Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Aug 1860, p. 4

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Illul HUHIIUII, IHU IVIIIIISIUI UI IIIU IIIIUIVIUT `reclerledyttie following letter from the Emperor, to e transmitted to the Mayor of Brest :-- Monsieur le Ministre,-The Mayor of Brest )(as requested from you an authorisation to (erect to me an equestrian statue. I am very /' grateful for such a. proceeding, which is a fresh proof of attachment to my person, but I wish in such a case to maintain the usual tradition as to the principle which prevails. in general equestrian statues are only erected to sovereigns, andfafter their death it is, in fact, proper that" this popular homage should not have the ap- pearance of a transitory attery, but a perma- nent impression ofgratitutle. I therefore request while thanking the municipal council for their intention, that you will make known my desire that they should not carry it into execution. If the erection ofan equestrian statue at Bordeaux, two years ago was permitted, it was because I was ignorant of the design, and it was done without my authorisation. Whereupon I pray God to have you in his holy ktaeping.-4N;t- reason. ' .THE SUBSCRIBER, for several `years! resident ' of Asia, discovered while ther ' ' ` vegetable, remedy--a sure : Cure for Jsthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Debility; For the benefit. of Con :11 Nervous Suferers, he is willing t public. , To those who desire it, he w scription, with full directions also a. sample of the medicine, 5 beautiful combination of Those desiring the Remedy mail, by addessing nsumption, td Nervous ptives and aka the same }send the Pre- . rec qf char e)' lhich they willgiind ture s simple herbs. n obtain it by return J. E UTHBERT 1I-n_..,-, I'|l AND To coNsUMPT1vEI' `NERVOUS sUFFERyRs. THE Advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe Lung Aection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will nd a sure Cure for Cansum ion, As!/mm, Bronchz't2'.s, 649. The only object 0! I e advertiser in Minding the prescription is to benet the allcted, and he ho every sufferer`. will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. -WILSON, Williamshurgh, Kings Co., N.Y. May tam, 1860. 20-am _ . .. . Z George Micbie, James Beaty, Hugh Miller, And T41. uuu_ muwr, I '1'. 1 . uotmrts, And E. F. Whxtlemore,Esquires, Secretary and Treasurc r ,--Robert. Stanton, Esq. Solicitor,-Augus Morrison, Esq. . ./lpplicationsfor_Fire Risks received at the Home Office, Toronto`, on . Wellington-street, opposite the Commercial" Bank. Oice Hours,-10, A. M., to 3, P. M. I . ISAAC C. GILMOR, L ._ ___ __ _ g` W -7 , ` President. "CAPITAL. . .- . 100,000 ~1N SHARES OF 10 EACH. Canada Western Assurance Co yl _-_j_ 1-. vs ll-GI uuau u ANNUAL DIVISIONS OF PROFIT, as preferable to divisions at intervals of ve, seven, or teuyenrs. ' . {HOME MANAGEMENT,_ Vthereby securing a speedy adjustment of claims, and liberal regulations for residence and travel. Nn fm-thm-' nntlnv rnnnh-girl ran... 41... ........__.a. J AD. t'A'1"l'U ' -. J. R. ARDAGIT, Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 1859. puny 5 xuuus lu tue rrov1_nce.- Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or quarterly instalments at the option of the assured, T - from farm and hem, and grunge grown gray, From woodland walks andwinding ways. ' The oh) and vnung, the grave and gay, Unto the old church comes :6 ptny, And sing God s holy pvaise. nut} uucnu reglnlullons I0!` residence and travel. No further outlay requird from the assured` than the premium. V JAQ 'DA"l""l`{`|`Nl A tun-C ( INCon.PnnA'M`,n nv An-r nu DAnllAuv\ym "- ' ' 9 3 ' I U $&WV\ VUV OFFERS th_e following real adVantages,to,in- tending Assurers :- . LOW RATES `OF PREMIUM, Conseqneut on the investment. of all the Com- pany's funds in the Province: ' Prnminrrn nnvnhln nnnhqllu nlv kn nnvn: .... ...1 manager J ._ EDWARDS, g ent, Barrie_. ` wnu numerous cams or mauxs. If differences should arise between claimants and the Compnn y, the Manager is fully empowered to accept service cf any process in law. ' A `I v.\v`A xvnnn c1m1-awn A run E-SP.EC'Iv'F$4LYannounces that he will be at ` .F'R.A`.P .Q `I'_'l'I \'lV`l.."r `nan-n-r-n Dl`lll.lC|l- AH losses in Canada are submitted to the gen- tlemen composing the Board who examine the particulars, and if found satisfactory, at once order the payment of the claim. This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. H` Ml-rm-nnnnu ..1.....1.l ....:... L..a.....-... -1..:.._-..... _.__..--_.. .-gnu-V.` spun:-uaannuvw The Report further says, that. the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in the business ofythe Company, and they have every reason to believe that from the con- nection now formed it will continue to increase -in the same ratio. Th'n nnnal n?I1n r`..-......`.... 3: Ann:.huI n..c!....1.. `Ill LUU 53,1118 THUG. The Capital. of the Compiny is devotedentirely to Fmn L1uu.x-rms, having no reserve for a. Life Branch. All Inndnn 3... l1.._..~1.. A-` -..L...!AA-.i 1.. AL. .___ A 1 NI 3) `J IJKJ 3 . Wlc,h ia retaingd in this country. The increase of business in England is unpre- cedented, as shown by the Parliamentary returns, and the following taken from the last September Report: ' . It will `thus be seen that the total amount of business done during the last nine months of the Company s operetionshas been TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW pntmnmsx m-'.-..1....:.... .. ...a.::a:.'.....1 |....'......1 .-.., I [18 07080 wnue IIOWEVS PGHQCIGII I With lhe miujnna deep. . The harrow*s in lhe garden shed, Hoe. rake. and made are nut av VP ; U V , U V V 6. T ' Representing Property Insured to the extent of ' THIRTY MILIOIN DOLLLARVS ":&~I:l*}I`J:&L AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS -4` :A- ..l!L!.._ ~ .Sta,te" Fire Ksuranbe, nnnaut n*mnn1:-.::..o nxr. M A1'.`| . AND 32 |AI39fe1-J-.Z9%e.i22:9 Alcopy of Stock Book can be [daily seen on `the counter at the OI'!'IOE,_ CANADA BRANCH, TORONTO. Trustees and `Board of Director: in Canada: Honorable J 031: Ross, W.P.HOWl.LND, Esq. MPP. Joux Cnawrono,`Eisq., Wmmau Ross, Esq., Wu. ~MoMAs'rnn, Eaq., Wu. Hnuoxnson, Esq. _Bankers--Tnx BANK or Momnmn. Solicitor;-4-Ross, Gnawronn ABID Cnounm. This Branch was only opened last January, and now has an income of $352 .;-5 mu`-5 I President,-IsAAc G. Gmmon, Esquire, Vice-President,---T1`xoMAs HAwom'n, Esquire. I-nnnn-nnnu - ' `INCORPORATED 132 (Sr PARLIAMENT, CAPITAL, . . 81,000,000 riwwmpq .1... 4'.-.n.....:..... ......1 ...a`__..__'__ 4- ,-,, TO CONSUMPT_I\7/ES. V`! ui-wasp : 011000. sminmonnns. `V The Right Honorable Loan KEANE Chairman. P2115: Mmununu `Run Manna-1'nr bn-actor. TThe Chairmm `PETER Monnxson, Esq., Managing bzrector. Wn.I.uu' Cuwnn, Esq., Secretary. -:-- annun nt counnr. The ` Ix` ` 9 ' tbevshed, *Th:'?ls'Yngavi lgi8l`|ne`;rsil:o mom : 3IlW`.U_\I'&` LL I531` idnnvv; CHIEF OFFICES+3 ALL MALLAND 32 _ LUDG E HILL, A CHARTERED BY Aer or PARLIAMENT. HOME f\FFlCE, TORONTO. DOW I188 lDCOm8 01 k$'75 ooo: Vhich this countrj .I.UU S zen" 6, under Charm of Imperia Parliament. - ' ' mhmcat.` wvyuv~zvw..v\.vv.n~;vu V \Pl no J ruuvvoq nu Au"- V-.vAL'EX}.;NDER STEWART, Manager for B. N. merica. S. Jami. Bnrr1'1a._ A'1-Rmn Mguauraucc; j " z:o?.I,Ii2,-"I-7zI'yZ;c.