities. f .......... )...:.. --___.-.. - - _ . ..-_- r\|I.r\ I.l\JlV adapted to the deciencies of `the Blood in differ- ent. diseases. For Comma, Cows, Bnoxcmns, or any affection whatever of the Tunon or LUNGS inducing Cousumvnox, use No. 1,`which_'isulso the N 0. for Dm~1u:ssioN,on' SPm1'r5_, Loss or APPE- 1'1_1'1c, and for all, Cnnoruc COMPLAINTS arising from Oven-us:-1, GENERAL Dnmnrrv, and Nmwous jmmxox. 2', Iavnn CnMm.nwr-u M. a 4'..-` --Juullnll-I-II always presents us with the same essential ele- ments, and gives of course the TRUE STANDARD. Analyze the blood of a "person suffering from Consumption ` Liver ' Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofuln, &c.,*and we find in every instance certain dqiciencicsin the red globules of Blood. .Sup71l_I/ these dec'iencies, and you are made well. The Bnooo F001) is founded upon this Tl1eory-l1ence its astonishing success. There are ...u .5 cu.v5uu.u U1. Uplub of any kind, and therefore relieveeby removing the sujfcrings of your child, instead of by deaden- ing its sensibilities. For this rcasonjt commends V itself asthe only reliable preparation now known for CHILDREN Tnmnma, D1'AnRuo'-:14, D\'SEN 1`EE\', Gnmmo IN THE BOWRLS, ACXDITY 01-` THE STOMACH, \\'um, Conn IN THE HEAD, nndtlnour, also, for softening the gums, -rcduring inamation, regulating the Bowclsiaml relieving pain, it has no equal- being an anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of CONVULSION on omen FITS. .43 you value the life and health of your children, and wish to save them from the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which other remedies for Infan- tile Complaints arecomposed, talce none but DR. EA'rox s.INuN1'xLn Connuu., this you can `rely upon. `It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most. delicate infant, Price, 25 cents. Full; directions accompany" each bottle. [Prepared only by e A CHURCH 3; DUPONT; No. _409 Broadway, New York; ___ __ __._. - ---1: v `I-nvdlblulnll and why? because it never fails to ubrd instan- tuneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone willconvince you that what we say is t_rue. It. contains , ' `If. -n_,, - - - -.4vnV Ia FIVE PaI:'PA=.A::_-;`c;_Ns nntml tn Hm A..t:..:..._ ..:__ INFA1'Ii 'c'diu3IAL, whi-`I becmm-. it nnmvr rm-1." 4,. nmn Healthy human Blood I ...... ......5 uuv nu. uunu In, uuuuu W luu pale cueex. 3-The Plants and Herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered in 1; very surprising way among the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you `will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the Gaza llxnxcmn or the Aztecs. Obie:-vc.-77e Mountain Herb Pills are put an in a Beatgzjful Wrambiz; L'ac`lh_boa:-oonld:`hn: 40 5:11;, and Retail ul 2 cents per . AI genuine ave ugnal ure 3. L. JUDSON as 00., on-each mi. n . of wuu, Chest Disease: L'osh'venesI, Dy-mcmia. -o-an nnoasalvbbid-`I 0 Females who value health, should never be without those Pills. They purify the blond, remove'obstructiona_ of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotchel, and bring the rich color of. health to the pale cheek. K3-The Phuifn nnil Fla:-In nf n.l.:..I. 01...-.. Inn- -..- v.. .....D ....a.. uuull us: {uul.t.Icu_. _ Swinging is said, by the doctors, to b good exercise for the health ; but many a ; wretch has come to his death by it. b In A }\nnl!annn-,5 n.n..l........ I--AIL` wsuvenm, Dy-mew Diarrhea: Dropfy. Thousands are d.aily speaking in the praise of VIJAUJH &'IIAB IJIIJAIJIJDU IJIBIMIIWIHE, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, &c. This Anliliiliolu Iledicine expels from the blood the hidden seeds of dis- ease, and renders all the uids and secretions pure nnd uent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we are able to nlsce` uent, clearing and renuscitating the vital us, place` within-your renh, 5 medicine like the Moumnm Hum Plus, that will pass directly to the amicted parts, through the blood and uids of the body, and cause Ehalzzlxlxorer to brighten with the ush of beauty and on . ' Jud.wiz : Pill: are the Best Remedy in wist- nce for the following Cmunlaints: uuuauu-s rm: are me neu ztcmeay m cm!- ence for following Complaints: Bowen Complaints, Debility, Inward Weakness, arm 11:, ' Ilrver and Ague, Liver, Complaints, Col , Ikmale 0omplainu.a_t`1me.uqf.Spin'u, I`l...I n.-...... :r__.:__1 __ B. L. T UDSOi`i', & Co., ' SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 50 Leonard Street, NE W . Y 0 It K. . 33- FOR um Bx ALL MEDICINE nmxzms. '1`. w. G1:m Barrje. R. GEORGE, Orillia. ' P. E. DRAKE, Be,-ll Ewart. WM van: m...--.. puma`- _ 'l1xe blood II the life i and when any foreign or unhealthy matter gets mixed with it it is at once distributed to overy organ of the body. livery nerve feel: the poison, end all the vital organs quickly complain. The stpmech will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to Iecrete a aulllciency of bile. The action of the heart in vveukened, and so the circulation is techie. The lung! become clogged with the oisonous mutter; hence, I oough-su1l all from 9. alig it impurity at the fountain4 head of life--the Blood I, As if you had thrown some earth, for instance, in e..pure apring, from which run a tiny rivulet, in e. few minutes the whole course of the 'Itrenu1,becomee disturbed and discolored. As quickly does impure hlood fly to every part, nnd leave its sting behind. All the passages become obstructed, and unless the obstruction is removed. the lump of life noon died out. These hills not onlv purify the blood. but rerzenorntn all we obstruction is removed. the lump of life dies pills only purify blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled as 3. - - . . DO Ltd _ 118, R0!!! )0 Agents for them l'llll. Tho nvontor and mnnufucturor of `Hudson : Moun- tain Herb Pills has spent the grater pnrt of his life in travelln having visited nearly every country in the world. a spent over six years nmon the Indians of u Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, an it was thus thy! the Mouzmlm Ema PIUJ were discovered. A very Interesting account of his adventure; there, you, will and In our Almuno and Pamphlet. It In an oatablislaed fact. that all diseases Arise Rom Anon, we present on with {perfect llkononn of romeo, table! of 0 tr bd of the strange Aztec Nution that once ruled `Mexico. You will and a full account o ulna and his people ln`our Pun blots Ind Almunu-to . be had gntls. [mm the Agents or these l'llla. .. . _ . . . . . . _ q . vulu nu una ucalu U] I! In a bonksellel- s cagalogne lately appeared the following article ;-` Memoirs of Charles I., with a head capitally executed. J1... :;. .. ......