Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jul 1860, p. 4

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Dr. Hayee Arctic Expedion; vghich wasto hue sailed from Boston on Tuesday last, has been detained until next week. The antl is not completed, and many comforts. and some few necessaries arevetill. needed. . `, It is mid the.G1-eat Easternfcons,nriIe_d1287,'-1. was of coal during her vove to.New York.- J_DZEIV'I'I S'I'IB.'Y' --nuull-ll-I-U always presents us with. the some essential ele- ments, and gives of course the Tum: Smxnann. Analyze the blood of a person. suffering from Consumption Liver . Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we find in every instance certain deciencies in the red globules of Blood. t Supply these deciencies, and you -are made well. The Bnoon Form is founded upon this - l`heory-he_nee its astonishing success. 1 There are .......v-Jr ' Ma.r_ch 28th, 1860; nu !-I .n. um 0501.10 of any kind, and theref the sujfcrings of your c Uplaie relieves by removing d, instead of by deaden- ing its sensibilities; F this reason it commends itself as the only re ' le preparation now known for CtttLDm:x Tr: Ht.\'G, Dtmtttttu-IA, DYSX-INTEIKY, Gamma in Tim BOW!-21.3, Acmrrv or TIIE-STQMACH, Wtxn, COLD IN THE HEAD, and 'CIt0l.'P, also, fdr softening the gums, reducing in_/Iumnlion, regulating ~tlte'Bowels, and relieving. pain, it has no equal- being an anti-spasntorlic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of C0.\'\'Ut.Sl0N on OTHI-2n.`IlTS. .43 you value the life and health of your clu'ldrcn,- and wish to save them front. the sxul an/I blig/Iting consequences w/tic/1 are certain to orcsull from the use of narcotics of wlticlz other rcnuzdies for In/'(m- tile Complaints are romposed, tulre uonebut Du, EATON S IN!-`ANTILI-I Coiun,u., this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot. injure the most delicate itivfant. Price, 25 cents. r Full directions accon puny each bottle._ Prepared only by ` ` tjrfnnrr . .-.'--..--.._ (W, _ ___- _v__--- vvavdlbbil, and why? because it ncvcrfuilx to u Mucous relief when given` in time. by magic, and one trial alone W" that what we say is true. It `RT. 1'! - - - - -- ' t acts as if convince you lains ....vnu u FIVE "PI$.E'i=ARATIo_N:s rlnnhx m Hm Ana.-3--- -1-- - . ruuu m'rl{Y PATIENTS; . Medicine: with full directions sent in any part of the United States or Canada, by patients communi-. catingtheir symptoms by letter. Business correspon- V dentgc `strictly condential. . _ Address, DR. GOODlNG,- V 9-ly ' No. 51 King Street, Toronto, CrW. Hgulthy hmnn Z . Dr. Bums, N-. Blrnnnn. . NERVOUS, DEBILITY. C Young men who`are troubled with wenknes.,.gn- erally caused by a bad habit in _\'0lllh, the effects` of which are dizzingass, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness uflhe back and luwer exlrennylic-s` confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with inlanclioiy, may be cured by the new Botanic Remedies. ' ' J FIDITNTRV `D .\ 'l`!17Iuvna ' `Figs!!! yon_`that`knell `lrgit .WlIa_}h:e rot -:_;_tmc.; E Andi: time dead `l `I ihought time new rdied; I i I `_knew him old, ;. tis.trt'te, and full of years, . . nu ! bald. e N in -front ,*--,bnt he was~atrong_ la Hereuleg 5-5 saw him grnspthe oak,-4-.5 * ; It fell ;--the tower,-it crumbled ;_--and the stone, The scnlptur tl monument, that ma_rk d the grave . Of fallen greatness, oeas d`its pompous strain As time came, by. Yea,time we-_ver't"-strong. And I had thought toostrong for death to grapple- But I remember now, his up was light, _ - . And though he mov d at rapid rate or trod _ 4 6):: adamant, hiatread was never heard. ' And there was something ghostly in the thought, That in the silence of the midnight hour, \Vhen all was hush d in death, and not a sottnd Crept n er my chambei-'3 stillness, or awoke The echo slumbenng there,--iu such an hour He trod my chamber, and] heard him not; And I have held my breath and liaten d close, - To catch one foot-fall as he glided by ; ' But not a sltimhering sound awoke, or sigh d. A'nd the thoughtstruck me then, that one, whose Ste] Was so much like a spirit : tread, whose acts `Vere all so noiseless, like the world unseeu_, ` Would soon be lit for other worlds than this,-_ Fit for high converse with immortal minds, Unlettered by the esh,-unt-ltnined tohearlh. 117', . - ~ Ii N I`, I 4 TO U); 0W., n5T`3LIBHBD I ` DR. GOODING, >(t'oArtne_ of elitgland.) _ N`EW, SPEEDY,` AN OST SUCCESSFUL ' mode of treatin - Liver Complaint g) pepsin, V Nervous Dehility, Marusmus or II ItgConsumption,Seminal We-aknesa, I II II I ll] U ol. 5?, lliing Street West, 113- No charge for Advice. _Dr. GOODING is now engaged in treating this class ol` maladies with the most astonisliing success. The treatmentadopted b him is `new, itis based upon scientic princi lea, with new discovered remedies, without mineras or poisons. The facilities of cure are such, that patients catt_ be cured at their own houses without expense, in any" part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter, and have the medicine sent them by mail or express ' NERVOUS DEBILITY. , INF4;i`1E' fdhiil [May 15th, 1860. 7 H95 AIIVOTUIOF D8811 IBEKJIEH lnu nuuuu J. .- in a few weeks, bye very simple remedy, after having eulfered several years with 3- eeverejlnmg Afcctian, and that dread diseue,`Consn`mp1non,`is anxious to make known 10 his fellow-su'erers'lh`e means of cure. "1_`o<`nl|..who deshfeit he will aend_ a copy. lhe preucviplnon used ( qclaarga), with dIl'e(`ll0l_ folzpreparing and .usmg, the same which Ihey will nd esure Cure l'or`C,o r_'wu1n ion, Jgtluna, Brmzclufnlv, 54:. The only ohgct ol t e advertiser `in sending-Ihe pretcriplioh is "to nel the allcled, and he hogs evjery sufferer will try his remedy,` as it WI" cost I mlnolhing, and may move a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address `DDV IPDIIIA III'\ A \lIII .Qf\'Nl' Adeiusr riuixig beex'1Ateatoi'ed:tA(> Vrieauh T- few bye. very after Inaoina nnhr-J nounrnl vnnvn with A severe Iju` Tholnsands are daily speaking i |'\ 5 F` A -I- A - - AFFLICTED`READ! EUROPEAN T MEDICAL Hi) SE`. - up . _( L` _. !1.L,`.`,K.,.!,'.,....'?x'.,..', T':5, ..o,.!!.,Vv ESTA Rhlllltn '/"roaox[wo, Oct. 18, 1856. Dentist. is, that he has been jzn this family,-and given much satis- , Joan Tonoxro. :1- , A. . Qovnnxnxr Housi, mmandalion that I can give of Dr. Surgeon 5 :7` '1`oronto'r January 16' 21857. { Dc` , uh nob, Surgeon vnemin. 1.--. 1.-.-, .....-. vvvl gun. ;a nut. 1|: ' Hung No Paregori Opiate zy kind, therefo rnlinlrna 3... ......... l Discovery of n Sunkcu Ciiy. w____,1___,:, I . u 1- - - ` T 2C O`N;S_;lJ_MP1!TlVE:5;`i;` AM! fii ...-"J Jyhunlllb Ill UR. P j"i3i'={. EAT((){N S uv_ y_A=,v\.u.:u-.u_5 vvuu yuvpou uuuu.-v .B.{EV.-EDWARDA-. WILSON. ~ J . W11 b M ' C . N.Y.s -1860. 1 name urgh,K1ng Bamo ` H191! I63. ' COUNTRY PATI E NTS; S /ilhvrll" lnrnl-Hniua can: In` e meuu-me sen! Ihem by maj an who are lrnnhlnl un'!h nu.` _ _. -.,.7 9.. V. uuulu. DOIO CHURCH 6:` DUPONT, No. 409 Broadwny, NeW,Y< table Drugaistn th--mm1.....a Blootvl upon being ....-v, uuul-UH`, 101.") Surgeon Dentist, has` both teeth for me, with perfect ain 6 myself than I though' A. P. DouGua,.A.D.0. [Hon-. J udgc McLux. . Ref. -` ` - Dr. Hnaniox V , D. J. Sco'r1'. { A. W. S'm.u-crux, Esq. .DI'~L 1",-AL CADWHLLL ' 1 BAYnd'MelIndn Senna- I ? ;5lI1fin1 CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York.` ?p6x','nI.D.,` 7'3" * of Baltimore College 0'! Dental Surgepy, ,_-..-< `-1 AJU1 \lL` I New,'i ofk, Druggists throughout the -.. -r_.~uv uxc, -ms, also, fr l1UCi7IL illIl?)lnIinn a~nnn'--4-'---- manas or the business, ~ services of D. G. F., 0Ved n hiulmu-n.u.o.