"'\ ` THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION 5000 Copies iLARGE CROWDS 53135 Al[l\[f_ LUCIA 5 $342 1=c5UNbb1"~i"MAN {; ARRESTEL) FOR THEFT iLocal People Win Much I Praise in Comedy ` Farce. Surpassim; all expectations "Aunt Lucia". played in the Collegiate Audi- torium Tuesday and Wednesday nights this week. under the -auspices of th: N.C.O.'s and men of "A" Company. ,Simcoe Foresters. revealed here-to- fore undiscovered talent among sonic of Barriels most nmniinent citizens. as R:-coivim; :1 wire from police of London. Om.. Lhnt they held :1 war- rant for the a1`resL of Sam. Mcmlister. \vantud there on a charge of theft. of $360 in cash from Tamhlyn's drug shore of tlmt city. `Chief Stewart im- n1ediat.oly nmdo a rhcck-up here. 1\Ir.-Xllistcr. r('r:isLm`cd at the Wol- . lingtnn howl under the name of David Webb. was arrt-st.0d by Constable Case c:11`l)' S:1Lnx'clu_\' morning. In a piece of hrnwn papcr. a )mx'(:cl which appeared ' tn be socks, Constable Case found $342. Mc.\`.listo1' \\':1s taken to the police cells 3 and llr`l(l until thv m`rl\'nl of Dotectivt` `M of London. who took him l)m'k In that city Sa(.lll`d._\ aftornoon. E0110. Inmmcdiatoly Jerry was called an impustcr and wlwn his mas had been 1'mnovcd tho students and even Prof. Gaddis udnmmcd the joke was on thvm and mnt1`.'u'_\' In t,hr- custom. Jerry was alloxwrl to rvmain in school. 1...- ...m.. n\\nu\IV 1\`n1n: rlnvinn 1 EXPECT` 2d6o`vE?:'RANs IN BARRIE ON AUG. 11 PLENTY` T0115 FIREWORKS BUT NO DAMAGE DONE` WE ARE NOW SHOWINGTHE LARGEST PICTURE IFBARRIE, AND WITH Western Electric Equipment. The Werld set unu \ \lllll<'ll_\ nr bun \.u-`H/\un. un-.3 -nu, lowurl Barrio has seen many plays during `.110 past. fmv months but Aunt. Lucia" was smnoth'Lng' out of the ordinary. and for bath nights the auditorillm was filled with an auclimxce that gasp- vd for breath as varimls scenes brnught H10 house down w`th 1au_9;hLcr. ( I`11rn In page thirteen. please} roooootocoooooo trot OlOOI~O~OvIIOOl % Lawn MOWERS ..`-\...... ......... l`\V .7. ...n On Monday night. 'cgular mceting of *,..-`n;-liun Y nrrnn nll YOU TENT CITY! AND IT'S HOT DOGS us A nursvnva I\A I\"l'\I FIAVLJ I ll\Il AJ\I\o-u DANETNG PARTY SATURDAY, MAY 31 W. H. Johnson & Son Machinists 92 R055 SL. GROUND \VI'I'H OUR NEW Automatic Grinder ALL REIPAIRS CARRIED IN STOCK We will pick up and deliver. May 26. at. the Barrie Branch. the branches in 0 were represent- `nnnnf Dlnnc u'nrr-I C5M\1~; and SE Phone 665 TORONTO MAN 1 GIVEN _l_{EMAND1 [Ill \V'(l5 '(Ul l,`.3At,'l 'dl- I`lL blll.`l LUII. ' On May 16 lie entered the lmxno 11 ' James Martin at Egbert and with '2 pollceman's baton. which \v;1:< pm- duced in crmrt We h-2 "nvf!`:\n beating up the occupam.< of the lmusc` until tlirnwn out, by L0wnd<. lhv `1ir- ed man. He was remanded In tlm county jail by Maszistrate Jells until June 4. Provisions for 33500 0115,11 mil were made by Crown Attorney 7:. G. Evans. and \\'`.1m\ it is SL`Cill`(`d l\'Izu`ti1v will be released to await. trial noxl Wednesday. Clifford Martin. Torontrx. :1m)ou-'w. . in local police court, Wednesda_\' mum- ing charged with as.s'aul:1ng his \\'i1'c. from whom he is ostm-.xge(l. and W21- mer Lmvnds and Earl Hubbard. .