Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Apr 1860, p. 2

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`A33 VANCE. my. use Jsn miwteo .v Hanan `XII ...'3"IiK Qgzciri ". unlinn will ` p1ssoLii?1`ioN`:r1i'i':?`rio`iv s.: _j4_BLunmNrARt. . " " aiucd the Euterreceu Vote in thi;s`_pl,a5ce. The- . proceedings qt Que- |n'd doings of th. 1 "7 6!: are given chew VIUCU lll Wll|"*lHIlI 0|! afvnmcd in `!Vi!'TU.hU - .vi!r- u.to. ul-vr ,, i muy_`b'gdd,_1i)qI _w1os:v`e1 I '7u\;'u \ nlyvo V ` 12 ' iIez'h`s:Io.powcr 5. Zipogqg we.- IIVUIUU [lllllll PIC. `JUHCWH VIIIIIIU `IICVU (Ila rea1.effe`ct, If they only could hue had In audience. In fact he fnggd and fought with all and ip3`a`tren',`1hy+neg emu rigmraxs: , tho L.-yliginsg 1-?` one Awouluhviah to hear, nnJ his lIrt Isa em to lay. down hisnms: In aha! ;Mr.:McG}ee-lei: Irolon'5!., hi_u-_c9g_|1_:ty- never k w} _ropablj tfxyfncyer onqniroxl$`li iq Uil"wif'{I the fig! tlliliib liad left. He c1Ia'::'.Jo v1meic#6iI alol oommencod volingtho Demoortlio us at an "?i 3" ?R`i`iiHi;iI.:L' ~"'""" """ -".' " -7'3- -* -~"-` 3`?- { , 'We' publish elsewhere avletter lrorn Chal- Emers, relative to thea1_legc,d disturbance" at Shanty Bay School-house} 'Our...atafeme?if `was given -`merely as a report, and without oui"in any way - fvouching` for its aecur_a`ey,_' or crpressing any . opinion thereon. We shouldlnot ourselves have given any version of the matter without atcareful Uinquiry into the facts. Whatever might have - taken place on the occasion alluded to, the coarse {andruianly production of One who was pre- i sent, which `appears in last week s Spirit qf "the ' edge, would have at once hadthe e_`ect with every proper-minded'pe_rson of renderingtthe staternents nmdp. therein unsr.o(thy.ot,be1ie!. The,Syirit has `earned a pretty wide1spread.notoriety for its Bil- lingsgate propensities; but even inthat printn more decidedly vulgar, ill-written and libellons L jarticlenhaa-`not often appeared. _ We doubt its b_eing theprodnctiQn. of the `editors, although 'most probably written on their suggestion, and lunder-their dictation, as the very touching allu- sion.(or hint) about a fund being raised -for the `purpose of taking legal advice would especially `lead one to infer. Its language andsentiments `maybe :qIiite in their line ; but in other respects _it bears evidence of a less-practised hand. Who- ever the writer zany be, we venture to say that he . could not have-taken a more etfectual way to"dis-' ` credit his -own statements than he has done, by the` manner in which they are made. A: .'........i. $1.; ...i..'.-i x...._.. u..:__ ,, s - `-- ._ ----u. gun vv unyu lien] IIIU uznuv. regards `the school-house being used for "the purpose ofholding a- politicakmeeting, we cannot hesitate to'=appt-ore of any remonstrance niade against it. i Abuilding erected` by the inhabitants oi`.a township, orshool sect'ion,'t'or aspecixlipnr-' pose;-'and a'bove all,"Afoi- the purpose of education, should `not -be* a11owd to be nsecrby any boay of persons, especially apolitical one, to whom many of those `contributing to `its maintenance would probably strongly opposed. 7 It may be all very fine for the editors of the Spirit to endeavor to` make some political capital out of a common- place occurrence, and to put themselves (the Barrie gentlemen who were` present and kept the : peace") forward as` chiimpioneof much better,` although perhaps'less_-kn"owing, men than them- selves, who' may` not recognize the dodge, or the ' politicnl vrolfin sheepls clothing; But when the mntter isncoollyl considered,-'apart,from the means used for the purpose of exciting passion and pre- judice, we have no donht but that every right thinking andunprejugiiced person will consider as Mr, Chalmers e v.iden'tl'y; did, thin making: a pan; tical or patty rendezvoneof a__ sghog1.hkmge jg hix.b1.;v b.i0!i.a.a.b1e- _ ,_______,-, _. ..... ... um Iecenl sernces held ' `there. 1 Carol for Easter,h]8`60, or the Roman Soidier and Children of Jerusalem," waisnng by the childi-eh eohmpx-isi_z_:g the choir,`a yoniig gentle- ma'n singing the part of the Soldier. The words were writteuforhtbe occasion, which we give more friixits pure cohceplloh than its'poetry, Here is aVs'pec`imex'1:`-- " - -";-A-.5 `aw-' ~' U I H? '.;_?L1s, v`z,-i`.-'. e:s'Vs:I-vsiazcin 951.: thanlt.Hqn.;JamctPazum, Anti: Mdn-hon Amleil R.-.. w.~.......... ;u....4:..-_. .._ _______________ . 'I:n~m'tts'1-Isa EASTER Sxniucss.- --A oorrspohd- ent of_ the Bosfon Traveller furnishes some` vefy inltiestigv particumr relative to Christ" Church, Cambridge, is well` as the recent services heldl `lb0l .. 'A Carol Fnr I.`..u... `ioim .... u n - _ l, , ,`--_.V-,,-- uu---n-vuo"' - I It vri`ybe' nir`1;t'i'-ninojcars qince Christ Church was `opened, on the lam of October next. mks glaring the time than the Arnerica_n army was In Cam- bu'dg,e'iu`lhe Revolution. bci _ _ eu ahathnrch ii:'1jJ90, w n it was repaired. Gen. Vashhngtcvnxiqnuretl yn Qmpbrmge Dec.. 11. 17% and ancndedbcrvlccs ngne on lhehsl d_n` 'ol' lhgt year. when C`.oI..Pn!frey.ycad prayers; one or an prepared expressly `for u; occasayu cqn_nm31neuxced1hus_:g _ .. v . " "*0 lord our has vcu y Father, hug}: and mighty. King of hipgs,_Jnd.I,_:gi ofhrda,-who-but nude ofdne bland IIIIIIIO .nal;ons n enrlh,.aud,whoqo common bounty is liberally , Hepto jpon iibxaknwonhienomws; most hcdrtilydo we ..bn: r ' ' ech tht-9.10` H dawn wj me_ u n his _v Grrge fe 'l`h1rd,'ope'n :n.e) : a11`(lrguli5n)Ien`Ixisn:nA| u(;:`r, .-mum .-Ihatl_ll:o;uy`. `:2:-nuk'r.uue gnrenggrglg P ' In over w. ' 0, . iI_LvI -, v uc_e as: e `m. 1 e. r'n6Ve`ffom hinrn wIck?ed.5?c1r`I'up`rr;:1-n. and evil counsel-V lot!-UIIINS '-!`3l,I|l7;hu c_uIh|itheal.iniBsIice`and right. Qougnesq; ma squglqnrnsh burn w1ll_| I_he-gI'.ne of an ' Holy '8pt ri\;Ihu1xhb'-I'nay Incline to Thy-wul and will; Thy 1 .-9% '_I--_-.\ an --I - - _ _ . .. -. u... xuy bc.-~ . . .-. nis3 pray er much pleased` Mrs. W`a_shi:igton'_ Mrs. `cuslisswho wen}: present, and 1} whose requal Col. Palfrey read the sn-ice; They comphmcmed mm on his perform. nnce, and he gays thcm_u4.-opyof this prayr, whih he _vnitaQh|t.he made ',`instead of the! prI)'eA'.l`or the Kjnnn unmre. Kom_an Soldier, tell as true, . .. 2` ~" What sort of a'w_atch or guatdare you? , ., V Th;-. scpulcye,ualed salelax night, . ' - ow came I! cmplyal morning light '! R._SoIda'ct. .\Vhy..PeI.er and Andrew, James and John, Thgy camqbg n bl, mtnuvml the stone, . And long bfbrel e break of day '~ , < ,_ _ h'ey;slole.hu body far away.. - ' . ` C'Iu'Idr_en. Vhy, old Roman, why tell a lie I For 41- V` 'cuo1wn. ~ , re Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed: V . . 5 tlenlelusarz. *_*9!.1'%1'%M1-1'*=!='ia..Ia.Amen. . TA.'Va n i_'I`mre_'st in`g{_itlzi.of (evolutionary limi, anq lfeantifully` ;eeling the `s.t';ling chn_ra'.cl,e1f of `Y0-W-a1I.*9!Q;*td;=;;%? i=uVms*itnes that `i met. "in-jr mgw s9us,f yo quatezizg gq1dition_:#e- .3 ' I. `pill l.- ...:. - - >- ., 7, -< .v- ...v nun-5." : - V Ohio Statsvnan roots up the exnse of the Ohiq Ige_gi!9t_m_'o,_, at it; 1o.t,eession,` '5: $33- 7:I(), rrqrks ibhi its principal iactsj _the pggingj fqf_'d6_g L1aw, apngx the elgclviohioffii Upgud `p'ftqr. ;-Th6,__"-Sfdgmqy concIud;e"sf tlfixt and re dog.lgr `sic ex_'1ex'as.i.vo-. lug- ._*`.aA:.-..;r v9hi<?; ilthsst-91157 's9'9m3=9.ni 1><.>.iv-I-.i.om V 9999; b:.!.h9:1 3#n-=ini9=;A- futichihsw em-we n=I9P1,9sw!ns9vesa9aeds ...-;YVi0..r. the .P:ov?nc9 iivided into four such govrnmcntalv`-_S_n_teg, _ 13 gi_3 `ppamngjhgg n gdrnntsuv-on namhl. ....g _n L- -_ ,_.-- --... ..---u .uvu|uuu:uu|l '_Dl3KCS, {B appaeimuan ,t_h9..9<.iv.&s-taxes vou1dx99M.11he'n lb? sf. cosh :wh.1.e'ver salve 4m1cW>e_ phtni-mt AY.Vi.%lx.,-`!.Ii?=.-=.i.n1 mvionnf .9s<;h.~- local lesiamnrcn the expeneA._vonld;rz3o\!nhnv tp-. ratliv-tr fon.ni.- 9.19. swzoz-304:: nothinmf tho :Fedm1. 