I When tho ongim-. tvndvr mull threv cars 0|` C.N.R. train NH, 413,; operating: hvlwz-r-n Titmnins nnrt 1`n~ [ rontn, were rtmvailvrl whitv souttt-4 hound nhnut. 11.45 pm. P :-id::y. two miles north of (`.nll:|mtm~. thv lU('4')-_ molivv turnt-(t uv:-r nu its strlv mvt plmlzzhml intu thv shuuldvr nt` thv: North Buy-(`.nIlnnrtm' rnmt whiz-h? runs: pnrnllvl with tho h`n('ks: at. this point. t Th! huh and Innrlnr l'|\I nu...- 'l\a|`l .`hristn1as per- rhllllh funds :`n and tho following `hat gr:-w '1` \'1\;n' H1 1` than`! Punt. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 19.33- finll It | 5 ` i"$Qr\ I iwaverley and Hillsdale E Short Cogrses Conclude ` Rev. w. R. Auld, Mid|cmcl,l` Speaks On Prince 1 Edward Island IPROVE SATISFACTORY: iNeighborir1g Townshipai Represented At Closing , Exercises Friday n I _ ,........ Nu I`}.`(plu.~'inn Ft>l`tI1I1:Il1~ly for thv (`l'('\\'_ llwrv; war: no (-xplnsion nr lmkn:.:- Mi slvmn when lhv rl<'1':u'|nwnr m~<`uI`; rod. Both tho <`u;1im'er and Firvrnzuu i Webb we-rt` nhlv tn vlimh frmn HI'`' I ! n_ .,... ..... ., ...,, vi Dnncv in Gonrin Hull. Phc-`lpshvn. 3 Wocdnesduy. Dec 29. Good musm. :{'Refn=shn1ents. admissxon 35:`. 51b Thv prt,--C`,hristnms Shnrt (,IuInI'. ht-Id unrh-r tho -7u1. nf Hu- Nnrth Sim!-rw Brunch nf Hr `()n- t,m'ln D1-pnrtnu-nl of AL:I`it'I.Illm'(- ul; Iwnvt-rlr-_v and Hillsdnln, (-:un- in mi sllrrm-ssflll cunclu.- }rirI:n_y vvu-n-j inn. 'l`ht- ncxa. Shari (Ym:r. :u-- plzumt-rl for Om I`nwn.~:hip frnml ].I:mum'y 4 In 28. I In... ._.:__, r-I, . ,. W:|w~r!!`;.' Shnrt (Inln's(- 'I'}w Shnrt ('.nurs- In /\L,'I`ir'ultIn'-t hold in W5IV(`l'|t _V ()rnnL:v Hall from` INuv(-mhnr 2.`) to I"):-(:(-mht-r l7_ x-zunt` to 2: (-1050 with an ovt-ning pru- x:I`:Imn1(- Frirtny last, with Dr*nni.;, Bnuth. Wyohridpztr. us (:hnirm.'m. Th:-; (fmu'. had thirty t-nrnllnrt with an zlllnrznlrn A-.ilu -.H:nnl..n.... nr ...u...I.,| \./I|ll|.\l' llvlll lllll l_Y l'lIlUlI|?(l \V|l.H illl nvvrzngo daily ;u1t,(.-n(l:nw(- of xwnrly! 126. Tho ins1I'u(:tm's wort` Slvxvnri` 1.. Pngr.-, B.S.A.. mwimxlturnl roprv so-ntmivo, Barrie. and J. W. Mp- .Cn|lu. B.S.A.. St. ?nth.'u'in(`:~:. ` Rvv. W. R. Aulrl, Midlnnrl. H14- ('hi('f S[)(`&lk(`l' :1! H10 r-lmw L:::\'I' an vz-ry inn-rt-: mlrlrv-ss on his: nutivv prm'in('(-, Y`rin('4- Edwnrd ISUI land. Th!` fnur imvnships. whirh vn-npm'u1,('(l in suppningz thv Short ' (,`mn`.s'(', I`(`pl'(.`.'-i(`ll1(`d :u~; 'I'nllnur<' \M I Rnhl. I wm`(- HIS!) 'l`in\' H:-nwn \,Hll|.\l', \\'('l(' illhl) l'(`[)l'I.`H('llH'(I 7 'I'nlluw.\': 'l`in_v_ Rm-vv \/V` J. Rnhh, 'I`n_v. R.l.'(`\'(` and Nh`.< ('. J. (`.r;m'ix. Mvrlumrn 'Rw'w.- (`mtn'[z(` Burr. ;mr| T')('put_v n('(`V(` Fr:-(1, \Nund; I"|u-;. } {v-v- and Mrs. A. A. 'I`Imvr, I)t--- puty R(`(`V(` nnd Mrs. Gunrgtv P`|vm- IIIII. ` 'I`hI- hnunuhin I-nvu-nx.-nnfzniunu: in Thv tuwnship rr short u(ldro. e .<('|v(-:4 nu bvlluz w rvsults and lhv it in the (`,mn's-_ : Hl(`i!` tm\m.~'hipx w timvs In said HIi:~`. 1 A :~'in;:-. wan |[);n`hy, Wnm'I'l-y_ iurt I. Pngv at t \m~rI- adh- '\\"'|7' \l'\"'l III lHl|l'| l'llll'Il1l|[\ lmn\lwr.< and the evening ( `wihh rvfrr-sluuwnts. I Hillsdnlv Shnrl Cr-ur: Thn glmrt Cmlrxv in Home- l1Ul1)i(':~', hvlrl in Hillsdulo I` ?(Yhurt'h Sund;n_\' S(`h|\0l Rmnn !(-um`lutl-(I F`ri(lny e-v4-ningz w isp:-vizll C`.lu`i.~`hnu.~. tr:-4' ])l`r>Ljl`.'l `vndinpz with rvfro. ' |\lYlQ nnrnlnu-n9 ..l' 151 um A-ftornn` ,C}onrgo'.