_ --f--- -- ' ' ' V .IUb'-.s`oJw s Mountainerb Pins. nu-In uuvv IIIIUH JlvAIUUo auu will uuu a sun c Aln ` gratis, Agents inventor mnnufscturor Judsol 1-1.. n..-L' Inn. on I... __-._A u.- .._,._A_._ __4 -1 u Almsnno Ind Pamphlet. fact, ........ n u all. A: gut. 1|. L`U{|HllIlS N o Ifaregoric or Opiate ey kind. therefore rrllinvawluu .-M... GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! I\-`A':n- _.`l... __I.. CURE FOR. BILIOUS DISEASES, P fhrnnlnlnf, Si:-It Wnnnnhn lm Thh: A.nI.',n.'l DR. FRANCIS T1 T-_l'\'7I4`\YfVD(! farxr: an DR. :,`n-aw; r. u. U18.-\l\L'1, lieu Jawnrt. WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. H.\Rl ER, Cookstmvn. N()R'1`IlR()1 & LYMAN, Newcastle. SIMPSON Sr l)UNSPAUGH, \vlml.m..I.. A........- nu--- ,,._ ,._.._...._. .. yuan. uvul i A: a town-meeting in Scotland, it was recently voted Hhat all persons in -the town owning dogs shall be muzzled. &`._2..__... .. . I ` -' `. a .,r....., ....5...a Iv unuunvun ] The Iiondon College of Surgeons, grave .and learned men, had Tom Sayers, down, not long ago, to test the weight of the blow he given, not on any `nflhe Doctors, but upon a machine, which cjaymade like a stomach, and recedes with the bIow.'regieteriag the number of pounds weittht it gets. The gures to Tom : crediufe 329' pounds, which` is something like alively sack of our hitting you, every time he. gets a fair-blow. A III]... .__-__._1n do n _. - IMPURE BLOOD I Indigestitm, Inuenza, Injlamnualicm, 0 t . -or never and Ague, Liver, Complainulaumess qf Spiria, Headachea, Piles, Indigestion. Same and cram. N S: l)UNSPAUGH, Wholesale Agents, Toronto. l upon being \l'lPI'| ruea, Same and Gravel. Secondary Symp- lama. I1` 0 v 8-lyv "'7' ... s-uvu uuulu. .lVO.l wsold for 13 per bottle; N'b.{or 75 cents. With this aim le notice they are offered to the ing on 1 ejr virtues in ntlsbmmendingl mcelvel. . W. PASS MORRBON, _ . - Jgent, Barr e. Bama, Septembesjlo, 1859} 37: y ublic, rely- I _ -puUU.U ru1tu`lER, Superior to the purest extract of Sarsparilla, made entire] of roots and herbs of this and foreign coun- tries, the best properties ofwhich are extracted by an entire new chemical process. It acts in larger doses as an active physic, in smaller ones as an alterative working directlvon the Liver and Kidneys, expel- - lingtherelrom all morbid matter, thus bringing into action all the organs that may have become inactive, and maybe relied on to cure Liver Complaints and Complaints of the Kidne s, lnci ient Consumption, Dyspe is, General Debtlity, 0| Ulcers, Scrofula, Salt eum, Pimples. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery- sipelas, Inrmities of Youth and Age, and all other dtseaseswhich have their origin in a disordered or impure state of blood. It is of a strenghthening nature, and will never weaken or prostrate the body. The number 2 is a ' ' ~t ' FEVER MEDICINE, And must never be taken ex` t in connection with No. 1. It will then cure ln w Rheumatism, all kinds of Fevers and Ague, worst effect of J Colds, and all pains, whether Chronic or Acute. These vmedicineswill etfect CURES trom one part of the body `to the other.` re. 13... --- I , not removals 1 ...-. - nuuuvui Inn gvavullvln John Ross, one of th German pioners "of ' Waterloo county, expired on Friday the 13th. inst., in the township of Wilmot. He was 82 years old, and left 8 living children, 71 grand children and 8 great grand children. I'l1o\--v .._-... Iii.-- .- L- -, I` ....,.... vvuu furuucqualnled with the Doctor nothing need be said--to others, it is but necessary lo say, that he has for years prescribed for from 4,000 to readily to his treatment, andpersons came dai y from hundreds of miles to be cured. The Doctor, how- ever, has not been table, like others, to cure every- thing with one preparation, but has put up his medi- cine in two bottles, which are numbered 1 and2 Thenumber I is a . BLOOD PURTFIER, seridf 10 unrest llllnn .5` Q...--'---'" ` um" t5u1'tv`AI.0, N,Y., AFTER an unprecedented successful practice o over thirty years, being about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends In all parts of the country, has consented to make two medical preparations upon which he has bestowed the care and knowledge of his long experience, and has left them with the cliflerent druggists for sale. To those who are acquainted with the Doctor nothing need necessary to has prescribed from 5_0m npraxnna n-.| --|----~-- * '*' ` 335 Dec. 21st, 1859. PRICE. 3 DIME8. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR I THARTIC PILLS are retailcd by rally, and sold wlxolesale by the '1 large towns. Q, rnyuuo n-----/ mm.-runs I0 I nose, lto 8. The FAMI gentle but a( prielon has us twenty` years. T118 (`nnch cATHA1'i'i i: PILLS, COMPOIINDRD FROM -__g--.aug.Av L LJJJJIU, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts. and put up in GLASS CASES, air-tight, and will keep in any climate. The FAMILY`CA- I !THARTIC PILL is u g.'"' 'iV`? C3] lharuc which the pro- prnelon used In ins practice more than t v- -. l_we 2Lyi_\caIs_ _ ` pl] Wk WATER IN THE Mbn'rH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, 'A1\'D SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --A 130.: -m: vununencelnenl 0! I at) . All who use it are giving th! favur. : 1\'ll\` KVATIPD 117 Vrrrn -nrr -- ... ..-nun nun Bald-headed men takela joke more easily, Because they are not arlhe lroubl of `gelling it through lheiv hair. ` 11- n .- nnfrnnn. DELLENBAUGH, OF BUFFALO. N. Y.. essmn snow. l 1 The dose must lw; ment of the individual|' aIl('ll quantities as to act! I Let the dictates of . you `in the use of the ' TOR, and it will cure j lious Altm-.ks,Dyspepsia I Summer Complaints, ` Sour Stomach, Habitual Cholera Morlms, Cho- lcuce, Jauudice, Fer l may be used su':cess- .l Family Medicine. It `ache, (as, llmnsandn can utes, iftw_o or three Ten-l the conuneitcemenl ofl I All who nun in urn gin: menueu. . ' It has cured thousands I years who had given up numerous unsolicited ' I `essinn show. "PI... 4...... ........ 