'BRAis'ro"vi 3 LBS. FOR H0 wins I) }. -lh. Hn . CL ANSER Rlhhfn Tin . . .. BARTLETT FEARS Rnnndnln H:-and No. '2 n-1.unt. tin . _ CATELLI S MACARONI Asmrtod. max. k 21" smnmi Rklnlxer R|-and nu 8-oz. tin . . . . G FRUITS FOR SALAD A vlvnnr Rranrl V55; FRY'S COCOA HA whn [Mink Rnsndalo Brand N0. 1 Till Mn, GRAPEFRUIT lflnrldn (inld BHNIIINIS flficipxver Brand. Pzbtnurrm Sweetheart. Brand. lxsnktlm MI. .. . .. TOILET 5 AP Y .11: Princess Brand. Lama 1kg.. ,. Tomrrb cmrsur EATON! A HP: UH] when h( moth ck ed In 'I` lum. tlu right. no I`lInIu\r (`aims .. . SOAP FLAKES Pncnsm Rrand ;-,|b. Box Regular Good I71 _ "X;n.'..Zr'n'F;.`m`.'" A'_rLLI_s MAC UIIIA I U UK I EATONM. 12-ox. botuo... 3; I9: noun-nan: -any 24c RONI .2! 2 [or . .... .. 22c Zn 25c an L)ll'uLIL `llhlllvjtllllllln An In \.\u|A--I Mclntyrc \':\sl:'vlvcd by thv Domlnon Dcpnrtmm.'1tV -all tntzoxk-nu-d`nr Azrlculturo from a London. Engv r'll beer on hislland. bu,w-r of food stuffs; 24c 8c Tsiild Cured Side Bacon. popular for breakfast and garnishing. Sccurea half or whole piece at . this very low price. IIAIZ Q: `Anni. EATOIPS nu Exrs |f SPECIAL 'I"IlY.` 1\nI(`lKYA 2 SPECIAL--- Australi; , Peaches SPECIAL--- Fri. and Sat. only Choice Rump Roast U1 L4`. 11. 1141" 'rm: ORIGINAL % W HAND L`I.liANi-IR , ` .A\Ls<> Hm .\IM<.\'. 2 Tms 2 53 I ()R(`H..A\lN-\\'\R!5. H/\'I H'I`l wax, 1:'1`(i. CORNED BEEF l`ra xv llnnltw .\'u. 1 tin SPINACH Avlmnr RI Hw Bun lmm` .\'o. 1 tin . . SWEET CORN A vlmnr llrtmtl. BEEF Fil -SPECIAL--- I-`I-il and Sat. only Sweet Pickled Shoulder PORK an new lb. zag _I:EClAL--- gust:-aIi:n` Lula vcly unv pljgc. W ""`---- HALF OR WHOLE PIECE ONLY l"ra_v I PINAUH Aylmnr Brand. I 4 .\'o.ltin I "IE I DUNN Ayhnnr .\'0 `.3 s1xuHn Shoulder Roasts Chuck Roasts . . Brisket Points . L1H I-Vl K. A'\l.|Ull' I"crgus-Atkh Couling `lb, B12: gt-ant p. Mmnu 1!. McNe<~ lf. Umpires: Denring or Emms 01' Burn Sliced, ready to $01`! 4. A delightful u c.x'scrt BEEF CUTS OF BEST QUALITY I'll El-`l~2l{l-IN(`l-I -1-ml lxltu-H-st fur ...in..H. H II L\IIIuI|Iuu\cu.u:u A: ~. Department h-nm n Innrlnn Ffnaw ....... .. 24c '2..2lc Finest Quality SNAP Ruin almost stnpm-d Lhr gunw l\I'\\ [)I..`\IAV IV f\l\l. BATHTI BS. ORANGE V`.~.`,\.?.<. -L.._. 1'-l`l>.A'I`l.\ F;{1N'rY LUNCH MAYONN/\|SE JAR 20 MARMALADE 16-02. Jan` A i')"I:J`i A 1*mv1)1.`1< :`.'.`.'Z'.`?' EGG MA SH .-.. Thursday. Septmnher 4. 1930 . mgm. Or nmr` nus u gunn-, mu men on bust-s Tribhlv always mod up and hold the opposition In this game with mt-n on bn.w.; Barrio mayor would mnkv an or- Lu critical pvrind and runs would STEADY GROWTH] . LOW man COST . 5 ;% TIM Holler Hum` Bla fcgfdfc SN()WFl.Al\'l{ \;\:r\\v1' _..._._.__ Beat Summer I red for Laying II] Sl*lIRR1FI" S I) K N POLI FLOR lb. 23 l5c n h(- rm 1 cluul. . 'Y`.. i No. 2 Squat Tin BROWN &;CO. COTTAGE ROLLS Pcamealed lb. 27c land m'omuInu.u4 by RC-$i$"5$t`3?$ E lb. 15c H). 15c lb. 10c i15c I l\ll\IlI1l' ll\ | thv bull wuulc t. Hold foncv. nor and mudv ` 01...: .......|,J |. 220' Growing Mas/2 ugum unuu. an un 1 tie them in k r not tied up ix rt` not as non" 11 right hund 1` s an`. the best 115 }'(-m'. Tm`: I this is` u -:H.