Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1860, p. 4

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V ,._. -.~., ...... uug I-"pl-I` tation of the State then was 3,097,394. Al the `present time (1860) there are 432 `working at about 4,000,000. Lodges, (numbered to 477.) anda. membership of over30.000. and the population is computed `It will thus be seen that the ratio was in 1800 one to every.ll7 inhabitants; in 1810, one to 111; in 1820, one to 91; 1825, one to 80; 1830, one to 637; 1840, one to 485; 1850, one to 259; and in l860,one to-132-and it should be borne in mind that there are com A putedtobe in the State 5,000 unafhliated Masons, who _are recognized as such, making theoratio now to be one in every 114 itthabitants-a state of prosperity fully equalling that of the best days ' f . speaker proceeded to 0 had doubled um noble`oharity.the.Hall-_ ` Asylum Fundg. had participated in the suc- eeasful operations of the several Boards of Ra;-. years the `fraternit lief. amllaitl the foundation of a'libtary'; hat!` .nmt9n.at;.n i_heproject ot',a,Mason_ic Hi,story.A_of -0 Ju_nsdict|_on_,_(o_f which. the'.Gransl M.aster;;pro- poses no lag; plsnxbefore ___tli_e_.Gram_l .%_Va`-' ha.t're.v continued ;the ` apeqkgr, is sivbttdawidezfem-56!.Pitt-idtn!I!l1 .I9E9!*! `~29. J7: r`igneforzejjohder:co3., , , e ,-have ;`:l'ofttt'e ed tssAe;n:me9ei`!f. . " . #95 west! ` . {_..),,j- ILCAPITAL, s"2,`5ooJ,Jooo ,+| _.___v_.____ 44.. 4-- 't_l7'\4|:I7 < ]St%ate_V-15re. 3 Insurance, I I`I1`I'III I ! A Y Y If'l Y `f A \Vl'\ an . _ ' -7 INCORPORATED BY A01` ,0!` PARLIAMENT, CAPITAL,` . . . .- . . . -. 81,000,000 DFFERS the following real advantages, to in-' tending Assurers :- Tl'\l`lT"`l'IAIl'x1'! nrc -...... .... -_ . 4,, . ` - . " And may be hxd at the: . - A 2 _'Ct A1-)1; All may 00 III II . 3 \`f'z`t"I3.ir`;A1WOE? ;01*`F1GE.;% ' - . .. ._ Bum, zsvnzgow rename _PRICV'EVS., I , , .. ;;us1!}Li'a17N"i*Ep,k`;.:.: - `And mnv be Ind at the, ' Te, Jan:. 1858. "cam? ormct:`s-3 PALL MALL AND 32 ' V LUDG`A'l`E HILL, .. vjjjjr TEE"i'if A ia Inna} nma.:Ia;. ..-.2- . __, _ -._-__- CuAVnr.znsn mi A01` or PARLIAMENT. uvu. u_nuuaIu5- The cost of` the New York Central Palk thus far has been $7,900,000. The sum of $2,500,000 will be expended on further im- provements. ` ` ' The Green County (Ala.) Whig states that the Messrs. Hetlleston, while shing in the upper end of the county a few days since, `caught an alligator which measured eleven feel in length. `Three larne hooks and a" plece 1') vol mutton did the business for him? If`L`____ ___ -;'l) I ` Inc an luhuluv VI $'"'5,ooo: [T313431 3; -nah-8...! 2- AL: _ . . . ._A_- bases In Canada are submitted to the gen- T0mm3 "1'm.\m MANAGEMENT, r!nr'mo' n mm.-In urn...-.6.......4 Lmentcat. JAMES PATTON, . gentfm County Simcoe J, H. LAWRENCE," . _./Ygent, Collingwood. 58. _ 2-ly - .:.a, 1501. JAMES PATTON, '4...-ma: -5`... n..- msuraittz. _ .-.v....- -.-us` of its affairs. nvwru-nun...~. A. nxnacrons : -I If There are eighty-two Nantuokers living who are over eighty years of age, includir.gvlwe`nty- four members of the Society of Friends, whose united ages are 2037 years and.ten months. Bathing in Liberiais pleasant but risky. A recent Monrovia paper relates how acolored_ lady who recently went bathing` near that town, was taken out of the wet and devoured by an alligator without dressing. v "1._ _ _ r. . -- -A `us. PATTON; Agent ml}.-at Thx6`n_.... UIKS 3 . M. P. Hayes, ' Walter Mncfarlano, T; P. Robarts, . ` :mo1-e. Esnlnh-ma. y ucw l.0l'K` 15-lain as-:7 umuu-, President. uror ' 28-3mo 4'1-6mo --_-.. III uuuucu uurgery BAL'r1MonE REFERENCES: Tnonus E. Bonn, A.M., M.I).,' IPuu.n- H. AU8`l'_lN, A.M., M.D., D.D.S., Wasunzoron R. Hmnv M.D. V Professors-of altimore College of A ` Dental Surgery; _ a-&--- Tonoxro, Oct. 18, 1856. - ` Theebest recommendation that I can give of Dr. M.D. Fre`ncb,Su=1-geon Dentist. in, that he has been e,mp1o,yod=in`_thia- family, and 'giv}'3n milch `satis- tuo_tio:i. , ` 3 " 1`o:;ozu'o._ ' Govxnxxnur I-I_o'u's n,`; , ` `V : 'l`oronto,'}Ianu;tfy..l!9th, I857. 1 4Dr."l. D. Frencb,'Snrg'eon- De'ntist, hose botli extracted and stopped teeth"_fox, i1e,*'w1h `p'e`1-fec`(. guooiimlhd w`!th,leaspainito*m lthulthongli` T posgible. ` F W " A._P, onGr'q\s,A_.D;0,` -`u-a!l'6v." -Di? B11 `Iii, -'Ho'n:Jud `*`M6Li.ur. I L Dir.-'-.N-.B.n, 21,-.-..;.g, .Rc`v-.A.. mi. -= - ` ` -` `Dir-;H2n_n_1cx,-, ` ~~Di-.- I.='S o'-1"1'.- Pl'0f.: C ,_- ....... vv ---5 sun uculuu c` To the C'itI2em' of Toron!o':-`-I' take great plea- sure in introducing to the` public my friend M. D. French, M.'D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- lege of Dental Surgery. I have been acquainted with Dr.IFrench about ve years, a. considerable portion of which time he has assisted me in.ptac- e tice. He isa gentlemnnlof. irreproachable moral ; character, a thoroughly educated Dentist, and practically skilled in every department ofhis_ pro- ession. I therefore recommend-him with entire condence to all who may require the services of aDentist. 2 * A 2 - v I Ilullllyv The three large hotels at Sarntoga Springs are to be opened on the 15th inst. The others are already receiving guests. T The Negroes "of Huntsville; `Alabama, re- cently made up a purse of $350 and purchased a splendid hearse to be used at the interment of their dead. v ` ` rn O Inset this increased demands of the business, _ Dr. F; has secured the services of D. G. 17., who for many years has enjoyed a high reputation in the States, and who, from his connection with V D.-0.LFrenchi, in his business, for the past three years, is well-known in Toronto`, as a skilful and ccomplished Dentist. ` `Dr. Fnench has the honor of publishing the fol- lowing recommendations, and also of re er-ring" to the following gentlemen: - V '1". J1...-n.-nu----..r rm < V - - ' Hopi :iu?1"`5. ` .Re`v. H. `J.~G,1uss:'r'r, Dr. J. Rxouxnnsoy, ' Dr J. BAnar.!Y`,`I." j .3 on-1gn.:.nm.....-. :..c` 1 nave uoursg mm 9 A.x., A Toronto, .311. 23, I857. vanynffection whatever of the Tun V all cases __-_- - - -wruu-V adapted tlhe deciencies of the Blob differ- ent diseases. For Couaus, Cox.ns;)E`n}>. cams, or 1* or Luxcs inducing Consvanvrxox, use No. , which is also the No. for Dx:mu;ss1ov or Svm retain. The No. s for Pawns Inmzan An1"ru:s,' HYSTERIA, Wu ss,`&c. See spe l lionsn in this, For M` Rm:cu,Ent:m*1o:v9`, '5 ULOUS, `tour, a. LADDER Coalvnamrs, take No. 5.` In strictly followed. Price of the BLoop F001) 53 er bottle. S H nIIn|._IL K always presentsns with -the me essential cle-. moms, and gives of_course e TRUE S'I`ANDA[lD. Analyze the blood of ag,person suffcx9ing- from Consumptio% Liver omplaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we in every in_slance certain deciemies in the red lobnles of Blood. S_upply these deciencies, no you are made well. The BI.oon.Foon is founded upon this 'I`hcory--hence its astonishing sgocess. There are ` I-l|:1r -I ----- ~ .-uv -wsvvnsv V1 VPIGDU` of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing thc'su_'erings_of your child, instead of by deaden- ing its sensibil'ities., For this reason it cornmends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Cll!LDllEN'TEE'l`lxG, Dmuma-:A, Drsr-_:n'r1:3r, Gnu-xxa rs -rm: Bownns, Acxnmr or rm: Sronucn, Wmn, Conn IN run HEAD, and Cnour, also, for` softening the gums, reducing innmation, regulating the Bowcts, and relieving pain, it. has no equal- being an anti-spnsnwrlic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of Oonvnnsrox on norm-:n Frrs. As you value the life and health of your children, and wish to save them from Title sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the usmo/` narcotics of which other remedies for Infun-. tile Complaints are composed, take none but Dn. EATON S Ixmnrrnn Conm.u.,- this you can rcly upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot. injure the most. delicate infant. Pric 25 cents. Full directions accompany each ottle. Prepared only by V n (1!) 1. nnnnu-n -__. .:_- _.