\o:..._ ~, n.nd'U1m1:P, fa} ,r ::n_/I{malion, am. It has 1m p..m.I__ 1 D.D-(S-1 ; in the praise of,-"L KQII3 ' I 9 I lx;ggfy -ains .,.-.,-_.... u. uuuauo over 27 Halo, `N. v.,- blow'n in me' ' V `accompavin each home. No; I by are o'ered go the _o. for 75 cents. With public, rely- ` DIYwIt\-- I all kinds of `Fever: and Ague; th rnvmli MEDICINE, And must never be taken xcept in cunncction with twill than cure Inammatory Rhettmatistn; No.1. I , e worst effect of Cglds, and all pains, whether Chronic or Acute. T ese medicines will effect CURES , not removals -ilrom one put of the body to the other. I3` Remember. to prevent . confusions, these Mcdi cine: ttretpreparvd by Ow Dacron I-`n I-ZDERICK Du.- LINBAUG 3, who has practiced in Buhlo To mumnno r......_n - V nature, and will ne\ be` number 2 is a _ 1:117:71: . upuut) PURIFIER, L ,Superior to the purest extract of Snrsparilla, made entirely of roots and herbs of this and foreign donn- tries, the best properties ofwhich are extracted by an entire new chemical process. It acts in larger doses as anactive physio, in smaller ones as an alterntive working directlvon the Liver and Kidneys, expel- ling therefrom all morbid matter, thus bringing into action all the organs that may have become inactive, and may be relied on to cure Liver Complaints nnd Complaints of the Kidneys, lnci ient Consumption, Dyspe la, General Debility, Ol Ulcers, Scrofula Salt B enm, Pimples. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery- . sipelas, ,Inrmit.ies of Youth nnd Age, and all other diseases which have their origin in a disonlered or `impure 'stat~ol' blood. It is of a renghthening nature; never weaken or Drostrmn n... 1.4, H |,.'......'_|._, n - ..... will! one prep cingin Vtwo bullies`, The number I is a `D1 nn UL` DUI` l."AhL_ AFTER an unprecedented: over thirty years, bgifng active practice, at the re lust all parts of the countr edical preparations -are and knowled left them with I those who are need be said that-he has I his Ion irent ('\ ninle1_l Wil . readily tgfliis treatment, and pr bundre of miles to be ruled ev_er, asvtpot been able, like 4 thl with one preparation, bu 5.-_i_n in bolllt-.3; w|.:..:. .. Mnnufacmr` 385 Broadway. New 7 Dec. 21st, 1859. I, C \ PRICE, 3 DIMES. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR a VTHARTIC PILLS are feugilexl byyl rallv. nml ...I.| .--I. 1ruu('1'lU I rally, and so large towns. ...._.. many uusonses In numerous to mention in ` ` nose, Ito 3. vi ,,_,_ _-. ......... uuuaululllli DUI. {Hal Cf) , raised by lhose whoought to have known M better, had us day, and he belieied the subject wasrnow so fully understood in Upper Canada, that when they went back lojheir constituent: again,--he, at least, had gone~back,!wice, . ince-rt.ey- would be; `sustained by a..:lar_-go majority in Upper" "Canada. -(Hear; hear.) Upper and Lo7Iar,Conada were one Province. The p:9P9ri'y_ff Upper. C-madaas i'!99.P&.'. rabry "linked ;wi:_rs-mar `of Lower-` Canadoi` Vkyratever ' made" glhx Bower `Chanda farmer " -`must improve lhe condilion of. Iheofemorr - of Upper Canoda. we could not have `a-rich ' . ..,-my, :1, neglected, "er, Low or Appe- ` lion of Cold over the I Hcaiache, or weight in lory Diseases, Worms Rheumatism, a great and many diseases numerous In m....u:.... :.. - ru.-.-. vc5c|ou)l.' DX- ` on every part of the {are good and safein nll IS `needed, such as Dc- . mach. Sleepiness. L o i n 3, Cusliveness, the whole body, from `u3nlly, if, neglected, Anne. ' we ren_(-.n 01 all. The Profession well Calhartics act on-the The FAMILY CA- with due n-r.am...... 4.. nae 1-AMILY CA- due reference to fact, been compounded `purest Vegetable: Ex- O everv nnrl nf Hun wemy'}'eaI~s. The constantly` in- those who have long the snlisfaction which 1 their use, has induced the reach ofall. | Tho - prn.:.:nn ---J| DR. % The FAMI gentle but. at prieton has us lwemy'_\'ears. T118 (`nnnm , --- --v -- 1 r 1 1 X X H, ~ COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in GLASS GASES, Air Tight, and will keep` in anyclimate. 'l.... `I:`,\1\.III 1r A. I I ATHAIiP.ILLs, HI\'()l' I\1l.X VVATER IN THE MOWTH WITH THE INVJGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETIIER. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --ALSu.-- -muacu me reoemon in 3t'5, and threatened `a disruption of all political relations`, as it.had' already once'caused the cessation of social comfort and happiness. Whetherrthe course ot the Government on that occasion 4was.pru- dent or not, it was of course not for him to say ; he would merely observe that! Upper Canada, asra whole, had pronounced npon`it.i The question was, certainly `settled in a` manner which had laid its ghost--while as to the churches whose vested riglrts:'u"ere thought to be attacked, and. which.were opposed "IOVNIG settlement in thermanner proposed, he had the satisfaction of -having had the_thanlrs of the - Church of Englandyand the leaders ofpall the other religious bodies. wliose_, rights were in any way affected; (Hear, hear.)- So in Dower" Canada, that -great question whichhad been so long agitated had been dealt with. It was true there was an attempt made, at the time of its" being settled, to raise the wretched spirit of sectionalism, which was the only remaini- rng curse and brine to the prosperityiof the country, and the:Go,vernmenV_t_`had to Woe their constituents in the Jeeth bf.an..`outo_ry that Upper Canada had` been made`to_ pay-for {arms for Lower Canadianstl Brit ithaticryf, raised who . ough_t. to__ have known be||ga_r_.hnrl II. An n...lI..,. L`_r:____J n v-- ~'- - ie 1051359 sue cunnnenccmcnl c All who use it are Favor. THIY \VA'l"1rI') `nu sucn qunnlmt-s-as to act` `Let the dit-lnl_es ufi, vou m the use of thef` TOR, and it will cnrefi Iiuus A!lucIcs,D_vs Ipsia` J S u mm c r Comp aints,l' Sour Smmm-In, Habitual Chuleru Mnrlms, Cho-` lence, Jaumlice, Fe-' ` may be used success- I Fnmily Medicine. I! ' ache, (as thousands can I mes, iflwo or three Tc-a~, the connnenccmcnt oft ' All Whnlnsp it turn n:..: . .ess.ion show. . - ! d [ menuen. K) 1 I `ll lms(-nrod thousand.-if '_ with years who had given up; " 1all h n umerous `unsolicited cerli The dust.) must he: ndnp men! of the individual, 0 Inkir such quantities-as 0 gem `LC! lhe (Ii:-lnlna "('2 ---~--- ,, _ _,- __- - ---r-v.n\Il-U0 N EVER DEB! Ll TA TES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a. St-mdard Medi- cine, known and a . ' raved b' all ma} have P`, `P 3 used it, and is now ro-` ;sm'u-d wjlh confidence in nll lhe diseases for` }which ll IS recom- mended. I O llhast-nrnilIhnnenn.l.' n ...:.|.:.. .1... L . V 1m: nesmram'e41s pm up.1n boltles of three sizes, viz: large, n1Pdium,aml sInnl|;' the small holds 4 a int, and l'(`l!IllS fur one dollar per bottle; the medium llolds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails [or two dollars per bottle; lh-.3" large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and rcluils for three lollnrs per bolllc. . A 0. J. (/'U.. PI ()nrlPlnrQ. AAA |l...m.`l....... Am! sold by all Dcnlc.-rs. June 21,1860. unu rcluus mr Inn.-c dollars bnlllc. W001) &. ()U., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And said by all good Druggisls and Fancy Goods Dc_nl-rs. > . ... n uzauruered we vslalevof 'slrenghlhem'ng re, weaken prostrate the body. number `a ' WWTYDD "|"""""" auu Ull'li nulr, wmcn no munev can buy. As a mark at` my gratitude for your labor and skill in the pl'0(ltt(`llt)tl of so wondcrnl an article, I have rec-ummcndcd its use to many ofrny lrit-nds and acquaintances, who, I am happy to infnrm you, are using it with. ltkc eisct. V:-ry respect- fully, youts, - V A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depnt,l 44l4lBruntlway, and sold by all deulcrs } throughout the world. The Restoralivjs put up.in bottles of three large. medium and stnnll:' [ha Mmnll |...m.. 1 .. In 1854, the G ernment he then entered was in a position peculiar difficulty. Upper and Lower Ca a were` then in a state of great esciteme . Especially in Upper Canada was man se gains! man, and the Clergy reserve questi was being renewed, which had caused the rebellion in 38, and threatened disruption all Dolilionl mIm:.....