.,,.. ...... ............ .... ..... ,..... ..... ......_..... .,. ,....- krg up more extensive budln. a_n'd lgoniing hie lule beuer. He will then,` iusleedf of grumbling-at p long, hard winter, be in a pqeili5'i1f;to'dely'it, end ake Jack Frost. his `servant, lnteed or being7-his luster, as be is now. The farmer will thus be led to he a far deeper interest in his profession, an`u ife!!iil- arative one; but he will also be compelled to study 5more, and he will `then ud','pex;ha:p_sto his astonfsh-V lent, lha1'fermiug, instead of bei_ng,.es:is generally Ipposed, a `mine drudgery t only-for blodhoppn, : in truth a scienliepursuiit thnfwill cell in1o"p_la,y very power of the most itilelligenl m in_d: , "In"g1ge'_i'|`_1-' 'eased wezilth and ii1tellige:n'ee.Jo'f`p'th o I"f li!0.l':,E_\gh`d ,,_ ._g .._..1..__... ...:n A-.a L:- ....... -.-......'p.- nOYAi. Vi8I'i' TO BARRIE OF -:iit--$53 r:._.._,.`;-' 4 _. . . Mamvbr mm c.*n_;aua ` *:w`a'/ :}';:<-G T1_.1`4`v '-I `.",~:.:{. .1 A ' 51A`-.5-:;,'% ' [";*9vs*TI?%E.8w 7 UUVSUIIU, `V c i `Coulter, Roberto Coults, Duncan Crane, John" ' Currie, Miss Mary, Oummins, Philip. . V Cunings, James Cllttle, Jas. Davies, T. F. Devin, Maxwell Dehart, Nicholas Dixon, James Finlay, Robert, Foster, J ames ` Forgson; Mary Ann Fraser, James Gibbons, Thos. _ Graham, John ` ' Hatch, Wm; f ` Harrison, Joseph 1-Inggart, Mrs. Jane Halliday, Robert .1-Iaggart Mrs. J nno. Halliday, Robert Hill, George Hurst, Samuel . Hunt, Mrs. Ann` * ` Hunt, Joseph . `l (\'I ,4 II _____ __-' `AL- .__-L2___.. -l'v._I.!'.I_ BVATRRIVE BUILDING SOCIETY; ILIZ Bn soLn"-`BY. 1'>uBt.1o ;AtIc5fIOII;'.az _)mtIl;e COUI_%'_1_` H9033, in the Town of `TH}!i*E$ i Q ,_-.-no-1. A..- _-_. -___ -1 u,u~1, uu. nun: yuuuuuyu ;:g ;.4u5--nu, ubuaql, I g the wealthiest landed and agricultural pro-_ ry in the world, with power unlimited to raise yon landed estate, it was deemed benecial, in onalpoint of view,,that the occupier of the the tenant farmer should` be given thejuieans of ving and farming his land in the `most benecial or to himself. It was in fact npoqr man s law, ..o `:L`A, lilmx.-nlliny lung rvnlllnnr-nu. n -50..-.` I`... .n. `POSTPONEMENT. or-10115 ..z;I/J}*:f*.i*IoN SALE on on Acoounrr of man. v-- mo _ mnun, anus Smith, A xandqr Ehoi-n`t.o_n, ohn |JLllLAl\.-lul Iuual. aux u u Iuvuculu up nun; WIICIG y cannot be obtained by `individuals, but under nus rate of interest; and wlterg: real estate. 1' about the must unreal property in the country; so where Government cnnobtainwany amount ires on reasonable terms; In England, as I in my former communication, the immediate was tn raise the acreal.-ls produce 30.'per cent. I have no doubt it would double it. But there titer and a far more important matter toibe con- .: I.. I.`.....l.....l .. .t... .:...... .I...."n....:.........'..,.. .A'1` DAVIES . `IAJ Win`! an`. 1441' . u o -1'-o'_ ., . - a. nu a-....-v-u -. -- \--w .u ....u. --`.1-av. Annual a nu v-, at wise |ibera!ily has gathered a rurrg fa__r ex- . g the most sanguine expectation. How much benecial must such {I measure be heic Where u u.-,oI, - --.. u u . . V "T % % T _' BE SOLD hon LEASED; `cultural ditrict~:nrann`d and respeczame n ~Ba.r1-in 13 the Conn Simcoe, having an ex `Town of the Couniy of sive and thriving agri- _ ; and is delightfully ait.na.tedVon the Kempenfe Bay, - ~ an.` -u-'y1n~c-'1-r 'I`ll\'i'.1 ' of Orillia. inf! `13E;;$;`i;`gj{e:i`:::1 dash) mllhold _x_n, in the oRgLi;1}1; 1860; -a I U11! 1 ~: ty.of* ting in the Q _ " _ VIL%GE_A T On WEDNESDAY, Arm o'clock 3.111. _ ` y _ . A .. L RAR'!l .`R;9= o `B -sow OR LEASED, {am immediate . ' ' that well known and long eeta L, known as the I - on` '1h.line. of the `No: rogd, betwee ted ifh onT . V-;n Toronto and Collingwood.` TA rspectnblelenant wgnldbe _ Y moderateternil. " ` , ` _ ,, -1- A- Or" to the Propriett-eVss, * - MRS`. Z l}lINS!% RIELE s, `.,_'E..A a:M;1 i=j o n: s:A LE5` % j'_."f.Q1?j.I;EAE._;"~* J- V "1 oNtifi1mxxa 4;m.3B5s;i. the: ~ .. Oo1dwg_.t'eI_t;gmda .-within eMueor- the VIL- Anmnfot-. 0 1;t`.1s.m 'ro'mr'-"Am. =09" dxliia`, Xpi 2,:1`so". ...,.,,....u ..,..... ....... ....... .......... ...... .....-. ; and iastlyivliile compelling by its require- the careful attention of the farmerlo his lands, reliminnry step to obtaining a loan,and mdicnt- it were the true mode ofimprovement, itmus! Wiliiiit his reach the required means at the low- ssihlc `expense, as well of interest as office emcnl. Now these are thefeatures of-the "it Drainage Act, and it is clear that nothing of Ifurlmmentary Legislation can suice-aud asous why it must be made a government "re here, are even stronger than they were in ....l ` . V . :ETtJ3;i 3212- (:14 1} H0 TE L, 3 ` ' x1} 8'r1m:'r,L B43311}, ` '..__....:....a' can Aiur run n*rrm' Barrie, Mitch 22, i860. ' . M 0 B U R N S ` ()- Gnn Maker, Dnnlop Street, Barrie, EGS to return his sincere thanks to his cus- tomers for the very liberal support he has received since his residence in Barrie; and hav- ingvincremedhis facilities for doing work of the veryhest description, he presumestoihave a. stronger claim upon their pntronnge. _Eyery requisite for sportsmen supplied on the most renewable terms. ~ _ REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH. I3` Specimens-of workmanship kept.` on hand! and parties aroeinyited to inspeqtdiem are they think of purchasing elsewhere: Support home manufacture. A V n___2- 1-_-I. no roan |-_) 1., he will cnn'in`ue tlie business a.s.nsna.l' in` Barrie, and, if possxble,more to the advantage of patrons thanbefore' ` ' " v. " ` NATHL. KING. `D...;..!.'. 11.041. If.--L Icon ivhichig i:idjr'ene.; ~ " Thom: T`.ih|-"A" "Y1'v'Iln1HnIn'1 N'(.)TI.C.E-is4hereby. given, that the partnorsbip ynd_e_r 1:he.nn_me of ` King Brothers was this day ,d1sso1ved`by mutual `consent. All parties in- debted to the rm, either by note orbook account, am rpnnmued tn mnlm immediate mnrmem. mN. `QGDKCU ID `Be HYIH, UIIIIICI Dy IIUIU 0|" UUUIS ISUBIJIIIII, are requested to make immediate payment. tao'N. King, whois 'a.nthorised~ to `collect and pay all debts of,_the_nn. , ~ * ` .. NA'l`H L.KING, JOHM KING. - -n....:.. Inn. Il.'