Lsl. qu..uuu.ry, 1601. And .1111. Land Scrip 5, certidaes. entit1i ngA parties to purchase land issued prior to the 14th J une, 1853,`will be redeemed in Land or received as payment for Land; provided that such `scrip and certicates. be presented and `established in this Office before the 1st January," 1862. . (Signed,) P. M. VANKOUGHNET, . 23-4iAn A Commissioner. A Cnowx LAm>s.,', } Quebec, 28th May, 1860. * v U E. Loyalists, Militiamen and Military Claim- V . - ants, whose claims were actually admitted or in support of which ,proof suicient was fur- nished previously to the 14th June, 1853, will, on application to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and proof of their identity, receive scrip in satis- faction of their claims under" the provisions .of we provisions of the 12th section of the Land Act, passed during the last session of the "Legis- lature; provided the same be taken out before the [st .[a.nunry, 1862. , i , . , ' And 11 r.nnr` gnu-3-u rim (`.._A2t!-..A-_ -_A" .Stai:ute .Iaa:b6r"(}'dnimi1tatibn. ')AR'rn9:s_ 'da:ds; 6f'c'o_xnu,1.uti'ng their Statute Laborbaxg dodgnpr before. Q ' V. .4 animus ngsnnwu II U-IV` , im1'=<'i{r1'TULLY, ./lrchitect, yP;L,A.` Toronto, June 4, 1860., . ' . 23-3in - ---.-. Plmis and Specifications to be seen at the ().`xce" of the underslgned, No. 8, King Street West. l'Y`T A G HWY!` 7 1r /L, I n'v\'vA ENDERS will be received by the undersigned ' until Noon on TUESDAY, the 19th inst., for the following Articers' Works, required in fitting up 9'. Building at (`RILLIA', as 9. LL pe1-s_cAms` gu-e herg Ac_dution`ed` fx-om .o1I_'ttixLaMgJ Timber. or other tresnasninn on Jam. nuuuuunu, vvuumn Hatch, William (2) Jackson, J ol1_n Johnson, J. B. -Bums, Sam nel `Chambers, Samh Barns, Benja ' Belonnie, Mr. A. Burns, James B. Clement, James Crow, Mrs. Cbarlotte( Darling, Adam Delony, Michael Drnry, Edmund (2) Durr, John Edwards, Mrs. Joseph Fairbanks, S. B. ' Gouyon, Jock Hammond, William Hatch. William (tn nmu uuucuu. M, I-`ould, Minister of State, made a speech at `an agricultuml meeting, in which he extolled the modcmtion of the Emperor, and predicted pea.e_ _, `and prosperity from his policy. It was renorted tlmt the 1`.nmm-m- nrnnhl .. 4,. .,_,- _w_, __,_._. V . - EXCAVATOR, MAS ON A ND BRIO KvL,AY E.R,V . T CARPENTER AND JOINER, . , PLASTERER, P;_&_INTER,. AND GLAZIER. f --._-- `WOODS AN}? ' `Ql%ES'I`S.- V `_.__ v- ----U I?I`V V AINING in the POST OFFICE, BARRIE, . ' 0' will pleasg ask for dvertiscd Letters . OB: `M1 ifespra, J lane 6, 1860. g . 23-2in' UUl:5 WV lngma, me 5, .1; 76AM? I,;:ET|NG.- : fa`-jmitenc! biwfin I qua In , _, .__, id. in} tyne uuu prospcrxty Irom ms pollcy. reported that the Emperor would go to Lyons in a. few days, to meet the Empress Dow- ager of Russia, to confer. upon important des- patohes which she is said to have received from >31. 1 et_ersburgh. - 1-1-AVV .P1Azb1icV %Noti;--fraud scrip; AN "Emergency ilfeetin _ be held the Sim}, -Ban-ie, on Friday eve at.6.50 pan. _,- G , __' ___ __ ;l3i'anch I:unatiA_sy1um-: nvn A\rAmnn otice toiltberers. ` ' I4 EMDVED to six doors W `I ~.,- c ` .. -- S ` 01 Teacher _Waii1ted CD `GAL- L~lST_=OF LETTERS hrkvxfrxrn - .1 .\A-... ..___ ,_ ' Scho Section No.` `A!.'!a`. m. \lA1 IiV 1...- CON'T-|{/(GATORS. - `.0 u\IU\.u\.'L uuuuurlty ormls questionable state- ment. ' ' ' A deputation of the` Hontluras Ioter`-Oceanic Railway Company in which was Doctor Holland- of` New York, had audience with the Emperor on the 27th. The advantages of the enterprise were e.\'plained, and the Emperor expressed his satis- faction at the route being thoroughly inter- national], mgd promised his host protection to the enterprise. - . l':\l`lS our market" active" and rather dearer. Wheat also slightly n.dvn.n<:ed', although sales _ \u:e llilcuIt.' _ `H l.`.\..m u:..:....._ .on. . - JONATfIAN' Lnu Donn We ONE ;ToxY.`BU1Lp`avG. `tward, Same Street. UUUHCII. GEORGE LANE rr......; n. um; Watson, Miss abella. Kqat, Anthony ' Lawrence, Richard Little, Thomas . . .McFadgen John McLean, Jjohn - Piper," George Rolph, Mr. ussell, Andrew . L n ti, M ~ A VFRA.\ (A3E. A The London Ilcralrl in its city article gives cur- rency to the repoxjt from China. tlJ:1t/France had concluded an arrangement: `With the'Ohinese nnlhorilies, by which _it accepted two million dollars as indemnity for insult to the French ag, and would therefore withdraw hor forces. There is no other authority of -this questionable . ' V . Ilu \IUl\iUUJ.V' ' T. McGOWAN, PE R. R0l3ERTSON.: 00 O4` % 95-sin? 6,` Vspra,` 'eitherL ring a. Sennn nun. ` Gohbo. i'I`_ Mn(('\\RTA V21- .51_n; _ XNE`, - Pos `swan. vvnss, 3emirv ' % 909 $T+4BL_E %Arw:aEb,;- Eor..par.h ._ `D }'1*m`gnde" sq bin lmce" ` . gauq other_'!I)`b ;;i::nix:,l%:tpluTHn:.'$vll;:g; `ijntzngaotfrvrgteg-.runnin`g.thrbu;h it, .. 2' . ` 1'%:' ."!'-.'2 `nun vinwnuv mggsdnpgz at t!m;. ol`nce,L.or (V>x_x:i`!.;. L/n:IIl.lUilIl. . _ . There are'strong indications .of the renewal of we strike in the building t London. 7 . 7 VobeIaVe i:.7"'::1`. :- 1 a` te I ` 1 ._ ..,DWEIa`L`I'1lIGl33l3S: Apz3'3E.'fbb92 mg on Confer Stieet, a.n'I1{on|,y 40 mag {mi 11,, L .. , . __ .. _ ' Express...,`..`;.;..;;.-.....; .. .... .'. 5.30 A3, Mail;-.'..-. ..`.'. . .,.. . . i_.' ; ... .`. .'.i. . .. 3.00 2.3. VA:-riv_e Torquto.,. ..?.).V . 10.15 4.9;. and-9.00-1-.I o 1' I-1-nun-n' ..a.-____ ` lc`.v|-nan m,1u...l......-7--m-......o-o`-....... 7.0Q.A,. Express...-..'-...'.'..'...`.. .... 4.00 mg. Arri#eUqlIin g/woodv.\. . . .' . . ..1g.45 gnd 9'.bor.x.- " LEAVE .~cou.mawqoo. `Northern %R%ailway of (}nada.' '4...n.....ann-nn_r .. .- , -vwuunul -D_I}NLOP STREET, BARBIE, V `and hopes by keeping the best material, punctu- ality ii1`bn`sinss, and moderate charges,` to merit a. share of public` pat:-on_age'.~ ' L M;dNUMc.TU1zED doops alwgyson hand.- ` REP./IIRING promptly attended to.