Do not fail to hear the AM _.'I''|llAe 1 lsnuonncnn . Ema Musically---the Amberola has the surest, smoothest '3 tone,the most lifelike reproduction. Exactly the rightvolumc of sound for the -home. Irhas the sapphire repfoducing point, which is pex-m2nent-no changing needles. It renders all compositions complete-1_y, without cutung` or hurrying, on Edison Amberol (four-and-one-half minute Records`-and all short selections on Edison (two-minute) ecords, as well. Ar|istic_ally-a masterpiece of the cabinet maker s art, as beautiful no look at as It is wonderful to hear. You have your choice of four nishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Golden Oak and Mission Oak. - ' ' Il-_L_'_:__IIe r __._-_. v..- ...... gvgsw-null \JJ\. _ Mehaictllyjaerfect The silent motor wll play vc each` four-and-one-half mmutgs long` Ambcrol Recor` s, iyithout rcwinding. more are mrious other styles of Edison Phonograpbs at almost any price you wish to pay--_and eachxocrs denite Edion advanugcs. Bu; the Ambcrola is the greatest of all. Hear it today. 111:2: are Kdlaon deslaaevgrvwhae. Go on nu. nnnrunf ....u - - _.-_ `V navvon snow 5 nAvJl.rl.AL\\ --THOMAS A. EDlSON S highest development of his own inshjument, the to ` I`: T T77 ` T laboratory 0| Provlldxl Government Analyst. - Mam-Iu:u.. zznd Februarv. lug to know thzft. these pobrupeofle kvpt themselves warm during the re- 'oent cold spells by means of iacketa made 04 Wall street reports. Coal is hava an interesting note or two a- bout. this to send you." IIUVBIQPIIICDI 01' DB nutnunen C l| |1