Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 May 1860, p. 4

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ZINE!` vvnuuut yluunlu` nu un nuywu-3 .... ....--- How To cane uusr.es.-A good lady, who had` children sick of the measles, went to 9.` friend for the best remedy, while the friend had just re- eeivedve. note fromrnnother lady inquiring the way to make pickles. `In .the confusion, the lady who had inquired about the pickles received the remedy for the measles, while the anxious mother of the sick children read the following :-Scn.ld them three or four times in hot `vinegar, and sprinkle them well with salt, and in a few days they willbe cured." ` III :1 In.-pg ,.,, , - .- - V .. A--, A - . - 2 YONGE s3}z:r, Noam or'Qtn'g:m_. 'iiATrTM%roa_ SALE, ` ` _> 0RL}3ASE.`. ' ` W03 1 L ....L _`_.I..1 .. A__L: -0. 11....-- ..._L.... RAvELL_Ens"wm nd t.l1:"i:.bo_ve. Hotel every "~"way_suited to'lheir comfort; - ' ' ` gin. ruvy;-.1-nu-v IEIITIII nrn n ._ . -d ni. YALE; impo V!'e:rs`ani1'A`I)ealets in ' `l;l 5 M O R;hE WA R 1: W n.VEAaizA1;H@_:_' Phnlsrnn uv lllbllvu-J.-4 ._-._ . -~.1;MINE11 'i'LY iJ"(:5EssFUL: unu uunnu u nun 5 vvuu IVUIIA unurn nu nun Eu-uuuuv-I Iv vvwcu. ` ' Iiowaventhe lady cannot bear to think that in nu age of progress any useful acqu_irernent.is thought `little of, and she starts off in search of I stitcher, umL- I_.l.. _.__._.a I.'...-..... .. L........ .....I 4...-.. ........ .. 1:..- C_leared_ Farms'?>} Sale. m.919._11sLu1a.. .9; 7, a.,v sung: auvngyuun-auu -...._. ....... .. _ Ajwply t(3 n`."' COLLIN DARRA_CK ,W r . .3 The nronrietor. on the nremi: l \J3l.Htl'9' .l. ',,_&c. &c_.. nr::'.;- .'..:n mas; uu. auuz ynrch 23rd, ,wm1_2o ACRES V01;;,a:N'1.3'. F on -s ALE, l`I')I?. I QTQ {-1 {Jun 7T`:-nan es areAhereb`yAcautio:i1.eii against cnttin g r . off timber, or otherwise trespass- `GA UT '9 an 9--Ivan`-II The lad? stopped before a_ho1gse,aud lhgre upon a line \\ cre ch: dren s gamxems hanging out-trimmed round with crotchel ne. vFarn}_F9' Sale. f.`:i'a5`.L`:s%1`2'?., ? . ;-`::`;?;? ?.` 23rd,18_58.- .-._ .12-11'. UU.l214ILV Untuunan, - The proprietor, premises, nA vm MORROW. Barrie. ` ggtaa. B prosecuw J1.`-ME.S 1.33 [$359. pply to V - w. D. ARDAGH, PATTON & Annum, Bzmun. L . 3 proprietor, uu uu: pucnunaca, DAVID MORROW, Barrie. angn ;1 .5` gq. be te,_eighr`.o_n uric: rpost Vng pper;_o`I[JncloCing V .. 6d.'exch. relnocnvelyr 1 H `U I IIUU Ubll \JUL|o s1) are w_ell.situ- arrie Railroad` Station \\ cnnurems naugmg out-mmmcu rouuu wun The lady believes her servant to have been? mistaken, for surely where Vcrolchel`-work (the X Y Z of sewing) is known, plain work (the A B C) ha; been well learnt; unu._ .1--- .____ _.__..I:.._ -.__.. .....I AL..-` .1... I..A.. .....:-.1 lrvthis notice. Proprietor. , 7 17-tf ,-- 41-tf : cer,.`The.-`;ubion," -zo s'ay'the 1eas:>ofit,'_o_v_ill >_ r!"`. ;'a"YYiIJ;. . I%\%3>xe-ant:-:`aa:e:: V _ . hon!` flag-' in . `%i.s`.-;itge5nnu- ' . gncrally.-hndiespciallg wiunhe beswe Hots! of Montreal. '9__;na_e _zh txpensiye .i,l.|3_ crease, during the 1as:'yeai-,Min`the bupixiss bribe '1`ho'Dininx`; Room has ben extended and made moreioommodions; there bavobeen hoxgpleted, in- the newwing,- ugreus number of well-ventilated sleeping rooxns,:_aud,tI;_gnons a ithroughout. has 5093 105393., :56 now c6x;tg\ii;s'many,i_:,I1,p!9". gq'eH.' 7 Th yliolq of the` beds hav`e`,A It rgn-ed expels,` but : M furishpd with NE-W~` SPRING MA'1"l`RASSES.=. The` `Proprietor expocts thus!` by confining his personal management-of the con- dominne `to be, `as it nw is, the best.*DoI.LAn..nnd 1 HAL!` Horn. in Canada. " v ' - "47"-12mo ..'fhothP ;:be ,, rgr:It.:f.!!i'1? fhatit. he:, 1`Hl;` Dfnpiha; ; 'house.'th6"t>rni>I~ieor1ssa bum a large addition. ' new mu-omnioncu hittseho unknown` to 1:5` - 1 has taken the -aboie Salbon, and tr V foxuvfevz BOARDERS.-" sgpt, 6:h,__1s5s. ' _* _|_ tuc gcuuj, uuu Iuuuuuauts `ELIE: attention, coinbined witfiffirst clss &c. to merit a share of th ' EDWIN SIDN E {ME V0=ic1 % Bafding Howls ' "V `Restaurant, . ` w (my tn-.-nn.u--nu. uqrfl SdBber begs mos'tresp{ect`fullM itiforii; the gentry, and inliigiiiiixits gene; _y, that 119 .91 mlmn 1n.n|\n1'i3: Qalhnn nut` in ex` `av strict: -E Iiid in 1856, :33. . * Parliame CAP ITASLQ L State"Fii*e;Insi1rance, ciuli orrxemsg-a3Ay1,i1s_tALL.Axn 32 JJJJ , _ L- A at GT `DATTT. ll: IIUSUU-H11 ! Slllrl VVKS CUUUIUU Up, IH3 3lUUIlllb IICCIS VI'UI_U out. And, with a ounced and dirty gown, were lying (tossed a )uut.)' The lady turned her quickly round, just saying with n sigh, ` ll` huslmttds_drlnk and women hegl see the reason why. " In the next house are four daughters from 17 to 10; tho ynungestcan do ciolchel and the "oldest can " do hroderie, and knit, but plain- work has not been `a part of thei: home or school education. ' .'I'he lady still pursued the search and found where er she went . The power to make a nished shin a rare accomplishment. When she does discover a. sempstress out and out, that rare woman has ample work on her hand- A NOW ladies do not work thernsei_ves and poor folks do not earn. ` oncx, cmam nnmcn,/won Honorable J on): Ross, W`.P.Hovn.Axn. Esq. Mf] Joux Cmwx-roan, Esq., -WILLIAM Ross, Esq, ; - Wu. MCMAQTEIR, bEsq., Wu. Hnsnnnsox, Esq; _ Ban_I:e:_'s_-:-Tx;xs 84241: or Mozrranan. ," .Solicitors-Ross, Cmwronn Ann Caoxnn. A wrrn cxivunns or 10007 S;!A'R`lZ10L:`aIVBS`.' The.Right Honorable Loan Knits,` Clnairmau. T .Pn-rm Momixsox, Esq.,' Managing? Dwgtcr. W1LLIAvCAN\VKLL, E[sq., Seoretary. o A oopy of Stock Book con bAo`dai1yAseeTn on" _the ., counter at the This Branch Visa Aonlly. opened last Januaxiy, and V ` now has an income of . ,`."." - 7 7 ` "'_ Which is retained in this coungry, The increase of business in England is unpre- cedented, as shown by the Parliamentar. returns, and the following taisenfrom the last ptember Report: ~ , ngwill thus: he iu-on that the tntalf nmmmr. of ISEPOIT I Itwill thus be Seen that the total" amount of business done -during the last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, producing an additional `annual in- $150,000: `n _____ -_ne.__ n_-'_-_A__ 1' ____ .__.l 1. AL. -..n.._L - 1'. - _ - - , - - _ _ Representing Property Insured to the extent 0 f ` TH] R_'l`Y MILION DOLLLARS2 ..-__-__`- ._-..._-_- _..-- ____- The` Report furthernsaya, that I the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in the business of the 0 ' puny, and they have every reason to believe 1 t from the con- nection ndw formed itwill co nue to increase in the same ratio; - ` In... n.`....:i..i ,.r .1... n.\............ :1. .:...........: .....i:-..1.. III me 8311)!) l'llU.` ' _V ` The Capital of the Company is devoted entirely to Fun: Lunxurxxcs, having no"tesen'e for '3" L179 Branch. - ' AI! 1...... 3.. IV........l.. A-.. ...:L....:aA..A `A-`Ln _.._ , All losses in Canada are submitted to" the gen-_ t1emen.composing the Board who examine the particulars,-and if found satisfactory, at once order the payment of the claim. ;l`hi's system has called forth numerous cnrds of thanks. ` -If .I:lP......`u......< -I......1.I ..'.-5:... KAI----_ ..1..!....._h.. " ow; males (to not won: mcmscrves unu poor IOIKB no HUI earn, _ ` I nd it is not dticull my livelihood toearn. . Finally the lady calls at a public school, where the pupils are busy in cramming. geography, grammar, and arithmetic, in preparation for a. government inspection, but the specimens `of "work are bade- The lad? looked at all the work and sadly shook her head; She plaiudy saw that at the school her shirts could not be ma e. - - lUI'I.H HUIHCTUUH UIIFHS Ul l.llIIlII$5o 0!! differences should arise between claimants and the Company, the-Man ger is fullyempowered Ionccept s91_'vi_ce of any p cess in law. ALEXAN R STEWART, Ma mzr f'm- R, N. _/lmorira J. EDWARDS, .dgenl:_j Canada. _.Li_fe `J5.9fl_r:at;1_1__:.e(3d Ys "Geo:-g e~ cl-nie,:D James ty, Hugh)! ler, ' - nil E. F- 1 ' o..