'1' "G_1{A N'1`,ABarrie. nc re. - uprlelor V 17-tf % J-I5 I 126%? $ Iwcuulpuaueu ucnllln . " _ , Dr. French has the honor of pnblisbin tbe,fol- lowingrecommendations, and also of re ex-ring to the following gentlemen; To the Citizens of Toronto :--I take great pics- sure in introducing to the public my. friend M.` D. frenctbb:l.D., and graduate of the Baltimore Col- : e o V 'w1t`l:- Dr. French ut ve Vyears,.n considerable portion of which time he has essistedhe in prac- ntel sur .` .IVhave been acquainted- a tice. He iss. ntieman of irreproaohable` more! character. .04 oronghly. `educated Dentist, and: 1 `rlcticgilrvp " . ese_ion._ recommend him: with entire killed in eijery department ofhispro-V II. n V, 7 irho` mu; xeqnire vtahesei-vices of: _~ AA.'En __ _"A. u.,`n;,A1>,;v_,'__1_)'.n.s.,_ T of_ghgj_Bgltim:e Ogllqgg of D`gn`1sl_f8nrg`ery. .RlFi%BENOE8`.' `in . `on! ' .-s V W;_ulnaroy'l}.;-untwH.D.,r.- .: V :- Pxofeilorlo aislnmore College qt --------o VTO meet theincrensed demantis of the business," Dr. F. has secnredthe services of D. G. F., who for many yearshss enjoyed a high reputation in the States, and who,` from his connection with D. 0; Fnnch, `in his business, for the psst:three_' years, is well` known in Toronto, as a skilfnl and accomplished Dentist; . n. "IF-Ann`. In.-AL- L`--- -`_--I_I!_'I_ 9,, L .1 'n I lmmmmsn n.I-'niI. M;n. n.n.s.,| '1'\'I:1-L1-rnV1-cons Barrie, Jam. 1858. . . ` 1-`res BOBT. STANTON, Screlary 4- Treasurer. T Torohto, Dec. 22, 1851. ' 1 inns n A vimu-no nuu nus unuce YBBIUBQ l8|'B. `On Tuesday evening the` Medina stage car- tied a lady passenger to Yates, who took quar- lere at Chamberlain s Hotel. She sooneent or Owen D. Phelps, and subsequently ~for Houseman. The latter obeyed the summons, and almost immediately after his entrance into the room was accosted by the lady, who asked h W85 WilliE`I0 D6l'f0l"l hill Annnnanunno Secretary and 5l`rea.mrer,-'Robert Stzinton, Esq "Solicitor,--VAngus Morrison, `Esq. _ Jlpplicaliom for Fire Risk: received at the Home] Oioe, Toronto, on Wellington-street, opposite. the Commercial Bank. _ Oice Hours,-10, A. M-., to 3, P. M. ISAAC 0. GILMORI Preudenl. George Michie, James Beaty, Hmrh Miller.- I Hugh Miller,- uuucs Dusty, And I CAPITAL. 1oo,%ooo,| IJADIBQ no min A ll Canada Western Assurance Co Cmnrnnn av Act` or, Pannuunur. u. u uucnu regvupuxuus xor residence and travel. No further outlay required from the assured than the premium. . . V JAR pnvrnnr 5...... J 113. .l'A'1"1'UI J. R. ARDAGH, Medica.l.Referee. Bayrie, July, 1859. 1 thereby_seeuring 1 speedy adjustment of claims, ` and liberal regulations for residence and travel. ` NO flIl".hEI' nntlnv l`I!ll;I lIl` fr-nun Ilu: anon-uulv as prefembl to d_ivisiona it intrvais of live, sevn, or ten years. A - ~ . HOME MANAGEMENT, ..... nvvul vvna uuuyatuu Dy H16 may, W110 asked it he willingto perform his engagement. At tlte same time" she drew a six-barrelled revolver, and pointing it at him, stated that. she would give him the contents if he refused. Under the inspirational the six-shooter, added to the charms of the lady, Houseman admitted that he was willing. The -instrument of death was immediately lowered,and thecouple were soon ontheir way to the residence of the father of Houseman. What then transpired was not known to our informant. nllllnrnnnu L. ..L.... at H 0" ` pan] :5 xunus In me rrovluce. ' Premiums payable annually, or by semi-annual or quarter,Ly'instalmenls_at the option "of the assured. %cAr{I1!fA.L. s2;soo%;aoo. 1_.5wT RATES or PREMIUM, Cunsqllent on the investment of all the Com- pany's funds in the Province. pmminma nnvnhln annually tun In; an-nL.'.-.......I _ -- '1 ':`rf'..`.".:..1, .-{U ._.' `V. TnAv.nnL;ns.ws:1t.tn-zisheiabove-note! % 8t:a1;o:%l'irVelnsnraices ` v ' 32:5,` ~ " 7 LUDGATE nn.-I_-.` % V : )\ I ",1`"Vl'7".?.`."`,' .."V .9 , m: ' nu ) omgz; dam .1I_iuicn, ronomo. . -:ruuuna\1ioardormroeonincAnaaa:_ Jon Cnuwgpnn, Em-. Wlunu Boss,vEsq., Wu. M_oMum: VE-;q.,% Wu. Hurunmsox, Esq. Bankers- an Bax or Mon-muu.. Qnh'pn'lnu-._Dnms. n . -..-n'.... . .... I1 .... .- 'Ho_noraBlo' J on Rosstl W.P.I-Iowunn. Esq. 115?. @1- A copy of Stock Book on be daily seen on the ' _ counts: at 1.119 `T _ This Branch won only opened last January, and . . T - now hasjain income of " whiten is retained in this Hconntfy. ' The` increase if business in England is unpre- cedented, asehown by the Parliamentit returns, ad the following taken from the last ptember port: 7 It will thus be seen that the total amount of nuuwn I0 our mxormant. Houseman is about 35 years of "ag Indy, whu:-e name we did not obtilin, siderably younger. ` ' Th ITIRIIQI` ha: n'n:In-' ------~-' ' IUFHI HUIIIUYUUI UIITUS OI Ililaulfu ~ It`- ditferences should arise between claimants and the Company, the Manager is fully empowered to accept service of any process in law. 4-nun-awn ` - J. EDWARDS, genl, _Barrie. Canada Life iAss%u1-ance Co y pun: ` that business done during the last nine months of the Company's operations has been TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ONE NEW POLIOflES, producing an additional `annual in- come 0 ' ` *_15i;9ire Dl'IIllL'llo . "All losses in Canada are suhmitted'to the gen- tlemen composing tho Board who examine the particulars, and if found satisfactory, atonce order the payment of the claim. This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. T`. t`:`nIInI|nnn as}-unnh-I n-Jun I...a-....-.. -I-:__-._;.. Representing Propertylusnred to the exben t- of THIRTY `MILION DOLLLARSS The Report further says, that the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfactory increase in thehusineas of the Company, and they have every reason to believe that fromthe con- nection now formed it wiil continue to increase in the same ratio. ` ' ' In... n....:a..1`..r .1... n........._. :. .a-_-.-_1 .94-... Ill Luu same n_su>u. . ' - _The Capital of the Company is devoted entirely to Fm; Lunummcs, having no reserve for a. Life Branc . v All 1 .... .. :. n....'...:. ._ _..1_.__g.`.__s-._ .. _ 1'rI_fA L AND nosr AMPLE Exnnarrs A of its affairs. ' `ANNUAL DIVISIONS _OF PROFIT, muumuly younger. The matter has excited unusual interest in that quiet town. ' ' Pren'dmt,-_-IsAuo 0. Gxuma, Esquire, Vzcc-Pr_esident,_--TnouAs Hgwonm, Esquire. wfn or `I000-Vaxunnv `V onnxiis. -rmlnight Honorable Loin) gm cwmian. I PI*unMonmsmt',E .,` Managing b_mclor.A ` Wmmu CLN_W'IlJa`,: sq.%,S`e,crAcla2y. INCORPORATED BY AC'lf 0! RABLIAMENT, . cAP1'rA1.,....;... c1,ooo,ooo l'\`I'.I'l!1'.II\l1 .1 , A in u . . , . )FAFERS. 'th -following real advantages to in- vending Assurers:- ` - ' - titer!-183 DAIUKDF MONTREAL. Solzcitora-Iviossg Ouwronn AND Ononnz. HOME '0E`Fl(.`E, TORONTO. ' pm.xc'runu I . e ` ` M. P. Hayes Walter Maoflarlane, Miller, T. P. Robnrts, `And E. F. Wbitlemore,Esquires, $'75,%oo;%o:4 IN su-Anias-or 313.3361; ' --v_--...-, _..._ -Va-.- W- ' The Empress of France recentlymade a bet that she would appear at court without hoops. When shepmade, her appearance, her husband was amazed to nd no change `in the amplitude of her dress- But she won herbet, nevertheless. She [had put on'l8 petticoals, each one shorterland shorter, `until the effect . was the same as with hoops! It is said the despot laughed louder and longer than he has done since the coup d ctat of December. D E N ',1`?I -S T. oeoun-gnaif ,-:thut,_lc.cn % r-n. s.s:a9n1'in`_u..th-38'-I-"`bu' -%sanr-aexa; :: ;; f 4*`*'ro6iro,.occ.1a,1a5o; .