----- wwvunlnnllnbl and why? because itncver fails to ubrd instan- taneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magio,and-one trial alone will convince you , that what vie say is true. It. contains 11-- -n - - - -' - . uuuN1'1t PATIENTS. V 4 Medicines with full directions sent to any part of __the United States or Canada, by atients communi- cating their symptoms by letter. usincss correspon- dence slrictly condential. ~ - Address, DR. GOODYN G, 9-] No. 51 King Street, Toronto, C.W. . 6+ f.f<':.: Weft... .; I ' , No-'51; Kin: 5t.r,e'W . ='I.'9r9n!o,-.W-2. .- \ . ESTABLISH DY, ' A mt. coobixa,; (tenant, `or, Engijad-) mode` oftreatiug , V A . '_ Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nert'ous=Debiltty, Marahmus or Wasttngconsumplion, Seminal Weakness,-:~vDisease ot'the Kidney: and , , Bla'dder, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Chronic Complain6t:',dcc., &c.,' A ` as-' No charge `for Advice. , Dr. GOODINGi.-1 now engaged in treating this class or tnaladies` with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted b him is new, it-is based upon scientic princi les, with new discovered remedies, without minera s'or poisons. The facilities of cure are such, that patients can be cured at their own houses without expense, in any part of the country, from an accurate` description of their case bv letter, and have the medicine sent them by mail or express. ' NERVOUS DEBILITY. Young men who are troubled with weakness, gen- erally caused by ti bad habit in youth, the eili.-cts of which are dizziness, pains, {orgetfulness,somctimes R ringing in the ears, weak eyes, `weakness ofthe back and lower extremities confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the new `Botanic Remedies. . . ' {".('\1YM'l`DV T).A'l'*7I,`lYVIIc1 - 1taw;sPa'EoY, Linosr sticonssii-on. Flvza/ #hEPARXTIoNs -.- ......... V, out) uuvuuwl uuu um mwop. ' During me first seven months that horse railroads have been allowed to run through the streets of Cincinnati, they have carried 1,900,- 000 passengers, and yielded the any a revenue of $10,000;-a sum sufficient to keep the pub- lic avenues 1n the best order. ' . ' 1:. .m. un- L 4drtlser he Veg lieen _reatoredAi,o lrelalth in a few weeks, b 5 very simple remedy, tter` haing suffered aev years with a man` Inna`; ,4)fec:r'on, and-Wtlzu awe liseue,.Consurnption, to: sitxionstto make known to his t'ellow-auhrera the ~ meunI.of.cure.' To alllwho desireit hezxill send a `copy of the pretrription (frte c go), with directions for prepuringand mung which. V ton, they will nd a sure Cure for Camimz ulrma, Bronc.-ha'n'.r, &c. The only ob ct at t e advertiser in sending the prescription}: to nail: the afflicted, and vllehopeo every nuiurer will try his remedy, u it will " cost them nothing, andmay prove a blessing. Parties wishingthe preteription will plegre nddressv ` ` REV..EDWARD AA. WILSON; ctr-u-, ,,,,_L`1I.._._ 11. If V "V-V ----J VrV\KILlIl5 in Bill: yllc UL A l':>Fl..EATO 's 1 INFAN TILE CORDIAL, WhV? because if -nmwr fuile In ..lI`m..l ;....a.._. My 15th, .uu.:I- " ' ` Gimpm A. Hgnnis; A.M.,.M.D., I;.D.Q., 1- of the Baltimore College of Dental BAL'I"l'M('TR`E Dmbnnuxrnna - Surge):-y I Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of` V n k I!` A 'l' l\ I | I an 2 - v AFFLIOTD READ! EUROPEAN` MEDICAL nousn sumac n`Ai's?vusA%nv, `If. X!` G1..-` `l7_Ln 'I"..-....a.; '1" `IT l IMn ni, mu, m Illv h'n`KT7TcVn1 ' =v'rfo ?o ous`u'M P1fIvEs.": ., _ : ,L____ . , ,,` .. ....... nu all. n: u uu. 1|: UUIKUIIHS No Paregoric or Opiate- :1I kind. and throfnrp l'0"nI.'n:! 5. ......... ,, -....-.. ... ....- uval v|uGI,- l`n lhe_cily of Piusluurg, Pa., nml `vicinity, there are ve rolling mills, which produce. 100,000 tons of _ bar, sheet and nail iron an- nually. ' Thu [HI-nu lawn.` Innlnl- -1 (`---A_--- 1` IHPUICS. COUNTRY PATIENTS. ! fl!" lnrpntinna Qnnl In r-I-I STBY. I uuyxtur1 at 1)Ul UN'l`, I No,A09 Broadway, New York. i I T cnpncn 5; DUPONT, Wo.A09 Brondwm-_ Now Vn 4|: IV 1115.9 an ' vv august, `Wi|limiburgh;'Kipgs Co-.', . 20-3mo `Bani aH(!_li Ii, A to 6 rat. 6 V Ell." elindn. Streets. Culil. 30.1? ,,,__ -.-...;/LVJJLV 1'4, " D And mnst nevei- be taken except if: conncc ` wi 0. 1. It will then cure Inammatory R xmalisn all kinds;of Fever: and Ague, the -t elfec: Co1ds, Mid all pains, whether C nic or Acul Thcgengedicines will effect CU S, not remove lroinv o r! f the body? nlher. - ' I3"a;eK1.e'mger,to p onfu:-ions,lhese Me cines,ana prepared 1.3} 0 cwon Fmznsmcx Dz hon lh of o prveven`tifr'an` ` V a oridm iikoneaslof the Dock each bottle, and Dr. Free .z 9'afB.|l_`!|Q,'_N.'_Y., blown in-I! V sepa.Ln.be:`1o,ia9. ., ....-...y..-urn, uuu uuu, nu JUCIIB Ul db`!!- The coner stone of an iron cathedral was lately laid in Victoria, Vancouver Island. The religious services were conducted by the Bishop, and the corner stone laid by the Gov- ernor ofthe Island,_ after which addresses were mzide by the Governor and the Bishop. Dtlfi Ihn Gr-at corn-an 4-n...oL.. aL._a L__-_ ` _ 1: 114 V LIL IVIEDICIN] mnst'nevei- fake-n can No. Inammatory! Co1ds,'an`d nu`: Thcge medicines n lroin `Q33 put! the .101 0'! he:-r. " hm :-m It In mu---~ can nnenm, rlmpleg, ucuqn an we organs that mny[ and imayybe relied mi In cure Complaints of the Kidneys Dyspepsia, General Deb" Salt Rheum, Pimplea. sipelas. Inrmilies nr null: nu entirenew chem` wQrki_i1g'lirectlv_on the Liver and ~ ` _L).Ll\J,\J.IJ 1 Superior to the purest enlirelv of roots and tries, the best pro _tract of Snrspnrillu, made of this and foreign coun- es of which are cxtrnclecl by an V process. It acts in larger dose 10, in smaller ones as alterntive ling therefrom all morbid matter, action all the that may ha gun] rgligd '_o_n lorcure s bringing into become inactive, Ver Cmnnlnhu. .....| neys, 'expel-- Lreaauy toms treatment, and persons cam `hundreds of miles to be cured. The , `ever, has not been able, like others `thing with one preparation. hut ha ;cine in\1_wo bogtles, whic h are umbered I and2 `The number I is a_ 7 v BLOOD P , IFVIER, S|lp9i'iOl' the human I--no -J` --~- ' "' _. _v. -- -wag-II U 0 OF BUFFALO, N. Y., :AFTER an unprecedented successful practice 0 V over -thirty years, being about retiring fromf `active practice, at the request of numerous friends in all parts ofthe country, has consented to tnnke two -medical preptmttions upon which he has bestowed the cure nnd knowledge of his long experience, and has left them with the dierent tlruggists for sale. To' those who a e at-qnnintetl with the Doctor nothing need besait--to others, it is but necessary to sy, that he has for 'vearsVprescr.ihed for from 4, _ to 5,000 persons, and always with the greatest . ess. Cages tbtIt,ha\'e baled other medical men Iris-ldcd -readi y torhis nily from ` blII IdI`e(l.l nr milnn In I... -.-- - | "" 335' . Dec. 21st, 1859. ,, -- . ..-- ... . .uuun1u1s. and Family CA- THARTIC PILLS are relailed by Druggists gene- rally, and sold wholesale bythe Tradejn all the large towns. S. W. SANFORD, . __ _ - 1WnnlII('lur(-ram] D.-.-....:....... ~ ' Free-Masonry In the United States. Thn Annual r`.'...........:_-.:w I'VE v'U|'I?'Dr the Flgeadache, or eight in mry Diseases, Worms Rheumatism. a grezu `and many diseases to > numerous to menuon In ' nose, Ito 3. ` L'u\l', L 1) vii ( eadacht In-n l \:..,. we when m all. The Profession well % Ca Ihartir-s net on the The FAMILY CA- wilh due reference to !nct,'heen compounded purest Vegetable Ex- on every part of the are good and safe in all is needed,si1cb as Dc- mnch e c pi n_e ss.' Lo ., osli\fem:s.=_. the whole body,` from _uenlly, if neglected, _cver, Loss of Appe- , L Hot) on GMIAQ-Ir :1... twenty years. The constantly in- those who have long.` Ihe satisfaction which I their use, has induced the reachvofnll. Tho Du-.v:.;.:.... .....n The FAMI gentle hm ac prielol has us- twenty years. The ttnneh j_----xv compnvnmm FROM Pure'vegetab1e.1:xtr'acts. and put up in GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep in anyclimateo TL- `nuxcvvur 1-..l I 1" n1ulL_l GATHARTIC PILLS, f'(\!\i') rrrrr 7 'r\Iwr\ van-.