` .. :. ....;- l at once made application In the most skillful physicians in the county, but, receiving no as.-xurance lrom lhemthnl my hair could again be rt-stored, I was lorced to become reconciled to my fate, ltnlil, fortunately, inthe latter part of the year 1357, your Restorative was recommended lo-me by a drnggist, as being the most reliable Ilnir Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that II. was producing the desired e'ecl. Since that time, I have used seven dollars worth of Your Restorative, and us a result, have a rich coat of very soft him-l: hnir, vvhich nomonev can buy. mv szralitude for vnnr lnlmr and .i.:u LIVER iiiriE+ t)RAToR. Nl?,l,`I.`n `nnnru um.-an- cu unvuu, hJI.lllILV&` 111.1 JIAILIJI a Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. bib`, 1859. , Pll0F.0.J. Woon: Dear Sir:-In the latter part of the vear I852, while attending the State and National Law School ofthe, State at New York, .m hair, from a cause unknown to me, c-ommem.-ed la li , ng of!` very rapidly, so that in the short space of aixmonths, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side. and back part ot ~ In head shortl -after lu.-cante_gru_v, so that on will Y JV Y not be surprise when I tell you that upon my return to the State uf Indiana, my more casual acquaint- ances, were not so much at mloss to discover the cause of the I.-han'ge_in my appearance, as my monilintimate acquaintances" were to recognise me at 2 . `Paar, Woon: I Thee wilt please. accept a line to I inform A-thee that the hair on my head all fell otf over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attendedwith an, eruption on the head. . A continual course of sulfering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I hav_e`not been ableto obtain stud` for caps, neither have I ,been able to do them up, in come uence of which my. head has sulfered extremely rom "cold. This induced me to pay Briggs 6: Hodge: almost the last cent I had on earth for a dollar ttle of thy Hair Restorative about the rst of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is `now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it iaalso coming in all over my head. Feeling con- dent that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee it` thee wouldst not be willingtoaend me an order on thine agents tor a . bottle, and receive _Io thyself the scripture declara- non-the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherleaa. Thy trieml, SUSANN AH KIRBY. `l :.......:.... 'l\T..LI..r1.. Y...I:...... 13.1. L.L 1o:n and g'row:-mora._aM- more popuwr every aay.`.' = And testimon` ls, new, and almost without hnmber, mightbe given from ladies and gentlemen 'in all grades of 'oc`:ic-t , whose united testimony none could resist, that rof. Wood : Hair Restor- ative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the air of the youth to old age, in all its youthful auty. Battle Cmek, Mich., Dec. 21st 1858. -n- __ 111--- _ nu.-- __.in _I.._.. _-___. .. 1:..- 4- The on! . . .5 T Pfeparatibn `that has D_ THE TEST OF ' YEARS, J.) ...m.... .....u-. n.nJ- onnmn nnnnlnr uwru thin`! "';'.-' - s'i'6U 'fH1*TEs'roFEAns, _ Jud growmmora. and popular every _! And temimon 5. new. rAMlLX UA- `active Cn- `has used in his v'\'em-9. ' rerzlsll FEVER MEDICINE, be taken nmnm :- ----~ FAMIIZY ICA. bill in-lino Du uuum uuwever, tnnt eve had had similar ideas, time, ? but hewould the. Government, to _ Re to our f Its a littl blind`, And to our irtues, always kind.. In 1854, the G was posnion npmnlinr 'rli{`Rn..Io.. l1------ 7 ~ I one ofthe company` 'nd said wrong thus Ak them, on the part of OF BUFm1.9, -N. Y., 2 at} unprecedented succcssfu others, it is but neces` xasv r years prescribe-(I `for frc so , and always_wilh lhe grew on... I--1` "i3`Ilsc3'oD PURIFIER, o nurses! an... ..r c--~ , -.-- ... . .uunn1U1t and Family CA- C relniled by Druggisls gene- sold wholesale by l_he Tradein all the ns. _ S. T. W. SANFORD, 7 Manufacturer and Pm.-...:...,... , ., -_....-..., nuu pl'R`0llS came daily from i f clued. 0! othe-rs, to cure every- one but has put up his medi- ~ ll>o_lIles`,_w!u'ch are numbered 1 and2 r 1841 ~~ * -rn- AA- - ` .. .......:u umer medical mvn, \' `at persons dmfy fmileslo The Doctor, at been am. In... ..-L.--- - ,_.,.-...........cu aucccssllll practice 0 hirty bgihg about retiring from ice, nest of nunwruu frienil as consented to ma ' partitions an which he has bestowed the long experience, and has "IT rent drnggists for sale. To tainted with the Doctor nothing but necessary to say, from 4,000 to; always with greatest SIICPCSS. I have bnled other `medical vielded S 3 came dnilr rm... 1 . .-.. ..... ;.nvcI`ull(.l mdneys, ex el- mlo organs :-lied Cohsunmpljqnn, enernl Debilim nu. `rn...._- - .v.auI u JJDJJJ BUFFALQ s A Nzl:"3';1 D ' s 'L`|\llI\I' 1 ). DELLENB BUFFALO,` Y.. me-usurves I0 tne perrormance at their duties to the best of their ability.. .[hear.] He believed`too--and in this country it was per- haps ner essary to say it, for from the violence of_7 party altar-ks, ministers. were sometimes assailed here in amanner which would not be dreamed rf in the mother country-that note withstanding all the attacks which had been made against the pulley of the government, against the political principles, the.political honor of its members, he could- state that not even its -most hitter 'oppon'ents haul tirade any charge of "personal dishonesty against any one of his colleagues. [Cheers] To say this in England would not be saying anything. for there was a. higher standard 'of ideas- it was the'pritle of England to sustain her public men--their honor being` considered the honor of the country, and a stain on their character being thought a stain on the escutcheon of Englantl. [Hear, hear.] He hoped such a feeling would beencouraged here, for it was of great. importance. It was already growing, he was happy toi_say,- and for two years past there had been, to a con- siderable extent, an abandonment of personal attack,_ and` some symtoms of generosity `among political enemies were beginning to show themselves. They saw that as the great questions which had divided parties vanished, as the causes of agitation beteeen various classes in Canada disappeared, so political feelings calmed down, and people became wilting to admit that a men might have adifferent political creed from themselves, and yet behonestin asserting it. [Hear,hear. ` It would be unbecoming in him toenter int details of the grounds on which the pres Governrnent, or the series of Governm with which he had been connected _ ca 1854, claimed the continued confidenfe of the people of Canada. It would also Muse- less, forgself-praise was not, as a rul " very influential. All he asked wasthatthe. should, be fairly judged by their measures- y a fair record of their measures, such, for instance, as they might nd if they .woul read the ~.' Montreal Gazette. He supposedey all did in so,`and saw his friend Mr. Chanlberlin, near him. [llearand laughten] H did not mean to say that he altogether a roved .of the Gazette, because sometimes, nlortunate'ly, it took fits of independence--` was .very sorry, P5 being a friend of the A inistratinn, -&c., but really it thoughtth ' were wrongthts time. [Hear and lau rter] He had no 3; doubt however, that ofthe [,8 ideas. wrnna am. .. /S7}7XNFORD S $190005 An 4n- I1: \vIil FAMILY .. w.. SANFORD, and Proprietor. lway. York. gnu; IJIVILK ]i.