Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1937, p. 6

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Fina BODY or `; YOUNG MEN AT CAMP BORDENN i A very impnrtnnt feature nbuut `Camp Ilurilvn is the quality of its `water. which grudvs in thc \'('l`_V lhig.[ill`.\'L clu>;.'. 'l`ln- pumping station. :1 |)t'l'llllll)l`l1i l)uil(lin_L',` uf brick and atom` ln(-ntml on the bank of Pine Crcvk in the northern section mt lhv Camp prop:-rty, at, 600 feet ubnvo sun level, has plenty uf cup- ncity fur all needs. The supply uf pnro xvutvr is l'(`Ct'iV('d from S('V(`Y'I nrtcsian \\ l`S. only five at` which are in List`. the other twn being capped. Tho natural flow from tho tivv wells into the pumping station" [tank is many times sufficient for] tho H(`t`(iS of the Camp at the pre- rvnt timo. Fu1`(`<'d pumping is not ,ru-qiiirud. but nnly tn pump tho wat- Ir-r illtn twn . tanks of 100,- U00 ginlloiis (`ilt'll. ln(':lt('d nbnvv tlw 7(l(l-t`nut it'\/(`i nearer tho bulk of`. tho buil(ling.<. , I All occupied buildings arc scrv-l !:-d with hot and cold running wa-l tvr. I`h<- (`amp has its uwn .\'('\`\/11110 `.~yst<-in. Thu C(`nil\'1i limiting plantl lxvut.< the main buildings. 00:11 bving burncd. Electric power is pur- chased from the Hydro Electric Puwvr Commission of Ontario at vcry favuurnblc rates. L.... ::.. ......_ Ilwso facilities could be vastly im- . '.n`i>\'i-(1. ..._, ...... Camp Bordon now has its own ,z1:u`l>:1go culltcliun scrvi(`v and il-- 1'illv1`u\nr. The basis of this incin- l\'l`:I1()r is an old dis-used smoke {mu-k. 40 {out in length. which has l l i11;2;cniu11sl_`,' buun cunvuru-d mm :1 very 1-fficicm. incirwrator. This scr- vxc-: is much uppn-ciutcd by th-_-| H':idvn1s of Camp. Barriv council- lurs who-2 mnsidz-ring the il1CiF.(`l'-` - Inr nu-nhh-In Iniuhl an-I \`1IlI\l* irh-nq I'll.` V\'l|L"`, l'UlL\llll'llll,[.', LXIC HICI ;.tnr prublvm. might g('L sunw ideas by 1u0kim.{ over the one at (`amp Harden T1...-.l.u. A.-`.1 1J'n_ Hal .,u-.,.. ..,..,...... (`amp Bnrdcn has a fully-oquip- pcd lm>'pit:ii with rvsidcnt ductm` |:md mulv Hll1'St'.\`. A dvntist spt'nd.~ tfnur days per week at. Camp to Iuuk uftt-r thv dt-nml Ht`t`(iS. A radio station both shnrt wavc and lung W:lVL'>-'k(`(`|)S Camp Bord- en in constant touch with head- quarters at Ottawa and other Air btatimms throughout Canada. '1`hL-rs i: n tvlt-phone switchboard cmmech `ing with all telephones in Camp. about 50. and direct connoctitm by} itolcplmiic with telegraph ut`fi(-vs` t Ti1l'Sl` services are operated by :1 It-\\' Ruyul L`:in;1di;m Sig`n:ii.< n1(`!i in-muinin_:{ :11 Camp Bordon since` `thv bulk of thv Signails IliU\'L'(i tn luurrn-t`i-ld, near Kingston. last sum~ i . V\un|l` UIUI. I Schnul. Thculro. Church Camp Bordon pn.