lnonszs INSURED |Am1ins! xx-zuh lrcrn Disease or Accident. Mate: In real.` see our Tmn.u'1-uxmy 1; mi iumu SHIPPING HORSES to the Want \n R I: RHIR I.` 1\'Ql'l(A\.l'L' nu IU (X A B H I [SE4 I\b|. KSALVUL (II) IXA. F, A. MALCOMSON AGENT - BNRRII . THOMAS Z ROGERS Max ulncxurer ol lSCott s| `to the amount of $1,700.00 for the bpurpose oi purchasing a site and ~bu'i1diI}g'u school house thereon in |Scl\oo1 Section No.17,Vespra, and` Strict personal attention paid to Horseshoeing . No. 55 Bayeld street mnnsite Ross Rtreat St." John & Crookelf: % YOUR READING NEEDS ANHGGET! Current Comment. it will be money in your ` pockets, ftu-megs, to have all repairs to nmclinerv. eta.-.. repairs m_n.clIinery, eh.-., done at the New Foundry, next door bu Tannery. . 001 No. 17, Vespra, and t such by-law was registered in registry office of, the County 0! mac on"thc 25th any of October. BOOK STORE thy of erntuatnon. -'1-rye, raumzu s to join in an expression at the u; . +..,+ 1.-n< unnnur h:1R.vet heiorp. iful picture, _ "MotL\er's Tx'\eas ' is a delightful subject torvthe and it is safe to say that no Lime to deprive h'im :1 the tmext with 13 fatalities. or the non- `fatul acciugcnts, the greatest number ' He Ngre-9 the pathy [occurred 'm"~thc 1\`{et`a1 Trades, the v hug!-ied voters. - number recorded being 85. followed um aZ-u.';n/ 2 TH `N `THE `BEST ' *- s generally arlrrmzted that V 7 Herald and Weekly star.` 1. '15 the best family and I` 25; r:o'.?/M42134) 7725 - W413 -A:'m/if 3 V-isms .ia prices. E ggs, butter and .1 ml by appmcla` `milk were dpxvard, while potatoes.I c`.1a_1'acer. lolty `were lower_ - ' xtious devoon to 5 "$10.45 p.m. Io!` San rrancxsco mm ` Lcs Angelea. I.'.ust1-ated literature Ierul Agent, Chicago and North West- -,c.n application to B. H. Bennet, Gen ` luLt:x'vm. In LLIEH prov quite inunaterlul which -belonged to, but may 5 +h..v rinnld fnr tha int indmbnr killed and a decrease afj ninety-ve'in the number injured. The greatest. number of fatal accl dents occurred in Steam Railway |. | ' .1015 11.31. cisco Overland Limited, leaving Chic- ' eago 8.30 p.zn., less than three days en route, prov-id: (11; best 01 every- -thing in railway travel. The China land Japan Mai; leaves Chipmgo daily for San Francisco and y 4 _: 1 ling the previous month of ant year, The dispute of t: Vancouver Island c"om:inue(' which could be used `(or the further- nncc of temperance principles. Two temper-ance. organizations which in- habited `it in turn have died 011, and es of Colborne contributed I buy ground and erect a. r `it'in * the building itaell was destroyed by 1 k [Ire in 1908. The insurance`; money ` B1 can where local `option by-laws i wax ubmittetl unsuccessfully?" qucr- 1 1.34 `skj:~(1ge wjth '11 smile. I 1 Porh 3 the hind` could _be ussd 1 hind, mgnnzu on` to the fepenl oi `the `ly _to 5 ' ' II '4 Vby-law In Co|l)ome_ ` [frunf c _ lawyer. ' ' mistrib` --I---4 |u vaknt-O-hnr mum! at B xgmeutd t -N. .. of '\\'1io1es`ale P ' I V durin`g' October, st ng `at 1 3 compared with 132 Sep- ` rms th_e bulk $1,00--'into ` remsuumble tionul cause. must. now aw: yuan ...a_ medicine bottle is empty. and from leading a pure'_ly negative cause, .,u.,..n.1 dnvotc his undoubted talents - Real Bstnta man was doing business N W` I lfthosa days. But think at what too 'bL uts position rnea.ns_ to hundreds of 1 ,our citizens whg`; are not yat in` th; B 5 automobile or arm the buggy c1asa.