~' ' Dm'. 29. 3 ` - - - . . . . - . . . . .. .. . .,_,. `! Thornton Hockey Club dance. Or-` hinge Hall. Thornton. Tl\ursda_\'. Dec. 30. Bob 1owell`s orchestra. Admis-T ci...~ -`xr and 0-1:. Ynnnh innlnrlurl i New Yoir`.< Elva Dance at Maplc~ ghurst. 72 High Strvet. Frida_v. Duo. i31. Admission. including refresh- ` nients. $1.00. 51-52p 1 I an it . 2%` . Counties Expgenditures On Road Systems in '36 Simcoe's Costs Low Christmas is unique among the iestivais of the Christian Church in its call to the spirit of kindness and friendship and goodwill. Even amid the echoes of war. which still reverberate around the world, we may hear the music 01' the angels` song: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." Again in thought we direct our steps with the shepherds of old to the little town of Bethlehem, and with the wise men how before the rude manger where the infant Redeemer is laid. (By the Rev. J. Shortt, D.D., l'r(-sidt-nt of the Barrie Ministerial As.'~`0(',izItion) I am very glad to accept the invit.:1t.i0n tn a(l(lr0ss a Christmas message thrmxgh the medium 01` The Ex- aminer to the people of Barrie and vicinity. ru....x,.;.....n.. 1.. ....z.-.... ....,_...-,._ AI-A r_._n:_...n_, ..r AI-.. Amid all the clistractions of life let us recall the real significance oi` Christmas, and may the kindly. the simple, the abiding things 01` life, especially of the home and fireside and family circle again come into their own. And let not this spirit pass from us with the passing of the Christmas season, but abide with us through all the coming days. J. DOD 3"0\\/EH5 0l`C|'l(?SU`8. ACIIHXS-` -~11 50c and Jv Lnnrh included. \`_\`\' --- COMING EVENTS- r\,`$.Qn.QV' nIl?"`rr*nIn9"$. D`$7nPB &"*'2`J El Gloristjpas (Ibcssagc . \lp. Om wt, IUI nmu. hurt. YB.` .. mun l".'i. ;\\Isp1`(`s 3!. - Choir. -.1? 113 Bqyfmld St. 3 to 6. 51p . flan.-in Llull I'll-.-I.\-1.... \\'Ill| :1 Hum m1rnlnu'nt at lvnrlmmrm Il1.\'Yl'll('[.l'|`.~ vi`. a . -. Short Courses inn nu 'v| nip l`(`|)I`(`5u'l`n|`$_|f,i\'(`!i. in 1` 02:, 1-xpn-.~:. HwmU, ng \V(' plt-use-(I with` hr` int.m'(':4I mqhibm-d' vsc-_ and stain! that px \V('l`(` l`('.'I(l_\' at all: typv nf \\'m'k. ' L: \vn:< Ivd by Mn1'l`i.'- rlvy, with Mrs, Stow- thv piano, 'I'hvr<- M111-r 1-ntnrt.':inn|m~t' I (-In:\~~(l; unnhc V `Motor Markers For 1937` Valid Until January 15i I1-In J. u. Lvuwqglll-:~'u-1|, 1v11n1:~`u-r :i{.{h\\ i|_V.`i, mm 1937 motor 1 , Inarkv-1'.< will bv valid up to and i 1 eluding: Jan. 15. 1938. ] 'l`l.:.. A... , ,, u Spownl C`hristn1.is dance. Satur- day night. Doc. 25.`. Hall. Barrio. Bob Pnwc-ll`s Melody Men.I Admission 40c. 51b] Annual ouchre and dance. FrIday.| Jan. 7. 8 p.m.. Strnud Community Hall. auspices lnnisfil Junior Con- `sorvativcs. good music. lunch pm- vidod. Admission 35c. 51-52b] 1 Benefit euchre and dance. Thurs- yday. Dec. 30. in Lefroy Community Efiall. under auspices of Churchill ISemor Women's Institute. Max 5Boa.g`s orchestra. lunch provided Prizes for cau'ds and luvky spot` (1.111-r -\rlin1~ Lip 30: wlhv Police Warn Against Using Thin Bay Ice l`n\ul|II|l puhliv (shunt-4-: nu ll. l.llillI| lfh Ill .`Il\lIlll|) on lhv thin in- ft-|rl1 llmy, wh Il(?I`u.*i:< Ihv I1:-ml for llw firxi Hm: "I would ur;.:r- 1i<-u|:n'|`v tn war) (lrvn rr-1::n'rllnL: 1.!-mpling fulv hy 1:9 Hui-: churn-" H 15 Illl\`l`t`.