1.... ,, _ ,, ,, ___- - -v- -----:QIlO TN EVER V DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a. Standard Medi- cine, known and ap- . Jproved by all that have used it, and is now re- ]`sorted with condence in all the diseases for `Which 1!. IS recom- mended. O I ` It I.-an....-...! u.......-_.1. - nth` ` Iu|I'u&.II\.luL nu: vv\ruu- . The Kesloralive is put up in bolllc of Ihree sizes, viz : large, Invdium and small; the small holds g a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least lwcnly per rem more in proportion than llu: small, retails for two dollars per boule; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for llll'!:`8 dollars per bottle, _ O. J. \VO()l) g\: C().. Prunrielnrs. AAA Rmmlm-... sou UIBCK umr, wmcn no monev can buy. I As a mark 0! my gruutude for your labor and skill l in me prn(lu('li0n of so wonderful an article, I -have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you,-are u.~'ing ll. with like effect. Very respect- fully, youns, A. M. LATT.-\, Attorney and Cnnnsellur at Law. Depog 444 Bromlway, and sold by all deulcrs throughout the world. ' , - '11:, n unu re.-um.~' mr Inree dollars bottle, C0,, Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and H-1 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good` l)rn3gisls and Fancy Goods Dgalers. . Anu sold by all Dcalers. Jun:-. 2], I869; at :u. - ._ _- `l at _once made application to the most skillful physicians in the county, but, receiving no nssuninr-e trom tltemlhat my hair could again be restored, I waslort-ed to become reconciled to my fate, until, `fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, ynur Resturalive was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the tttvst rcliahlu Hair Restorative in use. [tried one luttle, and found to my great satisfaction: that ll was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have _us-d seven dollars worth of your R e. and us 8 result, have a rich coat ofvety soft black hair, which buy. of rnv 21-utitnde fur vnur Ialmr amt cl-ill I . ` ' "be i h bell etrfrom ladieaand-ent_Iemen ` i.;:":ll 0f".(|):3it'!V, whose united testimony none oonldreatsl, that Prat`. _Wood I Hair Restore ative will regtore `the bald and gray, and presertze the . hair.-of the youlh.to`old age, in all its youthful b'"'" Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21:: 1858. Paar. Whoa :I Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suflering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stall` for caps, neither have I been able to dothem up, in comic uence of which my head has suffered extremely rom cold. This induced me to pay Briggs dz Hodges almost the last cent 1 had on earth for a dollar bottle ofthy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair, thick and black, though short, it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling con- fident that anuther large bottle would restore" entirely and permanently, I.f'ecl anxious to persevc in its use, and being destitute of` means to purcltase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willingto send me an order on thine agents tor a bottle, and receive to thyselfthe scripture declara- tion- the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the'fatherlesa. Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. bth, I859. Pttor. O. J. Wooo: Dear Sir:--In the latter part of the vear 1852, while attending the Slate and National Law School of the State of New Yolk, mv hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced failing of!` very rapidly, so that in the short space of six montha,lhe whole upper part of my scalp was almosrentirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining ortinn upon the side and back part of my headsliort v after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at :1 loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my mnrenintimate acquaintances were to recognise me at 2 . -. ........a-. -uu-v uu-un Hall the world s a. stage. and men and women merely players, where are the audience and orcheslra to come from ? e LIVER fiiif1'& 6RAToR. IVIV 1 PIVI`1x-V ' C The onl Preparation that has g V ST D THE TEST OF YEARS, Jud grown mormaand more. popular every day`! And testimon` la, new, and almost without number, migbtbesivgn from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of `och-tv. whose nmted testimony __- _-. . ;u\.Iu.n1Ul(. and Family CA- C Druggisls gene-` Trade in all the ns. . Manuavlurcr and` 333 Froadway New Yoda 359. no-IQIO BUFFALO, I Ilnnrnnndnnona ....- _- V V F s A N_13' D s TTAIIIT `Y s; T.` w. SANFORD, i 1\1Hnll1L'lurvr and F SANFORD S -as-too-1;-u au- g`. 2-` FAMILY _._._.. ...... \I 'IvuI vuuu vullulvllu 6 5 Every man liks to be taken for a gentle- man, and no man likes to be charged as one in hishotel hill. ' . w . SANFOR 1\Ianuf}n-lurcr a allumvu 7V'.... V..-. ` "" ;.D_\'senler_v, D r o p s _v, iCosliveness, Cholic, '|era lnfanlnm, Flam- male Weaknesses. and . fully as an 0rdinar' will cure Sick Hen - ._ testify ), in twenty min- 3_l {spoonfuls are taken at I hum-k. gwilhin` the last two lull hnpcsu{relio:f,astl1e \J :1- I < `certicates in my pos- ng adapted to the temnera- x Eadaptcd tempera- }O `taking it, and used in I 0 gently fun the Bowcls. g_ your ]ud;zm=nl guide |_ tuluw mat Ule amerent onions of the bowels. ll`HARTlC PILL has l this well established t'r`om a variety of the | tracts, which act alike ' alimentary canal, and cases where a Cathnrtic mngements of the S10- l Pains in the Back nnd * Pain and Soreness over i sudden c'uld, which fru- end in a long course ol tile, a -Cree ing Sensn~ b od y, esllesness, the head, all Inamma- in`Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, which flesh is heir, too t h is advertisement. 1'creasing demand from used the PILLS, and all express in regard to -11:18 to place them within _ know that the different DOl'linn nf lhn 'Ir'\II!L-19 , gcnuy nn Inc bowels. , 'udgmenl guide "LlVEl,{ lNVlG()l{A"- -Liver ffnmnlnhna nu Lal \` nu IN V lL}()l{A , `Liver Complaints, Bil- 10 h ro n ic Diarrhoea, [D_\'senler_v, s__v, :Cosl|venps,a. (".5-nlm ,0 . and Family CA- I Druzgisls Ln-m-- party of gfonr days about a ton Thousand Islands. Ila Jestimony in its ID 11., r and Proprietor. fof. 51-ly man at me Uttice, free of charge. All communications addressed to E. J. ReY"'g" M.D., No. 19 Exchange Place, Rochester; N- " will meet with prompt attention. I3` Oice hours, trom '1 A.M. to 9 RM. rd Ernaonnnumz No'rtcE..