`oh In in Ufll'IV[UIC1`VLVA'V"9.a. _ no`: on ouo,;7`iTHE _ -I: tuna . .;;.0_A8SAND ~_ 7 ... .4} "SATURNTA " :.oa...;;a.~. 27u`u9Ii`u-I ...1'd;} VII \ y 2% J Ii _ n`Seryi_ceT. glleqsgggnd,-lC`abin)`;?$i 115$ ; option 3! be Rem-h `fare. $87.75 to $102. usbouia} `aims; Wafsbound,` e2s.75_,_* ;* .< ,buying" things as i'rc]ifd `nit A`l}l'IlIllVlA nu ... CASSANDRA A"I`!T`D\'A . A'1'l.jN nun Vols 5 R MFHRNTA , - . 1?I'NEL"""" PA.RGER jb3iWQh -`g, . . M0,N:I{EA3.1.f: A. AV}-\I V J VJ.` uv` VVHULU Lllialalll LIIIB gl.V6Ll . ULIUICL, c11_I1'&}y ;,hsg11.ds,L guy; , those with long `ngrs and ~.xiai1,:*a.`s whey` usu'aV11'yA de- note a. re_ned._.(:h_ara,cter; By `care-_ ful attentionand jperseverence, we . nnv-vA1:f'|v"irnnw\vn, .+hA :nnnrHHnn nf ll-Ll IIEUUUDLUH Vllll 3.D".Y51: !PT` `our ngers and 1 it out .1-.11.. ' nuu _puuvvu:.cuuv, we .p_r(_)ve -the mondition or A.___. . `unvpnvnnnuguvnvu V. ulav u..m-..m- * - 4Fr'ee72ing c dos ' not hateril,i`z e_ hwatr, ~ Vso~`~ `that ? contaminated ' ic_e:.u"sed " in ddfinking }1_`1ida.` or` `coming a in` direct- V contact \{\ riA r_,-ch.afood,_ is Vafsofurco of in- s fection; ;'I`he.;boiling- of`water is` a * safghabd`, [while'1t1Ration isinot" trustworthy in` the elimination of infective organisims. Infection may * occur from milk through the pollut- ed`. handsof milkers or from L the ,:was~hin'g of .raceptac1'es for milk in `cold water polluted by typh"oidWdis- charges. Such vessels should be ; thoroughly. scald`ed."_ The ingestio'n of S Iincookedi `,tartic1es;~ poi" food, and W[especi'a1,1y;u `of a. _salad_ 9` Mvege- M _tab1es'-1ettuce', celery, etc., raisdi_n- 1 ground fertilized by ` infected sewage, . -i`s`.a' source of infection, as` is the in- gstion of oysters and clams` grown _ in water ; similarly a contaminated. Durst` carrying typhoid germs; if in- ghaledl` nu-ay convey the diaeaseito the. ._.. ..._-..- ., _.., ...-... I-I . `~"|.`he range ;.g infeetiyjityf of 'typ1{oi&. T fever 1: greater the-ng-is iisually sup.-M posed; " ' The rbaci-llus; has been found, `in ,the iblood", f urine, faeces, V and spui-,u_m.. Milk, Myvegetabl-es, ies, dy- ' stere, etc; are bearers `of the germs. Some. believe thatthe bacilli are*`con'- veyed 1by air to * the respiratory mu -e cous _-brane, and that their ini: tial co onizatione takesrplace there.` A rather-,than in `the gastro-intestinal` _ V tract. But. drinking water polluted. ` by t'h_e_baci11i throeugh1infecteds e'w`-. V `age , etc}, isthe most frequent cause , of V typhoid infection_.;. Germs {from a. , single case of typhoid` may enLd_thevir wayvinto ep'rings__andf' Other `sources of water supply and` cause widespreadr ediasemixratidn of `the disease. In-u-.i__-.; . __'-n -L__;JI!',;_ .<.__L,_ . :ABO?re"TYPHOm-' h. :i.?