\'( on ... ..n,. I. u left. handed 1 n knots. They I In nzkcus TAKES :./ FIRST MATCH t FROM_J3ARRlEf u. unnu > pra.(-.t.i: mu! Kill l pitch- hxv u~nv'r -\lIl s`.pN~d. ; play- unrl if Barrie ran into a dismal defeat on Labor Day when Fergus beat them, :and badly at that. It was the first loss for Barrie in the last five games and came entirely unexpected. Fergus have the heaviest hitting team the locals have been called on to face this year. including one real fence buster who is :1 dead ringer for Babe Ruth in build. And he takes just as heavy a swing as the more famous Babe. But Barrie are confident that they will even the series when the return game is played here on Friday. The game will start at four sharp, stan- dard time. because darkness comes quickly those nights. The biggest crowd of the season `will be on hand. It is a long time since any Barrie baseball team got even as far as the second round in the intermediate 0.'B.A.A. and the boys are worthy of some sup- port. They imve been getting it too in the last month. - -1- ., .,. ... Fcrglis have a team of real old- tinwrs. Thcrc isn't one young player in the crowd. Five of the team are from Bcllwoods. in little place just out of Forgzus. Dan -Sargczmt. the Fergus pit- <-hor, will be worth the price of admis- sion to see alnnc. He is 47 years old and wears an ancient uniform that must have soon the Civil War. In left fir-id thorn is a young follow playing. just 50 _v('m's old. But don't imagine that just bn-muse they are old in age. they art` done as ball players. Just mmo :i.round to thv park on Friday and w.'it('l1 thnsv Vt-tm`ans_hiL :1 ball. Dan. S:u'gv.'nit is not half as good a ))ii('i`l(`l' as Alnnzn Smith of Thornbury. 0:` Hvrinnn .l0i1nt-tt. both of whom lmvv born boaton by Barrie this year. Tlnwo wm'(: vlvvon hits collected off him at Fergus and the Ba.rric team say thr-y will bat him out in four in- nings at Bm'i'io on Friday. That rc- mnins tn hr soon. In the meantime. will C0tt_v" Tribblc be in form? It will ho smno job stopping those Fer- gus bzittors. Crccmore. Camp Borden and Thornbury were all weak at bat.` |zmd this is some change. Indications are that tho nutfiolclers on both teams will be busy on F`r1da_v. u. ... ... .;. Fnrgiis is just about the livest town for sport..<. in Ontario. The population is only 2500. but the town has three teains making a great showing this year. Their best line is lacrosse. Just last Saturday Hamilton beat Fergus in the finals for the senior B lacrosse` championship of Ontario. Their base-| ball team is now engaged in a series with Barrie in the second round of the Ontario playdowns. The football team are in the finals for the Western On- tario so(`.<`er championship. Their jun- ior lacrosse team is in the Ontario fin- Iul lllhh. IJUUDULI H d:nvn a nice sacri son went to third. 1 er, who threw wild s(-.m~vd. Smrgecn run. 0 `ms. 1 error. Fm'gus-Atk1nson morv g:~m1:1d':d m l ~ `Tim m:m:u:rIm~nl hulnded nut many I I 1-uu.~1.