-DI'. W. C. LIlP' announces, for the benet of the sick and nnl_ort_unntt; thatha L-ontin'm=I to devote the whole of hm um . the treatment of pnvale dis.-a's at but oice: ` ehlapngel Place, Rochester, New orlr. e , mry20, 1860. V 8" j -- THE WEEKLY NORTHERN .412 VAJYOF _ published every Wcdrusday Ma/-niizg, by Ru:/I0! J. diver. at Duulapatrcn East, Barrie. mated \\'Ilh nea_rly 300 pages. Price, 25 cents: Item describing age, sym toms, ovcnpation: 553 P"P|'ly attended Io, nnd mecllcinea, securely 388' from obervalion, sent to all parts ofthe world. No letter: will be nnswo-rod nnlmun lhnv 1-nnlai I zrom observation, parts world. _ will be answered unless lhey conlam relpittanco ofone dollar, consultation lee. Consulta- tion at lhe Ofce, free of charge. '__-Ml communications addressed to E. Revnoldt: auulg mose advertising in this city:] ` Dr. K-f8 P|"'` lice extendsthrough every State In the Umun and the Britiah Pt -ovinocs. Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT \vom(- 11m: 17% VA TE .MEDICAL GUIDE--BequlIT""Y 1' " mated with nearly centgs. kc deacribintl ante. svmntoms. 01-cnnallom I ._ ....... ... nu, utucf ptrtre. R. is the only regular educated physifa" .i this- city who devotes his whole time exrlzmt-(Iv I0 the treatment of diseases of at private nature. [TM afflicted would do well to make inquiries before con- sulting thnee advertising in this city.] Dr- R-f5 P" & lice_extends through everv State in the Union an muses or mesa PINS annually sold, nut one complaint ha_s yet. been made agninat them. Ladies in a cer- laun situation phould not use them, the particulnrg of which will be found in_ the directions not-ompn)""3 each box. Price $100. Sent by mail In any pm of the world. Beware of counterfeit.-1. They H0 not on sale at any other place. Dr. in I|n'n.n:n.. ...I.- .1", ' 9-- - ..-_...-nu nu-u_uu-`u Upwards of 400 vocal and instrumental per-_ formers will be present at the Soiree given to the Prince at Montreal. ' f>l ncnnulca, u.u., successtutty trentett. . - YOUNG MEN, \Vho, by indulging in seret habits, have contracted that soul-subduing, ntind-pros'trating, lmt|_\'-tlc-struylllll vitiee, shhould apply to Dr. Reynolds witfhom tll`l') - 3 n I ese, as well as all other cases u a pnvn ct! ` tnre, Dr. Reynolds commends an early application. and without any vanity or aspiration, tlecitletlly 918' that no (`use within the reach of mortal aid shall eve? eave him without 8 cure or satlisfnctiult given. TO FEMALES. _ Dr. R. can be successfully consulted on all dtseaso peculiar to Females. ,_ . , N.B.--Dr. Reynolds is sole ngcnt for Dr. V tt'l I0" Female Monthly Pills. Among the many tho"-`,"d boxes of these Pills annually sold, comPl'"` has been lmtliesin . . . ,, __. .~` Innn Inlnnl-an ..L-..|_I _ ,. ' mg unseases: ~ Diseases ot the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Janndicco Dropsy, all forms of Sc-rufula, Teller, nml the inns! obstinate diseases of the Skin, Neuralgm, D_\'.~'p(`p:`I-"is Cnstive Habits, Piles, General Delnlity, Nervous Atl`m-1ions,Chronic Pulmonary Affeclinns, Bnutchllli Chrionic Cough, Cough and Colds, Incipient (`Nit snrnption, Inammatory and Chrunic Ilhemnmi.~m, Ulcers of the Leas, Ulcers of the Moutll,,Tunt'Ilf-`- Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Cancer, Glainlnular Enlargement, Tumurs, Chronic Sore Eyes. Mercnrml and Syphililic A'o.-olions, Pain and Swelling of the 130083: and all diseases arising frourthe impure slaw . of t_hc blood, whether Hererlitary, Acquired or (`on- lrcletl. Salt `Rheum, Fever Soles. and olherChrnnI0 Complaints of years standing. Gunorrhmn, Glevla Syphillis Striature, Suppression of the Manse: In females, 6:c., successhilly U'Cl(`|'. Ynmw: anew _ un uc.muA1t:.` t\.-\'_lLt(b. _ Hts long experience ani!at- ~ _ 4 " ` ` - Item to tlns class of complaints; his snfe__nnd speedy method of treatment, and ms ` extraordinary success, during 21 long and extensive practice, enables him. condentially, to promise nll persons a safe and radical euro, without injury to the constitution , or connement from business. Bv u long course of study and practical experience Dr. R. has now the gratlivatimt of presenting the unfortunttte with remedies that have never tault-.l pince he first introduced them, to cure the most alarnrng cases, and that in a very short but reasonable time without the aid of mercury or any other deleterious drug. Within the last forty years, Dr. R. has cum` more than one hundred thousand cases of the ah-W6 character, and it may he said safely that Won` I/um om!-/m/fof the patients had been previously treated with mercury and other poisons. Dr..R. can be sucm-xtfullv 1-nnanltml nn tlm t'.\ll.m'- wnn and other be successfully consulted on the follow- mg Diseases: ` 1);.-.m._-... nl 4|... 1.:....- 1.-:. I)l-.l,l._ '...._J.'44. 51#lS59. ,, , , , . .., _... I . 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Plemln Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, pd `e none but Dr. All Lan :, prepared by Flaning 1ro:.,PitLsbur 1:, R1. To those wialzing to give them I trial. we will orwnrd 1' mall, t. paid. to any part of the United States, one x of Pi In for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or `one vial of Vermifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must MN- compnnied by twenty cents extrn. ih Ifnr ml; hr Y1--u..:.o_ -...i n.__A_ 114'...` r___._ .,-uuruguuu v_y uvvvl-ll ucuu: UILPB. 3- For sale _by Druggilh and Country am Koepou szenenlly. Dr. M Lane s Vermifugc `DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; and that it is an innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slightest injmy to the most tcndcr in_/lint. V Address all orders to FLEMING BROS., Pxrrsnunca, PA. in every instance where it should prove incl`. fectual: -providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult should warrant the supposition of worms being the cause. In all cases the Medicine to be given IN s11uc'r ACCORDANCE WITH THE nnuscrioxs, We pledge ourselves to the public, that DR. M LANE S VEl{MIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has at- tended the administration of this prepar- ation has been such as to warrant us in pledging ourselves to the public to __v._ .....-. u. --w -vu-.-an llvlll IIIU IIIUUI ,"AV Georgia ed_iIor has received a basket and the following message from a lady:--Mr. Ed- ior,--I send you some Bell pears, the best you Ever ell`. - l\.. ml..