\VlU0l{A-I -.nre} Liver Complninls, Bil- psia Z Chronic Diarrlmca, nts,} - ..D_vsenlery, D rn p s _\-, ma! CosIiveness, V Clmhu, 1 'h()-' m 'lcra lnfanlum, Flam- Fc- male Wuknea-s*s,,:and ess- LU full' as -an 0rdin gwilf cure Sick Head- L-an ._ .`tes1ify),inlwenI min- 'ea- _J 'spoonfuls are !u `en at of} 9nua-k. giving, their testimony in its ndapled lo the tempera- Iaking it, and used in gently on lhe Buwels. _\-nnr. iudxrmvnl mmle u uu y, 1tesl|essnc.~s_. the head, all Inamma- in Children or Adults, Purifier of the Blood-, which esh is heir, L60 . I In is advertiseuie nt. vuruons oi the bowels. HARTIC PILL has j this well established from a variety of llu: | tracts, which act nlikc , alimentary canal, and cases where a Calhnrlic rangeinenlsol` Ihe Sm-' Pains in the Back and Pain and Surem-.~L~x m'e'r sudden cold, which fru- end in 11 long course ol `lite, a Cree ing Sensa- ' b od y, Iyesllessllcas, ;. 1`u.:u, , u ` 7 {successful practice [I about rlerinrr 4`-n-~ : know; that the different rlions of the bowels. IFHARTIC mm. :..... I useu um 1'u.l_4S, and !nll express in regard lo lmelo place them within ...;._u.-.m._y u. wearymg me assembly by enlcr~ ing either into avmdicalion of or a eulogy upon the ministerial policy. The course of the Government ha_d{ been before the public for nearlv nit van:-a In Q,..........L-_ -r 7 . nu uapn-_:/, m 1000, was on her return voyage, with a richcargo of india-`rubber, and other valuables, calling, as usual, into King- ston. On the very morning of her intended _departur_e, shortly after midnight she caught fire, through one or two of her crew attempt- ing to steal spirits", and she burnt to`the water s edae. and than cnnlr '1`I.- J'-- ' ' ' creasing demand from used lhe PILLS, all express in fpmmi In u-uuulu HLL is u lharnc which the pro- practice m ore III a n THARTIC PILL is lhnrhn mm.-I. .1... ..-.\ ` z_;\:uuy ml lne DUWCIS. your. 'udgnu:nl guide LlVE{ ]NVlG()RA- Lin,-r Cnmnlninla RH ` within the last two" hgpesnf relief, nslhc ,cer1iIi<-ales In my pos- tn: pub_llio, re 3! emle vet. numm Jrer and ' York. 5. . and Fnn1"ly I Druzaims mum- _\-uuucu ; y I F. how. I , - _ nquot_ln.'~Dlontrea1.~ to lion. Jlr. ' Hm itieid `'`_.1i0...;=:. Evil! A great. pteasure `and pride_.4o1' respony to fthts - toast. and` the t!'!..9r.e~ v1.`Y!'!L3.!"`.l! midst of an assembly gftftjte first men; of .-the first city ":'9!0.19l 3li; .804. . th!`!!9r-:9`- ' `: British America, met `to honor._ l0=~i|.'!'='ld friend and his -colteague.<..Mr.:fR,oso.(Hears). His other tcolleagitea,` too, .='-w0_l_I.i_d .b9_1gle_8l_e4d-: and grattlie'd ,1bec_anse, althoog hittV-It'aA8`- evident`: that the company s'tI;* had=.a strong personal: friendshipfor Mr. Rose, sit Wa537pal0v:[Vld8i. - -. that the jd_emonstr_alinn otfthat, ev.etung..;wa.s political too . (Hear, hear.) pl-ltsacquatntance ` ~ with Mr`; Rose was not Qmetdy of 10-day`- They-were not thrown together by mere gacct-` dent- L_ong!befo_re either of them entered: political life they were-friends. and manygwete; their reciprocal speonlatiotts, as -to their itrture? career. But he might say that, not-in their" wildest.dreatns had they. hoped _to have; the gratication oi attending such a*m`agni'cen't demonstration as"that of that evening, they 5 being themselves two tnembersof the C3 . nadian Administration. (Ch_ee,rs'.): Bu_t'M'r. Rose was receiving no more than adequate honor at their hands for he had justified their course, and fully represented theircity in `Par- liament-shewing that they knew how to find . the right man, as they showed that they know how to appreciate such` a man, "when found. (Hear; hear.) Mr. Rose commenced_`his political life under peculiar diiculties. For snper-"added to his responsibilities as`_a private member of I ari|ament,were his responsibilities and duties too as a member of th'e'iE.recutive,- holding a highand important office in. the Government. (Hear.) It was an old saying that it took a member at least a full session to know kow to hang up his hat. (Laughter.) His friend and colleague had had to learn not only how to hang up his hat, but he had to go tohis oft-e, where everyt'hin'g wasnew to him, and foreign to his professional pursuits and education,` and` yet, during the short period he had been at the head ofadepartment he had-not only shewn himself a" really sue.- cessfnl debater in the Legislative Halls,` but by applying his well trained powers of work` and study to the administration of oice, had proved himself to he possessed of high ad- mimistrative ability too. f (Cheers.). He (Mr. Rose) had made his mark in the'country i already, being alike ready an;d prepared to take the high position which he was happy to, nd his constituents so clearly acknowledged. (Hear.) There was another reason why he was delighted to see the demonstration. Mr. Rose s whole politicalslife had been Ministe- ` rial, and to use commercial language~-in ac- ' cepting Mr. R se, they endorsed the Ministry. (Cheers and laughter.) And when he saw: them lavishing their honors on Mr. Rose, he felt ' that some of them came to his share too,as naturally as possible. .(Laughter.) Although he.did, not exactly blush like the Rose (laugther)-he was to old a politician for that-[renewed laughter] he would try to look as modestas possible whilst accepting them. [Cheers and langhter.] Mr. Rose`s speech had relieved him [Mr. Macclonald] from the necessity of wearying the assembly by ing a vindicatinn m M 9 ....I...... 3P ll! 51-IY 51.1359. -..,.. . '7 121211141 .vU1tTHERN .41) VAI\'L`b' pu'.Id `63"Wdnuday Ilforuing, by Ricllaf 1 J O"."o '4 _ nlqvatroal Ea, Barrie. - ` Bron ~'~v-v . -..uuunuu, . 4.. P-3 -Dlerl and Physicians nrdorln from others than :.'L':`3l`o., will do well to write thelxr onln-rs distinctly, ' pm?` 583 Dr. H'Ldn`A, prrparcd by Fleming mu." 533'`. HI. To these wlahln to give them a tmiuvvf will rwnnl por mull, poet pafd, tonny part. of p`u:.t"d F305? one box at Pills for twelve tlmsocou mn~._a-m" not one vial of Vex-mlmgo fur fourtoon "``.P'- All onlern from Cauadn must bow .'l"."`4'" P! twenty oouu extra. 4 Bold bV.nll'nun..o.u- v_.__n_._ __g n, ,._,_ cu... ........uuuu yy twenty cents ' by an ngpocnblo Dxugglstl, and Country SW` _ Reopen - .-.. , auu auuuugn ne IS saus- ed that exercise would be benecial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts cwry remedy. Several of the above syniptomi attend the disease, but "cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body,`after death, has shown the Link to have been extensively deranged. IIAGUE AND FEVER. DR. M LANi: s Lxvsx PILLS, IN cAsF.s ov Acua AND F EVER, when taken with Qt_HnH1C, ' are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory I0. `or after taking Qginine. We would advise all who are alicted with this disease to give them A mu. man. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of tilt` shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for-1 rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is `the bowels in general. are costivc, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is trou`aleLl with pain, accompanied with a dull, l1c.xv_V sensation in the back part. There is gene- `rally_a considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. =A slight, dry cough is some- . times an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and dcbility; he is easily sta rtled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com- plains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satis- exercise -.`_- 1 .' _ Address all orders to FLEMWG BROS., Prrrsauncn, P, I Y\..I___ -, Efrnnonntnnnv NOTICE.--Dr. W. C. I .1.