Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1910, p. 8

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be - i mnsvron p f Nov; a,2-s. o:l-tam o_! Jeiloug. sorasa. spent a `low days Jvltlihin , Qter-in-law, Mrs. Tlhlte.;....'l`he Grange held a very entertaining. and flnntruc" tlve open meeting on Friday evening ;....i..O.`M.~Hlck1lng oi Veapniwilleooi _eupy the pulpit in`-the. Methodist `church next Sunday moi-ning......Mre. .Rohson of Mealord hesireturped to V gher home alter `a week : visit etthe parsonage r 1 , (From Another Oorreepondent) I Theweetherpla mild, and the snow - is settling very `feet. but the fun . on have made good use of the sleiglr - ing `and have taken large quantities * .0! grain to , _,.the ,;te4lev,ntor `at Craig-` ;hurst.....'l`he_ open meeting of the Dal- A 'ston Grange was well ettended......A |'numherV of Dalston ` people attended. the luneralpob the late-Mxf. Hiram Snider at `Oi-nlglrux-at `on Monday pl last week. Mr Snider wu ._ amen widely known `and highly respected by all who had the pleasure_ol_ his ` ac-* qualntence....;.J. '1`- Emma and acne ..have purchased a, hushlot from Win. `Drury of Crown Hill and will soon move their mill (tom itmpreeent site A hi-mnv AVAIH`, Hm}: nlnnn inf. Hm . S, 10- ' or . r"" ; lw ;:p33rs;u:f$1-er;h*a :.`;`:i Juma deawi tor ma by 381 an in th`? "OD1 thei >l,o g%Ig1e. D9I,%r0b1 tf the >lI1;?1ck. Them ween the belie "Wm", V diefenw biltigiea. it -7? Shoe 5tf' > v eatn, Moore at 11' .1300 ~ of hand 1, | ' M ~ hted t 51 as >.M" he is e? ubber ' and 915- - the I ubb"5 I: ?`?33h3a10;L`"`i`nfng " `W . e ' ' i33ns91t11 y or e=P', > from 9` V _ `Nov; ' .2'1--Rev. Ai.iro'ydL Occupied l the pulpit Of th Methodist Church" V on _unVday_ and preaclwd on Missions. |...W. G. MncKn.v has mnvn hlmrnv IIIOVB H1911` llll. IX'01 l(v3`~|Jl'WU]1B B199, ,residence oi Mr. and . Mrs, G. H. |Baldwin, the home of the , bride's `sister, on Wednesday. Nov 16, when happy_ event took place at the ; Jennet, the third daughter oi Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Thornton oi.Oraix- hurst, was united in holy matrimony ' to.Mr. John E. Baker, sontoi. Mrs. T. Baker of Ooulson. Miss Sabina Thornton-, sister oigthe bride, acted as bridesmaid, and the groom - was isupported by his brother, Mr. Isaiah Baker. The bride was charmingly dressed in blue, with cream silk net waist over white silk. The bridesmaid wore a beautiiul suit oihlue. T. The young couple with their attendants, stood under an arch of evergreens, Ihandsonnely trimmed with pink V and: white and aiarge .-wedding bell, un- lder which the `happy couple -stood. gR_ev. A. McVicar .oi Ja.rratt's Corners tied the nuptial knot. Aiter congrat- |u1ations `had been extended V to the bride and groom, all repaired to the dining room where a bounteous res `past was served. The young couple `were the recipients of many hand- some and valuable presents. showing ,the esteem in which they are _ held a The groom s gift to the bride was a beautiful gold watch and guard. A very enjoyable evening was spent. The bride and groom remained till the next day `and aiter calling on a tend to reside in Oouleonw Many iew~ relatives and friends, they in-. friends wish the young couple alhap- py wedded liie. T .--'T`hA' nnnmnuf or-aria nl M11-fluma zuu _9_uu,uu,y_ uuu pI.'ewUl'.".