` One cent a word. cash, each Inser- tion, (minimum charge, 25c). five insertions for the price of four. 25c i extra is not paid within five days of date of issue; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examin- er. Store or business advertising (including agents) in this column. two cents per word. cash with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). Classified advts. accepted up to NOON THURSDAY. ` um, F... ...... .. ...- _... ) ' LOST Rvd Cnckm` Spmmiol answer- ing in name uI' "Kun1pic". RL`1m'n tn ` Dr. Laurie, 26 Owen St. Ro- `7 xvard ) 20!) 1 i `WOOD FOR SALE or would ex- lclmngc for battery radio. Apply `Box P", Barrie Examiner. 20!) | _ | T: 1 1927 CHEV. SEDAN for sale. good lcnnrlilinn. Apply 98 Wellington St. I East. 20p l ILIGHT CHEVRO1.F.'1` TRUCK for `sale, in good shapo. Can be seen :11 `Can. Nat. Express Office. Allistnn. Ont. 20b |'Z!I Lil-H';v. I'1\NJ'.I. l1tuL1\ mr mu, loquipped with |:a(l ru(~k.< and |.~'hol\'inL'. Sllilllhltt fur electrician or plumber, now 1iro: firxt (-Ins. Iditinn. Mrs. I .n. . l.L`frny. I '29 CHEV. PANIC}. TRUCK fm` sale. nnninnhrl urilh |. i(l(l(`I` Ur. 1,.; ) ___.____-_...:_:__.:_. 1.()S'I` - l`ur.<(\ mnmtzainixuz license and rcmriplx. Fhmor pl(~u; return to Barrie 1'IxuminL-r. IR0- I ward` 201) x I OSI'F[f)N for an _r.-1`1(:rg(:t.i<: young. mzm \gvxl.h .\'-'Il(,'S`Zlh||ll_\", ;'nl:n'_y and (rnmmlsslun (lurIn;.: ll`Hlnln1.{ pt-rind.', Apply Bznrrm Exznminr-r. 20;). the Wallace l rns.' Cirtruie. on Sn1uI'- dny. Findvr please return to 100 il3R.OWN CARDIG/\N 1.()S'1` -- A1, II l (-(l SL, 01' Phtmc H85. HUI) |.0S I` Gold rim: with red . iI]iHill(,`(l am insi Lost in (Ql:(`(`l]`:~` 3l`;1rk cm Nlny 12. Vnluvrl us km-p~ sukv. linclt-I` pI(':1.<(r phone 450. 2lH) I A STRAY l)()('} I nnrl whiin win` I 1 /\ 5'] K/\ Y l)i}l1 and \vhi1,(*. \vir0 wutrth dn;_{x for luld $1., I l\nl1L` : ` l`;()/\IH)I.RS W./\N l'I`II). <'vn1rnl lu- (`HIIUIL Apply .36 iVl:n`_y '51.. B:ll'l`l(`_ Phnno 839\'V. 201) ` ONE I<`R.()1`J'l` `. Iv (I1-1~.n':I1vrl ()Nl`j l"|(()N 1' I ly (I(`(`I)I`lA1(.`tl. hl)U.H'(`kC(`})ll1}.Z. 1 I 4 1 I I2 ]IOUSEKFII*`.1 lN(3 R()()MS In rvnl. |l'nv-niehnrl :|H l'lll1\'l`lli(`lH'(`S, .`\Dl)]\' :_____j.__ `TWO CLE/\N lzlhlrv fur lihl ' '1'wU L2I.r.1\N nhlv for light 1 I 19 V(`,S|)l'l St. s--------------. 2 IRI(`}II l` FRONT ROOMS in rvnl. .~.u'1t;1b1- li;;l~.l l`:tIll5\(`k(`(`))iH,`,` twill ` I`urni. Plmnv 9101". 201) HQ Jlk{Ubb.l\l`.l`.l'l1\ |lurn|. all ("(1 ] 37 M(:Dm'I.'1ld SI. I FOR RI.N'l` F11 vrnun r-r-nh*." i `. PIGS 1-`OR SAIJC 10 _ni;;'s. 6 \vvt`k< 11.1.1 /\v\nl\' Au-I Wilkmsnn. :\n2u.~. UNI. I\l \ ,H.R. 1. I l'ru. \IIn\' YOUNG (`OW FOR SAl..T`I Hum On frn\'hm1 i('()W l<'()l\' h:\l.l`. 1\{1('v {duo in frv.~'h('n 1hl.\` ` ilinnlh. A||:md.'nlc. ILR. G PIGS I-`OR SAIJ-`._ ti wm-k.~ Apply Nn1`\';nI L`aldwo|l. SI Hm [LIL 2. .-\I`.\1<'1`M l-INT 'l`() 1.I:'1` hnxv ,\nnl\- `Z0 Hnux` Q! 1 (SIRI, UR WOMAN wrmiod to work` rm fnrrn; small family, no chiltlrcnz` m-nr In highway. Annly tn Exumin-' L-1'. znn` LIVE STOCK FOR. SALE ..... n In "rum CILunIru\l-I )R Hl`2N'l` I"urn|. awn . mn. r`c-ntrzxl; also (`lC('Il`1C homer r suits. I`h-nv 1I72W. 20p WOOD FOR SALE e uuuuuu um I! In `rum Fxnmlnnr) Room? vn n . u A . . .5. LOST AND no . u A . . run: In In TI II\' N `am. AUTOMOBILES . u u . . . pm. In In `rho Fummlm [LOPERTY 'l`0 LET Au-.. unn .