|v vununonls in the Barrie 1| In ......... ..n-.. on... ....._... Locals Lose in Second Round of Play-downs; Score, 14-5. Play by innings: .-u_..,. -r First Innings Em-x'i<--Emms grounded out. short 3 (.rst.. Dobsmx walked. Butler laid Lnvn sacrice bunt and Dab- vm Lynch hit to pitch- .-r, wild to rst and Dabson ,(-nred. ied to centre. I win I) Hilu I nrv-nv .JLuL5I.\u1 nun Au m:u.mu. nuuulpauu lmed to left. 0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. F`ergus-Dennis. singed to left. Sar- lgcam mod to centre. Meanie out. sec- NOTES ON SPORTS l.\|.Il' ('IIIlIIlI('In.\ III In!` D3 drx-ssim: ruum uflrr the game. )rl|lH' All hill`, DUCUIIKI PU io foc W s0r`.<'(~.1` -rossc C Inn. A (nun. xs-Atkmson lined to third. Fil- r:~m1:1d':d cut. short to first. 23 RINKS IN `if 1 TOURNAMENT l 0N LAj39R DAY) May of Creemore First in` Ba.rrie s Big Annual Bowling Event. 1 Dcspitc inclement weather and many counter attractions, Barrie Bow- ling Club held a successful tournament ' on Labor Day~--the 24th year for this annual event. Rain fell throughout the day. interrupting play on several occasions, so that the winners were ` not declared until 11 pm. Twenty- three rinks participated in the play. seventeen of which came from Or- angeville, Bolton. "I`ott(-nham. Alliston, Crccmore. Collingwood. Orillia, Brace- brici-gc. Cookstown. Ncwmarket and- L-`chomberg. Wire! nrivn urn: `fzllrnn hv fhn (Trnn- Playing by far their poorost, game of the season. Bmric basobnll team lost at Fergus on Monday by 14-5. the worst beating of the snasoxu. It is also only the fourth defeat for tho Barrio team in sixteen smrts. However, it. was a good game to got out. of lhoir sys- tems and Barrio fans who .'1ccompani- ed the team to Fm`;.'us aro condont that the homo Lt-um will ovon tho sor- ies hero on Friday. An...` 'T`vihhln mar Tzn.m-iv nitohor. .:\;uuuiuL:u:,. First prize was taken by the Cree- morc rink skinned by Wm. May. Sec- ond prize went. to the Foliiett. rink. Collingwoodz third prize, Best rink. Bracc-bridg'e; 4th prize. Blnns rink. Newmarkvt; 5th prize, Woods rink. Schombcrg; 6th prim. Studhoim rink. Tottenham A nu... .45.-. 4... ol.,. ..:..I. .......4:.... Lillllfllllhlll. A mystery prize for the rink coming longest distance went to tho Brace- bridgc rink. which came 62 miles. "Firm! nrivn -mac a uni nf k1nnl.rnn~- Ul lLlL',L ll|Il\. (HUM Cilllll.` 04 IIlHl'.$. First, prize was a set of blankets: 2nd. broad t.rays: 3rd. umbrellas; -uh Mzwvelubo motor 011: 5th, Rod Indian motor on; 6th coce Dinl:- nu.-A UHILUI Ull, llbll. U\)llL'l.'. ` Rinks pnrticipathlg in the (ourna-I mt-nt were sk-ippvd by Wood. M(`Lean1 and H311!-ey, Alliston; McLean. S('.h0m-| berg; S. Murphy. Sm_vncr: P. Clark. A. Malcnmson, W. Mccurdy. 1. O. Scythcs. H. Kennedy. V. VanAt.ter. Barrie: Qui- bcll, McNa,bb. McFadden. I .-Iowa, Oril-| Ha; Br~sl.. Braccbridge: Studholm, Mt:-` Knight. Tottcnham; Binns. Ncwmark- ct; McMillan. Cookstown: May. Cree-. morn: '\)Vhitn nrsmnr-vi11n~ 'F"n'|linH | j_ ais. What town in Ontario of any- where near that size can boast of so `many good sporting organizations? They are certainly putting Fergus on ` the map. Into the bargain. Fergus has a wonderful swimming and diving pool to which people for miles around come to enjoy a good swim. ` :1`: :2: :4: .