`.,,.,... k r too well known to the citizens of Barrie to need enlarng on. the ques-` ltion is, What is to be done? What_ Barxjie will have seen another Chri5t-- mas come and go, and be luokingjqra. w_:.rd to the `dawnlight `ot a New` `I Year 4 What thoughts and memries. . ` r hang around the coming of the day 351` U when we cuiebrnta the birth cf Christ, CONN?) roads. ,I the day when the glad tidings or . peace goodwill toufaril men rang out? 1 To some. will come the joyous re- Christmas Day; And think of theglard (war to guvantagf ness aprd1'oy_ that cpmea tp thy aver-E Mr? 5_`1 5"' ' age child. The hanging up` -of the H 551t.". Oi tiny stocking on Christmas Eve,-_tne Suggested `that va_in attempt, _to keep open sleepy brought before tl eyles to get just one glimpse of Santa League. ` the laugh and excitement of Christ--` . . . . Go After mus mum to sea what'he leXL on hisl ~ 7\Tr T 1:11 -:1 dra:wn_c1ose again to old assocfmtions and friemjls in the contemjalatiun that, each 'w`il1 be, jzhihking of each on Day. think the`glar what"ue leKL hisi journey, all fchese are part out the kid- di-e's birthriht, and rightly so. But - what of the other side of the picture? gr 1by the sunshine and brightness thatf `lseem to be in every home but theirs. .Aml-yin the darkness of such homes . gone. and ,now its the long cold; It is I Zens of ml that after all Santa is not the _. : poor children]; `t'a`iry_. In some cases I ' W9 must adrhit that the HdnM`_\u.hders"V themselves am to blame. but often, .( ADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE V needy at this time, and 1>er`hzx'ps only stumbling L'1oz:k to their`: is .thu`_questlon of the mat met ,II`or many fears past the inemh: lSt. George's Society luvo, Mt]: Com- mgndzghle spifit. heap plensed not 0113 ,lv to giv `,Llu.-maclvcs, _but to rmrnve ml the necessary land, brid(Brg5_ L1 is the nece558!'Y ii-`*1 -`i The app1ic:.1tion _oi thc `rt ,-9! f" m'm"" t'1-'.hctric Power Commi. iox 1 t _ _ No aciou will bc_ ta he {'te`n5 0. 1[0herI`L-)"s letter as A Christ. - Huh ant 4vv'atcr than in earlier years. 3 how the! The 1'3ngim:L-1` agreed with this I or our view 'hut- considered it ano_t1u:r ( the larger Sttcarns, ncccss.'.\t\ng' IAM. pcrso dd, longer hridguspunsl UL--.n`1er oods \-ancuge 0-f.thg ` I warn; likely to uontmue [or the:;` notice with also being` c_arrie(l on \ c1'\' ex . ivcly, Urns adding to _the ruq ,`mun`ts oi th6.b'\;: bridges. ,c1earud and rail Iengcs rvmovcd and vet would disappear more >: rm Ircsncts` [anus wen: ncmu . 5 he was disposed to think the wat- r;x1iid1',- earlier vears. relurcncc to a low Len mission lit: ` `Along 1 .*Road through \'cspra,_` he the Cblmtv 1')n:'in'ee1 `to the County 1'7ng1neer and cillkors Finlay and Hickliug`. 