~-nu. H In Th: Finnlllmr) AH l'l\/|l`.J\'| It .-\ppl_\' 30 NH S1. \\\ un(`l :\ppl I$;u`ri< \ GIRL W/\N I'F.D Crmk L!('n(:m|. ex-` p(-ri<-nu-(I, for work wrnunrl : 1 t0Ln'isl vamp. Apply by lcllcr ml Box 614, Pmrrir-. 20x` L'U\V ["0]: S1\l.l':. '1'Iw' "3 \K' J Vllic ` ROOM 101' rvnf. now- I cnihuhln fur Iihi AND BOARD u.. an... 2.......u...... R()()I\/IS In IN. |um.-1-lu~mnimF /` 1'} I<`()UNI), him-k. Inn '0 haired 1.:-rricr. 1`\\'n ' :~'.'ll(~. Apply 56 I)un- MHVV, Iizlrrit-. 24);) H UV] \.\7 T\/Inn FOUNF In... I: . -.mImu- \ in lungs. n \Vl`l`K'~ i|km.~'nn. :\n;:u.~. L101`: __?.:____ WK Im' S2110. \ lil` ) H) |l`l. SUN` vpinpz. /\pp|_\' 20p YOUNG MAN Hi In 20 y('.'n s, stuzlrly vmplnymt.-nt with guurl (th:m(:(:s fur` the futur(~. Apply Hznrry Murrcn, 8`, North St... Bzu-ric. 201) '0 _\ mln. \VL`L`k. -) .`\l :1". (ll l`)lli<>H, m(l I(v('illlt)ll. Apply 11(i 20!.` v bum .`\p})I_\` 3. If In r('In.l Apply 20]: con- 20}) liuhi | Hitfb 1| new 1 : mm . Wm. 20b ll.` II` An- "lhv MAN OR. WOMAN wzmlod as dis-` II'i('t ln:IIHl].f(`l' in Ontario for pub-4 lixhr-r. l.ilu-ml ;.{u.'n`;nnl,t.-u arrm1;.;<.-- \ mt-nl. Hm; P.:n'ri(- Examinmzl (ml. 201) :1m_\' 20}: . _ B. HOFFMAN. water well driller. Apply 43 Albert Avenue. Mimicn. Ontario. 17-21p _________________ WELL DRILLING ---- For (3.`~`UI1`I?`llCSl Phone H1. Jack Cnupland. 29 Park- sidc Drive. 18-22p `lFOR PAINTER and pzlperhangmx Icall 510J. or see A. Miller. 59 Mc- Donald SL. Barrie. Work dnnv in I vnnnlrv nI' Inwn. 17-211)] `l)0nal(l 5L. uarrl country 01' town. l----- ' """ ` ' ' ` BLACK PERCHERON S'I`. \I,.I,.ION will stand the season of 1937, :1! George Mason's. Lot 20. (Jun. 12. Vesprn. Fees $6.00. $1.00 time of ser- vice and $5.00 Jan 1. 2()-`J.2pl V_esprn. Fees mxuu, an. VICC $5.00 - RI-IEUMATISM. SCIATICA. Back- acho. Lumbagzu are atlzwkorl at tlw S0llI`(:C by the cleansing and anti- septic action of Rumacaps. Duu,'.{las Drug Store. 201) . PAPER HANGER. interior torior decorator, town or : Cnll Fred Zoihr. I2 Dnnzlld Harrie. Phnnc 953W. Agent pire \\'z1llpapm'.<. I [)0 YOU VVANT tn I wmr nu-r1nni7nH CT/H`/\|'&l.l'". WOMAN nr girl for light hnuxvwnrk nnrl In (In :1 mm]- (-r::1(- ummml nf home baking: :nt~ Hmnnu-r rt-surl stow-. Apply Bnx' "Z", Bnrriv FIx:unim-r. 20pb| DO YOU WAN1 to rmso mrmtyv Hn _vm,1r 0r;z;mi7.n(i Play. (".vur;,'(" In A Jam". may be prc`.=m1l(-(I h_\'l E:~':<.'1 Road Y.l`.S. Fm` infm'm.'1li4m' write Nurim: Rnwvliffc. Allandnlv. or Phone 649. 20!)! SAVE WORK AND I`AI3I.F.(`I.0 I`IlS hv Iminii nmvs4m`in`. off the H1]! fur; '1`/\I3l.I~)(`l.()'I`lIh by using n(`w.s*prin`. fur- l:\b1v:< at tea Incotinzzs or other film'- linns whvro this . HI` svrvinzr is f0lI0w(`d. This paper is ozlsily h;mrl- ` I led and is :1 big ('0l1V'(`niClH`(`. (301 it at The Examiner. 52 inchos wide; various lengths. Ten cents nl pound. 4; )l[c I -------------- 1 WI1.l.YS (JAR SALES 81. Sl.RVI('l*"..l l Rzwvimv (::\r::Lr(-_ 2!! Mzmlv z\\'v.