\q, wumrunm-u. Lzuuxx.\u)\\|1. `nvxuy. K;I`(".`-I more: White. Orangcvillo; F`01liott Collingwood. ` __ .,. ..; :1; l The winner of the Barrie-Fergus` series is booked to play Milton. Barrie were supposed to take on the winner` of the Newmarket-Milton series whcnl `they eliminated Thornbury. but the" same series was not over till Labor! Day. when Milton won out. That was. i a funny series. Newmarket won the first game at home by 8-3 and the 59-1 cond game was a tie at Milton. When the tie was played off Milton won by 120-1 and Newmarkpi. nlnvnr: hlnrnnrl unu; uc nub pmyuu un Mubon won -1)); 20-1 Ncwmarket players blamed it on a break. but in the final Milton won again by 20-5. so there is no doubt which is the better team. :!: :8: :1: Chester Carson and Stewart Bryson. Barrie boys who moved to Orillia this year. have already jumped into prom- inent place in Orillia sports. They both play with the Y's Men softball team which is playing off with Ontario Hospital for the Orillla softball cham- pionship thls week. Carson plays third and Bryson short. 2.. :,: 1:: ` Nevis won the Oro football cham- plonship last. week by beating Edgar in two great games. Out in On) there is only one sport of any importancv and that is soccer. Through the sump mer the league battles go on. wlml great enthusiasm being shown by sup- porters. The games are always clean and the players show the best of sportsmanship, which is after all the. thing which makes a sport popular. , v xes hero r'rl(1:1y. Allan Tribblo. star Bn.rx'i(- pitchvr. was started in the bzax hut, vvns not as good as usuai. In all fmrm-ss to him though. his support was torriblr`. Fm`- gus got. 11 hits off Tribblo, but, (hwy would have .';(:or(`d on`.y nbnut half that many runs if thorv had boon any support. In ovm'_v gnnw this yvar tho opposing tnnms have xmnmgcrd in {:01 about eight. nhw hits a pranu-. but with tightened down. ..n..m um-.-in nlmuw unullrl mnlu n.n r- 0nd to first. Bradley walked. `Dennis came home on 11 passed bail. Brmviey fanned. 1 run. 1 hit. 1 error. Sixth Innings ` Barriv-- I`ribbie fanned. Moore ied` m pitcher. Armitage singled to left Emms singled to right. Dobson out. second to first. 0 runs. 2 hits. 0 errors F`<~rgusr-Atkinson safe on an error at third. F'i1mm'(- safe on an error at ` first. Cuuiing walked. With the bases tilled Black went out. pitcher to first T`mnvnu mxnnnr-Irv-l fnr u cu-Inin on .-inks 1&2" "' | (`nllchrtsl we-m in tn match when .\rm- ltauzr started to pitch. K . 3 , Q GEE D15 GIN!-(S-I CETY|N' MY \5`GNAL%J ICROSSED Y` UL`. U Cl XUID. Nxmh Innings Barrie~-Emms .