- mcnttat. ALEX:{Ni)ER STEWART, Manager for B. N. ./1me2.'ica. O 11--..` 12-.....-_ an aw- dunno rxu..I.U1V, . -./Igezlzt for County Simcoe. J. H. ,LA_WBEN.CE V " ,AoanI ,1'nronn;u -.t11i1`1 PATTON`, -Jami fm (`lam pmncrbns: I `II I us. .PA'I TON,', Agent edical Referee. - ` Logullllul vouega ~D=,"!ivrsw- % vu-r . --_.. ...---- -7, .-r.--_ _ _-- A worthz Scotch couple, when asked how their son ad brokenpdown so early in life, gave the following explanation: When we began life together we worked hard and lived upon porridge, and such like, gradually adding to our comforts as our means lrnproved, until we wererable at length to_dine on a bit of roast meat, and sometimes a boiled chuckie (chick- on ;) but as Tor Jack, our eon, he worked backward, and began with the chuckierst. '- mp- 13------ ..r 'l').......... -.........l..-.......l.. .. ' 28-3mo . , . _ . . . . . . -.. am my w;'a.;aie.f'y?am..m;;'.:& ;;;:i' :3 the treitmenl of diueues Q! I private nntun. [g`he , nmictqd -Would do'weIl to make inquiriecbaforb con~ -`halting those advertising in IN; cily.] DI`. R. | prac-J lice extends lhrqligh} gvery Saul; in the Union and _ v;4i -3 the BtitiIh.Pro`v'inoes.- .- . . T . .- . Dr REYN D6? GREAT W.0R,K-138' PRI- EDIOJLV GU1'.DE.'-_-.-Bclnlimlly illu- OL 'A'*:'...%'..'.:*';*:c%:.-"a;.=;'.: .*;:v.:<.-. m .,.[ M jmtod wiihnearly 300 paged, Price, 3535:7731 - `bu ` 3' H` V pedy`a1!enI;led :g,..Ii`I::|_'IIm -., ':.:`:.".:.'`::;'s`:s rom obocrnIlon'.Ian!`l.o In pnuo thefm . Nqletlermwill beaiuwgred unleailhey contain a 'rinitt"nnc'o ofonc;.dolhr,`comqlIqtiqn Consulta- `uulgvles fn5'aufc|nvge'~ A ' V A .,A1reoamuu:cuiom%uaan:-u:i tot. Lsneynonas, ..:m.;::n~1:..u.-.-.... n.;~..=. n....;.-.... 111: an `comm M.!)., No umcnuolil V419 to E.J.Rcynolds, 3 H9) N'Y'I 9|NI!fn-` A '2 * J H {To Enins. V Dr. R. can has successfully consulted on all diseases peculiar to Females. ` , i N .B.--Dr. Reynolds is sole agent {or `Dr; Vichois Female Month!` Pills. Amen? the many thousand boxes of those 7 ills annually so d, not one complaint has yet`lie`_eu made against them. Ladies in n cer- tain situntion should not use mm, the panlcnlars of ' wl1lch'wi|l be found in the directions accompanying IN! on: w.ho_ 13e.v in tli tratment'o'l' ' each pox, , `Price 3100. Sent by mail to jsny part of the world. ' Beware of counterfotls. They are not on aloat any og'hef_plac a. < ; '. ' 3' ' `D:-. R. `is llto only'u`uIar sduwtsd pl: sicisn in discuss hf n Isl.-Ivnla` ~sn`n'-ii. r L- whole time sltwal to` '.YOUN'GMEN, K Who,- by indulging in secret-habits, have eoniracted that soul-oubdning, mind-prosmting, body-dean"-oving vice, should apply to-`Dr.'Roynold`a without dela-. In l_hese, as well as iullolher cues of: nrivma na- vtce, snould apply to"Dr.'Reynold_| without delay. ' these iallother private na- ture, Dr. eynolds cotn'mends,a`n early I plication, and without any vanity or aspiration, dec` edly states tlmt-lnn~cn.no Vwitlxin the reach of mortal aid shall ever ewe hiufwilhoul I cure orpsatisfaction given. , ` ' nu`. u-in--.---~ ...... ........ .,... ,.......... .-.... ,,......,. An Irishman, who had lain sick a long lime, was one day met by the parish priest, when the following convenalion took place: Well, Patrick, I am glad you have recovered, but were you not alraid to meet you_'r1God `P Ooh, no, yer reverence,` it was the. other Chap I was afraid av, replied Pat. A ..--nL.. Q_..a-I. ......-J- ...I....-. _..I....I 1.4-. III IJIXIBCSS iseasea ot the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Jaundice, Dropay, all forms of Scrnfula, Teller, and the most obstinate disensearoi the Skin, Neuralgia, Dy: psia, Costive Habits, Piles, General Debility, N:-voua A'ections,Chronic Pulmonary Atfectiona, Bronchitis, Chronic Con h, Cough and Colds", Incipient Con- sumption, In ammator and Chronic Rheumatism; Ulcers of the Legs,U cera of the Mouth, Tongue. Throat, Nose and Lips, Incipient Cancer, -Glandular Enla mo.-nt, Tumors, Chronic Sore Eyes, Mercurial and yphilitic Alfections. Pain and` Swelling of the Bones, and all diseases arising from the "impure state `of the blood; Whether Hereditary, Acquired or Con- tracted. Salt Rlw.-um, Fever Soreo. and "other Chronic Complaints of year; standing. Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Syptnillisxstrioture, Su pression of the Memes in females, &c., moccasin Iy treated. . . .__._-_A. _ _____ VDR. REYNOLDS would res ctfully inlorm his friends, an the public, that he con- tinue: to be condentially consulted at his old established Medical Office, No. 19, Ex- : ` .7 chan e Place, ON ALL DIS- `I % EAS 8 OF A PRIVATE ` 4, 3; OR. DELIQATE-.NATURE. . _ ' His long experience and at- >;;2,_"*`5'-~ ;S: ~ti,on'to this class of complaints; fe and speedy method of treatment, and his .- . extraordinarv success, duringa long and extensive practice, enhbles him, condentially, to promise all persons a safe and radical cure, without injury to the constitution, or connement from business. . B a long course of study and practical experience Dr has now the gratication of presenting the unfortunate with remedies that have never failed since he first introduced them,_to cure the most alarming cases, and that in a very short but reasonable time, without the aid of mercury or any other delcterioua drug. Within the last lbrty years, Dr. R. has cured more than one hundred thousand cases of the above character, and it may be said safely that more than out-half of the patients had been previously treated with mercury and other poisons; v _ - Dr. R. can bnuccmafnillv nnmmltul nn nut rntt.-.m_ wun [Dd OHIO? POISOKIS. Dr. R. can bebuccessfully consulted on the follow- in_`Diseases: ` ` - iannagn nl u: Ting. I(l.l......- Dl-.I.L._ 1- ._._` 1- , , wuuuia tuutl .tu*.'b"1'U1{A'1`lVE. Pnorsmon O. J. Woon: Dear Sir`: Having had the misfortune to lose the best portion of my hair, {mm the ell :-cts of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851. I was indui.-ed to make a trial of your pre- paration and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is nowthiclr and glossy,and no words L -an express my obligations to. you in giving to the alictedsuch a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz.: large, medium,and sma'll;`the small holds 1 a tint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium nlds at least twentv `cent more -in pro rtion than the small, retails or two dollars per bolt e;-the lar holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion an retails for 33. ~ A t 0. J. C0_. `prnnl-inlnru AAA ll-.\a.l-ma-n ' IIIIU TCIEIII IOU $3: J. WOOD 6: C0., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. December 21, 185 . 5|-3mo _ uigfl`. DI'l3IIIIv_~ _` Dvanoustno jg`: Dr. Humor _ _ .._.'=::;- .A.-W-\8m:9n1,r.I;sq- _.; -DrJ.B4nat.nv,. V Dr. F. A. Owwnu. ` 1, 0PFI0E-'-0o`rnerVof- Bay-andlenda Streets. from _9 mm, to 6 I'.I._ Tenn: Cash. . `T6wnto,s .23. 1851. j - . - .30-1.: Dr.`J.`8oon.V M ` i ` ]i`}SPIEO I'IV.UILY"`anxioun-es that 'he_1v_l1l1be :t_ FRASEIVSV HOTEL, BARBIE, A oh mth? 711;} slim _.1`nzg'a"r:i.f,Jo...'ober, - _` r, . ` uazy,~ ti -lmnealm...1_.