.-..I."1a'm\ - - . ~ I` o I\ I at us , Wonld fespectfully announce to th eApublic thht continue the a.s.nsua.l and H-' -ucgnikln -nus-A 4.. 6|... nuluun-`sign-A nf unit-Ann `UlI`II_ g\ I_I`vI Begs most respectfuily to notify the inhabitants of the surrqundinzv Country that henwill continue to carry on thy business in the` old `stand of King 7 Brothers, at -n A"-n"n'r-n c'1n1'nrli"'rt\1\T ngland, a manufacturing and Colonial, as well icultural -empire,` the measure was considered ble for the encouragement of one of its great at interests. How much more advisable must arc to encourage in a similar manner the'motIt am of all our national interests. Taking the tntion returns of 1853, I nd `the total amount .$;`22,029,5(3z_'>, of which more than half, or, 6,924, are farm produce. In England, again, .. cl... ....u.hl.I....o l-...'l...`l ......I an .... ..h..u.nI Dunn LJLVIIIIVQ , V I ' t V. . L .B.~A_RR,IE STATION, H and solicits a call, Bin motto still is, Cash at `Reduced prices. ' . `I I'\`lJ \'l' VT`M'(!..' n-__:- 64-52-- onuunvuu cw`: 11 av vv v New Lowo11;,!a.rch 13-3in':` [Mai-ch, `I860 : Barrie Sfation, `u - 15th March, I860. "J.'0@CDEl', llVlg E aecpnu U A Second` Class V Ce: Sgtisfactory rfe cgyii1 be require&. 1:, Quinn '3 > . vj--juj vv,,n_:. A I;'!.-A!3'.t,1;i'..`.'*,'i1`*.`.'. 9%, ; Esggrxfi ; . - uvlovnn-vv -v.....w~ F t'cuIars a 1 to. 0|` P81` 1 PP Yw. 1 mu.--J -cw. .B:rrie,_Mar.ch 26, 1860. VVIIl\.u unv nun-auuv vv--unu nvu. vvnuu 1uu|,- at all. ` I one, applicable to all parts of the country: min in its operations, and glear and prgcie in ctmenls; laying down conditions binding on vcrnment, as well as on the farmer, and con- Allies" and intefests to perform their duties" and in keeping open all road side drains and water .. .....i i.....i..`.'..|,:I.. ..m.......I:-;. 1... :l. .......:.... the Local Councils could not raise tho nigtiey. cienlly favorable terms-even if llieyzcoukl. rninage Act, it? be of {in} s< rv_io, must be`; . s_for a nu1nbe_r of years; must compel alllocall `Barrie, 15th ugu-ch,"1a`so. Bari-i, 16th March, 1360. ."1In!sU1!*9I1"!I..r=.noe-:" ' : L ~ '_Te_rm; "1myng_di:w,-t.po`ssesaion can he 7lVAl'I.' " ' ; 4" 7 ` ~ . ; ``AI_:*:2 !:;..'., `uni-n"1\n ulssnumun_q_PAnfNnsmr. LL kids of `GARDEN _s_mn s can be ob-= _`tained at .; _ ADVANCE_ OFFICE STORE. ..;..1. '1 can 141- 10Nti*jAmxsG1.'1$0.?AT0BES;J.situ4ti on. the L. Q91dW;_LU8lf ` 9f` the'_ AGE, _O1?:.`1RIIaLI. _,t _.F' ; of A11. 3, 4- 3 '."_,i1I"-:~._ - _ - -.~ . the` Tw -1.; ..,l.`. J, ..... . ~, ;__. i.,'+.. .4 ._`: _. or L ,. , . * . '. _..'.- A . . ` ` I V t ' " C ";."s. :33 i a.- a.`_ -, 3-"-' `~ - -{4 . -A . K ' . . - ._.. _ .__,. . , ` V ..x- .1, o 1 1 , Scho,ol '1`.eacheVr W.ted. AN ., fbriSch'(')ol, seeuoino. 3, Slinnidale,` Tegcher, having a. Sec-_ond or`Third` e. Certicate 7X? `m 7. ` .Y _ control ind;ma!m.89-#89! 9! in better hnuduhn _u`Jthe~CI5I_m bm'axricu1tm1d;nnugg iqhile thnriathe ra'nn`e:v.s_ blipin "aged by him in "entire iIi`dopo|denoef,i'" . co, and Iuhjeeflo uo`eoiu6l;'whauooI'r'er, n may be _neeuary' to` moire the nyeniy A beingjyipliod to the '_1her. You'u|: "` why cannot but County ls legislate on What is purely a; loci! mam 3 _ t place, it is not It local meahuxe in all.,42ndly4. lr their properties with" dehg, and en'IbqIfk'il'1` not even the Townehipcouneiliv Bece|io. . the land -owners and fan`-mere would ' undertakingauiequiring length of tihie nd` care to bring to perfection, subject to the rules, gulations of such uclualing bodies at the Councils necessarily are. 3rd_ly.' Bpcglaeq. this dilficully be overcome, it would email the ily of having an mlice for this business a_lc'n_e,` ...I o- ......l.. I`.........`l ......'..:.... n. .........no Al` nu. ~ eAaDE'ILsi:r-:Ds. N.-_N G, ml-`ifnllv nnnnnnnn On Hus. V W. B. CLARK, 7 * ' gmt`and.a ' ietress, . MRS. ELLEN MELDRUM ' Penetmguialzene 4 2 ism. 13, % ad *:'i;I?`f?`.'?."f" `* ; . " 439.. 'o.,,QnrFt'I:1;z_1. co... u, u: uuv-n5 nu \IuIvIp av: tuna wuuauvvv ugsqggy, to each Council, causing an amount of en` which the measure would not. bear. ftlhly. ' .. cl... 1' Ann` (`.nn-null: n.u.l.I nnl uni`... cl`). p...._*..n V'1Dl.ULV. 1.0! Elli? Ml.l"l!lClpBu* ,, (compmxngjhe -Townships mimzh) willhnld inrm. nit. .;1;1`l >;'ia-i`r I S71.1`1:5:.'if`;;;s:`1'1.alTI'i.[;;` tall) Will hold sib- In'. in the . 6N !o'r `th Municipa1i- ` :nriinv~thn-"I`nwnnhin.a JOHN mm.-`A l3lfZ .. 4 1: ani , W _ - ' :`%? lTE;j-t9;;:;4io`Ii-"no;-0Infect-u-go-n->-uac.ooouo`n-4o;ko~`-Io09- II -" V _'_;-___'__'__' , _ _ _ __' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . .' ll `n-*l".:` sir." 0'-gown-oouocoao-cuss-nun `1ss o',~a t io 5 ue a 13-1!` V13-Iy corrAGEnIo;n.nn1';or . `L A29`A(N3_IiES OF LAM): VT ` 0 `be Rented or Leased, with ilhmedistev:pos- session,.A`NE__AT COTTAGE BUILT HOUSE, containing 2 PmI'ou:`s; = 2 .:Bd Rooms, `ervantis Room, Kitchen, and --an excc1lent.Ce1ls.r; with good STABLING, OUTHOUSES, agarden, and an Ox-cha.'rti.iu bearing; situate about 20 minute : usnlb . fr-nun . Q`-us [fan-`Inf Q0, Ran-in ll!` H-nnlihit s, must-accqpapux;y.'a"grn;ip:'ghui-ul4ir;ak;g a combines" `ml wdrkq"AWigl are separumand .na n-I-{AJ nnllli nnnlu 0 Ann`: 5|`! tn na-`vlnnnn E'5:1Ir}i'.i'u'ie`':i;'s izTxT' E'c"2o' inate whzlk from: the Market at Barrie, and onlink f av, , . ' ' , _ ` ~ _ . _ ` . --aUPvr'.- . ' ` ' Ane 2o mixes of LAND,`clen1-d, 10 of whih is under cultivfation. 1`he?Oottage can be rented yvigh o`r`1'vithVout.-the Land. _ 0 be Let, "with immediate possession, 9. GOOD DWELLING HOUSE ;AND GARDEN, en- anlge on Collier Street, and only 40 rods from the at et. '- T ' Mailed to Subscribers at" 85. a year, in advance. Barrie, March 21, 1_86_0.A The igirdn ontdins Vc'boiceLapple, plum, cherry, `and other table fruits, and excellenthoil, wiph a spring of water running through it. ` For nsu-n.ula1-9. nnnlv at this office. or on the Bprmg or water runnlng turougn n. For particulars, apply at this ofoe, or on premises to T . ` 7 MRS. If'OVEY. n___:-' *|l'--..I. an 1013A 1144:.