Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1937, p. 14

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Mrs. E. (lay with Mrs. A. a (.`uupl(' ( S1. Jnhn .;Gcm'gc: three brothers and three iva nv gtev. W. K. Auld. ' Survn-in;:{ are two sons. Aloe and jsi.- William. Alfrvd and Alhvrl ;`A'r('h(-r, Elmvnlo; and Mrs. A. Dal- yzmlr Mrs. E. Marlow -and Mrs. E. McAvuy, all of Midland. Jolly ll:ullovre.'on l zn't_v St` John's Young I (30pl(: hold :1 1jully Hnllnwcl-n mu.~'qm-r:ul(r in th- Sunduy School room an Monday evening. The room was (l('('l)l`.'ll(*(l with pumpkin l:ml-rns. 1-:n\(llv.~:.! etc. The guo.~'.tx \ver(.- mvt hy thvl witch and w(`l(:mn()d. Almlll lnrty! I x xvnro (:m:t1Im0s. which \V('l'(_` 01 (`very (l('.`2(,`l`l])li0I`I uml prim-:4 \vor- nw.'n'd!`d In tho Indy and gt-nllu~ mun having the In-5|` (lmm-s zmrlf x-nnt:-.s't:< furni. tho pmmannnml an` the evening. Just hc-f rt--`. l'rv.~ \v(`r(- S('l'V(`(l Rt -V. (Li . H. l 1u'-lmsv L'm Lhv (`ll lion ml` n1'l'i<-I-r.~:. whit-h l'('.`llHl`(] us |'nl-| lnwr Pm 'irh nl Nlixx I-`In:-mu-,-I ; DIFICC` to 1Vl1dl:md_ Monday al'ter- 1 `noon. following services from her] i lmme. Eighth SL. Midland, (-on g it-d bv Rev. W. R. Auld. { \ Surviving urn mm mm: Alr-(- nnrl There is no need to send out of town to pro- (ure your printing needs. We have an unus- ually well equipped job department and are (;L::Ll':f1od to do all your book uml job require- l`.l:`ll!.\` in -.1 ll(".1l and M'l'm'tx\'v \\';1_v. As am Advenising Medium The Barrio Exam- iner thoroughly covers the Town of I3:u`ri.~ and the` surrounding vill:1_z:vs and t`;u'xnin-;' Lii;:t1'i<-1. Intelligent. c<>n: adv:-1'ti.x'ing 1:; the bzumm-Ler of business. Let Us Figure With You On Your PRINTING NEEDS (`nnL:1ix1.~' 1111 the Nvws which it c'm'ul-.1L0s -- (`lmu ful. (`o11sLrm'tive News. 1 g.:uud of tho <'mnm11nit_\-'; heH.vr1no11l.. working` uncc vmmmmity :1 boner plum The Right Kind of Advertising Always Brings Results THE BARRIE EXAMINER vws of the territory in (`Iv-.m, W'11ulv:su111(~. Hope- -ws. It is d(`\'<)L(`(i Lo Lho nity; :1 1)u0st.or for civic u11co:1s`1m:I_v to nmko lhv pl-.u'v in which Lu livv. `L ! (ll lllI`)'.\` ` A Iwighl)m' l,ul(l DUH(.`(3 the mi:-is- ing mnn hm] izmiv l'i.~:hin;.{ on I`m':'- day. A buy found :1 fishing pulu `and bug nn a (luck at lhu \v<-st. sir!-r iol` ihv hnrbm`. Thv pole and buy: W('l`(` i(i('HHfi1'(i and dI\1;:i.:iii:,r mun` [mi-ncod inimvcliuu-ly. Eight fvvt ifnmi Ihn spnl \\'hvr<- hv .'1ppm'('n11y iwzns fishing Undi-rhill`s hudy wins fdi: in 15 I'M`! of w:ilm'. 51. .mrm.< V I\(.. mot at Mrs. Wm.` Keck-y.~: on lm-:=.4l:._\' :nI l(-rmmn. Miss Wilma lvlnmgznmm-y l!~' sp(*ndin{. :1 ft-w w`---ks m '|'m-0m,,_ Furl (`lulv and A. 1.. (iuldsmith; of 'l'm'nntn .~'p('nt tho wt-(-kvnd at,` their Iunm-S. MI` Hmbnnd. H'i.r'rh R:-hm-.| I Hundreds of residents volunteer-I ed for st-arch parties nrganizezl by Provincial Constable J. A. Rmw` and AL-1in;.: Chilrf I.nnw I)nvi(ls(m, Col- lingwood. when noighI)m's_ alarmed at the disappoarance of Hume!` Un- ,dorhill, well known rm-. of .C>llingwund. notified p()li(`C. Mum-~ [bors of the fire depzwtrmrnt also zjninvd in the xx-:u'(`h and -xz1minz1- ;Hnn M the hnusv \vh-rr- UlI(``l'hi ;Iivcd -'l1()nr.