-.v-.._ -.-..-..-..., -. ..-y.a' as prefembi 10 ivisiohs at intervls of ve, seven, or ten years. 5 A L .HOMIf} M MANAGEMENT, 'cn I'u1:, .~._ . . . ._ $1.ooo,ooo FFERS the font) ingv real advantages tn in- Jten(iug.AsaurerV`:---. V ' ' Lo'\v'm::s QF` Pnmmmx, - Oonseqtient on th investment of ail the pany'a funds in th roviuce. ` Premiums bava e annunllv. n`r hv _umi.mmnal PHI]! 8 xuuuu ILI |.llUfL'.l'UVll.|UU. `* Premiums paya e annually, or by semi-annual or quarterly ins lmems at the _optio_1_1 of V the assured. ,5 .--.~-.-....- .-.4 ...-U... .-...-_. _.__.____._ I thereby secur' 5' la. speedy adjustment` of claims-, and liberal `xv-egg ]ntiops for residence and travel. No further hntlav rennired frnm Hm nuan-ml lanada. ?'esteE_gs uranc6 Ody` -:---u ~ I1 : 'nt:Ia'l\i_i `din A one plainly mall in me scnool ncr sums coulu 1101 I) made. But I have heard it. ugu fact, that from thut very daze She reconciled her mmd_m_ what she had apposed before- That we must have mnclnues to sew, now hands can a_cw no more. . anu uuernl ygagglgntxops Iqr resxueuco and travel. No further utlay re.qm;-ed from the assured that: the pl-em; m. . ~ _ . ' v - . JAS.VPATTON, Agent ` J. R. ARDAGH. Medical Rfer-ea. -1 AD. J A'l.".l'U J`. 3. AR ma`, Medical Referee. Barrie, July, 59. ` - . . < DIIIICTUKBI , . George chie," M.'PT.MHayes, B ` Walter Mncfarlhne, Hugh M T. P. Robm-ts, . ' L In! E. F. Whittemo:'-e,Esquires, ; Secreta and Trasurer,--Robert Stanton; E'sq. ` ' ~__ Wglicitgr,--'Angus Mo:-`risoy, Esq. _ V ..l `A fowfFir Risks 1-e__:`ei_vod a.t.i,lj Ho_me Oic ,` 'l`orbnto,'on Wgljinglon-street, opposite`: the Q9:`nm_eArqia1`Bank. _ ` _ .= _ _ . 4 `_ T .. omce-Rpm;-;-1p, 3_;_P.,L1. _, , - ' ' ` " ISAAC c.G1LMon, " V-Pr`mdid.'i ' 'B`OB'1`. s'n.a,1f:roN,.'sec}ptar 6' ~T=nFi"P?"22211851?"I. _ . -' * 4` < ' '$Jnn3'PA'1g og. - ;;;.;_` ' 8'.."!t_`.'- .` . . J.`l1 .LA`WRENOE,~_ g y - 3 'VBai-;i.e,. 1853. chI1F.oFF1cEs:-a PALL MALLAND xi - LUDGATE HILL, clautgncuo v ; :4NNUAL_ _A;rp MOST 1g1>1_.E EXHIBITS 9 -0 9;- -m- ' vegetable re'medy-.-A snr`0ur`e--fo:;.0an`mmptwn,` ' L .830:-ma, Bro1tchitis,v;Gougba. Golda, and _v ujq fo4r13e\veml|yea.1-3` 5 xb-eident `1\s'xa,A.diaco\fe'rod-' while-Lt_hx-e, Lu aimpld :. Debilitu. \.:Fm- the -hennl. :nf/.GnnllnmntI'muI Ami: _ also 3 uunple or the me`d1in~.whiuhthe'y..wilMieIiti ;, ;xbeantif_'nl combinati.0n.of .msm'uw- nruucm.us,v.vuuglI8. umu, (ma (VEPDOGS Dbilitg;. For the benet =of-Oonsnmptives and-M `Nggom Su,'rm,he is` willing 19 make the same pn i&yr ` ,. . -\ `,` ' , ... '. ` ncritinu; -with ffullndirectlonn . (fred qf raiarg )-` ., 8"!r9 MiInpI.s=Iierbne pgbgqixsifcgnevgggeqgigg igp; xotnrn 5 :-..::w;n;.ou1t1;sgsr,-= ' ,; 3:; _-.`: Mg"; gag.` `mg . . No.,429 Broidwnylllzim` V A _ . T , __ _ 1 .'ro;:zhm.' hoA.(des`iI'1it;.hewii1 hti`tH. Pro:-V 4 11131 '0 must IIEVE Ixtuculuca LU acw, uuw uauuzo uuu u_cW more. J Punch says the _best sewing-machine is a wife, but according to Mgs. _Sewell our facelious friend is wrong.` The.linIu7poem served to ask us,--Is not the useful uflen sacriced to the Omamenial, and should ml, in these days of change, every girl be taught _Alo saw 7 riillniiih. mo. Trusfeea and Beard of Directors in Cdnadaz, H n u-runs rw , rag, IlI\I'I --Iuw (1.-Gu.xo1z,':_Esquire, nt,-_-'1`nmus- HAWOBTK, Esquire. .- numerous: T na ~- -~ -I - - lI'~'D,-1I'nI-vvms . \_ ::~.' .33.. ~ (``f`f`I'1`I"'\`I-1'!-ui-Q-urn: .ANNUAL gntvisxdns OE PROFIT, xuafarahln Qnhriainna n0 Inh-uivnla nt` Run; an: mcbnuronu-rxn 31; ACT or rAnz.mu1r.x'x?, Ciun'1'n_i:x>' BY Ac-r' or Pmnuninuuf. -- --'--v -v- Inf-_VVI_V .._1 sHAREs'0F' `10 EACH. 11` in v'\FF`|'cE. ..'i'oiaqN'ro. Boys, said he smilingly, one day. ~'What s up, thought we, and were all alien- tion; It was like .a sun-peep lhroqgh a hpayy storm-cloud, when old Haskins smiled,`and the phenomenon was unaccounlable. 11 13...... I ....I.I LA (I I nun ..l..L..'o On (Vin-nn~:n __-_-v---.--:_` LAT: xnrxzugxxguay} MOT3EAL_ ~m?VFI;` -.4`--- A. _..,..- --.q-.. 1 of `its atfaizfs. Slit` DIN DALEA V7 in 1 , Ma ger for B. N. America. :1, rrie. . 47- 6mo' DI ULIUVHIIH I8 Villlo I Esq. M} P. % W: W.=v_ur=` i_ by s_tnc.t` q Liquors` Icancies `\. i 28-Smb ` upmuvr 36-if the phenomenon unaccountable. L, . Boys, said he, I_am about to bargain with you for good behavior--a change of tac- tics, verily-1 desire that you will conduct. yourselves with decorum for one week"; and I _ will promise to show you a curiosity-what no man ever saw; and having shownviryolu, what no man will ever see again. i :1 X7... .1. I nan-null I_| I 91:: air " anal ; n92$9.E8V`FqR oaznnnm. migiifdfI!iA.1!*dn!.M ` nu}: 'stetablo .'\snb'st,an Vspegqgnyjgpgq w_i_tl_: pun: Vg:etib1. \anb:st.gncea yvirh sugar and p"ep`p ern}int a8;t9.b9 `Z 1'9`mf?I .',.-13 mam. ~:`A_'R& ._,i'ii:?ei Add ,el3.i.M.. 11g,ucme.._-.=omwsw `Powders, kc. . They are of great ya1ne,:in"eaes:6f Wanna, `Teething, Erupt dns of._the, skin, Mandin niany other diseases of children ; they mlayslso be given in any case requiring physic. _V .. _ . , 'l'hnv are nut no in a form convenient t0 and F Buss; taste. 3 Thai llgt VII in o- 30, gar: `it: di dull: -1':-_..I..'.. requiring physic. . V A .The_y are put up m a form c9nV91._11t `,9 H3095 ,`by mail: _ Ten cex:_;.=_she_1_au.;kne, getgzl. ,, .. Phvmcmns. Druzmsts and 6 h`3;...Wh9_"Li.9h .byma'iI. cen}s_the_pgc ggjetgil. `jrj ` Physicians, Dru ` is tshl:' .hB| 3,,_.V!ho Wish` to -:beco`mo sgents wiglf havpg` pl`,_wih '1'e"rl'|s ;senttotben_rupon'i ppli,:9 ; ' . 7 ` V Honergf ritgiswod` -mi; _ . sun :13 dross, `, ` F - . . mgrsanczs, L 7 _ 1 Collin 'vm`od, C.W. Agent for Borrie...'.'l". W. GE RGEN. ` `l'nhmnrv20. 1859. . _~. 8-Iy. ' III IVE uulnu 1` Febmary 20, 185.9,}... and why`? hecnnse it never fails to a`o;dT taneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, undone trial alone will convince you that what we sav is true. It contains [the most. delicate infant. Pric LIV ` A $959550 ~'\al-van-Una ofmy kind,;and t.herefote_relieves by removing the suferinga of your child, instead of by deaden- ing its sensibilities. For this rensonit `commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Cnimimx Tnxjrnmo, DxLannacA,DYsxx'1jnRY; Gnwma 12 rm: Bowxns, Acxomr or was Szroubncn, Wmn, Conn 131 rnn/Hun, and -Gnonr, also, for softening the gums, reducing inamation, regulating the Bowela,- and relieving pain, it has no 'equal- being an anti-.cpa.-nlwdi it is used with unfailing 8t:cc:ss in all cases of CONVULSION on o-man Frrs. .43 you value the life and health of your children, `and wish to save them from the sad and blz:gh'm}ug consequences which are certa_in'lo result 7' _, the use of narcotics of whick other remedies orJnfan- tile Complaints are` composed, take _non_o"but Dn. EA1'dN 8 -Ixuzmu Coanun, this y 7 can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, an cannot injure Scents. Full me. Prepared directions accompany each only by ' . ` OH CH .4: DUPONT- Wllal Wlll 8V8! SE8 again." Yes, sir !? -agreed !-" 1 ai,sit' ! ant! venous other expresstons of acquiescence came- from every quarter of - the room, and as a pre- ' face to the new state of `things, the school was dismissed at an early hour, leaving the boys to gaze into each bther s' eyes inavstonishment, as if to divine ineeachxother s intuition thean-5 t-we :-to the riddle which he.dstoten upon them like a pleasant dream.~ , . ` 7 An gnvinnn wank fnHnwnd--A weelvof curi- -. ...... 1............ - \Vhy, making I've heard repeatedly that not a womxmhere Can make a slut: with work [have fit for gentlemen to wear. II.._....._ J... l...l.. .._.......o L`... 