| |WI1.l.YS SAIJCS N1. Slltvn I'..[ B:\_\'\'i(`\v (}:\Hu.:('. Mnplx` /\\'v. Como in and srm Hw new 1937 Willys. priced from $704 nml up; ()\vIu`1's ropnrt, up (0 40 IHil(`S pm` `gallon. '2!) F.:<: St`rl:m and `27 I I"m`rl :~'('(1:1n for salt`. C:n':4 \v.'u and |)n|L<|1('(L (`umwrzll 1`(`])iIiI'.\" Phrmv 1255.]. J. I(mc`t`ly. 20!) -?:._-- ` l\|.r\I- ha I r\ I I .1) ()\\'(-n St. : BARRIIC : I` l".\'(*nings-R('si(loIu'o 1 Al`/\R'l'I\/1lGN'l'5 '11) 1.1a: In-zutorl. (`(?l11l`ill. furni.=lu-l nishod. $22.00 furni. rnnm :Ipurtnwm. $3000 1 flhesn all have hot runnil l <~1o(rlric 1`efI'i;:oru1<-r and st !unlw.'1tcd np:1rtm(m1.<. vvn` u iinn A I`/\R'I'NlF.NTS TO I .E T` hnninrl mmtrnl, f1n'ni.=hNl ' 1' . Sl;`)`R7ER/\T. SUNTIVITCR nn k'mnnr\nf1'|(H n:l\' ` SEVER/\l. slJwuv1r.n \\)1|z\\: nn K(`1np(`nfvl(ll I'}:1_\' fur .<:1!(- U in 101. Singzlv mums :|\':1il;ml(x SMALL HOUSE 'l`() RF.N'|`. FARM FOR SALE A splendid : nm~1nnHv if vmn zwl nuivklv. m WOMAN WANTED. ymn1p_ (H` mid-` rllv-:n;.{ml_ for ;:(`n(~r;|l Imusvwnrk nnl farm, all tzunvonicnccs, no uu(..~4irl<- work. full ('h:n'L:(- of l1nu.~'(`. and :~'m:1ll rhild. Apply Earl Alkins C()()k.`~`l[)\A'll. 20p FOR S/\l.l'1 /\ :~'pIvmnu up- pm`1uni(_v if you quivldy. must be sold in two w(wk.~L The pmp<`r1y is farm p1`(>pu1"1y and is (' nf two nni1.~'. Thv firs! unil is Ihv homo place. with G-rnnmcd huusv in ;: <`nnditi(m. me burn 36 by til) on stone fmmdutinn. unotl : undvr; `End hnrn. on posts with .\`hu(i.< undm`: m'('h:n`rl (`l(\Sl` tn hIHl\ (' and plonly of wutvrz hmm nml ('|.'|_\' hmm. umlvx` (`lllli\':)linlI_ and is (l(`- .~'('rib(`d .-'l1m`1ly as the summ H:1H' ml" 1.01 Numbvr IL in Hw Tlh L'nn (`(`.\'>`i of Hw 'Tn\\'n. nl` F..<<:'.. cm11ninim.-,' 100 :1(`1`1's, mnrv ur l<~.<.~: and also H10 south 5 :\(`l`(`H ml` 1.01 H in Ihc suit! 71h (,`um'v.<. Thx` ntlwr parcel of 100 zxvrcs ix p:n. land. with 50lCl`(::<()fs1iII1(lil\,uhu::h 20 z1(:rc.\` wtwrkzablv land. . .......\l; .-undv hmnx nnd ix` Sh()l`1l\` `. I zu wn ('rv(`k. szmdy dvs<:ril)C as * 1-) in N10 i szmdy lnnm. and IS . the I".:1. Hull nl` Ln! 112 in H1(- said 71h CUl1(`("`~'i(II1 xi F.s.\`n. Make your own 01'l`vr` `.n1h nmpvrlivs must hr sold tum-llxt-I. Tho prnpvrty is unmwumlwrwl. nml any uffL'1` whivh is mnrlt` must in" :u'cmnp:mi(`d by :1 mnrkod vhrrqnr` fm` mo-tvnlh of the zmmunl nfl'm'- ed. and iho balance must bu p:li(l in (~a. within 30 (lays nf thv u('c(~nl-- zmco of the offer. 201) :. Fri(l:x_V, May `.21 E. of Ian.` 1:*1.. In? In (`n "-`:<""-"`-`\ I ,___ I AUCTION SALES Ii (iendlilw pI\Iml)ox' l Iruckor.<` |lul)|o.<. 1 1 I it'I~n~.n MRS: A. B. COUTTSW R_EAL ESTAT . um null.` - llhnnn `) In : 1u1dc1's1gnud. l 3} G. R. a E. A. BURNS Chiropractors pm, pm. Um. /\l.l"/\l.r`/\ Inn zmrl st-vnntl cut. ' Mill. 62% (`nllivr MISCELLANEOUS . ...... nan: Io In `l'hn Funmln Kinu Block : llurriv : Phone `ll.-'- THE BAIIIB EXAMINER. BARBIE. ONT,-n -`CANADA E -()-1\}lPANY i STQCK BROKERS. Phone 405 : BARRIE E. & ntorinr and ex wn cmmtry Sh'v(*1. . for Em lllfl) C`(`)TT/\(H.S :l!Hl Plmlw 73%| 5 0 5997.1 LIVE l()Wl. AND l'}(`.(iS W2ll11(`Ll.; Mnrkt-I m`i('(-.-: pznirl. H. lmvil. I`hnn<- 31 . 