Mll.L`ER S FASHION SHOPPE Storage is Only 2 75 of Your Own Valuation We l(1t\C(_)|`C`O1 pleasure in announcing that we are the sole repre- sentatives of the well known HUDSON FUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY at Toronto, for Barrie, Allandale and vicinity. /\ Representative of the HUDSON FUR MFG. CO will he in our atom from next Tuesdav, Mav 25th, until Saturday, Mav 39th,- in(_lii'.i\ e, with the newest showing of 193738 styles in furs. CALL M|LLER'S FASHION SHOPPE and your storage will be at- tcndrd to immediately. Your Coot can be refreshoncd and mode Inko nCw bx Master Craftsmen at focmry priCCS. 28 Elizabeth St. YOUR FURS ARE TOO VALUABLE TO BE DRlED OUT BY SUMMER HEAT OR DESTROYED BY MOTHS PHONE 526 NOW--DON T DELAY |Hll(l Hll)Vl(`S. I "I'm nnt blaming _\'nu1.h for this. I'm blaming the nldm` ;:mu`ru1ion we arc` the (mos who am` hu)'in;,{ thvi cars and lollimz 1hr` childrvn run; wild in 1hem.'1`hoy are yzvlting fulsv? lilnprossions of Info and <':ns1im1 H-5` side the truo irlvuls ul` lrnlh and` )`-urity wilhnnl .\'uff-rim: But I believe youth is beginning` I United Church on Sunday. with sor- Annivnrsary services were hold tor the Sunday School in Collin` SI. vices morning. aftornmm and oven-] ing. largo cnngr<~gatims ullondorl. In the morning the Sunday Sclmnl| pupils occupied tho (`('-`llll`(` po\vs.| The aftornnon s(`r\'i(`.o was hold in the church auditorium whon many A6` clan "nu."-nn-.0 inn u-an-n nrnunnl IHU \.'IILll|.'l| Ill.IllIl\|IlIlIll \\IIl'II Illu Inf the ccmgrogaliun wor(~ pr(`:<( also. The evening: so1`vi(:n was the young people especially. nA__ (V rt \n.. 1.... ...I.\ Georgi;n Bay System Is Now Self-Sufficient ` With New Plant at Bola uu. _vuu-.5 ,:\,\vI;-x. ..,,\\.. ._.. Rm . C. (T. Wasliiiigtoii. who ro- coivcd his early oduczitimi in Barrie and is now ministm` nf Fi'Ill`lil\\'ll United Cliurcli. ']`umiit was tlw; speal(m' at all throo sei'vico:<. Spm-inl music was given by the (`hair and in tho morning 3! junim` chair as- sisted. V In the morning Rm . Mr. W:ishin;:- trm tnnk his tvxt froni Gmiosis 37.` "Wt, is hard fur pai'(9ht.s and tc\:u~lim'.~: Itnday to inakn up their minrl.-4 nlmnt |_\-mitli," tin said. Youth is t.1'ul_v wearing `ii 00:11. uf inany colours`. in lspeoch. action. L'lnll](`S and idr~:i:< What. do you nl(lf`l` pouplv tliinki .`~'.mm,- of you nu doubt think tho worst --thnt. ll1(`l'l` is nn lmpn for tlw youth of tndny that tlioy hzivo giv- (`ll up tn tho ovil l)(`ilSl.'~2 of )\:I.