` Barrio; March 12, 1860. "For'_pd`r`tinlar,sf`afip1y tr} thi oice, fo`John Alexpnder, Esq, or'to the owner, ' :3 L. `_ j - __; 11118.. Pl RICHARDSON. 4 12-tf. 117777 . uuncu wvuuu Iluu nu-v..-3-...-....v. nu. --....-4., ,..... lechanic and lradesmnn wili nd hist17ueIt.Aq::13;t for : nploymentg and in [an addi1ion_a| {om-;or. vojmil... on bushels of wheat for ex`poalvi6hT,=Iho miller nerchaut will nd very comfomBle?mggn3_f%yg}yj ny tring tax, nhouldauch heTn;q,`uiA'd t`..I-a..:...'.... :1 - HE TIMES advocates Dissolution of the `Union, pure and simple-n Written Consti- tutiou--aud the Exclusion of the Executive from the Legislature. Meanwhile, Economy in the Admin`istration`of the Government; the Ballot; N on-Sectarian Politics; ` the Emancipation of the Reform Party from the Domination of Cliques; Encouragement to Manufactures ; Free Lands for | Settlers; Homestead Exemption and Appru.ise- ' rneut Laws; Restrictions on the Rate of Interest; a Bankruptcy Bill ; the Reform of the Small Debt Courts; and the application of the Broom to the cobwebs which hang about the law. Tums Ofce, ' A ,. Hamilton, March,` 1860.. 11-sins Ngrthem Railway of Canada: HE SUBSCRIBER will pay mi; HIGHEST PRICE for 0 2,000 :BtJ7s-I-I_J:-:'Ls of good Merchanla.bleV Barley, delivered at the Sxucqn: Bnnwmiv; Ban.-ie, Iiebinar} 8t_h,T1859.` 6-tf .R_pB'_r. SIMPSON.` l!11UU1V'l'-1'4 , rngm. Acres 01 wxuuu are uxcnrcu. The a.bove,j_is well timbered, with a. powerful stream of Water for Mjll'purposs, am! agood Road leading thereto, at all seasons of thg year `I3 Ann1vt'o" .' ' `Boys Complete Map bf "Barrie. ` 1'-unvm ....;.._u....~. ........ ..r n....:.. .- ....... n... ....u.. .. FUN UULLINUVVUUU. - Mail . . . . . . . . . . 7.00A.u. Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; V. 4.00 ms. ` Arrive Collingwood. . . . . . 1.00 x>.x.'__and 9.00 1-.u. M - __.._ __. . .-._.-.'.-_ 5.3o.,... Mail . . . . . . . . ......v..., . . . . . . . ..... 2.00 mm. _Aq-ivp T9;-ont9..,... . . 10T.3`0 4.3}. and 8.00'9.u. ? J. LEWIS TGRAM`, ' . Superintendent. Torbnto, Febniary 8, 18605 Barrie, Febiuay `EING FIFTY" ACRES of South Half at East V Half of Lot FIVE, in the 7th Concession of MEDONT-E, Eight Acres of which are Cleared. The n.hnva`iA well timbered. with a. nowerful g . - mg IVUIIU muuyug LLICI L `I3? Apply to`_ April 8th, }87. V-(.3 *1-j_'3j'3%l.` "Horses m Saddle, br Harness, with; or. without Dr?-vers.;.. Carriages, Buggies A of the bestdsqriptian. EAMS fox"-the -CONHVEYANCE or eoobs " can alwaysdbe had. Freight paid` on Goods mm Dn:`|1!nw um-I 4`.....m...A..A 4.. A...;:....o:?.-.4. u...-... ` lllCrDO0K IIOICS 0143. J . UllVBl' Ill W m. mann._ ." Plino'..'od..}...,..'.-...iu-".quo,o.-o$4 "d0 ' ' PRICESL.` .Mhhnthd on ,1,-holler: and varnished.) . . $5 e_ac'h.`. " ;Thin.tnap'con!ainsaevery lot and portion of 39:1 hwithinthe limits of_Burie. accurately laid down to scale, together, with a plan. of1h.e Railway Station, . a_nd_a ;integl_yipw of the To\'vn,dI-awn from aLitho- I-LHBILUID I01 I03 'UUL`VI,I_111VUJ3i L'1" UUUUD alway`s_be had} per Railway and forwarded to destination upon receiving 3 wgitwftz order lI3`."C'arqfui Drivers, unequ;zl_le.d}`Z'ipatcIa, azzd m`9dera`te`chafges. A " ' ' THOMAS OUNDLE, Proprietor. I')mn.mr S-mu.-:1-_ RA mam, ` ) 'h: \m TIL. I. , . 'w.` ., _ . V he viws than He had se'per'nle', either bn ati paper "(hr framing or on posting` paper. or enclosing m letters at 33.-9d`and.2a. _6d. each, respectively. . v Barre,l,ln.rohv23rd,'1858. -2 g 2 `I2-tf " .-v-yuucjii V tun-wt, YN GE` smgnr, `NORTH `or QUEEN.` ; C. & WmQ YI;E;Importera mid Deals:-s in . Iudiaii land mericdn Marbl; _also manufac- maxisgor` ~'n.isenu;canoz.pns,'romu%.n&rame _j_P;Ieefa"&c'.i`&c. V , _ , 'O1)rbl6'_e"wiil:be open at all-times `during hu- 2 .., ,`, Er-vor;`f';u`wiru`a cap: - fI.Id.`3._ib. If ,~s.'.. `Sto_iic;`a}_`(3en _.1`able St?tndf'l_`gpa, ...'n.i.rnfe%k, hoifrirhere we wnxma p1'0i.i8d.t0 exhibit 2 de?0i'gn`s'an` . `speiiixxjen/b'pf;`wo;k tgr;-gnnigwliig my -_ .; ;;1t;6rv1r:I:r zrawit , msaaga..`5a.1ma _moi;uiam1eia or-uaef _ `L753. * _c';h_ 1os_'..; 9 %,-t8for `ny\r`brkir _ "hxihd l.I`rtIn'xl} ddntch; * "" - . %;a37'?`, sr"i3?i3 t'est`s?}1<??"c? Nat. zuwfggzish t.!TIIn Q Dm;u.o1~ Smnn, Bnnm, ` * *Nov. 9th, 188a, ' . . _ .>ll`>-_\__llI\I`Ei> _ OSE indebted-to'MONTGOMERY 8: BRO. are -hereby. notied .that;alAl, _0U!l`S 1'ANDING ACCOUNTS due them, P-ROMISSORY NOTES, ` &'-... will `he entered . in (`Jmi-t for immediate enl- \`J\J\JUl`l I33 llleln, V1339, &c., will `be _|t.l`.d in Qguijt forjmmediate col- V lection, if payment}: ziogxhnde. A_, ` ; 3 1 7 'l3?0N'E..rAIND*ALIaJ;..cu: j V` ` ' JOSEPH"'MONTGOMERY. 4 `IlinIuJ)m.:nxo; - .. -. .. '~m..M` 1101186 and Garden _ -TO B_ELET . % . y. !r c)1oNTo} -. .Mm-`n;'a ?L:sI:;i*`w o R%`K.3S, ` nsnu-nan-n on-Andra (Ill-l\IT`B`'|`l',. The Hamilton Times, AN EVENING JOURNAL, ` 1RAINS;LEAVE UNION. STATION AS _ 1`o1.Lows:_. ._v.. v_v-:`----v ---v: -- .------. oisr coinplete map of Barrie, u ow for sale at _ `the_Book qlo_res ' W_m. Mann.` '.vl`heL Wey Times, $1 50 a year, in advance. ._ coop STABLE ATTACHED. CASH FOR BARLEY ! sion5,_ Cougha Colds. etc. '_ It is sold by all respeclaple drugglsts. Mas.-rs.'Onuncn Go Durom, New-York, are the proprietors. and also sole~agenta for Dr. Bnotuowsr Bnoon Foon, whivh for Consumpuve and Chronic dis- eases isa sure remedy. Do nut be put all` with any other urticles. VVri!e to Cmmcu & l)uI~oN'r. New-York, if you cannot get them in your town, 13' See advertisement. UVIIIIUJ Road . -N. I -|_--I 11.. L. ll` , ,--y--` -.,.l___" _. ' A ._, .'.' ' _ (""; ;"n\+V'."`..'.._..>..I`OC.III`.O`...`.`;.I.`..;..g...I. `Kai-Resin-nisohoowu,1ss9... .;.;..:`,.,;'.-.;.`;;;,;....;.V....;;...... .'byngpip.gqgy,Sglp:g; 13599.......'.;..,;;.;..;..5,..,....`..... sq:w1aqy1n1ig&;;;grag.....:.......`,...........;............ ...u:'-n_.;-.. FARM `FOR SALE, _-_.