17-21;) MAN WANTED to look after ton-I nis courts. Apply Box T" Barrie-1 Examiner. ~ 20p 1 l mm Hp nilvs pm : nnv In 17-21; ): Ol 2()-`.2p H 1-` 5`ti45.()H: umh-v I I ! ll1\'l'('lllN(} HUGS lm` funmus nmv In-M-Ll New 1 "Cln`i.~*liu Spil7.m'inklum. humh`(,`(l. lxlh` pm` dl) /.1 v:u'|_\'. lhmw I"urm.-'. S!` Uni. I l1\ l`CI I IN(`. ]".G(lS I'm` 4 fnmunu m\\r In'~(-ll N(`\\' 1 In Mr. znul Wll`:<. wzuu-r nunu-.~. ()1-n S1:ulinn_ :1 (ln1I;,*ht(`r. ll()l'I\'lNS At I82 l~I.':s:1 Road, A!- lnnrlnlt`. on 'l`l1ur. May 13. IEH7. 11: Mr. znul Mrs. Jnn1n.< I-I01)- kins. RR. `.1, Allnmlult,-. 11 daugh- Ivr `Eli/..'ul)<-tl1 Mum. I./\l'Rll') /\l llw linyznl Vicmriu` Hu~:u|I:1l l .nrriv m1'I'll(,`>:(l1IV. May Neilsmfs run, , I- \JIuI\ I/IV nun-vs. ....... . .. llU1\lISU(fiS .......... I95 i .u:1.1.v BEANS 1'70 1 1\I()l.:\SSES KISSES in 100 Bags lVlZIIB\Ill 5 (thucolatos .. Gaiety 'l`uffee . u--vau--uurun b/~\l.F/\l.l*`A HAY WANTED First unrl utlvnllrl ma! 'l'|unnRI)l1's Fhnnnilu: B 1`iYs*oNs A. P. STORE Phone 39 (`('I1u`l<'I')'. Urn, l\'l:1_\' 1:). ` H()l.'l` /\l \ :nu~ on Wu d:1_\', IV[ZI`\' 12. W37. I\II:n'y Hull. widow of mu Into Cluudo E. Holt. of Haney. B.C.. and daughter 01 1h(- lniv Waltz-r Rnikrrs. Barrie. I\ I('C`-I'}z\IlY ()n Wvrlnuxdzly. May 11!. 1937. nl his home. 5!) Slibbard ;\\'1\I\IHI l`:n~nn1n Jnnn-Q T. NH`- h'\lA1l.IAnn_a with Wllippctl (frc:un STRAWEERRY 7 SHNPAE Iv` [)I|:II. nn 1:: MI . H St<'\\':n'l. (Jl'|'Y l)1\Il-{Y BRICKS 20c-I|ult' 10c IGGGS FOR IIATCIIING .>lnu null run It In Thu Examiner) ( Ii The Barrie Examiner OUR SPECIAL FRESH IIHFII) $5-Il).U0 ( \Nh:II (I LUNCH AT are Agents for 15 tI1ur.~'u:ny. I l\`h'.~:. R< (|.'uu_',hl(-r DIED and Mrs. Mt`!- Ilnuunltl 'l`|mr.~:- nu /.1.-n. uruu Shanty 1-.:I_v. 18-201) nknm, nu Sun- I"r.1m:i.< Allan mun. n:,'c<'1 81% Ill Urn Sizllitm. n 500 I .29cl .1901 1 sznc Imm 1I:nm)sI1iI`v, I I." $~Ll)() per ()r(lor Itlnlv I-luv lllzaul vv I11` 1.; (may you saw It. In The ...______ `He from llznnvwlrv I -Viz-lnriu I5. 1937. ` Bnrm-:<. [Em NEWS i} ~Now low matinee prices at thr- Imperial Theatre. Everybody 10 admission. -\' rnm T nr-Du Qinr rinnrin nnvilinn. (lmlSSl0n. The Lucky Star dancing ` at, Oro Beach. is opening 24. See advt. in this issue. I! luv 0 11nrrinrlne< R 24. See advt. m tms ISSUE. .\ --6 by 9 Borderless RC-xoleum Bugs in good vm`iet_v of patterns at A. E. Smith's Furniture Store. 20h X3-n~v-in F`irn Rrixxmln was Called to Smith's Furniture more. am Barrie Fire Brigade was called a chimney fire :11 236 Elizzlboth St. about 12.30 p.m. Monday. Nu dam-] age was done. __I.nr1incI Ron mum 10 for 111(- done. -Ladies! See page wxmderful premiums at the Impor- inl Theatre. First premium night. Friday. May 21. x ...TnviInHnn< while the-v last. muv Fr1day_ May 21. .\ ~-Invilations. while they may be obtained at R0ber1snn`s l)ru;,: Store for Edmund Hardy's pupils` recitals next week. 201) Next l\/hmday, bving Viclnrin Day. sl.n1'os will be closed. Early shop- ping on Saturday will be appro- eluted by the Inorclunnts. nhm-I: F`h:|ir< Lawn Chniru. mated by 1n(.' IT\(.'l`L'Imxn.~.. ~Do(rk Chairs. Lawn (I|mir<.| Camp Stnols and all kinds of sum-I mor furniture on display at A. F. Smith's Fu1'niturL` Store. 