<. its own svhuol fur vhildron. :1 \Vl' appoint- od building. cc-m,rul1_v lm':11vd. and also an excellent thentrv. which `:1 ` nlsu \1.~vd as n munmunily hall and `church. Talking pivturcs arv shnwn un tho .~`cI'm'n Ihrm-0 nights, an ! t1|II\iIYA`l1I` llI`fIlV`l'l'i(` \'\nI\\`~' 1'0"!` l\I'A`n-) ; xn-In-uwu. The mad mm the Camp frum `.\n;:us as In very faxr shape. .~\l Xm:rlhc-r. lhvrv: urv abum 8 nulvs u` paved roads wilhm the (`amp arm .md. though lh:-_v have l\\:l been luuched smce they were laxd twenty year ago. are mu: unpaired. I05. l)lV. Hill, ZHHI )IU..:) 1l`UHl dds. Woodrow fur true; and wuu-.l.l . U ! ORO COEINCI1. Pnrv Wntvr (I Snlumluls, 1-u'.. Burris`. r '?':lL*hpuno 406. Money in 1 Doctor And Hospital , n ..,x __ _ - 1-__n.. lUI!' uuu l'U.`_V L4l\IIlE olden offers many adva those in lhe .~'er\'1cc- 1 ihut lr;n\sfm',~' to uxlwr 1' arr nu! illways gr:-:11 mi nu gun-u .-u-.. . B. l`Ul)}I()PE` (`l<~1k. I-`onturo .- N in Mn` \'l'l'V mes Stiqmlate The Sluggish Liver clean The Caated Tongue ileuove Bad Taste In Mouth i Swooton Iho Imn 5 Brussels Sprouts CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL FRESH ARRIVAL! Al.I'Z.\.-\NIII`IR ('()\\'.-\.\'. Barrister. Sulwtur fur nht:nnIm.: probate of WINS, x:u:u'(hun. and administra- tion. Us-n-uul Svlxntnr. Notary. Cox. \`I*_\`.u\vm'. ch`. 17 Uwc-n $1., I`.'(h.\0ni(` 'l'`mplo l1lulg:.. ILIH no I\lunt`y1ulunn. I THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARRIE, 0NT.. CANADA S|N`('i:l|---(`lI()I(`l`I SNU' 'I|lTF. CAULIFLOWER each 156 A choice of Iiisizes available in all stores and as usual TEXAS Sl`I|'Il)l.F.SS Sl~II.l".("l`El) QI':\l.l'l`\' ",;:l"v.3\:l`:l;i2'.;E3;l'I--\;f~_L-i.6li:AW- iixiits FILBERTS -I-oz. Pkg. lhIvu`1(;:|`I'oDhmIe PR9- BRAZILS 4.0.. c.un........ Pkg. -I-01.. Cellophane Pkg. PATRIF-C-0 Brand.- GROUND SWEET A I n Aagng JORDAN 6-Crown - _. ._n:Q if?6Bs FR/\NK Il:\'.\II\I().\'I). ILA" Il l I\'l`l' Snlnminl` 1-1: M ,l\JI\\4I u ` ALM 37 13c 149 SHELJLEID V/\ guud (imhaun . ms! prizw (}l{F.F.N AND H AND ORANGES spm--'ul- EVAPORATED -5'p-'I ul- McLAizTTE?r;J;s%ITr1vTI NCI BLE Dl`.\'(':\N I . n~\ 1n (`Hf 2 nlros. MILK PINEAPPLE cuassz Spa:-iul-Crystal Brand PASTRY El-OUR ii? 59 New Se.ason s Crop 3-oz. tin T Pkg- I_23C .15: 1`l).\`;\l.D F. M . \:tm- K.-limlnr ` 4 lb. 15 -. !-`.;u'h I _ -n IOI IID IIEIYN. SMOKE?! YNIOLT 1 IIIGKLETS YMIOIY MM I00 BORDEN`S 5-9!- CARNATION Tm NESTLE`S 3'52 332' I11. V-_v-u CUEUMBER P|CK`LES HEINZ OLD-FASHIONED nn .5. 1..-up-n DELICIOUS Jar nn. .1. u Sum:-mu livr UH 7-330 H co I`h.