* wv Perhaps it will not be amiss at t RADIANT HAIR e this period to, quote '9. few, lines from New Y0l`k Society Wovmenfs Hail` e, scientic authority `in regard` to Matched Qn1y_ by _Parisi_a.ns _i , tYD110_if13 _.TYP.hid `W91 ``.' m5_t .{ W`hilem11ch -attention` is "given to often in then` tell a.nd_`ea.rIywinter, `>ch`o'ic`Q5t`g0Wngk\by` Newgork society and,mostly be__tween_-' the ages of i'w.og1nen, theituxfbulent ta.d"vjust nowia eig1_1:np.and fofty-ve.dwhten mgn es- the_ care of the hair.. * = peel y are ess pru en , an `run M more _to excesses then _a.t other per. ofgggnggeygi tginglfvefofong i0d8>0f `life. If and niagniceht beauty oftheir hair bad` sanitary environments, excess in GI rt h is ,, vi I 1 '- eating` and drinking, want of sleep, V `a T3 3 can-9 ~ L - ~- _ _ ;not only attracts but fascinates _and Sofie gfggnyti i:ven`.lIi;11erutli11tlen1.:(1iI11 ttrdi immpels unstinted edmirationt. life; to.th*e`johset of, typhoid, espec- I; B1111 new that the~e1ite of New iallyit tit be prevai1thg;in t't their :York.ve.veranxious to. improve their coixinlunity. "It is believed__ that the ibeauty. have learned that Parisian bloodofi such persons has `undergone, 988.8. 9' rmarkableeand 9-1H.1,08l` m?` some chemical changgwhich has dim- velousw hairnourisher -and_ beautieg, inished `viteli y and "lowered its`in- [15, ?h7_t entirely !.'3P0.1191b1e. 07 9 her'ent power. or 1'.e_sp1sta'ncepto5disease g,Ch51'11'~.i.`?_3 hall` f .th`13d.i3 fF1'3'1? It 13`nqt.VY`-rye. .~mm6m,hQn to. nd;.t_3l1&`,_d.l.I`land for it lhasbecome ence- vigorous yo ung`_m'e nc `et_work,with: P0?-'~t 'tempera:tures.of 102:degr'ees to" 104-Parisian. Sage "is now:sol,d`a11 ~ ~deg7rees. F'.,?*wl;`oA:.giv,e` no. sign of sui"- : Ganjede and in'Barrie b`y._H.tG. Rob- frendere until they (are `obligedito suc- ert1so;n,[1_vyhboAis' glad to tguaranteep it cuxnb from; severe paineor other pro-. "to `eafadicete dandruff, 'stop falling nounced'symptom.`g{ A" .. hair;A;endv'litching scalp in'two``weeks ` '7"|.`he 1`angefot infectiyityf of "typhoid. Qr"~moi1ey; b`ack- Large bottle 50 cts,. andmo much mental wm.k_by these 'it; so radiant and luxuriant that it I fhtrnr in ow-Anni-an `+hi:.v'u>-in Himunlln awn. the shape 5: an nlmend. `Then {Ilse the edit stick to press the skin a- way so that the` nail shall not be hindered , from growth. [After this is done,-v"ca.refu11y dry the nails and rub` vieseiine into them bei6i'e_ applying ' V the powder; Then _ polish with the chamois, being careful not-to hurt` the nsil bylthe iriqtion, Lastly, !rinse,_ thernnifs -once ~ xnore,'dry, and-; rb: thnm with .1 Iitn rm nnwnr _.n.1 ' hue uuuu guuuu ' Luunz, ury, unu-; run :' them with ba._ little n.e powder.-Se1.A| afsystem. 'l`hat..ies may carry the - infecting organisms `to food. Mandwqo 3 produce typhoid, was` proved in 9119 s Spanish`-Amegioan; and Boerwyvars `Ii -II`:-am Hm nainnn us :.:.r\....u...5.