129 Dunln',) 9` 201) \N. \N'l'l'Il) . })|('_ mm nl 5lIlIH]H`l' H :1`. W. Willors. who looks nftvr` Trinity Church. informs us that hv` counted no loss than forty-fmlr tul- :.. m....mc mhi:-h hnrl hnnn cut lw Cuuntcrd less: than mrly-mm" un- ip blooms which had been out by vmnlals in one bed at tho churn-h. V The Burriv H01'HCUlll`21] Su('i(`l_\' is nf1'(.-rin;,{ an oxcoptimmlly fine premium this _v(~.`-ha Monuvrship ticlu-is may be svcurod frnm tho (lir- eclnrs or at The F.xumin(-r nffit-v. 2(l-2'.Zx LH-.<.1..\ ` 1 Ton nmro mon \vcrv tznkvn on My Mi(lhurs1 F Slntinn lurlzly whvn work sturlvd rm S(`l1il\}.!, nut trnvs ml: the 100 acres of thv Parr prrupc-rl_v| ul. Ht,-ndrio. ]mrchus(~d by thv (,`uun$ I 1y last year. . (".ninr1` znvnv for the 24th`! Ln- -- L1lHllL', il\`V Ilu nu. u--u .. (lies. phone 356 now for nppuin` mcnt fur your new nil finisher! pm m:mvnL f(-uturorl at thv Id:-; Bhnuiy Shoppe `W. T. Camrrrrmi. Clupportnn St. 2L In 1-rumnnl-Hun \!\/I1 H11` ('hHI1L[!` V L;luppm'mn DI. ..u.. In (rnnnec-1i(m with tho ('hnm.{!- uf m.'1;.{istru1c in Barrie. H. R. l nl~` sun. assistant inspe<'tm' of legal mf- fi(:e.s'. was in tnwn _y(>stL-rrluy. and attended court prur,-N-(1ing:< In-rm`!-| Mu;.:ish'ntL- Charles F. Hivk. R/luv hnv (`Ir-m':m('v f22n(h /\Hl Mu;.:islrnl.L- Clmrles 1". Hl(`K. May Day Clt-m'zIn(:v All hnls. $1.00; crepe (lr(!sso.'< and W001 suits. $135 up; u. nl` hluur:-u us, collar.-=. gluvvs. hose, znprIm.~<,| p11rso.<. umlurwuur. pillow (-:u.~:(-s nml l l)t-rvl.~'. 49:: each. Irt-no Collins l.nrl- i'.~;' Wmn`. 20h -. .. nu: II_,, ..A .....ll ws; wnnr. R. D. Coulis, Mirlhurst. wvll known ulndinlus ;:rnwm`. has hurl :1 very successful sale (at (-nrms lhi.~. your, a number of vuritrtivs ht.-inv,`{ already sold out. From nno fI0\V(E|`| club in Trum, N. .. h(- rv<'viv(-(I an m'd0r of $155. Arthur Ymmpt. Strand. is zmnthz-r szntisfitrtl user of Ielxnmimrr (,`,l:n.<.\'i- ficds. He had an ndlvi in lzx. W('('k'$ ' ... . ~rl ....nnr1u nu |'nl|n\u<' "I wish IICUS. HO nun ill! nun-1 nu mm wt I |\ a i:<:~'u(r and l ()])()l`1,S(lS follows: "I wish ` In say I sold the cow I n(lv(-rust-(I5 and nnr)ther one as wnll and nm well pleased wi1h rt-.s`ul1:<." -Miss Anlhistlo. one nr ']`nrnn1n`.~: loading hair stylists. is lnkim,-, ('hu1'uo, uf "'I`u(:kur's Ht-:ult_v Slxldltfl zunrl in nu`:-n:|I'(`(1 In L'iV (` 1h!` lhlri, ('ml1';:u ()1 nuzm.-I .~. In`-IuI_v mu... . and is [)l'(.`])lI'(`(1 tn give n1n.~;`.| :nd\':m(:-rl : in all linos nf hum` d1'(`ssin;.:. also facials. rnunicurinu. (`,_V(?l&!Sh and oyr.-bruw rl_V(`i11;{. Mr: Phrmv 581 for npnoinlmvnl. 20h --nmua nnmn hm-I: nxmin" I\/1;wi~;-. Magislm` _vo. failing to r accident 4 ... n r\ Tnrr ('!\l`.'\IH.l". V\ (3MI\N wmlltl umrk hv dnv l'hum` I-Ml. I XVlZIglSH'E|IL' DICK. Ill \illIl| urn di5n1iSS(P(i 2| chzirgv nf tn remain at the scene u-f an against Milton .1. Chap- man. Tnrnntn. following hn acci- dent north of Bradford on May 7.` in which a northbound car suffer ed considerable damage on its left side. When the prosecution could`1 not prove ihal it was actually (.