~'llIl;: In nun` Ill nvormzu must per nulv thrm Hnmriu mnnmus in $41300 S L`0um,\".< a\'orzu.:o .nnmum~d In Out of 21 total of 37 cuuntws vm` Colll)` plucus fnurth {rm in (`Xp( lldlllll`(` on Cu`-.n\t_\' Rm '1`|u.\ ....|....... .|\.. .\\- V-"lII|lI ill at. this Chivf :::I llllh lllrllll'l, ulllu I \'\ H|lI(l .\ll}.`,- gtesl Hm! Ihv ivv Iw `um Hf hmIn(l.\" Imlil it if? suffix-in-uh l.V W('H fro`/.r-n In bu snft-." Ar-l.inu ('hi4`l` ("n.<\(- rt`!-all:-d thv H-rrihlv 1x'.'n;:<-dy uf lml win1.m', whnn .'n 22_vr-:n'-nld young: man lost his Hf!` in 1h!- full blmm: of ynunzz mnnhnml whilv :-'k:nt|n;; on Hw 1hin im- nf H11` Buy. Hv hr-lim/Pd this .'~'huuld hr :1 rlc-finilv wm'ninL{ tn (:hil(h'(`n zmd ' ;:rmvn-up.< thnc, Thl'l`f` is (lung!-r :11 all Limt-:4. p:n`1i(-ulnrly nn m-z-uunl of {hr ('1u`rt'n1s in 1hr` Buy, whirh m'(- (`&IlIS(*(] by a num- ber of I';w1m':`. Sl<-iL:h-rI(lin;: on 1hr- hills and Ntrt-r-ts; is nlsn :1 (Iam.;er- nus prnz~l1(--_ it was pointed nut, 1-: whorv [ho Rlnih rung: :|l`l`l|ku h~:nu.llnr4 L.nI `I I pulit-0 -nrv i 1his mntlr-r, rrzu-I l|.nl 1| mrllgll lull) vll'll|.\.\ IIil\/l'lll,".l x-nurls and hi1.zhw;lys. I shnuld likv vc-ry !nll(`h to ::.-v H10 ('hI'i.n:t.m:l.&' svuszrm this yc-ar dew-uiri of any anvi- dt-n1:< Ihnt might ht` nvnidr-ri." Acting: (ihic-I Cast) 1-un<-lmlvvi. mu, sic-i;;h . ... ... /\('lin;.: lznuu-c l` Imun(:4-.nwnt has; lwvn madv by; T. B. Mr'Qnv: Mini: nfl \\I:|\'t: Hun! l(l'4'7 unninw 1--n rV'(I_\\|lI. I'urthv~r I-xtvnsinn was likvly. `W. ht` znritlcd. in \.'iP\\ of the mi 1938 rnm'kvr.< had been im mm Hvtubt-r I. Tho 19H8pIE11I` ` v gnarl until March 31, I939. ` 111;: until January 28. Short! urv ht-mg provided in Or"; ip by thv North Sirmwwl nf thv Dvpartnwnt of Agri-I and spt-vial Speakers an- nu mg-;,m,.d Thu nu...-L-1. tn, (' lHS'l'M.`\S $PlRlT . 4 \.0lll1L\' Dl:I(`\`.\' n`-UHII null: |.|.~\ Rmld A '()0Dl-I.'Hl'1AD" The hrs! culumn shuw.< vxpmmdw TN` hm` J5l`Dh G00d[L`1lI`\\' "Y mr suhsidm:-d m 1936 by uw 1)upa Hume. wh-V enJn.\'od taking ":1 riav" of Highwu_vs and in HHS culumn out of ms Scottish frnends. found n` Simcov places ninth. lrimvv\'or, Slm-`curlous knot that had :1 strong re- coe has no debentures issued for semblance tn a human head. and County Roads and therefore ;ucmul1_v drcs.~'.ed it up in Scotch cup and tar- placra fourth from the bouun. it` u-- tan coat. The abuxu. pit-tlm. shows `n'd1`d. VL, Clwlllt,` H um I; ` . {ht re-.~ul1. unto man was charged in 11- _vv. with boing in- k in a public place in Bar- rnduy lust. He was assessed 'usI.~'. but Mz:gisLrat- Comp- `n\'- the zm'u:~'..~d two weeks mindful of the hulid:Iy' (`hit-f nf l ulim- :15:-_ lhrmuzh '|`hv lurlny warm-d Hm II!` III l\l'l|l,ll'l|` whirl: fm`m('r| of mu Buy `:41 lin u- Munduy. I p. lI`('nlS pur- n warn llwir chil- rrllnu llw folly ml" nlv ll.`~lIIL', llw im- 1:I;:t'." 1|u- At-1in1.: . l`Iw-r_v \ l':H` Hw .-:-ks` vxu-nsmn of 1hr- limit \vas dun, Mr. at:-rl. to his depart `nvv in intcrfvrv in Hw Chri.s'lrn:.ax shop- my ya-.u qu;md;u* I wnuld . In. 1...! also dam.;ur- rnss truvt-Ill,-d u `K (II \`\'I||l\|lI ' uf Kvmp-n- nit-In fnrnnt-II I ` thv $2.00 sub- :ularly reading 1 The Examm-l nu) v.'1lkil':;,' nu:-n. Welfare Expenditure Less Than Year Ago Ill l](]l[l|l'|` Lli|lll\_\ l\HnIlI.\ turn Dvp Highwu ` Sil'nl`nn nl` I: ninth Hn\\'n\':\l` Sm`.- I Cu1`1uu.