-".4. : u1:ya-uauu':xu.II7l`>LUIu_-1_uu IQUEF t, 1." ~F1jom..the tbregoing itf is-`Vevideiirt 5 "that a. m`ea.su1fe_6t care 'with"r`eg ar'd 5 toLeat1ng,`drinking,`-work, rest, effc'c`., 5 ` may well repay us} in "health. _ fend a-.sa_ve us from, bodily .sue.r1*t~; >-',ancia.l 1os?sV,~~and the `dan`gef"'to`~life .-.nf an ntfjmk hf ..h1nI1nirl fnvnr `hjis premises. At the same time` Du-L r _er s "pwn_seyidence. . = . At .;Penet'a,nguisheuer 2: on `Tuesday, ' `Aug; 23, beiorefw. H. Hewson;>po1b1c`a magistrate, Inspector Fisher had Jps eph Dusome, pf thel Nprthsm .ho1;e1, ned `$20 and..cOsts . tor ip_`ermitti`xi`g` ;drunke.nness . and profane `;l~I1uage;d6n M some s bar-tender; Milton Toole, visa f lined $105an-d vcovstsifor selling `a glqip of _beer, to a_;n_1o.'n' already unV-deri {$11167 inuence of liquor`. In. both cases cfqn`- viction; was made on Inapectorv Fishe- = 1onn`. -A V * L ..,,,_-..-..b um quuun; uuuvrzuuuu 116156.` A 1 Bighats are td Be biggelndnd small I hats` sm~a11erV.th=an ever pefobre; r ' There are to?` `hexno mdium'gsized hats. ; ,'1`h"e desire [jar ext1{em'esL extends even _to I th cb1o`r'ingfacco1`d- A ing to Mme. M'ae'rie`,.presid,en{'. of `the. `assdciation. The more3brilliaut_ tiiei cgldring. the` more. nearly tovthe` ideal ; ect iwi_l:l_`th,e pew` hat; cojy V ` ..us;u u.Luuuu.I ' l..I:l.l. VGhicagO,3 VA-ugust 24+-There is no reli`e1'~in, sight forbwomen, who have` ac`cAep,ted.,the dictates ofvfashion and strtiggledi under the ` unviieldiness or hats j 'of..theA :size `of an umbyella. That is_t-he1 edict of t_heLNatMiobna1 Associa- tioniof Retail "Millinetrs, which is. 'h'o1dihg its annual Aconv entio'n'Aher.'_u ' `|24. l.n. .L...`.. ;-` LA I.:~-. ..,-...o f` New -iilxclhe-sh `hixflud mgnolii . Maj shaqg ofVo1?ang4'(1:au,a1k,>..a ccii`aVl `red, pompeian, 9, deadnrosg, ~herue_,f{a l gg'11t_Vm"aI:_tog&ny,`and `aqajou, argisga hi color. --__,_-.. ..............u_ .. IAQIQIJUAVAQ :1 now uthewelite New :lYork,ve,velr anxious` their _ Sage, a`. reimarkablexand man'- .v.e1ous'l1'alr nourisher -and beautiejr, [in almolst entirely responsible` for the . ch`a't-rrnig h-Mr nf Hm `Indian ti? 'Ii`r-nnnn :,---5----vv-v VVIFIIVJ VI VHVII Llllrllu _. Glorious hair," Virginian vcalljs "so luxuriant thatit gand admira.tion." n..u _-_ LI._L . . .---' -,uu\:uu 1uuB,'"u!1u we `uanger to lot an attack or -typhoidlever. now xuns DOCIEEY WQH1Cn'_3 1.18.11` Matched Qn1y.by_Par1sl_a,ns while `much 1 attentioxi given 0 _;chVo_icpst L gowns by` -New Y,ork a w.ogmen, the ttuzfbulent tad` Ijilst nowia ithq care ` " 1_A?1* s B1c.GER YE'r I mama nnumnn sim'm1mn:nA1.191o` \. uxues `wouutareun wuy Vr.u_eu' may one! ; iutr g'6ld`g3Eo'1l$d [)`rt9i:tly weu%kov`iLIV ` up sneezing a_nd"c}6ush1n$ -" UI5o'n*mov-fa mg mg Tuizaa or the bed moire: `khes " "'tmxngth'H'wa'lland' covering thoopeni 3 wom u`adbadra'tus;e;`peak`yrco1ds~ivm `*=bronab1ye'asq, -V ,= V - E2 } i*`3B~bV~?Im*hoi* - t , Many` `*y'o`1i`nz IM""I _ um tiny `shoe of s1`tjk1d~;wm~A ` ~`}x'Hai.s ' Mn~.s.1n.m:*..