`hz1p- 1 man's car which had caused the ac- cident, the case was dismissed. His Worship remarking that it was or.- ly a supposition that it was Chap-l n-\nn': r-av` I i 1 I H In Inf! rltnmnu .u Wardens Buie and L3 rate Bick` in mmrl n rlicnwigand :: nhnrm .\ * pavilion. on May hi: icmm, xi for nppn 111:! :1 finichnrl I BOULDERFEL GREENHOUSE 1.. ' Miss` ()|\`I`ll of (`|Irisl:u's .\';Il :u-ls us` our .\',;:-nl duwnlm .......u A(V /./:A'1`:r 6 I 1%--n % :u-ls .\;.',I`IIl` ll(l\\'lI|ll\\`lI. Ml`.'MHIu`R I*'I.()I{IS'l'S' '1'I'.'I,F.'(}If./\l ll I)Kl.lVl'.'I\'Y ASS()(`lA'I'I()N 7 4 Blake St. BAIHHI. Phone 832 SIIANKLESS as--4-`-ruwrx DIIIILV I\lll`AOLW SMOKED PICNIC HAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:i:An1ri,\1.1:l) BACK BACON, by piece . . . . . . . ROASTS OF PORK . . . . . . . 15 ROASTS OF BEEF . . . . . . . . 13: Fresh and Smoked Fish Fresh Vegetables M. J. nnnrgngug K -`\l'I\Hl; wnrk hy 11 Dunlop St. 100% l)-ll_l'; :""]3`l'I |I`lS`ylVa`llia Motor Oil -w-I- _._-- l l .I{Ml'l` N0. 416 The World s Standard of Quality I,)URIN(`: I`I{P`. NEXT 11`()UR, WIGICKH w- will :;u1|)|)I_V. wlmlt-:<:Llt`. Mntur ()il I'm` _`/()lll' :=.1m1mc-r rv 1':-111:-111.5, Dithvr I hil1ip.x'-I :-nn n1`(>\H` I\/Indc-1`I1(`I'v-<-n (Tu:-m (Hw 111.1,- tm';x. :1 qI1:1liI,y us is u:~su:LIIy xnld). in II). 13.`) or -15 :;u.llm1 (l1`I1m:-;, :11. I [{I(TI.S '1`H/\'I' WILI, S.-\\/I`) YUU I)()L.- I..AR`o'. PHILLl_I $ OI_LS LIMITED ....... ____ 1:1,. 150 Iirzuifurd Strm-L PHILLIPS-Plf.NNA_ HAVE YOU HEARD THIS ONE ? O U n C 0 V 6!` I}.-\I{|{Il". J Ul\I:I'.IVIIuu.u. 9 .\':IluI| n :u-ls Ax.-,4-nl` duwnlnwn. an nu: HIl.'!.'V AQ\`l)(`IA'l`l()N 2 1"-/\f\'M HAND, vxpwionm-ti wums wurk on farm. Hnx Hnrriv Exa- ...a...... 30,, 'P`h:me 50 or 51 DEAS that arouse inter- est; illustrations that get attention; messages that r really sell . . . .we do a nished job; a complete advertising product that in presentable and produc- live. L4l\l_IlVlIL `l.4l\ `Telephone 222 or 223 To Uncover Live Prospects ' BOOKLETS FOLDERS INSERTS ' BROADSIDES BUSINESS FORMS Ideas and Estimates Without Obligation THE BARRlE' ` F.`XAMINER _ flfifi , , 29c lb. 15c-18c lb. 13c-18c lb. . . 19c lb. 2 lbs. 25c 'l`c-It-plmlw 45375 l`f`u'\("l`l(f`.'\l. NURSE. vxp<~rivn('ocl.f with laws! Hf n-l'u'rvm-L`. ('nnl'im'xn(`nI ; vznsm: and any uthcr mnrsimz. I`hnno % . llW. 20; ! ._____..__.____._____________ V .. _.___ __ FOR S.-\1.H C`:\n:uh:m approved Bnrrvd Rovk clxickn. Buy yuuri vhivks (rum ;\ hn-mh`l' 1\;1lcl\vr_\'. All (`hivks sold are hatched from eggs laid by my own flock. No custom lmtvhingz. '1`we!fth year of blnod= h`sHm.' and guvornnxcm ilxspoctiuly and vullim: for egg and meat pm- ductinn. This (lock has grown fr0n1`-, :\ small beginning tn mu largest in thv diswwl. Th(`l`(` must ho a rvnsnn. ` .hnu~ Chicks. 9 conts. Tum Kenny. Shamly Buy. 'Itfb ` :_""- i " ' Why not send a copy of this week's Examiner to a friend? GIRL W/\N I`F.D tn lonrn lmirdross-i ing. Apply in person at Ideal Beauty 1 shop, or phone 356. 20;)` .|Inu~ &`n1cK>`. HELP WANTED .... cum I! In Thn Finn` ('1 ll.V. 1lu\\'lI .'|| WANTED . nunu II In Tm. :- I 3 /{ppl)' ` ( .1. (`()/\(',H W/\N I`I`.l).l: zmtl $130.0!) :1 Innnlh Ix Annlv Hnv "H" H:n`1'i(!