-a.., _ N 49 Broadway New York, I 15.] 931-1 Ina eveakmg waggnn s in the shed, The busy ailfia heard no more ; The horse -in littered down and fed, The hamesn hangs above his head, . The whip behind the door. of its affairs. nvvrrnrnxvn n. Dliuccrons : I ll. um r111 LUI gentfm C . T.AWRIa1N JAS. PATTON, Agent edical Referee. U1! 3 M. P. Hayes, - Wa1ter'Mucfarlane, T. P. Robartsz. IV 1111.61` JVLECIEFI` Robarts, emore. Esanirpa_ ucw .lUl'l _1__5-18in 28-3mo V. u/1'lIlUI'lCll 41-6mo I I _Afent for 13'arrie. \ February 20, 1859. nu Ielunem gloves and hooked bill, To-dav the woodman thruwa aside ; The blacksmith : ery foge is alil ' The wooden wheel of the old mil Sleep: in lhe mill-dam wide. . The miller : boat ii anchored where, Far om. the wnler lillio.-n uh-en : acul. to [Hell] l`l[JOll app] : Mane -if registered Address, :1; man. ten cents the package,vx-et` , Physicians, Druggists and others, become agents will have as `ple, sent to them upon application; -. Moneyyif renrigteml ....a ...... u._ . tuwners, EC- -They are 0 great value i Teething, E.rupt|,qns_";o{__th'e : other" diseases ofchildren ; `the in any case requiring physio. _ They are put` up In '3' form : of in cases of Worms, skin, and in many other they may also be given 7 They up `a; form convenient to send by mail. Ten cents. the pa`ckage,vx-etail. _, Physicians, Drnzziats and nthm-n whn ...:~.;.~4; . No. 4 `And by all respectable . country. II. ....`I.. nan. q n..- Powders, &c. -__._.-.-... uuuuuuup nuts UUILDREN RE is safe and eicienl: Medicine, composed of, _pure Vegetable _snhstencea so combined with The maker has been induced to offer these Loz- enges to the public, from having in an experienc of 30 ears in the medical profession, often foun it di cult to get} children to take medicine as -Their nm nf nnan` .._I-- 9- cub uiseases. For Uouoas, Cows, Bnoxcams, or ifny affection whatever of the THROAT or LU.\'Gs~ inducing Coxsauxmox, use No, 1, which is also the No. to: Dnmmssion OFSPIRITS, Loss or Apps- rxrx, and for all CHRONIC` Convnnurs arising from Ovxa-ass, Gmunur. Dsmnrry, and N EBVOUS PROS- TBATION. No. 2, for hxvnn C0)l1 LAlN'l`B, No. 3, for Dvsexrsu. Being already prepared for absorption it is_ Tlxxw 3! Dnors and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for FEMALE IRIIEGIILAIIITIBS, Hrs-rnnu, Wnxmcs, am. See special directions. for this. For Star RHEUK, Enormous, Scaorunous, KIDNEY, and Bmnnun COIPLADITS, take No. 6. In all cases the directions must he strictly followed. Price of the Bnoon Foon $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, ` No. 409 Broadway, New York, all Druggists throughout the i ' - , _--- - -on-l I"\IIn_I'\lI\J-l`_ adapied to the deciencies of 1 the Blood iu'di`er- en: diseases. . For Commas, Cows, or {thy affection the 'l`mm.-.~ m. 1.-m-- -nu-uunll-I-.U always presents uswith the James essential ele- ments, and glvesof course the TRUE STANDARD. Analyzethe blood of a -person suffering from Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,` Scrofuln, &c., and we find in` every instance certain dec2'encies'in the red globules of `Blood; Supply these deciencies, and you are made well. The Bnoon F001) is founded upon this Theory-henVce its astonishing success. Thefe are L 111:. rumors OATHARTIC LOZENGES FOR -CHILDREN A RE nfn and .m..:..... In;.12`.;, , 1ne mule:-'5 boat ll anchored where, oul, tyne water lilliga ulee ; . You see their shadows mlrrore there, The broad while owers reecled clear,` wilh lhn mill'vwuI rlnan. , ..._ ..-...,-......u., vullo uuuc Uul. ;Jl. EAT0N B`-Ixl-`AVNTIVLE Connun, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot. injure {he most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by ` f`!'!TY`D(`.tl I. `nnnn um SUJ H.` the k..2_ .___. ____.- -__---- wrwzvrl-QC! and why? because it never fails to aord instan- (aneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. I t contains 11-- -n - , - A - -.... .. _, . March 28th, 1860: . . - uvlv 1 FIVE` PREPARATIONS d-Died the deninnnina A4` Hm l)l.....1 's_- 3-... DR. -EATOGN '- INFANTILE GORDIALI and whv`? hat-nncn ' Iiealthy humavn B_loodT upon being Thousands are daily speaking in th e_praise of --J A.) ll /IV. A It uuuuuus No Paregoric or Opiate kind. nd ll'Ef0!'E TPHPVPQ hv `rnvnn '1`. W. GEORGEN, Barrie. R. GEORGE, Orillia. P. E. DRAKE, Bell Ewart- nhnrrxy nPn(A'P 1 ne narrowvs In Inegnracn oneu, Hoe, take, and spade are put away; V Unweedod stands the onion 1x 6, The gardener from his wot : l.uIh%e_d; `Ti: hnlv Sabbath dav. ' ' .1. n:uu.'mJ$, UOOKSIOWII. NORTIIROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. SIMPSON & DUNSPAUGII, - ' Whnlesale-Amxmq 'l`m-nntn .-A_ue%A.tiz? 1`. n. uruuuy, Den mwnrt. >WM. MAIN, Cherry Creek. J. HARPER, Cookstovvr NORTHROP xx Y.V\IA`.\T I ung, D .lx_.AI.V U]. Collin wood," o;w, .8. I 0 I WI I at. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. .. yu~no5c' IV lull. us who with to rave 2.. sample, with Terms nlication: ' L and sent by mail, will -be nR.:mANCIs,' V A Collinlrwnnrl (SW L1 0L UULVDIAUUU, Wholesale Agents, .Torbnto. suv. 8-ly -3_inaV I? . 3-mes 3P'~mbet 1o, 1 1 no gardener mun ms Won utntneg ` _ '.[`is holy Sabbath day. " `Upon the wall the white cat aleps `Bv which the chnrn and milk nails 7 , _.......-v ur acute. xucse medicines will effect CURES, not removals lrom onqgnrt oflhe body to the mbur. _. 33' to prevent confusions, these Medi . r, c g y 01.9 Doo1'oa.Fn1:nsmcx Dar. u gracliced in Buhlo over 27 . --u-prevent fraud..a cone: is on the wrapper of'each Dellenbnugh 65 Co., Bulo, glass. `Direction accompan is sold for Is per bouie;- 13:1 this aim Ie notice they are of! in; on I eir virtueain rm-M-M Ipwill than cure lnamm all kinds of Fevers and Ague, th Cnlds, and all pains, whether Chron` These medicines CURES ` h , lrggxhorqgqnlgflhe 10-! e DJJUUJJ PUKLFIER, Superior to the purest extract of Sara arilla, made entirel of roots and herbs of thisand oreign coun- tries, t e best properties of which are extracted by an entire new chemical process. It acts in larger doses as an active physio, in smaller ones as an alterative working directly on the Liver and Kidneys, ex el- ling therefrom all morbid matter, thus bringing into action all the organs that may have become inactive, nnd may be relied on to cure Liver Complaints and Complaints of the Kidneys, lnci ient Consumption, Dyspe is, General Debtlity, Old) Ulcers, Sernfula, alt R eum,' Ptmples. Sores, Nervous Debilitv,'Ery- ripelas, lnrmities of Youth and Age, and all other diseases which have their origin in a disordered or impure 'stata`_ot' blood. It is of `a strenghthening nature, and Will never weaken or prostrate the body. The number 2 is a ' ` 1 _,_.-. -.-v-av-In or BUEFAI.O, N. Y., AFTER an unprecedented successful practice 0 over thirty yenrs,beiug about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends in oil parts of the country, has consented to make two medical preparations upon which he hasbestotved the mire and knowh.