130'- !'gl!,|l!l_IP3-;;{-',:':---1. ;-.;.:-:-:.~ -V '- 1:-_: gmgg Hon ff ibdfyjsitil V :-..-..~ 1 arm Wl l_l_l|1g._IOl_'Tl16 press. `? ~ " '7 L` Having` `cdnm`butea- hrgaiy-; to `lhdeiuin-5 of. supra! nowspapers1"na`estnLshud one of his nwn` `in -K "I hil.v?nH I 1'iI `RiI"I}9."' IE5? apu{1ne"g'enIal_!_ity.`afills pfbpgwg` M5-L Bouts Cor; radI!";:VVe' Ithhil - it 'v_r`s ":`n ohnce mi `om-' par`: gel :3 1ih+8;-3:i_bw1'eaEd `m"- `comfdils auziigga xv "`!!`?'i-hw=ati'td*3 9s*ss`W.d2*!!9 -"a}!b1,>' f . sw. ,.'.*.=ie. `I>9=!',`3. '*{1.*?!`,9';!3.9.xise= ` `IT. 1... `A V` "` ' " ,. _,, .2; Qua`! pf --9-I L-I5-III ft; )1!!! rfllll $13133!" rim lNm`o.nn ,.t9:_1`~ Rawtsumn ':EIqau;tr I Iuplll of Parliamentary document. M ` _ W` V_, ,,_ .._.... -u';. -.uuu|ruuI!:;_ll :l_ llll 0|: [III an e gays t cm u0PY " ` '3 PF)` -7 W_ 11` y.;s:;u:.ue made peg;-ea-. [hr the mug." .__.g._...'; J. ' ' _ ag: H931` ibqvisitil Bdiankhibhg new dyi a";g6- spb1:`a`r higthy of "ih Eaiini recegd V5:t"th'e,` Gio&'HoteI, a;&dfIi6s'g`en1siic'y`}`o?%is' an-`. Ebola cor`- raidi:~'Wi'a'7th`":ik"~-R`in'm'-`i.; ..a1. .:`...;i...2%'_vx..>_ - ----------- ~-: 1 ---.-4-_-,__-_';gq_.""'!!'J"_k._'..'l',"A"' V` "5"` ~'1 n*ging thoneceasiiiy for that increased accommo- dqtion which M11` render its missi_6n' iisefnf and effectiro that `we "venture ' tiiege anj)piem_entary' rmatks. To the-H_o'n.,J. A. Macdonald hclongsr fthe honor of inauguration and carrying out this" philanthropic meumrei} and vihile all that `ould . "reasonably be done has so for been done, we hope -:to' hear of steps -being taken to adapt it to the _Provincial need,by!urther deposits of brick and mortar, so that the pinnsrso woll laid` outvby the oicers may be a1'Aloi'vcd"the proper and essential idevelopnment. M ---- --.-..- -v -. ---v-v--.-- -.r ._- y-V--aw, -----av option of a life of __id[ell8' and vagrnncy. To `6\ercome..this iajllfhdistinctive.` feature of the. Reformntory; an `oe of again Wnliging the n'ece_as.iy increased vanced boy may there in that time acquire such 3 knowledge of one of the various trades taught is to render him. stone: able to can 1 livelihood, ' and so schooled by regular habits as to become a _'io6itG.iti in him. It is the want of occu- pation" that is so detrimental to our youth, lead- `.l_:nIs-Ass: .-- 1'.-.- ....|'t--u. . .1 .L- _:-:.... _ _._J .|.- "-1.7 *:r-V--M "\:!r_. -7-: " -"1 ""' -" '" chanc to acquire Inch I kdetge of business 3': Sta him at the expiration of his term for emer- ipg at dhce 11%` 3 a xed emBlo;ment._ In the I--...v.. gnu. -. uv -any---o---v-. vv vu. l\'IC'll' .~ ?fgllI' llY"f6'~hIKiVt56n-of; the Vii0\ll,`~'IlI`;; D 4I__AI-_ AI - I20. -1 2JI-_.-__ -__.I __.A .___.___. `~e`t2issm:..`E%f`zz.. F ' 1:}uttiq;,"=iE 3... young and old promiscuously as ed together, that the Reformatory was estnbl ; but it also accomplishes the `object of building up character and usefulness in 3` viciously disposed class, by the forced ncquirement of industrious habits and ts. A cri -sentenced to a Hort vl itb .'by the always _ A ces t Lifsgitn hss not the :.:.i;';"..* my exilzil phat sinz_li`k`0 a -!y?ng`gWqn:;";I~e{ nniiirrili-'-1airI":iiI3 -r'Et'ru hhdhirml-""ii"nhhiI iii I" Fdur jnyenile otfndcn passed through Bam'o ell`-625` ____-__-I__ ___--.I A;_.-.I._._ Ldonsstoxs. qjo V THE REFORMA'l'0BY. Roin_an ldier, tell true,` sari gua The scnulchre senlpd ualn -- 9\lU IV IOIU Ilvs`-VUDSIUII UI II- Cmnrzv rnx RaPAt_us.-A good one is told of Jmlge'L.i His` honotgkept a demijahn of good Jamaica in his_ private oice, for his own com- fort "and the entertainment of his particular friends-. The Judge had noticed for some iime that on Monday mornings his Jamaica was consitlrably lighterthan he left it on Saturday nights.` And the` fact was gradually established in his mind. His son` Sam was missing from the parental pew in church on Sundays. Om, Sunday afternoon Sam came in and went up stairs rather heavily, when the Judge hailed him: Sam, where have you been 1 To 'church_,sir, was the prumptre-ply. SS-`ha; church, Sam? Second Methodist. sir. _A`nd had you a very powerful sermon? _Vi-ry powerlul,nir; it.quite staggered me, sir. Ah! I nee,- said the Judge, " quite powerful. eh, Sam 7 The next Sundav n... \.q.\uuu uuuugll me. eccentric conduct of a knightnf the plough` named Hedges, known under the st)bt`iqtwl of .Lord Chief Justice Bums. It appears that His Ruyal Highness .the-_,Prinre of Wales, in company with Colonel K0ppl,,Eqtterry in Waiting, Mr. `Herbert . Fisher, private tutor tn Hts Royal Highness,` Earl Brownluw, Sir Frederick Johnstane. Mr. H. Le Merchant, Mr. H. Taylor`, urentout with the South Oxfordshire hounds on Friday last; but riteeting with indibrent sport, the Royal party, on their return to, Oxford. determined on a ride across the country. Not being acquainted with the locality they made their way across the land! of farmer Hedges at Barton, and, without being aware of the temper of the sturdy farmer,` rode into the farrnyar(l._ Farmer Heglges.tsith his usual. regard for tre.-ptuasersi immgtlialety closedhis, gates on the illustrious party. and levietta fine of a sovereign fut tllmlgeto enforcing} the tlelltatttl with an inti_- matinnthst none of them should leave until he had pocketed the amount. The party ll rs! -imagines! that when Hedges was ac- Nt]tttITl't ttf.`tli"'u_t'ith"th'ena'tnee` of his visitnrs he :\'7`0"`_yf-`.,`.If\i'_;0ftc0il)8V8 claimed the Royal " A3` .!;i`n`t his they were quite mis- t .,t3pott L:beiii informed that be WM tglKtil.il,I. {tt;,5i.!.ltiI".f|'ut,u.tt`3q King of England b` t!ett_tgged,,-Prin_ee or no Prince, I'll have my ..tIione9?J z;a-.'Ihe,-astonishment at the Prin_9 | nti_t_Ie1:;.-iayx vell.~he?.-vitnsgined, but bet"! tllbuntedrgdtinonmpeseed by stone walls the} ~v.etbf`6h'sp9tte'dj~ uyvyiolit to the inexotqbl L _ _ ; %tto; loin `stniable"dlspositton, .._ ;;iIf'l;i`p9tVv'l;-r{u.t"{mme, and on I110 '4 e ,t time:-164 :`!i'I'.f'1||'.Ii<'i'iIvith . at... .f..:,N5t5!!;m`..i..'hu .t=-.I1t,mz~.: 171 399" .'b.u.! W0-}k.5a 3'19 pm, . `nttsszetttto, tnttctuunussd at the tar- 5. " 1"` .'H ' ` . ""5 ."'~' L .' b;-was P'"." 7 " 5'7 .`C"5'l..i d""' _0 Un Bu Gm:An.-On Thursday last, a brisk breeze.sprung.up from the South-West, causing the ice from our Bay to make an honourable and delightful retreat. ' MV:Dp1-mott, the man arrested at Orillia for horse Btealingynnd arson, was tried at the Assizcs in Toronto, and acquitted of the charge. He was to be tried on two other charges. ~=The editor of the Buffalo Christian Adm. cate had hired a new editorial room. His irienzls stole Ihekey. furnished the apartment luxunamly, called him into it, and gave him $5010 lake poslnession of it. nvnnrn 1-nu Dunning _A nnnrl A..- 2.. .-r I ,r un: uccullgs ul Ill! neareu. During the prayer there were some manifes- tations of dusapprobattun, and at the close out- bursts of indignation fromiall parts of the house. His friend responded in defence of his course. am} as both parties were excited, there was fear} of a more serious disturbance, but the snperintemlant shut o the gas, leaving all alike in the alark,and the mingled maletlictions ceased, as friend and foe together groped their way tothe doors. V naiinnn In IL?` `I--!-L' - V ` HE H :-'.'~`i.31.C!"i5. `$84. ?-"`%'-'.`!9: P1 P8?0d to teach and cultivate that renement which doth no: tolerate either -treason; slmtsgems orv spongy See his card. - ' ` .-v -v----q .. 4-` ,-... voli an . 5'N: `"' "V"-" - -!_'*~ ~.;~-::'.::_-:13: ' `cdnirfbutea - M-g"oIj- ; =thc=. minor. ,_..__-_-__. ~k..*..-d-I I?l....I A... .J' Li. ;u. "nu; x rue,-" sum Ina Judge, quite powerful. next Sunday the son camehorne rather earlier than usual, and apparently not so much " under the weather. Hia father hailed him with " Well Sam, been to .the ` Second Methodist again to-day -." Yes. sir.. " Goo-I sermon. mu: hm: 7 u L`...