__.~ .-ac.--n. .. an `LEAVE COLLINAGWOO-D. FOR. coumcwoon. -3 '1 A lTI'\ -1 JOHN O 0ONNOR, _o}11ia. ' - 15-"If "' \J.I.VJ. $\lJ.V , ` I. . Ln, SA-_11I;IE_L REID, .5 uouuwy or amazon, uuum xa nereuy gwuu T0 wrr: ` that the Courts of Aeanze and Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General .Gaol Delivery, for the said Count_y,will be holden at the Court House in the Town of BAVRRIAE, on MONDAY the 7th day of May next, attbe hour of Eleven o clock in the forenoon; of wbichell con- cerned ute to take notice. ' ` _ B. W.-smut, Sunams OFFICE Barriegz A M . ~ Shen`,.C.S. Am-H 7th, IRGO, < ' 15-Ain ..-2:.`:`I;uo.`0bgocI`.oyo;IVo`#ia;wcrook.1-" . IIIUQI QIIQIIIOQIICI Igonooo.-outsou- .0. . . 9- T`? 8- III] in Elle 1 1-11` . 'f?`T#o'qp:gs_'oui1 L5:f)1:if a ahhcrttnmeuts. COUl;`(;iSmcm ' Virlne `of a writ of -'> ~ -roswxu-2 -` ' Fieri .l'hct'as, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, at Toronto, and to me direcfd, against the Lands and Tenements oEEWI l`T BERNARD, at the suil. of GEORGE R, \.V`VI.T.H'1`., T hnvn nizn and taken in mmnu- 1'97 `III II! IIITIIIU IVIU II-|'l||l%' ""' """"" 1 30.331 57,wu.pud; _ I_nd ordinaty, s12oa.s1.28,,~The~mrIs0 9" In: chi: xlnvkdalivaiiea In S'l'~ 30.::1h0 outside .uu_n , , V Lot 24 4th Concession, Essa, Ehf _ `,` 24 t9th, , Oro, 'Whf' ` 21' 9th _ Oro. and Villar:e Lot No. Nine, on the North Side of Edward Street, in the Village of Creemore, in the Township ot Nottawasagn, all in the County of Simooe, and will sell the same, or the Interest of 'the_above named Defendant therein, at my Oice, -in._tbe~ Court House, in the Town of Barrie, on TWRRDAV the "l`\NT4`.N"l`I1i`.'l'IJ dnv nf` MAT?(`.H `lv_IUE' UUUII IIULIUU, HI LIIU LUWII U1 DlL|'l'IC, Ull TUESDAY the TWENTIETH day of MARCH, AD. 1860, at Twelve o'clock noon. Szmmn s Omen, BAnnn:, December 9th., l59. %A The above [sale is POST-PC)NED mun TUES- DAY, the 29th day of MAY next, at same place and hour. I) `I11 Q\(I'l[T Asrmnuw-'3 Oi-non Baum, March 2om, 1sso. } me nun u_om -hull? acres. L OI-DU W1 l I. DIMILAVALVU, lo HIE Bull: 01 \1K`2UI`&Ul`4 B. WYLLIE, I have seized and taken in execu- oh. TU VVITZ )1] VVl'Il-8 OI 5371 1'llL'lll8, issued out of the Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed, against the Lands and Tenements of.ROBERT STANTON,- at the suits of-1st, ANDREW HERON, the onnger; 2nd, HORACE METCALF and GEOR E H. CHENEY, Ihave sized and taken in exncntinn Hm N'm-th lmlf nf BIDLVAIAE nnu UDUIXUEI I1. UIIDLVDI, 1 3.\'C seized and taken in execution the North half of Lot. No. 61, in the 1st Concession of Medonte, 100 acres; and the North part of Lot No. 62, in the lat Concession of Medonte, 160 acres; and will ' sell the game or the interest of "the above named defendant therein, at my Oice, in _the Court House in the Town of Barrie, on.TUESDAY, the Thirty-first day of JANUARY, AD. 1860, at Twelve o'clock, noon. ' R W. RMITH COUNTY or S1xcon,2 'l' W11` 2 ordmary, 51 W :iAI_..:.`4. .-. `- 5*..'.",- -""B' I-'.':W for_!.1I.i.- do .s;d.e|w9rw.s f1.`39:3?!!3.!r9`!.``.. em $1 was `paidmnly In two} Inutnncea. Sprjpg Whealxwas in good tequoltjltnd 'freely,$100a $105 per bushel. . 3- ;. -. Rm-lav infnir -nnnlv and` \iantad.'- ll Sms1un"s Onrxn, BARRIE, Oct. 24:11. 1359. ' The above sale is" postponed until Tuesday, ; March 6th, 1860, at same place and hour. 1 ~ . B. W. SMITH, M >Sn:mn s Onncx, BAn1un,E ' She, C.S., . Jan. 31st, 1860. 6-5ins ' ,_The_above Sale is FURTHER POSTPONED until TUESDAY,-APRIL 24th, 1860, at the same place and hour. ' R W. SMITH, '-nuracres. - ' ' L, ,1 _. .. `V; r L B_ `V_'>BMUr_H' > :A"sHI8l11"Sr'0l'lCI,:v gm.` ShmF,;C.S. ,BAau?ie,Feb. 16t_b,-1860. , 5 {_ 8-13in Snsam"s Omen, Bums, ' March 6, 1860. . N TUESDAY, the Twentyfourth day of Arum, . AD. 1860, will be sold by PUBLIC AUG- TION, at, the Sheri"a Oice, in the Town of Barrie, at Noon, the undcrmentioned LANDS, nder the following suits: _ ` In the nnntv nnrt nf Hm Cnnntv nf Middle. _unuer me wuuwulg Buns ; In the County Court of the County of Middle- sex, Edwin Heathcld, Plainttf, vs. Jane Harper, as Administratrix of James Harper, dcreased. In the Fnnrt nf Oma.en n Ranch. Patrick Fnv 3.1-'1'W6l_V_9 0'ClO0K, D0011. V - . .dl1'a:Fi. Fa. In ,the.Queen s Bench, PATRICK FOY and JAMESAUSTIN, Plaintiffs, vs. PAT- RICK BURK TREACY, Defendant. The North West qnai-ter_ of Lot. Number Seventeen, in the first Concession of Tecnmseth--`50 ncxes. Village `Lot in Keenp.n_aville,`bing part. of the West half of Lot 13, 7th`O`oncession of 'A_djala, as described in n Deedfrom Thomas Brown to.Pa.trick Burk.Tres.cy; ` the Westtl1`alfofLo1.vNnu1ber l0,.iu the 6th Gon- - .. cession,.of.. Adjala--A100 acres -;. also one acre, `being pin-t _of;.t.hq_North-_en,_s.l,erJy.;p1u:l of Lot No. ._0ne,.in.i.he.fteenth Concession of Tecumseth. In the Cmmtv Court bf the Unitedonnties of I5 Aulllllfulfll Ul JIIIHUS IIIITIIUY1 ucrcuucu. In the Court of Queen's Bench, Patrick Foy and James Austin, Plaintitfs, vs. Jane Harper, as Admiuistratrix of James Harper, deceased. In Hm. nnntv nnnrt nf Vnrk and Pan` Daniel AUHJIHIHIITIBIIX UI dllt nnrpcr, UEUUKSIK`-U. In the- County Court of York and Peel, Daniel K. Granger, John Wallis, and Stephen D. Smith, Plaiutiifs, vs. Jaime Harper, as Administratrix of _ James Harper, deceased. A All the {nu-.rm:l nf the defendant. Jnnn Earner. `at ;y'om;e, Eniniohn i1.ue,7a~.{ue Tb'GN Vof BARBIE, on . _Tuesday,. 29:11 day of may.i186o, at . l`wAI`vn n :-Jnnlr, nnnn 1reeIy,$1 W3 :51 U0 per nuuueu. -e -:Ba.rley invfnir supply and wantod,`- 65cpe'r.busheI,- . - Y . Oaurwexre `pretty freely ~[)y1fa1rtners at 32 a 33c'per,b`nhel." ~ _ , Butter--F're' 11 18c afwo in "prime rolls by, retail. Tub butler is"verLy "dull, andwhe mar- ._ . kc! is heavyat l2cn 14o:l'orvNo`.`+l, and. 100 a 119 for" No.2.` . - ... .- .. 0 - - . -IVMdR'l7`ER:O.l4V ' `--` `BRITISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE 1 _ ll4 Yonge`Streel, Torontq, ~ . _z_'wr_oL'x:>otVn_x1svsg)u1jn or Annymn s-rnur - }B6iI.D1ns5 nlnnnwmn, ..l;[cha.z`1is'. sage, lc"u co. sndull other aoodnn. the nun, 3sh:<$v'uat3.stea.