-dge of his long experi cc, and has left them with the dierenl druggists or sale. To those who are acquainted with the Doctor nothing need be said-to others, it is but necessary to any, that he has for veers prescribed for fron1~,,4,9Q to 6,000 persons, and always with the greatesl ett'g'yem. Cases thathave baled other medical men, vielded readily to his treatment, and persons came dniiy from hundreds of miles to be cured. The Doctor, how- ever, has. not_ been able, like othera, to cure every- thing` with one preparation, but has put up his medi- cine in two bottles, which are `numbered 1 and 2 The number I is a . -D-f f\f\1\ 1-up-r-s-------~ u-uut'11U I rally, and so lqrge towns. l7| PRICE. -3 DIME3. INVIGORATOR a PILL? are relx3iled_ by_] .....u nxuuy (IISEHSCS to numerous to menllon In nose, Ito 3. me 1-'AMILY CA- with due reference to fact, been compounded purest Vegetable Ex- on every part of the are good and safe in all is needed. such as Do- mach, Sleepi ness. Loins, Cosliveness, the wholebody, from ` %u:ntly,- if neglected, ever, Loss of Appe- tiou of Cold over the Headache, or weight in tory Diseases, Worms Rheumatism,` a great and many diseases to I l 1 numerous In munthm .'.. 1 '.I.'ne come anu go, unu on ma gate T eir Sabbath tidings ing. From where the whitewashed `Sunday school Peepsoul. between the poglarn dim, .. Which ever throw their aha bwp cool Far out upon the mshy pool, You hear the Sabbath hvmn. me reach of all. The Profession well Cathartics act on the The FAMILY CA- with Jun I-rnrnunn -.- The FAMI genlle but a( prielol has us twenty years. Th nnnah twenty | The constantly in- those who have long I the satisfaction which I thteir use, hals induced the reach ofall. Tim D.-..r....:.... .....n lA%T3n+%.E?"f PILLS! . `I711 ITDIIII ,_._._--.--v -:--XX ",7 COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts. and put up in GLASS GASES, air-tight, and will keep in any c1ima.te. V W"... 15:15:: 17 n. I "W3: WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH` THE INVlG()RA'I`()R, AND S\VALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. - . Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --A I30.-- ll \ favor. Mn: camuu anuw. m The dnse_ must be] {adapted to thetcmpera- ment of the Imlividuai 0 {taking it, and used in such quantities as to act gently on the Bowels. Let th: dictate? gt` '{udrIt`i$rIltG(p5vIti{ide vnu.1n t e use 0 I e . ` ' A- TOR, and it will cure > Liver, Complaints, Bil- lsious Attacks,Dys opsia Z I] H) n i c lI))iarrhuea, n m mer Comp niuts, - Jysentery, ro psy, Sour Stotnnclt, Habitual Costiveness, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Cho- m ,l:ra Infantum, Flam- lence, Juundice, Fe- 'maIe \Venkncs50s, and tEt`Iay `be used snccesf LU ifnl:'y as tag I(`)rx1liIn-1rl_v ami Medicine. I wi cure ic' um- ache, ('as thousands can .>.. ilestify). in twenty min- mes, iftwoortl1rc`eTen- __| spoonfuls are taken at the cnnnnencemenl of. iattat-k. All who use it are giving their testimony in its favor. CSSIOH SHOW. ` be ` Let lhe Ilia-Imps: nf { Ear me many pool. You hear_ the Sabbath hymn. From farm and ld, and grunge gi-own gray, Fmm 'wnndlnnd andwvindinu wavs. _ boots 1! Inc" hotel. .......uw-u. :1 new years ago no nad. bepn nit, and came back as the millionaire Aha! he He had 'left_f6I1C'alifur~, ptelondato be, or at least with money enou gh_ Io py_hibjll`_hsudnnly. menueu. . ` It has cured thousands I years who had given up numerous unsolicited ` `ession show. I "N... Am... ......-. l.._ mended. NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a. Standard Medi- cine, known and ap- . `proved by all that have used it, and is now re- x `sorted with condence in all the diseases for O Ewbich it is recom- 4 In L... .....;...I .u.-.._-._.1_ .~ uuuu ~uuu; nu; vvullun V b The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds 5 3 Elm, and reta_ils for one dollar per bottle; the medium olds at `least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small,` retails lor two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 percent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. 0. J. WOOD 6: CO.. Pronrietnrs. AAA Rmmlumu son uiacn: nmr, wmcn no monev can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for `your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recommended its use to many of my lriends and acquaintances, `who, I am hap y to inform you,are using it with like effect. ' -ry respecg- fully, yours, - A. M. LATT.-\, Attornev and Counsellor in La w. nnu sola uy an Dealers, June 21, 1860. at all. 1 at once made application to the most skillful physicians in the county, but, receiving no assurance from them that my baircould again be restored, I was lorced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to-me by a drttggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in. use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired e'ect. Since that time, I have used Vseven dollars worth of our Y Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat ofvety so black hair, which no buy. A: n mm-Ir nt` mu ormitmln u--um..- lnhnr amt ..t.:n A. M. L/u1'.\, Attorney Counsellorm Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throughout the` world. "I"L.. D....o..-..ai.... .'.. .....n .... :_ I_-..l__ ,,r .1 Iuuy, yours, pnu l'Cl1!llS I01` lnree (IOIIDFS 001118. WOOD Sc CO., Proprietors, 444` Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggisls and Fancy Goods Dealers. ' LII, an rwuug uuunav av nan nxaatu I c LigonierVNoble Co., Indiana, Feb. bib, 1859. PROP. 0. J. Woon: Dear Sir :--In the latter part of the ear IS52, while attending the State and Naliona Law School of the Slate oi New York, m . hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced ta ling o very rapidly,'so that in the short space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much 0! `the remaining portion upon the side and back part ot my head shortly alter became gray, so that you will not be surprise when I tell you that upon my return tothe State of Indiana, my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my mnrelintimate acquaintances were to recognise me at 2| . upon me wan me wnue can sleeps, `By pans lie; A drowsy watch the house dog keeps, And scarcely from his dull eye peeps Upon the onset lav. ` -The.'sgnI Preparation` that has _ D THE TEST OF` YEARS;, . nd grows moraaand more popular every -day ! And Iemimon` ls. new. and almost without beauty.- ,. . . _ ` Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st 1858. Paar. Woon: Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee. that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stall` for` caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in con uence of which my head has suffered extremely rom cold. This induced me to pay Briggs 6.5 Hodges almost the last cent 1 had on earth for a dollar` bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it isalao coming in all over my head. Feeling con- dent that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase _an_v_more,IVwould ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thr'ne_agents tor a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declara- tion--- the reward is to those that are kind to the `widow and the fatherless. l`|-ny hinnrl R`lTQA'l\YN'AH KIRRV and mormaana popuwr we:-y-guy 4. ,And testimon` ls, new, `number, niight be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of ociety, whose umted testimony none could reinal, that Prof. Wood : Hair Restor- ,ative will restore tbeibald and gray, and preserve the hail-`of the youth to,old age, in all its youthful heaulv.