-"`E_ mm, NEWIIARKET, on the 1.1, man; an; of each ..na~nnA1mono. on an m. of each .....u. . an [1 nnnn nu, III! use zu-,l1uM)' DTILUJ cum IMPIHI, "and'BBADFORD, each mull: - When he will bomoat. .happy:to,ujt ,u nthoso _who requirothia services in any of the ranchi of his Profession: ' - - . IIn uin.n`IJ n1anahu6n I-`lpuubtn 4|`-an -I.;'2`lu_g 2.. ..u.$. nutr will return more ueautnut than ever; at least this is my experience. Believe it all! - A ' Yours truly, WM. H. KENEDY P.S.--You can ublish the above it you like. By publishing in our uthern papers youwill get more patronage south. I seeoeveral ofvour certicates in` the Mobzla Mercztry, a stmng'Sout`l; errH:aE:.t-l;edy;: um: H399 It A In nun !-nu A 'm1rn luv-sue vv-u u us 8 av: ------vi - ` " Which, my young lady, do you think the ' merriest place in the world `P. That imme-_ diately above the atmospherethat surrounds the earth,I should think-beca_u`se,I am told that there all bodies lose their gravity. c- I_:._'u.__._' .-I.- I.....l I..:.. -:-|. - I...`._ 01 um Lfliuleauluu. , I ' ` `He would a.1aoatat.e,tbatin case of mure in on work warranted during the past -E3 In years, 1. will befrepaired Freeeof Olnarggproviged no other _ Dentist is, or his been`, employed taloperate in the same month; bntshouldoabnolher Dentist be em- ployed,Athe warmntgin.-`all caseswrill cease". - n1'r.Vf1rnr1' 1'.wtrn1n A l`|II1T.V1\ - `With the leaat.possible nnein; andonrlivcnlar atten- tion paid. toothe Regulation of L`/ail:/ran : Teeth. Teeth inserted on Gold Plate or Pivot. Cavities lled with Gold or Silver Fail, or any other Branch nf DHNTJL SIIRGEH Vntnnnhul wit In nnntnnau 01 111141.! Jay uuuunnx vzucutcu Wlul nuauless and._di`I-ebility. ' _ ` 0:? cruncss EXTREMELY nxonnanzvrn. .50 Parties requiring Operations performeduaro - requested to come earl in the day. ` Oice Hours from Eight o cloc a.m., to Four pm. August 13, 1856. ' .- 33-ly Fbh, s.- N. PEGK, % ;SURGEQN[DENTIST, -u-`uiaanunvirnnr ti?` -............._ n__; 1.- _1n L- -. Iilled with U0! E11781 YOU, lly OM10! Branch "of DEN TJL SUR GER Y executed with neatness a uni ALI-nlnilifw CCIIDII ID gtvo II. I I award it toyou cheerfully, because I think` it due. My age is about lly years; the color of my. hair auburn, and inclined to t.'uI'l. Some ve or six years since it began to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of `my head to looseits `sensibilityand dandrulf to form upon it. Each of `these disagree- ahililies increased with time, and about four months since a fourth was added In .-he-m, by hair falling o' the top ofmy head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant prediv-amcnt,I was induced to tr Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the fa l'ng o' of my hair, forl had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes._ I was, however, greatly surprised to find alter the use of two bottles only, that not only was the falling off arrested, but the color was restored tothe gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandrulf ceased to form on my head, very much to the `gratication of my wife, at whose lolicllalloll I was induced to try it. Fnr lhin_ nmnno Ilia menu ni-ulinaoina I An... 4.. L.-- 1.0 U. J. wood on 10., 444 ur_oadway,New York.` My family are absent from then-iiy, and ham no longer at No. 11 Carrol Place. _ ' . Siamston, Ala., July 20th`, 1859. To Pnor. O, J. Woon: Dear Sir: Your. Hair Restorative'hns done my hair so Inuch good since I` commenced the use ot'_it, that I wish to malilrnown to the PUBLIC of its e'ec-ts on the hair, which are great. A man or woman may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to ynur Hair Restorative, the hair will return more beautiful than least mv experience. Believe it all t Qvav -vo---va--.1, vw-u-cu, vuannnununcnvg` Ladies and Gentlemen in all parts of the world testify to the eit-at-y of Prof . 0.1. Wood s Hairkestorative, and gentlemen of the Press are unanimous in its praise. A few testimonials only can be here iven , seecircularsfor more, and it will be impossi le for you to doubt. . V V 47 Wallstreet, New York, a ` Dec. 20th, 1858. 2 Gsunemaiv : Your note of the 15th inst., has been received, saying that iron had heard that I had been beneted by the use oi Wood s Hair RPSIONIIIVC, and requesting my certicate of the -tact if I had no ob- jection to give it. Inward it tovou oheerfnllv- because I thinlr it Iollcnnuou 1 was muucea I0 Irv n. V For this, among the manv obligations I owe to her sex,l slrongly II-ecommend all husbands `who value the admiration of their wiveuoprot by my exam- ple, and use it if growing-grav or gelling bald. ` Verv resneclfullv. BEN. A. LAV-FIND!-`.R. plc, and use ll ll growing-grav gelling bald. ' Very respeclfullya BEN. A. LAV- N DER. To 0. J. 65 Co., 444 Broadway, New York.` MV flfllhl absent from lhex-iiv. land I um nn """"' " 5"" """ , . T Loosma Bo-m Wan.-'-'-I say, mister, wasn't you born in the middle of the week 7 ? asked an impudent urchin to a man with a severe pair of crass-eyes. No, you little" scampf; whyi CauseI see you re allers looking both ways for Sunday. - nI'l1|.:..L ..... .......... Imam .1- ...... aL:..I. cl... UNIVERSAL co'1iEii5ia'%1\3cxa pmom. J.. I ,. i ` j.nQl_lf ll V ron ramxn. mnazs, 1.1_zaYx1m,. r'...I:..- .`....J a1....aI.'......... :.. ..II ....-... _:'.|__ ..._.,u .-_.:r.. VONLIYH Paf-:]5AaATIoN \VI'IR'l'll V DI.` IV. 11- [LEI WO0D S HAIR RESTORATIVE. nation 0. I. Wnnn- ant .Q::. u....:. '_ i`fEIfIf~3"i`-EIr]-33{;J?V}:;-(3j :'i;.I:fi~)P- - 1---; ____n_'I- __-_ _ -_.a...._..;s-_u_ I Iii r\Il V \VOR'l'HY OF llluvinvfriinvnuwu 1. JIWIIIOE 1s'pe|-homo; .No;8l'or'7 ,ith{ui1up|o f gbey gnond Iol '-i'~I'c.ot'lhirvinueljn'noommending ` - ' A. 8. THO! .53 f s-u-an % 4%:o.ma.%` ` - .. r ....-r u.sa.'a.uLv.I.J.VJB, And mnst never be taken except in connection with No. I. It will than cure Inammatory Rheumatism, tellvkinde of Fever: and Ague, the worst effect of Ooldey Indrell pains, whether Chronic or Acute. These medicine: will effect CURES, not removals mm one pertoftpe body to theother-. 7 n'Retnemher, to ptevent oonlbeione, these Medi- an prepared by On: Docmn Fnnnuc: Du.- ghouhle pncticed in, Buhlo over 87 e lbptevent fraud. e correct likeness of the Doctor ,0: the --wrapper` olench, bottle endgnr. Fred. .' tnhuuxM=.co:.;nn.mno.. N-.1." Nova inn- . miecfiun-eeeohtpeu _n `each bottle: .No.l ._ `eeliN`otr` lfper bouts; o.` for"]6 en_u_., With than Ilrdnnnl In 0.. mat. -'-I- "Sidney Smith compares the whisll 9f 3 lbeomolive to the squeal of an attorney; when Bum rstgals him. ' ' - l')-_.. ll1.,-- 4,1: I Q... 42-4-- A`PowsnruL Tnmpsnaircu Lr-:cgrtmLr:.-Mrs. Rush,-of Champaigne county, in Ohio, has re- covered $5.000 of Peter dawson, for the loss of her foot. In brief. the case isthis: Dawson sold liquor to the husband of the plaintiff; and the husband under its inuence, made an as- sault upon his wife, and so injured her foot that amputation was necessary. She brought suit ` under An act to provide against the evils re- sulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors in the State of Ohio, and the jury returned said verdict. The Mao-a-Cheek Press says: Daw-. son has accumulated considerable property in _this nefarious traic, and is good for the `sum although it will swamp him. This is.one of the best temperance lectures of A the day, and will have more effect on therumsellers than all the blowings and teachings of teetotallers combined. Complufntsi ofiii Ki-d'o'e,;;.' `lr;`(':'iE;n`t"('4::;::"s.:1'rl::|;ti':>':)`: pa `'3, General Debnlity, OI Ulcers, Sorofuln, Salt R cum, Pimples. Sores, Nervous Debilitv, Ery- Iipelu, Inrmiliea of Youth and Age, {and all other dioeueu which have their origin in a disordered or it_np_uro slate. of blood. It is of I strengblhening nature; and will Iwvoriwuken or proslrah the body. .1`l_1_o nurnber 8 is I v 1; AMEDICIANE, nova Eli. .r.u.