- Iuuuu -accuuu me-Inoursr again to-day? sermon, my boy ? Fact was", falher, I coulrln I gel in; church shut up, and I ticket ornho door. Sorry Sam; lu-op going--you` may get good by it yel. Sam says, on goinglo the office for his usual spimual refreshment, he found me John empty, and bearing the lollowing label: '-There` will be no service here lo-day, the church being closed for repairs! ELDER KNAPP mu H IT;-run-.~nc.u.... n n.- vuutcu uclug LIUSCUJUT TCPIHTS 5" Euuzn Krupp on UNtVl;RsALlSM.-DlS- TUIIBANCE A1 , TREMON1` TEMPLE. -. Elder Knapp, who is giving": series of lectures at Tremont Temple. preached last evening upon Universalism. In his discourse he used some intemperate language, which excited the in- dignation of those of his audience who did not agree with him. At the close of his`addre.\s, he called upon all who were convinced by his remarks to manifest it by rising, and about one- hatf the audience rose up. Among those keep- ing their seats were many Evangelical Chris- tians who did not approve of his course. He then asked a gentleman to pray, prelacing the request with observations that still more excited the feelings of his hearere. nnrinn Ikn n-......_ -L--- --- n ll VIU'l uc (I00!!- Prpmong to lhll closing scene there had been {sq pdailfia` diglutlgbnce. Ml Ihe constant run- .ning`in'nnd Qgll had given the inaeling more the nppeafance of 8 political caucus than a regious service.-- Boston Traveller. V T'ns: Pmsc: or Watts A PR1soNr:n.- Con- siderable uhnsemem has been afforded at Oxlord ,thro1_:'gh who`. eccemtic conduct Of ")8 nlnhiih` nn'mn.l l.l...l....- I----- ........... .... ....-. uv uu nuvltaav VL staple 5UO,|_ Iivdszbn Bnos. announce the arrival today of `their Spring Goqads, and present to the public an attractive assortment of seasonnble material de. mending inspction. ----ugv-r. ..nv .r -. . .. __,.......-..-mu-A -av . 1. , SPRING GOODS. Wgcall attention of the trade to the adver. tisemelit of Messrs. I. C. Gilmour & Co.. one of the oldest and best esjablisbed wpolesale houses in 'l"o'l-o:i:_io,' `alnhoudcing the nrrivaj of their Spring goods. 1 . '. :Root.& iforrow again call attention to thjr bulilnss, and to an increase of staple good; Iinciuvmr. Run: n`m...m.. H... ......:....v ._- ..1__ .. ,..... .. wpresented g , - ~ ' bong}; tbeystillbuo darkness. All . 39 0" n"r ,.ipMvs '*'7"" """" , _ . the traditions of men. . ' d of God for the P9" "' _ aside Mggeglld Prophets, . ting - ` ' Igno `ins ' " f themselves a. huge fabric of `led up 0` , they h.`" pl urile follies, divinity. *'"`1mpurf1"`::::::*:8nd`:: ' `W ,go.inst the inane .333 ,6 secretly rtvolttng, thonslnds 0! He: repudiate its authonty. The hilst thcy_dare no. . 31 15" ,-eceived from the 3, said to W--`n Orv -5 n or the law given `;`l?God us an inteFP`"? 0 however, is so ob- :53 M21595. "this intt;!)retsn!:`::i otherwise. 3-hatit , . ' . nu `gm _ . Zigfezigee interpretatmn by W! "hm - a with the pletnom `"1 . , Gen`er-3 Or com _ is ,_.,.A11eIth.". The yybol occupi" . `the Talmud- to be penned Misbna: forms and would 599"` ' smut rono v01'" aback common 59" and `Md with '-mo 'm;'ui,on with 0'"`p" v V ' - g. . `be Jgyh 1'? ' T_l;e religious state of the Jews i one ofuttcr Although _ Annu- interest at the present time: -mOug3-g;le rm en the speedy advent of the Messiah is expected vb. many Christians are watching for the fullment: n of the promise given to Isnel-- 1 win M y ' out frmnemong the heathen, and gather ,0 of all countries and will b ' on had. 2 ring youinto you, on "5l,lige.r.om .lris_l"{rebal, but now; vpaiic Brit-A 'n{e Hon. Thus;-`nwcfmccao, whilom a ish subject, delivered lnatjlight, `lo 1 mic!djing.- :1-omlagl ` A `,a'lu1-chi A Ii ad I imae|' 7 e IA - 1 common fig; __li! the ._`;; 'ld* , _ ;:gE ;"' 35 lhelectnrer " "f ,, "A" On Friday evening the Rev. C.) gurian Jew, formerly a Rabbig.g _.._.- I...L ____ , Aprif 18, 18;; C. Ffelhmgn . Hm , Rabbi..hJewi,);5"`. *. not a. convert :o~c1mm.ac.A . ` THE JEWS; 7 1 _. -.--vv- 1---IJU-Aucwll ur Ohrgigz? nth Town Hall. n...g_ AN Emma --Rsrmss 1-(mm [On-'1c_a.-.-Alvin. Beard, Er-q., editor of the Nashua. N.H., l_`e|e- graph. has retired from the office of Mayor of that city, and ,Ihtts-cottgratulates himself upon the event :--.Henceforlh_lhe thousand petty an- ` -noyauces to which a city functions:-yt supposed 00 betzo very powerful-`-tn -hile really hiascepr Ore is as barren nan scemm mm wall hn_.i. v VVBU . vcxy puwenuu-WIuIe many ma scep- re V Is barren as a sceptre_can_ well..b `EXposed.'musl [light on other heada.;: .GeIill- men ambitions of, serving the. public. and who Suppose themselves lo .possess]')ech.linr qpzalisv _ canons for such aen-`ico.- as Wei! as pqculiaf claims for it, mnl:urge their qnali'cali_on9-and present .Iheir claimmo others; wives tgbliaed. "Qlecled. and -deserted . of: their hunbands, must pnnheir `grievances imo olharjuarn vihan - OKHU: `lll.l~nf' nninuln --ul u`-n-..o .-5.`: ._...._ ---- - rut mcu gnevancea tlllo otner ;O8l'~lfl8ll' ours; taleeof poverty and want must move mher heartsvto unlock the almost triple barren!- t`.t;ffeI's of the public charity ;" men; who tumble mtg unproteetetl gutters to the -dettiment of `heft unprotected shins. must present their -cillms elsewhere for damages; peoplo..who always ts-ant the. street xed in from of.-theit Iesudertces B2135! apply" to somebody else: 1. for v`n_vor tn tthntnregard; aif .apyhody- wanttt 1`.`2hway laixtmtul which ,-nobody" `else, cue: fa; g 791'. his `petition , with .it5.hnndred ol`._vc`ry ":l"`||L'.and disiniereetetl signers--In nst.go lo we `*Boa`td-.o,- Mayor and "A_idermn,??7u mm`. : --`'3"lll_es;t._he liquor law `us me 8lO_::Iii t uase-is. and that-don .t menu? nee; if-`an ` J ' Hi`: . . . , I .. , A. '3, . II `mm! the people ynhq think the lime up x`< -`.` vozume nl_ newspapers!"na`estn1.li`shud one of hip in 'il"lifnly"gafret in `Bhlf,a18_;'vibib I_Ii'e" I sh:-`r r`n1|Pi`h gs-.lur'inc'ni.i:`n`:~sm+~1Is.r ` For some daye, there has been.-eiizirumnr that Messrs. _J. S. Macdonaid, Foley; and A Dr. Connor intend to iesne a manifeeto_`,_for the pur- pose of dening their position before the country. These threegentlemen, it-will be remembered, walked out of the_oauoue,':at' Quebec,_when 8 motion_ nae" on the point` of being putmxpreesing condence in Mr. Brown. `Another eign of independence was `shown. by Dr.` Connor, on Friday _night,_` during the dis- cixssion. on M; Sicette e .rnotio' for l'ea6eit'o' introduce a'Bill to alter the amqde oi dealing with contested elections. We give the version of his speech published the Clear-'Grii oxgon in this city} V ` un- n.n_-,n___;_un L_I __r,_--'; ._ .- The , Oppogitloln pllg _- -Thoma; D'Arcy . -d I` From _me L_ond9n Free Prgss. ` , A orreapond'nl"ol` the D'ua1ri'es Refomier _ says: . It is atalegmo me .on goodgaulhorir ,` howeiar. lhnt ic:u'2 1iii`s was held at-`Sane d ;'VIac.lm':ald s mom, on last Saturday, at -which those parties unfavorable .10: the platform. at-` ~ tenuhd. Messrs. 1.5-S. Mae.d0na||,{Fuloy,' Christie,-Connor, Walker Powcll, Wall?b_ri_dga, Bell, Mauico, D. _Macdonald, aad Pn;;iu:,A ;mnded. _" A ` A . . ,_ _ - ` fa h `II ml}! IHIIA R/[Audra 'R:nnnr'.n.( DUIIIU IIICUII VGIIIPIHZUSI Be this as it may, Mr.- Brown, `who lately `boasted to be at the head `of .tlIe aUpper Canada majority,.and who proudly" set himself .up as the champion of its-`rights, and the. organ of 'its'sqnuments-is no longer more than a bandit chief. Snamelymlopa hatake with him a third of Upper Canada in his 1 course of exggerations and imposibilitiea. is over $5.000. Mr. Gilbert, we belie`n. was 0 Nor a few , promptedsby -'curiosity'_or.l'rom -taken to` jtrrelf Wei; and .fn;ilttt'`-i'=.}T;'1'he' sequel only `remains to;bs.;toldm.