-- "Wk WATER IN THE MOUTH wm{"rm; 1 INVIGORATUR, AND SWALLUW BOTH T0- GETHER. ` ' Price, One Dollar per Bottle. -_A]_' _j -ue commencement 0! I 1: All who use it are giving favor. ILHV XIIATVD `nu rnnn :- csslon snow. _ I , The dose mus : 1903` men! of the mdividnall` such quantities as to ncl- , Let Ihe diclalcs of . on In the use of the ` OR, and it will cure-1 lious Attacks, Dyspepsia Summer Complaints, Sour Stomaclr, Habitual Cholera Morbus, Cho- lence, Jzmndice, `e~ may be used success- Family -Medicine. II ache,'(a_s llionsnnds can mes, iftwo or three Tea- lhe commencement ofl ' All whnmua, it nu-n n:.-1 ' 4 1 a-uuy, num; neraeu In one 0! the cells in a N. Y. slalinon-house on Wednesday with her, gafler. _ She was an unhappy creature, given to Intoxication, and only 23 years of age. Thn Anna. .1... .5 .. :-.... -..u_-_n;-u __- ..._ - _._.- _...... -.-a- -1- 3 sad: '1` is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, 1: Standard Medi- ne, known and 1153- . proved by all that have used it, and is nuw re- sort;-d with vondence in all the` diseases for which it is recom- mended. O ' . In |..n....-...I n....---_.L - menuen. ! ` It has cured thousands ` years who had given up numerous unsolicited` ession show. I I 'l'}.... .1... ......v. l...i unu rexaus mr um.-e dollars per bottle. 0. J. WOOD 6.: CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, mad 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. `And sold by all good Druggisls and Fancy Goods Dealers. ` `Ana I 80 T\I'n....'l. ` S. THALBERG. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz; large, medium and small; the small holds 5 :1 Kim, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium olds at least twenty per cent more in pro rtimn than the small, retails tor two dolla?s per bott e; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars bottle. CO.. Prtmrietnrs. 444 R:-nmlmmv '1UMl b'UN SUICGHNOK. Dn. \Vood : Dear Sir :-Permit me to express the obligations] am under for the entire restoration `ol my hnirto its original color; about the time 0! my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming fray, but upon the_ application of your Hnir lestorative it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative as a very wonderful in- _vention, quite eicacious as well as agreeable. -9 TN A l.Rl`D!T`. ..v-.., n.., ...w.n.yuuu_y, atu. .1. vv Jll\Jll.L 111.11, Oice ofthe Jelfersonian, Philippi, Va., ' December l2H1, 1558. Dear Sir:-I feel it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the following circumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentle- man ofthis lace, (a lnwyer,) has been bald ever since his ear v youth; somuch so, that he was com- pelled to weara wig._ He was induced to use a bottle ofyour Hair Restorative," which he liked very much; and after "using some two or three bottles his hair grew out quite lnxuriuntly, and he now lists It handsome head of hair. The ge_ntlemnn z_ name is Bradford,and he is very well known in our adjoining counties, many persons cantcstify to the trutlro this statement; I give it to you at the requst or Mr Bradford. You can sell a great deal ofyour Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties It" you have the proper agents. Yours, &c., 'FlJ(\7tIIDQn\T urrnnvnnnn LIvE_;R_% INYIGORATOR. , at-'-*9`-_'. I-.'.~r/-/r,"--..--. ;~ .. Eonstgtesmeng Judgf, Etiitbr, I hyicians of the; .old,qt sqhpols as well ag_nev_`n give it their :in'quali- ed`_Ig:ctin ,`and rcom_rngnd'it for qll cages ol"erup- eli_or'u,- and` diaea`_a'_es'of_.th'_a'acq|Q, trn'd--bratln ;vbot all `who IIIVU used It, unu_e In tesufymg that st will. pre- serve the hair from belt): gm ,nnd from fal_ling to any age, as well as reytore. d the followzpg :- Qak _Gi-ove, S._C., June 24th, 1859. Pro). 0. J; Wmp : Dear Sir :-Your Hair Resto- rative is rnpidlv ggtning populnritgjn this community. I l.avo=hgd occauorrto lay preju tce aside, and give your Hatr Regtoratnxe} perfect test 2- Dunnz the year 1304, I was so unfortunate as to l'Y PIKCI IOU lUVICK- V . . These an no other circumstances induced me to ' rcaert toyour worthv Hair Restorative, which 1 have every reason to believe, produced a very happy re- sult: two months after the first application, I had as beautiful a head of young hair as 1 ever saw, for which I certainly owe you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sr, I shall recommend your reme- dy to all inquirers; morenvcr, I shall use my inu- ence, which I atter mvselfto say, is not a little. You can-publish this if you think` rover. Youmvery respectfully, M. J. VRIGHT M.D, /1535.` EL`-.|`A\ 'I ..t'l`.._-__:__ `nL:I-,, - 1v- A poor *1 unfortunate, named Maria Cas- auday, hum;'heraelf in of the cells in N_Y am:,.._:.,...... .... ur...a.......a.... ._:.a. a... '`"I~I::v-11;;1Ii;c;:..n;;.-.i.uoug`-' iIA;I;`;``'`* * 19- T r JTHE ZWIIBTS 01" ALL- .. 12-.. -.'q....;..........`i...!n.ui'- Fklitm-s. Phisicians the 1 Hair negtoraltxe ll. pence: teat. :- . ~ : `During theyear 1354.1 an as hethrown from my aulky against n_ rock near the roadside; `from which my head recetved a most ter- ri_b1e b!ow',*1 causing a rent deal of irritation, which _,communicated to the rain and external surface of the headpfrom 1110 effects of which my hair was "nalty destroyed over the entire surface of the head. From th'e'tim'eI.`Ifst'dicovercd jtndropping, how- .e\_rer, up to the time of its total dtsappearnnce, I em- .p|ayer_! everythmg I could think of, beinv n profes- sional man myself, `and, as I thought, umfcrstanding the nature of the disease, but was nally defeated in every preec;rtion advanced. ` Them an no nth;-r nil-I-nmnlnnr-an o'm`l.m...l ...... o- `c4> |gk:,\. ;;Ef.B.._E .P7A3-RAT| o N __L4 < .oeaIers_. March 21, 1860. ______j_j__ -umu`-Ions, mesa Medi W (_?1`OI_t DEL- cuced in Buto over 27 ` a comic: likeness of the Doctor Fred. _ 9.,jBu'glQ,,N.iY., blown irnbe V 01;`-accoxppan mg each home. No.1 ` .,b0llle`; Q. for 75 cents. -With _`n'otice they are oB`ere`d to the public, rely- err Virtues (iu_.I'eg:`omme dinguemselves. `i As .' -A. S` Hnpgrpnn 1`I\lVllb! UA- bnl active Ca: used .in his 7 Uri ' F;\MIl:Y `CA- hnl !\nl;un l`..~ run-- In _}E\;ER MEDICINE, / nye} xcem `if: a-.n'm....`..:.(f..:.L m;.;u':;r'F:..'.".`::;`.'.:.: "v.,.~.fi..iL';':.`}`.;"';..fIi I the Kulnc\'_s" hci ienl Consumplinn, 2N2! `U|t'l!)I'ai).I$crnyla, rm. , , on: e ngv, ..-y. v- ":80 l.'h`."`_l 489. 811}! all other H Ozm m n dlsnnor-n.l .... Duririg ta recnt - thunder storms" 3 l Germln girl was struck by lightning, instantly lulled.-. Her metallic hoop melted. - V -_-- .--nu-uy_ Ill ltll: IJILIKCQ States. --The Annual Communication of theGrand Lodge of Masons, assembled on Tueedav in New York. The address was delivered by M. W. Grand Master, John L. Lewis,-Jr. From this we learn, that at the commencement of the present century there were 91 ` lodges, with a membership of about 5000,. in a population of 583,603. In 1810 the lodges had increased to .172, with a membership ol"8,600, in a popula- tion of 961,888.- In 1820 there ' were 295 ,lo (numbered to 328,) and a membershi ol"'15,000,`in a population of 1,372,812. This decade witnessed the tornado which swept over the States, so that in 1830 the number of Lodges, which in 1825 had run up to 480, with a membership of over 20,000, was but 8'2 and a reliable membership Iscarcely exceetling 30,000 in a population of 1.9l3,13l. In 1840 the institution began to eiihibit symptoms of . resuscitation, and brethren awakened from the. blight and persecution of the ten precetling years as from a terrible dream, The number of Lodges then was 79-22 in New; York. and 75 in IA n,.....a.'.- --- la. 1. VV . -`.`(\IV' l`VUl.{D.,` M_nnnl'n(-Kurt-r and 335' Broadway. New York. 1859. N EVER DEBILITATES. SA N1FO'RD S - .. .uuu--unu Age, and an olhcr h their origin in a dism-dered or p ood. It is of n slreughlhening V never weaken 0|; prostrate the body. 15.3 ,....cu _zrnct 0| Enrspnrillu, coun- doses lcr [on ' um.--. ........n,. T SANFORD S _ , _ -..-..... nu ma puum`, rely- regomme 8.. .HORN'I'ON, _ " " V` ant Barre. 