' THIS WEEK S CIRCULATION 5000 Copies 400.... [ SFJCFION 2 I PAGES 9 TO 14 k______.. ARRIE + EZXA0 ' - ` `.3 *v- . a. `$111. `_ _ .; - `_`_ .-'I ......_. _......_.__.__-.-_..__ , \ orrl1cm' 5OUND `Ix,-run. v\4 One Embarrassing 9.L0REI.>_REEL.. \/\/A_4\/n\n.an.r n\n..aa_4n_a ` ` Fireworshippers" C_QM`ING. E/ c`l`fiC ~ g SYSTEM EKIWANIS REVUEE 1 1BlG SUCCESS [ll(`lH:v :VlL'Llllll>. l.lH.'_) `IlI\v` 1| [. ,lCl|. lllll `of patter. including numerous local `,hits that caught on with the crowd. i'I`hvrc were` several solos and some `umppy choruses. Those in the chorus- gum-o: Bill Griffiths. Randall Richard! tson. J. R. Dior. A. A. Smith. Exncrg `_lli11. Goo. I{u Clmrlio N`:-wton. |(`.m'd Rvovc-. Ted Cross. George Mc- iC0nko_\'. Stove Stack. Harold Ward- iman. Frank >'Cr:1ig . [ Part. II opened with what many con- `gsidurod the outst::1n(iing nuniber on `tho programxmy. a comedy skit. "`Squz\x'- ting It With the Boss". It was :1 laugh :fmxn start to finish. the comody be-ing_ ici0\`(`1'l_\' brought, out by each of the ;})11l,\'(`l`.. Ilcnry Mclnnis. B/Iiss Helen `Luck. Miss Audrey Clifton. Miss Uriel trail...` '1`.-......... \xvHI:......- ...uI rr`un.1..ld , _. Catchy music. pretty costumes, [graceful dancing and abundant com- .e featured the Kiwanis Minstrel }F`rolic staged by local talent at the B. ~C.I. auditorium this week: A real 5gosd sho\\"` was the `general verdict and the applause which `greeted the \':u'icus Illlllll)L 1'S indicated the hearty i()IljO}'ll1(`ll[ derived by the large au- `diences. The produc-tion had \`arlety. pop and quality and reflected much `credit on N11: Bourquo. the director. glnd the whole company. I : "Phn fin-ct nnrf u"1c uiwn .hv Hw with NORMA SHEARER---LEWIS ST()Nl*. H. B. WARNER--RAYMONl) HACKETT |annm|L`u 'u_\ lvunn lxcmu lulu glllh. '1 1 A beautiful number was Tho In- `dizm Love Song" in which the $0105 }\x'oi'c adxnirnbly taken by Miss Joan 4Kc:n'ns and Bill Griffiths and they vxvoro supported by :1 good chorus. An- {()l.l1l`l' very attrm`ti\'e $(`(.`llL`. was "Songs pf India" in which the clmrus in gay ioriviiml costumes formed an vffcrtiw 1bFlCl(`Zl`3lllld for `Miss Helen Luck as '$`llL* \'ory gracefully did her Eastern dance. This number provided the musical gem of the evening, Emory Hill's rendition of the Kashnilri Love Song. | Gm. Hubbard zippcnmcl in a mix" [mic of coxnodian and his ;:mii:zm' skit 'F"ll`K'llll{ (`.r_z~i~` mu ,1ft`ortod En! :Large Audiences Enjoy 1 Bright Music and " Comedy. WI lHG LHC` \\'(10l` (`UlI1p2ll1:v. i The first part. was givcn by iminstrols. gay in scarlet uniforms '\ -Oliver Cameron. as interlocutor. `splendent, in blue `uniform with 1 Hn-aid in H1:- and: nf rhn ann-oi :U1lVL'l' K/ilIl1L`l`()ll. 21$ lllLC|'1UL'Lll.Ux, lt- isplendent, gold 1`b1-aid. At the ends of the semi-circle ,\\`c1`v the chief fun makers. four black- ifaco comedians `in the persons of Bill Craig. Alvin tLuck. Ernie Ryan `and Henry Mclnnis. They had a great Hue `K01 V1.1... .1.