< Dc-spite n sxlbslnnlizcl imwmnsv in the number of relief 1`0('ipi(-nls tins full and winter, the \\ l'\'kl_`y I-xgn-n diturv nt pr's(`nl is cm1: lnwor than it was .1 your nun. 'I`ho- nmuunt was $422.19 l:n:~.1 \V('('k us crunpmed with $609.5)? in the cor- responding wm-k of 19.16. Ninn hnuri-: nf l :an1il u `JR 4|.-nun- l`l.`S]H)l](`lll1g \V('I`K ()1 llldl). ' Nine heads nf fnmilivs, 25 (l1-])I`I1- ` donts, zmd mm individual, an tulul of` 35, wnrn uddod tn the 1':-In-I mll:~V' lust xvvnk, brimzilu; 1h- numhvn` ut- the end of the wvok In HR llmuis; nf fmnilivs. 216 dt-pt-ndc-ms. and H m- dividunls, n lnlnl IT 295 I):-'v|nin-r has .'~l(}(`Il n big Il1(`l`(`.'IS!' in 1111- num- lwr rt-('(-iving lS}ii.`%liIIl(`1'. Wm-k I):-r`, l I):-1' I7 nnd'd 191115 l!).'7 I"(m(l ..... .. . .. ,. ` $344 40 $1 ..")5.4.'y` I"ur~l ... I54 45 lI7.l. u (rmqhing 7:; 77 :17 M] Shllvl` 33.11!) HUN! l.i;.{hl . .. .. .. min 15:) HUllSl`h l)nrnnAi.n- `I III 'l'r)l,:a|S . . ` . . . . . . . , . . . .. $(i0EI.)7 l`hc~ (-xp0ndi1u1`4- Inst wt-I-l< rlinr-HI-< urzu: $93!] n`) um! fur .- Ill?` (`X|H'llHll|ll'l' INS` \'\'l'K H|l' digr-Ins \\':n< $2.'H.0')., and fur 1-mp]: :I|)lvs $19] I7 m-(-m'rlin1,: In Hw \\'l'l ly rr*ptn'1 of W-lf:m- ()l'fi-I-r ll. l.t-nmw Barrio Linus Club nu-mlwrz nn~ jnyvd in rt-al ('.hI`i: I`:n`l,v nl lhmr wookly montinu xn lhv Qum-n':; Hulvl I"ridny ('Vl`lIilIL', lust whc-n lhorv xvnx pr.'u-li(:.'o|l_\' :1 lull lm'n-ml PM-sidc-nt R. S. I.r*i.x`l1m:m wax -h.'m`- I\'\tAl`\ lllilll. Fnllnwim; n lurkc-y rlmmrr i snvt-rul nu-InlwI'.< nff1('|:lr-d ; rs dvluxv, ml infm'm:ul pm ttmk p1.'w- with srnnus; um 1m1.~;iml nlunhu-rs lwnuz r<-n Q....o-. f`l.. up.-u-......nl..:l I `HlU.`il('E|I IHlH1I)l`l'5 |)|ll). , I`(`lHH'l'l Santa (`l:ms, l'(`|)l'I`:<('l\1I-(I by 'l' (futhht-rt. (hon dish':huI<-rl L-.n.< I 1. rmilv rh-1-rnwninrl (`|'II`I\'.I\'\'|K '1 Santa Clasv Vi~sifs~Lions` Gifts To Kiwanis Fund! K,Ullll|l'l'l. llll'H (HhIl'llHlI1'll [;lllZ\ :4 gznily d(-('rn`.`n1:`d (`|1r:.~;1m;us zaflt-r which lhv lays nnr] uthv 1i(`|(-s wr-rn cullr-(`I1-rl ..ml hu nvm` in thv Kiwanis (`huh (ThrI.~ (,ThvN' Fund fur di: :u l.hr- dr~.- vhilrirvn Hf lhv 1 \N 'I` NI:-(`nu-rl u/hn nu-1-nilv R.*1nr*dic-5 'l`1`:u1.xpm'ln1 iull THE * BARRIEZ + EXAMINER w.'-41;. }'{{6 hi dulod for N at (MS p.m. Uxdlllflllh Ul UId\l'l). l Major Knowles dovlarod lh;.\[ there was no pacifist lll-:13 the rw, turned soldier. and returned 501-: diers do not want war. But all the same time. what we wc-m : `through would be chlld`s play tn what you would have In g-,-' through." he stated. You hav-3; madman lo contvnd with l1k` Mus-, solini_ Stalin. and Hitlr. that know` no God." '1"!-un :~nnnl.rn`- (uh Ohni u-hon H-n. UU LIUU. The speaker felt that when the` Simcoe Foresters and the CampbcIi_l, Raikes' draw swords. it would bof because they had to. They would? line up to the record of the Cana-. `diam storm troops during the 1a.~vi '.J\\':il'. Thriv \\'mLld kc-ep up the tra- I H'l', IH 77 33 IN) "'K |l|l Ill` `nr 1-mpln_\w Ilw \\'m~k . II A -`};42`.1.l!|| Electiml Fights Likely In Several Townships, N0n%1inali0ns 011 Monday lCraig|1ursf Child ; Has Narrow Escape 3 From Eating Pills` !B"ARRIE BOY; ; ! IS wrrmass ; or TRAGlZDYi `Neil f\/\(;Bri(lc, B.()(_)| | An I Tim(:|<.e0pCr A1` j Port Stanley } . York . Norfolk \Vi|tl'l'llHY . . Wvntwurlh . K011! I` ..