\n I 2-Eb. Bowl CHOICE PRIME BEEF---ROASTS PRIME RIB 73"'1 7~ FANCY PRIME BEEF:--l-ZOASIT Porterhouse ,24c1 WING Roasts MEATY-~-PR|I\/(E7- TENDER--BONELESS/\ND ROLLED ETEA II DR. liI`TUI{(`uF (` SI".\'.\I0l"R. PHYS.- aml .\`u';:n-on Uff:x`x- and Rest- . :`..- n.-r VI` ` Hwlh -uni Tnrnnlr ME/\TY-PR|7v\E BEEF H ROUND 1 9c California Seedless Australian Seedleu Australian Australian FIKUII CIIEII Golden Sulfunus South Alricnn Bleached Sultana: muxm-r` JVIY." ln'u lVlllll`l. Misw-2: Annie and Helen Burr un- attending the second-year Shurl l (`uur.~.- he-Id in Hlllxdalr this month ' n.4, ._n (_`_.....l ..l mu. \l..LI ` Ml`! J0! Uunn Vpenl luv W!'('K :>nrl in Toronto. Ming H.-Jenn Fruwlo-y M Orillm up--nl n fa-w days with Mu. Thus F`--nw'vy. ` Mlnruy Muller and !I"wnd 0! Whit bv we-rv n-cn-m. visiturs with hr Page Six` Wllll TU)` KVIIIIPT MINI lIlO'llI by we-rv rc-co-nu. vnsiturs moth:-r, Mr.-I Gm: Mill:-r. I l.l..I`n \ <|ul'r-l' lH'|(l Ill l"IllHIuulI' Inn nu-run Richard I-`ruwla-y and son Noll Spvnl 2: cuuplv uf dnyw with his wife, who hi :1 (Ion! in S1 Mich- im-".x Hvxxnllznl urnnto. Mr mm Mrs. Hurry Duddy haw- mm/rd to a farm In Cr:-lghtun. The bv~ t wmhvs u! this community go wxth them up their new home. I . ,..._...- _- ., ._ , . Exaunnm-r CIa.ssill.-ds {Ind sale lur unwanted uuclu about the homo. Lexias Valencia Style RAISINS Sporical; ROQUEFORT FLAVOUR C H E'E"S E :.::lor, Snncnur Hunldimz. Barr: PLAIN PIMENTO Prime Baal 's`17hXf ROASTS ASSORTEB Assono cHRI 1"'\A`s' _-I_ -__,I 7--.- u m wn-x ADDUK I ID Ghrislmas cards 29:: California New Crop DI IIIII EIIIG MAKASCHINU --- LIUIK GIIEIIRIES :;:.;.j;; m{. .I. II. \`ur.v.-nn ` III nlll I? lllult Ill`! wilhnul .~\`;',n ml ' kind. \\`ht`!`1' fun` be (ilk;-n in lhcir pinv siunms suck 1 in 1hr urn u.~= nu: I... Hun I'1..l.l.. Inn ASSUKI ID CHRISIMA) Seals and Tags l'su-|nun- 1:! I7! Lolilornia New Crop BLMEK FIGS .'.:.".' 19 MARASCHINO LIBERTY Brand null-nun:-n ..-_ Ilvd (men LOBLAWS lllllllllill LUHLAW3 SHOHTBBEAD 37 In Anv1..M.~.- (:In nu`... TOILET` nssus 2 lbs. 23: .'p-rial- I_IY`KH Sjhiiirnrhl Measure up to Loblaw Standovds of High Qua|iry-- Nol down to a urine. 3'10:-I-1' l`IIq. ll) nlll uf (' nxulz ._:pd'-ritll lb. 14: lb. 16 .\'pt-1-iul 4 lb.18c lb. 13: EDDY'S WHITF SWAN ET ( .'lU(I:`ll"( UE mun Hull Sp:-rial I Hll`l`|Sl(`l`. Mu 'l`u-mplv ljldgz. ._.__..___._.... ";;::"")_oc HEAEHER Th |Il`S:lil_Vi". Constipation may lower your resistance to "colds." D..li..u.. an-\.Lin..0l,... ...hl. , nu nun-uyu-u.g u: LUIUD. Rolit-vu mnstiputkm with Kt-Hugg'6 ALI.-BEAN. This food aids regular habits. 3-..... A.. h_... _,, _ A- ` I-`:Ancv_ ` 1| |`n|F I3(`l'|`-,- I Itl. MR5. HAMILT()N S Mincemeat 0` " I_IBBY'S Mincemeat llumrm:u|I- .