}l1 on Jxusswns. ...W. G. Me.cKe.y hes,moved_hisdrug stock to"hisnew store on the corn- er; `Slight is rushing the build- ing .0! the new rink.....i,D. H. Cole- man captured every ne specimen of V the white `owl on Saturdeyend sold , it to Mr. Donovan oi Donovan ~ Hodges .... ..'Phe _ , Methodist Church tendered an oyster supper to. the choir at Mrs. A. Ar-s ' .nold s`homeon Thursday. The even- _ ing was spent in `music and `games. i A number of complimentary` speeches were .-made by ;memhers_oi the Board` " and replied to on `behalf oi the choir bythe leader, T. A. O. Banting......*- '_ The Cookstown Hunt Club returned he Ladies Aide" of the from the. North havingphediv a most siucceesfulpseeson.` . They _wers_ part1: . they had securea....V..lvpiessp'ns.- uonovan '1 & Hodges have just` closed the evap-A 1 orator after a. splendid Fall's run.... '1 ...A representative oi The VBe.rrie_1:'lx- i aminer was/in town last week , and 1 succeeded in` adding materially T to ` their subscription _1is_t....,,Mrs.~- J._ F-; 1 Dinwoody was -in Toronto last week 1 Dunninu Sr... * of Thornton . called one few old friends in- `town. ` Sa_turday......Messrs Glass` &;P118519Y 3 held esele or Western Stockers- on ~ Saturday anddi,sposed .01; 501119 30 ~ head at prices, . .re.ngi_ng irom'$18 .to , $45....;.Thos. Pollock and Wm. Fras- * `er._w;hile' out hunting i one day < discos: erred e iemily of `7 c00nB.'1lP &tYw. This "was just where the boys wanted I them so in _`e.-short `time the" scallls onisale in our *Mi11infY Iotsandsome toeveryladyinneed % "3" i1andSome"V ii1`ddels Vo f the; l`ates t `Aty" 1es7 worth -$5.00 `and $6}b,o{ Ffidy a nd, .S2ifuifday,%each ;_5 . oooKsTowN _ 1-; _ um. - " cuAls.rlyA piijoiidi -dot M wolves ivhicli I 1 they had 'secur'ed....V..Mess':s.- `Donovan =1 =1 splendid '1 The Barrie _l:'1x~ 1 % town last week ,ana materially Uta} ` subscription _1is_t....,.Mrs.--- F, f I was-iii Toronto week i T1 Thlnninv Hi` M 'I"hm-ntnn unquestionably HeadquartersfurtheestMile Valuesinerehandise ofenendahleouality Isu. he P`ureAWool Cashfmere Lmde in` Britain, soft; warm a.nd,good wearing, m_ediumjwe`igh1:,` seamless foot; the word Special is embnqiderd on gvefy pair. `Sizes 8%, 9; 91}, a`ndV10.__ Piioei ` 25 dozen `Fined Sirius Embroidered and "Hem: med Huidkercbiefs, even` tzhx-"odd and first qualities. Regular "price 200. An early offering for \ ` We have on sale one entire set of house samples or Fine `Embroidered `and Battenburg Tea Covers, Tray Cloths, Sideboard Sostffs, '_M ats, Centre Pieces and Doylies, bought at 9. disoountand not the least bit soiled. They are a `bargain if you want them-you ll not see anything like this value in town. We olfer them at ay diseountof 30% less value. _ ~.A Handkerchiet Bargain . .LVadAi_e" Cashmere Ho'e-7-Ou':;'r Speci;il V '_ 'So r_ne "of the '%nw9yst:% A% features V ` `exc1u,si:ve'. .*sfy1's 56950 ml 75 7% V 4 l1`11a1`;fVV`1)i?icVes,V()%i%1f' Now four a Big ASnap.,%I1 _V Linens I 15c. dome `and s%e'rhemL V-rm: mum: Novmunm3_'24._11o 50 Vrpxtm mdxr - ',,1."" A1`l" coIorh,t -na ombi=i- I`0nB'\ in tWool' Toques, just in frbm` thetmilly our-1 dinal, white bud cnidinnl, green and "white, navy and `white, all white, all tgrepn, all navy.` blgok` and white,- whitdaud grey`, white and navy, `eto.,, a V large assort- ment, rst quality. P_rioe", IA " adorned i111 1:rs" 4 has thalatest, nittlest J:1.nesL of men's , =and1Boys Ehovercoats.