~l..o.... (('I'.Ii[,',h|lI":l ('wn--:pInuiI`m-nI 'l`r:u;-d_v uflvn wznlkel In Nils Kui-44-: A lmlllu nf ('IIm'oI:ll(-- -nut:-(I pills, :I I1-in-rhlim-(I rhllll ul` lhI'1'1- 1-Iiml-ing .-mc-N-ssivu-ly - znnl 1-nnlu I'll In 1| LUHXUY DIICCI lC>lUf.'lll, wnu mark the 90th anniversary of birth on Tuesday next. Dec. 28. E has been 82 years in Simcoe _Cmu x.-..-I Cf. `-.~,-...- I [III I'IlIIl"|lIg '\lII'l . on rhaniru and I-up|m:u'd lliuh sh:-H; zn rt-lurn in I|n- "mn- uith (luv hntllv and :| blissful ft-w IlliIHI|("a' v:|linp:. 'I`lu- .-an-um-I: A nmtlu-r rvlurning; In find :1 ulifl`. nu. l'.Hl.. lu..!.. nu Clan Il'\\' IIlIlI|Il|"1 l`I|llII|.:. Illl la . lilllv hmly I`|nnr u..4.|. .....= Hm-h was Hw -\p-rimu-c- of Mrs. (; >!u-l'l ir|l zunl lwr ll`l`I`- ya-;lI`-ul(| sum, l.:u'r_v I-'r:Inli-:|ll_\' uruppim: him up in :1 hl:nIkt-L slzu.-,;:vrim,~, thruuull lhv snnw :1 third M` a mile In tho m`:u'o-sl [Ilium-. nlmanl -.p1-nl lwfnrv Hu- gnnl was rt-zu-'wtl. :n rush tn the 4Im'1m's'_ l'llll'Ut"s', '0lI\'II|Sil)II9. and :1 nluhl nl` w||s|wnw_ fallow- :-tl In :1 lay M` l'(':|l H-tic-f with El m- rl_v '0 1-hild running about HA1 PENED QUICKLY Ill :1 HH- Vespro, Essa, Sunnidole And Metlonte Wi|| ` Hove Contests 7 Mentioned For Reeve- ship of T()!;SOl`(`)HHO Tuwnsh i p ' VVIIII ll"! IIl3|tl(' my IV ily :11 llw `Hun (`UlI1' I'l INC!` l':(l\\" Wvllingzh-n Elgzm I ..\.-dc uni IIIHJIII Ill!` \ ()ffivi:nl I hviwt-4-ll I 2 I-ml):-r 2`.'l_ Vt-::pI'.'t Tm lium: WI and I p.m. Il"II l\7lIl"\| I lmvmslnipr: In 1L l_V, .|:mu:u`_y '|'hvr* will Vl'.*;pl:I, ,l'2::*;H. I 54111 lhllllllll . ;ln\vn: l])n.\':~`l|)||il_V. nl)uI11 Hll` t f\I" ,.. u...u.u .-.. . iW:IHr-r 1'1. H4: p:n:4t. fuur yum `ling , I):-pul_v `pa-rind. Sum-_ th`|)lIl._y l'l`1`Vl' Amhw-w (`mun }ri:s. 'l'h- Hm: l(.'nults:. Th!` 1...- ....u unll 1 LUKHC HU'u`\ , K `F { teacher. "Surely gm i `cloth . What are ya .-.-v-- OTHERS POSSIBLE I. "Oh". replxea the my brightlyw 'Y`\' I-nI`u!`- w! SMILE A WHILE HIUI W'l'| ?"'V'IIliW Lll I)`: (|llI1'|I".l 4-I" Hw Int. nunm:m:m-: Lnkv place anal `.2 pm, Mnmluy. I)u:c- 1-)-:I'1-pl m lnni:;fil and .m..`I.nw urlu-In nnn:inn- l>I' HH- Dawn I :I'Illl\|.\ -I t\ddmp:lu |`vrlh Ia`.-unxv 72nd Yeaf Pages Wl*.l(-|l l' l'()KE l'w.-:1. imp will like-`y In: vhv um-V1-ship bo- l:r:.s;(v- Hnrr and De- prxg/rt xix, please) u -..,..,.- Sec tion A H .-\! . u. m........ win-In nnmin:1- o-iv:-I I)('|\'W)(`ll 12 [I will lll`.I'l.Y .\I"' M-w-ship h1'lw(3L'n y_ Hm-vv for Hue ml Hny N. Hit'k- \'I- fin` Hm .*'.unIt: rl l'.'IlIl(lH\('H flu` Iwu mmm'illm's: um] (Ih.'n-It-.-4 Hm"- nnI`illm' is` (I. 1'}. ... 2. n! --rk:~'." urged the nu know the word 'nul' trousers made will Iilr.(-ly xv!` -. In-I urr-nn uil`i.'l|lV being .v.I, lh- pu.~:::ihil- um i`; for vim`- nni--Iily uf thr- I::lIiL-L on Mun- s`ll|l H11`! (}le~nu.n I nn|\.:\' of Allandale re- n Saturday from ucker. bags 0! cnnnncnrl H. Ito6 vnl|ll1.{ Ill hum-, 'I`;.\ In! (lrillin I! Is: also a `--m:: to be .. l..| .-., ....5a `supposed nnd :4!-In: -$13.51` mnmg little znlded. "you well. Now easy. Spell blank. He `Fl I'I`HlI' H 1': he- wing held IDUU Ill actually ....- uuu nu IIIII (Turn to pugv six`. ..u.\.(.i :1 I10 .\nO vn Milv. ..;v.\ :" INN IR-l ISM] fm` . pl<'r1.w) \ us] pm` ` llll? Illll('.*~ $1 HLh'.`")li.lN). 79_'[1R.0() ' 7?HH!HM `TI IIIII nn sV|lH(`\`1' Train N0. 46 Derailed] Engineer Park Injured 70 Passengers Escape` `ll *: " n h 0 EH11` iCASH BALANCE} =m= $6,666.62 ?