~:. MM mmmma. .1-m`.`ik.`. com canetul ihilihxmdio aibendong a `who my awn` mouiua` 19- V '.1,`!Ie mirnth. In ptten ;5t[ -Iiacus. % L WW`! W193 5C",9n.1Q; `.`lL ..`E.-:4.` I bab.Y..1I,;O0"b|fQ;'|i_tbeQ'W`"BlL_T`A absorbent" cottb or clean shook} be tvhtd on ,t!I,l|tt!o:!In`er.-- ipped hi the `boil: .1013! `es'>|Ii$`i9!I:..In. used to wash the month thamnrhlv. ore, anorange stick,xp. chamois pol- : den" First dip Vyour- ?nge1`Vs*'1n`to [ails are `soft, le)` them in'toT a, cufve, if A'Dh A `nt 1's" , f`niat';icu}eV:st:I ` are a nail 1e*, 9. pair of curved scis- A sher, 7 andya. little bit of `na;1_ pow-2 wimm,ysoapy, soft water. When ,the_ 0` that tl1_e `w`lb1o_le nail wj11.'re_sqmble`: r- -, ,,-_.. _-~:_-_ I A~&uaie~%msy%:abh&u L`I`IChnI" In Inn!-Iln In ;"'~'.:.*2=.= . nnnuuunnb ' .r :.bu t `m6f`:'sro_ . _. % wan M-x*.`~.:xaev% an: F "tea Ttnatg;.-and.!6h9rt;JWAMQ-Iam `.stenis.:.h9n . . IV as many of them to keep up; g 5%; . ..D9 -~Jwi>.u%e.vsr W>I?.t9 think I. that w,, how` A) when"yo,n walk yv1th_ ti ch d`_1 1': 1 Right Poaitibn II-`pr Bade ; ` A child's bedvahbnld be kept several inches from 1;1K1eA,vyal|..`{lnd l It 1sAa,,l, `brass or iibn bdtgad in hciavy shawl `? 6r 'bla'rikeVtsAlm1uVld thrown oyelytho 'he2dbrmI"d. Yotitig mothers havo "so'I ne-`*' tln1 e's*wOnderd'7why their nt'ueonea ., no.3 . ..'..-im<..: 3.` '|.`.. `,1 , mum" 1. lo :a.;A-9. \IlvllVIl all luv l{VlI_In_\CVl:l. w?Il!?_|`I_lQ;_`QII \_I;I_ed to wash menoucu moqnguxi. canine: all `I-ha mnnnu ruu'nI);|.'imt Al wash the_ noujgh ft,h9I'0.II_|ILV.~ min: .aII men n9sIli!s.'9ut..;ot it, Tye Ipogth must bojwuhed in thl; in .nttt;'tIie.Ii`a6rIilfl'3`hit!i-AaIid'each flmn Iuafnlu nnrulno W-7 LLI.H*!=.r.:--=..-.-`Jr-.--I time before nursing. A _.___ -a;us}?.?i;-3i?;a,.zu.u;~;%`v& ~ 7 mg. maa niatxzesuon. yirlcl f 3 39"! 5! .- do "#01 "V3 ' sqotuiug am; who {:olI`=cu1'%h_lad '2l6w1}1_gl5 th, e ,'dVtIt'but my: too. oseli _.i&a~a> was j . iinllt ma nur"oc.uo:;b:II.:= * * mm. .cneuu`se uouorechutiip % min : is otjm, ` I55:-`M_ `ter is It to'truhtLtorVnotn1nf:_but Igor ts`: uuken"1ut`r'u*in:;: - ,. X T91: shou|d.l?e"`g`iAven"d'$_iiot `me bu`e`} giand"it *#6ip'~-up` p`t_ `sp6o`n6_i"thi`3ugh The ter um Wheie I ` % `mg. .149! t_hey.`cmI.d*t'dke It..b,1owI:.;fx:7:Va,n:ii.:z- > .rq:liae 4si`_a:.u_`;o;ps;p gn e'l'evja'i:1oai."E , r 1" 2*. more -M%%uwesvmw~or ' - .-.`A9iz'd..H-n_bitL.;7 V .nL. ia irgsiin` `mg: 5 taught `t0`_tallje\ ~.?pI:opefIf.