-..r -..L.... :- ---------l- --- AFTERAan unprecedented successful practice 0 over thirty years, being about retiring from active practice, at the request of numerous friends in all parts of the country, has consented to make two medical preparations upon which he has bestowed the care and knowledge ol his long experience, and has left them with the different druglists for sale. To those who are acquainted with t a Doctor nothing need be said-to others, it is but necessary to say, that he has for_ve_ars prescribed for from 4,000 to 5,000 persons, and always with the greatest suceem. Cares that have haied other medical men, ielded readily to his treatment, and `persons came dai y from hundreds of miles to be cured. The Doctor, how-4 ever, has not been able, like others, to cure every- thing with one preparation, but has put up his medi- cine _in_ two bottles, which are numbered 1 and 2 The number] isa ' ' '.BLO0]5 PURUPIER, Snlml-inr In than nnnna --o.....o ..r ct-.__-...-ii- N - .._-.vw.-I a \lJ-VbJ- J4-`Jul-Iv, Superior to the purest extract of Ssrsrarille, made entire! of roots andherbs of this and oreign coun- tries, tee best properties of which are extracted by an entire new, chemical process. It acts in larger doses as an active physio, in smaller ones as an alterative working ireclly on the_ `Liver and Kidneys, expel- ling there msll'morbnl matter, thus bringing IDIO notion all the organs that may have become inactive, and ms -bozrelied on to cure Liver Complaints and Complaints of the Kidneys, lni ient Consumption, y`I=)y.sp'e_|3`ein,yGenergl Dg_hility,_9l Sorofulu. rm` 2 Dec. 2131,1869. . 1H9 IALVIIIJI UK` with due reference In fact, been compounded purest. Vegetable Ex- on every part of Ihe are good and safe in all is needed. such as De- mnch. Sleepinesa. Loins, Coslivenes, Ihe, whole body, from uemly, `IT neglected, ever, Loss of Appe- Iion of Cold over the Headache, orwei bl in tory Diseases, arms I Rheummism, a great ` and many diseases lo umeroua to mention in none, 1 to 8. rates, 3 nuns. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR and Family ca- THARTIC PILLS are relailed by Druggisls gene- rally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. V ` - S. T. W. SANFORD, Manufacturer and Proptielor. _ 885 Broadway. New York. nm, mm. `mm " ` twenty years. The constantly in- those who have long] the satisfaction which I thieir use, has induced the reach ofall. Tkn Dnnrncn:nn `null IO TGKCII OI Illa The. Profession well Calhartics at`! ,on the 'n.. l:`A`MlT.V ru_ compovmnm) FIROM Pure V otablo Extracts. and put up in GLASS CASES; Tight, and will keep In my climate- The FAMILY CA-I -I gentle but active Ca- II l.s........ ....:..s. .s... ...,_ THARTIC PILL is a .l.8 Ellhl UR` gentle prieton has used in his twenty years. Tha conmanllv in- I 'luvvl- MIXAWATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TO- GETHER. cA'rHA13jrIc 1>_1_L,Ls,| Lun, ana_ u wm (`lire lious Attacks, Dyspepsia S u m m e r Complaints, ` Sour Stomtu-h, Habitual Cholera Mot-bus, Chu- lence, Juundice, Fe- ` may be used sm-ce. ?\ Family Medicine. It ` ache, (as thousands can I utes, iflwoor three Tea- ` the commencement of -uv guuuuu.-uys.--v--5 vl I "All who use it are givl -favor. -..-- cuo;l'|U wnv nun is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become _an established fact, a. Standard Medi- cine, known `and ap- . proved by all that have used it, and in now re- x `sorted will) condence in all the diseases fol olwhich it is recom- niendecl. ' Ithascnrcdlbousands |_,wilhin the last lwo essnon snow. The dose must be men! of the Individual such quantities as to act Let -the diclates `of on In theme of the OR, and it will cure `inn: Ann:-Izn. nvnnnnaia ESUMES the practice of his Profession in Toronto. andis prepared to treat all forms of Acute and Chronic Diseases with a. success unat- taineble by the established system. Ounce and Rzsxnlmcn, 308 Yonge Street. For the convenience of parties in the country, family cases supplied and lled, with Books of ` Instruction. menueu. It hascnrcdlbousands 1 years who had given up numerous unsoliciled ` ession show. Tho Jana nu-Inf `val nn.}<'=hmn3'I"EmaI oi l'i3I.Ii15 _|.!I4-) ` _' NEW`,'8PEEDY, AND HOST SUCCESSFUL modeof trotting : ` . - . . Liv . 4 - N new i E.3 .7'&"J?{v.'3` !..n" m :'J.2 ,"s'e..m..'n ; ' 'Weul:ne'u, Disease o'l'_'_1ho idneys and ' ' Bladder. Rlummniun.8crofuln.8ull. - ' '- . ~ Cd . - , ', "No;._t:hargo for Dr. GOODING ienow cnngettin treating this class of malpdieg tviththo moot utonishing success. The trehtngent by him`ie'_new, it` is based ta` n ectemtoe prittci ` , with new discovered rem tee, without minor: or poison. The vfncilitiu of cure `us iu`ch..thnt patent: on be cured at their own house: without exxenae, in any part of the country, "from an accurate eecription of their case by letter, end hive the medicine sent them by mail or express. -.-.._.._--_ --q..- n unnu- m....`.s...?'.?.`,...,..... , meaucnnes wun luu.m-ecuons sent 10 any pain on .the United States or Canada, by atiente communi- cating their symptom by ieuen usineeu correspon- dence slrictly condential. - Address. ~ Young men who are troubled with weakness, gen- erally caused. by 0 bad hnbit in -youth, the effects of Jvhitgh _l[ diuiqess, pains, forgetfulneas, sometimes a ringmg in tho ear, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities confusion of ideas, loan of I-rtemircy, witl;'lt:es!'|ncht:ty, may be cured by the new E. v E R"l\T6N, M.D., rnvsxcmn, summon, AND ACCOUCHEUR, "Graduate of Jg'er.son College Philadelphia, and i Medical Board, Licejzliate of the Provincza ` (LL41: or 'AtmonA)Y,7 7 9"; "T8 wzv. LIVER" INVIGORATOR. I8lB.l'll(`S El`! ,0]! Inc .The FAMILY CA- nhk Ann -.ul`n.......... I.` vvvonanva - nnaaauou A-up Medicine: with fulI.diiectiohs sent to any part of he United Simon nr Canada. but nnlinntn cnmmuni. Toronto, Novomber, 1859. `MEDICIALA gens: No mmeucucumner, 2-no mega, '70 " lhhhujlcklo rmumxeivimemhoeuneme; Topinbintheju, While1hy_ ' ` nduooeauqled In upon ur. ` Thu land ,1 ueito the, And on down n, ' With the monrnful roocllop Thulhonnnlholnny ` Sonoonmay I follow. -\Vhen fn_ends day by a.,`,, From Creanoms VII! pack! it ` No. 51; mg saeenvai, imam; o.-w., `4 A I:snmJ5_3lul ..; weakness, UIIOIIG on me money: mu Bladder, Rhoumuilni, 8crol'ula,8ull, Rheum, ljlercm-isl Chroma f0mph:ug;: 6zc., &c., ltper home; No; Bro:-"I6 enu._. With I gndlind to the public, rely- irvinuqsjnnoommendin themselves. 1 rnoiun-on, `Q3-J g..- "'Prioo, One Dollar pet Bottle. NEVER nEnu.rr.u'Es.' HO`M(EOPATHY. SAN FO.F LD S or BUFFALO, N. 1, COUNTRY mfm:N'rs. 'Eii6b iiiiiL1'r. - VVIIGII In`:-nun any D! day,` From Creation ! pu.