%lN TP. 0F 0R0! iToto| PoymHeAnts Shown As | $43,938.00,` Year Ago | Balance, $9,920 A r'.'v.<|| h:I|.'mc:- nf $(i6(i(i.G2 \v.'m . in lhI- 'I`I`v:|.x'|Il'vr'.< : pr:-:4:-ulc-I! at lhv slullllnx-y nlm-ting ~01 Om 'l`n\vnship Council hold rm I):-c`. I5. wiih all the nwmhvrs. pros- `nnt. 'I`h- sunnn;u'y of l'(!L'(`i[)L\' and ,(`xp(`nsr`s was as fnllnws: l [{u<'vipl.< l3nl:uu`v [mm Der`on1l)(?1'. l!).'Hi ...$ 9.920152 ,.,u..w... u n m... 'l'hv 'I`x'v;u. I l'(`(`l`l\'I`(l (`h!`f|ll(` I (`.'mndl.'m Nntimm .\vuI'k at hilL W.'IH.~ r*,.... 'l`nrlI\...... u na:)lJ.l)U:).Zti , I'2.\'pr`ndiluI'(- 3S;|l:Iri<'s and :Illnwnn('vs '.2.()44.Il SL.'Itimwr_v and printing: .'")9(>.!)]| | Rnml.~' and lwiduvs . ........... .. 9,0Rl.49I ;('h.-u-My .............. .. .. 593.57 Svlmnl pllnmsvs ................ .. l3.974`27 Hmnrtl of Hvnllh . . . 2!Ni`.')l) (`nunl_v rulv .................... .. l5.27l),()l)| W\ n'u- fl`H(`I" Imnus 196.90 !'I`il1' rimilnzuuv d<`l)vnm|'('s 24.09 ism-p killvrl hy dug,-s .. . 198.00 !n\Ti.~'ct'll:nu-nu.< 41: . 11102.70 i Hu\\-ko.s`ln|u~ pulicv ill;I;zt- 412.52. I l)iI`r`Ct l'`liI`f ................... .. . 229.814 ]'l`nwn hull . ..... .. 2.172 1 V\'Il'l` ll`H(`l` UUIHIH . !'I`il1' ESIIN-p dug,-s `-.'I\\`k(`SluIlI' villngv [Dirt-ct ...................... ... 'l`nwn .. (h\'i. Thu` ` .n..-up lihlll .. I '1`uxr-s. I936 "[`.'Ixvs. 1937 iNrm-rrxqudvm and nf t:nnu_- CAUSE H07 KNOWN ; \ I |'Il\r'lllClill sunsxay 0 | CHI rulv ................. .. | Uninn schnnls ...... .. lmudx and Iwriduv:-'. I)irv(`.l 1'1-livf .............. .. lV`Iis(':'ll.'nIwms. !~'Zll(`5, : I vlc. .......................... .. `||| `;c. Tht` \' wxuncil - pm-.u run Jxuugs. `Tlw I-;Irlit-:~'.t. llw Bay vvm` froze uV!.`I'. mtcm-ding to avail- nhlv l`(_'('()l`(lS, \v.':.x' D(`(`. I, 187' ), whilv nlhvr 1-nrly frm-`/.ins xvvrv Dm-. (i_ 1869, and Doc. '1 In-)1: WV]. |., 1 \V|'l|' lll'('. U_ 7. l.'l`2(i. 'I'hc- ["vl). 1. I932, T!nn:nul.- Jd, Rt-('ur(ls nI', fl't`('ZiH1{ and (Ir.-pnrlm'v for Hu- six yt-nrr; are as follows; S \_1||| "h' f\ l'\ L'I'l). |` ,I I pn rlt-(I: K('vnnm1fv|(ll` Buy fl`(!`/.(' nvnr cmnplolvly fur the first limv dnrinxz tho vurrvnt winter nn Nlnnrluv Dru. vn llllllllL.'. Ill! l'lIIll'|IL V\'IIll.l'I SUIISOH nn Mmrl:Iy_ Doc. 20. six days luttrr than last yvar, but nrnuml the nw-rngtr for tho pfll six yvnrra. 'l`l`.. an... n.,_. Bay Freezes Later Six Days This Year u t I Allcmdale -Hove Mir- aculous Escapc, In Accident COUNCIL MEETING p.'|_\'nu-uh: lml.'mm- $5(\.605.28 re-pm'tt'd hv had I for $605.00 from .'m Nntinllul R.'Iil\vny.~' fnri It V\ .-uH.~< crussing. l 'l`udlmpu~ n-pnrtvd dutch on 1 3!! h.-Id ha-on cleaned out. 'l`r+~.-uslm-r prvsvmed stnlow of ;u-vnllln rv tmvn lilw ()r<\-` whlvh had bvvn fm`wnrdud| 1;.. 'r..... l\'|L'l\l'lllUl'. hr:-ugh! .11" shnwix u` had be l'll'l'I.l' UVUI. I ED. ~[-`.lupserl . subsxdy on Io- I` l'lJI \l _V', l`V N rmus awcolxlxlt: lwfnro cu` m`dm'L`d paid. 11-5. H.-nls. |'(lll_Y llI'l'(.IllL:S 1_ Int:-_~'.t, (Into was I) - l.l\' days. Locomotive, `Tender And Three Cors Leave Rails Near Collonder [ s; n.ua2.sm 2-1,039.35 I s5i) .B6r{2a ..$4ll.97i`i8b.fi(i 6,666.62 |'| |nI.\(`h,| I $`.!3.l)l)0_()(H . 11.. .-...l` 1.fi93,4b` I |.60H.5l ' 3,850.17 11- . H0 1.l2;').()l ),())lLl I 115.90` 169..'i0 % ndvd! Isimcoe County Potatoes Free From New Disease BIN` Marketing Hindered Tho (`ab and tonrlt-r lay nvc-1` lln-lf rlglll-of-way, whilv lhv nnsv ur H1:-I enginv wont, S(`V(`l`iIl fool lnln lhv--` embankmnnl. 