~&ro" of cone: artliclesvtol-4evry.day"uso; ` _ute_r Iietnt:_fsb`wn fh_n9e.:6! Tnr wothbrus `a Spelill oplacjehhould b'e' ~ found for It -and ` it; o specll _,-mg ex. med, Toilet-"a'rcicles_can beiguenoas I gifts `In .add{tlon ztp jghofoys and: games that we:-y-child Vex5pe`cts and should ham; A; p1ece{o1 ;a_llyr:_':ac|;;:1f_t_: one soon `lncuicates I: pride in the:hllq'sv scaenaomiusa \ - , ;-A shelftor shoes. pagr-"to} imxe < coat: and clbthgs, hooks for jnightgon fdxid -wfobeis`; dud `a beioizglngs and a card-for theittcon-"' place mad`eAat1`a`<:t1ve`.w1tlf1 `tancycboxes, or raks toi-`ribbons. ,`8`.0l`_;_0u&!.`8 . will allohelv to !n8ke ;chdr.en.p"ardc- ` tilafr about thir Ibe1onstn8.._uiId?z1ve` `hem .a bertetly i.1eg1umat?mh:.v "I1 thbjr non`!-minnpnmhcn. ` . V 3 Do `youftuember thatthgy to A 2 romp: to develop their mums: ~ u ' }'.l.`hVeyL also at:t1ially-heed;*ho;YmaYq-`q A oi'sgjohce In~awhe,. :i_`~ ggeatgiblg Vvear ` s p`lltng' 5116186. anfa thiit :s6mt_hlng'`1s theA n_1qtggar__.with 1 them If thuy?` `dd t 3 M-`i!: over mac d`1t*`;wjsfohiILv;. J ; - %8ofa8n*.'t sh, Ippn't."' rfvr'yft1me:tHy 3'1'.nD!.~.it-.% ~ L V` 5 It \ we. `tn. fa Anmnc hf:-aid ty `i?vl1l"56th`er move. b11t".fdjon't `continually j MIT...-I. III 1, vuusurnv, 40:5} `vvqu an uu.- uu_v- v-xv -g-v-g V .> _, L A itingrthe.n'ai1s_ is considered a very ] bad `habit, and 1 usually M denotes ner-V iivousness, but very often [me only a; L fhabita. Many areyannoyedvby rthesp-` :3-These are often often due t_o}_1njn[ry.-` .{'1`he* use of a steel nail 1e'to;'press_ `ff pea;rancs.ot.wh-its` spots 0n.`t7h;e,- na-119; M ` gjtheskin =avsfay from the roots` :-~wi11 ` csus`e;,th_em.k ` An;orangeg gstick. ores `fr toothpick are the proper. `1_:yhi'x_1gs~t`o_ ~f;use for" this purpose; `-a;1so*fo`r- `L- _c1`eaning_vthe nails. ~ ` * ~ Ifiyou are ' Z "troubled alfjotz fhe skin ~-" adhering ,/') _to the nails, `or. if the nails` a practice of rub- ; Do_this` `every: night, and inks. few weeks `you will` see as gr eat. `improve-1 r uavvug I! !. ``Hush I. u..- . FF .0! lo'F`|y,b\S>,|-.I.Y _..=6`W_ their , neat "appea.ra'nc o;.~: -~.T + n-z.,`nea.:;o%,` `up. % no 1'-xumno-. mam not of tin ` . 8eIi. gunning mooomxa. be` his been {nice I at INI -nnlnbu -AA4Ihun I H w:*M>"oI3tOtA'Va-. _ We all;kno.w.th.e.sD9r1..of.D1cl;Wb .;_ .t1D8` '.'75.358tVand t.l1e.f0f.t.`.1.'!.e Whih it lfonght to its mnsier. Q It valuable { Lit 1 Ithronly %;'%!t Vfn_- ` : :c9sznuir:t.6%w*h1cu4,=_D1ck it-2-P` VI . J3` Oi? d0iI1>is t15U3 at . ..% .'.",9.F !nt.f" MAV"-mh 3V'hT`d ` V A . " L -"`.%1 |.<"J"?Z!',I'V.t`,.Ii`,s,`!"l)[t\"`1;aa .. A.)flV1V_I'.`.`:l?f|IV mop ;_c:.<;14_c .-even,a1a';mgt,our-;; ` V-Fl5I1i5`5.'; vI..9!1`1I.` F*T9!i1`Vf?1'f;F1Sl?FV` , ng;:;q t9r5_t`t:o\ cgt. 3,11. M CHIC IE I Vql SUI UIIV-UNI "Ii ,e:- mW~"`bm M! -a~>v- I53 I mm. m." `M ..'.-m. Iianniln mil ng. lll_IJ ID Il'QIl@'I table. mt- P!!nd13!1r9mdrbv the M retqm as JHI a..|led.r such one 20 [write his or` her owgn, guy -gtghb otthesheetand tonauovasuoann I concbal:It. V ~' .1 vs.