-i.- H .. 26-t'f; and All other 'l.`ooQiHonsa' Furnishing Goods, ; IHHIN33 IIETPCF, UGUCHSEH. ' ` All the interest of the defendant, Juno Harper, `as Administmtrix of Jamesarper, deceased, in the following Lands : ` - Vilhum T.'n1:'_ .1 of an acre: nnrt of Lot 6. `lat OU J\(3l'|!ln E. Lot `.0, 7th 0011., Tossorontio; and Vil- lage Lots 7 and 8, fronting on Queen Street, laid out on Lot`No. 1, in the lllb Con., Essa. ' R. W, R\1I1`W SnKnIum="s Omrxcr-:, BAmuE, January 10th, .1860. UUUNTX UH DIHUUE, I VIICLUU UK I-DU UIZVCFLII ` To Wit: V Writs of Ficri Facias 3 in the following suits, the undermentioncd Lands } will` be sold ` 1;, BY PUBLIC `AUCTION, -nun-your \ `- J I 7 at Twel`y_e o c1ock, noon. ling Fi, Fa. In the O: . ovvung -an Implements :'0F:.AIeL.'KI.ND3,a,II1d `Of SUPEBIQR QUALITY: ` .._,A.fo;.8&lob1N . 1 ' ,`_ H ' _, ._ `J1 _ I V. 1.14 `F9023: $.'reet. '1`ntL ,g _ _% . oAdopxs9uth;of__4dehi!1e St.- wne3.Bu:.xsa;;;,W ` " 1.` ; zeetr; j- ;-r.s!: . ;` - . 4 n . V-.3?-2 IIJC I0llDWlllg LJEIIIIS I Viliaze Lot, i of an acre; part of Ldt 6, 1st ` Con. of" Essa ; N. W.-} Lotv12, lat Con., Essa-- j 50 Acres. 13 I I -5 in Int. (1-... m..-.........o:.\. ....A 17:1, Comzrr by Smcongz Y Virtue of the several vrn wn-2 Writ; nf Fipri Fur-i11. . - . MARRIED. ~ ~- . ` v 0ltIe'29th ult..' at Trinity Church;-Barrie '-byvthe Rev. 9. .13. Ardngh, J. \v. Hnrnsby. .Eaq., or uncln n's1er at law. son of the Rev. Georze Hornsby. late Vicar of '9 Inn, bars ~._Ull8, Ill Inll8.IIIIBEl-II UOIIGEBSIDII 0| LECUIIIBEIU. In t_he.Gounty Court pf ihe Unitedcountiea of York`& Peal." WILLIAM FREELAND, Plaintiff, vs. _WILLIAM ADAIR.' The West half of Lot Number Five,"inTt_he fourth 0oncession`of'the `Township of Mono. - ` -7- Ala. lV.n.'_t.. nu-on` nf 41.1.11 -ihul r`.nrvvI\I:a\- ml .01 `zecunuetn. b 5 ` . ~ . `In the Queen s Bench and Common `Pious, . Landwhich were of, John '1'. Arnold, deceased, At` the` 'tim'e '?)f'hia denl_h_ in the bands of John `Arno1d`,'at the suits of [the Provincial Insurance `Company of Canada. Part of Twenty-two, in the (ink Concession of Vog1>_ra-`7g-Twelve nnd one- ",- .hhN'.' mm-an: } TOVVXIISIIIP OI IVIOIID. ' ' In the Oounty Oonrt of the United Counties of York} & Peel.` JAMES SMALL. Plaintiff, ns. 5 BERNARD` CONNOLLY, Defendant. -The East _hnlf of Lot Number Two, in the fourth Concession .of Tecumseth. ` ' ~ - Tn" clan l\nnn-do Wnannh ant` >1)h.xnn L \ J .l,5,O,S,TAPONEMENT. 'sHfER11'?F s` SALE: OF LANDS. % POSTPONEMENT. * SHERIFF S `SALE 01? LANDS; SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. ,SHERIFF S' SALE OF LANDS. lH1"B"H UFFIUIG, DA] Oct. 24:11, 1359. JAMES. 3. RYAN, I1c1'an'nn-wan nu '..B. lfdigi J; \VQI'Hh}hW:}. Linco1n"s ' mister law, son George Horqsby, Turkdean and ' Aldswonh, Glow.-eaterehnrc, Exlxland. to Juli; Anna Hope, eldest diinghlt of D Ahon Esq., of Barrie. . V c.Ch.r'thyj, - I VIFIUU Ul I-WU SCVBTIU * Wnts of Fun Fucias, -.6` n...m..h- Damn}. ....A 4.. B. W`. s.\m'_n, - shmyr, as. B. W. SMITH, V Sherrj`, as, 13. W. smm, i ' ' S/Lertf, (7.5. E 10-7in ` B. W. SMITH, Sheriff, C'.S. 12-10in :1 upn., nssu. B. w. SMITH, S/zcrr', c s. 2-13m , 'i3_3 if: 10.; ' 7159 18. 2 CELEBR ED VERMJFUCtEa -Prepared by you, in my tamily and; I do think it` the bent preparation now in use. expellinglworms from the human system." My ma` bbors have also used it with the same success. Y are at hbert to use this as ou seet. ' Y0 650., M.- 0. NETT E. The above is a sum :5 Qfcerlicales daily received by the proprietors, F mg Bx-os., of M GELEBRATED VE V LANE S' IFUGE AND LIVER` .._.,,, ._, _---_ _--_ _- -_,,_.- *' {obtaining it. -' - '- L . . . . _ Now, Mr. Editor, `in me above` I hnve.xiv9n`;n`o vcrdruwn piouna 911 fanciful $010!! 3. Q9115": _'P.'1'I * Ike any credit to`myIollforV01!ttiI8ANI!0W.il1I!%i.;!`1V hays said%1..ab;an`.:aued4zafor_unbw=L|>!4II4-vv-gen!!! - he result: 1 have havetludythy-In-iii-1.. d-in.Ens1nnd- trtaenr-.|\fer"i!"-6:`-n..I'9.!.!."';,3`?!".'T'!: nth dndismnding I; 1 ' equire; lobcfqixly guggn upj and"f " .5111." ' p obtain lhoinppou of all ;_ and for ` :xno'wbf .no.wny uiuod ll tilt 0WmI`3$3'C . 3.` h '1 `runlnlt- -nggnn .225` -6' ' 220 is 5.0-3mo.s. i. i; , E: 1`! IIIIIIIIIIITXCI nun UUI'IlU TLHDUIV on Lots 1 2, dn' 8 8: 9; in the 191. Concession {and Lots 1, 2 l 3, in n 2nd Concession of the Township of Il otlqv' `A " will be` rosgctned. l!essrs.Hn.mi1_to,n,;ee ands,ond cor Walker, residing on,,tho,ptopq:,ty, arengents for ts protec- tion. , ,_-_,a.- : _ - -nowuzo A. WQKLKER; n.me,.Ip1y_24, 1359, - _ V-30.1, 1*, : - 1 N.U1-`IUE-':.; 7* .* NY nnnuthotiud rson CUTTING nnsnn k` 2, min` 8 J: 9, lat and `Jul: `I `I i Q in Q '7!!!` r`.nnt\nnu3nn nf Qkn undrell mothers, BUTCHER8. PQULTERERS; a;;acoN AND HIM CURER -9, SJUSJYCE MJKER3, 31., lo. 8, Iuht.8t_a l!-B.addenoo, * Bayilold Street, =- -n A`-n.1:_1'1=!. . u1smsm(A'1'nu 7 van PILLS. \Va think we a the most reliable and popu Purchasers will he caret` CELEBRATED VERMIFUG . ING BROS." of Prrrsnmzan. PA. compurisonare worthless. `Dr. M . fuge. also his celebra1cd`L1ver Pills, ` I'espec;_able drug stores. Nona genuine GT6 0 ' ' ' , u-uurx ALVU nzvnn safe in saying they` are ` remedies of the da . ask forDR. M'l:A- E S ufnctured by FLEM. other Vermifu es in '5 genuine, ermi- w be had It all ' out tic sigm- I0. 0! !_l.I'.K.Il`U!l|l-"IhvIQ\lIlIUv, Jl. u:uu mayo. "' , E.A..ZR,B.I E, 3 EG to infonu the public generally that they have `constantly on ban a good anpply of the primes} Quality .6! Ftosh `Meats, Poultry, &c., Home Cured Ham: and Bacon-smoked and white dried`; Bartelcd Pork and Beef, which are`n'_ared t the lowest possible price. Barrie,'Jan.' 24, 1860. 4-ly if Efier Goods: BE Subscriher but now on hand alarge and complete assortment of `l`.