'I`hc- (It,-r:ni|tnr|nt did; not llnD(`fl(` l.ml'l'i(' on thv l1lx.:l1\vny.l During tho night, nuxilinry lrnins! nrrivml with steam (rrzlm-.< from /\l-l landzalv zmtl Czlprrrnl In c-nmn1r-m`n.- clearing lhv lino. 'l`m<`ks \ V('l'(` laid` and rnpnir wnrk 1-nnlimu-(l rlurinu, Salllrtlny. whllv lmuz linvs nf mnlnr ,l (tars pnrkt-rl nr-nr lhn spnl In xvulrh` tho crvws: :11. wnrlc Lalo Snturrl.'n_\ uftcrnonn. tl'u- linv was ch-:u`. . ll1V('.\'ll].{.'lll(Hl ()rrlm'vrl An invvsligzllinn inlu lhv r::nx.~'<-' nf lhv n('r`.irl(\n| \v:us begun inunv dlnloly l>_v nl{i('iul:~` (If lhv |':uiI\v:|y. N0 r(`pm`l of H11` (-:u|.<- nf l.hz- nv<'i (lent. has yet. boon nwnrlu Allunrlzllv Mvn lluri Nnnn nf lhv S1-va-my hnllrlny pa- S(!l|g!`l'S xvvrv hurt in thv rlc-mil mnnl. Enz{im~m' William H l :nrk. ngn-rl 57, 50 Willizlm SL. /\l|:mrlul:-, was badly shaken up. .v.nst.'Iinin;: iniur- ies to his right log nml :l|. bruis- vs. lln \v.'I:~` lulu-n ln hu.<'.pll..'ll :11. North llny. rr*n1:uininx: lln-rv until S;ItIII'1l.'Iy, whr-n hv rvlnrm-(l ln lli.-; hnmt` in /\l|:mdnl:~ on "l`r:nin Nn 4-I | nu,-,-ip }};.nd prosvntml ils fn|lI'Hl ; lonncorl uf lhv sCiI.`~"*H in UN` R"X.\"` '[`ht-zutrv lust Sunday l'Vl`lli!1L! bf'""` n I:u~;,:c- mldivncn nf 600. J. M. Ail!`- son was in cnmpntenl Innstc-r of (`('l`!'-| monies for the nxcollt-nl program of marches. nvorhm-5 zmrl S('l(`CH()nx igivnn undvr Ihv hula", .,{ prof I Micluml AIILXUIH At infn|'Iniv< cw-,..\|, w n..h.~.... 1 1 snn uI',|< n r-nmnnn-nt mrkinll <\f Ontari0's crop of po- lEIV.00S (100-9 not appear very bright. 91 "10 Dl`t`$0nt time. according 1.0 S1C`\W"`1 1+ Page, Bzm-iv, agricultur- al representative for North Simone. Ml`- PM-I0 stutod =that. :1 tiiseasv \'VhiCh Hlmd tho pnmtrws; black. had been discovered in tho wcstorn .5md L`(`f|1.F?H part of thv Pmvincr-. but ho said that hv xwns not awznrv of the (Jisms<- ht-mg prevalent, in Simcuc County. 4 R111 the min. nf &`imcm- Cnnntv 1 The ll"01:N-f.(:r the s1I(rcessf\1l unmrm crop, n(- tllllnluu-u. In potato t`il`(`It`i~`, it is z'nn.s'id-r\(J unt'0rtunat(- that any of tho dis(-m;- ed pot.:1t,no.-: grown in Ontario should huvv ht-on plnct-rl on tho mm'k`t.. lthv unly c-ff:-ct being to` place the homo-grown variety in| disfnvmn` with thv huyors. | BandC-iives .4fh C7o.ncert` "Hunfii1g Scene" Finale xvncnnm I\ll1.{(`|ta At, int('1'mi.~:. F`r;mk W. I`.rnhsrm led in community sinmng uf Christ- mas carols and old-tilnn fnvrn`it_- unnuu Sflll. 'I`ht,- hnnrl \v:n*. 27 : just our short cut full .'Illt`tl(t.IlI(`l'. hut still the l:n';,'r-st. lmnrl nut this svusnn. 'l`h(- prnurnnx xvns f1l`l`IlZI[)S tho most. difficult `v4-t :tll('l1l[)l('(l hut \-was ;:iv vn withnlll sn hitch. The r-losing` nmnhr-r. 'l`h4- lluntin;.: S(`.t`ll('",: gnvv thv :lll(lII'Il('t' thv must. t!n_iu_y- mount as thv humt wurkorl into it plnnty uf shu\-Jlnmlsllip. finally pm lvidlna n ruhhit as tho <-ulminntinn. Int` tho hunt. wtu-n nu tux was :nv.'Iil- tuhlo. mmcuc ummy. ` B111 the DI`ic(- nf Simtrnv iputntr)e:= will probably I)!` ndV<`I'Sf'- ply affoctetl with lhv rost nf tlvw Onmrin crop, hr intimntod. I In nnmm .-i.`..I..q it In mmsirlq-rm] l FOOTWE/\lt MA'l`lNl`}l-I IIELI) Under 1110 rlirvvlinn of lho Hvullh and Wt-lf.'n'v (`mmnim-0 nf Rm-rim-I l.i:m:< Club. Wurrmm Wiluznr (`hair- mnn, n spm-inl fnntwr-:n' m:nlinm- was hvlri in Lhv (Tnpilnl 'T`Iw:m'o af- ter schnnl, 'I`m`.. whvn Hhnul 350 pairs of shm~.