~.1ng1ed- to n\('llt Uul. PILUIICI (1 Mod for a triple to Rurnnunv ch1n?rv1 -L ` nugunu 0. \./ ners by 3-2. Results of were: Collingwoo G. B. Westcc N. A. Ruin T. Da.I1'ymp1( ` F`. A. Netblet I C. D. Nadeal and ` Irene Storey added fresh laurels to! her already brim-ming crown at the track and field -meet held at the Can- ` adian National Exhibition last Satur- day. While she didn't win she made a wonderful showing and came second`; in the 100 yards. girls under 18 eventn There were three heats with the first` two in each heat qualifying for the` final. Miss Storey came second in her heat to Miss B. Stewart of Parkdalel Ladies` Athletic Club. thus becoming! eligible for the final. ` In the final, Miss M. Lachappelle of! rV....a..-Hun 1 nAlno' A0}-nfin f`1n1\ ml` IRENE STOREY SECOND IN C.N.E. 100 YD. RACE `_ years at even a 100 yards. 81lglDle I01` LHC 11118.1. ofi Canadian Ladies` Athletic Club of Toronto was the winner with Irene Storey giving her a great race. The winner's time was 11 1/5 seconds, which is remarkable time for a girl,I and even for a boy. J This was Miss -Storey's first race at` 100 yards. as she won the Canadian junior championship at 60 yards. The extra 40 yards were an added handi- cap for her. But her time indicates that she will be a real threat in a few GOLFERS LOST T0 COLLINGVVOOD Five golfers from Coiiingwood paid _ a visit mo Barrie and played a match with five from Barrie on -Saturday. [:August. 23. Coilingwood woro the win-1 nor: bu 31-9 l7`k.`UlL`. With the gmnv prm-til In the S(`V(`l`llll innings. L a :;urprl.an on vvc-n smnn players by voncllmz .lm'l< I baseman. in In pitch. 2 southpaw and lu~ zzzlvr 11 of himself. Fmlr hils 2 were gztthr-rt-tl from hi: two lnnlngs. /\nnlln;:l~ l ed 11 118171!` for 5f)ll U` _V(`1| even -bvm pilclllng -::m '4 0:4. 30 his !~'(`l(`('ll()Yl xms prise. (But. :11. Llml lw l control and :1 ni(-1- (Imp. gm are nearly all lnfl l J. T. Payette of Penetang has a pacer out of the ordinary in his Bud Gm.Lt.an. The latter. on August 24. won the $2.000 2.20 pacing stake at Sher- brooke; breaking the track record. Iwhen he stepped one of the n1ile.<. in 2.06',;.. This is believed to be the fast,- est mile of the year in Canada. I T BILL `DYMENT WINS CUP i Bill Dymont won the Battle cup at` Ithc annual men's lmndicap golf mur- 'namenL at. the Barrie Country Club on Labor Day. The not scores of the first `Drive were `W. Dyment 131. W. A. Boys` 1 134. Squadron Leader Brookrrs 134. J. ` R. Boys, 135, A. A. Smith 142. Most people think that miniature golf is a.n American invention. Not so. The English have been playing it for years. Almost every park in London has its course, set up and supervised by the city. The charge is moderate. three pence, or six cents. `for a round ` of 18 holes. The conservative English. of course. . do not go in for the fancy traps and gadgets of the American Tom Thumb `_-affairs. The venerable and respectable . groundkeeper of the course at Fins- 'bury Park. London, would be sincerely shocked to hear of the miniature links in the western States. where a bear. trained to intercept golf balls. is one of the hazards. It would confirm his politely concealed belief that Ameri- cans are a. race of madmen. The English courses are laid out on the natural grass and the only haz- ards are trees. roots