| A `I 1' A `TIN TIYTITIHTBTI lVI\I\T\Q _ - cotisisting in part of . . FLANNELS, BLA'NKE l`5o Cloths, Satinets, Tweeds, (lottons, and every other description of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD- WARE, CROCKERY,&c. *- BOOTS 8; SHEES % WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! SOLE AND UPEER LEATHER. um, Deccrbr, 1359; VERY LARGE and complete Assortment of Ladies Enamelled Kid and Pruuellu Gaiters, Buskins, Boots; Gent's Calf, Kip and Course; Misses and Children's, of every variety and style, which will be kept constantly on hand, AT PRICES NOT TO BEUNDERSOLD! ANDREW GRAHAM Barrie. December, 1859. bl-Lf `(HIS-FIJI-I Children are oen seized very suddenly with disease, which. if not quickly relieved, ves fatal. 1!" generally" attacks children in the night, Aer having been much exposed to damp, cold winds Ihron h`the dny. Damp houses wet fcetgtliiti shoes`, wet clot ea, or any- thing that 0 ct: perspiration. may occasion Group. Mot ersl your children are liable to be taken with this dread complaint nt a time when on least expect it; but it `is not always a doctor can be cal ed, or a remedy found, and for this .reason we would advise - 'ou.now. and without ta moment's delay, to buy a bottle 0, Dr. Enron : lNum*xL3 Coxnum. lt will cure every case of Croup. if taken in time; and also all complaitits attending Teething, Convul- eions, Couglw. Colds. `A It is sold by all respectaple drmrzists. Duroxr. New-York, , PANISFI Sole. Slaughter, Upper, Kip. Calf Harness, Binding, Lining, Shocmakcrs Find- . ing, &c. ANDREW GRAHAM. Barrie. "December, 1859. 51-tf 1:!-Mytemoer year! 9! use-; 7: ~< *- "="'*` ~ ~~HA.\nL'roN~ - ..,_`.- nizvgz. : , . ).`r;` `.1l;88(Kiug..gu.e`*= J ` "D:-cem1;er, Barrie, May 2, 18.59. THE cH"BiX13"E'}i"s'ii STORE, Good Fast Prints . . . . . I0 _vds._t'or a Dollar. .Good Factory Gottons. 12 yds. for n Dollnr. Good Stripe Shirtings. 8 yds. for :1 Dollar. Good Blue Denims. . . . 8 yrs; for 1: Dollar. GoodAPolka.'Jncket.s for 11 Dollar. Blankets, Flnnnels, Cobourgs, Plaids, Shawls, Ribbons, Flowers, Satinets, Full Cloths, Tweeds, Coats, ' Pants, Vests, `Hosiery, with every other description of DRY- GOODS and GRU- CERIES, at the same 1 1--r-unnr.-r~r' . -r 7 111-. 1- t`\`I1? -nn 11-no Cash Buyers will see it to be to their interest to purchase at The Old Country Store," Bradford St., (opposite Durham's l\1iH),as they cannot buy at these prices elsewhere. - ' P. PAE. Prom-ietor. :--u ` SILK, SATIN, ;4ND VELVET BONN.E_TS. Dec. 13,1859. BEG to inrorm all who require DRY GOODS that llmve bought. the above stock, lately sold by thg: Sheriff. and will continue to sell it at. 'I)..A.... Qn'I.~`..\.-n `Tn.-u1n'11.\A Conny orSm0b1:,2 OTICE Ti`: herey given -m wt-r - that Hm Court: of Ahsiza .Il.J-`FY33 IJULILUIU J'Jl1LlU:L-LUV in Toronto, until the whole is ch-:u`c(1 nut. M. PH.-\RS()N, gnu-u--g -yuan-as -..- v-.-nu.-- ----.------, --- All orders will be executed on warrant, and the prices will be as morlerate as at any other Estab- lishment--G_ood Work, Low "Prices, and Dispatch being he. prijnciples upon which they hope to _secure a reznu`-xcrative bosinss. I5"A GnernL_ Stock `of Goods always on Hand. . ' . , VVIISIWJI3 |_||l: l/!`l'lIlb5i UIUU 0|. lU|r|{|`|8l_Il|.l`I, punu , :0`? . .2 "Decorative Painl.i,hg' hnWater '14 Graining and `hm-bling-.'- -Ch;q:_-obeua;iat_uA gighcd i_.fuho*~ri_best _ ce E` "_-`-ao years qfagai V " mmrgronrr -'- VIIFISSLI` 1YH.Ll'BllpUl.'lUl' WUTQSIDFH I0 PHI `"6171 `VP. He'hn`s a1sb`at their service n full stock of Pmnls `Illd Colors, dry.-andin Oil, Raw and Boiled Lin- iseed Oil, wanrunbed, genuine, Spirits of Turpentine, zvamhheg, Butt , Glags of.all~slzea,Vfro_n1 60 x 36 1.19. 6.1 Sjnches, rorn. polished glate to the cheapest ,Wint]g\;y Glass, F.'igu;ed' rind tuincd Glass, many nhtternn and colors: nnm...;. for Pziintd:-`s- Whit- nuom rAPEns:TunM miss 1%: -_ 'R0..0M _r:_PERS!!!. UHDAL DAIXUJIIHD UI" KUUAH rra) from the most. extcnsive,varied and cheapest stock .of :.Puper Hangipgs ever .px-escnted Lt} them in anada. `They nremost suitable for decorating Dinin'g, Drawing, `and `Bedxooms, Falls, Public Buildings; Ceilings, Oices, or Stores; Borders, A com'm,_ kCeim`os, Monlding, Statues in` great 4variety,`wi!b`auperio`r`wor1rmn to put them up.- ~'. H'e`hn'nl'n'nt their nefvim 1: full Monk of Pnmh: -`vuuqgw umsa, 1- lglltu uuu auuuugz uuyss, many _pgte_rua apd _colox_-s; Brutsihes for l. ;ninte`rs,,Whit- .. Asher; `aii Glue of allqgulities, Sapd 'P"unm-'. 1- L55 `$534, ,. SALE 01-` THE BANKRUEMT STOCK r\1115 unvn av.` sADDLEs,'I1AR1~fi"ss:" BRIDLES, V VVIIIPS, &c., &c. Trunks. Buggies and-Cutters Trimmed, do. An ....I.._. _.:n I ...... ..o...! I\Ou ... .... no ....A 45... gnnnusnv %}a%A@`iI{:raAs ` ESTABLISHMENT. , SH1:amr OFFICE Barriegg April 7th, 1860, . . zgungxzgxxyxyny .L_Lt1LV11141ULV, .1` [his stand, 188 King Street East, below St. Lawrence Market, is _now offering to his old ` rinda and customers, and th PubIic, (!_DI7IA'lI -`nAI')!1AI t1Q"nn Dnnu nnnuna Leather! Leather ! Leather !' NOTICE TO "LASH BUYERS. The OM Cuntry Slqre, ?Bra41_/'ord St., Barrie, vvu: `run In Invuign - nuuu -: vs ALL AND VVINTER GOODS, Good Tea . . . . . . . . Good Sugar . . . . . . Good Tobaccos. . . Good Candles. . . . Good Currants . . Good Raisins .. .. 1'\v'\( V1-inds customexjsgnd the PubIic,' GREAT `BARGAINS `OF ROOM PAPERS, from extcnsivemaried cheapest stdck VTO SI-lOE-MAKERS. [IRE YORKSHIRE TANNERY has on hand 8 .......A 04..-]. -5` Q:\`l\ .....J YT..nn- T Authen- EDWARD T. BISHOP, ' TAILOR, BRgWER S BLOCK, BJRRIE VI lII'I\ VV II Barrie, March 2, 1858. 3.31003, ' I VITIUO OK 8 W11! OI 1': _Fu:rzrFac:as 1ssned_ out of the Gou Court of the County 0 Brent, 9116 to me direc against the Lands and Tenemenh of JAMES ERT BRADBURY, M the suil . .of- WILLIAM - BY,2 Assigneeof ANDREW ' ed axtdj-tabkonin` execution N o; 18, `in t_he=Fou`rt`hf Con- ` of'rouaron1sd,;;q'.nd-twill` MOGILIJ; I have. the Nox_`thha.1t` of-\ cession for` the Tow Hall mmdmn ' an that Barrie`, July 1s,'1s5l9; Dry Goods, and Groceries, '1` THE FOLLOWING UNEQUALLED LOW PRICES: ' nnnmnnrnn ~iINEC3I_fALLED LOW FRICES. `Um l\JI`l\En|l\I3 ll\l`A`L`lIIl. UB3 UH ll: , good Stock of Sole and Upper Leather. `KY1! QDV\lfIIll) Q14` SHIRTING, DRILLING, &c., :(Nzfa} `Jib . ;'c}{;2z}7s,' L in-20;.) LOYODLD, un,Lu we wuuxc ls uu.':Ln:>u mu. M. 1 I~}ARSON, The Large 1013, Yonge Street, Toronto. !f?REMEMBER THE PL./ICE. 4:11 on at.