-. A . . . ...\. .... ...:+|. H... .-...,...-A `\lALl('K. W11-55 l\llUl`L'_V LJHILUH. Wllb Ul'|L`l `K0150. Truman Willimns and Donald 3F`cIt. A 1.1`...-.1... Inn" .......\`.... 41...: an! 1 l`L'll. i A clmrmlng little number that got `.:m insistent recall -\\'a.s the duel, by `two pretty little maids. Barba1'a Sui,- vliffo and Florence Couch. Harold Warciman seemed perfectly at home in his catchy song Betty C0- [Mlm1cl was assisted by :1 how of girls. | "The Kiss Waltz" introduced some ivory artistic (lancing (by `Miss Grace lGnring' and Mr. Bourquc. Bill Grif- .fiLhs Look the solo and girls in their jbrigrht. costumes lent color to the scene. Ernie Ryan and Randall Richardson indulged in "a heap of foollshmvnt" Jhnl xrnni nunr in finn ch.-in `.\/fr 1'-(nur- wiunuungvsu All `(I llL i.I-[J U1 l\}\llIb|llHl'lIL :t.haL went over in fine style. Mr. Bour- !`que and Charlie Newton did .1 sketch |z\ssistcd by Miss K0150 and girls. 1 A hnnntifnl nnvnhnr u-nc "Thn Tn- Farewell Gltherirng For Rev. and Mrs Hale BARRIE, CAN.ADA,7i`l-IURSDAY, BCTOBER 30, 1930 V I C TO F! Y f5\a-\/131.; '~`.\/'./'Y.`l."r` TV! I u nu AUSTR/\LIAl`~I Eii" sway nun }."nll'L 01 Ht'.\.` rill condvuvt special. tcllingwmcl Baptist . beginning Sunday. |~`. .VH1Ut'| KIJVII` .\mr_\' Shangh- LAM.` FIHXII` 1Vll|l..\Kl | . .l:l dt LL11 with arrangements for the `)b=ex of Armistice Day. sancti(med t Majesty the King. the people rf nda are in'.'itcd- to mark the -.>c4 by a L'.v silmcv at 11 as Tuosda_\'. November 11m. 1930.` t krrest of Three Men i May Clear Up Thefts !`Bradford(St Walk j Being Laid at Last November 1 In Vacant Store Next to Reeve's Jewelry Store ' N A The most dramatic of smge mystery plays is hvrr now as an all-talking picture that's even better? ._ Directed by the famous author with a superb Ijitcast of stars! /`I cumstanlial evidenc that seemed complete! E; / The tell-tale knife. with Mary Dugan's finger - I prints on it . . . strongest link in a web of cir- Phunn 1010, 11-.m.~c 191: R038 BLOCK : BARRI3 la|I~l\al\AnAI\r. OF EVERY KIND AGENCY CA.\'.-KDIAN PACIFIC Gordon Stevemon '[`\\'()-\ll.\' l"'l`I~2 SlLl`IN(`F. Hollinger ~-- Dome Imperial Oil Teck-Hughes Wright-Hargreaves Under Auspiccs of VICTORIAN ORDER RUM!`/IAGE SALE INSURANCE r\II nu ?-nxy IIY\YY'\ SATURDAY BUY 86th Year. LEI Uslllgk >7 `1b=er\'m1ce . by his` . .:f Can-1 ) occasion` `:I.