`~':~'l and sin." I 'l"|.n nvr\1\t\l:1\I' nniuiaul 1\III llxul nun COLLIER UNlTED|% CHURCH SCHOOL .; ;ANNlVERSARYJ Rev. C. C.hWos-rxington, of` Toronto, Special Speak- er er 3 Services and SH]. The S}`t("dkt`l' pointed out that mm writer had said that youth nnw! (_'l`ElV(`S nothing: but excitmnmit. hm: no 1'0vm*cnco. I`(`fLlS(`ES to do any sor- inus thinking. fnllnws thv vrmvd only and is Sll])(`l'fi(`iEI]. But I say that is ;i suporl'ici:il judgmont. nf yuiith." Rev. Mr. Wzishingtmi said. "I wouldn't, like to say all thnsv things wholesaln nhnllt lmys and girls 1nda_\'. You wuul(ln'l . ttu that. abunt yplll` buy nr girl." I "Annthvr id-:1 nbnul thv young people hoiri by xnino fntk is that, ymttth must. hl~lV(` its t'lin;.:," 114- said. unrl lhnv uvill ant hnvnn in` in thn yl.HlIH HHISI. l1i'lV(` HS lllll).',, Ill` SHIN. and they will go! homo or in tho right. track after that. has run ils r-nurso 1-zmnohnw, But I don`! sub- .s(rri1)0 10 that idoa vithor -i1 is just |;-xs mistaken as the possimisliv view- point. I think tho 1r111h p1~nh.~1l)ly livs: snnwwhoro lwlxvocm. l " l`l~.u in n 4-Ir.-uvnmxnc nun-IA 1-nnlhl S()I`l1(`\'\'Hl`l'(` Dl`(\'V(`(`ll. l "'I`his is n d.'|m:omns wm-Id youth! h=i.'< been lnunvhod in for hum.'m- [souls and bodies. P`nil1r`rs and mu- ithi-rs who can't 500 it urn` blind fools. H. is a m:u'\'t)1lnu.< mvchanimd! wnrld but It is dangerous. For in- stance the automnbiln is a great `blessing but it can alsu ho n (.`lH`S(` - and tho sanle is inn` of 1110 rndini zmd movies. ""rv| nnl I`I..n- When you store your furs with the HUDSON FUR MFG. CO, your furs are stored m the now~ 0st and most modern FUR STORAGE PLANT ` .. \`Il\l ll|\J_)I IIl\_rv on the Continent. Two Gorgeous Silver Foxes Given aw-vay vto tiue holders of the lucky numbers 1 I'|t'Il'\I III-Iwiwi Ir cad`:-w-H Work has been begun with a rush by the Ontario Hydro_Commlssion on the new power p1ni\t'7a7t agged Rapids, four miles west `of the cen- tre of Bala. down thia,` uskosh River. Ready :1 year from '1 3`JuI_v, H-m nnur rinvnlnnmtmt wiH nut 10.- DEFENDS YOUTH Anyone anticipating a fur coat for next winter will have a splendid opportunity in select a coat of a great saving, as you can huv direct from the maker. FUR STORAGE ABSOLUfF.LY In got Hulllv ilH|)l'(`. w-xnv inln :4 ;;r~:ul hvri vd right. Om` thing hakv 54111111` of 111:` lulu. \\'m'ld wv nrv :4(`ll(1lIlL: 'l'hP s|w;ul(vr mid |\ I...4 I.` H... `):\I\\-.11 I`-. Ill!` 5'?` ILI1, In H} iwhivh (iv 'clo:m up I\I'(\Ill`l"~`k' .\VL`l'l` nun- us (`mlmlix 1mh`. I H`u`I`` .'ll`(` so rIl1\uI\ |I|\ 1ll1l`|`(` .'II`(' M! lIlEIll_\' l|HI|;.',.\. \\ I` run un (`l(`.'m up thv hvvl` parlors and in- dvconi mu\'iv:: and |ilv|':I1lII'('." | In the nmrnim: Hm Hvv. E. 1'`., `Lung: :ldn1ini. thv : 1" l napiism to the fnll0\\IinLI ('hilrh'v1: M.'n`_ioriz- Illnnclw (`lmpc-. `John I)m;1ln.\` EHwrim:tm1; I.mvi.< Bm`11't`d R<)lwl't.