= 2 I IUHI UIU IJUHI-IUII KIUlUIy| Ve Many of,our citizens iverefyesterdzty startled by an- announcement tnduslriously circulated that Mr. W. H. Gilbert, the ostensible proprie- ` tor ol Childs" boot and shoe establishment, had ttepaited this life; the rumor was fully credited, from the factrthat therstore remained closed, I and a piece of crops dangled frutnthe handle of the door. Upon inquiry, it was ascertained that. M r. Gilbertj had left London about a week previously lur the States, with the avowed in- tention of purchasing goods, leaving the store _in charge of his clerk. Up'to tlti.stimc,cverythin`g in connexion with this gentleman : business was supposed to be O. K., but from.- the above circumstances,` a.l'ew' of the knowing ones began to. 0 smell it rat, ? and as he de- parted leaving sundry debts unsettled, one of these to `whom `he was indebted feeling some- what inquisitive, took it intohis head to have a pe'e'p`th'r_ougii the rear window, and there to his horror discovered (not thecorpse of the missing man) but the store completetyrernpty, with not a vestige `of the stock` visihleto the naked eye. This of course surprised the inquisitive creditor,` and he at once `set his wit: to work to, find out by what species of art the `goods had_ so and- denly vanished, more especially as the shop wasopen the previous day, and the stock com- plate. A thorough investigation broughttlte whole affair to light, and at'ter.some httle delay,` the wholeof the materialwas discovered atthe Grand Trunk depoucarelully packed in thir- teen large cases, marked " Leather, most of A which was addressed to parties in Montreal. The deception practised speedily ig'ot. walled abroad, and before night upwards of a dozen of those -whom this swindler had taken in and done for had the goods attached. 'I"heynow remain in the hands` of the] sheii to awaitlegal action. It is supposedgthst` the valu"e.ol' the goods surreptitiously sought to-"be sentiagvsy considered a fast young man ; -he lived- in: 1, style, and considered -himself one of the haul tun. He had lately purchasedthe goods` `in; questiortfrom Mr. Childs, so he mtvertised ;' but asthe latter `gentlemen was seen in London _ on Tuesday, it is to be in`l'erred'jthat' he` must have been in som'e-*way mixed it with the removal. Wears informed that It r. Gilbert`, insteattof ibeing oif replenishing his sto`elt ,_is'_ now on, his way to;Calil'orrtia,`and-`l'ro`rn this l'act,4no doubt whatever `remains in the mind of. all that the itvholeof the scandalous`-a'ai_r w'ss 'rnoj'w~err-- Rape cm.-4nranuig=~or - ~` -' ' s V -' V the parties. = `- ~ m`ore` worthless motive_s,t repaired _t_o the county. t`own tuw'itnes_s the; trial of the`alle`gett ca se,iexpected to come=off7at `tStrat{erd_this . week. indeed so great was the`inture'st Inanit'ested_ that for _rnany,d,Iy4s,,p previous. .10 the .opening_of:the C01ttI't .it:-,wss4im1to;-bible: I0 obtain a room or it bli`-i.[|;,!3 mspeclsblehutels of -the town. .~Wetrlhssoerc| all the .$.to_t_Ie:. merit possible unitertheciruumstanees, _havtng' mat`ri_ed.lit,e yous woman wt_toso3e'stea_I.II. Ind confidence he `is used. .5 1Tt_t_q._.,,circu.rnstantces under which the alleged ~_cnme_ `:_ol`j~ rape -,\v.,_s9 committed ;are.already:;lamiliaf. tof-;tl_t_e.- gpublro, as-well _as,the_-subsequent? step: i wlttqh, -WGIQ 0 Tn ~ Hausa I-nmnnnaln hnlininf that .nn;l`Im Mr. Cguchon ,on M1-.~.B|;own. , , crnnrsmea-ri-om the Journal de quebugnprsx 1o.-)~ "mm r.`.l.-.1... 1...- ......|..`.....a :.- _-..-_.;... ...-..|. ;lU| tutu vyIul\_nu Icpluuullf _ V . - ` This exposure of his situation is a coup d etat, by means of which Mr. Broivn-_h_upeg'_, no doubt, to frighten the delinquents, and induce them to return to their duty. But iritua also some inconveniences. D. o|.:.. .. :. .'.......a tn. 0...... -._L- I_.-I.`. mo ; ':of any ` their libo_ta!.` na3ioml_ am!-_ 'prb'gi"s_sivi :policy _} } ' _and the` arrdw Ieclionil indotattdgrihiin` tans - upornhe Grit~"pnrL[y-by their imperious -dictator, uuvuu pulluuua" -5. - To such 1 pitchof df_ b . conduct and put ` j I 3'" prnmanto impoaibiIity_ brought "the party. that` but fteen men of the Oxgzfdo Gxila ould `be got to other; ioo-neon co.-9.. `:9-A-.in s....,ei.t Mgr... : ~~ -` -":I'f.". :`,*`_ i.*".*o`.*"'f:."* = This unmistukeahlo evidenoa of `tho disposi- tion of the people to be nodi-tongs: made tho mqchingty of dsgjeu;>ggim/ion is owing ga much to the couriidf rho government as to tho condolof the Oppoicilionlcjdar. Thqotriking ` and henllhful connmwhieh the pmzihaaaoo useful measure: of tho government ~ tenant to 0ppooil_ion,, .3110, .p1pgblp - dibrooneo . [bet yuan: deucy of ` (H6 ""contiI'uti6tial *chinga sf forced is telling upon the country nndv-`rendering the ` people,-every_d;y,;inom slim to the benecial = effect of the action oI.t_h'e government? upon` the beetj_nloresla_o[' _t_he..copmr',gnl note imlir ,` posed to be made Ibo was of n selsh and dangoroua Opposition; ` ` ' ` "?l||llU8l.'_' _ __ b ., V _. , 4 .We beg to add; Ih_atfMe`.-a'rVs. ;Biggar`ai1dr Wright were also `pr"ese`nf,' making `twelve in` ' all, `and "comp'f1sihg"=the very suehgth and `owerVof'the Opposition. : . ` .....u...u.u Inylu mu uuu-mu us: qucucq, npru uh; I `The Globe has rendered its-ncc'ount,Iproh-j , bly "without the conaent.of,3a.-:portion iof those. inteI e,_etvd,, of thy ptufunnd _.,diri.-,ion~ which reigns at thio,moment` in the [a_ni{ 8V'Of the 0p-_ position. ltis evident that Mr. Brown has itaknen thepeh on this_occeaL-ion`. .1!) ppite bf them defections; he thinks_ `ha"cgan `count .'up'-n . -24-adherents; but he is mistaken; and in fact, on regding him attentivelnfit is diocovuml that hecounls .on only 20. soldiers .5` without fear and without reproach. ' Thin nrnnuril-A nf hi: aitnntihn in on nnnm `.1950.-.1 HUVU of"t'] ,I , g|cI,`ulI, IIPUII Ulll Ills IIIU P535 IUW WIUIIIIIUI fmmMr. Wir 16 Miss Chriati_e,'-guolelling that his imenliona were" hbgxorablo {tom glho first, I however much ci1cuI'IIsl,aticea~-'xm'g`hl. mg to many herif ihetwould "go to. Bnfalo where he was -than residing. .,-In Teonloqnhca of thin letter zand, '59(heI_'~ ._ovijoncaq 1:(: Jiia. sincoriIy`+Ih_.e;=ynnn;c~- .vzoma:;}.nud - liphbmlhqr - started for Butfnlnpn Saaorduy ,lan_I.;; . Il'r-.- Weir; 1ruog1ofh'is7.pI'ooI:i, . ;mmhdia,muf"_Mis. V xo;n:axringiaIa1ai1o:iithniaeii?iI::lr!i';;ofIy< : :c.9ti`1Fi:ittsiduiIs} :abf%ahiis::uiunpi _ vwei:;a.tuiua_L_o 1 W - L` ` , -'rnm.:.'--sc.u.mv..A.-4.14 - .The msmage was. brought: About by 3` letlef ` {appear against him, and thnthe. was clillhrill` chriuie.;,ws&5:i1laiiaain_gmania ilinfwcuoad L . u`t|`3u&an;,ni:`;~u'neV-V `cfzihio ha;u:an;anu. V \*u`u.I~o~ ; T:';*v oiciai of,on_ e ohho ` 5 `i -' SCQUBI Dllly ICIIIIICII |0;UB,.|0l(h .Wa.have reuanjo believdr that -lieillilei! Zj-Mr. Wei:-.noc -Mia: .Chu'stie ninhed M. the, cyan. Io comaio griaf, and that only for ma .imeIf9 tencoL of lbifdxplil this; marriage -rwqld hava :ak_en_ p.!ac.~a{ the on: el,jm`iu; :_opar;ing_,;a worlhy_family.an amount ofaficlion of which the out;-t.-world `can from 110- ndo'qu'n'Ia`.(idea, and depriving the public of a source ofscuidal which. ,it {rnus_tT be , adaiin'ed,~_ they} have * -fed greedily upon during the pastv-Liar months. ' A Tho mnrcinon was hmnbhlinhms! ha a` lnllnr u an .:wsIrum.:W ::l.0ml|lI%`.'!.li;||a -`Ev!-day-t--S3-%_M9rv a Artie. V ' cVInt.`7 ' Fxomjho London_P:pln_t5-pe. . The Oxford Herald in T n-.a.._-.a.`_ -..__9_`.r u_%v V ` Ma`ttc1_-n (Eli `I From _Ihe Lo on '1'-`fee Pics.` ,A \..v'1- .'.. A _ Clever Dodge . From'l1xe Lonqon Prototype. nu... uh.-nu..- .-...... n. .n..._ UFUIIIIII UL IISIIIILVTIUT K`l'O,'o " x - '. 1 ,- : . I .' . 'I`he<'Journal dea. Debate, profeaseato hue no ongyniobag lrqganling the tutoro relat_ions~b_e- twen `Englanzl an-1: Frogtpo. A. Euglxqd V will onlyact.