and the roll of the sward. These things. as any golfer knows. can have more individuality and trickery than the faneiest man- made obstacles. The Finsbury Park course has other advantages. Near by. on summer evenings. a stirring band pitable Shepherd's Arms. where a man may enjoy a sound bottle of Bass` be- tween rounds. plays. and across the way is the hos-` ...4'; (Continued from -page one) He was badly gassed and was given little chance. but came through and secured the job as customs collector not wishing to burden others. `He bus- ted himself with returned soldier work and pensions. He has taken an active interest in many societies of the town. The time comes down to his present situation. He has performed certain irregularities that, however small. air : not perniisqsible. `He left town to nd other work when he was discharged. He was fortunate in securing work with the Department very apt to be of a permanent nature `and giving` him ample v)pp0rtunit_\' ~~l providing for his wife and family. He is still mung: in age. and the best (`ll('i.\ .1 L... .. of 1-lighvmy.<. ` ADMITS $346 sHo1iTAcE, _ F GIVEN THREE MONTHS; VUYC . Collingwood Barrio 3. Westcott, 1 D. M. Stewart 0 J. '-'_- W. A. Boys `-,3 I`. Dalrymplc . `,2 H. Calder-rmd `I'- 7' . Nememn . 1 J. `R. Boys 6 1 I . Nadeau 0 A. A. Smith 51.5: uuzu bdtllgllk [ILL LJQUMDH Emms at second. Butler ied `Lynch out. pitcher to rm. n 1 hh n prrnrc THE ENGLISH STARTED IT -A of the individual mamins )l'Cy C'd.lIlQ: DC` < ,ic mu 3 , La ..H....- AH-JAM wu.-a Lhougm thut : or would certainly nut ` they W(`l'l` not nfmlnst. 21 right In: W`n|-nnu- nu-n ihu I zzralghl 1111 :3`:-nnd Rn nu: uuA ucuug \ `e or them and me. The judgmc I ha nu lnllnn-x [lg zulu \:u.un: a . e thl at. fc :y i 94......-A at D... III {I pK.'| Illl`llIl'I|l ll 1 0pp0rtuniL `is x 1 not always sorvrd I M,` ..I....I-. .... .,..a . THE BARBIE EXAMTNEB cnam:;en wLi1H[ MANSLAUGHTER} hlut` U1 HM` FUHU. lK1('Tl' Mb Ulny lull` headlight. showing but ht` couldn't say which one was out. When the ML`- Intyrc (`RY suddenly sxrcrvcd to the `Ian he had turned to ms XML to avoid being hit and had passed the Moln- Lcgre cm` on the wrong side. Hlltz ON SALE AT TEESE LOW PRICES Sept. 5th to llth VALENCIA CAKE, lb. 21c ugtuum. u I Fcrpzus u faced this tors nnd 1 the Bur1"u Bnrdvn, C , . LOOK FOR RFD PRICE TAGS (C`o'nt*lnued /ram page can) 1.11; `fih 21 SPECIAL~- crosse Cc Blackwell : 3-_ A .-1-gu.s- Its Spicy, Piquant Flavor adds to the Deliciousncss of all Meats, Fowl, etc. PICKLE ;::7.-, 9: `?Ea:A;;;T. cuwrows MALTED MILK SNACKS enema TOFFEE Give the Kiddies a treat 44. -L:_ _-L._l-......... KVIVC lllc nluulch a. ucax with this wholesome confection CHOICE BOLOGNA Pugs Eight 7 mi P_'F9'A'-5 THISTLE BRAND (;ILCHRIST S '<':'1"{1i13"1'\i% % HAPDIE EXTRA SPECIAL-- EATON S HOUSEHOLD BLEND THEY SIGNIFY lb. 19c s"13'13:i}$LiL TEA $1.00 3 LBS- FOR HHH`. l.\ 111 I\- ( built on the sum and wlu-n hv cm` long wuy. Ho {:0 time with men p0n.~Jblv fur .N'(`\ (`l buso hr runner! Ruined thv gun was unx\m`rm~.d. n-hm I... ....n... H