\'l.\lr I I-"I. Pkg. ((?n11!.inur.'rl from Page One) i.m.\' ml mu-I1 in turn. Whq,-n U14 -mII's(' is <-uxnph-u.~(l. they 1 |n::litiz-d mt-c-h:mi(*:s` and are [11 1.. .i.- u '|IvIn\\` in 1-an-innc um Iifff 5;; 11c- GAIDIEII Mrnuns . December 9. 1937 .. n. , . ..., M. ..._--__._.__...._..__ .\Il.\`.\"27\l` !\I<-.v\I{ l`lll'~R Furs In-mud:-lh-d and Repaired _ Over urlburro Shoe Store j I (E. .\ lilhc-I .\l('Kl.\'NEY. l).(`-.. Sp.C. \I\'l` 1-I... ..-u....~ -.n.l I\rnulu\-Q ,-\. (`ORIH-`.TT. Nmzny Public. (`U -\` nu-nr nu~ln:hnL' d:;m'im: nf xvi] A 1 :. armnglmz 01 loans. uf all kinds. Exocuto :m.~l '1`:-ugh-(~, Thm 1* Hl.'|l Hl"lI' [HP \'>.l>| It`l".\\ 11 :1 ;:n nf 1mildin;1.< of any I uu'v ]21nding.:.< onnl n !~'ll`id(`. A few old` mnps up here and (how :1|":I:` hithx-rm used for ;: Ii.-l hut tlwsv arms could hv r'nn\'vr!ml into It-vul fioldsi xi 'l1(`mnlu`:Im`t` of any kindj 7 { \I.'I`I-Il{ II. `00l)R()'. Gril- |m``.\.\ \\l` In |;I|(' Dr. A. P. AF F.` 2 var, Imsv and mrnat spe- . \\ all lw at Que-v.-n'.< Hotel -, S;u1urduv.~'. 8 n.m.. In 1'. nnnn Julnnn; I'l.\`i])' I \-.'i1hun :f'-:""`1:*I TORTURE In A Minute rvh.-l I, am Hm In-Lin: of ecu-Inn. blou (`lllR()l`lK:\("l`()|'{S ACCOUNTA.\'TS (E. 'I`l'RNl!('|.l... l'nv\':~1<>l\' M-mtrc ~- noun . \ R\`.\`.|d( lu`t`l T00. . T|'KNl'I.l.. (3NIlIalD v\'\'r~:nL\'. M-unreal Office n.-u cmm-r Dunlap and. Fvls Phunt` 105. (HUGE! I '1 III 1.3 n n\ 7.11 n l nu. II! and their -,1-nup of I rn':IIn.'I1: .VI('I'\I.\ A` I". I . Il.l*.. GILLI. pr:u'1u'.< and Drugless Tn l",.~:<:: IM.. Allzmdnle. Rvs. l'hnm` 891. Office and 7-H p.m. Cunsullu- mt zulmstxm-ms. .mn 1-2: Lu :1 adjustments. `E!!%shi!!eI zunp llurda-n. ]':n'ticn- i- pzml In spurts in mil`:-. pu1`1i(~ip:m-. l".vur_v in l)n1(' v inn-H-51-(I . .\r _ LEGAL Ill.i('l'(`.\lL'(l Ill IUIIIU; in lhu npiniun nf| mn:1mlin;,'. Squ:I(lr(m' Id (`nllis. .~purts arul lilllwl` ur (`h:ll'1|(`l(.`l'.| n;-, :1 major plzu-0 nu ivulum invlmlv bud-, ,-gull . In-xmis. ru;zbV.i In-I'.~'. l*`:u'ililiv:`. arc: .. .. ..I' ..II Ill'l.`. I'1I|ll|lI| lhv plznying I ..-I._uu:N. IL.-\.. Bur- . Mr I\1;n.~'u|nc Temple no. M\`m`_\' 10 Loan. c`('l`.-\l(`-. B..~\.. (Suc- `xrko & B1-lll. Barris- .-Ic I\1-mr_' to loan. mu` 3 lllll IVI. um qulw Ixgnuy - whu l)('(`Vl' that * mp". mum-(l uflvr illh ` (`UH )? Minister. into its | r | A nf lnml. lying: :1]-i xin lhv 'l'nWll:-`hip It partly in E.\ !\`|. II 1I(l\r'illH(I;{\`.\' fmw nully :1 Ilngv pine (ll`l1ll(l(`(! of il.~: ul... L- ..I` II\.. (ll'Hllll('U (H ll.`~ u- ium-.'ul.~: uf 1hr- lmlustry in lha-i nin--1:-x-nth mm is now lypivul \`l'lHIiIlI1il`.'ll II\.'|l1-` " TORTURE In A Minute I For uu-k L mm |Lr|.in| of oclrmh, blotchu. I'1"1I""". MM-'h".