-R.'GS,,1'zqle._,_ -I ~ -- `Bar:ie,+M,sy:9th, moo, L ~ "19 . , _ . - V ' ~--'-r I BEGS to inform his friends and tbq public gene- ` A rally that he has commenced business in the above line, on the premises adjoining Messrs. Root&Morrow,Saddlers,; -- A V ' T\'I'T\Tl n min!-srxvirnv -\ A ---- May, 1866. GEORGE HUNTER, copper, Tin &`SJhee_tIr_o1i`Worker, T113115 L- V A;-A , _ _ ---_..-., 5 uuu.u..u1u_'.n, D./JUULV IIJM CURER, S.JUSGE'M./ZKER, 'c., ' V No.` 8 Market Slalb-Residence, Bayfield-st. .B_asrie BEGS to_inform ihe public generally that he A has constantly on hand a good supply of the primest_ quality of Fresh Meats, Poultry, &o., Home Cured Hamsand Bacon-smoked and Whh dried: Rnrrnliad Dnrb -....l D._-r. Emu; Lu .vuuuL`u uavcn. ' . ' A con1p.m1_v`is being formed in London to con"- Bll'l1('t.H.ix` mlmsvfor the conveyance of despatches nnd ]m.rcels_t.oA.'md from various parts of the metropolis. An inuential direction has been i'ormed,Vwith the Marquis of Chandos "as Ulminnrln. 'l`l.n.-.\ ...... -..L.__..._ " u.u., numu uurecl Hams and liacon-smokd white dried; Barreld Pork and Beef, which are offered at the lowest possible price. Barrie, May i6 , 1860. , " M-ly - u _ i J; LEWIS GRANT,` `. " :. ` ",' .; V Torpnbp, My 5,_ !.8V60.A _ House ' " `V "TOT LET. _..-_v v--- van. w--, ' V 3-` . ` BUTCHER, 'POULTER]_3R, B.dC'0N TTHRIIVTTDIZVI) nnvvn n1\11' -- 4---- - I M May, 1860. 4 11114 to order. JJ. .1). K11! Agcntfor the County of Simcoe.r.~., --_j- _-u nut "13: &c. name, May 16, 1860. _j. A VERY LARGE and bmplcte Assortment of Ladies Enamelled Kid and Prunella Ga. Buskins, Boots; Gent s Calf, Kip and Course- -Misses and Children s, of every variety and style: which will be kept constantly on hand, - ATPRICES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD! . . _ ANDREW GRAHAM` Barrie, May 16,`1860.. ` . 20,-If itrs, A UL I l\|.Ha'lll.. - `Ten men charged with ribbouism were under arrest at. Dundalk. On her return from New York the Great Eas teru goes to Milford Haven. ;\ ('runnnnu' In Rah... l`..........! 97 Y ` -BOOTS 3; SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! Suited 'to.the' taste and `requiremnts of his customers. anocnnms, nnnwnn, cnocxnmr, &o. _ ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie, May 16, 1860. . V 2042` .--__. SCHOOL BOOKS, ' srATt0iv1RY, _ HOUSE ;>ApEi:iNGs, ACCOUNT BOOKS, WRAPPJNG; PAEER, . v----!u,aI IIVUUV " EOMPRISING An" Assortment of Vibe uewestdesigns in FANCY DRY GOODS: 1 nun-.b.....-__ lsnmc ANB SUMMER nouns an MD 1.? 1.0 nrn Subscriber has rceived his Fu1l_Stok of WITH SP-R./1TT S' IMPROVED POINTS. D. B. GrARTON,; kgentfor County Si|'lIc0E.r~. '-ALs:- ` ~ A GILT MO ULDIN GS and 1-`Mara . Frames made 1 ` 5 - :_..._.___...._.___.______.__._.____ Leather! Leather ! Leather! uuu uIn1uu_)'S. . ` A furious galehnd prevailed all around the Eiiglislx coast. It was severely felt. at Liverpool, \V`llL`l'C it inflicted considerable damage on the shipping, but nothing of`n.4very.serious nature. ' 'l`lu.-re was 8. rumour abroad ofa matrimonial alli-` {l.nC0_ between the Prince of Wales and the:Prii1cess of l rnssi:L. ribbonism ' - - ` OFFICE Qollingwbod, 1860; ' WPANISH so1e,'s1augmer, Upper, Rip} 5 ~IIarnes3, Binding, Lining, Shoemnkcrs I rg, mGH'EsT ~i mCE mp IN forzwool, at . V _ , _ - Po'vV31;.J;, s STORES, - T " BARRIE. .n.yi23,1seo; . 214:. ' &_c., &c; T 4 reduqcd _iq pgicgs Igeyqnd`comp`etih7_on, at the ' ' ADVANCE OFFICE srorm, *, 1860. ' Z Bgnnm. wag; gToL. .`4 %SfRING%GOODsf George M;;u_ndrell, TVIIPD =nn rrnnnw-an T . QUEBE The North Briton passed Father o'clock, pm. She touched at Lox through the Straits. She saw no passed numerous icebergs inside: T wvemlxer had "detained her upwai eight hours. nu-. . ._ ____ LIGHTNING mos n. ..__ __,A in SPRING AND` sumxhn I 1' VII. CA S H B UYERS.` ..J. ;.J. \_a1L\.1.\J1V, .- , Carpenter 3: Cdntpactor, Near the Registry Oice Barrie. ' ` G0. 7 an I.- sH:5H7 ` FOR `cOLLlNGWOOD'.` OBSERVE. D. B. GARTSN, Cnrnmmnr Rx reno. W513: Horms. ` HASIOPENRD A T u nun L mu'l'J! Parliament not in ession, tide lmliduys. ' .~\ fnrinna (rr1`n'hnA ---- -1 T" FOR Icwooo. _ 7-.6Q_..A.l. __ _ _ _ _ __ 4nn.... AND RE W GRAHAM. V 20-If HRS. POVEY. CTIOI 0!` s lli1j!ST Ill! 1 W061 and 20-1) {, V can ' Find- 1|-I I! _,a..,......... nu nit-al puuuerns. . Excuse, Mr. editor-,.this honest e.usion`-the feeling of my neighbors is much o.s.I- express of myself; and for the sake of the dear old Reform party I thus write you. 17 4:. \J `as /51 `LUJJ .l.'l, 0` PARK LOTS; in- the -Town. of Bat-ri , containing anTAcre each; being Lots.Nos. 7 and` 22, /53 surveyed by Robert Ross, Esquire, fqmging part of Lot. No. 26, in the 5th Gon., .1'9wnhhip of Vespra. These Lots are .well situ- at.,6d; ,a.nd' b,ing1;eht "t'lie_V Barrie Bail;oo,dvStatiox1: e_ A., _ . .areVver vblna ,_ ,, . _ In 13:111." tiylhr can % bemwnh mm; .o; tlie'p J appllbationto `3`7` z`-. tt"-"'-n":*|:n`\n1h-nTr cr-' ' ` ; " - 2` Barrie, March 21, 1860. V \ .*asuuu,-' About 20 Acres of LAND, cleared, 10 ofwhich M isxundex--cultivation... The Cottage can be` rented with or.wi_thout the Land. n___ ____u-.,I _ A, y..--. .. Iunyuvuv uuv unnu- For particulars apply to ibis omce, Alexander, Eaq., or to the owner, .\:na 1) urn`-n; _O be-Rented, or Leased, with immediate pos- ` session,_A NEAT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containingz Parlours, 2 Bed Rooms, Servant : Room, Kitchen, and an excellent Cellar; with good STABLING, OUTHOUSES, a Garden, and an Orchard in bearing; situate about` 20 minute's walk from the limket at-Run-in mm o'....'...:...... 40 acres 01 wmcn- are cleared. ' ' For xnrticularg apply to the Postmaster, b V ~ Medonta Post Office. Meidon_w,VAp :il 27,,160. . 18-tf COITAGE '.['0_R_EN'1` or LE. ' . WITH 26 `Acns or LAND. '1`U BB 'aUuI),"ch`ea ` 9, in the 8th Ooncessio 26 acres of which are cleare Fnr nnrthmlm-a nun p, th East lmlf-of Lot No. 11 of Medonte, `abous . I- 0.. 4|... 'n....L...