-; Bee chem...;.; `Mrs . Jos ._ Kidd -,le!t- on Wednesday . Cm` 4: visit {in 'l"nI`nn+n . "Dnmm~ 611: 111.15: IJUBu_ IXLUSL ' l.UlI:' U11 VVUUIIUHUHJ ~ ` tor a. visit 1`noToronto.,.-,..Rumor sys that the stand recently vacated by L W". G. AMacKa.y will be occupied short-` , ly as 9. butchero sh_op.....'.HarryV Lead- . : lay, Jr.', was in Toronto ilast wek... 1 Wu urn n1nau1 +n 1-ivrinrff `I-hnf H1n'nn Wool Tdqfues All colors and omb: lily, 111'. WISE H1 'J.Ul'Ull'loU E55 WUUIMV-o ` ...We are pleased to report that those who were i_1l_ at Mrs.;'Oarrfn have completely recovered and Miss Van- 'volkenburg`has resumed her duties at the.schoov1..~....Quite a number *1rom here! attenkfed M the W.'M..B+ ;.Conven- . tidn .at;Th`91nton last Wednesday...... Nicol Coleman ie7home- from the West -M. 'nm.'nn.m-a ..-`nm.1um+.. - anms H1001 uunqmun us-uuuw Hutu Mm n_e_ay .;...LMr, Cha mbersMot`_`Qb1dwater 1s'vis iting Mrs} Jae. C_ampbell;..;..W. T. Miners j is pndezn thg, wegther at the sue . . - . _ 1 ---A thankable gift, one of Sim- 1 mons and 00's.` _tur-lined buck-skin 1 ., $2.50 goods; mitt} for better wear.$1.95, "regular ` M A A7-tr - I -Three young ladlesjwere out dr1v- g_ing on Saturday, and while suddenly " .turn~lng aDunv1op. St. ' corner,` their : buggy upset, putting the animal on ' its back, p.n djspilling the t. y.` 1. up-. on the uncarpbted road. Fortunately 3 ' no one was hurt, but the. narrow es- _fur1ous _*drlvlng_ with slack reins cape polnts~am_oral: Never-attempt" - . ._i .. _--7-.-- -..-- - -can--`. u\-Ivwvluu ( . , _ . ` Ah adirnbe hvolivdhahy olenrancofof some 10Ve13`fSilk,`II'ibb- Vbons; Prainn ems, Dresden: and plain colors, ranging` ` from 3`to[7 inches widegworth fregnlar froin 600 to 75o?per `yard. A special` re- ho_liday oifer to those who ahop7 in time to get them. Per yard V - V A '_ . > > ` . V.,.V,nu`w :`v:n\vu_v .VI`_\l_ l_I\.IIlD `F!`y_U_ . , I `V 35 pieces Silk and Union Ribbons in Pera`ia.nandp1ainv effects, 3 to 5 inches .wide,regular"va.1ue25o, 809 and 35c. If you're ip time for. ; -~ T 19 _ silks tor Fancy A work. Tourlst Frilllng. , . All our` odd --and short In pink. blue. and white. " lengths of. Silk, 1 to 3 yard WW9. medium nd 119o1`l'"% pieces. Value not consider-V 2i 90. 3% yd: in 3 box-_ P!`i0 ed.` Al1one`prie.-_ `Per yd, ` . ~ ` - M 20 . WE WANT Tog KNOW VWih this 'Cot_1po`n and `$05 we give .2 pairs of Our .Speoipl: Stocking a.s described in` this adv_ertisex'11ent up} ` _ iinui1Decembgar 1. in whiohdf {she Barrie -paper; if jmys be_t t6 BdYt36." n;'-.n 4.1.1; A_an-`__ LoveIyp,ei4s1an and main Ribbons] A- -.l__`___ I..-I2_I-_ ,1 , Some Mor at Less _,_' n.-`n. ;._ . A V-1: `th`er6's so`meth'ing neded `t"o M-complete '5. bedroom or dining room. `we have it. Neil McEachern, Collier St. ` . ' . pregent` humehmh {th is nbpeatm he h wi11.soon*be around` a;gha.in.,....Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell` have removed to New Lowe1l......Al1; Pugaley - visited friends in town {last week, The sym- pathy of many friends 1s,extende'd to A Mrs`._E. Graham in thddeath of her V _mother,fi' Mrs,\'A'.`~I-Ipwie who died suddenly on Thursday A 3: Nov. 21--Jamves "Muir . spent last ! week Mwitll -his daugh 0e r,_Mrs., N.` ` V Viokera of T6ronto;....;0har1es Knapp f - .l_eLItV1ast Tuesday for Toronto.`..... A ` number of V young people from here ; a.tt;en;1ed_the dance given by bhe Ke'n- \ I ny Bros. o1 Phelp'ston last Efiiday _ ` night, and. _ report`; an. `_enjoyable': 5 time 'D.