- Hillvt` 1110- gin-ulh of his -wife lwu yt--.'n`.u :u.:n. rv\'<-nlt-(I thu lnwner had nut hm-n lhl`l'I` fur sev- itu-nl [hum iBody Of M;n-F'o'und , Drowned While Fishing] l.()'S. Wilbvrl ./Xrmslru l'ri(\nds of l`urnnln : li\ (`.\' |wrv_ Suminy. 'l`lu- \V Ill)-`ti ll Hullnwc-'-n pnrly drun in thv hull on 1-ning. - Mrs. l"vrunxnn I time in Parry Sound. Roy Jzlrott of I`uront0 visited at Rm . G. (`r1is(,-`s l.'I::l week. The Young People expect to re- m'gnni7.c un Monday evening. I\/Iiss Edith 'I`rnc_v of 'I`nrunto spent the wtwkn-nd with Miss S. E. 'l`rucy. Jack l\/IL-Nzibb ml` Struslaourg. 'Sz1sk.. spvni the \\'(`('k(,`ll(1 at G. Dus- l.u .s'. I Paul Stntosbury is spending smnel ltime in Parry . I l RUV J'lI (*H (If Turmvtn vuqnml -no MINESING Hy. n.vtilnt,- is hu|din;4 My for mu ('hil- un Saturday cv~ rung. J1`.. and r :.'Il|ud on ruin- v I nulu up in. me pmm ()1 11 rr-vmv- 01` by two xvell-dresst.-d . who engaged his taxi, Donald Gil Christ, 2l-y(-ax`-old driver. Orilllu. was ordered Monday night In hum! over 1| ml! uf cash and afle-rwzml was lmund and gagged and loft m 21 fannz>r's flz-Id. 'I'hn Inn. |`..l.l .... . . . . . .. ~o.i..i. +;;DTve;" {{{{ e Held Up By Two Men ' Af Point Of Revolver "1'I-'I I1} I\4()I)FIRN f .::m'vc~ hml, and 4 - hmm.\ '01` tlmsv which (':112. .~.u \..A ,. Hold up at tho point of a rr-v0lv- '1` In two \\IP-lh`( SPfl k'Il`:H|I11Il`\` sale in Barrie or dlS1l'it`l adv:-rtxsz-d unless the list 5 m The Exammer. mg ner SlSl(`l`, Mrs, r`. C. `1`1'inily W.A. will moot F3. Hnrtun'.~: un 'I'hm'.~(l'1_v Nuv. 4. ml 2.30. St. Jn(|u'.< \.'.'./\. \\'iH l.'uL-stluy ul'tm'mmn, N(:\ . 14. (J. Jmni,~. Cm1[,;I':Ilul.':l|m1.~: In Iinnkns. whn 1-o|('|)I`:Ilml i:irlhd:u_\' y<-sh-1'l:1_\'. Jlllliul` Insiilutu will m. mrlIuI:u_\- y1'.\`l1'I`(l:!_\ lnstilutv day 1-w-ning.:, Nuv. J(>lJl)ill'>`. {nll mull -:....-inn` Mrs. Spurling uf 'l`m'untu is visit- ing her slstvl`, Mrs. F. C. Simpson. rm-01 21! lvlrs. H. _-_.j_ THORNTON xvu:i_ r. L . :9 . z I : mmpsun. ; 11.: IlH,`.'l'l]()U:I. NIl`.\`.. .lzx.~'. I ha.-1' him! H I'|Ium' 5-H j ' ' 1936 l i_vmouth l)vl.uxe Sedan with Trunk l9.'H ltuirk 50 Series St-dull I!).':I ltvu 3-ton "(`:lV_V Duty 'l`ruvk. IMX7 duals rvur nml s~:t.:Ik- hmly. l!l.`{l ('h`\'l`()|l`l IN-|.ux0 FAST FREE ioauvenv I930 (flwvrolc-t (`om-In I930 Ihulgv `-3-ton |':|m-I 'I`......I ......,-,. -,-u... ....u-. 'l`rm-k I923!) Whippvi. (`mum I928 (`lnjvslo-r -I--('_\'IiII(I'I' l`.... ..I. MXEHEN }mLLs .29 1,46 ~ .23 A .15 %-F:s%!<?}T 2;`? 4rorT1: YOUR HOME PAPER Roast iigh Sc V15 .21 %.15 .21 .18 J9 22 15 [16 .25 IHIIII 'l'hc llnmc I ;1pcr is :1 \\'CL`Kl_\' 1L`llL`I' In UIUSL` :1w;1_\ {mm humc. Keep yum` Hi-c11d.\` i11lm`111c\1 lv_\ .\'L`Ih1iIl`Q`lhCl11--- Jun u g, Montgomery spent Sun-] 1 friends -at (lnldxvater. ` .. J. Goldsmith is .vp(-nding - of months in 1.inrlsa_v. mic W.A. mot :11 Mrs. Wm. ; I nn 'l`m-::4!;.v :.1 |...<..m... W N E_\_Iy_ o r :}LM%\LiA L'|1:" 3-4--` Telephone 222 and our Representative will call spent Sun-| The Late Mrs. Alex. Ingram gixvntor. I` The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar- '5',-D("|1dinE|gnret Elizabeth Ingram. widow of I-11"`-?`.\Z I the late Alex-under Ingram, look Wnmplace to Midland, Munday after- jnnon. following hm`!

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