~`pt`n anuuutu-es, fur the bone-til ufthc sit-It mu! um}-rtum that he continuvs to devote the wlmlv -I has mm the treatment. of private diseases at hrs utlicc, I change Place, Rochester, New York. February 20, 1560. 8-13 V _ _ , ... .. ....u uu.un'|ur:<, > (`l`lHI'I\' lrom observation`, sent Io all parts 0! the Wul:`d No Iellers will be nnswurcd unlcss Un-_\' m-: renmlance nfone dollar, L-un.~nlIauun1cc. Lg lion at Ihe Uice, free of vlmrge. All communiomjmns addressed In 1'}. J. R;-_ 1.D., N0. 19 Exnhunmn l'7I...... D , . 'l yel- na ha ml communi- will nu-m mid. . nu -.'uIuHlIlIll(`l_l(`llS addressed I Exchange Plan-e, Rm will nu-cl will: prompt allcnlinn. E Oxcc hours, Iron: 7 A.M. In 913 I 7011 Till `CUBS OF Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA -AND SICK HEADACHE. lralcd. '1! nearly 300 pages. Dr. REYNOLDS GREAT \V( RI\'4- T1173 1 VA TE JIIEJJICAL GT711)7;`-Ucm1l:lhH\ Price, 23 mnai Lenore :h>:m-:l\:.. .. ...... -.- - ....u.u. null ucurly JUU Letters describing age, syrup properly hll lldt'd lo, and medi` from pa 1\o nnswun-.1 uvl on sun: In any ulm-r plave. Dr, R. is the only rrg/I///r r//lira/11 pii\`~"v' TH: this cily who devulc-s "his wlmlc lime (`J1/I/.`-`I: . lhelrealment of (]lL`Sl`.\ of a privnlc n.-mm-. {T alicicd wdnld do well In make iuqniric-.~ inn :-H` 4-. suiting thnse advertising in this -ily.] I)r. H.'.< pm. lit-e cxtenils Ihrough every Stale in the [mun u lhe British Provinces. v\ -v...._._ , pt!('l)H|' Io rcmales. . N.B.--I)r. Rvynulds is sole ngr-nt for Dr. Vn Femalt; Monlhlv Pills. Anmug lhc mmny Hm um`.-s of Ihese Pillshnnunlly sold, nut unv nun has yet been made ngniust thorn. Lmlrrs m: Iain silualinn almld not use them, Hw ;:;u1im. whii-h will be found in the dire:-Iinn.< m-mm;-;u em-h box. Price 5100. Fun! by mail In up; If the world. Beware of c-mum.-rfcixs. Ti.-1-3 not on sale nl any ulhcr plm-e. ` VDI'. R. l' Hus ..nl.- ....... I, I ~ ` ` LIVER % PILLS g \/ 4 n4&VlJll.JL'4A.`- Dr. R. can be sue}.-essllly consulted on n!f}.1.`s peculiar to Females. }\`_B___|)pV H...-n.'.l.Lu :3 I`l\'4> -~ '- I` " vice, shuuld nppty to Dr. e_\`Ui(is wilimnt te- In these, as well as all other (`uses ufa put. hire, Dr. Reynolds cmnmcnds an early :.,- ;.' and without any vanity or aspiration, d-t-:41.-mt` that no case within the reach of mortal ant sim eave him without a cure or sulisrctiun gt\'I:tl. 'I`I\ D1:-.-u . y n.-. T ,,..i_.._,. hen n>Mr. aame xsh lilm Hm . YOUNG MEN, Who, by indulging in x~'t'f'rel lm|i1.~a, have mu lhnl soul-.~n|)duing, mind-pru.~lr'anng, In-d_\'-du-~ '\'icc, shuuld npply Je\`nulds d these. as all mh...- ......... ..r-. _WEEKLY NORTHERN .412 irAA'b1} 396"! Wfdnutlnu Ilfn.-.3... Au '72: .-Imnl uum.-s,_nnu an dxsenscs nr.'.~inf,: 1':-um me u n!'.lhe hluiwd, whclher Herc-dmory, AL-pm lraclvd. Sail Rheum, Fever Notes. and on Complaints of years slnnding. (-'unu.-.1. Syphillis Strialure, Suppression n1 mu females, 6.:c., successfully lrcavg-J. ---: A1|c\.u~\D a Diseases 0! the Liver, Kidnc `s, lllmlalc Dmpsy, all forms of Scrnfula, Fetter, l obstinate (llSt'St.'$ of the Skin, N:-uralgrm Cnstive Habits, I ile.-', Gem.-ral Dvlnlti Ai:(-tinns, Chronic Pulmonary Alli-ctime Chronic Cough, Cough and (iulds, lm snmption, lnllavnmutury and Clmmic l Ulcers of the Leps,Ulcc-rs at" the l\lu.. Throat, Nose and Lips, lm-ipic-nl (Jnru-at Enlargement, Tumors, Chronic Sure 1'}: r and Syphilitin All'c<-Iinns, Pain nml >'\-n Bones, and all dis-':n~*cs nr.'.~in~ ()r.lhe hlnnlul. \\'l|a-than If... _. A Symptoms of 1-DViscjased Li\_'_(.`!'. vnlaluullvll 5 vi 5 vu -B_v along course of study and pt':It.'ltt';tl1 Dr. R. has now the grutifu-mmn of p,.,.__ unfortunate with retncdics that have m-H. he rs! -introduced them, to 4-ure the rm! cases, and that in a very :~hnrt hut rt-n.~..;. without the aid of mercury or any nttwr : drug. Within; the last-1'rn`-Iy yrm.-, Dr. I{_ more than one hnmlrcd thumnml t'n.~-.~ .1` character. and it may he snicl sntl-Iv that , one-/m/fuf the patients had been {we-.'u u. with mercury and other p.n.--ns. h. [2 mm l...-.........t_.r..n.. .. . u\.uu.u| u Ulll l)ll5ll|L'.~.\ u nu unnvlvlol) uuu uuncn yonallllso Dr. can be successfully consulted on lhc rgz mg DISURSCS3 "_._______ _`_.VV 1 . `run ._ - u.|L ur.1.H`A l'l') .\` His lung cxpcri.-.1` 3 . lion lc)lhis('la:-.<(.1..,, his we and speedy method of lrcanm-m cxlraotdinary success, duringa lung and practice, enables him, condcnliully, 1.. ,., persons n safe and radical cure, without in] constitution, or confinement from busim.-.~.~. 12.. .. l...... ..-..-.._. ..r ~....1.. __ 1 . "of JJENTJL SUR GER Yexeculcd wm, . "_"'- -'-----'4a\J.J.,;'4L) With the least possible ain ~ (1 ~ tion paid to the Ileguriaticinnrilj gt/1,:/t,l1c,l,`."`,`f'*`.n. Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivm "2. 17`- - Sn" lled withGold or SilverFoil, or nnv .v,u,.., ,. "M " `Ninth and dvtability. > 9"U:s3 0:? CHARGES EXTREMELY Mom:1<.np yfnrties requiring Operations pt-rf'oJ'nu-(J requested to. gome early in the (1:13. `"9 Oice Hours from Ezght o'clock a.m., to }',,',,, > August 13, i8_56. . 31.11;:/z. vuu 1.11: l I'PullU|.l .l.'I UJ bIl(L7'g prof] ' ' Dentnst 18, or has been, employd to (')`IlEr1r`1o` same month; but should another I)cn1i`s:cbl` played, the warranlym all cases will cease. e TEETH EXTRACTED Thin 6|... Inna` n....-:I.`l.. __:__ _ , which they were -now,Vtwo small municipali- ties.7 (Hear). The two were bopnditogethep for good or evil, as a necessity of their position on the great water line which penetgated the continent. and there must be no divorce. The _ wealth of Upper. Canada t_nuat._nw down" to- Lovger Canoda ; _Lotye&?annda_ must reoeiv'e_~it and mdstbetheigred _ ehufacturing section. Then; and the tune wa&-3io:.:ar.aimg;I,- Latex Canada would be the chief-Qnsttntet and buys: .38 Won . work warglzgtuteithat in case . willbe repairedf\d"8 the pn3tIf"IInre in Dentist is, ha E f'C'harge pr 59"! 3'ca,:n. month; bust :}`::)`;fdmp1oy;3dt`:)v;lc1 no their u mlrllerante intbr . list be e 8 , P10.Y&d,' warranlyin 9 . 3508 eta ` sc. When In -4..` -1... SIZIRGEOHN {' SPECTFIILLY announces tt FRASER S HOTEL, V _yJu1y 11, 1860. . M LANE S CELEBRATED -- Aunt anus, a\IluHlu'J :lt hh-dv<-:r thy [extends thc` 13- for .1 I `Ann .1" .._._--,., TO FEMALES. T. w. GEORGEN, 11 cent. Rt.` nlltflll IN"- I 9 I ..\l. . .. .. ..._....e.., wuutu oecome such an i eiio-rmotts power in the State through the mag- -} safely left to themselves to defend thernselves . against possible injury. (Hear, hear.) J-le ' of responsible government, as having a tenden- nitude of theiriconcerns, that they might be lucked upon late legislation, under the auspices cy to perpetuate what .he eensidered the one thing necessary to the ft_1ture.of Canada--`-viz., the union between both its parts. (Hean) Al- most all old` party questions had been wiped out-.--removed frotn the political arena---but must beoloiielywatched; it was the attempt . made to illllfoduce disunion between`Upper and - Lower'Cans'(l_a,pto sever them from eaeh.other,' . and to make the'm,2 insteatl_ofgth e?great nation i which they werenow, _.two: smell , trtunicipali. 1 ties}: .-H9.a,r4_) 1 .The7twof fw` `d togthqra 1 foraood ot-"evil- an 2 .....'... '1 -L /-1 - - `A - res clfully inform has 1`.-,1-M. '9 E UR l)l'IlLI( `ATI-` DR. nEy_~ 0I,I)s \,(,,,,d an the public , nu ["3 ml. linlles I_() be . (`lvlIll('IHI;I!fv cmumlted at his old c.-.-1:al';~lm| Mctlicnl (Hliu-, In. 1!, |._'\._ c-h:m_gc Pin:-e.-, ON A Ll. 111,3. EASES 01*` .\ l'lilV'.\ l'|g _ .\}-\'l'(, Kl `a. 1': `nun ..\v n he will es W .' anDnc be at 17.12" -olula, Teller, and {Le nm:-1 Neura|L'm, U)'.~[>c'p~v, General I):-bnliiy, N1-rwu, unary AIR-clinns, Bram-hm` and` llllipiurlnl (Hm- und Chrunic lu:lIIn:Il;~m, Phi Of A`[|IUl, Tn.'