Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1952, p. 4

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%s fieVAAds %NEver Speak... But Hundreds `Answer them Even] nay NU! ICE Re Wind Insurance [I has just been brought>l.o 1 Nbfncs Alina Inau-pi . .,_..... _ -- __. In Barrie. Experx_enc__not nec: 31?; ' A fine opfaortunity to 5 H3 old promabe business wh Bawlelgh Prgqucts hgye bgen _s :----: C YQUNG LADY with some nursing I 2 `en rcqu' es daily position -a : mvxa. ;.....u.. an ,- H. l1L`l'S,'-i;;'-1:l;`) |0: :: etc. ,everything needed to make nc u-........, 'v've""'u f oors (mm old. Q" / , --BOYD S-4- _PA-INT and WALLPAPER .19.CLn.pperwn St. Phone, 5206 5-omb , FRONT rnunc '_-50439. I ,'REPAIBS~'l'O ALL` mnkesrol Sew- lng . Machines, -I-`rue demonstration on-. any. mm or `wed. seWJ9I.vx*=- .:--.-up ' d ' hl h t nu . agar ynmelsgr Bnrne III_lJDl nn rnnl rvnxn ununu :9: NUMBERS or replies ajreciea to th_E olce 25.: um nnunm. Jzvvuvrc Innniu _ '11- a want, lnlnllnnvn '11:. - na\rAn Avununlnlba ur tcpuca uuccvcu us nu: ullplzc so-J13 unu- OOMING ~EVBN;l'S. LOCALS - 3c a word, mlnlgum 75 Following Consecutive Insertions 2c :1 word,_ mlnlm1`un- 50c 'I'u -nlnnnnrnun nnlsn An v-uAu-we nu n-inn-Z jfFLOORSANDERS ' I:-np n::m'r~ POSITIONS WANTED- rermuncm. X 0Sl|.IUH STEPHENSON S |r\AII:I I Enc RATES `FOR ADLET COLUMNS ____:______ > MISCELLANEOUS SALES CLERK- xxrnnma Tn-svnnrllninlv WING Dane. Chldran`s,clothes. Inmal. ' Japronx. etc.-Also mend-. done. l?r|ce`reas0n8U Will .up. Apply Box` 44:33am: Inpr. 1 m x--1.2b HELP WANTED If I"`IVu ' SCHOOL. licensed I Act. wing _in- l ' St.-wmx.-. 1-1-us] 1/3 la . of! regular 1 uick sale. preferably edroom, dining room zn yoogn `fur`nitur_e_.` `(our i LIVESTOCK FOR SALE; stem spnn crs nnu Mnlkers. 2 and 3 year ol 3; big strong rx-letter: from good cows. ~Renson tor sell- ing. .uoA~n1any1 Argcreded nrgu nn_d tummany. Accredited area and vaccinated. Apply Roy Gough. Barrie, phone _842r2. . D-2b Ivaivn avvrsvnn A- .. .4: - ' ' " cnii Levin 1100 D BOARD ` I I . .....3* .3. ....... `aja.-,..,,-M ; I ` I. *______ " ROOM 9. BOARD _..._...__..._._._...._..._..j.... -snu Ann l'\ABl'| nn...... 1. Large Stuck ` BARRIE TENT (7 . AWNING CO. kuyfir.-Id SI. Phone TARPAULINS w - us:-:1)` - RI-IN FOR SAEE HI EARBIE & MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1952 4 - F A`ccomInodaion Wcnnd 6 ROOM Unfurnished house ur- 3 gently required by couple with 3 ' children. Apply Amott Laking. ` rlnlr.-ngenl. V1901-`_ _I-tame. D3 - sm: HON EST JOE ' Cross Town Motors : 290 Rrndfnrrl St, Phnnn 5:430 3 WATSON MOTORS FORD L MONARCH j USED TRUCK SPECIALS ` W . 1 10 Used Outboard Motors . unrv nrzwlivp nrir-9: for immud- 1 . CASH . FOR YOUR CAR Ik|.C AAILII ITCC `- CAfsAP"`|'E`/-\lL.Ii`|2 Mnxvinni: EH1/9r Tinko all m FIRST 05 THE YEAR SPECIALS ` ` 3: a word, minimum 75: Jbllowlng consecutive 1nsert1ons.2c 3 word, minimum 50 4 ' ADLEPS-MAY BE .'I'ELEPHONED TO OFFICE ....._. En- sign -`;A---- nu , u `TRUCK SPECIAL ( USED TRACTORS (Fwd Trnrtnrs nnw nn hand. ` AUTOMOBILES.- n/|\ I \/LI |\ \.-I \ |N"5 MINUTES ULTRY WANTED`. any `. Fa] dual and but I Lev vs Trading. 