- I';AMILY CA- active Ca- used in his I! \ lr't'Irl. ' JCPZIBE FEVER MEDICIINE never be taken err-any .~.. '....__. , Cl`! 185! BLOOD VPURIFIER, .0 bureau an... ..r Q...-- ,, __- -.. . nu\I1tA,.lU. and Family C PILLS relniled by Druggists ; sold wholesale by the Trade in al ns. u. ;. w._ SANFOR Manufacturer :1 33 Broadway New Ym 359. s A N"r3'E5'E D 's IDAIIIYYY UIB lameness." Thy trieud, SUSANNAH KIRBY. .2-.. "nun (`A I-I1':nnn `Duh Anl. IQRO nu citcely H'()lTI [Ill uuu Cy F Upon passer hy. And sweetly over hill and dale Thu silverv soundinz church I S. T. W._ SANFORD, ` _ Manufacturer nml F SANFORD S fCCFF j 3 1 III \IE1 FAMILY onions 0! the bowels. HAI{TlC PILL has this well established from ' a variety of the tracts, which "act alike . alimentary canal, and cases where a Cnthartic rangements of the Sto~ Pains in the Back and Pain and Sure.-neats over sudden clvld, which fre- end in a long course of `tile, a Cree ing Sensa- bod y, I the head, all Inamma- in _Children or Adults, Pt1t'ier'of the Blood, esllessnem, which esh is heir, loo` t h i s advertisement. ISON " - 1 know that the different [;`ortions of the bowels. HARTIC mm. x... creasing demand from used the PILLS, and all express in regard to [me to place them within Lnnnuu Hub is u tharuc which the pro- praclice more than THARTIC PILL is lharllc whip}: Hm mm, And sweetly OVCI Hill and OIIG The silvery sounding church bells rink ; Across ihe -moor and down the dale - Thea and go, and on tho gllo T ah Snhbnlh lidimza ing. / . fwilhin the last two , gall hopesof relief, aslhe "certicates in my pos- r unu., rer and Proprietor. York. :1 I__ . ~--.<. - IIIIIIIJ \.I[`L- y gene- all" the . .and `Fmily CA- ! Drumzists Benn. `, .Dl1'I' e 37- V 51-Iy 51.1359. 75;` ' "wish A Noxfiiav ,m`IJ;?r:H ' M11`:/tad 1"L%"adnl:day Mar11ug, _1Cl'/`"d J. Olivor.a amlop-urm1'a::,b'anu- - ~ - V v., - -- -v.-u--sun. P` 5- nhll Md Physicians ordering from others than `nah 3'05 Will do well to write their orders distinctly 5" '3 Mud but Dr. ll'Lamr`q, prepared by Fleming; 5" ha 5- To those wlohlmz to give them a uni w';"`$'u :'....a ... 2 *5 "M Shun; o...";'.."1: f l'lT,:tf:'dg ratfv:nt5)rg:-cnol?t utunpg, or one vhl or Vermifhgo for fourteen ""' NW All ordeuh-om Canada muatbow `dd 5111] rnnnusogn- `n......a-;- ....n n.__.._.. a...u Anny a considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with 'a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is some- times an attendant. The patient complains ofweariness and debility; he is easily startled, his `feet are cold or burning, and he com- _' plains of a `lensation of the skin; his spirits areilow; `and although he is satis- fied that exercise would be beneficial to him, _ yet he can scarcely summon up fortitudt-' enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts evcry remedy. Several of the above sympt0m5 attend the disease, but cases have occurred - where few of them existed, yet examination of the bodyfafter death, `has shown th0 LIVER to have been extensively deranged. .AGUE AND FEVER. Du.` M LAm: s LIVER PILLS, m CASES or I-Acun AND Fxvzn, when takenwith Qginint. `arc productive of the most happy-results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to. or after taking Quinine. We would advise who are Ilicted with this disease to give them A [man mun. une names: hangs above his _ The whip the door. Bilemhem gloves and hooked bill To-dav the wmndmnn Ihrnwn aging EYTRAORDINARY No-ncr:.-Dr. W. C. Lispenard announces,for the benefit uflhe sivk and unthrtunale. that he continues to devote the whole of his time lu !ha treatment of privule diseases at his otcc, Ex~ change Place, Ron-ho.-sler, New York. February 20, I860. S-Iy --.J -u.y su Al\- uu ulc ltlli SIQC; somcumes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to- the top of the shoulder, and_ is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, ~hcavy sensation in the back part. There is gene- rally at considerable loss of ..v. vu sun; as any ulncr ptfc. Dr`. R. is the only rrgrz/or erlurated physician in this city who devotes his whole time e.rc/rui'r-z/n in the treatment of diseases of a private `nature. [Tim alictedwould do well to mnkc inquiries bclbre mu- sulting thnse advertising in this oit_v.] Dr. R. s pm- ,lice extends through "every State in the lfmun mid the Britih Provinces. nr4'RFVi\'l\l.T\Q9 r`1D!.`i|'1`n'nnv r---~n --- me zmusn rrnvmt-es. Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT \VOR1{- TIITI PR I- VA TE _IEDIC.`lL GI/'IDE- B'nul1IHy i:'!u:'o (rated V\'Ilh nearly 300 pages. Price, `2:')<-.-nts. Lellers describing am-- nvnnmnmn .-............:.... u.. urzueu wnn nearly` 300 `2:')(-.-Ins: describing age, sym toms, occupation properly allendvd lo, und me icimss. securely :- from observation, sent to all pans ofthe world. No letters will be answered nnI.-.~.- lhnv .....u 1rnm_uos-.rvanon, all v answered unlcs the} remittance ofonc dollar, consultation tee. : tion at the (mice, free of charge. ` All onnnmnnh-Minna ...l.l----,..1 ._ 1.` -r ...,.. u. nu. vuu.c, uuu ul cuarge. All cmnmnni:-alions addressed to E. J. Reymnhh, M.D., No. 19 Exchmige Place, Rochester, N.Y., will meet with prompt attention. . KG` Otce hours, from 7 A.M. in 9 P.M.' ,.,...,.,....... u_y swansy oanla extri- gou by .u 1V'np.xQNVo Ind Country Store PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on- pressure; sometimes the "pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the main icx F;-lr nmh... .1... -1.-_.u-_ LIA- peculiar to remates. _ -.N.B.-'--Dr. Reynolds is sole ngent for Dr. I irlmi,- Female Monthlv Pills. Among the many timn.~:m.l boxes of these Pills annually sold, not (me (~on:pfmut has yet been made against them. Lndies in n ur- taiwsituatinn ahnuld not use tln:m,.tlie particlilars .1 which will be found in the directions act-`onlp-.m3.m;,v each box. Price $100. Sent by mail In any pan ` of the world. Beware of counterfcits.. They no ; not on sale at any other place. 1).; R, an... _--..:-_ 2 - ' not alwaya.be_n.mong us, and as the -story yvonderful size and, novel `features: spxiegds ting: place .to,p1aca in tha_ country! t_be_-desire` tug_e'9.her`. alninu the form an epidemic. e ; T Address an orders to FLEMING BROS., Prrrsnuxcu, PA- DI`h..n-__.-... .. A YOUNG MEN, Who, byvindulging in secret habits, have contracted that soul-subduing, mind-prostrating, bL_)dy-dc-snuvmg vice, should apply to Dr. Reynolds wiihom delay". In l_hese;, as well as all olher cases ufn nn'vm.'- nn- ' wuxales, 090., succeulully treated. vtce, snould apply Dr. Reynolds delay`. V these, private na- ture, Dr.` Reynolds commends an early zzpplmalu-n, and without any vanity oraspirntinn, dt ClLlt (ll_\' .-taxes that nn case within the reach ofmortnl aid shnll ever cave him without it oure or Sitllslhrtlull given. _ f _ TO FEMALES. cuvn: ulul wunout Santlslavtlull _TO ' Dr. R. can be successfully consulted on all disease peculiar :0 Females. l .,N.R.4-nr Rn\'n..l:`a in .,.l.. .........a 1`..