\...... no II n I\\ :\I\' emzumsaru HAS` TOPAY$1500.00 ;Wm. Dunn, Nicolston, Gets: Damages for Dam Destroyed. `Bayview Chapter Opens Its New Lodge Home I Will Proceed With the Wiring of St. Vincent's `I. Wm'lh_\' Grand Matron : Mrs. A. Carx'uLhm`s. of J cvoml other disL1np,uishc( n thv Order were prose: 111' wan Ilnrllnntn hr L1) in \VuUAL`:uu* u\. xwur stocking smro. ` GPO V LII!` KJIUUI V\UlI' |)l'(.`ht'Il|v. was dodirzntvd by Ca 1' of Toronto. which later i cxcnipufied the work. \nr< (Tnvn nu nvr-nllnnv nrl ;ucsL lodgcs from Toronto andli nfivnc Frnrn rliuh-it-O Inrlunc \ l_T PAYS Tonight-Thursday-Is Gift Night mt. mum.-` GEO. VICKERS. uL.uu upC||In|4, \)A LIIIJAI 0 new Masonic Tem- . on Monday o\'enix1;:. L)LllIII. Ul JV|LU|' , was a\\`m'(1e(1 $1.- Drainagc Referee Th Luu BRYV \ 17:: at LTD. I L-l'\I".4[LI4 \.kllVlLlJ I . l`\l4.JlJ lVIl\-I\L. I HIKJLIJIA \/. 1l\ I '\l'\J'| and The Eyes and Ears of the World, Paramount News" rrurrrx nun/xi-.n~ f`Af`II nllf`II I` rv nvurx n I) In! AnvMY s WWW 2-REEL ALSO MlCKVI:.:YVD/iT()VU757E C./\RT()OI:4 I '1`! ,_I I'.`-,._ ,f -I \lI__.IJ Sl)_.._.__.\_4_.A KI._..._` Hm, }']CL\ 'l'|Hi 1ST PRIZE--100 LBS. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR - FIVE OTHER_ PRIZES -.-~~-- 'l'l`H-I START NOW AND OBTAIN A 52-PIECE SET THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Ruth Chatterton, star of Madame X in Para1'nount"s Super Producticm Monday-T'uesday-Wednesday-Thtnrsday Owing to the r.-xlrt-me Iomzth of tho: picturv tlw H will start at 6.30 p.m. each night. S(`C(`-Md Show a1 Matinee: Monday, Tuesday nnd `Wednesday at 7...` 10.000 PEOPLE Tonight is Silverware Night? An Exceptionally Good Program at Usual Prices. -T"\}/:31 EH (-Evgsu-1:".ax:V(':+`i"1`~11` ;}i:1:,' 7_;{I\i`i) 9w15.MT.' MATINEF. SATURDAY AT 2.30 PM. with Clive Brook and Paul Lucas .\\\a.'c1m1_;, l'1ni11inq. lx`nm.1mic %`;.>.ia:;e.~n 111.1 1 ....I ` . . .5 .. 1. ._ . \ See Frank I-)1-1tcher s Elizabeth St. Th; Book Tim Made Yo}; Casp Is Now on the Talking Screen! AH Quiet on the V3/estern Frmxt" '.()\i\ |'I(:| l'l\`|{ ili i1i\-'24-i`. 2.1.1 :.I. \ m ~. 12. '~ l.H:;u! `.'.1,'.IHc;m.'. i l`.H.\ 9- `3;: ."lHl A` LI?1'<{)IV>i7 \ 'H1\ I' cc M 4 . .. I. I A ..l I` V,..CII , l.. \\` `THE DREAMLAIND PRICES` ARE: EVENINGS: ADULTS 55c--CH!LL`Rl. ..'\l 3.~'c MATINEES: ADULTS 35c--LTHH..l)Rl:LN 2(I:~ Every Woman Adult receives 2: Fine Piece of Silver Free? I. Do not c:`g<:; to see All Quiet on the Western Front" vcepi .u I f`!%IiIYBPYF&Y9!`@:%?>* 1.:-..a nay--Ah; :. \, -.4.-u..-a... The Classic of the Screen? sU;RET_0 :_EE Mll THURSDAY - FRIDAY --- SATURDAY TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT, 7 AND 9 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY, 2.30 P.M. 1' LII! I ll -1 .-----v Show at 9 p.m No. 44 .30 p. MONDAY-TUESDAY-VVEDNESDAY