\::a:-- [in was arrested at F'I0shcrton. I`\n 1\A'nu If! `an nnlrnu-nrl Han hrunn . I Clifford Martir; Charged with Assaulting Egbert I People. I Barrie will go on the air ovvr radii station CKCL L()lli0l`l`O\\' F`ri(layv evening from 9 until 10 pm. :F.asi.(-rn Standard Time). `Such was Lhn an- nouncement of Aid. Gordon Longnmu. chairmxm of the printing and zL(i\`vr~ Using commit,Lee of thv town 4-ouncil, on Wednesday. Bm`riI_~ will lw on i.h:~ air at the sanie hour nvor_v F1'irl:\_V night for the next ten \\`0vks whcn it is hoped that the broadcast, will in- dllC(` more tourists in visit thv Lmvnl during the sumnier Ll`2l\'(`l sr.~'.1srm. I BROADCAST `CONTRACT i TO START THIS WEEK A te11piecc ()i`cl1<`Stl`:1. undz-1` U11- (llrection of Ernest D:1inl_v. has bI`:`ll engaged, while one of the soloists will be Heber Mulovk. pr<)111i1ie11t '1`orm1t/1 1 tenor. It is aiiticipntecl that M:1ym' D. F. Mccuaig will attend the stuzliw p1`ogi'an1 Friday to speak :1 low \\'m`(ls to the radio (l1ldl(`.ll(`,(`,` Mr. Dainty has nffcruci :1 pri`/.11 ml 510 for the best (les(`rlpti\'v v.<:=:15', of about 150 words. on B:1r1'ie. wl1i(:l1 will` be bx'0:1dcz1st. The essiiy (?()li1})(`illl()2l1 is open to residents of Bzirrie and must be in the l1:111(is-of M1`. Lama- man before Tl11irs(lz1y noon. Jun-: 4. The radio l)ro:1d(2:1sl, is :1 <-11-111)--:`:1- tlve effort, on the part if the tmvn council and leading iiierclmnts. '1`l1:~ n1e1`cl1-.1nts will pay out :1 total of $1.100 for the complete ton nizl1t..<. while the town is giving $300 tm\'ar1'l, the broadcast. .11.: Ynunnusnnux ofnonpi O|\n! Han `1l`1(\ LHC |)|`UUCdbL. Ald. Longman stated that thv S300 is covorccl in the printing and :1(1\':er- Using estimates. It might. have bevn spent in some ot.ho1' \\`a_\'. but the councll thought Lhu Il)1`0nd(*a:~'.L wmlri be a suitable way of spmulinu it. he I said. thew. c. Hter Clothing Company, Barrie T * C & ms C.'APT'N AN D .1 ENE Ffzor-1sHow BOATQ _ DALACE SHOW BOAT A\<\NGALr\ND'xNG.-S`C OAQL LAEMMLES 3k.'.VEF-Z TALKKNG WCTUQE OF THE FAMOUS` EDNA FEQBEQ STORY. IN ClQ_Cl_E_, LAURA LA DLANTC. ANQ QOSEDH SCHILOKQAUT .95` MAGNOLIA and RKVENAL, THE QOM.- \NTlC , :s\\"EET HEARTS OF THIS COLOQFUL TALF;.. "I CRD YER Au? GARDEN PARTY WE'?,2,JI!`E 3 .. , .... .. .. CAMP BORDEN _\1INF.SIN(; Prize $10.00 HORSELSHOE PI'I`CHIN(.`: u..m.,-~ `Ln ca nn- 'v...- 1' no Unccfanuc. r: I L. Prizes: 151.. $4.00: 2w Supper served from 6 Splendid Programm- .`\dmiss'1rm: Adults 50c.. Chlldrr Auspi(:(`s Angus. l'\\}l'.nAV\JX \.II\n.'u.JAnn rnunrtu Gordon Stevemon Phones: 1005 - 1010, house 195 R058 BLOCK 2 HARRIS an IuI\.In\a-|A I`/5.4 OP` EVERY KIND AGENCY CANADIAN PACIFIC I (I. AN6us Community Park 6 p.m. .