Planes Collide One Airman Another is 1 \\'fL'CKl|gl:. Medical as.-:lstx|n(:o uud sunbnlmu-vs were rushed to the '1':-(.:kx|g(-. but by t.ho Linus they urrlvod both men hud boon taken from their nm(!hhws by nwmbcrs or the grmmd crew. Seren- snn was nh`oudy dead. but. Pnolm`. though sorinusly lnjun-d, wm. ;:'i\'vn u y good chance for 1'ccover3,' when \'u:;h1-d to the hospital. A hnnu-A nf lnnuh-v wnu nuumnhla-r . L0 Llll.` llUh|)|H|L A board of Inquiry was ass:-x11blo( . soon after the crush tn 1nquh'r~ into tho (mllS(`S of the (zolllslmx. En:-nnunn hurl hnnn h-ulnlnn -xnlr 2| LIN` Cllll-\l`.\ Ul hill.` (IUlll.\|Ull. Surcnson had been tmlnlnp, ``ml_\- :1 month. but, bmruluio of his nl)illl_v. \\':1.- allowed to solo much .~;(mrn\r than Hu- uverngo bop.`lnn(21'. while P hucl been taking his (`nurse (luring; llu` nus: four mnnt.h:s. `B:-slcles his frzu-nu"-.~c1 skull, Poolcr 'ls sull'N'lng {mm sx~\'e\r- scalp wounds and injuries to the right 011!` Some Barrio mun rvturnlm: hmnu` from Culllngrwond after midnight. on '1`hu1'sduy .*uu\' n bud snmsh ul tho Adams cm'nor. just. east of Mine-slnul village. Russell Mlcklor of Buffalo urn: nn hlx wnv hnnw In vn-zit hie CAR 'BADLY SMASHED IN UPSET AT MINESING VIIIIIKC. l'Vllh.\l1|l lVll\1l\I(`l UL DUI was on his way homo to visit parents nt Collimrwond when hv m to make this turn Int` mu ruplt rate. and curnr to grief. He` crux Into the north side of t.hv mad. str a pile of stonvs. thv hmmvt ovvrtu lug his cur t\\'lcv and smashing budly. `Mr. Mlvkler was budly shu up. bcsldvs being: out and b\'uisv(1. f0rt,unnLvl)' had no bonvs hmkvn was Lukvn to Ronald's slow at mam...-< u-Iuum hlc Ininrinc nu-v~.\ -1 l'|7l lll'l \\ LI attention bestuxwd. nntlflvd 1 Mlnvstnzz '1`h|c 1-nu muu':uu;;, This cm drivvrs un will `lw vli in the rm (`sing nrv E`.ntr'u`s for been coming Dom. of Agri mmrllr nnmhm l)l`pl-. U1 l\5l|llllluI\ Uuuun goodly uumbvrs during thv ' or so and to clan` o\'vr_\- ex-v: prlzv list wlll lmvo a l;u'gv 1 oxlxlblts. 'l`lu` majority of trles. Slmvnrt L. Pugv told umlner. were nmdc by glrls. Mr. Page explained that \ mo deslro that all mxtrles slu as early n.~ possible so that ll mom may bv nblc lo glvv h ._...\.I...-I ....o..;.... ....H I... E. W. Sorenson from Newl Westminster, B.C., Killed. lllvlllr Illa) um` uuu' nu needed. ontrws wxll be {H a few dn_\'s beforo will bo hold Srptenubm Barrie Citfm-us` Band gave mm Inst program for two \\'o<`ks last '1`hursdn_\ night In Queen's Park bN'm'o :1 small but appreciath-e audiemcv. Th bun: wont to No Liskourd with thv Sim- coc Forest.ers on Tuesday for 19:` days camp. The Lurogram was as fol- lows: March General Pershing. \fm\dm's1(m Marcxr \.u'nl'nu I"{`|:IHlI|. i` . \'ancl<`1'a1ooI ` ` Overt-.1ro- Ruche D`Or--~Brrpsum ; Trumpet `Solo--W. K. `Walls Fox 'I`rot-Stein Song . Cuk-ord Va1se~-~Kiss(`s Zmnccnik Overture--Sons of Erin Beyer Reveriw-Apple Blossoms `R0b(`x't.s. Clarinet 5010-J. G. Scott. Selection-Forty-fh'e Minutes From Broadway Cohan ! r.,,. n,_, .\_. v;4_.-. Tell It well and it w-i;1`_s-11. Tsiireu. \\'l-`.EKL\' BAND (`0.\'(`l-IRT l IUHI Ul HUI Mr. and l\ll|llll|"` Mi(`.k1ms (u inum-,d'mtv1_\' IUI LII -`\l\ll7 Ul |4II(' lU(|\l. .