-Ho pr Vmish away. - 'oImg3owounbe1en, ` ,L .mhe loved one: hvoloml, vmsrrv want of. _ noa':;: along! m3"v ~ Add ress, DR. GOODING, No. 51 King Street, Toronto, 033:] SANEORD S o. DELLENBAUGH, I-:1-vvn~n.vA -- Kllllll. Address, DR. I FAMILY r _J 1zspuumuu; are taken at haum-k. iving their testimony in its ,m V nu nu v IuunA- \ _Liver Complaints, Bil- Z C h ro n i c Diarrhoea, . - Ibysenlery, D to my y, I [Cumin-ness, Cholic, v d ;lera Infanlum, Flam- Vmale Weaknesses, and fully as an Ortlinar L aurill nnrn Club I.l'.n._ lll|l\ II! II \JI'ulnHl' :will vure Sick Hen - ; ilcslify), in twenty min- _| `spoonfuls are taken at hallm-k. iru\n1|u riuui DB8 l ibis well eslab|`lsh:d from a variely o l_ e l trams, which act alike " alimentary caiali` and cases where a at arlic rnngemenls of the Slo- l Pains in lhe Back and * Pain and Sorenesn over i sudden cold, which fra- end in along course of me, a Cree ing Sensa- A b od y`, esileasness, lhe head, all Inamma- in Children or Adults, Purier of the lood, which flesh is heir, loo t h it advertisement. No kindredcncumbt, ' No mink) il Iixlx. creasing demandfrom ` used the PILLS, and all express in regard to me to place them wi_1hin know that the ditferent portions of the bowels. THARTIC PITJ. Im. ll'll\I\l.l\.I KILL! IS lharuc which the pro- praclice more than poruons 0! the bowels. THARTIC PILL has lhic u: n I I .-.n:|.li.l....I ' !adapIed lo the tempera- paking it, and used in I gently on lhe Bowels. . ivonr 'm.|gmenl guide . :LlVE INVIGORA- 5321?" {.'Zn"nTe?.'I' "g.'fi1e . zmvz lNVlGORA- :[.iun|- nnrnntainla IL lwilhin : `all hnpesof re|ief,asthe Wcerjiceales in my pos- .4gut,u-re. 51-FY` W. 9-ly I A Scene in I Virginia. |l|llI|' uuselaes ox.cnuuren ; may may zuw W 9" in any case reqmring physio. N` The are put up in a form convenignt to by '1` ` h k t 1- . PhYliciln:? Ier::tr8n:n:: pnancd :b0 `uh wvvvvulv sgv.-nu vnu :1: lent to them upon app] Hon. if moium-ad nn. FRANCIS l OATHARTIO LOZENGES FOR CHILDREN. ARE a safe and eicient Medicine, compost ' pure Vegetable substances so combined will 2:3: end" peppermint as to be agreeable to The make: ha been induced to offer these.14' . 011398 to the public, from having in an exP""" of 30 to in the medical profession, often f" 13 It to get children to take medicine l` .-Powdcu, to. Thar an nf an-ant vain. in man of WOW! V-rumors, cc. . They are of at value in cases of_ W0? Teothing, Ernpt one of the skin, and m 0010: diseases of children they may also be 8'" nu mm manirimr nhv.Iin_ . - bymail. 'l`e"n..cenis the package, retail. ysicinns, Drnggists and others, vb_0 "y become sgenu willhavo 1. sample, wh T ; `Inn: in thnm nnnn nnnllontinn, _ . _ 4.. 1315' mrsxzr NORTHERN AD V1334 - ' nnllhlnl Annual Wnlagdo lm-:n'nt.`l mngle J the price. ma wish? 1vo1z1zr1`a-mv .412 VAIVC` Wdualayluni .934 )0 W. uvzu U uu U1\\.zLl. (1. UL ("U3 1, UI'Uggl3Ll ` . No. 06 Maiden Lane, New York, ' And by all respectble Druggists throughout the countr . y SIMPSON & DUXSP.-\['GH, ' Agents, Toromz. `Single Bottles sent by them on nmiltmce z. mice. ' \ PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increase on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie onithe left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for: rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss. of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is gene- rally a considerable loss of memory, accom- panied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is some- times an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled. his feet are cold or burning, and he com- plains of a prickly sensation of the skit}; his spirits are low; and although he is sans- ed that exercise would be benecial to him. yet he can scarcely summon up fortit1ld enough to try it. ._ `In fact, he distn1stscVf7 PDIIILAII Qanun-cl AC 91.. nl-an..- euvvnnfn nunullulll. "age. The. did not nhlilin. in mm- Iuuvuall J u] u. An JILL, nc \Ll3lI|lDLJ\pvu-I remedy. Several of the above symptom! attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body,'after death, `has shown 039 unit to have been extensively deranged. -AGUE AND FEVER. Du. M L:mn s Lxvn PILLS, m was 0' Acul um Fnvn, when taken with Qinintv Ire productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory I0 or after taldng Qginine. We would advj all whn are nrrp with c (unite to [NC VI DISC! {IE-ls uuunc. VVC WUUIU '"' all who are alictcd with this disease I0 sf them A um. TRIAL. FLEMiNG mzos., Prrrsnuncn, P. as beam and Phyuiclam other! W nunan Broo.,willdovull vrl dist1" .' |nd'la.EuonbIdlh'.K"xac :prepwvdrl:yF|9"V Bra Pthh2h,I. Tothona _toivoIh" '9 wow!!! `mud In tonnyvll` an nnodsmu; oor';xotHun:(:'v.nn umoc-I` 5:2-`cnmpgoconovluorvu-mlmgotoehur lumps. Allon:knhouICan|dnmIuH"' oonnnniodbytwuntyoauhutn. . . hen gghmmdsmmmmrmm m ,.....z- `:32 -.':m.~ '*v~=*..:=,...;v.. IN qwowill hrudpormu d,toIn!W`` u nltod sum; onobox Wu mm nl`tnmpn,oronovldofYu-mlmgo!otf<;0;'..': Aordnuhomcamdnm mlntnnlndhvtwnntvmlnt-grits. tJ1\1U.NL'1d.daV' b'.LMV'1zH\U .) 'l'JV 210.-1 :'Z[A `uopmedmd .l0q1O K1343 .13A0)g31; _;agqo my 8] qogqm `sasro iiugmouqg aq; "3 u!J,"`., pun amo uymm-an 12 8; put; `zuugug a1'e:)H:)p1W aqx amfug qouuso puu.`ssa1m.mq Knoapad 5; 11. 1q1.mo_q 'spmzq umo sgq A'q u1aq1_;o iutzw `non! ad )0 uopoaxgp sq) Japuu s1so.mJ 9; mm} 3 Sugaq paunsgp S; 1; qogqm 11101} 91001313; aq; --uoqs mm sauguldmoo amuvgug .1o_;.a[agm xaqqc, Km: Imam 1; J0 nosgmdmoo 1: SB `o.m:>11:a2S qyg du -md sg :1-.(|pJ;q_1, 'sanmqgsuos sxg ngu '-peep _;o ptmsug `puqo mo! 30 upqgns 3:112; -gonna: Kq sauna: Knuanbasuo-.) pt_m `pun Ann; aqsydo .10 :>g.xo3amd mos; aw; Kgzugxua sg 3]-jgpc; `mam Jo; 9q;.msa.:d oz sung-cplmoo elgxtngug ;; aauagmdxa qanm may pagunnb am 5; ou.s1`uv;; -gsiqd 11310331 -3 go uogresudaad sq) sq 11-15113 _ . 'no.( paJ:>_go aJo_;o1mg stzq xannb J0 as-mu qeqz t_nm1sou Liana 1a.xo bps -padns 93; 91818 0; axgsap on `qvjauog gym `NV.-INI SNOLVEI `HQ 111! "05 3!W351d "1 ' Ilno-eon: lumps. Auomonnomuanunmu---- oouqnnlodbytwantyoaubutx-5. sold L nndoonntrr `.. ..lfynnnup:chbleIJn:gxhh. Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. A. V I;'.?BtonnoiI,,having been" m f. Tl conmmptiongu to be considered beyond Md of recovery y the most eminent of them 5% Aprofeuion,nnd also by himself-:; R ,'ku `oinn of went; years prnctice-u .g]nu:'P"i Rm Iomeixggzginte conlnection, and e'ect?1?th?,& T upon 1. a health d oreanlt has been the production`?! 3. -.`?.'`* 75: res ect th. ithin 31, After its introduction over two :1; m "h Inmptivea were eecttnally cured b;'}?%% M70 In! Olnplnintn of a consnmntin ..;. In `J *3 rumpttvee efectnelly E`-""` 0% hsvoinycom ldntn comma 1.1,, ~ lw Cough, Cold, _eaa.acI5,_p..1,..-gag,-.,`, , of ,,<-q -L"QfPP111a0TPHtmthesidelogeno1i< proeurlngnbottle of the BLO()D F009,, 5 you are anfenng from Nervous Dtbilify or` 1! deep uvbroken and duturbed if your Sm,-, . ml: pr_uud or your Organ: relhzed, you win this an unfnnhng remedy, by commencin - ten drops. If your Liver 13 torpid or d` g '3.` any mnnner_ whatever one or two bottle; ym " sure to mugornte and bring it into live] h healthful action. in the most inveterate mill! `Dyqzepda, the patient can here find the N elliczent and grateful relief. A benet, is 1"" experienced after taking only one bum, ' "ll or Female Complaints and Weal.-um, the "SW51: after trying other remedies in vain, ma "'8 assured, that a certain core will result fr: In use of two or three battles. The BLOOD F301` is elfectual in all cases of Eruptions, Salt I, Scrofulas, and other like complaints. pal, emaciated phildren and adults are immediate] 5, fitted by its use. It gives strength to the bog 1" color and beauty to the skin. Physician, if? schools are usingit with wonderful success M For full directions. nee nironla.