|;:n-,-` Inc-ipivnl C-flnI'('r, li,':umln;.:.~ luonic lit:-.~'. M:-rq umd `r,'I ain Swe-Il;n;: .4 [Lu r.';~ing HH"'ll[1,',~l'4'u en-di!:or_\', Acqmn-I ur (`C1,- rer (Hln:.'*(_'P.:.m,- nding. Gun:-rrP.u'n, (52:11, rnresginn ..r 1|... xv. EUHUDLV , _ Agent, Raff- jj ullud on alidiscasc nl \'.;<-hm the Huu~;ow.I nul 4-u1n;:.'.m.K in a (wr- r,.lh<';;II1i(-1.` an .1 nns an-4-uung-amyu;;; `mail mm:-.n1 I [34, h. i\ C or-my-,;(.;,.,] uz,|md\'-ah\m..- .. n. .1. nc_\'num-4, ucl1c.~'ln:r, .\.\ ., PA. we iucai interest ot the city, for the advantage of the country at large. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Rose had ably alluded` to some measures intro- duced by the Administration of which he was a member--especially commercial ones. But there was one point one which he (Mr. Mac- donald)wished to sayva word or two. He was not going to break his head, or to weary the audience by -going into the disputed question of Protection vs. Free` Trade, but he would say that owing to the necessity of thepublic revenue -the,_real-obligations we were under to pay our debts--we couhl not lower the rate of duty we imposed on imports for a long timeto come. I t was particularly happy` for Canada, and for- tunate for her future that such an `adjustment ot affairs could take place, as would encourage the great manufacturing interests of Canada, while it was yet necessary for the raising of revenue. Far from the tariff beinga merely Protectionist one, as the Free Traders said, or merely a revenue tariff, as the rabid Protection- =ists atiirmed, it was sufficiently protective to induce the mechanic to enlarge his busine aml the capitalist to invest his means in manu- facturing, while it insured a suflicient revenue to keepup the credit of the country, which, le was happy to say, never stood higher at any period` than now, He. might say distinctly, that he believed the capitalist and manufacturer 5 might safely proceed to engage in their enter- " prizes-safe in the conviction that they would V` have a continuance of protection until they 3 themselves declared they had no longer need If F of it. And then_'it was probable mm, as the - country was now developing `itself-with gian ' strides, as every day acres and `acres of forest . were being` brought 'into.cultivation , and 3 area of enterprize was widening in every di- l rection, so the wants of the country would in-t t crease, and fres_h demands arise for means to I i open up communication and to develops trade I These demands would involve the necessity, F I on the partwof the legislature,`for again and J . again expending money in the newer ,parts of W 7 the Province, far removedfrom the direct ben-V J9 etitsof the canals, railways, and other great D improvements, sothat for revenue purposes; N i alone the present scale. of duties would be pl maintained, which afforded, he thonght,VsufA- cient protection. I ; Let there then be, no.faint 30 hearts among the manufacturing interests of 311 Canada--no suspicions that the tari' would _ rubbed outras soon asthe country was alittle .easier. ?= And then again, in `a very short .'n time, such was the rapid increase of the 'rnanu~. facturing interests, that they would be too pow- erful to be sh_aken',; would become such `A, enormous power in` stars Ihrntmh1h..a....- ill (ixpcrj irt`.~`n-nl... mra, lvirrl, MC-nlscs .n rm v .\ 1' .- .NA'l'l. [(1-ff. "rm-o mm 7 1"m1rp_,,. 1,. ' 03-ly ...... urvwll u slluggl IOT lne `Seat of Gorerttrnent, a local, selsh struggle, which, as Mr. Rose had shown, `would have lasted to all time, had it not been for the course takenby the government and legislature. And; he assettedgthe people of Canada would be proud to know and to learn,` when they read the proceedings of that evening, that the peo- ple of Montreal justified their member invol- ing against what might `have been considered the local interest of the city, Mr. Rose ably tame man........ :....... .....,.. pa... myuielcouutry should get its fair- share of the public revenue, as far as the public funds would admit. [Aepplausel] He thought Mr. Rose had only reason to be proud of thisdemonstration, but the country had a right lobe proud of Montrealers as represented by the company present. Mr. Rose, in a manly spirit, had plainly and openly stated which had induced him to act as he had done on the question of the Seat of Govern- ment. Were Montrealers, disappointed, at not having their city the capital? They were not worse off than his own constituents. [No. i no.] `He was glad to hear they were not, and reallythey disguised theirdisappointment, if they felt any, very well. (Laughter) And, he felt that through all vUpper Canada, from Eastvto West,,it would be acknowledged that a lesson had thathizglit been given to the people. There had -been a. struggle for the Seat Government, _ which- ll: l\/Ir Dag... k...l ..L- M-- _ , .-._- -- ..-u uu.ucuu:;u one part, was of advantage to both-and yet lher were told this was a corroupt bargain! They looked at Canada as `a whole,'_ which was the appointed duty of every government wishing to develope the resources `of the country. They had however taken care that each part ofythecountry should .._..Ll:, I l country? Not a 1, useless! `spent, could be pointed out. vAll parts of anada, contri- buted to the public revenue; all partshad therefore a right to the benets of;its distribu- tion. Upper Canada said- you must enlarge the Welland Canal; Lower Canada said -` you must enlarge the Deauharnois, and so it was. The government built lighthouses in the gulf to improve the ocean navigation, deerened Lake St. Peter to improve inland navigation, gave aid to railways, assisted to _constructing public works in Upper Canada- all on the same principle that what benettedl Than innlnml on ft...-.-.l- -- ' ' ' ' _...._v._. V-u_yu 1 A Gentleman lately from Jamaica, via Bos- ton, gives some curious particulars in regard to the discovery made in the harbor at Port Royal, in reference to the ancient city of, that name. The Lliscoveries were-said to have been made by a party of divers, but it was not said -who they were, or what they went for. `It turns out, however, that they were sent from this country, to explore the wreck of the steamer 0.-_prc_1/, :1 small vessel of 800 tons, that used to trade between New York and South America, calling into Kin_1ston,, Jamaica, a few years ago. The Osprey, in 1856,` her retur voyage. riCh'n:trnn nr :...t:.._-...r.t...- ..--.n r-*6: warm; Can_ada, where? a_ntyon'o,. >g_ge_w`r:.bttf .-(.39;-t_i`.t.'*;.'.i`..".'I',3T""?I`!.t?v' L . .partstofit;l?i'oY3!Ic9;;t!3}I9glillt9 qtttnsopofii the s`_ett.le_nrent.pof tlIe`-qo,'e`stion" at-L-L `feared f,t,1!`t, -tr;:P9!*.:'"9F9:'~!!*!'i'!I1I ii"(9""i J , hear.) sauce` that time, -the_<,3._9,!I:nI!!,It.!-'.f.~ which [)_[wh,s a `member had still in a courier tending to, the =ed'vauee_ment of the mutant! as,weltethev.m9rel:t99.99%!i9na'; .impro`ver uent `cl the country. , All -govern-V menlswere charged wrthiwant of economy in r_ `the adniinistration,_oH_ht9 pub!-0` nances. but , he _most emphaticallydenied;-the charge as t applicable to thepresent Ministry ; indeed it V 5 had been most cle'ar1y;drspro_ved. 