\LlU\(\ m'vrmrn- smushim: 11 r. shukvn as being cut. but ly bl'uk`l\. Hv n R0n:\ld`s at Lhv here his iI\_iurk~s xvvrv givon and other kindm-ssme ~wor<` \.q.- uni.-L-Im-`u f.nhm~ u~-In n.-_v God Save the Kim: uuug p|IKIl\K`lI l :bl'uk(`n. ut ux ~.< given` .dm,-ssma s fnthm` was 01) wvm tn FIRST SOLO FLIGHT Collision About 300 Feet in Air on Monday Morning. to rt-main and then the ground wings still : of twisted |l'll HI` l.l'H'U nu rapid a (`x`usm'd strlxck ` . .: ... 9...... At Camp Meets Death [Badly Injured A banquet. was held hi the Arling- ton Hotel. `Comngwood. on 'I`hur.~x1ay evening at which the members of the .-duff.-s of Lhe Bank of Toronto from Owen Sound to =Bzu~rie were guests. A- bout fty were brcsent including mem- bers of the staffs of the Owen `Sound. Markdaln. Mcnford. `Clnrksburg. Thorn- ` bury. Collingwood. C1`ct~more. Fever- sham. Allnndnlt-, Staym-r and Barrio 'r)mn(:hos. .... . . .,.,,. ....__ L.. I BANl;E)F TORONTO MEN MEET IN COLLINGWOOD u u ..\..u.... I`hr~ banquet. was prmidnd over by O.`<(3fIi' BL-rnhm'dl.. of Coillngwond. Sov- crni spnnkms addrcssnd the mc-eiintz. Tho chief spc.-akors of the evening were H. A. Sims. `nmxmgm of the Barrio brunch and `F. A. MW])i0S of tho Mea- fnrri `brunch. Both [gave excellent. d- -.'li'(`.\2.'s'(`S. This .ummm' is the seventy-fth an- nivm`sm'y pf tho Bank of Toronm :;inco its incm'p0ml,i0n in 1855. which makes. it, i.h(` oldest bank with immi- qunrtnrs in Oni.zu'in. `KIWANIANS ARE row or mum` COMM_[,S_Sl0N Sir Wm. hltiearsl Calls Great Instrument for `Keeping Peace. "IL is i.h(- p.r(-nL('st, instnumcni. for pro.~u-rving |)(':l('.(` .hvt,ween two (roun- i.rir-s." Sir William Hcnrsi. told {Ki- wzmlmis nt, (J10 wnokly luncheon Fri- (lzly noon when he (Zh0S(`. IIS 2! Fourth of July spam-.11, "The Work of the fin- (,l-rnntional tJoinL Commission." -or which he is :1 member. "A country is only as `pzood as its citivcns are. no nml.t.m' what, its l`(`.S01ll (`(`.S may Ibo," he said. "Wv are growing internationally mindvtl and Mo beginning to realize Liml. no country can live alone." v~u._..|,:.,x._,._ u__ _,___.__.x-..:~.. n_,. ~...... ..\. ..........`, `mu. ...\ nu... Etcpluininp: the commission. he st.nLt-(I it was 0on1-posed of six `mem- luers, t.hl'c0 nppmntod for Canada and 1.1111-(~ for the United, and 'was formed for the punpnse of settlement of any dis.puL(~ arising between the two countries. The commission. ho snicl. had -been in force twenty years and its _iudmnont,s `during that time have been pmcucnlly unanimous. We have se('ur(`d the confidence of each nt.h('.1' mud or the people in each c0unt.1`_v. and we `hope to see each nthnr nvn In rvvn and _:nH.In rHR!\llf.f`< E. W. isornnsnn, mzod 20 years, of New West.minst.m`. B.C.. was killed and G. Pooicr, aged 24. of Wnncirniiv. Onl... is-. in 9. critical condition in tho Royal Canadian Air Force Hospital with his skull fmcturod and `-is suii'm'insz from other injuries. alter their plamrs sitin- swiped 300 foot in the air and fvil ml the ground with wings locked at Camp Bordon. Mommy fnrennon. ~u,, _-,.:_u_... L ...... .0: ._..........: IHIVC UCUII [ll KM.