- IOAL I._I_. _ P - "- HE countenance is pale and lifilglcn. Tcolored, with occasional ushes, or a cir. cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the -pupils _dilate;- an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye. lid; the nose is irritated, swclls,.and some- times "bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache; with. humming or - throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; 'l~rw_}, very foul, particularly in the morning; Hp. petite variable, sometimes voracious, with a knawing sensation of the stomach, a-t others, entirely gone; eeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir- regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood ; l)ell_v swol. len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc. casionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough ;' cough sometimes dry and convul- sive; uneasy` and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but V generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, - 4134.2; 1.1. 1`41x.I..|.lIL\4.l,IL]_) With the-least possible ain- and nrtic ' tion paid 1.0 the RcguIiutio n of E`/tilllrlgfsr Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivot, Cum. ' filled with Gold or Silver Foil, or nny other Bran ofVI)ENT,/IL SUR GER Yexeculed mm mm . andidt`-`ability. M 01'? CHARGES EXTREMELY MODERATE. {:3 Parties requiring Operations performed are requested to come early in the dav_. Oice Hoursfrom Eight o'clock u.m., to 1-"nu,-1,," _x_\ugust 13, 1856. ;;-Mi ` 'r\`n I191" A `Y-In.- Dentist is, or has*been, employed to operate in V1 HID Il'UlUSlUuo V""'5 V He would nlsostate thutin ca`e off '1 - work warranted, during the paast Ei:;n";:;::F will be repaired Free of Charge, provided no Oivhit ` er same month; but should another Dentist be the played, the warrmzlyin all cases will cease, em l`F`.T`.'I`II 1`.Y'I`1>. Arvmrn `l\`D!DI:Ir1m1'.1nr r If `~u_x_L.r "" I 1 RESPECTFULLY announces that he will be I. ' FRASER S HOTEL," BARBIE an the 6th 7th 6; 8th of ugust Oclob D ` February, April and Junc nZ,t mm"! NEWIYARKET n/n Hi `I cl ')nJl. 9...) , .- "' ""-' -7) "1" " `~'-W vwlu; Illfill NEWMARKET onthe Is! 2 (I 3 ,1 V and BRADFbRD, on t Izen4ll; 0;)`: c(:tfrl(zm:z .';m`)"': When he will be most happy to wait'D0nnltI;` ose who require his services in an of 1 of his Profession. - y be "`hes T-In uvnnlzl nlannlnbn AL..4:__ -,_ .. ._ WORM SPECIFIC, SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. VERMIFUGE. RETURN` THE` MONEY "1-A:;;'z:r-r;t')'l'2r namd Charles Y; Mason, was re- cently hanged three times, near Marysville, Cal., and after all he escaped from Ibo mob. 5 n,...-..:.. ...a:._._ L . _ _ . `-2... I DR. M LANE SW` August 8, I-uv wuuumy m all cases Wlll cens TEETH EXTRACTED alumni nnanihln nah-. . ....I ...._u, . Celebrated American % 5 .111! I\I'Jl LVUIAIIB WI\|llll res clfully inlorm his friends, an the public, that he, con- tinues lo be ,condenxinHy consulted at his old eslabfislml Medical Oicc. No. .19, Ex-I change Place, ON ALL DIS- EASES UF A PRIVATE UR DELICATE NATURE. 1-nllnna Q`r\ur:nnnn on. 1.1- ;; 1 -v --v DR. REYNOLDS would n-an:-H`..ll.. :..1.\...... L1. r..'.....a. T. \V. GEORGEN, Agent, Barrie. pres vthat plhe ofxh `(tom no.) J-.. ...yvu On the `i-31th July gamc of snowballing was played in the streets of Lowell! A Q..l.f_._ .___-AA -P 1` The B`osIonia_ns are goinglo have an'arm chair made of the fallen limb of the ceiebrated old elm, on Boston Common,-_ lo banged-as the A Mayos"s seal, when presiding in the Board of Aldermen. - ._ ... . ..._ __ V ' ,, ,_- 3-... - u-nu IllUV'l The famous English Eleven who erossedjhe seas to break a lance, or rather a hat, with the cricket players of this country, have been playingamatch against the gentlemen ofEn2land at hnmn. dum- tholournnlist. - Iortimet` 311., of New York, pre- heed his poem: on Pluck," at Taft : College, 111 !!! the following lilies in relation to the mission of tho Journalist : / A room you want-well, since you've chose me P! not reluse--a poem it Ihall be; _ But first I'll state, before the sequel show 1!, lam a journalist amfnot a poet. `_ '- y mi_ssion"liI wilhlreadv pen to wnl_o The varying record of each day and `night; Toaute the current historv or [he lime nmus, uenins,anu meninges, accidents and races, Opera: and shi wrecks, tar and feathering cases, Fires, balls amrduels, synod: and conventions, Divorce:-n,,politics and new inventions, , ' These um-ie subjects, and a hundred more, Task , day and night, the editorial corps, journalist, lhll hasty record shown, can turn his pen to an thing in prose- Aod` verso as well. public in our time Insists on reason and sometimes wants rhyme. nu graues or men-tne wisest and the (bola. All feel the sharp, unreveren ` fpen, That tears no foe, and spares Sometimes we criticise a lea Sometimes we comment on a nazration- A sermon now demands our _ est mention, And then a tight engages our on ttion : Xilmtvetimesltis an open qt The sermon `and the ght don't me together ; Births, deaths, and meninges, accidents and Operas shiowrecka. In and snthm-ino mnnn. sinning friend. oration ;. 1'iIo\?'{y'i1'g }Zc3r2i'3'r.?c'h'3"$3-`Zn'&"i' cntrent history of the time 1 plninest prose, and not in ornate rlwn `xoaute the of 3 it rhyme.-. t_-country : ru|ers-t-owdies who elect them, Our highest statesmen and tbeinlowest tools, All grades of men-the wisest and the fools. unrcveren`l' pgn,_ Tho! Inn-n -t-- I`... ._ ------ _ ____.,__ 1-4... : xronume IXT u mmngu wnue their opponents scored was concluded gt last 7 n vnsvmng the cow-house, : which cow is it that gives the butter- --... .. ...-auu ` five persons caught in of pickerel, among the" P V . `le, Union, y1?.'i'roy puts the height ofthe nm 5 o 80 miles. ar , is computed to es per second. Its rentinn an than .J'oI-- ,....,m-. In I.ulB country, have been playing: match ofEngland at home. l`he`ir playing was better than anything they exhibited while` in this country. their number, Mr. will rememhm-ml ha --- be a 3 poor l Lgvrsy. , _ V I. Few people know the luxury of baked beans, simply because few cooks properly prepare them. Beans generally are not cooked half long enough. This is a sure method: Two quartsof middling-sized white beans,-two pounds ofsalt pork, and one spoonful. of molasses. Pick the beans over carefully, wash them, and add 3 gal- lon of boiling-hot soft water; let them. soak in. it over night `; `in the morning put therrin fresh water and boil gently till the skin is very tender and about to break. eddinga tea-spoo nfnl_of sal- eralos.