-= 11:2. .. '3 swan gz `aopg 'pauo1[o_; A'na;.ng gq m,];};}`: qua pnnozs padduw. suogwzugp am mmnu; V 's.l9q1oIn 119 01 alquual qsoul am 51: gm ma` -11:00 1; `uosuaa auras am .10} $ugsm.~,Ai,, H 9; asnadxa aloqm osoqm 4:50:41 am '31: sgugmjm -.l3Ap`B 3001 qous p.xo_g'a wunuo an req; `pu,,'c`: 30 suogw.mda.Id.Jaq1o uuqz mom qoum ofsma :1--Kusttq "4; ugmooul 11; am]; on 3500 not puammoam Knsauma am `sag JO suoxslmug _;o safvo us 11; ogpomsuds-pun 1n;Jamod'u3u,. pus .aouapguoo zaapad qum no pong; gqn` 1;-`sascasgp go Bugln pun 11:11:; 1som am `won 105 gaual ems 13 S1 1! pm) up u! Naomi 'pauvnb,aun ss 1: Elamoq om 3u1v[n2aJ :03 -W 5ugAau:>.1 pun` sum}! aqz uguauos Jo; `oslu 5 `nmnn `MI_'1.I.r.:.'4xn su uons en.-........ `life ! waste of acting alone? ` N%E s` CELEBRATED LIVER % PILLS, IOBTHIOUIHOP augnouw put! suuw sq; nuguauos '05]: [-3, `anon `xuamasxa nous fnxnuazg {)NI(INEI.L.LV' S.I.NIV'IdICOO 'I'lV `uouumdmd Jamo Jam 1:12:- unuuu are usmg It Wun wonaenul sue: full dnrections, see circulars. per bottle. . Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. Tn-------} Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, Drnggim No. 96 Maiden Lana, \'mv Ynrlr March` Address all orders to T. W. GEORGENp Agent, 3 DB. AI. .5330 :3. Price 1;" n, is don- Ila publishc \VlD.\`r: ' . VI" cD..n': date ot'_ Anvr.m1.s:.\ F.l'\'n - ..,. No ]'m}.-1- nan! . L` U `INF paid, -I m:m.\ K \lUnH' ` has opt- perscvu inlrusl. of thus D .....i Iuitblv , OCIM AVLUIIU _. u LBarne. .' And on r.z in the M-,< in pnynlsxr ind om--1 best print 5' Rnulmni GUN I'Il.I.I ; -`SlrecL Wu. .L.L30L9, Invoice. _~_}VIh` l r( .t ~x~'.,->4. . "1 ..I.. In In pectfu`; Puh'u~ VA Snoar Sroar nr D1cxnNs.--Dickens tells the following story of an American sea captain :- On his last voyage home the captain hadon board a young lady of remarkable personal at- tractions--a phrase I use as one being entirely new, and one you never meet with in the news- papers. This young lady was beloved intensely by ve young gentlemen passengers, and in return she was in love with them all very ardently, but without any particularpreference for either. Not knowing how to make up her determination in this dilemma, sbeconsulted myfriend the captain. The captain, being a man of an original turn of mind, says to the young lady, `Jump overboard, and marr the man that jumps after you. vfhe young lagy, struck .-with the idea, and being na- turally fond of `bathing, especially in warm wea- ther, as it then was, took the advice of the cap- tain, who had `a boat manned in case of accident. Accordingly, next morning, the ve lovers being on deck, andlooking devotedlyat the young lady, she plungedinto the sea, head foremost. Four or` the lovers immediately jumped in` after vhejr} ` When ,the_yonng_ lady and her four`loverswere got out again, she says tothe captain, ` What am ` to do with them now, ; y;ar_e',ao .wet'l'-, Says the captain, ` Take "the dry one I _iAnd the young ladydid,andahema1u-led,-him._ ?,' _ I '1 - A PARAGRAPH ON KrssI:s.-Dr. Holmes, at the Breakfast Table, - _ says_ of kissing: The memory of a kiss that Margaret of Scot- land gave to Alain Chartier. has lasted four hundred years, and put into the head of many an ill-favored poet whether Victoria or Eugene would do as much by him, if she happened to fans him when he was asleep. [And have we never forgottenthat the fresh cheek of the young John Milton tingled under the lips of some high-born Italian beauty, who, I believe, ' did not think to leave hercard by the side of the slumbering youth, but has bequeathed the -memory of her pretty deed to all oomingtirne? The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lastsa deal longer. ` A -u.l....|.|.. .I:........--.. .._ .L- ,._|.:._,.9 _ ,1- Iltll 1lif;l<`( ranted fu 3. u I-_`I|' the alum- ~_ work wn ' ` `Barri<-, Au :>i.i__ IIU HUN T0l'0l)Lu every, p Communil Icnbcr, U 0 (III C0nV(`\ . Of M;u:: lingwu I Il`I 41; l_`lIHI to "issue Wi k('I'] 1|... I` ' ` I I unln hutnL's-- m ADI`)! 11, Licc-n.~w Felix w an} ; coon rnuomon. Imr no.-_-Show us an intelligent family of boyqmd girls, and we than show you at family where newspaper; and Erl- `odicals, are plentiful. .No body who; bl! ~ without these silent prrlvatejutora know their edncgting po " to tgoodo `or evil.; `H370. never tl:o11gl:t`__;:lt.l:o:`; nIx`n`Ine'I-slrlo; toplci mg sion which the suggest stftho 'g_hi." illlnnifnnf ind. 2- --__.._._ __s4|_ _.-'u-o',I .` 1:13]?! 1\ nellrnlv.` .1. \,n Patton BETH Comm _l_`_ (J 30llCiln .. 11...! I I 393` l\(`l`H|w XV". v v \ the Mn Apni qu'enl < Cards 1| Dr. Cumming. has been stating his opinion at Leeds respecting the great events which, according to his interpretation of the book of Daniel and the Apocalypse, are looming in the A future. He said the year 1867 seemed to end 6000 years of the world's history, and from the 6 earliest periods onward it had been the almost universal belief that the six daysof creation were typical of those 6000 years, and that -the seventh day of creation, or the Sabbath, was typical of the millennial rest ofl000 years. But they would say that, supposing this were so, they were. at this moment 1401 years short of the 6000 years. It was a, remarkable fact, however, that the ablest chronologists, irres- pective of all the prophetic theories, had shown that a mistake of upwards of 100 years had been made in calculating the chronology of the world, and that the year 1860 of the Chris- tian era began not from the year 4004 of the. `world s history, but in the year 4138, and that the year of Christ s birth was five years before that, or in 5l32. If his premises were just, then they were at that moment within seven years of the exhaustion of the 6000; so that if 1867 was to he the termination of this economy, they had arrived at the Saturday evening of the '.world s long and dreary week. If this were so, it was a magnicent thought that there were some in that assembly who would never die. They were just plunging into such days as they had never seen: an European war was -looming, more dreadful than that through which they had recently passed, and when these things happened, itwould be seen ,that'the sentiments he had uttered were not. the dreams of fanaticism, _but the words of ` sohernessandtruth, 6 . JIIJVVS Ill Ill!!!-nl I-3|.` 500.; cu Wu _ 4 Felmv Hill: in IH Septcu n U Barr VIII! 1 l"Ul"3U.`4. July 10, mi I In I\\ Uclu E}-;i1e'.ll;n 51!: Bank 1 I. -. _ ll/lllll Blun- _.-. _- ---ru IJIIJI um I ll _sion whichgthe ang'ge"stl:j`t,lr:`ohIIskfaI".' wpuat-,IhlG,',th' unportnnt pub `c meunxu with _which,Ithui'hejlrly ,, our children become fluiilisrly uogulintei philanthropic 'nue|tionn"o! in live in -13 l'UH.\` ;"[Uh"l`l J BlX'l l:\.`{ )n(m.\' g. 1EU!I| I` u...I. u~1n|u: r l`..|I.'