~ n ". N`:n|\'.!, rashes and other IUII Qrlxplluwl, um-Iv Ur. I`:-nnIs' I-me. Cuulinl. IMHO `ll. u.:\.. l\.l-. Mr. Mumnxr Mnm`_\' lo 103' I phzccs L Huh um! I . l`h_vsir'I:In and n Q! in l`o\l. 18. our Insur- .nr. Admims nrnlun. Ont. l_'\m|1c. Con- nng: of wills. s. eh`. Insur- Graduate Ffll (\f!i-4 1:: well` I. :ulv:m- I fvuturc mo .. .. y .m.; | Cu her i their turn n|-ply -um. coulinj. Inlhz Mo. Ilquhl D. D. D. PRESCN ION. In (calla Imthe the irnuuni skin. (`lean gr:-urlns ud sub law dnvn hut, $1.;-s the must inlrme llchlng It I'- gmingifctn;`Al-H--tn-`s not, `aim. rmvlles I ` uanuy A 354* lnul mu.-.. u drug unrrs. pmveul ' ill`(` all EAT s3'""'r'ii'"i3EF1Es RHEUMATISM { Rheumatism first ntlnckud thi< `,uld lady in 1931. and gx':uluull_v spread from her urmr: L0 nllu-r partsi of her body. Than she started to take Kruschen Salts. und now she scnds the following lv.-tu-r in hm iuwn hand\vrilixu: : "T lvmun -mff:-rm! fmnn rhmnnnlixln gl`(Hlll(l IUI` il\'lill|)l.`3. ! There nrv throw nir(1i-nim-s :11 ihv` gprosvm Lilnt`. . at lhv west inf the row of h:1m.{:n's: U14`l'\' art`: 1 lunknut points. ivlvphnnic commun- icution with lw:ulqu:n'l-rs. mix! bombing turgu-1.<. I-`mm this zmglv `ulnnc--- that is. lhv facilitivs fnv ac- `tual manm-uvr(-S4 -i1.wnuld bu pm-try .diffi(-ull to find thc equal nf (`mnpl I ; Burden nnywhoro in Czmadzi. Adniinishuninn Facilities (`nnnnonm-(I during thu Great War, whvn ns 1nr_L:i- :1 numb:-r as 30,000 men were under czmvus then- ut um` time. and improved sinn- lhun. ndininistnntinn facilities uf ,Camp Bnrdvn nrv murh hi~1h~r than iwould appoar from rznsnal nl)s01`v:1-i 1 lion. cm...` `Ln nI'n\v\` \.\I...- ah. nvx-n~n.I 'l)\rV" HilH(l\Vllllll[{. ' 1 I have suffered from rhoiunutism [since 1931. AL first, I {i-It uculv fpaiu in both (mus. I muld hm .sl<-op for pain. H. grmv wm'::i-_ and _L:x`:uiuull_v vrvpt down lu lhv lips of my fingers. Next it rvuvlu-d my :kn(~os. and :1nklo.x', which mudv mv} quite In-iplvss for :1 long period. 1\| -friend rrr-mnnwndi-d mo in takv Kruschvn Salts. I find `I('_V du im- murv gnud than any other mi-dncim-. liuime-nt ur nintmc-nt I (`Vl'l' Ilsa-(I. This is my own writing. thmu:h I :un in ..,, 8-1th your." IMr.<.> H. I 'I`hi- pains and stiffuvss uf rhou- m:lti:~:m are oftvn C:IlI.\`t'd by (ivp0si':~ of ne-edit--pointed uric avid (`l`_V.\`llIi.\` in the inu.-`L-Ins and juiuts. Krun-in-u Salts stimulate your livvr and kidnvys tn ha-ullhy, rvgulnr l'[ilI21_ and assist nth:-m 10 gm rid of Mn- i-xcc-ws uric acid which is fl't`(|lIt'IIl|_\' the (-31:30 of your suffi-rim.:. I ihy (ho tzsv. prn1):1l;l_v_ of :1 h`:lc1ul` `and :1 few men. I\I'(n|`\'nt'lII ll-an nhvuirvnl 1-Inn" (UK! {I H`\V Hll'll. i Undoubtedly, the phy.