` Take them up dry,pu_t themjn your dish, stir in the molasses; gash lhepork and put it down inithe dish, so as tojhav the beanie I cover all-but the _upper'surl'ace; turn in boiling`! we.ter;t_iilH,he;_top is ' just covered; bske w`ith`a 4 steady re fou_ro_r ve` _hours.- Watchthem, gird l 1 |dd'moro' water from t_inis.to` time so `it dries ` W . ,. .._..- _- vnnrr vvnuvu vvuuru, Ulllluureu, yield 30 bushels per acre, than from no crap which would produce, if it escaped, only 15 bushels per note. In the latter case the rnidge would destroy half as much as they leave, while in the former the _ y would destroy only one-fth. The same argumentholdstrue in re- gard to all casualties to which wheat is ex sad, and it is actrong reason in favorofpo high farming.-Genesee Farmer.` 4 new sun: [0 lllrll their attention to other crops, we advised them not to abandon theirefforts to raise wheat. Now these some persons are foremost advocates for growing "wheat again, while we think the danger nw lies tn.their A rushing into it too extensively, and without due preparation of the land. Sow only as much land as can be thoroughly prepared. It should be borne in.mind that if the midge destroys ve bushels periacre, it canbe better . spared from` a crop which would, uninjured, bushels a l bushels latter _case_ midge non..I.l J..-n--- |- ~"` mruge IS not `apt to be troublesome. The comparatively good wheat crops the past two years willrinduce the farmers in this vicinity to sow largely thiffall. This is well. A But the lesson we have so dearly learned should not be fogotten. Three `years ago, when many urged the farmers of Western New York to turn their attention other not abandon their.a`ma. unau- e The Soules where it escapes the midge, is unquestionably one of the best varieties grown in" Western New York. It is too well known touneed description. It is a bald, \vhi_te wheat, with strong, stiff straw ; stands up well, yields abundantly, and affords the finest quality of flour. If it -was only" a week or ten days earlier it would be all that could be desired. John Johnston. informed _us that he intends sending some Soules wheatrsouth, to see if, after it has .been grown there a few years, it will not ripen earlier when brought back to the North. Over 25 years ago, Mr. J._, nding that his redcliaff bald wheat was. getting later andlmore liable _to rust, procured 28 bushels of white wheat from Indiana. It succeeded admirably. ripened early and was in every respect first best. But after a few years it, too, got late and rusted, and he was obliged to abandon it. He then got the Soules,'and for some years this was all that could be desired. We present a cut of the Canadian Blue Stem wheat alluded to in our account of a recent visit to the farm of James O. Sheldon, Esq., near Geneva, N.'Y. It is the best crop of wheat we have seen llrisyear. We sowed twenty acres of this "wheat, ten years ago, with seed obtained from Canada. It weighed 64 lbs. to the bushel, and was said to yield large crops. With us it did not do well, pro- bably owing tothe fact that the land was not in "good condition. It produced only 15 bushels per acre. We judge that it is best . _,.. -..B..- `adapted for strong, rich land, and where the [ midge is not `apt be troublesome. The (`Orl'tn:u'nlivnlv' (urn-ml ...L...-. -_-_- -- uuvI'cvt':I`, u. wean straw, and IS liable to lodge. The Early May wheat was obtained from Missouri by John Johnston, of Geneva, N. Y; . He sowed somewhat less than a bushel in the {an of 1858, and raised from it 31_ bushels. He has this year a eld of seventeen acres. At the time of our visit (iuly 6)it was nearly ripe. Mr.J. said he should cut itiu four" or five days. The midge. had hurt it very little, if at all. It is a bald,` white wheat; ears rather small, but well filled, with light straw. It closely resembles, if it is not ideutial with, the_Boughton wheat so highly recommended in Virginia. Last year the Bong/tlon wheat raised. in this vicinity from seed brought from Virginia was cut July 6th. The May wheat,'raised from seed grown in Missouri, was out by Mr. Johnston last year about the 12th of July. If they are identical, the reason of the Bong"/don ripening earlier than the May, may be owing to the seed of y the former having been grown probably `in a more southerly latitude than the latter, and where `it would ripen earlier. - It is "also probable that the Virginia seed was_grown on poorer soil than` that from-Mtssouri-an . additional reason for its ripening earlier when ` sown on stronger land. r1-vi..- cr..-.'r_- ._L . '- iaua nvalmost-invariably falls down. he White Mediterranean is as new variety imported from Europe, and introduced into this vicinity two years ago. We are indebted to John_ C. MoVean, of Scottsville,' forvthe samples, It is a white, bald variety, as early as the Mediterranean, and of much better quality. It yields well. Last year, in Lima, it yielded 385 bushels per_'acre, cut the same day as the Mediterranean. It has, however, a weak straw, and is liable lodge. May was ohlainml _-. -V -u an u-ullllllll-3 |V (Ill! The great object has been to get early varieties of wheat. The lllediterranean or red bearded variety, is the earliest of_ the older sorts, and generally escapeethe midge. It has been very extensively sown during the past few years-in fact, ithas been the pre- dominant variety; but though its quality has been greatly` improved by cultivation, it is still, as compared with the` Soules and other white wheels, an inferior kind, affording only a. second-rate qnality_'of our. Another objec- -tion to it is that the straw is weak, and on rich land itvlmost-invariably falls 1..-.1 I/l7I.,.'1.. n1.._1:4_....-A.~ -` nu vvcsturn new xorx." We think the experience ot the -last. three years has conrmed these opinions-expressed -when all was doubt,-uncertainty and gloom. This year and last the midge did comparatively little injury to early wheat. The insect has not left us.