-_A__ uuu e, on. raunmreet, Uom._mcwoon._ The above will be sold cheap, and on easy terms of payment. ` V _._&pp`ly (if by 1e`tteriposvt-paiid) to . . W. D. ARDAGH. L. PATTON J: ARDAGH, Buuma. Bnrrie.. M1117 9.9, man. M '- Barrie, I June 8, 1860. mu m ; 0I;-r_al'K hotuo, 1, North side of Street ;. 2} acres. ` , " 14 acres in the town p10t()fKEMPl-INFELDI`. Lot 8, St. Paulstreet, Connpacwoon. I b0Ve be Sld chhnn, nnd n no: u, La, 1;), or L4,1V. an lslizabeth Street, and _ 11, 12, 13, 85 14, S. S. Henry Street, Perry Estate. ` S. hf of Lot 14. Berczy Street; Roe _s Block, 1 acre and Dwelling House. ' Lots 191; 20, East side ofBayeld Street, Patton s Block, _Mill road, nearly an acre with a. good ~ ; Dwelling Honae.: ` ' V The `E i of 3P,ark Lot No, 1, North side Napier " .j_._.___..__.__}_. ` ,;,g}.a%nIr aixhertiyenteuts. \rv\Iv\r\,`\.`\'\. '\.`\.'\.'\.'\`\'\ ~.'v\rv\. \.'\.'\/N-V'\'v\J\Nt\sr\.-vs \.\.vv\r\/vV' FARMS: FOR. SALE. _H;`;srrie,..`s.3,,_.:,J5'='18`34;f_. I'm ;.__ .._..:g`;` -_---- - - ---. --vunA\Ah1O Lot 4, & S. hfof 11, in the 6th Concession; and 25 in 3rd Concession Flos, Lot 27, in the 5th Concession; 25 in the 4th and part 25, in the 8th of Mulmur. uncut 50 acres cle d. E. hf of Lot 74, int c 1 about 50 acres clegu-ed. '1 June 28th, 1858. u1Lu1ms' HARDWARE, Mechanics Edge, ` and all other Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, &c., and all other Goods in the line, at the Lowest Rates. ` 26-tf 1MPoR';;R ' ' In _ BRITISHVAND AMERICAN HARDWARE -_ 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, ' - (OLD STAND) TWO DOORS SOUTH OF ADELAID STREET .-_:. _ vantageot` Toronto and the localities of impor- - left to the mercy ofa few in your town who have mu. w------u -w~.w--~.- i ' .1 know, Mr; Editor, I must set y'ou,`,dq1(vn as 1;.` Ministerialist,,and in takingthe position you have, , done,.I cannot charge you with inconsistency, `for "indeed you have shown just cause for 'vvhat you have advocated and supported.`_ willing to believe that our local interests have been sub? served faithfully by our present representative, and by you as a journalist ; butl am not willing that- these things should behad at the entire sacrice ' of great political prineip1es.- The alternative has been in a measure forced upon `us, as; the party - from whom we had reason to- expect help, have been among our bittcrest assailants, Every local acquisition to our County has been obtained only under protest by the Globe and its party as a job ; whileevery scheme proposed for the ad- - tant Opposition members, have been supported with n zeal quite worthyiot` self. But these are matters of history, and need not be gone into by me. What I desire is, a. platform for the guidance of persons similarly puzzled as myself; -and not he been accustomed not only to think, but to act for the whole Riding. The true remedy I have long looked upon as being a Federation of the British Ahierican Provinces, furnishing a machinery with all the completeness of a nationality, with perfect independence to each Province, in having its own: - legislature for local concerns. T1`rnnn \f.. ...l:A._.. A - AUILDERS HARDWARE, Mechanics "and n_ll otbeg Furnishing: C suultger cialm upon their patronage. Every requisite for sportsmen supplied on -the most rea.sonabic te;ms. ` ' A REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. I13. Specimens of workmanship kept on hand, and parties are` invited to inspect them ere they think of purchasing elsewhere: Support` home manufacture. Barrie, March 26, 1860. 13-15 _, ,, .,_,_..`-, nrvI\lI.IU,' naulllvf BEGS to return his sincere thanks to hiscns- tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residence in Barrie; and hav- ing increased _his facilities for doing work of the. very. best description, he presumes to have a stronger claim their Every requisite snormmen smnntma .-... u... EIINS! RIFLES, M. BUR7N",mr` T Gun Makc_r,`Dunlop Street, Barrie, fn I-nhn-n L35 -2.. Barrie, July 24, 189. A ` M1. uu:$ut0l'lSe(1 person UUTTING A on Lots 1 8:2, and 8 & 9, in the lat Concession and Lots 1, 2 & 3, in the 2nd Concession of the Township of N otlawasaga, _wil1'be prosecuted. - Messrs; Hamilton, N eelands, and George Walker, residing on the nropertv. are agents rm in m....,.., auuasl 5. numuwn, Neelands, and George residing property, agents for its protec- tion, A , , ' . V ` Vaav -Ll-Jlhl VJ: . ' JUST PRINTED, And may be had at the , _ A . ' ' V ADVANCE OFFICE, iI3'*BELOW'- TORONTO` PRICES. _._ .-..._.__-._..r A1559 5), I_`d:_i1y expected froni the first manufacturer on the co_ntiu'ent_, and will be sold at the lowest pos- s`ible;prot' for CASH. J ` .n___ ,___,,, .u an a... --- - --- Anv.{moa" O 05, Eggs 9_,{G05 ` 4 I L\Vau'r, Fu11-.'-&a`$1 '2 pr Vushel. , V I` Sm-`xmr-90ca. 95 00 mar` bushel. - -a` IIVCI toc com: orm_!_ 11l3E=.Subscribez-s now'p1-ep$red`tol execute - ordel-'' every thing in the above-line: Particular attenlpione is called to their make of Saddles. fThelr Spring Importation of 2'12 Uzvks` gs ENAMELLED BAGS, _..v an 9-. u 4uItu|.IJC|IVo ` - inc:-'-FR A"SER S"HOTEh April 13, 1s6o._ _ j nunm,_ Q1. pnp i13?ofHn" wjllbeadmitted to the M charge. ` . ` i '93` Place and Even known at a. fnture.da.te'.' ins! -...--' ...____v .__-_`__ FARM % 13.1.19 SALE- ' _ (:1; week to. ;_stclix 1-?-`i. 177" " ' .d_e_v9te two Evening: in on_s who-(1_nay_ patronise ' lam,` . DUTIES or Iyumajasrnns, .TTT'l' Dnnu-mun r.-r--rr.',-.v`. `state to the Ladies-a id Geliemen of and nei'ghb6;-hood1,'=`tba_2.t'h71.ha;a taken ' nt residenootti Barrie`, and-that` he W331: 1l`"f-It at LU per uuauel. Sprm -90c-a 96 00 per, bushel. i i<`Lomv.-$_4 450 $5 094.prfbn.rre1. j _J,3,1a-,1.u', newe~-54c;per:b_u:hg1.-~ ,_ V f." I` .g_ `A , Omrs 25c to 30: per bus'be1 ." ` ` * " 3,. ' BU'r'rxm-10c to 12c pe lb? 9 ~ Ends-,7.toL8c perfizrin-%: Cm:ns,E-8c.per.1b. -vg. " . Poruo2s-Goo`d supply ; 12;; to1_c perbqs, .- ...- PEAS--50c_pe,1` buslgel. Bm-4 ` to sac-115:9 'i.J,,(>_1,o1b's._ -1.~;......_;r:..