~1iml vhxnw nctwislic-s nf tho Camp llurdon Plains It-nd nwm.-2:-Iva-s tn vxtmusivv `use as an air station and tr:Iinim', `|gruund fur u\'i:11nr:~:. |'hm-n nrn throw .-nirrhnnwc :1! HM" Hon. 1 `, Since tho Grout War. lhv appro- lprkllion fm` thv I):-p:n'lm(`nt of Na- llionnl Dc-fonrc hm` bvvn roducod mg :1 point \Vh\'l`o.' it has been impn.\`.\`ib]c| to construct buildings of . :md' brick. but thusv in (-l1:n*;:v have made tho hesn possible job of 11 under the circun1smm-us. The prvsent headquarters build- ings have every facility for the pro per administration of the cnmp. `with the oxpondituru of :1 (-ump:1r- iznlively n1udvr;m- amount of mum-`V JESSIE R. BRYSON. Teaclier of Piano. Organ. Singing and all Then- retical subjects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music exu- minations. all grades. Special atten- tion to A_'1`_C,M_ work. I-`roe classes in elementary Theory and Sight Singing. (Open to pupils only). Recent suc(:es- l ses by pupils of Miss Bryson incluclol winning of Medal awarded by Tu-i ronto Cunsvrvatorv for the highesL~ examination standing in the Domin- iun fox` the years I927. 1928. 1929. M20. 1931. Studio: 27 Bradford St.. Barrie. ` EDMUND llARDY.Mus.Bac..F.'l`.C.M. ` Teacher of Piano, Orgm Vocal and' Musical Thoury. Orgnm: and Choir- master of St. Andrew`s Preshytermn Church. Gold M-daIis1 Toronto (`on- servatnrs of Music and University of 1 'Ioronto. 113 Worsley SL, Barrie. :.__j_ Wl'Il.(`ll. AND}-IRSON & COMPANY . r`I.-..-|.-.-.-.l .\m-nmxmnlc, Trulstees. MAYDEE MCAULEY. A.'l`.(`..M., T(*a- I chc-r of Piano and 'I`heor_v. ()rg:1nisl St. George's Church. 115 Bnyfiz-Id St | [Organist Collier Street Unitvd. Teacher of Piano. Theory. Organ. ; - I il.LOYl) \v\'. TUFFOIH). Ch(\ix`mn. ` l 133 Dunlnp Street. Phone 376. } l I ___j_..:___.._.._________.. ROBERT II. SMITH. Eyfsight Spc- E cinlist. 53 Dunlap Srvol Phone 80.3 Hours 9-6 daily: Saturdays till 11).` _j ` VICTORIAN onm-:3 or Nunsr:s- ! W ` (Barrie Brunch). Well Baby Clinic `tinny (mm 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. .-\p- | mum plication for nurse's servicvs may be ` made direct or through doctor. Tele- ohone 79!. l __ 1 v.. my 1 DIL C. C. Fl.EMlN(`-. \ e1erin:n-Inns and Survoon. Office: 48 Bnyneld St. ` Barrxe. Phune 811. _-J-. EDWIN VVILSON. B.S.A.. D.0. OS'I`F.0PA'I'HIC PHYSICIAN Kine Blnvk Telephmw R45: After Suffering Acute Pain for Years _ ; Read The Examiner Classifieds JENNETT 8 LLOYD .......| n:...... .. ., ._ u-vs-an-I 9 I-I-\JllJ lum-r:|l l)irm-tors and I~`.n1lr.1lnn'rs .~\mbulanc- Sc-rvirv B4-rl W .l~nm-ll---('nur.ul Lion! '21! Owe-n SI, Barrie. I hum- 64!! VVI`I|.