1359.`. J: 37-y yVyVnc. wr Irom 4, ways rd at, tor, how- -lc, cure every- aljan, m un his man. III TIC} FAMILY I ?6!~`d5'ho:5saha no longnutside, W'hy need you-beso shy? , '.I`he_peopl_: s eyes are open, Bill, {Ad they `are-`pausing by! ' __ .; You cannot tell-whnl they `may llnnk, - Tl1_ey said slrangeihings before; _And If you wish to talk awhile; Come in and Shut the door! in - ; vula, k\L'., ";ITH0M PSON SURGH NOR. iv Sir :._Pm-min nu. 1.. uvn-nan cl. creasing demand from used the PILLS, and all express in regard, to me to place them within know that the different portions of the bnwels. '[`[-IARTIC PILL has this well established from a variety of the tracts, which act alike alimentary canal, and cases where n Catharlic rangements of the Sto- `Pains in. the Back and Pain `and Surencsa over sudden cold, `which fre- end in u long course of tile, :1 Cree-Ping Sensa- Iu-stles-ncss, the head, all Inflamma- gin Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, which esh is heir, too _ t.h~i s advertisement. 2 I run: 1 ll} HLL is u hhnrllc which the pro- praclice more than ;"r1-IA1mc PILL is . .'!l`ll!' Itllh-M Hun -nu. ,:_ui v I311 104 V lUUl{A- , jihivcr Complaints, Bil- -'C h ro n ic Diarrhoea, ` JJ_vsentery, D r 0 p s`y, Custi_ve.-new, Clmlic, learn Infantum, Flam- ` `male Weaknesses, and i -fully as an Ordinary . I_wii| cure Sick Head- ltcstify), in twenty min- ;spoout'uls an: talcen at lnttnttk. ,' their testimony in its gadnpled to the tempera- ilnking it, and used in gently on the Bow;-ls. |vour 'udgmont guide ILIVE { mvlrmm- ygwithin the last I two ;all hopesof relief, aslhe =ccrIi{i<-ales In my pos- i35}}'r" :I')`(.lgI:'r'1:o;)'!" ";.::'le l_L|VE{ INVlGORA- ;`[,i\q-p (`nrnnlninog Nil ,_.- :-'1 . I III MIIOFV R rm I as 8278033 OIL`. S. THALBERG. knlllau nf Iln-no ._--'-1 X. u\u., r Proprietor. `ork. wllll xmntism, , IIefI'e_ct:ol it: Acute. `not removals I. mess Mdi Dlnfnr Tl:-r , ! Family CA . llllzisls mm.-.- 51-lY_ 12-Min .,w|u do Well to write their orders dmuncuy, . llI_7lLIllI - and hfq none but Dr. ll'Lang :, red by rzem-"nu NH Bro: Put: - 1; U1 u-uu."wo will wt.l;)al,`:o1'I; pt:;`o.f dun United States, one 3: of PI 13 for twelve threo-cc!` ` Polbgo lumps, or `one. vial of Vonnlfngo for fourteen umvo-cent stumps. `All order! mn Oannda mint bow- eommnied by twontyioenta oxtn. ' nlo _by.m-uuiih `ma Oonntrystoro 5009*" I . . ' ` ' X ' Au` I-or Generally, a . ob uuuwrl Illa rnyncuns ome` ` emf llros.,wl1l do well write t -5 ll Lang .Bro,I.,Pt'lhburgh;Rz. To those w com: in AN2)Vs'n`1` nu: noon. ,,I .___.,,.r -, 1 3 Dealer! Ind Phytlclins ordering from others thin Flemln Btu, will that: orders distinct)! stone. but Dr- 'H I4zna n. In-onarai bu Flamml l = incvry instance whercit should rovc incl`-' . . P . factual: provxdmg the symptoms attcndmg the sickness of the child or adult should wa;r 2int,the supposition of worms being the cause. In all cases the Medicine to be given , nv snxcr ACCORDANCE wrm 'rx-us nxnacrroxs. We pledge ourselves` to the public, that . Dr. M Lahe s Vermifuge DOES: NOT CONTAIN, MERCURY in, anyfolflnu; that it is an innocent prc ration, noticapable of doing I/I6 slig tst t'1y'm-y to.tha.most tender infant . THE _wEEK1Y NOR TIIERN AD VX3951; 1Jm5l1-ll We IVecI:eL(Idy ]|Ior'm'ng,'y Ritfzard ` 01130134! wdop-mm East, Barru. DR. M LANE SV QERMIFUGE Will certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has at-' tended the administration of this prepar- ation has been such as to warrant us In pledging ourselves to the public to THE countenance is pale and linden- -colored, with occasional ushes, or a cir- cumscribed spot on one or both checks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower cyc- lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some- times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual sccr-`::i..n - of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; `breath very foul, particularly in the morning; it`- petite variable, sometimes voracious, with :1 lmawing sensation of the stomach, at others. entirely gone; eeting pains in the stonmch; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir- regular, at times costivc; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swol- len andhard; urine turbid; respiration oc- casionally difficult,`-_:~,a_I_1d accompanied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convul- sive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, ns`-n qA..-- -___ , Et'_1'xuonm.\'.-.m' None:-:.-I)r. W. C. I.'.~; announce-5, for the benet ofthe bivk and ltttliarltt that hdcnntinttrs -In d1'\'olC the \\`hufu. L (I the treatment nf private disca.-vsnt has otlivc, chan;:c Place. Rot-hcstcr, Ngw York. F:-brm:r_\' 20, 1850. S ..v... um`: vuuuu, BCIH IU 3111 parts Ul UH: Wult No lelters will be answered" unless they m. remiuance ufnue dollar, t-nn.'~uhmiou Ice. ( . lion at lhc (Mice, free of vhzngze. l\Il~- .-.. ... luv V.-n~, nun; un \ uuI;:,t'. All`commnnic-ntions addressed to E. J. I} M.D., Nu. I9 Exchange I l:u'e, ROChc.~lc." '1 meet with prumpt ancnliun. '_ E3 Ollict: hours. lrnm 7 A El In 0 I`! \1 r .-x l 1; Au; JJIUAJ. G /71 lraled wnh nearly 300 pages. [.4-ll:-re aha.-p-iI.Sy... c...'.. . .._ ..uu.u nun noun) JUU pix : -5. 1'r1v'_. Lcllers describing ngi-, s_vm toms, . properly atlelrdo.-(l-lo, and mm it-im's_, from 0bS:l'V3ll0n sent lu all mus ul 1 9 I Nn Inlhu-c will In. ......... . I . -.. _..... -guuu ouv uvvn I NW5 do not say, ' No, thank you, Jane, VY1th-such-a bashful smile ;' , You snidywlten ladiea`whisp'ered N-3,3 " They meant `-' Yes, all the_ while! My father, too, will welcome you-;_ I told you-that before; . _ ~ It doesn t look we'll standing there-- I Come in and shutthc door! You sn_v_I did not answer ynu To what was said last night; . I heard your question in the dark- " ' - Tliuught on it in the light ; And now my `lips shall utter what My heart has said before, V Yes, dearest, I--but stay awhile- Come in and shut the door! uvs VII isulv III (III, |7IL'f lHH('Ua ' Dr. R. is the nnly 1'P1_'l(/III` rrlnrnfrzl }~!n'.'~ this city who dc.-voles his \vhu!u mm: .m'. lhe tfeallnem of dlseasca of n pr:\'.'Ilc nnnmn aliclgd would do well to rvxulgu inqnim-,~ I--xi sulting lhnse mlverlisinzr in this vi1_v.] Dr. 1:. lice cxtendk Ihrough every State in tin: L1. the British Provim-es." ' ' TL. Y)I`If\'1\I v. . . . . u um. Iu . uunun.o- N.B.--Dr. Reynolds is sole agent {hr Dr. H Female Mnnthlv Pills. Among llu'1I1.'tn_\`llm boxesvf these Pills annually sold, nr-t t.m- um. has yet been made against them. Lani .~.~ in min situation should not use tho.-in, llw pm: .-nt which will be found in the dircctionx .'im-.;.-y;,:. each box. Price $l 00. .,cnt Ivy inml tn nnj of the world. `Bcwai-"e of r-nnnlcrt`ci:s. Tlnrj not on sale at any other place. n.- R .'. .1... ,: _ . z - WORM SPECIFIC, vlce, snoum apply In Ur. Jieylloms Wifhr 1. In these, as Wt as :1 ulhcr can-.~' pl` :1 3 lure, Dr. Reynnlds cummcmls nn 4-:uIy n and without-any vnnily or nepirminn, l]o'('ui that no (-use within Ihe rem-in of mortal .-M eave him without a cure or zmlisfacum. gn- Dr. REY;\ ()LI)S (PRE;\T \\'0YH\'-- 7777.` VA TE ]3II:'])/CAL (7 T-'1I)]:'-H'4 I:lilII I} '1! nuarlv Rlm nnvn-a Pr-'--u " - AuuIv5 `nu orucrs E0 OS., Prrtsauncf, PA- 4v 4 LAAVIII 1414-.`- Dr. R. can be successfully cuusullcd on all uh: peculiar lo Females. Ivn h- n,,, n - - ~ '- ~ .I.\/IJLVLI .IVlL`A@`, \Vho, by indulging in score! habits , have (-., that suul-.-uioduing, xnmd-prmuraling , lu1'.`-I-; vice, should apply to Dr. Reynolds wislu':.x ( these. as well as :1" ..xl..-.- m..._- ..u'.. Inna unqy ucuo . "Diseases 0! the Liver, Kidneys. Blutldt-r,..1:.vu Dropsy, all forms of Scrufulu, Teller, and H..- obstinate diseases of the Skin, Neuralgm, I)_;., Cn.stivc Habits, I ile.~, (Pa.-nernl Dclnliiy, N. A2:ctions,Cbronic Pulmonary A [IL-(-liuns, Iimu. Chronic Cough, Cough and C..ld.a, Illti;-iv-nl slimption, Inammatnry and Chronic Rheum Ulcers of the Lez_s,Ult-ers of the Mouth, T. Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Cnnct,-r, (Ln: Enlargement, Tumors, Chronic Sore I-In-s, .'.\I-gr and Syphililic A'evtions, Pain and -`.'Wo:Hm'_I 4 Babes, and all diseases nn'.'~iug from the nu;.u.u of the blood, whether Hereditary, Acqnmn-ml .-1 tracled, Salt Rheum, Fever Sun.-5. nnd ulhrl I } Complaints of years standing. Cum-nlmn. 1 Syphillis Striemre, Suppression of the 5.1:-n: females, &:c., successfully treated. uun I0 lnls ctttss ot (7(IllJIIi'|lHI\ . his safe and speedy method of treatment, and in; cxlrabrdtriarv success, during a long and 1-.\lcn.,\c ,prncl,ice, eni1bleshim,_ condcntiuhy, to [J_TUHl.'~.L` ;.,1 persons it safe and radical cure, without injury 1., mm constitution, or connement from business. V B a long course of study-tmd practir-al exp:-rj.-ym, Dr. fl. has now the grutit-atiott of pr:-.-mm: um unfortunate with rctncdics that have nt:-.-car t:u.'m ,_,, U he first inlr'odtu-cd`lhcm, to cure the lm:.~,l :tI:u..,,, E, -cases, and that-in a very short but rea.=unnh!.- tm,.._ without the aid of mercury or any nlllcr lit'.'t`Kt`!.uus drug. Within the last forty _v_car.~, Dr. R. has cut-1] more than onchundred thousand -nscs ut` the ;,t,.,._,, character, and it may be said safety that .u/,,. //uni one`-/ta/fof the patients had been prcviotnly tru.tto_-4 with mercury and other poisons. n.. R .2-.. I... ..........-.,r..t| ....... ..t....n -_ .1 .. ., ... uu---uuuup; UI Hll SUN. nuIdn t have beenvright. The real ; when she s attached to a. buoy. vv--u un.-\.u-J uuu vuuu yuuouluoo Dr. R. can be successfuxlly consulnzd on the 1 ing Diseases: .1\:............ -1 .1... 1 3.... 17-1-_,,_ nu vu . mu mu`! Wllll prompt acnlxun. E3 Qllicc hours, ham 7 .-`...\I. In 9 P..\I. uv LII Ill-Sll .l. lUVlI|l'('.. RlY.\'0Ll>.~," '01! K- VAT]-I III]-.'I)/(Ln. nr/n1: n,., nguu In lUI' DEFT February 20, 1859. acuh cu I.|.|U.lll up? u[`[J.uCl1IlOn. ' "' at.n1:1o) nf'5 ;l&l.f reAg(1l(81'c6?;(g1 and. sent by m`1;Will he ` ' on. FRANCIS, nnH3n~...,,- ,1 Is _, SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. Dy_mau.. Ten cents the package, rem Physicians, Druggists and others, v become agents mu have a sample, sent to them upon application. Mnnnv, if roaiutm-ml am: 5.... L- _ -., M _.r uvvucns,' osc- , They are. of great Vvalne-in cases of Worms Teething, Eruptions of the `skin, and in man other diseases of children ; they may also be giveg in any case requiring physio. The) are put up in a form convenient to by_n'mil_. ._ Ten _ccnts ghe retail. send` us any punt: requiring pnyslc. They the remu, Pbvsxcxans. Drutzaistsz and nu... ...u.- VERMIFUGE. .. nuuuua U1 DU 1 is required is to RETURN TH E` MONEY _-. -. -----U Ill-II `c;mAn1;o` LOZENGES FOR cum . . DEER` .A RE 9. safe`and,e1Iicient. Medicim. M... . DR. M LAN*E S UM. FRANCIS, Collingwood, C Agent for Barrie. . . . '1'. W. GE()l{GE.\'. )rua.rv 20. 1859. ' '- ' Celebrzitcd American 7 Address all orders to .` , '_- `inn. + rnmcxs n-n-nu _ n.--..._.__. , J une7=20, % TO FEMA LES. liule , and YOUNG MEN, ...-.. :.. ....,.-...'1...I.:...v 13 w; nonenx. . ' . ' Axnmt. Br. `V ung. nu`: LVULIIS wnnm '- res ctfullyintorm lulu l'rn-".1, an the public, man he cu": - linm.-5 to be cun(h-n1j;.y consulted at his old n-smhf:.~ln,-.1 Medical Omce, Nu. ll), I-jx. change Place, ON ALL lib. ?*-% ms:-:3 or A mznnxn; g on DBLICA'l`I-I M1-urn ..~ ."& r,n.3r..'.s Ur` A PHIV/\'1'}; ;\'A'1'L'I{E. His long experience and a[. (ion to this class of (7uIn[u':I1ul~; dv lrcnum-nu. mm! x... , __ _r.r-,~~,..-.- O('(`|)p:n:. and me iclnus. so:-nr.-1. * DR; REYNOLDS Ienlfllllv inln-u. I.:. r : v Agent, B07715- cs, -VJt'l1l I_'1` 01 the war; 3 .- :1860.r skull. I, wl1_o Wig}! to .c, wuh_Tcrm3 v u us!) \vl:~`In But it did look a little hard, the first time I saw the Moslems lock the Christians -into the church. The Latins and the Greeks make a great display when they wash the disciples feet. For some reason which I could not understand.` they make more parade over Judas than any of the rest of the Apostles. The Greeks had their service in the court of the church. The Latins had theirs on another day, and inside of the church. It was on this occasion thatl first saw the locking-in process. I went early to secure a good standing place, and fouml the doors bolted and hatred, which`, by the way, aresstrong enough for an,Aordina.ryi_ prison. I soon learned that, whenopened, ~' they could only remain open for half an hojur, when they would again be closed-for five hours.. ' At the appointed time they were opened, and during the short` half hourall who wished to. see the ceremony must crowd in; thovdoors were then closed, and `bothaaint and sinner who had not improved the precious opportunity ~ were compelledto remain outside. .Not_ca_r;ing I to be conned so closely for live mortal hours, 1_` q\vhe_n I did not.` hare.the. keys, Lremsined an ` _oule_Ider. `Many poor priestsytycame butsa few V moments after the doors Wereycloegd, iai:_d`b`g~ ` .. ged for admission, but, begged i'n{_vain._` i "-Iravid make me wish I hnd_`a little-touchgofggklmighty` ;- POW W119" I S8Vlmhdse.luatmchetmmedans; I after they had bulked-`nd barred tlics olddoois; *7 so securely, -w`atlt,:awa y tits? dpc the wtmle avnrldm-.f:e9> slant`! that. the Clrristians Vl"0|_itld;'lpil.:. ; . the_same,way7<"autlgzeertairrf rfillml. ill` iully -hm , uucuuu uttu me oepuicnre, stopping-`at each of these points and other intermediate points, where a sermon was preached,.each time in a- different language--to give as many of the `pilgrims as possible an opportunity of hearing for themselves. The house was densely [ crowded,.and the Moslems, who have the keys , of the church,_were moving about literally with their whips in theirhands to` keep order. At the same time files of Turkish soldiers were stationed at all_the principal points, `with their guns bayonetedto use in case of emergency. When the Latin and Greek Easter fall on the . same day, they never escape withoutaquarrel, ' and not unlrequently has it been so serious that lives have been lost. I did not wonder that the Mohatnedans called the Christians dogs aml treat them as such; and I don t know that they feel :and` act any more bitter towards them than the Christians at Rome do towards the Protestants.` Bigotry is. about the same thing the world over, but I think Christian bigotry a little worse than any other. ' Certain it is, that nowhere in the.` wide world cloea Christinity appear worse than.-it does at l Jerusalem, where we should naturally expect r it would show thoibest. ' - r n._A 9. I'll. . .. \ .. _..... . vu-u-u nun nvvln The scenes of Good Friday night, when the mock crucixion. in all its stages, even `to the anointing the body with oil andlayingit in the tomb , was exhibited to the crowd, made me so heartily sick that l ha_dAno desire to visit the place again. The services at the church the night of the crucixion lasted for five hours. ; The procession formed at the `Judgment Hall. and moved on slowly to Ca_lvary,.the Stone of Unction and the Sepulchre, stoppingnt each these noints and nthpr inlermntiintn nninla ' , VTT ....... -n uunuulu lllciilll-V lne number Lodges New York. 75 in 14 counties west of the Hudson River, with but about 5.000 members, in a population of 2,428,921. The. increase was slow but steady, tn the year 1859. whenthere were 172 Lotlges,-iztthe three Grand Lodges than exist -V inst. with about 122,000 mbmhern. and the popu~ Zlntion ofthe 3.097394. the ._are ofover30.nnn 9...; .t.- ..