.. V33` rw I evening, uard it du Id not p _ In `mg,:; (xvi . fnc IL VUI r1I.i.u Wu-cwuuy men attention in I`IlkIgll,!IIfl tho general apirirof hmlronu which iI._'Q'V`0k_IoI by gaose q1:iet Vilitgil d::.y:h!ng . $3 h'! . `D J ,' viee,uhtfth'uh_oh:iqd`ai_:donc?dveunsfI_o!; ( mica V ` bu " _v-vuu-uu o-nu uulus He was convinced that England would emerge from the midst of these vials of wrath; she was separated from the great apostacy at the erect` the Reformation, and had never again joined her; and he believed there was now more living vital evangelical Christianity in his country than there had been for 500 years before. His study of prophecy did not make hi... .. _l._-_.._ _ IIID Uvllllll 1 man were uuu ueeu I01` OUU not him a gloomy,.a desponding, ore and man; but whilst God s precepts. taught him his du- ties, Hiepravidence lighted up his heart with the sunshine of Heaven, and gave him "a hope that brightened more and more to the per- fect day. th-it-iv,-guquiteias important is qelean and well ventilated stable. We cannot excuse any farmer` or horse owner, who does not clean his stable twice a day; _A stable should be so constructed as to have a'- wide passage way or `floor in front to feed from. ` Above the manger aspace should be leftafoot or.two' in width clear, and theepassage-way` should he the avenue for the suppy of fresh air to the nostrils of the horse. " ' - A L..--_ -_:_-._ _'__--j I_-_n __J -. ,1,,,I- A horse enjoys agood bed," and it should never be iefused him; At night take` your fork and make it up light, and you willfeel amply Lewarded for the humane treatment of your arse. ' Dr. Cumming on tho Signs of the l'lme|_." 1-\ an . I urcu, Isuung- uommopo brulhet of Mn. C. than knifonvhen he was rolllt by: Clomlponu, sud was hit in the about- .. `PM .. mbownat nm`,_qqzl.ClImmqfnp;gb;v3{o - jug qt his loo, hgooulplolol 7|`: It is one thing to own a horse, but it is another thing to `know how to take care of. him. The W_oodstoolr?'[N. B.] ,`Io_urna_l'grv_es * aiew practical hints on this subyect which are worth remembering; A` stable horse needs special care and attention. His feeding must be as .regular as the measurement of the hours.- When a- change of feed is made it must `be done with great `care-giving a small allowance at rstnntil the stomach becomes used to the change. `He must be cleaned every day ;.and when we sayoleaned, we mean all that can? be conveyed by that word. A good currycomb, brush, and an oiled i woolen cloth, are the utensils -necessary. First take the currycomb and begin at the top ofgthe neck, back of the ears, working the hand both ways. Proceed in this way until you have gone over the entire body` and legs. Then take both comb and brush, and" ever' other stroke, draw thebrush across. the test of the comb to clean it. An experienced groom will do this instantly. This done, "take your cloth_and lay the coat and remove the dust which adheres to the outside. The face and ears must also feel the brush. ` ' :1 ...._ --..- -..-um -.-v um:-u -nu nr-uuuu Few men ltnowhhow to clean a horse pro- perly. If the above directions are followed daily, your horses. will enjoy good health geuerally.- Stabled horses must be exercised daily. V This is absolutely indispensable to good health. If the feet of your horses are brittle and liable `to, break and crack, they must be well oiled once a week. A horse thus treated will always be ready to go when wanted, and you will not-be ashamed eitherto ride or drive him. i ~ l ` in the hinu and moldiuees tit ""reault.` `Blue , to assimilate with their system, although they EIlllIDlHI,W_.IlI_ or III out qu men, at uv II h` It used I: tti the -hf Ll: .. .:3.'t. a.sa.,..aa..i1',a , `s3n,.u...cl...,..,, me.lda--,as;'aergilla s'- glatrctng and uspergitlue: `monilt:['eurs_-belonging to the _` ;I-_ poi-` IGIIOIII gloupgcfyplauu bich _ - upt_Iu_the most nutritious pertjof ha ,: and convert it into` uuivholesomc` mutter. ' ` 9 have ktldin csreleil l_arme_r`s' to `feed lergequantities oi such hay to their cattle durtn` .ivint er,. and. they actually seemed to grotrhpccterruuder the inictiuu of increased quantities of such ..-pro- tender. Young` cattle especially, ere much stunted in their growth by such feed; being. more tender theneold stagere,it duet not seem j may consume large quantities of it when .-well: salted. `One `tuuof good .swect,- well-cured hayiswiorth three tons of musty stult At @110 present moment, we have no doubt, there l are thousands who have greatquunlities of ` musty hay in their barns, and they are feeding it out unconscious of itevitiated character. V. We have u littlebit of advice to. give all of : them. Do what you may with such hey you cannot restore:it to a good condition; still, you may partly removeiits disagreeable taste to cattle, and thereby render it more -palatable to t them, and they will thrive better upon it. Steam all such hay (for food) in a kettle for about an hour,` and feed it out with -some turnips, boiled oats, potetoes, or-whut is better-lndien corn meal. In no" case feed euch hay-exclusively to cattle. Win: A coon Pnxobxon`kAi no.-_-Shdw nlelzent flmilvnf bar`: nml nirhi, hn -. '.`I..n noiuo "of cult. firuwlrlzslhan Inouldy hug: may-.-trhnyn the lhcui `clo"'u ot -s.:..n.. -.......| I... .....i:.... .I.- |.-'..`-:`.m...~n.`. unto of in bad qnaliliouu It in- Btalile Manhgenent of in Bone. ._A._ _. ' . Is *1;,..i;..iu,n .aZ..1.a .1 the head o sr. PAUL ` TREET, amongst the" largest wholeulee houses in the city. It has;(wi(h business men . generally, and especinlljjvith']thn .best,;llerchnnts A ofboth Provinces) `become so greet I (name, that it is nowncknowledgedrto be THE Business . Hotel of Montreal. ..'1',o` meet tbe,Aextens,ive" in- 33 1% `JW x' 71 cm I rt 1!: I 1; `inthe `f1b'essf`the honasxthg en fem`! nddgtion. Tho. DinIng'..Roon_1 hu;h'e_en extend, ,, and 'mn'ile _ mote eoinmodlons; there have been 66InpIeted,*in' the new win]; that nnnibof of *we1l'venuIntd*' u..pr_ng< 1_xujo-gupgghu been ret.ted,;`nud - A . c--adv 7-3'-cm, .- - :3: Tm: QUEEN AND (sous or) HER SUBJECTs.-- We extractthe following remarks from the Hampshire Telegraph of November 12th, for the benet of our Canadian belles, and all others `.`whom it may concern. On the oct- casion of launching the Victoria, 121 gun ship, the ceremony` of christening was per- formed by the Princess Frederick William of Prussia; the Queen and the royal family were ~ also present. The account. states, Her Ma- jesty and the Royal children were dressed very neatly but plainly, and presented a somewhat striking contrast from the gay costumes of many of those around them. THE Subscriber begs most reapeatflly inform 1 the gehtry, and inhabitants genralfy that he has taken the above Saloon, and `trusts `J ,st_rict` attention. Combined with first clas}Wine,- iquors &c. to merit, a share of their patronage. Vacancies for a fev;rBOARDERS.- V -` ` ' ' vuoui-9..- -.__-__`.__ _'__.._~_._-_.. u _ Gcketgrz Boarding. 530 and: V ' :.BestaAura.nt,_ u av nanny `Inuit Barrie, Sept. 6th, 158.'s _ M . , "EDWIN SIDNEY `n/l1Ti}E'KV1,1[_.*`I(`;,lVV, .L-PrAo;`;:) i`,3`i.e`&_or.'! HARMONY AND 'GOClDVFELLOWSHIPl The Premiseswhich he has now entered have been greatly enlarged, and in a. few days will be completely renovated, so as to accommodate respectable Visitors of every descriptipn with BOARD, in Private Suits of Apartments, or at the Public Table, by the` Meal, Day, Week, Month,` or Year. He has also very Extensive Accommo- dation for HORSES, and CARBIAGES, and a L'IVERY~ STABLE connected with the Estab- lishment, the whole of which hechopes. to be able to make the most extensive and comfortable to be met with North of Toronto, and;he has noohjec- ion this should be known` ' ` - The splendid situation olfithe House, fronting ou the beautiful Bay of Kempenfe1dt-'the salu- brity of the nir-the purity of the water-all com- bine torender `this spot one of the most` healthy` augi deli h`t.ful`Suxnmer xtetx-eats_; and the Northern Railroa now places it within three, hours of Toronto.