0.. IL:-1`: IL..| 2.. up-o-wu ...-._ ._ __ by aiidjb-r;;_t;z:dl aIone"Vviill can` that what..wesay is mm. 1; contains q.v I-u-_,_-___.3- '._ l\_2. . II II II E, I & E 3 always presents us with the same essential ele- ments, and gives of course the Tam: Susnsnn. `Analyze the blood of a person sutfcringelfrom Consumption `Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we find in every instance certain dvciencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deciencies, and you are made. well. The Bnoon F001) is founded upon this Theory-hence its astonishing success. There are -.g.'-- as-n--unruvn-uIIl\nI4\ I I V ha I lblnl I I`II'I I li adapted to the deciencies of the Blood in di'er- ent diseases. For Couous, Cows, Bkoxcums, or nny affection whatever of the Tmv.o.u' or Limos inducing Cossouivrxox, use No.1, which is-also the No. for DEPRESSION or Semus, Loss or Amm- rme, and for all Cnuozuc Cax m..n:u's arising from Oven-use, Gxxsnn. Dsemrv, and , Nxnvocs PROS- TRATIQN. No. 2, for luvnn Com>LAm1's, No. 3, for Dysvsrsu. Being already prepared for absorption it is TAKEN av Dnors and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Fxxna IRREGULARXTIES, Hvsrnau, \Vx:.ax:ass, to. -See special directions for this. For S.u.-r Rmwu, Enormous, Scnorcmus, Kinny, and BLADDER COMPLAIBITS`, lake No. 5. In- all cases the dire-ctiou_s must bejtrictly followed. Price of 5 the Bx_.ooo Fooo $1 per bottle. So by CHURCH & DUPO , No. 40Broa.dw'ay, N York, ' \A"l'1"cTl3y all respectable Druggistigxvbilghout the `lilo try. Q . ..--l. non. In!-n. I 1') 193.... Luuusuuua DID unu 3 Danna ..- -- ` `L `"DR."`/\.T.O;rm 1_N.F'`;1`m..LEm ..9.3?_m.I'% JV _X11?s' ii6'iiaiE,fsXfaiii'E",' " on e 6th,- 7th 5 8th of..1ugust, October, December, February. Avril and June nezl II `V A1111-l\l'1 1, UR [lie 18!, Lllllq OTG OJ CUCII. THUIIIH, and BRADFORD, on the 4th of each month When he will be mbst. happy to wait ilpon those who rcqgire his services in` any of `the Branches of his Profession. ` ' T ' n- .......m ..1-...a..4.. nu.u.. ....... -4-o..:1..'.... 2.. ...... U1 U13 l.'l'UlC3SIUI.I. . He would also state,t.hntin case of failure in any work warranted, during the past Eight years, it. -will be repaired Free of Charge, provided no other De ' t.1s,`or has been, employed to operate in the innnth 2- but should imnther T);-nat ha pm. With th least possible pain; and particular atten- tion paid to the Regulation of Children's Teeth. Teeth` inserted on Gold Plate or Pivot. Cavities filled with Gold or Silver Foil, or any other Branch of DEN TJL 8 UR GER Y executed with neatness and dmability, V ~ . i V u:?`cmmGss EXTREMELY Monnnun. .50 Parties requiring Operations performed are . requested to come early in theday. Oice `Hours from Eight o clocIc a.m., to Faurp.m., August 13, 1856. . . ` 33~ly , DENTIST, -`r -I-\Y.Ian1'.It'uI\1:Irvr 1' 17 ...._....A...._ n.. L- __1 1 U"llC UNI,` llll 9' DUI VJ d1l,'5l IJCIUUUF, JJCCCTIIUUT, February, and June neat NEWMARKET, on the lat; 2nd& 3rd of each month, and BRADFORD. mi the 4th of each month INKS E PIGESKIII U|'Ull|lI." ` ' - An anxious week foHowed-a week`of curi- osity, bewildenuenl,*ho pe,' and~ple`asu]'e in embryo. Out of school it wasall 'tb`e' tall`:-`_-V what no "man ever saw, and what `no `man T shall ever see aga'in-`-noteven-the lrrible author of comproinise. Wh_at could i!, _b.e? - , -Anniknr ocul nnnlhnr llI.'_ ill `lflh Uwl 15, 01' 1153 Dean, EIIlpl0)'C|l 10 opefule in M10 mouth; but should another Dentist be em- ployed, thewarranty in all cases will cease. MOB_T|MER* 0- FRENCH; M.0. 0.0.8., 'I'\1T|`kTl'I'1T$TI1 0 meet the increased demands of the business,` Dr. F. has secured the services of D.` G. F., who for many yearshas enjoyed '3 high reputation in the States, and who, from his cdnnection with D. 0,.Frencb, in his business, for the past three wnnrnfia won In-inwn in 'I`nrnntn, mi :1 nlrilfnl And 0,.French, business, zhe yegxs, is_well known in Toronto, as a skilful and accomplished Dentist; ` n- -n....;...1'.' 1...... n.- 1.;..L.._ -0 ..`..1.1.-..L:..... 1L. 0.: EIIVIVIII`-V'Il9All\r\ Iv I-I\-I-lllliyi I I - " Dr. F.ren_ch has the honor of publishing the fol-_ lowing recommendations,_a.nd also of re etring to the following gentlemen .-_V rn_.n.-. n.-n:-_..- .14` I1'........4.. . 1 5-1.- ....__A _u-- nite. ,. , T . ,'l`he malgdr hniqbecn indued to oer _thse I.[o'z- -... 1.. 41.. man, fl-1')m'haVin2 in `An exxiekience -um .v..v .. ...a 3-- --- _--v_ . To" the Citizens of Toronto :--I take great plea.- 'sure in introducing to thepublic my friend M. D. `French, M.D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- lege of Dentelsorgery. I have been `acquainted . with Dr. French about ye years. is considerable portion of which time he hue assisted me prac- tice. ' He is e ' ptleman of u-reproa.ebeble`z,inoral "character, 3;, horoughly educated` D`efhtist', and practically ekill'ed in every department. of his pro- ession. I therefore recommend bin : with entire `condence to all who may require.-the service: of a Dentist.. DEN-I-1sTIa.Y. 17 f"l'h6I1sanda ire dafiy spenking in the praise ;> A -u-Inn:-Ia . Prof.-_p; therBa1tiv,m_o;- oligb 9i'Dnt;nl Surgt;ry_ -n A 3: lII1'IiA`l\'ln vuvniuunvsnvin-an nnumr on compwmuse. vvu_ru cqmu u,;um_ -_ `Another and another day, ml at length the identical named one .da.wned.upon the glad- dened young hearts. A . ' Nina n nlm-.|: n.ama;- Evarv I'1mhin::wasal g ` ' " ' T630:-ro, Oct. 18, 1856. .7 The.-heat Iicothxehddtion that`! can give of Dr. D. Frgnch, Surgeon Dentist. ia,tbat he has been einployd V v ta`cti_on_`.f ' - . _in thi| fainily,_und giveh n':uch'sM.1|-V *`(; J_onxToI_.ox'ro. . Hahn, ". ., . ' " 0705, 15th 1857. * Dr. 1!. D. French, Surge onl )?1t ;at, ha s both bxtractbd and stopped teeth for me`; iiitli pdrfof A pnccess,and with less plin to In elf than ! though` jposaibfsex ;. . ; 3 . .' .1 P. 6ugf.la`;fA`.DaO.v `; Ilreuwzy human Brood upon being lIllIlI'Il'l\ w -...-v... ".5 ....---..... _..- FIVE PREPAF-{K-TIONS .!....o...I on 01.3 AnG....nnIn-, AP u.-. [Hand 3-: (Wm ?ESP 'rl`FULLY announces that he wiil be at l|GV.o UI'.- DORIS, ` T.Dr: Bu-nun `Hon. Judge Buns. .- '3!"-`H. 31; Guislm-, .Dr. J. RIOEARRoI. Jill: u.- u-anunuo " nev. A. rtllo `Hoh.-Ju'dge Buns. Dr. Bnnuo; `D,rA.`J..Sco1'1-. ` ;Dr. J. Iyoamnaox, A,W. S1-nu`-rcuugnlq. ` _ '._` to yanV _ o"_ `u-ecu, 1 . Z `_ fromsmn, to0r'.n.a`~=1Wn`t?"Gn\ :.=` INOIWI `- W3? VVIIISILWB pa: 3 uuwu of Vvuuunud No Paregorio hr Opiate .4. mm! -and Hm:-afnrn ralipvon hv -rema -7.` gtc - 28th, 1860.` _. r. -_._.- ._---< E,.;r1a6EE` REFERENCES: . . .Taox_.;&s.E.* Bdxn; A.M., u.n-.r,' -.E V Palm H.`-A031-m, A..M., M.D., D.D.S., Wunmorox 8. Emmy. M.D.. . Pmnli H.` -Ausru}, A..M7., moi, 1 Bunny, M.D., ' ` V Pmfemmrg nf Baltimore v-,'3u`_wm AL1iQnus,_ mu.-, Mn, n.n.s., - nu--. TEET1f EXTRACTE .' I......A _....p.:I.I_ __2.. . __J __._A2-._'I. "B is i~f71'~'i"'s"'E' ...... - _ _ . . _ _ r v _ . - . ...D M_6_,.!X_Z_-E_A_ IUTUI Dc DANDY, ll-U. Professors ofBa1timore College of- _Den_ta_l Surgery. _ c on & DUPONT, N9, 09 Broadway, New` York. manage me ? 119 I ReV;'A. FYII. nn uihnwu >13`-'l3il18 UR 8-ly . .lIUUlJ',l. a run _.;........ ;_ "Pdr Staldmn; J'mIge_,' I'Idl_l.9:lI, l?hysicig'na` ol'.the `oldest clmols unwell an, new vgive it their unquali- ftlnclioll,` and-noomme itfor all `cane: oregan- tlom, `and diseases ofllio scalp and btain ; but all who have-med it,.un`ne in testifying that it will pro- uervejhc hair from being grnkarnd from {allingto anyuge, to wells: restore. ~ ad the following :- Oak Grove, 8._C., Jun 21th, 1859. ` Prol. O; J". Woon: Dear 811- :-You: :1-lair Resto- rative is fapidlvfgaining. popularil .i_n lhitigommunity. "I have had occuion_to lay preju ice aside , and give youljl-lair Rgstqralixe a perfect test :-g A Durimr Iheycnr 1854. I was: so unfcrtgngte as :0 .4 ,' .1.