` ROOT VANT)-M0RROW, Dy Ill!) Dllflli, IHIU Wlll CUULHIUE LU EVA. Prices. Seldom Equalled oromo. ' ALEXANDER HAMILTON, ' `I38 hlnll. 1R R'](in'(r Qrrnnl maul hnlnuv mm mmtqo ax ;:(mof`5Il F0: godd lo'pI*imn bu Hm s1`_3o.n '31 yawn: ,-___ A1 (an. AI CE TL` n-inn: _.~'1`I.MBFJ `Nimb..,f ESf1`ABLIS,H_E`D IN 1329. `I\II\II OF R. s'r'1NsVo1'\I.` Dl1VH]g' llll-Ll CUXl3lUl'TlH)ll.' |fX}Kfl'I" ence in the CUTTING DEPART- JIENT in the West of England for the last seven years, and trusts by _ _. a slunre of public support. WORK VVARRANTED. `u..-..I.. n Iago 1n_l9mn -- strict attention to orders to ment` NOVV SELLING AT -.-.-`4-u...\-- ' HEGS ti) call the attention of the inhabitants of Bzmma, and the surrounding neighbourhood, to his having had considerable experi- nnnn n HID nT`.P.\R'I`- " l'l A.7l7'A(A!T["RI-`.IlS or DRY GOODS: GROCERTES: . . .. 2; lbs. 1] Ike u. uuu vrru. ..v- .... .. WM. SEYMOUR SENIOR 1 9,16` ,IN MISSOURI, - , 7 0;,` 03360:; Co;, Mo., July 22d, 1855.: ~ umr~:- Bxos.., ; .. . r Sire: I have used DR. M LANE S mv tamilv and`! nrenaration ` 93 P. V LANE S cEALE'miiTEn.v;31wm=UGE ANDREW GRAHAM. 51-nr for 9. Dollar. 11 lbs. for :1 Dollar. 4' lbs. for a Dollar. 7. lbs. for n.Doll.'u`. 8 lbs. for 11 Dollar. -6; lbs. for a Dollar. f\Y\O . an t`..- .. hall... `Ropr :; Moxhow. I , 29-u P. PAE, Proprietor. _.10-l2xno DDAVIUH 1 8-K =5-,1! 46-tf by lhe_ proprietors, 1"] BT08. 0! 1Vl. lJA1VlS B CELEBRATED YE l D[l'.'.Q `Va ilnlz mu 11 earn in nnuinn !haI1- urn respectabl lure of (14) Ana may be nan at me V _ - ' ADVANCE OFFICE," . , T . B 'BELOW TORONTO PRICES. Am J uugv uus ut nun \.u.u|..u !JU\IJ}llU_|Il'V V.Vy ?IuI uvu. essing-,-and `with this lm'o6vlodge of ' his lands, lheexperience he willgain as Io_sub-sell, While ging -his drains,` he will watch wilh'incfealed`in- stand care this result of l'1is-plopghin g.- He will 7 7 every partof his work forwarded.` __l)ee-plqugh- ` will be comparatively light-,worl:-a fortnight for re earlier to commence ploughir_1g"t\nd'n silnilvar cc of time gained atlhe end of the season will e him time lo d9 his worli well. illivery thing will 1 outage him ; more abundant; fpdderwill enable : to keep more s(ock-9. more mgllew I_oil_.nnd bet r tlllll will tempt himto culliiziil'a7a_ lar'ger br'e`ad'th of ` [rnips and carrots. He will galn the mean; pf put- lm .... .......'.. -...-..-:...`. 1...n,1 .: ...'.I I..'...L:..... r.:. IHUUW 1 Vlflnll U] .35 YVI'l`I UI ' _ Fien Fraczas, xssued out Court of the County of Simcoe, d, against the Lands and Tene- fnf`.-U[.T.0TTGH_ at the smit nf To . of the Con a.nd.to me `dire mos}: nf IA `M R. v dUD]. And may `be had at the '. ADV |Gou$r&Sxucon,: `TY virtue of .a.-Wfit of rm 1* 2 Finn Fracias. issued` nut `oi Adjala; and will sell anuwo I118 `Q1158 me `ts of JAME JA ES SMALL, executionethe East.- No. 11, in the Seven: u, against. me uuuuu u.uuv,I.eue- OCULLOUGH, at the suit of ha.1're seized arid taken in ,of the West halt` of Lot Con. of the Township "same, or the Interest Ltherein, _a._t my Town `of-Barrie, of the above named defen Ote, in the Court. House, in" on TUESDAY _theo20th day 0 1860, at 12 o'clock noon. ` e_ B. .W. S 'Snimm"s On'1uc1:,i BAnim, E December 1st,_1859. The above sale is POSTPQNE_D_ unQi1;l`UE DAY, the, Seventeenth day of APRIL next; at _1.h same place and hour. .- . . . A . A T _ A T B. W..SMIT_H,;. `V Sunnmrs Omen Barrie,`'` : 2 Shmj , (1.8. March 20th, 1860. T 1_5-_1in ` 'b----m. The above sale is` POSTPONED` nu -DAY,tho.SeventeenthVday of-AP_ - ~llO! samepl8cesndvho|_nv.~ 4 . ;. .-2 . - " " " 3 '`B.a=W.'.SlF!' , .- _8nr=s:rrt's`0inc:.iB`-rrie.%} - ~ `-Mnrch,20th`,1860r` ~ ~ ` uexenuans llljl, t.` _ House. in}the:1`.o:vv_n 0!. ` ;20th day pf MARCH, A nnnn. 1.I1_1I_I:s: . I,u Lug uuzuu 'e.,.-on EBUESDAI, be H aoo`,;.a.t12 o"c1oc1:i Snnih- s Omci 1Bui I` December, lat: 1859'. T r cesslon or me `yawn: or 1.'oaIor_uuuu {sun vnu ell the`aume,L or the V rest of the fa .bo vej.n9.me_d defendant therein, .a.t`~ , Olce in thg` Ooutt I-Inmae. hi `tha.'l`n'wn of `e..oii EPUESDAY. the "` advocating A this measure; I beg: that it may be onnlry at large, and to the `farmer indiviclually, n can arise from` increased produce of the elds It, but I trust very far from being 1ha only one-`_- _ n. taking 1he';firat slepq to obgaiu a loan {or drain- a ca_rel`ul'survey of the fa,rm,.a_nd examination of ,l1,o.-Id, both as to soil and gcpoqurd will be neces- . ]`l... ...`........ ..r .1....:....,.... ........o `I... .....;.'r..'n.. `rly understood that I look for far more benefit to I ineil nlone. This will of course be1h_o3_rt gral.` ` POST:P'O`N_EM E_ N_T,__ DEVEREIIL, '1 ' v-ion pm-at no Wu. -rm; `I?lie_x-at Oon-. An4r.;suse:".ss{im [a_o k gr~1`wu_vl> 7 ;~-..:..-:.;_.-`;: 8aiI.1rfo . `Iv 1 -' -.3, ~-_ "-,`_`.~_ ;_ fr-,%%'rIi`a:%-`1o;.:;i-I;- A "~';..- , -- - < . , . I . . .... , "P I Kw -.a .`-- s v > V` r `! V 5 1 `A _`unDu 1. , syn` 4 In-nuu_II `!s.%%-`*T'*tf9'v**sL#2"! DUTIES " OF PATHMASTERS, ` JUST PRINTED, . ` And mnv `ha Imd nf. thn -1l on--0ceen<, limos--$8.00. |I___-.. Iv- ..._ H. `inuu&_(_)__ _ 1000. . V,` i M "i m Hf.` Mlzlrri; it : 'l`1".75`, ; 2 r Mann:-,-`-`Lupe: s r. 1 Bgcox--$8.06.` r , A.I.l _- .' . ,A ~47" ., ...,V,..o. LA.n--8c per lb; * ` '1': - '-'0monmi.--25-to80;c petpolm . Ynmu-'-8s:-per.-tun; `sum SInxs-8oc woos eaL$`H."'1" 1-312 to$14 _ Vx_zVAv_v7_8 dob. per` ton: ` 7 '1`nnxn'n--W o"ib"75c`esoh. `V > DAIJAI. OAII A4 W97 do -.1` ` :'.- :;~i~' ju,uI:Iu, uulu an Lu auu uuu Dukpuqulc vuu UV |!f=\-?a- The amount of .drainn'ge.mu'at. be `_ar'efI.x_lly puled, wlxich,will lead the`farinr :"nl'of 'n`x,ni1yVa `k and corner which `he probabljf lie`ve:_th'Q'ug'bt>c)f ore, and by the Vtimewhe ling done this w6rk'l}e'wil|` `a 2; knowledge of his property, that I~will~v`enture y`niue out of len of_uur pegplqace \{epy?far from .....:...... .....z `...:n.. n.:..'I..