-_.:- -- - - ulrllh , _ - ' _ I embraced the earliest opportunity to visit the sacred sitesin and around the city, and among the Church of the Holy Sepulc_hre. I had always felt that [whether I had much faith in its being the true location, `the, mere fact, which I could not doubt, that it had been regarded as such for the past fteen hundred years, and had duringthe period been visited that they could die in peace--[ thought this, if nothing else, would make the place seem sacred to me. Perhaps if I had_ visited it at any other time than Easter week, _it might have been so. The first time I- visited the sexes, who were each struggling to "get in; asregardless of each other s comfort as see them at the door of a circus just before the sale of tickets commences. But the priests, if they see a decentlydressed stranger en- deavoring to make his way, hustle the pilgrims very unceremoniously to theright and left, bakshish in return. I at last got in, but to my surprise, I could feel no solemnity. . The ` pilgrims jostled. each other in and out as rapidly as possible, kissing the marble slab as a necessary business which they had to. nish before leaving Jerusalem. `For the rs! time I felt glad to think that this might not be the place." All the time previous I had been unwilling to listen to any evidence -against its authenticity. I visited the Sepulchre again when it was evening and but few were there. I then saw some pilgrims who seemed to feel as they might feet ifthey knew their Lord had lain there. Their sadness and tears I doubted not were genuine, but my heart had grown hard and I could not feel. `V In: -,.._,-_..- by innumerable pilgrims, who felt that if they_ could only kiss the stone "where He had lain,- Sepulchre was in a crowd of all colors and you V expecting, of course some ofilhe everlasting. ulv wuuu: cut Illa It was Easter `week, and the city was crowded with pilgrims. Jerusalem, internally, with its lth and narrow streets, resemble other Eastern cities very olosely,.and-so well had _ we got used to these that they did not destroy the pleasing effect, which the outside had made."-,-We. were very fortunate, the second tlay. after our arrival, inmeeting with Dr. Barclayand wife. He is knownto many Americans by his City of the Great King, he is a native Virgitiian; a fit representative at the old school; a whole souled American, and, asl believe, an honest Christain.` The only passport you need to his attentions, is, to notify him that you are _an American, and he is as much at your service asif you were kith end kin. Then, too, his services are so valu- able to the traveler; his topographical know- ledge of,Jerusalem and itsvenvirons being equal, if not superior, to that of any other man. I ___L,_'__I.I '1- I I I I nan lU|' un: uululllg Ul tuu tuesstau. The first appearance of Jerusalem disap- pointed me the same as Rome did.- Her walls were higher and more perfect than any I had A seen;_ her houses seemed each to have its home (which 1- afterwards found to be true,) and their bright color reflected in the morning sun gave the city a new instead of an old _ look..qHervwall and graceful miniarets look-. ing heavenward from all parts of the city, with the mosque of Omar, standing near the site of` the old temple, all conspired to give` a very pleasing impression when first seen inthe T light of the morning sun. The city itself, is seated on a_hill upon which you` look down from other hills,.making one of the most beautiful prospects I ever m8!_Wilh. The traveler does not. marvel `then that she was called beautiful for s_ititation,-the joy of. the whole earth. In ...__ `l.`__.__ _._;;I_ ,_ 1 .I I. .Clpl$ , 14'eet-1 he PVMIJIK. _'I'tdl.'- uetnseInune- Pilgrim" Batlti1i',"'lt'7i:rJl?r_ii1.1`I?-The. 1>Tead~*Se'a;'- . ` Birthing in '1'!-`-'Fight`1tn`th - aedaurza--j-;.I:r_ggtuIr RzIqf4;-.~7'=."?i*'8s~:Vl,'alt,r!`1 ` [1 =1 . V. .. V j_ __'.Bawajorr;-r, Ai)ri,l__%,`I860. There isa s_orn'et_In'ng,i.Vwhich one feelsae he lnokenpon Jerusalem for the rstitime, be he Christian, Skeptic,~~Musselman or Jew,` which he feels no where else in this world. v To `this. point, above all others, has the Christian looked from his earliest recollections; for`-here is the place wherehe believes these scenes, were enacted -which were indispensable to" his glorious immortality. The Slreptieas he looks upon Jerusalem, doubts not that here the man died who lived Irithonty sin. The A Mohammedaus, come up to Jerusalem as one i of their holy places, for here Jesus; one of their great prophets died. and here Mohammad is to rise and judge the world". The 1 poor Jew, ' as he cathes the rstrglitnpse; of Jerusalem, to whom he has wanderer! from distant elimes,- that he maylay hisbones with his father s in the Valley of Jvehot-aphat, (which is already - literally paved with their tomb stones) vlcnows that this is the city of the Great King, that here the Almighty designed to make a cove- nant with his fathers; that here year-alter year hegave rthgin visible manifestations of his presence; that here he promised them the .Messiah should come, and he still goes to the place of "Wailing every Friday and takes hold of some of the stones of the first temple; and there, both old and,young,l male and female wail for the coming of the Messiah. T}... Gmo ....... -4- ..r I .... -..r-... 1:--- I'll_lIlI vluvculnu Ll:|DlIIlIlo . .__ ` .E&.1ster_W eck --"Dr';` Ba'r`cla/--`Tl1e `Holy S"epu1cIzre _Gami. . 1an'.imr.. 'Ninh1.-Mnnk~ . _`r1u2iIin'nn-- lgULTy um: .l7l5UH5T lCU'- VI llllllilg NW I 1.! ules Feet-1714: IVaili1g `Place-G`ethsernune- flzrriin RnIIn'n'nr in .51:-Jn5'n_'IVu 7fpn'rl'SrI1- nu criy` cf-ftilie gm: 9| : Farm thqclevehnd Iiemld; r IV3nl*._"Dr. Rr}7n;;--7.'he Hal -maclc: L*ruczjI.tzqn- -Washing ' Mthe ; Dis- 131.... (".41. ..... ou..._ Jewels to such nj tvastnamount. The woman, amt tart igp vary rxn9;lish,.stjyV{a., 6 Digging "one" -1I1v1 r`e`a\fide`tt;t'i`lu;ntl %2i_6? _ V - :m..re.s.,v9: . egia. XVV T _ Came or Cnmomnn.-- Th'e Albany Journal of the 31st ult., says :--The last thing against crinoline has ben mid us by a gentleman be- tonging tothe rm tbattwauecently robbed of who is a model as regards figure; and possess~ edof many arts `or faoinationtto catch the eye of the ternernsex, was furnished wi_th__a tre- mendous crinofine. which swung t o lh e1-igh t of Ihesg-endlnm;mnvetnentaT qholgave "it `an- exIra:1urch:1o'1h`d`.|e{I; ,and_.up: it want-g'ov`r.th'o - opnnlergcbvaai aarbano _of=2j ' ".ind1th`a_u%`u 0` 9ur!~'5h::f!.1` kiwi .tlAiIe}"jng cigl!it_,n*iIndt u ".'-'5 7",.V`."V'At..9"5; 3 4 she Wants a mate. Not correct, replied . But it_ wouldn .. B-.. `.4 -..~. A BATCH or COl\'UNDRUMS.~-_Tik of con- undrums, said old Hurricane, stretching him- self allover Social Hall, and sending out one of those mighty puffs of Havana smoke which- had given him his name, can any of yon tell me when a ship may be said to be in love 2 I can tell-l can. snapped out_ Little Turtle. `F We when she wants to he manned. Just missed it, qnoth Old Hurricane, by a smile- Try again. Who speaks first. I do, secondly, -answered Lemons. We when Hurricane.` The question is still open. When she s a ship of great size, (sighs), modestly propounded Mr. SmooIhly.. "When" - she s tender to a man of war, said the colo- nel, regarding the reection of his lace in his hoot. . Everything vbtit correct, responded Hurricane. When she s struck back, by a heavy swell, suggested Starlight. ' Not as yet. said Hurricane. Come, hurry long! When she makes much. Qfafast sailor, cried Smashpipes. Here there wasa. great green, and Smashpipes was thrown out of the window. ` When peace was restored, -Old Hurricane propelled again. You might have said, `When she hugs the wind, or ` when she runs down after a smack. or `when she s after a consent, or something of that sort. solution is buoy. ...-. u\g~7\lI-IS : . a_u_r`es`*nrderueth' it. _` V . 1uulu_(lV_)_' nlgsngd and re-arran g"ed ` he`; dre_ss, =ami ir`r(he`b ` ' Iil \_vVIlIBUj llljl Uan,` Ihe."aqcigle'n!,_and Ibo` wemevident, and the" 1 I116 rqspue, The lagly big so`; ar_u,":an.t ih5(}Ie\11u`rr gnu--` "---1-** ` " ...........u.uu IS a wnoie-souled. American, and treats all h-ishountrymen with as much atten- tion as they could 'desire,tbut "I think in iSyrian' matters his kindness-of~heart has led him sadly :to_ misjudge.- _*'Th'ispeople_ look upon kindness as `an evidence of -wea'k`ne auinmaryt justice will have any controling in -~ izence ove_rthera'.t ' ~ ` T. T. S_. as, and nothing biit _' _ 7..- ..,....