'l`he ordi- `nary revenues of the country had. always been sufficient to meet the `ordinary.expendi- tuna`, a'nd:iff'we' had `a debt, we had fnll~valr'te to slrow'l'or' it; Thedebtyof Canada had not been- incun-ed ,by_ wars, or by thriftlessly throwing _ away rnoney-tosecure politicatinuence forthe _ ministers. We had the advantage of the. longest continuous line ofrailway communica- tion in the world (hear);sthe greatest and long- ' est line of inland communication in the world,` (hear, hear); the completest system of common school education in the world-- (Hear, hear)- and during thesesix eventful years lawreform 5 had been carried on, the expenses of litigation` 1 r reduced, the administration of justice carried on - in a way which, considering the vast expan- sion of thecountry, might almost be called, ( " parsimonious, while even the enemies of the Government. would do them the justice to say 7 that never at any time in the history of Canada ' had the security of the persons and property of l its inhabitants been more complete. (Loud t cheers.) There was no necessity in this coun- A try for the bowie knife or the revolver. v [I-lean] ' Every honest `man knew that wherever he I! ' walked, in Upper or in Lower Canada, he was underthe protection of the law and of legal tribunaIs-every one knew that he could pur- H ' chase and sell in peace, vindicate his own J` ` rights and theerights of his family un_der and by the law. [Hear,hear.] Every scoundt'el,loo, knew that if he oflended the law of the land, he was almost sure to be caught and punished. T l[App|ause]._ The Government had been charged with art attempt to corrupt both parts of the Province by what was called the log- t rolling system of` "making a road in Lower Canada on condition that one should bemade` in Upper Canada,o&o. The charge was true, 2: It a certain extent, but he would justify the R, .Government in their course. The question to be considered was, however, had the ht; Legislature made the expenditures on works C: which had been of no practical use to the T1 uuntryl ` a uselessly spent, Pl 9 nnintpr null A ---~-- " ' _ -. - nllb` - , `Agencro: Baujie. . .. 1`: Februayy 20, 1859. ` .. Collin G U LID, ood, .O.W. RGEN. V ' 8-ly ' A. D_R`.`FRANOIS,' . Gollinmwood. n w 1' uyslcmns, Dr! b9"` 3-Bnts 1! sent to thnm nnnu .ruwucrS,`dBca , , ' - They are of great value In cases A Teething, Eruptipns of the skin, and othe; diseases of children ; they may 8.]! {innny case rquiring physio. ' ' ' ' ' ' `_` T,'.l`h`ey`,d_i-e (mt `no in a rm...` ;s--'--`-=4 U 4.--- on -uv induced to o er these Loz- engesto the public, from having in.an experience [HUI-Us The maker inns been of 30 years in the medical profession, often found it diiii_cnlt"to get. children to tak POWdcr3,~&Cb ` I Thaw an M` I------` -'-`'~ en medicine as _.-u a; AVAIL! ULD CATHARTIC LOZENGES FOR CHILDREN ' RE is snfennd eicient Medicine, composed of A pure Vegetable substances so combined with` sugnr..and...peppermint `as to be agreeable" to the taste. s - - rm... .._-I_L( - - ~ ` To those who desire it, he will send the-Pre- scription, with full directions (free qf charge)` also a sample of the `medicine which they will ml a beautiful combinationof Nlature ' Those desiringjthe Remedy can obtain it by return mail, by_addeasing ' ..v.u...u_, un lllt: nuu immortal-Ily., Such is the Masonic economy. Such are the outlines of that system, which is justly compared to an equilateral triangle, the-perfect emblem of universal harmony. and the snblim-- est `symbol of the. incomprehensible`-Deity, whose radiant throne may we all hereafter en- 'circle with songs and choral hallelujahs lor 8V8l'lXl0l 9. ! _April .11Vtli,4l;86_0. ----- HE SUBSCRIBER; for several years a resident of Asia.,'_discovered wlJile there, a simple vegetable remedy-a.;sure Cure-for Consumption, sthmiz, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debilitg/.. For ..tbe benet. of Consumptives and Nervous Suferers,` he is willing-to` make the same public. -:_ _` ` ' ._~ those it, heewill send the Pre- _fr_ee charge); also :1 Rtnn-nln no` at... -._-A.- -1 A Luuse uesxrlngne R by _addessing !NERvoUs ` AND SUFFERE1 Barrie, Janl.` 1858. uuu 1uu}t:I', ' I '1'. 1'. K(Db.'|l`tS, And E. F-. Whitlemore,Esquires, Secfiary and Treasurer,--Robcrt Stanton, Esq. Solicitor,-A ngus Morrison, Esq. pplicationsfor Fire Risks received at the Home Office, Toronto,-on Wellington-street, opposite the Commercial Bank. ` Oico Hours,--10,_ A. M., to 3, P. M. ISAAC C. GILMOR, n `____M'. __ _ _ President. n ' Pre. ROBT. STANTON, Secretary Q Treasurer, `Toronto, -Dec. 22. 185k A JAMES PATTON, ` azent fm limmh. .< eA1>n'AL. .. 100, ooo ~ IN smuuas 01-` `10 men. HOME `l<`Fl CE, TORONTO. Preside1it,.--I.-MAC C. GILMOR, Esquire, Vice-P4rcsident,-Tn oMAs II_Awon'rn, Esquire. nun-:c'rons: - George Michie, M. P. Hayes, James Benty, Walter .Mu.efzu'lane, '_ Hugh Miller, T. P. Robarts, ' . And T<`._ W. \Vl.:M..........` n-~--9 V Cahada Western :Assurance 0073; IV...__.__-- -- ` ` unu. LALJU J. R. ARDAGH, Medical Refree. Barrie, J My, 1859. . .... uuu,,u|lUIlglI wnose resurrecuon and ascen- sion he is raised fromdarkness and dealh lo the -certainty of life and immortal-ily., . Such economy. .1... _...u:__, uumu mnx Vn_u.l';.\11`.N'1 ,_ thereby securing a speedy adjustment of claims, and liberal regulation} for residence and travel. No further outlay required from the assured than the premium. - ' JAS. PATTON, Agent ARDAGH- Ms-dinnl n..r....... VI A to annual. ANNUAL DIVISIONS or Hzoptr, as preferable to divisions at intervals of live, seven, or ten years. - . _ . . ITAIIV; .. .'... ,.._.._,, V ur q urn assured. ..u.u---. vnnxnu nx, AU1` Ul" PARLIAMENT, carrran, . . . . ._ . . `$1,000,000 OFFERS the followi g teal advantages to in- tending Assurers :- ' LOW RATES_0F PREMIUM, Qonsequcnt on the investment of all the Com- pany's funds in the Province. - * ` Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or qtlarterly instalments at the option of the . ' . . ~ Manager J. EDWARDS, ./lgcnt, Barrie. ____________.________$_ :-____.________._._____________ Tcanada Life Assurance Go y Ixrnnnnnn-nun nu .n... ._ ----A i6MddiEnEi'1WE AND "H-1~1"I'AL AN mun numerous `cards of thanks. If (lii-rences should arise between claimants and the Company, the Manageris fully empowered \ to accept service of any process in law. A I Irv 1 \YY\r.`h omnuy . ..... ___...- - ....u.uu uu14u1.Al(S: The Report further says, that the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory .increase in the business ofthe Company, and they have every reason.to believe that from the con- nection now formed it will continue to increase in the same ratio. , The Capital of the Company is devoted entirely to Fun: LIABILITIES, having no reserve for a Life Branch. - ` ' -13" losses in Canada are submitted to the gen- tlemen composing the lionrd who examine the particulars, and if found satisfactory, at once order the payment of the claim-. This system has called . forth numerous `cards of thanks. If diiaranr-an ulumhl ...-:~- I--A------ -` ` In | rucannm pa-necuon. "The Third Degree brings lhe Masonic in- qnirer into a slate represenhng`lhejmerulian light of the last and fullest revelation from heavento man u on earth, b the eternal Son P of Gud,vlhrongh whose resurrection and i5 fif-Ed rrnrn'Jn|-Iznnna GU11` zlnnll. 1.. -1.- v_-vv vVVo Representing Propcrti Insured to the extent (if T" I RTY IMILIO N DUI; LL A RISE Tlln Donna` t`....AL_.. -A--- `I 7.) L) (J (J .'. Wh=iIc,h is retninged in this country. _, 1_`he increase of business in England is unpre- cedented, as shown by the Parliamentary returns, and the following taken from the lust September Report: ` 1 "It will `thus be seen` that the total amount of businessdone during the last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWEN'I'Y3TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, producing an additional `annual in- s15o,oooz A Rnnrnannlinh D............ . 1--., ,1 - Trustees and Boatd of Directors in Canada: Honorable Joan Ross, W.P.Howmum Esq. MPP. Joux Cxuwx-*61D,Esq., W1m.mM Ross, Esq., ' Wm.` Mchusran, Esq., Wu. Humnxnsou, Esq. Bankers-Tmc B_A.