-wh_n' in,atro'n g and numt0tlo_cn[ltpn- ny, andAthe_`b_ost a_ec'urit}"`fo|j asco," the Debuts says, is `in `the obstaoles'\`vhich aho`u`il`l' now" nd in cectingcoalitiona - The lmlependemce Bulge observ'oa' `that th'at'\\{hich `specially irritages England iq less Ihoannentioh of Sa- voy nd Nice than the thought of hnvind bet-n glecaived, hyantorior aqsnrances, added to a belief. that tho.sa_mo not: would be, at a given, time... reproduced at other parts of the French frontier. This B `lf_zlan journalposttally` ncu-T ttal, does not in this matter conceal its sympa- -thies with England. The Nordlhas. on tho other`-hand, a violent anti-English- I#'rticle. . The European: powers are told by the Franco-Rum siavt organ that the friendship` -of England would be a very [poor e_quivalent for the (lan- gers to`which they would he-exposed if they, adopted the policy oi Lord Jol1"nVR`o.ssoll. A . ENGLAND-`CR-ITIOISED. , . . The Pays Its! an` articlohy` M. Caosagnac, expresaittg its-`regret on account of the re- proaches of Enghind conceming the annexa. tion oftS:.;,voy,,an4l pointing. out tho contraction: in the_corigluct.,of that Power, who, although- encouroging the onnexatiott of'CenItal Italy to Piedmqnl, oppoaesthat of Savoy ` to Fmnce; and xx-ho,'\vhile supporting"th9 "project of on- nexation. to `Sa'rd_inia of the States ;of that .Chutcl'Land of=Noples, vihioh two countrica do not solicit.-ouch, nm'1exation',~mfuaca.to' nccedhto--tho clesiroof tho iuthabitantitof the Ionian Islands to be teumitetl m4Gn_-ece. ' pAIll_ Mnrnli RI ....'l"hn nnalflnniinnnal Im- V 'l`I_vI_I!a'A_'l'l`UlIl _Ul"_l'K'AlUI` A|V_ll ,V5_ug1.n1`_Iv(. _' iii: 'Sx'!t'lii'd I"i`iI 3'1: 5 ` *If Vb` sh "mfy `i d3 5 opinion as} la`.~1ho. ncnlrudily ;of. Ghablais: "tart _ `f T}6fd"3Hhii `ii.s.`..':P`.' 5naaie+i: .s `M. '-`thou? vo_ngl o `dc:-pu,Inh. naygltha Nerd, "reachodW_ xrmql; - Ital` Engiiohf-Gou'rgu`11os'n rb'seI-ten its` Faugigng,` n01 ; hgng. .!.,`!-'i"Od :. an-7 Vofhcial mLm*its.Icnii6n en. the s3IbJ'.I- . Th-} R:9.=e`sanL% .l1|`IjW`l'i5WIIia30' be of the same tennr.'- The` ltwopyrzjunbnjn p;o1e_st,_ fgigxal `rpginxain ,l'b`a'_ - rignwr t.Kfa}%:fe't`. Powers to 'm-1 ddlibointp -'1mimon'n tho nnnexatiim. -3 V V ' Ina nmperor. . The` :qqgj.f_a{ fh8':F}ri '_h dairuihghi jquir-1 ` halgi, in iregfird mlhi debt ): of Mon-lay night,` is ri\lher inocringIh`in ope`niy- hostile.-" V i'Th'ey affect lo pify. Lotdlluhn `Rue-yell: ah`-::~ many: to Parliamomnry government, and insinuate that] :ho doutsoz mcjn what, he says.-, My-_ Grand-' guiilolt says that than gnnexalipn of Savoy io'_a_[i ` Lord Jbhn RuaaJl u:fgi1!t{ ihehgse he ie\ncAo,n_r;- -aged Sardinia 30 nrftiex Tiis'_:ahy,-,P.1rm`;n'.` Mo- ' dena, arid tlius1o' form` `pdv`n=rful ` Kingdom of `twelve millions of'inhI:bilan!e`," but fbriwhich aggrandisomamthe -E`mparor5w'on!d now: bait dra:nl-cf: n'sking>|'m- Sgivoyw T Th Jm1r-nnl Illl Doha): nrnrnnnnn In i.;-'.. glans; uuu un: B_|I|U Iuollls =uel)cllll- are 00!!)- ~ *fm1ably'fuIniehed,h ll lighteillliil ven- `Iilatedg. The fare and m in cabins are heated by steam, and_ar nrnislrd wilhlbalhs arid all other uppliancu for cleanliness.` 2\ de ck ' honsmoecnpies the space between the'poop and :_opgal lam .fore`caatle,nnd his loioled 10' a galley Eoonlgicnling cooking appamwnl l'or`_ 600 persons, imd more-rooms of vnrionslkinds, anal l:hat"ptmin'nj liable Iofbe vexpoad lo heal is formed `f `ir`ori_.g T.hje_v;essel is filled with full |'0del`i_l_!jPl DV'l"fle'm", inclliding lbsm winch; kctew s1e`ring apparatus, &c.,-an:l h`e['isamply` providedwilli boats: These are ight in nnm-' her, all lifehooala, each of..whih is .:prov'iclad with; u,*eriIFa 901929!-!l-.whi'e font rened With (.lI'qrJ'o pIlnI_'lQyve{ipg;appa'mlus. The lower .anll-`iriainthasts a r e `of iron, and . aervo.las`ven1lilaI nr s,i_n adgiillon `loifhs viith ivhggh l!_1eship ii" implyj fsitnishetfg` ' The cah- l iilg 733 l Messrs`. `Pet6r _`Cli#islio' v.&7 -`Col; and ;a~ leenneons ,;;-,r-95.11.: ?.?=n.,il',..: P`!!8!?9f.:i..* . tha aildilgz. by gMesir`a.=:.Lawl-in .:&. -;.'F`l1_aming.` Thenuadiau. will - be mnnned;l.hy_:a,cra`w,of abpot :99 `I.u9,l_i,- oomm99ds|.by:G-,p1- .3ra3mn.; Iur mxr uuspllaitly. " ` The " lrikh Brigade is almost an Irish ball. I I has reference to nothing that ever" transpired inlhiGr"ean Isle. ' Mr. McGee s lecture de- tailed iho vaiur, in bttie and siege, df lhe` Irishman` who fought all over Em-npe for tha Bdin`-ban rnlerswof F-ranceianvd Spain. The- xleeds in ."u"m s' and in ink. iri5c'hain shot and luiig pmver,'of .tha_ Irish in" Ir eia.`nd, generouxsiy nverlonl;`aJ. The iuiiienca` hall: siirfit of Maestricht'and Alinahza. but not: "word of I)err'y-or Ballyshannbn. But; Mr. McGee} had - the right of ' nfree born lrisimian` tothe subject Inalter of his owrivoralion. The r'a{nge'of his} M tori in~which Irish zirlms have been cmwned with success hot being extensiveiit must be conceded that he had the best 'possib!e"selec-A tion.-C'ht"cago Press. V ' " ' * Ex1'Iuonnumur Btwm.-'Ifho' .~Cpnn,1y /of ` Huron bid; fair to. gu_u_iv'a`lj.all Canada` in `the remarkiblenespol mnngunl produn!ions.,,. A_ week or`Ip vo' gqqyq/ho3id, 139. elxtiadrilindrj pheiibiimnn of I juror `wofin izCiiing`lbi|'l_lI to four ch`u|d'ren` ihi tjlvfo da's,7` 'ri4_! `ieonosgiondot this wk `seaming _-w`or`d mm on`Sam`rduy;:~th- 17! IL inpuntg . I.ho` 'wif_e?o_f. .'l'qckermgith;=guvo-birtlr to`-thxoaijsang,-; Ifvhich Qrull. '.."i,'5jr!i`` .-4050:; vim.-. `uLl,g. Hill '.'.0_.*fnr nrinniln". :ihnu' --.uo`m- _nhl'.hn um. _IUllliI_ll IFIIIINJB IU [PU [U`lllHll.'|l llI.lIH_'C'C9o Puts, March 3~l.-'I`ha Cdnstilutionnel has an article issued by ilzfchief editor, M. TGr'arid;g'uillol, enileavorizig to refltf` the din-` tri`hes"a,f'the Eng|ish` oramra link! jnufnnlists. This article repeal: that Nnpoggon "has done dverythilig to temlr.Ihe' allianconncce table,` which , if 'ruplureJ-, would bit the signs for a struggle and for fresh troubles, M_.b'Graml- guilldt _liovgo this gnllianco iu,so rmly con- neted-\i lh moderngideas gndneceuiliu, that a partial dissent willnotbo strong enough to bmkit. p ~ l ' ~ T ' ?Tu}:'I nm'cr: or \vm:s__ Vxstr.-V-VPrpar`ntion_s are aftcjmly being made for me visit of the" Prince of Wales 10` Canada. ?'I"ha_ squadron ordered to assemblo at S pilhoad lfoi slwpmfpoee of._con1eying his,RoyaIA x~!,lighua,as~ the, Prince nf..'WnlhQ nornnnlhn Allnnn nn Iu oi-SI .ln are all I|iv`e;.~.wsi doing. well... Ha-5:194 `ml.-la that ftifor u.f.i9Bil!.5 lII_ey._w1_era;:pp: an :1- 19fI.I< 'vii..5TYi9zid`to..*ieli- Ivan y-.:th,r,e. mm?`-!*`4miwer;'2.,1" an-`. .ihe.'?!`ka \iriii -as-an-i;I:9' -".!-.!9=!*'f!.'-so um; :maaE}:r;v we *-.-#94 A'.*'._".*". 8%!`9`!>I.~`t t-`h3i??|h3?:Kon' "K3! Rnmr .wslt=Ths*iMr.mmIin uih ...m. upvq .uIvllg`II9pQ`_ y8lj II_|l`lf , lstnr{:s?'v'T -'7{h'a=*If`5t_of4-wftiqlhih -Jgujo U] v_:.'uuvp,-lug [H3130]!-l_ rnlglluapa, H13` rI'llf|(.'I of..;Wgls acrosolllho Atlantic on his visit lo Canada will consist of `the Hero, 91 scram. 600fh nrse__ pc7.ver`,A('JapIi:`in G.` H. Seymour, whio v`llll'h6it his broadpen_dent as Commodore, of `the sqtiaaron; the Arcadia,` 26 scrw; 800` horse power, Captain E. ' W. Yannsiltart ;nili'e_ Flying Fish, 6 screw, 350 home power, Com- rnanilercharloo Hope; and tho. Royal Paddle, Xach; Dsbome, 430 -horse power, nominal mam-r,'Commander.H. Browne. His Ruyal Highness will like has passage out and, home in lhollbro, one, of `the ngst 9| (gun _ships in Her. Majesty : navy. The 0sl>'t.irn"o`,i.v'ill be detained for services on [the co_agI9' and 'ri.vets of ' Canada duringZlhe`sl:y of His Royal Highness in the Colony. -' A - ` . . V Tne New. `snmusrmii C.`u~m$nluv. . -This lmagnicent steamer of 1300 tons and 400 " horse `power, built ` by Messrs. Robert Steele & C0,, and engined by:the-Shun;-.\Vater Foundry Cn., for thefllrlontrexll 0cean;S;g_nm.~hip Com: pany, will leave (6-day {Of.-G Bl'"`;lbc`|_ 1,.'_{o`I (lju9l- `compasses. `.She will then maE.;;a trial of -Vipqygggg in her a'cr` _ speed by running between t'hej_Lijg'hls, after which he will an.