` `L ` V. ' % .X_1fEL-`THE DOUBTS OF ALL. - +4: v..:_-- 1.~.m.... vm..,..'..:un. nfthe Lima PA :5.A{-n*o N lyotltfliaii` as perfect teat`:-V- ` . During the `your 1854. was unfortunate to bi`throVVnVin`oIn ,m y`pulky against It ~rock near the rondaidiffrom which myhead `received a moat ter- `rihtohlow; causing; great deal of irritation,` which itothrnnaieated to t brain and `external aaca of the head, from that .a'ecta of which my hair was nally destroyed over the entire surface of the head. From the tune I t-st discovered its dropping, how- ever, up to the.time ofita total disappearance, I em- played cvervthingl could think of, being a profes- sional man myself,-and, an I thought, understanding the nature of the disease, but was nally defeated in every preoci tion advanced. _ Then: an no other circumstances induced {no to meyspraci tion advanced. V i t `ThI`8?Ilt no other circumstances induced me to Iesert tqyourjworth Hair Restorative, which 1 have. every reason to be ieve, produced 1 very happy re- stilt3: t'wo` months after the rst application, I had as beatujfiil a heatltof young hair.Aas.-.1 ever saw, for - whichl certainly owe you my l!t0l_sin0rlh8k8- Rest assured, dear `or, I shall recommend your reme- ` dy to all inqiiirers; moreover,` I shall use my inu- : ence_,.which. I atter myself to say, is not a little. You` can-publish this if you think Wiper. - Yours, very respectfully, M. J. RIGHT M.D, Otce of the Jetfersouinn, Philippi, Va., . ' 2 , A December 12th, I858. _'Dea_r Sir:-I feel it my duty as well as. my pleasure, to state to you the following circumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentle- man ofthis place, (a lawyer, has been bald ever since his early youth; so muc so, that lie was com- lled to wears wig. lie was induced to use a tile of your Hair lysto ' e," which he liked very much; and after usin some two or three bottles his hair grew out qui_te ltixuriantly, and he now has a handsome head of hair. The gentleman s name is Bradford,and he is very well kuownin our adjoining counties. many persons can testify to the truth of _ this statement; I give itto you at the requst oi Mr. Bradford. You can sell a great deal ofyour Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties if you liavethe proper agents. Yours, &c.'. THOMPSON SURGHNOR. Da.lWood:. Dear Sir :--P.-rmit me to. express the obligations I am under {or the entire restoration of my hair to its ori inal color; about the time ol my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming ray, but upon the application of your Hair _ estorativc it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative as a very wonderful in- vention, quite eicaciotis as well as 8 reealile. t S. ' HALBERG. Q. 1I1I\I.ADI3l\.\J- The Restorative ie put up in bottles of three sizes, viz; large, medium and small; the small holds i a gin}, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium old: at least twenty per cent more in pro ortiou than the small, retails tor two dollars per bott e; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, nu retails for -three dollars per bottle. '0. I. WOOD AK CO Pmnriutors. 444 Broadwav. and relniis for -three dollars Dome. 0. J. WOOD dc CO., Proprietors, Broadway, New York, and 1.14 Market Street, St. Louis,-Mo. Ami min my all annal D.-noai.us and Fancv Goods New York, and 1.14 Market Street, $1. LOUIS,-(V10. And said by all good Druggisls and Fancy Dealers. . March 21, 1860. - 12-14in IT is compounded` entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi- proved by all that have sorledwith condence which it is recom- cine, known and ap- . used it,nnd is now re- in all the diseases for mended. . | . II has InII-4)l` llunnadnnla I `villain lhn Incl luyn essmn snow. ' ` The dose must be` men: of the. Individual, * such quantities as to act- Let lhe dictates of|'. years who had givgn. up` - numerous unsohcned menueu. _ I` .11 has cured thousands. I v i I es:-ion show. ` 'l`|u: Jnca can-I kn` -UHCU yuuug lllo Nine o clocl: came." Every i1rohi_t_t;:.wt;sa hie post-books and slates, all in readiness for the day s battle with the demon of..darknes_s and ignorance-e-very task fully.commi_tted 10 memory. ` `Altogether a charming" state of affairs! . An` active _;mind, .not. wet_i_detl,too: eloselytoorthodox ideas, would fhavef.di.vlne` . at once the great advantage .of rewards and kindness over oppression` an(|'-~crdel(y-. But our old tutor was invincible. Unntake ltim! Never- You could not alterhis mind are iota. cs 'l`i....l..I -.:.....t- In -.......r...I .s... |:..t.. 1. .-It;-_-. surn quttnttues as to act` (9 zgenuy on me DUWCIS. Let the dictates of _` `vnur 'ud Vment guide Von In the use of the '>ILIVEl]{ 'NV|G()RA- TOR, and 'it will cure` ' {Liver Complaints, Bil- lions Attncks,D_vspepsia Z {G h r 0 n i c Diarrhoea, S u In m or Ctwtplgintsi - gysentery, D ray: 1? y, Sour Stomach, n itua ostiveness, 0 ic, Cholera Morbus, Cho- mvlcru Infantum, Fistu- lence,. Jaundice, Fe- {male Weaknesses, and mny_be used _snccess- ` _ _ _ Family Medicine. It Iwtll cure Sick Head- ache, (as thousands can .. testify), in twenty min- utes,iftwoorIhree Tea- _| lspoonfuls are taken at the commencement of `attack. - ` . All wbuuse it are giving their testimony in its `or. - ra!ll`lIY XVATFR IN THE RIOTTTII \VlTI-I THE lfullv as an Ordinqrv ` lll\'Ol'. MIX \VATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SW,-\LLOw BOTH TO- GETHER. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. --A I.Ql)--- lAT_A..nI.i.1 `.i=-f.LLS,l COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts. and put up in 61.553 CASES, Air Tight, and will keep In anycl imnte. LIVER `I"i7i6RAToR. nu-nun-u-. I111:-II: -mu . an-any The FAMILY CA- genlle but active Cn- prieldl has used in his twenty years. . 1 The nmxstanllv in. twenty years. The constantly in- those who have lung the snlisfaclion which Ihieir use, has induced the reach ofall. Thu "I3-nI'u.*nn'nn Illnnll Jlle I`r1L\l|lJX DA` with due reference to fact, been cmnpomided purest Vegelnble 1324- , on every part of lhc ` are good and safe in all is needed. such as De- mm-h, Sleepi ness. Loins, Cosliveness, the whole body, from gpently, if neglected, c'.er, Lass of :\ppe~ lion of Cold uver the I Headache, or weight in . Iory Diseases, Worms Rheumatism. a great and many diseaseslo numerous lo mention in ' nose, 11:0 3. { UK? rencn 0| BU. ` The "Profession well Cmhartivs not on the 'n.- numrv r-.1, . V . ` "PRICE. 3 DIIIES. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR am -. Family CA- THARTIC Pl LLS are retailed by Drnggisis gene- rally, and sold_ wholesale bylbe Trade in all the large towns. - S. T. W. SANFORD, Manufacturer and Proprietor. ` ` 336 Broadway. new York. Dec. 21st 1859. 51-ly .\VUVcl'.r 10!! 001110 D01 BIIGTIIIS fi Iii IOTK. "Tingle! tingle ! sounded the little hl!'-;_ that ball had a voicens well use tongues ` 1 ..L BOVQBH 1illnMinn" nrd-u nan, nal; hnnn'1hnT mg DELLENBAUGEI: OF BUFFALO, N. Y., F'I'ER`an unprecedented successful practice of > over thirty years, being about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends in all parts of the country, has consented to make two medical preparations upon which he has bestowed the care and knowledge of his long experience, and has lell them with the ditferent druggists for sale. To those who are acquainted with the Doctor nothing nged, be eaid--to others, it is but necesaary to any, that hehaa for t'ears.prescrihed for from 4,000 to 5,000 persons, and always with the greatest success. Cases that have baled other medical men, vielded readily to his treatment, and persons came daily from * undredtt of miles lobe cured. The Doctor, how- er_, has`not heenable, like others, to cure every- 'n;{ with one preparation, but has put up his medi- -cine in two bottles, which are numbered '1 and 2 The number 1 is a ' BLOOD PURIFIER, SuDerior`to' the nurest extrnctnf Sm-.m...:It.. '.....t.. uuuuu I Ul.