` If ms... ..a.'a..u.. u'.;. -...n..`4... n. .~ ..., `. Hall`? UIJK7 UVDIIVU` Lulllf V . `A great many persons have the he ybit -` of making their nger [joints ` crack,not` knowing how harmful` it is 7[to the appearance of that member. It [.;is a habit whichsoon causes the fine Qjger. joints to become very large, which is an objectionable "feature. Hot `water isrone of the chief causes . of red hands, and this makes many . girls dilikei dishwashlng. One way to gavoid putting the hands in very hot water; is toput the dishes in a pan and then let the. . water run over gthem. T After two applicationsof hot "water, they, may hejplaced in"a -drain i '3 Ar +n' rlrv` `: ;~vuuvuu:ou - who .m1-etary,i thn.`c.'iioc'u`i't*!;8'.; a_d- % pgn and redIs`t.rlbutes thaw with OMB? to "write I character. the tIo'n,j`6f. go Itna'glndry;cha|-actor. good pliyam bet. to worko -write n deIcl_'lp- X "oi-mm. or ;m.niay`ux6i ny.Voi; or. more exu`aya_g9,pt3.h__9.1etsnn _ mt fu . . - L In tii7a?bhBei`I`.'aa taken up and` aifgbu an all bun: chansd nrbnnd. ` ; `LT`vv1r`lt_ers told :30 deyscrlbetln M bsv nob`: th`e;uukjt$ow`n':p_e`rson whoa ; name 1,: mdgen at the top of th`6 pa:h. M?` :rom.s.s thfrder 't`qd8r|.5' @- turura, rm ;o`r` h-tor Li tun`bi'_any ; my Eplnk to askor, ; At last-th`e pie '- . T:*.ai..l`L-...| }.`.`.`.I'=`-.'.'.Iv*.I-.;.I '.-1 lthlrLcompnh1'oh's hi I model. The llll IIBIIIOIL" L M ` M onov. night why t,l1e`Bl1n Bet so often. She : "Md ~j%h1!!1:L.9- tllut: 1t,1:l1!98htV;:d9.=-in .1210 I ! ' :=:IAttla-{Jack* nskedt>:*hla+i~mother mornn-.2; i1`h15.fi?m `d son, ack :int`e%a',to:Va;notne:; __AAt_ = `The u `soV:ns:sne :*%ean% .an an 418;?" V :2 x V Ihtriwt] . Winn-.- ?A % V 1'he`,Bri>t1sli no tli9,`lFr9nh _huVe;o.l-` wa'ya,haa<`tuq:_;g:ea:egthpg;mn;;ic gar oph ;othe?{11d hlh_*co)1tanipt yaaajeyen : 30119; 1ntop-:t>r9ifsfbs AhV"En8l1shman ' .s:>e`ak;sotV `:`t`:ik1:i1::_!*`r:nfch.L!eaVe. 4' n.d-'a:'j' Ei'ei:hi;:_ ,-'gbmgn`w_y in tuojimngz` um. #.`:.Mn no U'IlCl-Ill-IIB I` my ,nrese;}.` l83'""9'I- ;`c1fe;Iyj`ain9tedto`e::dY_;` "ij; .,w;gqna., &b em -V"` ' `L ` ` ,&ooa,Ing!Qnns_.`( _ v Ingpreparatlon ; 10:. gms __1hur spaces on the.wiulsfot Zthe, ' pictiufes yepresenting (1) atatnous smqn and_ women :In{ :hIst<)ry ;or past. (2! htiuhohs tbulldinssa {(3) authors] 10! tt:`d_ayVa11_d, (4! well known menand `wouiep or tIje.`pre's'nt:ff1m6; `cMaras,.s;w1:_u nencmmcnea. sumixa` rare, .1; numb9'r{ad;; and 6ppos1;9s*, the, 7 con$epong1in g'-`hhibr on the`a7ouft d tho nEli1'0ffthe_ prson or reprs- % sented_1S"'W,r1tten.`\:s ` * I /_ V ]`be glvn-fto~eachA p`Iayer.=`,Ever y p1c- ` i 2: /911.`91`1't1!. ` largest _nu;nbe r-`is the} v1nn_e :. __ '.'@`."'f3'Y~g s .;`1ex,>t..A;f A I nah r:zish1o:`|.""V 1'-l'W.,`.mW `A/"5 Imnechildren u vuwvilryr This is I vgrpuqq {of thmold cant qt. _ I,1encfa,,I."'t>ut*It1p mgrepcr ..,n3"i'."