*..s_s4.519' a-ngsay ILLVI-BA at AHIPIUJHUHUS F ALL 1IN'Ds, and of SUPERIOR Qmm-, `for Sale by . J. B. RYAN,- " 114 Yonore Sh-not 'rn..n..o,. V__'._v._V_:..- -v~J J.J.\JL1"": ' [NY unauthorised CUTTING TIMBER & 2. 8 S: 9. in this In n.-...........:.... Agricultral Implements I AT1 .1:'tm-'na ....J .9 n"........-.. - I _;;ucAL somnv. A JAMES B. RYAN, 1111 nu-an-. .\._ ` F oA1`T`,`s`.""xL E, I'.'I`Q; `in. ilin *"`A;\IIvI| ` m uv.-unug; suuaw snout` Z0 minute's `the Maykct at LBarriVe, and fronting A TIMBER NOTICE `.8, '1's3-6E.- _. _ A. .'o39_RD.' VEi?RR.%-lI13 %. R % A A 4. AL`. 1' -32-- ._:J 1-! ' 'LIU'r1'd`xf-`7,;: per 1b,.`__ h . En-.-.31-o:to $12 per `ton. ~81-nA`w-`-5 dols. per ton. ` fa 1' 1 1_9As-5Uc per UllS_{lC1. Bx~:Er`-4 to bdollars jper 1.097_lbs. V A Po1m-.-Green, 84,50 t0:;05.'.~" V ,, _', BACON--$8.050. to 39.00, . ~ 7 ,. LA~)lB+8cpel`lb.'~~ , b CmcKnNs-'-"-25c~to 30 per pair- , . H1m:s--85)_percwt.-~`== . i S!ilEP'SK_!iS`-3B06`tO}90c obish.__,,= I - W001. --20c25cperpo`nnd. A - Tunn!u-.'50c"ao`= l5o:eo`eln:-.+r:-:i ~: `Wild Lands. `; n-;n;,nor1:rNs.% I Bat-i':':&tcr;&c.'B V =3AS `f f"l`l' gnu:-v-vu vv . , .ar.rie}. MONDELETV " .v,. `.-:;r.a..l. -l...a`oI' -lL....;4`.' V 4. n. nImV,- 114 Yonge Street, Toronto, Two doors South of Adelaide St. I. V V 26-?! .Ff-ALSO,-~ ,4-up .--.. ply to Johh itheowner, _ . NBS. P. RICHARDSON. ._ . _ . ` 10-06` ' "4: .- ELET . of_Lafad<.lgcn; ioronto.` _.`.r.-". 1 `* 3549.`: EDWARD A. WALKER. V `30-ly I`. V 131: Concession Flos; ]_ . T uonv _woon, uI'y;';:w- gao . : , do ECE, -Bumnc, | I! I GnmLz_ _-1f.;.:; _ . ., ` . -..- vvvl val wt a;~-cough, in styzem nu`! an mzomirs, 7 N.B.-0ustomera may rely on having garments 1;1_adegt9 .masnro in `glegant style, 39417 in the 141 lfuliion. " ` ` - ::::..4 i `huh-du`.-" `Main ' " i 3 -- ` ` ---u--- YOU wnt to get GOOD and CHEAP CLOTHING,` go to ' . .H.,. 3ENNET T S iloring, clothing and General A 1 CALL AND SEE, HIS STOCK OE Cloths, Doeskins, _ Hats, 0 ps, ' Cassimeres, Twegd . Shirts, ollars, A Sdtlnottn; and - " A ~1)mrm, Braces, ' - 0tn:1idi1hIC1nthn,'. : -. Hhsiery Glove, -g~f;`j_ . gq-p._"";i(.1.-~ hi-LL13 outtting Ruuhlishmont, Dunlap st, Barrio, A 4 I*`4a "i::.1,.,.:.;'..'z:a:u.`:f.. g, . 2'5 rs!-las_:" Workman, f,-am - " `V 04 : 9|V8`'IlsAto nu : ~m3f..' rZ""7 N.-B.-Customers mav Hv n I-nu}-.. _.._..v.__.; rncccu, ewyac. Our Oice will be open at all times during bu- siness hours, where we will be pleased to exhibit designs and specimens of work to any who may favour us with a call. All orders through our Agents will be promptly attended to. _ A . E3 Please remember that our Marble is of the finest qhalityg Our design: for the above work are of the latest styles. Orders for any work in 'Marb1e'executed with mate and despatch. D, CAQLQQ Yul, WIr.r.v`u V`..- nusrme executed wu D. Omnos August. 8, 1854. . General Ollxttting Esytablishmcn-t !l D C. J: Wm. YALE,impo:-ters and Dealers in . Italian and aimerican Marble; also, manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave Stones,'Centre-Table and Stand Tops, Chimney Pieces, kc. kc. nllrmnn ull I-m am`... -4 ..n .2--- 1,, - Arrival of the North Briton. rumsv until TUESDAY, the 31: next, at the same place and hour. nu. Snnnnrfs Oman, B.um1n,1 April 24:11, 1860. - B. W. S.\II l`I-I, Samuxri-'6 Oxmcz, Buuun, Sheriff, C.S. March 6, 1860. _ 10-Tin . The above Sale of Lands is FURTHER POST- PONED until TUESDAY, 31st day of JUL) place hour. The above Sale is FURTHER P( until TUESDAY, Avnu. 24th, 1860, place and hour. , `ntxrr -_-__Z- The slidve 39.16 is postponed until Tuesday, March 6th, 1860, at same place and hour. R W Qurmu Sunnmfs Onxcz, Bumm Jan. 31st, 1860. ` { SIIEIIIIFWS On-`ICE; Bzumm, Oct. 24th,'1859. .un.Lu.*uu` anu unuxsurz H. UHENEY, Ihave seized and taken in execution the North half of Lot No. 61, in the 1st Concession of Medonte, 100 notes; and the North part of Lot No. 62, inthe lst Concession of 1\Iedonte, 160 acres; and will sell the_ some or the interest of the above named defendant therein, at` my Otlice, ,in the Court House in `the Town of Barrie, on TUESDAY, the. Thirty-rst day ot' JANUARY, AD. 1860, at Twelve o clock,noou. B W_ S`TH V S1mnI'nr s 7 ' S`Ier{[}',,.C'.S. 24th,'1859. V - ---- ICOUNTYOF SIMCOE, Y Virtue of two Vseveml To Mr: Writs of Fieri Fucias, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, (against the Lands and Tenements of ROBERT STANTON,Aut the suits of-lst, ANDREW HERON , the younger; 2nd, HORACE ;\lE'1`CALF and GEORGE H. CHENEY, seized 61. Conan.-uinn nf` \1...4....o.. mn nun xumon. pczabo.-'r,. 1959,; ---r ' * ' *-W-v .'-5; : "`.`F`-||"f_F; my Dqum 3 Simcoe W 3 tareeter 'P01iti.alxi_ui;iat"o.'than`f Nassau C. Gowan, whose; lgteqt anx;oyKxioes have e been towards the people. of 5 _. that constituency, and of whonithe : C_(,):l0n.i-stagVa'yg . beware. But in seeking political ainity ilclig L1 the Reformers,Iam worse pei-p1`,.;_;_e 3.;.,,`.n__1,e'i,,gi 1 a believer in George Brown's patriotism, or fovor- ii ably disposed to a Government that roles byla, Lower Canadian majority." V 1 ,1 irnnnv `fr-' i.`A:o..'.. __..;L _.. 2' 4. .' i ,' _..... up In relluuullll Expands. Tl2;";:\"c;rt-imulgif 31' No. Eighteen, iu- the fourth Concession of tin? Township of Tossorontio. B. W. SMITH,` T Slzcrijf, 6.8. Smmm~ s On-`:02, BARRIE, Per B. W. ROSS, May 5th,_ 1860. 19-13in Deputy. , 'rm1oN'm MARBLE WORKS, vnwam amnunm urn .......... __ 1.lL'IUl|UU- ' ~In mt of the County of Simcoe, HUGH WILLIAM VCAMPAIGN I lainti', rs. JOHN CRAGEi1nd WILLIAM BOYLE, Defend- ants. The West half of Lot Number Ten, in the Seventh Concession of the owuship of Murmur- 100 acres: 1.. cl... 11-..-.- n-,, . n .. IE - A rlnvif I l\Il`, AT ith e sxmnmws OFFICE, in the Court House, in BARRIE, at 12 o'clock, noon, the ' nndermentioned LANDS, or the interest 'of the Defendants therein, under Writs iu the` following Suits :- ' - Ts` AL- l'V._...._._,, -nu -A._-- .