` The wheat on late, low, wet land, has suffered materially; but when wheat has been sown in proper season, or naturally dry or underdrained land, properly cultivated and enriched, and with an early kind of wheat, the crop has been generally good. The result is encouraging to the good farmer, and _ should serve as a stimulus to all. f`l, , It well` I'll`! . only ch - ........... .... ..... svulvsvlus pgiagtuyll '. While nearly all the soil of Western New York is well adapted to wheat culture, there are on every farm some elds that are more- suitable for wheat than others. We must conne the cultivation of wheat to such land. Let the portion of the {arm less favorable to wheatbe cultivated with"those crops which, when consumed on the farm, furnish the `most, valuable manure, Let this be used to enrich the soilfor wheat. (How this can best be done we leave.l'or future consideration.) In short, sow early varieties of wheat on the best portions'of the farm, underdrain, adopt a judicious system of mnnuring, and our word for it, wheat culture will not have to abandoned in VVestern New York. `KL: II-Inl, 01..." .-----3--~- - -` -- - vi! _-uvugsugu on VVIIUII !.a'lI.I_|Ill_Vo Western New York has longfvbeen celebrated for its fine wheat- According to-the`cen`sus wheat than the whole ve New England insect made its appearance, and spread so" winter of 1846-7, the*F,armer s Club of this self-same-County of` Monroe, at two con- secutive rneetings, advocated, almost'uns_n- `imously, the abandonment of wheat culture in the Western part of New York. One of our weekly agricultural papers took the same view thought, was a thing of the past. We took a different View of the matter; and in the Geneaee Farmer for February, 1857, page -fl, offered some reasons why the ~up trying to raise wheat. These` reasons were, briey. that the soil of this section was natural here it could be_ raised nowhere; that the midge, erroneously called the weevil, was no new insect, hut thatmany years ago it was ex- ceedingly destructive in some parts of Great Britain, but that the farmers had been able -to render its attacks comparatively harmless; that by sowing early varietes of wheat in good season and on properly prepared soil, we could get wheat into bloom so early that the midge could do it little harm. The article concluded with the following paragraph :,` Whiln nnnrlu all llna -nil All In .... __ 17,, of 1845, the County of Monroe produced more ' States. `But within the last decads,'_._a- little, rapidly and proved-so destructive, um in the - of the subject. "Genesee Wheat, it was farmers of Western New York should not give wheat land: that if we could not raise wheat A Fewfholightn on Wlinfatvculture. I11--. _ __ 11 midge, f` `It. w: un wall. vinta- `, ,_>__` ................. . .u cuuu. Plain..._..t.. .....,;;.*......;.......'..$4 do This map-contain :_ every lot and portion `of lot within the limits of an-ie, aecumtely laid down_,tc I scale, together, with a piano!` the Railway Station, an I h. . . . . g;m'l}_;t_e rvicrs can beehad sepet-ate, either. Olli stiff - r r_ raming on: on t" . V oronc V ' ' Ertterg at 36. 9d. and 2s.%`$ 2331?,` t?eea!;ectively?sm8' I Barrie, Much 23t'd,'1858._ - A d a tinted viewof the '._l'own,dr'aiwn from a:Litho~ ` um um; stores 0] 11. J . Uliver and A ' PRICES. ` ,Mounted oxrrollexfa a_m1 varnishe'd.. PlH.ill..._..r. sing - I olOAt>I $162`; a noun u .j map-conlai ; every .101 p .w1'1hin1he ofnairie, agcumlel . scale; lirelhen with n nI....:..4-.i.- n-2- LEI` Express. . . . . FOR C` Mnil......A......... Express. . . . ; . . . Arrive Collingwood. I (Anne . Arrive Toronto. . . . . . I WHY Novxcns END IN MARRIAGE.--There is a good reason why novels always end with the marriage of _the hero and heroine--our interest, always excited more bytthe struggles than by i the results of evictory- So long as the lovers are unhappy or apart, and are eager to vanquish obstacles, our sympathy is active, but no sooner are they happy then we begin to look elsewhere for other struggles on whom-to bestow our inter- est. It is the same with biography. We fol- low the hero through the early years of struggle with intense interest, and as long as he remains unsuccessful`, baffled by rivals or neglected by the world, we stand by him and want him'to succeed; but theday after he is recognized by the world, our sympathybegins to slaoken. ms... I -_.I_- A -- - * Junq I860. Northern Railway of Ganaga. _.__- .- ---.. u 9-awuvuav \J|.u.\l.U, . .' (av suescnnvrrox oxpv.) I V LL be published during the present year. "In this work will be found a. Chronological Table of important Americanand European events, from remote times to the present period-the un- cient charges of a mason-a synopsis of the re- turns of the various Grand Lodges, dates of "char- ter, &c. Also a glossary of Masonic titles, ,with their abreviations, making it a most comprehen- sive vadc mecum, invaluable as-a work of refer- ence. -The names, number, location, and time of meeting of every Grand and Subordinate Lodge in the world,` with the name and address of the Master and Secretary of each Lodge in the Unitzd States and Canada. as far as can be ascertained. Brethren subscribing for the Guide must send in their names, business, residence, the name and number of the Lodge, Chapter, Council, &c., of? which they are members, and the otce they hold in enoh, which will be printed in its appropriate place in the book. . . . A ' `Price three do1lars-.-one to be paid at the time of subscribing--the remaining two at time of `de- livery of boo, . V p , A A 'l.T`.(`.!.`n .T`D- 'n..Ln_u._- March 23, 1859.. man 1' in we west of England for the last seven years, and trusts by -. strict attention to orders to merit a share of public support. WORK` WARRANTED. Barrie, March 2,1858. 7 10-lnio emeu no 1\lUN'l'UUMERY & BRO. tied that all OUTSTANDING PROMISSORY NOTES Court; for immediate` col- 9. e. I IJJUDIH J_ are hereb ACCOUNTS due &c.,_will be entcre_ _- -___-- v--, V , BU TC'HER,' POULTERER, B.z9CON AND HAM CURER, S./IUSGE Jl1.4KER,.$-c., No. '8 Market Siall--Residence, Baycld-sf. Basrie BEGS to inform the public generally that he has [constantly on hand a good supply `of the primest quality of Fresh Meats. Poultry, &e., Home Cured Hams and Bacon-smoked and while dried; Barreled, Pork and Beef, which are offered at the lowest possle price. Barrie. May 16, 1860; 20_-ly Toronto, May 5, 1860.