...`%`.m~ .....i.....:.;.~......a.A l .. .fUGGmsTIoN.'hbi2 ?rHE'oAnm or % K7. THE HANDS > V . We all admire nice,ha'nda,. and there .30 pebplefwho lEn`tel.1V'ff& s"reatdea1 V by on_`e?`grasp "6t,'the.hand lnCrega.1fd _t'oj-Lhea1tL2;,;1;gjb1t:i:`A;ang1 nar,at`erA;V we `to whom nature has given short, chliv hands nnvv than with lnmr K Buiy Englkl) 1 In({_ A *AnaVt%h4;4aniountsAto4%as;gbstan.% 1/|v 1}.` w:m;~_' _` "1 _ `.9 '1' H V` _ `r_: 1 V ease in thgvwlue `oi,eve,4ry dollar, .,v.\ _ `Pi *9*tAiVjakl;ii1;c ;- L 4 -" 29...,.-{...N6v. ` sA'rumqn 31......-... '9 ~a1~...:... .;Z.UABSANDA..q._...NOV.. m......,.. or call for-fo1d_e`r giving .domplte` information. . including of atea_mr.; -`A.-M` 1.. 17....;a f. 36" cu 0 N ALDS 0 AN LIN E can V-yearly; zmpmye L we rcongyuon __ or; : our ii grs`h'iid'iiiaiIi; . I Some people crush thei tips of f their ngers and nails to make them v.longer...and narr\ow_gr,_.` and` pr.ess_ tli skin fr.cv\ l:I_1'7;. c11'_'-. foqt or the nail ' jd . ;`ma.ke- it*ap13e.r `1o)1ger." This method ' require ` cqgsifqer`ablebatience to ac- : quire the `desired results, '1 .._..-;. _..-._~__ _-__.-.... |___- u... L- `tie-{Class Cal$i11LSeri gi. accord`; `ihltooptioncf L`! ,, ,1 r1I1',:' Makemrvolnarworthi & f: H: the moi1ey?that is. spntjor ., iilliillty in_ Acoribs'i_de|V'ati%i.nV1%, 'd`i|LaAfi0 a (I_d jeaggnpakesTiorAtnrift;for'4savmg; 1:17 makes oniexmoot again%st. `shams`=raIseAA% wjrluevsgnianipulated` :ductapns,%[ V _ . _ ik`Iess {oVf eXpe`nss. J %For sVt1 ch V u%t:Iiii:igLsui1%kn6Wl%d::; could ever? be unthrifty, or Li_n. an*yT sense .car_Iess,Vqr ,.vs01mes. , 1; .OarbVolic-acid salve isfgood for_hea.lo 9ingq_uick1y after cracks havje, made - their appearance; A little forethought [will prevent` hands ' fro'm_becomin`g* badly cracked or chalpped. "BHe`care- "jtul not 1:0 go out doors w1t}i damp A hands;janc1 avoid using] s'oap's_ ~ .t-hart aref injurious to -t11eL`_:`_esh. Pure cas- ; .ti1e soaps; or soa15`j"'wijth",a good deal . of vegetable oils, are 'the5best.,`Most 5" of `the washing * uids are "hard" on -the. .vha1l(1S", .as, well` as on .th_eo clothes, * '1' -- _____.-5---: .. -. .. 1 .having%4%md A 7`? tom V`br9tia': lshowiedge Vot va.ueg..m..gs.f wiaenananow ijd. Tim ifhvtelligeiit ad reader ute 55' men pggffgnavuuuuu) vu I (I V, H uuuuvuuu, vuuu vu. V v . 7 av `;gct`t`o 0hi1ngo`Without.Not!ce. :- 2 gnuno 2 . ~ From Montreal x u. lrrfv` " ' I at Tlniaht .' ad-tfeadver will never `podf; T9 1 VadverTVtiing 7 '01 DU mg.` ~ ` Glycerine and L rosewatef:iV6n.'Vot `Kthe best` things to use th,'h~and: : `Care'subject` to chapping Vand` crack-1 Tfing- The drawing ongot a.ny 9/1d `pair not gloves before retiring keeps C`t_11_' {moisture in the skin "and retg.ins_M its . ysdftness. ` 1 V T .. ,-._ ,_ v_...;L: g. ':.>.u..\