------ bJu|I.3 Z" In the.Common Pleas, JOHN THOMAS CAPE, Plaintitf, vs. RICHARD REYNAR, Defendant. Lot. Number Six,`in the first Concessio fat` the Township (Sf Tecumseth, as the proper , of the Plaintiff. tosa.tisfv the Dnanxlnnr cm. . .4. :- L:- rmxuuu, vs. IUUHAKU KEYNAR, Defendant; prey)?! . Plnintitf, to"sa.lisf_y the Defendant for sls in his Defence. .`I .. A_t'1,..._4__ r1,;,_. .- .. .-. A - 0nTuez4sday, 14?; August, 1860, WILL BE SOLD l'\\l Innings .. ---A~ 'SH'mzmr s Omvxoxc, Bmnxa, May 30th, 1860. ' The above Sale is further POSTPONED, until TUESDAY, the 31st day of -July, at the same place n_.nd hour. ' V B. W; SMITII, 'Su mzu`v BARR1E,s S/lerzjf, (,`.S. `7.`LRin Sm:mn s OFFICE, Bumm, g March 20th, 1860. no one wouldghavg the Jgtrdihgod t")_~_-`assure me 7` that D Ar cy Boultoh, or`hs__} ablestbcidtes, I represent, in 17.ny !11`jI.xine1-~.1`;_{ ,_nq3eqa`;es_ ,0`; K Simcoc, _or elsewhere.~ '.A`parc~_f;~gm t1`,,',i`i. l'u'`)!`1-3e*'n`_' : sicnl displays as Disnniqnjsug gnd*;oon.updn. babblers, they acknowledge my high , 3 ship th:m that displayed by the me;h5er'f&'.`uth Rimrnn. not no nrentip ~mn:a:..~..u .;__A. uv V: IIul\ Q. YOVNVGIE -S';REET, NORTH or QUEEN. ` SHERIFF'S Onrcx, BAmzIa,} December 9th.,1859. 5 ._j.-- The above sane. is POSTPONEDI DAY, the 29th day of MAY next, at and hour. V 7 Lot 24 4th Concession, Essa, E hf 24 9th Oro, W hf 21 9th ' Oro. and Village Lot No. Nine, on the North Side of Edward Street, in the Village of Creemnre, in the Township ot Nottawasaga, all in the County of Simcoe, and will sell the same, or the Interest of [the above named Defendant-therein, at my Ollice, in the Court House,vin the.ToWu of Barrie, on TUESDAY the TWENTIETH day of MARCH, AD. 1860, at Twelve: o'clock noon. B. W. swim, .('l......'Il' I1 0 ............ vv uxauun 1 unue 0! a. Writ of T0 wvr: Fieri .Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, at Toronto, and, to me directed, against the Lands and` Tcnements of'HEWI'l"l.` BERNARD, at the suit of GEORGE B. WYLLIE, I have seized and taken in execu- tion . - ' . 1-'_; A. ..u A. Sunamfs Ormcn, Buuux, Z ~ May 30_tb, l860. Gourds or Sudan; II-A uvnn . B. W. SMITH, Slzen`, C .S. 8-13in , Smurfs Oirrlcn, Barrie, Feb. 16th, 1860.. DAY, the 12th day of JU next, at the same place end hour. % 30th, T K? "T% SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. nmmnnu uu Uhh! , Defendant. The East half of Lot "Nam Two, in ,the fourth Concession of Tecumsethx V :5 `iv n......... `BARBIE MA1ik1T REPOE au'.y`o ,in the cm: House, in the TOWN of BARR! on 1 Tuesda 29th day of May, 1860, at:'1`welve 0` ck. `noon. ..-_ -..v `1`n"zhe coui: ` York ` & Peel. BERNARD CO half Nun: `JAMES SMALL. Plaintiff, vs. OLLY, Defendant. Two. in than (mu-cl. (`.m........:.... - tn\IhiIbIJ GU01]. U. lag Twelve o *gk, noon. `i'_.I,Iu 1.4 An`. auuu BYPUBCIC AUCTION, A T the SHERIFF'S F`I`1{`.T.`. :.. .1... n-.._ 5;bw g{;IbetttEzumty. _4..._.'-`_'....`-.. _ SHERIFF'S ys/~._LE_ or LANEJST . COUNTY OF SIMCOE. PQSTPONEMENTQ SHERIFFS SALE OF` LANDS, - - .. vv-vV\.'\r\u ~.n.sA.vs~,-vv\ovv~v ';i5`O$TP_w-Rl-EMENT. ---------- E":S' SALI-3 OF LANDS.- .V-01111113 :t:f`} Y Fi Immnn ` POSTPONEI5 mt. '24:}: Hum no .1..- -..__.. B. SMITH, c'.s.5 1 (\-7in B. W. SMITH shenyrg as. 17-] din Virtue of writ of Pl.BT1: 1"llriIiR hlann A115 .31: uuu nour. B. W. SMITH, 'SI:erz:[f, C.S., Fhinn B. SMITH, Shvcrzjf, C.S. . `l`,`.-`l in us: pawn . Wmnuu Yum. 28- ly 3. w. smm, Shen , 0.8. 8-] Rin 1 U5) l FULVDU L0, at the same GREAT BRITAIN.` . __ __, EI_)funtil TUES- ;t, at same place JJII Kr! Sherijf, C. S. ucl 5., wall I7-14in 50-3n`1os. ll-U, I/0A3: 5-sins w \/.U. 12-10in the Hook alores of R. J. Oliver and Wm. Mann . ` . PRICES l(6i1nte,d`6n' r6]I'era Vand vaqshed... . . .$5 each. "%::lll"..'..'..L.;i;l.'.: . . . . ..i`;...;J.'_=. ._i._$4 1` ` tn s-eve 1 gm rlon ' ' wims:1?t.::qr 1_3u+ie: .ccumaeIy ?am [.1 ucale,t9gsg1h_qa_-,,_ _.q plus of the.Rnilwaf Station, icntions tc probable building trades of uuu U seed 0 'lY.......2. ESTABLISHED IN 1329, ROOM PAPERS! nonm msnszz TIl'\t\`ID inn-:1:-..- Barrie`, May 2, 1859. SOLE AND U1>15ER LEATHER. nuuUU`.\ 1.3 uuc mom, ; l{U.\IISSOI1\' l_\ ()TES &'c., will be entered in Court for immediate col~ Icction, if payment is not made. IGPONE AND .-\LL!_5j} . JOSEPH MO.\/"_I`GOMERY. March 23, 1859. 1" "` March __vu-:1: THOSE indebted to MONTGOMERY & BRO, are hreby notied that all 0U'['S'I`ANl)lN(} ACCOUNTS due them, I R0.\IISSOI .Y l\'()'l'ES Court for im......1:..... ....- - " """" " Ifarses m` Saddle or Izmcss, with or witloout Dr2"ve7`s,' Carrzkurcs, Buggies aml Cutters 13/ the l20st~ clam ztian. TEAMS for the CUNVEYANCE OF GOODS can always be bad. Fro.-ight. paid on Goods per Railway and'forwardcd to destinuti on upon receiving :1. written order R3 Curr;/`ul J)riL-crs, unequalled dispatch, and moderate rlmrgcs. _ T THOMAS CL'.\'I)l.I-`. P.-mr::~ 1 '1'liU.\lA{ Duxnov Srnrzm, BMu:u~:,- . Nov. 9th, 1353. Yours Sincerely, N OTTAWASAGA. Axuwx at muuI.rt:t_u. 1'0 meet the e.\'tensive in. crease, during the last year, in the business nftho lmuae, the proprietor has built u large addition. The Dining Room has been extended nml made more commodions; there linve been completed, in V the new wing, 11 great. number of \vell-ventilutcd sleeping: rooms, uutl the House ll:t'0lt;;lmu1 has been retted, anal now ct-ntnius hmI,\ 314:1-1-~ ments and conveniences hitherto ltul-;|m\\ 1: Lu its guests. l`he whole of the lweds have, at tl grt-ut expense, -h<'-en furnislied with N!-3\V Sl lll.\'G l\lAT'1` I.1Sbl'IS. The -Proprietor t-_\'pe'cts that by continuing, his personal tuunagcment. of the con- cern, The Albion," to say the least of it, will continue to be, as it now is, the best und It HALF Ho'rt:l. in Canada. .1':.1-r..... `continue i Canada. A1bEKE?5?ei: ' MOTREAL L. W. DECKER,'P1`oprietor,` S pleasantly situated at the head of ST. PAUL STltEE'l`, amongst the largest wliolesule houses in the city. It has (with business men genemll_v, and especially with the best .