33 1-19, _phune 2301. Couog ST. /\YNER . POULTRY -~ j.j-:j_ xnannlztn v .. n. -1-! quan- rlces. '3 olller none Couogg galls hurt wheel base. r tires. in good The locomotive, now known as 12}-1, was originally rail Car No. 15834, one of the original diesels introduced on the con- x Llnent by the C.N.R, between 1925 and 1930. ] Its exterior has been completely revamped to appear as a modern road diesel and its original `engine has been re- placed by a modern 400 h.p., l-2 cylinder, supercharged, cater-, pillar diesel. ` r The rear of the lead unit has been converted into a baggage 1 comparment offering about as much space as A regular bag- I gage car. _5 onowt nuunxo-`nan: Dr. .1.nnnrn\Junu LU urx-Iva CASH RATE - 2c :1 word, minimum 50 nx Consecutive Insrtlons 11,56 3 word, minimum 350 ' `M'_US1` BE PAID WITH OR_P_ER. .ton and Allandale and Meaford last Friday. DESIGNED AS AN EXPERIMENT IN HANDLING BRANCH LINE TRAFFIC. the Canadlan National Railways introduced this new diesel traln, seen above. on the run bgtxvee Hamil- locomotive, Carl - diesels con-u The second.unit is a mail car which contains a. passenger!` compartment, while the rear unit ls a passenger coach, The 2 new tmln can accommodate 44 passengers; requires only one i man in the control cab gmd can make a round trip between Hamilton and Allandale without refueling, ' " PROPERTY FOR RENT,` . UNFURNISHED Apartment. rodms and kitchenette. bath. gtnund tr prxva location. $5.000 down jnuymenl re -]` uired. 8 room hnxise, `close, in. _ g(l.500 full price. See Henry 13;, El- rlck. Rennors. We` have the Ichoice. ' )6-2p ` _%3EE . coU'r'rs v REAL ESTATE BROKER I 15 OWEN s'r. . PH. 237 - no--sos~a rrn . ~ - .. ...., . ` J A. COUTTSV REAL ESTATE BROKER 5 OWEN ST. " PH. 237 New Diese|-T|;1in on Htgmilton-AI|anda|eiMecIfrd`Ryn crel orders have low price. Avail iute delivery or v xvggks Drop in rvuuwuas vuuacuuuvt: ulscl. uuua an n vvvlu, unuuuluur am: 124 uxuonum, ANKS, m` upnrrcrxnon ~ Be lV'0l , minimum 754:, ENGAGEMENT NOTICES - 75c Beauty In Any Bothrpom fl"he_ luv;-_l_v _ M:_Irlhn W n1.'t\ ' room for lumb_|ng_ supplies . or vmc !o_r pr !.`(`:S on so man things }or 11 mm: home. Air con lliuning ' nk Cu_b_`m by hlrnuces water ahks. Ml tanks n shawers, sink; an rcssurc DOGS 5' PET STOCK Kelly Chick Hatchery `65 Clcipperfon St. v FARM EQUIPMENT nuvr cnnnu m:n.,... .3. 1-. Conffacibrs - Builders" Future Home Owners `lnns.rb1uom'in0.s. Individual hous BUILDING TRADES FARMS WANTED Pay. end 61' the year B31: Sheets, etc. Ready to go oui "`3Il'l'ie_ if required. Phone liver '1 pm. - - Stuinle 'ennmc-1 s and the ver{ de- e combination aun- k in -all` \-1, le . toilet bowl and mechanical parts. |1 chromed ttings. )_g|_u.- Iul_l 9_f hqgnel F! FRUIT 5' VEGETABLES A I I0 l) lljl7`()-in I Z MARKET PRICES ILL! `-I In:--u 3 Personlizgd Stationery '1 ` nu..z.. -...._. n....;..u n..u... I W I ' I . 0. SQUARE .._ _ Cocxsteis _ Infoimctls V ` .. P1f:1yingCards . Calling Cards LLJ.ll.LLI& ; ;u\.1; JAN. 47, `I952 ms. CATTLE. 1-:54 `Sign: I. WIIIII, nununuln lac, la\.l!l|ll'4lVllJ\'.I' RIIIIL-nu lac `Inks I! type Etyles for senfdispiay classllledslmay be through The Examiner advertising department. Napkips g ._ 0 Wedding and Anniversary - 0 Cocktail and Party A ` 0 Wide Variety of Colorsvnnd Styles I ' ruun EIIIU T115561 UUIOFS 0 Matching Envelopes 0 Wide Variety to chdose from V All Imprinted With Your NaI;1eV(5r`initiqls_ COME IN AND sE1;:_ OUR c2_=g1jALQGUB CARD 0:5 THANKS? I] IN APPRECIATION?! IN MEMQRIAMV cnowiu HILL r SALE OF IANDS FOR ARREARS of TAXES \ IN THE COUNTY OF. SIMCOE . Auction SALES \JII_| I |L.lV\)\/IV JEWELLERS 4 `Dunlop St.

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