\.l.l.` IDIL, Superior to the purest extract of Snrsparilln, made entirely of roots and herbs of this and toreign coun- tries, the best properties of which Ire extracted by an entire new cltemicul process. It acts, in larger doses as `an.nctiv_e physio, in smaller ones as an ttlterative working dtrectlv on the Liver and Kidneys, expel- _ lingthetefrnm all morbid. matter, thus bringing tnto at.-lion all the organs that may hnvebecome inactive; and tttayluolrelied on to cure Liver Complaints and Com_pla_iutI of,.!h Kidneys. lnci ient Consumption, Dyape `a, General Dehtlity, Ol Ult-era, Scrnfula, . Salt eum.'Pimples'. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery-4 sip:-l`u,lnrmitiiea of Youth nnd`Ae`, and all other dlseueewhiclr have their origin in 1 diloldered or _it_npttrg otltoiof blood, It isof; Q Ittetnghthening '1_'h,Im"n!*.er 9 is. .i~ ` nature, and _will never weaken orproutrnte the body. "`i ;. n . MEDICINE, A ' Audlhll never be taken exam in mm.....n.... ...:.t. ~ .; 1:4 v..nn. 1V.l1'4.1J1p'11V.l`J, And must never be taken except in connection with -No. 1. It will than cure .lnammatory,Rh'eumatinm, all kinds of Fever: and Agnes, Colds, and all pains. -`whether Chronic or Acute. Thane medicine: will effect CURES, not removals lrom one part of the body gojhe other. ' ` Er Rgmemhgr. Io pre\'e'nt confusions, these Medi. cine: are p_I-epniod by On: Dolc1-on Fur-znsmcx Du.- Lnnuwen, who hnpncliced in Builo over 27 T i n ` ' ` `f h'bou"_ `d, I?"-_`...I`.`.N-'d,.. . n` og':;:'" 5., 333510; n.?.,"" blo_v:'n_,.jn"Ihe qcoompnn in etch-b0llTo.*-`No.1 *1 `acid foi-' as per bouk =13.` gfor -7600313.. With \ ` o a ' - V o lllnjnmnln nnlinn ah-u nu. ..'.....a .. .1..- _..u._ -4, thewirorst effect of ' . to ptv_i;nt:_t'rnnd. `a. li enen 61` 1119 Doctor. u \ I go F.` uu y|;_'Il,l_I an repommendl 4 2335 Hum` ',oiuonhno,1aao. ` . vl -.-nu vuulc nun ur. 'fl`|`e(l. ,l'1elVl_`c:;u'l7n'ug'l,"&"('3'o., sumo; Ni," blown. in the i nbo`1.-~N.1 gut Ion Iccompagz) ear ue o 1; cold fat` per ;- for 76 ceul.I._ thi---in: I9 _no;ic.-- thpy-In saffered -so use publw. rely- ingon M ' ymuegzn rgcommendnngzlhcmuelvu. - ;A-st_'Imn w-rm: .IlII3l'Il(`S IN`! 01] N10.` The FAMILY CA- nilk Ann Isl`-nrnnnn 1.. N EVE?! ,DEBl;I%A'lES. MILY : n`s.*. mstantly clion rfall. wfession on H I 1 it $A".'.F.S?,'?~ S SA:NZE`ORD S tum uuu IHIU B. voice as wen nsa umgue. . Boys all a`uention,!' eyes. ears, and` m9l!'1hl:' agape ! momentous e poch ! Old`!-lnnkinn niimu aka HA .4 5:. .|..r.` .'.. .t I`I :-on FAMILY :' 1 [adapted to the tempera- iiaking ii, and used in 9- 0 ggenlly nn the Bowe-ls.` A . d I . _ J _ t:*:;;~.2." L%':T:;*.n.-:::';: wilhin the last iwo all hopes of relief, nslhe certicates in my pose % 4 porunns or me nuwets. THARTIC PILL has this well established from a variety of the tracts, which ucl nltke alimentary canal, and cases where a Cathnrtic angements of the Sto- Pains in the Back-and Pain and Sureness over sudden cold, which fru- end in a long courseof tile, in Cree ing Sensa- ' In ad y, esllessm-:3, the head, all "Inamma- in Children or Adults, Purier of the Blood, ` which esh is heit,'too this advertisement. l creasing demand from used the PILLS; and II" lotnrmn in nurnnl In use_u we nuns. and [all express In regard to lune to place them` within THARTIC PILL is u lharuc which the pro- praclice m 0 re, It: a n linow that th dim.-rent portions of the lmwo.-ls. 'l`u.u:'rm Dll .`l,- 1...- 115'; rl.-'iTxI.'"' " knnlna nf lkrun ui-to r Iiger,~sho._ thrust in: the myilerioht ~ke:uel-1-7.1 : , any yet rants, aver)j_.IVIAO""OI__fy'm_s} I ` Jul] unglu nave neard a. pin drop. ' - ` The hour-has at lenglharrived; behold in` my Irprpiaed ngers a single n|mnnd""-+t'erri'- : ble gnpgnse. In this almond is a kefnel--` ` earemonionaly breaks the ahqll_'nm_l expnseav the tiny thing. " This mi `. e_m_r,saw`_1 f Then opening his capaeiobs jaws`, `expgi.ain'g'g1riV ` internal array ohlecaying ivory an_d,ra'w g_s}_I_, '_ . that reminded: us ofdhe` vmoughof u ~BnngaL N6h8(1l'll-.!`IllWC$.l:il'l -, I 2 r `T " 39 '.%7 ..':z!?*=1Iiined: the` .i- v`-'t1t, i;iiih3i$T bayI.:s:on::vi,1l,n'r-_+1 v'i|'|'n'oii"`?r -}n9~ II`=I!!` . will;,vqr'aao llnat.kern9%.ng'I!Ik:'I ' RG93 t""_","-`_.' 'C'I'?`.CI'TI. _ No.51, King stteet West, Toronto, c,w ' , 1-3.; =12 lsunntsunn ny . " D3. , ,GV0QDlNG,V (formerly of Bush) ' miw, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC inode of tl.l'?!|Hn - ~ ` CESSFUL ` ivancompa nt spepsin, Nervous - . _' ,Mara_lmtg_sor uttngCon'sumption,se,l,?:s ' Weakneu, Disease of the Kidney; and -~ 4 ` -Bladder, Rheumatism, Sc-rofula, Sn]; _ Rheum, Mercurial Chronic / Complaints, &c., &c., - c. t . "No charge for Advice. Dr. GOODING is now _engaged in treating (hi, I of maladies. with the most astonishing success, QT? trcnunent aglopted b him is new, it is based D scientic prmctrles, with new discovered remedpon without tuinera s or poison. The facilities of 8`- ure such, that patients can be cured at their 0:0 house: without ex nw, in any part of the count I` from an'accurnte escriplion of their case bHm'Y and have the medicine sent them hv mm| or x , NERVOUS DEBILITY. 9- Van... 1-nun nth.` nrn IIl\ll||'Aul uyitl. .... ..L nnnvuuo UDDILIIX. ' "'> Young men who are troubled with weakncns K, erally caused by a bad habit in youth, the etrch, n` which are dizziness, pains, Forgetfulness,sunmlimugf ringing` inthe ears, w_eak eyes, weakm-.5 ottlie bat: and lower elitlrerlnttie; `confusion of ideas, [05, of memory, wit me anc o y, may be cured b in Botanic Rclnt`diq.'8. y C M" COUNTRY PATIENTS. "'A:1:n:nnn mick full J3-anti . . . . a u n ..a o. .._.. I I UUULVIILI rAlIDlVl. .3/Iedicines with full direclions sent In any pm of. lhe United States or_ Canada, by paliv.-um` conunum. eating their symptomsby letter. Buzsincsa Cortcapun. dencc strictly" condential. , -Address. DR. GOODING. 9-1! Lin. l\lyl;v\l]_,|)3 would re: ctfully inlorm his friend. an the public, that he cm, tinues to be CUntl`lllIllH~ consulted at his old .:stat,!;.h.3, `Mdl0l Office, No_ ]9,`F"_ . change Place`-, ON ALL D, ;,._ EASLS UP A l l{lV,\T3 at . . _ _ V; . Hts long 0'.-xperxcnce anulut. (51,. -;_l_ tton to lhl crass 0! t-tptttplaum. "his safe and speedy method of trcatnu-nt, and h,,' extraordinary Sltlfcess, during a long and cxlunsne practice, enableshim, condentially, lu prowl... 9. persons a safe and radical cure, without injurv to 15;, constitution`, or connement from busine. ' . Bu :1` long course of study and practical c-xpem-,,,. . Dr. R. has now the gralit-atinlt of prt'.~cttlingthe unfo`ttunaIe'with remedies that have never `Ulhfll mm-3 he first introduce-A them, to cure the Int! alarming cases, and that in u very short but reasonable time without the aid of mercury or any other tlo_-In-term; drug. Within the last forty years, Dr. R. has cured more than one hundred thousand am of the alm. character, and it may be said safely that more than one-halfof the patients had been previously treated with mercury and other pmsnns. D.-_ R. can bevsuccesslullv consulted on the follow. , on DELICATE wrL'1u3.' inn Diseases: _ Di:-eases ot the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Jaundire, Dropsy, all forms of Sc-roftila, Tulle-r, and the nmgf obstinate diseases 01 the Skin, Nettralgta, I)_wpt-psia, Cnstive Habits, Pile.-, General I)`.-tntny, Nt'r\'nug AfTe-lions.Chronic Pulmonary ART:-ctiotts, Brunt-lz.t:.