`-|alUllll_V llllllllllklllh. VVC nthnr oyv tn r-yo zmd settle disputms snt.lsfnct.m'1l_\' to one another. uum.uu\ luv: u_; mu U... u...,.,,.. . . The \"mnxnls.-Ion was appointed by the 'I`n-my of 1911 between Great Brit.x\1n and me United States to deal \\'H.h Lhv quustmn of `boundaries be- nvvvn tho twn countries. he explained. "it is s0xm'l.1xm:s culled xi. waterways vmmnission. That {is "not so. We have _iux`isd'1(`t,ion over tho entire areas ('1'()ss(`d by the Im.ernm.1om\l boun- dary. but more -pamcularly from Sam John. N.B.. to me Lake 05 the `Woods. uuuu. 4:...-.. v\I u-ut um-u. \.:u u..._ ........... "These waters. -from the St. Law- rmwv to the `Lake of the Woods are the grcat.est. single asset. of the two cmxnt.1'lt-,3." `Sir William -went, on. Pointing out tho immense value of the waters from a shlpplng point, he smtvd 18.759 ships pass through the S00 'l<~.<-ks in the `St. Mary's rlvor an- mx-ally, making an average of 75 Nos- scls a day during the navigation sen- snn. The total tonnage passing thruugh the lock each year amounts to 83.0(l0_00D tons. Only 5,475 ships puss tlxmugzh Lhv Suez canal A year (`l\l`l`_\'lllL`." u total of 28,000,000 tons. and this cnmtl is open the` year round. On tlw Upper Lnkes alone l5.000.000 -pvoplv urn` cnrrlvd by the boats and mn.no0.uu0 tons of frelzlxt l-`or \\`-Mm` pu\\'(`x' -ptlrposvs the valut` M Ilw lukos is gxmttm` still. with C`.unudn in ~b:~tt.m- position for this pxxrpnsv, and has the socond greatest hydm dvvvlnpmont in the world. wlm-h had at value of s1.000.00n.u0o in 1928. -Hv vlnplxasizvd the posslbllit_\' sot dwvloplxxg mun` than 8,000,000 I. , , .. ....... ;._ . 1.-.... {nun-nufinnnl Umil this ye-.\r Dr. Atkinson had ncvvcx` boen active in politics. although [always 3 staunch Conservaul\'c. An , indication of his popularity is given by the (act that he was no . even at the nomination and was-unaware of ms Iszelection till later. . According to the gures published- gxn The Edmonton Journal. ll took ,t mIr1oen counts under the propor- rs. ` Wmmm outlined various twatlcs (Turn to page four, please) I .. A11-Anson. who was "`ACl- for Edmonton on June 19. ' C. G. Ankmmn. 50 Blake . u.. m... hnrn in (\rn in` [I man n.u\m.uuu in those 1nI.m'nati0ua1 ONTARIO MEN STUDY EASTERN P0TATL()LRAlSlNG| More Intensive Methods Than in Our Own Province. -nanu-.u. u.u......_, . . . . ~ . . . . . . . .. The n.c(:|dent. hnppened 11:. y;m1111cl crews looked on lwlplessly ms (11(r_'y' saw the two planes: getting trloscrr nnd lin- any hook wings and full. 'Bm.h men had succeeded in their `prirninztry ground work and ights In me Mr. but were making` their rst solo flights. A, , ,..- u._ _.n,., ._...n \ .... ._ .-... ,4-I {BETTER EULTIVATION Stewart L. Page Tells of Trip Through the ` Maritimes. tional repn-:'.ex1ta\t1u)x1 plan of \'m `before the six repx`esentallve.~' uf 3 momon city were declared elected. ` F13 representatiws consist of out` U.E it three Consewauves. one Liberal ` One Laborite. S HARRY MORREN S `BIRDS TO POULTRY CONGRESS Harry Morrcn shipped nlne birds to the World's Poultry Ctmgress. L0 be held In London, England. July 22 to 30. 'I`lurso birds wlll all be shown in Omxwn befnrn lcxwlng Inr England. Tm-,y will he on exhlbltlon at thr- Crystnl Palace. London. as part of trlm OnL:n'l<) e.