*.Reyno_lds_o1 Midland, isf; iiiii bhr AN'1`EN MILLS. Xc the -guest of` Mrs.`T.`0oAey"th1si wee-k......Ed Wilson. has returned home -` from Toronto ' after an absence of 4 six months .... ..Mies Francesj e'I-Iussey V1 has retrmed to her home at Seult St ` Marie. after an extended visit with friends he1?e.....,.Mrs. ' Hamilton ` or. Min-. esing 8De._i1tI`l_at week with her `daugh- ter, Mrs; " Alex`. Wilson.. .,'.;Mr.-' and Mrs. M. J. Qough'1ln visited` friends in Apto.last n Sund_ay_......E.,Kne.pp . ylspentjthe week-end with friendslin * ` Barrle..;...Wm._` Lalrenie of Lionglord .4 ; spentla few days "with his parents M _; here nrecent1y.....-.P. AA. lOough1inrcon- , ducted every successful sale on.'I'uee- _ day 1-5th for-`J. I~nk1ey,.lot_13, con; 1 , Flos .... ..Gonsldering~ the badficondi-, -.-tion of; 1-,h`e'roads, a large remount of-`- I grain _l1a.&`.been delivered `to the` Anton S `elevator,eduri1:1_g` the past week. b - * > \ cred Swia manufatured Squires and` Runners. V very pretty- efeota, regu-b Ia1_-`pr_ice 500. Spgoial Fine} qus}iy. LEi:boid;V Lgdiea -Fine` Dress Shirts,` made of best ;grade_ . Chiffon `Panama, yoke `eot. trimmed with Lpipingslof Satin and Stein Buttons. -A`.ve`ry Qnice` drasy Skirt and very special value.` . ` ` >1 ' ' Lt` if n whips t{e}n en`b}}nai1}h1bse 5 }tag`}`E .51i813: Sddres T V and Runners ito Barer f;r j`t$.`oo sbSniLe;:1. 50; "fox: 2 p`&il"S_`0f;V:i0k8lV`B: -1`-`spedir`CHn`$i` H0S9{ ~r`egu 1ar 50 o_value, up to Th1iifsk:lp.y Dgoembr `l. ' N 2 ~ ' `GEO. f " Gutb .(J\1\1'thisV_(,JVo1ip011'- -i} s _oo spc=_'T ia;notte:ring,F Laaie'snirts at A60.;g11_11s'g at '5!h".'V and child : at `V. ,euuuuu- u 'vm.ue m'_v.8.'11e8" l'l1DD81'8- tion and? t_he y'ihave. _a. tting [feature 40c". ` are gIua._1fanteed Lto. \Vg`iv`e .s`atisfa.c,-i }thaVtj_.w111, meet" y9I1IjG:PP_bvq;l. v 7 "V. ` -u-:7. ' ""` ~wh7yl.l_a6Tso`: maiiy a?Lrmer7rgad; 'r1$e3` Wee1n1y_JSun'PJ?BeaAuBe' it; fpfalbtentlyi M ` advocates : their-'_' cause; it: taithtully: `suppll%s5 the" 13ra;ctf:al~ `t,rm`er` ' ' with . valuable info1}n'1]ationA' on all agricul- tural' 'top1cs_, a4nK1`;1_s_ .-th]e" inotl reliable barometer of 'market:`oiid1t1ons to be - lound tin MCana(1ag+Inolude'L: The . Farm-, V er' Sun} 1n_your next yea1j.f`.' 1-1,... .,_r, _-_- , -_.-.. .-M-Scrantpn Goal is .1 1j1o"dea'.i'r - then? other coal; ~,W_hyj buy info;-1or.. 9&1,~ . when" Yo,110.8,n~getHth er :best torH the/L game; price?-._, Scranton \NuAt,StovVe j and ` 4 Egg `wally fscreenedr Land: :_ promptly .2 ~de1iVe1.`9d by:'1`he Safrieantl. Company. j % L.-nmboii-'3 izaiiie `m>j'.adi`ea- at 60. .2ir1m', ..1- }'.v..'.t Ana .'.1.nar.. .; `?brub`15 e:r`B ' iluidv t7$"ila.rg;e.' quantity of int 6 vry V udvuntagons L price`. This lot is comprised of 5 V frillq mall} aoldiat 10 eja'oh.A They{nra' packed ini_av very pibtfy `hoxj and L "sglling at peIr,_box` T M $n8pin&Pril|iz 15 ms ofandsome f % A . excellent "3"Handsome"mode1s of the % some the?` V7I Y:V"neVWSt_A .h V `V .:;=~ V. .1 M , A V , _ e ular s 1 g , A V latest `styles7 worth-%$5`.oo `and f!e_at`ureV.s %1n _e_XC1USlYe...`St_(1:Sl A. ._; : . E ; %A$6Lbo; ~`Ffidy%%4and. " ,` 50 $6.50 and 7.so A isale 0 1FrV1day> % M a1_1dj,f%jf;% V4 A. ;11a ;f pi?icVes,V %% V ` '; r `V " . '1 C-1 ` '

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