In Canada. he continued, consideration 3 should be given to money already granted to 1 Britain by the U. S. Of all the absurd pro- positions that come up from time to time, this one goes to the top of the list. No doubt : the proposal got rid farther than it deserved. that is. nowhere. " "Thank God mere are forces which make for bsttennent. In every community.-4mong ' these forces I count the church. the school. these Iorces 1_ count the church. the school, the publlc llbrnry, the town olcers, the,po- ` llce. clubs. and fratemltles and the local pup- , 21', And the local paper is not least." l L Editorial Notes up with at times in democratic represent- ; ation to hold our freedom was given the other day when a US. congressman proposed "the creation oi :1 special committee to explore the possibility of annexing Canada to the United ' states." Such a. merger, he contended, would be adynntageousvto both countries. As part of the price that would have to be paid to Great Britain for giving up all rights and interests in Canada. he continued. consideration . OPINION/S or OTHERS \._ , ., _...,-,#4_..._. I erosityln giving space, not only to church ac- vlties. but to all other good works. Wedding Practice of Cars `Silly, Dangerous Custom An ummple or how much we have to put up wlth at times in democratic represent- ::\T/Vh<\3-Pa /ys for Advertising? I/A_\/ell" Here is Exactly Who Does Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not mat all men know the law. but because t,1s I burgh.'Cinclimnu and Chicago, were almost exclusively omalnecl Irom Kempenteyg Edy.` - Huge Ice ouses were erected - ` scores of them -- on elther side of The` We`aker Sex ` Thig space convigiiaul-ed by Th\e` `Blah-i'e Examier Inriisfil Clergy ` I Exchange Churces ` 1Prayer Seryicgs ` J \ _|i EAR%M.B.$5 EH16; bps uAo, uss, YA;lD-All.~1'HlS wIN1:E;I` SEE ms 1` $N,O_-BLO \ to-our AVAILABLE FOR ALL MARI-ISVOF` TRACTORS - , C0RI3YJM0[T6RS%[i1TD. " IUUH Market Sq. -"Yes. the merchant is sure he pays the ad- vertising cost, But. I say he does not, for the larger volume oi business the retailer can do, I the less his percentage oi overhead, or which advertising is but one of many items. No more ` light, no more heat, no more several other -overhead items are required for $110,000 'tux-nover than for $100,000. `- Well, ii the customer doesn't pay and the `merchant doesn't pay tor advertising-then, ~~who`does pay? 1 snow uowm "` EASILY A1-rAHen 1'0 vou_n'mAcron f7.J:;.7;.T.'c.I.T::E:i1'pE:nT KVD-LIIULVAIEDII ulutlhnn BARRIE_V Phone 55.` an "'NO-Il.O" I_JEAI.ER 5526 -~ ' 1 _ Nobody pays for advertising but the non- advertiser. act: mung to the definition of nd- ` vertising writte some years ago by Proressor ; John H. Casey of the University at Oklahoma, . and appearing recently in The American Press_ Proxessor Casey wrote: What is ndvex-us- -mg? one {arm or salesmanship. Purpose? To sell. Who pays for It? John and Mary Pub; uc say they do, indirectly. Solomon Isaac Business Man says, he 1-:no1?vs-too'wel1 that he pays for advertising. , ` For when the greater demand for goods is created by advertising more goods can be manufactured in larger quzmtltles, and shelv- es restocked at less cost per unit of produc~ tlon per Item or merchandise. in consequence of that crashed demand. either at less cost or tnnt created demand, either less 4 or with more quality at the same cost--whlch amounte to the same thing. There you have the theory or mass pro- duction and quantity buying packed together In n pecan shell. ` "B`ut.`I'say the customer dos not pay an advertising bill if the advertising is effective, efficiently done. run in the right. medium at the right. time. and Is, in every other respect, right. ' 1 .12: tI1c'1?o:w Otca Department. mum: . 911 outside carrier tones; ,j H V A. cents nlnale 661: $5.00 yearly outside Cunndu gun .00 `lhdnthn {L50 ` `