\chlbll,. They will include one trio of hlgh record Bl`l'('d Ply- mouth Rocks. one trio of hlgh 1'v0rtl Whltn Plymouth Rocks and one trio nf White Cornish. ll. F. Morron ls ll director of th- R.O.P. Poultry B1'vedvrs' As.-sm-la ion and also a dlror:mr of the Cmm an Flnby Chick Assoclntlon. ,4 HD_V Ulll('K l\hHU('HlLlUll. R 0R0 ca5;;:;;,;>}7J.; cus ENJOYS ANNUAL OUTING` EXi{1i}Ea7c7{1X3A`,fhunE;Cxr73b"L16. 1930 Sloan annual reunion. .Innlsl 1`?"?' Friday` A3' 1' 5'80 9" A": Township Park. an sanux-day. July 19. 1""-`- -3 3" 3 t All those connected please accept zhis Mlnesing Suuiun. Sunday School 1nvita.tlon. W. B. Sloan. secretary. 28p , annual ice ere-an: social. July 15. Good A very special comm.` and .:mm.e at prog1'am. Outside talent. Admlsslon Pavilion. Cookslown. -111 Wednesday. 35(` "`"d N B-`ebau 33" 2 July 16. 47 cents admission pays for Craighurst. cenwtery bee on Thurs- both concert and zlunce. sec ,mrtlcu- day. July 17. All thusc interested lars on` another page. 28b please attend. gap IS REPORTED `coon SEASON IN 1112 BRAND $1.69 perWBz7aqg` for Table` Potatoes; $2 to $3 for Seed. vv\4I\- ........ ..,. mu... ....,.. ....... ...,,....., One of the pilots hud bt-rm .<.r~nt on early and after 21 sut'ct:.ssrul mko-off had made his nal. flight. with appar- ently faultless lmndllngnf tht.--; The aeroplane bunkcd and swung in toward tho lsmdlng eld. As It. turn- ed the second: plnnc started! ulnng tho runwuy. A moment. or two nnd ll` wns: in the Mr. nan. vv\nl~|\|v\(`&~ mm-n nn (1 nalh lhnl Condencewggff `Trade Se- cured; Movement Widens. 83 CARLO`/\DS sou) The Hon. Peter Heenan ` and Candidate Expound Wlilatforrln Of Liberals `What Liberals Have Dbnel for Labor Pointed Out. Mr. Drury-`S_t-r`e`sses Value! of Budget for Intra- Empire Trade. WIUU. Everybody is invited to join in the happy Karnlvnl npim that with such occasions. ----T------ A good cut service is available fnee_ no Examiner advertisers. ; BARRIE MEETING `SOLDIERS on TO THEIR CAMP AT LISKEARD Special P Li|le.cAIm Out `for Northern Town on Tuesday. In LIN.` ll`. Both mnchlncs wm'c.- on in path that would bring them Into colnslnn. and It. wns then that. thnsw on uw gzrnund watching the flight. ronnznd that a collision wxw Imminent. `As Lhn um- chlncs drew one vr-(wad nnd It lnokod as though Hm pllnls hnd rt-:I1- lzcd t.h- dtmgzcr and (-.1mnm-d Ihvir nnln-ant; 't`hn hnnnc nr thnun hnlnwl TEN DAYS TRAINING 1000 Men in. Clamp. Adjt. Creswicke Commands Foresters. Thousands of people read The Ex. aminer Classifieds every week. /- SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 No. 28 I'I.C(l LIN` (HLll;;L'l' llu ('.|uIIIp,l'u l:lIl`n| cnursces. Tho hopes of thnso bnlmv were raised` as daylight, could `or smm between the two p1nnr~.~.. `but. in a. moment their hopes Wf'1`(` dushod us the wings of both mmrhinvs bx'u:;lwd and thou. locked. tlnoh unI'nr\lunn\ cur-n1nrI In I-mnnln RH(l lzlH'l1a IUIZKUU. Both neroplmws :4:-c-znod n10t.|on1o. for 2: moment d`nsh(:d (lmvnwurd. :at.1'|klna' l. with n f,m'ritlc thud. thvir held tomvt,hm' and u n\u.\`.'<. wreckage. 1\/Int-ll:-nl nl:\:|RYnHl'l\ nnrl n THE * BARRIE. + EXAMINER [