- n, 1-- - - Hepads or Liver Complaint , DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. . H12 JJISCESESZ - Diseases ot the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Jaundn-e, Dropsy, all forms of Scrot"ula, Teller, and the most obstinate diseases of the Skin, Nenralgia, Dysp(`psla, Cnstive Habits, Piles, General Debility, Nervous Afl'ections,Chronic Pulmonary Aectinns, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Cough and Cukls, Incipient titty... sumption, Inammatory and Chronic Illictnnatiun, Ulcers of the Legs,Ulccrs of the Munth, 'I`un,r:ne, Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Cancer, filantlulnr Enlargement, Tumors, Cltmnit: Sore lives, l\l:'rt'ttt!t1l and Syphilitic Afll.-ctions, Pain nnd Swelling c-t the Bones, and all diseases arising from the impure state of the blood,` whether Hereditary, Acquiied or Con- tracted, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. and other Cltrnttm Complaints of years standing. Gnnurrhu.-a, (;t.,-L-1, Syphillis Stricture, Suppression of the Mcnses in females, 650., 'succe&-lully treated. YOUNG t\.H`_.\T, LIVER PILLS, un .u1A..tUA'l'b' NA'l`l'1{E HIS lung experience and mi _ - tion to this class 0! conipla.m,.. his safe and speedy method of treatment, and 3.}; extraordinary success, duringa long and CXlt.`tls|;'i3 practice, enables him, condentially, to pr0,.,,,(. H _ persons a safe and rndicalcurc, without injury 10 um constitution, or connement from business. By a long course of study and practical cxpcriz-nr-e Dr. R. has now the gratication of pre.~cnnn;_r mo unfortunate with remedies that have never lllilul .'.~,,,_.e he first introduced them, to cure the-mo.-:t alarmng cases, and that in a , very short but reasonable tum, without the aid of mercury or any other tlt'lt:l('nuuI: drug. Within the last. forty years, Dr. R. has cum.-il more than one httndred thousand cases or the above character, and it may be said safely that more I/tun one-halfof the patients had been previously treated with mercury-and other poisons. Dr. R. can be successfully consulted on the follow. ing Diseases: launuw nl the T.iunr Kiilnnu-a Rln/l.l.-.. 1-... u msuvuus DEBILITY. """"" Young men who are troubled with Wmtkncng erally caused by a bad habit in youth, the elf--cts of which are dizziness, pnine, forgetfulneu, s'uim-times a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, Weakltrzu ofthe b.'t(:k and lower extremities confusion of ideas, 10,-; Uf memory with melancholy may becurud b ti - Botanic ,Remedies. , y it new COUNTRY PATIENTS. Medicine: with full directions sent to any pan 0,- the United States or Canada, by patients Pollllnuni. eating their symptoms by letter. Business correspun. dence strictly `condential. - Address, DR. GOODING, 91y No. 31 East Broadway, New York, ..`__..____ 3 gen. Li: mnounces.for lhe bem-x urn... .~:..|. .....a .... 1 _______ vu In nuns unav- To-day the crowd will `doubtless be as great it was yesterday. People pre fnafbeginning to wake up to the fact that the. Giant Ea:-tam` will not a1ways.be_a.mong\ and`: as -.the ptory a_nd...nov.eI ~f0&Cul!eI'-.\lnrem"lI . an iv, Drnnul, AND n1U5'1' SUCCESSFUL L mote of tlreatintls iver omp nint, ys psin, Nervon `- - ' Mamsniua or Wastingibnsumplion, Seth)?.::;:"Y: Weakness, Disease ot' the Kidnevs and Bladder, Rheumatism, SL'roTuln; sun Rheum, Mercurial Chronic Complnintg, _&c., &c., . c. _ E No chart e for Advic . Dr. GOODING is now cgtgngetl in trgwting thi -1 of maladies with the most astonishing succesg 3'35" treatment adopted b him is new, it is basctl i he scientic princi leg, with new discm'crcdretne:1pUn without mineras or poison. The facilities of la at-e_such; that patients can be cured at their (mo houses without cx reuse, in any part of the L'Ulll(l|lwn from an accurate zlescription of their case bv leltr- and have the medicine sent them bv mail or :"Pl :;, NERVOUS DEBILITY. YOU!!! who are trnuhlml with .......i.__, ;% `T $10151:g.,:,'..e::::..fT'::.!.!,.aMY. ` in` A xsunmsmcn HY ' " t, V 0 GOODING, (formerly of Eug|a,,d_) ' NEW SPEEDY AND MOST 3 ~ . ` mode treating: UCCESSFLL `IN ....... ,. _ `jun: (`nu-nnlninn '_ xv Symptoms of :1 Disesed Liver. DR. M I:fifE s CELEBRATED August 1, 1860. ron ml can 62 - <---`-.-----_ DR. REYNOLDS w....m respectfully inlovn his fnends, and the public, that he Cnn. -tinues to be colltlcnlinlly consuluad In his old eslalalzsllull Metlivnl Ollice. No. 19, Ex. rhange Place, ON ALL Dl,\'. EASES OF A PR|VATl`} {/5 OR DELICATE NA'l'l'l{E. .- ;. lnnz exnerienr-p nml .. T; W. GEORGEN, loan}. Rn u-nu, urL'upiIll(Il!, L\`(`. l(`ll)L'S. Scaled narns ofthp wmm arts 01 HIE WOTKU. unless` they t-onlmn u lllliun lee. Cnnsnhn- DLIVUUDUI A great nuisance to visitors on the ship at the present time is the want of water. At first i it was supplied in thedining rooms, but as soon as permission was granted to one of the stewards-an Individual,` by the way, who. is sometimes mistaken fur an officer.-gto open` 8 refreshment saloon in the forward part of the ship, it was removed, with s. View to attract custom to the latter department, and has not been replaced, Hereafter-we advise all`who visit the ship either to quench their thirst before starting or toi`wait'unu l they go "ashore; `for : they will find their glass bf water, the dearest: - drink of `the same dimensions "that 'they,heve quaffed for e -lng time. ` . I ` .- : ' - l`n.:hn`r sing ........I _in':'_._i_Lu-_L u , . . ~ ` - ` . - 1\ r, m: 1:2-ms. oms, Ovcupnlion, kt- `nes. serun-Ir swnl 'A\I1\\IlIlJ.` 1 Agent, . p BaTTl.o HC ; mnunn a Con.~u!ta- SJ) uugln , nnd c< may: DY .. vl ., c0_mp other __ -.. _.... .. u -u uuvo vwvu aqueuuu. The Cape May excursion promises to be all` that has been advertised. The tickets. thus for sold amount to about five hundred, and the purchasers are our first class people- In fact, it is needless for any butvrespectahle parties applying for apaesage, for no means will be left unemployed by the directors to prevent any breach of propriety that may be contem- lated. Several detectives and general mem- rs of the police force will be on board, and aeharp look out will be kept on the move.- meote of all suspected; parties. The affair already begins to assume a shape of decided. A success. ` A _..__a ....2_---- `A 1.1`f ' I51" \\ .W_ W um: uvur UAPUIIUIIUUU curler In UIIS 0| H16 Uld Country. No less than 16,500 persons went on board, and of these no less than the im- mense number of 10,000 brought with them the sun-browned skins and rosy cheeks of the rural districts. All day long the busy tide set inwards, and there were many times, during the forenoonespeciallv, ,when the passages were so completely blockaded by the throng that it wasimpossible for one:-to move in` either direction. The largest pilrtyef excursioniels yesterday came from Pouglrkeeprne, on the Tlmmas Powell, and numbered some ve hundred. From present appearances the last days of the Great Eastern will doubtless be herbeet, and we hope (lieu-directors will take the cue, and make arrangements to prolong. her visit until all will have been satised. mu... 11.... Im__ _....,H! ' The Great Enstern-l6,500-Visitors in . One. Day. From the N. Y. Herald, xv;axisday Yesterday was beyond all doubt the most successful day In history of the noble ship she has ever experienced either in Ibis or the Old (`.nnnlrv_ Nn Ian than 15: run .-....-....- ....._.. . boot'e.n.t,the'hotel.