-us suvu ullll 5 large retinue, and he `made quite a sensation. The Pachas treated him with the greatest re- spect in all the cities; said yes, oh yes, to all t he requested. He left Syriain the{ullestoon- dence that henceforth and forever more the American name would be the name above all other names with.the Turkish officials andwlhe wild Arabs of Palestine. But the attention and kindness he met with everywhere, and hiswant of personal knowledge of the needs of the country, blinded` his judgment. I could not learn (although. I followed his route all `through, and madediligent enquiries) that a single wrong had been righted ; or that Ameri- cans were treated with` any*more respect or courtesythan before his-visit. On the contrary, our Vice Consul at Damascus, has made" a complaint to the Cancel at Beyront, andahe to the Grand Vizier at Constantinople, in conse- quence of r`rot_be_ingetreate d1;vith proper respect by the Pachaof D_amasc,us since `the vioitof the merroan -Mrmster. ~ Our Minister at Con-e ............u vulva, auu stay enough of the guilty ` to command respect. One of our missionaries told me in Damascus that had it not been for the summary justice_inicted by the English in the last bombardment, it would have been `_ impossible for any Frank to live in Damascus ' a month longer. "They were already afraid to leave the Christian quarter. and had given up business in the Mosleru quarter entirely. The . next day after the reportreached the city of . the punishment inflicted by the English, they cnultl go about fearlessly and without moles- tation. ` . - Our government takes no steps to make the Turks feel thatit is `for their interest to protect her citizens, and the Turks as a matter of course take no steps to punish the Arabs for any outrage they may commit. Our Minister from Constantinople made the tour of . Syria last .autumn,, forlthe purpose of examining outstand- ing `complaints, `and seeing if they could be peaceably adjusted. ' The Sultan gave him a large retinue,aml Pachas treated him with the greatest re- . , uuuau Jumucu. ` .Lll8_ muruerers 0` OUT COIN!` trymn. in Ja'a still go unhnng, and to all in- tents arid purposes. unpunished,"while the Engfrshftakei justice into their own `hands, bombard cities, and slay enough of th to command respect. missinnam. ".5 ms pmut, mtvt. :1 outlet. through his linger. The Arabs in olosequarters are very fond of throwing stones, which they do with much` more apparent efficiency than they use their re arms. This country is esseyntially without lawend protection. {The wild .Arab of the desert cares neither for law nor gospel._ The" only thing he ever fears is `summary justice. Might is his only right, and just now heis ex- ercising that right very freely in Palestine. The English name isethe only one feared or respected here, and simply because England takes redress into her own -hands,` and will break none of the delays or dilly-dallyings of Turkish justice- The murderers of coun- ` trymn. still an nnhmm ant. o.. .;n' :._ ---..-.. ... uullllll nu ulunu great progress. The night after leaving the Dead Sea we had our_ first experience in Bedouin warfare. After we had encamped our muleteers went to an adjoining spring, inla ravine, about eighty rods distant to water. their mules.` Here they were attacked by the Bedouins, who wished to veteal their mules. A general melee followed, during which the mules were captured, recap- tured, captured and reoapturedagain. There was a good deal of gunpowder burned, and , `several of the parties wounded, but [believe there were no gun-shot. wounds, with the ex- ception ol' one of our party, who, while"l'oad- ing his" pistol, shot a bullet. through his nger. closetauartera are vai-v (mm M" ..... . .....u. unnw mun uuyrumg else. Ila buoy, ancy is so great that swimming is more diffi- cult than in ordinary salt water. The swimmer nds when he attempts to spread himself that, `very-`much againstahis will, his feet are too much in daylight to make great progress. Th8 Tlinhl nflnr 'n!lI2:nn- II. |`|---I -` f. my an uuur auu a Hair Journey to mesourn 01 us. Theistories of the terrible desolation` that surrounds the Dead Sea, which travellers always. delight to regale their friends at home with, led usto-gexpeot that we should see something peculiarly dismal. On the con- trary, we saw a beautitul sheet of blue water, as clear as crystal and as beautiful to look at as can be found anywhere. The addition of the blue sheet of -water was a great relief to the -desolate_ landscape which_had surrounded us all the day previous. It is true one does not see many birds here, nor` much vegetation on the shores and surrounding mountain, but. there is just as much to be seen, and just `as many birds, as you will meet with after you leave Bethany until you reach the valley of the Jordan, and even after you get there, the little green band that skirts the Jordan seems but a mere line to break the monotony of the univer- sal desolation. I tried a bath in the Dead Sea, and here too I found a different expe'rience frontmost of my bath, instead of being very uncomfortable, was the most exhilirating bath Ievertoolr. The reason why Idid not feel any of the needle sensations so painfully described was owing, I suppose , to my not being particularly tbiu skinned. v_The density of the water surprises the visitor more than anything else. great swimminnr in mm. .r:m_ illustrious predecessors. The Its buoy. IlI7I|l3>lUlvlIo ' _l ..wa_'a anxious `to see `theiipilgritns bathe in I in the Jordan, which is their last `act a previous to leaving for home. Thef.Tuesday after the Latin Easter was the"da'y for the Greeks. We left on Monday ;to be ready _'fot-fthe ceremony, which takes `place a little after break of day. The adults of both sexes purchase theirgratze` clothes in:Jerusalem, and as soon as they ar- rise at" the` Jordan dispense with their other clothing and put on their grave clothes. It was the largest assembly. of the living, dressed in the habiliments of the dead, I had ever seen. What particular saving efficacy is attached to=h`avin`g their last attire washed with them I could notnlearn, It was one of those strange unique sights, that is rarely seen but once _in a life time. ,1 could not ' say, however, that either participators or spec- tators seemed`p:trticularIy solemn. during the ceremony. Theyrd_esputched matters very rapidly, the whole ceremony lasting but one hour and a half. The pilgrims retraced their steps to Jerusalem, and we; after gathering a few `canes, slatted tor the Dead Sea,Aw.hich lay an hour and a halfjourney to thescuth of vThn tttnrina nf thn nu-rihtn Annnlnftnnt um; ` muuumng new as 1 ever eaw anywner_e.e ' ' . _ But if you wish to c'atch;an_ inspiration the! will help lift yo_u-`higher;afhove ,earth.thBtI;` iron can get any where else in the wide world, go to Gethsemane on a Sabhath?eve, alone. Go by yourself in the still of the evening.-and read that wonderful story.':' i There is no ghting Atlnerje. As the quiet monk opens to you its iron jdoor`-, you ' bend low to enter its 'p`o'rtsls, you o'are r`rot to dispute with him .whythissparticu_- lat plgcgggg fenced in; but feel glad that it 1 has been shut out from the noise and strife of the yrorld, and you ll feel "that ion know, that it must be very near where that fearful agony was witnessed; possibly you may be standing onthe same spot of earth ; probably the parents -of these old olives listened to that last prayer. I felt that one hour in Gethsemane richly paid` for all the weary days it cost"to' reach Jerusalem. I .....v_ ___:-._- .- __- .L A ,4- Iuu `guru asuuuay wulugl fllll, BIB lglj Ullf ori inal jioailion and fforme '3 pm `pf `Kin So omon srlemple.' '.!'h`e allow` the Jews. Io oocuppy Ihierplace. one day each `week ; and hither have they come for centuries, every Eridayefternoon, to wail: over the deso- llalions of Zion, and prayfor the Meesiahhof come. There seemed to be an rnnclrheart mourning here as I ever saw anywliefre. _ But if mu wish in ramh an i..in:.-.r:...`. any gnu vn luv Inniwaulu; mu Iwvqnsr uyuraua.-' 0|_ the great stones, which -all ate in; their griginal position a part `of `King -n.._ ..,|.'