1 taken 0 should devote his unuouumu Lalcuua t6 the service[ of some upbuild-ing principlu: U1 nntkpnal Life; If he would _ `hnf nmke as u 21 ght for clean 5` Count_\'1wcrn `um `tn impose a g `tax on autos` going 1.h1`o|xgh Sim-i doe. He cfaim-.-d the owncljs of nutns wre all-\=eu1thv uennle and E Mr. Wood wanted the Emu dzisk the-Legislature to ;5i\' Countv Ivcrmi sicm 'tn imp Mr. Bennett COIl:i1(1el'u(l 11:. "alongt 1 the right lines but Barrie was go= I ing to have an auto [actnrv short-I , the nec&ss1t_\'_ 01 some ypro_tc(:txol. ; it should be r the ()ntm`io -Motor. x ` `V Tororfto. , U31 the 10110 wthc damage. . 1\Ir. \\'ood' `I The \\urdL-n s ' Legislature be 2 3 conditions aboix | connected in this C ) present time the < I and heated Hm (`n t ) ) 9. 1 (ml not recmvc one cent 01 the n- es xvhcn the complaints were laid_ by the Inspectors. IL is not cs_- sential tlmt the comp1aints's|mu1d [he laid by Provincial InspecL-)rs vbult -eiglrty per cent`. of thexn xvcr with the above result. `Mr, lml1mn.. u-no znn naaumi rnr \vxn1 the above result. Mr. Imllmpc got.` 3300 passed for , the improvi:mcnt `(if the roads of ` his F105 cons tilteuts. those'\vho-fen.-1 that out of their ful- nesa and joy this Christmas ' they would like to do aomcthin1:'to help those who have `little, we commend but nuke nu: goveniment us he 1 .. nnVV, he wduld 1); Toroqto. Ur. Jenkins advised -getting :.~I~ ! Let the follows from Toronto who: saw I I` lay 1 time. t would`t.'injure rbatls or nus: " t; and the n\at~tL:r might be left ` r to z_u1vantage for the presunt. -` i1m)son.`whilu' admitting ` ` that 30 or 40 gears ago ' in low places for weeks :, enabling mill men to ` st ali summer. but now I` (L if there was n_oL : )f 06-5-etting the lands wen: being fpnrvs and Lskeu to ~:L1ter tlu: ` t the liquor fil\qS ' s County, At the , e Cmlntv 11ro\ |.'1eLl County, At the 2 Cqunty ] lr0\ L 1eLl Court Rooms but IUA 4|) saga, `can or `the Cou.nt._\' K .,_was referrezl ' seer And (r)un- I ol ' people nvards the ' a notice `with the Clerk sL*Lun_-5 forth-_.tl1c land proposed to be re-` forcstud "and written upplicztliou hnll be mad: bv the aooli am. Z i Ox-il1i_a Pucket-I-115 Ljonor duuge - `Ardagh retires from the _Bepch with the sympathy and good wishes of the -entire County. inspired apprecia: \; Bonus tar Trccs. ' Mr. `.26. Campbell presentcd an` "by-la.\\' authorizing the payment. of nmuhalf cent fol: e'~'e1'y tree plgmlcd `Hm :\n\' nv.-uer. nr at his exuens |.t)iration ol the three ygnrs. U113` [applicant to dcsigimgc the mnubcr iand kind oi Lrecs plantv.-d by him. UL... I.`.\- QnluA..l_- .`\ _memona1 wxu oe scan to me: Legislature asking that Express Cohnpanirs should be assess.-d on :4 fair basis an all businc {war and _\'ca"r at .\'c\\' Lowell they mu local usscssnxent. oi 556.com ,' paid a qlmlicd teach:-rS6oo. had `visited inother school `lions, mu no lull It \\'uulg|_ \'(-ry gr\'\'e lx-.xrc1.