~, Chronic Cough, Cough and Colds, llltlttlrltl (`.,,.. snmption, Inammatnry and Chrome Rhetttuamn, Ulcers of the Leas, Ulcers of the Mouth, l'<:n_:tte. Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipi_en_t Cant-er, (ilamlular , Enlargement, Tumors, Clnontc Sore Eve.-a. ;\l-:rt~m.;,[ and Syphilitic Aectiuns. PB"? Dd 5W t'llIIt',' ut the Bones, and alldiseaees arising from the itnpmc .-mo of the blood, whether Hereditary, Acqttitetl m ('.,.n. tracted. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. and ulhcr (`lm.n.(~' Complaints of years standinfv; Gunurthum, (um, Syphillis Striatttre, Sttppresstun of the l\lt-ttscs in females, &c., suc`t-es.-fully treated. - YOUNG MEN, , \Vho, by indulging in set-rel habits, have contracted that soul-subduing, ntind-prnstruting, lmtl_y-(l.~mn-.ng vice, should apply to Dr. Reynold; \\'tlltt)Itl delay. In lln-st-2. as Wfll as all other cases t'l-8 Drtvale nn~ with and olner pmsnns. Dr. R, can bevsuccessfully follow. Diseases: niaunupn n! the Liver. Kidnr-vs. Bladder. .Iu'1l)ndi(~g_ vme, snoum npply In ur. neyuu|u wnmm In these. as well ; lure, Dr. Reynolds commends an early a and without any vanity ur aspiration, xk-cu} lhat nn case within lhc reavh nf mortai an! eave him without a cum,-'or .s:m.~miu1. gn TO l`F.}\lAl.E>`. _ I ].U I`I'a1Vll1LAl.`4n_`. Dr. R. can be succe.~.sfuHy cuusullcd on a peculiar to` Females. N.R.-Dr. R'\'nnMs is sole ncvnl fbr I11 It V IHOUSEPOCD! ` .A I $073-`H3535; raised the lid of his desk, and- drew the wonderful thing forth-4atljuef`etl`"5iS.. ominous looking spectacles 'aatIaddl6,his'Jtti58a] V projection, and proceeded to t_he,solem`n, `hero-' lion)`. ` H ` 1 Attention school! roatedtholittorg . ~ 1 C A single ot-der"wu all that was you might have heaid pin drop. -` ' r` hourhas at Ianuuhr-`...:..a . .t..-.t..n;t :..:.-` ,peruuar I0 remales. N.B.-Dr. Reynolds is solengvnl fur llr.\'..~ Female Monlhlv P:|ls.- Among the many lhnll bn.\'.-s of these Pills annunlly sold, nu! ma 1-amp has yet been made against them. Ladies In an lain siluminn :lnu_)uild not use them, lhv 3,-arm-u a which will be found in lhe directions uL'('ul1I;:m 'em'h box. Price $100. Sent by mail In any `of the world. Beware of (`\)lIK1lct'fr:1l>. TL.c_v not on sale at any other plane. ' - Dr, R. is the nnlv rraulur r//urn/r/I nh\`~ximn HQ! 0 NEIIC "K any mncr plZll'. Dr. R. is the only rrgulur ulumlezl pllxwiu this city who devotes ht whole lune r.v~/u. the treunnent of (]|S'5'`3 u!" 11 private nature. alictrd would do well to make inquirir: t>r`.ur sulling those advertising in this cit_\'.] Dr. I-{. : lice cxlldsthruugll every State in the Km. 'the,British Provinces. T}.-`RIo`V1\Ylll,hQ9 RR? .\'Y` \\'('?I(_ TIFF` '|'{{ I E JUJLIJIV./4'11: [J L"11IlL-`I')t`llll!l. .x:u' lraled with nearly- 300 pages. Pm-r, ...'Hc`!1!s. Lain-rs deg:-rihing am-- s\`mnl4un- ()I'rIxDZlIn>I EEVUR-DPEAN MEDICAL % 1101,83 . ' D V _ BUTA NIB IIISPENSARY " `No. 51, Kingtstreel West, C_w , ,. . II ! A HLIHIIIPD av mm-u wun nearly ouu pages. rm-r, zu u-ms. Lem-rs tlesvrilving age, symptoms. ()t'cIxp.1In>Il. &c. properly am-nd:-d lo, and me(li(-mes. .-`:('urr'l\' scaled from obscrvnlinn,_.eenl In all parts ofxhc wuml. NA In-In-rs will In-, nnswun-cl nnlp-ma lhp~\' vnnlih 1 [TON] 0USCl'\'llUH, CHI IU all pans DI |nL' VVUl'lkl- No letters will `be answered unlcs they u-nlam 1 remittance of one dollar, consullaliun lee. Cumu.l|- tion at lhe (Mitre, free of charge. All comnumicntions addressed In E. J. Reynx-Eds, M.D., No. 19 Exchange Place, Rochester, .\'.Y., will meal with prompt auemion. E Office hours, [mm 7 AIM. to 9 RM. EYTRAORDINARY NUTICE.--Dr. W. C. Lispenlrd announces, for the benet ofthe sick and unfortunate; that he continues to devote the -whole` ..r hI.~t1l.)r'lu the treatment of private tliscasos at his otcc, E1- cbange Plni-e, Rm-hester, New Yurk. February 20, I560. ' 8-ly 'lne,Drmsn rrovmt-es. , DLAREYNULDS GREAT \\'0RK- TNT-.` PRI- -VATE .ML'DlC.-1L GUIDE--Be-:nm:'u.!;.~ Aiius-_ l ....u...I ....I. ........|.. -Qnn .......... D.;.... -1'. . _ Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. AIN in the right side, under the edge _of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for 3 rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy. sensation in the back part. There is gene- rally a considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with a painful sensation of having `left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is somC- times an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled. - his feet are cold or burning, and he com- lains of a prickly sensation of the skin; ' spirits are low; and although he is satiso lied that exercise would be benecial to him. yet he can scarcel summon up fortitude nOllgl1_t0 try it. {n fact, he distrusts every }` remedy. "Several of the above symptoms ` attcndthe disease, but cases have occurred "where few of them existed, yet examination 05 the after death, `has shown the to have been extensively deranged. "AG UE AND FEVER. DR. M I..ANx s. LIVER PILLS, m cast-:s_ 0! AQUKAND Fxvax, when taken with Qlinlncv .8!!! productiveofthe most happy results. N0 an 5 5d P"P3'"Y 59 - 017 after We would ad\'_|5 \ 'cted with this disease I0 8"` A_ I'All."'l'KIAl..l , The Sohoolmastemz Promise. _ -. - `I ..-._ ..V.-. H... .-_. . The door standing ops.-n.'nml there the lady spied . The ciE lll'll7S bonnets gaily trimmed with bows and owers _ em e: ` -' LIVER WPILLS, N05 RIHERN *`pt"" % . 0 . by-R Maf"`"g" WJWM .' r""` 3" w W, ga:a3"" J. 0""`7'`'.' -~ and M71: but_Dr prepare 1 b Flea-W BM-. Hlhhzh, as. To mum... to 33$. memo; tfllhwewlll twud-permul. tpdd,towyW" . the United sum; one bozo! le hr twelve I.hM ` FNIGO |lAIIIpI..or one vial of Vennlfnge for f0|" 7.%htO94,IUl| ItIIlIpI.' All dc:-I from CundnmuH>" *I3II0*bytveItycIuteexh-5. 5 5b!IIlnepeohb!eIQnuhtn,und0ouh !5`" _> Ieepuujuunu-any.. 15*? ' A . . GEN . 5_1*lH9.w- - ' T Gazing, ,Baf'"' ymptoms of a Diseased Liver. qua;-vgvoooV\o Q-r\\-nun, Q---.- .... .-, EB.` Dada-I uni! Phyllohno order! from otlgerl 9 pm. vm do wan to write the onion a.;:3:1' - A . % Addreslsiall ordrs to F1-E-MINGj BROS., Prrrsnuncn, PA- 1L _. than DR. VM LANE S - May 2, 1860. Hy COD(lf'-|lll8l- -Address, GOODING, - No. 51 Kim: Slrm-L Turnm. naress, ya. uuuumu, No. 51 King Street, Toronto, C.W_ His bride I will be. 4 Bhgllj spurn him, and tell him . .l,wiihl,obefree'.'.`~ V AM no, my been whinpen ~:-_.- To me, when aIone- _ 2 .. `He loves mc-he loves me--'. . ` And I'll be his own! ' V- ._._. CELEBRATED ron nu cbn on U! H cure UT -\3lll>Hll l TO FF.M.\LI-ZS. .........-._.f..ll.: ....n_~..lv DR. R EY:\v'()];D.`V} Q inguinal-iI'n"u;nl1.-.-. L: 1' xalldisease . 'Iurun Mala , ul .~haH em nun... fr}:-ml. mpiaunt . `I II ('rr. ru u :9 [THE `, 2 mm. " when he ut d'me*m`dance.' ' :love`beam in11iU,-nmilye,-. *. j"5 *Andi`fe!thishnndtromblo'- ' ' . ,ln>ming all thqwjgilo. -Irhnowthnthelovaslno ' _ I-fnr,_beuer. [we V Than 1! he hadca mo _ A goddess ox; qu9e_n; Inll I1 I10 naucaucu my can or queen; . For a heart that-loves deay, 57 ` . '-Andfundly, nnd Jrue, ` Speaks a language more clearly ` lunzue ever knew. And` if e siiould` disk me,- Hia bride I will be. Shall I snurn him. and tell` "! . `"`!l51.Y|i8hH 1.? ' ' es sparkle Wm: joy and delight; `Wren he nlvd mrmdnnco; - Iove'be:m'd'in hinmile. . Unwomanly *Wome1|. speaks language more clea tongue '1'n_e clnnlrenvs uonnels gauy mmmeu wun uows anu nowers beside; Bul lying on the luble_ lhere, and hanging on the chairs, `Were mnny olhelj nr_ucles lhnl umllleq grey:-I _re_pniIs: - The husband : sh1_rt was cobbled up, lus sluckmg heels were` ' W3 llsll In ucul , and then ums an co'i`I"eapond`e'nt>= `in Eu ' lu`d,"7w Wefhale |`9Qi,I__'ed"lhe lollqgqag r1g_u_g;{ gggun is" `p In . or Qlh drains of a field, y.having a well {cum =omfa|l.. . w,A eye. .,as generally .ha9pn..I. i,II-.