<:m: Rnlwrt /\l('x- nndvr Sinclair; Jnnn llvlvn NPHH` Smith: M)'l'll:l I.m1i.~'v Synnnll. t The two a.<. v'. A. \V.; Smith and Jug` 1.v\\'i::, xvvrv ;:r:mr1-| ,lath0I`s of Iwu nl" ihv hnlwitxa Imp-l -snnl j | , fathers I tizod. lln` Nlitm` In the nu pric-1m`, "\Vv`\'(` hzlri 1 ||mndrod letters from F.ng1.'md and Wales- vnrd from Smlhmd! `Hl'\\' ll`-II|IIl' 1| I Kxver. neaay year Irom In1s'.nuy, the new development will put 10,- 000 horsepower into the Georgian Bay system. .I-Ti1hm~1n :11 um 3 noak load s2_\14_}_{x_x_T;QN ARMY .` I\l.`\1I /| I I think lhnl ` :`w l`(`:Iluro :1 ... n.l20...- 1.` i`54%%Li2AX Coronation Pictures ROXY BI`) SURE TO SEE I VlTlJVlIll\/A` IHIIIVAA ANNUAL SELI"-l)ENl/\l. --`; __-..__.._ gaturday, May 22 :.l nl` Ihn An-n1v'-4 THE WORLD S MOST THRILLING AND SPECTACULAR CEREMONY Brought to the Screen in All Its Glory! Jig bay system. -Hitherto at the summer peak load when the cottagers go to the Bala- Muskoka Lakes district in the sum- mer, the Hydro has been forced to take extra power from the Niagara system through the Hanover fre- quency changing plant, changingl 1hc Niagara power from 25 cycles to 60 cycles used in the Georgian Bay system. The now plant." '1`. Stewart Lyon. I-{_v(lm chairman. said. will make tho (`yeorginn `Bay system self-suffir-ion! for the pm- sent." ..u-.. . _,,,,,.,:,.,:... v.'.. .` _}KKl\Il IVAUQJ ata- in aid of the Arm_v s World Wide Work RUSIIICI) 'l`() 'l`(IIU)N I`() I!\' Sl I'I('|1\I. I'I.I\NI'I 'l`III'IN 'l`() 'l`lIl'I ROXY AND (`V/\l`l'l`0l. 'l`lll'I/\'l`R.I'}S \ lhv Rnmun C: I dl`(`i(l(`d . llw nm\'i:~s n (-55 with 1110 cm ..!.I.. 1.. A |I:\ EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY AT BOTH THEATRES FREE |IIIIl' .`\lI|\\ .'\.`. " llI(l||\I\I` or noxwpzuwr prn~E mun` Ihnn fix-0` from all parts M`, Wales-~:1nd :1 past- . C.n\ll..nrH`` [ Barrio, Ont. FEET OF FILM With ll`3l1.`Zn`llSSl0l`l lines` and trans- formom. llm new plant will cost ap- proximately $1,500,000. Ultimately. it is the inlonlion nf the cmnmis- sion to build four plants on the rivm` to develop 40.000 h0l`S(?]`lOW(`l`. :1.-: the need m`iso.<. ,, rn ., nn , ,.._, n.- -.v._-...... AI,_ 41 Barriers Leading I.1II)K"'lV I)I1\T ` u rm: this rc`nun'Iu~d -I\v\ u\1\u~ |\I`r\._ % I'l" \ . an 1 no 5 I.4\.uunu FIRST RUN TIIEATRES |I||' |Hl|]HV.`\l' `H \':`l'lllIllllI .: |lll' Illllll `mud nthvl` Lluvtllxu`-m.~4 nu Hm! I might tl(`('ill(` fur himst-If jusl wh .'I('1|r)n In lulu` ull thv inf-n`1n.'11iun. 'l'h:- rt-:4||ll:.' ml` Hm r- :1 }1ml)!islu-d on p;u;n- mw. ` (`nunvil lmnk Ow-r lmvilimu.-: [ in Midlzmd . ()n l\- 1nn(l.'I_V whilv lhv min \\' !::o;ul(im.' Hw f:n'ms, Innixfil (`mum lfwith thv (~x<*vpliIm of Cnun. (`nul E:u~mnm1.'Inivd by 'l`. I)mmvll_\'. pm |v:n'<~1.'Ikm`. mzulv :1 [rip In 8011}:- Olsu .