~:hip to n 1: s Uti()n\' tn enua m m1ih-:(1 ' 1.10115. . . I "Inspector 7I)a_\` had been engaged :in the work for :3 years gmd bclicvad `they had now reached the parting of the wavs in'Puh1is-. Sclmnl {nab . -`OI the ways m '1 \1hl1c School mat- 1 .ters. During the last ten years, the County had not given eah rural school more than an zwcrarze I x'n:u |'uL ncuuux . School Inspustor Cm-vin : sad the Council in the iuLer , b1mCoe's cssmcnt was lift` millipns and there` were 400 teach 'ers. rIIe asked .Lhat SI-1'50 he di; ided among the 23. sections. '1IDYhA-V i |` The connrjttee will improve facil-itipa for storing ice at ; House. set before the community a standard, number of labor disputes in ( equally high and `an example as er, issued by the Department c worthy erntllatibn. -'1'-he`. Packet "`v 5b""'S t` '- the m`b` `I. ...,. 4.. mm in an nvnrassinn nf the !.S.tm3 was about twice as Ere` 'cil npprovcd) that lit would not be ` wise to admit any patients from out- side the County as requested by the { Clerk 0`! Duerin. - I 'and wntlen upphc-.lLmu by applic m. In thror month after the m_ m ;\1:\u`Ju~(l21'sh, \\'1UL 4 zmd e\'er}'t1\ig against `_\' 1`-aid ve times as much taxes us the\- aid in In .\'o. 3. XoLta\\'u- assessxnunt of $46,- , partly in C-'ru_\` and Si1nu()L-. tllcv Imdn`t `tmn sectmns 1n :1 1 `sition and he urged increase its -gzrunt 1';vcr_v school, 111 1 be lled by quali- .1Ltl1at was impos- I l\I...L4 L Inf.) _ and information will he gladly - sent you. ' ` : Standard Securities Limited 400 Pacic Building VANCOUVER, CANADA lL...I .. r... .: u._-u_ | Ink` uv|..|.r\l\o Wu]. bllfl you :3 owner of "close-in" property that wiil make you big prots. . Vmi rnn r [nan]-nu c..um.,:.:... rrzce or 10:1,: EFREE NAPS .....I :..!,........: ullllllg E0 MIOW I0!` ll 3` [DD end of the year. TEN DOLLARS will start can .. M"... ,.c n.1,..- :..~ .._......_... idcals, and` conscnmuous ueiyxnug LU duty. Let _us hope Judge Ardglfs qmmnssor. whoever he may he,` shall You can : ldseby followihg ixuun WHI luaxe you mg pronta. I r'..: .n....I. um` D...:. .. .4110 Orhumlrnic Hosp-`ml (M0mE_E tum unuuxun Ln quuauy ur HUI. uume ` fields); [or 1; term gs resident Bur-lthe Bitmap Qfilnny Duff-UIGTBOI. mllt 1 geo,?__ m ifgoym _1?on_pn pphlx.al`n{c:]?e made vnt in_\fh"ge,_`.mo1tha a(_tar , Hogpitnl; Bx-mtol Eye Hospital , `_ - the mat Dubhcntxpn of the uozxcg, to): and Inlrminghwm Eye `Helm .1`. and cannot be made thereafter. 1 `sarminghnrrggtotmer Member of Bnt- Dated thezsth day of Oct., 191:. DH. MORTIMER LYON. 122 Bloor. St. W., Toronto, late 01 Brooklyn, (N.Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital will he at 67 Owen Street. Barrie, ey_ery . '0 DR. E. G. TURNBULL, (MCGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad) OI- lice and residence, corner Elizabeth v nnuuu v nu, L,.uVAu.-\ Banker-4, Imperial Bunk. Price of I0tl,$10d up. 3!: PIADC. um u mun cmulr, _u1e D-lab: ,V'a.ncouver and other large mercantile and liuancial I u r save Tlxrout mid` Sim? 9'," Royal L'on:A'D: 1>91`2'm pibnl (MOUTE-1 VA! '3' Sash, Doors, Blinds. Frame Rand `Rnwinw and -.11-kind: nl Plan- . -size 23 by 29 inches,` free. It is the I biggest dollar's worth oered to-dsLy. `