- `ng;5_a`*tetLr6r_cuIa or`. vvvu`--an --nu -unvuo The German papers relate that recently there arrived at one of the first hotel: of Bar- lin, a most elegant traieller, fresh from Cali- fornia. After affecting for halt an hour or eothe moi! aristocratic of airs, and altogether` behaving like e_ Russian hoyrd with thoneande at serfs trembling at hie be ck,'he disclosed himself to tbeewondering vr_eiterstee5,eneof_the . former -ob-operators in the eervice}'ofth_e`Ee_tb- lishrnent. A few yearstago he had,. n nit. Ilid camabrmk AI ah. -mm:.-....:... `.1... 1-. U18 NUUI. . - Many of the names Icould not get in full, and some other duels were indenitely given bythe oldest inhabitant, for whose courtesy lam much indebted. My informant was an eye-witness to many of these `beastly recon- tres. In fact, these little amusements seem to be enjoyed by the Blandenshurgers quite as much as a regatta would be at Cleveland. When there is a `lull in these sports, a sort of amphitheatre is erected in the village, one mile from the ground, and frequently one or ` two ghting-cocks are entered tor single com- bat or duels. These ghts are for quite as_ well- grounded cause, never ending in bloodless - battles, and they never kiss and make up. When I took the cars at six this morning, my friend Stevens said I must be suretaud make a note of the Blandensburg races, so [very gravely, while waiting for my coffee, asked the bar~tender how often the Blandeneburg races occurred ? Never but once, he said, and I hope they neverwill again. - Why, how is that? I innocently inquired. By .the `Blandensburg races they meanlthe race of the American soldiers away from theBritish soldiers in the last war. My father ran so far in one day that it took him two weeks to get his mind to come up h-ere in the morning. Any distance over three hundred rods I shah : object to. My blood is up and I am off. ' back, said he. Mr. Stevens may make up V ..... J-_, V View: In 1838, W.-J. Graves, of Kentucky, as- suming the quarrel of James Watson Webb with Jonathan Cilley, of Maine, selected this place for CiIley e murder, but the parties learn- ing that Webb, with two friends, Jackson and Morrel, were armed and in pursuit, forthe pur- pose of aseasinalirrg Cilley, moved toward the river and nearer the city. Their pursuers fol-' lowed toward the river but `missed the parties and then returned to the city, to which they were soon followed by Graves, and the corpse of Cilley.. In 1845, a lawyer named Jones fought with and killed a Dr. Johnson. In 1851, R. A.- Hnole and A. J. Dallas had a hostile meeting here. Dallas was shot in the shoulder, but recovered. In 3852, Daniel and Johnson, V two Richmond editors, held a harmless eet~to' here, which terminated in coffee. In 1853, Davis and Ridgeway fought here; Ridgeway allowed his antagonist to re without returning the shot.` R/l....... -1` IL- .__'.__V-- Y - ' ` ` Ul Iuu ruuuxer." . General Jussup, whose funeral I attended last week, was C|ay s second. _When Ran- dolph red he -remarked: I do not shoot at you, Mr. Clay,land extending his hand ad- vauced toward Clay`, who rushed to meet him. Randolph showed Clay where his ball struck his coat, and said, faceliously, Mr. Clay, you owe me a coat. Clay replied: Thank God the debt is no.grealer. They were friends ever after. In 1832 Martin was lrilled here by Carr. Their first names are not remem- bered. They were from the South. In 1833, Mr. Key, son of Frank Key and `brother of Barton Key, _of Siclrlee notoriety, _met'Mr. Sherborn and exchanged ashot, when Slierborn said: Mr; Key", I have no desire to kl you. No matter, said Key, I came to_kill you. Very well, then, said Sherborn, I will now kill you ; and he did. a ~ I- 1000 `I1 1 r1 Hvv - um urtrt rtvr. _ in 1820, Commodore Decatur was killed in A aduel here bl Commodore Barron. At the. . first re both ell forward and lay with their heads within ten feet of each other,-and aseach supposed himself `mortally wounded, each fully and freely forgave the other, still lying on the ground. -'Decatur expired immediately, but Barron.eventus.lly_recovered. r In" 1821,. two strangers named Legs and Sega appeared here, fought, and Sega was instant_ly killed. . The neighbors only learned this much of` their names from the marks on their gloves left on the ground. Lega was not hurt. . ln 1822, Midshipman Locke was killed here in a duel with a Clerk of the Treasury De-- partment named Gibson. The latter was not hurt. `__In 1826, Henry Clay fought (his second duel) with John Randolph, just across the Potomac, as Randolph preferred todie, if at all , on Virginia soil, received Clay s'_shot and then red his pistol in the air. This was in accord- ance with a declaration, made to Mr. Benton, who spoke to Randolph of a call the evening before on Mrs. Clay, and alluded to the quiet sleep of her child and the repose of the mother. Randolph quickly replied, I shall do nothing to disturb the sleep of the child 'or.the repose l of the tnother. I3...........t 1..--.._ -_I____ A.-. I I IUIS Ullllllg gmunu. . _ In 1819, A . T. Mason, a United States Sen- ator from Virginia, fought with his~sister s hue- band, John McCarty, here. McCarty was averse to ghting, and `thought there was no necessity for it; but Mason would ght. Mo- Certy named musltets loaded with grape shot, and so near together that they would hit heads ' if they fell on their faces. This was changed by the seconds to leading with bullets, and taking twelve `feet as the distance. Mason was killed instantly, and McCarty, who had had his collar bone broken, still lives with Mason s sister in Georgetown. His hair turned white so soon alter the fight as to cause much -comment. He has since been solicited to act as a second in a deal, but refused in accordance `to a pledge made to his wile soon after killing her brother.` _` ' 1.. sann lV-.__._..l___ 1-u,-,._ , I On I I inlnndensburg 27.. Dueza-dpck'Hgh:s;-Bza&.aembizig Races, &c. From the Cleveland Plamdealer. _ v ' Bunnnxsnune. June 18,1860. - Dun Dnr.r:n.:--Pistols' and coffee for two.- As I am alone on the clessiefground I 'oan tslte care that the pistols do 'no'harm, and the coffee is harmless anyhow. The place, so noted for its polite.and_rened murdersgis about ve miles from the city," fresh and handsome, in full livery of green, adorned with owers. and should blush in he beauty for the scenes it has witnessed. Here, in a beautiful little grsse plat surrounded by trees, forms, made after the image of God, come to insult nature and defy Heaven. In 1814, Edward Hopkins was killed here in at duel. This seems to have been the first of these fashionable murders on this dueling ground. In 1819, K, T, Innnn. n Ilnilnrl Qlnlna Qua- and a :in:.a..1`..; ..a.; .. Boyd Camplete Map of _Ba.rrie. UYS` complete map of Barrie, no nowfor sale at the Book store: of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann. . V -PRICES. 7 < ` Mounted on rollerafand varnished" . .- .$5 each. Pigzin.`. . ;. . . .-_.3;. 2 . . . . .5 . . . .'- -$4 `do ' This map contxins every lot. and ~ portion -of lot _ Iwilhinlbelimits of Barrie, accurately laid down 16 ` qcale, togellm-`,:w' `I_1!E,p!:_[|.ofll:e; Reil_way 8I_n_ti_bxi,' g ....... _- .-- _.--..._. gran. .` ' V `A le 1_nfoqvs"can be hadleperhte, either on still . , relpcclivly. _ oggfmming or-on oatingpgper oi*'en`<:k'zaing" . g xv3n. 9d. an`d.2s`.%d' each ' . ,3 Ihxchasrd, 1353.; > 142-tf --__ ........... . . . . ..