`-.l<-rclmnts "of both Provinces) become so great :1 t'm'm~it<-, that it is now acknowledged to be 'l'llE llusincss Hotel of Montreal. To meet the extensive crease. (lurintr tlm lnnt vnnr ;.. .1... .4-..__ VFHE Subscriber begs most respectfully to inform the gentry, and inlmbitnnts generally, that he has taken the above Saloon, and trusts by strict. attention, combined with that class Wines, Liquors kc. to merit a share of their patronage. \ ncmnclcs for a. few BOARDERS. wrnmxv Qrnvuv IlY:`T.`Y_'v\vrv n uu. n nsw u\.rnl'n.Ul`4[SD. ' EDWIN SIDNEY MEEKING, Prop'rielur. Bzyrric, Sept. 61!), 1858; 36-lf , -. an-nu; un lmuuc support. - '0Rl{ WARRANTED. .Bnrrie, Miurch 2, 1858. 11 Crickefgrg` Boarding `House and Restaurant, LATE INTI-:R1\'.A'rxnx'A I, Inn :-rt EDWARD T. Bus:-Ion: TAILOR, RDFIV7o`I),cI Drnnyr ..-_.__, -- ur-v-gar I The splendid "situation of the House, fronting on the beautiful Bay of Kcmpent'clJt-thc salu- brity of the nir--the purity of the wutcr-nl1 com- bine to render this spot one of the most. healthy and delightful Summer retreats; and the .\ orthcrn Railroad now places it within three hours of Toronto. HENRY FRASER 7-1- -4` 1L n ' -'1 yv.'- \(,ur.un'U, dune 11. d Point at five ed Loudonerry and xed ice, but inside: Theverv fncrirv .. ..;.a..n.4\J.L.\:, BREWERS BL 001; , 13./umn: BEGS to call the attention of ti inlnzxpitnnts of BARBIE. and t` ;.......u..-... uuw place: u. wnmu unrcc uourg at FRASER, ` Late of the Cunt/ne'rcia'l Hotel, Barrie. Queen's rms Holcl, Brmic, % ' Lake Simcoe, 141/: July, 1856. 29 Gov sun THE QUEEN! ` Hai1(2g1umbia!! Viva 1aFranga1s : 2: ' _________________________ HARlI:)_NY AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP! The Premises which he has novrentered have been greatly enlarged, and in D. fcwvdays will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable `Visitors of every description with BOARD, in Private Suits of Aptirtments, or at the Public Table, by the Meal, Day, Week, Month, or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARRIAGES, and ti LIVERY STABLE connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which he hopes to be able to make the most extensive and coruforlnblo to be met with North of Toronto, and he has no objec-l ion this should be known :_....'_.----j---- TO SHOE-MAKERS. 1HETYOlU(SI1II{I<} '1`ANNERY has on _ good Stock of Sole and Upper Lentbe `V1! LlL`\'nr\'nn .- nu: 11.1.1141.` 1 1.4 I DU UUlSUr'UL! And since he nds, by the Latest Intellivcnce, that there is no more War, or rumour of War, he intends to devote all his energies to the culmin- tion of the Arts of PEACE: nanlrnuv Axvn nnnn nu. - .\...-.--__ w. _..---u an a.nA|ulLL7 Fo:mer1y kept by the late Mr. John Bingham, and afterwards by Mr. L. Caisae, under the manage- ment ot` both of whom it was so T3!\n`I'\1*-r1\~rn-s- up .~... _. __- -- - ------ TRAVELLERS win nd the above Hoteljevcry ` way suited to their comfort - v.au_ 1-cur...-~__ .---._ V ALL ovnn THE WORLD! THE QUEEN'S ARMS, Formerlv kent bv the lnte Mr Jan... n:....;...... -_.= Barrie Iictel BARRIE, c.s,, R Dnnnunannp-5 _ _ . _ _ __ n, owing to Whitsim- REE Subscriber would inform the Public, th `_ he has Leased that well known Hotel mm, V ~ NOHMORE WARM '_I':'1{4I"1'~i-1`-:iI'i3f.V` "S`I';(,3E3uESSFUL 2 Id since he nd: hv Hm Lnonao !..;..n2.. , 63., n. rAmAsHL Pnornlerm 1:} EiEi*LLENT s2:aBL12_\{G, . .____.________________, nook` ii _.-v-vows-o-vvaavz lNTERNA'l'XONAL HOTEL. '15.-.u.3 LU can me attention tho inimbitunts Buuun, tho surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had considerable experi- ence in the C.U'1"l`INGDEI ART- MENT in the West of,Englnnd for the last seven years, nndtrusts by Estrict attention to orders to merit . a. share of public support. ORK wnnnnumnn NOTICE !a .. u u.\eu 106, Dllt Lde; The very foggy upwards of forty-A J un I3, vuu'II, mm m0(Im'uIr rlmr '45. CU .\'DLE, Proprietor. r, B.uu;u~:,- ttlgo.` ...... uylmn uv:uI.uI:l'. "xvm. ssmoun szaxion 18-If ----g- hand :1 Leather. no-.-. --_,, W10-l2mo nvu UI Ultl E, and on I.:.. ' I 4|... \ that Al :.. QUE'm:o, June i1. `nthnr `D:-.:nc~ -5 c. (32 sunscniprgorj omm)` ` " _' ` ` ` ILL be` published during the` present ygr. In this wdrk will be fopnd a Chronological Table pf importgznt Ameiiizn-and Europednja'vents,= from `remote ._t_x'm"es t'o,th `present :perio'd`-+`th qiji-_; cigllbarges of`u`.L-ma`so,n.-*-aL synbpsis` 6f ithefe-{', turv|_I[o`, the vcirio1is,Gti_miTL6dg es, da.tes;bf c'ha're~ V ter.,~`<:..; _Also a glohsgigyfqf Masonic; iitlas, wig; tyneu-,ab:eviations_, ,ma,kiqg_ it a.,mps_t4co,mprehe1o sue mecwn,,'a work of refer-. . 301108.. The names,-,numher,location;;dnd=time of -V `eeting of every Gtand'.and"Subor'diua1a'e ~I.iodg' ` athe wor1.d=fw .ithha.mmme ;-and `address of. the" ; u . s s=wd.9esetacy,6.;`ech;Loage in,Vgne,1;pgab .. 4 .`. .`s and `Oinndn. as fai'nn'nhn 'I~..' .:.;..L `Harv-in .Tm-m. i?zf1m'L:n ' charges, he hopes-to secure a nut patronage. A "Pnrgic\11z3_r` 'ttention will"Yd 'n'ritjg~`fh; L_ bone ~; districts. ' 1' Q5.`-r 4 GEIG1:'."s6MEns;*' HE Sxlbscrinr begs /lelcsve to acquaint the Farmers and` others of" the county of Simcoe that he has commenced business as ' ~"-bL:'-:+II'!'.`\'*..f!*'*i'~`?!".T"* a :'*,;*+`'f-'=*'!i7, -. _Ngar5' h_e `Ma1rIcel,"Batrie, _ `_ f ' V , Where. by attention fo' business" and_` moderate charges, he hopes-to secure fair_patro'_I_n'nge.y ' -1><:.'u.ent.inn will be nnitl"1o'`en'I'iliz-i'li n&-' ` `Barrie, Jppe i9,"-1860." I6f'I;A;E:;1i)TX(;I;i&ILTURIJ ..w- my mn-.-.-~:mm-m1\rrxr."".m:a=12::I:J:T..`:..- - T F JAMES PARKINS BALL, 5. boy about Thirteen yearsvof age, who left this place two nights ago. ' He has brown hair inclined to curl, middling stout and active; `had on whenhe went away a cottonshirt, an apology for aecap, and a pair of trousers of a. brown color. Was seen last near l\lcDougull s `tavern, on the Bradford road, with 9. bit of mgin his hand containing biscuits. Any person seeing the above mentioned boy, would do me a`grea.t favor.