.-._l- H1`. `Il-L .-_._'.I,;~-_ -15: , Vwailing plane-3;: `t1;e`rin":ist;;'gp: __ 5,;,'.5_,1 7 narrow street on the wealsigle of the Haram, onrthe east ride of. which, (and which form V part of the enclosure) are*|eva_ra1- cpuraesg of_ thin or-nu! alnnna... Iuhinh .2" mania nu: :Q`.I'|A:n 5:: um uuger. very I Ihh vnnnln _vvun we Least possible pgin; and particular atten- tion [paid wT=t.he 'Regulatiogioj Children s Teeth. of DEN TAL '8URGERICoxecu :n.ndidt'ea.bility.~ "r Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivot. .Co.yities lled with (ion! `or. Sil'v`e`fF'o, or. an other Bianch te with negtness. \;lllllt1 U1 :sUU,UUU. '1ne_re IS i found in every trade; _all that i have good eyes. A D.......- --- I" ~ u u u m:uVnn'1', on me 13:, 2nd :3 3rd of each month, BRADFORD, on the of each month 'When he will he meat. happy to waitnpon those who require! his` services in any of the Breeches of his Profession. V . , _A .; 3 , ' He would alsoste.te,t1A_n-.t in case of failure in an , . _ work warranted during the pest Ei l;t.yearg it willberepaired `e`e ofi_c'harge,prqyi ,ed'no'o'ther Dentist in, or has been.,.1;1pl_ ye_d:to`opera.te in'_he_' same month ;.`b'ut."sh'ou1d` enpther pentjet be em- With the least pdssibl pain; gmd particular attun- [gon paid to':t.he `kezuldtiarz at cI..'1.:.-.... 'n..aL A _ V - - , -::.'a.vJ.I_rJJ.'J, ' on the 6th 7th-Q 8th of.}1ugust Octqber December ` ' -hbruary, Jpn`! and Junc near ! NEWMARKET, on tile" 1st',"2nd:; ofeath and BRADFORD. anthe 4th'af em-h ..m.n. April 11: 5, mo. .:..-__.---L.--_`_.. lllh To those who desire it, he will send :the Pre- Ascriptionywith full directions (free If charge); also a sample of the ine_diciue', which they willrnd a beautiful combination of Nature s simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain it by return mail, by addeasing- . J. E. GUTIIBER1` ` Botanic Physittian, V -No.249 Broadway New York. 1115,1860. ; . . mm- __ . . . . . ..., unavu\u'ICu wuue mere, 5, simple _vegetable?remedy--a sure Cure for C'onsu_`mption, ./fsthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility.` For" the benet. of Gonanmpt ivcg`and Nervous Su_'e."ersfh is willing to make the "same public. . Tn Hanan I'ly~`\a\ .I..-:._- 5; 1., can - ' - T53 vegetable remedyfa `s SUBSCRIBER, Asia, ` discover :21- for several years a. resident ed while there, simple uro 1.8, FOP` that hnnnlh n0 I1.....,.......__A-L V I Nervous AND NER\;OUS SUFFERERS. rj- crranansg` _ nn'u3;.1ri nnnnxrn. .5 ?%t3s=.;:nri`.ns;:96rations performed m_-_: _.___< A _q1is4dtooome oI.l"lv,in {ha .1... . `um. mm on me most lashmnablo carriage- makers of Paris has purchased the Chaleu de Bercy, and has retired from trade with an in- corne of $60,000. There is a fortune to`be even lmdaz all Hm :. .-..n..:....n :_ .- Barrie, ` V Pre 30131`. STANTON, Secretary :5: Treasurer, 5 Toronto. Dec. 22. mm. ~uu5u nuuur, . |- '1'. 1: . R0bl't8, And` E. F. Wbitlcmore,Esquires, Secretary aml fI`reasurer,--Robert Stanton, Esq. Solicitor,-Angus Morrison, Esq. pplicationsfor Fire Risks received at the Home Office, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite the Commercial Bank. ` Oice Hours,-10, A. M., to 3, P. M. V V ' ISAAC C, GILMOR, President. urn-.m n.-- - ------- A George Michie, James Beaty, Hugh Miller, A nd ' T1`.. .m smugss OF '.c1o_ "EAC u CAPITAL. .. %1oHo.ooo HOME OFFICE, TORONTO. Presient,-IaAAo C. Gumon, Esquire, ` Vice-Presidnt,'--Tuonus Ihwonrn, Esquire. nlnnn-Inna -' Canada Westerzl/Assurance Co y J vxxp. 1 ll]. LU] J. R`. ARDAGH, `Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 1859. _ 1 BESPECTFULLY announces that llzewwiil be at Ul"n1?T `II A 111-: -I--- -- .-... .....;u uuumnn L, thereby securing n. speedy adjustment of clhims I and liberal rr-znlations for residence and travel No furthe-r unmr rnnnimd rm... oi... .. .... .....n uuu uuenu rt-'_:Iuauons I0!` resmence and travel. furthe-r` outlay required from the assured than l.he`ptemium. . : . -JAQ `DAmmn\r- A__,,. ._.........uuvu During the-last sixteen months eighteen cotton-laden vaasels have been destroyed by fire. The vessels and cargoes were valued at $2,750,000. 0 The indefatigable Ellie Carstnng, of breach of promise notoriety. has not yet had enough Aexperiettce in conrtin_,:., She has tried Mr.` Shaw twice, and is going to -do it again. Nut catisetl witlrtl)e'vertlict recently rendered aguiimt her. she applies for a new trial. Her damages? must by this" time be considerable, judging from the testimony in the last case 011:3 nr limo nnncl I'...L?....'..Ll_ 4.... u: I _|a nlulllo ANNUAL. DIVISIONS OF PROFIT, as preferable to divisions at intervals of five, seven, or tenycnrs. ' A I1(`\\t1.1 II` I \1- A nvqng;-.-... V Tiigvi` RATES or PREMIUM, Conseqnent on the investment ofall the Com- pany's funds in` the Province. Premiums payable annually, or by emi-annual or quarterly instalments at the option of the` assured. ` _ Canada Life. Assurance Go y Yunnnnnnnu-nu-. in-9 ..-._ __ ._.-___ - Auuuuscl . J. EDWARDS, Jgcnl, Barrie. ruuu numerous cums OI wanxs. ,If differences should arise between claimants and the Company, the Manager is fully empowered to accept service of any process in law. . ' ' [ALEXANDER STEWART, Manager for B. N. merica. J `I:"n\xrADnaA /)`..._a n___,-. .- sun 1 . D1'AN'1'UN , seqratw Toronfq, Dec..22, 1851. V 7 JAMES `aw nvauco nu vnunun urn algululblll L0 EH9 gen- T mEn"('.on'rp'os' ' articulars, and i found satisfactory, at once ord the `payment of the claim. This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. H` (`HH'nu-nnr-nu cl-unnl nI~:_-an I....a.....-_ -I_!A..iA- The Reportfnrther says, that the Directors congratulate the Shareholderson this satisfactory increase in the buainessof the Company, and they have every reason to believe that from the con- nectionnow formed it will continue to increase in the same ratio. rm... n....:;..1 ..t .1...` I1 ..... ..:- .1__A-A 1 . -- - lu l-Ill: SIUHC TBHO. TbeT-Capital of the Company is flevotcd entirely to Fun: Lumwrms; having" no reserve fora Life B I . 71`WTU Representing Property Insured to _the extent of THIRTY MILIO N_ DOLLLAARS! hen one of 1 J_...,,...:, nu... ma ncaumuuy HI me 9851 case. One of the most fashionable fn.1nlna-makera of Paris retired from trade a few days'ag_vo with a fortune of twenlynhouszxnd a year. aud,sfr1ce he most fashionable carriage- I - ` ' ......1.,...- ..r 12.: V '1M:p()l'l4 : - ' - It will thus be seen that the total nmonnt business done during the last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW} POLICIES, producing an additional `annual in- s15to,oooz N pant-nannlinn D-m..--s.. 1 ..-.._.-.l A- n._' -_a-_;. -1- 'ANx'tIA`L AND MOST AMPLE EXHIBITS At` 34.. -11-`.!_- __- _.., -- vuus nuuuuuues U1! ADBVWHI be `FRASER S.HQTE.L, BARBIE, luau. HAL 0 --7 ' i-a r:t:3n:ad,`;1V this conntry._ The increase of business in England is unpre- cedented, as shown bythe Parliamentary returns, and the following taken from the last September (Report: of This Branch ws onI`y openedlast Ja.n1im'y,and` - now has an income of jgjnjnun L L _ - no--nun: --n -nnuu VI an-Auuunn an van-u-nun _. Horiorab1VJoHx' Ross, >`\V.P.HOWLAND, Esq. MPP. Jonx Cxuwronn, Esq., Wmnxin Ross, E:-;q., Wu. Mcmmun, Esq., Wu. Hxxnnnsox, Esq. . Bankers-'-TH: Bun: or Momnnaxi. V .S'oliciars-Ros_s, Cmwronn AND Gamma. T0 consgif v~~,-- a j;`1n'r1l' f fupwabd bi 100'0`saAnJ _ owni. ' - T116 Right Honorable Loin) Kuxx, `Chairman; ` Pun. Moniuox,~E. :, Managing Dzrector. Wxnnux Gavin, sq., Sgculary. ' A copy of Stock Book can be"dai.ly sei: on the . M ` counter at tho} YIEAQVIIIIIITII-E $19! loan tunncvn JAIIAZZII -av-urv: nu sun A 1'mVAnVo`rrxciz, cuum annex, ionomo. T and Board '9! Dirtoru ii danada: n____,Ly;'-r___,,.+.,, .....-. `iv-vrs -.. Qannna % :L,.6I:__ `V Eaauiaad in` 1856, under laaarjn ' `Pm-Iinmtnt, ' V ' -_.._.. ..... uuu uuaIIll5VB IUI ullll. Thereare still snow banks eight-"feet high oil the mountains in Washington and Goshen, . New Hampshire. T\....!_.. -I - 3

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