~ 3.. lIu.. . h.l\ I ..I' ll `H l|ll' \ l|l\\'ll In.~`lru(:Huns xv:-rn rvcvivwl I l\lIl!lll('_ . in prm'vv(l in 1111:; frnnl lhv I):-pt. uf Muni(`ip.-II /\fl':,uir:< vznrly Ihir: wm-k. On VVvdm'.< ('1`n\vn /\llnrm\_v ` l".v;m.\` nu`! 1111- (`uunvil in H.`Il'l`i(` fun llw |)lll'])H.` -xf vxmnininp: lhv hrmkr; and hv wh.-:1 1.'Ilu`nn 'l`I..` ..II.. ..I` OI... .... .. . " II III!` L.lIlll|l'lI \\"Hlllll :<(-rvivv.s' of :1 (nullified : [this mu11.m` nnd :u(`c(-pt Minn 1101 ml_v:as1utlu-I_v `km: but us In thv luoznli \Ihz~_v wnuld probably hr [1h<~ fulurv u. [by :m_\' klIH\\'I(`(U. _(` llu-3 mun in. uf ol` hHnn\n \'n-:n'-: :|yYn u-hun- -\HII|Il \\lNl(l('lI nlhu u~n1r:m(`v \ Inn: with im- I .l"In1-xx -nu! [L-;I\l'lI .1 u- ; (`uunml UH `mlzwvlupvm-I ! <-l:1. :1 nhlo n. 'r.. .< 1 `l`.` I ) (Iii uu; nx,\.u zu:.n..-. Alrrrndy 50 to 60 rm-n. Hm ad\'m1(:oI xzunrd of 150 to 300. who will be om- plnyod in tho now urm:4h'uCtion work. have arrived :11 Bnla, and are building the r-amp .'~`il(` fnur Inilos down the rivvr. Ruiz: is humming with :1(`tivil,y. I\|lHII|`I|IllK'|I IJAV I. IIIHI` n'<~1.'nkm`. lhv p:u`l\'.< in lhv nnrlh 1 #011111) fur Hm [)ll1'])1\!~'.(` ml uno ml` (l1uhuildimr.x` in 1 l\l,`ll`I|\` l`|:u'4~ Amlil l\l;|lh~I`.-4 With (`rown /\llm'm-_v ('HlIIH'i| h:|\'- pI;u`<-ti .n....l.... .1 .. H... ,. lnniufnl | |.\ l l|l_\ ll'H H.'l'l .`-\[Uill'(` 4 d at 1111' \'m`_\' gxulos of would i1 not be :1 good i ;1tvpu_v(\I's uf lhv 1n\\'n: zivon :1 cmmnilttw to act -umml 1110 pros:-nt :n I...-..l...\....... ;.. ...l...| ....... INNISFIL NQTES 111.. n Iv ( Nu /\dv:nu'.v in l'ri-vs! CAPITOL THE BARR]! EXAMINER, BAIIRIH. 0Nl'.. CANADA __._:._ (`H1 : th I p `Juan --..4 |1\.l : (By R. (I. S.) wnulrl .. un.-l ()I1r:.`~'.uml.'xy :Il'!m'mmn \\'f`(` (Inn!- nn was rt-turning: frnm :1 fishing r~x1u2rlili(m and mo! tho Mini. "Oh, .~:ir." 1-.\(-lmnwcri ('}m`di~, "d'_Vo sen what. H1` fush got for chnsin` .,n wrn'm.~; on Ih' Snwlmllw, MAIN S'I`REl3'l` Leaving Hillsdolc /\I.()N(i' 'III| . V T, ` ` . 6 z 30009096000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO090000009 i*3ii'v1"i0Es . lb. 150 1iJ"l3Ii?EL ORANGESS": 35 Doz. 186 - Phone - 186 MINING SHOE SALE -----| MOORE S I- Pate Twelve Don t Miss These Bargains! $1 Women s $19 o " Reg. $3 m;$5,vaIues " . Black, brown leathers, Cuban, low and high heels smart, dressy patterns in Pumps and Ties as well as everyday walking shoes for the women 7 styles galore to choose from--~~e priced to clear at once. Sizes 3'/2 to 81/2 and 9's All Widths AAA to Elf. TlI|II~st1t{3', Nliay 20,` i937 `I N \'.wnv: ury /\,l). MANUFACTURER S spams LAY-AWAY FUR SALE