%!A.i.s; conmty, thqrainre no.oide.vdnehea".. . .- I cant` van a nlan bv which-, iidosfioheq - . V I hire" hnmberednll the drains so that fan} will have`; perfect `understanding of the plan, lor laying out _8._eld. No. '1 nnd'No__.f2` are. main lhains _into'wl_xich all Lbe._No. 9,0: small drains, run; No. 1 rcejving a_|l_,lhe.,wa!er from.al!-lh_e othqr drains ptevious to its` run- ning intolhg well. You will.oe_e bythg above plan that` that-e`is not `even one tile A expoaedto the weathqr. ` T 7' ' rm..- -..u..._ .`. _---.. .....-I.' , second time. ` The saving dispensing_with' main drains would be very, nding IIIU VVlI|fl_U_l'a V . _ _ - ~ Thisplan is very much practised in Eng- land. One, out-fall tile would be eufcieot to drain'_al_el_d of ten, to fteen acres. The great number of small pipes running into the out-fa|l always keep it clean, and there -are not so ` many ends` `exposedto perish-which, if ' per- mitted, wouldbe worse with you than with us. By myvplan you would have `no tile ends ex- posed to the weather. The. plan is` to sink a- well at the: end of the out-fall.` elf the.l'.tud were drained three feethdeep, Kthewell would require to` be about five feet deep; allowing. two feet for any-sediment toeettle in. Borea hole about five inchea wide` in the centre of the well,-`that. would admit of a pipe as large asthe out-fall. The pipe might be made of iron, or woorl,Aor, copper, or_anything_that would be likely V V _ cheapestipiping would be madeqof the same` material as the pipetiles, 3i inch bore, It should-be the same length as other tiles. Great care would havelto be taken to make these tiles straight. ' This- might be done by. putting a mandril into them, and rolling them once or twice when the clay was of a` proper dryness. The ends would require to be made perfectly even. The way to put them down the borerwould be this: the-first tile would require to be` bevelled off, on the outside, at the `end that went downward, to prevent it from catuhirrganyrsmall stones that might be in the bore. that the tile would get moderately tight and requirea littleforcing down. For that per ose a mandril would be required. to put insi e of the pipe with a shouldertci it.. The tiles might be forced down with a short lever. If this plan were adopted, it would be right to have a well sunk at a little distance, on one `side, to conduct the water into white the drains were making; asduring thattime thewater would be muddy. Afterwards the. water `might be pumped out of that well and ruuon the surface of the land, conducted to a distance, by a wooden spout, when the draining of the field had been finished. The water would then comeperfecly clear out of the pipes, and might be admitted into the permanent well. The water, by ltering through the soil, always comes out of the out-fall tiles perfectly clear; so that there would beno fearof choking up the spring. Landdrained after this fashion, if it were done well, would never wantdoing a to the farmer by great. In many cases;.in' England, ithae cost the owners and occupiers of. land about 1 an acre, to*eu-large the maindratns to their pre- sent dimensions; .and they_reguiarly cost about" 6d. per acre a year keeping in repaireyand often agreat deal more, As to the practices bilitiy of `myplan, Iamvoertain that it is founded" on a right principle:. that is, that wateriin its level, will fall to the same level that it would ri s_'_e_to. There tvitulil require a short pip'eto stand upin the well, a little lower than the. o,utl'all.-.. ;I tntght.be;made`of wood. with`alittle square oxlatthe top: itmight be Thiqlnlnri rnrirrnvna thn'- arnhtbat nhatnnln In to last; but the best and. The bore would want to be made, so. made fast in the bottom by briclring it round; .connlry,t_he,r:nte no.oi,de.-tmeuem; V M .- _ * I sendyou 0 plan by oiddzditgheg, I and maiurains may be dispagoodwithgiu all; - Vplacesrivherq lhejapnngo do` not "WhyisVa.la.wyerIikeA festless mu Because he liesvfst onono` side; the over and lies on the other. -' V . ` , p _ ln!_`__..-__. ____ __L _I.. I tuaur: IIHIL in tire uuuuur Lt] urrctung It rounu; This plan {removes the-greatest obstacle to thorough draining, in this country. If out-fall. ditches had "to" be dug, no effeclualprogress . could ever have been made without aispeoiali Act of Parliament to compel their construction ; and such compulsion, before the good cffectsot" draining have begun to be properly understood. or appreciated, would have been most distaste- ful. For one farmer to drain uponthe lands oi . another, wherethe difference of level rendered" this possible, would have created diiculties and quarrels without `number. .A single non-A progressive person might have heldhalf a dozen of his neighbors back from improvement; But with a well for an out-fall, every farmer will be independent;_',be will be"e'nabted `to make his improvements irrespectiveof the ob- structive or rion-progressive character of his neighbors. -For this reason,'the value of this new plan of-obtainingout-falls becomes in- calculable. ` Trarrspletttirrg. c Prepare for lransplantiugy. Peach, Cherry, Dwarf Pear Trees, and _Everg.re_ens are trans-< planted with more safety in the spring than in` V the fall. -Strawberry beds should also be pre- pared immediately, as the best time fortrans-Z planting is during April and May. Let the. strawberry bed have arplentifol supplyof de- oayed leaves; discard allfmannresexcept those ` e formed from decayed vegetable: .r'substancc_aL For the benetzof those desirous of decorating the space in_fr'o`tlt`end around tlteir.dwellings, we givethe names of atew of. the "meet beau- tiful evergreens ;-First,` then, comes the Rho- dodendron` Caldwbiense, or tree of R_oses, as itsj}_n'}im`e __irri`p'_li'e`e'.4 It is one ,*of_: lhe.'.'most bearitiful shrubs grow.n,..and is a complete evergreen, with lea`ves`of_ ruhick _tex_t_nre, and beers large clpeters of white lilac. "and crimson" owers} Thevsibrian Arbor Vitmis one of the best lawnvplents. A Itrgro.ws~very;symrnet`-* _ __ricel. -The-Cryptomeria Japonica is`: beami- ' lot and gre_c`eful~tyiir plint, Uit'j}iR0l-`lpilardy as the foregoing. .,_Il (1965 on agood soil, with}; dry bot_tqm. ,"'_The,Golde`ng A_rl1_or,_Viu:_:.ie., :1 snerb-plant,destervingttte rnos_ti:qns' icnons place on the"ltl\iiri'r`1r graa'p1or.'=-In*H bit it is gdwerf, for_ming=_a, smooth, symreetricate-cone.'A: j It is not 1 hardy-plent,.however, and is liable to `be: injured `by: our feevereh winters. ' :Tlie_a Small-leave'd.:9Coto'n-Banter; i:TIr`ee Box`; Japen` : A 'Eucnymue;'Broadleaved-Lanriilf Fier ;""I`.hrtr;e',"' ; ' `a_nrI'th`eUEnglish Yew andcthe Reifi`: O'|T f- ` ell deserving >of~ a place} in; every colleotion._. -The twtrvlasmienti nail.` 139.38.?-3'-'5}? :- Ttoo rentte"r1ts?tttiiu;t_ ti1"e`te.'_f" `ntsaug ' .of[Meyia the" 5bat`t'irtie`<=lo 1!lN ` is requiredjotj. jergreenrl; only - :ir"v!s92i9elh- wow-';':*s-re-m2t~ - _ ' ' ` -*1 l"f0!n'lllel'aI.Icr. -._ ~_' V. W.9.'ha,8 r9a'ured"Ihe follqwj rlg_l|__o{ fljgln ! .1"'.-I "`"_""".f .`?' "' `P" "`` ._z__ . ._-n r... .. ' The triumph of woman lies not in 1Q -"8dllIi!--` 3: ration,.of_her lover, but .,in..th res cLo!'.-I1e:.. '. husband; and 1.hat,(:az_1;pn,l,v. he` igz by a. con- stant. cultivation _of those iqtfflilt ' ` which she ._*n9W#zhmea9.ve1n.9- `- 1 `ad _- `.TnIiir=\nIu-I-"n` ":Lviv;a.e mt. 2 ` kn9w#=.h m9st.v~;1n9- -. - ~ . . . '. - :-'1'. - I . #3" :--|:; H `as ggohn; w.her"e_did Tyon -mat-`s thh:'!'Pl|!0'9 :o1d...,!Ie.of :mnr!*`'."`9':=c5!"!`!`3"`9 '" . I\.zIm1iu r:sosIy;_:-lbeainiemuaplcsying. xeiaurg holirs ~11 vmpgl _e`u:-gviug, -photoknpbia`,: M printinmke. -' . ~ . ' -~ <,=V- .