\'x 01-` MONTREAL. Solicitors--Ross, Cnuwnronn AND Cnommc. This Branch vilas on_ly dpened 12195 January, and now has an ilicome of : L I`, 3 4` 434; A ____-u, on u wau,vvv vVV wxm upwums or 1000 SHAREHOLDERS. A The Right Honorable Lono KEANE, CIuzirman._ - Pnm Monmson, Esq., Managing Dzrector. Wxnnux C.u1'wm.1., Esq., Secretary. A copy of` Stock Book can be daily seenon the A " ` '. counter atvthe . V " 1' HEADIOFFIOE, CANADA BRANCH, TORONTO. _EstabH'slied in `I856. under Oluirter of ' Imperia A - Parliament. ` 0A'PITA'.`L, ._.'._s2,5oo,ooo,| UPWARDSI nu `ln nnnbnunmnnna V -my-uzzr "State Fire Insura;n?c%e%,% CHIEF OFFICEs._3 PALI. MALT. AND :29. warm, .and~ _.-_v..-- an av.-o v-,---- "no? 8ll!i0!l in Quebec, keepln'g'tl.1-e rte; therefore hardly leave his post. .1! therel'ore.fel_l to-him (Mr. Macdonald) to return thanks for his colleagues.` He did so sincerely, and would accept the compliment, following u;i_t did so closely alter the seision, 88 80 elpreuton of the opinion of at least the |'_3l8? port of those present, that more good_ m"|f0l8| legislation, and greater advantages in the'_right direction hadveryrecently taken [l,B":u;::l)ll. at any previous period, (Loud of - Upper Qu nada"ptoduco. "(Cheated " `Every '9'!!! of `hts- .9.0ItnI`Vry.t-tae`tlin( `all minor of dtspnte and disagregment uid_e,.mnst`adh9ra .35 *9 8783! question on which all honest `men and an true patriots must unite, to the Union of C3035 ndero the, auspices, of our beloved Q9"- (Gfem. applause.) To conclude, he Wgfelled the absence of Mr. Cartier, who was "0" "909! amp keeping the nest warm. and ti 1. lhnrnfnrn hnrdlv Innvn hi: -.-_:- CHARTERED BY A01` 01-` PARLIAMENT. IlCVUH3n Here he learns to acquire the Square of Juls-' tree to all his actions; the Level `of Humility` `an-"l `Benevolence to all his Brother Man; and hyvthe Plumb Line of Fortitude, to support himsellthrough all the dangers and difficul- ties ofthis, our fallen, feeble state. llere, in- stead of the casual Lodge as before, like the vagrant tahernac'e in the wilc_lerness, he rst hecomes acquainted with the construction of the glorious Temple of King. Solomon, whose magnicent`proportions were (lictatetl by tho oracular instruction of God, and are figurative of celestial perfection. ' 'TllD 'l`lllI'1I `Wan:-nu l..3..-.-_ IL; I" vvvvuv_ an LAW LIIUILI all-IQVJV} CHIEF OFFICES-`-_3 PALL MALL AND 32 ' LUDGATE HILL. ' INCORPORATED BY, ACT or PARLIAMENT, `D!'l`A`l . ' ` --` ` 1 ma rnANcIs' Ni!!! 7 /-\n--.......- -`- now nus ilicome of $75,000:` Vbich retained this countrw navtlklxlllll ruuu, .I.u<>:n._'_(_1<>_I1. "I'IO.\IE AIANAGEAIENT, nnrincr n annnn-`cw-n:I2...:......_; magical. vu.......___ L_A|l1`JQ IALLULV, .-.'4gent_fo1 County Simcoe J. H. LAWRENCE, _ gent, Collingwood. 58. , ` 2- ___,________,_______________j_---- .--- ..._ .. kuuuuaa Iu lKt\V. " J ALEXANDER STEWART, ~Mmmger for B. N. ./Imerica. S. ./Iecnt. Barrie. A'Lf?-M 5 J; E. CUTHBEB. 1` T V -Botanic-Physician, , .- No.2-19, Broadway New York. 15-13in iursurmc. '\.\.-v\.x\J\AmAA_\AA A.-..\.-..J\.\.... D MOST AMPLE EXIIIBITS of its affairs. httricvv.-xxvn nu. __ -_i - minis-`-.3 PALLMA] LUDGATE HILL, AZJJI ulna in cae q;_the s of Worms; and in many 57 P97 9-13 be EiVn_: _y_{s|c. ' - '5 . "nu acuu ;ua-rre- us (free , t_hey ature s slmnln 5...}... Illa ' 8-ly ` 28-3ino V. c/IIIICTICU 41-Gmo saw. ur. Bums, Hon. D1-.wNA. Bnnmuz. -1 ~ A. Fun. Hon. Judge BURNS. V Rev, E. , Ga.As_s;'r.1', Dr. Dr; J. Rxdnumsox, A. Dr J. Bapaunr, Dr. F..A. GApwnx,r..'~ OEFEIOE-3-Cfnrner of Bay_and Mgllnda Streets, Oioeiionn fl'0m49,A-8., to 6 9.1:. Tenn"! Gunla. '1`nrontc,5 - . 23, 1857. 304! * , ` 2Toroto; Jiuii Dr. M. French, Surgeon D extracted and stoppedfgeeth 1 ~ succes,ahd with less pam :6 myse possible. 7 . * D01 The Three ', First Degrees in Masonry. ' From the Portland Crystal and Masonic Journal. The three degrees into which masonry is di- vided seem to ltavean obvious and apt coinci- dence with the tltree progressive states of man.- kind, from the creation to the end oftime. The ` first is einblematical of man s state of nature, from his first disobedience to the time of God s Covenant with Abraham, and the establishment of the Jewish economy. The second from that period to the end of the last full and per- fect revelation from heaven to mankind, made by ourgreat Redeemer; The third compre- hending the glorious interval of the Christian dispensation, down to the consummation of.a|| things.` The state of darkness or obscurity of the first degree stromzly figures out the dark- ness of chaos before man s creation; ortthe night into which his glorious faculties were plunged bythe fall consequent on his original transgression. It is also forcibly emblematical of the darkness of the womb, antecedent to man s natural birth; and the pain inicted at his entrance, aptly reprcsentshis pangs and bitter sensations on his entrance into the Lodge of this chequered life. Like a woeful and be- niglited traveller, found in a dreary and hope- less desert, his indigent condition suggests to hitn the forlorn and helpless situation of man 1 in a state of nainre; teaches him the value of , mutual good offices; anti directs him to xtetttl that relief towards others which he then so much wants hirnself,.by comforting the afflict-i ed, feeding the hungry, and covering the naked with a garment, lie is brought to the light of the world, and the li-__:ht of knowledge by the helpof others: His im1estitttr'eis strongly sig- nicant of the rstclothing of the human race, . ~ and marks the modest purpose of primitive dl't RS. - I , Surgeon Dentisw In family,-an 1 _ `cnmx A. Hams, A.M., M.D.,] Prof. ot'_ the Baltimore College of Den ` BALTIMORE REFE RE E8: Taoxns E. Bqxn, A.M., Pa_1_1.u- H. Ans:-m,'A. `WASHINGTON R,;I-I ' - ' ' Profesxn` nfn..n:......-..n ' Dr. French has the honor of pnblisliing the fol- lowing recommendations, and also of referring to the following gentlemen : * To the -Citizens of Toronto :--I take" greatrplea- `sure in introducing to the public my friend M. D. French, M.D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- lege of nnnfnl .Qn------ 1' '7 ' LIVE `chm . my meal. we xncreased demands of the business, Dr. F. has secured the who for many yenrshas enjoyed a high-reputation in the States, and who, from his connection with D. 0. French, in his bu siness, for the past three yea.rs,,is well known in T ` oronto, as u skilful and accomplished Dentist, A .n_ m____`__1_ u_, .. . ..--.....1u-uuuu ucuus In French refe in. n... n.-..---_- J m - - 0 meet the increased demands business ! _ the segvices F. 34 whn fnn vnn-- "'-*-" ` Monnmsn n. FENBH,:M.D. n.n.s;, 1\'v`--__ ' No. 4 And by all respectable . country. Il .._-l. nan! .-__ - __ - nun-I l`\lII'\ adapted to the deciencies of the Blood in di'er- ent diseases. For Couolis, Cows, Bnoxcums, or nny affection whatever of the TJIROA-'l0l` LUNGS inducing Coxsuuenox, use No. 1, which is also the N o. for DEPRESSION or SPIRITS, Loss or Arma- 'l'lTE, and for_ all Curzomc Couruurrs arising from Ovim-use, GENERAL Dsnmrrv, and N mn'ousAPnos-_ TRATION. No. 2, for lavnn COMPLAINTS, No. 3, for DYSPEPSIA. Being` already prepared for absorption it is TAKEN BY Dnors and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for FEMALE Imu-:Gm.Anmss, Hrsnmu, .WIux1vsss, &c. Seespecial directions for this. For SALT Ruituu, Enuvnoss, Scamronous, KIDNEY, and BLADDER COMl'LAINTS, take _No. 5. In `all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the BLooo Foop $1 per bottle. Sold by . ' CHURCH an rmpnnrn ,, -.. -, ..... .....-.., run: muucu lU__GGf||ln 'I'imc s mnvements'!'_0 how ve! 2 and yet how slill! Still as the morning sunbeam, as it kixi. d - ' The lmshing (lower, but shook not : n theteurs Of night, lhe lingering dewdrops; from its leaves, Nor wolsethe wild bee slumbering in its ylds.

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