` ' HENRY FRASER, V . _ ,_Latc of the Commercial Hotel, Queen : J1rm~Holel, Barrie, - ` T _ Lake Simcoe, 141/: July/,'1856. .29. -Goo sun was Quuut . e A Hail Columbia 2!` Viva 1 Fran9ail!!! . Formerly lept by thejlate Mr. john Bingbam', a.nd afterwards by Mr. L. Caisse; under the manage- ment of both of whomit was so And since he nds, by the Latest Intelli ,ence, that there is no more War, orrumour of ar,`l:e intends, to devote all his energies to the cultiva- tion of the Arts of ` . !.A.*(3'.'E'!7` JAM Inpisl, April .25, 1359. THE subscriber would mm the Public, that - he has Leased that wll known Hotelbin Buuun, T ` T V 8, THE Qunmrs l.`...........l... I.-4-4 L.. oL..`I..4.. ll- I _I___ 119., -, LL parties hereby cautioned against cutting _ or carrying of timber, "or otherwise trespass- mg _on ' Lotno. 3,.12th can. or Innism. -_.....-.., -... -... ...v._.v .--.u .. --v-3 svllsvls A valuable disooveryi invthe cultivation of hops has just beencommunicated to the French" Academy. It consists in making the plants run in a horizontal direction, insteadof climb- ing up the pole. Tliisis managed by-a low ` trellis` work of the simplest construction. The advantages of this method are various. It allows _ greater care of the plants while grow- ing. protects them from the- sun, which, it is said, always destroys the upper. shoots ; it gob-. viates the greaterdestruction of the vines in stormy weather, and, most of all, itenables the "gathering of theoones to take` place without uprooting the plant, besides permitting the selection of the ripe ones at first, preventing the great loss which arises from the necessity of- Iearing down the whole plan to get the ripest blossoms. ' . Trespitsers will Be prosecuted aftr thio notice; * JAMES BROWN, Proprietor. Inninl. Am-i125. `I859. - . ' 17-90` nuuntn, nlguu Acres 0! WHICH are ulenreu. The above is well timbered, with a powerful stream of Water for Mill purposes, and. a good Road leading thereto, at all seasons `of the year !3' Apply to - V ` . JOHN O'CONNOR, Orillia. ADril`8th. 1857. ' Hi-If FARM FOR SALE, EING FIFTY ACRES of South Hnlfof East. `Half of Lot FIVE, in the 7th Concession of MEDONTE, Eight Acres of which are Cleared. The Above in wall mhm-m-I with 1 nnnnn-fnl Aprilsth, `I357. \r-u -s:-g_g.a, W0 PARK LOTS,` in the Town of Barrie containing an Acre each; being Lots Nos. 7 and 22, as surveyed by Robert Ross, Esquire, forming part of Lot No. 26, in, the 5thACon., Township of Vespra. These Lots `are well situ- ated, and being neaij the Barrie Railroad Station are very valuable. ` K1 Full mu-t.ir-.nlnrs:.rt-.nn be had. with :1 Man are very Vllllc. 113' mm particularspcan be had, with a plan of the property, on application to T T . - ' H. B. HOPKINS, Barfisler, 51:. Barrie. dHAs._ A. MONDELET 1'....J n.......: 'l'L.......4.. -ALL ovmz wo;1u.n:% , - - - A. unnng, Dnrne. Orto -HENRY CRESWIOKE, _ . ` V . Provincia.lLand Surveyor, Who can give every particular as to quality and A situation of the Lands, be having lately ex- amined thorn thoroughly. `Barrie, August 15,1859. ' _ 33-tf EST'halt` of the East halfof Lot No. 16, in ' the 11th Concession of the Township of Oro, sovacres; 20 acres cleared, well fenced, Log House, quarter of a mile from a. Post Office, quar- ter of. a mile from Church of England, 3 miles from Presbyterian Church, 3 miles from Grist and Saw Mill, on the Centre Road from Orillia` to Ba rrie,_'16 miles from Barrie. Terms liberal. Applyeto - ' COLLIN DARRACK, 2 The proprietor, on the premises, Or to DAVID MORRQW, Barrie. n......:.. '1:-ht. n..o..L... Iozn V A114` 3. .5 .n.-a.a.'v.n.va., To an Luann on son), A Situate near Whiws C,oruers+-a.hi hly cultivated '- andvwellsettled neighbon-good. T For particulars apply to the owner, A A (11) A `M !!! D- .._2.. nu" ma mugumr uuu tamer alaruln_g_a(1Venlure: An engagement was enforced in the town of T Yates, \he present week, in rather a. peculiar if not in an entirely agreeable manner. One Daniel J, Hnncnrnnn rnnnnunul In lll:.`.|.: I um prop: A Or AV Barrie, 10th October, 1869. anv- Severe! LOTS on the Bond between Ba Penetanguishene. trio and` These Lands are all of excellent` qnnlity, well timbered and watered vantages to Settlers. ,-ALSO.-' , and afford excellent ad- Aon'E s"wuhiVn four and a-haxrmueg of . Barrie. . _ < b --AL80.- `oi: sun: tithe subsc5ritier',.Sni f 1*T...,.;.u. terms, several excellent-Farms, we lbaitimaed, with largejcleninga and good` Bulldingsn the Townships of Vespra, Innisl, and -Adjalu. Alan, V III.I2Acre of, La.nd.wi,th n good Frame Dwelling. House, close to~Barrie.*`: V `_F `ulm Ito . .orp!.H-`O46. .IPP W.D.AA;RDAG~H, VAL U'AB LE .LAND$ -mwFOB__ALE._: j A drew: Street; and Lots bome,St1-eeAt., . DVA ply-`tol . Apr 8th, 1857.; - " _ :T.UWlI hU4a ._ RE oered; for Sale, on re.sso`pfn_hle_ its in the thriving snd pietnrexqn V ORILLIA, comprising 110: ;,I;IspnqI aid. of ooh .' {Joint 0'0Oi{Kb1 b lag-ms, .,q1tu~ Block B-, St: Ani- illngg of he, will ha_ ntgred in Cong: for inunofdhu eo_l- lection,i{ paymentia noI.mnVde._A ` A 1 . 3 ' .ONE.AN'DALIa'!.|;iw`'."g .5 ' . Joann 11.0 _|ll81",; "-4~L nn nun ' V ` , ; usage, 1: 23, 1355} ----.-:---:--1.. FEE Snlisgribef mstflly inforl ._ e`ntrv. and inhnbimnta nanisrsillir. that he "-`-*""*--%----- - ` T. MOT B.EAL,"7. - "Ls. W- 1 roprietor,. 9 nlnnqnnolu nionna As at..." I..;-.a -1 an -n n n A Mr. Clemmens, of Henry county, sought : divorce from his wife. Deposition: were taking in line case, when `Mr. Wilcher, the grand-father of Mrs. CIemmens--and I very prominent and inuential man--eaid some- thing to oend Clemmene. and the latter pulled his pistol and red. Mr. S. Wiloher also rose, -pnllotfhie pislol, and killed Clemmene-on the ` spot, hehimself receiving a wound in ihe abdomen. . A . _ V A nephew of Witeher, and also 3 htolherof Mrs,C.. ranked in. [The bl01he|"0f-`ClOl l_|"ll|OllIv`- incl at the n_eph_ew,;prodnoing nAfeu'ful`,w'ound,_ when ..WiIcli_er again` red, killing` Cloimonl: ~N,o.` 2-instantly. ` : The of*:MrI. LC," thin A `. [IiBIn'.IIiifn -l._'-.Ic_ _-.-.'. 1:`_..:<._"'-1A-~ Barrie, Sept. 26, 185-41. No MORE WAV`R!! .A. cLE:.A.i-J-533,51`:-aj FARM, 'v|-n in munmn mt m.n_ `fi3`1iaii~i}.'1Ii5i.' `fsii'5EssFiIL2 1.A'rIz_1nr:1;uA1'xozuL 30111.. FOR SALE, `DY 1.n'l'Q' 3|-I fhn Tnurn . A Young Lady with a Revolver--Successml Pursuit of 1; Husband; `The Albion Daily American relates the fol- lowing singular and rather sta'rllin_g_' adventure: ` engagement was enforced in ma Inlnn -0` AUT'{N-% Farm For Sale. ~oT.c'e'i' I."l'.i.a iii IIONTGOIEI TOWN LOTS` I 3.- u..I.. An unlllinih motels. * 150 ,-LI'aS0,"' A I to .. PP w. D. mama, Pxfrjrox &._ guinea, BARBII." `I31 `l`~-` An l\lJ.VlIL'l.I.J.l.`1l. Land Agent, 7`oronlo. . 35-if L nut m an cuurely agreeame One Daniel J. Houseman removed to Michi- gan from Yates some four 0 While residing in Michigan his wife died. Subsequently he became `acquainted with a young lady in that State, and It iesaid made an arrangement of marriage with her. , Be that as it may, he returned to Yates `last fall and has since resided` there. -n.. "l".m..t.... ........:.._ .r.-`1uI_J:-- r ve years since;