-sin tu_ Liverpool. `- The Can adian isa remarkably ne specimen of `Clyde naval -architecture, and her beautipfinli-model and fine linesgivp promise of thigh` rale`~ol7 speed. ` `In addition to'lhe'-requisites l'o_rmiri{t~. ne.u,_e_very anonfonv a~been_.paid by builders and owiusrs to it Q:_nl'ort_o_ ull..nbo may Atlantic, pTheraal_o_o.n cnbinris panelled wi rnaheganfy, 6,rnlI'm_lil9d\ wi1l.__ gi'lt-mouldingmjgnd hilly lighted. by 3' skylight" `adorned "with artistic` T-paintings pii ` gl`'ss,'ai'id the {auto rooms beneitlr-`are oom- \`n-Ilaiil-`fnnninhnal "II II:-`Ro.uI`-'n".I' -'__ *- " Ji0h'Rnl"I0 l' ipoicli oh Monday is deo- onbed an the dxploaion of `a gun charged with . .. 5!. . g _ If anybody ijlmam gauugpgggrayth; IQ ;- luu of the Kayla`-Fmich dflnmooi II-viillftic hubs Ffrenclxnaticn. wt.n.icbTh.-a not fevsot Sh .` H'a|ai|'n ,' * .llgluvUl qu.'ul_uu. IKIIVWEIS w -opimon'c)n the ahnexa!idm. 3 W Thai rIn:bno.n:In'inh .' "OIIIIIIUII I)?` IIIB "!?XIIlll)lr`l_/' ' V Tho 1agd4epe-ndeiide =7`-Bt`l`g've,"o'o"rnAtr.a.4l*i'stiri_g the Patric, porama. iui lh<}uaoertion:ttg: nunn'e~ oft Lord John Rnuailh __ .ntch:s, .1m' Ibo` S.a.vo.y' .'quasIioQ was gant:bac_k~thtoagl) Lo_rdi.- Coifjey, pha Empeiolr. as being .,_too"sIropl1t .;,wo_nlqql _:o .Vuho_w_n .10. ' Thu lhnn"n|'ILhH"W';`;:n1t:I'h :n|Lv_. `V'yl;i!-( l_(.J'lJgall) hail Vreferreil lo the decision of the Judges on ,the_.donble ehule. He (Dr. Connor.) might not/be ttat_ied' with that decision. but he did not believe there existed any doubt throughout the community of the impartiality of the judges in giving it. Only onenor two journal: had vexpressed such V Tluubtrnand probably Mr. ..McDougnll `himself was theanthur of the articles which expressed them.` He believed thatlthe,Agentl.emen who constrtutetl the bench of Upper Canada com- e tmnded as unmitigated respect as any set of men -who occupied judicial positions` in Anny country in the world. , He was satised that the ' feeling against the.impar_tiality of the judges in that decision did not extend ,b0)'0l'lll_` 1| narrow circle of very sour-minded persons, 'l`lIl is a stretch nf inalnnnnnlnnnn nvhinh Ihh uar.g;g:' ` ?`?"'. .'~Z_W',?!3,.!`3`.": V',|.'..=I-P `El "9` .". '8"* .5 Salons. 1` _ . I T,-`.!}?!*!,!.." .`?!" .P-3*'v9"P;F!**'!B- ,Uvrd'JHh Rdduxl snsairiao M. "rm ,-a.'.'I!- '.l-.._.'a_L 9) -.._.` L- Il...J `u .---|.. I` E irx -v:-`--V ,-3`-77"; :7.--1. -wv-nu. hjyw - u-y_ \_c-can ggvun sung _!.9`.*iW.~. Th3irsdi`y.!enn 1;:-1,-sngems ma-, by what .133-pronounced 3 parnlytio strdkg,gfgs_lL- `l"nw..4.u.'...u.n.I. 1.4....I'... ,1- `L- 2 -1-.o........ ..._.1 vuvuuvcu u yutnl uv attvgqgfgpgl? '1` "-W`. -"F" I" j_CnU:vi!1,II7!3.>di.-+_t!aI:.-,1|.I !"`f1s..s..to thaEn19_lf_or)!!$ and :;p1;ip wituins=w. ._1 roni`Vthu:t-ipn`j4V)t'; hat `hit: 1:`-:13: hm: I-rnsfgn1has_cnd-bias-gjnausgqsbnhtua-: wu.ot.b-.upu. expect anaum wunglg to bend a, and not by the tortured misrepreaennputiqns; 1_1`- Ill-uutur and wdr,-nunded seeker: aer eelpli and sectional supremacy, nor by the ungeucmus and mnlinionuly coloured emanalkms of the bidduble scrib- blers who follow in their yvuko, , }\_l)'-pol1eybns nolbeeugn ever-changing. ever-`olclllaun , ever-denperute elfort at reaching the ilppI'I|clI_cIb!e.m the .m)aItsinab|e.. I have neither pander.-_dto Uaer Cmxada prejgdicea nor been the inmiguur. of mm: ;. ` nude; ~_wiong and` Insult, Ilfough I have never failed to puppop Wllh-J my feeble. nteugth the just ind never (6 helsurrendered rights` of'.tbo><`>'ne,` nor to re`. pal, tofu: u}it.;ms in my power to du n,ewiIh unvaryiug consistency. gllnttempta I! supremacy md `domination on the 'part`bf Ihfblher.` -. 'Wbere ll evef have been [still mu. Swot ;`.9&.'An:9r;t.:.;-99mp-niedz by. her .'(19U.Bl:|!I's_;!!P -he t t`-kuhozcara that ' -o.:.~._ `_-_ .. __; _L_ _ Mondays `Globe contains a long letter from Hon. Mr. Foley, in reply to the course aasurned by that journal, and its master in Parliament. He especially`. d`eales~fthe`slatemeots that have re- . cently been put: forth relative` `to the doingsot Grit caucuses by'our own lcorreslpondeut at Quebec, wherein the attempt was made to attach traitor mm: gentlemen who saw t to ohject to the platform of Mr. Brown, `and leadership.` He'la)"3:-4'--v-W 7 W ' "' ` A: to your corn`-esp:on'lent $ description of recent event-V, I have but to observe that," according to his own ahewtnf, the occurreucoto which he run.-rs and. pretends act-mate y ' lo relate. transpired during the sitting: of: body cotitl-saedly met for cmtdeptjnl pony iul_ercourae.. That bod hue not authorised the distorted and unfatr version of or rat took place in. onto which; your correapo, ndent. veu;.and all that has been 3%.: and puhhshed b tttteresteaflpurtica must therefore be rdganledas moreor on partial and partisan in its character; '0 9 9. ._{-`rom my gnrlicstloutlg in ad- versity as well as in proeperrty; in Au tune of ' p _ master as tn ' its lava of -trin_mph,.l have been an humble but 81013)`! steadfast and attached member of the once great and power- ful, llet`urrn`p'a'rty. While many ofthoee who now presume to question my continued adhealam to my penny and W! prin- ciple, and who avowedly declare their determnmtimt to force rnc,frorn~ita ranIts,- or compel me to submit. like a slave, _1o their in _ lerance and jnjuance, were openly hauling might `and main, r `the supretrtacrof Torytsm, and others o , them were tttcotwealed but energetic alli`es'an'd helynmatea, I __waa ever found c_ont_ending, as far aa. means andpnbility would permit. aide by eule wtllrthoae who werestnvinf for the right.; `During my_ whole parhamentnry course, rum the hour I rat set foot `tn the hall; of the legislature, down tovtho presentmtomeut. though t'nll -acknowledging and alive to tn many deicieuctes and n rt,o_omtng:;-,(K, think that I `dog I not to he regarded" as I mere vaut-glorious. bonster when l-sayvit)-few have made more sacqcea at the altar ot`p_urty tjdelity, and few more atoutly maintained E-Iy ties and obltgaIions'than_huvo I. By my vote: in the gulativo. Armnhly and mvtts committees; by the mea- anrnn av rule I henna inlnmlnnorl canal mnuuueml I... ...... ....n.t:._ [I>.aeI1y ms and nbltgnuons mgmymvo l. By vote: guluivq An_e|nh[y, the sures vhih I have imrpduced and supportgd, by my public` nets and my public declarations at the meetmgs of my part . . . . 3' at the 1,19.-ting: gm 1;: my p_laco Iu Parhatnent, xt isthuu i expee1atxd'um wnllhlgto beam! d, and by the n1i;re py`e;s;g;`tati_}ns;v,i_t nllguatur _. seekers` faithful a friend as he was a"; fofmidnbie o`p'pa-L IIIUV ' UUIWUDII UIIIIHUIIK`lvllluggllliu ` i '- A! `and tim'_o:Mi'.fMcGeo njgllvi _ men to` emigrate` f rom -1Am'ot_` f " i"lH f"`8ilh01)gh fee?` heeded his 3adgi7","i{?f"'&'6%-ilaohfsolation"to knbw h`e i'ollbwe(l` it h`im1.i9"lt'.":l}o"`is_` `n9`w' `a lieig pubjeot `of Gioat~Biivg1n',~`fhhving' `awo'riu ~_to' support '!`ha'l Gove,m'me nIhe' hm ; `sb~o{t'e_n sworn to ov'erthro'w 3' ahdihe will brdbablyipiwve '39`- nein`. "etfurnibly reminds us of Clio touching! ape'lat1e,of Hanhibal `Plutilfeil svn.-a`ringAhis` qadf his`co'unlr.f-i ` litiIe"l iu,nkeIls to destrby a crown from which 2 their`fal'he'r afterwards ac-coipied 3 pension; A` If- w6 mighg speak after lhe_ `mannr of a phyoi-'7 ciau Mr.iMuG-so might be christened Iho`Tino-L lure": of B!a.-phemy. A suhject of Great Britain he s`we'a`rs columns against me lhrtme; zrlemler nfi'l'hh [rich ha`.-`naa.a'lhocn Inilhnin h'nnnHI~'nf From what we `hm given of 311-.Fo_ley's letter it w'l1lba "seek h o'w many` he feels the b,um.ili- ntlon of his` party iii being `subject to the 'ci\gri5:e and tyl-apny of such wmzi its LIE. Brown. T That his opiiiions'i:re'shnred by a.