`....,.....:sg'uo lot of within lbe. limits to spale, togelinu-',:with -s;,plan.of the; Railway Smioxi, and a 1inted;vi_ew 'of_ glue .To.\_vn,drawn from aLi1h- gi-gab, -which he always were suspended round his . his wife, in the midst of victims of the Re- . 1789 was scrupulously respected and complied 'Picpus`, the crowd halted; the interior inclosure -..,-.....-..-. , . Tm: Lssr Hovns or Ls FAvs:'r'na:.-The last hours of La Fayette are described by M. Guizot, who belonged to a younger generation, but who, in all likelihood, will not see the end of the French Revolution :-'-`t No life had ever been more passionately political than lns; no man had ever placed his ideas and political sentiments more constantly above all other prepossessions or interests. _But politics were utterly unconnected with - his death. lll for three weeks, he approached his last hour. His children and household surrounded his bed; he ceased to speak, and it was doubtful whether he could still see. His son George observed that ivitli uncertain gesture. he sought for some- thing in his bosom. He came. to his father s ' assistance, and placed in his hand a medallion_ neck. M. de La Fayette raised it to his lips; this was his last motion. That.rn`edaIlion cort- tained a miniature and a lock ofhair of Madame de La Fayette, his wife, whose loss` he had mourned for twenty-seven years. Thus, al- ready separated from the entire world, alone with the thought and image of the devoted companion ol hislife--he died. In arranging his funeral, it was a recognised fact in the family. that M. de_La Fayette had always. wished to be buried in the small cemetery ad- joining the convent of Ptcpus, by the side of volution, the greater part Royalists and aristo- crats, whose ancestors had founded that pious establishment. The desire of the veteran of. with. An immense crowd-`-soldiers, national guards, and populace--accompanied the funeral recession along the boulevards and streetfsof aris. Arrived at the gate of -the convent of could only admit two or three hundred persons. The -family, the nearest relatives, and the prin- ciple authorities entered, passedjhrough the `convent in silence, then across the garden, and nally entered the cemetery. There no politi- `cal manifestation took place; no-oration was pronounced ; religion andthe intimate remin- iscences oi the soul were present; public politics assumed no place near the death-bed or the grave of the` man. whose life they had occupied and ruled. V ; ' 'l"I.._ (V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __;_ V: ` l.l_'.,l.\VI'. coL|,I_NGWO0D- Express.....;.......-...........-..-. 5.30A.X. Mail .....-............` ........... 3.00 Ln. Arrive Toronto';_. . , . . . ;. 10. 15 Adi. and 9.00 mm. ` I _'l TJ`.\I7`lQ ADA.-um FOR COI Mail.,....>...........; Express.......;...... Arrive Collingwood. . . I EAIIE at J une, 1860. \|.. Northern Railway of Canada! `PHI-CI: III we COOK- Price ghree do1lars-oue to be paid at the time of subscribing`--the remaining two at time of de- livery of book. A ` _ ` e ` A. A. LECHLER, Publisher, Masonic Temnle. cor. Brnnmn xx n.....n... turns of the various Grand Lodges, dates of char- ter, kc. Also a glossary of Masonic titles, with their abreviations, making it nmost comprehen- sive vade mecum, invaluable as a work of refer- ence. ., The names, number, location, and time of meet'mg_ot' every Grand and Subordinate Lodge in the world, with the name and address of the Master and Secretary of each Lodge in the United States and Canada. ns far as can be ascertained. Brethren subszcrihimr. fnr nu. I1m'.:.. ......o .......a :.. cmtes uuu uunaoa. tar be ascertained. subscribing. for the Guide must. send in their names, business, residence, the name and number of the Lodge, Chapter, Council, &c., of which they are members, and the o`ice'they hold in each, which will be printed in its appropriate place in the book. Prim thrpn dnllm-a_.-.... 4.. I... ;...:.: .. n..- .g__. - -v_;,.~a. snare or J WORK. `Bar:-i_e, March 2 8. _._v .- v..... u -JQUUUVLAAII uutuvg (BY sunscnuvrron om.Y'.)7 ' `V .ILL_ be published during the present year. In this work will be found a` Chronological Table of important American and European events, from remote times to the present period-I.he.an- cient charges of a. mason-a synopsis of the re- turns of the various Grand ter. rrlossnrv of Mmmnh-. mi... mm. II?!-:3" THOSE indebted to MONTGOMERY & BRO. are hereby notified that all OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, due them, PROMISSORY NOTES &c., will- be entered in Court for immediate col- lection, if payment is not made. ` !3"ONE AND ALL!.,gn JOSEPH MONTGOMERY. March 23, 1859. N ' 1'2-of Tm: O1.mcs'r Fans MAsox.--Col. Johnson, of Cincinnati, has been a membextof the Masonic` order, in goodstnndiug, for 65 years. He is now. in his 86th year, and is attached to McMillan Lodge, No. 141, Ohio. He is probably th ,o1debt DFree Mason in the United States. He sat. `in the Lodge presided over by George Washing `nmore than forty years. - I ` I nu v arr rn 1859. u . T 7 BUTCHER, POULTERER, BJYCON ./lND- H./QM CURER, S.USGE' M.KER, S'c., I No. 8 Market Stall-ResiA5cm:e, Bayeld.$t. Basrie EGS to inform the public generally that he has constantly on hand .a good supply of the primes: quality of Fresh Meals, Ponllry, &o.. Home Cured Hams and Bacon-smoked and white dried; Barreled Pork and Beef," which are offered at the lowest possible price. ` Barrie, May 16, 1860'. .7 20-ly - ___-. - .....v.,.... - - - v - - -. ave su Aha. nuu 3 `J. LEWIS GRANT; , _ Super-int Toronto. May 5, 1860, ' EDWARD 1'. "BISHOP, 1. TAILOR," S BL()'(`.'k' Rnbnrn -.A.1b:_l.on. I-Iot e1, M O T R E A L, T L. w. DECKER, Proprietor, S pleasantly situe.ted`a.t the head of ST. PAUL . STREET, amongst the largest wholesale houses in the city. `It has (with. business men generally, and especially with the ;best'Mei-chants of both Provinces) become so great 9. favorite, that it is now acknowledged to be THE Business Hotel of Montreal. `To meet the extensive in- `crease, during the last year, in the business of the house, the `proprietor has built a large addition. The Dining Room has been extended and made more commodious; therehave been completed, in the new wing, 51 great number of well-ventilated ' sleeping rooms, and the House throughout has been retted-, and now contains many improve-' ments and conveniences hitherto unknown to its guests. The whole of.t he.beds have, at a great expense, been, furnished with NEW SPRING MATTRAASSES. The Proprietor expects that by continuing his personal management of the con-. corn, The Albion, to say the least of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best DOLLAR and a. Ilsur Harm. in Canada. ' 47-1`.7.mo .:.:L.I.1.J\J.Iia," BREWER S BLOCK, BJRRIE BEGS to cafl thehttention of the inha_itants_o_f_BAnmn, and the THE Subscriber begs most respectfully to inform the gentry, and inhabitants generally, that he hhu fnluzn H-In n`\nI1n Qnlnnn .....I o_....L.. I... .-6..:..A I-[Inn ounscnner Degs most respectfully to inform generally, has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict attention, combined with first class Wines, Liquors &c. to merit a share of their patronage. Vacancies for a. few BOARDERS. ' - nnwtxr Qrnxrmv uinmvrnrn *|')........