|1n r|r\l Terry~toon Novelty Rea; 1}.di;rI 15uddi}Ig"" 'v\7Ea*'ciz1T1='oR THE ROGUE SONG Wright Hargreaves sdFTBALL INSURANCE nun sunny-.11 nu-xv-vs BUY | All HI l\lEl' Z the plnyc-r :11 :1 good (10:11. \ "/ ..i ._ `mmm 0? the 42' 54* country an expert service prep:1rcA_1 In give _\'nu :1 pr` i11c111diI1}{ lnlmr and nultcri \\':n'kn1:u1. used. LC! 1153: , A` ` I. \\'e have :1 complete sln tn qunte _\'nu prices un ' 1hene\\`es1 l`]t`llLl_\'2lIldCH >*6th Ygar. Phone 999 H:1\~'c Hill: .....I ._. Sireel oi nance THURSDAY! FRIDAY! SATURDAY! `T`THE KING OF CAVEMEN VULCANITE r1i6Nb.AY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WlLLlA1V'l\POWILL /caaprea ano 1//reccea my SAM TAYLOR. /\LL~TAL'/\|NG / COMEDY SMASH . A RIOT OF MIRTH Adapted and Directed by C AKA '1'A\/I f\n ' MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY idgv :1 gzuutl deal (lvpnncls up-m| Sm yw and the p1u_\'01' (leponds on whvx: rlnnl I h-urn Dlllll lIlt'(E llUuuLll'.1Il- will U. hlluvvll Inl lll" GIANT FULL STAGE MACNOSCOPE SCREEN! ACCOMPANIED BY TWO ROARING (TOM!-ZDIES WITH EACH PRODUCTION .7ta.\1V1.T\'< . mnriur 'l`l.c_\' :1: MAMB/\" 100"?,C0!our JOURNEAY'S END" SWiNG HIGH" PARAMOUNT ON PARADE" .I|I\l LI filnldu Bnlh these Production: will be shown rm th!` AR! I` I`!!! I C"'l`Af`l_` lAAI`Klf\C("\l)[.` :`r`Dl.`[.' ring, I l|ll_4 Vl|\.1t.;.r\/uvnw .r.- Probably the Greatest Piclurv in Hislnry 100 Technicolour ch the ALSO TWO-REEL ALL - TALKING COMEDY HUNTING THE HUNTER M cI11cn'3;'L`< THE LOVE PARADE ._T*.EL."`,.G.'3.0.}..D *`:~`3" er In the pen 'n;\rt cnrxrirn MA:Fli\'l[-iii, 2.30"SA'I`L;l_)A- Ar'u}$' Er" 'J.s'u'sI,[f Ewiii-ifs TO OUR PATRONS '.\l-MV;l`() |;;!|. 3 nu this uckli I...-I ul ng-- lick 1)!` Thick nInrs_ R "I;ARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 |,K-" l\ u :1n.1 111215 _':1rlc~'- g"'"'lg-II" K;i>""InC AI\ I x: No. 22. \\ IIl'll \lIl' (M-.:ry Firk- N'I`l`s' her Wu- ! (hr hzmtls M :11. Inn.-atIerI'u| n (l)nuglu.~e I;-_-I 1Ul'l UllLll5CUVUl'l.'u LHIUIIL zuuuug bunt. prominent well as giving players of experience roles of a humorous character. Frank Spearn. who became prom- inent on the local stage with the Theatre Guild. especially in its last presentation. Green Stockings," ex- eelled himself as the venerable Aunt Luci-.1. As .a feminine impersonator of the college fraternity to which he be- longed. he was called upon `by `his fra- ternity brothers of Bula Bula College. to entertain the guests ofthe frat" by impersonating an old maid. Lucia Wakefield. a wealthy spinster of Flor- ida, and aunt of Betsy. a popular co-ed. and was expected to attend the college homecoming. By chance Jerry Watson. Frank Spearn). when he had -donned the old .maid's ngarb. greatly resemb- led a photograph of Aunt Lucia. The premature arrival of several of the college professors at the fraternity reception room forced Jerry to `wear the ensfunie despite efforts of his fra- ternity brothers to get him out of the fix. Throughout the three acts, inter- mingled with `college love scenes. he was foreed to wear the costume until at the reception. after Prof. Gaddis had announced his engagement to Aunt Lucia. :1 telegram was received by the eollege president. played by Rodney Wads\\'ort_h. advising` that the true Aunt lluei-.L was not able to at- >.\...: I