__. ._,.._7.-- ,-..- --- V __ -_V ..v' - _1; ';n:`t;A1bert(ha's"` 1 "rii;'ii%i"i6" Ee Aha`, 3 ange: himulf wiibgeagacyyigri for 4 . .'-'rn5`1j-.a:;" -n'._`3n:.Aeu1-..... '~ MAIN_ D_RAlN. . Lever tells of a Tipperary peasant, when asked: to pay for prayers for his son who come to grief, refused, saying,-_-`.`hly boy, whenalive, ro `kc out of every jail in Munster, and he wont lb] long in purgatory. . V '1`wo,Manchester gentlemenmrhose -names are not given. have otfered a rstvprize of 100, and I second prize of 50, for the best two Essays on Revivals." The `J udges are to be age ofghe Prehendaries `or St Panl s Cathedranisnd gthe Reverend Charles Stove], a dessenting minister. An old and respected commercial traveller of one of the largest grocery establishments in Bristol. having recently died, the principals made his widow a present of a policy orinstirance` for 3000, which they, with a. kind and liberal care for his family, had effected on his life.` `- n............_s ..t.:mv. anal dmun t-Inn? walla B0ys?~::GomrataT{7l;P v ' ` I 0' ' ...u.: . `Q ,_-4.111;... cntl Jaw-ninilnlf: _'_`_' 5 -each} k -15 M`oiinte`d o`n rcs!Ie`rs `and; ` _ t_s_e.d'..,.V.`.$6`Le_ach;,_ . " ii`3i' Th. 305"- 4?"-5' ` s...V.7.8 JW Q10" 0&0` within the ilvfmiljof Bhrrie,.accnfa1oy"Jtid aowmc. scale,-_lQgethI;:, with a plan offthe-Railway Smiony and a` ` tinlgdyjew of the 1`9wn,d;a\v_n 8' m-sob. ` non `rue VlQW`,.ci|II; 45.- per for Training or on "1 `mi letters M38; 9d. amid 2:. 7 `Darrin -In-ah 23rd. -. H vj &2V _. drifes` in Saddle` or A _'2r.tlmu.t;_Dr`iv_e#r:; C"l. T7'l`agq8:8-'..131&:',"e`.'!7.~. 8; 9".`{..Q'.!t..'3U-".2f .56 59*` d ?`'1 `5'?e-;;.'v' _; .`L'_.'.; b V: an`:-:;:-u-u-v;A\~rn1s| :- -`:5: 1; F . > ..~` :T F ; - .- : _;I.;- EAMS for the CONVEYANOE OF `can n1waysLbe' had. Fxeight.'psid`o per Railway and forwarded todesti receiving a written oxder` Car unequalled: dg'qg.atch,.a.nd Vmoderatac rgeg`. ~ THOMAS `GUN nu.../an Q-any--on Rnnnm, ,/ _ 7 7: -~ 1 xuvmau Dunno? _S_=l'I_II:I1-, Bgxnu, Nqv. 9th, 1353. oN'rAiN1 NG 15u' ACRES, szumtea on-"the . ldwater Road, within 62.Ii1es of the'VIL- LAGE OEORILLIA, about Fort/Korea of which is Cleared and Fencd. l*n--nLnT.3hn-nl '01-|I\\nl`:IhIA nunn:n1| non kn WHICH `IS UIEHYEQ Bill} renceu. - Terms Liberal. lmmediat given.. , _' . . -' - , Apply (if by letter st-paid) to - ` ' ~ NO..C. GRIFFITH Co., 2_2l, Yo_nge_ str_eet_, 13}-2mo_ 1 V iossession can be V Toronto.` IUK Ill! IISIHIIJ, llllll cuclivcu vu una any- Camnnxx.-A child's eyes! those clear wells of undeled thought, what on ea`rth'can be more beautiful? Full ofehope, love, curiosity, they meet your own. In prayer, new earnest! in joy, how sparkling! in sympathy,` how tender! The man whenever tried the companionship of a Rule child has carelessly passed by one of "the greatest pleasures in life, as one passesza rare ower without plucking-it or knowing its value- "-- -- -~-- ---.---~ A .-....a ma. nu. ma. corraeg TO ;;EN'r or 2 0' be`I.Re'ti`ted' of Lea ` `rth immevdiafe pos- sessiqn, A NEA TAGE BUILT HOUSE, ......o..:...:....o`u.. ` ...=. 9 um Dnnmd Rm-vmmn. , Will] IHIIDEUIIIIU pus- ; and an excellent Cenur; with good S ` LING, OUTHUUSES, a`Gard_en, and rs-, 2 Bed Rooms, Servant :- an ard in bearing; situate "about 20 minute s` walkfrom theihlnrket at Barrie, and fronting the ' . L . ._.A!':In__ LLIU nag. ' ' -AL30,-- _ .About,20 Acres_of LAND, cleared, 10 of which is under cn1tivp.tion.L The Cottage can be rented with or without the Land. ` .1: an , .. `P_I,._ For payticulars apply` to this oice, to John Alexander, Esq., or to the owner, ' ' _ . MRS. P. RICHARDSON. Barrie, March 21, 1860; ~ 1241`. Baiiie, 1860:` ` OR SALE by the subscriber, on very favorable terms,` several-excellent Farms, well situated, with large Clearing: and good Buildings, in the Townships of Vespm, Iunisl, and Adjala. Also, an Acre of Land with a good~EraIne Dwelling Hnnan o'|nan in Rnrrix_ \Jn- -..--n..a_--, W0 PAIQK` LOTS_, in the Town of Barrie" cout'o.init1;;',1v`an - ~:Acre-each ; being Lots Nos. `7 "and 22, as surveyed, by Robert..Rqss; Esquire, forming part ofi I;6t/No. 26, tli 5th 0011., Tnwnchin nf Vpsm-A. Tlmsozljots are well situ- Ul.'lllll.|g [J'd.l'h ul.`- uulr LII: Township of Vespra. T11 Med, and b`eii1g iii?-`J,hr1 v are,.very~-valuabl 4 -- n--wmx em-6}-.n1ms*`ca ll AUIU U1 IJIIHLI WISH II 5! House, close to Barrie. For particulars Vapply tov . _ _ ` IJIIVVUIEGIIIJ VI VIII`-ll! A gentleman l:anded_us.on Thutadaylgst a etical tract, entitled The Lady : Dilemma,_ y Mrs: Sewell, in `which the absence of plain- workers is lamented, and the folly of teaching girls fancy-work only, isehevwn. The tract is too long for insertion as a whole, so wegive an outline. A young man receives unexpeated commands to go zibroad, and wants his linen put in order. Hiemother asks for a seamstress- Ella-3- 'nnnnn Inn:-A iuunnllv nnl` In" In: ifunu lrnnur V EST half of the East half of L0 ;,N'6. 16, in the 11th Concession of the To. ship of Oro, 50 acres; 20 acres ' cleared, w fenced, Log House, quarter of a mile from 3 oat Ollice, quar- 'ter:of a mile from Church ,.of England, 3 miles from Presbyterian rChurch,*3 miles from Grist and Sam - Mill, `on-`the Ce _ ;Road from. Orilliar to Barrie, 1;6'milesfro - ax-tie.` Terms liberal. - ..'__u_ .. _./. --nnr 1,`I Nl nanunnw-'. _\.5n-no lb Ocdber, 1859. a.r.-v are ,.very-vaxuaunw-v lI3'Fu11 " xculm-s "can. be had, with 8, plan :of thgi pr` >erty; on_ application to H, B. HOPKINS, _ T _ , ,_ ` `Barrister, in. Barrie`. ' ` CHAS. A. MONDELET, 2 ._ . A ,Land gent, Toronto. Ba:-r1e,,Sep1A:. 265.1854. _ _( . ~ ' 35-If or Innisl. Tmspassers will be pro - JAMES f uuuu innial, Aprii 25,l1~s59.. HE saiisciibexwouua inform the I_"uBli'(g, that .hfe`jhas Leased thpgwell know`nvHAote1_in Q xnnna - - .-r2-.--`'.*' 1' " :1 % h._ '- ' `ne view;-,c;xn,~b 3.`.'d~` ...-..- mu-"l'r'm'vn'nxr or on "DD aw -_ 1inbert%tncmeuts._ run: an -n-you gnu: -uv-nu-_u-.-.... -w. - -v.-....--.v... Mnriu,'come here instantly and 18 me if you know Or anv needle-women here I could enmure to sew: BAimm,' Formerly kept I:y.tlie Johxi Bigham, a'nd afte_twnrds_ by Mr. L. Czusse, _under the manage- meht ot'g.`both.f.-.WhQm it was so -' - ..-.."-u-uv-1-uqvru-II-1r :\'r7:~t\11(N('~-l-\'II-r1- I M gaging Ltion f`f.he`3fr.t'a of. And bsinbe h`nds, by the Latsf Inte1liigv,e:nce, I that tlxer `ii i:o3n 1ote War, hr rximour of War, he intends .t_o devote all ,eIA:ergiVesAto_ the M:u_1ti__v`_o.- ~. --up . 1-uinnnrxf .3\1n innnn. ntn'.t:nu1an1n| , 4 th P`dIi c"'fnb1e,`by the M621, my, wek, K `HARMONY 1.ND`GO0D -FELLOWSHIP! _ The Premises-which he has now entered have` 7b een_Vgi`eatly'enIarged,Tand i9 a few days will be - complete! renovated, so as to a'ccommoda.te' `respectab e7 Viai6rs of eve ` 'd9'_scriptio'h"wit,h; `Bogmgzinmfxivate Snitsr-o Agartmgnuv ,ox;{%t' '5 my. ,1.` o- Year. He has also very Is`-xi-eI_,1,si._v.e.,A _ T _ (?nnn.. fnr. HnR.ES-. And ' .* "'3 xeur. nu un: also VUI uawnunyw nvuuuuusr 3nom,. for 11012533,. sag oAIm1`AeEs; and-La ~,1_;_xvmn-Yr:T.A Bun \.6nueo13ti[:wit_h,_ t,a_e .'Es t.ab: ":Bai-izi `j:-:J:T-':`_T>1: :L , A "BA RR IE," c. s.,` of the House,` fronting The splgnditi aims ' L on Ba , of; Kempenfe1dt_>_-`-1he;sal_n- .brity`ot`- the air-"-B ' pu`rity uf the water-`-aIl chm- : t.2_nne;n the/mos` hgaltby !nmerre.treats;.and dtngrn. , `it thiziiln'-e"7h6uriI" o;, -mp _ 42-tf Baienspg . 265.1854. ' Thatl will pay t Of any engage sew; 'l`here s not a sinle day to spare and. therefore you may tell But her_ maidservanl, Maria, is in aquandaiy at this question : A 55 un... rnn nl'n `lhvn Mann? rnnnnlnlv that nnt a urnnmnlhorn em handsomely, if they wlll.do it, well." _

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