`.-...-..|...1.... -4-`:.:- |....I. !eERIFE s SALE .oF*IeAN.Ds*-i New 2\hn2i5t1ttc1if5. COURT'j<.`)"l-:'7ASSlZE,' ; COUNTY or smcon. POsTPO_NEMENiT.` QERIFES SALE OF I .AN'Ds.? peniali Nntires- rSmoon,'2T Y virtue "of a Writ of run. ' Fieri>Fam'a.s. issued out C ROUVP. n n . 4 unul tvnrtf ..._, .............. -uyu, nun. uannua av uuuu nun uvnu staple produce, the above axposttion -of our ullural slate is not pleasant ; and if. it were ad- le in Engl_nhd tofuster theif agricultural infter-' how much _more important is. it.` that this try should come forward rescwlutly; iitid hot only * this du\y'nwa|'d lemlenc_v-l'-his serious decrease 1- national wulth, but end:tivo:r"_toLna_ssjst`ahd A that class of men on whose well-doing the `are of the country so absolutely `rests. 5 v f F ..... I ' 45-15%. NB`: RBWv -q-- ' T HE SUBSGRI.BEIAl,`o1-severelyearseresidenf: - " of'~ Asia, discovered while there, `a simple vegetable remedy-4a sure Cure for` Consumption .au.ma, Bimnchitic, Coughs, Golds, and`Nervous, Debility. For the benefit. "or Oonsumptivea and public." - To those who desireit. he will send the Pre- Nrvous Sujferers, he ielwjllingto. make the aame mm. . . . . P To those who deaireit, will Pre- scription", with full ;directions..(fre of charge - also a.~sample.o1.he medicine, which they will fin is beautiful combination of N a.ture a simple herbs. Those desiring-the Remedy ean obtain it by return mail,.by addressing, - V ' J.'E. OUTHBERT, v_ - -"Botanic Phycicia ` No. 429 -Broadway`New York. April 11th,m1s.eo. 16-lain J] M10. UH:DBIN"f"UMMllv'lG 5UU'l H"al l SHOES, 'G1:`.iI1"s CONGRESS VGAITERS and SUMMER SHOES, in grat V9.1-iety`.' `Also, -3 large and seasonable stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,%&c., &o. Davies Auction Rooms, next [door to Fraser's Hotel. . V ~Au Hm unnnnr pl-3nM: will Iinhnhfnlv onmn In uI.y1n,u_uu.| lauw VIUVIH vl I the Boot, 1 Barrie, April 3rd, 1859. _ NERVOUS" ;"IiFEEBEizs;` NIDIIC nix`-III`: ` ` "' ` . F 999;4i*-i1,?A!$6-% % .: *'* . " next [door to `M-users noxex. , As the yonng Prince willndbubtedly come to .Ba.rrie,.those who may wish to be.presented on that -grand occasion can be rigged,out in court style, from the Crown of the Hac.to the Sole of the Rnnt. ` numhers.2,4,;5,;and 6 _un`d 1.9!; nuniber :7, on -the Eu: side 0! wsnguu-sieegz, and.-brokenlaola 3., 4, 5, and 6 and Lot number 7,1ons.the Wutside of Cedar Stieet, in the Tdwn at C9l|i_n_z_v;vo "Town-, ship of; Nnunwnaggu, -comalningan the whola six: mung. mom or lea. 2nd. onsistinz ofLots I. 16 10. AVIES has I-eciived a consignment of Emma and` Cnu.on:n Vs'* SUMMER` BOOTS and mmmsx any-a. nnwnmass rutrmns' ...aV 1 " "5... - = _'r`%;`f;; ship 01} on;_n|mng_.1n me wnou; xix gcpes, more Ql'_l$. 2nd, oonsistmg ofLots_l, to 10, both in"clu4ive,'_Eu! side, of Hickory 811-091;" and Lo/ul , lo 10,b_oth inclusive} West` side of Walnut street, m the 'rown.,of_C.oIliugwbo'd,- eqnugigiugj in `th`ewhole4}aores ,"n :onbileu. 3 a .. . * Onrlxou-3,`4 5-and-6 T`-ghe Wuaide.of'.W. alnm f'e_t,;in the ffovmot olhngwood, :lh'ero is a lint -9119 Iqqnth .|;f}l'.H| 05!! 9` 55.19; -911: mp conun- Iion as to. payment of the 5!1ln.5fP.'h'!e`m5n?Y= my ba_ni'i ed "b an extension of `the timauhe .opnon`of the ciwn of Ihe_Socie_ty. _ ~""` ~ V -1-nu. qqg_ait,j_o'n_gl'_ gunman Jbe mac known 1; '3he.tII'i:e.nI\tlp1Ill_0f_3jI1o-.. . 'S.WI_!U: stew: 0.1r_k..I-iovn-9-. ` 1 : :`wP=?Ieht1f 9t1.ii. 1". uvn.-I ullu as In: uuuu. nu-Irv:-nu. ununun Iv uv uuu` In England, at the time th_e'Drai.nngo`act passed, the agriculture of the country wag even mproving. Here, at this moment, ours is deter- in_.-;. It is a startling assertion, but Mr. H. J. on, in his valuable pamphlet on this subject, has the same; " On looking over the trade returns I hat in 1852 the quantity `of wheat, and our lillcd as wheat, exported was bushels 5,346,718`, n 1858 it amounted to bushels 5,610,559, being crease of exportation of only 5 per cent. in six _ ; and by compnring the returns of 1866,` 1857 858, there appears to have been a steady yearly `nse In exportation of both. wheat and our, the nation having been as follows :- .BARR-IE: '_ 1` M On 1`hu,r343`Y : 5th ,APri1~1 E330 Pursuant to the power of vaaltcontuined, in two several Mortgages, bearing. date respectively lllh Fehrua -1854, `and -18th. March, 1856, from JOEL EiV.DERWO9D lo lhejsnid Society, till Jhqse gal-eels of]and.*,gx_|._s1s_l1;_Ig of T9wn___Logs nI_:mb.ers~-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 V7, 3 9, Ens` $Id3' I-iiqkory Street; `broken Lots` numbersl,'ean'd 2, -and `Lot; tiunibqsgs 2`,'f3, 4; 6, L6, and 7, 8,_ 9,~"and, 10 on the ~'W'e,st-' nide"_aol'-~ -Walnut .-S,ueet`;f.broken-; ta numbex-s.2,4,5 >Ind6 pod Lotnnmher -7, -the` E... `gm. of `w iu.m:a u..'u. .53.-b.-oken.Lou 3. 4. 5. _ pa 1 1.9;.-gut yin--_-.__ . .._.-.___ = ncminbom ~, 1 ./the. Am=.ci'ine i'5`v~ was made by cup`. ty 62: Hibbud, o_f-.()ak}ull9. The Miler ' calculated lo,drive two gngipes. Th`eA nii|I.'a h'd',m inefi in grind ordr"a'nd-`n-`pair. -. -.n.. tans -nml. 1he~Wat2nida-'o{s:Wnlnm ivanunum mm. mm] IV `BAR , hllc RJE, The jpugr 1| mlcqpxpg xognve lW _0__6!lllel. 1 niillfaiid _muhine is In order and-n-pan-. ;~ On Iiou-P8 -and; theuwestside-otsewnlnut szmm- "ma cranial axmmiva.nnd.conmodious '."On l..iotI 'I|`Ill`-U5;-`DI Inez ;wenenae- 0l3!_W1 u-dot, "ave _ete:gtadaxtg_n_sivec9ngygoglgious .0n9-hath. 9!. Safe, . gang 0;: more} _M1v1:h:_huo nay taunted. : bu---n `.1I!:i}_0Nl)ITI.(`)NS or SALE: . balance to. be p7&id- within `(ho daiIsqf'8a_1'el; but condi- :'3.'.:. at `of mrchaie-miinvi of: money, Cash at the. V14-2in 9 - 1856 V 1857 '_1s5s.. _heut, bushels, 4,997,666 2,762,454 2,437,679,, ur, barreI_s, 673,776 743,949 `. 634,576. e exporlutioh of cattle, oats, barley and rye, has _ inly much increased, but taking wheatA and our .. ..o....|.. .\..,..'l...... cl... ..L...... ......-...nZ..-. At` A..-