- u.uu:I. ul muutrealo 1'0 meet the extensive in- crease, during the last year, in the business of the house, the proprietor has built. a. large nddition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; there-lmve been completed, in the new wing, .17. great number of well-ventilated sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been retted, and now contains ma.nyimprove- ments and conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The whole of the beds have, at a great expense, been furnished with NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. The, Proprietor expects that by continuing` his personal management of the con- cern, ` The Albion, to say the least of it, will continue to be, as it now :2. HALF Homer. in Canada, '47-l2mo is, the best DOLLAR and . W, a vu1,upl.UF6 map 01 Barne. ;0YS'co'mplele mappf Barrie, 15 now for sale at the Bookmotes of R. J. Oliver a_ndf Wm. Mann. __ ` - umu_ piaces, one on each sidooflhe break and after waiting, awhile heard thetrain approach- ing, and when it came in sight, commenced waving their hats to attract the attention of the engineer, whuseeing (hem stopped the train in time to avoid a fearful calamity. Those ' boys are heroes, and deserving of more honour and credit that : though they had slain hundreds on the battle eld, - T BE /r--v--- --`--`I,--9 I M 0 T A L, V L. W. DEC R, Proprietor, S pleasantly sitnn d at the head of ST. PAUL STREET, amongst the largest wholesale houses in the city. ltwhas (with business men generally, and especially with the best Merchants of both Provinces) become so great a favorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive crease. during the last. V9!!!` in nu. i...a:....... ..cn.- HE Subscriber begs moat respectfully to inform - _ the gentry, and inlmbitants generally, that he has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict attention, combined with first class Wines, Liquors &c. to merit a share of their patronage. Vacancies for a. few BOARDERS. - Taruxrnxr Qrnvrrv u~nn~nu-um n Albion [.Eio1:e_2l., 'l\r`I' {W 'l" `D nu u. u.-w uuAluJl':I(b'. EDWIN SIDNEY MEEKIN G, Proprietor. Barrie, Sept. 6th, lt558._ E ' 36-lf TRAINS LEAVE UNION STATION AS _ FOLLOWS: . V ` E66 Ann I Inna-nu`-- Cticketer Boardi1`1g' House and Restaurant, ' LATE !N'rr:nn;-rinun H...-... _ The splendid situation .of _ the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of Kempenfeldtr`-the salu- brity of the a.i1'--the purity of the water-all com-_ blue to render this spot one of the most healthy and delightful Summer retreats; and the Northern Railroad new places it within three l1ours.of Toronto. ' HENRY FRASER 'f..l.. -4` 11.. n, - I -'v - - q. nu.-uunu uulv yauuc: H: wuum HIT88 llOUI'S.0I FRASER, \ Late of the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. 1 p Queen's rms Hole}, Jiarrie, % . A Lake Simcoe, 14!}: J uly,`185b'. .. Gon sun THE QUEEN! ` . Hail Co1umbia.!! Viva la. Frangaia ! !! '29 HARM-O_NY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP!` The Premises which he has now entered have been grea tly enlarged, and in a. few days will -be completely renovated, so_ as to -accommodate respectable Visitorsrof every description with BOARD, in Private Suits of Apartments, oryat the Public Table, by `the Meal, Day, Week, Month, or Year. AHe has `also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and a LIVERY STABLE connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be `able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec- ion this should be known ` r H I-mmc Bovs.- A'l'ear l'ul accident was averted on the 3rd inst., on the La Crosse Railroad, by two boys. Says an exchange :-On Friday the passenger train going East on the La Crosse Rairoad broke a rail into three piecesvsome 40 '_ miles West of 1\ li|wankie, oneepart of which ew offinto the ditch, thus leaving a bad break in the track. This was discovered by acouple of boys who were walking along on the track, and they at once resolved to stop any train that might be approaching. Accordingly they took their places, each sidoofthe waiting awhile hnarzl n.......;.t ..-_..---L LJLVLLLVJJLV J-I-ll. LJ\J\J\JJ'JK}|.7.I.' IJJJ 5 And since he nds, by the Latest'Intelli'gence, that there is no more War, or rumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- tion of the A_rts of _ . _ P c E: 2 _. ._ __-----w , .1:o:me:-15-kept.`by-the late Mr. John magnum, and afterwards by Mr. L. Caisse, under the manage- ment of both of whom "it was so . u1\J|I\Jl;' [WHOSE ' ebteti to MONTGOMIERY ~_ ()U'l`'l'Ann1m1 1]-Inn DUDSBHUCF WUIIIQ IDIOVIII IDS KUDIIC, linl he has Leased thatwell known Hotel in BABRl'l,_ - ETHE QUEEN'S ARMS, I7...-.....I .'.1.--o 3... cl... 1.... u. 1.1.. u:...;..:...._ _...: ITRAVELIEERS will find the above Hotel every _ way suited to their comfort. T 5/1.. w-nu-p..w-r r noun 1.... --.--`on. ' HE Subscriber would inform the`P'u1{1ic, that I that well Rnnnru ______L\_ The W01`1d 8 Masonic Guide, .' (av sunscnnvnox nm.v \ ALI; OVER THE '7 WORLD 1 ~: `au.ifrrWWi*7 I`-:vl`:"6ii:`l';'. ~B./IRRIE, 0.8., A No M 0 RE WAR 1 A!L Ho'r1'I.`s'r SUMMER smcrc l8'i8;-Tlte Mont- gomery (A|a.) Mail of t_he 6th says;-`-We learn that the thermometer marked 103 deg. in several open houses of the city yesterday.` One of our citizens, who has kepta diary ofthe wea- ther for thirty oddyears, says that the present is the hottest summer since 1828. We have not known the mercury to range as high as 98 deg. but once before in Montgomery. and ' that was we believe, in 1856. Similar accounts are given by newspapers published in nearly all the Southern States. ' ...- v. -av-u V. --.n.... .- vuu av E1}/IIN ENTLY S'UCCESSFUL ! "I ..._.... I... (:`...`I.. I... 41.). 1..A....n -r_...n:._-_ n.,rAniaAauj:ri1iiI5izIInn. n:- EXbELLENi4 sBLizvG. .5 MA. A. LECHLER; Publisher, Masonic Temple, cor. Broome & Crosby ,Strects,N.Y_ JOHNS. Aaron! Ivn \oyI.I-IIVCSVVUUD. _ - 7.`00A.M. 4.00 mu. lingwood.........12.45 and`9.00 mu LEAVE COLLINGWOOD. . ` .... uuanw Ul DARRXE, and the surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had considerable experi- ence in the CUTTING MENT in the West of England last years. and trust: B-r _-v~-.u-_-ovvonvy LATE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Tmc METEOR-SCIENTIFIC CALCULATI s'.- Sclentic observers at Yale, yl(Q.!l"roy Universities,variously compute meteor abovethe earth from Its speed, relative to the ear have been from 5 to 11 course was in the same irection as that ofthe earth, which, so to speak,it overtook and passed. This would make its absolute velocity in space somewhere between 90,000 and 180,000 miles an hour. ' . ' ~