|1 \'\ ( )1VH\ N \\'l . l IIum` \Y W/\N'l'I'}|) - l"l|`S\ 'I`lmm.~um'.< (``hnppin;_-V : SI. 20b} lilu-5 `.!0p1 ` ' ' ` FOR SALE-Barn 92 by 34 tom, and ' house. Apply Dr. L. H. Bigclow, Edgar. 19-201) MAID WANTED. Apply Mrs. Wa1k-l or. over Royal Bank, 12 Dunlop Sl.. Barrio. 20b| I BICYCLE FOR SALE. strong. rc- liable, good tires. Apply 76 Park- sxde Dnvc. 20p| lU.\ |.'lL'dl|L.'l 7951. FOR SAI. 1-: piano, $30.1 ? rack. chc-ay fl` Examiner`. ' 28-FOOT I` " s=acI'ifi('(: fa 1 smnmer pl - v.VI:....I-,.n- C I2 ICE REFRIGERATORS (second-`t hand), for sale. Apply A. Moffattd HR Dunlnn St. 201)` hand). I01` sale 118 Dunlap St. I . FOR SALE--Dom' frame with donrg to fit and storm door: wicker baby carriage. Phone 1586. 20; I {POTATOES FOR SALE --- Katnh-! `dins, grade No. 1. W. K. McKcn'/.ic,| ` Alliston, Phone 782. I9-20p; I I BABY CARRIAGE for sale. in gonclk condition. reasonable price. 157 Bny- ` field St.. Phone 38017. 2Ul)| I MOTOR I./\UN(`.H Wili for ('. lSh or (`x('h:m;_{r~ for pl`0pOl'l_V. Ilamlcl Hill, 5:)! U Eli7.abeth St. 2m '$LI..OYD'S BABY PRAIVI for !~`}ll(`.l used one year pvrfvr-I. mnrlilirnn will sell fur h:|l[ of H10 C051." prim-4-. Enquire 65 Mary St. 201) v FOR SALE -1 single set of hm`>'0| harness; and 97-piece dinner SOLI I Apply 11 ML-Donald Street. 201)` MOWER FOR SALE. McCormick-1* Decring. 5-ft. cut. nearly now. J. (5.! Walton. Phone h'06r23, Barrio. 20p 1 CAI /\Bl.I*} GIRL \wn1t('d for gen-' 1-ml hoL1sc:vvu1'k. Apply 244 Brad- ford St.. Phone 269. 20b 1 BABY'S WICKER CARR]/\("uI", fnri v.-nln I (`\IDl` rrr~nrinLr: also f()l(l`4 BICYCLE FOR SALE -In 0x(-(.-llvnI % 1 `condilim1, rea. also I*`.lvclm- 1 lux cleaner fur rent. Telvphnm-l , 20!) , BABY'S WICKEH C/\l(I(ll\(il', lnrl sale, reversible E,C`ElI`il`I1:{; also mg ;.{n-cart. Apply 35 Gmve St. 20;) %FOR SALE Sh(.~rlu('k-M:mnim2,R zpiann, $30.00: :Il.' (~ and hall` cheap. Apply Box Hurriol I I 20p L table use or ft . I .` (wk gzmvvn |_ , Mary Wnshim (` 2-yuan`-old pln p dnlv RR. l, m :1 NO. 1 D00] ;_- sale, grown bi pzlssml field in - . 01's. nrizo wi NO. I DOOLEY POT/\T()F.S ft)!` lunln qnnri and 1211]!` Annlv tn (T F. sale. seed and Inblt`. Apply to (,1 R. Murrow, Thnrntnn. Lot (Inn. EU 1Tnni: Phone Ivy 7r2l. 20;)` iN(,). I l)(,)()l.l`}Y l ()'l'/\'l'lH`.h It)!` E OUTBOARD MOTOR FOR S/\I.l". TT\'r-rl nnlv fr-w hnIn`< Snnn m'i('(` i ()U'l'H()l\l(l) MU'l'()1( l"UK h/\l.l'. iU.\'r-cl only few huurs. Snap prim`. Also nutlumrd bnnl. like new. Ap ply Harold Hill, 55 E|i`l.JIl)l`lh S1. 20l)| I ` I3- I`OO'I`I-I CU1. I`lVAT'OR `or will vx(-h:m;:r` fur 17-Inn ' mlltivaitwz Collin pup fur sn h('(`|(l`. Apply W. I". F, Crnwn Hill. CIR]. WANTED for general house- work, rt-1 c|'cn(-us rc-quire;-cl. Apply in Mrs. R. H. Judge, Bradford. 20p FOR SALE -Sumv hvmlw 2 by IO. 18 fl`l'1 lung: n 0. 7 rnmns. tnwn (`um -I-nu nf lnnrl I":n`1it-I l h()llSL`. 7 l ()()l11S. IHVVII ('()l'l\"(?l1ll`ll('(`.\',l 1'/2 :1('1`(`s of lzmcl. I ;11'1i('ul:11`s I .().1 1 Box 471. 111' Phnm: 1112.1. 20,)! I 1 ` GUITAR FOR S./\l.F. !\\.vt-1'k< nun lnvnlv fin '(UI'l`I\H Hui hI\l.l`. -Just nt-\\ \V(`('kS nun. lovely finish and l):u`;.'nin, $3.50 with v:n.