(`ll, :\NDl'2R.SUN J1 CUMFANX - ('|un'lx:n-ml z\(`('uuHIanlS. Trustees. `um. L`:-uwn l.1fu Bldg., 59 Yonge St... Torunlu. vv. 1. -VII-1IVIl\II` Funeral Director A.\lBl'l.AN'(`l-T \`lil{\'l(`l~7 Corner Marv and Phone Elizabeth Sn. (3! I"l'NEl{.~\l. l)ll{l-I("l`(IR AND l'I.\lB.-\L.\lI .R .\MBl l..\N(`!2 Sl`R\ u`!`. U Ellnbeth St. : Phone 2|! G. G. SMITH & CO. I . A _ L I I _ L . A n n tn `an \a- rIv|IIll 5:. \\J- Estahllshrd I869 FUNEIAI. DlR!I(.`TOB.8 AND EMBALMEBS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Iolor unbulnnco In connacuon IAIIII. 0N1'.-Pli0Nl I1 -jgj. W. D. MINNIKIN MUSIC LESSONS P .L!:.9.Y.P_ (Advertisement) Vl-ITIIRIN .-\Rl.-\.\I ._.-._:_----:---------- t()\'.\` & lH)\'.\`. Barristers. Sulicib nr<. Nu-tum-s l'ubhc. Cvnveynncers. I'll:-. M:-n`_\' in loan at l'..wt'sl rates 01 lnlcrc-,~!. Ul`l'we -l3 Ow:-n 51.. Mason- Ic 'l`-mplu Bmldmg, Barrie. Brunch uHn'v_ F.|m\':|lv. W. A. Buys, K.C.. L R. ln_\.-;_ J. F. Wnuds. __..__._. OSTEOPATIIY OPTOM l`.'I'R.Y present. Communications were presented from John Lawlor. J. A. Rogers. Nlrs. E. Pratt. '1`. W. Atkinson. E. V.l Wilson. Jnhn>'1.0n. Grant and Dods.D I I Kempenfvldl Land 0).. Muthercrult Sociz-(y. Suldicrs Memorial Hos- ipitnl. W. W. Cole. E. A. Horton. `T. I). Rnbinsun, Glondinning. Gray and Roborts. - . . .u-,,,,.n n.__. I Om Council met at the Town Hall on Dec. 1. with all members present. (`mm m I mlmn Inns wore nresentod Hydro contracts of Snmuol 13:11:-` shnw. Arch. Campbell and Wm. A.` .Inhn.~:tnn were nccoptvd as satis- f:u'tnr_v. 'l`hn (`lurk um: inairnmnrl tn rc-nlv ` I:u'1m'_v. 'l`ho (`Ix-rk was instructed tn rc-ply to John Luwlur re` dih'lu`:: and in T. D. Robinson re nccidvnl tn Mur~~ my Roll. A I-`nirn nf W.-luvin D.`-rv-un\nn fnri l\. VVUUUIUW [ill |I['I) UIIU Vvtlllll. Div. 37. I A bylaw was passed svtting Dov- mnbur 27 at 1 (fuluck. us the linu- und place fur nomination meeting and tin: first Monday in Jznumry fur t'l1't'liu|l in m.~'.v :1 poll is re- uni:-.-4| II! l'|l`l'|lUll Ill tum u |llIl| In Ar- quin-(I. ` 'l`hv vnrlnus m-1.-(uxnlq bc-{mo the (`uuncil were pass;-cl fur puymvnl (`uuncil will Invvl, again un l)vc- vmln-r 1. ). at the Town Hall. `rzly nvn. A claim of Edwin Pm`-rrymnn for | I .~`ht`(`p kill:-d by dogs was urdcn-J paid. I (`mm Wnnrlruw nnid in $l.l)0| pun! (`0un. Wnndruw paid in $1.00 {rum Wm. I :-rrynzcm for coda!` pnlvs. l)iv. 18:1, and $10.25 from Jus. II? \X/nntlrnu) fur II':|\: and wnn-I ._.. II/\MI'II{.()N .1 ('.-\Ml~Il{0N. Barristers. Snllmlms, t'l('.. B:n'x'u`. 5 ()\\'cn S1. '!`..l..In..u..u Jlhl Y\lnnn\' In lnnn

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