` by informing "him that, . if he comes home, he will notbe forced back to` his old place; but if he has secured a good pla.ce,. to remain therein, and inform._me of his where- abouts. ` - - 11*?!` 1' 1 A Ir" -n I -run-ruvn East Oro_, May 313:, 1850. thing that has ever been offered them. . . For our own part, if we; .hn\di1 child sulfering, we would not hesitate to ndmtutsler this prepnruuon, -kuowiug~-Vthut such careful druggists would not engage ihnnythxng that was not per- fectly and e'ec_tuu.l.'-Quebec Gazette, _ I3=See advertisement. ' '. _ ' , ' _ 23 onlv .n..n.u-. ul auuuuug llulllulllly. He has secured for Agents, however, a firm whose re- spectz1l)ilily separates rgntircly his prepnmuonsbrfrom all tinge ot quackery. Messrs. Cmmcu &. Dux-ox!` are his sole |n:nmgcrs,as1l1_cynre ulso for than most iI_|\"nluublc of prcparutimrs, Dr.-,E1u'o.\'ss Xxx-u\:\"ru.1: CURDXAL.` could know the great care taken in putting `up this nr1iclc-_- some idea of whi'ch' they can form by comparison "of it with anymlner article of the kind--thcy would prcfer_it to any- thing that has ever been offered we had t1 child sulferimr. um umnld um Im..:..... .. Yesligations have been going on as'e advisi- ' we believe, are now under consideration, affecting uni uau:IL'l.` mice or me neuu _omccs O! the'Grand Trunk Railway from Montreal to this city, and during the last few days it is understood that in- bility of taking "this step. Other mu.t'ters also, we general interests of the railways leadingqinto this city, such as the erection of a. permanent stu- tion. - The establishment in Toronto at`. tb9,'G:-mu]: flfrxxnk ofllces,` bf vast benet tq_tb`e" in a. variety of waysfaud we,s_incerely_-trust phat the arrangementm;1y'ultihr9.1t;ly be enrriedwiuto effect. It. wnu1d';p`et:_\1;9;to our retail trade very mums tvdvv ' ' csimxi1e1'cla.1'i}gD3fC;lb(Ill - - V A l A Q'I\nA\H`_I` I-',`..u:L A ---- !r .m-thes_: of uuu umco UIEIJIIIU L'Ul|Ip|llllllB.- > Dr. Bnossox IS 11 lecturer m"our Medical Colleges, and his success m his speciality has been so wonderful that he has consented, at variance will: the prejudices of every. '.rL-glular pI`nClill0H8l`, to make it lmdwn. us`hc is domg,_ for the benefit of suffering Immunity. He Ims gr-nnrml Fnr Am-mm 1..-............ .. 1:-.- _..I,4-- ,.-_.. --vv-r 'Q\J\lJ-lil \Ve have varied feelings in, rmaing this ndvcrtiscinent of Dr. BRO.\`S0.\"S DLoo'D FOOD, in nttotlrer coluhin; hut we ~ think gratication predominates; for, though we regret to see so celebrated `:1 man coruirtg forward, even in appear- ance, under the same og as quncks,--'that is , I by resorting, to uilvcrtiaing,-yct we take satisfaction also illkl)0\\ il)g that there is now a reliable prcpnrntinn before the people -`format r_no:t mclmrcli_oly.nnd nal disease-Consurirptton, and other organic complaints. ' ' Dr, Rnnxvnnv m n Inna...-.... . .... vu__u--u n.u, , , - m.'1.AN1:1'.S CELEBRATED LIVER PILIJS, manufac- `lured by FLEMING BROS., of P1;rrsnrm,GH,_PA. "flu.-rc are other pills purporting to be Liver'Pillsi1owbcfortlic public. Dr. M Luue s` genuine Livfer Pills, also his cole- brated Vermifugc, can now be had at all ' respectable Drug Stores, None genuine without the sigmnure of I ` [2l] _ ` FLEMING BROS. . LWVU UJUEIICHI JJUFSC IX! Ofce cheap for Cash. Barrie, June '12, 1860.- ';|\3z'ur(:lll1I'.`l'S wm be. careful to ask for DR. M LANE'S CELEBRATED `lured In 1-`Lmrmn mmg ...~ 1: ........ .. n. -m- null! Auuu. nuulcsti-Ausllll, ICXEIS. Ithink you would 'do well to7esu1blish an _Austin; the Pills are well known here, and v with ready sale. - - . Mw.n1:. nvvn xv 1 . vu\u In, : cncvcu. \Ve`lmve nuw been in Travisi:Co., Texas, for the last. four }`3nrs,ntId not being able to procure these vnluable pills, lxcr attacks of sick headache have again rctun1ed-fur sometime back have been gradually getting worse-u.nd has determined mete" send to you fora few boxes of Dr. M Lunc s Celebrated Liver Pills. I hercwulx enclose you one dollar, for which you will please send me Pills per re- . tnrnmnil. Address-Austin,Tcxas. Ithinl: vnn un\..l.'l 11.. ....\u .; -_.,u.- u .....un. nu-.nxr.w,unos., ytushurgh; Pa. Gentlemen .-'--Tlu's is to certify that my mother had been subject to periodical imncks of sick headache for a great many years; all the `usual remedies failing to give relief, one of your pamphlets accidentally fulling into her lnmds, she at once determined 16 try DR. M LANE S CELE- BRATED LIVER PILLS, prepared by you, end immedi- atcly procured n_box, from the use of which she received. great benet, and so long as she continued to use them was entirely relieved. V . ` ' \\f.. l....... .... RAILWAY M>0\'E.\tE.\'TS.--I`1_Z`iS well_knowtxV Unt for some time past _a proposal has been on foot for the transfer once of the head offices of the Grand Rnilwmr fmm Mnntmnl tn nan ..:o.. .....1 WWO excellnt H01"-se`Ra'1{es for Sale at this nmnn nhnun for nch ya uuuaecrexgry or eacmhoqge in t.nQ3Uni&ed_ I E and Canada. as Afa.t9;s.`c`a., ascriaitjed,_, . abeibreu subset-ibin8`fo1-`the Guideimusiggnd in _ uwunes .:business residence . tl: an and; wkcititf 1,119 11$1xe,'chsptem. (')on':oil, $2.,-.:d in `on ! are memhdisiz-tahd . Imam 1).. -r1...m; ` - - - .. `..n.-\.\A.-\.\.-\.\.-\.-\,v\.~v\.\~\. DR. M'LANE S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS > _ IN TEXAS. ' - ' nlzssns. `FIJ-1Ml.\'G BROS., Pillsbuirgh; Pa. ` Gentlemen _-'-'lln',: is In ma.-.:r.. 'n.... ...... ......u.... L_.- n . Large quantities` are mm to on perlon. V ' ` ' ' fWool---The wool season is in fainf operation. coming `in every day, and the competition is quite brisk. Sales are made at from 25 to 30 perlb. ` - uyuutuulls at lnose I] Hay.--The price c it was last week. than $15 was paid, that to $9 perjton. j '\Vnn|._'I`hn IIIIIII` A u` an W heat) . . xtm.......,....._........... Double Extm.'..............-. In some cases $7 is asked. consona- samples of Double Extra, but ` operations at lhose gures.