` majority of Reformrs in mg` Hou_s_ recent procedings havewell proven,` and slic3vu' byhrtlcl joulvariphs g9iirces_it}oher columns; v'1`,h'o"Gi66cA mi "l3`ngi:Vr"lvent.ures the` -bully; ' but ndopti 'the _'still niiire `cbntemptible meanszof cSl li3\'!"y,}b]`,l_Ibt, taking` cbgulzsucg `of 'tlIe.mt_n_in Vfealnroa ` I-7bley fs' letter`. It does" nonow `ftglk gllblybout "_the V doublejhnie," ` aid` the dii6hfiHjj1lgsin fefgrehce thexfefo, sinco tllb'b_'st`_nien of.tlie'Opposition have boldly condemned t'he lI\nguae'.)1s_d /by that journal impeachingw the i_ntegArit.y`ofTt `B i1ch.- I Truly, we of ;hig';(J_o}1uty` shilld rthankftil` that `only {an insi_7guint_ jfew haxf, cgqgzbt`-`pp _the, wild e"cl1.0l35 0,f, llhoilif dictnitgr-of 'gn;U15per Oaqiigjn xzgfajgi-lily, nfgt pix-agent loft! ugly d ti mlnolfity .hn '1}-.t`,`re ,0:-H5 ii1iniinu_n).' Wopinnof v'If&`)"Iiti_'ertl1I5u't {Ill-`,3 Pole}, `aQ,:' Q "ls?t1-oxagg ,e"o_x-t to ip.`ia1gin;`,":ea1;y;1 a;;o1_d rbehpt _x.g.s-`zu:,oj;e;nca 'r`*r7'3J5'i'cb ?Ii>;`}s*,T`"`:'!1*9a` bee-s 9: being " ' Wtihgnwn 15` ".=9r!..'9*' -.3_1.I`.- 1 a ..S gr `vmtrzgi. The, yam, is-. lP91i .P"= k .3!9.:9%:1.9!l!l`!*.;5`%P1`!`!`W "'9 :'."";"` Few-zc:~ aw hiaidzi 9: my, ` ; . ;. ,1?!5'3".d`P`I?:;?'.9Fs!h" Erma-wall -1- . J`!-`f`l9%!l!3!i!9`3:hLY33'!l'l!!9"; `WI? `.` -. '. `ct . ~ . gnd_ mpintfpr. the; A '6 must beg those of our subscribers who are_ iii `ayregrs to settle their ace counts forthwi ll1lLo,a\'roid ;costs. `This will a_1so.upply` to all outstanding debts. I iP*tIzW2W? ii ` \.A4\\/\ A/\sA.r\ '\J\\~.~ . ` [\Ve beg-Io` a_ppnse our readers. (at whlile our'J6umi:l'|s open tndincusnon. we do not hold uuraclvea reppolwimo for the opinions of our Corl'!!KS}I)lldl`|L-1.4-El). Anu2'c=.] ~.~,..~4;._un.A .-...g.......- . . . . -.,-.._ . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . __. U [.`[ El:MA`l:g`Vkwu;Fb".A 5 lsyonlhoof" $7. % ,+v:ea;3h'!wt- -' , I|'l.l'h Hclilvbif. ` . ' xmsmusvi 7 ` A '* . r $3 _ h _ . . % , . j urr'1v'}.'. '11-';?"u" s?:e'.:, " Em the in: day! Jnnuarv. Anril. Inlv. nn'd.,0c1ob JL .t Z txcnngo U-IE3 J ~...l' .`;:...I,`;.. R. 3. LE OMS CORNBILS, Anu1.A--Milt Jun, Apnl. July, and October. . MONO. at South-But camera! (411, mthc 8th conces- l` Dion, on In l"_ohn|Ir-y. May. August, und November. ~ W usr augwvuuvu 'DII'l!I"Illl`D3lI bout bbforo the urival of each Train. IIW SWCISIG UUIIIIIIIIB I_IgBIli$| IIIU |IIIUllUi '\I IUHIIVT of "/the Irish he` c`ufss'them without berxelirof Margy",-`slid _a guest in .`.-hnerign he damns us fur'm2r'hospita!i!y'." ' 7 ' ` "Phil I.-Rh Rt-innaln, :-` lulfnnal an trhsh KS1" ins (lays! Janna ' A I I uidclobe . -. onlgcgngejrm rug-darm_"hu'1';, mu, Jul;,:'nnd An _ ` 7 ' ` ` _ . . _ . . . nm. 1-"onrms EXPERIENCE-BROWN'S - :" ~!`YRANNY. ` V17:1:V1`)Vr'I-'13:f1`)""t.'-s'IV,`':i'1>111L 7; ,m 1~_Ti` SILIIA-I" Octnber. nv nmm. -1-?- Kerr Heintfhi1;;;Pfbfe9s6r bf Huir _. k -. ` New `Spi-i'n`5g 'Go6dI=`-'RnTa`sel1, ips; 5" ` ' '. ' Court of Rvision-`-Barrie,` -- -V Oaurt of. Revision-a-Yezprs. " ` Caution-Go. Luna. - _ U , ,SpringTmpnrtatio`ns'-I. C. Gilmor & Co. Come one and a!l-Root Jr Morrqw`. f ' Fur`th'erPostLponemont of SherilPs Sale. Dr. M Lanc s-Live:TPills. . . . . , Eii:`;% `:4 . '. '~QU_5BE0l1a.WTI9Nw.., . .. - ; At length the Coinmitteqi appointe_d.. tbjryb tla case havot.-reported, deolatiniz wthe . clction. niilb and .vo_id-,`and rcommcnding the disfmncbiaemeqt: of thgtcity. They state that the sittingmemberz huveglargo majorityof legsl,vo'tos, andthat the intimidation procecdedifrotn the ininorintx candid-= `ates. nThe. consideration-ofithe. report is` post- poned forts mink; I 1 ..;L _Lo'wei- House by a large mej_orit`y. "" "' """""'_" " ," ""'b`(,""-f"_ """5 - ""'.", A _bill providing fotjthe eieution of Reeve t directly by the pe;o_p{I`o."1y_p .thx:owu outjof the - _i ` _ 'x'nn:~..uzun:_x1,_;,,. , 7. We would direefthe attnlili of*bnt'!en_dera to` the communication" of the Hon." Sir; Patton, else- where, on the subjectofrhis.-Iury Bill, which has. for the third time passed .1119 1711901.` -Home, ;end. is now before the Assembly.` -_-Not being ieerned in the law, we cann'ot entei- iniolheio uiei-its. "of the question ; but from; our dxjitfienoo nah juror, and from whut ,vra`hn7vpeenoi"the working of the present 'system,`w_e 1ifA';e`nti}iyin`fav'or of the change pro;i_osed'by the Bill in qiiestion.`. argument: brought forsynpd, and the ;opiui6n quoted by the hon`; gentleman, `seeni to us to be` most conolusive god convincing. ` , A tz:I1'I~.e kn..." :`..o..:,1.:...;.: 1.- er. 1.... n .... ..- HIUJL IJUIUJIUSIVI: gill!) cuuvlucmg. . A Bill has been intrddced by Mr. J no. Ciuneron that pwtnises to be useful, for the` regnlntinn _of` insolvency, and the nmnagenxentiangl reslizntion of Estnteslunderpeeds of Ass`ign jnent.; _.It is felt" the 'regnlntion:_ mid inenngerfengt `6t_'- 'Ins_oI_ient - Estates under tllieprenent system signxherxt, ind for the... xnore,`_1 Ii`t(`bleg _`_djv_isig')ri ' bf} snch estates exnong all creditq`r;_.. -'B e`s'Aide`s', _tl_mge: A is A Bill by Hon; C,ol.AsPrince f_6'r the`, lbettejr pro- tection bf `garnelin Upper: Cunadaj an Act to diminish number of licenses"is sI?1ed; for sale of ,intox_icntinz liquors retail; `,by Mr.` Pntton, a Bill to abolish Dower in certain eases ;` an Act to dene liability of persons _pra.ntising' ; as Gonveyancers, and an Act t'o`ex`t_end,_t.he_juris- diction. of _Qounty' Qonrts ;:`by Mr. Mqnis, an Act to legalize innrriage rrithzg rleeesserl w:_ifefs_n,sister. ` _..-_.._ _- _.-__-- __ _.`> ,`..` yk=V`.~ yV L, _ .'_ ~ ,`:.(," G4.` .!.. 2.21;`: .Q.tz&:lfIzs.:a,4x- xanluljggg ILn_u_i,L fnzlmap s<.2:93:o5tct9.t:v9qtl-A,r9ple.t.a vv._.h music of gin dny._ The last '1gu_:nl1qg,`;qgg;"mg,.;4g- JR'atic[(9!9?#>si9u,v9h.sdtme!nm-rb?)1=~Whne '7 oIk.;?mnt'a1mr 9!AIcs.; _ ' Inn!` 3 A`uA:4A -.l--L:-- `DA- A2l;-;... -__A4o -_- Ln.` circle of sour-minded This is a stretch of independence which the Clear Grit organ cannot tolerate; and as a matter of course Dr; Connor is brought under the "lash. . Dr. Conner, we observe, says the Clear.Grit organ, displayed great anxiety o4"to defend the judges of the Common,;l."aw Couruz, against the charqe_.ol parliality in their decision upon thehlouble .ebuit-..V .-, In buttering the -judges the learned gentleman we: probably looking to the condition Of. his own brand. This is the style` of abuse which has reduced the Upper Canada Opposi- tion and its repudiated leader to Nl9.prt:4lllUl1 they occupy to-day. The reign of terrorism is" nearly over. Men. like Mr. J. S. Macdona'ld; Foley and Conner are not likely to b0'w;-to. the- atte.rnpted:.dictation. _The,y..wAil|_ of course have to pay the penalty. `of lliiltlndt` endence; but they must have lfaid their pecgun!.-`g4_rith that, and/they willrnot lqee'by 'atrepla`y.of decent manlinees and ordinary indeperideni. V-14eader.; .. l i " . ,5: ptbods. .- -. clauses`23.-a;324:h;4'525:ir-=ina2sm,`imes:3 ib dino` tot Sheriff .-aI'Id.IpprdHr!,'.awhen`ahb .Hnm9- ' blend exoevdu in value the sum.of..,ona thmma , 1 2 dollars, any .whre such humemedd `c'1I'n`oI'h'e divitml, ;aonmiaen.._ ` .- :;,?;~,._ anditbe msuneraaan `wink: _ia;:6-Juarfshapinfjadd !IVp`;;:;-`I of |h'di:blo'r nd" Ts fajnily, ll "n ec'e iIear_v;, `bedstead-9 ind Ibmldin, lh'd"otbe`: -hdmeholxl. lutnk 'di'ision or` the citie"bf'Quel'>ec,` Moni;eg;1 `arid fintended to','e':ta'blish At_hc7same griniple as - uac nun` pru,v,m_:a_ II; B .llll_ Vnecpuqry ,\.E!.lj|"K lure, to {he s-_al:;of,t~v>_ hunglged _dollnn_, !guo:9w_o,. live Swme, one yak}: of (hen, Alpd>Horg-,.ol',l_llVIiell Iherpof two, Horses, ten `Sheep .'and `llmr 'wq'Ql,' (either? .'nv/`vnr 'r nsinuf_aoIm-Ed): ` Siockv `for twelve monIhs,,EIrming.u:ensibI.lo duvalum of tiny: dnllcm,mi-vl:~ior;s'ind?fuel for tux Inniillii Tm (family, ' [he took, im p1emms,*or"booki` ofhny mecbn`nic,- M .ni-than, -on -pfofeMinnI|amin5"t0'i.lbe value or two ` hnndml , dollars, wall beysempt gfrogn 8_85ZlIIe _fpr_, delI,olVhc_-r1h:an_!'a_:gi:s`. ' ' _' " _ ' ' Cltiuse 2'3lh-repehls-`i iuco'I uis'!'enl icu on-port` of` acts. , V "~_ 'Clause 99!