<<-. (1 (`.:u'sun. \V(.':'.t Em! Sorvivv S1: `.368 E7.?lb(`1h St.. I`hun0 11253. jD001.EY l"O'I`/\'I`()F.S {or salt`. , for seed; c|v_;u_1. hvul stock from rvrlnfln-11 s4 `l\II:n~u `K/:|Q||iI\n`lnn nunrn-:n~n< - |$I0(`K Irum (`(`l'[llIL`l1 !<(`(`H. W.'Ishim:lm1 :l:<[). ll'-'l}.`,lI.\`. s1In`tl_v p|nn(::. J, L. .l.'1(*l<. Allan ml 'I`nll(-mlul Rd. 21);` I)O()I.F.Y I`OTA'l`OF.S fur v.-nln rfrnurn frnnl rt-l`Hfi('rI ,\`l`(`(l N(). 1 l)U()l.l`}Y |'U|'I\'lUl`.h frum ct-I'Hfi(-ri .~ 1 inxpu-(~1inn. ho:n\'_\' yw `ors. prize wimwrs at Inc-nl sir I nnly 21 limilt-rl qu:mlil_\' fm` I Apply ("'1-<'iI (`:nnpl.w|I. TH: Iinv ! hm. l`hnno ($1214. \ `FOR SALE OR RENT .L-nnnrn nu I-lrnnnnnk Hlnvhl 1 FUN S.`\l.1`.' UK l(l'.N1 mun` known us BI`vnm1n'.< llutvhvr Shup. S. W. Munro. 1201!! 0 MALE CI.'I".RK WANTE1)-21 to 25 V1-.'n`s-'. nlrl, mnsl ho t-xm.-ri(~n(:(`rl. An- FOR SALE OR RENT-~~S0me ox- ecplimmlly mmd hmlsvs. ulsu sum- ilT\(`l' vmtzuxcs. Prim-d vury r(`usm\- =nbl(- and 1vr1ns to sun. Sm` VV. C. 1!-Inuv Rmnl I4`.-.-!;Mn S1 Hnnlnn Ht. `.201; jnblo and ltwlns In sun. bL`(' W. I-Inw Real E.`.a1(x 51 Dunlup St. . v I 1 -------- Jr I`/\STURE TU l.E'l`. Wm, l':IHvr 1h`l1:1n1_\' 132:5 . ( V il'1\S'l`URE '1 grusrz. shade, } | 1 Mrs` Juhn [,1 i Shzmly Buy, 7 w\sTum-.: 'l`() 1.1:'r u I':|uk I\I1\I\I\' nl' urn ' Hus svasnn. gum`! \ wiro ll-I1(w.-s. wirlv a.x'nnubl(-. Apply `iStmn(l. V l`AS'1`URE l`0 um` ` fur pu.~:mrv ul` vulllv i this Lmnd \\ ll l`()M/\'l`() l`l.: \'nn rlnn l'I'nII STR .`\\V BER Y V:n`l\' \\`nvu'h`\`f .\'l H.`\' F.:n`l\'. nf hlu Thursday, May 20, 1937 - jut mun lap plan nutntnos STR A W BF. R R \' 1`l..-\N'I`.\` for ~'llv Improved Sunmur Dunlzu. (`ulvn ]Marv. 125, $1.00; 500 .~`3_.'0; 1000, `$6.00. Raspberries - \- ikin;.';. Lath- inm. 25. $1: 100. $3.00. Mzary Wash- ; inmun aSpm`iu.:`11>` ttwn _\'(`ar\_ hon\'_\'. 1 50. $1.00: 100, $1 '75. Hardy {lowering pm`cnni:\1.<' (`mldon .\I:1rg.:m`ritv. `Cm'(~m)si.<. G:IiHi\l`did. Rwl Phlox ?(`nntcrlm"v Bells. Oriental Puppy. Sweet William Your .~1-lvctiun, I`. ~ $1.00: 30_ $2.00. All prepaid. Full cul- ;tural directions. W. J. Galbraith. Stayner. 18tfb K FOR. SALE OR TO LET In . . u n . . . ..... n In `rm. cunmlnnn l'l.AN'l NI) l"L()W'I`-li{S ... fun 5' run `muunos andalc_ ~lUl(l`.. In as, p|(`nl_\' sllmwhvd. PASTURE TO LET H mm: :1 III Tlm Ex;muu-rt /\R~()l.l Iln `Kl 'l`() l.II'l` l'l('nt_\' ~ cult nnrl \\':1l1`I' /\I `JU 1.12: mvm ~, Salt and wzllvr. A .lu'k. Mnplc (`r'. , TLR. `.3. M/\l.l'Z (Tl.l'}l{K W/\N'H';l) ~21 In an _ year.-< old. must be ('x|1(.`l`i(`n(`,(`(l. Ap- 1 ply by |(-tler to Box ``I.)", Barrie ( 1 xaminor. 201)} `l'llllK '.\`lllk1 Hi_n:h\\'n_\' luck plank also bru-k n\,'1-I1in||t-l`\' H. 101` Si! Inulh wk .~':al(-, gm F.d).',(`l`1() 2( Jmd` WOOD FOR SALE ---Qu:m1il_y mix- clow. ed wood. H-inch. ro;1d_`,' for stove. F)-201) Apply R. J. Br0ck\vL-ll, Phone 10123.` Ivy. 20)) | A _ I E. IIEIIL I 201) I my m Apply I I-'1u'n.. ` 5l1up.i L'UW I` 20lH>1du(` : Booth. rum. 20p sale Ni(l(' rnnrl ` Hill] 3 znpi 1 A MII)l)l.E-/\(`}l11D WOMAN wzml.L'd` fur Iiuhl hou.*:-wm'k and compan- inn. Apply Jinx 26.`), Ctmkstnwn. Ont. 20p