-`.4-.. lUl' II ICW DUAlUlfl ND. ' , EDWIN. SIDNEY MEEKING, Proprietor.` Barrie, Seppszh, 1558. V ' . 736-tf Oricketerg Boardgng Ho:1se and Restaurant, * Y.A'i`l.`, urn.-uni-I-vnu.v Amn- DECIDING A Cum.--A farmer called at the house of a lawyer to consult him professionally. ` Isl squeer to hum ? he inquired of the luv- yer's wife. He was answered negatively. After a moment s hesitation a. thought relieved. him. `Mebby yourselfcan gi me information as well as t s t-queer ? The `kind lad_y'pro~ mieed to do so if she found it in her power,_ and the other proceeded as follows :--`_Spoaze you was an old white meet, an 1 should hor- row you to gwang to mill with n grist on yer back, an we should get no farder than Stair Hill, when all at once ye should back up, and tear up, and kneel down baolmards, an break yer darned old neck, who d pay for ye? Not I, darn me if I would. The lady smilingly told him, as sheclosed the door, that as he had himself settled the care advice would be ` superuous. 'l".... I ...... I J.......; .... I . 1'.`.-....__ nu The splendid situation of.the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of Kempenfeldt-the salu- brityjof the air-the_ purity of the water-all com- bine to render this spot one of the most healthy anddelightful Summer retreats; and the Northern Railroad n_ow places it within three hours. of Toronto;. ` HENRY FRASER, V A "Late of the Commercial Hotel, Barrie. Queen -S rms Hotel, Barrie, z _ I Lake Simcoe, 14th July, 1856. 29 GOD sxvn mu QUEEN! Hail Columbia !! Viva la Frangais ! !! A` ' HARMONY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP'l_ The Premises which he has now entered have been greatlyenlnrged, andtin a few dayawill be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors of every description with BOARD, in Private `Suits of Apartments, or at the Public Table, by the Meal, Day, Week, Month, _ or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and OARRIAGES, and a LIVERY STABLE connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met-with North of Toronto, and he has no-ohjec- ion this should be known . `_ `RAINS LEAVE `UNION STATION" .' FOLLOWS: Ina (\I\I I Ihlllllhan HE Subscriber would inform the'Pub'lic, thaf he has Leased that well known Hotel in Bumm, ` ' Q,UEEN S ARMS, ,__L L_. AL- I_A'_ ll- `l'..I__ I)2_...L..__ ..._A Formr1y kept by the lath Mr. John Bingham,'u :,1d afterwards by Mr.-L. Caisae, under the manage- ment of both of whom it was so _:.--__-..<-or-cc-qr (~"?rhl~'ll'I%??+'F n .l.'4LV1l.J.VJ`JLV &uIJJ. Iu\J\/\1J.'Jn.a-us~\z;4 . And since he nds, by the Latest Intelligence, that there isno more W.nr,?or tumour` of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the cultiva- tion of the Arts of ` _ . F EA.-C-E! _.______._ .---. AAA-K u-nu-nuv(uv'vrIvvvCn T RLVELLERS will find the`above' "Hot way suited to their comfoit. . ;_ 11170-1717 7 tn-nvrn nnI1l`!I`!1Yl`i Cl every ALL 0333 womb: The World's Masonic Guide, (nv snmznmp-nnn nm_v'\ V 1 >te1; V `B./IRRIE, C .S., '. A PRETTY Lt'r'rr.e At.Lt~:oonY.--When Noah planted the first vine and retired, Satttn ap- proached and said: I will nourish you charm- ing plant. He quickly brought three animals ..a sheep,- a lion and a hog. and. killed them one after another near the vine. -Thevirtues of the blood of these three animals penetrated it and are still manifested in its growth. When a man drinks one goblet he is tlten agreeable, gentle and friendly. That is the nature of the lamb. When he drinks two. he is like a lion and says, Who is like me? and talksof stup- endots things. When he drinks more" his sen- ses forsake him, and at length he wallows in the mud. Need it be said he resembles the hog? vs 11 ,, AP ... NO MORE WA R1: "K1I"f~5}aV1I1"'I",'3"r' -:95-("ivESSFUL 2 .2 -:_-- L- c...1. 1.. oh. '.n0nnO Tntnllh-m`... n. riniigy: Pizniernn. George I$Iaundre11,i IYTIBVD ..--I --.--- -- _..-. rr _.EXCELLEiV'1;-.S:'1".;'JBLINGi. L 9. A. nxsuuurm, Publisher, Temple, cor. Broome 8; Crosby _ ` Streets, N.Y F. JOHNS. Amsnt run UULLINUWUUU. 7.00A.l(. 4.001>.x. lingwood. . . . . . .12.45 and 9.00 mi. LEAVE COLl,l_NGWOOD- nu..- nun no can we attention inhabitants of Banana, and surrounding neighbourhood, to is having "had. considefable eri-. -----w--.-uvanv, LATE INTERNATIONAL -uo'n:L. - vnnn NAPoLr:nn/III. Rm-`nuns AN Equzswnmn Sn'rvs.-fhe municipal council of Brest voted las `month the erection of an equestrian statue 0 Napoleon III. in the public, square of that to _ n. In reply. to an announcement of titatjtentioti, the Minister of the `interior 4-` Ihn lnllntiinn [Altar franc QI\a I4`.-.nL..,.. VVD3 CQLLINGWOOD. mreets, N. F. JOHNS, Agent ' .J......_- 1 OTITCE! ..ko...I .. Iinxrmn rnnnr ED158135 DIIO support. RANTED. I-1 `usual Jidvanca Oce, Bay -rie. V 24` Luna 1', Supenutehdent. 19, BARRIE FNQ;RTHERAN% ADVANCE. "10-l2mo is | JULY arm:-. The melancholy days have come, The saddest of the year, When notes are due.and lengt bills Come in from far and near; . When Here s a small aceo t of yours, ls whispered in your ear, . And wont vou please to ltle now, Is all the taik you hear. Exonaxn AND FRANCE.--T prize o'ered by the Rev. Dr. Emerton, of Hanw 1 College, Middlegex, for the best essay on thei ease importance of a = close uuionroi England and France, has been awarded by the adjudic ors, Lord Brougham, the Earl of Clarendon, an the Earl of Shaftesbury, to the Rev. W._ N. Mo sworth, M.A., P`.C., of St. Clemenvs, Rochdale. Mr. Molesworth is the son of Rev. Dr. Molesw h, vicar of Rochdale, was formerly of Pe roke College,` Cambridge, - prizeman, sen. opt d EA. 1839, and is the author of various public 1009. The French adjudicators Messrs. Thiers, . gnet, and'Merimee, have not yet ` awarded the F nch prizes of 1,000f. and 250f. otfered by Dr. merton on` the same subject. cu: in wt uuu ul `sunny. ufr cuAnGEs_ nxwnnmpv nonmu'rn. Parties requiring 0peiflbh performed are - . . . - neqnqated to coine.`enr1y-in the da _. ' Oa [au;fsfrom'Eighg ddack 1.1;, in pm. August 13, me. A -. sm- U1 un1v.l_'.'d.b `HI and dtability. 11: .. . . .. `.._.. . -w an we least. possible pain; and particular atten- tion paid to the Regulation of Children : Teeth. Teeth inserted onrGold Plate or Pi_vot. Cavities `lled with Gold or Silver.Foil, or any other Branch `of DEN I`.L-8 UR GER Y executed with nentness and drtability. gm; cu, we warranty 1:: an cases will cegse. TEETH '_EXTRACTED ', - With the least possible pain ; particular t_ion' to Regulation or tlhilda-amt. rr...u. n H mn run", on me 13:, 2nd Q 3rd of each month, and ADFORD, ion the 4th of each montli When will be-most happy to wait upon those who uire his services in any-of the Branches of h ` Profession. ' would aleoatate, that in case of failure in any warranted `during the past Eight years it 7 lbe -repaired Fr entist is, or has been, employed to operate in the ee qf Charge, `provided no ot er same month; but `should another Dentist be em- . played, the warranty in all_,cases will . . ` `fur:-11-1--A A1`3 1`5b: z`z'.;3. $5.'Z".{`;";` 3?.`, .{:.'. . :. Z:`. ""'-j Lay; auuuuuuli l-I De WI be t R S HOTE - j mam -lnril and .Tune 119.1,! 7 er Daf . N. PECK," A SURGEO Q-DENTIST, April _1 1tb, 1s6_o._ um _1I7`.3J70m 1'5" A Volume IX. `

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