` V Dfin nf Hun :; at uuw um: market; 15 mm fora ctioioemrticlet of cggmaa our, but the shippitig from tht port diiring the last week have been light.` 'VIt is difficult to makeqnotations, but thegures most frequenttyspoken of axe as folows: Superne . . . . . 00 a$5`l5 I Fancy (Spring _Wlieat) 5 20, a. 5, 45 , " (Fall Wheat).........; 5 50 a`5'60 Extra. . . . . . 60011625. Extru.....'...........(630.5 6 75.. `cases for.-`the beet" Double there are few` operations at those onrna' -_ ---u-raw IV _" =I:`lou1f:,--'I` Holders are there are -{e New York :5: canny smug "000 P9! D8lll.' here is `little inquiry for 9u_r.. still asking outside prices, but- w buyers at those gures.` The In arkel, is firm for en c_hoioe"aI-ticle our. hm uh. .h:.-...:.... r....... ..n.'.. .- 7... run vuulu` Oats are s<:,.`ro,eA;'in'i [fact `thorn in lab . little offering that speculators conldsell s:_'nal| quan- tities ont.offthe store-houses-here at a profit. good sample will easily bring -330 per bshl.- Fl0lll`E-Thm fa "Illa : .... .-.. L- nu--- uul Acuuy cum. . 1\lEREDl'l'H `V. HENRY. '11:`;-='A Purchasers will be. bnrcful D [ LAN}<`. .'\' ml`.I.1.`.nn A'I`1.`n llvnn nu f.l`1 , .- - SPAIN. ' ; The Cortes were opened on the" 25th by. the Queen in person. She ref.-rred '10 the satisfactory settlement Ant` llu: Morocco war, and pronounced that lie: rela~ limits` with all the Powers were satisfactory. The l:1tv(`nrli:~`t nttonipt was deplored, but, the dangr being passed, an amnesty was accorded. cgnm. ' - ~'. Letters say that although the exact tenor _of the Cllincsc reply was not made public, it was known -to be unsatislhctory, and hostilities appeared incgvifable. New 2\hntrtistnim1t5. [ Barl5'+In,the earlyfartof the tieek sqrne barley was placed on Q 6 market, butduriug the lag!-few days lhere'ha_ve ben` no oeringa. .It%1s nominVaql` 1at60c per ham; and in_`-gdem:_m`!._' Rye is inqluiredfor, b'pt non oetig.` ..Peas.--The ; `supplies . have V bqn, light, ail: not equal to the izxquiry. Prjces are from 600 to 65c per bshl- I n_._ ___ H; . : -.. luv average at 1113- salesibeingtl` 39 per bshl. " .Sptin"g ' Wheat-`-The` supply of this`gmin 1is`. mdder.,a1_'e,_andV nor equal to me, delpandr, There has been no change in prices, mling sleaidy all through` the week atlrom $1 10 to $113 per bshl. - -' New Carri_age- f`actory._ ` BLOOD ' FOOD 1' BLOOD `FIOOD! 17- Information Wanted, A an.-ct -n A `n1-rrn-n ~n- ; -v v- . W`_ ._ _ .. S?-llars`--one 6 b e"paid;`a the .x'emn.iriimr tun M 5pm:iulT Noting. % Horse__]_1akes. uczxlul was causmg much `anxiety: ,. The Paris correspondent of` the Dtu7l_1/ News reports that France and Russia h8d.8I`Ged I0 I1 partition on` '1`urlmy, England do be offered 11 share, uwl if n-1`n.<-d, they would go on without her. ' The Chmnbm` of Deputies on lh 29th approved of the luezny by a vote o!`225 againsl. 28. Twenty-tlyee _ lIlcmbt'I'S absfaixlcd from voting. VTonoxg:9_en;_;;KEIs.` ` . uurc ugul U3- of hay still lower than. To-day nothing higher LS the gures ranging from erton. " ` . 9.P!1.1-I_l9.|'1"`1\b1i.l 1919 99:.` room met.,`N._Y:j: RITE . A *.L__A WILLIAM` PARKINS. ' '-'?'"5 Cl 0?. PHI" DUI". ` thus`-gnnintis`. I lo.lha dnmnml, Th..- n `V establish agency in I vhnrn nun! -u.\..l.l .. . _.. ..v...,, "- ` would. meet IULEAIJD .24-Y ~' `r A STRANGE `gm extraordinary natur,is._i\`| ` " ~ - ~ Adrertiser. . [On 1116 '30t}f:(11,_by,g"jGl':'5:]!` Marlin of "Guelph, married.` 0:1 lhe`'S `: -"d~ a following his property was Blha , andaai 31% I . . succeeding Thursday he conmed sumac . ; _ _ ` '3 by taking poison. . A Qfls Pattridk .5: Esq- farm Penet8n'_'i- ' .ene_Bqad;,.,commencin`z on 'Sa.turda7.T 311%.. 23rd cAR1`}BE'I`I ;.n.v-.-iwm be held on 61'; June. 711336, in comiction with?th_e~Ba.rrie' 8: Flosxiircuits. The V; Enoch Wood, Sxipewx-ih-. ten`d'e'nt `or Wesleyain ions, and Dr. Ryers6n' m. ..exmctad _tans1i!9iE*h5 Snhbkhrqrvceye r:_ T so_mqk. ` In-ylitrrlr .!i0t!Itot*.|PJlt- -1 ~.x 2;;%1s6oi at the mta or,2s.:e7q.` day-atier that ats 3;. `v9d . per day will `b6 chdged; ' ~ . ` =. . I`ha.Pn.thmn.nhrn nhthnrimad in 1-Annivn Ann van. per any wulnon cnnrgen. _ , uaauthorized to receive any such commutation money. , ' By orderof; Council. . ~, mmnma Lnm & 0:6, May'L26,:'_: .1.=L__1'nmn_>9r,A or owe: 1 xos. 8 18, c 4t concession of Yes u;gugz_ww_...--.w4us uu A tended 16} ggpogtatiou. A Grown, . ` ' _ Wiradqor, 39th,~May, 1860. THE underignedhbegs tot notify Lnmberers in this Agency, -that to prevent delay, trouble and expense, `they should furnish him forthwith ,with' sworn statements, according to the forms tohe had at this oice, _of all lumber cut.7by`tl1emi_n-u ` A. W. POWELL; U ` M Aamu-,, ,:: Huron arid Superior and Pexiilisliln of Cana,da_Wst Territories.` `2.'1.R3n ' `Crown Depaftnzent, Quebc_c,v.25th Mm , 1860. OTIGE1V'is hereby given ..tha.t Collectors of Customs throughout the Province have been "authorized to refuse clearances to all vessels hav- ing Lumber on board, unless certicates are pro- duced hy the parties interested, from the local Crown Timber Agents, that the 'l1imher Dues .on such `Lumber have been pnid`or secured, `or that the said Lumber is not subject to Timber Dues, as the case may be. A - ' : " ` ' P. M. VANKOUGHNET, " ` : Commissioner of Crown Lands. 20-pa "JUNE - NEXT, ` VINI ; \-|:`\4lDI.IlIb'llo , e ITALY, A A protracted and interestin debate took place in the . Chamber bf eputieg on the treaty fur (wjrlitig Suvny and Nice to France- ` Numerous Iviiing speeches both for and against the treaty had V hi-cu made. Signor"Ralazzi was amongst those who spake against the treaty, and he advised his party to abstain from voting. Cavdur 'admitted.lhat _ the sacrice was grievous for Sttrdima, l`Jn_tV;_)o1nted - lIlCirCUl11.\H1l)(.'L S which cbmpeHe d"uHuding parti- cnhtrlv to the` necessity ofmaintaining the alliance wit 1) Fmm-c. lAl'C|'S from Constantinople state that health was causing much `anxiety: ' the Sultan : mrresnondent n!" the 1),-n`In 7\7'.m--