}; cc|ar,c_ thql.lhg`_',Bi{l axlmll apply 89 Upper bcanadapnlyg; Some Imli `lo do ;`as`beh'j:tx:9';i1e' `bf:)Y1in b_i:l1'of ' the Hon. `Mt. chrtiufg, y1;iiftias.`_'fo r_ ids bject the Toro'nt9_intp electoral di"s_tr\1cs_'., ` sg%"p1':s'exfl the` ` two former ciiic ae'nd_ .tl2.'_|:-_e;e., ,afid_ '!1_i`1attef twfg, ' membgrgi to the Leg`is1ati'v{ Asniblj; bt ifiq A exist, in Mhdicipal:Eleb!ibxig'(1ivid`ipg thgciiies as eqtially as _A[`>9s_ibl.'nto cg mgny con_stiuencie s_z `V therejr (0 be repIfe_s_uti;t_i.i{es , __ Tbidngo of cdur, ` will have its two el_.ct9ral`.3v'iL1 ioi|s, east `and west, , the dividing `line Being ,Yong e Street That" t}i_e . principle is corxet thing is no denyig ;_ ic'sinip_li- es an election; and `sVp'ai';s' the vinecessity and ex_-. pense to tindidates of `yvudihg oyrso-large a e_l'd'. A mu ......-:.a':..... c..- n... ..i.....:`..; ".9 n__`_-..` We obsrveifromlh rethtnalof `the Lcislative` Assembly arms mm iust.,`tlr`o$ re'em.ion`of"` ~A'Pe- titioh fromVfT.D}MpConkey 'un_& otbexs,`of the Tbwn cram-se, 'pi-ay`in ;';=fma -Dissolution omafe Iinio'u.". The ggtIin'u``6Fs3id 'petiti6li`;nhat hm a'ee'h' `at A very quiet and` noiseless a '3nifi', havefin in -' quiries _o_f sveral paiegwjho `fe liSil'1l3`IIy_ "_w`l:l' posted lip in the mbvements Lof"the` Oimfge-"G'ri': a1_1izsn ce of mi; in "ge; bugjzhey -'j;j;i}ui_fg:2;:tg abouit W it-;`,"'th' uontid I 6}" `tliej $x1p :'w.s_ inij _ h:=:iuV-d" ir"1f'x_'t's' const_rt1_c} xo1;,upiil annbntii ed on the_'_'9_or of _1IqdsLe._' ohfwie-tgg wgke' `confrixffofaisjqmilteti ' ?bi:i`u.,izr.5;i_h..s *{'rHn:` yjq1c1a;:oF, S`I,(00E ,:.niriz:;1L;i53ri`sg'si r_enLe;ve' ` mi t!1_:p&5';t :i_pf _i't;s` hjif Egiigxsgi;-;; 1;e_'a -gm? 135 a11iainc6'i'ii$; lib? giy_je'n g1g'co, mg:`h,pcn1q;ian I . W313. .*!*..r2"i4.J?'"`!? .?,#his 2199.: L=<'>`[ rii3:555 3 . t_l;a t.:1a<,>m:r.`_.,x:1:d:"h_uta_:bl_e fel`Igws[anpq1_1g` them, .!13.~,'.e ggne so far" as 1o_ggpihrn9\ `thy; t[1g_,lit;l6 13$ . 3Io11L1ev`vhatAincl'5i`::;j.(<'V: onftl 1i's;_ii`li`-t_';Z;_`s_'ob1" vatV,i:`v ustion. We, Eowovbr, SI|p[I_0$:V`-,_`_I`I)$"'!_li|.(_L !lli'e_|el`J' siren ".".`-9'}?A!;1!'93;9`,Fh?3!15i*!'107 A .'.itfe,v=n&.h9.,e;bsinz_9f:*9*1:.I99s9 imr!anc:. and that so?-whine .wi1.1. !='~9*-i`1.'!*z'I.;=i i7-Mia issueof-to-daze. . '. in 3- ~- -1y'11' -1 -u-.`--v1, 1-a-up--Ivrgri.-virxvov-!,I! .`!'lF|!;`.l1!|`R"l' llltlch LA 0 `V oe selection `fol . fmn.-nti5:>i~;i:Q ` can my ooyald {bu hndfor a doubt. '7 `. l.'`r'. .15.. -ohia ._1?`i.zter-+-;`?`f9,`obs:ry sh.e_.T{i<$# vetqv. .<.>f. the -3? 3088.3! iI9.u$'.! --94ivr&iest=, ha91-.f~ Hr-liosan. +\.L.1. -P.~s #0 dew: nnliquid: `ate.s1-cI9ir.na-~ Hex- V .1873: ue .ohnnc_e tar .p91;::c.; svecnlatom %a1thoM.1; ::w.e sthink - his SM.-#94:, ip ` Grey-haye;.the.rs.t,1ien; qn~,.w1mv.et: `the min nf nninu and an-:1-. "`l\....|.n._- _.-,, _.__.l_ _.<; V7 .-u-C -..r "': "F "`*"`~ Y~`.?'l.'?'! '.'9./W? `the man of patlids and cn;l.=.j`l).ophp_Iess_Vgu: D Arcy, in .hisjLenxu1stion::to ho: onc:e9dingx Elisha, will mlka 0. bid .- ~_fo1-.. (he: ma1itle;.-1pw {list the probaibilitiet ate` zoattld inisfgvoxv 09 . Jashhtio dan s tramlatibm; modemga-tylevf snoiim-144 ' golng'. gc)'ing','..QoI:e"-1`-`loftiatnimaly to ihefqncient any `of: 'o`leotion=md: rluceiaihh =W Q dtectsno3nooulIStIh1tit_y:hocneonA:LS`piit_und:P':o s pyoga;eg;3gln1y . -9 ._,,,_-:-,-. -,.b he-v L-y.,.:.~.i . '-.1: . `.. -.-'.4.a.1:.;.... xuuunl cu-mum: , I-Jmoubl of $300! . tlnnun 12:11 1: M. l:luIicuV2l)1b';2h|,InIl $3M,'|: and duty uf County JuxI{9s,i_IuI_ 5 Ifeoda. . CC!` HS` III I0 E conuucleu, IIIOIIKI U16 FIOHICIKCIU H .,| .. .. ...sIo|l _ ` _..nJ':'{5"`?:'3'u"e."'"" 3a ag-ro$$m or I ma Ioboi4mo'o"-'u`m'ne ,'/on givupmyg :3 the. . -Amount of 100! . ' ` . _ - . wnen a man : may mug. oq`ueau,`oq:wyq_s:.`gp;gn;Y:` `are`uRlTV3b:.:z; . . rrgwr ',,*.s~-Wrz` ' . clan ..1am.;I7sh;.-.18:h' -n I..i9!I:;Zpi rv5ile's.98-'9' rigt 0 wife as Io choice of Down or;I{g>_r11!1,e:a_3e_, pad the mean. In be ado ed in sin,-Ah ago. ' '- CInuxeo2()1!r;2loi,Im 22u_l,'ptosIilec'i`s:Io.powcr and dulv Counlv Judaism dimonmz of-Home- n of V Mr. McGee was 3 vgryirbAv_oluuon- my `rial, and 3 very rebellious orator. T "He. challenged his Btitishioea in bailids, and f-might his country : battles in rugged stanzas. Ila made loud`orations' in the oeorosyzof the Clubsfund very nnconcilintory remarks in Conciliation Hall.` He sang stains mgainnl the chains ohynnny, which it in a`. wo'm|_er that any chains could have wilhulobdg sudde- liverod_a_phillippic: nhich would `have had ; .-.`.. .l' .u.-_ -_|.. -....I.I 1.--- 5...! .. '0! '15` . .3 '`. .`~ $q b adiai 'ty ich ey_a. an is 5'P5T3i99Ylo `:>'>. .3#";{.` 7` , `I 31 -E "'42 ; ' "..`*= 7Ih..nrw19 th 9:"'1~.necessar.W$!i"3 I Ippqrel of the debtor and" is `ail heesary `balnlemh nd :h.Mi... an ,.n...-. |......a.|...n a....u; ' .\HI|l"'llI)'UII', VI`, IE1 :l'll',g'IEII'V$"IOW cu.-ling: are to he conducted, should the Homestead ex`:-ea] In vnlnn mum Ihnn mm tlmngantl Jnllnrm ..a.:aua:or::ax.`M ~ .6 T T "`,}r.;., :09... . .45 WI9w,Io..mr_nr,e , .:eaa`m3--aim... s".'r=ae;7.;.snp,na;uye.ui|r av.-..;, f7?`f .uIuue=13m meow. -tiamcm.-umo-ha` dinmned of IlI'l`m8"lIf!)0 C! lf`IJ' l|tlUIl1`Wr,!li||-`V'1'lI g.*' `~ `;ClllG_`- 3IIl illlg diqpmed-of _~ V bx *."|- 0:" ices 3!`.";'.*:'.`)".ri",..`.*'A`!a13."1".`.9`.LW`!`?" -`I"` mmnr hilrn. -' iclnuse 14th provides that whdiltlhifn die's,i!Ip_3~- Houieieacfshntk Hafvnmcd `wife-I ai_,h,u. -1,; '; Claim: 15!!) nmvida n to disnmnl of nmpsiesul W JU|I`l_|$_ I01}! ` PYQVI wh'en i'miiYI Wifdll `nnrhll Tnu"u'ru'6` : Z: `: ' ` , . .4 ave: right to set, upnrt 3 portion of his property to the amount `of cm: thousand dollnts, uh homestead, for the use. of himself arid family, which homestead will be exempt from neixure, {or deb! contracted after lhe pasting af_Ihe,BilL . Glnnn!nd..nIQ'uh1glhnl lhnu.h:nn/itnnal .. ' _s'3{L' $Tp _.3';3.Jn.: `1:oVv Ie,I"..l,0cli:..xb"I `empliou will vbo valid,-unless vexeomed in Yuma- numner as conveyances, in no far no the wife is con- ccmcd. ____f!lgn-g,`lL, n.ann:n1_.-ask Ilnnupnlnnoi In kn E`-3.- tcrvdinconniy egisjtry Oicc. ` " 419x L A .. ...t`.L": .z:r :::';.;;-zi?L:a%*fsi..%i?qfa .7-unuuaun; {or FaIher'negIe1-no do . : . er nuncr neglect xonono. * - Clause` 61h. proyidgsibr Athtcollectiou `of.uxe2,~ or any other debts contracted` in tho pulcliuo or `7a'?;'::w3:';'u $ sa'?r;o`} {'.7`3: 6iw,5ee5.;2=nw' M. ca.-lint: in to he conncted. should the` Hnmempn rmllwleaa lnllr U031! _,ChImu_ l5l_h` pwyiq when `n"m'a"n 'vit'om1 exuau pout `s1mz_IIIu a*uV"",' wIu,`.=Inui- ma ` natiirilized"ditiieh ha'Y|>g3l{"'"hi"0'!!Dflf. like I lying _ dolfihih: Hut ` -` somehow gaorrtethirrg wa idmeivht-re `wanting; two -slightly $353. pel"itA init - have been `bbsofibem; fcnddhe. Am'erii:a)i" C"lt `expired in--tti,a'sa,rne'v sofitarv qra-nueur-iu`wwman"ir bud med.-i Dhiigtthe erlilbrialv g:_rp_.rseace- at Mr. -A nred; `.t.za_ m*._-,- _torr't'pted;tn'cro/as the `grey goose-quill _with the crnzief io'f_`ArhbiahopiHughes. '- 'l3he"result it c=:t.I t.ly`icrinceiveil. The A rcl|biI`Ihop`~/wrote a[ Pastoral on thejst2hism'eIic"editor_; riotu- primi- tive pueziu pastoral n7l')ont~ " `sweet * sylvpn - shades, but an ecleaia.itichl `Par-total. bribt-` lin`g with all`-theiniitial atilor efithe Chi_ir;ch. militant. "Mr. McGee, on the "other hattdyhae` bvee`ri prei=erit6tl to tho"peopl`e'of this tity`lby`a Rut`-rarend .Father', its` the meet` clistirmuiahed ln; ir`ii1n of tlie Am`ert_cIn co.~uinent.- . Weifur beirr `tocor'r`gr'atdlate the Church on the [hi h character of herlizinperi`, and merely nutovt e f:tct':ts art instance 'f>f`tha'trrepre;eei5lo 5011-, ilit bet\?ie"'e ti'eminem=theti|oigatte.* - O `urn-I I:on'n I41} `Manon niI.i:ih:I`hil hn'nnIpU..

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