< amrl ruhha-rs: \.V('l`(' cnlIo(`Yr-(I. ()nr- pair was l'(`f[llil`(`(l fur admission. 'I`h:~\-:- will hr` x-vpnirv-.'l by thv I.imI.< (`huh and ll-:ll1(|(`(l nvt-r lo the Red (,`m.~;:: fur (lisirihutinn. ESWINDLER SAYSE ima WAS BANKERE M cooxsmwn. .F`il`(`ll1Illl J:-ffrr-_v VVI-hh. nnvd -17 208 Rradfnrrl SL. Harrie-. sust:1inr`rl -1 bruisnd .~'lumlrh-r, 011 (I10 rlvr',k" Mu` lnmnxmlivo :11 the Hmu. h( lnir2|(`ll|UlI:~:|y ('.<(`El|)l`(l sorinlls In jury. (`nn:l.mo.... I`I....l u......::..u..a I.u(`ius Albert "(`.hrist.m.'Is" Pur- nmlm-. 48-yr-nr-hld Inlm'I1;It,immlly known ('hvq1u- s\vmdlr-r, is nrzuin in! tho Inils of Hm lnw nftnr hvinxz ru- louscri rncmmtly frnm Sun Qm-n1,in }`I'isvI1. (Tnlifnmin \\`hv'r- hv . man` than Hm-v _w-m-:4 for hunk rub- 'l)c-ry Pnrn1.'nlm- mudv no ntlmnm In fiuhl vxtrzlditiun tn Hw land nf hi.~ mm. r.... ......u IIIUl'(' 1 V lwr) A birth 1 D-.--. UlI'lll ll)!` ITHH. ` P:u'm:11<~(-. rh-pm'1e-rl lw thv Unit!-(1; sum-.-: pnlicv ut thn \Vindsm~ hurrh-r, was taken to Tnruntu Sund:c_\' night. Appmuring in 'I`m`mln I`uli(~(- (Tnur1 ,Mnnd.'I_\`. hr` \'V6I.\' re-Innndvd withvnn `hail until Dt'('mnbt`I' `.18. nn fnur cl1.'u`;:v.~: of forum-_v ill\'Ill\`IllLI $11.41) It i.~ 1-sllnmtt-rl that I aII'mulw-'5 (.`h(`(|ll(` and bank dl`.1H f0l`;.{l`l`il`S: ldurim: lhv pus! fnurh-I-n _\r'<-.'u's in` `(`..'nmri.-a nnrl Hm Unihwl Ktzxiavu m-n< and durim: Cfnlmrin nnd md him sum [ Pm'mulm- nl)nu v. .n at i II I.\ l'Sll [ll|l'lll1ll\ lll'\\'Spil]N'l'.`~' UHF \\'4``l thuvingz stated that ha` hurl bm [bunk clvrk in Barrio`. but no I in! such :1 posxtinn lwlri by Pa` I100 horn could he` n.<<`m'tnim-r 3'I`ho Ex;m1mor It is possiblv 'Ihn {'m\k hr.'n\nh \\'.'!.< n`|(`.'I "'Christmas" Pormolee Claims Got Job There About 1907 |\\ |V| l\l'(l 1 \I`(`('m'd.~` .~ on the g lunsatisfm . 'T`)\. m. 1 llI(' l` 'tht` ('I` , 002115 55 when wa ` Ch.ur1cs_ `mu... .. . H1411 !.',(`Cl H1111 rlllu um \\ lu` HUG lhruwn h`r m'm:: around Pm'mulee's neck and held him unhl .1 US. nav- ;;1l uffjcer rcuchtvi them. .-\.`---. July. ` Cnnduvlnr (`hm-I. `-`nrnfia-Irl. `$0; Brock SL. H;u'ri-_ in nruv ul` lh:-i l.I':Iin. wns uninjured. Otlwr mu~m~: hers of lhv~' crow wvrv: G. I). An-: drmvs. hr;I|(r~m:m; Ralph Dum.-am,` l)a;zg.'u:(-nmn. and P. R. .In_\'. flzurm man. all of 'T'm'ontn. I`lw_v \VL`I'(` un hurt FAMOUS CHARACTER ~...u5... .._. .. . rnnlou said that caufm~man Ichvs reg'.u`d1n-.: hxs (`1Ip1lll`(" \v:'r L`0l'I`(`CI. H0 had passed . $3.500 cheque u. a bank. and wzalking alont-1 `hv street luterl es Wilson. 0l"1t`!t: bank` . u native 0` C-i`1l11I`.\'. had rec-E ed him and his wife hudl` m Pm'malee's`r .....a hub! him nnhl :1 IT Q I\~_)u_| mu pus! mur n lhv Unihw smnv $50.00!) I.-... n--..~ ha.-n I 5lllI\\ Ill ground f;u`lnr_\'. n'\:n\ \ uc ._..---_....q E. ` yuu read the .n.. u.,nA an just. and v\:\u-Iuvnnc nu. rnnvll I1!` \\':I.\' Ill` that his ulsu rnpnri nlnlru Huic m I! ,u-;u's U n'L~' --no that ` C`hristn1as p A ..n.\....L. c.... llll , F.nlZim`(.-r Park was thrown nr`rn. thv (`uh whon lhv onginv mllvrl nu its sirlo down lhv slipzhl vmhzmk-f mom. I! mnw tn rt-st, with its from end blH`i(`(l in the }.{l'6lV(`l :=hn1|lrlm`. of fhv l"cI`gl1snI Hi;,'hw.'I_v. whivh; pm'zI|l('l.~: H11` track at 111:1! point. 1 l\Y.. I